#miyako cooler
dnstore · 3 months
গরমেও রুম থাকবে ঠান্ডা এই এয়ার কুলার দিয়ে | Miyako Air Cooler In Bangladesh
Top best miyako air cooler lowest price in Bangladesh. Buy a Fan and Portable Air Cooler at the best price of taka 2024 at Miyako. Buy an energy-efficient, affordable room air cooler with a timer, ceiling fan and more.
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Buy Air Cooler online at best prices from top online shopping stores in Bangladesh - in-store with fast delivery. Check out our wide range of window and room coolers.
An air cooler, also known as an evaporative cooler, is a device that cools air through the process of evaporation. This is a great option for hot, dry climates like Dhaka where air conditioners may not be ideal due to high humidity levels.
Here's how air coolers work:
Warm air is drawn into the cooler through a dust filter.
Air passes over a wet media pad, usually made of honeycomb material.
As the water in the pad evaporates, it absorbs heat from the air, cooling it.
Cool, moist air is then blown into the room.
Air coolers offer several advantages over traditional air conditioners:
Energy-Efficient: They use significantly less energy than AC units, which can help you save on your electricity bill.
Eco-Friendly: They use natural evaporation to cool the air, making them a more eco-friendly option.
Improved Air Quality: Air coolers add moisture to the air, which can improve indoor air quality and relieve respiratory problems.
EASY TO MAINTENANCE: They require minimal maintenance, just regular refilling of the water tank and cleaning of the media pad.
Portable: Many air coolers are lightweight and have casters, making them easy to move from room to room.
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softhanni · 19 days
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2024 Media: 59. Heartcatch Precure! Hana no Miyako de Fashion Show... Desu ka!? (2010) - 6/10★ I think this was a decent precure movie. As per usual I feel like they're either AMAZING or bland and this fell somewhere vaguely in the middle for me. I think it tried to give all the cures their own screentime, in the short run time of the movies I guess it did decently this time in that regard. Moonlight's fight parts really shone through in this one to me also, idk she just felt cooler than usual for some reason? I wasn't overly invested in the plot but at the same time it didn't bore me to tears so I consider that a win for precure movies at this point T.T
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rachelmonart · 1 year
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Miyako and hawkmon ready for an adventure!!!
Bonus: the cooler miyako
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uniarycode · 1 year
MeiKaRu Headcannons.
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For no reason in particular.
Takeru makes a point of visiting Meiko whenever he swings by to visit his grandmother, which he does more and more since Meiko's on her own without chosen nearby.
Hikari will often tag along to 'keep an eye on Takeru'. as such, his grandmother thinks Takeru and Hikari are secretly dating.
As seen in the epilogue to Tri, Takeru also writes letters to Meimei on a regular basis, updating her on the goings ons. Meiko appreciates them, but never writes a response.
Taichi and Meiko date for a short time, Hikari and Meiko become instant besties in this period.
Hikari is still mad at Taichi and is perfectly open about trying to steal his girlfriend (platonically at this point)
When Taichi and Meiko break up, the common joke is that Meiko got to keep Hikari in the separation.
Hikari and Meiko have a private messaging channel where they just send each other pictures and gifs of cats.
Occasionally Hikari sends a cute sheep gif.
The two of them are major Ghibli/Disney fans. Takeru will often join them to watch, but pretends he's cooler than that in public.
Takeru does bring the confections however.
The three of them are all creative in different ways. Hikari is a photographer, Meiko's an artist, and Takeru an author.
Meiko and Takeru have done art trades before, drawing something to go with the other's story or vice versa.
The three of them go to art museums together. Takeru takes the longest because he'll find a picture he likes and stares at it for 10 minutes as he tries to piece together a story to go along with it.
All of them are sweet tooths. They will travel around to find new sugary deserts to try and compare notes. one day they hope to find the perfect desert they can all agree is the best.
Getting together:
Takeru made no secret about his interest in either of the girls.  However, he is always careful to leave an exit for them.  He had not actually expect to start dating both at once, except in his wildest fantasies.
Meiko realizes she is bisexual fairly early, and realizes that the outing are better than any of her dates, and at some point puts two and two together to realize her attraction.  However she is initially intimidated by the age gap and not knowing which she should go for.  She does start referring to their outing as dates and dropping other hints.
Hikari is the one that actually made the first move.  Not that she was intending too.  The three of them stubled back to on of their rooms together after a party and she was drunk and curious and kissed Takeru, then kissed Meiko, then told them to kiss and everything spiraled from there.
The next morning they had a very sober ‘are we actually trying this’ talk, where they decided that yes, it was best to try.
Because Hikari made the first move, the other two tease her about being so bold, especially since she is normally the most reserved of the three of them when it comes to PDA. 
Initially they kept it mostly secret, unsure if the unusual relationship would last long enough.
Mimi figures out Meiko’s seeing someone.  Miyako figures out Hikari is seeing someone.  Sora doesn’t suspect anything until after the other two start gossiping, and then she starts dropping questions around Takeru and puts everything together.
Sora is also required to be present when the brothers are told to try and ensure the responses are more ….proper for an insecure relationship outside the social norm.
No, “Why is my sister dating my ex?” is not a proper response.
“I’m so proud of you little brother.” is fine. Insinuating it’s because he gets to have a threesome every night is not.
And it is especially not fine to insinuate this is a familial trat in front of your singular fiancé.
Thankfully a good few elbows to the ribs beget more supportive responses.
The rest are more easily told afterward, although Miyako could have used a few more elbows to the ribs.
The three are all comfortable in each other’s company, so they are happy to stay inside most nights, maybe with a movie and a bucket of ice cream.
Takeru s the most extroverted, and thus the one who plans most of their outings.  Meiko is the one who perfects them.
Hikari is very grateful that, because there are three of them, everyone just assumes they are friends no matter how dolled-up they are when they go out.  She feels it takes the pressure off her if no one around realizes she’s on a date.
Although it does make PDA more difficult.
Multiple acquaintances of Hikari hae warned her of her cheating boyfriend.  Hikari isn’t super comfortable explaining their relationship, so she normally acts flighty and teasy and insinuates something random. 
“He’s got a brother, they look alike.”  “No, he was with me at that time.”  “Why are you spying on my boyfriend?  Are you interested in him?”
Meiko is the first one to say “Love” and she means it.  The other two mean it as well, but are far more scared to commit.
Takeru does most of the housework, as his mom was always busy with work and taught him how to do most basic chores so they would get done.  Hikari does the least as her mother was always happy to do them herself and wanted to support Hikari’s dream of being a teacher.
Hikari is also the first of the three with a sizable stable income, which makes her feel better about being less of a homemaker.
Takeru tends not to go grocery shopping though, and always buys something new and different whenever he does.
They have adopted two recue cats.  Sometimes thy just go look at potential rescues, and will likely end up with more.
Patamon and especially Tailmon do try and fill the void for Meiko with her own lost partner, but sometimes they do more harm than good.
Tailmon spends all day with Meiko on the anniversary of Meicoomon’s death, she feels it’s her duty, as the last one able to comfort Meicoomon.
All 3 of them have reasons to feel like the third wheel.  Hikari and Takeru have been inseparable since forever, so Meiko feels like an outsider.  Hikari knew Takeru and Meiko were attracted to each other before they started dating, and feels like an outsider in their love story.  Takeru’s is less rational, and more divorce trauma that makes him feel like the other two will run away and leave him behind one day.
Takeru is absolutely the most jealous and pouty if excluded from things.  He watches make-up tutorials just to feel included.
Of course, they also work hard to keep their relationship going.  Being chosen in a hostile world does help.
Polygamy is illegal in Japan.  It is not illegal in the digital world.
Their wedding has three courses of dessert, on top of the richest, most grandiose wedding cake they could find.
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nami-moittli · 1 year
My headcanons behind all the dub names for digimon:
Taichi —> Tai. Very simple, making the name shorter
Yamato —> Matt. Took a try or two to get to this nickname, but also a pretty simple nickname
Koushiro Izumi —> Izzy. At first he was called “Kou” but then one day someone called him “Izzy” instead, because it was ‘more fun to say’ and it stuck
Takeru—> T.K.. When he was like, in kindergarten or first grade, there was another kid named Takeru, so T.K. Ended up being called that
Hikari—> Kari. Once again, a very simple nickname
Daisuke —> Davis. Noticed that all of his friends have nicknames, and wanted one too. Davis was the first thing he thought of
Miyako —> Yolei. Probably was just hanging out one day and decided that she wanted to give herself a weird nickname, Yolei was the one that made it out
Iori—> Cody. Yolei’s the only one who really calls him this, furthering the idea that they were just hanging out one day, and gave each other nicknames
Extra: Wallace—>Willis. Someone mispronounced his name, and now no one knows which is right
Jianliang—>Henry. He got tired of everyone mispronouncing his name, that he just started saying, “Call me Henry”
Ruki—>Rika. A mispronunciation of her actual name. She hates it, but it won’t leave her alone.
Shaochung—>Susie. One day Henry told her that people have a hard time saying their names, so she should pick out a nickname.
Hirokazu—>Kazu. Once again, a very easy nickname.
(Think that’s all?)
Takuya—>Taky. Very easy nickname.
Izumi—>Zoe. A nickname she got from her friends in Italy. She liked it so she kept it when she got back to Japan. Sometimes shortened further to Z.
Junpei—>J.P.. he wanted to act cooler, so along with the magic and chocolate, he started to introduce himself as J.P. Zoe called him out on this when they first met on the Trailmon.
Tomoki—>Tommy. Again, very easy. Like how Thomas becomes Tommy.
Data Squad/Savers:
Masaru—>Marcus. I’m not even sure. His name just got corrupted one day and it stuck. He sometimes doesn’t even respond to his actual name now
Thoma—>Thomas. Thomas is his name, though sometimes people take off the ‘s’
Ikuto—>Keenan. Ikuto is his birth name, though when he got to the digital world, no one knew that, so they just called him “Keenanmon” Keenan eventually dropped the “mon” though
Chika—>Kristy. A corruption of her name that came about one day.
(I think that’s all?)
Xros wars/Fusion/Young Hunters:
Taiki—>Mikey. Jeremy wanted to see how many people he could get to believe Taiki’s name was Mikey, so one time when he was helping out a club, he yelled, “Go Mikey!” It confused the heck out of Taiki, but now people don’t know which is right. Tagiru just calls him “T.M.” At this point
Zenjiro—>Jeremy. First it was shortened to Jiro, then Jiro became Jeremy. Probably through a mispronunciation mixed with how the name Thomas became Tommy
Akari—>Angie. Jeremy is also behind this one. Probably the same reason he calls Taiki Mikey.
Kiriha—>Christopher. Christopher’s just his middle name.
Yuu—>Ewan. Tagiru gave him this one. Though, he’s not sure how the “an” part of that nickname came to be.
And, I think that’s it. Cause Hunters and Appmon weren’t dubbed, 2020 is just a reboot, and I’m not sure if/when Ghost Game is getting dubbed, so I can’t say.
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detectiveichijouji · 11 months
Case 7 - Sunbursting Justice!! (part one)
[AO3 version!!]
The number of the digimon partnerships was increasing year-by-year -- Current number of partnerships by the year of 2008 was up to 8,100 in total around the world. Those people could be already in touch with Taichi and Daisuke’s groups, via the online network or simply by a local contact. And with this, the idea of that detective club only made things interesting (besides the caper with Arsenemon).
But… There’s mean-spirited Chosen Children and Chosen Digimon… And there’s the ones who think they are doing the right thing, but not realizing they’re just part of the problem.
This student is the popular Youta, but he’s most known by ‘Soleil’ because of his zodiac sign being Leo… And because he has a very nobility-like behavior.
“You’re… Motomiya Daisuke, am I correct? You looked a little more taller by what the others told me about you and your stories.”
But, if there’s ONE flaw in Soleil… It’s that he cannot stop being a sassy smug kid. Not in the bad sense -- This kid definitely talks what is in his mind without thinking of the consequences. And with this…
“A-are you making fun of me!?”
… He made Daisuke his biggest enemy in the school.(not that Soleil disliked Daisuke, but Daisuke is… Daisuke, and he takes everything seriously…)
“I can’t stand that guy!” Daisuke pouted and crossed his arms. Takeru and Hikari looked at each other and then to their friend. Their digimon were also looking at Daisuke and frowning, “He’s always making me mad! Stupid Octo-head!”
“Octo-head… you mean…” Takeru decided to try talking with him, “Soleil, right?”
“Yeah, his head is octopus-shaped to me.”
“At least he’s nice” Hikari sighed, “But he’s insensitive sometimes…”
“Anyway, has anyone checked the website?” Tailmon interrupted their discussion, “It’s a little while since we got a case to solve.”
“Oh that’s right…” Hikari took her phone and opened the website, to find a little request there “Ah! We got one!”
“Really??” Daisuke approached her, the digimon and Takeru too and they all read the message on that tiny screen.
“… ‘Please stop my brother from using the digimon for scams, I don’t want him to get arrested’ …?” Takeru read the message, “Should we help this kid?”
“What kind of scams do they mean?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow, “If it’s something we get in real legal trouble…”
“We should help them” Hikari ended the discussion with a serious tone of voice, “You would do it if it were your older siblings, right?”
“H-hey, Hikari-chan,” Daisuke frowned, “O-of course..! But is there anything about Taichi-san--”
“No, Taichi wouldn’t use Agumon for scams! I mean, a little brother is asking for help! We must do something!”
“She’s right,” Takeru added with a nod.
“... If you say so, then let’s do it,” Daisuke then looked at the username of that person, “Huh… I think I know them…”
“Do you?” the others asked.
“Yeah, the person who sent it is the little brother of a former Odaiba middle school soccer team member. His name’s Koh, and his older brother is Touya. I didn’t expect to hear that Touya is doing scams… That must be a misunderstanding…”
“Oh… The guy who you were always talking with at soccer practice?” Takeru blinked.
“Yeah, his partner is a Monzaemon. Koh’s partner is a Sunmon.”
“Sunmon?” Takeru and Hikari repeated.
“Well, let’s hear the story directly from Koh. Something seems fishy here…” Daisuke said with a serious voice, “Ah, can you contact Ken, Miyako and Iori for me, guys? If we get in legal trouble we will need everyone in.”
“I don’t understand, what kind of ‘legal problems’ Daisuke means?” Patamon blinked.
“The kind that could need Miyako, Iori and Ken’s abilities to get us out.”
After school… Some high schoolers were mocking a small elementary student for having a goofy digimon and not something cooler like Imperialdramon or Wargreymon. Her partner was a little Kunemon. Oddly, none of those three high schoolers seemed to have a partner.
“I hate injustice.”
Soleil said to himself, clenching his fist. He walked there nonchalantly and tried to dialogue with those ‘brats’.
“I don’t think you should pick a fight with her because of a Kunemon, since their usual nature is quite feracious.”
“B-but Kunemon is not a bad digimon, he’s my friend!”
“Yes, I know. But your digimon might do something wrong and I can’t watch this” he smiled, an honest and warm smile. 
“What are you? A digimon researcher?” an older girl from the trio made a snarky remark, “You seem too pathetic to deal with this business, nerd.”
“Yeah! Bet her Kunemon evolves into a Numemon!” said a boy from the trio.
“I’m sure Kunemon could evolve into something fascinating and according to this girl’s deepest wishes” Soleil tried to stay calm, but those ‘idiots’ were not helping at all, “Mind you, people without a digimon shouldn’t be allowed to discuss anything related to those creatures.”
“Huh?” the second girl there stared Soleil with a murderous glare, “Then, where’s your digimon, Octo-head? You’re all talk but no bite!”
“...” he clenched his fists again.
“What?” the first girl said in a mocking voice tone, “Did you get scared, octo-punk?”
“What did you call me…?” he gave them a terrifying glare, “Say it again and you might wish to never have picked a fight with us.”
“Um, mister… I…”
“Please sweet young girl, take you and your Kunemon away from here…” he smiled again to the young duo, “I’ll take care of them.”
“R-right…!!” She took Kunemon from the ground and ran away.
“Hey, what are you gonna do? Call for your parents?” the trio kept mocking him, “Octo-head!”
Soleil cracked his knuckles, and smirked at those people, “Come at us, you trio of punks”
“You keep blabbin’ ‘us’ and it’s just yo--”
Suddenly, a big shadow appeared behind Soleil -- A bipedal beast-man digimon with a giant mane and flames coming from the parts of his armor and the end of his lion-like tail.
“Oh, I meant me and my digimon after all. Do you have a death wish or will you cease your insults against any digimon and their partner?” he didn’t drop that smirk, he was pretty sure this is what he believed to be justice.
The trio screamed in terror, and they ran like it was the end of the world. Soleil looked at his partner, who devolved back into a tiny and nice Lion-like digimon -- Coronamon. He softened and gave the digimon a pat.
“Thank you, my buddy.”
Daisuke, Ken, and Iori went to talk with Koh after school, knowing that he probably would be free to chat. Iori also knows this kid, because they attend the same school, yet from different classrooms, so he was instructed to hold Koh for a bit.
Koh is also a goggle boy! But the whole issue with his brother made him less excited to wear his precious goggles, as they were Touya’s gift and he liked to wear them to show how cool his big bro was!
“Ah, Daisuke-san!” Koh grinned at the other two boys coming.
Then, once they gathered up… Koh began explaining why he asked for their help:
“Big bro Touya is… Doing something bad. He’s using Monzaemon for scams, and when I tried to stop him, he said it was for our family’s sake. He’s not like this, I heard him talking with someone on the phone… I think their name was Eigen…”
“Hmm,” Upamon squinted his eyes, “That doesn’t sound cool…”
“Touya was a cool guy back when we were soccer teammates” Daisuke agreed with a nod, “I don’t believe he’s doing it on purpose!”
“When I heard Daisuke-san was part of a detective group I had to ask for help… Please, stop my big bro!”
“We’re gonna to stop him and this Eigen person too! Right guys?”
“Yeah!! /Yes” Ken, Iori and the three digimon detectives replied with determined glares.
Sunmon, who was too silent, just floated in front of the trio-and-their-mons and nodded, with a squeaky child-like voice, they said “Thank you!”
“More importantly,” Ken said, “do you know what kind of scam your brother is involved with?”
“It’s a little stupid but… Lovely Therapy”
“Lovely… Therapy?” they all repeated.
Of course. It was a scam and just by looking at this name they had spotted the fishy part. As expected… If the police got involved, Touya would also get arrested for being Eigen’s accomplice. Now how to help Touya without letting the police know?
Soleil and Coronamon spotted Daisuke, Ken and Iori going to the karaoke bar and caught them talking about… Something something ‘Lovely Therapy’, and he sent a message text to someone with his phone.
> I need you to check out something for me. -- Soleil.
The team gathered, Daisuke slammed his hands on the table in the center of the booth:
“I need to ask you a favor! On Touya’s behalf.”
“Huh?” Miyako blinked, she almost spat her non-alcohol drink.
“You have to check this… ‘Lovely Therapy’ business-thing for me!! I want to know what it is, where it is and how much it costs. I can’t let an ex-soccer teammate be involved in something fishy!”
“What do you plan to do with those, Daisuke(-san)?” Ken and Iori asked, quite sure this would mean a plan was in the works… And they should just help to prevent Daisuke himself from messing things up.
“We will catch that Eigen person! I’m sure that person is forcing Touya to do those scams!!”
“Well, true but you need to not do something…” Takeru intervened, but now was trying so hard to use a word that does not sound harsh.
“... Stupid” Ken completed the phrase, being quite honest (as the usual) “If you’re thinking more than your usual, please stop right now.”
“H-hey…!!” Daisuke frowned, “H-how can I do something stupid--”
“When you’re like this, you usually don’t think twice and do whatever comes first in your head” Ken sighed, “We know that. I know that because of a certain thing I did to you in the past.”
“Oh… Ya mean… We should psycho-torture that person using Touya’s like that?”
“... W-where did you get that!?” Ken snapped.
“I think he meant ‘psychologically’,” Iori clarified.
“It wasn’t what you did to me in the past?” Daisuke asked innocently, “That thing… You got the Bakemons to pretend to be our friends, and then you tortured me until I decided to sacrifice myself for those Bakem--”
“I know that!! And please I’d like to never do that ever again” Ken babbled, it was one of the things he was ashamed of. He regretted accidentally giving Daisuke that idea when all he wanted was to explain that he knows how Daisuke cannot function well under pressure.
“We could… put a hidden camera and then record the scammer confessing his crimes…” Hikari suggested, with a serious and cryptic tone of voice.
“Oh, that’s a good idea!” Armadimon nodded.
“But we need someone to set the camera up, right?” Wormmon asked with a bit of concern.
“Someone able to be fast and cautious” Patamon and V-mon then looked at Hawkmon and Tailmon.
“Huh? Me?” Hawkmon blushed, “I could do that, but Shurimon got no… hands.”
“Yes, I can do that” Tailmon nodded, “Maybe Shurimon can help to set it up in a place I can’t reach alone.”
“Then that’s settled!” Daisuke grinned, “We will make that Eigen confess! I’ll talk to Touya tonight!”
Daisuke learned which high school Touya was attending thanks to Koh’s details, and he and Ken went there the next day. But the moment Daisuke offered his and the 02 Team’s help…
“Sorry, Daisuke I can’t…”
Touya’s answer was negative.
“Dude, I’m sure that person is using you!” Daisuke insisted, “We got a plan… We only need your help so we can catch the bad guy.”
“Eigen-san is not a bad person…” Touya’s voice was wavering, he then took a notebook and wrote something in it, unattached the page and crumpled the page, tossing it on the floor, “He’s just helping me. There’s nothing wrong with him. I’m sorry but I need to go, bye.”
And he left. Daisuke frowned once again, “Man… I don’t believe that he’s tellin’ the truth..!”
But Ken noticed a few… hints dropped by that kid -- One, he wrote something on the paper and tossed it. Two, his voice was wavering. Three… He noticed something eerie watching them.
“Uh, what’s this?” V-mon grabbed the paper and Ken gently took it from V-mon’s hands. Something was written there… But maybe they shouldn’t unfold the discarded page there.
“Daisuke… Let’s go to my house” He said, “I’d like you to try Wormmon’s newest tea blend.”
“Huh? Well, Whatever…  We can’t do anything here…” Daisuke shrugged.
They left.
At the Ichijouji’s household… Wormmon poured some of his favorite tea blends for Daisuke and V-mon.
“Why do ya want to drink tea right now Ken?” Daisuke pouted.
“Chamomile tea helps to relax, and you need a break,” then, Ken took from his pocket the paper Touya had tossed away and unfolded it, “And because it was just what I suspected.”
Ken showed the paper saying: ‘Can’t Talk. I’m being watched by’ and an acronym with ‘GRAND’ in it.
“Um, what means ‘Grand’?” V-mon tilted his head.
“Possibly the reason he couldn’t talk to us” Daisuke mused, “Right?”
“Yes,” Ken nodded, “Which means, this case is a little trickier than we thought.”
Ken’s phone rang, he answered it and heard Miyako’s voice on the line: “Ken-kun, I’ve got something for the case! I sent it to your email address.”
“Oh that’s good news. Daisuke is with me, so I will show him what you found and report to him.”
He gestured to Daisuke grab his laptop in his room and the other boy understood. Daisuke went to Ken’s room, carefully took the laptop and put it on the dining table. Ken turned it on and waited until the OS finished loading to then access his email’s inbox. Miyako’s email was right there with details. Daisuke, V-mon and Wormmon went behind Ken’s chair and looked at the screen.
“Nice job, Miyako!” Daisuke grinned, of course that was her specialty after all!!
“With this, we only need to gather the ‘GRAND’ keyword hint and we will help Touya-san, right?” Wormmon asked.
“I’ve thought about how we can help your friend, Daisuke,” Ken said with a smug smile. He was really confident about his abilities right now, “So listen carefully.”
[Next →]
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blackpearlblast · 10 months
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[ID: tumblr reblog reading: "The Jogress pairings are all "person with a Crest" & "person without a Crest", along with "they will grow as people by this partnership". Also, "purity" is more properly defined as "being true to oneself", which is exactly what Miyako is.
in the tags it also says: "the digimentals could have been distributed differently but their canon setup isn't wrong either" end ID]
i blocked this person because their pinned creeped me out but i am gonna reply to what they said here lol. first of all this is just kind of my observations while watching the show but since i tagged it for blog sorting purposes (and also sorta being curious if other people would agree) i don't blame them for not knowing that. the person with a crest + without a crest is cool and im not actually entirely against hikari and miyako jogress pairing because i thought that episode was handled well and i did like the character growth, it was more just like. Another example of how the girl characters are restricted to only really getting to be symbolically grouped together. like it's odd to me in how the digi anime generally seems to do a good job with writing its female characters in how they get to people with motivations hopes dreams etc and i genuinely really like all of them (i mean i hate sora's main character "growth" arc but that's more a "children being treated like their parents' things" issue than a misogyny issue) but they don't like. i don't know how to put it better but they're just held sort of separate. the best we get is hikari and takeru but even then she often gets left behind while the guys fly ahead for some reason. it's like they wanted to make strong and interesting female characters but at the same time they're scared of alienating their intended audience of young boys if they're just? i don't know like it's very puzzling to me. it just feels like the girls being shoved off in the girl corner a lot but they're allowed to be COOL in the girl corner but they're not allowed to leave it. i guess.
as for purity sorry if me finding miyako having an outburst where she's like "sorry i judge people by how they look and i think this guy is cool so of course i want to be close to him it's just how i am!" is not like, a cool digimental moment to me lmao. how is iori not being true to himself and his values by putting his literal life on the line trying to make a connection with another living being with a soul? honestly i agree the digimentals are pretty nebulous and you could probably make any of them fit anyone, i did say purity didn't fit miyako at all but i more just hated the Justifications. they used for it. it felt like a stretch that they were doing because they had to give her both the digimentals that belonged to the 01 girls. I just think the parallels and symbolism behind iori with purity would be much cooler.
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fenrhi · 2 years
Oh thank GOD I'm not the only one with Thoughts on Dance Dance Danseur. I watched it week to week and the brainrot only grew stronger!
Oooh, is this in reference to this post? Yeah, Junpei and Luou really give me intense brainrot, and since you were kind enough to give the opportunity to ramble about these two, I will gladly take it.
(By the way, I think you sent me anime asks in the past under a different username and icon? If that's so, hello again and I hope you have been faring well)
Anyway, let's go back to DDD:
One thing that surprised me is that people on Tunglr don't really seem willing to talk about Junpei and Luou's relationship, even though gushing about cute fictional boys being cute together is something of a national sport on this hellsite.
There are SO many things to talk about, but I'll start with Junpei, because his development is the most "in your face".
His first meeting with Luou is straight out of an old romance novel: he sees Luou dancing under the moonlight and can't take his gaze off him. It's so cliché it hurts. But then he quickly discovers that Luou may been an incredible dancer, but he's an unlikeable person. Junpei says "I can't be with friends with this kind of guy!" and then the rest of the season is dedicated to proving him wrong. That's also why Chizuru's words in the last episode hurt so much: Junpei wasn't "playing buddies" or "pretending", he really thought he managed to form a special bond with Luou.
And it sure was a special bond: Luou is the first boy his age that shares his passion and makes him grow that much as person. It's the way Junpei realizes that Luou is "cooler" than he will ever be because he can show his classmates he loves ballet without feeling ashamed. It's the way Junpei is moved to tears by Luou's dance and later says "when you danced at school, it changed my life". It's the way Junpei protects Luou by making himself the centre of attention or a shield.
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It's the way Junpei WANTS to learn new things with Luou at Oikawa School and proposes to pick him up every morning and ride home with him every night.
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......It's the way Junpei ultimately decides to sacrifice his own happiness (and Miyako's, poor girl) in hope of helping Luou.
Junpei did all of this for a boy he met two months ago. Like, damn. Talk about character development. Why is Tunglr sleeping on this is beyond me.
As for Luou's side of things... it's easy to think he only has negative feelings for Junpei (take a shot everytime Luou looks down on Junpei or call him "monkey" and you're in a coma in five minutes) BUT.... despite everything, there are times where Luou's actions betray him. He clearly values Junpei's opinion and judgement, like when he asks him which Oikawa student were better than him and during the friendly dancing competition with Misaki and Yamato. He also gets to experience the life of an "ordonary" boy with Junpei: for example, eating in a restaurant with other boys his age.
Luou would rather die than admit it, but spending time with Junpei was a good thing for him.
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quinttee · 1 year
Quinton’s Animation Extravaganza 649
Stars 2
I was enjoying my day with Miyako and Fluttershy. We were thinking about when we fought Sailor Iron Mouse and feared that there were more evil Sailor Senshi waiting to attack. We decided to talk with the Sailor Senshi about this, so I rounded up my fellow Powerpuffs and the Mane Six and we set out to find the Sailor Senshi. When we did, Minako revealed to us that the Three Lights would be attending the community college that the Sailor Senshi were attending. Makoto wondered why they wouldn’t go to a private college and Haruka claimed that the reason was that they were trying to approach them. We noticed that the Three Lights were cooler and better than everyone else in the college at everything they did. We decided to attend their next concert in case there was another attack. At the concert, Seiya talked with Usagi about how hard it was to be a famous idol and go to school. Just then, I could sense a dark face from the crowd. This was Sailor Aluminum Siren, who was trying to get Sailor Crystals for someone named Galaxia. My fellow Powerpuffs, the Sailor Senshi and I transformed, but Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter melted away into nothing right before our eyes. Immediately, the Three Lights transformed into the Sailor Starlights. Yaten was Sailor Star Healer, Taiki was Sailor Star Maker and Seiya was Sailor Star Fighter. They immediately annihilated Sailor Aluminum Siren. Afterwards, they departed. I figured that these new evil Sailor Senshi would be our toughest opponents yet and hoped that we would be able to defeat them. For the rest of the day, we went through intense preparation for whenever the next evil Sailor Senshi attacked.
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polandspringz · 2 years
Episode 3 of Dance Dance Danseur didn’t make me cry, but I was shaking the entire episode with anxiety. Once the bullying started I began to put the pieces together about what was going to happen based on the preview from last week, the pain I felt seeing Jumpei as a bystander, the way the students and teachers regarded the bullying and didn’t step in until Miyako made them, the way Jumpei’s friends took advantage of Luou’s PTSD from his (most likely) abuse from his old dance teacher- all the way up to Luou performing in front of the school and making Jumpei bawl silently because it may not be “manly” in the conventional sense, but Luou was able to do something cooler and braver than Jumpei could ever hope to do as his current self. And the ending with Jumpei pretending to play along with his friends until he confessed that he would be doing ballet and the way they don’t even react, their faces just go dead and drop him, it was all too real. This episode’s depiction of bullying I would argue is even stronger than March Comes in Like a Lion’s story arc about it, although in that case it’s more focused on the system with how adults handle it, while Dance Dance Danseur focuses on toxic masculinity and being a bystander.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
Daisuke Kaiser 101 Class
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Hello everyone, it’s Ni. Today i will explain what is Daisuke Kaiser and why every single Valentine’s i draw our good ol’ friend Daisuke with the Kaiser outfit.
It all started in 2001, on Feb 7 with a Drama CD called “Armor Evolution to the Unknown” (also known by its original title “Michi e no Armor Shinka”, or by “MenAS”) which takes place on Valentine’s Day.
Briefly summary of the story: Daisuke tries so hard to be cooler and get chocolate from girls on Valentine’s Day that he got a whole plan. Said plan becomes futile since a real enemy appears in Odaiba. All Twelve Tokyo kids + their digimon are featured, plus Taichi’s mom, Sora’s mom, Mimi’s mom, Jun (Daisuke’s sister), Miyako’s sisters, the glorious Kido family (ALL VOICED BY KIKUCHI MASAMI, KIDO BROS’ VA), Yamato/Takeru’s dad, Sakurada & Chioka.
So, let’s begin.
• Who is Daisuke Kaiser?
It’s Daisuke. He does not hide this from anyone. It’s just Daisuke pretending to be Ken’s alter ego Digimon Kaiser.
• Is there any official artwork of him?
Nope. Only common agreement is that his outfit is like’s Ken Kaiser. Some people change the goggles by the sunglasses, some keep the goggles, some keep both goggles and add the sunglasses, some design Daisuke with his Digital World’s outfit plus the Kaiser’s cape. Some change the coloring of the clothes to fit Daisuke’s palette. And my previous art had his hair change to purple/indigo until i got too tired of it and changed to his original hair color.
So it’s up to you to draw him as you want.
• Where to find the story?
If you’re lucky, they’re still up on YouTube, with some incomplete translation though. All I can do is link you is to the freshly released translation of it by Kazari.
• Is it canon?
 ... I mean... it’s a little wilder but very Digimon Adventure kind of humor. You can consider it canon as you please. But i don’t think we will ever hear a reference to this Drama CD everywhere... Except for one tweet from Kiuchi Reiko (Daisuke’s VA) making a vague reference to this obscure material on twitter a decade ago lol
• Conclusion:
Motomiya Daisuke cannot be evil and the only bad thing in him is his dummy head.
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dnstore · 3 months
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An air cooler, sometimes called an evaporative cooler, is a device that cools air through the process of evaporation. This is a great option for dry climates, where added moisture can be beneficial. Here's a breakdown of how it works:
Warm air is drawn into the cooler through a dust filter.
Air passes over a wet media pad, usually made of honeycomb cellulose.
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Cool, moist air is then blown into the room.
Air coolers come in a variety of sizes, from small personal coolers to large units that can cool an entire room. They are generally more energy-efficient than traditional air conditioners, and they are more environmentally friendly because they do not use refrigerant.
Here are some things to keep in mind when considering an air cooler:
They work best in dry climates. If you live in a humid climate, an air cooler will make the air feel softer.
They require regular maintenance. The water tank needs to be emptied and refilled regularly and the media pad needs to be cleaned or replaced periodically.
They do not cool the air as much as an air conditioner. Air coolers can typically cool the air by 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you are looking for an affordable and environmentally friendly way to cool your home in a dry climate, an air cooler may be a good option for you. Let me know if you want to see some options for air coolers available online!
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troofless · 3 years
servamp chapter 106 thots
ildio in the early chapters: hot-headed, ready to beat everyone up
ildio now: apathetic, *emo brooding voice* my eves are all the same so anyone will do, really
tanaka really decided to slap this guy with a tragic backstory huh 
tanaka, *oprah winfrey voice*: you get a tragic backstory! you get a tragic backstory! everyone gets a tragic backstory! 
kuro, lawless, ildio: wow being immortal sucks because it means that the people we love will eventually die and leave us alone so to cope i went crazy and hypnotised myself to think that human life has no meaning and thus we shall live our days apathetically
meanwhile, wrath: haha i was married happily with my eve for decades and he finally died of old age the other day :) :) anyway whats up guys
yo capu just shot il in the head wtf
il, after getting shot in the fucking head: maybe humans don’t have rights
and then licht just enters and beats the shit out of both of them yes king do it
licht drugging them with kranz’s holy water: yes
also glad to see more of ossan guil too (but can we get back the mascot costume....?)
lawless: ok guys i’ll go search for him *jumps off a rooftop* omg this takes me back to greed pair arc....
short hair nicco... cute....
izuna finally gets screentime (please come back queen the dudes are making unnecessary drama, if u were here with wrath you could beat the shit out of everyone....)
tsuyuki to izuna: you’re still a kid, stay here where it’s safe
izuna, who has literally contracted with a servamp and can walk on air, got out of the c3 arc without any injuries: this is fine
also why did tsuyuki not say this??? to mahiru??? my dude is one year younger than izuna and he’s still recovering from his broke arm and like. i dunno, almost getting shot by his dad *puts hand to head and screams*
izuna literally has that same ‘adults and children’ monologue to parallel mahiru’s ‘i’d rather drink orange juice scene’ back in the early chapters
mahiru (16), izuna (17), licht (18), misono (15)
and then there’s nicco (28)
wait wtf im rereading 104 and iori died wait WHAT
please say sike..... tanaka you can’t just introduce a hot bishounen and then kill then in 2 chapters.... not like this
friedrich suddenly got 1000x cooler in my book. omg he’s so sexy
i swear pls use a revival technique to bring iori back that man can’t just die DON’T DO THIS TANAKA
also miyako ma’am please continue being cool
ok back to 106
mf tsuyuki have you not learnt your lesson you need to lock your kids up or they’ll end up breaking their bones
also where’s wrath,,,,, nee-san???? literally we have no idea where you went after being stabbed by kitsune glasses edgy man????
ah yes her op lead.... izuna just casually walks on air now... (meanwhile mahiru is sitting in the corner sobbing bc he only learnt how to fly with his lead after much practice)
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digitalworldbound · 4 years
Takari Week, Day Two: First Kiss
Hello, again! This was the first fanfiction I ever wrote in middle school, around the age of thirteen (eight years ago!). I found it the other day, and thought it would be cute to post. It’s not the best, but has a cute sentiment . @takariweek 💖
Title: First Kiss
Characters: Takeru x Hikari
We arrived at Daisuke’s house when the party was in full swing. From the overflow of cars in the driveway, it appeared that everybody from the soccer team, dance squad, and student council were there.
“Hey, Takaishi-san!” Daisuke sauntered over and did that guy hand-slap/chest-bump combination that he must have picked up from my brother. “Welcome, welcome, all!” He looked me up and down, and I gave him the stare that made it clear I wasn’t the least bit interested in anything he was looking for. Not all men mature after middle school.
“Hey, man.” Saeki, my boyfriend, said. He side stepped me, putting his body between Daisuke and myself. “Thanks for the invite.” Daisuke grinned wider, sizing Saeki up. Both boys had a competitive streak, something that I wished they left on the soccer field.
“Oh, right, you two are together. See, I keep forgetting that since she’s always with him.” He pointed a grimy finger to a clearly annoyed Takeru.
“Daisuke-san, I don’t believe that you’ve met Nagai-san yet.” Takeru gestured in his girlfriend’s direction. Her glittery eyes popped underneath her smoky eyeshadow, and I absentmindedly wished I had taken the time to apply some.
Our whole lives, people always assumed that Takeru and I were an item. In their defense, most of our time was spent together, and we even had this weird twin-telepathy thing that let us know how the other one was feeling. It wasn’t until high school arrived that our close bond was placed underneath scrutiny.
For whatever reason, Daisuke laughed. “Okay, I get it, I get it.” He reached into a cooler and pulled out some cans of soda.  “I’d say go long, Takaishi-san, but I don’t think my mom would appreciate getting soda on the carpet.” He laughed. I quirked an eyebrow at his jab. “Wow, Daisuke-san, that’s fresh coming from the kid that wore a pair of hand-me-down goggles for over half of his life.”
Saeki stifled a laugh at my outburst, but Takeru remained stoic. The four of us each took a can and made our way over to the corner of the kitchen.
“Don’t let him get to you.” I said to Takeru.
“But he’s right. I can’t seem to catch anything… except grief.” He shook his head. With the basketball season starting up, Takeru hadn’t had as much time to practice as he did in years previous. He game had gotten weaker; a detail that hadn’t slipped even Daisuke’s notice.
I turned my back to Nagai and Saeki. I knew how embarrassed Takeru could get about his skills. He always valued the opinions of others more than his own. “You’re getting much better. The other day, Nii-chan was telling me you catch a ball nearly half-way down the court.”
“I guess.” His voice was faint. “But it is so humiliating sitting on the bench every game.”
“I thought you only wanted to play basketball to make friends and to fit in. Remember? You said that you were more focused on becoming a writer.”
He shrugged. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to play.”
“I know but look around. You’re at a party and Daisuke-san of all people invited you.”
“He invited everybody.” Takeru’s huff of annoyance ruffled his golden locks, and I pretended that the movement didn’t distract me.
“But at least you’re here. And he’s making fun of you. Isn’t that ‘the bro’ way of being friendly?”
“’The bro way.’” He laughed.
“You know, how guys show affection. Or mark their turf. Kind of like how my cat Miko pees on something to let you know it’s hers.”
“Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?” A grin teased its way onto his face, and I silently rejoiced at the small victory.
“Of course not,” I admitted. “But does it at least make you feel a little bit better?”
“Yeah, just a little.”
I elbowed him playfully. “Well, that will not do. Clearly my job here is not done. Let me count the ways you are a stud.”
“Wait, wait.” Takeru laughed and pulled out his phone. “I need to record this. I may even make it my new ringtone.” His eyebrows wiggled suggestively.
I grabbed his phone and spoke directly into the mic. “I, Yagami Hikari, do hereby swear the Takaishi Takeru is a total manly man, the ultimate bro. Reason number one, he can quote the entire My Neighbor Totoro movie at the drop of a hat. Reason number two, he knows to always compliment a lady’s photography skills. Um, reason number three. Um…”
“Nice,” he grabbed his phone back. “You can’t even come up with three reasons?”
“See, there are just too many reasons, my poor brain is on overload.”
“Good save.”
“Phew!” I wiped my brow dramatically.
“Hey!” Miyako approached us. “I didn’t see you guys come in. But then I saw your dates outside and figured you were doing that thing you do.” I almost didn’t recognize her with her long hair pulled all the way back. Her face looked more angular, more grown-up.
The best part about Miyako, however, was that she could read the nonverbal exchange Takeru and I shared. “Let me guess. You didn’t realize your dates left.”
I grimaced.
She shook her head, shiny purple hair flowing behind her. “You guys are too much.”
“Clearly,” Takeru and I said in unison.
“Well, may I suggest that you take your party outside and keep your dates company?”
“Thank you so much!” I gave Miyako a quick hug before she returned to her student council friends.
Takeru and I went to the glass patio door and saw Nagai and Saeki leaning against the deck railing. Saeki, all cheekbones and full lips, was telling some story that made Nagai giggle like a little schoolgirl. Her cheeks were rosy against her white camisole, short cropped hair caught on a breeze. ‘Takeru-kun looks at that every day.’ I shut down that train of thought as soon as it arrived. Now was not the time to be jealous.
“Well, at least they’re having a good time.” Takeru remarked. “In fact, it looks like they’re having a better time now than they have all night.”
“Takeru-kun,” I stopped his hand from opening up the door. “I think that maybe it’s not the best idea for us to go on double dates.”
He nodded, letting his palm linger a second too long. “I know. It’s just hard to throw anybody into our mix. I really don’t want to mess things up with Nagai-san.”
“You and I will still hang out; you’re bound to me by the laws of friendship. I’m only saying that maybe date night should just be date night. No forcing our dates to put up with the two of us.”
Takeru’s gaze was fixed straight ahead. His jaw was tightly clenched, blue eyes narrowed to fine points.
“Takeru-kun?” When he didn’t respond, I followed his stare. Saeki moved closer to Nagai and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed further but leaned into him. He put his arm around her, pulling her closer. His jacket dangled from her shoulders as Nagai tucked herself into the warmth.
“Are they flirting?” I gasped out. There was no way this was happening.
Takeru and I remained frozen in place as we watched Saeki and Nagai lean in closer and closer. He said something else that made her laugh. Her giggles bounded off the glass door and shot straight into my heart. She twirled a piece of auburn hair around her finger, the action enticing Saeki lean even further into her. Her smile dropped. They were studying each other. Intensely.
I recognized the look on Saeki’s face. He tilted his head and put his index finger up to her chin. This was not happening.
“I can’t…” The pain etched in Takeru’s voice snapped me into action.
“How could you?” I found myself in front of Nagai. I know I should have been more upset with Saeki, but at that moment I was furious with the green-eyed beauty. Takeru had been on a few dates with her, he’d even asked her to come hang out with his friends and go to a party he was invited to, and this is how she repaid him?
Nagai shrank away from me, but Saeki stepped closer. “Are you being serious right now?” I’d never seen him so mad before. His hands, clenched into fists at his side, were trembling.
“Are you being serious right now?” I threw back.
He looked at me with disgust. “Do you realize how messed up this is? You’re mad at Nagai-san? Do you even care about me? You know what – you don’t even need to answer that. It’s clear that your only concern is Takaishi-san, not your boyfriend. No, wait, your former boyfriend.”
“Let me make sure I’m getting this straight.”  My mind was trying to keep pup with every that had happened in the past few minutes. “You were flirting with another girl. If I hadn’t stepped in, you were probably going to kiss another girl. You were going to cheat on me. Yet you’re mad at me? And you’re breaking up with me?”
“Do you have any idea how much this hurts me?” Saeki’s voice cracked, and I could tell it was completely genuine. I felt awful; maybe I had hurt him. But I certainly knew I didn’t do anything that justified cheating.
“How are you putting this on me?” Confusion swirled around in my head. Saeki and I had never fought; not once. We were talking about traveling to Kyoto for our one-year anniversary. And now he was breaking up with me? “Have you been drinking?”
“You know I don’t drink.” He snapped at me. “Maybe I did this on purpose, for you to see what it’s like to have your boyfriend give another girl all your attention. I really like you, Hikari-chan, but I can’t sit here and play second best to Takaishi-san anymore.”
“You wouldn’t think any of this if he were a girl.” Tears trailed down my cheeks, but I let them fall. I wanted him to see the pain he was causing me.
“But he’s not, and that’s the problem. Why don’t you two just go out already?”
That is what it always came down to. The perception that there was no way Takeru and I could be legitimately best friends and only friends. Nobody seemed to understand it. Mostly because those people never had a best friend of the opposite sex.
Or maybe it was more appropriate to say that none of them have had Takeru as a best friend.
“If you’ve had such a problem with it, why are you only saying something now?”
He groaned. “Because I figured the closer you and I got, the less I would have to deal with him?”
“Deal with him?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t.”
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Takeru’s voice say, “I’m so sorry.” I had forgotten that he and Nagai were there. In fact, a whole crowd had started gathering around the door.
Nagai was hunched over in the corner in an attempt to disappear. “I should go,” she said quietly.
“I’ll drive you home.” Saeki walked into the group of observers while Nagai following close behind him.
I heard some clapping. “Dudes,” Daisuke called out, emerging from the crowd. “I know I can always count on you two to bring the entertainment. If only I had some popcorn! That was insane.”
“Really, Motimiya-san?” I asked. Something in my voice must have stopped him.
“Oh, man, I’m sorry, Hikari-chan.”
I stood there waiting for him to make a sarcastic follow up comment, but he had a look of actual sympathy on his face. It made me feel even worse. If Daisuke felt bad for you, you knew your life must be pathetic.
“Let’s get out of here.” I grabbed Takeru by the arm and led us out of the crowded house.
“Um, our ride left,” Takeru said with quiet resignation.
“We’ll figure something out.” I opened the front door and started walking. “I think the fresh air might do us some good.”
Takeru stayed uncharacteristically silent for several minutes. I left him alone with is thoughts, as I had a plethora of my own to muddle through.  Mostly, what had just happened? Maybe I was missing some signals. I racked my brain for signs that Saeki had been unhappy. He’d made lots of jabs at how much time I spent with Takeru and usually pretended to gag whenever I would talk about him. But he was a guy. I’d thought he was teasing me.
Regardless of what I’d done, it didn’t give him any excuse to flirt the second my back was turned. But what made me the most upset was that it had been Takeru’s girlfriend. I would have thought Saeki, of all people, would’ve wanted Takeru to have a girlfriend.
“Is any of this making sense to you?” I asked Takeru. The night air caressed his cheeks, coloring them the shade of rose petals. He shook his head and kept walking. This was bad.
We found ourselves walking to the same place. We didn’t discuss our destination; we just lead each other to the shores of Odaiba Beach. Silently, we strolled towards the abandoned swing set. Carefully, I sat in the middle swing while Takeru occupied the swing to my left. This is how we always sat on the way home in middle school, back when growing up wasn’t so messy.
I started rocking my swing back and forth.
“So, I’ve been thinking,” Takeru announced, remaining motionless in his swing. “I think you’re right. We shouldn’t go on anymore double dates.”
I looked over and saw a slight smile pulling at the edges of his lips. “Are you making a joke?”
“Well, it’s either that, or accept the fact that I’ve been cheated on twice.” He was referring to his girlfriend from middle school. At the girl’s New Year’s Eve party, she snuck away to make out with Daisuke while Takeru was visiting his family in France. I was the one that found them in a tangle of limbs on a butterfly comforter. I was also the one that had to break the news to my best friend when he got off the plane six days later.
“Well, if it helps, Nagai-san didn’t technically cheat.”
He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, only because you stopped it.”
“We don’t know what was going to happen.” Truthfully, I didn’t believe the words as they came out of my mouth. I tried to lighten the mood. “I guess I really need to stop going to parties where your girlfriends are. And where there are doors.”
“Tell me about it.” He got up and went behind to push me. I closed my eyes and let the swing take me higher and higher. His hands pressed lightly on my back, and I relished in the comfort while it lasted.
We stayed like that for nearly an hour before I glanced down at my watch. “We either need to start walking home or call one of our parents.”
We decided that it was best to call Takeru’s mom for a ride.  My father and Onii-chan were very protective of me, so I didn’t think they would take it lightly that I’d been essentially abandoned at a party. Although I was with Takeru, which would have made them both feel a bit better. They both really liked Saeki, so I knew they’d be disappointed to hear that it was over.
Over. It was so strange to think about it.
Takeru and I sat on the curb while we waited on his mother to pick us up. He averted his eyes, picking at the toe of his sneaker.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Not really.” He wrapped his arms around his legs. “I don’t know, I’m wondering if there is something wrong with me.” A cheek was pressed against his knee, facing in my direction.
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” I assured him. His eyes, a stormy gray, refused to meet mine.
“But why do girls keep cheating on me?”
“You’ve had one girl cheat on you, and another to make a bad decision.”
He sighed, his breath shakily blowing his hair out of his eyes. “Maybe I’m a bad kisser.”
“I’m sure it’s not that.”
“How would you know?” He got me there. “Let’s think about it. My first girlfriend was away from me for ten days and sucking face with a guy who was supposed to be my friend the second she was alone with him. Tonight, my girlfriend was away from me for like two seconds before she about to make out with a guy that was already taken. The problem is clearly me.”
“You’re being silly.” I insisted. It hurt me to think that my best friend thought so lowly of himself. He was loyal, kind, and everything a girl could ever need.
“I don’t think I am.” That was all it took for Takeru to become opposite of silent. He spent the next five minutes battling the crickets for his voice to be heard. He went on and on about how it must be that he was a terrible kisser and that he would never be able to keep a girlfriend because of how lousy of a person he was. How he was never going to date another girl because he wouldn’t be able to trust them. How pathetic he must be that every girl jumped at the chance to be with someone the second his back was turned.
It was grinding on my last nerve.
Takeru was usually pretty laid back about most things, so I wasn’t accustomed to him being so hard on himself about some girl.
I kept trying to tell him that it wasn’t about him. It was about how the first girlfriend likes to flirt and couldn’t be “girlfriend material” with how she preferred to play the field. And who knew about Nagai? She was younger than we were. She had made a mistake.
But that wasn’t enough. I was getting so frustrated with Takeru. Part of me wanted to smack him, but I knew he would only keep complaining.
“Nope, that’s it. I’m a horrible kisser. And it’s going to spread around the school and no girl will ever give me a chance.”
“For the love of the gods, Takeru-kun!”
And before I really could register what I was doing, I grabbed his cheeks and pulled his lips to mine. The chilly air had chapped them, and but his face was warm underneath my hands. He was tense, probably from shock, but I forced my eyes shut so that I wouldn’t see any looks of disgust he could give me.  I tried to ingrain the scent of the sea and sandalwood and something uniquely him. Then, his shoulders loosened. His arms wrapped around my middle as he eased his body into mine. My fingers twitched, threatening to caress his hair.
I pulled away and Takeru struggled for breath. “Wh-wh-what …” He stammered, ears pink from excitement.
Ignoring my own rapid heartrate, I discretely tried to catch my breath. “You’re fine. You are not a bad kisser. It has been verified. Moving on.”
His eyes were shiny and wide, mouth agape and speechless. For the first, I cursed myself for leaving my camera at home.
I loved that he was so flustered. The fact that I could have that effect on him was exhilarating.
From across the street, we could see his mom’s headlights approaching. I stood up while he remained seated on the curb. I reached out my hand to help him up, but it took him a second to process it. He got up on his feet, completely stunned.
“So, that’s one thing that I have on all of your basketball friends and your other ‘bros’” I said to him, flashing him the smile I reserved for quiet moments like these. He returned a blank stare.
I laughed and playfully punched him in the shoulder. “I don’t think any of them would’ve had the nerve to prove to you that you’re not a bad kisser. You’re welcome, by the way.”
He stayed mostly silent on the ride back to my house. Every so often, his finger would reach up to brush across his lips, and I had to stop myself from doing the same. ‘Remember, you’re better off as friends.’
I laughed silently to myself while my thigh was pressed against his in the backseat. All it really takes to fluster a guy is a simple kiss.
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doctorghoti · 4 years
Top Ten Magia Record Character Card Art
Probably late to jump on the bandwagon, but who can resist lists? Now, this will be based on the art more than the character’s costumes, so there’s a good chance I’ll like how something is drawn but not necessarily the outfit (or the girl). That’ll be another list or two. Also, I’ll be focusing on girls released in the NA version since that’s the version of the game I know and love. Lastly, they’re in no particular order. Putting under a read more since long post will be long.
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The coloring and lighting are so lovely here.
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Look, okay, that outfit? No. But I love the background colors and style. Something about it feels like a comic book to me. The line work, shading, and coloring are great on her too.
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Kanae doesn’t look like your typical mahou shoujo to the point her story is about her rough face, and this card art works great at making her stand out from the crowd. The background is gritty, but there’s still a beauty to it. The art doesn’t force itself to be soft to match the other girls. 
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Color scheme? Nice. The way the lines flow to point back to her? Nice. It’s a beautiful card.
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Another case where it’s mostly the background I love. You’ve got the comic book style with the vivid colors, thick lines, and jagged edges, but you’ve also got the muted traditional Japanese print at her feet. I think it’s a nice visual of her interests in both traditional and modern Japanese culture. 
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It’s so soft but has nice flashes of red to go with the cooler colors. Also, it’s always nice to see action poses to show these girls can fight. 
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The way Yayoi is colored is so soft and pretty. I also like the flowing strings to draw our attention back to her and to connect to her weapon and wish. 
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The color scheme fits her, the coloring style is nice, and this pose finally made me realize her little cape is supposed to look like demon wings. 
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I love the energy of her pose, and while the art style isn’t super pretty, it’s a nice style change that helps her stand out. I also love the background. In combination with her costume, I get old timey circus/western vibes. Do wish she had better pants, but don’t we all.
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There’s nice energy here, and the colors are nice as well. This is also her only card to be in this style, which you can see in the way the face is colored.  Honorable mention goes to all Hinano Miyako cards for their coloring style.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
I've seen your translation for official profiles of Adventure characters. Do you think you can translate the official profiles of 02 characters?
Sorry it took me a while to reply! The 02 profiles didn’t have as much stuff I hadn’t seen before, but there were a few nuggets. Translation under the cut.
ETA: Er, tumblr keeps eating the cut for some reason. Hang on, hope it gets fixed soon.
Motomiya Daisuke
An energetic boy in the same class as Hikari who's good at sports. His weak points are that he's very emotional and quick to lose his cool, but he's got an energy and passionate heart that won't lose to anyone. The goggles that he wears on his head are his treasure that were passed down to him from Taichi, his soccer club senpai who he admires, as proof of his courage. He's got a crush on Hikari, so he considers her good friend Takeru his rival.
"You've got a discerning eye... You can tell how good these goggles are!"
Inoue Miyako
Her big glasses are her trademark. She's cheerful and lively, because she's been coddled she has trouble keeping her composure and can be a little selfish. She is Koushirou's kouhai in the computer club and is good with computers and mechanical things. Her parents run a convenience store on the first floor of their apartment building.
"It kind of sounds like an adventure game!"
Yagami Hikari
Taichi's little sister is a fifth year elementary school student. In the past she fainted during the adventure due to her poor health, but in the three years since she's grown into a healthy girl with a charming smile. Her kindness and sense of responsibility are unchanged, but actually she's got a rascally, mischievous side as well. Recently she likes taking photos, and always keeps her digital camera with her.
"They look really good on you, those goggles!"
Hida Iori
A boy who lives in the same apartment building as Takeru and Miyako. He's calm and reliable to the point that it's hard to believe he's only an elementary school third year, but he likes to go at his own pace and is a bit lacking in the spirit of cooperation. Also, he's overly serious and tries too hard to think logically about things, so he sometimes clashes with other team members. His grandfather is a kendo teacer, so Iori's been studying kendo since he was small too.
"No, when you start to do something, you have to see it through to the end."
Takaishi Takeru
Three years ago, he became one of the Chosen Children along with Taichi and Hikari. Compared to back then, he is now taller and is the ace of the basketball team. Because he's kind and sociable, he's popular with girls, but he doesn't seem interested in them himself. His parents are still divorced, but after what happened three years ago there have been more chances for his family to get together, and he's now moved to Odaiba.
"Uh, what? What's that all of a sudden... Hahaha! Daisuke-kun's sure funny!"
Ichijouji Ken
Ken developed a complex after losing his older brother in an accident, and was used by he powers of darkness as the Digimon Kaiser. However, thanks to Wormmon's death he came to understand the importance of life, and regained his original kind heart. Now, he honestly accepts his past, and along with the revived Wormmon fights to bring peace back to the Digital World with his own hands. At first, because of the debt he felt from being the Kaiser, he couldn't open up to the other Chosen, but thanks to Daisuke's positive efforts, he was able to open his heart little by little.
"I feel like I can now say thank you to everything."
Yagami Taichi
Hot-blooded and rash Taichi now takes on the role of watching over the younger kids as a reliable senpai. Between helping Daisuke and the others on their adventure and practicing soccer hard, his every day sounds busy. Of course he's still got a strong bond with Agumon! The deep friendship between him and Yamato showcases the value of the time they spent together.
"From now on, you'll protect the digital world!"
Ishida Yamato
Yamato, who's grown his hair out and looking cooler than ever, is now a member of a band. Though they're amateurs, they seem fairly popular, so maybe in the future you'll see him sing passionately on the big stage? His stance toward Daisuke and the others is to never coddle them, and he's unique in that when necessary he will take on the role of devil's advocate.
"Don't just whine selfishly. Can't you listen to your senpai?"
Takenouchi Sora
She starting to look a bit grown up since becoming a junior high school student. She's certainly 'everyone's big sister' in the way she gently encourages the new kids. The way she practices tennis hard till she's sweating hasn't changed, but she's also started genuinely learning flower arrangement from her mother. Fans are also interested in her relationship with Taichi.
"There will surely be a day where you feel glad that you met your Digimon and glad that you went on this adventure together!"
Izumi Koushirou
Over the three year's he's grown taller and become stronger. Because he's good with computers as well as a wealth of knowledge, he gives perfect support to Daisuke and the others. Even though you'd expect the leader of the computer club to be a senior student, if you think about it, it seems to be mainly Koushirou in that role.
"If there's something you don't understand, please ask me about it! Let's think about it together!"
Tachikawa Mimi
She now lives in the USA. Though many people were surprised at first by her star-studded pink hair, once you get used to it it's clear that this is exactly Mimi's image of true herself. She and Miyako have decided to be a combo, so we look forward to see what they do.*
"Even if no one else believes in you, I definitely do!"
*(This one has a pun on their names. It calls it Miyako and Mimi's "name combo" because both their names start with "mi", then adds "[or perhaps] 迷?" which means "perplexing/troublesome" and is pronounced "mei." The idea is that the "Mi combo" is actually the "Trouble combo" xD)
Kido Jou
He's grown out his hair to the same length as Yamato's. Three years ago he was a little uncertain and lacking confidence, but now he's calmer and the term "senpai" suits him perfectly. He seems quite busy with studying for entrance exams, but when his friends are in trouble the others can always rely on him to come running without hesitation.
"We're called Chosen Children, but really, we're the ones who chose this."
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