sonodaxchoco · 1 month
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What if we both grew up in the worst pocket universe plot device known to man. And we were both girls
Individual versions in the reblog to be paired as u like
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Theÿ should make heirs of fate its own game. with more child units and more varied groups of children together. I wanna see shiro and forrest complain about their dads. I wanna see Soleil and Hisame argue about whether having friends and hobbies is a hindrance on the battlefield. I wanna see Siegbert struggle to deal with a particularly mean and sassy person. I need to see dwyer and mitama talk about chilling and resting. I wanna see Caeldori get offended by being compared to Selena's child's grandmother. I want midori to call someone a bitch.
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fefuckability · 1 year
ROUND 1: Pink haired ladies
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Feel free to rb/comment with your justifications!
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plagues02 · 3 months
Fire Emblem Fates - Next Gen Queer HCs
Pride Month 2024 - Day 25
Kana is aroace
Shigure doesn’t know what exactly his sexuality is, but he has felt attraction to men and women.
Dwyer is trans masc and uses he/it; he’s also gay
Sophie is bisexual with no stronge lean either way.
Midori doesn’t know what’s she’s attacted to. She doesn’t care about relationships yet.
Shiro is pansexual
Kiragu is a trans man, using he/him. He’s on the aroacespectrum.
Asugi is gay
Mitama is on the asexual spectrum.
Hisama is on the aroace spectrum and has a positive view on relationships.
Caeldori is a lesbian
Rhajat is canonically bisexual. She has a fem lean.
Selkie is a trans woman who uses she/her, and she’s bi.
Siegbert is omnisexual with no strong preference either way.
Forrest doesn’t label his gender and uses any pronoun, mainly he/him but he doesn’t mind others. He’s pansexual
Soleil is a lesbian
Ophelia is on the aroace spectrum with an indifferenty opinion on relationships.
Nina is a lesbian
Percy, like Midori, doesn’t care about relationships at his age, but he is bi curious.
Ignatius is gay
Velouria is mpsec, but doesn’t label it. She likes who she likes.
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museinmultitudes · 10 months
❛ you’re lucky you’re cute. ❜ is the mutter that leaves soleil in a huff of breath. obstinate, still, as she draws a sloppy line through the mess of a haiku she had previously written ( or scribbled, if the incoherence of her penmanship was anything to judge ). ❛ how do you do this every day? it takes so long to even think of which words i’m ‘pose to use. ❜
Mitama laughs gently, resting her chin in the palm of her hand to keep her head elevated. She leans over and tries to read Soleil's progress. Unfortunately, Soleil's penmanship is as sharp as her skill is, and Mitama finds herself unable to decipher the mystery.
She chooses to ignore the little compliment, for now. It was not up to Soleil's usual standard. "With years of free time / and solitude in deeprealm / talent can flourish. Father did not leave much for me, and mother found it endearing."
She settles back into her seat with a giggle. "Perhaps think less of the words and more on the desired outcome first. The meaning, the imagery. You may then craft your words around that and whittle down as needed."
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chickenmcnuggies · 1 year
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Update 2.0.0 of Unofficial Gay Fates is here! After over three years of working on this project, we've finally hit 2.0.0, and wanted to make this update a little more special. This update adds in a new title screen for the mod, changing the 'Fates' on the title screen to a rainbow. This is edited for each route of the game! In addition, the cutscene that plays upon attaining your first S support now has two gender-neutral figures, instead of a man and woman's. Big thanks to Tru for making both of these edits!
In addition, we've also added another paralogue edit, this time for Shigure. As both Jakob and Felicia appear in the intro depending on your Avatar's gender, there are two different variants. One for if Jakob is married to Azura, and another if Felicia is.
As for added supports, 28 have been added! They are as follows:
Romantic: Effie x Nyx S, Laslow x Ryoma, Hana x Effie S, Reina x Benny, Silas x Saizo, Niles x Izana, Nina x Hisame, Saizo x Camilla, Jakob x Leo, Niles x Azama, Anna x Orochi, Jakob x Izana, Saizo x Xander, Asugi x Siegbert, Scarlet x Hinata
Platonic: Silas/Gunter, Niles/Soleil, Elise/Beurka
Parent Child: Hinoka/Soleil PC, Camilla/Asugi PC, Azama/Nina PC, Niles/Mitama PC, Silas/Asugi PC, Saizo/Sophie PC, Izana/Nina PC
Sibling: Shiro/Soleil Sib, Mitama/Nina Sib, Sophie/Asugi Sib
As per usual the mod can be found at it's gamebanna page here (X), and you can watch all the uploaded supports here on youtube (X)
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
For the ask game: Ophelia and Camillia
HELL YEAHH hi stedy :) starting with ophelia
How I feel about this character
shes so cute. obviously super similar to her dad and while i feel like she doesnt do the chuuni thing quite as well, i think its cute that its mostly in an attempt to emulate her father, the bestest guy in the world to her, which differentiates it from odin’s mannerisms that were formed as a coping mechanism. shes just very happy and i love that for her :)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i remember really liking her with hisame at one point? i think i still do but i cannot tell you what their support is about. i forgot entirely. honestly, i need to brush up on the fates second gen because theyre a huge blank spot in my mind 😭 but like, conceptually, i also like her with shiro, caeldori, nina, forrest, and mitama. i just have to actually read those…
My non-romantic OTP for this character
i like her little trio with forrest and nina :) theyre so cute in heirs of fate… i wish we could see more of the second gen dynamic like that. in my head i also like her friendship with soleil, but… in terms of whats given to me in the game… its just… eugh.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i dont think she’s a better unit than odin in conquest. i guess it can depend on who her mom is, but odin is generally going to have much more survivability due to his defense and hp + joining you pretty early, making his role as a nostank reliable and costs zero effort. ophelia takes time, and ideally you want to hold off on getting her for skills/offspring seals. any early game build can be done with nyx or elise, to less potency maybe, but with way less effort especially now that the best way of support grinding (mycastle easy seize) is no longer possible. of course, you can use dlc maps but if you take dlc into account conquest is a whole different game.
One thing I wish had happened
how about something i wish didnt happen? her support with soleil is genuinely one of these most uncomfortable things i have ever read in fire emblem which is saying a lot! because the writing in these games suck! for the most part it is soleil’s problem and not ophelia’s, so maybe i shouldn’t be complaining about it here, but i dunno man. its just… its so bad. i cant even read it in game like it gets a physical reaction out of me and not a positive one.
ok camilla now :)
How I feel about this character
i love her lots :) my savior on conquest and she had the best hair in the game. her supports are… pretty unfortunate most of the time but i think the ones that matter are really good and she’s a really sympathetic character when you get over intelligent systems not trusting in her enough to be popular and slapping the gooner bait “big sister” crap on her
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i really dont have a major preference for her? in game, i usually prefer pairings that give her a kid because 1) woag god stats and 2) her hair color is sooo good i cannot waste it. but in terms of just shipping, shes good with like. everyone. some supports are bad but i can get over most of them if i like the ship as a concept. but off the top of my head i like her with selena, beruka, takumi, saizo, peri, laslow, odin, niles, hinoka, charlotte, arthur, reina, probably more but. yeah shes versatile to me. godmilla
My non-romantic OTP for this character
leo!! all the nohr siblings really but i think camilla and leo specifically are just. they give me lots of brain worms. elise obviously wasnt born yet to exeprience the concubine wars, and as the heir and, iirc, the only legitimate son garon had, xander didn’t really get involved as much either. im sure it affected him, but he wasn’t there actually taking part in it. leo and camilla shoulder a lot for their siblings and i think its very interesting that despite it all, theyre probably the only people that can ever really understand what the other has been through. and i enjoy their supports too, with leo wanting camilla’s attention but not being willing to voice it, and camilla understanding that her smothering would probably just piss him off so she tries to avoid it, until they ultimately find a healthy medium and can start to kind of… work on their relationship with eachother after everything. i love them lots :)
My unpopular opinion about this character
im not sure i have one? i feel like opinions on camilla are so all over the place so its kind of hard to have one thats “unpopular.” but i’ll say that i prefer her in malig knight rather than wyvern lord which is probably the worse play in most scenarios but… oohh hot lady on undead dragon… im very simple.
One thing I wish had happened
more elaboration on her past and her mother and some more story relavance for her. she just kinda… fades into the back after leo and xander come which happens with the other sisters too, but still……
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thinking of a time travel au for fates gen 2, because deeprealms are a terrible way to get the kids. but the campaign chosen doesn't necessarily dictate the kids you get
so it's kind of like heirs of fate, where they come from two different world. thanks to a combination of Lilith, the orb that was entrusted to the Awakening trio, and the appropriate Corrin kids, they are able to travel back in tim
the timeline diverges as early as a few years before the game starts. this time, Corrin ends up on Rev instead.
found alongside Midori at a Hoshidan village. Mikoto discreetly asks Kaze to take in both girls and insists they be treated as important guests, particularly Kana. She's already there when Corrin is taken to the castle. (Dead in BR)
blames himself for not being able to save M!Kana, and is the first person to encourage mutual cooperation between the two factions. Applies to be a butler at Northern Fortress to get close to Corrin, who recognizes him from her visions. Inherits Yato. (Dead in BR)
sticks around to help, but dyes his hair, changes his name (as in canon), and never tells his parents who he is. when his lady doesn't show up, he leaves to find her and takes on the name "Gaius". Caeldori's retainer. (Dead in BR)
falls into Ylisse, and while scouring the skies to try and find Asugi and to find out where she is, she's found by Phila. She takes on the name "Cordelia" and becomes a part of Ylisse's Pegasus Knight squad (Dead in BR)
deeply curious about her cousin Asugi and just young enough to not understand why he resents her so much. She's mostly kept off the battlefield. Is training to be F!Kana's retainer, and has her existence revealed by Soleil. (Does not exist in BR)
promptly ends up having her identity revealed to her parents because she has a brand, being the first one as well, after Laslow finds her in a bar. Is the first instance of Nohr realizing something is up. Inherits Falchion. Siegbert's retainer. (Dead in BR)
first prince of Nohr and leader of the army. Also feels guilty for the loss of his two cousins. Runs into his mother before she ever encounters Corrin and is recruited alongside her. Inherited Siegfried. Does not tell his father until much later. (Does not exist in BR)
Grows up close to Caeldori, due to her father formerly being the Queen's retainer. Next in line to be chief of the Fire Tribe, she attempts to find Caeldori and Asugi by heading to Hoshido. Reveals herself to Azama first. (Dead in BR)
second princess of Nohr and representative of the Wolfskin. Was raised mostly isolated from the human world. Is the second person to reveal herself. Winds up at Mt Garou and tracks down her father. (Does not exist in BR)
One of the last characters to join the cast. He is found with Shigure and is relieved to find that the two factions are getting along. Is the first person, alongside Shigure, to make sense of Valla. Dwyer's retainer. Charlotte recognizes immediately. (Does not exist in BR)
Second youngest of the Hoshidan and Nohrian families. Grew up in Hoshido before his father died protecting him and his mother, before moving to Nohr. Inherited Fujin Yumi. Readily reveals himself to his parents. (Does not exist in BR)
Inherits Yato after his brother dies. Reunites with his sister after his grandmother orders Kaze to quietly bring him to the castle as well. Due to his blade, the royal family is also informed about the appearance of children from the future. (Dead in CQ)
second prince of Nohr. Is just old enough to recall his mother. Inherited her writings and her song, alongside the warnings that come with it. Mentioned above, becomes friends with Ignatius. (Does not exist in CQ)
third prince of Nohr. The sword he carries is the same one his father named after him. While okay with an alliance with the other faction, is stubbornly against revealing their identity to their parents. Joins as a samurai at the castle to be able to watch over his mother. (Does not exist in CQ)
next in line to be chief of the Wind Tribe. Is very close to Forrest. Winds up in Plegia after being chased by Faceless, only to run into Grimleal. Takes on the name "Tharja". (Does not exist in CQ)
first prince of Nohr. Is very excited to find out he has cousins in another world and wishes to get to know his aunt and uncle. One of the first to reveal himself, namely to Sakura, once she and the rest of Corrin's gang head to Izana's place. Inherits Brynhildr, but struggles to use it. (Dead in CQ)
grew up in Ylisse without her father, eventually deciding to chase him down because she was unwilling to believe he was dead. Ended up getting roped into fighting, and wastes no time introducing herself to her father. Forrest's retainer. Has her existence revealed by Soleil beforehand. (Dead in CQ)
first prince of Hoshido and the leader of the army. Feels responsible for losing Dwyer and M!Kana. When alternate Dwyer approaches him with friendship in mind, he is initially apprehensive but agrees. Kagero finds him first as he tries to warn her about Mokushu. Inherits Raijinto. (Does not exist in CQ)
Forrest's retainer. Stays with Forrest and does not wish to reveal her identity. Aids Hinoka and the rest in saving Sakura, requesting only that they hear Forrest out. (Dead in CQ)
representative of the Kitsune. Grew up close with Dwyer and Kanas. Shiro's third in command after Asugi dies and witnessed Dwyer's death. Winds up at Kitsune Hamlet and misses most of the action. (Does not exist in CQ)
Treated by Forrest as a younger sibling. Was taken in by Camilla after his parents' deaths. Used to the kind, motherly version of her, he tries to tell her immediately. Soleil is thankfully there to stop him. Kept off the battlefield due to his age. (Dead in CQ)
First Dwyer's, then Kana's retainer. Chooses to reunite with her father first, introducing herself as a distant cousin. After he disappears, she attempts to track him down. (Does not exist in CQ)
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airlock · 8 months
CYL8 Nerding - Internal Top 20 (Ylisse - Elyos)
I think I usually count to the top 25 but I forgot about that until the last moment this year, whops
anyway, here's this year's best voted within their own continuities -- for Ylisse, TMS#FE, Hoshido & Nohr, Fódlan, Elyos and Zenith. the remainder are up on a previous post!
YLISSE (previous winners: Lucina, ylisse!Tiki, Chrom, m!Robin) #1: f!Robin (12319 votes) #2: Tharja (5335 votes) #3: Cordelia (1230 votes) #4: Grima (1021 votes) #5: ylisse!Anna (1014 votes; 2545 with other Annas) #6: Nowi (843 votes) #7: f!Morgan (839 votes; 1016 with m!Morgan) #8: Lon'qu (742 votes) #9: Henry (615 votes) #10: Severa (588 votes; 756 with Selena) #11: Owain (562 votes; 701 with Odin) #12: Vaike (495 votes) #13: Olivia (448 votes) #14: Lissa (379 votes) #15: Cherche (376 votes) #16: Inigo (360 votes; 548 with Laslow) #17: Sumia (352 votes) #18: Gaius (334 votes) #19: Noire (279 votes) #20: Donnel (264 votes)
TMS#FE #1: Tsubasa & Caeda (4092 votes) #2: Itsuki & Chrom (3696 votes) #3: Touma & Cain (3364 votes) #4: Maiko (918 votes) #5: TMS #FE!Tiki (906 votes; 1658 with akaneia!Tiki)
HOSHIDO & NOHR (previous winners: Camilla, f!Corrin) #1: Azura (8466 votes) #2: m!Corrin (3797 votes) #3: Leo (2684 votes) #4: Takumi (2491 votes) #5: Xander (891 votes) #6: Felicia (784 votes) #7: Sakura (678 votes) #8: Scarlet (641 votes) #9: Soleil (574 votes) #10: Ryoma (537 votes) #11: Hinoka (496 votes) #12: Mozu (489 votes) #13: Beruka (488 votes) #14: Elise (481 votes) #15: Mitama (446 votes) #16: Niles (444 votes) #17: Effie (418 votes) #18: Kagero (407 votes) #19: Peri (403 votes) #20: Selkie (402 votes)
FÓDLAN (previous winners: Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Lysithea, Gatekeeper, Marianne, f!Byleth) #1: Bernadetta (19600 votes) #2: Felix (11612 votes) #3: m!Byleth (10663 votes) #4: Hilda (4061 votes) #5: m!Shez (3839 votes; 6803 with f!Shez) #6: this too is Yuri (3648 votes) #7: Sylvain (3100 votes) #8: f!Shez (2964 votes) #9: Dorothea (2929 votes) #10: Ashe (2003 votes) #11: Petra (1347 votes) #12: Hubert (1300 votes) #13: Ingrid (1251 votes) #14: Linhardt (1064 votes) #15: Ferdinand (984 votes) #16: Rhea (936 votes; 1208 with Seiros) #17: Mercedes (915 votes) #18: Sothis (913 votes) #19: Annette (865 votes) #20: Hapi (852 votes)
ELYOS #1: Yunaka (10035 votes) #2: Ivy (9082 votes) #3: f!Alear (8316 votes; 12737 with m!Alear) #4: Diamant (6356 votes) #5: Alcryst (4728 votes) #6: m!Alear (4421 votes) #7: Veyle (4233 votes) #8: Lapis (3423 votes) #9: Rosado (3235 votes) #10: Goldmary (2813 votes) #11: Panette (2614 votes) #12: Alfred (2171 votes) #13: Nel (1961 votes) #14: Timerra (1795 votes) #15: Céline (1722 votes) #16: Hortensia (1594 votes) #17: Pandreo (1359 votes) #18: Merrin (1285 votes) #19: Mauvier (1189 votes) #20: Citrinne (1134 votes) (and since this is the interesting new thing this year: the next ones down from here are Fogado, Chloé, Framme, Kagetsu, and Lady Anna)
ZENITH (previous winners: Veronica, Gullveig) #1: Alfonse (13286 votes) #2: Sharena (6782 votes) #3: Freyja (5075 votes) #4: Fjorm (1478 votes) #5: Níðhöggr (1222 votes) #6: Nerþuz (1096 votes) #7: Seiðr (928 votes) #8: Hræsvelgr (769 votes) (nice) #9: Kvasir (749 votes) #10: Loki (735 votes) #11: Bruno (713 votes) #12: Askr (665 votes) #13: Plumeria (654 votes) #14: Líf (619 votes) #15: Laegjarn (607 votes) #16: Heiðr (430 votes) #17: Eitr (421 votes) #18: Hríd (380 votes) #19: zenith!Anna (376 votes; 2545 with other Annas) #20: Henriette (367 votes)
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not anon but now im wondering, which convos havent been translated? i use these for reference a lot (thank you for all your hard work!) so i wanna see which ones i need to read off pegasus knight
That is a very good question and would require searching the master list and tags carefully. I know most of them are written, though. I think all the ones from the Nohrian festival have been done, but a few from the Hoshidan festival haven’t. And there are soooooo many!!! It’s hard to keep track.
Took some sleuthing because it is legitimately hard to find (I could only find it on the desktop website, actually) but here are the master lists in a format that I hope leads to live links: (Edit after posting: if you’re on the Tumblr mobile app you may need to copy the links and paste them in a web browser. That was the only way I could view the master lists on my phone.)
https://fe14festivalofbondstranslations.tumblr.com/hoshidan-masterlist-neutral (Hoshidan Festival Master List Neutral, for the children available in every route: Kanna, Shigure, Dwyer, Sophie, and Midori.)
https://fe14festivalofbondstranslations.tumblr.com/hoshidan-masterlist-birthright (Hoshidan Festival Master List Birthright, for the children available in Birthright and Revelation only: Shiro, Kiragi, Asugi, Selkie, Hisame, Mitama, Caeldori, and Rhajat.)
https://fe14festivalofbondstranslations.tumblr.com/hoshidan-masterlist-conquest (Hoshidan Festival Master List Conquest, for the children available in Conquest and Revelation only: Siegbert, Forrest, Ignatius, Velouria, Percy, Ophelia, Soleil, and Nina.)
https://fe14festivalofbondstranslations.tumblr.com/nohrian-masterlist (Master List for the Nohrian Festival of bonds, which are all conversations between adults who do not have normal support conversations.)
Also, I’m glad you mentioned Pegasus Knight! That’s actually where I get the source text from. You can see the original Japanese text for the Hoshidan festival here and the Nohrian festival here.
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fatesdeepdive · 11 months
Entry 123: The Kids Are Good Now!
I’ve saved this DLC for last, out of hope that it will be good. Heirs of Fate was a six-part DLC, focussed on the child characters. I know very little about it, but assume it will be similar to Future Past, an equivalent DLC from Awakening.
Xenologue 15: Heirs of Fate I: In Endless Dreams
The chapter begins with Shigure in Valla narrating about something that happened in another realm. In this realm, the child units weren't recruited. Corrin and company won the war, but on the same day they were victorious, armies attacked the children. The army split up to save their kids and died in battle. The chapter cuts to female Kana walking alone in the rain, saying that, if she was stronger, then maybe Corrin wouldn't have died.
Kana runs into Mitama and Selkie, who've been through the same thing. Kana explains Corrin told her to run and heard screams behind her as she fled. She waited for Corrin to come back, but he never did. Mitama explains that she slept through Azama yelling for her to wake up and that, by the time she awoke, her home was destroyed. She lost sight of Azama and assumes he is dead. She wonders if he would have lived if she woke up sooner. Selkie says she saw Kaden's torn scarf, but no body, and hopes he's still alive.
Vallite soldiers pop up. Selkie wants revenge, but Mitama points out they're outnumbered and tells her she must honor Kaden's sacrifice. The girls spot Hisame and Kiragi fighting Vallite soldiers in the distance. Kiragi has the Fujin Yumi, but misses because he hasn't practiced with it. Hisame says to run away. Kana, Selkie, and Mitama run in to help the others. Kiragi says he needs to save his father by beating the Vallite soldiers. He refuses to run and finally manages to kill the soldiers.
Kana asks him to teach her how to use legendary weapons, so she can rescue her father. Kiragi recognizes her sword as Yato and tells her to keep trying until it works. Yato transforms into Noble Yato as more soldiers appear. Kana kills one with Yato. Hisame realizes that they need to fight together because running would put them in danger. Selkie convinces Mitama to fight too.
The battle begins, reusing the map from Xander's boss fight in Birthright. This chapter is a defeat the boss map. Said boss is Siegbert? But like, a ghostly Vallite Siegbert. Soleil, Ingatius, Percy, and Velouria fight alongside him. This chapter was surprisingly difficult, after having played Revelation. Fates is filled with things like My Castle, Supports, and grinding to cheese the game, but this map forced me to use weak, under-leveled children who can't gain exp. It was actually a really fun map.
After the battle, Azura's ghost pops up. She doesn't say her name but I have eyes. The kids recognize her for some reason. Azura gives Kana a dragonstone and tells her to upgrade Yato into the Fire Emblem. Kana asks if the dads are dead. Azura doesn't know, but says they promised her they would live life to the fullest. She hints at the fact that she faded away at the end of Birthright and Conquest, explaining why she's a ghost. She hints that something is strange about the ghost soldiers.
Back in Valla, narrator Shigure sings the Birthright version of Lost In Thoughts All Alone, saying it's for players who bought Birthright. He explains that the song can grant miracles, but says once you take hold of it, your soul will sink below the waves, unable to be reached by anyone. He says that, despite this, he can't stop himself from doing what must be done...
Fuck that was good! The map was solid and the writing left me intrigued! I want to know more. More importantly, the kids are complex characters! I think the thing that made the Awakening kids work better is the grief, the fact that they lost their parents. This chapter gives the Fates kids that same grief. I love Kana hating herself for being weak, Mitama blaming her sleepiness for her father’s death, Selkie foolishly clinging to hope, Kiragi refusing to give up in the face of adversity, and Hisame being a loyal protector of his liege. This chapter rocks!
Support: Caeldori/Nina
C: Caeldori asks Nina to teach her how to stealth. Nina is excited because Caeldori is super talented. B: The two of them go on a scouting mission together and discuss battle strategies. A: Caeldori and Nina take out enemies by having one of them act as a distraction. Review: Very boring. Nina being in awe of Caeldori could be interesting, but this Support doesn't do anything with it.
Support: Hisame/Fana
C: Kana sees Hisame practicing swordfighting and asks him to fight her. She turns into a dragon because she read a book about knights beating dragons and wants to beat a knight. Hisame refuses.
B: Hisame explains that stories of fighting dragons aren't real and that he couldn't fight Kana with storybook zeal. Kana still wants to fight.
A: Kana calls Hisame a dashing knight, so Hisame decides to instead do a swordfight between two knights. Kana agrees.
S: Hisame sees the storybook and realizes that Kana could also be the princess in the tower. Kana suggests they reinterpret the book so it's about a dragon saving a boy. Hisame decides to write stories for Kana.
Review: Kana wanting to beat up a knight is fun and Hisame is nice and understanding. This one is good.
Support: Dwyer/Ophelia
C: Dwyer makes Ophelia tea. She thinks it's amazing and legendary, which means Dwyer is a chosen one.
B: Ophelia comes up with better names for Dwyer's tea.
A: Ophelia says the name tea is boring, but relents when Dwyer threatens to stop making tea.
S: Dwyer tries to do Ophelia's chuni shit when he tells her he loves her.
Review: A really good S-Rank preceded by three mediocre Supports.
Support: Shigure/Velouria
C: Velouria asks Shigure to paint a painting of her garbage collection because she has to throw some of them out.
B: Shigure paints it in a way that makes it look beautiful out of an attempt to capture Velouria's point of view. Velouria is annoyed, because she has eyes and knows what her garbage looks like.
A: Shigure remakes the painting, this time more accurate. Velouria thinks it's wonderful. Velouria also keeps the first painting, because it was a gift from a friend.
S: Shigure explains that Velouria likes things associated with death and decay. She thinks that things that show nothing in life is permanent are beautiful and embraces the impermanence of life. Shigure finds Velouroia interesting. Velouria insists there is no deeper meaning, but agrees to a date.
Review: I love Shigure's monologue about decay in the S-Rank.
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sorry if you’ve been asked this before but out of curiosity who are your favorite parents for the fates kids? if you have any of course
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!!! under the cut
kana - arthur, benny, saizo, tsubaki, keaton, kagero, charlotte, oboro, scarlet, kaze, and kaden (so many sorry)
shigure - kaden, arthur, kaze, benny, and laslow (also sometimes saizo but that's more because i like asugi and shigure as siblings)
dwyer - beruka (jakob/beruka divorcee au btw), selena (also divorced), silas, and flora
sophie - hinoka (more me liking her as sophie's mom than liking silas/hinoka) and jakob. i also like felicia as sophie's mom but not felicia/silas. they had a kid then both realized they were gay and got divorced.
midori - azura, laslow, selena (strictly me liking selena as her mom, not selena/kaze), male corrin, and takumi
shiro - SETSUNA!!! i believe in ryoma/setsuna supremacy. also hinata!
kiragi - oboro, kagero, and kaze. i think niles!kiragi would rule tho and i find the concept of takumi/charlotte funny so her as well
asugi - either corrin, tsubaki (asugi and caeldori as twins <3), kaden, leo (i'm insane about leosaizo btw), hinoka, and oboro. rinkah as asugi's mom is so epic but rinkah is such a big ol lesbian. i also think asugi looks very nice camilla's hair but imaging camilla/saizo is like. insane. they would NOT get along at all
mitama - orochi
hisame - ryoma!!! but i also like oboro and selena as his moms as well
caeldori - either corrin, saizo, selena (literally so funny to me), oboro, orochi, kagero, and hinoka
rhajat - sakura and hana
selkie - male corrin, azura, and saizo
siegbert - selena!! i love xander/selena so much <3 charlotte and hinoka as well
forrest - selena, odin, saizo, beruka, hinoka, laslow, and keaton
soleil - azura, kaze, niles, keaton, beruka, orochi, leo, and camilla
ophelia - leo and selena (more as a concept)
nina - beruka, laslow, camilla, and setsuna
percy - either corrin, benny, selena, beruka, charlotte, azura, and camilla
ignatius - either corrin, camilla, selena, keaton, and azura
velouria - leo, camilla, selena, laslow, and benny
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fireemblemshowdown · 1 year
Fire Emblem Fates Round One
Time for a good old-fashioned Hoshido vs Nohr brawl! Where possible, I've pitted Hoshidan characters against their Nohrian counterparts. I'll keep that trend up as much as I can in future rounds, but there's always the chance that one kingdom will end up dominating the other!
Also if you're reading this, please click through here and vote in the poll to determine how I should address tagging errors in past Three Houses/Three Hopes polls!
The Fire Emblem Fates matches are listed below the cut!
F!Corrin vs M!Corrin
Azura vs Jakob
Felicia vs Flora
Silas vs Kaze
Mozu vs Shura
Ryoma vs Xander
Hinoka vs Camilla
Takumi vs Leo
Sakura vs Elise
Saizo vs Laslow
Kagero vs Peri
Setsuna vs Selena
Azama vs Beruka
Hinata vs Odin
Oboro vs Niles
Hana vs Effie
Subaki vs Arthur
Hayato vs Benny
Rinkah vs Charlotte
Orochi vs Nyx
Kaden vs Keaton
Reina vs Gunter
Scarlet vs Yukimura
Izana vs Fuga
M!Kana vs F!Kana
Shigure vs Dwyer
Sophie vs Midori
Shiro vs Siegbert
Kiragi vs Forrest
Asugi vs Soleil
Mitama vs Percy
Hisame vs Ignatius
Caeldori vs Ophelia
Rhajat vs Nina
Selkie vs Velouria
Anna vs Lilith
Mikoto vs Sumeragi
Garon vs Anankos
Iago vs Arete
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fefuckability · 1 year
Qualifier 3: Fates
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Feel free to rb/comment with your justifications!
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museinmultitudes · 9 months
Mitama anyone you wouldnt mind shirtless
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"Shiro is fairly handsome, but I do not feel like that is a challenge to achieve." Training and such. "Soleil is likely similar...and Asugi practically teases it with his ninja outfit, so that would be fine as well."
She is intentionally leaving someone out, just for the fun of it.
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chickenmcnuggies · 8 months
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Unofficial Gay Fates 2.1.0 Is here! This update adds in 64 new supports, as well as implemented the new Custom Endings I showed off before! This release features 105 custom endings.
Big thanks to sketchi, who not only commissioned the code patch for the endings from Tildehat, but also wrote quite a few of the ones in this update! Also shoutouts to Tru and Tsunny, who wrote most of the other endings implemented, as well as their usual help coding supports.
Speaking of coding supports, this update would not have remotely as many new supports were it not for Cherrycrow, Mathcat, and Sylvie, who did the bulk of the coding work this update!
As for supports added:
ROMANTIC: Nyx x Azura, Hinoka x Anna, Izana x Yukimura, Selena x Shura, Mozu x Rinkah, Odin x Xander, Kaden x Saizo, Izana x Gunter, Benny x Subaki, Effie x Felicia, Rinkah x Nyx, Jakob x Ryoma, Keaton x Leo, Mozu x Charlotte, Odin x Keaton, Saizo x Izana, Mozu x Setsuna, Jakob x Kaden, Takumi x Hayato, Gunter x Fuga, Hayato x Leo, Izana x Kaze, Izana x Fuga, Mozu x Orochi, Mozu x Kagero, Izana x Odin, Izana x Shura, Nina x Mitama, Fuga x Peri (Platonic S)
PLATONIC: Sakura/Anna, Sakura/Orochi, Elise/Siegbert, Elise/Nyx, Oboro/Elise, Beruka/Rhajat
PARENT/CHILD: Hayato/Forrest PC, Leo/Rhajat PC, Kaden/Dwyer PC, Jakob/Selkie PC, Benny/Caledori PC, Subaki/Ignatius PC, Xander/Ophelia PC, Saizo/Selkie PC, Kaden/Asugi PC, Leo/Velouria PC, Jakob/Shiro PC, Keaton/Forrest PC, Ryoma/Dwyer PC, Kaze/Soleil PC, Shura/Percy PC, Mozu/Kana(M) PC, Izana/Shigure PC, Benny/Percy PC, Leo/Nina PC, Arthur/Ignatius PC, Niles/Forrest PC
SIBLING: Dwyer/Selkie SIB, Siegbert/Ophelia SIB, Ignatius/Caeldori SIB, Dwyer/Shiro SIB, Asugi/Selkie SIB, Velouria/Forrest SIB, Siegbert/Asugi SIB, Forrest/Nina SIB
If you'd like to see what endings are implemented, I'd recommend checking out our new spreadsheet page, which has all the implemented ones marked off in green, in addition to listing their text!
As per usual, the update can be found on our gamebanana page!
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