#I truly adore him he has such a good and pure heart that even when he’s hurting he still wants to be there for others
decembermoonskz · 1 year
chan’s bubble messages :(
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Can you please do a part two of the Sebastian fluff where he lets his thoughts get the best of him and gets anxious that reader now sees him as a monster because of what they read on his document so he prepares extra good items and plans to give them heavy discounts and even some free but reader barges in like
And after a bit of reassuring(possibly some punching too bc reader is too starry-eyed for him to say no to em) Seb realizes he trully never had anything to worry about and just, generally grows fonder of reader?
Ps. Adore your writing, keep up the awesome work!!
"God, why did I let them take it? Stupid, stupid, stupid.."
Sebastian couldn't stop beating himself up, even though he knew he shouldn't care about the opinion of any human sent by Urbanshade--especially one of the "expendable" class.
Yet because it was you, specifically--who was currently in possession of his document--he began to wonder what you'd think of him once you found out the truth:
That he was nothing but a horrible monster. Plain and simple.
If not the knowledge that he was a hideous chimera of several sea creatures' DNA...then surely the revelation that he caused the lockdown of the Blacksite would ultimately make you resent him.
He released all those creatures, who stopped at nothing to prevent you from reaching the crystal and had you running, fighting, or hiding for your life.
He was responsible for all the injuries you've sustained while crawling into his shop, desperately needing a medkit and a place to rest.
He would understand if you'd never want to visit him again after what they documented about him..but the image of your furious expression and overthinking the words you'd possibly say to him left him feeling incredibly anxious.
Suddenly, Sebastian found himself gathering more supplies. Medkits, code breakers, and every light source he had currently in the shop, trying to market down whatever he could. He was even willing to let you take batteries for free...which was something he'd never normally do.
Would it be enough to make up for everything horrific you discovered about him and the terrors he indirectly put you through? Absolutely not.
Was he willing to try it anyways just for the small chance that you'd keep visiting him? Maybe.
No other human has shown him a single ounce of kindness or gratitude for his services. Nobody except you, of course, and he refused to lose that.
-thump, thump-
"Shit.." He froze, hearing movement in the vent duct, hands trembling for his light to shine brighter. Part of him wishes he could stay in the dark, as he didn't wanna see your face and whatever hurt expression it could possibly hold.
But he knew it'd be rude if you actually needed to buy something, so he forced himself to look as your familiar figure crawled out of the small opening. You seemed out of breath, like you were just running from something, and stood up to dust the dirt off your pants.
"Sebastian..I need to know something, and you need to be 100% honest with me."
The moment you pulled out his document, the shopkeeper could feel his heart sink.
"Wh..What did you want to know?" He asked, already bracing himself for the worst.
You sounded dead serious, and he was convinced you were finally going to let him have it.
You were going to force him to explain himself and his actions, and tell him what a monster he truly was. Literally and metaphoric-
"Its it true that you have mantis shrimp DNA????"
Of all the possible outbursts he expected from you, that certainly didn't cross his mind.
Sebastian just stared down at you, utterly dumbfounded. He blinked several times, unsure if he was truly seeing the wide smile and starry-eyed look on your face.
He had been waiting for a deep scowl, eyes full of anger and betrayal and sadness that he wasn't the "friend" he claimed himself to be when you first visited his shop.
Yet now? He saw nothing but pure delight in your expression.
"Um..yes. But of alllll the things you read about me, that shocked you the most?" He was still treading carefully.
"Well, it sucks that you were an innocent guy who got thrown into a shitty situation." You gestured to him, frowning a little. "And I'm sorry you never saw justice, but...it's just SO cool that you're part mantis shrimp!" A grin returned to your face. "They've fascinated me for years! I used to watch videos of them all the time. Did you know the velocity of just one of their punches is equal to a .22 caliber bullet-?"
"Stop." He put a hand up, huffing. "At least some part of you must resent me. I mean...helloooooo, did you skip over the bit where I'M the reason those monsters are after you?! There's no way you could've ignored that..unless your brain turned off the moment you read "mantis shrimp"."
"I read everything, Sebastian." You huffed back. "Look, if I ever had to go through what you did..I think I'd wanna rebel, too. And as much as those monsters scare me, they've probably endured the same experiments as you. They probably felt just as trapped and afraid. You must see at least a few of them as your friends, right?"
"Eyefestation and the PAInter are the only ones I consider "acquaintances"." He answered after a long pause, shoulders slumped. "The anglers are primitive, but they recognize me as the one who freed them, so they don't bother me or my shop. The only creature that tends to be an issue is-"
Tensing, you looked over your shoulder to see a Wall Dweller emerge from the vent behind you, its mouth split open and drooling with hunger, standing on two legs.
"-that." Sebastian glared at the creature; and before it could run away, he blocked the entrance with his tail fin. "Oh no you don't." He swooped over to grab ahold of its head with his third hand, causing it to shriek and kick its legs as he held it up high. "You seriously need to stop eating my customers when they're trying to BUY SOMETHING!!"
The Dweller just growled at him, to which he ignored it and glanced down at you. "What should I do with this thing?"
"Punch it!" You grinned, your fists balled up in front of you as you hopped up and down. "I wanna see how fast you could throw one!"
He raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"..ugh, if it gets that stupid puppy-eyed look off your face, fine." He looked back at the Dweller, grinning widely as he cracked his knuckles. "You wanna eat something so bad? Try this."
In a blinding flash, his fist went through the creature's skull, effectively turning its head into dust. Then he dropped the whole body onto the ground with a grimance. "Eugh..never done that before.."
Then he looked down at you again, seeing your smile brighten. "Hope that made you happy."
"It did, that was amazing!" You laughed, kneeling down to rip off a chunk of the Dweller's flesh. He eyed you strangely, his expression changing to a look of horror as you shoved a piece in your mouth.
"What the f...why would you eat that?!"
"It's okay! I've had this stuff before." You swallowed, feeling rejuvenated already.
"B....Before?! What you're eating is clay and acid-"
"Actually, it's fresh meat. Reminds me of poultry, almost. I found a document somewhere saying that it has regenerative properties." You explained to Sebastian, whose eyes only widened the more you talked. "I didn't believe it at first until I saw the Angler kill one. I was hungry and...eating it healed my electrical burn somehow."
".......why was that not in its actual document?" He muttered.
You shrugged, ripping out another piece and offering it to him. "Care for a bite?"
"I'll..pass. But thanks." Lowering his body closer to you, he frowned. "Are you absolutely sure that-?"
"I'm sure."
"..you didn't even know what I was going to-"
"You were worried about my reaction to your file. I could tell from the discount signs and how you were scared to even look at me."
"But I promise it doesn't change anything, okay? We're still friends, Sebastian, and I'll still swing by to do business with you." You reassured him, smiling as you patted the back of his hand, before noticing the bandage on his third arm seemed bloody. "Um..when's the last time you changed that?"
"...oh this? Erm..it's fine." He attempted to hide it behind his back. "Nothing you should be concerned abou-"
"Too late. It's my concern now. Let me repay you for saving my tail."
He had no time to protest, as you were already on your feet and running for the medkit that was on the table. You weren't worried about getting to the next zone right now.
Not that Sebastian planned on kicking you out anytime soon.
Now that he was able to confide in you, he was genuinely beginning to enjoy your company--especially as you asked him to rest his arm across your lap. From there, your gentle hands went to work changing the bandage out for a fresh one, using an alcohol spray to keep the wounds from getting infected.
He hissed and cursed a few times at the stinging pain, but not once did he try to get you to stop.
Suddenly, it all began to hit him in this exact moment.
You were willingly playing nurse to a giant sea monster that has killed a man and was responsible for the terrifying things you had to witness down here.
He couldn't understand..but at the same time he felt relieved that all along he had nothing to worry about.
"Th-That's fine..thank you.."
Hearing a sniffle, you glanced up as Sebastian hastily took his arm away, "standing" back up and turning away from you. You just smiled and patted his tail comfortingly, not saying a word as you waited for him to collect himself.
For once, that snarky and sarcastic fish you've come to know was gone, and he was letting his walls down, finally realizing he could trust you.
Eventually he fell silent, and you wondered what to do now. You bought everything you wanted to earlier, so you didn't wanna overstay your welcome-
"Do you mind staying for a little bit longer?"
The question surprised you, but you smiled and nodded. "Sure. As long as you don't mind, shrimpy."
There was a pause, and he slowly looked back at you, pouting. "Big talk coming from someone as tiny as you, friend." He playfully sneered.
You just laughed and shook your head, glad to see him in better spirits.
Thanks to that scrambler on his back, you didn't have to worry about HQ getting on your ass about continuing the mission or threatening detonation.
You could definitely stay awhile and ramble about more mantis shrimp facts to Sebastian...if he was willing to hear them, of course.
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seungfl0wer · 1 month
Minho As Your Boyfriend
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Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
Contains Smut🩷
(I had to stop myself on this one man. I could go on about how I think Minho is. For real stopped at one point and said damn. It’s already so long lol.)
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•He’s such a big push over especially for you.
•He really can’t say no to you.
•As much as he acts all tough and non caring that’s just what he wants you to think.
•He’s such a mushy guy with you.
•Non-Stop flirting.
•Hand holding.
•Hand holding.
•Did I mention hand holding?
•He brings your hand up to kiss it so sweetly.
•But if you dare to mention it he’ll give you that look.
•Small acts of kindness.
•Like making sure you always have your favorite snacks.
•Or bringing you something back from your and acting all nonchalant like.
•Gives you quick cheek kisses and act like nothing happened.
•Finds it so fucking cute how much he makes you blush/smile.
•Has THE WORST picture of you as his background.
•Laughs about it all the time but just finds you adorable.
•Like I said before mans acts like he’s all tough and cold.
•But really he is just such a softy.
•He loves the mornings where he doesn’t have to get up.
•Where he can just lay next to you.
•Cuddle up, all cozy. These days he’d stay in bed for hours just to feel you close.
•He really loves to cuddle.
•One of his favorite things to do is have you wrapped in his arms.
•Where he has his head against your shoulder listing to you hum/breath.
•He likes laying you on his chest so you have to look up to him to talk.
•Ugh just how soft and sleepy you look makes his heart melt.
•And back to listening to you, he loves laying his head on your chest/back.
•So he can hear the beautiful rhythm of your heart beat.
•Don’t get me wrong though he is a menace.
•Will tease you.
•However he knows his limit.
•It just takes one time for something he said to mildly upset you to know how far he can go/take it.
•And that first time? He feels absolutely awful.
•He might like to push your buttons but never wanting to push the one that may hurt you in anyway.
•He’s super protective of you and a bit possessive.
•He’s not very confrontational however someone says something rude to you?
•That quick tongue of his is either being bitten or snapping at someone.
•Also if someone is being too flirty or touching you?
•He’s right there wrapping his arm around you, kissing you. Anything to show them you’re his.
•You’re quite literally his whole world.
•Minus his cat babies of course.
•And oh god the amount of fondness and just pure love when he sees you with them.
•That’s his wallpaper.
•You and his children. Ah does he gush over it.
•Loves to get all pouty when you’re giving them more attention.
•”I know dori is cute but I’m cuter”
•People tend to look at him and just see this cold man but truly. He is just so caring.
•He remembers all your important dates, takes so good care of you.
•And just spoils you like there’s no tomorrow.
•Truly and utterly loves you with everything in him.
︵‿︵‿୨Smut Below୧‿︵‿︵
•Minho in the bedroom? Is a slightly different story.
•He’s still so enamored by you so in love but.
•He’s more- more of the Scorpio man he is.
•He’s so passionate and possessive.
•Very much a dom.
•Loves having you so obedient to him.
•Multiple rounds most days.
•Degrading, Spanking, Biting, Overstimulation, begging. Everything.
•Definitely loves giving you hickeys on your neck so others can see them.
•Loves to be called sir.
•Firm believer of him calling you kitten as well.
•Mans so good. His tongue, his hands, those fucking dancer hips.
•You’ll never leave without cumming.
•Even on the most rough days. As much as he wants to not let you cum.
•He will. Of course he will, especially when you beg so well for it.
•Remember when I said about cuddling?
•So much morning sex where he’s just sloppily fucking you.
•He’s still half asleep when he’s pushing into you hands slinking round your body.
•Holding you so close whispering hot words against your ear.
•”aah kitten, feel so good just for me”
•Uses that voice, that soft voice he uses for the cats or that one episode with Felix and him in the haunted house.
•That sweet soft voice.
•Definitely has a breeding/primal kink.
•”Gonna fill you full, pump you so full you have all my babies”
•God and he absolutely goes feral when you ride him.
•Seeing your face so fucked out for him as you use him for your pleasure.
•Ah he could come then and there.
•Almost forgot to talk about how he loves taking you camping too.
•Having you outside fucking you so good.
•”Must want everyone to hear how well I’m fucking you”
•Light system in use all the time
•Aftercare is a lot of his sweet hum and coo’s of “my good kitten, did so well for me. I love you so much”
•Has snacks on stand by and drinks
•Cleans you up before himself.
•If it’s a rougher night is constantly asking if you’re ok.
•Is always afraid of hurting you in some way.
•Ends most nights with you cuddled together waiting on take out because he wants to make sure you’re replenished.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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yuwuta · 9 months
cw: mentioned sex, friends to lovers, yuuji greatest boy 
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The first time that Yuuji asks you out, you reject him. It’s not a matter of not liking him or liking him (even though you do like him, a lot)—it’s a matter of maintaining your friendship, about weighing risk versus reward, and about pushing your personal feelings aside for what’s best for everybody. 
Yuuji doesn’t listen. To him, your rejection was just confirmation about what he already knew about you—that you had a tendency to run away or avoid things you didn’t want to confront, but only when you were really, truly scared.
So, he does what he does best; he takes it to the next level. Despite being rejected, he holds your hand, and pulls you close, gives you kisses on your cheek, and your neck sometimes, and once you even let him leave a hickey, even though you spew the same mantra of—“You shouldn’t—Yuuji we shouldn’t be doing this”—you let him charm you every time.
Because Yuuji knows that you like him back, and he knows that even though you’re scared to say it, deep down you know that he’s always been yours. Because Yuuji is your best friend, and he knows better than anyone how to punch through the walls you so carefully build up. Because, honestly, you should have learned by now to stop trying to keep him out—he makes his way in no matter how many walls you put up. 
It’s how you end up in bed with him only three mere weeks after rejecting his confession. And even though you’ve both been as close as two people can be, Yuuji knows he’s missing one thing from you; one final seal to show you that he’s it, that there’s nothing to be afraid of, and to get you to stop running once and for all. 
Which is exactly why when you ask him if he wants to see thew new Spiderman movie after breakfast, he smiles and puts his plan into action. 
“Yeah, of course,” Yuuji grins, “If you say that it’s a date.” 
Your smile falls halfway, but Yuuji’s only widens as he slips his hands into his pockets. He waits, expectantly, even through your stunned silence, and you finally sigh when he begins to rock on his heels.  
“Yuuji, you know that–” 
“What I know is that you’ve got to get out of that head of yours sooner than later,” he says, leaning forward to happily invade your space to tap at your forehead, “And that you love me.”  
“Yeah, I kind of thought the confession that I only turned you down because I didn’t want to lose you, and the having sex with you last night kinda let you show that.” 
“Yes, yes, there was all of that,” Yuuji moves his hands to cup the sides of your head, looks into your widening eyes and grins, “But I’m giving you a way to make it official in that complicated little head of yours. So, go on, ask me out. I promise I won’t say no.” 
Your eyebrows pinch together. Yuuji immediately moves his thumbs to stroke at the tail ends of them as you pout, “What do you mean ‘make it official?’ I know—I mean I hope that all our feelings are official.” 
“Make it official to you,” Yuuji clarifies, using his right thumb to tap at your temple, “In that beautiful—” he bends forwards to press a kiss to your forehead, “—smart —” another kiss, “—very complicated —” and another, “—head of yours that I love so much. So, like I was saying: ask me out, so that you get your closure even though you don’t think you need it, and you start seeing and learning that I don’t want to do anything with you without romantic intentions.” 
Yuuji presses one last kiss before pulling away to show you his glowing smile. Your expression softens through his speech—confusion sinking into surprise and then pure adoration. You’re slightly amazed that Yuuji has deciphered this for you before you could even fathom a justification behind your emotions, but then again, you think, you shouldn’t be; Yuuji has proved, throughout the course of your friendship and his courtship, that you have his undivided attention—that you are the object of his desires, and as such, it’s only natural that he knows the parts of you that you don’t think about.  
So, you concede, push your shock and pride aside, and close that embarrassing gaping mouth of yours because this is Yuuji and for all the shit you’ve put him through, the least you could do is ask him out.  
“Okay. Will you go to the movies with me?”  
Except when screws up his face and purses his lip in dissatisfaction, you wonder if you should put him through the wringer yourself.  
Yuuji’s grip on your head tightens ever so slightly, not enough to be uncomfortable, just enough for him to manually shake your head to mirror his own, “You have to make it clearer that you’re asking me out. We go to the movies all the time, I love movies—” 
“Yeah, exactly,” you frown, reaching your right hand to grab at Yuuji’s wrist to still your shaking head, “I’m asking you to do something I know you love.”  
“Ah, but you see how that’s confusing to me,” Yuuji quips, “I am but your oblivious friend—you have to let me know that you want me to be there with you because you like me, otherwise I might not know for the next twenty-something years, and history will repeat itself and—ow!” 
“I get it, you asshole,” you bite. Yuuji gives you a shallow shrug, and a crooked smile, that you, begrudgingly, find endearing. So much so that you groan and let your head fall forward until your forehead is pressed against Yuuji’s chest. You can hear his laughter; feel the way his palms immediately latch to your back to rub shallow circles. “This is stupid. I can’t believe I like you and you’re making me do all this for some three-hour movie.” 
“Oh, wrong L-word, try again.” 
“Even worse. You know I love you and you insist on making me do this.” 
“You must think I’m worth it, or you would have left me hanging a long time ago,” Yuuji gives you another kiss to the crown of your head, before he holds you by the shoulders to urge you to stand up straight, “Now come on, ask me out, sweep me off my feet, m’lady.” 
You blink your eyes open slowly, adjusting for the sparkling image of Yuuji standing before you, waiting far too patiently. That awe washes over you again—a wave for the overbearing love you feel for him, another for the incredible soul the boy in front of you is—for how lucky you truly are to have him.  
And you are lucky to have Yuuji. To be loved by Yuuji. So, you reach for his hands and wrap yours around them before you look up to face him and ask, “Itadori Yuuji, will you go out with me?” 
“Yes, and I’ll do you one better,” he smiles, shakes your hands off so that he can put them on your waist to pull you to his chest, “I’ll be your boyfriend, too.” 
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katsuki bakugou x reader
summer love thoughts with bakugou
in honor of august <3
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to love katsuki was to not need anything more.
whims of salty air and sunlight poured through the windows of your shared apartment. you loved summer, loved the warmth and long days. you adored the butterflies and the bumblebees, the cicadas that hushed you to sleep and the birds that compassionately sang you awake. you loved walking beneath the trees and alongside the blooming flowers, in their prime and ready to fall back in love.
what you loved most about summer, however, was your boyfriend.
katsuki bakugou glowed in the summertime- quite literally, because the sun seemed to favour him towards anyone else. whenever he went on long walks with you, always practicing the sidewalk rule with his arm around your waist, it was as though that bright burning star gave him little kisses from above. he looked so beautiful and you weren’t even sure if he knew it. the sky blessed him with a gorgeous sun-kissed tan that dared you to rome your hands up and down his skin. how could you resist something so gorgeous and so, utterly yours?
katsuki was someone that ran hot more than cold, especially during the summertime. he prefers to be shirtless anyway. so you’re given the privilege of seeing his back beneath the sun, the way every contour of his unreasonably gorgeous muscles hugged the sun’s golden glow perfectly. he’d lay on his stomach by the window, just feeling the warmth while your fingers trace lazy circles over his back. god, the way he hums when he feels your touch on him. he’ll lazily shift his head over to look at you, hooded crimson eyes staring into yours with nothing but pure love. he’ll utter a quick “what are you doing?” as if he’s complaining- but you both know he’s not. his voice is irresistibly deep when he’s resting, especially when its warm and the summer heat has him dazed.
you love katsuki when he’s under the sun. katsuki looks at you like you are the sun.
you’ll be in bed together, the sun’s setting glow casting a warmth like a stage light over the sheets. he kisses every part of you, hands roaming up and down your skin as if trying to warm you up after the longest winters of your life when he wasn’t there. you two will be absolutely twisted in the bedsheets, limbs pressed against each other and hearts thumping almost in sync. he can’t help the way his eyes roam over your body when your under him, savouring you with the fear that you’ll slip away in a moment in time. he doesn’t know that it’s impossible for you to slip away, because you’re never not his. he’s uncharacteristically gentle at times like this, whispering “are you sure? are you okay? did that feel good? did you see heaven when i just did?”
god, he wishes he could write his name on you. to assure himself that this is real, that you’re real. that he didn’t just make this up. that he doesn’t just think he has you, and that he does truly have you. you can feel it in the way he holds you, how his arms never leave your body when next to him. how he presses quick kisses to your head and shoulder when he’s just passing by you. you can feel it in the way he loves you, how he’s changing for the better for you. how he’ll keep working hard and growing, keep fighting to be the greatest damn hero there ever was just so he can go home to you. sure, the sun gave him life, but he honestly didn’t think he’d need the sun if he had you.
and honestly, he loves you so much that wanting is enough for him. of course he wants you to love him back, and he’s sure you do, but he’s also thought that just having these feelings is enough for him. he’ll tolerate that shitty star in the sky if he can’t have your love, because at least the skies gifted him with your existence.
but he does have you. he has you when you’re bathed in sunlight or kissed by the moon. when you’re drooling over his tanned state or gasping his name like a symphony. he has you in the summer and through every other season. he’s not alone, regardless of whether or not the flowers bloom or wither in the snow. katsuki bakugou gets to say “us.” because its you.
i may write a second part we’ll see 🐚 to live for the hope of it all!
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 18+ mdni, fem!reader // mating press, mentions of breeding, husband!bakugou (yes, he's aged up)
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 700+
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𝗕𝗔𝗞𝗨𝗚𝗢𝗨 fucks you in whichever way he can think of.
Sometimes it’s up against the shower wall, when he has your back pressed to the wet tiles and he still wears that same conceited smirk that had first ghosted over his rosy lips the moment you had offered the lame excuse of saving up on water by showering together. 
Other times it’s him fucking you from behind; hands and thrusts alike from how harsh and greedy they are as you try not to sweat too much because you’re both still dressed in your work clothes, and he’s got you bent over the now-disorganized desk in his fancy office – your tear-stained cheek flushed against the expensive wood.
He fucks you while standing up, making you watch yourself in the mirror whilst the only part of him you can see behind you is the focused and firm line of his mouth. He fucks you sitting down, when he’s tired and drained from yet another late-night patrol, and thus lets you take charge for once; warm, scarred hands that have held so much power and destruction in the form of a spark – and still do – turning gentle and caring for a change as they slide across the curve of your hips and guide you to a faster rhythm. 
He screws you when your limbs are effortlessly entangled with his own stronger ones as you lay in bed and toss around the bed sheets that he obsessively keeps washing after every more intense fuckfest. And he slams you in the car, too, when he feels like being risky for once, and decides to make you bounce on his fat cock like a little slut in heat, even though anybody could walk past and hear your kittenish moans.
Still, nothing quite hits the spot like a good ol’ mating press does.
Truthfully, you’re not sure of the reason as to why. The position could be considered rather vanilla in the eyes of many; it’s just spicy missionary, but goddammit, if it doesn’t turn your brain to mush and causes your heart to jump whenever he starts hinting he wants it. His eyes burn like fire, the red gaze fierce as he practically manhandles you into it like you’re some toy he likes to play with all the time, every time, any place, everywhere.
And perhaps you adore the position because of the angle that lets him sink his heavy cock so deep inside you that the overcapacity you feel at the intrusion makes your eyes cross and your jaw turn slack. Maybe you enjoy it because he looks absolutely beautiful whilst doing it: glimmering in sweat and panting in the midst of all the passion going on between you. 
Perhaps it’s the way he reaches out and his thick digits intertwine with your own; the chill of the golden ring he had placed upon your finger a long while ago, brushing his knuckle and sending a shiver down his spine because you’re his, his, his – all his.
It might be the way he subtly dips in to reach you better, so that he can kiss you. How his warm tongue tangles with your own, and he kisses you so deeply and with such feverish desire that you lose yourself in him; fade away to a point where he has to sink his teeth into your bottom lip to bring you back to him. 
How he caresses your face, brings you closer until your drool mixes with his own, and turns into something sweeter as the quiet, “I love you.” sinks into the saliva.
It’s the way he can rest his forehead against your own the moment his hips pick up pace and intent, and your knees are nearly touching your ears from the way he bends you to the brink of pain, and he has to focus to not make you ache, even though – fuck, it feels too good to do that right now. 
How he watches you break over and over again, then; crumbling into nothing but pure bliss as you cry out his name in that breathless sort of tone he absolutely adores, and that truly does make him feel like a hero.
How he can breed the fuck out of you after you cum and gush and turn oh, so very messy for the third time in a row. As that ring of milky slick gathers at the base of his dick and everything feels so sloppy and hot that he’s ready to give you his all and spill, spill, spill. Until you’re dumb. Fucked out. Dripping with his cum because he’s so in love with both you and your sticky pussy.
Who knows?
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cutieeva · 22 days
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Female reader
Warnings : Mention of infidelity. Trauma. Stalking.
Once trust is broken, it is harder than we think to mend it as it once was. A definition of (Y/N)'s relationship.
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What a odd word isn't it ? something every being wants to learn and showcase yet behind close doors we all know in the back of our minds it's impossible. After all, perfection is a word for fake which is the opposite of what people want— real, something that is permanent, something that could be held, captured, savored. Perfection is a skill both admired and envied upon and (Y/N) can't help but come to doubt the perfection she once fell for.
Cameron. The man of perfection and the man she fell for only to doubt his every little move now. His gentle smile adoring the moment of her sight, eyes crinkling at the side by how large the happiness is craved out of him. It's sweet, truly, never did it not warm her heart and cast thousand butterflies on her stomach by how beautifully happy he looked to see her, and her only but suddenly she has come to doubt if it's even genuine or not. Suddenly she notice the smile too wide, too large, too happy, too fake that she wants ask. After all how it's possible to bright up so much like a sun glowed in the sky by seeing one person even if it's her who is his girlfriend. How ?
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Just like now the moment of her heels touch the ground making a satisfying clicking noise entering a room, once their eyes met and he shine like the brightest sun she never imagined to have for herself. Again those tender lips, sparkling eyes too clear for any stranger to know he loves her and hard.
"How lucky ?"
"Awww !"
"Bless him".
"Lucky her"
These would be the frequent comments utter from literal stranger's mouths and perhaps— no for sure her past self could blindly agree dwelling into her own version of fairytale where Cameron was her prince charming and she, a pleasant he fell for. Well, at least that what in collage they are known for. The modern version of Cinderella, a very....interesting title it was when it first pass her ears yet time pass and it turn into a nasty taunting name for her as if hinting at something she was unaware like a insider joke that she was an outsider was. Even her lovely boyfriend seems to hate it not at her level of hate like she despise it. Wishes to burn every tongue that ever deicide to merely utter that to her. Only if she could do she wish.
"Darling, sit". Like a gentleman he is pull her chair and let her sit on the wooden cold surface facing her own parents who seems to be in awe staring at their daughter's relationship as if it's a angel asked for her hand when he in her view seem nothing but a human good at masking his flaws, too well for her liking. Because see, the way those slender pale hands cares her own hand under the table like she is a flower touched carefully yet softly almost melt her heart if it didn't turn into stone now. (Y/N) didn't care to hold back, blankly staring at the white empty plate served in front of everyone and she like a doll waited to be served food despite having no hunger or whatsoever. Slowly she move her head, her (E/C) eyes watching the same smile craved out of him, towards her parents holding huge utensils to serve the meal he specially made to impress his future in-laws, his words not hers.
"Oh ! son, you don't have to do it !" Her father said, laughing carefree.
"It's okay, father. Let me at least have the honor to serve the elders". Kindly her boyfriend utter.
"Such a good man. How lucky my daughter is to have you". Placing one palm under her cheek, her mother watched him in pure delight.
"It's the opposite. Actually I am lucky to have her". His bashful comment earned more heart points than it already been taken as they laughed, enjoyed, indulge in their little bubbles that (Y/N) almost forget it's her parents and she is their family in here not him looking as if he is their son yet truly, in her angle she invisible, forgettable, easily a abandon thing that's why she use to question herself a lot. Why did he choose her ? why did he love her ? what is so special about her ? how could she not when he had oceans of girls waiting to just be looked by him, in campus he is the prince every girl dream and every boy befriend due to his looks, personality, popularity, riches. Coming from a wealthy family and still be a humble polite man isn't a daily view for everyone to see, he truly seemed like a sun to everyone, beautiful to look at but never be touched and owned, yet she a nobody has the chance to become a infamous girl who tame the sun. Perfect elements to gossip, spread rumors, talk down to.
Never passed a day did no one ever forget to remind her how insignificant she was to him and he was there to catch her, in his warmth of arms to show how significant she is to him and him alone and that all it matter and that it all took for her to be a idiot in love.
"Honey, eat before it's cold". Sweet his voice is, kind his eyes are that bore into her blank ones— deviod of love or any emotions, she doesn't know if he pretends to be blind to her lack of response or he simply doesn't care enough. Wordlessly she turn her head down to her this time meal served on plate— her favorite dish and their first date dinner together.
Carelessly her fingers wrap around the cold sliver fork like her heart tremble feeling and about to dig when ever so smoothly, like a cream of butter he swap the plate from hers to his. Smiling ear to ear boozing of tenderness. "Eat mine, yours is cold already". She didn't need to glance up to see her parents reaction or the warmth coming from him. She stilled like time does when a watch is broken, tramped. Listening to the clicks of plates, giggles of their voices, quiet noises of chewing, shower of compliments regarding the dish and still she didn't touch her food. Hunger seems to left her, emotions seems numbs, voices of them seem tiny and the reality feels surreal.
Oddly her visions seem distorted and water drops falling on top of the dish and something inside tells her it's will taste sour.
Is it raining ?
"(Y/N)...". Cameron's voice turn delicate, carefully calling her name. "Why are you crying ?" At the end of his sentence his voice cracked as if he was the one crying.
Oh. (Y/N) realize, blinking her tears away dripping to her meal, she discover more that it is indeed raining however inside her. More sour tears roll down, her lips didn't sob, her expression remained blank yet her tears fell one after another worrying her family and Cameron.
"I am sorry, Mister and Mrs. (L/N) but (Y/N) seems to be not herself and she needs time. Hopefully you will excuse us". Swiftly her body met his embrace, cold, hard unlike the light and mellow she was used to. "How fake". She thought letting him whisk her away in the car, watching her home disappear into the night and arrive in their shared apartment near their university and she find herself in their shared bed, feeling his choice of fabric underneath her skin, melting into his arms underneath her skin as he tenderly pat her back, rock her body like a baby, place her head on his chest, caressing her head and humming a song, a song they discover at their third date they like. "How cruel". She thought, dried tears on cheeks, not a shred of comfort she is finding nor searching. You can't expect to find gem in plastic can you ? so does she, staying motionless.
"Honey, can you please wait, I need to quickly go to washroom okay ?" Assuring like a child, he kiss her forehead deeply before pulling away leaving her alone with her thoughts and the room. The thud of door closing was almost unheard if not for the silence she was surrounded in when another noise pierce through the air.
Ding !
Her (E/C)'s flicker to the phone screen lit on the desk. His phone and she knew she had to look, to confirm her suspicions and catch the man red handed unlike the first time. How ironic, before such thoughts won't even cross her mind and now like a plague it's everywhere poisoning her, killing her softly. Her hand like a vice hold his phone the notification read inside her mind. 'Meet me tomorrow secretly'.
The door open revealing Cameron who came as fast as he could to console (Y/N) and his eyes met hers where she is sitting as before with his phone kept on the wooden cupboard and he smiles again bathing her in utter devotion. "Disgusting". Her eyes daze in disappointment. She knew he was having an affair, after the confront incident they had, never was they the same and will never. He never changed but she did and they both are aware of this yet no one dare speak out loud afraid of the illusion they built together to crumble once again.
"I will do it again". She decide tomorrow to end it all. For good.
Tomorrow came faster than she expected even by not finding a ounce of sleep, the other side of her bed felt heavy with his weight reminding of his suffocating presence at the same time he seems not to be present or maybe she is one instead of him.
"I can't go to university". Her vague answer didn't look to affect him as he lean in to close the gap of their lips, slender fingers stroke her either (S/C) cheeks and loving lips mold hers and starstruck eyes stare into her. A endearing moment she wished to capture if not for the knot inside her stomach wants to pull away, slap away.
"Okay, rest as much as you wish". He easily took her wish like she easily fell under his spell. Watching the man she loves pull away and go out taking his belonging to university which she knows is a lie. He is meeting behind her back and repeating the same heart tugs moments on another woman.
The moment (Y/N) felt him driving away on his car, she wore a white hat, a random coat and sat on the cab she booked few minutes ago and told the driver to follow the white car while her eyes dart from her her phone screen looking at the GPS tracking on his phone to his real time car, the tracker was set on him long ago not yesterday where she didn't even had the chance to unlock and read their chat properly because the password isn't what she thought, what she hoped. Her birthday nor his was enough to unlock. Another proving point of how fake his exhausting pretense of loving boyfriend is after all no lover boy as him would not set her birthday as his password. She knew what a ploy is once she sees though it and once was a mistake, twice would be intentional.
The car stopping snap her attention and she watch him go out of car and inside not the university he lied to but to a hotel. A luxurious one even she wasn't invited by him. How special the girl has to be, prettier ? younger ? richer ? doesn't matter when it ends all.
Hurried her footsteps were, walking though the doors opened by the guards and following him waking pass the lobby into somewhere else like he was familiar with the surrounding, nodding heads with the receptionists who mirror his actions and her heart skip more, odd emotions flood in she unable to understand.
She paused. Finally her eyes wide.
In front of her stood the same loving boyfriend hugging a girl passionately, grinning ear to ear and sat besides each other tasting meals like a date of rich people. Indeed she is far beautiful, charismatic, wealthier. Watching them enjoy, exchange dishes like a couple makes a odd sense of relief and betrayal wash her and without shame her feet march towards them, not a second pass of them finally noticing her, she smash the very dish he is enjoying to his face earning a yelp from her and (Y/N) did it again and again and again until stuff members of hotel pulled her away.
"I hate you cheater !" Cameron with difficulty look up, staring at her with pain, sadness ignited anger, disgust and satisfy inside her. Anger for how dare he acts to be in pain when the knife stab her and she is bleeding. Disgust to find the boy she thought the most beautiful so ugly and satisfy at least she brought him the same pain he did if not less.
"(Y/N) !" A familiar exclaimed turn her head. "What are you doing ?" A disbelief grasp slice the air by her best friend, Sophia and other boys and girls she knew from university. But what caught her eyes is the balloons held on their palms written Happy birthday (Y/N).
"W-what is going on ?" Her words stutter and in the split second the familiar place blur to strange, filled with questions and unreal like the knowledge she grasp was also a ploy she mistaken.
"My darling, today is your birthday and I was hoping to surprise you". His eyes relaxed as he tried to step to her to which she step back not wanting to believe his words. How could it be possible, it's impossible for her to forget her own birthday and even if she did, he was the liar at the end. A fake person. "This girl is the daughter of this restaurants and helped me to arrange the best dishes only". No. No. No. No. She shake her head, what prove does he have he is not lying.
"It's true, we are here to tell him your favorite likes, dislikes". Sofia answered averting her eyes as if too offended at her sight. Her words sting (Y/N)'s heart.
"We were only tasting the food—".
"What's your password ?" He pause like a information shone at him she didn't like.
"It's you". A snarl twist on her face. See, he is lying, he always was and still is.
"Liar !" With pain she screamed she didn't knew had inside her regarding him.
"No". Cameron shook his head gentle, appearing almost like an angel that her heart ache to believe his words. Believe him. "It's true, my password is the day we first met". And to confirm he in front of her type the date her mind clearly recalls and it opened along the rest of chatlog she couldn't read discussing about her birthday.
Tears swell in her eyes and her mistake came to light however there is also a realization sink in her mind that she no longer loves this boy, she loved and the perfection she fell for now become the very thing she come to loathe and it's all because of that bet. A silly little bet he made to date her and after she knew it, she still welcome him in her life forgetting to open her heart to the point every loving actions of his seems like a act of betray, sweet nothings seem blunt lies, loving care of his— fake. His betrayal hit her so hard she lost trust. The entire time when she was worrying about losing Cameron in reality loving him she lost herself and the twisted relief of seeing him with another woman was a fleeing excuse to break up. Once she believed the love fairytale and twice become too heavy to bear.
Her legs give up as she land on the ground, all alone. How could this happen ? how in process of loving him did she lost herself. Her happier, brighter, forgiving, trusting self ? maybe in the end she didn't forgive him for the bet she thought she did. 
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅
☾ ──────────
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the-ineffable-dance · 8 months
Throughout both seasons of Good Omens, I adore watching how Aziraphale and Crowley show their love for each other. They each have a different set of needs that the other knows about and validates... Crowley is big on giving Aziraphale Acts of Service. Aziraphale leans more towards Physical Touch.
But one thing that they both give the other is possibly the most important for our two man shaped beings... Words of Affirmation.
It's easy to see when Crowley does this for Aziraphale, and I think it's quite easy to see when Azi both needs those words and also how dramatically he responds to them.
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He doesn't just enjoy Crowley praising him... he needs it. Heaven has been brutal to Aziraphale. They have never had a kind word for him... instead they belittle him and mock him at every turn.
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Imagine that THIS is what you are given for thousands and thousands of years. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, THIS is the response. Nothing is ever good enough. EVER.
And then, you meet a demon. And he listens to your ideas. He sees you for who you are. And he never mocks you. He listens. He accepts you. And he tells you that you're doing good things, that you're smart, that you're clever. That you have value.
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Look at that face!!! Look how much it means to him! Even with six thousand years together, Aziraphale is ready to be mocked, and when Crowley encourages him, it is everything!
Even waaaaay back, in the Garden. They hardly knew each other, and yet already we have this affirmation that Aziraphale desperately needs.
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What might be more difficult to see is how Aziraphale gives Crowley Words of Affirmation that HE needs just as much. It's much more subtle, but Crowley needs them, and Aziraphale provides.
Crowley's entire existence is a delicate balancing act. Inside, he is at heart a good person. He didn't lose that in his Fall like many of the other demons. We can see his kindness in a thousand small ways... his concern for children, his love of Aziraphale, following Hell only as far as he can... But imagine. He's a demon of Hell. Surrounded by people who think words like kind, nice, love are "four letter words." And the punishment for that kindness is not just mockery, but it's physical, brutal. How easy would it be to lose those parts of yourself just out of pure survival?
And then, you meet an angel. And he sees you for who you are, deep down, all the little things that you had to hide away. And he says it out loud, so you know that he sees it and accepts it and appreciates it. And he helps keep those parts of you you cherish alive.
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Aziraphale is the only person that validates those parts of Crowley. And even if Crowley reacts negatively to it either out of fear that they're being listened to or even just habit, he still hears it.
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Okay, he reacts REALLY badly to it... but Aziraphale never stops saying it, either. He knows deep down just how much Crowley needs him to say it.
Kind, nice, these are the most common of Aziraphale's Words of Affirmation... but there is one that I think Crowley needs the most... the one that he himself brings up the least... the fear that as a demon he is truly unforgiveable. He is unreliable when describing his Fall through out the series, and I see that as a sign that it is something that eats away at him. No demon gets forgiven. Period.
But Aziraphale forgives him. Offers it to him over and over. (Ignore the final offer of forgiveness in S2... those circumstances are out of the ordinary).
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And when Aziraphale offers his forgiveness, I don't think that he's limiting it to whatever the surface reason is. Look at him... that's the face of someone who is trying to put as much meaning behind his words as he can. To reach that core of self-doubt that Crowley hides away, and ease the ache that is there. "You can be forgiven. You are worth forgiving. I forgive you, even if no one else does." We see throughout the series the forgiveness that Aziraphale offers start off pretty broad, and moves more and more intimate... from "May God forgive you" to "May you be forgiven" to finally "I forgive you." He refines his words until he finds what Crowley needs.
For both of them, the Words of Affirmation that the other provides is such an important part of their relationship! I'm thinking that soon I'll take a look at some of the other Love Languages that they use throughout the series. Until then!
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miioouu · 9 months
Mean dad's best friend! John Price Ending
Helloooo! I’m back from the dead to drop this horrible, disgusting, bad bad final part for Price’s route! I’ve been dealing with some personal issues as well as some terrible creative blocks, so please I know it’s bad, ok? Tw: smut, breeding kink, mention of fingering and oral (female receiving), female reader Wc: 1.4k 
Your eyes kept glancing between the two men. Why are you having such a hard time making a choice? It should be obvious right? Although Simon has always been on your mind, the one you're always crawling back to, you know better than that. The voice in the back of your head is telling you to let go, no matter how much your heart will break, there's someone who'll mend it back together.
The thought alone made you smile, you gazed into ocean blues and suddenly, it wasn't that difficult to choose. His grin alone made your heart skip a beat. His hands, the way they smooth down the skin of your waist as he pulls you closer, is enough to make you melt. And you weren't supposed to feel anything for that man; only here to make Ghost jealous, only a mere distraction at first, but he's become so much more, someone you like…loved even.
You try to voice out your choice, although Price stopped you “It's ok sweetheart, I think he got it, right?” His warm eyes turned icy just by looking at the other man. And again, you hate their silent communication, you hate always being left in the dark, but the moment Simon scoffed, giving you his infamous eye roll as he turned away and slipped from your room, it was enough to make you forget all about their lack of communication skills.
It was the way his arms wrap around you as he holds you close, and the way his warm eyes gazed into yours as he smiled so adorably, that’s one of the reasons why you chose John. The way he cared about you, never talked about other women, never told you what to do. Never stern and never rude, only sweetness outside the bedroom and in it too. His hands are always soft as they gently lift your shirt up, just like he is doing right now, calloused but gentle as they brush against your skin, leaving scatters of goosebumps in their trail. His words, praising you with devotion “Maybe I don’t make you feel as good as him. Maybe he really is better than me…But you know, he doesn’t like you the way I do. Noone ever will.” But you only shake your head. Maybe you have been blinded by Ghost’s pure rough lust, but you’re not stupid enough to disregard gentleness and awe. 
His lips trailed down your neck, down your collarbones, and when usually he’d like to bite and nibble, he feels as if he doesn’t need to mark you anymore. You’re his, you know it, he knows it, Simon knows it. No need for unnecessary roughness, of reminding that you enjoy him just as much, if not more now. It’s obvious, from the way your head falls back against the pillows, they kind of smell like him. From the way your nails dig in his shoulders as you guide him back down, further down. Soft lips on your soft tummy, making the butterflies erupt in your stomach, the way he kisses you, so carefully, like you were crystal, like you were the finest porcelain, like you were the most fragile thing that has ever seen the light of the earth. 
This military man always felt like he belonged in chaos and brutality, the savagery of bullets and loudness of bombs, never did he think he’d find relishing in tenderness and kindness. Cold nights when he’d stay awake praying god would let him see another day of life, now between the warmth of your sheets, god is forgotten, John can only sin and sin over and over again, if this is what hell is like, then so be it, nothing will ever taste as sweet as your arousal. A sloppy man by nature, saliva and drool dripping down his chin as he messily makes out with your folds. Between your thighs, that’s where he truly belonged. 
Doe eyes looking up at you from below, it made you smile, how a man like him can’t contain his eagerness. Your fingers ran through his hair, pulling him closer to your core, even closer when your back arched, his fingers suddenly plunging inside you. That’s how he always did it “Wanna make sure you’re ready sweetheart. Don’t ever want to hurt you, not that way at least…”  He’d constantly say, to the point where it kept on replaying in your mind, even at the worst possible moments. He’d always make sure you’d cum on his fingers or tongue first, for comfort, as he puts it. But deep down, that’s not the reason. Knowing that he as you wrapped around his fingers, literally, always did something to him. The way you purr, thrash against your sheets when he overstimulates you with just a flicker to your abused clit, the way you beg him “Please, please! Just…put it in, fuck me!” the way you ramble, voice dripping with desperation, high pitched, and whiny. Your whining, your begging, your crying is why he does it. You’d always tell him how nice he is, but he’s cruel really, selfishly so.
It’s only when he thinks you’re ready, or in other words, it’s only when your tears are staining the pillows, only when your nails drew crescent reds on his back, only when he couldn’t take it anymore, would he push you further up the bed and hover above you. He wouldn’t even give you much time to process what’s happening. He already got your legs wrapped around his waist, and when usually he’d growl and complain about having to use protection, this time he skipped it all together. Your eyes went wide, a small gasp escaped your lips when you felt his tip nudging between your lower lips; he found your behaviour just so cute. He chuckles, leaning down, folding you as he does so, whispers lightly in your ear “You’re so adorable like that, sweetheart. So pretty folded in half for me like that…Got to take advantage of that now, soon I won’t be able to do that at all, hmm?”  It doesn’t take a genius to know what he meant by that, and even if you had any doubts, he slid into you, hissing in pleasure at the feeling of your tight walls around his cock, reinforcing his idea, making it clear. 
And why did he ever doubt you? Was the way you scream his name not enough proof that you loved him? The way you squirm, the way tears cascaded down your cheeks, the way you grabbed into him, all of that, was it not enough to make your decision easier? You’re both too stupid to realise that there shouldn’t have been any hesitation in who you’d choose in the end. 
His hips moved against yours, drilling into you at a speed you’ve never experienced from that man before, or anyone for what matters. His hands dug into your hips as he held you steady. You’re panting, biting your lips to keep your moans at bay, but to no avail. He won’t be having that. “Don’t be selfish now my darling. I’ve been patient enough, the least you could do is appreciate me by screaming my name, don’t you think?” And who were you to deny him this request? Your lips parted at his demand, his name rolling off your tongue has him picking up his pace, faster and faster, he’s reaching so deep. Although not in the fields, when Johnny puts his mind into something, he’ll make sure it happens, no matter what it takes. His fingers find your clit, rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves, it has you twitching underneath him, squirming and shaking, your voice is all choked up when you cum. Your vision is blurry, your limbs feel like jelly as your gummy walls spasm around him, really, he’s not surprised at how fast he cums when he’s with you anymore, never once did it hurt his ego. Your exhausted smile warmed his heart. A kiss on your forehead and a soft whisper of “Thanks for giving me a chance”  has you wrap your arms around him to press a sweet peck to his lips. And you thought that was the end of your night, you’re ready to be tucked in and cuddled up against his chest and be lulled to sleep by his heartbeat as usual, but no. “Oh no, where do you think you’re going, darling? No, no we’re not done yet. I got to make sure it takes, wanna see you all round for me. We’re gonna show him, I can give you what you want. I am what you need…”
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Birthday Pie
main masterlist | supernatural masterlist
SPOILERS! set between seasons 7 and 8 of supernatural, there are spoilers for both these seasons
summary: you celebrate his birthday even when he’s gone
pairing: dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 0.9k
warnings: sad, not at all a happy birthday for our beloved lil guy, language
author’s note: i’m sorry, okay? i’ve had this idea in my head for months and decided that today is a good day to release it? anyway, happy 45th birthday dean winchester! love you and very glad you’re alive and well and the series finale never happened! :)
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January 24th, 2013 — Dean’s 34th Birthday.
You were barely able to drag yourself out of bed and into the living room where you were now seated and watching TV. It didn’t matter what was on, you weren’t paying attention anyway. Your mind was completely focused on Dean. Your beloved Dean; who shouldn’t be wherever the fuck he was but instead safe in your arms.
He shouldn’t be spending his birthday terrified, missing you and his brother. He should be spending it with you, Sam, and Cas.
Sure, he wasn’t really the birthday party type of guy but each year since you met him you’d gotten him a pie and put candles in it for him to blow out. It’d started as a half-assed attempt to put a smile on his face when you learned it was his birthday and you couldn’t find a cake at the store.
He’d loved it.
“How’d you know I’d rather have pie?” he had asked, his face lighting up even more when you put two candles—a two and a four—in the center.
“I…had a feeling.” You had shrugged it off as not a big deal but deep down you both knew how much it meant to him.
And each year since then—come rain, shine, monsters, or the apocalypse—you made it your job to get Dean Winchester a pie on his birthday.
A few tears rolled down your cheeks, joining the half-dried ones there already. You hadn’t been sad on Dean’s birthday since his year before hell. But it was different then, you had him next to you and you were savoring every second. You might have been terrified of what would soon happen, but you were still with him.
“If you’re not already aware, Dean,” Castiel started, “you turn thirty-four today.”
“What?” Dean asked, confused. “Cas we—”
���Granted time seems to be passing differently here, but on earth it is currently your birthday.”
“Happy birthday, brother,” Benny joked.
“Yeah real fuckin’ happy,” Dean scoffed. “We’re stuck killing our way through this fuckin’ nightmare while the love of my life is spending my birthday alone.”
“I’m sure she’s okay, Dean,” Cas assured him. “She has Sam, he’ll look after her until we get back.”
“No, you don’t get it. Birthdays were…they were our thing, if that makes any goddamn sense.”
“Happy birthday, Dean,” you smiled, placing the pie in front of him.
“Twenty-six! God, that sounds old,” Dean laughed a little.
“You’re kidding right?” you asked after singing for him as he blew out the candles.
“Twenty six may sound old to you, but trust me you are still fuckin’ adorable.”
“I am, aren’t I?” He grinned.
“You wanna do the honors, cutie?” you asked, handing him the kitchen knife.
“Gladly, sweetheart,” he said, taking it from you. You watched him cut a slice for you then an even bigger slice for himself.
“Dean,” you started as you watched him begin eating the pie. “I love you.”
He stopped eating and looked at you; “What?”
“I know there’s a lot about your life you haven’t told me, you’re lore you could call it, but I need you to know that I really do love you, Dean Winchester.”
“But how? I mean, I’m not exactly an open book and there’s no way…” he trailed off.
“No way, what?”
“There’s no way in hell you’d feel this way if you learned everything about me.”
Your heart broke at his words, and your expression definitely showed it.
“The amount of pure love I have for you is beyond measurable, Dean. And I might be crazy for saying this, and feeling this, but there is truly nothing you could say or do that would make me stop.”
“Really?” he asked quietly, as if he was scared to press his luck.
You nodded with a soft smile; “Really.”
“Well, look I’m not really one for…that…but I do…I do feel that way about you too. I guess what I’m saying is, uh, right back at cha?”
“See to any normal person that would sound like the ramblings of a crazy man,” you said, his smile only growing. “But to me? Absolute poetry.” You leaned over and kissed him. “Happy birthday, Dean.”
He simply kissed you back, smiling against your lips.
“Happy birthday, Dean,” you whispered, blowing out the candles on the small pie you’d bought. It was a one-person pie because you knew if you bought a regular one that at least three-quarters would not have been eaten.
You took out the candles and picked up your fork. Staring down at the desert, you let more tears fall.
“It shouldn’t be this hard to eat a fuckin’ pie,” you laughed humorously. Your phone rang next to you and you answered it; “Hey, Sam.”
“Hey,” he sighed. “I just wanted to call and check up on you. It being Dean’s birthday and all, I figured you might…you know…”
“Be huddled up in bed sobbing my eyes out?” you said.
“I’m holding it together Sammy, don’t worry about me,” you assured him.
“I always worry about you, you know that.”
There was a short pause in the conversation as you took a deep breath and let a few more tears fall; “I miss him, Sammy,” you admitted. “I just really miss him.”
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matchadobo · 1 month
KIDD; misconfession
wc: 4269
summary: imagine confessing to the wrong dude.
warning/s: highschool au they're like 12th grade, very fluff no nsfw, afab reader, shojo coded 🎀
note: inspired by this post
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you were smart. you have a reputation for being smart among your peers and teachers. so you had no idea why the hell you fumbled this bad. it was one of the biggest moments of your life, but you had the nerve to fuck it up.
you had a MASSIVE if not, phenomenally embarrassing, crush on this guy. he wasn't that popular; he was known to be part of a school band that competes with other years, the band he was in represented your year. he has blond, luscious hair, he was tall, kinda muscular, is really good at playing drums it's making him hot, and is damn good at cooking class. so boyfriend material, right?!
after weeks of overthinking in pure whipped behavior. you've finally decided to prepare him a bento. you woke up extra early so you could take your time pouring your heart out into it. and it was perfect, it looked adorable.
the entire time you were making it, you were happy on your feet. as you shaped the onigiri like a cat and placed a hat made of fishcake on it you were giggling imagining a scenario in your head. you're so silly really.
then you finally wrapped it up in a cute hanky you had, it had some chain designs and lightning bolts. you tied it in the end with a bow and left a note in the end.
hi! i admire you a lot ever since you transferred from scotland ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ you always looked so cool performing ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ please enjoy this bento, i hope you like it! from, name ♡
you went to the grocery store after class yesterday, you woke up early, you cooked something up, and you spent hours fixing up his bento. it was all for him. so why the fuck did you give it to that red head next to him?!
"hey, uh, is that for me?" killer spared you a look, eyebrow raised at you. for the record, you stood in front of his table for a good thirty seconds without saying anything. you were too into staring at him you didn't notice that your mouth wasn't moving.
you were about to speak but one of his homies asked for his homework. and you somewhat got embarrassed about this whole thing you have planned out. but you had to say something! anything!
"a-actually it's for...him!" you moved over to the side and placed the bento on kidd's desk. kidd who had his face resting on his chin, elbow propping his arm up. his scowl deepened and he studied you up and down.
kidd looked at his bento and then back at your awfully red face. he didn't say anything which made you feel even more overwhelmed. he just pointed at the bento and questionably looked at you. like why the fuck did you give it to him?
you hadn't had the chance to look over at killer because he was so happy for his best friend. he placed a hand over his mouth discretely to contain his smile and chuckle.
but you were trembling. so you left the room even though the bell for break had already rung, signalling class will continue. you walked as far away as possible. the empty halls did not stop you even though it was a sign that it was indeed time for class.
later that day, you admitted yourself to the clinic. you were feeling nauseous and queasy and your head hurt from thinking about your fumble too much, the nurses gave you ibuprofen and let you rest for an hour.
once you had a good rest, you were reminded once again of the incident earlier. you pinched the bridge of your nose in disappointment. but you had to gather your things and make it back to your last class.
the walk back to your seat was shameful. you don't know who saw your stupid shit, whether they're gonna tease you or what. but you thankfully had no encounters. what you felt though, was kidd's steady gaze on you when he and his group was outside of his room because they seemingly had their last period as vacant. or was it a glare? he truly looks like he's gonna kill you.
you met his eyes and he just casually avoided you, like he wasn't boring holes through your skull. you ran your fingers through your hair and groaned silently. what a fucking waste!
but i mean, what else is there left to do? you just have to suck all the bullshit confusion you caused up. but it ate at you, the fact that you did everything right but confessing to the RIGHT person. it'd be a dick move if you didn't clear this up, giving kidd the wrong idea. you don't even know the guy! he was in the other class with killer, thank god for that. soyou have NO IDEA what he's like.
until valentines' day came up. some part of you thought that this was the perfect time to apologize. you just have a penchant for doing stupid shit. to be fair, when is the right timing to break it up to him? you couldn't catch him even if you tried. he was always cooped up somewhere and you don't want to approach him publicly.
so you bought a cheap box of chocolates and headed to the music room, where he and his mates usually hang during lunch. you were gonna give it to him as an apology for the mismatch your dumbass did. it seems god has given you a chance because you saw him alone, playing the electric guitar. more specifically tuning the chords.
"oh kil, were there cabba-" once he snapped his head up and saw that it was you, his face was unreadably offended. "oh, it's you." he said monotonously.
"yeah, um- there's been something i've been meaning to tell you and..." his eyes shot down to your box of chocolates, clutching close to your stomach.
"no, no, no. don't even think about it." he raised his hand, palm facing you as he winced and turned his head away. "you, stay where you are, okay? i'll let you in on something shortcake. i, unfortunately, don't date. i don't ask anyone out nor do i get asked. now this, whatever freak show this is, i don't plan on moving forward with this shit, okay? so, uh, you got those chocolates all to yourself, aye?"
you furrowed your brows, looking at him with a sour expression. you just got fucking rejected. and it made your eye twitch and your anger issues rise. how dare this motherfucker cut you off?!
"hey kidd, there's some cabbage rolls by the cafeteria do you- want... some..." his friends entered the music room and got stopped with what they walked in on. "we're just gonna be...outside." heat said, gathering wire and killer out the room.
"you're so..." you let out, trying to find the right words for this lump of shit. "just get your damn chocolates!" you walked away, groaning in frustration.
you walked out frustrated whether by yourself for fucking up again or by him who wouldn't even let you speak and rejected you right off the bat. but really it was all your fault, you had the free will to choose who you're gonna confess to yet you picked the asshat.
"damn, what did you do?" wire asked kidd, who got out with an unusually sour scowl on his face, while watching you angrily walk away.
"fucking none of your business."
"not the first time you broke someone's heart." killer mumbled. "wasn't she the one who gave you the bento? it had your favorites in it, didn't it?"
"can we please leave it the fuck alone? the girl's already gone, spare her the fucking dumb shit." he rolled his eyes, walking past them.
"you know that shit made his heart flutter, look at how red his ears are." heat snickered as kidd got farther away.
but boy it did something to his heart. he received bentos before as a romantic gesture of some sort but never has anyone gave him cabbage rolls. it was always the generic shit he soon got sick of. how did you know it was his favorite? he never really says shit about himself.
and those skull-shaped chocolates you gave him, that was his favorite brand of chocolates. it's so cute and it melts in your mouth. how did you find that out? were you stalking him? snooping at him every time he picks it out in the nearest konbini? he somewhat finds you creepy yet mildly cute. mildly, okay?
on your end, you lost the will to even care and give a shit about him. whether you might've hurt his feelings or you gave him the wrong idea. hell he doesn't even care for what you're about to say, so why should you care about what he feels?! forget about your crush with killer, it all evaporated when all you could see now was this stupid fuck.
he was so irritating. him and his annoyingly gaudy red hair that hurts your eyes. how he thinks opening some buttons of his polo with his tacky inner shirts showing looks cool. or that he wears so many shit around his wrists and neck despite the school protocol to not do so. and that rebellious black on his nails that always had his handbook full of warnings. oh, it pissed you off. he had the nerve when he looks like that?!
then come the annual sports' festival where you got assigned as a reserve member for tennis. you were soaking in your own sweat from playing as a substitute for the main player for a good 30 minutes. you sat down on one of the long metal benches to catch up with where your friends are.
you sat down with your arms propped up behind you as you leaned your weight on them, trying to regulate your heartbeat and stop your sweating. you honestly felt starving and thirsty. you were thinking of something to eat, have lunch with your friends maybe.
then your vision went black and you felt a painful thunk on the side of your head, spanning down to your cheek. it took a while for the pain to settle in. but you lost control of your body. the last thing you heard was your friends shouting.
as you try and gain a hold of your fading consciousness, you felt limp yet you also felt supported from behind. almost as if you're being lifted up the metal bench.
you were seeing the blue sky and a patch of red on the side. it was all blurry really. you were very thirsty and you wanted water immediately. you tried moving a lot to try and stimulate feeling in your body, but you felt paralyzed. and now you completely lost consciousness.
causing kidd to panic because he might've killed you. he had you in his arms, as he hurriedly made his way to the clinic.
unbeknowst to you, kidd played in the rugby team. as someone so brash like him who was always on his feet, very athletic and has engaged in physically brutal activities, he fit right into the team. he was loud, lacked hesitation, greedy, and violently aggressive.
so when he was having way too much fun and lost sight of his surroundings, he threw the ball to the other side where his teammate was a little too vigorously. the ball slipped right onto his teammate's hands because it trajected way too fast and he lowkey missed and hit you right on the head.
boy did he ran so fast towards your direction when he fucked up, he ran so fast because he wanted to catch you before you fall completely on the floor because the bench didn't had any backrest. and he successfully caught you, his shin grazing down the sandy ground as he slid down to cushion your fall.
"fuck!" kidd cursed out loud, seeing a red patch on the side of your face foreseeably turning purple.
kidd had to take responsibility. he was an asshat but he was not that evil to leave you like that. so he swept you off your feet and rushed to the clinic.
"don't you dare die, after those damn signals. don't think for a second i'll let you get off easy, shortcake." he mumbled while running, out of breath but all he was thinking about was getting you to safety. or did he just do it so he can get out of trouble?
maybe it's the former, because he couldn't sit still by the waiting chairs outside the clinic. he squatted down the floor, pinching his temples and battling with his own thoughts. was he out of breath from all that adrenaline and running or did he actually felt scared?
"did she get to you?" one of your friends spoke. "you worried about her?" mischief coating her tone.
kidd looked up to spare them a glare, they were seated on the waiting chairs. he was squatting on the opposite side near the door.
"if i fuckin' killed her, yes!" he answered bitterly.
the tension was broken when the doors opened and kidd shot up from his position. thanks to his height, he was able to see over the doctor and see you sitting down and moving. a breath of relief escaped his chest.
"she's okay, she just has a pretty bad bruise. but no signs of alarming trauma. i gave her an ice pack and prescribed her with some painki-"
kidd walked past the doctor, blurring his hearing when he heard the first two words. he came to see you.
"w-why are you...?" you looked at him, cheeks pretty swollen as you held an ice pack on the bruise. genuinely wondering why this asshole is here.
"it's my fault." he sat by the chair beside your bed so he can get closer. "i threw the ball out of bounds and hit you pretty damn hard. so... sorry 'bout that. 's pretty stupid of me." he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"huh. jerk." you rolled your eyes, not even wanting to listen to him anymore. but you were too weak to banter and throw him out.
kidd chuckled. "yeah. let me uh- let me make it up to you. 's a bad ass bruise, though." he pointed at you meekly, grinning a bit.
somewhat, your heart was beating a little too fast. the heart rate monitor that was connected from your forefinger exposed you for it. he was being so cheeky and annoying, and the constant beeping of your heart rate pissed you off even more. your friends snickered at you from outside.
"make it up to me? what's your plan, asshat?"
"you name it. i'm down for anything, honestly. just don't wanna be an asshat in your eyes again." he raised his hands in surrender, saying the mocking tone to rile you up.
you were about to speak when your stomach beat you to it. kidd laughed to himself, knowing exactly what to do for you. you just sat there hiding your blushing face.
kidd took you to a hole in the wall type of izakaya, it had dim lights but not so much that the place becomes poorly lit. it wasn't spacious, but kidd got you two a table that was secluded. seems like he visits this place a lot.
he covered the bill, was actually a decent person to talk to; just a bit of an asshole sometimes but it was his humor, and was waaaay different than who you thought he was.
it's when you noticed that his eyes actually had a bright hue of orange evident when he wasn't frowning. or that he smelled really nice up close, he kinda had that metallic fragrance that hangs out by your nostrils for a while. he looked handsome when he takes off his bandana for a bit to fix his hair. or that his laugh isn't that scary, it was actually pretty contagious.
he also walked you home, insisting to do so even though he lives on the other end of the street.
"look, it's fine. it's not even that dark out yet. my house is pretty close by from here."
"aaaah shut it, all the more reason why you shouldn't bother throwing me away."
"are you doing this because i confessed?" you gave up and kept walking, narrowing your eyes at him.
"no." he looked away because his ears were red, his fist tight inside the pockets of his pants.
"hmm, really?" the smile was evident in your voice as you tried catching a look on his face.
days went by and passed with lingering touches and stolen glances across campus. there would be times that kidd and his group would pass by your classroom while you were in the middle of a conversation during breaks or vacants, and it'd be almost as if the world will completely stop when your and his eyes met. even during lectures when you go to the bathroom and have to pass by his room, you two would always somehow find each other's gazes.
but neither of you approached nor talked to each other. you just walk past each other. it's like no confession had been made. or he didn't just take you out for a not-dinner-date dinner. and weirdly enough, he was always the first one to look away. does he hate you? thinks you're ugly or what?
it all changed when you almost broke your arms trying to lift a box of broken classroom equipment as it is a general cleaning time of the month. he then took the box effortlessly.
"you can't obviously lift this shit and you still did." he coldly started, snatching the box off of you.
"someone asked me to do it and i tried."
"this box is overflowing with metal and wood scraps, even adults struggle with this."
"and you don't? you're so strong, aren't you?" you caught up with him as he started walking.
"tch." he looked away. he really does avoid your eyes all the time. "where do you even plan to put these?"
"the janitor told me to place it outside by the dumps, said someone will collect the scraps." you shrugged, opening the door for him that leads to the dumps.
kidd groaned in relief as he placed it down near the other boxes of heavy scraps.
"thanks, why don't you carry the other scrap boxes back there too?" you smiled up at him, hoping he'll say yes because you're already tired from previous cleaning works.
"i think the fuck not, i want to go home early."
your weak giggle was immediately halted when you couldn't turn the doorknob open.
"what the hell are you- did you lock us out?!" kidd got in front of you and tried turning (shaking) the knob while kicking the door with fervor.
"i didn't i swear! the door out the dumps fucks up sometimes! why would i want to voluntarily lock myself out?! with you even?!"
"the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
but the thing is, the door didn't fuck up on its own. kidd's group and your group did this on purpose. you two had to talk eventually, it's insufferable seeing you two tiptoe and potentially waste what you two had going on. besides, they unanimously think you two look really good together.
and it couldn't get even better, it fucking poured. the rain was so heavy, there were thunders and lightnings scattered across the dark sky too. and the only shelter you could two be in is the skimpy little roof that covered the doorway. yeah, you two had to fit yourselves under it.
"ever bathe in rain?" you broke out. your shoulders were slowly getting damp with the dripping of the rain at the edge of the roof. you were sitting on your haunches, arms crossed over your knees, and your face resting over your arms. trying to keep your warmth.
"plenty of times. don't tell me you will right now." kidd snickered, his frame leaning by the door.
"on my own, i won't." you looked up at him and he finally met your eyes. ah, it really looks great up close.
"count me out, brat." he shook his head, breaking eye contact as he took his hands out his pockets to cross his arms.
"have you been avoiding me?" you asked earnestly, staring at the puddle of water and leaves before you.
"could say the same to you." he shifted his weight on his other feet.
you hid your smile on your arm, growing shy at his statement.
"i- uh- did a mistake- which i don't normally do in situations like that- but i don't think it's a mistake anymore because-"
"spit it out."
you stood up to face him, fingers fumbling with the hem of your shirt. "i was not supposed to give the bento to you, i wasn't supposed to have a crush on you nor do i plan on pursuing you back then. because... because i originally had a crush on killer and then i fucked up and i gave the bento to you because i freaked out and-"
"woah, calm down." he placed his hands on your shoulders. seeing you become frantic and moving your hands around as you explained. "you had a crush on killer?"
"yes! okay? but that was before, way way before. not anymore."
"why? you like someone else now?" he said in a teasing tone, a grin stretched on his lips.
"yeah." you looked away, trying to hide your red face because one person came to mind.
"might as well tell me now that i'm here, brat." he nudged you a little, implying something.
"what? you think it's you or something?" you answered spitefully, facing him with evident irritation.
"isn't it me?" he matched your height as he leaned down to face closer to you. "come on, it's written all over your face." his smirk wasn't helping, it made you feel more fire in you. whether from anger or from being flustered or from him being so close.
"f-fuck off." you squatted back down to avoid him. but the motherfucker sat by the extra space on the floor on the doorway. he wanted to squeeze it out of you.
"well, i can't blame you. i'm pretty charming, aye?"
you hate that he's right. he's an asshole with a charming personality. and you hated that you liked him. it was more embarrassing than liking killer. because atleast killer was kind. kidd's just an asshole.
"i never said it was you." you scowled at him.
"mhm, no need to, buttercup." he ruffled your hair a little too comfortably. but you liked it, of course. it deepened the red on your cheeks.
and things got much worse, the rain got even stronger and it had furious winds. which means you two got wet in just a second. kidd had the nerve to laugh because you looked drenched. that crush on him will soon evaporate if this keeps up.
"okay, okay. i'll find a way for us to get inside as soon as possible so stop glaring at me." he chuckled, looking around.
luckily, one of the school guards saw kidd banging on the door from the little window and he opened the door for both of you. you were shivering as you got inside.
you two quietly went to your classrooms to get your bags. but as you got out, kidd tossed you his jacket. it draped over your head, obstructing your vision.
"put that on as you walk home, yeah? don't want you getting sick on white day, it's a day away." his back was already turned at you because he had walked far away and he still waved good bye.
and you were reminded all over again. that under that jerk fucking asshat exterior, he had other intentions than to fuck with you. and you yearn to experience more of those with him. and it irritated you. how you view his once gaudy vermillion hair as overbearing to now an endearing sight as you see him run off campus using his school bag as an umbrella.
you pulled his jacket over your frame and nestled in the warmth it brought. his cologne still stayed in it.
"so are you two together now?" one of your friends asked, her voice a little too loud. which caused you to smack her on the head.
"volume...! and no, he's probably fucking with me. i don't buy it."
yes you do. you were totally expecting something today ever since you woke up. today was white day. you checked your phone notifications, nothing. you walked to school, nothing. you passed by him during lunch, nothing he wasn't in his room nor the music room. and now it's finally last period. so maybe he really was just fucking with you.
except that once the bell rung, loud drums and an electric guitar riff could be heard far on the campus courtyard. your friends realized it first before you did and you got dragged out the overlooking balcony of the courtyard.
it didn't take long for kidd to spot you. right, he was the frontman of the band. it really was only killer which you saw at first but now, it's like kidd has his own fucking spotlight.
the entire campus saw their performance. they soon traced kidd's gaze which was glued to you who was covering your tomato face with the lunch bag you were carrying. their band was already acknowledged by the entire school so their performance had a lively crowd.
the song was a love song but they turned it metal. everyone loved it, even the faculty let it slide because it was white day. you could also see some people taking this chance to give their white day gifts to other people.
"oi, name!" kidd called out to you as soon as they finished and the applause concluded. you wanted to strangle him for bringing so much attention to you, you were already shy enough that he's doing all this for you. "catch this!"
homie threw a medium-shaped box at you. a fucking box. you were on the second floor. you almost fell trying to catch it. but you didn't open it yet, you wanted to open it next to him.
so you waited once the crowd died down and the other students finished asking to have a picture with them, you waited by the bench that's not too far away from them. it'll be almost as if his friends kicked him out of cleaning up because you were already waiting there.
"that was flashy, didn't know you had it in you."
"you expect something so simple from me? i have a damn band to serenade you for."
"aren't you offended or something? like about the whole misconfession thing." you shrugged, tracing the edges of the bright red box with a black ribbon.
"if anything, i find it funny. and stupid." he chuckled.
"then why'd you act like an ass when i tried clearing it all up during valentines'?" you crossed your arms at him.
"first of all, do i look like a relationship kinda guy? i just predicted as much that you'd ask if we can go out. why the hell did you even bring chocolates if you're just gonna clear it up? much less give it to me?" he sounded angry but all he really was just flustered, he hated how fast his heart ran and how dumbfounded he feels back then.
"i-i was flustered, okay? it's kinda like a peace offering because i was acting stupid and i atleast didn't wanna make you feel bad."
"yet you got me my favorite shit. how'd you even know i love cabbage rolls? and those cheap ass skull-shaped chocolates? you did some stalking?" he narrowed his eyes at you, face moving closer to pressure you.
"no! it was all just a coincidence!" you waved both of your hands in front of you while shaking your head. "why would i stalk you? god no."
"whatever, just open the damn thing."
the entire time, kidd had his arm on top of the backrest of your seat as you examined the contents of his box. he was leaning in closer from time to time when you say something about the stuff that was in there.
it had some cds of his favorite bands, some kisses chocolates, and a couple pairs of studded and dangling earrings.
"these are a bit much, kidd." you chuckled shyly, running your fingers across the surface of the gifts.
"hm? you don't want it? i can return those."
"no! i do, okay? i just didn't expect these grand things. you already performed in front of everyone and... you even got me these stuff."
"we already performed that set so we didn't even need to practice. i can't just not give you anything, it's fucking white day." he shrugged.
except that his group practiced till midnight last night because they never did a metal cover on fucking love songs and kidd just thought of it on a whim. and those cds? he had to run to the music store because it closes by 6 and your classes ends by 5. he got lucky with the jewelries because they were on sale. he did those last two things the day you two got locked out.
"so we're a thing now?"
"depends on what you consider a 'thing'." he leaned back.
you got a hold of his hand and intertwined your fingers with his. his palms were a bit sweaty and he hesitated a bit. his grip was stiff. "is this a 'thing'?"
he sucked in a deep breath to try and calm his heart down. he was squeezing your hands; but not so much as to hurt you. "fucking brat."
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this just me tryna project my highschool shojo fantasy (w/ kidd) i'm going to college tmr pls help
i may be inactive again bc school starts tomorrow TT
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milliesfishes · 3 months
Hii! First I wanted to tell you that I've been reading almost every fic you posted and, omg, I love all of them! I really like your style, your writing is really good! 💖
I was wondering if you are okay with me sharing an idea with you. You don't have to write it if you don't like it!
I was thinking about something where Billy and reader are in a relationship but she struggles with showing affection. She does love Billy, of course, but she just can't show physical affection. Every time they kiss, when they hold hands, when they hug, it is always Billy who initiates the physical contact. Maybe she isn't able to do it because she has a trauma or she was never shown love during her childhood... or maybe she's just a tough girl, idk, it could be anything. Billy understands her and waits for her to learn, that's why he always is kissing her, hugging her, etc (of course she's okay with it, he would never do something she doesn't want him to do) but imagine his surprise when one day she touches his hair and caresses it, then another day she hugs him from behind when he's working on something, then when they're walking down the street she grabs his hand... his heart would be this 👌 close to exploding omg he loves her so much and she's finally learning how to show him she loves him too 😭
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚𝓞𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚
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[fem reader] contains: pure fluff <3 pairing: billy the kid x fem reader summary: you have a hard time initiating touch and billy shows you how author’s note: anon, this is the sweetest thing, and you’re the sweetest thing and I’ve been thinking about this ever since you sent it <3 Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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Easing you in. That's what Billy reminded himself to do with you, always. Ease you in.
He didn’t mean to baby you, not really. It just came so naturally. Like right now, he had you in bed with your head on his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair, soothing you to sleep.
If you’d been dropped on his lap directly from heaven you couldn’t have been more perfect. Achingly sweet with a heart of gold, you brightened his life like nobody else had. No words could properly express his adoration, no description ever seemed to be enough.
He would put you in his pocket if he could. The day you walked into his life, you changed it forever and he had absolutely no desire to go back to whatever baseless existence he’d been floating around in beforehand.
Unfortunately, even though love was perfect, that meant nothing else could be.
As time and trust stacked on top of each other and built you enough courage, you confessed to Billy the nature of your past. Manipulation and less than ideal tactics had ruled your being for a lot longer than he’d been around. You were naturally sweet, and it was a miracle your wonder hadn’t been squashed by the demeaning nature in which you’d been raised.
Truly, you were miraculous. He could never dream of seeing you any other way. The fact that you knew how to love at all was nothing short of amazing. Billy thanked higher powers every day for that, even if there were other things that were difficult.
Due to your rough upbringing, you struggled the most with touching in any capacity. At first it had been harder. He’d reach for you and you’d flinch just a little, which was disheartening, but he knew it wasn’t about him. There were ghosts in front of your eyes.
With patience and coaxing, you were able to move past that. You allowed his touches, even encouraged them, came to be comforted by them. His happiness at this fact could not be understated. Because Billy loved touching you in any way; holding you, kissing you, hugging you. It was his protective nature, but also his way of showing love.
And he never wanted you to doubt that he loved you.
For where you’d been, you’d come a long way. As his fingers brushed through your hair, he was reminded of that. A year ago it would have been unthinkable, having you like this with your head on his chest, his heart beating against your ear.
It was onto the next stage now.
A product of the rejection you’d faced in your childhood, you were never the initiator of any touching. Hand holding, kisses, hugging. Even with how you were right now, he’d pulled you in and you hadn’t resisted. Anything that had happened before had been a result of him reading you and recognizing that you wanted to be touched. But you’d never admit it.
Exhausting his options in his head over and over, Billy resolved that the only right thing to do in this scenario was to love on you. To give you constant affection and get you used to it and show you it was okay.
And that was the easy part. Whenever he had an opportunity to be touching you he was. In public it could be subtle as an arm around your shoulders, or his fingers intertwined with yours. Every little bit helped.
When you were alone, he gave you even more, his arms encircling you nearly always. Gentle kisses were pressed to every inch of you, accompanied by muttered words that made you smile. He was pulling you onto his lap at every chance, showing you that it was okay, that he wanted you to touch him, but also that he was okay with waiting for you to be completely comfortable.
It had taken a lot of build up to be able to get the opportunity to make love to you for the first time, and it was not something he’d taken lightly. Billy knew that it was a privilege he could not mess up for the fear of scaring you away. So he’d taken it as slow as he could, making sure to tell you how beautiful you were, to make his movements careful, to make sex out to be a positive thing. It turned out to be another stepping stone that brought you closer to him, which he was thankful for.
After that first night, you became clingy. Billy was more than happy to accommodate this, enjoying the warm kisses and morning cuddles that came along. But still, it was always him reaching out first, him running his hand along your back and getting you to roll over.
And that was okay. For you, his girl, his baby, his angel, he’d wait a million years and then some. He knew in your heart you were a lover, just like him, and you weren’t withholding this side of you out of cruelty. It just didn’t occur to you. Maybe it was even a way of protecting yourself.
So in the meantime, right here in his bed he relished your presence, the way you were swaddled in his sheets so comfortably, bare underneath and trying to be modest. It was endearing, more adorable than anything in the world. With one arm under you and holding you close and the other still stroking your hair, he kissed your head and whispered, “I love you.”
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Time was on the side of all things good and true, and Billy knew that well.
Living an oulaw’s life, he had long given up on the idea of having a girl, let alone one so good as you.
When he met you riding in the rain one day, he’d fallen hard and fast and nearly right away. But he hadn’t expected anything to come of it. Now, a year later, he couldn’t imagine what his life would be without you.
You had enchanted him, captivated his whole being; body, mind, and soul. Nothing he’d experienced had ever come close to the feeling of even being near you.
Until you finally touched him first.
It had been ever so casual. The two of you had been relaxing side by side under one of your favorite spots under a tree in a nearby meadow. He had one arm loosely looped around you, sticking to his idea of keeping you close.
Then he felt your fingers in his hair, touching him hesitantly, then more purposefully. He froze, but didn’t react too much in fear of startling you.
You had never done anything like that before. Since he was touching you on your midsection, normally you would have only touched him there too, a sort of give and take.
But here you were, fingers running contently through his curls, which he was thankful he’d washed recently. He smiled to himself, and nuzzled a little more into you because it felt so good.
That was the first fruit of his labors.
The next happened when he was outside, mending a fence on the property. It was close to sundown, and already he could see the sky starting to turn pink and orange and purple.
Billy heard your soft footsteps behind him, and he was about to say something when suddenly he felt a soft pair of arms wrap around his waist, and then you were pressed to his back. With your head between his shoulder blades he could have sworn he felt a kiss buried there.
He wanted to laugh or cry tears of joy but he didn’t. Determinedly casual, he allowed a smile since you couldn’t see him, and said, “Hey, baby. Doin’ alright?”
You nodded into his back. “Uh huh.”
Right away he finished what he was doing with the fence and turned around, sliding his arms around you and picking you up off your feet so you were at eye level. He pecked your nose, his happiness nearly brimming over. “Hi pretty.”
“Hi,” you smiled shyly and he could have melted.
Shifting you so his hand was under your bottom and your legs were encircling him, he kissed you softly, once. “You hungry? I can make us something.”
That made you smile. “And we can cuddle afterward?”
Oh it was like you were trying to turn him into a stuttering puddle of pure joy. “Yeah honey,” he murmured, giving you another kiss for that. “We’ll cuddle all night.”
You had finally touched him first.
But, ever the realist, he waited a bit before not counting it as a fluke. Of course he trusted you and loved you but he also didn’t want to be unrealistic, wanting to meet you where you were at, not where he wanted you to be.
Then one day when the two of you were walking through town you reached for his hand, holding it firmly once it was in your grasp. And that night in bed after putting your nightdress on, you crawled over to him and fitted your body between his legs so you could rest your head on his chest, knowing he loved holding you that way.
The next morning, when he woke, he started to stroke your hair, the memories of the previous night warming him from the inside out, his heart fuller than ever.
It nearly burst when you looked up sleepily and leaned in to kiss him once, those big baby doll eyes looking up at him almost questioningly after.
Billy wouldn’t have been able to hold back his smile if he wanted to.
He slid his hand to the back of your head and pressed another series of kisses to your lips, your cheeks, your nose; anywhere he could reach.
You giggled a little, keeping your arms around his neck as he took you around the waist and rolled you over so he was hovering over you for better access. “Billy…what’s this for?”
He kissed you once on the mouth, his eyes roving over yours with a tenderness he couldn’t have described. “I love you.”
Softly, you let your hand slide up and tangle in his hair, and in your smile he somehow knew that you knew what he meant. “I love you too, Billy.”
It hadn’t happened overnight, and he wasn’t expecting you to suddenly be all over him. Not right away. But now you had a new way of showing him you loved him. Now he’d made you feel safe enough to touch him, kiss him, caress him when you wanted.
And it brought him nothing but happiness. Because he wanted to give you everything. You deserved everything he was capable of handing to you, and everything more.
Billy leaned down and kissed you with all the love he could summon. “Sweetheart. Baby.” he nudged his nose against yours. “My angel.”
You reached up for another kiss and he knew at that moment he would never get over it. Never get used to this feeling of utter love and adoration every time he was kissed or touched or loved on by you.
And he never wanted to.
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yyawnjun · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if I could make a request for jeonghannie 😢😢, how would he react to seeing you breastfeed your baby in front of him?
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dad!jeonghan, dad!joshua, dad!s.coups x reader
a.n: hihi, this was so cute,, thank you for requesting!!
I thought about adding something and making Jeonghan(+ the 95's line) as a dad, hope that's okay and I hope you will like it !!
hcs ; + short scenario ; separated ; fluff ; 1.9k wc. ; BLUSHING OVER ALL OF THEM
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Imagine him with a daughter. the devil duo. A duo that everyone fears because of the pranks they play every day. So, good luck dealing with the female copy of Jeonghan… He would be adorable though; he would do anything to make his daughter happy and would also tend to spoil her to see her smile…he would let her find her hobbies and then become her biggest support!! He throws a tantrum when your daughter wants to stay with you. he might even pout and huff as he tries to get your attention, but you would keep to annoy him - and even if he does not admit it he loves it. In fact, he would love most of all when your daughter is with you. the two people who make him happy most in the world sleeping peacefully in your bed; he would lie down with you to soon fall asleep happily, safe in the knowledge that when he wakes up you would be the first thing he sees.
Starting from the beginning, when you have just become parents. And you are sharing the first experiences, such as the first diaper change, the first doctor's visit, the first clothes and toys purchased, and the first time he saw you breastfeeding your daughter.
Even the most ordinary and natural action you did for your child made him shy as if it reminded him of his love for you.
But not just any love, but the kind of teenage love that brought you together while you were still in high school. That sincere and pure love that marks a newly-arrived feeling, that love that makes your heart beat wildly for something as simple as a gaze or a hand brush.
Looking away, wandering eyes, hand still on the doorknob, body between the doorway and the room, blushing face, unclear and vague speech, a smirk of hidden happiness – these are his reactions to seeing you breastfeed your daughter for the first time.
That would be the first time he understood that your relationship had reached new depths and that something more than ever had been established from your wonderful marriage.
And that for the rest of your lives, you will not only have each other to keep you company, but you will also have your daughter to whom you can pour out all your love.
After you teased a bit but mostly comforted him--there was no need to be nervous after everything that had happened between you--he entered the room and sat down next to you. He didn't want to say anything because he was terrified of interrupting what was happening in front of your eyes. He'd wait for the baby to go to sleep before assisting you with anything you wanted to do. A warm bath? He would make it. Sleep? He would sleep with you. Should I eat something? He has already entered the kitchen.
I don't know how many more times you will have the chance to see Jeonghan so openly available, wanting nothing in return?
Although, in reality, every move he made was an attempt to express his deepest gratitude to you and to truly remind you how much he cares about you.
S.COUPS [ 에스쿱스]
DAD OF TWINS. I won't take no for an answer. I imagine twins, a boy and a girl, whom he would love with all his heart. He would go to both of their games and matches. He would be that father cheering up 24/7 his kid. S.coups plans family outings, finds delicious recipes, and loves playing 24/7 with his children. He would continuously smile when he was with them, and he would do everything he could to spend as much time as possible with his family. And I think he is the type that even when he is not with his children, ALWAYS talks about them. As if they were awards or cats, he would show everyone their pictures. + He would have a picture of you holding the twins as his phone background. He would become a chef, always thinking about what to cook he might buy for his children.
+ I believe he is the type of person who would want them to match their outfit…and with him too. He would love to tell them stories, especially creating new ones, either to put them to sleep or to entertain them on the walks. They'd be so unique and entertaining that they'd catch your attention and you'd start listening to them as well.
Imagine your family on one of the summer weekends. The kids are six years old, and you're going for a short hike on a mountain. You're holding hands while he's backpacking your sleeping son and, with his other hand, holding his daughter's hand. He'd have a 32-toothed smile on his face and a proud look on his face as he narrated another of his stories. As fate would have it, the story had ended by the time you arrived in the designated meadow, and the children had gone asleep as well. You lay down on a huge sheet that has been spread out. S.coups brought out the sack lunch you had brought, and you and he proceeded to eat as the twins slept peacefully.
You are lying down addled with your head on his legs, remembering about days spent together, as he gently brushes your hair. You two begin talking about how you dreamt about those experiences as teenagers and how wonderful it was that it all came true in the end. Your quiet conversation awakened the two kids who were hungry and eager to eat the delicious lunch you had prepared.
Your lunch was over in a burst of laughter and more stories, and your children instantly went around the large field to play. Before you could move, you noticed S.coups getting up and following them.
It was just you and your family in that idyllic place, and everything in that moment only brought joy to your heart. Running in the meadows, bouncing in the grass, gasping breaths, loud laughing, sunshine lighting up faces and legs that wouldn't stop moving - everything in that moment only brought joy to your heart.
Taking a picture or a video would never be enough to capture that moment, so you closed your eyes for a second to imprint that memory as deeply as possible in your mind.
As if your eyes were a camera, and you heard your husband's voice shouting as they closed--as if before a shot.
"THE FIRST ONE WHO REACHES MOM WIN," and the most gorgeous vision was before you as soon as you opened your eyes again.
The three people you cared about the most in the world, with whom you were able to share every aspect of yourself and who you could always rely on, were running toward you. Arms outstretched, enormous smiles, quick running, and upbeat attitudes: that was an incredible summer day.
JOSHUA [조슈아]
The beautiful dad that everyone admires. He is kind, loving, intelligent, handsome, helpful, funny… And of course, he only has eyes for you and your children. I imagine a family with three or four children of different ages. He would like to have large families and be surrounded by people he cares about. I believe he would remember every detail about all of his children, no matter how small. Let's be honest: he loves taking care of his children(MALEWIFE VIBES.) He would love to go to the grocery and bring home a few extra surprises for the kids. + He is the type of parent who would come back with pounds of something you said you liked months ago. He would also take you on trips when the children are old enough. And he makes every effort to include y'all in his business trips. As much as he doesn't always show it, I believe he misses you continuously while you're not with him. HE WOULD SING FOR YOUR CHILDREN. Those wonderful lullabies that would sound heavenly and perfect to lull them to sleep through his voice.
It's late at night, and your town is being battered by a violent thunderstorm. Sleep is restless and light due to the roaring rain, lightning, thunder, and noisily moving leaves.
Some people are not influenced by the weather outside; on the contrary, they are lulled by it, but others, such as your children, are frightened by it. It was soft weeping, not outside noises, that woke you up.
Your 5-year-old kid approached your bed with tears in his eyes, wanting to go with you and your husband to your bed.
It didn't take long for the child to snuggle between you and Joshua after waking you up, falling asleep peacefully after a few minutes.
After the initial worry, the image of your lover and son sleeping close together was projected in front of your eyes, and you quickly fell back into Morpheus' embrace.
It wasn't more than five minutes later that you heard your 6-year-old middle daughter moving the sheets on your bed. She, too, had been woken up by the thunderstorm and was unable to sleep due to her fear of the noises that had grown louder in the meantime.
You invited her to sleep in your bed without thinking about it.
The bed was suddenly filled with warmth and breaths that had slept together that night. Even with the arrival of your daughter, Joshua had not awoken.
But it was when he heard the word "dad" that he sat up in bed and opened his eyes wide.
He saw his seven-year-old son by his bed and, shifting his sight to the bed, he noticed the rest of his family sound asleep. He couldn't explain what had happened, but it felt like a warm squeeze to his heart, which was full of love.
He smiled and turned to face his kid, asking what he was doing there.
"The storm woke me up, and in the room, I no longer saw my brothers," he murmured, alluding to the two who were now peacefully sleeping next to you.
Thunder interrupted the silence before your husband could say anything. Your son approached his father as he shook himself awake.
That thunder had woken you all up, and the younger brother's sudden crying had woken his sister up as well.
You sat up in your chair and looked at the time; it was 4:54 a.m. As you held the children in your arms, their cries appeared to grow louder, and your soft words sought to drown out their sorrow.
Any noise was broken by a more musical sound.
To put his children to sleep, Joshua began humming their favorite song. His voice was still slightly raspy from just waking up, but it just added to his allure.
And you were not the only one who thought so.
The children, enchanted, began to be calmed to sleep by that melody.
Joshua had gotten up to make a place for the older brother, who had also lying out in bed.
You hinted about getting up and leaving so your husband could stay in bed. But, with a simple smile and a wave of his hand, he assured you that you could stay and that he would sleep on the couch next to the bed for the rest of the night.
His hair was messy, his voice was harsh but clear, and his eyes were half-closed. In your opinion, Joshua had never looked more beautiful.
And everyone in that house had gone asleep thanks to his voice; minds wandered through dreams, and his image imprinted in your mind followed you to the dream realm as well.
Thank you for reading!! comments, likes, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. I hope y'all will like it <3
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cryptictongues · 1 year
Good Girl
pairing: Clive Rosfield x Fem!Reader rating: Explicit (MINORS DNI; 18+) word count: 9.5k summary: Reader needs the rough side of Clive in bed. High jinks ensue. This takes place after Follow the Morgenbeards, and while there are some contextual things that are referenced from the first one shot, this can be read by itself.
warnings: porn with plot, established relationship, miscommunication, fluff and smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, cunnilingus, blow job, masturbation, hair pulling, rough sex, dom/sub dynamics, possessive behavior, spanking, desk sex, slight degradation, pussy slapping, face-sitting, deepthroating
Spoiler free aside from a vague mention of a side quest and a hunt.
[AO3 link]
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The Backyard has become one of your favorite places. Getting to enjoy the greenery and the fresh oxygen coming from the fruit trees and plants has become a pastime of yours. Your reason for visiting today, however, was a mystery; for Clive wouldn’t tell you.
You had woken up in his bed alone, and assumed he went ahead for an early start and let you sleep in. When you got up later that morning, you saw he left you a note that there was a surprise for you in the Backyard. Your automatic thought was that the Morgenbeards had bloomed. Clive had told you he had to get a special kind of morbol, a Carrot, to help the flowers take root. He had brought a part of it a couple weeks ago, and it’s the only thing that could be waiting for you to unveil. 
So imagine your surprise when you see a whole bed of not just Morgenbeards, but flowers from all over Storm. Pinks, blues, reds, purples, and yellows paint the grass and soil, and you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. Clive went through all the trouble of finding so many beautiful flowers across Storm, and the gesture makes your heart swell. He is so good to me you thought. You truly couldn’t believe that you were the one to capture Clive Rosfield’s heart.
Lost in thought, it takes you a second to register two armor bound arms wrapping around your middle. “Found you.” Clive whispered, squeezing you tighter and his breath tickling your ear. You laugh and sink further into his arms, embracing the beautiful moment you are experiencing. “I can’t believe they bloomed. They are wonderful.” You sigh, your eyes never straying from the flowers before you. He hums and turns you around to get a good look at you. He can’t help but think how you are as stunning as ever, even more so with the look of pure happiness on your face. 
“I would have stopped at nothing to ensure that they bloom.” Clive stated, bringing a hand to cup your face with his palm. “Even more so now seeing the joy it has brought you.”
You grasp the hand on your cheek and bring a kiss to his palm. “You are too good to me, Clive Rosfield. You have no idea how much I adore you.”
“And I you, my beautiful girl.” Clive smiles and brings you back to him for a kiss. You can feel yourself grinning from ear to ear. Clive wears his heart on his sleeve. Since love has been declared between the two of you, he doesn’t hesitate to show his affections. You could be talking with another person in the Hideaway, and he will come give you a quick peck on the cheek before continuing his rounds. You could be helping Mid in her dungeon, and he would embrace you with ease as you continue to work. Ever since that night, he has not shied away from showing his love for you, letting everyone in the Hideaway know you are his. 
The thought of that night sends a flutter to your stomach. It’s been a mere few months since the incident with the vampire thorns… and the best sex you have ever had. After you had been rid of the poison, you thought the night would end with you going back to your quarters and acting like nothing had happened. By the Founder, were you wrong.
If anyone had walked in and saw what was happening before their eyes that night, they definitely would have thought Clive was the one infected with sex spores. 
Because that man was insatiable.
He had pushed you over the edge so many times, had you moaning his name like he was a God you worship. He had spanked your ass until it was a “gorgeous” red, as he had put it, and fucked you until you left plenty of drool and tears in your wake from the pleasure you received. It was messy, it was intense, it was mindless. And you loved every single second of it.
However, every time you both partake in any sort of sexual activity, he treats you like you are his treasure. He makes love to you with care, mending his heart with yours as he sends you into bliss. It is beautiful, caring, loving, and intimate in all the right ways. As much as you love how he takes care of you, you do wish there were more nights where he took you like he did before.
You don’t know why he holds back. You like to think the first time was a great experience for the both of you, despite the circumstances of getting there. There have been many times you would initiate on the rougher side, but the night would always turn out the same. You understand, and maybe it’s on you for not communicating what you want, but you wish he could read your mind. Saying the filthy words of what you want him to do is too much. Especially to him.
“What’s that pretty head of yours thinking about?”
You are released from your thoughts and look up at him, seeing him looking at you with a look of adoration. You can’t help but blush. “Just thinking how lucky I am right now. Wondering what I did to deserve such happiness.”
He smiles and grabs your shoulders, running his thumbs in circles near your clavicle. “For everything you do and more, you deserve everything that your heart desires. I’d move mountains to make them happen.”
Everything except fuck me like Ifrit has taken hold of your cock.
You inwardly smack yourself.  Oh, by the Founder please shut up.
Clive grabs your hand. “I have a few tasks to finish up today. I’m hoping they won’t take me too long though. I should be back by dinner.”
“Okay, sounds good.” You smile. “I’ll see you later then.”
“That you shall, my love. I love you.” He kisses your hand and goes towards the stairs, heading to his next task for the day.
“I love you too.” 
“Jill, I don't know what to do. I know I could just tell him what I want but it’s embarrassing.”
You and Jill are out on the Boarding Deck, looking out onto the horizon. Earlier in the day, Jill had noticed your unusual demeanor and offered to listen to your quips and worries. To talk about the topic of sex with Jill when it pertains to Clive was the last thing you wanted to do, but you are reaching your whits end and talking to his childhood friend seems to be a great idea. 
Jill listens intently, the cogs turning in her brain as she processes your words. Jill has always viewed Clive as a softy; always wanting to do good on others. She believes Clive would listen to your request of rough sex if you asked, but what she doesn’t understand is why wouldn’t he want to? A man like Clive has so much of the world on his shoulders. It only makes sense that he would want to let off some steam.
“_____, not to get too many details, but about that night. Was there anything later that night or the day after that could have startled him?”
You hum in thought. You think back to that morning. You had woken up in his bed alone. You remember feeling every emotion under the sun because he wasn’t there when you woke up. You didn’t have time to dwell on it though because Clive had come back in with something in his hand. “Morning, love. I’m sorry for not being here when you woke up. I went down to see Charon to buy some potions.” He had said, but he sounded far away. You remember him administering the potion for you, and afterwards he held you close for a long time; no words spoken. It was comfortable, but you knew he wanted to say something. You didn’t understand why he was acting the way he was, not until you had looked in the mirror later that morning. Your neck was covered in hickeys, and you had grip marks on your hips. But you didn’t see yourself as wrecked. You felt you were glowing. The marks on your body served as a reminder of the passionate night you had, and while you wouldn’t recommend taking a hit from sex pollen, you would do it all over again because you crave it. You crave him. He satisfied a hunger that you didn’t know you even had, and you needed to experience that again. 
You groan. “I think I know why. But he never brought it up. He never mentioned his concerns.”
Jill nods and she seems to understand what you were referring to. “Clive has always had a hard time being honest with himself. You know he has no problem sharing how he feels about others, but when it comes to himself, it’s hard. He has never put his wants first, and I’m willing to bet he wants what you want too. However, you need to express that to him. Because if he isn’t reciprocating, it’s because he feels he went too far.”
It makes sense, you thought. And it doesn’t help that Clive is a gentleman. So how do you go about bringing out the depraved man he is hiding under his calm exterior?
And then it hit you; a plan already forming in your head. A slight curl of your mouth as you conjure up all the ideas in your head. You are going to tease him; wind him up so badly that he takes his sexual frustration out on you. Not only will you save face from the embarrassment of saying what you want out loud, but it will be fun. Good heavens it will be so much fun.
Jill sees the look on your face, and chuckles. “Something tells me you are going to do everything but tell him how you feel.”
You laugh. She isn’t wrong. “Oh, I’ll be telling him, just in a more orthodox way.”
You thank Jill for lending her ear before heading to rest a bit before dinner, as well as hashing out all of the things you are going to do to Clive to get him riled up. Maybe he doesn’t take notice of your rough habits in the heat of the moment, but with prolonged “accidents” and no relief, he is going to go mad. You are prepared to turn him into an absolute beast.
Even if he takes you to the slaughter.
It wasn’t often that everyone got to eat together for dinner. People would be out on missions, bring their food to their work stations, or turn in early. Tonight, however, was one of the few nights everyone was eating in the Ale Hall together, and it was lively. Everyone was eating the delicious food Molly had dished out and pints were being passed around in droves. You were sitting at a table with Clive, Jill, Gav, and Tarja, enjoying the night together, laughing about nothing and everything. It truly felt like the world wasn’t going to shit.
What a great time to enact your plan.
Clive is sitting to your right and his chair is right beside yours, your right thigh and his left thigh touching. Everyone else was sitting across from the both of you, with Gav sitting closer to Clive’s right side. You knew you couldn’t get too crazy, as you didn’t want to bring attention to your antics with Clive’s body in view of others. You knew you’d have to be sneaky. Challenge accepted. 
You place your right hand on his thigh while you continue listening to Gav’s story about his experience in the hot spring baths near the Dalimil Inn. You sense Clive glance at you, but he immediately dismisses it, seemingly not thinking much of it. You leave it there for a while, building anticipation, then decide to start rubbing it up and down. You would get near his crotch and then go back down to his knee, repeating the cycle like it was routine. You feel him shift slightly, and he took a deep breath, but his face showed no effect. 
This was going to be more fun than I thought. 
You move your hand away and use it to pick up your spoon, only to “accidentally '' drop it onto the floor by Clive’s boot. “Whoops my spoon.” You shrug and lean down to grab it, making sure your hand grips his thigh as you pick it up. On the way back up, your hand glides over to his crotch to give a quick squeeze. This causes a grunt to leave his lips, following some coughing after which causes everyone to look at him. 
“Are you okay, Clive?” Jill asks concerned, oblivious to what games you were playing. 
Clive nodded, pulling himself together quickly. “Yes, thank you. Must have choked on something.” Jill nods and continues to listen to Gav, while Clive looks at you accusingly. You smile, feigning innocence and decide to do one last thing. 
“I think I’m going to turn in. I have a long day tomorrow and would like to get some rest.” You announce as you stand up. Clive stands up with you. “Would you like me to escort you?”
You push him to sit back down. “You stay and enjoy tonight. It isn’t often you get to eat with everyone. I’ll see you in the morrow.” You act like you are going to kiss his cheek when you decide to “trip” onto him, your chest pressing into his face. You shake them slightly, acting like you are getting your bearings straight before standing up. “Ah my apologies, Clive. A little bit of alcohol and I’m a clumsy little thing.” Clive’s eyes are wide and mouth slightly agape. You wish everyone goodnight, and successfully lean down to kiss his cheek before sauntering away from the table, smirking to yourself at what you feel was a successful night.
Today was laundry day, which was the most tedious job you have in the Hideaway. You didn’t mind per say, however having to clean things in certain ways, wait for things to dry, and deliver laundry to people took up the whole morning, so you like to get up extra early to get started. 
You enjoy this time today particularly because now you have time to think about what your next move will be in riling up Clive. You haven’t seen him this morning, seemingly because he had tasks outside of the Hideaway, which gives you plenty of time to think of a plan. Maybe you’ll get Hortense to make you something that’s a little more revealing to skimp around in. Maybe you’ll grab something phallic from the Backyard Garden and tease him with what your mouth can do. Shit, maybe you’d go wait for him in his chambers and play with yourself. That definitely seemed to work last time. The ideas are endless!
You finish hanging the clothes and linens on the lines in the Rear Stacks, and head down to the pier to dispose of the dirty laundry water. As you get to the main deck, you see Clive walking from the small boat, waving at Obolus as he walks away. You can feel the devil horns growing from your head as you get on the lift. All you have to say is thank the Founder you wore a white bodice today.
The lift reaches the pier, and you walk off, waving at Clive as you continue walking with the bucket of water on your arm. Clive sees you and picks up his pace to meet you halfway. As you walk closer, you see that his uniform is filthy, like he had been rolling around in mud for hours. You couldn’t stifle the laugh that passes your lips as he looked so roughed up. “Thank the Founder you got your uniform dirtied up on laundry day, handsome.”
Clive laughs with you. “I apologize, my lady. Things got out of hand.”
You set the water bucket down and stand so your chests are almost touching. You bring your fingertips to his arm and let them travel slowly up. “Did you have some fun without me?” You pout, your fingertips now at his shoulders. Clive grins, catching on to your playfulness. “If wrestling with a sekhret in the swampy waters of the Greenheaves is your definition of fun, then it was very fun.”
“You are a dirty boy.” You grin, your fingertips now at the opening of his undershirt. “It’s okay though. I like cleaning you up.” You let your finger drag on the skin of his pectoral, collecting some of the muck that was there. Your other hand travels to his hair, gripping it slightly and pulling his head down so his ear is by your mouth. “Just so I can dirty you up again.” As you say that, you run your dirty finger right under his ear. You feel his body twitch, the undersides of his ears always so sensitive. You release him and step away, reaching down to get the water bucket like nothing happened. You hear Clive release a sigh as you are looking away, and you smirk. This is all too fun. 
You go back to look at him. “I’ll pick your uniform up from your chambers. Go ahead and get clean and I’ll catch up with you later, yeah?”
“Y-yeah. I will see you later, my love.” He stutters, face noticeably red even under all the muck. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek before heading to the lift. 
Time to enact the second half of this teasing session.
You pick up the water acting like you were about to dump its contents into the water when you tilt it towards you slightly, letting the water run down your chest and turning your white bodice very see through. You drop the bucket to draw attention to yourself from Clive. “Bloody hell, I’ve made a mess of myself.” You run your hands up your breasts, pinching your nipples every pass so they are peaked through your drenched top. You glance up at Clive, and the sight before you makes your stomach flip.
Clive is staring you down. His eyes are directed to your movements, his pupils growing bigger and his mouth slacking. You can see his brain is working overtime to process what he was witnessing; his innocent little girl turning into a cunning woman right before his eyes. You walk towards him, pulling your bodice down slightly. “I guess I’ll need to change into something more presentable.” 
You stop in your tracks when he walks slowly towards you and takes his cape off. You stare at him, wondering what he is about to do. He takes his cape and wraps it around your shoulders. You grimace slightly. “Darling, I’m fine. You just made me filthier with your cape.”
Clive takes a step closer, mirroring your positions from a few moments ago. He leans his head to your ear, and the words that come out of his mouth make your pussy flutter. “I’d rather have you filthy than go back up with your tits on full display for everyone to see. They are for my eyes only. Don’t you forget that.”
With that said, he steps away and walks back towards the lift, leaving you there in your drenched bodice, his dirty cape, and your now damp knickers. He is so close to snapping. You just need to give him a little more of a push. 
And only then will you be in for it. 
“Clive, please let me cum!”
Clive was fucking you, his hand in your hair and his hand wrapped around your throat, keeping your back to his chest as he continues thrusting into your tight heat. You were whimpering at the fact that he wouldn’t let you cum, pulling out every time he’d feel you clenching on him for too long. 
He is giving you hard thrusts, making your breasts bounce on their own accord. He takes the hand that was in your hair and draws it down to your stomach, keeping his hand on the lower part of your belly. 
“Fuck can you feel that?” Clive growls into your ear, pushing down on your stomach where his cock is bulging. You cry out and grab onto his arm that’s draped around your chest, gripping for dear life as he continues his assault on your pussy. Clive pushes your head back, so your head is on his shoulder, and leans down to kiss you. The kiss is gentle in juxtaposition to the pounding he is giving you. He pulls away slightly, lips grazing each other and breaths heavy. He keeps his eyes on you, and finally grants you what you’ve been needing.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.”
Your eyes shot open, brain processing where you were and why you weren’t cumming. You let your senses take control, and you see you are in Clive’s chambers and note that the morning horizon has yet to break. You can feel a warm, burly body pressed against you, arm draped over your torso and the sound of light breaths passing through the air.
Fuck I had a sex dream…
You inwardly groan. This is getting out of hand. The dream felt so real, and it was one of the hottest things your brain has ever conjured up. You know you are wounded up tight to be having dreams like that right beside the man who could make that a reality.
Soon enough. It will happen soon enough.
You reach down to feel that your knickers are damp. You dip your fingers into your heat and couldn’t believe how wet you were. You bring the essence to your clit and gently rub it, shivering at the contact. Founder you are so sensitive. You must be super on edge to be so sensitive without any prior pleasure. You keep rubbing your clit, wanting some form of release. You want to wake Clive up but it’s too soon. Give in now and your efforts will be for nothing.
As you continue to touch yourself, an idea pops into your head; the ultimate move to drive Clive to madness. You giggle to yourself; this was such a good idea you couldn’t believe you hadn’t thought of it before. 
You are going to put your soiled knickers into Clive’s pants pouch before his trip to Dalimil today. 
You maneuver yourself so your arms aren’t touching Clive, not wanting him to wake up while you are playing with yourself. You alternate between rubbing your clit and fingering yourself, drawing out the fluids so it sets in your underwear. You go back to your dream, filling in the gaps of what happened before and what happened after you woke up. Imagining how after you would come, he would keep fucking you until you came again and again. Imagining how he would pull out and make you suck his cock covered in your juices, ensuring that you consumed every last drop of his spend when he comes in your mouth. How he would make out with you after, wanting to get a taste of himself from your lips. That thought alone sends you over the edge.
You bite onto your arm to prevent the cathartic sounds that want to escape your mouth, and push through it. You let the cum from your pussy seep out onto your knickers and you can’t help the grin that spreads across your face. You have never done something so naughty before and it feels so good to act out, especially knowing what these actions will hopefully lead to. 
You remove your hand and lick your essence to rid yourself of the evidence. You take Clive’s arm and move it off of you so you could get up. You move from the bed and walk to where he keeps his uniform. You slide your knickers from under your gown and fold it neatly so it would fit nicely in the pouch. Right as you stick it in there, you hear movement from the bed. 
“_____, are you okay?”
You turn to see a sleepy Clive, his eyes half-lidded as he looks at you. You turn around, playing off the innocent facade after doing something naughty. “I’m okay. I had to go to the privy chambers to relieve myself.” You walk back over to the bed and Clive sits up to draw you back into his arms. He snuggles his head into your neck as you lay on your back, taking a deep breath before releasing it. “Truthfully, I don’t know how I’m going to survive a night without you beside me. I can’t sleep without you.” 
You turn your body to face him, heart melting at the small confession. “It is only for a night, my love. Besides, you’ll have something to look forward to. So don’t keep me waiting too long.” You run your fingers down his face, Clive turning his head to kiss your palm before pulling you closer, his head resting against your chest. His legs intertwined with yours and he places his arms comfortably around you. You sigh, enjoying the peace of the night with him.
The calm before the storm. 
Clive has been in Dalimil all day, helping L’ubor with some disturbances happening out in the Velkroy, as well as helping a few residents in the area. He had come back from the desert to the Briar’s Kiss to deliver the stolen resources from one of the bandit groups that lurked nearby, and L’ubor looked thrilled.
“Cliiiiive.” He draws out. “I knew you’d get the job done.”
“I’m glad I could be of service.” Clive nods. “Is there anything else that needs to be handled?”
L’ubor shakes his head. “Please, you’ve done enough, and it is almost night. You should rest up for your travels back home tomorrow. Take this gil and mineral deposits for your resourcefulness.” 
Clive takes the gifts from him. “I appreciate it. Till next time, L’ubor.”
Clive turns to walk away, opening his pouch to put the items in when he feels something within it. That’s strange. I swore I emptied them yesterday.
He takes out whatever the item was and inspects it, only to flush a thousand shades of red when he realizes what he’s holding. Your knickers. He is in shock, wondering what your knickers were doing in there. He definitely didn’t take them, he’s not a pervert. He thinks back to this morning when you were standing on the other side of the room… where he sets his uniform.
Curiosity sets in, lifting the underwear to his nose and inhaling briefly. The brief scent traveled up his nose and in that moment a switch flicked in his brain and blood started to rush to his groin. He groans. She smells so fucking good.
With haste, Clive goes to his room in the inn, wanting to take care of the ever-growing problem in his pants. He lies on the bed, still fully clothed, and starts to grope his cock through his trousers. Your underwear is in a death grip, his mind wandering to thoughts of you and how much of a naughty girl you’ve become. 
Looking back at the last couple days, he starts to think about all the incidents that happened with you around. He really did think the groping at dinner was an accident; a reflex to protect yourself from the fall that just happened to land your tits in his face. He grew more suspicious the next day at the pier, when you were talking in euphemisms and “accidentally” spilt water on yourself. He gropes himself harder at the thought that you were going to go back up with your breasts on display through your wet bodice. Fuck, you were really going to do it. 
But this? The knickers in his pouch? He almost couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe you would do something so risqué. This alone makes the other incidents purposeful, and it was now obvious what you were doing, and it worked because his mind has opened the vault of all the filthy things he wants to do to you.
He slides his hand into his trousers and pulls his cock from its confines. He takes the hand that was on his cock to spit in it before returning it there, letting it warm his cock up as he strokes it. He starts to imagine every little thing he has wanted to do to you, fucking his fist as he pictures himself punishing you for all the bad things you did. You were supposed to be his good girl. Not a cunning, little brat.
He brings your underwear up to his face to inhale your scent, sending him into a frenzy. Your smell makes his mouth water and his hand go faster. Clive loves eating your sweet cunt. He loves the sounds that come out of your mouth as he sucks on your clit and licks your tiny hole; breathy wisps of praises that reach his ears. He loves to rub on your clit as you orgasm so his tongue can collect your sweet nectar, consuming it like it is his last supper. He can’t get enough of it, and smelling your essence from the present you left him is sending him into a fit that he can't taste you right now. 
He is jerking his cock off at a lightning pace, imagining himself fucking you on your knees begging for relief. Imagining you with tears and drool on your face as the overwhelming need to cum kicks in. That image alone sends Clive over and as he starts to fall, he brings your used panties back to his nose, inhaling quickly before he descends. He moans loudly, not caring if anyone in the inn hears him because his mind is only focused on one thing: you. 
As his orgasm subsides, he relaxes against the sheets, dirty panties in one hand and his now soft cock in the other. He needed that release, but his release now has him determined. He was going all in on you when he got home.
With a clear head, he thought about the night of the vampire thorn incident. It was that night that made Clive very aware of his primal needs. He had never been so lost in pleasure before, and he loved letting go of his inhibitions. However, seeing you covered in marks, while one of the sexiest things he has seen, woke him up. He had to remember that night was different because you were infected with something that altered your sex drive. Your mind was in chaos, so his rough touch is what you needed to get you out of it. But what about after? He didn’t know if you would like his actions as much in your regular state, so being softer with you seemed the way to go and for a while he believed that is what you wanted. He should have communicated because it is apparent that he was wrong. You wouldn’t do all these things for a sweet, loving session of coitus. It was an invitation for him to bring you to your knees and ruin you. 
He can’t wait to tear you apart.
“Ta-da!” You cheer as you hold up a flower garland you finished. You were teaching some of the Hideaway kids how to make flower garlands, as they had some free time after their lessons with Tomes. They were in awe of your creation, weavings on stems that show off the red blossoms. 
“Can we make one, _____?” One asked, leading the others to chime in agreement. 
“Of course! Just make sure to only use the flowers in this bed. The other bed is a no-no.” You point out the bed full of Morgenbeards being off limits since they are used for a purpose rather than scenery. You watch them pick what flowers they are going to use, helping a few get their garlands started before you hear your name being called. You turn to see it is none other than Gav.
“Hey Gav, what’s going on?” 
Gav gets to you and smiles. “Clive is back! He has requested your presence in his chambers. The big sap seems to have missed ya.”
“Oh okay! Um… do you mind staying with the kids? They are making flower garlands.” 
“Sure! Hey kids!” He says waving at them.
You walk behind Gav and place your garland on his head. “I have to run off for a little bit. Show Gav what I taught the lot of you.” You walk away and laugh as you hear the kids telling Gav how pretty he looked with your garland, hearing him complain and say it made him “handsome, not pretty”.
You take your time getting there, savoring the moment before what’s about to go down. The knickers must have worked. There is no way they didn’t. The anticipation is building as you walk up the steps to his chambers, now standing at his door. You take a deep breath, prepare yourself, and walk in.
You see Clive sitting at his desk, writing something down until he hears the doors open. He looks up and smiles at you. “Hey sweetheart, it’s so good to see you.” 
You observe him. He’s in his white undershirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He is smiling at you, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are giving off something more… ominous. You can’t read what they are saying, but you are hoping it’s what you’ve worked so hard to achieve these last couple days. 
“Gav said you wanted to see me.” You say, closing the doors and standing by them.
“Hmm yeah, we just went over some things from my trip to Dalimil. I got him to fetch you for me since he was on the way out.”
You nod. “How was your trip?”
Clive stares at you, lips curling as he places his papers in his drawer and puts his quill to the side. “It kept me busy. Had some surprises along the way, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” He sits up a little and scoots his chair back. He pats his lap. “Come over here.”
You walk over and around his desk, sitting in his lap with your legs dangling over his thighs and wrapping your arms around his neck. Clive wraps his arms around your torso and squeezes you to him, letting his head rest on your shoulder, but not before kissing your cheek. You giggle as he snuggles his head into your shoulder blade. 
“Were you a good girl while I was gone?”
The question catches you off guard, his tone playful yet conniving. “Y-yeah. I’m always good for-“. A gasp escapes you as a resounding smack lands on your thigh. Your eyes go wide as he lifts his head to look at you and the gentleman you’ve grown to love is gone. His eyes are sharp, a gaze that makes you want to curl. He rubs the spot he smacked, keeping eyes on you as his other hand clasps the back of your neck. “_____,” he draws out. “Don’t lie to me. I know what you’ve been doing.”
Your mind is going haywire. You like where this is going. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” 
Clive tightens his grip on your neck, not enough to hurt, but enough to send the message you’ve been desperately wanting. “You are such a minx. Tempting me with your bad behavior.”
“Did it work?” You ask, admitting to your actions with the subtle question. 
“You have no fucking idea.” He practically growls.
Clive stands up with you in his grasp and pushes you on his desk, chest flat on the hardwood. He lifts your dress up past your legs and hips, and he almost loses his control. You are bear for him, no knickers in sight. “Fuck, you really did have it all planned out. Wearing no panties hoping I’d fuck you the minute you walked in.” His hands run up your thighs to the globes of your cheeks. “You are going to have to earn it, sweetheart. Starting by taking accountability for every bad thing you've done.”
Yes, yes, yes! You thought. You were going to get what you’ve been needing. 
Clive rubs your left cheek before bringing his hand back, landing a blow. “For teasing me at dinner.” He lands another one on the same cheek, causing you to whimper as the sensitive skin pulsates. “That’s for shoving your cleavage in my face and groping my cock.” He smacks your right cheek. “And acting like it was an accident when in reality you are just cock hungry whore.”
You moan, the feeling of his rough hands spanking you only making your pussy wet. He keeps going, alternating between each cheek, making sure to rub the supple skin between each hit.
“For your behavior on the pier.”
“For pouring water on your bodice to show off your tits.” He delivers two quick smacks in succession. “And for almost going up to show them off to everyone else. I can’t believe my good little girl would try that.” His possessive nature is sending waves of arousal to your brain, and it commands your legs to spread further, pushing your ass into his rough hands; that only makes him smack your ass harder. “That’s for enjoying this. Fuck, you really are a minx.”
Smack, smack, smack
He delivers three in a row, making your cheeks burn in the best way. He leans over your body, his clothed cock rubbing against your bare slit. He grips your hair in his right hand to bring your ear closer to his mouth. “And those were for your cum stained knickers you left me. Do you know what I did with them?”
He flips you over and lifts you, so your bottom is on the edge of his desk, getting on his knees so his face is lined up with your pussy. You flinch slightly, your butt stinging from his spankings, but you focus away from the burn when he pries your legs open, settling them on his shoulders. He nips at your thighs, running his tongue along the marks he leaves in his wake. Your hands go to trail through his hair when he takes your hands and pins them to the desk. He looks up at you, his face right up on your dripping cunt, his breath hitting your hot folds. “I jerked my cock off to your scent.” He presses a kiss to your clit. “I stroked my cock with your knickers to my nose, imagining I was eating your sweet cunt. I was going crazy not being able to just taste you.” He gives a tiny lick to your folds, stopping right before your clit. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since, so I’m going to indulge, and you are going to sit here and keep your hands to yourself while I enjoy my meal. Do you understand?”
You are at a loss for words; all you can think is how hot this side of him is. He smacks your thigh, springing you back to reality. “Do you understand, _____? I need you to tell me so I know you are listening.”
You nod enthusiastically. “Yes, I understand.”
His arms wrap around each thigh, locking you into position with your hands on the edge of the desk, and his mouth goes straight to your clit. He licks the underside of it, while his mouth suctions around it, causing your legs to spasm at the combination of stimulation. His hands are gripping the inside of your thighs as he continues to enjoy himself, his eyes trained on you as your chest goes up and down and your nails dig into the wood of the desk. He pulls away and uses one hand to spread your lower lips, seeing your hole leak with arousal. All he can think is how this is what he has been craving for hours as his tongue dips into your cunt, lapping at it as your juices collect on his tongue. Watching him eat you like this, like this is all he would want to eat for the rest of his life, makes you throw your head back with a groan. Clive chuckles and goes through the motions of sucking your clit and licking at your tight hole before he feels the oncoming wave of your orgasm. He senses you are about to tumble over, and right as he feels your pussy flutter on his tongue, he pulls away. 
“Fuck Clive I was almost there.” You whine, shaking from the orgasm you were denied. 
Clive stands up, his hand coming to your face to squeeze your jaw as he looms over you. “Oh, you aren’t going to cum until I tell you to. You are being punished, sweetheart. I will only let you come when my good girl has come back to me. You will take what I give you.” He lets go of you to back away, slowly stripping away his clothes, teasing you that he is the one in control. And there is nothing you can do about it. 
He takes his trousers off, and your eyes bulge right from your sockets. He had no braies under his trousers, but what he did have was something wrapped around the base of his cock and his balls.
By the fucking Founder, my knickers are wrapped around his cock.
Clive snickers at you. “You like what I did with them? Now I can have my way with you all day if I want to.” He pulls you to your feet to pull your skirt fully off, letting it pool around your feet. He makes quick work of your corset and bodice, drinking in your naked form. You stand under his intense gaze, waiting for his next set of instructions. 
“I want you on the desk, on your knees, legs spread.” He commands softly. In an instant, you climb on top of his desk, doing exactly as he instructed. You place your arms in front of you so they dangle off the desk, causing your upper body to be flush against the wood. Clive massages your ass, gripping your cheeks and pulling them apart. “Your ass is so pretty, especially now that it's nice and red.” You smirk and shake your ass in his hands, earning you a hard smack. “And here I thought my good girl was coming back.”
He spits on his hand, stroking his cock to get it ready for your ruin. Seeing you like this, with your legs spread out on the desk, not caring that it is uncomfortable on your knees, ready to be mounted and taken by him sent his arousal into a frenzy. He settles behind you, one hand on your hip while the other guides his cock into your tight heat. You groan as he pushes in inch by inch, loving the way your cunt hugs him tightly. Clive lets out a deep breath as he is fully seated inside of you, savoring this moment before it ends. 
“Clive, please move.” You whine. “Ruin me. Turn me into your good girl.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He pulls his cock out, with the tip settling at the beginning of your entrance, before slamming back in. You jolt forward, arms and hands doing everything they can to hold onto the desk for dear life. He continues these motions; slow, hard thrusts that jolt your body back and forth, each stroke hitting your sweet spot that knocks the breath out of your lungs. Clive is grunting as he continues, loving the way you feel around him. “I love that I get to break you in. Every. Single. Time.” He says attached to a powerful stroke. 
You moan as he picks up the pace, slamming into you as your pussy becomes more wet with each stroke. Your pussy flutters on his cock, signaling that you are on the precipice of cumming, when he pulls out. You whine at the emptiness, your hole clenching around nothing, trying to regain the sensation you had previously. You feel his finger swirl against your hole as it continues to flutter, causing a soft “fuck” to leave Clive’s lips. “Your cunt must love my cock. She’s begging for him.” He quips. He pushes back in and continues where he left off, fucking your cunt with everything he’s got.
You feel yourself clenching on him, the need to cum coming back ten fold. You turn your head to look at him, and seeing him with his chest glistening and his attention directed to where your pussy and his cock meet sends you reeling. You squeeze on his cock, his facial expression shifting as he sees what you are doing. He pulls out again, smacking your pussy this time, which makes your legs spread farther. He wraps his arm around your torso and pulls you up to his chest, shoving his cock back into you. His hand goes to your hair, pulling it back to expose your neck for him. He nips at the flesh between your jaw and your neck, licking the tiny bites to soothe them. He licked behind your ear, causing you to shiver from the sensitivity. “Something tells me that no matter how many times I punish you, you love being naughty. Like it is second nature to you.” You smile at his words.
Because he is absolutely right.
“You may think you can get away with it, but you are wrong. Because for now, you are going to be begging to cum. And I’m not going to give it to you.” He growls, keeping you in place as he sets a fast pace. Clive can read you like the back of his hand, meaning that every time you are about to cum, he knows and he pulls out. He waits a few minutes, kissing under your jaw and running his hand from your torso to your breast, pulling at your nipples and squeezing them. Then he goes right back in and continues the cycle.
You are wailing, wanting to cum so bad, but he is not letting you. Taking his cock away from you, playing with you, then giving it back to only take it away again. Not being able to cum is driving you to madness. Even with your knickers around his cock, you don’t know how his stamina is lasting as long as it is. Granted, he is no ordinary man. 
You try to rub your clit to initiate a quick orgasm before he could pull out, but he catches your hands to bring them behind your back. His left hand is wrapped around both your wrists, preventing you from touching yourself. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. As I said, you will take what you are given.” He wraps his right hand around your throat, not squeezing, but to keep you in place. You can feel yourself going insane, tears from being denied multiple times flowing down your cheeks and moans leaving your lips each time his cock hits home. Your pussy flutters again, and once again Clive pulls out, causing you to wail. “Please put it back! Put it back where it belongs!”
Clive felt feral at your words, the possessive nature taking over his body as he flipped you over once again. He inserts his cock before wrapping his arms around your hips, and lifting you off the desk. Your arms wrap around his neck, and he can feel your body buzzing from denying you relief so many times. He is starting to feel it too, the need to cum possessing his body. He walks up the steps, with you still connected to him, and once at the bed he flops down on it so you are on top. “You want to cum so bad? You have to earn it, so work for it.” He says sternly.
Your legs are tired from holding up your body against the hardwood of the desk, but you are at your limit for being denied and you need to cum. You adjust your legs, place your hands on his chest, and start to rock your hips up and down on his cock. The smacking of your ass against his thighs resound throughout the room as you bounce on his cock, working for that orgasm you desperately need. Clive watches, and you are a sight to behold: everything from your messy hair, to your glowing skin, and your tear stricken face… you are an angel sent to him.
You feel yourself grow frustrated as you are close to cumming but are missing something. You groan as you bounce faster, trying anything to get you there. “I can’t, fuck, I can’t. Clive please make me cum I can’t do it.”
Clive sits up slightly, bringing one hand to your cheek to caress it. “Will you be my good girl from now on?”
“Yes, I’m sorry! I’ll be a good girl just fuck please!”
Clive goes to bring your body down, chests pressed together, and starts rocking his hips up into yours. He keeps one arm around your torso and brings the other one down to your clit to rub tight fast circles. He brings his lips to yours, inhaling your cries and whines as he pummels up into you, holding you so he can give you everything he’s got without you straying away from him. You feel like you are being fucked stupid, and your mind in shambles as he fucks you.
Once again, you feel yourself clench on his cock, your pussy wanting to milk his cock so bad as you cum. 
Clive senses it, and this time he accepts it. “Cum for me, darling. Give me your nectar.”
You wail as your pussy spasms, clinging onto his cock as he fucks you through it. You feel your cunt gush, your cum covering Clive’s thighs and his fingers as he slows the rubs on your clit down. He brings that hand back up and licks his fingers, groaning at the taste of your essence. You are slowly coming down from your orgasm when Clive lifts you off his cock and pulls your body up his, your knees hitting the mattress as he holds onto your thighs to eat your pussy.
Nothing could have prepared for the way Clive devours your cunt. The moans and growls coming from him as he laps at the essence he helped bring on, pushing your body down more like he can’t get enough of what your hole is giving him. The amount of times you were denied, as well as your recent orgasm, has made you so sensitive. The urge to push him away is strong, your clit overstimulated, but he pulls you back to lock you in. You let out a sob as you cum on his tongue, rocking your hips as you whine at how hot this all was. He slows his roll, and removes you from his face, his smile glistening with your arousal. You lay to catch your breath, overwhelmed at what you are feeling. After a moment, you look at him and see his cock looks pitiful; it is practically needing to escape from the confines of your knickers. 
You turn your body to face Clive, running your hand down his chest. “Clive darling, you didn’t cum.”
He lets out a breathy laugh. He sits up, hands on your face as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “I know. Where do you want my cum? You’ve been good so you choose.”
You already know where you want it. “I want to swallow it. May I suck your cock please?” You bat your eyelashes. 
“Anything for you.” He kisses your mouth quickly. “Where do you want me?” 
“Can you stand up? I want to be on my knees for you again.”
Clive groans, feeling more blood rush to his cock, if even possible. He stands up, and reaches for the knife on the chest behind his bed to cut off your panties, his cock too hard to remove them intact. He sets them both aside, and turns to see you already on your knees, ready to take his cock. Like his good girl. 
He stands in front of you, and your hands run up his thighs, nails dragging up and down. You admire his cock, pulling his foreskin back to reveal his pretty pink tip. You give little licks to his top, kissing it and running your tongue along it like you’d be kissing him. You then start to run your lips down his shaft, using the same techniques as you did with his tip. You bring your hand to his balls, carefully massaging them in your hands as your mouth continues its ministrations.
Clive groans from above you, his right hand settling on a tight grip in your hair with his left hand resting on your cheek, admiring how you treat his cock. You move back to the tip and insert it into your mouth, gently sucking it as you gaze up at him. “Fuck, if only you could see yourself right now.” He says gravely and needy. He pushes your head further down on his cock, your mouth accepting him as his tip gets to the back of your throat. You take a few deep breaths, preparing yourself as you swallow around his tip, causing Clive’s hips to buck. You choke slightly, regaining yourself as you pull your mouth back to the tip before going back down, sucking hard every time you get to the tip and swallowing when it is in the back of your throat. 
Clive feels himself getting impatient, and tests the waters as he uses the hand in your hair to guide your mouth up and down his cock, slowing fucking it as you suck. You are moaning at how he is using you, loving the idea of him letting you suck his cock whenever he wants.
He sees how much you are loving this, which makes him guide his cock in and out slightly faster; enough to get him off, but not enough to hurt you. “I should let you suck my cock more often, seeing how much of a harlot you are for it.”
You moan, sending the vibrations to the tip and he groans loudly, cumming without warning. You bring one hand to the base and jerk it while sucking the tip, making sure to get all that he has to offer. You let his softened penis fall from your mouth, and you swallow his spend, enjoying the musky taste that is unequivocally him. 
Clive gets on his knees to scoop you up in his arms, settling you on his lap. He holds you close, rocking back and forth as you both come down from the long session you both fulfilled. 
“Hey Clive?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“Which is?”
“I like when you are rough with me. I always have. I’m sorry I didn’t communicate that earlier. I was embarrassed.”
You feel Clive’s body vibrates as he laughs. He turns your face to him, looking at you with the look he always gives you: one of adoration. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry I didn’t see your needs sooner.” He kisses your cheek and cradles your head into his neck. “Truth be told, I was worried. I was so rough with you for our first time together. And as much as I loved it, I was worried it wasn’t what you wanted.”
You shake your head, lifting your head so you can see him. “Please understand that I love when you make love to me. It makes me feel so loved by you and so wanted. I want to keep those intimate times, but I also want times like these where we let our inhibitions go. I want the calm and I want the storm. I want everything.”
You place your hands upon his cheeks, leaning in to give him the softest of kisses. He returns it, squeezing you closer so you won’t disappear from his hold. He releases your lips and places his forehead against yours. “I love you, _____. I will love you past my dying breath.” 
You laugh, warmth running through your chest. “I love you too, Clive. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.”
“Let me run us a bath. Let me take care of you.” Clive suggests, even though you know he wouldn’t take no for an answer. You nod in affirmation, letting him get up to carry you to his bathing room.
“Oh, Clive?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Do you think everyone heard us?”
Clive snickers. “Without a doubt.”
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ninadove · 1 year
As a (very niche portion of the) fandom, our collective attention has been captured by how much Felix adores Kagami — which is true and good and beautiful and pure. But we’ve been sleeping on how much she loves him, and today, I want to shine a spotlight on her side of the most beautiful love story ever written.
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Before we begin, let me get the obvious out of the way: yes, she did try to crush his skull with a chair in Pretension, and she was iconic for that.
This is only how their relationship started. What truly matters is how the story unfolds from then on.
And boy does it unfold fast. By the end of the episode, Felix has shaken Kagami’s worldview so much that she:
Stands up to her own friends and fellow heroes in an effort to not only protect him, but also ensure that he can keep the Peacock Miraculous;
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Actively challenges her mother’s teaching that emotions (in this context, romantic love) are a weakness that should be eradicated from the face of the Earth;
Is planning secret dates with Felix, even though as far as she knows Tomoe has her amok (because you can’t tell me this little genius didn’t figure out the entire Sentilore in the sewers);
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Trusts Felix with said amok despite his extensive criminal record, as illustrated by how quickly and firmly she takes his hand — with a little sigh if happiness, might I add. This is especially significant compared to previous instances of hand holding between the two, when he had to make all the effort while she remained completely limp.
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And then Representation rolls around. And oh, boy.
Kagami instantly calms down from her TV-induced rage upon seeing her boyfriend on her balcony — a major improvement when you consider how big of a role anger and frustration play in her akumatisations.
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Tangent 1:
Something similar happened in Ikari Gozen, when Mari protected Kagami from her mother, causing her to narrowly escape Hawkmoth’s influence. More on the Marigami-to-Feligami pipeline in another post, coming to your dash someday in the not-so-distant future.
Not only does Kagami instantly relax in Felix’s presence, but she laughs — something that previously only happened in the context of Adrigaminette, and we all know how that ended. Felix is the one to mend her heart and make her laugh again, for the second time since the dance.
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Our two lovebirds proceed to straight up RUN AWAY INTO THE SUNSET. Kagami presumably spent the following 350 km (300 miles) cuddled up in Argos’ arms, admiring how handsome he looks in his glittery cosmic suit which we don’t get to see because budget.
Later on, they casually discuss Ladybug’s identity, while fireworks go off in the background. Let me rephrase this: Kagami trusted the person who stole the Miraculous with her best friend’s most burning secret, not because she wants to defeat Hawkmoth per say, but because Gabriel has been getting in the way of their make out sessions and she can’t have that.
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Tangent 2:
Also coming to your dash in the not-so-distant future: an analysis of Kagami’s relationship to the concepts of truth and lies, and how dependent it is on what serves her and her loved ones in the moment.
Then, of course, the core of the episode: Kagami actively participates in the play, helping Felix tell his story in a way he feels comfortable with.
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Tangent 3 (lots of ‘em today):
This part is extremely important to me, because I’ve seen So. Many. People. complain that the play could have been boiled down to two lines of conversation.
And like.
Firstly, this is a show, not real life: we as an audience needed the confirmation to be as climactic as possible. If it hadn’t been, I can guarantee the exact same salters would be crying about the story’s “WaStEd PoTeNtIaL”.
But let’s delve into the real life implications of the Sentiplot for a second.
Abuse survivors do not owe you a brief, comfortable explanation of what they went through, neatly wrapped up with a pretty little bow.
The play is a beautiful illustration of how art can be cathartic and therapeutic, and I need you guys to understand that this sequence means something to many, many viewers — most of them children in similarly terrible situations. If I were to bet, I would say it very likely speaks to one or more members of the writing team on a personal level as well.
So you can pry these scenes from my cold, dead hands.
The kisses… All of them… During the firework show. As the sun rises to signify a new beginning. Disguised as Adrien’s parents. For context, this is the same girl who previously found a hand kiss to be too much for her broken heart to bear.
And of course, there’s the way she looks at him like he is her entire world, like she cannot understand how anyone could ever call him monstruous. Because Felix doesn’t get the monopoly of heart eyes.
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Finally, in Recreation:
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So what’s my point.
Because yes, I do have a point, apart from “KSSGDJDKSS Feligami SGDHDKLS 🥰🥰🥰🥰” (which, by the way, is a completely valid meta post in itself).
While we joke that Kagami is so far out of Felix’s league in every aspect — she doesn’t perceive him that way in the slightest. As far as she’s concerned, she has achieved every fourteen year old’s dream: dating the perfect cursed prince, tortured artist, evil-genius-on-a-redemption-arc combo.
She is just as enamoured with him as he is with her, and I think it’s beautiful. 🦚🐉
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rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Hi girlies ❤ wrote this little thing. Not many people responded to my ask, but those who did mainly wanted it to be smut mixed with fluff, so that's what I did. For those who wanted it to be pure fluff, I will for sure write something like that soon for you ❤ Still, I hope you enjoy this and I am sending the warmest hugs to everyone 💕
Reader being insecure because they look nothing like Ruben's exes:
You knew it was silly. Still there was nothing you could do about the reoccurring voice in your mind, that kept telling you, you weren't good enough. You couldn't stop the thoughts that were telling you that you looked so much different from all of the girls your boyfriend dated before, making you believe there was no way he really, truly liked your appearance.
Seeing photos of all the pretty girls he was with before made your stomach ache. Still,you couldn't help but scroll through their Instagram pages. Your racing thoughts convincing you he is just going to find someone better than you, that you are just a temporary distraction. Even though, deep down you knew Ruben wasn't like that, he was the sweetest guy you have ever been with, always making you feel so loved and adored. Still, it was impossibly hard for you to convince yourself you could ever be good enough for him, pretty enough, sexy enough.
When Ruben came back home to you, he knew right away that something was not okay. You didn't greet him when you heard him walk in, which was very unusual, making him a bit suspicious. He called your name a couple of times, but didn't get any response, so he stumbled through your shared house, looking for you. He finally found you, curled up on the bed, a clearly sad expression present on your face.
"Hi angel" he said, coming up to you. He sat on the edge of the bed, his hand caressed your thigh gently. His eyebrows raised when he saw the way you flinched at his touch. "Did something happen?" worry evident in his voice, as he moved your hand up to move the hair out of your face and stroke your cheek. You only shook your head no, which was not a good enough answer to him, making him even more concerned. "Tell me what's wrong, baby." he insisted. "We can figure it out together."
You looked up at him, tears burning in your eyes, threatening to spill.
"It's nothing, don't worry" you whispered, stuttering through your words. You blinked a couple of times to fight back the tears, but it didn't help. Ruben didn't fail to wipe away the tear that rolled down your cheek, his heart felt like it was going to break seeing you like this.
"I can see it's not nothing. Please, tell me amor (love)." he said, leaning down to press a kiss to your head. "I just want to help you, I hate seeing you like this." he went on, trying to get you to open up and tell him what has been weighing on you.
You looked up at him once again, catching his gaze. The authentic concern you saw glistening in his eyes making you feel even worse about yourself. You didn't mean to be a reason for his worry.
"Why do you even like me?" you whispered, dropping his gaze. He seemed taken aback by your question, his eyebrows furrowed together, as the hand that was caressing your bare thigh stopped its movement.
"What? What do you mean? " he seemed confused, his head tilted to the right a little as he started at you.
"It's just that I don't understand why someone like you would ever be with someone like me. I mean, I'm nothing special, I don't look like all these beautiful girls that you were with before me." you explained through tears, Ruben stayed silent, as if he didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry, I know it's stupid" you added, more tears streaming down your face, as you attempted to hide it in your hands. However, as soon as they touched your face, Ruben grabbed your wrists and pulled them away.
"Is this what this is about?" he asked, his eyes drilling into your face, flushed from your tears. You didn't say anything, but you didn't have to. Ruben didn't need any more words to understand what you were feeling. Still, it broke his heart that you had to feel this way, that you felt like you weren't good enough for him, when in reality he felt quite the opposite. Everytime he laid his eyes on you he was unsure how he got so lucky, what has he done to deserve you.
"You really have no idea, do you, meu amor (my love)?" he asked, shaking your head at your obliviousness. He leaned down, his lips pressing to your cheek, wet from the tears that rolled down it. "I love everything about you, baby. This beautiful face..." he mumbled into your skin, his scruffy beard grazing against it, before he pressed yet another kiss to the same spot. "This cute nose" he added, his lips moving to place a kiss to the tip of your nose. "These gorgeous lips" a kiss was pressed to the corner of your mouth, making a tiny gasp escape past your lips. "The most beautiful eyes" Ruben said, as your gaze met his. You saw a soft smile spreading on his lips. "Love your little dimples" he pressed another kiss to the spot they would usually appear in, his lips stayed pressed to it, until your lips curled into a gentle smile. "Here they are" Ruben mumbled, before he pecked the very same spot again. Your hand reached out, resting on the back of his neck, your fingers fiddeled with the ends of his hair, as he pulled back a little, so that he could get a look of your face. A peaceful smile painted on his lips, when he saw his words made you smile as well.
You used the hand that rested on the back of his neck to pull him in, your lips connecting to his. He kissed you gently, his tounge swiped along your lower lip, asking for entrance. Your lips parted for him, Ruben taking the occasion to lick into your mouth slowly.
"Tu és Linda (You are beautiful)" he said, when he pulled away, a serious look on his face, as he started deep into your eyes. "Let me show you, baby" a whisper left his lips, before he pressed them to the crook of your neck, his nose grazing against your soft skin, making a gasp escape past your parted lips.
"Please" you whimpered. "Please, Ruben" your hands roaming his back as you felt him mouth at your neck. He pulled away when your pleads met his ears, confusion painted on your face as you saw him standing up.
"Come here linda (beautiful), let me show you" he offered his hand out for you, helping you stand up and leading you to your vanity. He made you stand right in front of it, so that you could see the both of you in the mirror, him towering behind you. His hands rested on your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh.
"Can I?" he asked, as he grabbed at the shirt you were wearing. He pulled it over your head when he saw you nod your head, leaving you almost naked before him, as all you had on was the oversized shirt and a pair of panties. Even after all of his ressurance, you couldn't help but turn your gaze away, as you saw the reflection of your own figure in the mirror. Ruben instantly grabbed your jaw, making you turn your head back.
"Don't look away" he ordered you, his arms sneaking around you from behind, his head dropping to press a kiss to your bare shoulder, before his eyes focused on your reflection. His hand traveled up, grabbing at your breast, squeezing it, before he twisted your hardened nipple between his fingers. "So beautiful, baby. So sexy... " he rasped into your ear, quiet moans escaping your mouth.
"Look what you do to me" His hips rutted into your backside, making you aware of his hardened length, hidden in his pants. You couldn't help but whisper out his name. He put one of his hands on your lower back, pushing you lightly, so that you would lean forward, resting your hands on your vanity. He unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants, along with his boxers down his legs, before hooking his fingers in the material of your underwear.
You gasped at the feeling of his tip running through your folds, teasing your entrance. He pushed into you slowly, groaning at the feeling of your warm walls stretching around him. His eyes glued to your reflection, he grabbed your jaw again as he realized your eyes were closed.
"Watch yourself baby" he instructed you, pulling his hips back, only to push into you once again. His thrusts were painfully slow, as you struggled to open your eyes. "Look how pretty you are, taking me so well baby" his voice sounded straight in your ear. His hand gripping your hip for leverage, his strokes were deep, hitting your sweet spot every time, causing you to cry out. The hand that held your jaw moved down your body, until he found your clit and rubbed it with his fingers, adding to the pleasure that was already running through your body.
"The most perfect girl" he mumbled, as his lips explored the bare skin of your neck and your shoulder. "Fuck baby, what did I do to deserve you?" his voice hoarse, his cock twitched inside of you, as your walls clenched around him. His gaze dropped in between your bodies to watch himself disappear into you, groans leaving his lips at the sight of his length covered in your arousal.
"So close, Ruben" you let out between your moans, making him increase the pressure he was adding to your clit. His thrusts becoming faster, as he felt your walls flutter around him, chasing his own orgasm now. The whispers of his name leaving your lips, as he fucked you through your orgasm.
"So beautiful baby. The prettiest girl" he murmured into the crook of your neck, soon spilling his seed inside you. You were grateful for the way his arms wrapped around you and held you close to him, unsure if you could hold yourself up on your wobbly legs. His lips pressed to the shell of your ear, as he whispered how much he loved you, his cock still nestled deep inside you.
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