#misty x marlton
necrooghost · 10 months
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Their whole dynamic :3
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Just another day at North Highway Diner
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chaoticdilfkisser · 2 years
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Little guys!!! <33
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🎨 Calling all artists! 🖌️
🌟 Art Contest: Demon Slayer Corps x Cartoon Network All-Stars 🌟
Are you ready to witness an epic clash of worlds? We're hosting a one-of-a-kind art contest featuring the iconic characters from "Call of Duty: Zombies" and the zany cast of "Drawn Together" as they join the ranks of the fearsome Twelve Demon Moons! 🌙
🌆 Tank Dempsey - Upper Moon 1: The American Soldier with an iron will and relentless aggression.
🍺 Nikolai Belinski - Upper Moon 2: The Russian Soldier known for his love of vodka and stoic demeanor.
🎌 Takeo Masaki - Upper Moon 3: The Honorable and Disciplined Japanese Warrior.
🔬 Edward Richtofen - Upper Moon 4: The German Scientist and the enigmatic leader of the group.
🧠 Samuel J. Stuhlinger - Upper Moon 5: The Paranoid and Delusional former Broken Arrow member with a mysterious connection to Richtofen.
🔧 Marlton Johnson - Upper Moon 6: The Socially Awkward and Highly Intelligent Engineer who feels out of place in dangerous situations.
💪 Abigail "Misty" Briarton - Lower Moon 1: The Farm Girl with tough and aggressive personality, known for her survival skills and resilience.
🧟 Russman - Lower Moon 2: The Old and Unstable former soldier with a dark history involving Broken Arrow.
🦸 Captain Hero - Lower Moon 3: The Narcissistic Superhero Parody.
👑 Princess Clara - Lower Moon 4: The Stereotypical Disney-style Princess with conservative values.
💩 Spanky Ham - Lower Moon 5: The Vulgar and Crude Internet Download.
⚡ Ling-Ling - Lower Moon 6: The Pikachu-like character who speaks in pseudo-Japanese gibberish.
🎤 Foxxy Love - Lower Moon 7: The Sassy African American Musician and Mystery Solver.
🍺 Toot Braunstein - Lower Moon 8: The Overweight and Alcoholic Former Cartoon Sex Symbol.
🧽 Wooldoor Sockbat - Lower Moon 9: The Zany, SpongeBob-like Character.
Let your imagination run wild as you depict these unforgettable characters in their new roles within the Twelve Demon Moons. Create stunning artwork, share your unique vision, and win fantastic prizes!
🏆 Prizes:
- 1st Place: A Collaboration with me
- 2nd Place: a mention in a au
- 3rd Place: idk what to put here
🎉 How to Enter:
1. Create your artwork featuring these characters as Demon Moons.
2. Submit via Tumblr, tikok or Twitter or discord
3. Tag @1andxrea1tge1bisexual1here1, tikok is @ xxandrea_leo_new_acc2.0, to enter.
📅 Deadline: Entries accepted until
October 10 2024.
Get ready to unleash your creativity and join this epic crossover event! Good luck, artists! 🎨✨
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hemloqd · 2 years
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some victis crew for the soul ~
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Misty from Call of Duty Zombies getting a bunch of those sodas that makes her fast. Only to have to chug them all in order to run past some zombies. Giving her some MAJOR burps in the process
“Ahhh shit burgers...” Misty said looking utterly dejected at what she was seeing.  
There was a swarm of zombies staggering around in the cornfields.  She knew that Marlton was on the other side in their car waiting for her and staying out of sight but she was so low on ammo that she wouldn’t be able to just blow through the rotten ghouls like usual.  The country girl pouted with frustration and put a hand on her curvy hips thinking to herself.
“How the crap am I s’posed t’get through all these stumpchuckers with so few shells?  Maybe I can get ‘em t’line up and just POW!  Get like a three fer one deal maybe?  Naw not enough shells, ah shit on a zombies tit, this is...like...pretty sucky...”
Misty tugged her truckers cap up and wiped some sweat from her forehead with her forearm and looked around in the cornfield for anything she could use.  More guns or more ammo.  Oh what she’d give for a mystery box right about now.  Hey maybe she’d get lucky and kill one zombie that had a random kaboom in it to wipe all the other rotting monsters out.  But she’d have to make too much noise to find out and if she wasn’t lucky she could end up zombie chow.
She didn’t find any guns anywhere but she did find a potential answer when she heard that familiar Speed Cola jingle playing near an old shed.  There was a zombie clawing at it brainlessly but Misty beaned it over the head so hard with a plank of wood that its head exploded.  
Gross.  But it at least gave her a laugh.
There were too many zombies in the cornfield for Misty to outrun on her own.  But with a little boost?  She could clear the field in no time!  So she gave up 3000 points and out rolled a green glowing bottle.  But when Misty looked at the sheer size of the cornfield she needed to clear she realized maybe one bottle wouldn’t cut it.  She had to play it smart.  So Misty dumped another 3k into the machine and got herself a second bottle.  And a third just in case.
She had to be fast about it.  The boost would only be about thirty seconds once she was fully energized by it.  
So Misty popped the cap off the bottle brought it to her lush lips and proceeded to chug that Speed Cola like her life depended on it.  And because it actually did depend on it she chugged even faster.  Her slender throat bobbed with her wet rhythmic gulping of the beverage.  Misty squinted a little because Perk-a-Colas always had a funky taste to them but they didn’t have anything on the moon shine she could down with the best of ‘em.
In record time Misty completely chugged the green liquids down and chucked the empty glass bottle into the cornfield.  Then Misty burped so loudly that every zombie in the cornfield could hear her eructation.
Perk-a-Cola did tend to make her pretty gassy.
Misty shivered at the unwanted attention that rude sound gave her.  “Brrr!  FasterfasterfasterFASTER!!”  She exclaimed jokingly.  
The zombies hissed and growled when they started hobbling over to Misty.  But she wasn’t deterred.  In fact she popped the second bottle and started chugging it even with all those zombies closing in on her.  Because of the speed perk coursing through her body though she was able to chug her second bottle even faster than the first!  Misty’s throat throbbed so hard that she appeared as if she was moving in fast forward.
Even more speed was pumping through Misty’s body when she finished so that when she chucked the bottle at the closest zombie it got lodged right into the zombies skull re-killing it all over again.
Misty grabbed the last bottle feeling zapped up and hyper-energized when a weak burp popped out of her.
Misty winced then grabbed her bare midriff with her other hand and released a massive burp.
Misty sighed and patted her stomach with relief then downed the last bottle with lightning speed.
By the time she finished chugging it the zombies were in range of her but her body was practically glowing with speed power.  
Misty winced when her bare stomach gurgled really deeply.  A zombie lunged at her but she ended up burping so powerfully that the zombie staggered back from the force.  “Oooooh!  I feel-urp-tingly...” Misty exclaimed shivering again.  
Then she sprinted right through the zombies with such speed that any of the moldy foes in her way went flying off to the side like they were hit by a car.  Misty shot through the cornfield like she was a human bullet with nothing able to stand in her way.  
Marlton waited inside of the car for his partner nervously checking his broken watch out of instinct.  “According to my calculations, she should’ve been here forever ago, is she okay?”  The brilliant nerd wondered aloud but got his answer when a massive belch echoed from outside of the car.
Marlton breathed a sigh of relief.  Only one person he knew could burp like that.
He hopped out of the car and saw Misty huffing out of breath from her super-powered run.  “What took you so long?  I was worried for approximately-”
Misty held up a finger to cut him off still slumped over with her hands grasping at her thighs while she caught her breath.  Then she released another monstrous belch and another one after that.
Marlton frowned.  He knew Misty could let out some of the biggest burps he’d ever heard but she was never this burpy.
“You okay?”
Misty huffed and rubbed her belly with one gloved hand releasing another hearty burp in the process.
“Unnngh...Urp!  Too many Speed Colas, Marl...UUUUUURRRRP!!  Waaaaaay too many Speed Colas...HurUUUUUUUUUHP!!!!”  Misty explained burping throughout her explanation.
“...You had more than one?!”  Marlton almost shrieked.
“YEEEEEEEEEP!!!!”  Misty ‘replied’.
Marlton facepalmed.  “Okay, we can...worry about that later.  For now, perhaps it would be in our best interests to flee from the undead cornfield?”
Misty brought a fist to her mouth and muffled a really big burp that made her cheeks puff with gas that rumbled in her mouth loudly for close to three seconds.  She blew it to the side and fanned the air around her nostrils.  “Ungh, ‘kay but maybe leave the windows rolled down...”
The two got in the car and Marlton immediately kicked it into high gear driving off on the dirt road and avoiding zombies as best he could.  Misty reclined back in her chair a little rubbing her gurgling tummy with one hand while the other hovered over her mouth.  She repeatedly belched behind her fist trying to stifle them as best as she could.
All that energized liquid swirling around in Misty’s stomach was giving her some serious indigestion.  It would pass eventually but it was bubbling around in her tummy so much that Misty couldn’t stop burping the entire car ride.  
Marlton hated how much he was loving every second of it but he wasn’t liking how much Misty cringed uncomfortably with the feeling she had.  So he pulled over in what looked to be an abandoned parking lot.  Then he unbuckled and told Misty to do the same and recline back some more.
“What’re ya doin’, Marl?” Misty asked just before muffling another big one.
“I’m going to administer physical stimulation in the hopes of quelling your gastric distress,” Marlton replied.
Misty blinked.  “Could ya repeat that in normal people talk, man?”
Instead of repeating himself Marlton put his hands on Misty’s exposed stomach and started to rub his hands over it.  The tomboy sighed heavily at the feeling almost going limp while Marlton rubbed her belly sensually.
“Ohhhh man, that feels better than swimmin’ naked in a pool’uh money,” Misty groaned.
“That...doesn’t sound physically possible,” Marlton exclaimed while he rubbed.
“Nerd,” she sniped.
He playfully slapped Misty’s belly in response which caused the southern girl to belch so hard that it felt like the whole car shook.  She sighed with relief and he fought the urge to blush.
Marlton’s thumbs dug into her smooth freckled tummy pressing into it with one firm knead after another.  
Doing so caused the bubbling gas in Misty’s stomach to push out with another heavy burp.  Then another one right after that one.
The more Marlton kneaded his hands against Misty’s belly the more the country girl belched like a big fat trucker.  Each one felt like it made the car rattle.  Until finally Marlton really pushed down on Misty’s belly, like right around her belly button that Misty released the biggest longest belch of the whole night.
It exploded from Misty’s lush lips for several seconds hitting a number of different syllables in the process.
When it was over Misty sighed heavily with relief and gave her stomach a few pats.  “Goooooooooh...ssssoooooo unladylike...” she said almost proudly.
Marlton couldn’t help but blush intensely.
“What else is new...”
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chernayawidow · 2 years
Marlton: You’ve been paying Billy a lot of attention lately.
Misty: He’s sick.
Marlton: I’m sick too!
Misty: Then go to the fucking doctor!
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loafaethernaut · 3 years
As requested by @wilhelmares here are the shipping HCs for Marlton/Misty!
I’ll be honest, I am less familiar with the BO2 Victis storyline and characters as I am compared to the other Aether crews, but I will try my best! Most of these I’m just going off of the general vibes that I remember from these two (and I reread the comics last night to help me remember their characters), so I apologize if there are any inaccuracies!
•Who said “I love you” first
Technically I’d say it would be Marlton, but he said it in his usual long-winded-technical-Marlton speak. They probably weren’t even facing each other when he said it, looking over his shoulder while Misty’s back was turned trying to fight off zombies and cover him. Once the last zombie in that wave was killed and Misty finally had a chance to breathe and process what he said, her eyes got all wide and she had to ask him to clarify if he said that he loved her. If they were alone at the time, they would share a quiet moment where Misty takes his hand and tells Marlton that she loves him too- followed by a mostly-joking threat that he better not share that with the others. Once she runs off to take on the next horde Marlton just watches her go, smiling.
•Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
I think they both would, but Marlton would probably have a photo of him and Misty together as his background. Misty has a photo of Marlton in the middle of sneezing as her background, because she thinks it’s funny.
•Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
I think Misty, and I think her little notes would be half threats, half little compliments. Something like “I’ll kill you if you use up all the hot water, also you’re cute.” Marlton has a hard time reading them anyways without his glasses, but he still appreciates it.
•Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Definitely Marlton. Given their apocalypse setting, it’s less of him buying cheesy gifts and more of him going out of his way to scavenge for things she might like or find useful. I HC that’s why Marlton is often shown with just a pistol and Misty usually has a larger gun or rifle, because Marlton knows she likes those better and she’ll them to good use. While he’s also given her little sentimental things here and there, she’ll actually insist that he holds onto them. Not because she doesn’t want them but because he has way more pockets than she does and Misty trusts Marlton to hold onto the things most important to her.
•Who initiated the first kiss
Definitely Misty. I imagine it was during the aftermath of another crazy fetch-quest for Richtofen/Maxis, Misty has gotten herself hurt doing something reckless and Marlton actually dropped his usual vocabulary to try and explain how upset it made him. He specifies that it’s not her being a badass he has an issue with, but her not caring about what happens to her. It’s the moment that Misty realizes that Marlton actually cares about her and doesn’t just see her as another pretty face. She promises to be more careful from now on- and maybe a quip about still keeping his ass safe- before leaning forward to kiss him gently.
•Who kisses the other awake in the morning
It actually alternates depending on who was keeping watch that night for zombies. Marlton always kisses Misty on the forehead first, then moves down to her nose so that it’ll do that adorable little crinkle. Then he’ll proceed to kiss every single freckle on her face until she’s fully awake and playfully shoving him away. Misty is at her most cuddly in the morning, so she’ll actually nuzzle up into Marlton and plant many kisses on his cheek before also handing him his glasses once he’s finally awake. Then she’ll usually hum out something like “good morning, nerd.” It’s always the highlight of both of their days.
•Who asks if they can join the other in the shower
I think Marlton- but he uses so many words and long strings of technical jargon to keep him rambling and avoid directly asking her because of his nerves. Eventually Misty figures it out and just pulls him in.
•Who surprises the other in the middle of the work day with lunch
So for most of these I was going with either a canon or semi-canon setting, but for this one I’m going with an AU where they live on a ranch of some kind and Marlton drives into town every day for an office job. He frequently drives home for his lunch breaks to spend time with Misty and make them both lunch, but every once in a while Misty likes to show up and surprise Marlton at work with takeout from his favorite place.
•Who was nervous and shy on their first date
I actually think it would be Misty- but hear me out. What if their first “official” date was during their brief time at The House. Little Sam and Eddie overheard that they were together and set up a pillow fort in the living room for them to hang out alone in. They sat inside of it together and just… talked. But it was the first time in so long that Marlton felt so comfortable and happy just being there alone with Misty that it was actually like- a normal conversation. Perhaps normal wouldn’t be the right word- but there was no long strings of needless vocabulary from Marlton. It actually kind of intimidated Misty a little- just listening to him talk about the future. What she would have liked to do if their lives had been different. What he would like to do if they could go back to their normal lives. He still broke out into his usual rambles every once in a while, both out of habit and because it seemed to make Misty less nervous and laugh.
•Who kills/takes out the spiders
Marlton’s always given a warning so that she doesn’t startle him, but Misty loves using the spiders as target practice. It’s also funny when Stu and Russman come running in after hearing the gunfire and searching for the source of the threat, only for Marlton to inform them that it was just a spider and that they’d be needing to scavenge for more ammo soon.
•Who loudly proclaims their love when drunk
Honestly I’d say both of them- though Marlton rarely drinks. While sober Misty is often hesitant to openly broadcast her affections, Drunk Misty will delightfully run around and show off her boyfriend to everyone (mostly the zombies) around them, all while refusing to let go of his hand.
There you have it! I’m ngl I’ve never really shipped these two all that much, but I still had a ton of fun coming up with HCs for this ship and GreySam so I’d love to do more of this!
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moontheyo · 3 years
Some Misty and Marlton hcs for all the shippers out there
• If they had a night out, they would go on a regular dinner date or go out to see the stars in an open field
• Misty is big spoon. No questions asked.
• Both of them can cook decently, though Marlton is careful with his seasoning. Doesn't want to do too much or too little. Misty just goes with the flow.
• Pillow fights. Almost every weekend.
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Marlton/Misty who????
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germvity · 3 years
hello! im germ and i own this multifandom blog.
im mainly a writer but i like drawing and editing things too ☺️
my reader is gender neutral unless stated otherwise.
blog name was: enavity
this blog will contain swearing! if that's something you don't like feel free to leave!
don't repost any of my stuff please
reblogs > likes (but idm!)
personal writing tag: #germvity writing
personal random talk tag: #germvity venting
don't use my personal tags pls and ty
i do not tolerate: racism, pedoph!lia, death threats/r@pe threats/r@pe jokes (they were never funny and never will be) (will write dub-con but nothing else!), su!c!de baiting, threats of s*lf h*rm/sh baiting, homophobia/transphobia/anti-lgbt, abuse giving people shit for their religion, posting hate for a fandom i write in: i.e i write for slashers sometimes and ik people think we condone their actions even tho we don't + they're fictional soo chill.
i'm uncomfortable with some kinks such as:
feet, scat!!!, ageplay (fucking gross), snuff, heavy bondage, extreme bdsm, spanking/cropping, slave/owner (more maybe added idk)
(fandoms and stories below cut)
• ENA - joel g:
ena, moony
• DBD:
surv: feng min, yui kimura, jake park, elódie rakoto, quentin smith, felix richter, yun-jin lee, cheryl mason, leon s. kennedy, steve harrington (more may be added)
killer: danny johnson (ghostface), demogorgon (pls don't judge me 😭), michael myers (shape), sally smithson (nurse), anna (huntress), rin yamaoka (spirit aka best girl who deserved so much better), f.j.s.j (legion - seperate ownly), adiris (plague), caleb quinn (deathslinger), talbot grimes (blight), charlotte deshay (twins), ji-woon hak (trickster) (more may be added)
max, nikki, neil, nerris, harrison, preston, sasha, erin, jasper (aged up only!), david, gwen, daniel
kaeya, amber, venti, albedo, diluc, childe, razor (more may be added)
(more may be added)
requests closed atm!
(human versions/animal!reader only i don't do animal/human (ironic isn't it bc i write for demo-))
ash, kris, agnes (aged up), mr fox aka red bc he canonically doesn't have a first name (aka dilf 😩), stan weasel, felicity fox, franklin bean (please his voice is perfect)
jeff, ben, toby, tim/masky, brian/hoodie, helen/bloody painter, jane 😍, eyeless jack, laughing jack, isaac grossman, sally (PLATONICALLY), (more may be added)
asra, julian, portia, nadi 💜, muriel, lucio, valdemar, vulgora, volta, vlastomil, valerius
adrien, chat noir, luka, nathaniel, chloe, alya, marinette, alix, félix, kagami
brian stells, sophie walten (fem only), jack walten, felix kranken
william afton (fnaf series), michael afton/schmidt (fnaf series), jeremy fitzgerald (fnaf series)
cloud strife <3, biggs, jessie, reno, leslie kyle <3
edward richtofen, tank dempsey, nikolai belinski, takeo masaki, marlton johnson, abigail “misty” briarton, michael “finn” o’leary, albert “weasel” arlington, billy handsome, sal deluca, scarlett rhodes, bruno delacroix, diego necalli, stanton shaw
rises the moon // leon kennedy x reader
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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necrooghost · 2 years
I'd fucking lose a finger just to have SOME content of them </3
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biggoonie · 7 years
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Call of Duty: Zombies TP
Justin Jordan (W), Jonathan Wayshak (A), Dan Jackson (C), Lovern Kindzierski (C), and Simon Bisley (Cover) On sale Nov 15 FC, 144 pages • $19.99 • TP, 7” x 10” Join Stuhlinger, Misty, Russman, and Marlton as they fight for survival against the undead horde. The Tranzit crew, last seen in the “Buried” map, are trapped on a deeply unstable and fractured future Earth. The Call of Duty®: Zombies miniseries delves into these characters’ backstories, providing a crucial piece of the Zombies puzzle. See what happens between the maps as the Tranzit crew fights to escape Maxis’ apocalyptic wasteland. Collects issues #1-#6.
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Dark Horse Comics’ April 2017 Solicitations
Dark Horse has provided CBR News with covers and solicit information for products shipping April, 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Indie Comics Forum and discuss these Dark Horse releases with fellow readers.
Dark Horse Solicitations – Last Six Months
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On sale June 7 • FC, 152 pages • $19.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
These six stories trace the history and prehistory of Abe Sapien’s adventures, from his earliest days in the Bureau with Hellboy (as drawn by Kevin Nowlan) through the frog war, featuring an appearance by deceased homunculus Roger, to his current evolved form, when he’s looking back on his life as a man in 1850s England.
Collects the Abe Sapien one-shots #8, #15, #23, #27, and #30 and “Abe Sapien: Subconscious” from Dark Horse Presents (volume 3) #11.
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Foreword by Kurt Busiek!
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American Gods: Shadows #2
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The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award–winning novel and upcoming Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a comic series for the first time!
A Starz TV show by Bryan Fuller (NBC’s Hannibal) based on the novel will debut this spring.
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Angel Season 11 #4
Corinna Bechko (W), Geraldo Borges (A), Michelle Madsen (C), Scott Fischer (Cover), and Jeff Dekal (Variant cover)
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The Art of Prey HC
Prey returns!
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The Art of Splatoon HC
Nintendo (W/A)
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Character illustrations!
Concept art!
Featuring artwork from Nintendo’s hit game!
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“The writing is a good old fashioned slay-em-dead story.”—Comic Attack
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There’s something unusual about the sleepy farming community of Rockwood: it’s now the home of Spiral City’s mysteriously vanished superheroes. But not by choice: they were banished to the town after a battle with the Anti-God, and now they’re stuck within its boundaries. Lately, a new arrival in town has started asking questions, and she’s discovering that its superpowered residents aren’t the only strange thing about Rockwood . . .
Voted one of the best comics of 2016 by IGN!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #6
Christos Gage (W), Rebekah Isaacs (A/Variant cover), Dan Jackson (C), and Steve Morris (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Life in the Safe Zone internment camp is not improving, and Buffy’s status as a peacekeeper has made her a target of the other inmates—but just what are they afraid she might do? Perhaps discover something more sinister going on within the Safe Zone’s impenetrable walls? Stakes are raised in Season 11!
Buffy: The High School Years—Parental Parasite TP
Kel McDonald (W), Yishan Li (A), and Scott Fischer (Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 80 pages • $10.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Buffy struggles to deal with her mom Joyce’s newfound interest in spending time with her. Balancing that with her schoolwork, her friends, and her regular vampire-slaying duties is a challenge. However, when Joyce becomes hypnotized by a childlike demon that craves motherly care, Buffy experiences a new kind of sibling rivalry—except in Buffy’s case, her “sibling” is actually a monster!
Writer Kel McDonald (Misfits of Avalon, Sorcery 101, Angel & Faith), and artist Yishan Li return to Buffy!
Set during Season 1 of the television series.
Call of Duty: Zombies #4 (of 6)
Justin Jordan (W), Jonathan Wayshak (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Simon Bisley (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Waves of zombies just keep coming—first in the Call of Duty®: Zombies games, and now from Dark Horse Comics!
Marlton, Misty, Russman, and Stuhlinger think they’ve found a moment’s peace, but the approaching horde of zombies is about to destroy that. Faced with the decision of fight or flight, the crew argues and splits up. When Maxis’s emergency security measures are activated, will it be every man for himself?
Dark Horse Presents #33
Ron Randall (W/A), Carla Speed McNeil (W/A), Ryan Browne (W/A), Jim Alexander (W), Shannon Wheeler (W/A/Cover), Paul Levitz (W), Will Pickering (A), Fin Campbell (A), and Tim Hamilton (A)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 48 pages • $4.99 • Ongoing
Mercy St. Clair returns to DHP this month with Ron Randall’s Trekker: The Volstock Payoff! Paul Levitz and Tim Hamilton’s Brooklyn Blood concludes! Plus, Ryan Browne contributes the hilarious one-shot There’s a Gorilla on the Cover! Carla Speed McNeil’s Finder, Jim Alexander and Will Pickering’s Savant, and Shannon Wheeler’s Too Much Coffee Man round out this issue.
Comics’ premier Anthology!
Dead Inside #5 (of 5)
John Arcudi (W), Toni Fejzula (A), André May (C), and Dave Johnson (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
What started as a simple murder investigation ended in a prison riot. But it’s not quite over yet—Detective Caruso is betting that if she can get a little closer to the case, she’ll be able to find the missing piece that pulls it all together. But in this case, getting closer means hostage negotiation with an armed convict.
“An intriguing set-up to a compelling mystery, well-executed by the consistently great John Arcudi. And with fantastic-looking art to boot!”—John Layman (Chew)
Dept. H #13
Matt Kindt (W/A/Cover) and Sharlene Kindt (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 28 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
The love of Mia’s life, Alain, is desperately trying to maintain contact with her and the rest of the surviving crew trapped in the Dept. H base. With six miles of ocean between him and the woman he loves, will he be able to help her fight bloodthirsty sea creatures, including psychic jellyfish?
“Dept. H by Matt Kindt is my new fave comic, an underwater sci-fi whodunnit from Dark Horse Comics. Total, total genius!”—Mark Millar (Reborn)
The EC Archives: Crime SuspenStories Volume 3 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale June 14 • FC, 216 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8 3/16” x 11”
Jolting tales of criminals, capers, and tension! Collecting issues #13–#18 of Crime SuspenStories from the twisted artistic talents of Al Feldstein, Johnny Craig, Bill Gaines, Jack Kamen, Sid Check, Al Williamson, Fred Peters, Graham Ingels, George Evans, Joe Orlando, and more. Featuring a foreword by David Del Valle.
ElfQuest: The Final Quest Volume 3 TP
Wendy Pini (W/A/Cover), Richard Pini (W), and Sonny Strait (C)
On sale June 28 • FC, 136 pages • $17.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
The late Angrif Djun’s destructive fleet looms closer, seeking to wreak havoc on the elves and any humans that stand in their defense. Rayek, influenced by the dark, dangerous spirit of Winnowill, fights for control of his very nature. And the Wolfriders try to track down their chief, whose own spirit hangs in the balance.
Collects issues #13-#18.
Empowered and the Soldier of Love #3 (of 3)
Adam Warren (W) and Karla Diaz (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
As the very fabric of reality itself unravels around them in a frighteningly literal “storm of burning passion,” can a desperate Empowered and Ninjette stop the embittered, disillusioned, and out-of-control Soldier of Love from using her supercharged “magical-girl” powers to eradicate the entire concept of love from their city?
2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Empowered!
Story by series creator Adam Warren!
Spectacular art by web comic superstar Karla Diaz!
Empowered Volume 10 TP
Adam Warren (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 21 • b&w, 216 pages • $19.99 • TP, 6 1/2″ x 9”
Costumed crimefighter Empowered, delighted by her long-delayed promotion to full-time membership in the Superhomeys, enjoys a suprasocial-media “victory lap.” But will her newfound satisfaction survive the challenges of obnoxious “white knights,” disturbing cryoprison visits, alarming alien medical scans and—worst of all—the revelation of a lover’s dark secret?
Over 250,000 copies sold of Empowered volumes!
“Adam Warren continues to beat the odds and persists in getting better and better with his spicy superhero romp.”—Johnny Bacardi, Popdose.com
Fate/Zero Volume 5 TP
Shinjiro (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 14 • b&w, 168 pages • $11.99 • TP, 5 1/8″ x 7 1/4″
Two desperate hunts stalk the dark woods that shroud Einzbern Castle, as Lancer and Saber confront the hideous sorcery of Caster, incarnation of the fiendish Gilles de Rais, while Irisviel follows Maiya in search of the master magician Kirei. Is mage killer Kiritsugu risking both his wife and his mistress in a cold-blooded scheme to assassinate Kirei . . . ?
Femina and Fauna: The Art of Camilla d’Errico (Second Edition) HC
Back in print!
Camilla d’Errico (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 132 pages • $24.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
Superstar artist Camilla d’Errico’s first Dark Horse art book, now back in print in an improved and updated second edition!
This revised volume features a new foreword by the creator of the Tokidoki brand, Simone Legno, a new introduction by d’Errico herself, and a selection of additional art unique to this edition. It’s a must-have for all fans of pop and fine art alike!
A new cover, a new introduction by the artist, and new artwork not seen in the first edition!
Frigates of EVE Online: The Cross Sections HC
Paul Elsy (W), Charles White (W), and Will Burns (A/Cover)
On sale June 6 • FC, 160 pages • $29.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
Featuring detailed images of twenty-eight of the most iconic ships in EVE Online, this beautifully illustrated guide offers an unprecedented look into frigates from each faction with intricate cutaways and complex lore. Dark Horse Books is proud to partner with CCP Games to present Frigates of EVE Online: The Cross Sections!
Featuring exclusive looks at the ships from EVE Online!
Game of Thrones Melisandre Figure
On sale August 16 • 8” figure • $27.99
Melisandre is a Red Priestess of Asshai and is possessed of arcane powers and a fatal beauty. She was last seen riding away from Winterfell after the Battle of the Bastards, exiled by Jon Snow. Will she return in Season 7 of HBO’s award-winning adaptation? We think so!
This highly detailed 8” figure captures the stern and determined expression of Melisandre.
Game of Thrones Magnetic Bookmark Set #3
On sale June 14 • Set of four bookmarks • $6.99
Fans following HBO’s Game of Thrones are often referring back to their books, since there are so many characters and plot lines to follow. A great way to keep it all straight is by using these brand new Dark Horse magnetic bookmarks. This third edition features newly selected lush color portraits of four favorite characters in updated costumes.
Game of Thrones 2.25” Magnets
Here is an opportunity for you to enable your customers to truly show allegiance to their favorite Game of Thrones houses. Dark Horse is proud to showcase a collection of twelve individual sigil magnets, measuring 2.25”. Each is produced in full color and bold clarity and packaged individually in a polybag with backing card.
On sale Feb 22
The Goon Library Volume 5 HC
Eric Powell (W/A/Cover), John Arcudi (W), Patton Oswalt (W), Thomas Lennon (W), Mark Buckingham (A), Guy Davis (A), Bill Morrison (A), and Bill Farmer (C)
On sale June 7 • FC, 472 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8” x 12 3/16”
What’s left of the Zombie Priest’s race of witches come after the Goon, forcing him to face his nightmares or lose his town! The witch coven believe that control of Goon’s town will soon be in their grasp and his tragic soul will contribute to the curse that increases their power. But has their plot destroyed the Goon or created a monster too savage for them to withstand?
This library edition collects The Goon Volumes 13–15 and The Goon Noir.
Halo Library Edition Volume 2 HC
Duffy Boudreau (W), Sergio Ariño (P), Douglas Franchin (P/I), Ian Richardson (P), Juan Castro (I), Rob Lean (I), Denis Freitas (I), Carlos Eduardo (I), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Isaac Hannaford (Cover)
On sale June 14 • FC, 296 pages • $49.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
One of the most popular video game franchises ever receives another deluxe hardcover! In this volume, follow the UNSC Spartans as they attempt to halt Dr. Catherine Halsey and Jul ‘Mdama’s pursuit of the Janus Key—the fate of the entire galaxy depends on them! This volume collects Halo: Escalation #13–#24 and features a cover gallery, annotations, and behind-the-scenes extras!
The conclusion of Escalation in a deluxe, oversized hardcover!
Features exclusive annotations!
Includes a cover gallery and behind-the-scenes extras!
Harrow County #22
Cullen Bunn (W) and Tyler Crook (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
When another magical force starts flexing its power in Harrow County, Emmy is surprised to learn that one of her oldest friends may be turning against her. While Emmy has been focused on dealing with threats from the outside world, perhaps a much bigger problem has been brewing at home.
“This is one of the best horror series I’ve ever read. It goes beyond the typical horror stereotypes, and brings a deeper, more sophisticated kind of terror to the audience. This is definitely a series for all horror fans.”—ComicWow!
Hatsune Miku: Acute TP
Shiori Asahina (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 7 • b&w, 172 pages • $10.99 • TP, 5 1/8” x 7 1/4″
Acute, like the three angles of a triangle. Acute, as in the three sharp points. Acute is the tragic relationship between three Vocaloids: Miku, Kaito, and Luka! Once they were all friends making songs—but while Kaito might make a duet with Miku or a duet with Luka, a love song all three of them sing together can only end in sorrow! Based on the song with over 4.4 million combined views on YouTube and Niconico.
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1954—Ghost Moon #2 (of 2)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Brian Churilla (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Mike Huddleston (Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Hellboy squares off against a pair of Chinese demons while Sue psychically hunts down the source of the supernatural trouble in Hong Kong.
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part One TP
The official continuation of The Legend of Korra!
Michael Dante DiMartino (W), Irene Koh (A/Cover), Jane Bak (C), Vivian Ng (C), and Heather Campbell (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 80 pages • $10.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Relishing their new relationship, Korra and Asami leave the spirit world . . . but find nothing in Republic City but political high jinks and human vs. spirit conflict!
A pompous developer plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already tumultuous connection with the spirits. What’s more, the triads have realigned and are in a brutal all-out brawl at the city’s borders—where hundreds of evacuees have relocated!
Written by series cocreator Michael Dante DiMartino and drawn by Irene Koh (Secret Origins: Batgirl, Afrina and the Glass Coffin), with consultation by Bryan Konietzko, this is the official continuation of The Legend of Korra!
The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts Limited Edition HC
Nintendo (W/A)
On sale Feb 21 • FC, 424 pages • $79.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 9” x 12”
Experience the thrill of finding and unsheathing the Master Sword with The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts limited edition. The sword itself is a 3D embossed sculpt with a metallic foil finish and is printed at the size of an actual sword hilt to give the reader the satisfaction of unsheathing the realistic-looking sword from the acetate sleeve sheathe that encases the book. The cover’s background features the Lost Woods in a deep, custom-mixed purple ink with a soft-touch lamination and spot-gloss UV which is framed with metallic foil. The pages are gilded to round out the premium enhancements.
3D embossed Master Sword!
Acetate sleeve sheathe!
Gilded pages!
Metallic finish!
Contains over 400 pages of illustrations from the thirty year history of Zelda.
The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-First Century (Second Edition) TP
Frank Miller (W), Dave Gibbons (A/Cover), and Angus McKie (C)
On sale June 7 • FC, 600 pages • $29.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Our story begins in the squalid corridors of a maximum-security housing project, where a young girl will rise from the war-torn streets of Chicago to battle injustice in a world insane with corruption. Her fight will take her far, from the frontlines of the second American Civil War to the cold, unforgiving reaches of space. She will be called a hero, a traitor, and nearly everything in between, but all along the way, her courage, her integrity, and her unwavering commitment to that most valuable of rights—liberty—will inspire a movement that will never surrender.
Collecting remastered versions of every Martha Washington, an extensive behind-the-scenes section, an introduction by Frank Miller, and a brand-new cover by Dave Gibbons!
Lobster Johnson: The Pirate’s Ghost #2 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), John Arcudi (W), and Tonci Zonjic (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The Lobster searches for a connection between a missing reporter and the appearance of a ghostly pirate ship.
The Once and Future Queen #2 (of 5)
Adam P. Knave (W), D.J. Kirkbride (W), and Nickolas Brokenshire (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Battles are fought, weapons are bestowed, and romance begins to blossom! The new queen puts together her own Round Table as Merlin reveals what set the fae war off in the first place, the King in Shadow plots the defeat of humanity, and a devious third party is revealed . . . Are they friend or foe?
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle Extravagonzo HC
A New York Times best-selling series!
Paul Tobin (W), Tim Lattie (A), Matt J. Rainwater (C), and Ron Chan (Cover)
On sale June 14 • FC, 80 pages • $9.99 • HC, 6” x 9”
A new, standalone graphic novel by Paul Tobin and Tim Lattie! Zomboss is back, hoping to buy the same factory at the center of Neighborville that his nemesis Crazy Dave is eyeing! Will Crazy Dave and his intelligent plants beat Zomboss and his zombie army to the punch? The Battle Extravagonzo is on!
The first Plants vs. Zombies original graphic novel!
Prometheus: Life and Death One-Shot
Dan Abnett (W), Brian Albert Thies (A), Rain Beredo (C), David Palumbo (Cover), and Sachin Teng (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 48 pages • $5.99 • One-shot
The surviving Colonial Marines on the planet LV-223 face a final battle with an injured and enraged Engineer—and, somewhere out in space, three trapped humans seek to change the course of the Engineer’s ship . . . and possibly the history of humanity!
The final installment of the Life and Death saga!
Rebels: These Free and Independent States #2 (of 8)
Brian Wood (W), Andrea Mutti (A), Lauren Affe (C), and Matthew Taylor (Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Twenty years old and already an experienced shipbuilder, John Abbott divides his time between the construction of the USS Constitution and dabbling in the raucous and sometimes violent political demonstrations happening around him. After he falls in with two abolitionists one night in Boston, things take a tragic turn.
From best-selling writer Brian Wood (The Massive, DMZ, Northlanders).
“Brian Wood has resurrected an era of American history that will satisfy the history buff and the lover of good comics alike.”—The Latest Pull
RG Veda Book 3 TP
CLAMP (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 21 • b&w, 656 pages • $24.99 • TP, 5 3/4″ x 8 1/4″
RG Veda (pronounced Rig Veda) is based on the classic Indian saga of the same name. The Six Stars have at last reached Zenmi Palace to confront the evil god-king Taishakuten. As the tyrant prepares to kill them, Kujaku reveals the sign given to those who commit the most heinous of sins. Yet greater evil still is held back only by the seal on Ashura, without which the god of destruction will emerge, unstoppable . . . and if Yasha cannot change his destiny, he must face it—in the conclusion to the epic tale!
The Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop the Reign? #1 (of 4)
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), Frank Miller (Variant cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Who doesn’t like Surf and Turf? Well, what do you do when Surf and Turf doesn’t like YOU?????????
The Eisner Award–losing and winning drawing-room talkfest The Shaolin Cowboy returns and will try to answer those questions as the titular hero of the series finds that his road to hell is paved not with good intentions but old nemeses hell bent on bloody revenge . . . AGAIN!!!!
Three-time Eisner Award winner Geof Darrow returns to the series Paste called “mind blowing” and io9 called “100% amazing.”
“There’s a lot to like about The Shaolin Cowboy. It’s whacky, over-the-top, and at points laugh-out-loud funny . . . If you don’t enjoy this book, you’re already dead.”—Comic Bastards
Frank Miller variant cover!
Slayer: Repentless HC
Jon Schnepp (W), Guiu Vilanova (A), Mauricio Wallace (C), and Glenn Fabry (Cover)On sale June 28 • FC, 88 pages • $19.99 • HC, 7” x 10”
The ultimate thrash-metal juggernaut, Slayer has laid waste to stages and audiences worldwide for over thirty years, with their latest album, Repentless, furthering their brutal legacy. Based on the savage Repentless videos by BJ McDonnell, this expansion of the video story lines drives deep into the darkest heart of America, a raging road trip down a bloodstained highway, a tale of the doomed, the damned . . . and the repentless! Collects the three-issue miniseries.
Spell on Wheels TP
Kate Leth (W), Megan Levens (A), Marissa Louise (C), and Jen Bartel (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 136 pages • $14.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Three young witches head out on an East Coast road trip to retrieve their stolen belongings and track down the mysterious thief before he can do any damage to—or with—their possessions. Collects Spell on Wheels #1–#5.
Supernatural meets Buffy and The Craft!
“A lively book that focuses on the strength of relationships that also promises a fun road trip along the way.”—Multiversity Comics
Too Much Coffee Man Omnibus Plus HC
The most complete Too Much Coffee Man collection!
Shannon Wheeler (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 600 pages • $29.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
A deluxe hardcover featuring 32 new color story pages! This 600-page Omnibus Plus edition features five previously published Too Much Coffee Man books, plus an all-new color section! These semiautobiographical, hyperintellectual tales will appeal to both comic book insiders and pop culture fanatics. The most complete Too Much Coffee Man collection!
Bonus color Too Much Coffee Man adventures included!
Celebrating the work of Shannon Wheeler in a deluxe hardcover!
Tomb Raider Archives Volume 2 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale June 14 • FC, 480 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8” x 12”
In pursuit of adventure—and the world’s rarest treasures—Lara circles the globe . . . and even goes off the edge of the map. Journey along on her most memorable expeditions as she teams up with a treasure hunter from the future, faces off against Egyptian gods in the afterlife, and searches for love.
This deluxe oversized hardcover collects issues #16–#24 and #26–#34 of the 1999 Top Cow Tomb Raider series and features the art of superstar artists Adam Hughes, Michael Turner, Andy Park, Randy Green, Tony Daniel, and many more!
New writers John Ney Rieber, James Bonny, and Adam Hughes join Dan Jurgens in telling Lara’s story.
Introduction by Tomb Raider all-star Randy Green!
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 31: The Hell Screen TP
Stan Sakai (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 208 pages • $17.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
In this thrilling volume, the rabbit ronin teams up with—and faces off against—a multitude of unexpected characters: destitute bandits, a renegade kappa, and a komori ninja! Then, Inspector Ishida returns to investigate a ghastly painting known only as the Hell Screen! Collects Usagi Yojimbo issues #152–#158. Foreword by Cullen Bunn (Conan, Harrow County)!
Contains the three-part story arc “The Secret of the Hell Screen”!
100% new-reader friendly!
The Visitor: How and Why He Stayed #3 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Paul Grist (A/Cover), and Bill Crabtree (C)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The resurgence of a dangerous woman believed to have been killed long ago by the BPRD leads the Visitor to a cult’s compound in the Southwest.
The post Dark Horse Comics’ April 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.com.
13 notes · View notes
snarkyoracle · 8 years
Abe Sapien Volume 9: Lost Lives and Other Stories TP
Mike Mignola (W), Scott Allie (W), John Arcudi (W), Michael Avon Oeming (A), Mark Nelson (A), Kevin Nowlan (A), Alise Gluškova (A), Santiago Caruso (A), Dave Stewart (C), Juan Ferreyra (A/C), Eduardo Ferreyra (A/C), and Sebastián Fiumara (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 152 pages • $19.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
These six stories trace the history and prehistory of Abe Sapien’s adventures, from his earliest days in the Bureau with Hellboy (as drawn by Kevin Nowlan) through the frog war, featuring an appearance by deceased homunculus Roger, to his current evolved form, when he’s looking back on his life as a man in 1850s England.
Collects the Abe Sapien one-shots #8, #15, #23, #27, and #30 and “Abe Sapien: Subconscious” from Dark Horse Presents (volume 3) #11.
The Adventures of Superhero Girl (Expanded Edition) HC
Faith Erin Hicks (W/A/Cover) and Cris Peter (C)
On sale June 14 • FC, 128 pages • $16.99 • HC, 10” x 7”
What if you can leap tall buildings and defeat alien monsters with your bare hands, but you buy your capes at secondhand stores and have a weakness for kittens? Cartoonist Faith Erin Hicks brings charming humor to the trials and tribulations of a young female superhero, battling monsters both supernatural and mundane in an all-too-ordinary world.
The expanded edition collects the original comic, two new stories, and new art from creators including Tyler Crook, Ron Chan, Jake Wyatt, Paulina Ganucheau, and more!
Foreword by Kurt Busiek!
Aliens: Dead Orbit #1 (of 4)
James Stokoe (W/A/Cover) and Geof Darrow (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
After a horrific accident strikes a space station, an engineering officer must use all available tools—a timer, utility kit, and his wits—to survive an attack from the deadliest creature known to man.
Orc Stain creator James Stokoe pens a thrilling and claustrophobic Aliens story: Dead Orbit!
On sale on Alien Day: 4/26/17!
Aliens: Defiance #12
Brian Wood (W), Stephen Thompson (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Stephanie Hans (Cover)
On sale May 31 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
After her return to Earth, Zula Hendricks fully expects to answer for her defiance. But instead of military tribunals, what she experiences is a chilling look into the future of warfare, courtesy of Weyland-Yutani’s R&D labs. Her mission may not be over just yet.
“Defiance . . . has the potential to be the new benchmark. Go get it.”—Hulking Reviewer
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American Gods: Shadows #2
Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed story now in comics!
Neil Gaiman (W), P. Craig Russell (W/A), Scott Hampton (A/C), Glenn Fabry (Cover), and David Mack (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Fresh out of jail, Shadow Moon finds himself recruited as a bodyguard for the enigmatic Mr. Wednesday, only to be interrupted and kidnapped by the dangerous Technical Boy, who wants answers as to Wednesday’s plans.
The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award–winning novel and upcoming Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a comic series for the first time!
A Starz TV show by Bryan Fuller (NBC’s Hannibal) based on the novel will debut this spring.
“The American Gods comic is going to be an astonishing, faithful, and beautiful adaptation.”—Neil Gaiman
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Angel Season 11 #4
Corinna Bechko (W), Geraldo Borges (A), Michelle Madsen (C), Scott Fischer (Cover), and Jeff Dekal (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Angel is caught facing an unrelenting Illyria of the past, an unrelenting Illyria of the future, and an impending volcanic eruption. For him to save an entire race of demons, satisfy both Illyrias, and get himself and Fred back to the future, he will have to convince at least one of the goddesses to trust someone other than themselves—specifically, him!
First-arc finale of Angel Season 11!
The Art of Prey HC
Prey returns!
On sale June 27 • FC, 184 pages • $39.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
A dark force is tormenting Talos I, and survival depends as much on wit as strength. Now, journey alongside Morgan Yu to discover the mysteries within Prey. Arkane Studios and Dark Horse Books are proud to present a comprehensive collection of art from the development of this long-awaited and hotly anticipated game!
The Art of Splatoon HC
Nintendo (W/A)
On sale June 13 • FC, 320 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 12”
The Art of Splatoon contains 320 inkredible pages of artwork from Nintendo’s splash-hit video game, including 2D and 3D illustrations of your favorite characters, maps, concept art, weapon and gear design, storyboards, sketches, hand-drawn comics . . . and that’s only an inkling of what’s inside. We’re not squidding around: this is a must-have for all fans of Splatoon!
Character illustrations!
Concept art!
Featuring artwork from Nintendo’s hit game!
Baltimore: The Red Kingdom #3 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Christopher Golden (W), Peter Bergting (A), Michelle Madsen (C), and Ben Stenbeck (Cover)
On sale Apr 5 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Baltimore’s team fight their way into the Vatican as the Red King prepares for his coronation day.
“The writing is a good old fashioned slay-em-dead story.”—Comic Attack
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Black Hammer #8
Jeff Lemire (W/Variant cover), Dean Ormston (A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
There’s something unusual about the sleepy farming community of Rockwood: it’s now the home of Spiral City’s mysteriously vanished superheroes. But not by choice: they were banished to the town after a battle with the Anti-God, and now they’re stuck within its boundaries. Lately, a new arrival in town has started asking questions, and she’s discovering that its superpowered residents aren’t the only strange thing about Rockwood . . .
Voted one of the best comics of 2016 by IGN!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #6
Christos Gage (W), Rebekah Isaacs (A/Variant cover), Dan Jackson (C), and Steve Morris (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Life in the Safe Zone internment camp is not improving, and Buffy’s status as a peacekeeper has made her a target of the other inmates—but just what are they afraid she might do? Perhaps discover something more sinister going on within the Safe Zone’s impenetrable walls? Stakes are raised in Season 11!
Buffy: The High School Years—Parental Parasite TP
Kel McDonald (W), Yishan Li (A), and Scott Fischer (Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 80 pages • $10.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Buffy struggles to deal with her mom Joyce’s newfound interest in spending time with her. Balancing that with her schoolwork, her friends, and her regular vampire-slaying duties is a challenge. However, when Joyce becomes hypnotized by a childlike demon that craves motherly care, Buffy experiences a new kind of sibling rivalry—except in Buffy’s case, her “sibling” is actually a monster!
Writer Kel McDonald (Misfits of Avalon, Sorcery 101, Angel & Faith), and artist Yishan Li return to Buffy!
Set during Season 1 of the television series.
Call of Duty: Zombies #4 (of 6)
Justin Jordan (W), Jonathan Wayshak (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Simon Bisley (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Waves of zombies just keep coming—first in the Call of Duty®: Zombies games, and now from Dark Horse Comics!
Marlton, Misty, Russman, and Stuhlinger think they’ve found a moment’s peace, but the approaching horde of zombies is about to destroy that. Faced with the decision of fight or flight, the crew argues and splits up. When Maxis’s emergency security measures are activated, will it be every man for himself?
Dark Horse Presents #33
Ron Randall (W/A), Carla Speed McNeil (W/A), Ryan Browne (W/A), Jim Alexander (W), Shannon Wheeler (W/A/Cover), Paul Levitz (W), Will Pickering (A), Fin Campbell (A), and Tim Hamilton (A)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 48 pages • $4.99 • Ongoing
Mercy St. Clair returns to DHP this month with Ron Randall’s Trekker: The Volstock Payoff! Paul Levitz and Tim Hamilton’s Brooklyn Blood concludes! Plus, Ryan Browne contributes the hilarious one-shot There’s a Gorilla on the Cover! Carla Speed McNeil’s Finder, Jim Alexander and Will Pickering’s Savant, and Shannon Wheeler’s Too Much Coffee Man round out this issue.
Comics’ premier Anthology!
Dead Inside #5 (of 5)
John Arcudi (W), Toni Fejzula (A), André May (C), and Dave Johnson (Cover)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
What started as a simple murder investigation ended in a prison riot. But it’s not quite over yet—Detective Caruso is betting that if she can get a little closer to the case, she’ll be able to find the missing piece that pulls it all together. But in this case, getting closer means hostage negotiation with an armed convict.
“An intriguing set-up to a compelling mystery, well-executed by the consistently great John Arcudi. And with fantastic-looking art to boot!”—John Layman (Chew)
Dept. H #13
Matt Kindt (W/A/Cover) and Sharlene Kindt (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 28 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
The love of Mia’s life, Alain, is desperately trying to maintain contact with her and the rest of the surviving crew trapped in the Dept. H base. With six miles of ocean between him and the woman he loves, will he be able to help her fight bloodthirsty sea creatures, including psychic jellyfish?
“Dept. H by Matt Kindt is my new fave comic, an underwater sci-fi whodunnit from Dark Horse Comics. Total, total genius!”—Mark Millar (Reborn)
The EC Archives: Crime SuspenStories Volume 3 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale June 14 • FC, 216 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8 3/16” x 11”
Jolting tales of criminals, capers, and tension! Collecting issues #13–#18 of Crime SuspenStories from the twisted artistic talents of Al Feldstein, Johnny Craig, Bill Gaines, Jack Kamen, Sid Check, Al Williamson, Fred Peters, Graham Ingels, George Evans, Joe Orlando, and more. Featuring a foreword by David Del Valle.
ElfQuest: The Final Quest Volume 3 TP
Wendy Pini (W/A/Cover), Richard Pini (W), and Sonny Strait (C)
On sale June 28 • FC, 136 pages • $17.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
The late Angrif Djun’s destructive fleet looms closer, seeking to wreak havoc on the elves and any humans that stand in their defense. Rayek, influenced by the dark, dangerous spirit of Winnowill, fights for control of his very nature. And the Wolfriders try to track down their chief, whose own spirit hangs in the balance.
Collects issues #13-#18.
Empowered and the Soldier of Love #3 (of 3)
Adam Warren (W) and Karla Diaz (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
As the very fabric of reality itself unravels around them in a frighteningly literal “storm of burning passion,” can a desperate Empowered and Ninjette stop the embittered, disillusioned, and out-of-control Soldier of Love from using her supercharged “magical-girl” powers to eradicate the entire concept of love from their city?
2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Empowered!
Story by series creator Adam Warren!
Spectacular art by web comic superstar Karla Diaz!
Empowered Volume 10 TP
Adam Warren (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 21 • b&w, 216 pages • $19.99 • TP, 6 1/2″ x 9”
Costumed crimefighter Empowered, delighted by her long-delayed promotion to full-time membership in the Superhomeys, enjoys a suprasocial-media “victory lap.” But will her newfound satisfaction survive the challenges of obnoxious “white knights,” disturbing cryoprison visits, alarming alien medical scans and—worst of all—the revelation of a lover’s dark secret?
Over 250,000 copies sold of Empowered volumes!
“Adam Warren continues to beat the odds and persists in getting better and better with his spicy superhero romp.”—Johnny Bacardi, Popdose.com
Fate/Zero Volume 5 TP
Shinjiro (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 14 • b&w, 168 pages • $11.99 • TP, 5 1/8″ x 7 1/4″
Two desperate hunts stalk the dark woods that shroud Einzbern Castle, as Lancer and Saber confront the hideous sorcery of Caster, incarnation of the fiendish Gilles de Rais, while Irisviel follows Maiya in search of the master magician Kirei. Is mage killer Kiritsugu risking both his wife and his mistress in a cold-blooded scheme to assassinate Kirei . . . ?
Femina and Fauna: The Art of Camilla d’Errico (Second Edition) HC
Back in print!
Camilla d’Errico (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 132 pages • $24.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
Superstar artist Camilla d’Errico’s first Dark Horse art book, now back in print in an improved and updated second edition!
This revised volume features a new foreword by the creator of the Tokidoki brand, Simone Legno, a new introduction by d’Errico herself, and a selection of additional art unique to this edition. It’s a must-have for all fans of pop and fine art alike!
A new cover, a new introduction by the artist, and new artwork not seen in the first edition!
Frigates of EVE Online: The Cross Sections HC
Paul Elsy (W), Charles White (W), and Will Burns (A/Cover)
On sale June 6 • FC, 160 pages • $29.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
Featuring detailed images of twenty-eight of the most iconic ships in EVE Online, this beautifully illustrated guide offers an unprecedented look into frigates from each faction with intricate cutaways and complex lore. Dark Horse Books is proud to partner with CCP Games to present Frigates of EVE Online: The Cross Sections!
Featuring exclusive looks at the ships from EVE Online!
Game of Thrones Melisandre Figure
On sale August 16 • 8” figure • $27.99
Melisandre is a Red Priestess of Asshai and is possessed of arcane powers and a fatal beauty. She was last seen riding away from Winterfell after the Battle of the Bastards, exiled by Jon Snow. Will she return in Season 7 of HBO’s award-winning adaptation? We think so!
This highly detailed 8” figure captures the stern and determined expression of Melisandre.
Game of Thrones Magnetic Bookmark Set #3
On sale June 14 • Set of four bookmarks • $6.99
Fans following HBO’s Game of Thrones are often referring back to their books, since there are so many characters and plot lines to follow. A great way to keep it all straight is by using these brand new Dark Horse magnetic bookmarks. This third edition features newly selected lush color portraits of four favorite characters in updated costumes.
Game of Thrones 2.25” Magnets
Here is an opportunity for you to enable your customers to truly show allegiance to their favorite Game of Thrones houses. Dark Horse is proud to showcase a collection of twelve individual sigil magnets, measuring 2.25”. Each is produced in full color and bold clarity and packaged individually in a polybag with backing card.
On sale Feb 22
The Goon Library Volume 5 HC
Eric Powell (W/A/Cover), John Arcudi (W), Patton Oswalt (W), Thomas Lennon (W), Mark Buckingham (A), Guy Davis (A), Bill Morrison (A), and Bill Farmer (C)
On sale June 7 • FC, 472 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8” x 12 3/16”
What’s left of the Zombie Priest’s race of witches come after the Goon, forcing him to face his nightmares or lose his town! The witch coven believe that control of Goon’s town will soon be in their grasp and his tragic soul will contribute to the curse that increases their power. But has their plot destroyed the Goon or created a monster too savage for them to withstand?
This library edition collects The Goon Volumes 13–15 and The Goon Noir.
Halo Library Edition Volume 2 HC
Duffy Boudreau (W), Sergio Ariño (P), Douglas Franchin (P/I), Ian Richardson (P), Juan Castro (I), Rob Lean (I), Denis Freitas (I), Carlos Eduardo (I), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Isaac Hannaford (Cover)
On sale June 14 • FC, 296 pages • $49.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
One of the most popular video game franchises ever receives another deluxe hardcover! In this volume, follow the UNSC Spartans as they attempt to halt Dr. Catherine Halsey and Jul ‘Mdama’s pursuit of the Janus Key—the fate of the entire galaxy depends on them! This volume collects Halo: Escalation #13–#24 and features a cover gallery, annotations, and behind-the-scenes extras!
The conclusion of Escalation in a deluxe, oversized hardcover!
Features exclusive annotations!
Includes a cover gallery and behind-the-scenes extras!
Harrow County #22
Cullen Bunn (W) and Tyler Crook (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
When another magical force starts flexing its power in Harrow County, Emmy is surprised to learn that one of her oldest friends may be turning against her. While Emmy has been focused on dealing with threats from the outside world, perhaps a much bigger problem has been brewing at home.
“This is one of the best horror series I’ve ever read. It goes beyond the typical horror stereotypes, and brings a deeper, more sophisticated kind of terror to the audience. This is definitely a series for all horror fans.”—ComicWow!
Hatsune Miku: Acute TP
Shiori Asahina (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 7 • b&w, 172 pages • $10.99 • TP, 5 1/8” x 7 1/4″
Acute, like the three angles of a triangle. Acute, as in the three sharp points. Acute is the tragic relationship between three Vocaloids: Miku, Kaito, and Luka! Once they were all friends making songs—but while Kaito might make a duet with Miku or a duet with Luka, a love song all three of them sing together can only end in sorrow! Based on the song with over 4.4 million combined views on YouTube and Niconico.
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1954—Ghost Moon #2 (of 2)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Brian Churilla (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Mike Huddleston (Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Hellboy squares off against a pair of Chinese demons while Sue psychically hunts down the source of the supernatural trouble in Hong Kong.
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Part One TP
The official continuation of The Legend of Korra!
Michael Dante DiMartino (W), Irene Koh (A/Cover), Jane Bak (C), Vivian Ng (C), and Heather Campbell (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 80 pages • $10.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Relishing their new relationship, Korra and Asami leave the spirit world . . . but find nothing in Republic City but political high jinks and human vs. spirit conflict!
A pompous developer plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already tumultuous connection with the spirits. What’s more, the triads have realigned and are in a brutal all-out brawl at the city’s borders—where hundreds of evacuees have relocated!
Written by series cocreator Michael Dante DiMartino and drawn by Irene Koh (Secret Origins: Batgirl, Afrina and the Glass Coffin), with consultation by Bryan Konietzko, this is the official continuation of The Legend of Korra!
The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts Limited Edition HC
Nintendo (W/A)
On sale Feb 21 • FC, 424 pages • $79.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 9” x 12”
Experience the thrill of finding and unsheathing the Master Sword with The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts limited edition. The sword itself is a 3D embossed sculpt with a metallic foil finish and is printed at the size of an actual sword hilt to give the reader the satisfaction of unsheathing the realistic-looking sword from the acetate sleeve sheathe that encases the book. The cover’s background features the Lost Woods in a deep, custom-mixed purple ink with a soft-touch lamination and spot-gloss UV which is framed with metallic foil. The pages are gilded to round out the premium enhancements.
3D embossed Master Sword!
Acetate sleeve sheathe!
Gilded pages!
Metallic finish!
Contains over 400 pages of illustrations from the thirty year history of Zelda.
The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-First Century (Second Edition) TP
Frank Miller (W), Dave Gibbons (A/Cover), and Angus McKie (C)
On sale June 7 • FC, 600 pages • $29.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Our story begins in the squalid corridors of a maximum-security housing project, where a young girl will rise from the war-torn streets of Chicago to battle injustice in a world insane with corruption. Her fight will take her far, from the frontlines of the second American Civil War to the cold, unforgiving reaches of space. She will be called a hero, a traitor, and nearly everything in between, but all along the way, her courage, her integrity, and her unwavering commitment to that most valuable of rights—liberty—will inspire a movement that will never surrender.
Collecting remastered versions of every Martha Washington, an extensive behind-the-scenes section, an introduction by Frank Miller, and a brand-new cover by Dave Gibbons!
Lobster Johnson: The Pirate’s Ghost #2 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), John Arcudi (W), and Tonci Zonjic (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The Lobster searches for a connection between a missing reporter and the appearance of a ghostly pirate ship.
The Once and Future Queen #2 (of 5)
Adam P. Knave (W), D.J. Kirkbride (W), and Nickolas Brokenshire (A/Cover)
On sale Apr 12 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Battles are fought, weapons are bestowed, and romance begins to blossom! The new queen puts together her own Round Table as Merlin reveals what set the fae war off in the first place, the King in Shadow plots the defeat of humanity, and a devious third party is revealed . . . Are they friend or foe?
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle Extravagonzo HC
A New York Times best-selling series!
Paul Tobin (W), Tim Lattie (A), Matt J. Rainwater (C), and Ron Chan (Cover)
On sale June 14 • FC, 80 pages • $9.99 • HC, 6” x 9”
A new, standalone graphic novel by Paul Tobin and Tim Lattie! Zomboss is back, hoping to buy the same factory at the center of Neighborville that his nemesis Crazy Dave is eyeing! Will Crazy Dave and his intelligent plants beat Zomboss and his zombie army to the punch? The Battle Extravagonzo is on!
The first Plants vs. Zombies original graphic novel!
Prometheus: Life and Death One-Shot
Dan Abnett (W), Brian Albert Thies (A), Rain Beredo (C), David Palumbo (Cover), and Sachin Teng (Variant cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 48 pages • $5.99 • One-shot
The surviving Colonial Marines on the planet LV-223 face a final battle with an injured and enraged Engineer—and, somewhere out in space, three trapped humans seek to change the course of the Engineer’s ship . . . and possibly the history of humanity!
The final installment of the Life and Death saga!
Rebels: These Free and Independent States #2 (of 8)
Brian Wood (W), Andrea Mutti (A), Lauren Affe (C), and Matthew Taylor (Cover)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Twenty years old and already an experienced shipbuilder, John Abbott divides his time between the construction of the USS Constitution and dabbling in the raucous and sometimes violent political demonstrations happening around him. After he falls in with two abolitionists one night in Boston, things take a tragic turn.
From best-selling writer Brian Wood (The Massive, DMZ, Northlanders).
“Brian Wood has resurrected an era of American history that will satisfy the history buff and the lover of good comics alike.”—The Latest Pull
RG Veda Book 3 TP
CLAMP (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 21 • b&w, 656 pages • $24.99 • TP, 5 3/4″ x 8 1/4″
RG Veda (pronounced Rig Veda) is based on the classic Indian saga of the same name. The Six Stars have at last reached Zenmi Palace to confront the evil god-king Taishakuten. As the tyrant prepares to kill them, Kujaku reveals the sign given to those who commit the most heinous of sins. Yet greater evil still is held back only by the seal on Ashura, without which the god of destruction will emerge, unstoppable . . . and if Yasha cannot change his destiny, he must face it—in the conclusion to the epic tale!
The Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop the Reign? #1 (of 4)
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), Frank Miller (Variant cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Apr 19 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Who doesn’t like Surf and Turf? Well, what do you do when Surf and Turf doesn’t like YOU?????????
The Eisner Award–losing and winning drawing-room talkfest The Shaolin Cowboy returns and will try to answer those questions as the titular hero of the series finds that his road to hell is paved not with good intentions but old nemeses hell bent on bloody revenge . . . AGAIN!!!!
Three-time Eisner Award winner Geof Darrow returns to the series Paste called “mind blowing” and io9 called “100% amazing.”
“There’s a lot to like about The Shaolin Cowboy. It’s whacky, over-the-top, and at points laugh-out-loud funny . . . If you don’t enjoy this book, you’re already dead.”—Comic Bastards
Frank Miller variant cover!
Slayer: Repentless HC
Jon Schnepp (W), Guiu Vilanova (A), Mauricio Wallace (C), and Glenn Fabry (Cover)On sale June 28 • FC, 88 pages • $19.99 • HC, 7” x 10”
The ultimate thrash-metal juggernaut, Slayer has laid waste to stages and audiences worldwide for over thirty years, with their latest album, Repentless, furthering their brutal legacy. Based on the savage Repentless videos by BJ McDonnell, this expansion of the video story lines drives deep into the darkest heart of America, a raging road trip down a bloodstained highway, a tale of the doomed, the damned . . . and the repentless! Collects the three-issue miniseries.
Spell on Wheels TP
Kate Leth (W), Megan Levens (A), Marissa Louise (C), and Jen Bartel (Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 136 pages • $14.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Three young witches head out on an East Coast road trip to retrieve their stolen belongings and track down the mysterious thief before he can do any damage to—or with—their possessions. Collects Spell on Wheels #1–#5.
Supernatural meets Buffy and The Craft!
“A lively book that focuses on the strength of relationships that also promises a fun road trip along the way.”—Multiversity Comics
Too Much Coffee Man Omnibus Plus HC
The most complete Too Much Coffee Man collection!
Shannon Wheeler (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 7 • FC, 600 pages • $29.99 • HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
A deluxe hardcover featuring 32 new color story pages! This 600-page Omnibus Plus edition features five previously published Too Much Coffee Man books, plus an all-new color section! These semiautobiographical, hyperintellectual tales will appeal to both comic book insiders and pop culture fanatics. The most complete Too Much Coffee Man collection!
Bonus color Too Much Coffee Man adventures included!
Celebrating the work of Shannon Wheeler in a deluxe hardcover!
Tomb Raider Archives Volume 2 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale June 14 • FC, 480 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8” x 12”
In pursuit of adventure—and the world’s rarest treasures—Lara circles the globe . . . and even goes off the edge of the map. Journey along on her most memorable expeditions as she teams up with a treasure hunter from the future, faces off against Egyptian gods in the afterlife, and searches for love.
This deluxe oversized hardcover collects issues #16–#24 and #26–#34 of the 1999 Top Cow Tomb Raider series and features the art of superstar artists Adam Hughes, Michael Turner, Andy Park, Randy Green, Tony Daniel, and many more!
New writers John Ney Rieber, James Bonny, and Adam Hughes join Dan Jurgens in telling Lara’s story.
Introduction by Tomb Raider all-star Randy Green!
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 31: The Hell Screen TP
Stan Sakai (W/A/Cover)
On sale June 28 • FC, 208 pages • $17.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
In this thrilling volume, the rabbit ronin teams up with—and faces off against—a multitude of unexpected characters: destitute bandits, a renegade kappa, and a komori ninja! Then, Inspector Ishida returns to investigate a ghastly painting known only as the Hell Screen! Collects Usagi Yojimbo issues #152–#158. Foreword by Cullen Bunn (Conan, Harrow County)!
Contains the three-part story arc “The Secret of the Hell Screen”!
100% new-reader friendly!
The Visitor: How and Why He Stayed #3 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Paul Grist (A/Cover), and Bill Crabtree (C)
On sale Apr 26 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The resurgence of a dangerous woman believed to have been killed long ago by the BPRD leads the Visitor to a cult’s compound in the Southwest.
Dark Horse Comics: April 2017 Solicitations Abe Sapien Volume 9: Lost Lives and Other Stories TP Mike Mignola (W), Scott Allie (W), John Arcudi (W), Michael Avon Oeming (A), Mark Nelson (A), Kevin Nowlan (A), Alise Gluškova (A), Santiago Caruso (A), Dave Stewart (C), Juan Ferreyra (A/C), Eduardo Ferreyra (A/C), and Sebastián Fiumara (Cover)
0 notes
chernayawidow · 2 years
Billy: Here's a fun Christmas idea; we'll hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it!
Marlton: We are not doing that.
Misty: Mistlefoe™.
Marlton: Misty no-
14 notes · View notes