#mistle critical
fatatoes · 5 months
M’kay I have some thoughts about the witcher and wlw representation in the Witcher book series!
CW for sexual abuse and spoilers
Tbh when I had just read the Last Wish and half way through the first book I just gave up on the series. The women were just written so weirdly to me. Ciri was so innocent it was almost fetishised and the long and meticulous description of Triss and her sexual history was really unnecessary.
IN FACT when Triss’ “experiments” with women were mentioned it was almost explained as like ‘she tried EVERY deviance. EVEN *gasp* the THAT’ :| it was weird.
That’s not to say the writing didn’t get better later, like I guess Sapkowski spoke to a woman since finishing Blood of Elves.
BUT. He insisted on pointing out gay people exist in his world. Which is fine. He also insisted on telling us how people of his world felt about gay people. Also fine. You can write homophobia in your stories, not the worst thing I haven’t been warned about.
But in the entirety of the literature I’ve read from the Witcher series, I haven’t come across one i think more about than the Mistle and Ciri sex paragraph.
For anyone wondering how they’re supposed to feel about this: NOT GOOD. It was a not good thing that happened :||
Mistle took advantage of Ciri’s vulnerability and fear and, yes, practically raped her. But it was written???? As if it was a good thing???
I didn’t expect any better from Sapkowski having read the previous Witcher books, but I still feel like this is a fascinating part of Ciri’s story.
Were I not more aware of tone armour surrounding this event in the book, I would’ve said it was an interesting study on queer youth because IT COULDVE BEEN RELATABLE.
From my own experience as a queer woman: as a teenager, finding a queer friend group with people who are actually interested in you was everything! Even if those initial friend groups are full of lying and manipulation and violence and yes, sometimes even sexual harassment, you finally feel safe, why would you ever give that up?
I feel like a lot of my friends ended up being dragged into problems with vandalism, drugs, sex addiction etc exactly because they stuck in the environment that raised them to be used to that as a price of love of their chosen family.
Mistle and Ciri are a toxic couple. Ciri WAS just a child when she joined the Rats and having peers who harness her skills and treat her as one of their own was a treasure to her. Even if that family came with drug abuse.
I have no doubt in my mind Ciri loves the Rats and that she loves Mistle, just as I have no doubts Mistle loves her just as much. But they are hurt queer kids in a homophobic world that feel like they have nobody else, who else would they love?
I am SO SURE Sapkowski didn’t write them in with this in mind tho pffff. Honestly? The Rats feel like an afterthought in the books.
If I were to write the Rats arc into the Witcher series, honestly I WOULD have the Rats survive, but Ciri to still be taken away. Them dying might’ve felt like a resolution to some people, but I would argue that having Mistle survive to break up with Ciri would’ve been a better resolution.
I’m not done with the book yet but it seems as though they are going for a familial love angle where Ciri will not take any of her remaining love interests, but it would be so cool if she were to face her sexuality and admit the toxicity of her past choices.
Idk sounds like a *lmao libtard* kinda ending, but it seems to me like Sapkowski just wrote that relationship in there to be able to say he has a bisexual character in his books so I’m no more shallow than that kind of thinking.
Also also
This is kind of why I would’ve loved to see the Netflix version of this story. As much as I hate how much they changed the story, as a standalone piece of media, it isn’t that bad. At least it has more believable women. Were they to adapt the wlw relationship with Ciri and Mistle though, I’m sure they would’ve sanitised it, which isn’t the BEST adaptation but at least one that doesn’t make me want to die
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
I love your blog and recently watched your amazing YouTube essay! In a nutshell it blew my mind. Having the historical context of 2th century Polish history leading up the the publication of this work, in addition to your detailed analysis of Orwellian and Huxlian societies has helped me gain a whole new level of understanding and appreciation for The Witcher.
I read the books years ago and am beginning a re-read. Being someone who didn't receive the most thorough education on reading media critically or analytically as a younger person, and now trying to redress this fact about myself as I read works like this going forward as I approach middle age (I'm a bit of a "late bloomer" in several aspects of my life including building this skill set), I unfortunately missed a lot of allegory and subtext in my first reading. I enjoyed it mostly fannishly and getting into the characters at that time in my life. Your analysis has been really helpful on this journey of getting back into the books.
My question for you is that I've seen a few random references online to people theorizing that the Dopplers are an allegory for the LGBTQIA+ community. However, I've not been able to find any detailed analysis of this possible allegory and only finding people mentioning it in passing on forums and such.
As a reader who is also part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I would love if Sapkowski had intentionally injected allegory and commentary on queerness and the othering of our community in his work, but I'm reluctant to get excited about something that might not actually be there.
Of course I know a lot of these things are up to the interpretation of individual readers. But I'm also extremely curious to know what you think. Are you of the opinion that there is any queer subtext or allegory in the Witcher saga?
Thank you for your time if you get a chance to answer my ask! And thank you as well for your beautiful work on this series so far, I'm really looking forward to more!
thanks! and honestly, though i'm younger i also have a mixed relationship with reading and media literacy. so you're certainly not alone, also related to witcher/all things fantasy and pop culture, i think it's normal to engage with it for only the characters and story, especially on the first read.
as for LGBT subtext in the witcher...
the first thing to acknowledge is that LGBT subtext is preceded by actual LGBT text in the witcher. we already have some lesbian, gay, bisexual characters and relationships, and at least one trans or gender non-conforming, androgynous character.
the second thing to acknowledge is that this text isn't particularly meant to empower or represent, either in a positive or negative light. it's less about actually being LGBT, and more about how LGBT identities have been represented in the genre.
usually, it goes along with the regular practice of the witcher, its "guiding principle" as i might call it, being to subvert reader expectations, parody, or satirize elements and popular tropes of the fantasy genre. so, for example, mistle rapes ciri not because sapkowski wanted to depict lesbianism as predatory -- he wrote it because he was familiar with the trope of female heroines in fantasy being ahem, "claimed" by male warriors, and wanted to subvert this trope by having a woman do it instead.
so, we get a lesbian relationship, that, like the M/F relationships he was referencing, begins with a rape and turns into a romance by the end of it. this isn't to say that this is a logical sequence of events, but just that it was inspired by other texts -- it was never intended as commentary on lesbianism itself, but instead, of some fantasy texts that sapkowski had criticism of.
speaking of the author's perspective... i'm certain that if he was asked about any of this he would say he doesn't have any opinion, but this is just what i'm collecting from reading him... i'll go from best to worst.
(ŚKA = Świat króla artura, HiF = Historia i fantastyka, RZwSJ = Rekopis znaleziony w Smoczej Jaskini)
the good: his opinions on same-sex female relationships are... neutral to somewhat... positive? he seems to correlate lesbianism with feminism (aka political lesbianism). though he's denied identifying with feminists and feminism, saying that he does not intend to appeal to feminists or read feminist publications, in ŚKA and HiF he starts explaining unprompted ideas about the prehistory of matriarchy, associations of magna mater, and the relationship of wicca... and in RZwSJ includes an entire paragraph with recommendations of fantasy featuring lesbian relationships.
so i think any opinions he has about lesbianism are entirely conflated with his ideas of female power and worship, and/or as previously mentioned, challenging fantasy tropes - both are huge themes across all of his writing. which... i guess is a good thing?
however, i think that this interpretation of lesbianism through the lens of politics can be problematic because he fails to understand that a lot of lesbians like other women for kind of the same reasons straight men like them: because they are fucking hot. (but i guess he did acknowledge this a little with philippa and her countess, so whatever)
i'll also allow myself a small tangent about neratin ceka here, because i feel like his representation was not bad at all, and yet he's entirely missed whenever these discussions about sapkowski's views on LGBT happen, probably because no one read as far as past chapter 2 of tower of the swallow.
we even get the joke cliche of "i'm a bad guy, but i'm not a bad guy" with stefan skellen, who fantasizes about banditry and rape, and wants to kill ciri out of reasons of state, but, when he's told that ceka's gender doesn't really matter unless he wants to marry him, its his being a good soldier which counts, skellen's like, "yeah, ok, that makes sense to me, you're right." so the story doesn't make a joke about him at all, only for a moment raising the "what's his gender??" question in the mouth of a villain -- other than that, neratin ceka is treated by the story just the same as all the others of skellen's hanza (well, except for the fact that he was an imperial spy... but see, he was given an interesting role in the story).
anyways, here's the bad: LGBT characters being the butt of a joke, and not even "characters" but the concept of, for example, the only representation of fat GNC women being antagonistic, stupid, and gross (season of storms, the guardswomen of kerack), or homosexual quid quo pro committed by the guy who is so fucked up evil he will do anything to get political influence, including gay sex (season of storms, sorel degerlund) or attempted homosexual rape (narrenturm, the werewolf), or... homosexual sex slavery (lux perpetua, szarlej trying to "buy" reynevan).
it's... cringeworthy. though i will say the last one i mentioned here read like a monty python sketch rather than punching down, it is more making fun of the discomfort of the slavers themselves at the idea of homosexual desire and sex (which is ironic, because... they are slavers).
with an overview here, i feel like in terms of same-sex male relationships, more often than consensual relationships are jokes about rape, situations like pederasty, actual rape but this time treated as a serious threat (it was either in warriors of god or lux perpetua, one of the times in which reynevan was kidnapped). ... i don't know if i can name one positive, romantic gay relationship from any of his writing (whereas i might be able to name a couple of lesbian ones)
at the same time, he's never said that being gay is wrong, immoral, or espoused fears of gay people taking over, which... is notable as we look amongst his contemporaries in the polish SF/fantasy space of the 80s-90s. (that, and that he's so staunchly pro-choice). but that also doesn't make him some champion of LGBT rights, lmao.
when it comes to the subject, i think he is mostly just a contrarian who seeks to challenge conservative sensibilities and what is considered socially acceptable... so this sometimes results in accidental representation, and sometimes it results in offensive situations or "jokes". i don't believe he has an agenda either way for LGBT rights or condemnation, he generally is against oppression of any sort, but he doesn't put himself on the frontlines of advocacy. and at the same time carries his own biases of LGBT topics, some of which i don't agree with. (ik you didn't ask for this whole review, anon, but i wanted to include it to clarify the topic).
so, finally, about eternal flame.
i wrote this out years ago (with more of a gerlion spin to it, and i kind of roll my eyes at it now) but the basis of the dopplers as an lgbt allegory analysis is that:
dopplers are entirely innocent beings which are persecuted for no reason other than they're different, so they change shape amongst society to remain undetected --
and they've done this successfully, so much so that at the end of the story we realize that more people than one might have assumed, including chappelle, the head of the church of the eternal flame (coughs, catholic church, coughs) who was persecuting the protagonists for relation to a scandal involving a doppler, is in fact a doppler himself who took the persona after the real chappelle died two weeks ago.
so... i think that if one chooses to see it, they can -- though i probably wouldn't argue that this is a certain meaning, it's only one possible interpretation.
and again, it's not like positive representation, hah, i think one can draw their own conclusions from that short summary (especially the part about high-ranking priests being gay... hmmm...), but the fact that the dopplers are innocent and being persecuted and tortured for no reason, and we hear tellico's side of this at the end of the story putting them in a sympathetic light, and the entire moral of the story being acceptance of the other (with tellico even being adopted as dainty's cousin, lmao) i find it palatable because of that.
sapkowski has also denied that he includes any allegories in his writing, but because this doesn't make sense when looking at the first/second nilfgaardian war, i think to interpret this more as there is no specific representations of people or historical figures in his writing (the quote went something like "please do not look for the alter-egos of stalin or bierut amongst my characters...") rather than allegories to real life events or social realities, because those he certainly does include.
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firjii · 6 years
@bleedtealblood-fuckeduplol replied to your post
“lads I have an unpopular take on Mistle from the Witcher books and one...”
Well im curious, dish :3
First of all, I’m not super involved in Witcher fandom so I don’t know the general consensus or historical/current fandom takes on this. I really don’t have the time or energy to do so. I’ve read every Witcher novel with an English translation through “The Lady of the Lake” but don’t really talk to other people about the Witcher universe (except maybe the W3 game). I therefore also doubt I’m the first to say this, so consider it a reminder rather than a revelation.
Putting this under a cut because it’s triggery, but TL;DR.....
Mistle x Ciri is one of my very few NOTP’s.
Why, you ask? Not because of how they treat each other once they’ve been in a relationship for awhile – because to Mistle’s credit, she consistently and genuinely sticks up for Ciri.
Here’s literally their first intimate encounter together. It happens fairly soon after Ciri joins the Rats (from The Time of Contempt, chapter 7, page 322-324 in the U.S. Orbit paperback edition):
 [Ciri] heard some quiet steps.
“Don’t be afraid.”
 It was Kayleigh.
“I won’t tell them Nilfgaard’s looking for you,” whispered the fair-haired Rat, kneeling down and leaning over her. “I won’t tell them about the bounty the prefect of Amarillo has promised for you. You saved my life in the inn. I’ll repay you for it. With something nice. Right now.”
He lay down beside her, slowly and cautiously. Ciri tried to get up, but Kayleigh pressed her down onto her bed with a strong and firm, though not rough, movement. He placed his fingers gently on her mouth. Although he needn’t have. Ciri was paralyzed with fear, and she couldn’t have uttered a cry from her tight, painfully dry throat even if she had wanted to. But she didn’t want to. The silence and darkness were better. Safer. More familiar. She was covered in terror and shame. She groaned.
“Be quiet, little one,” whispered Kayleigh, slowly unlacing her shirt. Slowly, with gentle movements, he slid the material from her shoulders, and pulled the edge of the shirt above her hips. “And don’t be afraid. You’ll see how nice it is.”
Ciri shuddered beneath the touch of the dry, hard, rough hand. She lay motionless, stiff and tense, full of an overpowering fear which took her will away, and an overwhelming sense of revulsion, which assailed her temples and cheeks with waves of heat. Kayleigh slipped his left arm beneath her head, pulled her closer to him, trying to dislodge the hand which was tightly gripping the lap of her shirt and vainly trying to pull it downwards. Ciri began to shake.
She sensed a sudden commotion in the surrounding darkness, felt a shaking, and heard the sound of a kick.
“Mistle, are you insane?” snarled Kayleigh, lifting himself up a little.
“Leave her alone, you swine.”
“Get lost. Go to bed.”
“Leave her alone, I said.”
“Am I bothering her, or something? Is she screaming or struggling? I just want to cuddle her to sleep. Don’t interfere.”
“Get out of here or I’ll cut you.”
Ciri heard the grinding of a knife in a metal sheath.
“I’m serious,” repeated Mistle, looming indistinctly in the dark above them. “Get lost and join the boys. Right now.”
Kayleigh sat up and swore under his breath. He stood up without a word and walked quickly away.
Ciri felt the tears running down her cheeks, quickly, quicker and quicker, creeping like wriggling worms among the hair by her ears. Mistle lay down beside her, and covered her tenderly with the fur.
But she didn’t pull the disheveled shirt down. She left it as it had been. Ciri began to shake again.
“Be still, Falka. It’s all right now.”
Mistle was warm, and smelled of resin and smoke. Her hand was smaller than Kayleigh’s; more delicate, softer. More pleasant. But its touch stiffened Ciri once more, once more gripped her entire body with fear and revulsion, clenched her jaw and constricted her throat. Mistle lay close to her, cradling her protectively and whispering soothingly, but at the same time, her small hand relentlessly crept like a warm, little snail, calmly, confidently, decisively. Certain of its way and its destination. Ciri felt the iron pincers of revulsion and fear relaxing, releasing their hold; she felt herself slipping from their grip and sinking downwards, downwards, deep, deeper and deeper, into a warm and wet well of resignation and helpless submissiveness. A disgusting and humiliatingly pleasant submissiveness.
Guess what? Even though standing up to Kayleigh was absolutely the right thing to do, what happens next is called duress, and I can’t totally get past it. Even Ciri’s reaction the next morning (a hint that she’s reconsidering her orientation) is questionable.
Ciri didn’t ask to be in that situation. I don’t care what your orientation is. Anyone with a shred of decency doesn’t do that kind of shit when someone’s in survival mode and borderline shock (ffs how horny on main is Mistle that she won’t or can’t consider that?).
If Mistle had left Ciri alone after that or stood guard that night to make sure no one messed with her again, it would be very different and I’d wish them all the best. But that’s not how it went down.
Ciri is a little younger than Mistle and is under pressure to keep herself alive and incognito. That makes Mistle an opportunist at best and a predator at worst, even if Ciri didn’t actively shout “no” or scramble away that night.
Fight and flight aren’t the only two possible reactions in that situation. Not saying “no” isn’t the same as saying “yes” and literally any abuse or rape survivor will confirm that.
Yeah, fine, Mistle makes a point of turning Ciri on, but y’all…it’s not that simple. There’s an oh-so-vague but unmistakable tinge of “what happens if I say no?” and that’s not cool.
I was shocked when the tone between them in later chapters pointed so clearly to a relationship (I kept waiting for a passage where Ciri snapped and took action because she was tired of being someone’s pet, but conversely it makes sense that she doesn’t because she’s desperate not only for safety but also belonging and she finds an approximation of both with the Rats).
I’ve seen plenty of people in fandom totally ignore the above and just gush about the youngest wlw couple in the series.
Um. No. Initial consent – if not outright desire – matters, even if Mistle is still a teenager. Without that element, I have trouble seeing this ship as anything other than grooming, regardless of how they’re portrayed later in the series. I don’t classify that encounter as experimentation. Experimentation tends to imply that a) all parties involved planned it, and b) are willing and able throughout the proceedings.  
Mistle x Ciri didn’t start out on equal footing and that should matter to anyone who cares about healthy ships.
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bamf-jaskier · 2 years
Netflix's diverse cast means nothing when the showrunner is happy to behave like she did when challenged by far right commentators. Her allyship is performative when she ignores and lectures voices telling her to disengage. TWN is cheap western fantasy without any of the passion of the books and a huge disappointment to me. I am hoping rings of power delivers on the good story that boost their diverse cast, like Netflix promised.
I just had kind of a revelation this morning and it put together a lot of things so I’m just gonna answer this ask.
So first. Hating a show because one show runner ran her mouth on twitter is quite frankly stupid because The Witcher flat out has done more work for diversity in fantasy than any other fucking show I can think that came out before it. And there are so many people on the cast and crew who are people of color and actively advocate for themselves and write the stories.
Secondly, Lauren Hissrich fucked up. She engages with criticism too much on twitter and she engaged with The Quartering who is a very popular gamer but is also a white supremacist. And you know what? She apologized. And hasn’t been on twitter since. That’s right. She learned her actions have consequences and is trying to do better. The opposite of performative. So yeah. I’m not going to throw out the diversity of an entire cast and crew of people working extremely hard just because of one woman’s mistake on twitter.
But to continue.
People search out reasons to hate the show in increasingly creative ways. And one of the new ones that is extremely popular right now is by saying that the show is racist and the show’s diversity doesn’t mean anything. 
But last year, when a lot of POC in fandom started talking about how they felt excluded because of racism present in the fandom there were a lot of people really pushed this “fandom is escapism” mentality. And they said that people should be able to do whatever they want and racism doesn’t factor into why they ignore canon characters of color.
But I haven’t seen people say this since Season 2 came out.
Largely what I’ve seen is people trying to say that enjoying the characters of color in the show is racist because they are written in a stereotypical/problematic way. And that even if you want to change the problems in canon and make them better in fanon you are still problematic because you support this horrible racist show. And if it’s not a problematic thing about the creator. And other types of thought processes like this.
It’s almost like people have given up trying to defend against racist/misogynistic behavior and are instead trying to hunt down and call it out in other people. Even literal white supremacists are using this model, calling out Netflix Witcher for poor rep and then saying casting an asian woman is a horrible thing to do in the first place. 
but what I think a lot of people don’t understand is that the reason you push for diversity in fandom is so that diversity will matter outside of that.
Ignoring and hating characters like Netflix Triss in FANDOM directly lead to the show Whitewashing the character due to FAN complaints. It is very important to understand the impact that canon diversity has and that fans should support it.
It’s not about shipwars or headcannons or hating a particular character. It’s not about how the bastardized a particular scene or changed a plotline. Because that’s been happening in media FORVER. The Witcher didn’t invent changing the original text to fit the screen and they certainly won’t be the last.
Talking about racism and fandom is about supporting diversity is about creating a safe space. And I don’t think a lot of people seemingly understand that.
They think of it like a revenge model. When in actuality, for me at least, I am passionate about diversity and equity in fandom because I think that’s what fandom’s heart is.
This is none more present than in how people have reacted to Mistle’s casting. The misgynoir has never been more clear. 
There is not a single book without graphic Sexual assault described in it. It is ever present and you can’t fucking escape it. But the show is clearly different. In fact, Screenrant wrote a whole article about how the show change even Nivellen’s story to be more condemning of SA.
And in the books, Duny, Triss, Vilgefortz, Bonhart, Jaskier, Mistle, and Auberon all commit some form of SA and harassment. but no one ever said that the show was evil for casting a brown man as Vilgefortz. Or condemned the show for not writing Jaskier as a misogynist.
But suddenly once a black woman is cast as Mistle people are so goddamn excited to hate the show for this. People get upset because it’s not “book accurate” if you say you don’t want Mistle to SA Ciri because you are tired of women getting fucking raped and it’s not important to the plot. No one said this about Nivellen in S2. No one said this about Duny or Vilgefortz when they were cast.
Ciri is undeniably queer. And her relationship with Mistle spans 3 out of the 5 books. The relationship is essential to her character. Ciri being assaulted. Is not. The same thing could be accomplished with simple Stockholm syndrome. SA is not required and it’s almost weird to see people act like they want to see a black woman SA Ciri just so they can hate the show all the more.
So yeah. I’ve been holding these thoughts in for awhile but I figured I would share them.
This fucking sucks too because people shitting on every new thing to come out of the show ruins the people who enjoy it. Who see themselves represented in it. Who want to enjoy themselves but can’t because of hateful fuckers.
As a friend said:
if the show does it the show is bad (and you're horrible). if the show doesn't do it the show is bad (and you have bad taste).
This got insanely long but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and had to share it. Reflect and learn. I know I fucking try to. A big one was a discussion that helped me see why people see Triss as SAing Geralt in the books.
Under the cut you’ll find a list of trigger warnings for each book. Just I’m case you want to dive into them. Don’t want anyone to be shocked by how much more graphically violent they are than the show lol.
1 The Last Wish, trigger warnings:
* - Dubious Consent
* - Violence, Gore
* - Incest (mentioned)
* - Still-birth/Child death (mentioned)
* - NonCon/Sexual Assault
* - Child Sexual Assault/CSA
* - Underage
* - Suicide (mentioned)
2 Sword of Destiny, trigger warnings:
* - DubCon
* - Mysogyny/Xenophobia
* - Violence, Gore
* - Very NonCon/Sexual Assault
* - Child Sexual Assault/CSA
* - Suicidal Intentions
* - Major Character Death (mentioned)
3 Blood of Elves, trigger warnings:
* - DubCon
* - Violence, Gore
* - Torture
* - NonCon (Drug Use)
* - Underage (depending on country)
4 Time of Contempt, trigger warnings:
* - Misogyny/Xenophobia
* - Violence, Gore
* - Animal Death
* - Miscarriage (mentioned)
* - Underage
* - NonCon/Sexual Assault
* - Child Sexual Assault/CSA
* - Suicide
* - Very DubCon
5 Baptism of Fire, trigger warnings:
* - Violence, Gore
* - Misogyny (& Weird Bigotry/Misandry)
* - Animal Death
* - NonCon/Sexual Assault
* - Underage (discussed)
* - Incest (mentioned)
* - Violence against/Death of Pregnant Women
* - Abortion
6 Tower of Swallows, trigger warnings:
* - Violence, Gore
* - Drug Use
* - Misogyny/Bigotry/Xenophobia
* - Underage (discussed and mentioned)
* - NonCon/Sexual Assault (of a Minor, Child Sexual Assault/CSA)
* - DubCon
* - Major Character Deaths
* - Past Abortion
* - Violence against/Death of Pregnant Women
* - Suicidal Intentions
* - Child & Animal Death
* - Torture
7 Lady of the Lake, trigger warnings:
Everything is Cranked to 11
* - Violence, Gore
* - Misogyny/Xenophobia
* - Torture
* - NonCon/Sexual Assault
* - DubCon
* - Underage
* - Drug Use
* - Incest
* - Child and Animal Death
* - Cannibalism
* - Major Character Deaths
* - Suicidal Intentions
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People are getting mad over a mistranslation
People are mad over the mistranslation not because it’s an error but because people are believing it and proclaiming it as gospel truth, when it is not. 🤡
It’s even more disappointing because for years, proper translations have been out. There was the popular Twitter thread, there was a Google doc in the big Twst wiki server, and probably there was a translation on Tumblr that I never got to read. People could have looked for those or asked people to find it. Or at the very very least, if people couldn’t find such resources and had to resort to their own means or found that misTL, they could have asked questions to others about whether the translation is correct or if there is a deeper nuance to it or if there’s something else.
We as people need to learn how to think more critically or learn to automatically seek the right sources before spreading them.
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17 March 2021 Additions to Reylo Holidays
These fics have been added to the Holiday list located here.
Mistle-oh-no by KyloTrashForever (AO3  2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey kisses a stranger at a holiday party.) Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday by CaliforniaQueen (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 20 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Celebrating finishing school and getting a teaching job, Rey Jackson and her friends go out for a night of drinks and letting their hair down. When she meets the beautiful stranger at the bar, she decides tonight she's going to break a rule and be the bad girl for a change. Their one night together turns out to have disastrous consequences for everyone involved. But is being tied down as bad as Rey thinks it is, or is she just afraid to let herself be happy?) Scrooged at Crossroads by apisa_b (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren is a workaholic Grinch with anger management issues - until his life is changed by falling in love and being visited by a ghost.) A Heavenly Holiday by ElleRen31 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo needs to find Christmas gifts for his family. At a local department store, he finds more than he bargains for.) Christmas Eve Will Find Me (Where the Lovelight Gleams) by Love_andbalance (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Christmas Eve. Ben stares at the train that he and his now ex were supposed to be departing on. A noise behind him turns his head, a beautiful girl yelling at the SOLD OUT ticket booth. He looks at the 2 tickets in his hand and back at the girl. "Fuck it," he says, walking up to her.) Keep On Giving by MaryMonster (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is eagerly awaiting the delivery of her Christmas present, a luxury vibrator. There’s only one problem – it was accidentally delivered to her neighbor, Ben Solo. A cozy Christmas Reylo fic full of fluff and smut.) Let It Be Me by elemie89 (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo has found the perfect Christmas tree. Only problem is, someone else thinks it’s a perfect tree too.) Merry Christmas, I'm Yours by captain_staryeyed (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After finding out that Rey has nowhere to go for Christmas, Ben invites her to spend Christmas at his parents’ house. During the time spent together, they are forced to confront their growing feelings toward each other.) Dark Carols by Nyx_Fedra (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: CW: Suicidal Ideation. Ben Solo wasn't liked around the office. He had outbursts of rage, and he was generally rather unpleasant, harsh, difficult to get along with. He seemed to despise others and to be disinterested in anything anyone talked to him about. Rey didn't like him very much, their few encounters had been difficult, some even shouting matches. To her eyes, he was spoiled, ungrateful of the privileges he’d been granted by life. He refused to join Resistance enterprise for a long time, working for Snoke instead, he was harsh with Leia and Han, hostile with Luke…It all changed two months before Christmas, when they entered Resistance enterprise headquarters to find Holdo dishevelled, alone when Leia never missed a day, and she informed them that Ben Solo had almost succeeded in committing suicide the night before. Rey’s world tilted upside down. ) If the Fates Allow by dawninthemtn (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Leia Organa is the most successful matchmaker in the world and renowned creator of irresistible.com, where she built an algorithm so airtight her corporate headquarters is wallpapered with wedding announcements. To her chagrin, the only person she’s never been able to set up is her own son, Ben. But she has an employee named Rey that she has decided is Ben’s perfect match, so she hatches a plan to set them up. Unbeknownst to his mother, Ben has set up an anonymous profile on irresistible.com and has been writing his match Rey for months.) All I Want for Christmas (Is Smut) by MizuPhoenix (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: All Ben Solo wanted for Christmas was to lose his V-Card. Only, the reason he was still thirty years old and hadn't lost it yet was all due to one Rey Jackson. His very best friend. Rey wanted quite a lot of things for Christmas this year. All of them involving her first friend (and love of her life) Ben Solo.With meddling friends trying to bring the oblivious pair some Christmas cheer, this was going to be a very Smutty Christmas.) Gelt by RebelRebel (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "I only need a few minutes of your time," she continued, voice faltering slightly under his gaze. "To discuss my proposal for the purchase and refurbishment of the Plutt Orphanage in Brooklyn Heights– " In which Rey works with Kylo Ren, Advocacy Director of the Organa Foundation, to spread a little Chrismukkah cheer.) smothered, covered, chunked by SecretReyloTrash (BadOldWest) (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is a painfully shy college student. Rey is the fellow insomniac next door. He finally gets to see where she goes in the middle of the night when he hears her leave the dorm.) Homecoming by ItsALilah (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After disaster rips through his hometown, Ben Solo finally comes home to surprise his parents at their annual Christmas Eve party. And if he's hoping to run into Rey, the girl he's secretly been pining for since high school, that would be... cool. Although he'll never make a move, not while her over-protective older brother - and Ben's best friend - is around. But when Ben makes it home, not only does he find himself reconnecting with his friends and family, but fate itself seems to be pushing him and Rey together (thanks to a ridiculous amount of mistletoe).) Got a Feeling we Should Just Go Home by slugmutt (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Spending the week before Christmas with sullen deputy-CEO Kylo Ren is the last thing on earth Rey wants to do. Going back to his hometown with Christmas-loving Rey in tow is the last thing Kylo wants to do. But with a little help from family, some holiday magic, and a stray blizzard or two, they might start seeing things differently.) A Reylo Christmas Carol by Crackedkybercrystal (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Before the dawn," Hux intoned, "you will be visited by three spirits. Heed their message Kylo Ren, least you end your days like me." It was only now that Kylo perceived his old partner to be bound with a great chain around his waist, weighed down by heavy blocks.) The Set-up by CajunSpice714 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo has aways been socially awkward, but when he sets his sights on his brother Poe's fiance Finn's bestfriend Rey during an engagment party Poe decided that he and Finn need to divise a plan to set the two of them up if not for the sake of his and Finn's future wedding then for the sake of their own sanity.) Bespoke by L_awlietxoxx (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is miserable, stumbling through his life in London without seeing much of anything. Then Christmas sneaks up on him, as does a little shop and a woman who makes custom ornaments to meet the needs of any heart. Suddenly, Ben sees everything.) Valentine’s Day
forever valentine by bellestar (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben makes a confession in his wedding speech. He knew he was going to marry Rey when he and Rey were 4 years old and she gave him a Valentine she made and colored herself. And 21 years later, he still has that Valentine.) Halloween
Housewarming by ArdeaJestin (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When her best friend Rose asks Ben Solo to help on moving day, Rey knows she's in trouble. If only those big strong arms didn't make her forget what an obnoxious jerk he is every time she looked at him.) How You Turn My World, You Precious Thing by BensLostTookaCat (VillainTheBlank) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: He's the hotshot asshole who leads The First Order, the legal arm of The Resistance. She's the new company liaison who has been assigned to The First Order to keep them accountable.The annual Resistance Masquerade Ball is about to turn Kylo and Rey's worlds upside down.) Haunted Corn Maze by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey bonds with her work buddy, Ben.) Zombie Run by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: During a charity run, Rey is relentlessly pursued by a zombie.) you're my boo by murakamism (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's neighbor Ben Solo is the only one who ever shows Halloween spirit around here. When she discovers he's moving out, she's only hurt because that means she won't have anymore competition... right? So she sets out on a plan to make him stay.) Thanksgiving
New Beginnings by reylocalligraphy (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Ben comes home for the first time in five years, it happens to be Thanksgiving dinner. He’s surprised to meet a girl who’s working for his father… an odd girl his parents seem strangely fond of.) Of Penmanship and Discourse by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 35 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey Kenobi's professor and advisor, Luke Skywalker, refuses to give constructive criticism or facilitate workshops for his students, she decides to seek help else where. Ben Solo (or if you read his published work, Kylo Ren) is on the brink of insanity. The literary magazine he is editor for is racing off in a new direction-- and is leaving him questioning both its morals and his love for writing. To find his intellectual and creative needs met, he decides to turn to the internet. A PenPals AU no one asked for.)
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Code Vein AU (Buster Bros!!! ver.)
Ichiro - 
Blood Code: Successor of the Eye - A blood code that focuses on brutal hits that leave enemies staggered Ajax - A blood code that focuses on landing critical hits and is an all-rounder sort of code. 
Ichiro is a third generation revenant that had been revived for the purpose of Operation Queenslayer, a massive effort to kill the Queen. But prior to this, he was the son of a scientist and a backer to Project Queen. His mother died in an incident with horrors and so he and his brothers were moved to the lab facility. He spent his time essentially raising his brothers as his father became busy with lab stuff. At least Ichiro knows that’s he’s told of it. 
He knew of Nemu and Samatoki before hand, them being kids of people that work in the labs, and had gotten along with both of them. Ichiro had looked up to Samatoki although he often caught trouble for being good friends with Nemu too. He and Nemu talked about if there was a world where they could be safe and they leaned towards the hope it could happen. When the Queen frenzied, Ichiro had been arriving to see Nemu before her examinations, as usual. She held not recognition of him and he was killed not far from her room. 
When Ichiro was revived for Operation Queenslayer, he refused to serve unless he could procure the BOR parasite for Jiro and Saburo. And when it was secured, well, Ichiro had no reason to not honor his word. Eventually he found Samatoki again and served in his unit. This led to meeting both Jakurai and Ramuda as well. They came together when they put down a revolt that threatened the project. Their unit worked well and came the closest to getting to the Queen. While the name implied killing, both Ichiro and Samatoki had gone in with the intention of freeing Nemu, unable to see her as the Queen. 
During a particular operation, Ichiro had come close to being able to take down the Queen but of course wouldn’t land a killing blow. This brought him in contact with Nemu, who was struggling against the parasite and had told Ichiro he needed to take her out unless he wanted her to threatened all he held dear. For him to continue their dream since she was now a threat to it. He was then dispersed and the attempt failed. 
Yet after this, Ichiro had gone in favor in putting the Queen down. This enraged Samatoki, who viewed Ichiro as having betrayed him and Nemu. But, knowing Nemu’s wish, accepted Samatoki’s rage and didn’t back down on where he was with the project now. He doesn’t speak much on the aftermath of this to anyone. And since the end of the project, he took on the task of finding Successors, revenants compatible with the Queen’s power, to keep that power contained and divided. He himself taking a part of that power as his compatibility was great.  
At current, He is a scout that delves into relatively unexplored areas be it for the infestation of Lost or because of the maze-like design. This gets him paid by the Party of Words and it is something he sometimes takes his brothers with him. He hadn’t returned from a venture, urging Jiro and Saburo to make their way to one of his friends--Ramuda or Jakurai--as per his order should he not return in a given time frame. This is because he feels his control over the Queen’s power he was granted is slipping and isolated himself to keep himself from going mad on innocent revenants. 
Jiro - 
Blood Code: Cerberus - A blood code that is focused on defense of his comrades and fire. 
Technically a fourth generation revenant, one created after Project Queenslayer and usually an attempt bring back deceased. Prior being a revenant, Jiro lived near the laboratory with his family. He wasn’t particularly close to Ichiro during this time due to Ichiro always going to the labs and him getting a bad feeling about the place. As such he tended to be around Saburo a lot more and had been the last line of defense for Saburo when the Lost had gone mad. He managed to make their home a fort although it wouldn’t last forever considering their meager supplies. And with his crude weaponry, they could only last so long when Lost finally broke through. 
Jiro was revived in Ichiro’s care and he initially didn’t get along with his brother, viewing his last days as suffering without Ichiro or their father there. Ichiro remarks he cannot turn back the clock but he’ll do what he can right here and now. So it was tentative living situation for them as Jiro was obstinate. His view only changed when he went out to explore, hating hiding out despite Ichiro’s warning. He had gotten into a Lost infested area and was dispersed a few times in his escape. However he was now trapped, unable to spawn a place safe enough for him to get away. This is when Ichiro came for him and rather than nag him outright, he showed Jiro how to properly wield a weapon. 
After this venture, they got on a bit better and closer to their normal dynamics. Jiro preferred going on ventures with Ichiro and disliked having to ‘babysit’ Saburo although he never let Saburo make his mistake. He had been proud of himself when he was deemed capable enough to go scouting on his own. He occasionally teamed up with other wandering revenants. Most times were fine but the few that thought it fun to stab him in the back (in both senses), Jiro tended to be petty over it. 
When Ichiro didn’t return from an assignment, he wanted to go delving into the deep to find him. However he was reminded of the promise he made to seek out Ichiro’s friends should he be unable to return within his promised time limit. When they met with Jakurai’s crew--Yotsutsuji, Hifumi and Doppo--he and Saburo started to stay at their safe house. He mainly handles the scouting requests that Ichiro normally handles in order to both further the research and keep supplies for himself and Saburo going. 
Saburo -
Blood Code: Merlin - A code that specializes in gifts (magic) and ichor draining. Primary Weapon: Bayonet Secondary Weapon: Polearm
Sort of a fourth generation revenant, Saburo held a different take of his life prior to being what he is. Saburo was actually fairly close to his father and held an interest in the research. Of course he was still too young to really help out although he was waiting on their father on getting him in with what insight he could provide. In the mean time he was often hanging out with Jiro, which was fine with him.
When the Lost went mad and he and Jiro were trapped in their home while Lost roamed outside, Saburo was working on contact with someone, anyone. It was fruitless and it wasn’t helped by his health declining from the stress. However he hung on as long as he could for Jiro’s sake but passed from when Lost broke into the house. 
When he was revived, he found himself alone. This was when he met with Rei again, who informed of his revival, that Jiro had yet to make a recovery and Ichiro was currently fighting. Saburo was told about the Queen and the ongoing Project Queenslayer. In addition to this, he was told of possible back up plans. Namely if the Queen was too powerful to kill. They sought to find that have compatibility with the Queen’s power. Rei informed that Saburo possessed this compatibility...almost a frightening degree. Like a second Queen candidate however that was viewed as dangerous so Rei remarked it staying their little secret.
And for the duration of Project Queenslayer, Saburo was kept away from other revenants other than some of the researchers and so he had little else to do other than cultivating his blood code. On the times he snuck out, he found himself needing a mask less than a normal revenant and able to purify mistle, plants that are soothing and alluring to the parasite, which make them where revenants respawn, as well as able to take in miasma, making areas safe for revenants.
This skill became useful after the end of Queenslayer and Saburo went to live with Jiro and Ichiro, Rei completley disappearing from the picture. It was an unique ability that was invaluable for exploration. It meant Saburo got to travel with at least one of his brothers often because they figure to deal with mistles for safer travel. Saburo doesn’t particularly like going out to explore so much as his time with Ichiro and Jiro--although it’s not like he’d admit that. 
When Ichiro went missing and he and Jiro had to seek out Ichiro’s friends...he finds Jakurai’s crew to spark his interest. Or rather he is interested in their research since he could add to it with some of his knowledge to add to what the trio knows. And because of his purification ability, they find an interest in him as well as he’d allow them to get to places where miasma is too strong. So with a mutual relation, Saburo heads out to assist with the search. 
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gayregis · 4 years
i can understand why ppl feel uncomfortable at the witcher books describing female characters in really sexualised way but it sounds a bit hypocritical coming from the same ppl who drool over henry cavill's abs despite him literally dehydrating himself for 3 days to look like that, i'm not saying sapkowski is perfect and i acknowledge most of the critique is perfectly valid but i can't take it seriously when theyre guilty of similar behaviour too
not to mention how ppl are disgusted by mistle and ciri but no one reacts when a sizable part of the tumblr fandom make kink fanfic/fanart where jaskier looks like a 12 year old lmao
god like yennefer in the netflix adaptation of the last wish is so Available to geralt and so overly sexualized... she literally sits in the middle of a fucking orgy and waits for him to walk over to her, wearing some ridiculous get up... i miss in the books when she tries to electrocute him for his sarcasm. 
how sapkowski sexualized his female characters in the witcher NEEDS to be addressed with genuine seriousness, but you can’t criticize sapkowski for it if you continue to laud up twn as some kind of feminist masterpiece. twn also sexualizes women, and in tbh at times worse ways, as in, it also took away their autonomy and made them so available to the men in the scenes, like at some times like the bathing scene between yennefer and geralt, they only exist to be sexy. 
and you’re So Fucking Right about the geraskier fujoshis who infantilize and fetishize gay men... litcherally headache
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 years
mistle mistle (revolutionaryblonde)
Send me ‘mistle mistle’ for our muses to be caught under a mistletoe. (Still Accepting)
Ikkaku glanced up at the little bundle of leaves, then the revolutionary that stood across from her. She hadn’t expected him to come visiting, but she’d decided to be nice and escort him through the hallways of the submarine so he could meet with Law.
She wouldn’t have even noticed the mistletoe hanging above the doorway to her captain’s office if Sabo hadn’t pointed it out.
“You know, the guys have never been able to explain this tradition to me,” she said, looking up at the little bundle of leaves and berries critically. “No legend they’re familiar with, no specific meaning. They just tell me ‘it’s tradition!’ like that’s actually an answer.”
With a shrug, she leaned in and gave Sabo a quick peck on the corner of the mouth. “Ah well. Tradition’s tradition, right?” she said with a grin.
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bybloemencomic · 5 years
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This week in Bybloemen: The hunt for the infamous florist continues and Ludwig tries his hand as the new beer critic of the Goose and Mistle.
If you enjoyed this week’s update, consider reblogging so that Bybloemen can find new readers! >:D
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So I'm a fan of the Witcher books too, but Mistle's backstory has always made me uncomfortable. Maybe it was the translation I read, but it kind of felt like he was implying the backstory was why she was lesbian. Can you share your thoughts on it, since I don't know as much as you do about them?
anon, i’m not going to lie, it’s been like 37343438 years since i’ve even bothered to put any critical thought into the way sapkowski writes lgbt characters (consider he has like THREE of them) because it’s so wrong and pretty disgusting at times that it just makes me feel emotionally exhausted. 
i don’t quite remember the section of the story where she explains her backstory, but i do remember the … contents of it so … yeah. as much as i enjoy the witcher novels, i absolutely despise the author (like literally, have i ever hated someone so much?) 
the way he writes/wrote ciri and mistles relationship was actually really disgusting! it’s purely physical and ciri is only 14 (no clue how old mistle is) and it starts out with ciri being taken advantage of. and judging from how ciri is frequently told throughout the novels that ‘she just needs a man and then she wont need a girl anymore’ i’d say: YES. it is very much implied that mistle is only a lesbian bc of her backstory. 
i mean, even other lesbians in the story (philippa) are not exactly the best people and kind of made out to be predatory. and the way triss’ sexuality is written is horrible too. 
and then for ciri to end up with it being implied shes going to be with this guy at the end of the series…………
tldr; yes. you’re right. sapkowski is a motherfucker, i hate him and the way he wrote lesbians in his series. it being the 80′s isn’t an excuse, fuck sapkowski.
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gaminghardware0 · 5 years
CD Projekt Red has one Witcher 3 regret, and it’s to do with Ciri’s tattoo
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been one of the most critically acclaimed games of recent years, but developer CD Projekt Red does have at least one lingering regret.
Despite the critical and commercial success The Witcher 3 enjoyed, the game's principal writer Jakub Szamalek says the studio regretted not including more about Ciri's rose tattoo. In the books, the tattoo is a reference to Ciri's lover, Mistle. The whole story is quite complex, and CD Projekt Red says it just didn't have time to tell the entire tale in The Witcher 3.
"There wasn't really space for unpacking this complex episode in the Wild Hunt, and it's a shame," Szamalek tells PC Gamer (issue 338). "In this moment of life, Ciri gave in to her darker side, followed her worst instincts. Showing this transition, and the remorse which followed, would have made a great story."
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RELATED LINKS: The Witcher 3 mods, The Witcher 4 news, Best RPGs on PC from https://www.pcgamesn.com/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/cd-projekt-red-ciri-tattoo
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fearlessyanyan-blog · 6 years
Happy Ever After? (Newt Scamander x Reader) Part 2/2
IRequest: Continuation of part 1 ill leave a link
Warnings: Emotional. Maybe, might need some tissues.
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows 2
(Era of the Golden Trio.)
Part 1 
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“Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort shouted, i dodged and casted a spell on him. “Crucio!” I shouted. “Imperio!” The spell hit me in the arm, “Aah!” I screamed, i fell down the cold cement. “You think, you can battle me muggle?” He said. “Using an unforgivable curse, against the dark lord?” He continued. He motioned his wand in an L movement. The air moved me in an air movement, i can’t stop why? His wand leaded me to a wall. It smashed my head there until my mouth was bleeding. “Stop, please stop!” I said, he smirked. “Why do you defy me then?” He asked. “Because this is isn’t you! You weren’t the Tom me and Newt met!” (Did they meet? Eh, lets just continue) “Did Newt remember you? I heard that you need to Obliviate him, how horrible is that sad love story?” He said, his wand under my chin, he lifted his wand up for me to meet his face. 
“Stupefy!” I heard someone say, i looked behind me and saw Ginny. “Ginevra!” i said. She took me and Apparated.
“Harry!, (Y/N) is bleeding!” Harry came out of the school with Hermione. “This is critical, bloody hell. What happened?” She asked. “No time for questions.” Ginny said, Hermione took her wand out. “Tergeo!” Hermione said, the blood that seeped through was gone. I fell onto my knees. “(Y/N), why are you crying.” 
“I have to Obliviate him! I have to. When will this end? I wanna see him!” Ginny looked at you with sympathy, since you we’re like the older sister of all the hogwarts students. She always knew you didn’t cry, if you did Newt would be the reason, maybe Tina, or Leta. Ginny hugged you and so did Harry and Hermione. Harry took your shoulders and said, “Don’t worry (Y/N), we will make through this. I swear ill end it all. Your suffering will be gone soon.” He said, i looked around and saw the ruins of hogwarts. “Hogwarts. What happened?” I looked at Harry, he looked down. “After this, hogwarts will regain its natural beauty again. Don't worry.” He reassured.
“I need to go to the Forbidden Forest.” Harry said, “Harry! No! You will stay here!” Ginny cried. “I am sorry! Its the only way.” Harry whispered. “Harry.” I cupped his face. “When you we’re little i said. This boy is gonna make the world change. And now he is.” I said, i was trembling, he was gonna die. I can’t fight back the tears. “Thank you, Harry.” He hugged me and let go. He ran to the forbidden forest. I looked at him walking straight to the forest. I saw the boy who used to fear the forest many years ago, now he is here all grown up, and strong enough to fight back. “Goodluck, Harry.” I whispered and walked to Hermione and Ron.
A few hours later, i felt cold. “Homenum Revelio.” It was an Death Eater. Voldemort and the others are gaining in to hogwarts. The other students ran outside the area. “What are we going to do!” Neville asked, “Calm down, Neville. Staying relaxed is more comfortable.” Luna said. (Kinda changing it here.) 
“I, Lord Voldemort. Your new lord and savior!” Voldemort opened his hand. “I am here to tell you, Harry Potter is dead!” He laughed. “No!” Ginny said, i saw Hagrid holding Harry. “Harry!” I ran to Hagrid. “It’s no use.” Hagrid said, i cried. Draco ran to Voldemort’s Army. “Nice Draco.” Voldemort gave an awkward hug. I stood between Voldemort’s Army and the Hogwarts Students. “Felissa, my beloved.” I looked at him with Venom in my eyes. “Harry. The chosen one. Might not be here with us.” I said. Neville stepped in. “But. He’s here.” Harry then jumped out of Hagrid’s grip and started shooting spells at Voldemort. All the Hogwarts students cheered. I smiled and the Death Eaters attacked. And the Battle Of Hogwarts began. 
I was hiding behind a pillar. I panted heavily and took the magic dust from my pocket. “If i die, Newt will remember me.” I blew the dust and it flowed through the sky. “Expelliarmus.” I said to the creeping Death Eater. I shooted spell to the next Death Eater.
I woke up, “Peregrine?” I looked for Peregrine, she wasn’t beside me. I looked at the calendar and saw it was 7 months passed. Where was she in the past 7 months? I heard an plate drop downstairs. I ran down to check. Queenie was crying. “Queenie?” I asked her. “Peregrine! She’s at Hogwarts! Voldemort is invading Hogwarts!” She cried. I was frozen in place but i ran upstairs quickly. I grabbed my coat and wand. Tina, Queenie and Jacob was at my doorway. “What?” I asked them. “We wanna help you too, Newt.” They said. I shook my head and apparated.
Ginny was being cornered by two Death Eaters. I shooted an spell at one Death Eater and it fell to the ground. “Bombarda Maxima!” Parts of a pillar fell down, i hear that voice before. “Newt?” My eyes tear up. “Peregrine! Behind you!” I looked back and saw Hermione punched the Death Eater at the head, she nodded at me and i smiled. I looked at Newt and smiled. “Newton Scamander!” Mcgonagall smiled at Newt. “Professor,” Newt said. He shooted an spell at an Death Eater and looked at the Professor and smiled. He shooted another spell and got in the battlefield. 
I saw Harry defeat Voldemort and the Death Eaters we’re apparating. I smiled at Newt and an Death Eater was about to shoot him. I pushed him away and welcomed the attack spell.
“No! No!” I looked at Peregrine’s lifeless body. “Peregrine wake up!” I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. “No!” I screamed. The Death Eater was dead and Potter ran beside me. “Liz, wake up.” Harry shook her. I was a crying mess and saw Granger sit beside Harry. She takes her hand and checks her pulse, “She’s gone.” No, she’s not. No!, i looked at her opened eyes and stared at her crimson eyes. “Should we close her eyes?” Harry said, i nodded and Harry placed his hand on her eyes and closed it. I cried an kissed her lips for the last time. “I will always love you, Peregrine Mistle. Always.” I said. I carried her and went to the single willow tree with Potter following behind. I placed her lifeless body on the tree and kissed her head. I stepped back and looked at her body. It turned to dust.
I looked down the stairs and saw Newt. I felt tears drop down my eyes and rushed to hug him. “No death could pull us apart. I love you, Peregrine.”
She nodded and smiled. “I missed you, Newt.” She told him. “I told you i was going to come with you,” He smiled. I laughed and hugged him.
‘Till death do we part.
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