#miss góngora
gagmedrag · 1 year
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Hornella Maria Góngora Ciccone, 2023
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polgaragold · 6 years
What I love about them: Her extreme loyalty to her friends and family, she never minds jumping herself into danger for saving them since she has got a very strong capacity to love.
What I hate about them: That she is too stubborn for asking for help, she should trust in the people who love her and learn that they aren´t going to think bad about her if she has problems. 
Favorite Moment/Quote: She using poison in the air for stopping the Children of Padilla and the Killing Angel to take the control of the Ministery, she had a very devilish smile in the moment that Ernesto told her “Stage 3, come on”. She was looking the dissaster smiling like a maniac and muttering “I fucking love my job”
What I would like to see more focus on: Her beguininings on the Ministery, and her childhood before going to Pandataria, when she followed Caligula and Drusilla outside the palace to discover things about Rome!
What I would like to see less focus on: Her nigthmares and the errors that she has made in the past since they tend to haunt her not allowing her to really live the present. 
Favorite pairing with: With Ernesto because he complements her, although in some other universes she is with Lola who is more crazy than her. But Ernesto has never considered her less because of her nigthmares and terrors.
Favorite friendship: With Quevedo and Góngora, they have always been there for her when everybody failed and Lesba would kill to protect them. She is very protective towards Irene, Marga, Ángela, Nicolás and Javier. But she had a very close relation with Salvador´s wife: Geli, the both of them bitching about their men was a legendary thing!
NOTP: With her husband, Marco. That asshole must be burning in the Tartarus!! 
Favorite headcanon: Since she met Ernesto she has called him “Pretty eyes” every time the occasion happened because she enjoyed making him blush. So when she comes back from the second time in Pandataria, where she has spent two years in prision and is very weak and mentally broken and she sees Ernesto again she goes with a weak smile like “Ey, pretty eyes, missed me?”
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coolturalworld · 4 years
Poetry to know the world history and cultures
Poetry through time has served to know the world and others. Poetry gives us a route to discover millions of worlds in which we can engage ourselves and explore universes, that is what makes poetry a great way to enjoy the details of life that sometimes go unnoticed. Poetry also serves to know the history of a town. Thanks to the epic poems of the ancient civilizations, for example, we can come to understand how they lived and how they faced fundamental aspects of life such as education or the art of war.
Thus, in this analysis, we will talk a bit about poetry as a means to discover the history, culture, and the world.
Poetry through time from different cultures
Old age
During the old age period, in Greece, some authors were writing epic poetry. Epic poetry is the narration of feats of historical or legendary heroes, it started being oral and sung, and it’s written in verse and using slow and majestic versification. Epic poetry generally tells the exploits of a hero based on the tradition of a people. One of its pioneers is Homer with his most outstanding works the Iliad and the Odyssey, these tell the story of the legendary Trojan war.
In these two poems, Greek society and social reality are reflected at a certain point. As for the political structure, Homeric poetry gathers it well referring to the Mycenaean period, where there is a Palatial civilization whose visible head is the King, surrounded by a Nobility named by him with a reversible character and a complex bureaucratic apparatus. As for the social organization of the Mycenaean world, we can see it clearly in the Homeric poems, and it is centered on the family cultivation unit.
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In the East, during the 8th century AD, poets Li Bai and Du Fu were considered the greatest national poets in China in times of the Tang dynasty. At that time, both Chinese and Japanese made impressive poetic anthologies. Here is a poem by Li Bai:
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“His verses bring us closer to a real human being, with a strong temperament, very sensitive and very cordial. The energies that run through his lines, concise and imaginative, transmit warmth, sincerity, enthusiasm and life. This is how its diffusion in different environments is explained by culture, space or time.” Dañino Ribatto*
*Writer, translator, recognized among the main foreign actors in Chinese cinema.
During this time in India, the Hindus made their great epic works, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, it is considered as their most important national poems, to the point that, today, India is called Bharat in its own language. According to Gabriel Mondragon this last book is the most extensive poem in the world, with around one hundred thousand paired verses, and its name means great weight, because, according to tradition, it weighed more on a scale than the four Vedas, the religious books of India, written also in verse.
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Middle Age
According to Britannia, in Europe, during the Middle Ages, the so-called minstrels or troubadours were very popular, they walked through the towns and cities singing the deeds of their great warriors and their kings, and who came to create the true collective memory of their towns at a time when most people were uneducated. Parallel to them, there was another form of poetic and moral creation, cultivated in the religious fields and monastic schools, known as the master of the clergy, and which was essential to give form and structure to the mystical and religious poetry of later centuries.
Here is a poem that was written in Old English, and the meaning. An extract taken from the web page Interesting Literature: 
Somer is y-comen in 
Sing cuckóu, nou! Sing cuckóu! Sing cuckóu! Sing cuckóu nou! 
Somer is y-comen in, Loudë sing, cuckóu! Growëth sed and blowëth med And springth the wodë nou Sing cuckóu!
Ewë bletëth after lamb, Lowth after cálve cóu; Bullok stertëth, bukkë vertëth, Merye sing, cuckóu!
Cuckóu, cuckóu, Wél singést thou, cuckóu, Ne swik thou never nou!
“Somer is y-comen in” i.e. ‘Summer has come in’ it is a medieval poem about the summer, designed to be sung as a "round" with several people. The poet pleads with the cuckoo (bird) to sing aloud as the seed grows and the meadows flourish, and the wood now turns into leaf. The ewe bleats after the lamb, the cow after the calf, the bullock leaps, and the buck cavorts.
In the East, in India the bhajan or kirtan was spread, a Hindu devotional song. Bhajans are often simple songs in lyrical language that express emotions of the love for the Divine. Here is a poem that was written by Kabir, he was a 15th/16th century devotional poet, and social critic from northern India.
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Modern Age
These forms evolved to give birth to European lyrical poetry from pre-Renaissance times, which reached its peak in the work of poets such as Dante and Petrarch. Later, during the sixteenth century in Spain there would be a resurgence of cultured literature around classical themes, in what came to be called the Spanish Golden Age, where the great figures of Hispanic letters of the time shone, Quevedo, Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Góngora and Argote, among many others, without forgetting, of course, the magnificent Cervantes.
The Chains of Love
Some made links and chains; and some made chains from love!
For there’s steel forged and bent, and true love to find or invent!
Some made coins from the best metal! And some made chains from love!
Miguel de Cervantes
English translation by Paul Archer of Bien haya quien hizo cadenas.
As we can see in this poem, the author transmits a certain state of mind. Lyric poetry is usually characterized by introspection and the expression of feelings. Most of the lyric poems are characterized by their brevity, it is not often that they exceed one hundred verses.
During this period, there was also an explosion of similar genius in England, as in many other places, which produced figures of the stature of Shakespeare and Marlowe, among a whole host of great writers and poets.
Sonnet 130
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks; And in some perfumes is there more delight Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound; I grant I never saw a goddess go; My mistress when she walks treads on the ground. And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare.
William Shakespeare
In this period, romantic and nationalist movements in a large part of the world took on special importance, and poetry acquired a new and vigorous impulse.
Contemporary age
During the 19th century, poetry experienced different moments of renewal and reinvention, especially those related to the avant-garde.
The tension between the traditional themes of poetry and the horrors of war is expressed in the Poetry of war by different poets, especially Wilfred Owen. Owen's poem "Strange Meeting" has been described as "a dream of a conversation with a dead lyric poet, or possibly even the dead letter itself." But after World War I, he explores the political issues of Irish independence, nationalism, and the civil war.
Strange Meeting
It seemed that out of battle I escaped Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped Through granites which titanic wars had groined.
Yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned, Too fast in thought or death to be bestirred. Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless. And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall,— By his dead smile I knew we stood in Hell.
With a thousand fears that vision’s face was grained; Yet no blood reached there from the upper ground, And no guns thumped, or down the flues made moan. ‘Strange friend,’ I said, ‘here is no cause to mourn.’ ‘None,’ said that other, ‘save the undone years, The hopelessness. Whatever hope is yours, Was my life also; I went hunting wild After the wildest beauty in the world, Which lies not calm in eyes, or braided hair, But mocks the steady running of the hour, And if it grieves, grieves richlier than here. For by my glee might many men have laughed, And of my weeping something had been left, Which must die now. I mean the truth untold, The pity of war, the pity war distilled. Now men will go content with what we spoiled. Or, discontent, boil bloody, and be spilled. They will be swift with swiftness of the tigress. None will break ranks, though nations trek from progress. Courage was mine, and I had mystery; Wisdom was mine, and I had mastery: To miss the march of this retreating world Into vain citadels that are not walled. Then, when much blood had clogged their chariot-wheels, I would go up and wash them from sweet wells, Even with truths that lie too deep for taint. I would have poured my spirit without stint But not through wounds; not on the cess of war. Foreheads of men have bled where no wounds were. [...]
Wilfred Owen
In summary, the poem is narrated by a soldier who dies in battle and finds himself in Hell. There he meets a man whom he identifies as a ‘strange friend’. This other man tells the narrator that they both nurtured similar hopes and dreams, but they have both now died, unable to tell the living how piteous and hopeless war really is.
During the twentieth century, poetry experienced several changes and adaptations that broke the old models, to make access for a more free and subjective poetic performance, the topics are very different, from wars to surreal experiences. This renewal, both in stylistic form and in content, had a great influence on contemporary authors.
Among these trends are cubism, surrealism, and expressionism, all with its particularities, but united in the search for a new artistic language.
Dawn in New York has four pillars of muck and a hurricane of black pigeons splashing in the putrid waters.
Dawn in New York moans on the immense staircases searching between the corners for spikenards of depicted anguish.
Dawn arrives and no one receives it in his mouth because neither morning nor hope are possible: at times furiously swarming coins perforate and devour abandoned children.
The first to arise know in their bones there will be neither paradise nor leafless loves: they know the muck of numbers and laws awaits them, of simple-minded games, of fruitless labor.
The light is buried by chains and noises in a shameless challenge to rootless science. Insomniacs stagger around in each district like refugees from a shipwreck of blood.
Federico García Lorca
We can see, one of the aspects in which this type of poetry changes is in its stylistic structure. As in the rest of the aspects, the absolute freedom of the artist is imposed. While a very rational internal structure was traditionally respected, contemporaries begin to experiment. In this way, the times mix freely, it is no longer mandatory to maintain a chronological order of what is related.
From now on, poetry does not know rules, the rules are set by the author, it is valid to play with different literary figures, the structure can change without having a defined order, and different themes can also be approached, unlike epic poetry, This is characterized by being narrative and lyrical, with short verses.
Poetry has passed from generation to generation telling stories, revealing landscapes, gods, prayers, cultures, in addition to bringing out the most recondite thoughts and feelings of the human being. Through poetry, towns were made known, the story would tell from other perspectives, it is a mean to declare love to a lover, and to give life to inert things. Now poetry continues to be a resource to see the world from another vision, with a broader repertoire of topics from politics, ideologies, and movements to topics like animals, nightmares, and rainy days. 
The importance of poetry lies mainly in that it allows us to broaden our horizons. Reading poetry can help us to better understand the world or to find new ways of saying things. It is necessary to clarify that poetry is also a space of revolution. In this sense, many poets have committed to their time and have written to denounce injustices and promote a change of attitude in others.
Mondragón, Gabriel (2018, April 9). Poetry, origins and history. Retrieved from: https://enciclopediaonline.com/es/.
Gerald R. Lucas. (2019, August 14). Epic Poetry. Retrieved 19:21, June 12, 2020 from https://grlucas.net/index.php?title=Epic_Poetry&oldid=4320.
Minstrel | Definition, History, & Facts. Retrieved 13 June 2020, from https://www.britannica.com/art/minstrel
10 Short Medieval Poems Everyone Should Read - Interesting Literature. (2015, January 10). Retrieved 13 June 2020, from: https://interestingliterature.com/2015/01/10-short-medieval-poems-everyone-should-read/
Lyric poetry - New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved 13 June 2020, from https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Lyric_poetry
Words Have Discovered How to Make Love: 3 Poems by Surrealist Masters. (2017, June 5). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from https://lithub.com/words-have-discovered-how-to-make-love-3-poems-by-surrealist-masters/
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blairemclaren · 4 years
Michael Gonzalez Death | Cause of Death - Michael Gonzalez Obituary
Michael Gonzalez Death | Cause of Death – Michael Gonzalez Obituary
Michael Gonzalez Death | Michael Gonzalez Obituary – In reference to a tweet made on the 3rd of September 2020 by Kareem Góngora (@KareemGongora), Michael Gonzalez died last week.
He was an amazing human and extremely kind. Michael Gonzalez will be missed greatly. The cause of death was not revealed in the tweet. We extend our condolences. To donate to his burial costs, visit here: https://t.co/S…
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Plaza Paitilla Inn in Panama City, Panama (Central America). The best of Plaza Paitilla Inn Hotel. Welcome to Plaza Paitilla Inn in Panama City, Panama (Central America). The best of Plaza Paitilla Inn. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the establishment are: wifi available in all areas. and billiards. In the section of restaurant we will enjoy: snack bar, kid meals, restaurant, breakfast options, bottle of water, bar, fruits, wine/champagne, room service and breakfast in the room. To relax, the accommodation has outdoor pool (all year), public bath, kids' pool, sun umbrellas, pool with view, pool/beach towels, fitness centre, outdoor pool, sun loungers or beach chairs, fitness and swimming pool. As far as the transfer is concerned, we have street parking, accessible parking and secured parking. For the reception services we will be able to find 24-hour front desk, concierge service, luggage storage, tour desk and safety deposit box. Within the related areas we will be able to enjoy terrace, sun terrace, outdoor furniture and shared lounge/tv area. For the enjoyment of the family we will have karaoke and children television networks. The cleaning of the facilities have included laundry, ironing service and dry cleaning. If you arrive by business affairs in the establishment, you will have business centre, fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. barber/beauty shop and gift shop. We could highlight other services such as , non-smoking throughout, , , , soundproof rooms, , , designated smoking area, air conditioning, , facilities for disabled guests and non-smoking rooms [https://youtu.be/cGULuB3Wils] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2KHE509 You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2KCxRep We hope you have a pleasant stay in Plaza Paitilla Inn Other hotels in Panama City Le Meridien Panama https://youtu.be/UFT7tXiW0Vg La Concordia - Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/Lca21Su-MuY Villa Palma Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/dTz1C9CaVuo Best Western Plus Panama Zen Hotel https://youtu.be/K4r4d912mD0 Hotel Ojos Del Rio https://youtu.be/estos pasos Eurostars Panama City https://youtu.be/CY1oDf0d6hg Global Hotel Panama https://youtu.be/BvlYGBsUVLk Intercontinental Miramar Panama https://youtu.be/mvomaszTQKE Hilton Panama https://youtu.be/b6LU2nnvH50 Waldorf Astoria Panama https://youtu.be/fTHFWnAbaL0 Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown https://youtu.be/vCqOH6CFU90 Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis https://youtu.be/estos pasos The Westin Panama https://youtu.be/wPCsrq_ffTg The Bahia Grand Panama https://youtu.be/-zhzTVogrjY Hotel Bahía Suites https://youtu.be/estos pasos In Panama City we recommended to visit In the Panama you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Canal de Panamá, Panamá Viejo, Casco Antiguo de Panamá, Cerro Ancón, Biomuseo, Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas de Punta Culebra, Puente Centenario, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo and Museo Afroantillano de Panamá. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo Antropológico Reina Torres de Araúz, Museo Afroantillano, Casa Góngora, Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial, Museo De Panama Viejo, Calzada de Amador, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Plaza Paitilla Inn and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Panama based in Plaza Paitilla Inn Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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Mojácar Council Organises A Weekend Trip To Cordoba has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/03/25/mojacar-council-organises-weekend-trip-cordoba/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/03/25/mojacar-council-organises-weekend-trip-cordoba/
Mojácar Council Organises A Weekend Trip To Cordoba
A group of fifty Mojácar ladies recently enjoyed a weekend trip to Cordoba, accompanied by organiser and local Councillor for Women, Raquel Belmonte and Ana Garcia, the Education Councillor. It has become traditional over recent years to make these eagerly anticipated breaks designed to celebrate International Women's Day, with a chance to take a break from the daily routine and enjoy each other’s company on a well organised excursion. Good weather in Córdoba ensured wonderful guided visits to the city’s most famous places including the; Puente Romano, Torre de Calahorra, Calleja de las Flores y Pañuelo, Plaza del Potro and Corredera without missing the famous Mezquita, the Barrio de la Judería and the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos. There are so many emblematic sites that this beautiful World Heritage city has to offer, all places where you can admire many splendid examples of the different civilizations that have passed through its walls over the centuries. Of course, the gastronomy also occupied an important place on this visit and every opportunity was taken to sample typical local dishes.  The tight schedule organised by the Women’s Department was topped off with a night at the Góngora Theatre to see the play Cyrano de Bergerac, boasting a well-known cast of actors with José Luis Gil taking up the lead role. Like every other trip to date, the whole jaunt was a great all round experience in which the women, aged from 15 to over 70, had a great time together. Thoughts are already on plans for next year, with Seville the most likely destination for 2019.
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meditationklaus · 7 years
This Yogi Wants to Stop Period Shaming (With Video)
Yoga instructor Stephanie Góngora (Insta-famous as @casa_colibri) posted a video of herself flowing through a beautiful asana sequence, like many yogis do. However there was something that stopped our thumb from scrolling on to the next thing, and hundreds and thousands of others—Steph’s yoga sequence wasn’t the only thing that was flowing.   Wearing all white, a period spot became very obvious on her pants. Steph’s post is a social statement – she wants to stop period shaming. Period.
What is Period Shaming?
Hiding a tampon in your sleeve rushing to the bathroom. Hiding the box of tampons in your shopping cart under other deemed un-embarrassing hygiene products. Anxiety about your tampon leaking and spotting on your pants. Taking all stops to avoid letting people know you are on your period.
Most of these things are unsaid. But Steph thinks this impact on women isn’t cool. Below is the video she posted on her Instagram, and she starts the caption with “I am a woman, therefore, I bleed. It’s messy, it’s painful, it’s terrible, & it’s beautiful. And yet, you wouldn’t know. Because I hide it.”
I am a woman, therefore, I bleed. . It's messy, it's painful, it's terrible, & it's beautiful. . And yet, you wouldn't know. Because I hide it. . I bury things at the bottom of the trash. I breathe, ragged and awkward through the cramps, all the while holding onto this tight lipped, painted on smile. Tampons? Shhh. We don't say those words out loud. Hide them. In the back pocket of your purse, in the corner of the bathroom drawer, at the very bottom of your shopping cart (please let me get a female cashier). Events or engagements get missed. I'll tell myself it’s the PMS, sure, but it has more to with the risk of being "caught," at what…I'm not quite sure. . And I’m lucky. . Over 100 million young women around the globe miss school or work for lack of adequate menstrual supplies, & fear of what might happen if the world witnesses A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION. . WHY? . Because hundreds of years of culture have made us embarrassed to bleed. Have left us feeling dirty and ashamed. . STOP PRETENDING. Stop using silly pet names like Aunt Flo because you're too afraid to say "I'm bleeding" or "vagina." Stop wasting so much effort hiding the very thing that gives this species continuity. . START talking about it. Educate your daughters. Make them understand that it can be both an inconvenience and a gift, but NEVER something to be ashamed about. Educate your sons so they don't recoil from the word tampon. So when a girl bleeds through her khaki shorts in third period (pun intended), they don't perpetuate the cycle of shame and intolerance. . This #StartSomethingSunday , I want to highlight @corawomen . . Cora Women is a 100% Organic tampon company. . But that’s not all. They are also breaking barriers. Making it ok to talk about periods, even on social media. Providing personalized, delivered tampon/pad orders right to your door. AND for every box purchased, donating a box of sustainable pads to girls who can't afford menstruation products. . Fuck yeah. That's the kind of stuff I can galvanize behind, NO money OR product needed. Just a mission I support on a topic we should ALL be talking about. . THIS IS JUST A LEAK, NOT FREE BLEEDING ✌????
A post shared by Steph Gongora (@casa_colibri) on Feb 5, 2017 at 11:06am PST
Blood is gross. Snot is gross. Poop is gross. Smelly things that come out of our body are gross. Evolution has shaped our behavior to avoid these substances. The body physiologically responds with disgust – wrinkling the nose (to block out smells), getting nauseous (to avoid digestion of the substance), and a tendency to back away (to avoid contact with the substance). This response has evolved to protect us from these substances because they contain bacteria and germs that could make us sick.
When you watched this video of Steph, you might have noticed yourself wrinkling your nose, turning your head away, or simply thinking “that’s gross.” That’s a normal response, but what Steph is saying is that it’s important for women to not have to feel ashamed about this normal bodily function.
In a Cosmo article, Steph wrote, “I’ve been successful in getting people to talk about period shame, something that was shrouded in such silence for far too long. It’s not like I’m going to start free-bleeding. It would mean a lot of stained clothes, car seats, and sheets…But I do hope that this cycle of shame and intolerance around the very thing that gives our species continuity can, one day soon, stop.”
Steph wants yogis and all women to be free from tension and anxiety felt by a constant pressure to hide. If you’re in a yoga class and you leak, oh well. It happens. Steph believes that no woman should feel ashamed of that. It’s life. It’s natural. So go with the flow.
The post This Yogi Wants to Stop Period Shaming (With Video) appeared first on DOYOUYOGA.COM.
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lagacetadealmeria · 7 years
 ‘Coronación de la Reina, Miss Ejido y Damas de Honor’ de la Feria en honor a San Isidro Labrador 2017 que acaba de tener lugar en el Parque Municipal de El Ejido, tras la lectura del pregón a cargo del afamado y respetado médico ejidense José María Sánchez Fuentes. La jornada ha estado presidida por el alcalde de El Ejido, Francisco Góngora; la concejala de Cultura, Julia Ibáñez; miembros del equipo de gobierno y el doctor Sánchez y ha contado con la presencia de numerosos familiares y amigos de las candidatas.
El regidor ejidense ha sido el encargado de entregar la banda, así como un ramo de flores a la Reina de las Fiestas de 2017 en un acto que se ha caracterizado por la gran concurrencia de público y el buen ambiente festivo que se ha vivido a lo largo de la tarde. Tal es así que esta actividad, una de las más tradicionales del calendario de propuestas, ha reunido a más de 3.000 personas que han disfrutado de las primeros eventos de un ‘San Isidro’ que ha vuelto a incorporar importantes novedades, tanto en su Recinto Ferial como en la programación prevista hasta el domingo que, sin duda, harán de éste una cita lúdica, cultural y religiosa de primer orden.
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Recordar que la Reina, Miss Ejido y Damas de Honor estarán presentes a partir de hoy en los principales eventos que se celebren estos días y acompañarán al Patrón en la procesión del próximo domingo, a partir de las ocho de la tarde, por las calles del centro de la ciudad.
Nombres de las Reinas, Miss Ejido y Damas de Honor de este año:
– Segunda Dama Infantil 2017 a: ROCÍO LÓPEZ ALARCÓN
– Primera Dama Infantil 2017 a:  EMMA SÁNCHEZ HERRERA
– Miss El Ejido Infantil 2017  a: CAYETANA GIMÉNEZ GONZÁLEZ
– Reina Infantil de las Fiestas 2017 a: LUCÍA DUARTE ALCARÁZ
– Cuarta Dama de Honor 2017  a: DENISA DRAGOMIR
– Tercera Dama de Honor 2017 a:  LIBERTAD COLOMER FERNÁNDEZ
– Segunda Dama de Honor 2017 a: CRISTINA VALVERDE GARCÍA
– Primera Dama de Honor 2017 a:  LUCIA TEODORA MAN
Tras el acto de proclamación de la Reina, Damas y Miss Ejido, ha tenido lugar el concierto que ha ofrecido el cantante de copla Rafael Garcel, que ha sido el encargado de abrir esta noche el ciclo de conciertos gratuitos de San Isidro. En el espectáculo, el cantante ha recordado a su abuelo, gran aficionado a Antonio Molina. Sin duda, el detonante que impulsó al malagueño a dedicarse a la música. De él, recibió la motivación y el cariño hacia la copla, que se convirtió en su gran pasión. Este artista ha realizado numerosas apariciones televisivas en programas como ‘Se llama copla’, ‘Punto y Medio’ o ‘Cine de Barrio’.
Elección Reina, Damas y Miss de las Fiestas de San Isidro en El Ejido  'Coronación de la Reina, Miss Ejido y Damas de Honor' de la Feria en honor a San Isidro Labrador 2017 que acaba de tener lugar en el Parque Municipal de El Ejido, tras la lectura del pregón a cargo del afamado y respetado médico ejidense José María Sánchez Fuentes.
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dorothygipe · 8 years
This Yogi Bled Through Her White Pants to Prove a Strong Point About Periods
I am a woman, therefore, I bleed. . It's messy, it's painful, it's terrible, & it's beautiful. . And yet, you wouldn't know. Because I hide it. . I bury things at the bottom of the trash. I breathe, ragged and awkward through the cramps, all the while holding onto this tight lipped, painted on smile. . Tampons? What are those. We don't say those words out loud. Hide them. In the back pocket of your purse, in the corner of the bathroom drawer, at the very bottom of your shopping cart (please let me get a female cashier). . Events or engagements get missed. I'll tell myself it's the PMS, sure, but it has more to with the risk of being "caught," at what...I'm not quite sure. . And I'm lucky. . Over 100 million young women around the globe miss school or work for lack of adequate menstrual supplies, & fear of what might happen if the world witnesses A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION. . WHY? . Because hundreds of years of culture have made us embarrassed to bleed. Have left us feeling dirty and ashamed. . STOP PRETENDING. Stop using silly pet names like Aunt Flo because you're too afraid to say "I'm bleeding" or "vagina." Stop wasting so much effort hiding the very thing that gives this species continuity. . START talking about it. Educate your daughters. Make them understand that it can be both an inconvenience and a gift, but NEVER something to be ashamed about. Educate your sons so they don't recoil from the word tampon. So when a girl bleeds through her khaki shorts in third period (pun intended), they don't perpetuate the cycle of shame and intolerance. . This #StartSomethingSunday , I want to highlight @corawomen . . Cora Women is a 100% Organic tampon company. . But that's not all. They are also breaking barriers. Making it ok to talk about periods, even on social media. Providing personalized, delivered tampon/pad orders right to your door. AND for every box purchased, donating a box of sustainable pads to girls who can't afford menstruation products. . Fuck yeah. That's the kind of stuff I can galvanize behind, no money or even product needed. Just a mission I support on a topic we should ALL be talking about. . More ⬇️
A video posted by Steph Gongora (@casa_colibri) on Feb 5, 2017 at 11:06am PST
From those awkward adolescent bathroom trips all the way through adulthood, periods have remained an unnecessarily taboo topic, and now, one woman is confronting all those hush-hush menstrual moments while bleeding through her white yoga pants. Stephanie Góngora is a 30-year-old yogi who, just like most women, fears her heavy flow and the possibility of bleeding through her pants. But in an effort to face those fears, Stephanie decided to record herself doing what she does best, a yoga sequence, but she did so while bleeding through her *gasp* white pants.
"I am a woman, therefore, I bleed," she wrote alongside the video above. "It's messy, it's painful, it's terrible, & it's beautiful. And yet, you wouldn't know. Because I hide it. I bury things at the bottom of the trash. I breathe, ragged and awkward through the cramps, all the while holding onto this tight lipped, painted on smile. Tampons? What are those. We don't say those words out loud. Hide them. In the back pocket of your purse, in the corner of the bathroom drawer, at the very bottom of your shopping cart (please let me get a female cashier)."
Stephanie's perfectly balanced poses are just one of the many things that make this post so impressive. Her ability to open up and tackle this scorned topic is admirable. She opened up to Cosmopolitan about her past as a young gymnast often overwhelmed with the fear that she'd bleed through her leotard, and she has had the same fears as a yoga instructor in her adult life.
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"The possibility of leaking through even two super-plus tampons and a pad during an hour-long class enveloped my life," Stephanie said. "I would hide tampons in my sleeve or take my whole purse to the bathroom. If a spot of blood made it past my arsenal and onto my pants, I would tie a giant sweatshirt around my waist and spend the rest of the day exquisitely stressed out about someone seeing it and finding out the truth: that I bleed, and sometimes, I leak."
But Stephanie began to wonder why she felt so ashamed of her body's natural flow and decided she didn't want to hide it anymore.
"I knew a bright red blood spot on pristine white pants would make a statement in a society that rarely takes the time to actually read," she told Cosmo. "Leaks are such a typical occurrence for me, and something, I believe, women shouldn't have to be ashamed of."
Related: 13 Products That Help Your Vagina Feel Stronger, Fresher, and Healthier A Woman Got Her Period the Night Before a Marathon and Decided to Bleed Freely Swimmer Fu Yuanhui Breaks Taboo With This Simple Phrase: "It’s Because I Just Got My Period"
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Eurostars Panama City, Panama (Central America). The best of Eurostars Panama City in Panama City Hotel. Welcome to Eurostars Panama City, Panama (Central America). The best of Eurostars Panama City in Panama City. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN Common services at the establishment include wifi available in all areas. In the bar section we will enjoy breakfast in the room, bar, room service, special diet menus (on request), restaurant, snack bar, breakfast options and kid meals. For your rest the facilities offer pool bar, pool with view, hair cut, spa/wellness packages, couples massage, hair styling, manicure, body treatments, beauty services, pedicure, spa lounge/relaxation area, swimming pool, head massage, foot massage, rooftop pool, sun umbrellas, back massage, hair colouring, spa and wellness centre, hair treatments, hand massage, fitness centre, sun loungers or beach chairs, outdoor pool (seasonal), outdoor pool, spa facilities, full body massage, facial treatments, massage, steam room, fitness, shallow end, outdoor pool (all year) and neck massage. As far as transport is concerned, we will find accessible parking, airport shuttle, parking garage, shuttle service, car hire, shuttle service (additional charge), airport pick up, airport shuttle (additional charge), secured parking, street parking and airport drop off. For reception services we can find tickets to attractions or shows, atm/cash machine on site, tour desk, concierge service, newspapers, safety deposit box, luggage storage, 24-hour front desk, ticket service and express check-in/check-out. Within the related areas we can enjoy shared lounge/tv area, games room and terrace. The cleanliness of the facilities will include daily maid service, ironing service, laundry, trouser press and dry cleaning. If you travel for business matters in the facilities you have meeting/banquet facilities and fax/photocopying and business centre. barber/beauty shop. We can emphasize other benefits like non-smoking rooms, allergy-free room, heating, soundproof rooms, lift, wheelchair accessible, , bridal suite, air conditioning, family rooms, non-smoking throughout, vip room facilities and facilities for disabled guests [https://youtu.be/CY1oDf0d6hg] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2lOH1tq You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2tXjGtf We hope you have a pleasant stay in Eurostars Panama City Other hotels in Panama City Global Hotel Panama https://youtu.be/BvlYGBsUVLk Best Western Plus Panama Zen Hotel https://youtu.be/K4r4d912mD0 Le Meridien Panama https://youtu.be/UFT7tXiW0Vg The Westin Panama https://youtu.be/wPCsrq_ffTg Intercontinental Miramar Panama https://youtu.be/mvomaszTQKE Villa Palma Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/dTz1C9CaVuo Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro https://youtu.be/s6IuBr4Pv_Q Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis https://youtu.be/estos pasos Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown https://youtu.be/vCqOH6CFU90 Waldorf Astoria Panama https://youtu.be/fTHFWnAbaL0 La Concordia - Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/Lca21Su-MuY American Trade Hotel https://youtu.be/9sJbCpvySD0 The Bahia Grand Panama https://youtu.be/-zhzTVogrjY Hotel Bahía Suites https://youtu.be/estos pasos Hilton Panama https://youtu.be/b6LU2nnvH50 In Panama City we recommended to visit In the Panama you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Canal de Panamá, Panamá Viejo, Casco Antiguo de Panamá, Cerro Ancón, Biomuseo, Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas de Punta Culebra, Puente Centenario, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo and Museo Afroantillano de Panamá. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo Antropológico Reina Torres de Araúz, Museo Afroantillano, Casa Góngora, Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial, Museo De Panama Viejo, Calzada de Amador, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Eurostars Panama City and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Panama based in Eurostars Panama City Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown, Panama (Central America). Visit Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown Hotel. Welcome to Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown, Panama (Central America). Visit Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the establishment will be wifi available in all areas. In the section of bars we can enjoy grocery deliveries, room service, breakfast options, fruits, bottle of water, on-site coffee house, chocolate or cookies, kid meals, wine/champagne, restaurant, bar and snack bar. For rest facilities have outdoor pool, fitness centre, pool/beach towels and swimming pool. With regard to relocation we find secured parking, shuttle service (additional charge) and shuttle service. For the reception services we will be able to meet tour desk, safety deposit box, luggage storage and newspapers and 24-hour front desk. Within the related spaces we will enjoy sun terrace and terrace. For the enjoyment of the family we can children television networks. The function of the cleaning services have included ironing service, daily maid service, laundry and dry cleaning. If you arrive for business matters in the facilities available meeting/banquet facilities and business centre and fax/photocopying. mini-market on site. We could highlight other services like air conditioning, facilities for disabled guests, family rooms, visual aids: tactile signs, toilet with grab rails, wheelchair accessible, non-smoking throughout, non-smoking rooms, visual aids: braille, higher level toilet, lower bathroom sink and lift [https://youtu.be/vCqOH6CFU90] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2NgppTS You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2tTICC4 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown Other hotels in Panama City Villa Palma Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/dTz1C9CaVuo The Bahia Grand Panama https://youtu.be/-zhzTVogrjY La Concordia - Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/Lca21Su-MuY Global Hotel Panama https://youtu.be/BvlYGBsUVLk The Westin Panama https://youtu.be/wPCsrq_ffTg Hotel Ojos Del Rio https://youtu.be/estos pasos Hard Rock Hotel Panama Megapolis https://youtu.be/estos pasos Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro https://youtu.be/s6IuBr4Pv_Q Intercontinental Miramar Panama https://youtu.be/mvomaszTQKE Le Meridien Panama https://youtu.be/UFT7tXiW0Vg Hotel Bahía Suites https://youtu.be/estos pasos Hilton Panama https://youtu.be/b6LU2nnvH50 American Trade Hotel https://youtu.be/9sJbCpvySD0 Waldorf Astoria Panama https://youtu.be/fTHFWnAbaL0 Other hotels in this channel ICON Casona 1900 by Petit Palace https://youtu.be/AgD6x-fXUV8 Maitria Hotel Sukhumvit 18 https://youtu.be/10z929rK4R0 Breeze Hotelcomplex https://youtu.be/NrmosqXrnFU Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya https://youtu.be/9BsHhK7m2Hc Adina Apartment Hotel Leipzig https://youtu.be/kUWPZJBKfwY Taj 51 Buckingham Gate Suites and Residences https://youtu.be/g-11N3FhSDw Kuyaba https://youtu.be/N-2CismWT4I Ramada Plaza Hotel & Spa Trabzon https://youtu.be/h9rAJQ49oOw La Posada Morisca https://youtu.be/9GgeSvhuGvk Mahoora Tented Safari Camp - Kumana https://youtu.be/VGXBFz7KLiY Royalton Blue Waters All Inclusive https://youtu.be/XiDcEayaMMM Le Relais Madeleine https://youtu.be/ecqh0rIDOBw https://youtu.be/wtdbTuC-N2k Paraiso Caño Hondo https://youtu.be/S1xvah2iaro Mist Hotel & Spa by Warwick https://youtu.be/Jt01V5KrlsA In Panama City we recommended to visit In the Panama you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Canal de Panamá, Panamá Viejo, Casco Antiguo de Panamá, Cerro Ancón, Biomuseo, Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas de Punta Culebra, Puente Centenario, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo and Museo Afroantillano de Panamá. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo Antropológico Reina Torres de Araúz, Museo Afroantillano, Casa Góngora, Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial, Museo De Panama Viejo, Calzada de Amador, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Panama based in Hyatt Place Panama City Downtown Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro in Panama City, Panama (Central America) Hotel. Welcome to Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro in Panama City, Panama (Central America). Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN General services in the accommodation include wifi available in all areas. In the restaurant section we will enjoy chocolate or cookies, vending machine (drinks), fruits, bottle of water, bar, restaurant, wine/champagne, vending machine (snacks), room service and breakfast options. For rest facilities have pool with view, swimming pool, sauna, sun loungers or beach chairs, pool/beach towels, outdoor pool (all year), rooftop pool and fitness centre. With regard to transportation, we will find secured parking, parking garage and accessible parking. For the reception we will be able to meet safety deposit box, 24-hour front desk, luggage storage and newspapers. Within the common spaces we can enjoy terrace and sun terrace and outdoor furniture. For family leisure we will have children television networks. The cleanliness of the facilities will include ironing service, laundry, daily maid service and dry cleaning. If you stay for business reasons in the accommodation you have meeting/banquet facilities, business centre and fax/photocopying. We will be able to highlight other possibilities as higher level toilet, lower bathroom sink, non-smoking rooms, non-smoking throughout, lift, wheelchair accessible, toilet with grab rails, facilities for disabled guests, air conditioning, allergy-free room and soundproof rooms [https://youtu.be/s6IuBr4Pv_Q] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2KBJPIr You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2KBRfII We hope you have a pleasant stay in Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro Other hotels in Panama City Waldorf Astoria Panama https://youtu.be/fTHFWnAbaL0 American Trade Hotel https://youtu.be/9sJbCpvySD0 The Westin Panama https://youtu.be/wPCsrq_ffTg Hilton Panama https://youtu.be/b6LU2nnvH50 Le Meridien Panama https://youtu.be/UFT7tXiW0Vg Villa Palma Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/dTz1C9CaVuo The Bahia Grand Panama https://youtu.be/-zhzTVogrjY Intercontinental Miramar Panama https://youtu.be/mvomaszTQKE Global Hotel Panama https://youtu.be/BvlYGBsUVLk La Concordia - Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/Lca21Su-MuY Other hotels in this channel Chambers Hotel https://youtu.be/2vWUVYs6648 Felix Hotel https://youtu.be/1pNvgNt_L2A Hotel La Roca https://youtu.be/zyOF6CAykDg Hilton Doha https://youtu.be/enAXoCfD8mM HS HOTSSON Hotel Queretaro https://youtu.be/8FqviSWbLL4 California https://youtu.be/KoKApq2AOvU Hotel Maristel & Spa https://youtu.be/C-zADgZyjJw Your Hotel & Spa Alcobaça https://youtu.be/estos pasos Wonstar Hotel - SongShan https://youtu.be/jf5Z0yIlBCY Park Tower https://youtu.be/e_ulOz6OmXY Hampton Inn & Suites Ocean City https://youtu.be/ACAUGDZ7mU0 Masseria Degli Ulivi https://youtu.be/XjLqS-csrxE Hyatt Regency Houston Galleria https://youtu.be/pjFmWv141_w The Bauhinia Hotel - Tsim Sha Tsui https://youtu.be/sJtWvYpMgeE Bella Beach Hotel https://youtu.be/PGO1-sWwPA0 In Panama City we recommended to visit In the Panama you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Canal de Panamá, Panamá Viejo, Casco Antiguo de Panamá, Cerro Ancón, Biomuseo, Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas de Punta Culebra, Puente Centenario, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo and Museo Afroantillano de Panamá. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo Antropológico Reina Torres de Araúz, Museo Afroantillano, Casa Góngora, Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial, Museo De Panama Viejo, Calzada de Amador, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Panama based in Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
The Bahia Grand Panama in Panama City, Panama (Central America). The best of The Bahia Grand Panama Hotel. Welcome to The Bahia Grand Panama in Panama City, Panama (Central America). The best of The Bahia Grand Panama. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The general services included will be: wifi available in all areas. In the section of food and drink you can enjoy: restaurant, room service, bar and breakfast options. For health, the establishment has swimming pool, fitness, fitness centre, pool/beach towels and outdoor pool (all year). In relation to transport we find car hire. For the reception we can find concierge service and safety deposit box and atm/cash machine on site. Within the common areas we will enjoy sun terrace. For the enjoyment of the family we can babysitting/child services and casino. The role of cleaning services will include dry cleaning. If you arrive for business reasons in the accommodation you have meeting/banquet facilities, business centre and fax/photocopying. gift shop, barber/beauty shop, mini-market on site and shops (on site). We will be able to highlight other benefits such as non-smoking throughout, facilities for disabled guests and non-smoking rooms [https://youtu.be/-zhzTVogrjY] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2KD7aq0 You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2KygEGf We hope you have a pleasant stay in The Bahia Grand Panama Other hotels in Panama City Hilton Panama https://youtu.be/b6LU2nnvH50 Villa Palma Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/dTz1C9CaVuo La Concordia - Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/Lca21Su-MuY Waldorf Astoria Panama https://youtu.be/fTHFWnAbaL0 Le Meridien Panama https://youtu.be/UFT7tXiW0Vg Global Hotel Panama https://youtu.be/BvlYGBsUVLk American Trade Hotel https://youtu.be/9sJbCpvySD0 The Westin Panama https://youtu.be/wPCsrq_ffTg Intercontinental Miramar Panama https://youtu.be/mvomaszTQKE Other hotels in this channel Residence Inn Sandestin at Grand Boulevard https://youtu.be/mv6cY3iuWTU Sunshine Praia Hotel https://youtu.be/q-kMa3BLfOI Salishan Spa and Golf Resort https://youtu.be/cswR0usIrqk The Capital Resort @ Sukhumvit 50 https://youtu.be/hKdoilNJ8jw Hyatt Regency Miami https://youtu.be/oOYOeJQ_vEk Boutique Hotel Boris Palace & Restaurant https://youtu.be/PFLzaK3L4gk Hotel La Sitja https://youtu.be/tOPNuCue9pU Hotel Serra da Estrela https://youtu.be/heTOUnrWPEA Padma Hotel Bandung https://youtu.be/PopmyWnEPes Hôtel Raphael https://youtu.be/brBmp5rNuOI Pensativo House Hotel https://youtu.be/GYz5c6VK-_Y Pietermaai Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/ryX7E-PXxa8 La Sultana Marrakech https://youtu.be/C9rwbjoVzvo Ole-Sereni Hotel https://youtu.be/t5q_6cdY51o Orange Hotel - GuanQian https://youtu.be/yrWflgOZjro In Panama City we recommended to visit In the Panama you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Canal de Panamá, Panamá Viejo, Casco Antiguo de Panamá, Cerro Ancón, Biomuseo, Centro de Exhibiciones Marinas de Punta Culebra, Puente Centenario, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo and Museo Afroantillano de Panamá. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo Antropológico Reina Torres de Araúz, Museo Afroantillano, Casa Góngora, Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial, Museo De Panama Viejo, Calzada de Amador, We hope you have a pleasant stay in The Bahia Grand Panama and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Panama based in The Bahia Grand Panama Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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