sweet-chimera · 25 days
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// @bishopinblue I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY
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newbuddylove · 2 years
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miscling · 4 months
free use/CNC consent jewellry/bracelet, except i've taken it off and haven't put it back on even though i want to. i wait until we're out at lunch and then i put it on right in front of you so i can watch your wide-eyed barely contained desire to take me on the spot, and see how your mind starts whirring trying to figure out how best to corner me away from the public eye asap
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capnsoapy · 4 months
orange and purple!
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barks and woofs and begs for a treat maybe ?🐶
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ophiethehousewife · 8 months
les play this ask game again ^^
red - i love you. pink - i think you’re cute. blue - you’re amazing. rose - you’re pretty purple - you’re hot. plum - i would fuck you. violet - i would date you. aqua - i could stay on your blog for hours.
Awawawawawa wha wha whonme? Direly not me ahahahahaha oh gosh oj golly
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mousegirlslut · 3 months
what's the most exciting thing you've done in the last week?
Hate to say it but I've had a pretty bleh week, not a lot of time to do very exciting things, hmm... I have been trying listening to some hypnosis files with a weighted blanket lately. Files don't do all that much for me but the weight really helped me go under, if it weren't so hot id do it more often!
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toyintrance · 4 months
I've said this before to a few people privately, but it's been so wonderful actually participating in online kink community stuff in the last year or so instead of lurking like I did for nearly a decade. I've met some wonderful people, including my partner/owner, and it's been very freeing having an outlet to express this side of myself regularly. It's been especially lovely seeing and talking to so many kinky trans people of all (adult) ages. It warms my heart to see younger people in this space and realize that fewer people are growing up with the same shame I had surrounding my identity and desires. And the people who are older and proudly living their lives as trans kinky adults gives me hope that my own future might look like that too.
At the end of the month, I'm leaving a very public-facing job that put me under a lot of potential scrutiny from conservatives in my local community. I don't know what my career is going to look like after this, but I'm determined to find something that doesn't demand I stay in the closet for the rest of my life. There is too much joy to be found in being myself for me to waste any more time on censoring who I am.
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miscling · 5 months
get your power then reblog and tell everyone in the tags!
Note: Powers only work with enthusiastic consent!
New poll:
(without the landslide option)
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sleepydelights · 7 months
ask meme question for you:
62: What is a sex-challenge you would create? Would you do it with your partner or solo?
This is a fun one! I don’t think I’ve ever done a sex challenge beyond not masturbating for a set amount of time.
There was this one time at Frolicon I agreed to participate in a scene- I can’t remember off the top of my head what it’s called but my scene partner asked me increasingly difficult and borderline impossible questions on a topic I was supposed to be proficient in and every time I got an answer wrong, they would dump food all over my naked body. Like whole cans of chocolate syrup and maraschino cherries and pie filling and all sorts of stuff. I didn’t get off to any of it but it was an interesting experience for sure and they seemed to enjoy the humiliation/mess of it all 🤷‍♀️
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justabrokendoll · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Hello yes it forgot about this lol
1. Cats 😻 cats are so good for its mental health
2. The Moon 🌒🌕🌘 always excited to see the moon
3. Camping 🏕 love disappearing into the trees and cooking on a fire
4. Baking bread 🍞 especially when it turns out
5. Photography 📸 it loves taking pictures of flowers especially
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sinforamin · 4 months
ask meme question for you!
😉 How did you discover you were into tickling?
Thank you!!
It's an interesting question. There were definitely key moments in my childhood where I should have known, lots of moments on TV and such lol. But I mainly figured it out right before high school, and it was all downhill from there
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toyintrance · 6 months
ask meme questions!
8, How do you feel when hypnotised? 23, For you, how does hypnosis fit into a relationship? Just in the bedroom, or as part of BDSM relationship?
8. It's like slipping into a warm bath. like my mind is a muscle that has no choice but to relax into that warmth and comfort. when I'm particularly deep, it's less of a bathtub and more of an ocean. I'm drowning in it. I can feel the pressure of the fathoms above me, between my mind and wakefulness, but that pressure is always a soothing weight.
23. Hypnosis is a huge part of my relationship with my current partner, and it's been incredibly satisfying and rewarding being in a relationship dynamic that leans into that so heavily. It's a toy, and it loves belonging to its owner. Hypnosis helps strengthen that ownership and allows him to play with his toy on fun new ways. Most of those suggestions do have a sexual undercurrent, but that control is pervasive outside of isolated scenes/sessions. As is probably evident from the way it automatically starts objectifying itself when it takes about his control ☺️
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miscling · 2 months
dating a 30+ year old trans woman is like dating a mom who loves you
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sleepydelights · 7 months
happy valentines day! 💖💖💖
i hope you feel appreciated today! (sending love in this trying time ^^)
Thank you sweets 😘 Happy Valentines Day to you too! Please place one heart in the crook of your left arm if the space is available 💖
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turnofthepaige · 8 months
11, How would you describe your sexuality using only adjectives (describing words–busy, fluffy, squishy, etc.)? 42, What’s your most unusual kink?
Thanks for the ask!
11. I would say my sexuality is evolving, a bit confusing, and very open. I was raised to be vanilla upon vanilla, that life had to be led a certain way, and that just NEVER felt right to me. It wasn't until later I'm life when I realized there was another path that I could take, and because of that I am still evolving even in middle age. It's still confusing to me how I ended up here, but this is truly who I am and I have opened myself up to all possibilities.
42. My most unusual kink would be my intox/kidnapping kink that I've had. This is just fantasy, but being drugged, kidnapped, and eventually falling for my captor/becoming evil has always been a hot button for me. Maybe it's the escapism that fantasy gives to me, or I still have many unresolved issues to deal with!
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