#miss kobayashi’s dragon maid s
a-titty-ninja · 7 months
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Context: hi! I realized my anime watch list was 100 anime long and, I need to get on that! And I can't choose where to start, so I'm leaving it up to Tumblr!
Rules: Three rounds of voting. Top 5 from each poll on round one go to round two, 5 polls of 10. Top 2 from each of those will go to the finals! I'll watch the winner of that
The tag to find all the polls will be 100 anime poll!
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thefigureresource · 2 years
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Tohru [Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S] non scale from Union Creative coming November 2023.
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mr-caae07 · 4 months
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cyan3528 · 1 year
Hey guys how do I make friends on this hellsite in desperate need
In the tags are things I can and will talk about (pls dm)
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teethelion · 2 years
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Once again, I am astonished that Lucoa from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid does not have a lot of minimalist wallpapers despite being one of the show's most beloved characters either because people like her for her personality and overall character or for "other reasons." I started work on this minimalist wallpaper yesterday night and finished it in the middle of the afternoon today, and I am happy with how it turned out. 
Character: Lucoa (from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
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ljaesch · 1 day
Kyoto Animation Announces a Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Anime Film for 2025
Kyoto Animation has announced during a 2025 lineup livestream that it is producing a film for the Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid franchise titled Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: A Lonely Dragon Wants to be Loved. The film is scheduled to open in Japanese theaters in 2025. Tatsuya Ishihara will direct the anime. The film will feature returning cast members Mutsumi Tamura as Kobayashi, Yūki Kuwahara as…
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8bitdigi · 1 year
Leah Clark will be a Guest at ToyXpo 2023
Bay Area fans are in for a treat as ToyXpo 2023 has announced that Leah Clark will be among the guests.
Bay Area fans are in for a treat as ToyXpo 2023 has announced that Leah Clark will be among the guests. Leah Clark is a voice actress who is best known for her role as Himiko Toga in My Hero Academia and Kobayashi in Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. Her other notable roles include Hikari Horaki in the Rebuild of Evangelion films and Yukiko Kanzaki in Assassination Classroom. Gamers will recognize…
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lonetile · 11 months
Predaking x GN!Human!Reader. No use of Y/N, and no gender specifics. Can be M/M or F/M. This is my first time writing an x reader fanfic.
Inspired by @emotionallyattachednerd 's work. You inspired me to finally write an x reader!
Trigger Warning: This story contains talk of terminal illness and death. If this is something you're not comfortable with, I suggest reading something else.
You sat on the cliff's edge, looking out at the expanse of endless ocean in front of you. The sun was setting, coloring the waters with an array of pinks, purples, and yellows. It was beautiful, but you weren't there for the sunset.
A few weeks ago, you were there just to admire the sight, listening to the waves break on the jagged rocks below. That was where you first saw it. At first, you thought it was a bird. A really big bird. That was until it spread its wings. They seemed to envelop the whole sky, blocking out the sun and showing off its true shape. A dragon. A majestic, real-life dragon. The beauty of the ocean was lost as you gazed at the beast, watching as it flew past. You had tried to follow parallel to it on the cliffs, but after almost slipping on some loose rocks on the edge of a particularly steep section, you were forced to stop.
That was why you were there. You hoped to see it again. With your sketchbook in hand, you did your best to remember the first sighting. It had been days with no results, however, you still kept coming back in hopes that you'd get one more glimpse of it.
You checked your watch. It was getting close to 9. It was going to be dark soon. With a sigh, you stood up, about to return to your car when there was a heavy thud behind you. You whirled around, fearing that a boulder came loose from the rock face above, but instead, you saw it. The dragon.
Up close, you saw that it wasn't your typical scaled dragon, but a metal one made up of armor plating, robotic joints, and glowing yellow eyes. You were in awe.
"Wow…" It was all you could say as you took a small step forward. It was huge. Far bigger than you imagined. You were expecting something of Toothless's size, or even the wyverns in Game of Thrones, but the dragon in front of you was about the size of Tohru from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.
Its head moved away, its mandibles chittering slightly as you reached out. Seeing that it didn't want to be touched, you pulled your hand back and clasped them behind you.
"Hello." You said with a smile. "It's nice to see you again." No response. You didn't expect one.
"I was hoping to see you again before I…" You cleared your throat. "Yeah…" This had been your dream for the past few days, and now that it came true, you're at a loss for words, like a shy teenager asking their crush to the senior prom.
You watched in amazement as the dragon's armor began to shift and change with whirrs and clicks, each piece shifting into place as it changed shape to a more humanoid shape. A very spiky, metallic humanoid.
"You are not afraid." It was a statement, not a question. You nodded.
"I've been coming here every day in hopes I'd see you." You replied.
"And why is that?" The mechanical figure asked.
"I… uh… like dragons." It was the only reply you had. It wasn't false. It just felt stupid to say out loud. "Do you have a name?"
"I am called Predaking, little human." He said. He stood proud. It was indeed a fitting title. You bowed politely. There was a small, awkward pause.
"You hadn't finished your sentence before." You looked confused for a second before realizing which sentence he was talking about.
"Oh… uhm... I don't have long before an illness I have kills me." You replied
"You are dying?"
"It's not so bad." You replied. "That's why I used to come up here. I wanted to memorize the sunset because there will be a time I won't be able to see it again like this. Now I come here in hopes of seeing you. Which now I have." You teared up but quickly tried to hide it with a laugh.
"What kind of illness is it that ails you?" Predaking asked.
"My heart's beginning to fail." You replied. "It doesn't help that I walk two miles uphill every evening. I wish I could fly like you." This time, you couldn't hold back the sadness you felt.
"S-Sorry, your majesty." You said, covering your face. You tried to stop the tears, but they were endless. Predaking stared at you. He felt pity.
"Perhaps... I can offer you some comfort." Predaking suddenly said. You sniffed, looking at him. "You said you wished you could fly. I can lend you my wings, just for the evening."
"Y-you… is that alright?"
"I would not have suggested it if it wasn't." Predaking replied. He transformed back into a dragon, crouching down and letting you use his wing as a ramp. Once he felt you settle, he spread his wings before taking off. You felt all your worries stay on the cliff top as you rose into the air. You clung to Predaking's spines as he half flew, half glided through the evening sky. The stars were just beginning to appear as the sun dipped behind the horizon. Your weak heart felt strong again as you looked down at the waters below. Predaking's wings seemed to glow in the approaching darkness. He circled the mountain, being careful not to fly too fast. He liked feeling you cling to him. You began to chuckle before it turned into a laugh, then into an excited whoop.
"This is amazing, your majesty!" You shouted. "You're amazing." You didn't want this to end. The darkened sky, feeling the wind in your face, your hair, your clothes. It felt wonderful. It only became better as the darkness of night filled the sky, the stars lighting up the world around you. You reached up, feeling as if you could grab hold of the tiny twinkling lights. Even Predaking gazed up. He never really admired the stars before. He had been too focused on other things. But with you on his back, his own anxieties were left on that cliff top. He was afraid that, when he landed, the anger would return. 
The flight continued for another hour before Predaking returned you to the cliff. To his surprise, his negative feelings did not return. He felt… happy.
"Thank you, your majesty." You said as he returned to his primary form. You hugged his leg, being the only part you could really get to.
"Perhaps… We could do this again?" He asked. You nodded eagerly.
 "I would love that."
The next few days were the same. You'd meet on the cliff before soaring through the evening skies, forgetting all your worries. As the weeks passed, you showed up less and less. However, Predaking still returned to wait like you had for him.
One day, Predaking arrived at the cliff like he always did. Once again, you weren't there. He waited for an hour, but when you didn't show up, he turned to leave when he saw something on the ground. It was your sketchbook. He picked it up, carefully opening it. Inside were numerous drawings of dragons. Many of which he remembered you telling him about. Toothless, Drogon, Tohru, Spike… all the dragons from different media you had watched. As he turned the page, the cartoony sketches changed to something else. Him. When did you have time to make these wonderful pieces? He flipped through them before reaching the last page. It was a sketch of you and him this time. Beside it was a note:
Your majesty,
I am sorry for not meeting you this evening. My condition has worsened greatly these past few weeks, which is why I often failed to show. I used my last ounce of strength to leave this here for you to find and remember me by. I will not be returning.
I am happy that I got to fly with you. The time we spent together helped me forget the pain I felt fearing this moment. But I am no longer afraid. I am happy. You made me happy. I hope, as you soar through the skies, that you will remember me as I do when I look out the hospital window at the sunset. Thank you for everything.
I'll miss you. 
A pained screeching roar echoed over the mountains before it became a whimper as he stared at the drawing. He took the sketchbook gently in his claws before transforming, spreading his wings, and taking flight.
As you sat on the hospital bed, staring at the lowering sun, you thought you saw the majestic form of Predaking in the distance. You smiled. You knew it was him. You laid back down as rhythmic beeping beside you began slowing. Just before it turned into a still whine, you whispered your final words.
"I'll miss you."
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Request: Kobayashi with a younger coworker who admits that they have started to see her as a big sister. Binge watching Dragon Maid s and I remember how much I love this series.
Co-worker reader sees Kobayashi as a big sister
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[ Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi san no chi maid dragon ]
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What an interesting request!! I had fun while writing this, it make me feel fluffy and wholesome hehe
Hope you like it ❤️
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Even thought Kobayashi's goal isn't being the best at her work she always does her best and is pretty good at it, she doesn't mind at all helping her co-workers whenever someone ask for help, so it won't be to much of a surprised if you start admiring her
Getting close to Kobayashi isn't too difficult neither, if you actively want to spend time with her during the break she will find it a little weird at first but will probably just get used at it over time (she doesn't mind, is just surprising)
She wouldn't really mind if you are actually younger than her but sometimes make her think a little that she should probably act as some kind of model for you, but even if she tries to act as a model to follow most of the time she just end up forgeting about it when she relax and start acting like always. Even so, Kobayashi is quite responsible by nature, so she can be easily be seen as a model to follow
If you try to imitate her or pay more attention to how she does her work will surprised her a little, if you are obvious with it she will be weird out by it at first but will try to just brush it off and continue with whatever she is doing (although, she isn't too comfortable with being watched closely), but if you aren't that obvious with it she probably won't find out or just think that you are trying to imitate her to get better with your work
Honestly, after some time Kobayashi will notice your behavior, the little hints of wanting to get close to her or the silent (or loud, depending on your personality) expressions of admiration or how comfortable you seem with her, and even when she notice it she tries to don't mind it or don't make a big deal out of it, even when it would take her a while to get used to the thought of someone admiring her like that (it would also depend on how much you express your admiration and care for her)
At first she tries to brush it off by simple admiration from a co-workers and friend, but is Takiya (or you expressing it directly) who will suggest that you probably not only admite her but see her as a older sibling, what will surprised her and even flustered her a little, this is just too new and all of the sudden, it would take her even more time to get used and get comfortable with that, but she won't get angry or anything, she doesn't see it as something bad is just that she never thought it could happen
After getting comfortable with it Kobayashi will just return to treat you as a friend like how she had always treated you, it won't change her attitude but probably will grow to care a little more about you, now being she who feels a little closer to you
If you ever call her big sister or something across those lines (maybe a nickname or by an affectionate way) she will be surprised and won't know how to answer at first, if you do it in a serious tone she will be a little flustered but if you do it as a joke she will just smile at your sillines, she will probably ask you to don't do it but if you insist on doing will just give up and let you call ver the way you want (just please don't do it in work hours)
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a-titty-ninja · 7 months
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the-wiggler · 8 months
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watch out for poor grammar, poor punctuation and everything i wrote this haphazardly on my phone notes app.
dion loves sitting at the front of the bus/car but he always gets motion sick
one of the first things bunny showed dion was the arcade and they cheated on all the games to get the most expensive gift there
even if kane didnt pursue music, he has an absolutely incredible sense of rhythm and soloes at just dance, dance central and guitar hero
overcooked was the first co-op game bunny bought bc they wanted a co-op game to play together that wasn’t a competition (didn’t work, bunny now has one defunct controller that has suspiciously dion hand-shaped burn marks on it)
kane is the best at mancala and bunny is the worst but kane purposely lets bunny win and makes dion lose
while dion is a gamer like bunny, kane is more of a traditional board games guy like mancala, reversi (othello?), backgammon, mahjong.
bunny is just really bad at co-op games whether that be team-work or vs
bunny runs cold and they’re ALWAYS cold especially at night so Dion and Bunny cuddle up and its the best sleep Bunny has had in a while
and in the winter, they huddle up with kane and its a flame demon sandwich except dion won’t stop scolding kane for “hogging” bunny and kane won’t stop purposely pulling them closer to irritate dion (and other reasons, undisclosed) and bunny ends up with no sleep
sometimes when dion and kane's arguments get too heated (haha) bunny will make them stand in opposite corner of the room or in different rooms
kane is scared of riding in the car and he always white knuckle grips the handle and dion always tells bunny to “floor it”
dion’s favourite music genre is pop songs from 2000’s like flo rida, shakira, while Kane prefers old timey jazz music like louis armstrong, frank sinatra
dion constantly falls for the ICUP or the eye map ness jokes and kane keeps making them
dion likes sweeter teas (with milk and/or honey kind) whereas kane and bunny prefer more bitter teas (oolong, jasmine etc)
bunny has very bad eyebags because they keep staying up to play video games and dion has no sense of when humans should be in bed
kane has the best poker face and bunny has the worst ever
not sure if anyone’s seen miss kobayashi’s dragon maid but that’s basically how i see dion and bunny’s dynamic (is kane kanna…wait a minute) like they both revolutionised each others way of seeing life and changed each other
dion and kane doesn’t understand the “low heat long cook time” kind of recipes (like caramelised onions) and are the type to be like “oh why bake at 100 degrees for 30 minutes when i can blast it at 1000 degrees for 3 minutes?”
bunny’s favourite hobby is bed rotting and reading until dion and kane started staying with them
kane loves old timey talk sometimes he exclaims "egads!"
also they're all holding hands and kissing rn guys dont worry everythings ok
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mr-caae07 · 7 months
Ilulu - (
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lavina-arts · 4 months
My favorite Fandoms
Subway surfers
Looney tunes
Tiny toons
Brawl stars
Lacey Games
Jack stabbuer
Hazbin hotel
S/A blue story
The coffin of andy and leyley
Dhmis( Dont hug me im scared)
Rainbow ruby
Teenage kraken
Hero inside
Teen Titans go
DC super hero girls
Tom and Jerry
Gravity Falls
Boss baby
Doki doki (DDLC)
Regular show
Htf(Happy tree friends)
Yandere simulator
The bad guys
Apple and onion
The loud house
Creepy pasta
The amazing digital circus
Watashi wa candy
Nobodys boy Remi
Drifting home
Ben 10
Jade armor
Poppy playtime
Craig of Creek
South park
Baby hazel
Helluva boss
Hello kitty
Sailor moon
Stawberry shortcake
Camp camp
Spy x family
Miraculous ladybug
Vílka amalka
Sheep shaun
Scott pilgrim takes off
Hime chans ribbon
Anne shirley
Powerpuff girls
League of legends
Kit bull
Baldi basics
Kids next dorks
I love Amy
Max goof
Raw toonage
Michelles vs robots
Helluva boss
Total drama
Non Non binary
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Gakuen babysitters
Ferb and förb
Kim possible
Mao Mao
Charlie and lola
Disventure camp
lizzy the lezzy
Pj masks
Prince Ivandoe
That all for now if I rebemmer more İm gonna add them.
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teethelion · 2 years
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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is one of my absolute favorite anime shows out there to date. I love the characters, the animation, and the story, even though it is not as complex and exhilarating as other anime. There are a lot of characters from Dragon Maid that I love so much, and Elma is one of them. She's cute, beautiful, and a massive lover of any food she finds. When the second season aired and I watched the episodes where we get flashbacks of a portion of her past life, I knew which shot from those episodes I wanted to make into a minimalist wallpaper. If you thought Elma could not get any more beautiful, we see her with long hair tied into a ponytail. I was astonished. She was so gorgeous with that hairstyle. And I am so happy with how this minimalist wallpaper of long-haired Elma turned out. I was going to make Elma in her colors during the day, but I decided to stick her colors during the night because it would be too difficult for me to do and handle. I also decided to make my logo a bit brighter than usual and give it an outer glow to make it look like the lighting on Elma is coming from the said logo. It has to be one of my finest minimalist wallpapers.
Character: Elma (from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
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I would love see that! Tho I imagine some of the more dangerous ones are more far away. Tho like is villain organization also a part of this? Because I think it be interesting to see how some of them will reaction to how the other run. For example Shigaraki actually give the League of Villains more freedom and does treat them with respect. But someone like Muzan who is a control freak over Twelve Kizuki and willing to kill them off.
It would be interesting to see different teams of antagonists interact with each other. From arguing over their ideologies to trying to defend themselves (if they do at all) with their motives/backstory(s). Not the mentions the fights, like the Twelve Kizuki vs the League of Villains. (i.e. Toga vs Daiki or Dabi vs Doma)
However I, at first, tried to bring more than one villain from the same show since not all of these here are real antagonists, but then it would make watching these other shows pointless. And there will end up being more characters to keep track of. So I, and Entity, apologize in advance to all the normal people in this list.
(But whoever picks this up, it's up to them to do just 40 antagonists or pick just a few or more.)
(And remember, ALL of this is also subject to change since this just a bunch of ideas FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS and I came up together on the spot.)
The Antagonist’s Role (Some Conventional)
or something else (In the title I’m trying to convey that these people are the antagonist to the protagonist, but some only fill in that role because of convention).
Spin-off fic, (non-canon), where the Entity is feeling vindictive against the antagonists of the 40's stories, so it makes another dimension kidnaps the antagonists of the 40. It doesn’t want to take those who are innocent, but there will be an imbalance to the universes if it tries to take more than one from the same dimension, (excluding the 40).
Just like MCS (WE), it will be a reaction fic to their respective stories. However, since Entity wants to rub salt into the wound, the antagonist will also be reacting to what is happening with the 40 cast, showing that they are growing, healing, and all around just doing better than they are.
Now some characters are obvious, but others are just antagonists by convention:
Cowboy Bebop: Vicious
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Ozai
Legend of Korra: Amon OR Unalaq OR Zaheer OR Kuvira
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Benio "Benibara" Amakusa (Everything about this woman wants to make me pull out my own hair!)
Death Note: Light Yagami
Black Butler: The Undertaker
Hetalia: Belarus (Listen… if RUSSIA is scared of her, then you need to run for the hills!)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Father
Blue Exorcist: Satan
Hunter x Hunter: Hisoka Morrow OR Chrollo Lucilfer OR Meruem
Kuroko’s Basketball: Daiki Aomine OR Seijūrō Akashi OR Makoto Hanamiya
Attack on Titan: Zeke Yeager
Danganronpa: Junko Enoshima
Free!: Rin Matsuoka (I know I shouldn’t do this to him, but he was an antagonist during the beginning.) OR Hiyori Tono (I still hate him for what he said to Haru!)
Kill la Kill: Ragyō Kiryūin
Haikyuu: Oikawa Tooru (I am not dissing him, I love his character! But he was the antagonist to beat.)
Assassination Classroom: The Reaper
Food Wars!: Azami Nakiri
One Punch Man: Garou
Erased: Gaku Yashiro
My Hero Academia: All for One OR Shigaraki
Mob Psycho 100: Toichiro Suzuki
Yuri on Ice: Jean-Jacques Leroy (I don’t hate him, but like some of the others, he is pretty much antagonistic to the cast of YOI.)
Kiss Him, Not Me: Takeru Mitsuboshi
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Kusuke Saiki
Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid: Jida/Jii
The Royal Tutor: Ernst Rosenberg
Kakegurui: Kirari Momobami
Cells at Work: Cancer Cell
The Promised Neverland: Isabella OR Peter Ratri
Love is War: Oko Shinomiya
Fruits Basket: Akito Sohma
Demon Slayer: Muzan
Dr. Stone: The Whyman
Given: Ayano Kasai (I know she is not an antagonist, but she was a little antagonistic.)
Beastars: Melon
Welcome to Demon School Iruma Kun: Ami Kirio OR Baal
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun: Yugi Tsukasa
Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna OR Geto
SK8 the Infinity: Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM
Instead of a mansion, the Entity makes a prison for them to stay in. There are three levels of the prison:
Level 1: Misplaced
These are characters where they go up against one of the 40/interact with them, but it doesn’t mean they are evil or mean, they just happened to be the antagonists of one of the 40’s stories. They are given actual rooms, their own bathrooms, good meals plus desserts, good clothes, and misc. items to entertain themselves. (Plus their own kitchen, gym, craft room, etc.)
(This will house:
Oikawa Tooru
Jean-Jacques Leroy
Ayano Kasai)
Level 2: Disciplined
It’s almost the same as Level 1 except they are the bad guys of their stories but they actually have shot at redemption. They will have their own room, but only with the bare necessities. They are still served food, but any desserts, misc. items, or any kind of reward will only be given if they actually work to redeem themselves.
(This will house:
Benio "Benibara" Amakusa
Daiki Aomine OR Seijūrō Akashi OR Makoto Hanamiya
Rin Matsuoka OR Hiyori Tono
Takeru Mitsuboshi
Kusuke Saiki
Ernst Rosenberg
Kirari Momobami
Cancer Cell
Isabella (If you choose her)
Oko Shinomiya
The Whyman)
Level 3: DETAIN
There are the worst of the worse, monsters, villains, you name it. They will basically be treated like prisoners for their stay. All of them wear collars that not only block their powers but will shock them if they attempt to do anything remotely evil, violent, etc.
(This will house:
Amon OR Unalaq OR Zaheer OR Kuvira
Light Yagami
The Undertaker
Hisoka Morrow OR Chrollo Lucilfer OR Meruem
Zeke Yeager
Junko Enoshima
Ragyō Kiryūin
The Reaper
Azami Nakiri
Gaku Yashiro
All for One OR Shigaraki
Toichiro Suzuki
Peter Ratri (If you choose him)
Akito Sohma
Ami Kirio OR Baal
Yugi Tsukasa
Sukuna OR Geto
Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM)
All levels are separated by another floor, with Level 3 in the basement to Level 1 at the top. There is around the clock monitoring thanks to Indigo and they are allowed outside, but Level 3 are the only ones who are scheduled with times and such.
The ground level is where they’ll be viewing what is going on with the 40. And the Entity is much more involved. FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS came up with the idea that to the people in Level 1 it would talk to the occupants like an empathic therapist. Level 2 is a no nonsense tough love overseer with the same empathy. And Level 3 is where the Entity will be the jail guard/jester/tormenter, pointing out their flaws, the pyrrhic victories and just rubbing it in. And, for the more arrogant of the prisoners, it will showcase their reality warping abilities to prove a point.
To quote FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS, "I would also imagine that for level's 2 and three the entity would make the prisoners do prison chores, but only to prove a point and make them build character. As any real chore can be solved by their reality warping effects."
The prison island would even be surrounded by an Eldritch Abomination to replace the ocean and act as a deterrent to kept them from trying to escape, (not that they could).
Something like this:
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The Eldritch surrounding the island is obviously alive, but it reacts differently to the people coming outside. For Level 1, it will act similar to a puppy and all round just be playful and helpful to them. With Level 2 it will act indifferent, not choosing to intervene but will do so if necessary. But if someone from Level 3 steps outside without permission, it will go into berserk mode.
Since this non-canon, it's kind of opened ended, but this what FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS and I came up with:
They will all have their memories erased OR only Level 3 will have their memories erased, (to which they will get back when they 💀) while Level 1 and those who redeemed themselves from Level 2 will keep their memories.
As to their connection to the 40, there are two scenarios:
1. Those who kept their memories while contact them when they get the chance and apologizes/helps the MCS (WE) cast with their adventures.
2. Somehow, someway, the 40 finds out what the Cloaked Figure is doing, those who have the unredeemable villains would see this a fitting punishment while those who have antagonists who are still redeemable or who are just antagonists by convention would ask if the Entity is insane. (And might even ask Entity to allow those of Level 1 to come back with them to the mansion and Level 2 once they’ve redeemed themselves.)
Reaction/Interaction Excerpts:
And of course, how can a can this be a reaction fic with some reactions?
To their stories/the 40:
To quote FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS again, "I would imagine they would either be downtrodden, guilty or seething in jealously. Another good point, since the 40 story is about hurt and comfort, the characters learning from each other and making themselves feel better, the villainous 40 would be judged by their peers and criticized. This can range from insults, being appalled by each other's actions or just rubbing it in each other in a sense of hypocritical moral superiority."
To each other:
Level 3 would have those arguing who had the better plan, motive, who had the harder protagonist to deal with etc. Basically an ego measuring contest. And the other levels would want to stay far away from them.
Level 2 would have them defending their case on why they did such actions, even though most of them won’t buy it, and some would actually engage in nice conversations. Level 3 would just call them pathetic while Level 1 would attempt to be friendly, as long as Level 2 cooperates.
Level 1 are just confused about why they are there and want to go home. Reactions to each other may vary, but they would be nice and comfort each other while allowing themselves to relax slightly since they are living much more luxuriously then they had been before. Level 3 and the stubborn half of Level 2 would be glaring at them while the redeemable half of Level 2 would be glad that they are in good living conditions.
How they would interact:
Level 3:
Ozai, Satan, Ragyō Kiryūin, Azami Nakiri, Toichiro Suzuki, and Akito Sohma would all be complaining to each other of how their bloodline/family members are such failures and how they would want to exact their revenge for going against them. They still don't get along, but they bond over that.
Light Yagami would keep trying to argue that he is not a villain, that he is a god, and all that nonsense, and it's usually Sukuna OR Geto, who yells at him to shut up and threatens to strangle him, shock collars be damn.
Yugi Tsukasa and Junko, somehow, bond over how much joy it bring them to see others in despair.
ADAM and Hisoka (if you chose him) would share in how they are looking for the most skilled/strongest, but when ADAM learn that Hisoka is a... ADAM would request a restraining order against him.
Amon OR Unalaq OR Zaheer OR Kuvira and Zeke Yeager would indulge in their own ideas of equality and freedom along with their radical methods of how to achieve such goals, (Light wouldn't be in this since he sees them as criminals and not himself, talk about hypocrite.)
With every interaction and banter Undertaker would just be shaking and crying with laughter as he finds all of this to be hilarious.
Level 2:
Benibara, Seijūrō Akashi (if you chose him), Kusuke Saiki, Kirari Momobami, and Oko Shinomiya would all be fighting for the leadership role in the group, and some of them are willing to draw blood to get it. (But it's Isabella, again if you chose her, who assumes the leadership role.)
Kusuke would actually try to study Cancer Cell while Garou would also be demanding to fight him to determine who is the strongest. This resulted in the two being threaten by Cancer Cell on a weekly, to daily, basis to stop.
The Whyman would just watch the humans being stupid.
Level 1:
All three of them get along, even though both Oikawa and JJ has egos the size of a house, (though these two would share in their woes of how they are the best and yet always fall short to someone else), and the three would comfort each other if need be. And JJ, who is the oldest in the group, would unconsciously take up the parental role.
It the same premise as MCS (WE) except that this centered around the antagonists of the stories and most of them are either getting treated like the scumbags they are or are getting redeemed.
I'm not sure if FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS or if anyone else is going to actually write this, but if anyone does, or if they just what to keep bouncing around ideas, I'll happily lend a hand and or ear!
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