#miyaki sakura
queertigo · 1 year
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weak in the knees
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kpopxcolors · 6 years
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IZ*ONE - Where the heart iz ?
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fraxinus89 · 5 years
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▼Game Title: YS IX ~Monstrum Nox~
Platform: Playstation 4
Release Date: September 26, 2019
Official Site: https://www.falcom.co.jp/ys9/
◆ Adol Christin (CV: Yuki Kaji)
◆ Dogi (CV: Kenta Miyaki)
◆ White Cat (CV: Mikako Komatsu)
◆ Hawk (CV: Kaito Ishikawa)
◆ Doll (CV: Aina Suzuki)
◆ Renegade (CV: Hiro Shimono)
◆ Raging Bull (CV: Ayane Sakura)
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~Admin Shou~
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yagura-nao · 8 years
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missmyloko · 3 years
The List of Kyoto Ochaya
On The First Day Of Fun I present... a recent request! This list is as accurate as I know it to be, but some ochaya may have closed in the time between the publishing of this list and now. So, without further ado, here’s the list: Gion Kobu Andō (安藤) Bizenya (備前屋) Dainui (大ヌイ) Daitsune (大恒) Fujimoto (藤本) Fukushima (福嶋) Fusanoya (房の家) Hiromatsu (比路松) Hiroshimaya (廣島屋) Ichiriki (一力) Ikedaya (池田屋) Imamura (いまむら) Imasa (井政) Izumimasa (泉政) Katō (加藤) Kikyōya (桔梗家) Kimurasaki (木村咲) Kineya (きねや) Koishi (小石) Kojimaya (こじま屋) Kumi (玖見) Kyōya (京屋) Manito (万イト) Mankiku (万喜久) Maruhachi (丸八) Masanoya (政の屋) Masuume (桝梅) Matsubamoto (松葉元) Matsuda (松田) Matsuyae (松八重) Minofumi (美乃文) Minotake (みの竹) Minoya (みの家) Minoyae (美の八重) Morita (もりた) Murakami (むら上) Ninben (亻) Tachibana (立花) Takeda (たけ田) Tama (多麻) Tokiya (登喜家) Tomiyo (富美代) Tondaya (富田屋) Tsujiito (辻糸) Tsurui (つる居) Odamoto (小田本) Ofuku (お福) Okaai (岡愛) Okakimi (岡きみ) Onaka (大仲) Ōmisaku (近江作) Umenoya (梅の家) Yamafuku (やまふく) Yamakayo (山加代) Yanagi (やなぎ) Yasuda (弥す田) Yoshikishi (芳きし) Yoshimasa (よしまさ) Yoshiuta (吉うた) Pontocho Chienoya (千栄の家) Dai Ichi (大市) Eitō (栄藤) Fukumoto (福本) Hatsunoya (初乃屋) Iyuki (井雪) Kusu (楠) Kusumoto (楠本) Masunoya (桝之矢) Matsumoto (松本) Miyoshi (三芳) Nishisato (西里) Ryūmoto (龍本) Sasaki (さ々き) Tagawa (田川) Tanmika (丹美賀) Tanyone (丹米) Tanzuru (丹鶴) Uedaume (上田梅) Yasui (やすい) Yoshifuku (吉富久) Kamishichiken Dai Ichi (大市) Daimasa (大まさ) Daimonji (大文字) Daitaka (大多か) Fujiiku (藤幾) Ichi (市) Nakasato (中里) Sakura (さくら) Umeno (梅乃) Miyagawa Cho Daidama (大玉) Fujishima (藤島) Fujiwara (ふじ原) Hamaguchi (はまぐち) Hanafusa (花ふさ) Haruta (春田) Harutomi (春富) Hatanaka (畑中) Honjo (本城) Horiyae (堀八重) Ishihatsu (いし初) Kaden (花傳) Kawahisa (川久) Kawanami (河なみ) Kawayoshi (河よ志) Kikumasa (貴久政) Kinuya (きぬ家) Komaya (駒屋) Mikiya (三木家) Minatoya (湊家) Mitsuya (美津家) Miyaki (みやき) Shigemori (しげ森) Sugatomi (寿賀富) Sugikimi (杉きみ) Takayoshi (高よし) Tamaya (たまや) Takemoto (たけもと) Toshikimi (利きみ) Yakushigawa (薬師川) Yoshifumi (よし冨美) Yoshikimi (好きみ) Yukinoya (雪の家) Gion Higashi Fukuya (福家) Kanoya (叶家) Man (まん) Nakayū (中勇) Sakaemasa (栄政) Shigenoya (繁の家) Tanakanami (田中菜美) Tomikiku (富菊)
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enzointokyo · 4 years
April 2003
I’d allowed myself a 12 month folly Japan.  It would be an adventure where I could work, save a bit of money, do some traveling, meet some interesting people and experience the craziness of Japanese culture.  Then I would return home and get a proper job.  Having just completed my post grad diploma it was about time I started a career but I really just wanted that one more year off adventure before settling down.
I arrived in Japan in January last year so 3 months overdue on my self-promise and I’m still not ready to go home yet.  Not nearly ready to go home.  
But then, I could never, not in a million years, have predicted where I’d be right now, lying in bed next to Nobuko, the beautiful wife of a pro baseballer, in her beautiful house in a Den En Chofu.
I took an instant disliking to Nobuko when I first met her at Stella, the English school where I was working.  I remember seeing her for the first time, waiting in the reception area as I exited a teaching cubical,  She stood out.  She was beautiful, dressed and groomed immaculately.  Perfect hair and makeup.  Wowsers, she’s hot I thought.  But then I quickly realised her face was scarred by a perma-scowl.  I saw the way she talked to the Japanese reception staff.  Demanding, snobby rude.  My Japanese was basically non existent back then but it was good enough to get the gist of her attitude.  She was causing a fuss, demanding a last minute change to the timetable.  What I didn’t realise is that she was demanding  
After she caught a glimpse of me she insisted that I be her teacher for her 1 hour English lesson.  Students were not not able to request specific teachers for their lessons but Nobuko always paid extra for the private 1-on-1 lessons,  for both herself and her son and she was...Nobuko so she got what she wanted.  Her son, Airo, was no nicer than her.  A very good looking kid, maybe 9 years old and already a promising baseballer, Nobuko doted on him.  Plenty of just the right right ingredients to produce a spoilt brat.
During our lessons Nobuko didn’t bother to speak much. She mostly sat there looking bored, expecting me to entertain her for one long hour.  And when she did deign to speak it was mostly in Japanese.  I would initiate lots of conversations and try to keep them going, occasionally managing to say something silly enough to get a smile or small laugh out of her. At least I would get a little bit of practice listening and speaking Japanese during Nobuko’s lessons.
Airo was no more interested in learning English than his mum and taking his lessons was way worse than taking Nobuko’s.  I’d much rather be stuck in a small study room for an hour with a beautiful mum than with her petulant brat of a son.
I quit working at Nova after about six months and Nobuko was definitely one of the students I was glad I wouldn’t have to see again.  But I underestimated her tenacity.  Two months after leaving Nova I got a text message.  “Hello is this Enzo?  I am Nobuko.  I am student from Stella...”  Christ.
We now shower off together.  Japanese and their bathing.  It’s not unusual for me and my students to have a shower before and after sex (and, of course, during). Japanese excel at bathrooms and toilets.  They excel at cleanliness.  This particular bathroom is full of marble; ornate, ostentatious and flashy.  Not exactly my style but undeniably luxurious.  There’s plenty of room for the two of us under the giant shower rose.  I get changed into my designer suit and gather my various designer belongings, all of them gifts from students.  The Issey Miyaki watch, Hugo Boss wallet and Gucci satchel.  I wouldn’t wear this kind of stuff back home in Australia.  It’d look ridiculous to my friends and family.  But it looks appropriate in Japan and I’m glad to be wearing nice clothes, especially in my current occupation. Funny how I now notice most gaijin looking so sloppy and careless with what they wear.  Exactly how I looked not so long ago.
Nobuko, topless, comes to hand me the envelope.  Our arrangement is always settled quickly and discreetly.  As she nears I grab her her and pull her hard up close to my body.  My right hand squeezes the entirety of her left butt cheek and we share a deep kiss for 10 seconds.  I take the envelope and put it in my satchel next to the English teaching books.  Before I leave the house I quickly check myself in the huge full length mirror by the front door, making sure nothing looks amiss and as I exit the house I put on a show of bookmarking one of the English texts.  For a wealthy housewife, having private English lessons at home is a nice status symbol.  But while I’m sure Nobuko is quite happy for the neighbours to speculate about the exact nature of my visits, I still try to make everything look ostensibly legit.
I walk to the nearby train station to pick up my bike.  I always lock it up a little bit away from my students’ homes, just to have that extra degree of separation.  And I don’t tell them where I live.  “Near Futako Tamagawa” I answer vaguely when asked.
It’s an easy 25 minute bike ride from Den En Chofu station to my apartment in Sakura Shin Machi.  Tokyo is a huge city but you can get around surprisingly well by bike, especially if you’re lucky enough to live reasonably close to where you work.  Six months ago, when I got serious about my current gig, I drew up a territory that’s close to my apartment and all accessible by bike.  Lots of riding also helps keep my body ripped.
When I get home I take the envelope out of my Gucci satchel.  It’s a classy envelope with made with thick paper.  There’s some Kanji printed on it which I don’t understand but no doubt it is just the right envelope, chosen with care, for this particular purpose.  Inside is Y500,000 for my 2 hours’ tuition.  Nobuko is a bitch but she always pays me with no fuss.  She’s all business which I appreciate.  The envelope goes into the recycling bin along with the others and the money into a safe in my bedroom.
I grab a beer from the fridge.  This is my winddown habit.  No.  I put it back.  Beers used to be my winddown.  I need to stay focused and disciplined. I start making a fruit smoothie.  6 more months in Japan and I’ll return home with Y10m, enough for a deposit on a house.
I have a very comfortable set up.  In one bedroom I have a bench press and some gym mats.  My own private gym you could say.  I sleep in the tatami bedroom and there’s a decent size living/kitchen/dining area.  I’m very happy with my digs.  A two bedroom apartment in a nice area like Sakura Shin Machi would seem like quite an extravagance.   But the apartment is old and quite far from the train station which helped reduced the rent.  Being far from a train station is not a problem for me when I can cycle most places.  I figured I’d done my penance staying in the shitty Nova apartment for my first 9 months in Japan so I could enjoy some comfort for my final 12 months in the country.
After the fruit smoothie I do a couple of hours of exercise in my gym, then study Japanese for a few hours in the evening. Discipline.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Saga Prefecture to Install 7 More ZOMBIE LAND SAGA Manhole Covers
  The zombie plague continues to spread through Saga Prefecture, infecting manhole covers across the southern Japan region and leading to a rise in tourists staring at the metal plates in the ground. As the spread continues, the series announced today that seven more manhole covers featuring Franchouchou from ZOMBIE LAND SAGA will be popping up in Saga over the coming months, joining the already 14 covers for a total of 21.
  Here are the new cover designs and where they will be situated:
  Sakura Minamoto's new manhole cover will be in Arita Town
  Saki Nikaido's new manhole cover will be in Taku City
  Ai Mizuno's new manhole cover will be in Shiroishi Town
  Junko Konno's new manhole cover will be in Ogi City
  Yugiri's new manhole cover will be in Kanzaki City
  Lily Hoshikawa's new manhole cover will be in Takeo City
  The Legendary Tae Yamada's new manhole cover will be in Yoshinogari Town
  Like the last batch of zombiehole covers, these were forged at Hinode Suido Kiki's Saga-based manufacturing plant, keeping the series in touch with the local Saga industry. What's more, is that a third round of zombiehole covers will be taking over the roads of Saga Prefecture in the future, being installed in Kiyama Town, Kamimine Town, Miyaki Town, Genkai Town, Omachi Town, Kohoku Town and Tara Town. There's no word on when the third round will begin.
  The second season of ZOMBIE LAND SAGA, dubbed ZOMBIE LAND SAGA REVENGE, finished in June 2021 with a film confirmed for the undead idol series. You can watch both seasons of the ZOMBIE LAND SAGA right here on Crunchyroll, which describes the anime as such:
  A typical morning. The usual music. Their normal lives. The peace these seven girls experience will suddenly be destroyed. By the living dead... zombies. A reality that they never wanted a part of, an amazing and terrifying zombie world. They all share one wish: "We want to live." These girls will struggle through this saga, in order to achieve a miracle. MAPPA, Avex Pictures, and Cygames team up to bring you a juicy, 100% original anime. A timeless shocker for all audiences, a brand new style of zombie anime, will soon rise.
  Source: Mantan Web
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
By: Daryl Harding
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nerdymilkshakeface · 7 years
# Longing ; # SasuSaku modern!au fanfiction
                            Chapter I.: ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴᴇ? Today, Monday, January 22th, 2018, was like any other day in Osaka hospital. There was no special operations or procedures to go through. Not that many people were sick, even. It was a good sign. The head doctor of the Osaka hospital, Sakura Haruno, was in her office sorting out papers of all the patients that had had appointments booked for this week. It wasn't too many; and nobody had any special requierments. It was mostly middle aged, to elderly people, and most of those, Sakura knew personally by now, as they'd come here regularly. Sitting by her office desk, the pinkette had finished sorting out the documents, neatly organizing and putting them in a organe-yellowish envelope. The envelopes were then to be sorted in the main office, where all doctor had access to them. The ones that had the correct key to that specific drawer, of course. Checking her wrist clock, it was 22.25, a little more than half an hour, until her shift would finish. Not having much of anything to do, she shut down her desk computer and exited her office. Locking the doors, she stored the keys in her white coat. Walking down the barely lit halways of the hospital, it seemed way bigger than when it was bussing with patients and other doctors. Sakura was heading for some refreshements, until the time would pass and she could go home. Sakura was texting her best friend Ino – who had a movie's night with her boyfriend Sai – about how their days went vice versa. Ino was also quick to remind the pinkette, that soon, the 6th year anniversary of Konoha High School was approaching. Not that Sakura really cared for that; she only really cared about seeing most of her friends and how they were doing. It was just formalities, all of it. But, if she'd say she wasn't going, Ino would probably drive for an hour straigh to get to her and presuade her, why she most go, and so on. The coffee machine started to beep, alarming Sakura that the hot coffee was finished and ready to drink. Taking the plastic cup in her hands, the pinkette made a lazy sip; the though of the High School anniversary was now going to annoy her to no end. She really didn't want to go – she had more pressing matters to attent to at this hospital, and help people who were counting on her. ❝What a bore…❞ Sakura exhaled, an annoyed sigh, which was unusual of her to do. But, it appeared when things like this would come in her life and ruin her nicely organized routine. She didn't like things – or people – messing with her day-to-day routines. Rolling her shoulders, she'd walk back to her office, going through the same array of halways she had known by heart now. Sakura had been working here ever since she had come out of high school; and she purpously chose this one, which was the farthest from Konoha. She had only bitter experiences and memories of her home city, all thanks to … one person. As Sakura was walking along the halways, she'd ocassionally see a collegue or two pass her, everyone was kind to her, and polite. Everybody said hello, or either slightly raised their hands, waving good-night to her. Checking her wrist clock once more, it 22.45; only fifteen more minutes and her shift would be officially over. A small smile drew itself on the female's lips at the though of coming home, taking a bath, and maybe watch some TV before passing out in her bed.                          ❝Ah, soon~,❞ she sighed happily to herself; it truely was a long day, and she was ready to crash.
            Her phone started buzzing in rythm, indicating that somebody was calling her mobile phone. But, before she could pull it out and answer, the two emergency doors opened behind her, four doctors running in her direction, with a bed between them, and a patient on it. The quick glance that she'd gotten at the patient, she could make out that it was a male.
❝Doctor Haruno, come with us to the operating room, quickly!❞ One of the doctors yelled in a hurry, pushing the bed to the end of the halway and down towards the operating facility of the hospital. ❝H-hai!❞ Sakura responded, quickly sprinting after them. Her daydreaming of coming home and watching movies was officially forgotten – there was something more important at stake; somebody's life. Running behind the crowd of doctors, she ran to the other side of the building, where the operaings' department was. By the looks of those doctors who were transporting the patient, none of them seemed fit to actually perform the operation, but her. Sakura entered the small white room with a bang, as the door opened quickly, but were closed behind her just as quickly.
❝Quick, check his pulse and signs; keep him stable,❞ Sakura ordered, as she was quickly putting a face mask on. 
❝Talk to me, doctor, what happened to—❞ Sakura was unable to finish her sentance when she saw the deformed face of her patient. It was damaged, but not unrecognizable. It was… none other than /him/. Her green eyes widened, her mouth partially open behind the white face mask, her fingers trembling.                                    How in hell did he get here? ❝Doctor Haruno?❞ one of the doctors' thankfully snapped her out of it, and she was back to normal, ignoring the face of her patient laying on the operating table. ❝Yes, doctor, talk to me, what happened to this man?❞ Sakura questioned once more, her face facing a table by the window, as she went to put on operaing gloves. ❝He was in a car accident, doctor, his wital signs are stable, but we have to operate, and besides Doctor Miyaki, you're the only doctor currently available fort his operation.❞ Sakura nodded, understanding what was requested of her. In four large steps, she was standing besides the patient, towering down over him. Everything was ready to begin, and with a short 'beep' the light outside the room was turned on, indicating that the opeation was on it's way.
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rivalzhq · 5 years
MWF Japanese faces?
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so for this, i went to find less used japanese faces! as much as i love mina, momo, sana, and sakura, i tend to see a lot of them and variety is always nice! (that said, if you want to use either of those four, go right ahead, we’d love to have them too!)
in kpop: katsuno rise (remi), kato kokoro, abe haruno (haru), honda hitomi, miyauchi haruka (miya), yabuki nako 
in jpop: otomonai mina (chanmina), bando nozomi, fujii karen, matsui jurina, nagatomo sayaka, suzuki yurino, yuko araki, kawamoto ruri, nagao mariya, suda anna, hirata rina, asami zdrenka, akina johnson, washio reina, nakanishi chiyori, sato harumi, dobashi kaede, ariiso miyuu, takebe yuzuna
Here just to add in Minatozaki Sana (TWICE), Hirai Momo (TWICE), Myoui Mina (TWICE) and Miyaki Sakura (IZ*ONE)! Again, I'm Twice trash.
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kpopxcolors · 6 years
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Produce 48 x Wink fairy ❤️
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