quillsinkwell · 1 year
Hey yall, so my school started up again, so updates for BTC might slow down. Sorry mates!
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quillsinkwell · 4 months
*Jonny RaZer voice* bad game idea
so its like a fusion of the sims and Minecraft where you like. build everything and select the landscape. like, actually build everything and not just pay for it like in the sims.
but you can actually make people with plots and backstories instead of just villager NPCs like in Minecraft.
and it keeps the perspective of being actually in a character's body like in Minecraft instead of omniscient god dude and you can play other people's world and stories with online codes like super Mario maker.
keep the classical music, that's nice.
lemme know if there's any games that are actually like this, the ideas been rattling in my head for a while.
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quillsinkwell · 11 months
So there's actually kind of a funny story behind my perler bead Cuphead making-
It took me over three days to make it, and not because I sucked at making perler bead things!
The first day I finished it, I went to ask one of the counselors in our group to iron it, but on my way to ask, I tripped and the beads fell off of the board.
The second day I finished it, I managed to get it to the iron (without tripping) but I think we ironed it too hard and it just fell apart on me!
The third day I finally managed to make him real.
My joy was immaculate, and Christmas was saved.
Also the third day, I was helping supervising a group of little kids, and a few of them actually recognized Cuphead.
(They were kinda surprised to hear that Cuphead was originally a video game and not just a cartoon)
One of them asked to hold it and I said "you may, but be very careful, for he is very fragile"
It was a good day. :)
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quillsinkwell · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!
awah..thamk :]
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 500 likes!
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
ok, so this will probably make me seem like an idiot but-
you know those blogs that are just writing and drawing prompts
are those free game to create stuff with, or do they belong to the blog only??
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
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100 posts!
thanks?? i guess??
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
Hi this totally Magnolia and I am very epic and cool. This is totally not anyone else :)
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
ok, time to make an introduction-
I go by Sailor + Quill, I'm a genderfluid ace-flux bisexual. My pronouns are Astro/cosmic/hex/moon/moth/star/they. I'm autistic and have social anxiety disorder. My blog will mainly consist of random posts that I like and my own stuff, which will be tagged like this
Quill Talks: random talking about fandoms and my own ocs.
Quill's Writing: basically what it says in the title; my own fics.
Quill's OCs: the overall tag for my own OCs.
Quill Answers: the tag for answering any asks in the inbox (if I get any)
Quill's Reblogs: again, what it says in the title; the reblog tag
Quill's Art: any art I make
Misquillaneous: the random tag for when I have no clue what to tag something
Behind the Curtain: random thoughts I have in between writing
DNI if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, support cancel + cringe culture, or TERFS. Hatred is not welcome here.
PLEASE do not be afraid to interact with my posts or say something if I've made something offensive. If I have, PLEASE call me out on it, but do it in a calm and respectful manner. We're all people, we all deserve basic respect even if we fuck up.
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
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I posted 352 times in 2022
That's 340 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (7%)
327 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 195 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#quill's reblogs - 111 posts
#batdr - 55 posts
#ace attorney - 42 posts
#misquillaneous - 31 posts
#signal boost - 16 posts
#quill talks - 15 posts
#batim - 14 posts
#bendy and the dark revival - 12 posts
#bendy and the ink machine - 8 posts
#batdr spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#this is what happens when you turn all your queer employees into ink monsters joey
My Top Posts in 2022:
The animation was really good, even for Illumination. You can really tell Nintendo *put a lot of money in to make this look good (read: held a gun to Illumination's head to make sure they didn't fuck this up)
So, fun fact about me, before this trailer, I have never heard Jack Black's voice. I didn't even know who he was until he got cast! Still, I gotta, you can tell he put a lot of effort into Bowser's voice, to make it that perfect mix of villainous so you can see why he's seen as a threat but also cartoony enough to be funny.
Speaking of funny, the scene with the peinguins? Hilarious!
Also, internet, can we bully Nintendo into getting rid of Crisp Rat? That man IS not Mario. We did for Sonic's design, we can do it for this.
Toad was pretty ok, he wasn't a dead ringer, but he also wasn't Crisp Rat.
Also, once again, My Boi Luigi is getting buried under the rug! But, at least there's confirmation they didn't fuck him up so....
Me: I want to see my little boi
Nintendo: Here he comes!
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Me: *slowly lowers the gun from Miyamoto's head* ok..you may live...but i want mORE
71 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
86 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
@knightinink WAIT REALLY? /GEN?
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Whelp, time to ramble
TW for implied torture
Instead of trying to gas her, the Keepers decided to lock Audrey up with the rest of the Cyclebreakers
The barrier curtains that cover the cells? Outta here! Audrey interacting with Henry and Sammy (and Norman, he's there too) more then in-game!
During this stint in prison, Audrey sees one of the communication-radio thingies that Allison talked to her on nearby and goes for it while her cellmates cause a distraction!
She speaks into it only to hear instead...Porter?!
He was in the nearby area of one and heard her voice coming out of it and decided to strike up a conversation!
Obviously, she's like, "h e l p m e" and Porter, while kinda not getting the fact that her life's in danger, promises to come save her!
Audrey gives him instructions to find a woman with a sword named Alice and that he has to find a way to take out the power, because his powers would be canceled out.
But then the Keepers come and take Audrey away!
And they uh...let's just say that her punishment was exactly what Bendy was trying to prevent
And that everyone in the prison heard her screams.
And there was a certain someone with incredible hearing far away from the prison who heard her.
A n y w a y s, the next day, there's a power outage! So Audrey, Sammy, Henry and Norman take this opportunity to escape! (With Henry carrying Norman's head)
During the chaos they manage to unite with Porter, Allison, and Tom (the latter two have to be told that Sammy is an ally, so don't curbstomp him please-)
But then the Keepers corner them, and when it seems like they're dead just when they had a chance, the Ink Demon comes and takes advantage of the lack of power to f*ck em up!
While the others want to use Bendy's rampage as cover to escape, Henry, Audrey and Sammy aren't so inclined.
For Sammy, it's relatively simple; he can't abandon his lord! Not at his grand revival! What kind of prophet would he be?
For Audrey, she's having an internal debate. On one hand, she knows the Ink Demon could kill her, if stories from her cellmates are true and he had. On the other hand, he came here, even after what had happened to him here.
(Wilson spilled what he did to Bendy when he came by in a attempt to get Audrey's trust. It Did Not Work)
He wouldn't have done that just for no reason, and the reason that a part of her wanted to believe that it was to help her. (That part of you is right Audrey~)
Henry's having a similar debate, with the knowledge of the Cycle and the fact that's Bendy's one of Joey's pawns too.
The party's left in a stalemate until Porter just straight up yells to Bendy, "Hey silly! We're leaving soon! You don't wanna be left behind!"
And Bendy? He actually listens and heads towards the group
So now we have Allison and Tom trying to run away from Bendy but also trying not to leave Henry, Audrey, and Porter behind, Bendy in his massive Ink Demon self running behind him, Porter quick teleporting and having the time of his life, Sammy frantically screaming about Bendy, Norman screeching into Allison's ears, and Audrey and Henry just trying to keep up and wondering "how did my life get to this point"
It all comes to a climax when they're almost out of the prison when the power comes back on! And the Keepers found them
Bendy's shrinking into Benders and the Keepers are making a move on him and that's when Audrey makes her choice...
...by scooping him up in his arms and yelling at everyone to keep running
A long and heavy chase ensues, until the group manages to hide and shake them off
See the full post
115 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Thinks about ghosts as a recurring motif in BATDR. In the literal sense with Carly, the Phantoms of the Machine, Memory! Joey, etc. But also thinks about ghosts in a figurative sense. Joey haunting the studio even after dying, but not being the real Joey, just haunted by the monster the man was. Henry being created solely for Joey to haunt and torture. Audrey being haunted by Joey's legacy and not even remembering it. Alice being haunted and tormented over a false standard of perfection. Allison being haunted by Alice and what could have been. Bendy being haunted over never being good enough for Joey and being tortured and forced into what everyone else wants him to be until he meets Audrey.
god. this game heard the saying "there's more than one way to be haunted" and fucking ran with it huh
185 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
do i understand that since hunter is one of many clones of a dead guy from the 1600s him being transmasc most likely won't be canon?: yes
do i subscribe to the headcanon regardless?: also yes
289 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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quillsinkwell · 3 years
Tfw when a 12-year-old asks you what fanfiction is.
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quillsinkwell · 3 years
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Got a new demigirl bracelet.
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
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