#missing moonbin even more now god it hurts still
decembermoonskz · 1 year
chan’s bubble messages :(
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parkjess · 4 years
Hi! I’m back! Sorry if I’m getting annoying but you are kinda the only person I know of who does Astro reactions😅! But anyways I was wondering if you can do one with all the members when their s/o is also an idol and their relationship gets outed by the media? Thanks🤗!
Thank you for requesting!🥰
Don’t ever feel annoying for requesting🥺 I love it.
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You sat in front of you laptop at your place, staring at whatever site it was, becoming pale within seconds as your eyes flow over the words of the article you just clicked on with the speed of light.
The topic was your boyfriend, Myungjun, and the name that was attached to his, as only you and him used to see together, was yours.
Without leaving your eye sight from the bright screen, you dialed Myungjun’s number on the phone you didn’t even take a look at.
“Baby... did you see what they posted?” Your words come out as if you just saw a ghost. Your relationship wasn’t supposed to be published and both you and him always wear a mask and hat when you’re outside. Your voice became shaky as tears approached, yet your heart somehow felt a bit relieved that you don’t need to hide anymore from cameras.
-“Calm down baby, tell me what’s wrong? I’m coming over.” You heard him grabbing his car keys and heading to his car while listening to you on the other side of the phone.
“Myungjun, they saw us yesterday at the restaurant!” You freak out and try to relax at the same time, what doesn’t seem to be working. -“Oh...” was all he said, driving away the parking lot, luckily you lived only couple of minutes away. “What do you mean-“ the tone of your voice got higher and you nearly yell at him, don’t get how he can be this calm.
-“I’ll be there in 2 minutes, okay baby?” He says and hangs up because he was still driving.
Finally arriving at your place, he welcomed you with a hug. Neither one of you want this relationship to be publicly known, because you know how toxic people can be and make this end, no matter how powerful the love is.
-“Baby... you know that no matter what the internet people will say, or do, I won’t ever leave you. Okay?” He cups your face while looking straight into your eyes, you just nod at his words. -“Now, lets go get some fresh air at the park, you’ll like it, and don’t worry, paparazzi don’t go out this late at night.” He smiles at you and takes your hand.
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It was a regular December evening you spent with Jinwoo at fantagio building, teaching him English because he was asking for help. Although you tried to focus on helping him, the news you got from your best friend a few days ago, couldn’t leave your mind.
The korean kpop sites collapsed in a while after they announced Park Jinwoo has been seen lately with a girl, which was you.
No matter how much time he spend on trying to get you out of the bubble these news created in your head, he couldn’t, but that’s not what he thinks.
“Baby? What are you staring at?” He finished marking all the words he didn’t understand in the book you bought him as a gift and lifted his head only to meet your focused stare. He snaps his fingers in your face to wake you up from the daydream, and you apologize quietly.
-“Ah sorry, what were you saying?” You ask and pull the book closer to you. “Oh come on, I know that face, you’re thinking about it again aren’t you?”
-“I’m sorry, it doesn’t leave my mind...”
“You don’t need to worry as long as I’m here with you, the fans won’t hurt you, nobody will.” He placed his hand on yours and caressed the back of it, while only staring in your eyes.
It was comforting.
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You told your manager you want to take a break from having schedule in the next two weeks, your mental health wasn’t the best you knew since you started getting hate comments on social media because you’re dating Cha eunwoo.
Your manager totally accepted it and luckily understood your condition, but he also told that to your boyfriend, which you didn’t want to happen.
This afternoon you got a phone call from Dongmin, “Baby is that true? I’m coming over right after I’m done here.” He decides, not even listening to your answer. He was busy filming his new drama and you barely saw him lately. -“Uhm... yeah you can come over.” You replied, not even in the mood to talk, but you guess it can’t be bad if he comes, you needed any kind of help right now. He hangs up without saying anything more.
“Babe it’s me.” He knocks at the door after half an hour since you last talked.
-“Hey...” you open the door to see your boyfriend standing there with your favorite box of chocolate. He pulls you immediately for a hug before you say anything else, his bear hug felt like you haven’t seen each other for years.
Pushing the door behind him with one hand and then caressing your head softly and gently, kissing the top of your forehead.
“I missed you hon’.” He confesses, you only mumble, -“Me too...” as a reply against his chest and tears fill your eyes.
“I’m not leaving you, okay? I’m here. We’ll take care of everything baby.” He pulls away and cups your face, then placing a peck on your nose.
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Bin won’t look at the exposure of your relationship as an issue, he even thinks it’s even better now that you don’t need to hide in public, and doesn’t care what other people think about it.
As much as he loves his fans and yours, you always come first so he asked his fans to stop spreading hate and toxic at both of you. The high confidence he had about the news, because he knows how powerful the love you two share, made you feel less scared about how people will react or what they will do when you two go outside together.
He hired a van to stay in for the weekend in the woods, since you love camping together but hate sleeping on the ground.
It’s your second anniversary as a couple, and he decided to cook your fave meal which was also the first meal you ate together back then. “Binnie...” you call him with soft voice, while your eyes are reading what’s on your phone screen- the article about him dating, it’s now trending all over the internet.
-“Yes, dear (jagiya😉)?” He takes a quick look at you and back on the oven, watching the food that was almost ready.
“Take a look at this please.” You hand him over the phone, and he sighs. -“Ah, this. I talked to my manager already.” He says, feeling too comfortable with the topic you find as an issue.
“And... you didn’t mean to tell me everyone know about us?” You ask him, slightly pissed off. -“Hey~ and bother you with things you don’t need to worry about?” He holds both your shoulders, looking into the stars in your eyes.
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Minhyuk was busy with his schedule in the studio, working on a new song, while you were scrolling down Instagram, suddenly your eyes meeting his name on the top of one article, attached to ‘dating’. It was one of the things you were scared to be known by your fans, since you didn’t want to disappoint them, but also was scared of their reaction.
You thought about this a lot and had a short anxiety attack every time it passed through your mind, but he was there always to calm you down, but now.
Knowing he was working and probably recording his new song, you decided to not call him but go physically to his studio as your heart started to beat faster and your blood felt like it was boiling.
-“Minhyuk? It’s me...” you knock 3 quick knocks on the studio’s door, leaning in to try and hear if he was singing.
“Oh? Baby, why didn’t you call me? Did something happen?” He opens the door and you don’t even hug or kiss him as you usually do when you meet him after hours you haven’t seen him. Walking straight into the darker room, as he closes the door and slow downs his voice at you strange behavior, you are playing with the charms of your bracelet.
“Baby, chill, are you okay? Are you hurt?” He asks worriedly, trying to hug you but you push him away slightly, ready to almost burst into tears. -“Did you see this?” You quickly show him the articles that were added to the social media since you first saw that one.
“Oh... oh my god.” He takes your phone and his other hand is holding yours. -“What are we gonna do?” The warm tears slowly stream down your face, as he pulls you into a hug, comforting you with little taps on your back.
“Please don’t worry, we are gonna go through this together, okay?” He cups your face and kisses your lips slowly, you try to pull away but there was pure comfort in the taste of his lips, so you tried to enjoy it as much as you could.
-“You promise?” You ask and pull your pinky up, waiting for his to intertwine his pinky, “Only if you let me kiss you again.”
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In this case I see him freaking out more than you.
You were both eating lunch at fantagio building since he just made a comeback, this is the place where you could hang out most of the time nowadays.
He took a mouthful of hot, spicy ramen, then back to scrolling down Instagram.
“Oh-mygahd...” he murmured unclear words you tried to understand, when he just turns his phone to you. Your eyes widen at the title that includes both your names.
-“Who the hell publish-“ you grabbed his phone and yours in your other hand, calling your manager as fast as you could, but it was too late since you saw the amount of comments the article already has. “Y/n what are we gonna do?” Sanha asks, trying to calm his senses which doesn’t seem to be working.
After talking with your manager, it looks like she knew they were going to announce it this week, and the company didn’t want neither of you to be hurt because it might affect your performance.
-“I’m even more pissed now because she didn’t tell me earlier...” you said, furrowing your brows after pushing the food plate away from you and leaning back on the chair.
At this point he couldn’t show you how angry and nervous he felt, so he tried his best cheering you up. “Ya~ you know they love us, right?” He leans forward, reaching out his arm for you, mentioning the fans. You nod your head slightly at your boyfriend but barely look at him. “C’mon, what can I do to cheer you?” He thinks out loud and sticks two fries up his teeth, making that cute monster voice he does that makes you laugh usually.
-“Ugh, shut up.” You burst out laughing and hit his arm playfully. “That’s the y/n I want for the rest of the day. And life.” His warm words approach your heart and make you smile eventually.
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Words: 1597
Warning: Suggestive themes and brief strong language
A/N: I'm gonna say this and no one else is going to like it but oh well. I like this, a lot. Like I'm actually decently proud of something I wrote. First time in idek how long. Anyway, I got carried away, as usual, but also because I bias Binnie so that doesn't help the old 'journey through the echoing, weird, empty brain to find a short storyline' process and it certainly doesn't end up 'short'. So here's another instance where I talk too much and now I really want chips...
You were dramatically draped over a chair in the dorm living room, staring at the ceiling, when Moonbin walked in, ruffling his wet hair with the bath towel in his hand. He nudged your foot with his free hand, “What are you doing?”
Rolling your eyes and sighing overly loud, you gestured at the ceiling, “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m looking for shapes in the ceiling pattern.”
You could virtually hear Bin furrowing his brow. “Aren’t you supposed to...do that with clouds...and not the...ceiling?” Letting out an exasperated sigh, you somehow sunk even further into the chair, limbs sticking in every direction at odd angles. “And how is that even comfortable?”
“It’s not,” you rubbed the back of your neck and squirmed painfully, “But you took forever in the shower and I was bored out of my mind and too lazy to do anything other than vegetate uncomfortably.” You sighed again as you sat up, eyes immediately locking on Bin’s bare arms, water still lingeringly slipping down the smooth surface of his tanned skin. His muscles rippled slightly as he continued to dry his hair.
“Heh, vegetate,” he giggled to himself and headed off towards the kitchen, apparently not even noticing that you were unintentionally staring at him. Your gaze automatically followed him before you noticed yourself that you’d been staring at him for an unusually long amount of time. Glancing away from the kitchen doorway Bin had disappeared into, you covered your mouth in embarrassment and flopped backwards, whacking your head against the armrest in the process. You groaned in pain and Bin strolled back in the room, bag of chips under his arm, a glass of water in his hand, and his bath towel draped loosely over his shoulders. “What are you doing now?” He mumbled, chip crumbs tumbling from his mouth.
“Trying to knock myself out, I guess,” you replied bitterly. Bin snorted and collapsed on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table and tossing more chips in his mouth. You glanced over at him and shook your head in disbelief, “You’re actually a pig.”
Bin gasped and chucked a handful of chips at you. “Rude!” he shouted in disgust, more crumbs falling from his salt-dusted lips.
“You completely missed,” you laughed at the pout on his face as you resituated yourself to sit somewhat normally in the chair. “And you’re cleaning all this up, not me.” He huffed and leapt off the couch, rushing over to you with a handful of chips, a stupid grin painted on his face. Horror splashed over your own features as you realized his plan, “Bin, I swear to god, if you try to throw those on me, I’ll kick you in the balls!”
His grin widened and he took a defensive stance. You hopped to your feet and whipped the towel off his shoulders, flailing it in his direction in an effort to keep him away and yourself clean and free of salty chips. He glanced at his handful of chips and then over at the bag in his other hand before lunging at you and pitching the handful in your direction. You successfully dodged the attack but without missing a beat, Bin tipped the bag over your head, crumbs and salt granules sprinkling over your hair.
Mouth agape, you stood in place, completely shocked at your best friend’s actions. “Moonbinnnnn!” You growled as his eyes widened in fear and he slowly backed towards the couch, chips crunching loudly under his feet. He held his hands up, almost trying to abait whatever storm you were about to inflict on him, and the chip bag fluttered to the floor.
“Wait I-” You cut him off by whipping him square in the crotch with the towel in your hand. He winced in pain and grabbed the towel, falling backwards onto the couch and dragging you with him as you still had a tight hold on the towel. You both toppled down, breathing heavy and labored. Bin’s brows were knit together in pain and yours were furrowed in anger. But your countenance softened as you stared at his disgruntled expression, eventually realizing you were straddling his lap and gripping onto his bicep with your free hand.
He let out a strained laugh and released the towel, resting his hand on your hip and squeezing softly. “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he brushed the crumbs out of your hair.
“No!” You shook your head and Bin snorted again as salt fell all over the front of his tank top. You instinctively brushed some of it away as you mumbled an apology, “I’m the one who should be saying ‘I’m sorry’. I’m sorry I hurt you, Binnie!”
He chuckled again, this time sounding far less miserable, “It’s fine. I deserved it.”
You smiled softly, reaching up with the towel to wipe away the crumbs that were still stuck to his lips and around his mouth. Soon realizing the position you were still in, you reflexively squeezed Bin’s bicep, both of your gazes falling to his bare arm.
"Oh, umm," you stuttered, causing a peculiar glint to flash in his eyes as you made eye contact again and he pushed the towel, along with your hand, away from his face.
He reached up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, touch lingering on your cheek, his other hand still clutching your hip. “I have a better idea,” he hummed faintly. Gently cupping your face, he pulled you towards him, ever so slightly, gaze flitting between your widened eyes and your parted lips.
“Um,” you started, unable to finish because of his lips capturing yours. Dropping the towel next to you, your eyes slipped closed and you leaned into him even more. Your hand found its way to Bin’s hair, tangling your fingers in the still damp strands and gripping him closer. Cautiously licking his lower lip, you tasted the saltiness still left there and he moaned quietly in response, hands moving to grip your waist tightly. Both his kiss and his touch were needy and it made it even harder for you to resist.
Unaware that you were moving in his lap, he moaned even louder to let you know and sighed deeply, hands sliding down to grip your ass and halt your movement. You pulled away, “I’m sorry. I didn’t kn-” Your words were cut off by a moan of your own when he moved to suck on the delicate skin beneath your jawline. Feeling him smirk against your neck, you gasped at his increasing confidence. “Binnie...you...we can’t...I-” He softly bit a mark into the flesh behind your ear and pulled away.
“We can’t what?” The look on his face made you weak, or at least weaker than he’d already made you.
You sighed and placed your forehead against his, “What if someone catches us? We aren’t alone, you know?”
He hummed, smirking sinfully, “Isn’t that the fun part, though? The ‘what if’?”
“Binnie,” your tone was warning. In response, he again squeezed your hips, slightly thrusting his hips to meet yours. You could feel everything, despite the layers of fabric separating you. “Binnie,” you repeated, this time breathy and whimpering. He chuckled, recapturing your lips in an even needier kiss.
Bin’s hands slipped under your shirt, nails grazing against your bare skin, a wave of goosebumps erupting over your heated flesh. You gasped into the kiss and he smirked against your lips. “You like when I touch you like that?” he whispered, barely pulling away to speak.
“Mhm,” you whined, unable to form coherent words. He kissed you deeper as your fingers wound tighter around the strands of his hair. You ground your hips down into his and threw your head back at the sensitivity, his swollen, reddened lips attaching to the skin over your collarbone. “Oh my god, Binnie!” You gasped loudly.
Both of you too focused on the pleasure you were experiencing, you failed to hear one of the doors down the hall open. “What is going on out-” The two of you separated to find Jinjin standing in the doorway, angry and shocked. “Are you kidding me?! What are you--no I don’t want to know.” He shook his head and glanced down at the floor, throwing his hands up in disgust, “And there’s a mess too! How the--no, no questions.” Jinjin turned to leave but glanced back, clutching his forehead in frustration, “For fucks sake!” He stomped off down the hallway before groaning and shouting, “Use a condom, dammit!” followed by a shriek, presumably from a horrified Sanha.
You glanced back at Bin and you both erupted into a fit of giggles. Bin flopped back against the couch and you rolled off to the side off his lap. “That is not what I thought getting caught would be like!”
Cuddling into his side, you laughed softly, “You know, we could always go over to my place. We really won’t be bothered there.”
Bin hummed in agreement, “Sounds like fun! But I’m hungry. We should eat dinner first. I didn’t get to finish my chips.” You punched his side and he coughed in pain. Rolling your eyes, you got off the couch to go grab your coat.
“I’ll give you something to eat!” You mumbled under your breath.
Bin gasped behind you and shot up off the couch. He snickered as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder to whisper in your ear, “I heard that.”
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astrohawritings · 5 years
I Have Your Heart (part one)
Rating; Fluff?
Warning ⚠️; None
Pairing; Moonbin X reader
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Plot; (credit to _writing_ideas_ on Instagram) "You know I wear my heart on my sleeve."
"No! You know..you know it's not yours. It's my heart and you took it."
"I'm sorry you still feel that way."
'You know I wear my heart on my sleeve.'
'No! You know... You know it's not yours. It's my heart, and you took it.'
'I'm sorry you still feel that way.'
To anyone else, this simple exchange of dialogue would bring one answer clearer than the others; You had been in a relationship and had broken up, but you still harboured feelings for the man before you.
But they would be wrong.
The man before you- Moonbin - and yourself hadn't broken up, nor had you ever dated in the first place. You hadn't even really been friends before the..incident. But, you had lived in the same neighbourhood as children. Your families had been friends and frequently had dinner at each others houses. You had spoken a few times though, and you could hazily remember telling Moonbin that you wanted to live forever. And he had remembered.
When he was approached by some unidentifiable supernatural being, telling him that he would be spared (from what, he still doesn't know) and could live forever, but he had to chose someone to bear the burden with him, he instantaneously thought of you. The catch of the offer? He had to take their heart and wear it on his sleeve forever.
Moonbin decided that either way you would be the one he chose.
So, one day, he confronted you with a few other people you'd never seen before, apologising softly. Then, with a noise and a jolt of pain, your heart was out of your body, a quickly healing wound on the left side of your chest the only thing clueing you in to what had just happened. Your jaw hung open, looking at your heart, now sitting on Moonbin's sleeve.
There were no words for the apologetic look on his face as the other people outlined what your life would be like, you’d stop aging, yadda yadda. Then they dismissed themselves, leaving you both in silence. After countless moments of glaring from you and meek blubbering from him, you spun on your heel. 'I'm going home.' You snapped, not giving Moonbin time to speak. But as you got home, you found that you had no way in, and nothing was working.
Your keys fit the door, but they were useless in unlocking it. The back door wouldn't open no matter how much you willed it. The phone line cut out just as you were telling the locksmith your address.. And it did so everytime you tried. Slumping down on your front step and ignoring the stubborn tears wetting your cheeks, you yelled in frustration. Then, you allowed yourself to cry.
But it was different this time. Because unlike other times, where you could feel your heart hammering against the confines of your ribcage, there was an extremely apparent absence of that pounding. It didn't hurt, and there was no evidence of you literally not having a heart. No scar, no mark, no nothing. And you were still alive and functioning. Was all of this a fever dream that you'll wake up from soon? You sure hoped so. Just as you were muttering about how it'll probably rain soon, that it's just your luck, a certain man wandered up, head turned down, and tall body slouched in something like fear.
'What, Moonbin?' You snapped, covering your face with your hands. 'Listen, I'm sorry. But they, they approached me. They told me that I'd be spared from something if I obeyed and chose someone to live with me. You always said you wanted to live forever, so I though of-' Your sigh cut him off to see you standing up, peering at him through teary eyes. 'Spared? They? Live forever?'
'I don't know!' He wailed in frustration. 'It sounded bad, so I agreed. I-I should've asked you, but I got caught up in the moment and-'
'Shut up.' You sighed in defeat. 'What happened...happened. It's over now.' You glanced around, throwing a glare over your shoulder at your door, still stubbornly closed. 'I'd ask if you'd like to come in, but my door has decided that it will not open today.'
Moonbin, feeling that you were in a bit of a better mood (or so he thought), and wanted to try something. 'Did you offer the door a puppy?' You squinted at him, brain drawing a blank. 'Huh?'
'A Puppy. Did you offer the door a puppy? If I were a door, and someone offered me a puppy, I'd do whatever they wanted me to.' Moonbin explained, moving the stray strands of hair tickling his eyelids away while talking. You couldn't help but laugh, ending it with a sigh. With a shrug and a sudden urge to humour him, you turned toward the door a bit more. 'Jeez. I didn't think of that.' Softly so that you wouldn't alert any of the people wandering by, but loud enough for Bin to hear, you offer your inanimate front door, a puppy. You offered the cutest puppy to the door, yet it stayed closed.
'Huh. Usually works for my door. C'mon, I'll show you if you want.' Seeing as he didn't live that far away, you nodded, hesitantly gathering your things and following the man. 'I really am sorry.' He muttered, glancing briefly at your heart, still resting on his sleeve and beating away softly, as though it never left it's warm enclosure. You shook your head. 'Stop it. It's done now, and I guess I'll just have to get used to not having one. God forbid something happens to me and they need to find my pulse.' After a pause, you spoke again. 'Bin, the people said that neither of us will age after this, right?'
Bin nodded, tucking his hands into the pockets of his loose work out pants. 'Then what about dating? You can't date someone for too long. It'll get weird if they're aging and you're not.' It was like you were Bin's young child, asking your father about the world, and deep in thought as you trailed behind him, kicking at the concrete beneath your feet with each step.
'You'll trip yourself up if you keep doing that,' He murmured, wistfully looking into the distance. 'And I suppose that's true. Dating will be hard from now on. So will life. Every lifetime where we would die, we'll have to change our identities. Or..maybe not. We'll just have to see.'
You smirked at him, picking up both your speed and your feet. 'What if we dated each other. I mean, we both know what's going on and if we have to change identities, perhaps it would be easier to say we're married. It'll make it easier on both of us if we are. Then we're not looking at other people. Only at each other.' You were playing, to a certain extent. But you were also serious. Bin seemed to pick up your seriousness but not the playfulness, stopping and staring at you. 'You want to marry me? The person who just made your life- Fine. Let's date, then marry. You have a point, after all.' His sweet smile made its appearance, eyes softening into little crescents.
You spluttered in a flustered manner, gulping in air like a fish out of water. You hadn't expected Moonbin to take you seriously. He started walking again, pushing open the little gate that separated the footpath you'd just been following and the dainty little walkway that lead up to his front door. Your legs took over when he looked back at you, still holding the gate. 'Are you coming in?' You recovered, clearing your throat. 'Why'd you hold the gate? I can open it and let myself through.' You mumbled. Moonbin chuckled. 'My apologies for trying to be a gentleman. It won't happen again.' He mocked, holding the rim of an imaginary top hat between his thumb and first finger, tucking one leg behind the other and bowing.
His laughter bubbled out again when you shoved at him, pulling a face. Bin pulled out his keys, unlocking his door with ease. To humour you, as he did so, he murmured to the door about a puppy. The cutest puppy ever, he called it. Turning back to you, he shrugged. 'Told you the puppy thing worked.' He smirked, raising an eyebrow teasingly. 'Well, thank you for showing me.' You sighed heavily. 'God, this marriage thing is going to be fun!' You groaned, brushing past him and into his house.
The house hadn't changed from when you were kids. The only thing that had changed was that the house had been moved to Moonbin's name, in case something happened to his parents. 'It still smells of warm chocolate and honey.' You murmur, memories of simpler days popping into your mind. Bin smiled, leaning down to your height. 'Really?'
You smile at him. 'Yeah. But it smells better without your cologne invading my nose.' Bin laughed, straightening up and wafting air toward you. "I'm sorry m'lady. Here, some air smelling of warm honey and chocolate.'
'Warm chocolate and honey. It's your house, how did you mess that up?' You poke his stomach, surprised at the amount of muscle that flexed beneath your finger. He was never a squishy kid when he was younger, always tall, thin and good looking, but he definitely wasn't the most muscular. It seemed that things had changed.
It was then you found yourself studying what you could see of his body; his thighs, straining against the soft material of his Adidas sweatpants; the slight bulge where his bicep engaged beneath the long shirt covering his torso. And of course, the apparent abdominal muscles. His soft laugh was beautiful, eyes closed again in soft crescents. His voice was soft as well. Not what you'd call very deep, but deep enough to tell you that he had hit puberty. His voice didn't squeak anymore, or so you could tell, and it honestly was something you missed. You were positive Bin didn't miss it though.
You quickly snapped yourself out, mentally scolding yourself. Bin hadn't noticed your staring, too busy moving this and that, chattering to you as he calmed himself down. He flopped down on the couch beside you, arm resting on the back of the material, and switching the television on. 'Really? No drinks? No food? What kind of a host?' You mutter at him, standing up. 'Mi casa es su casa.' Bin murmured in a soft whisper. You paused to send him a glance, unable to hold back from smiling.
"Mi casa es su casa", meaning "My house is your house" was something you learnt at a young age and parroted to him a few times when his family was over for dinner. To know that he knew it, even if he himself had heard the phrase and didn't remember you telling him all those years before; even if he was simply repeating it, it made you feel a certain way.
You turned away again, leaving him to stare at the television, busying yourself with raiding the well-kept kitchen, gathering snacks and drinks. To tease him further, you waltzed out of the kitchen, placing a bowl of chips in front of him, patting his head as you left to go and get the rest of the snacks. 'Don't touch them, darling.' Bin hummed, still staring at the movie playing on the screen.
He was still staring at the tv when you came back, a blank stare, as though deep in thought. 'Bin, you okay?' You ask, leaning forward to put yourself in his range of vision. He simply gestured to the tv, or so you thought. The two people who had been with him when he first told you what had happened just a few hours prior we're standing just beside the tv. The woman smiled, stepping forward.
'We forgot to tell you,' She started, looking between the two of you. 'but you must stay together. If you're apart for too long, y/n's heart will start to slow down and it will stop eventually. Which, you know. Wouldn't be good.' Bin groaned softly, resting his head in his hands. You sough and leant back against the settee, turning your head to look at Bin. 'But,' the man standing beside the woman spoke, flicking his eyes between you both. 'clearly, you've both already worked that out, yes?'
'I guess.' You muttered softly. 'Were you the ones who-' 'stopped you from getting into your house? Yes. As we said, you both must stay together. It won't kill you, but it will affect you in other ways. It's within your best interests to stay with Bin. If you must be apart, make it only for a short time.'
With warm wishes, they left again, leaving both of you in silent contemplation. There was nothing to say, and so you both stayed silent, watching the tv and softly crunching on chips. As bedtime drew nearer, you searched Bin's house for a blanket and stole a pillow from his bed. He watched as you placed the pillow down on the sofa and laid the blanket out, laying beneath it and closing your eyes. He then copied you, stretching his long body out and shutting his eyes, listening to the sounds of the tv as he drifted off.
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minxsara · 4 years
you’re my spring ( self-para ) 
location: sara’s house
inspired by this song (technically it’s inspired by his whole album but shhh)
          --- The book that weighed on her chest and stirred her awake let her know that Sara had, once again, slept while reading... and it wasn’t a common thing anymore. Not ever since sleepless nights were all that she had to look forward to... not ever since empty nights spent on an empty bed meant he was never going to be there anymore. With a sigh, Sara closed the book and set it aside before sitting up on her bed and checking the time on her phone’s screen. She’s had the strangest dream... one that involved her late husband, and he was sitting by her bed, watching her sleep. It broke her heart to wake up, but now that she was awake, all of those feelings had no meaning anymore, right?
Running her hand over her face, Sara climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to wash her face with cool water as the sun slowly rose outside her windows. God, she hated summer. From there, she could hear the faint sound of giggles, which, she had to admit: it was a weird sound to hear in the middle of the night. Her first instinct was to reach for the baby monitor to check in on Woobin’s nursery. Nothing, just a giggly baby moving on his crib... well, at least he wasn’t crying. Thankfully. 
She opened the nursery’s door and--well, if she could, she would’ve screamed, but shock kept her from doing anything except for reaching for a stuffed animal and throwing on the back of the figure that was standing by her son’s crib. When the baby Koala flew right through the man’s head, stealing a sound from Sara’s lips that she didn’t even know what it was, but it felt a lot like a yelp. 
“You’re awake.” 
That voice. She knew that voice. She had woken up to and fallen asleep to it for several years. But... No. It just wasn’t possible. What a cruel dream to have. 
“자기... he’s so beautiful. He looks so happy too.”
As he turned around and Sara finally recognized Moonbin’s features, shock finally allowed her to move, even if it meant her knees giving in and her dropping to the floor. She had missed him so much.
“Sara-ssi... please don’t be scared. I don’t have much time, and I really wanted to see you both one last time. Can---can you get up?”
Moonbin offered his hand, but for a while, Sara didn’t move. The sobs that escaped her lips kept her from saying anything as well. 
“H-how...?” She finally let out, her voice shaking with a mix of fear, shock, and definitely heartbreak. “Why? How--how are you here? Are you... are you real?”
He let out a soft chuckle, choosing to sit down on the floor, across from Sara. “The full moon.” Of course. She should’ve figured it out by now that no full moon would be a peaceful one in Astoria. “The veil between our worlds is thinner... we could step over to this side. I’m so happy you can see me,  자기.” Moonbin reached over, touching Sara’s hand and the smile that appeared on his lips made her heart stop for split second. Although there was something different in the way his touch felt, at this point, Sara didn’t care. Soon, her arms were around him and she was holding onto him as if she’d been holding onto her dear life.
“I miss you. I miss you so much. Please don’t leave me.”
 This might not have been the Moonbin she wanted--her warm, sandalwood-scented, soft Moonbin--but she would take any version of him she would get. His touch was colder, and it felt like at any second, he would vanish in her arms, but... but this was good. It made her feel something she hadn’t felt in months. Something Sara didn’t quite know what it was, but it was like it had thrown her out of her own body.
“I miss you too. But I can’t stay, baby.” At his words, Sara tightened her grip around him, her sobs echoing around the room and feeling his hand patting gently on her back, as if trying to soothe her. “I’m so proud of you, Sara-ssi.” Bin paused, gently pulling away from her embrace so he could wipe off her tears with his thumb, then cup her face. “I’m so sorry for leaving. You have no idea of how much I wanted this... to be in Astoria with you, with our baby, with my family... I can’t thank you enough for being here. For giving them something to hold onto and for holding onto them too.” His words, in a way, stung her and before Sara could avoid it, the tears rolled again down her cheeks.
“Don’t go.” She pleaded, shaking her head as she tried to hold onto him. "I can’t do this without you. Please... please, Bin.”
“You don’t have to do it alone.” There was serenity in his smile and Sara, for the life of her, couldn’t understand how he could be smiling when she was sitting there, falling apart because she’d missed him so much. “Come on. Let’s make Binnie’s formula. I want to enjoy my time with you before I stop to see my family. Can we do that? Can we have a day to ourselves?”
With that, Moonbin stood up from the floor and offered his hand to Sara once again. After some minor hesitation, she took his hand and then moved to Bin’s crib to pick him up and take him to the kitchen to make his food. Despite still not believing that Moonbin was there, Sara also knew that what he’d said was true: he couldn’t stay. So, since they didn’t have much time, she figured it would be the best to enjoy while it lasted. Now that the initial shock was over, she could actually try and do just that. 
Moonbin had questions about things that he already knew the answers to, but he loved how passionate Sara was when talking about things she loved. He asked about the webcomic, about the friends she had made here, about her plans for the future and it made him feel at peace to know that she was, indeed, trying to live one day at a time. Grief was all part of the process of letting him go, but--but it hurt him whenever she cried over him. If he could, he would’ve traded her tears for anything in the world... even if it meant having never met her. But if he hadn’t met her, half of the people Sara mentioned having met here in Astoria would also not have had the pleasure of meeting her--and he wouldn’t deprive them of that. He wouldn’t deprive anyone of that, because he knew how bright and special his wife was.
From sunlight to sundown, Moonbin stayed. It was more than she could have asked for. She didn’t know just how much it would influence Binnie or of he would even remember, but Sara was happy that her husband was able to meet the child they had wanted for so long. Sara told Moonbin about her fears and how she felt when it came to being a mother and she was surprised what Moonbin didn’t say much back at first. She feared she had upset him, but later on that day when he brought the subject again as they tucked Binnie in and said goodnight to the baby, Sara was actually surprised with the response she got from her husband.
“You know... I said it before, but I’m proud of you. Despite everything, despite how you feel about motherhood, you’re still trying. In the end, Sara, that is what’s going to matter.” Bin gently caressed her hair, before pressing a kiss on her forehead. “And you shouldn’t feel inadequate. You’re doing the best that you can with whatever life threw at you. He’s happy, he’s healthy... he has lots of uncles and aunts that care for him...” With that, he caressed her cheek again, prompting Sara to lean onto his cool touch. 
She knew it was useless to do so, but the petite brunette really felt like asking him to stay again, but, when Bin’s voice was heard again, it almost felt like he had read her mind. “You should let me go, Sara.” He was sporting that same serene smile from early that morning. “I came to say goodbye, you know? They said... they said if I said goodbye, I’d be able to move on, too. They said I’d be able to be reborn... so this is the last time you’ll see me.” Well, it was easier said than done. There was so much she still needed to figure out, before allowing someone occupy the same place Bin had held in her heart... “It’s time, Sara. It’s time to let me go and find your own happiness. Remember I said you didn’t have to do it alone? That’s because you don’t have to. You have friends, family, people who love you with all their hearts... and it’s okay to move on.”
Sara found herself wiping off tears once again as Moonbin went on. She wasn’t as desperate as before. She was just... sad. Goodbyes were always sad. “It’s okay to open your heart to someone else. What we had was beautiful. It was everything to the both of us... I know that. I’ll never doubt you loved me, but I’m not here anymore. The pain is just--pain. If you can, be your optimistic self. Look for spring. Try new things, live, laugh, love. Find someone to fill your heart with happiness again.” He cupped her face once again, thumbs wiping the tears that rolled down her cheeks. “Be happy, Sara. That’s all I ask. Be happy.” With that, Bin, placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I love you so much. So, so much. Thank you for being my everything and thank you for being Binnie’s mom. I have to go and see my family now, but promise you’ll try and be happy?”
Sara couldn’t say anything because she was, once again, sobbing. So she just nodded as she tried to keep her nerves at bay. Right there, in front of her eyes, Moonbin dissipated, which brought her to the floor again and she allowed to cry her pain away because it was a chapter of her life that it was finally having an ending. It might not have been a happy ending, but at least, it was closure.
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astrotranslations · 6 years
STAR LIGHT program book interview
Q. If you had to express yourselves in one word? MJ: God. JinJin: Mummy bird. Cha Eunwoo: I’m AROHA’s guardian. I’m Cha Eunwoo. Moonbin: Someone who’s simple yet complicated and who has many yet little thoughts. Rocky: Wolf boy. Yoon Sanha: The youngest.
Q. Your second concert in Korea! Is there anything different and special as compared to your first one? MJ: The concert this time round will be one where there’s plenty to watch out for. JinJin: I think each member having their own stages is the most special! It’ll be a special time where we’re able to show you our own personalities and colours you couldn’t witness before. Cha Eunwoo: I think having stages enriched by the members’ individual personalities is the most special. I was a little tense during our first solo concert but I think I’ll be able to enjoy myself a little more this time. Moonbin: We’ve prepared several things and more than anything else, the fact that there will be individual stages where we’d be able to show you each of our personalities! I think that’s what makes it a little more special. Rocky: There’s one more adult! And that’s me, Rocky, so! The concert this time round will be slight~ly more sexy. Yoon Sanha: There are new stages which ROHAs haven’t seen and! You’ll be able to get a closer view of us! Please greatly look forward to it.
Q. ASTRO who are now into their 3rd year! And will soon be going on their 4th! Were there any happy and sad moments? MJ: A lot of things happened in 2018. While there were a lot of difficulties and sad moments, I was able to spend such a happy time because I had my members who were always next to me and AROHAs who were cheering us on. JinJin: I think the times spent with my members and the moments where we laughed together and enjoyed ourselves were the most enjoyable. Time passes by too fast for me to describe a moment as sad. And it really surprises me how ASTRO are already going into our 4th year. I still feel like we’re rookies. Cha Eunwoo: I think I was the happiest whenever I was with AROHAs. On the other hand, I think all the moments I spent away from AROHAs are the saddest. Moonbin: Every moment and instant with our AROHAs were the happiest. While I think it’s regretful we weren’t able to see them often throughout the year, we’ll meet frequently in the future so! Rocky: My happiest moment was when we held our fist solo concert and I think not being able to show a lot of ourselves to AROHAs this year is the saddest. Yoon Sanha: My happiest moment is every one spent with ROHAs and it’s sad that we weren’t able to meet them often.
Q. What is ASTRO? MJ: Light! An Avengers team that gives many people hopes and dreams? JinJin: ASTRO wants to become an existence which can bring fun to our ROHAs so! I think we’re 'an existence that brings fun'. Cha Eunwoo: Polaris! It’s a star that you can see throughout the year no matter the season. It’s because I think the relationship between ASTRO and AROHAs is one where we’ll always be next to you whatever the season and time. Moonbin: A gathering of six interesting and unique men. Rocky: Idols who have nothing we can’t do? Singing, acting and dancing! I really think we’re perfect at everything (haha). Yoon Sanha: In one word, 'family'. Difficult, understanding one another when we get sensitive, always talking with each other and being happy that we’re always together!
Q. The fun for this concert is ______ so! I hope that AROHAs will be sure to do this! MJ: 'Big fun'. It’ll be a concert where you can witness each member’s charms and personalities so! AROHAs! All you have to do is have a good time with us till the end! Jump!!! JinJin: 'Enjoying'. I hope that ROHAs will laugh alongside us and live it up! It’s something I also feel whenever I attend concerts but they’re the most memorable when everyone’s having fun together! AROHA!!! You’re ready to jump with ASTRO, right? Cha Eunwoo: 'Chemistry between ASTRO and AROHA'. For as much as you’ve wanted to watch our stages! I hope that you’ll cheer with a voice louder than anyone else’s and to the point my ears will hurt! Yes! Yes! Moonbin: 'Excitement and refreshing'. I hope that when AROHAs get excited, you’ll get up from your seats and enjoy with us. Let’s do it together! LET’S GO! Rocky: 'ASTRO’s face'. Since it’s packed with stages which we prepared diligently for. I hope that AROHAs will come down for the concert, share our feelings and colour the concert venue with purple light! Yoon Sanha: 'Thrill'. We really missed AROHAs and you missed us a lot too, right? Let’s have fun playing together during this concert without a single care! Enthusiastically! Energetically!
Q. Who’s the member that you really want to praise whilst preparing for the concert? MJ: Our members of course! They’re always working hard and have a positive mind so it’s really nice! As the eldest hyung, I really cherish you. JinJin: I’m grateful to all the members but! I want to praise Eunwoo the most! Despite having a lot of individual schedules, he’s zealously preparing for the concert and he’s the one who talks to me the most often about our team. I guess that’s why there’re a lot of aspects which I’m even more thankful to him for! I really wanted to praise Eunwoo. Cha Eunwoo: All the ASTRO members! It’s because each of them practiced hard for the concert that we’re holding the current one and I think we’ll be able to show AROHAs even better stages. Moonbin: ASTRO’s eldest hyung, MJ hyung. He was able to perform a stage he really wanted to do through his personal performance and it really suits him well, it made me think that it’s the best fitted "clothes" for him. Rocky: Eunwoo hyung! He had a lot of schedules but didn’t make it obvious that it was hard on him and worked hard so I’m very very grateful to him. Yoon Sanha: It’s me, Sanha! It was really hard preparing for my individual guitar performance so I was often worried if I could pull it off, but I adopted the mindset that I could and prepared for the concert. And I think I matured a level higher through this period.
Q. What do you think is the most important? MJ: Character! I think that you need to keep your manners no matter where you are. JinJin: People who enjoy 'process' look really cool to me so I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how I also want to become someone who enjoys the process! Like how you can feel a greater sense of happiness in the course of achieving your goals rather than in achieving the goal itself. Cha Eunwoo: Earnestness, diligence, self-discipline, harmony. They are part of my family motto and also what I hold in high regard. Whatever the task presented in front of me, I should face it earnestly and be diligent whilst always practicing self-discipline and getting along harmoniously with everyone. Moonbin: Skills and an upright mindset! I think skills is something you definitely need in order to let fans hear a good song. Also our line of work is one where we can influence a lot of people so I have it engraved in my heart that I always have to act with principled thinking. Rocky: Confidence! It’s because if I give my ownself the confidence that I can do a good job, then I’ll be able to show ROHAs a better side of myself. Yoon Sanha: Live! Performance is also important when you’re on stage but I have to let the audience and AROHAs listen to good music!!!
Q. In what aspects do you think you’ve grown a little more as compared to last year and where is there room for more improvement? MJ: I think we’ve grown a lot being able to show AROHAs our individual stages. I’ll become an MJ who brings you better performances! JinJin: I’ve recently been studying diligently on music composition and I think that’s where I’ve grown the most in contrast to last year. I’m still lacking a lot but I’ve worked hard so maybe good opportunities and good results will come my way. I’ll continue to work hard and put in more effort so I’m able to reach out to AROHAs with satisfactory results. Cha Eunwoo: I think my mindset towards any certain something has matured. I used to be very impatient and would only lash out at myself. But I’m not like that now! If there was an aspect that I should work on then I think it’ll be needing to learn how to be a little more understanding. Moonbin: I’m a little more carefree. And became the slightest bit more sly? One more thing! I think for how long we’ve spent with each other, the members’ teamwork has gotten a level higher. But in order to let AROHAs listen to good music! I think that I’ll have to work even harder. Rocky: I’ve become a little more flexible in reacting to situations. But I hope that I’ll continue to become more skilful in responding to every circumstance. Yoon Sanha: Vocal component. My voice was personally a little heavy last year but I think that’s changed having practiced and singing more songs so I’m proud. It makes me realise that I have to work harder and do a good job.
Q. Let’s talk about the happy moments you’ve had whilst preparing for this concert. MJ: I’m already excited at the thought of meeting AROHAs on a big stage after so long and I’m really looking forward to it. Each and every day spent practicing in order to show AROHAs a good performance, is happy and enjoyable. JinJin: Even when all 6 of us were having a tough time, we talked it out with one another and adjusted to each other. Those times were difficult but also the happiest. Sometimes it’s hard getting all 6 together. We’d also talk about the things we felt when we had our own individual schedules and it made me proud as a leader to see the members complimenting each other. Cha Eunwoo: I was the happiest when I was listening to the concert’s full set list in the car as we were moving between schedules and drawing out the stages in my head. Moonbin: The times when the members gathered to practice and discuss together. Rocky: The times I spent preparing and communicating with the members and staff were fun. They’re unforgettable memories and happy moments. Yoon Sanha: I think I was happy doing everything with my hyungs. That happiness is my driving force and it becomes my energy!
Translations by @99pmh​ Take out with full credits
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2elements-blog · 6 years
Astro| Their reaction to waking from a nightmare about losing you.
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Thank you so much for the request. We hope this is what you meant, and that you like it. And again thank you Uwu <3
Warnings: angst 
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“I’m sorry… I just lost my feelings towards you” Jinjin’s heart drops as he looks at your expressionless face while searching for just some feeling in the words you just told him.
Not succeeding.
“But- What do you mean!” The tears have started to fall down his face, and he is reaching for your hand, but you immediately jerk your hand away.
“You were just not the one for me.” You say, again, no expression in your face, which is the most hurtful thing in this.
“I don't love you anymore” You turn around and begin to walk away. What caused this? he doesn't know, all he knows is that the tears are there, and they will keep coming while shouting your name. ___
Jinjin’s eyes open as quick as a lightning. He is drenched in sweat, and he still has tears in his eyes from the horrible nightmare.
Looking around, he sees no other soul than his own, which makes him scared that the dream might have been the reality.
“y/n?... Y/N!” He shouts when he doesn't get a response. He walks around the apartment, but he then sees you. You are standing outside on the balcony, eating.
You don't notice him, but when he opens the door, you don't even get the change to turn around. He has wrapped his hands around you and is hugging you from behind. 
“I couldn't sleep... and I was kind of hungry- Whats wrong?” Noticing he is silent, he just shakes his head and you can feel him smile against you.
“I love you”
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“It’s not your fault MJ,” you whisper, holding his hand tight. The beeping of the heart monitor sounds in the room. MJ tries to hold back the tears, as he looks at you. Your face is hurt badly.
“If I had seen that car… I could have stopped you from running… you could be okay now,” The tears started flowing like a tiny waterfall.
And then suddenly, your hand falls numb and the line goes flat.
“y/n?... Y/N!”
“Y/N!” MJ yells as he sits up bed, he is bathing in sweat and slightly shaking.
He looks to the side to see the empty bedside.
“y/n… y/n where are you?!” his voice is shaking and he keeps looking desperately around.
“MJ? what's wrong? why are you yelling? what are you….” your voice grows quiet as you enter the bedroom, with a cold glass of water in your hand.
“Thank god…” he whispers quietly as his eyes catch yours.
“what’s wrong? I just went for water,” You say with a worried voice and sits down next to him on the bed. He immediately reaches over to hug your stomach, laying there on your legs for a bit.
“Mj..” You whisper and stroke his hair, making him calm down a bit.
“Please don’t leave me... “ he whimpers like a puppy.
“It was just a nightmare… don’t worry, I would never leave,” You kiss the top of his head and go back to sleep with him.
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“W-what?” The words silently got stuck in Eunwoo’s throat as he heard the news from the police.
“Y/n Y/l/n passed away last night due to a horrific car crash she was a part of-” The older man gives the terrible news right as Eunwoo opened his door this morning.
“And-” The man continuous, but is caught off my Eunwoo’s disbelief.
“This can't be… Are you sure it was y/n?” Tears form in his eyes, as he tries to take in the terrifying news.
“If this is the real ID, then yes” the policeman gives him an ID. And true enough, it was you. Your face, your name, your birthday, just you. You had been taken away by a car crash- He didn't even get to say goodbye. ___
He wakes up at once and ignores the fact that his heart is beating insanely fast, and sweat has him drenched around his neck. He silently taps on the side you usually lay beside him, but there's something is wrong.
His eyes are wide open, and he wide awake. All he knows now is that you aren't beside him, and he needs to know why. The nightmare scared him that much.
“Y/n!” Shouting quick, he gets up and looks around every corner in the bedroom.
“What are you doing Eunwoo?” A voice lets his heart take a break just a for a second. It's you. You are standing with a cup filled up with water. and he drops himself on the floor. With a relieved smile on his face.
You put down the cup the nearest high place, and sit down in front of him immediately. Not even a second passes, and he has taken you into his arms.
“I thought I lost you,” He says, muffling the words in your neck. You let a slight chuckle slip as you return the hug.
“Don’t worry. I’m right here”
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A letter had been laid behind the door of the apartment you two share together.
It was simple looking, but when Moonbin opened the letter, it wasn't as simple as it looked. A lot of words, and a lot of scrabbling around. Looking like words had been written, but erased.
“I cant do this anymore…” Reading one of the most hurtful lines in the letter out loud, he falls to the ground. Still holding the letter, he begins to tremble but keeps reading.
“I’m breaking up- I can't take the way this relationship is going… I'm sorry” hearing the words he is reading in your voice, he begins to cry silently. only a few tears appear.
Though the last part was the hardest to read since it was smudged a little. Probably from the tears you had been crying out while writing it. But, it was definitely the words written down that hurt the most.
I love you. -y/n ___
Waking up, Moonbin was still shaking from the horror-filled nightmare. But needed to sit up to get some air, knowing now it was only a dream. But something was wrong. He couldn't hear your breathing behind him when he was sitting on his side of the bed.
So looking behind himself and seeing no one laying on that part of the bed, scared the living hell out of him. But nothing moved in him, only his thoughts kept running.
His eyes plastered to your side of the bed, still not moving you entered the room. But stopping up looking quite confused.
“Moonbin? Babe? What's wrong?” Still standing, his eyes meet yours at once as he heard your voice.
“Oh god… I thought it was real for a second” Throwing himself back into the bed. You move over in front of him and then sit beside him.
“Thought what- Oh… was it a bad dream?” All he does nod, but also once the nod is done he takes you down with him, and begins to cuddle you in relief.
“Please stay,” He says into your neck. You let a little giggle slip out.
“Of course” he tucks you in more as those words left your mouth.
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A shadow appears in front of you two and you stop in your tracks. You squeeze Rocky’s hand tight. A man with a gun pointed at you starts to yell.
“DO NOT MOVE! Give me all of your money! RIGHT NOW!” the robber demands at you two.
“W-we don’t have any” You start to cry, Rocky is frozen, he doesn’t know what to do.
You fold your hands and jump down on your knees. Begging for the man to not shoot.
“I said DO NOT MOVE!” the man screams on top of his lungs.
The gunshot makes Rocky scream out of all of his might, everything seems to go slower.
“Y/N NO!” He jumps down to your lifeless body on the ground, holding it tight to his chest as the tears stream down his cheeks.
“y/n please don’t…” He whispers over and over again.
Rocky gasps slightly as he sits up in the couch. You two had been watching a scary movie together and apparently fallen asleep.
But something was wrong.
“y-y/n where are you? Y/N?!” he stands up from the couch and walks around the small apartment.
“Y/N!!” his voice is desperate, he needs to see you.
“Gee’ Rocky be quiet… its 2 am,” Your groggy voice says as you walk out the bathroom.
“y/n!” He says and runs over to hug you tight.
“baby what’s wrong?” You slightly giggle at his reaction. seriously, you just had to pee.
“I.. I had a nightmare… I thought I had lost you…” He sniffs quietly into the crook of your neck.
“Rocky… I’m right here,” you say in a calm voice as you hug him tightly.
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Sanha’s heart drops to the floor when he sees you and Rocky. You two are holding hands and laughing together. Sanha couldn’t bear seeing this. He decided to walk over to you two.
“y/n… wh-what are you doing with Rocky?” Sanha asks looking at you.
“uhm? funny enough dating him stupid? We have been for awhile now,” you giggle at him, he loves that giggle, but not in this context.
“Yeah, thanks for helping us together Sanha, I really owe you,” Rocky laughs and bows down to kiss your cheek. Sanha’s eyes tear up at the sight and he has to close them shut. He can’t see this anymore.
Sanha quietly opens his eyes, feeling the warm tears down his cheeks. He is laying alone in his bed at the dorm.
The bed is cold and he misses something, like there used to be a warmth that is now gone.
“Y/n…” He quietly sobs into the pillow. He wants to hold you again, you don’t belong with Rocky. You belong with him.
“Sanha?” a quiet voice sounds. Sanha looks up from the pillow to see your figure standing there. You look confused and concerned.
“are you… crying?” You say quietly and make your way to the bed and sitting down on it.
“Why are you crying?” You whisper and stroke his hair.
“I… I had a nightmare, you were with Rocky… I was scared it was true… because you were gone when I woke up,” Sanha tells and you can’t help yourself but laugh a bit.
“Sanha… I just had to use the bathroom. It was just a nightmare okay? I’m yours, only yours,” You kiss his cheek and lay down under the sheets with him.
You two decide to talk about some random stuff until you both fall asleep.
Sorry if it was waaay to Angsty guys TT.TT 
please send us some requests.
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queenof-sweetdreams · 6 years
Breathless (Moonbin) Pt2
Plot: You and Moonbin were childhood friends but somehow you end up strangers. Soon enough both of you will regret distancing yourself from each other and while realize your mistakes. But will it be too late for apologies?
Members: MoonbinxReader
Genre: I don’t know. You should tell me pt2 cause honestly I don’t know  
Part 1
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 “Y/N! Stay still!” Moonbin yelled as he approached the lake, running as fast as he could. He tossed the blanket and his coat on the ground only to see her disappearing into the water. “Y/N!” He screamed as he rushed on the ice, slipping multiple times, desperately trying to get to her. He dived in without hesitating and swam down to her. She had her eyes closed and didn’t react when he grabbed her by her hand. The depth and cold affected Moonbin as well since he was running earlier and didn’t have the time to take a proper breath before diving. Dragging her to the surface along with him was hard but he managed to get both himself and her out of water.  He dragged her body to the shore, being sure that they wouldn’t have to worry about the ice breaking once again. He laid her on her back and kneeled next to her, close to her neck and shoulder. He knew that she had been underwater for quite a long time but he wished that her diving reflex won her some time. He placed his index and middle finger to her wrist, trying to find a pulse and started panicking when he didn’t feel anything. “Come on Y/N” He whispered as he unbuttoned her pants and placed his fingers on the inner of her thigh, trying to get a pulse from an artery to make sure that she was still alive. Because of the sudden change of temperature, her organism had a diving reflex which meant that in order to keep her alive, the heart send blood only to her brain and main body; which meant that her arms and legs didn’t have as much blood as her torso and main body had.
The pulse was really weak, showing that there was still time for her. He had to act quickly. He started by placing the heel of one hand over the center of her chest and sternum and placed his other hand on top of the first hand. He kept his elbows straight and positioned his shoulders directly above his hands. He used his upper body weight as he pushed straight down on the chest, pushing hard at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute. He stopped and lifted her chin, closing her nose with his fingers before breathing air into her. He waited a second before breathing air into her once again but she didn’t flinch. “No, don’t leave me now!” He yelled as he performed cpr again and breathed air into her again. This time it worked and all the water from her lungs was coming as she started coughing. Even though she had emptied her lungs from the water, she could barely keep her consciousness. The adolescent picked her up and walked over to the blanket he had tossed on the ground. He placed her down carefully and looked at her; she had her eyes closed and she was trembling from the cold but he was glad she was alive. He took her wet clothes off her since she wouldn’t be able to warm up even if he covered her with hundreds of blankets and wrapped her up with the blanket, adding his coat on her as well. “I am sorry for this. I am sorry for everything.” He whispered as he grabbed his phone from his coat, dealing a number and calling an ambulance over to their location. He left his phone to the side and took her body in his arms, rubbing her sides to keep her warm while he was starting to feel drained and cold as well. But he couldn’t think of himself when he saw her in this state; it shattered his heart into million pieces to watch her struggle like this to live.  He pressed a kiss on her forehead only to feel her hot. She was burning as her body started working on the maximum to have a normal temperature and help her survive. He could only hold her tighter in his arms and wish for the ambulance to come soon.
After several minutes, Moonbin saw a large vehicle approaching them and felt more optimistic about this situation. “Y/N, they are here.” He said but didn’t receive an answer which made him freeze in terror. Did she die in his arms? “HERE, HELP US. She is dying!” He started yelling as the paramedics ran out of the ambulance with two aluminum blankets and a stretcher. Soon they placed Y/N on the stretcher carefully, covering her with one of the blankets to keep the warmth of her body and covering Moonbin with the other one.
All of them were inside the ambulance, heading to the nearest hospital to receive treatment. “Is she okay? Why isn’t she responding to anything?” Moonbin asked one of the paramedics that were behind with them. “Due to shock she had and the cold temperature, her body shut down because she was too tired. She lost consciousness but she is still alive.” The guy explained and Moonbin nodded. “Could this happen from practicing too much? I mean she almost drowned back there but her stamina was low since she was practicing so hard lately.” The young boy asked as he slipped his hand under her blanket, taking her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. “Probably. If she didn’t rest properly, her system couldn’t handle this fatigue and shut down.” The man explained. Soon both of Moonbin and Y/N were receiving a proper treatment in separate rooms. Their parents were informed and Moonbin’s mother was the only one who came for both of them. She had brought clothes and food for the kids.
 Before walking into her son’s room, she asked a nurse that was taking care of them at that time about their condition. She said that Moonbin was alright, he just had to stay over for the night to watch if he needed anything but Y/N hadn’t woken up yet and didn’t show any reactions, she was still unconscious which was strange. After being informed about their condition, she went to her son’s room, seeing him sitting up on his bed, staring at his feet and breathing heavily. “Moonbin! Thank god, you are okay.” His mother said as she felt relieved that her son was alive. He stayed silent, his hands on his knees, sinking his fingers in knees, scratching them. He felt so guilty. He couldn’t even look up at his mother. He didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t know what to respond or say. His mother sat beside him and rubbed an arm around her son’s shoulder, hugging him and rubbing his back. “it’s okay. She is alive and that’s what matters.” She whispered as he leaned to her side, tears forming into his eyes but he wouldn’t let himself cry in front of the woman who raised him. It hurt his pride.
“Can I see her?” He asked in a low tone before pulling back to look at his mother. “Not yet. The nurse said she hadn’t woken up yet and she needs to rest. So let’s not disturb her and let her recover. Alright?” His mother said before fixing her son’s hair. She didn’t want to disturb Y/N and worry Moonbin more. His state hurt her and she didn’t want to tell him about Y/N, he could become worse.
 The next day, Moonbin discharged and wanted to know about Y/N’s condition and see her but his mother insisted that they should not disturb her and let her rest. Even the nurses didn’t allow him to see her nor informed him fully about her condition. They only said “She needs a lot of rest and you shouldn’t tire her.”
 In order for her to recover, the boy stayed away from the hospital and continued his life. His mother was visiting the hospital every day, checking on Y/N’s condition, since Y/N’s worked more hours than before. Moonbin kept on asking her about Y/N’s condition and asking to see her but her reply was always the same; “Y/N is tired. But she is fine and she is resting.” The truth was that Y/N was in a coma for a week now but his mother didn’t want him to find out about it. But she couldn’t keep him away from her for too long.
Two weeks had passed and Y/N still hadn’t returned home and his mother didn’t tell him anything new. Something felt not right.
The boy decided to visit her after school without informing his mother and after school had ended, he headed over to the hospital. He asked for her room and soon headed over to it only to see a nurse exiting her room after finishing the daily check up. “Excuse me miss.” He said to the nurse before adding. “Is she awake? Cause I don’t want to disturb her.” He asked. “Awake? She hasn’t woken up since they brought her in. She is in a coma.” The nurse replied before leaving.
A.N: There will be part 3 soon
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rhainontheshelves · 7 years
Hello, can I request a scenario with Sanha for the Drabble thing? 6,2,43 please and thank you!
#6: “I need a place to stay.”#2: “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”#43: “I feel like I can’t breathe.”WARNINGS: Unrealistic portrayal of bullying, cursing     “Hey, (Y/N)?” Mom called from the living room. I heard her thump her suitcase down and click over to my door in her high heels. The doorknob turned and she poked her head in. “Have you asked any of your friends if you could stay with them while I’m on my trip yet?”     Crap. I had totally forgotten! School had been brutal this week.     “Yeah, I asked Sanha.” I fibbed. “He said he would have to ask his parents but they’d probably say yes.”     Mom grinned in approval. “Oh, good. I know they’ll take care of you. I’m going now. I love you, sweetie!”     “I love you too, Mom.” I hopped off my bed and gave her a kiss. “Have fun!”     “As much as I can on a work trip,” she sighed. “Now, don’t forget to turn all the lights off and to lock the door behind you! Get yourself to school on time and-”     “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll take care of myself. Get going, you’re going to be late!”     My door closed, and the front door soon followed. Running a hand through my hair, I shot a quick text to Sanha. (Y/N): Hey, I need a place to stay. Could I room at your place?Ddana: Yeah, sure. How long?(Y/N): Just until the end of the week. Mom’s on a work tripDdana: Okay! I’m sure my parents won’t mind, they love you(Y/N): ThanksDdana: Np     I cheered. Crisis averted.
*****     “Hey, (Y/N)!”     I always heard his voice before I saw him, as ironic as that might sound. He might be tall, but his voice can reach much farther than his arms can. Turning around, I saw Sanha waving from his usual table. The rest of his friend group was there too, wolfing down their lunches. A smile broke out on my face as I made my way over and plopped down next to my best friend.     “Hey, Sanha. Hey, guys.” The others said cheery hellos.     “So, do you need to go back to your house after school, or are we going straight to my house?” Sanha asked through a spoonful of rice.     Before I could answer, MJ exclaimed, “Are you two having a sleepover? Why wasn’t I invited?”     At “sleepover”, Rocky pulled an earbud out, Eunwoo looked up from his textbook, Moonbin stopped eating, and JinJin looked up from his phone.     “Sleepover?” Rocky asked. “It’s Wednesday!”     “Wouldn’t it be better to have one on Friday?” Eunwoo wondered a loud.     “I’m in!” JinJin nodded. “Since it’s getting closer to exam time, it’d be good to have fun before everyone starts stressing out.”     “Wait, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Have a sleepover afterwards to unwind? Your logic is backwards, JinJin-hyung.” Moonbin mumbled.     “No one said we were having a sleepover?” Sanha said, confused how this had happened. “(Y/N)’s just staying at my house for a couple of days…”     “That’s still a sleepover!” MJ whined.       “Not really.”     “But still-”     I giggled at the chaos. It was fun to watch what ensues when there was general confusion in the group of boys. However, they could get loud when there were disagreements, so I decided to settle the matter before we were sent to the office for making too much noise. “Guys, guys. Sanha and I aren’t having a sleepover! My mom is going out of town and I’m staying with Sanha and his parents for the rest of the week, that’s all!”     Silence fell at the little table. MJ and JinJin looked a little disappointed, Rocky snorted, Moonbin had gone back to eating right after he said his part, and Eunwoo and Sanha looked relieved that I had cleared everything up.     “Unless you guys want to have one, of course.”       At least half of the cafeteria looked over at us when the group erupted in cheers and groans. *****     I had really hoped that they would figure out that I wasn’t going home this week and leave me alone until next week. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.     I should’ve stayed with Sanha during his guitar lesson, waited until he was done so we could walk together. However, I thought I was safe to go ahead because of my hope. I made it about halfway until they materialized out of a shop and scared me to death. I was not expecting them.     “Where have you been these last two days?” Jiyeon’s voice made me flinch. “I’ve missed talking to you.” Her friends giggled behind her.     “Other places.”     “Oh, really?” Jiyeon feigned surprise. Of course she already knew. “You know, a little bird told me that your mother has been away. Did Daddy not want you for the weekend?”     This was why I hated Jiyeon so much. Once she heard information like this, she would use it to her advantage. I tried to remind myself numerous times that she was just a jealous prep that came after me because I was friends with Sanha and gang, which included her crush, Eunwoo. But nothing I could tell myself could quell my anger when she pulled the Daddy card. Not that she used it much, but she knew it bothered me.     “He lives two hours from here, do you think I would take that time to go to school and back everyday?” I quipped.     “No, I guess not.” She replied in a bored tone, examining her manicure. “Have you been staying with your boyfriend, then?”     Ooh, that card annoyed me even more.     “How many times do I have to tell you, Sanha is not my boyfriend!” I crossed my arms, my anger growing. I’d been having a good week so far and I was not about to let it get ruined.     “Aw, look at her, getting all protective of her boyfriend!” Jiyeon laughed, her posse following along. “How cute!”     Her voice was really getting on my nerves. I was itching to slap that smug look off her face, but honestly I didn’t want to get any bruises the boys could see during the sleepover we ended up organizing on Wednesday. So, in a futile attempt to get away, I walked away. Back the way I came, of course. I’m not stupid. There was a chance that I could run into Sanha and chase the preps off.     “Where do you think you’re going?” A hand grabbed the back of my uniform and yanked me off my feet. “If you think you can run away that easily today, you’re seriously mistaken. You need to make up for the time you missed.”     “Yeah, like it’ll ever make up for the time you’ll never have with Eunwoo.” I mumbled. A hand (that wasn’t Jiyeon’s, btw) flashed across my sight. My cheek was on fire, but I didn’t really care. That was a good comeback. I’d spent hours thinking of ones that good.     “I will get with Eunwoo!” Jiyeon’s face was suddenly up in mine. “I have a plan all layed out. He won’t be able to refuse!”     “Well, you won’t be able to do it tonight, we have plans. Anyway, he told me something about not liking girls that are afraid of getting their hands dirty. Why don’t you land any of these hits yourself, Jiyeon? We started weeks ago!”     Did I have a death wish? Apparently, because too late did I realize I had called out and provoked one of the best varsity volleyball players for our school. Jiyeon was strong.     Her slap sent me reeling into her group of girls, who caught and held me. The next blow, a kick to my shin, brought me to the concrete in a great deal of pain.     “Well, someone’s feisty today. We’ll just have to beat it out of her, huh?”       I got a couple more bruises by the time someone rescued me. Rubber slapped against the sidewalk, a hard case hit the ground, and an angry voice called out my name.     “(Y/N)! Oh my god, (Y/N)! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Get the fuck off of her!” The girls backed off, and a familiar presence knelt to check if I was alright. “You could have seriously hurt her! Who do you think you are, Jiyeon? (Y/N) hasn’t done anything to you, get the fuck away! I don’t want to see you even talk to (Y/N) ever again or else I will personally beat and report your ass for bullying!”     All Jiyeon did was sneer as she signalled it was time to leave. Someone spit in our direction as they left, and Sanha flipped her off before turning his attention to me.     “A-are you okay, (Y/N)?” Sanha held my waist as I reoriented myself. He sounded so scared. He probably hadn’t seen anything like that, even when Moonbin went through his wanna-be bad boy phase. I had to pull myself together for him.     “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a couple of bruises, that’s all.” I managed to smile.*****     The sleepover went as planned, with no mentions of the afternoon’s events. I knew that Sanha was watching me, though, because whenever I winced in pain, he would shoot me a worried glance.     Around 3 in the morning, everyone was fast asleep but me. I had woken up from a bad dream that starred Jiyeon. She taunted and taunted, and I couldn’t get away. When I shot up, my bruises were aching, so I figured that I would go get a glass of water, apply some soothing lotion on them, and go back to bed.     “Why are you up?” Sanha’s whisper caused me to almost drop my water. His pink hair peeked from the kitchen doorway.     “I could ask you the same thing,” I turned to face him from my spot up on the island.     “I just got done peeing.” Always trust Sanha to be blunt.                                     “I had a nightmare, nothing major.“     "Really? Was it about them?” Sanha walked over and stood in front of me. “Do you want to talk about it?”       “It was just Jiyeon, saying things like I haven’t heard them a million times. As I said, nothing major.” How did that tear get there? I dabbed it away.     “Ah.” It was clear that I had made him uncomfortable. I had made it a point not to cry around my friends.     I gulped down the rest of my water and hopped down. “I should go back to sleep. Night, Sanha.”     “Night, (Y/N).”     I quickly made my way to the guest bedroom, careful not to wake the boys sleeping in various places. JinJin and MJ had taken Sanha’s parent’s room, since they too were out for the weekend. Rocky obviously took the couch, and Moonbin and Eunwoo slept on the living room floor.     All the way there, I ridiculed myself for making things awkward. Everything was fine now, why was I still emotional about it?     “Wait, (Y/N)!” Suddenly, long arms wrapped around my middle. Sanha’s head rested on my shoulder as he pulled me closer to him. I was kind of surprising, Sanha was never one for skinship.     I broke down then, I still have no idea why. I had endured Jiyeon and her friends for so long, I guess my brain was still in a weird state of shock and relief that it was all over. And I felt so safe and protected in Sanha’s arms. Maybe that triggered it, too.     “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” Sanha whispered. He squeezed me a bit tighter, trying his best to be comforting. We stood there for a while, until my tears ran out.     “Are you better now?” Sanha asked as the last sob escaped my throat and I wiped the tear away.     “I feel like I can’t breathe.”         “Oh! I’m so sorry.” Sanha immediately let go. “I didn’t mean to.”       “No, doofus, it wasn’t you! I like your hugs, actually.”       “Oh, okay… Do you mind, then? If I, uh…”     Rolling my eyes, I latched myself onto him. “You never need permission to hug me, okay Sanha?”     “Okay, (Y/N).” His voice was soft and low and it reminded me of how tired I was. A huge yawn overtook me.      "Let’s get you to bed.“ Sanha said, sweeping me off my feet and carrying me the rest of the way to the guest room. Instead of setting me down and leaving like I expected him to do, he climbed in with me, pulled the covers up, and once again wrapped his arms around me.     "Sanha, what-”     “I don’t want to stop hugging you.”
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