fieriframes · 9 months
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im-a-chunky-potato · 11 months
Hi fellow cello player :DD
Idk any good writing prompts, but if you wanna share any Nikolai headcanon's you have (+ any other doa members you wanna do) I think that'd be cool. I like seeing other people's hc's.
Hi! Ooh I have a ton of headcannons but I'll just show you my favorites. (This will still be pretty long though)
I have this one headcannon about how he'll purposely misteach fyodor Japanese. It's nothing awful, just small things like changing friend to dear and other cute nicknames to satisfy himself (This is to kind of make fun of the dear dazai line)
He's banned from every pet store and zoo he's ever been too. He just goes on a rant about freedom and sets all of the animals free. (Of course this doesn't stop him though)
He's talented at nearly everything if he puts actual effort into it. Specifically cooking and possibly singing (?) besides other things. I like to think he helped choose out sigma's outfit too.
This is mostly just me being strange with this headcannon, but I like to think that in the book he is described using they/them pronouns. So him choosing his pronouns is part of his own choice and all of that jazz.
Give him stress toys and he'll be calm for hours. (Please he needs them so bad)
It's a habit of his now to ask if any food or drink given to him is poisoned. You can thank Nikolai for that.
I don't have too many headcannons for him, but I do think he needs either blue light glasses or his eyes are always in extreme pain.
Actually... he's just always suffering in general. Whether it's migrains or his anemia kicking in he's always in some sort of pain.
Hes the kind of person to forget something if it's not part of his goals. He forgets to eat, shower, etc. So he's like Dazai in a way, except he's not self destructive on purpose.
You can tell I like seeing him suffer haha. On a happier note, he's teaching Nikolai how to play the violin or viola. He wonders what it'd be like to play with him someday. what kind of melody would they make? Would they be able to keep up with each other? Possibly even bond?.
Sorry for this being a ton to read.I'm completely up for sharing more though, or if you want I can expand on these ideas a bit. (I just really like talking about them heh)
Have a nice day wherever you are!
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incarnateirony · 5 months
I really have such mixed feelings about the last few months. I hate Working on that level, I hate the idea of doing what I've done to anything that even resembles a human even if she surrendered her humanity, I just really don't sit well with that part.
But on the other hand, until her delusions were utterly shattered, she was never going to stop, and she's STILL not stopping, as evidenced by her little cretin friends up in the DMs of anyone they see me message STILL, even during THIS, when they were TOLD those behaviors were WHY this line was drawn, but they psychologically and physically both cannot stop themselves, they lack any self awareness or self control, the whole lot, the whole group never realized they were spending 3 years on this toxic obsession while being ignored.
They IMAGINED themselves being observed. They showed paranoid schizoid tendancies in, I realized years later, posting on and on that they or she were being watched, and like, they fucking weren't, they were scum beneath my time. It took almost 2 years to go, huh, wonder how my ex is doing, laughing at it, and then her setting off this entire shitshow in her fucking pissfit that she wasn't invited to the game, while pretending she wasn't mad about not being invited to the game, only to spend six months trying to invest herself to break into the game server and fuck with me and the game.
Like. If you want an example of how slavishly dedicated their delusion bubble has kept them, we really need to turn everyone's noses to stare at that right there.
As long as she had her body pillow of me that she groomed everyone else into, by them not understanding what shadows are or where divinity comes from, and her misteaching them, and them projecting everyone's bullshit from their own minds onto what deities they feel excuse their behavior. Like, no. That was never hermes, never will be, always was him leading myself home. No, no gods told you to act like a lunatic. You, the insane schizoids and delusional obsessed fanatics, told yourself to do it, and then felt righteous because your own headspace gods of schizoprenia are telling you that it's the right thing.
So yeah, I absolutely had to shatter her, or reduce her to nothing, to ever get my freedom from this abuse. She''s made it very clear they leave me no choice. She will pursue me until she kills herself once unable to avoid reality, she has made this very, very clear. Just like the manipulators that pretend to be her friends or family won't stop her until it gets to this point, and when she is forced with the weight of her choices, her actions, her self denial, her delusions and her behavior, her false gods and all else, like. When she does the near inevitable after years of letting her go down this spiral, they'll blame me, for making her face reality, after they used her up for their own grudges and silly bullshit.
Oh well.
She made her bed, she can lay down and die in it for all I care. Alone, godless, and given to the same emptiness that made her start ripping her hair out.
The psychotic users around her, just like her, can't even grok how fucking ridiculous it is for them to henpeck and chase around a man for THREE YEARS begging for his attention, to whole other social circuits they're not in, to people they have no interest in, literally just there to make One Specific Man's life difficult while he like, literally just tries to avoid them, for years, doesn't even look at them, isn't anywhere near them, but they are so in lovehate with me they're compelled to chase me no matter what.
They don't see it. They literally do not fucking comprehend. They WANTED me to be watching them, and imagined it when I wasn't. The closest to my attention they got for years were people going "Why are Dani and Kelios orbiting around your ex wife?" "Because she has no actual morals or beliefs, nor does anyone in their group, and their pure intention is to find ways to annoy me, because they're soulless goblins. MOVING ON."
And then to SHIT THEIR PANTS like they have when they realize what HAVING MY ATTENTION **ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE**. Like no not like that!!! Yes, like that, suck my dick, or I guess keep sucking cuz y'all been deepthroating it to years, in front of a shrine. No seriously, name a universe this behavior qualifies anything other than compulsive stalkers. Girlllllllllls Kelios is trash and was more important than you, salt group wouldn't have even noticed your bullshit if you didn't have the other fandom psychos orbiting you lmao. It wasn't even ABOUT you, but you fucking attention whores imagined it was ABOUT you or about watching YOU. LMAO.
You. Are. Insane. Crazy. Lady. Stalkers. You are walking stereotypes, only you're real, and you actually fucking act like this and somehow aren't fucking embarrassed.
Girlllsssssssssssssssssssssssss if you want my dick that bad, just PM me. My ex loved that cyber romance shit, I'll digitally knock your cunt off if you need me up it that bad. Or it's time to realize you need therapy and to collectively fucking move on. Cuz even if you harassed me out, which you won't, the truth remains the same: you were groomed by an abusive stalking liar, and are stalkers yourselves, and are all prone to obsessive behaviors, and have been guzzling my dick in a cult of playtoys you justify yourself through with imaginary friends, and if I died tomorrow, that would still be true, you'd just be guzzling my DEAD dick, rigor mortis and all.
The anger you are taking out on me is actually towards yourselves for letting this happen to yourselves, even if you won't acknowledge what you do to other people.
Try that hat on.
You did this to yourselves and to each other. Nobody forced you to stalk me for 3 years, nobody forced her to try to bust into my business and game, nobody forced you to ignore the discrepancies, nobody forced you to play into someone else's developing disassociative identity disorder, nobody forced you to enable it and the other unwell behaviors like stalking for years, nobody forced you to start bothering rando schizos on twitter I was trying to stabilize only for them to disappear after you got involved and they might be fucking dead, good work kids.
But hey, anything for that sweet, sweet attention, right? You. This is legit all you. You're mad at me because you refuse to look at yourselves, because you know where the hatred both comes from and where it truly belongs, and it's you guys. If you don't hate religiously on me even after all of this, all you have to hate is yourselves. And you know, that's why you guys have obsessive behaviors, you distract yourselves. With people, television, with roleplays (sometimes labeled "channeling" with LARP mode), with parasocial relationships, and then you take it out on people in fandom, and you never break down why you're so fucking obsessed lmao. And now that the show's been gone for years you have almost nothing to distract yourself from your own self-hate with, so your redirected hate now lands on me. I'm your new fandom, lmao. And her? Let's be real guys. You've used her as a personal toy the same way she used me and my identity as one.
Honestly, I think that realization, more than anything, is going to be the one that kills her. I think deep down she always knew she was faking along on the other nonsense, or she wouldn't have stolen and lied. But the idea that you're all like that? Every single one? A batch of abusive obsessed self-hating liars falling into deluluville? That her whole life is a lie, she lied one way, everybody lied back, nothing is true, nothing is real, even the origin of her relationship is based on lies, it's all lies, and the one thing she wanted is gone, because she disassociated that too, and now she's just sitting like... bald and crazy and godless in a cocaine bear fursuit crying into my old 2010 playlist and staring at redrawn art of my persona, several failed flights to the same dude in other languages, a remixed altar tribute of my old anime villain, my shit in GAELIC again, the rebirth flower i used for a attraction and magnetism spell meant for something else that's kept you lunatics glued to me enshrined with it, and hermanubis fursuit friday for the kibble bowl.
Christ on a cracker yall. How did you let it get to this. How is literally every single bitch in her life so selfish and senseless that they let it get here.
No seriously her entire altar and belief structure is literal delusional LARP shit. Leviathan is applied backwards cuz it's a knockoff. Anubis shows up on fursuit friday for arbitrary bullshit. Michael doesn't even really exist, the theatrical planned conjuring she tried failed even in showman presentation much less actual summoning but she never really thought it would be summoned, she thought that would be the day something would happen to LOOK like she did magic. And it didn't. Her version of Hermes is literally my personal persona. Her actual original deities she's left in the back seat and only references when over the coals AND I'm power charging that one in her internally. Supposedly a main logic brain, but nope!!! All these other things mentioned first that she supplanted that goddess with, because she refuses to acknowledge she actually supplanted herself with shadows of me.
Her entire belief system needs deconstructed and rebuilt, because even the few parts that are real or hers are integrated so thoroughly with the lies, she's lied over and projected over things that were real at times too, or inserted them the same as she inserts the others to speak for them, but not as them, she won't onboard that responsibility, it needs to stay third person and disassociated so it's a god's fault and directive and not hers. And now the threads are all tangled up together on how to unweave it.
And she literally can't bring herself to do this, because she realizes, she doesn't have the foggiest idea on where to even fucking start, and neither do the blind folks she's kept around her. She CAN'T rebuild a functional faith. The step of honesty destroys everything and after that, she doesn't know how to reconstruct it. A sad statement for someone that used to work in construction. But I guess it was construction and not psych or philosophy for a reason.
Like the man I followed up with today. It's ego that brought them here. And that ego is why she can't, and won't, Do The Thing. She negotiates that she's done this part or that part, but she won't do the central Thing. She can't. She keeps trying to haggle with the universe on what reality is. Dead ASS I will *KNOW* when she crucifies her ego and actually does it because she will come CRAWLING sobbing to apologize in absolution. It is literally part of the process, and she deleted the means to just do it on main without yet again bothering me in DM. As She Do, often by proxy.
And now? Now we're not accepting anything less than that. The conscious apology. Because until she reaches that state, she and hers will continue this bullshit.
You guys realize you probably killed Steve, right.
I haven't messaged him to check yet, because I don't know him that well, but if he's quiet another 2 days, I will. Because so help me self-god I will make sure he haunts the fuck out of all of you if it's what it looks like. Cuz it will have been from "posts every 2-5 minutes all day every day except when he sleeps, but slowly stabilizing in DM while walking him through it as far as he's capable and ready, becoming clearer and more lucid when anchored properly", to "gone for five days, then a week" right when you guys started fucking around.
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Yes, It's Helpful to KNOW O O O
That it's Real
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What did you think it WAS to Stalk and Murder, Tregonning?
Something of No Energy that Never Ripples or Echoes or Returns?
EVIL AND DARKNESS Which Never Impacts Upon THEE?
Your Choices and Actions, No Reverberation... You Thought? V
Nothing's Connected, No Continuum V
If you Bind and Conceal O O
If you Lie
Block, Ghost, Cover Up, Shrug Off, Move On and Dump
Delete Hard Drives, Buy New Phones...
Because there is No Such Thing as Spirituality?
'No Devil Below and No God Above Me'
What an Idiot
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moralpuppet · 11 months
What are their worst nightmares? Does it relate to Halloween in any way?
Orel's worst nightmare is probably going to Hell , he's definitely had those kind of dreams before. The idea of burning in Hell for eternity and not allowed to be in the kingdom of God is probably his biggest fear. It is interesting because I've always said he doesn't scare easy !
When he was little he was never afraid of monsters being under the bed or in the closet or anything like that , he's not easily scared. He probably rarely had nightmares.
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Though I feel like as he grew older he does get reoccurring nightmares that are wolf-man related . His dreams are very disturbing if he ever told anyone they'd be disturbed for sure because Orel has a disturbed imagination to an extent we see that in his stop-motion films he makes of course that's the result of all the misteachings he receives in town and his father . The idea to represent his father with a wolf's head definitely comes from wolf-related nightmares.
For the most part disturbing dreams doesn't scare him but after the hunting trip the Hell and the wolf related ones do.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'It is a pleasure, in my latest Q&A, to talk with Kevin Williamson, my old friend and colleague. We cover the waterfront, or a stretch of it: climate change; U.S. politics; transgenderism; Ukraine; books; “Barbenheimer” — especially the “heimer” part, Oppenheimer, the new biopic.
I have not seen it. I don’t plan to. Then how in the world can I talk about it? I know that Lewis L. Strauss is a villain of the piece. I know some other things, too. I object to a gross misteaching.
More than most, I think, I believe in the separation of art from politics, and even, to a degree, the separation of art from facts. I know that Oppenheimer is “just a movie.” But is it? This movie will teach, or misteach, millions upon millions about J. Robert Oppenheimer, Admiral Strauss, and the controversy of that time. How many will read No Sacrifice Too Great, the biography of Strauss by Richard Pfau, published in 1985? Eleven?
Talking with Kevin, I thought of a piece written by Tom Wicker, for the New York Times. It was published in 1991. Wicker was responding to JFK, the latest Oliver Stone movie. In this movie, Kennedy is the victim of a plot by the U.S. military, the CIA, and the FBI, with the complicity of Vice President Johnson.
Just a movie, right? Well, yes and no. As Wicker says, the movie rewrites history. It is a misleader, and miseducator.
I imagine that some number got their view of the Kennedy assassination from Stone’s movie. But there are a zillion books, documentaries, and other things about the Kennedy assassination. The Stone movie can do only modest harm. But when will people ever get another view of the Oppenheimer–Strauss matter?
As I mentioned to Kevin, I have not seen The Death of Klinghoffer, the opera by John Adams. Don’t think I will. To me, the Achille Lauro hijacking is a contemporary event. I was riveted to news about it. To me, it is not really a subject for artistic treatment.
In 1985, you recall, Palestinian terrorists hijacked an Italian cruise liner, the Achille Lauro. They murdered Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly American Jew, confined to a wheelchair. They shot him and dumped his body overboard.
Writing in 2014, the editors of the New York Times said, “The opera gives voice to all sides in this terrible murder.” Here on the Corner, I wrote,
“All sides” — really? Maybe I am misreading the editors, but this “all sides” business seems an almost comical example of moral relativism run amok.
Palestinian terrorists murdered an innocent, helpless man in cold blood because he was Jewish. Period. The terrorists have a “side,” true: They are monsters. Or am I being judgmental, in my simple, Reagan-like way?
Let me give you a footnote: By sheer coincidence, John Adams also composed an opera about Oppenheimer, Doctor Atomic.
Before closing, I’d like to return to Lewis Strauss. In 1997, I wrote an item about him for The Weekly Standard, where I was working. Alfred Kazin, the famed literary critic, had “casually perpetrated a drive-by infamy,” I said. In the course of an essay on another subject,
Kazin gratuitously smeared Adm. Lewis L. Strauss, who in a long and controversial career was private secretary to Herbert Hoover, an investment banker on Wall Street, a wartime naval strategist, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, and secretary of commerce. In a discussion of the sainted J. Robert Oppenheimer, whom Strauss opposed, Kazin remarked en passant that Strauss “pronounced his own name ‘Straws’ to make himself sound less Jewish.”
This would be a hilarious allegation if it were not so contemptible. Strauss was as prominent a Jew as could be found in the United States for four decades. If Strauss was out to disguise his faith, he could not have done a poorer job of it.
I elaborated,
He was a member of numerous Jewish organizations, assuming a leading role in many of them. In the summer of 1939, he was in Europe, attempting to rescue Jews from Germany. For over 10 years, he was president of Temple Emanu-El in New York. He once refused to eat a ham lunch that Queen Elizabeth served him. And until his death in 1974, he was in the forefront of Jewish philanthropy, donating large chunks of his fortune.
A bit more:
Kazin’s lame excuse for the libel is that he heard it from people, long ago. The truth is that Strauss grew up in Richmond, Va., and, like other southerners, pronounced the name “Straws.” (So had his father and grandfather.) Presented with this explanation, Kazin would have none of it, insisting that anyone saying “Straws” had to be trying to pass. With Strauss’s Jewish credentials, Kazin was irritably unimpressed.
The truth is, Lewis Strauss had no interest in making himself appear other than as he was. He was notoriously blunt, bold, and proud — even if he pronounced his name as a Virginian, rather than as a German...'
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just witnessed the very slight misteach thats going to create a huge error in some students first big corporate/govt job
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101now · 2 years
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Civil Rights Leaders Canvas Prints & Wall Art - Fine Art America Fine Art America Civil Rights Leaders Canvas Prints ... 16 Children's Books about the Civil Rights Movement Rebekah Gienapp 16 Children's Books about the Civil ... Civil Rights Movement: Timeline, Key Events & Leaders - HISTORY www.history.com Civil Rights Movement: Timeline, Key ... Charles Floyd | BSO Boston Symphony Orchestra Charles Floyd | BSO NEH Award to Digitize Religious News Service Photos | Presbyterian Historical Society | Presbyterian Historical Society NEH Award to Digitize Religious News ... Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis No Stranger to Sit-Ins NBC News Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis No ... Photos: Celebrate Black History Month with the stunning Civil Rights imagery of Bob Fitch | The Six Fifty The Six Fifty Photos: Celebrate Black History Month ... The Civil Rights Movement In 55 Powerful Images All That's Interesting The Civil Rights Movement In 55 ... Recalling Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Historic Address at Queens College Long Island Press Recalling Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ... Read the full article
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burninitalldown · 3 years
Being professional doesn't work with Professor Man-Child...
Having legitimate scientific concerns or difference in opinion and calling out that you won't listen to me as a student even on something another professional has now called out, and that you need to talk to a colleague you'll take seriously cLeArLy means I'm condescending to YOU now and not trying to have an adult conversation....
Scientists have a healthy detachment from their hypotheses my @$$.
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themoralgoats · 2 years
There’s something almost poetic about Clay being the mayor of Moralton, especially the timing with which they revealed it.
It’s like, here we have this pos whose primary role in the majority of the show is Orel’s abusive, alcoholic father who to describe as “misteaching” would be quite the understatement and as a running gag uses religion to control and mistreat him. And like all the characters throughout that season, we get to see him deconstructed, read to the absolute pathetic filth he is, ESPECIALLY the episode right before Nesting. Then, surprise! he’s the mayor, the fucking ringleader of the ridiculous, hellish borderline cult that is Moralton.
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mentosmorii · 3 years
Whenever I see other white USAmericans on here talking about how they were never taught about the USA's history of imperialism/colonialism (both abroad and towards native people), it's frequently used as an excuse to not do better -- it's a way to use a systemic problem in education to shut down conversation rather than serve as a jumping-off point. And as much as this sentiment can be difficult to swallow, I think more people need to become comfortable with the idea that sometimes things, such as a biased education, may not be your fault, but it is still your responsibility to fix that problem i.e. educate yourself. So many people have compiled free resources to help explain the lie of American exceptionalism, and it's deeply insulting to ignore their work whilst committing yourself to never disabusing yourself of the colonial misteachings you have.
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ellsss · 4 years
God isn’t the one abusing Christianity. It’s the people. The Bible isn’t rules to follow word for word like the corrupt Christians taught you. It’s unfair and NOT your place to tell Christians who aren’t abusive and harmful, that their God is tormenting people when it’s the corrupt Christians misteaching the Bible to harm and push their own agendas on others. Corrupt Christians just want power, control and clout. Those are the Christians that a lot of people with religious trauma have encountered. It’s not fair to assume that every Christian is like that. And it’s not fair to say that God did those things when it was the people.
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mugajhn · 3 years
Sometimes as am scrolling through Whatsapp Status, it really beats my understanding why it's usually people, whose relationships over, are giving advice, i thought if yours failed you should shut up and stop MISTEACHING us because you failed
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/message-to-lightworkers-august-28th-2020-victims-and-saviors/
Message to Lightworkers, August 28th 2020 ~ Victims and Saviors
Message to Lightworkers, August 28th 2020 ~ Victims and Saviors
By Caroline Oceana Ryan
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
Recently a Light Bringer commented to our writer about a channeling she had received for him, from one of his guides. 
He wrote:
“In a recent channeling you did for me, my guide said that I am not the savior of the planet. 
What I learned from that was, that we as Lightworkers are anchoring many Light codes that have helped bring about many changes and current situations on the planet.
It is our job to bring in the higher Light/energy so that the necessary changes can take place. 
What she said also showed me that my most important job is to stay strong, to focus and take care of myself, and not be concerned or worried or stressed about what is going on in the world around me.
Our jobs as Lightworkers is to keep our energy/Light as strong as possible. 
By doing this we are enabling our energy to flow, which will allow for a stronger fifth dimensional Light to be distributed around the planet.
If we worry and stress about all the chaos and madness going on simultaneously, this only diminishes the strength of our fifth dimensional Light, which is used to build the New Earth, and at the same time, protect the planet from the darker energies.
So by focusing on ourselves, and having the attitude that all is taken care of and all is complete, we are doing the greatest good that we came here to do.
That might sound selfish, but this is how we stay strong and focused, and stand tall and let our natural abilities as Lightworkers accomplish the most good.
We should not feel guilty about being concerned about ourselves and taking care of ourselves first. This is what we came here to do.”
Our writer recently channeled another message from another spirit guide, who offered almost the exact same message.
And she has pondered the point about guilt, as she and so many others were raised with the idea that “It is better to give than to receive,” which is a mistranslation of the text that has led to many misunderstandings of the original teaching.
It is of course possible to understand that this is a misteaching, and not a solid Truth for Light Bearers at this time. 
Yet the subconscious is powerful. 
Many still carry the feeling that they owe it to their fellow humans to give to the point of imbalanced overgiving, because it is for one thing difficult to see others suffer, and for another, hard to shake off centuries of learned self-negation.
We would say that this is indeed a time when many look out onto the world and see many in despair, weighted by experiences of hunger, homelessness, and unemployment, of illness or environmental destruction, and other dense situations.
And it is very easy to move from a moment of viewing those circumstances to feeling the compulsion to save or rescue those in difficulty.
And certainly, to help out here or there with solid advice, financial contribution, a meal, or smile or kind word of encouragement—all of that is a beautiful moment of connection with another.
In that moment you are sharing something.
They have blessed you with the chance to give, and you have blessed them with the chance to receive. 
You are not fooling yourself that you are taking away their pain in any complete way.
And yet—your kindness reassures them that they are worthy to receive, and are gathering to them the tools and resources needed to stand on their own, to be well again or housed or employed again, to believe in themselves and their life path again.
A beautiful thing indeed!
And you yourself have realized that you are also Abundant; that you have plenty to give and plenty to feel wonderful about.
This is especially true when you are not feeling particularly Abundant, and for example, decide to give regularly 10 percent of all the money that comes to you as a gift and encouragement to a group or individual that inspires you with their work.
That number of 10 being the number of increase, you then bless your own situation—your income, your health, your relationships, and more—with the steady outflow of money that is simply a form of life energy.
The imbalance comes from the belief that giving should be compulsive or come from a need to rescue another.
We would agree with the channelings above, that the rescue idea, based on the victim/savior paradigm, is an idea whose time has well passed.
It is a belief based in scarcity teachings, and on self-denial, that says, “Others are more valuable than me. More worthy of Joy and fulfillment, while I am worthy of self-sacrifice.”
This is a strange and demanding time to be on the planet, and so you will need to watch your emotional and mental vibration, friends, as well as your etheric vibration, so that you do not shift either into despair or into “rescue mode.”
You can avoid that by sending higher Light to any person or place that appears to be suffering now, such as to the populations of California facing extreme fires, among other western states.
Send Light to their people, trees and wildlife, their homes, schools, and hospitals.
Send Light to the people of Beirut and their whole country of Lebanon as they rebuild themselves after disaster.
Send Light to those who are ill, or fearful for a loved one who is ill. 
Light to those afraid of becoming unemployed, or who have done so, and are not receiving adequate income.
Light to those not able to make their rent or mortgage, or pay for health insurance.
Certainly you do not have the outer resources to make all this, and all of Earth’s other pains and challenges, suddenly fade away.
Yet you can envision all of these situations solved, just as you can envision NESARA Law fully enacted, and all persons living in Abundant and fulfilling circumstances.
You are correct if you are thinking that all will not be ironed out overnight.
Yet know that were you in the etheric, viewing Earth from the distance of being no longer in physical life, you would do no less.
You would not have the luxury of “rescuing” others, and would have to work with them energetically, as they were open to such, in order to assist them.
Recall from deep within you your complete confidence in energetic solutions that find their way outward to physical ones, and draw on that experience.
Assisted by your spirit guides and higher self, you are perfectly suited to help to transform your world, yet in ways that simply empower and encourage others, rather than take them off of their path.
The time to look for saviors and rescuers is well over, friends.
You have come in to learn how to love and trust yourselves and your own higher instincts. You lead the way in that path, as in so many others.
And so allow that particular kind of Joy and relief from heavy burdens, by letting go of that which is not yours to carry.
Care about others, most assuredly.
Yet grant that they are powerful enough (perhaps, far more so than you!) to create their own solutions, and that your love for them points that out, with complete confidence in all they are able to transform.
Namaste, friends! So much Joy awaits you, and begins to unfold for you now.
We are with you, always.
Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
Thank you.
All of Creation Is watching Earth and witnessing its Ascension Process. They are ready, ready for this Planet to be Declared a Light Only Zone. All of Humanity are called upon now to Step Up in fulfillment of their Divine Soul Contract.
The dark has been cleared, fully defeated and New Earth, Nova Terra, is ready to begin. This requires each Being to fully clear the remaining density within their bodies, to awaken to full remembrance of their Galactic Truth, their Soul Essence, their Divine Blueprint.
This is not a Drill, in Real Time, Present Moment of Now Mother of All Creation is on the Planet and she is Our Divine Director, Our Eternal Mother. She hired you for this role and She is here to guide you.
Mother has the entire Galactic Federation of Light and all the Angels with Her in all moments. She also has Her guide/ambassador Robin Williams and Master St. Germain by Her side. There is no session like this available on the planet, or in all of Creation.
LoveHasWon.org is a Non-Profit Charity, Heartfully Associated with the “World Blessing Church Trust” for the Benefit of Mother Earth
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Etheric Surgery With Mother God Below, Including TWO sessions with a recommended donation of $88.88
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tiwaztyrsfist · 4 years
Concept: a Star Trek style scifi series, where the alien crewman (the Worf/Spock) keeps saying "there is no word in your language, but we call it [scifi gibberish]" but everytime it turns out there IS a word for it, or possibly multiple words.
Eventually it turns out the only school on the alien's home planet that teaches earth language and culture is actually run by an American religious fundamentalist sect who are deliberately cherry picking and misteaching to create a certain idealized image of Humans (and their version of Christianity).
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cicivford · 5 years
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ready!? go grab some autumn treats & some coffee or tea.🍁🍂 . the very VERY first post i made to this account was actually a book called Sandcastle Kings: Meeting Jesus in a Spiritually Bankrupt World by Rich Wilkerson Jr. {5 years ago...wow...if you remember it & you’re still here, you’re the real mvp. no need to scroll to the bottom it isn’t there lots of archiving & deleting during my IG “career” lol.} you see, from the beginning, i wanted this account to be the space i am attempting to make it now; a space that not only encouraged but in the most modernized way could bring others into the joy that i know is the true most high king, jesus. . i think for the most part i kept my corner a bright one with mini hiccups here & there but i also acknowledge that i was heavily influenced in the BEST way by this community while also completely abandoning the intentions i had for my account in the first place. i got scared. my faith didn’t fit into the on going pop-culture narrative & still doesn’t. i didn’t want to scare ppl away. FACTS. i hadn’t studied biblical truth/hermeneutics etc. back then the way i do now & i hadn’t unlearned misteachings from my church the way i have now because i didn’t know i needed to. . also FACTS: when i went on hiatus from this account a few months back, feeling like i was called to something different, i didn’t lose that many followers. it was average for an inactive account. the major drop started when i came back & started sharing more of my faith. never cared about the numbers still don’t but it’s the truth in observation. i PROMISE you it’s ok. it’s a necessary note but not the point. . the point!? word over world for me. i COULD NOT fathom hiding who i am worrying about “scaring ppl away” when jesus IS the foundation of who i am & when i am His work in progress. what is your foundation!? are you fearless in it!? see as a servant of christ that’s where He works best; in my fear & discomfort. it draws me closer to Him so i continue on. if you’re still here through my many journeys and into the most important one, i appreciate your presence🥰 . it’s a rainy, gloomy day. i love it. hope you have the coziest friday.🍂🍁 https://www.instagram.com/p/B27GvMSHkot/?igshid=1u1k1fs2xu6ga
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