#mizune family
chaotictoon · 1 year
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Mousey Girls
Cartoon mouse Girls
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On another note, I found this older drawing of Mizune and realized I never posted her, so here.
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🎩Raddest Hat Battle👒
Big Hat Logan from Something vs Mizune from Soul Eater
Round 2 Side 2
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Here are our winners!
Liz Thompson Patty Thompson Mizune Maka Albarn Death the Kid
I will see you all Thursday for Round 1 Side B’s bracket :)!
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inukag-archive · 10 months
Inuvember 2023 Part 1
In honor of @inuvember InuKag Day, the Archive Mods have put together a 30 item InuKag recommendation list: one InuKag fic per prompt. Since this list is longer than our usual, we've split it into two parts. Enjoy!
Day 1 Inuyasha
I Hate That Fucking Well by @kstewdeux (M)
Post-manga. Inuyasha POV. Inuyasha's inner thoughts and monologues. Rated M for fucking language
Day 2 Kagome
Cinnamon Hearts by @fandomobsessions016 (M)
"So, you may be wondering, what’s this story about anyway? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s about how this queen, almost lost her crown, her throne, but worst of all… it’s about how this queen almost lost her king…
Hindsight, of course, has perfect vision, but at the time I did not. I was a girl becoming a woman who fought bitterly against change that was inevitable. I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to see what was right in front of me.
What I wanted more than anything was to keep Inuyasha.
High school forced my eyes open, tested our “unshakable” bond and made me confront my biggest fear. All because…
I caught feelings for my best friend.
I like-liked my king."
Day 3 Sango
Forever Home by KittyKatz (M)
How long had he roamed the earth in a form that was not his? Beaten, dirty and caged, he finds one last bit of fortune when she comes to rescue him from this place. But his road to redemption will not be easy. And he will find, that no matter how the world has changed, his old enemy remains. And this time, they plan to destroy him once and for all.
Day 4 Miroku
Under the Northern Lights by @lostinfantasyworlds (E)
Kagome Higurashi has her dream job, working as a photographer for the internationally well-known Yugen magazine. Her career whisks her all around the world, leaving her feeling lonely sometimes but mostly just incredibly grateful to be doing what she loves. When she gets assigned to Alaska for a month to photograph a series of celestial events, she runs into Inuyasha, a half-demon who lives on his own in the middle of nowhere. A mutual attraction draws them to each other, but Kagome's time there is limited. Will giving in to their desire lead to love or heartbreak?
Day 5 Shippo
Oh, But You're Good To Me by @witchygirl99 (E)
It’s a terrible photo, really. The action figure takes up the entire bottom of the screen and part of both of their faces. Shippo’s giggling though, eyes shut and crinkled in his mirth while Inuyasha looks at him. His expression is clearly fond. It’s the softest Inuyasha has ever, ever seen himself.
This is fatherhood, he thinks a little wildly.
He sends the photo to Kagome.
Inuyasha is a single father. Shippo is his adopted son. Kagome isn't supposed to be in the picture, but somehow, she returns anyways. A story about family, love, and all of its obstacles.
Day 6 Sesshomaru
Whispers in the Wind by @ruddcatha (G)
It has been 500 years since Kagome jumped back down the well to be with Inuyasha. A messenger waits to see her family, and is joined by a surprising guest.
Day 7 Rin
My Life Before You by @len-barboza (E) -- based on a story by Mizune-mei
No English language summary provided. Inuyasha había vivido la mayoría de su vida huyendo, un huérfano medio demonio considerado por la gente una aberración, rechazado por demonios y por humanos, pero quien pensaría que esa era una mejor vida, al menos un propósito lo movía; sobrevivir, que sucede con un hanyo con una vida longeva, en completa soledad.
Day 8 Kikyou
Stolen Soul by Kimberly-A (T)
COMPLETE Kikyo uses a spell to exchange bodies with Kagome, leaving Kagome stuck in the dead shell and Kikyo comfortably human. In the aftermath, Inu-Yasha faces difficult choices. InuKag, not very Kikyo-friendly.
Day 9 Koga
A New Moon, A New Start by @pinestripes (T)
Kouga visits the village near the Sacred Tree. On this particular evening, he finds that a certain half-demon is more on edge than usual.
Day 10 Kagura
The Portal Between Worlds by @neutronstarship (E)
Ten years ago, a portal transported Inuyasha from the demon realm to the human realm. Now a half-demon alone in a world he doesn't understand, he will do anything to get home. When Onigumo brings him a book with all the answers, Inuyasha pushes aside his misgivings and works with the man. He just wants to get home, after all.
Kagome just wants to make an extra buck (and find demons), much to Kikyo’s chagrin. That is why she published Demons Among Us! after all. But strange things start happening when she puts the book online. As if people are using it to open the portals that it hypothesized… When Kagura and Sango join the fray, the stakes grow higher as they try to find the source of the portals.
When Inuyasha encounters Kagome, fate is not what it seems. Not one, but two realms are in danger for their survival. What happens when the final portal opens and an unknowable terror is unleashed? Can the Demon Hunters save the world?
Day 11 Naraku
You Rescued Me by @keizfanfiction (E)
Maybe it was fate that he decided to take the back way home that night, but whatever the reason, Inuyasha was grateful for arriving just in the nick of time to rescue a waif of a woman who had clearly been through hell. He never would have imagined that she would end up rescuing him, too.
Day 12 Band of Seven
Delicate by @akitokihojo (T)
To trust someone, to let them in, what an unsettling ordeal. Kagome is easy and safe, and Inuyasha is difficult and guarded. She can put him at ease with a smile, simultaneously setting him on edge. It was nothing until it was something, creating absolute chaos and uncertainty within the both of them.
Day 13 Jinenji/ Shiori
How Does Your Garden Grow? by @dawnrider (M)
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found...
Day 14 Toga
Taisho School of Acting: A Quick Guide by @jeremymarsh (G)
“Excuse me, what?” Kagome looked at her best friend with eyes as big as saucers, lips parted, and her mind replaying what he had said a moment before – trying to find a sense but to no avail. “You heard me.” Inuyasha scowled, looking down, arms crossed and lips pouting, just like he did every time he didn’t like the topic at hand. The problem was he had started it this time. “Yeah, I did.” Kagome shook her head and inhaled deeply before she continued. “And that’s why I’m asking you to repeat yourself since I’m having problems believing that certain sentences left your mouth.” “I said,” Inuyasha started through clenched teeth, still not meeting her gaze, “come to my family Christmas dinner this Sunday.” He stopped, ran a hand through his silver mane, closed his eyes, murmured something unintelligible and then added: “As my girlfriend.”
Where Inuyasha tries to fool his parents and miserably fails.
Day 15 Izayoi
The Silence of Daisies by Fierywenchxo (T)
Inuyasha shares with Kagome one of the biggest secrets he's ever kept. One-shot.
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Finally read Soul Eater vol. 14 three entire months after initially buying it, and I gotta say, it was fine.
I’m enjoying the series for sure, Crona’s story is captivating as always and I’m interested to see where it goes, but man, the pacing seems to get worse and worse as the chapters go on. Like I’ve talked before about how the series skyrocketed way harder in scope size than it probably should’ve, but Jesus.
The series is so cool in concept, basically all the characters are so sick, I love so many of the ideas and plotlines, and the artstyle is one of the best I’ve seen in manga ever (or really in general ever), but I find it just fumbles the execution not enough to ruin it, but just enough to frustrate you.
Outside of the scale/scope thing I talked about before, there are just so many ideas that start out cool as fuck but then eat shit on the landing. Like Soul’s corruption to the imp has been building up more and more since even before the kishin was released, with him using more and more of its powers hinting towards some huge unraveling where everything comes loose and he becomes a big chaotic threat with a big arc about rescuing him. In the end that kinda happened, and his chaos form was pretty cool, except he got over it in like a chapter and everything’s cool now (though I will say his conversation with the imp and whole character struggle is cool)
Honestly now that I mention it, Soul’s a weird character for me, where I think his internal struggle and arc are interesting and I enjoy them, but I just have no thoughts about him as a character outside of that. I just can’t really think of anything about how he acts outside of his own head that really endears me to him, I find him just kinda bland. The majority of his time acting normally around others really doesn’t display much personality I find, which is unfortunate considering how cool his internal arc and piano thing are.
Speaking of characters, god there are a lot of them aren’t there? From what I can tell Atsushi Ohkubo kinda runs into a rare writer issue, being “I have more ideas than I know what to do with”. He just seems to have so many sick character ideas in his head that he can’t help but add to the series, but as he keeps adding them he finds he can’t handle the increasing responsibility of actually using them all well in the story.
Like think of how many characters are at least active by volume 14:
We of course have the main 7 (Maka, Soul, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patty)
Then another 7 in the rest of the Spartoi (Kiriko, Fire, Thunder, Ox, Harvar, Kim, Jackie),
Then we can add on the 5 (important) DWMA staff members (Death, Spirit, Stein, Sid, Mira)
Then the 6 other Death Scythes (Marie, Azusa, Justin, Tezca, Dengu, Djinn)
And the 5 members of Medusa’s (former) gang (Crona, Ragnarok, Free, Eruka, Mizune family)
And the 4 surviving members of Noah’s gang after that fell apart like wet toilet paper (Noah, Gopher, Index, the Clown)
And the 3 elder gods we know besides Death (Eibon, Asura, that dude in Eibon’s book)
And 7 assorted characters who are (presumably) somewhat important but don’t fit into any other categories (Blair, Imp, Excalibur, Maba, Angela, Akane☆Hoshi, Clay Sizemore, probably more I forgot)
That’s 44 characters in total, and that’s only including the ones who are alive and shown to be at least somewhat involved in the current conflict and/or important in the world as a whole, which seems to me as very clearly being a lot to keep track of in a series as quickly paced as this one
Anyways, this is a lot of words to say Soul Eater’s very good so far, but I really wish it just got to reach the full potential of its ideas more than it ended up being able to
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
Bendy : Uhh, Excuse me, Kid. You wouldn't happened to be Maka Albarn, are you?
Maka Albarn : Yeah, that's me. You gotta problem with that?
Bendy : Oh, I'm definitely seeing it now.
Maka Albarn : Like how did you know?
Bendy : Like seeing that mess.
*the entire world is covered with Ink*
Bendy : Who's responsible for this!?
Maka Albarn : It was this guy with a third eye.
Soul Evans : No way...It was that punk kid that crona responsible for the damages that they caused.
Bendy : Oh I'm thinking that someone would be using the power of Black Blood to destroy the world, and I smell trouble. The only one who is responsible for destroying the planet for one entity named Demon Vibe...is you!
*points to the Gorgon Sisters*
Medusa : What!? Why me!?
Bendy : I told you about using my ink as a bodily fluid for mass destruction so that you could destroy the legacy of Shinra all by yourself and let Demon Vibe take the blame of it's responsibilities. You are an incompent villain, an heartless cold-blooded jerk, who was using the power of my ink! The only reason is that Black Blood does not make you go insane, but the reason is how Black Blood was made for insanity, because Madness was just a concept from Greek hero Hercules which was originated from the gods and Goddesses of Greece that is the responsibility for your actions.
Medusa : What's the big deal? I could care less about destroying one's legacy and ruin Shinra Kusakabe's life just to make Maka Albarn a loser to the devil's will! Being a heartless villain is our responsibility! So why did I made Black Blood, because your ink was the key of unleashing insanity!
Bendy : *hurts Medusa's foot with cane*
Medusa : Ow! Why are you doing this!?
Bendy : Saving the planet from the likes of your wicked ways, like all villains would do of destroying planets. Using my Ink as your weaponized bodily fluid would make humans go insane, but the DNA results that your foul Black Blood is the blood of the Ink Demon, which traits with human and Demon DNA that combines together into giving powers of the demon of darkness itself!
*Everyone gasps in shock and are now enraged at the Gorgons*
Medusa : Oh crud.
Eruka : You used us to bring blood from a demon made of Ink?!
Bendy : Tear these three nasty witches apart! And show them how we demons mean business to who's boss!
Eruka : [enraged] *clenched fists* Why you bunch of planet-destroying heathens...!
Mizune : You were planning on destroy the legacy of a firefighter?
Free the Wolf : Oh, I can't believe you guys! I trusted you guys! And I can't stand this lying anymore!
Angela Leon : Do you really think that you're gonna believe us that you wanted us to destroy this planet?
Kimial Diehl : Yeah, you renegading p*ssies! This is what you get for ruining our lives and my family!
Shaula : Hey, what's the big deal, guys? We were only told what to do!
Arachne : Stay back! We're the most important witches ever to be existed!
Medusa : We're just minding our business to each other! So I dare to lay waste to this planet and then we'll see! I'll get away with everything that I want! *laughs evilly* See you all in hell, you sons of--*bumps into the Ink Demon*
Ink Demon : *cracking his fists* So you're the ones responsible for this outcome that you caused. Some nerves you have for using my ink to bring a bunch of cover ups for your personal schemes of destroying the legacy. I take it wisely.
Inky Albarn : And so that you could destroy this planet that we live on? I don't think so, you cretins. You gon' get it now, busters! How can you three be so cruel of destroying the legacy!?Bringing destruction on the planet that you crave for...! I wouldn't take so kindly from a trio of psychos like you who doesn't even knows chaos like you.
Medusa : Hey, queenie! I am an adult and you are the queen that controls the Ink Demon's power. You couldn't tell the truth if you see it with your eyes! How does that sound for a whining little b**ch like that bratty Maka over there?
Inky Albarn : Oh yeah? Guess what? I am older than you, I am 70+years older than you and I wouldn't make myself to have a God damn reasoning! *with a distorted voice* So I don't take kindly to to hostile villains like you with that dirty mouth of yours...and I won't allow it!
*She walks towards to the Gorgon Sisters as they backup*
Medusa : Hey, Queenie. I gotta ask you a really really good question for you. Do you look great with using the powers of Black Blood in that dress...?
Inky Albarn : ....*snaps fingers* Get em, boys.
Inky Jr : Time to give you the painful lessons of your life.
Medusa : *gulps*
*Sounds of DBZ/One Piece Blows landing is heard*
Bendy : Well now...I hope they'll learn their lesson. a less not to toy with anyone's blood anymore. Case closed. Also, This shinigami that passed away was actually a Dokeshi from the author's first japanese comic book before you came.
Maka Albarn : Wait, who passed away?
Bendy : Believe it was Shotaro who died when his heart stopped moving. And...that wasn't Lord Death, in which Shinigami was no more than a puppet of Shinra's man-made son Death. So the real Lord Death was actually Darkside, a heartess pureblood who has Death's face on it's torso.
Maka : What!?
*DBZ SFX : Loud Explosions+Booming*
Maka : What was that?
*people screaming+Darkside Death laughing evilly*
*Scythe Slashing*
Maka Albarn : Oh...I see, that's why.
Bendy : Well I hope you're are too sure that this would cover up the damages that some kid causes or probably even you did.
Maka Albarn : Yeah that makes sense.
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
Do you think that the Mizune sisters ever figured out that Eruka lied about who killed their sister? How would they react?
Were the Mizune even in the last arc of the manga? I know we see the family far away flying behind Eruka and Free at Kid’s ascension ceremony, but was that really all they did in the last arc? Or am I missing something? 
I have avoided imagining this scenario, as I can’t imagine it ending well. Unless we get some “truth and reconciliation commission” on this, I can’t see how someone in an official capacity in the DWMA doesn’t piece together, “We saw how Medusa used her snake on Marie, Medusa dies and along with her the snakes, we had Eruka captured and could have heard it from her, then the DWMA is now working with the Witches, Mabaa is going to be curious what they found out about Medusa’s snakes, someone is going to let it slip or have the intelligence leak, and then the Mizune are going to find out.” 
Some of this is the missed opportunity of knowing what the other Mizune thought of Medusa. We know one of them was on Eruka’s side and opposed Medusa--so, was it only Eruka’s lie that convinced the other Mizune to work with Medusa, or were they actually more amenable to Medusa than their one sister was, and it’s what got that sister killed? 
In other words, maybe they won’t be happy that Medusa killed one of their sisters--but they also would say, “The DWMA was worse, so we still would have attacked them.” 
Except, again, that direct assault on the DWMA was considered verboten by other witches, it was just Medusa who was mad enough to risk it. It’s not unbelievable that there were “radical” witches who would ignore Mabaa and be willing to attack the DWMA directly: see that one audio drama about the witch Sofia. 
But without getting more content of Mizune in the manga, it’s hard to get a read on her. It’s stimulating enough for a fanfic, that the Mizune would start off upset with Eruka. Whether they let it go is what gets the plot moving. It’s just how I would end it that I’m not sure: do you get back close to the status quo where Eruka and the Mizune get along, or do you now have the Mizune as now in opposition to the DWMA and Mabaa by willing to try to resurrect their dead sister or just attack all parties for failing their sister?
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neobestiary · 4 months
Jiranabe Zakadochi
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This turtle gnome’s name is Jiranabe Zakadochi (二等辺 三角形). Am… Am I reading this right? There’s no way that’s his real name, right? The kanji in his full name literally just translates to “isosceles triangle.”
Lots of spirits give themselves wacky names like that, Mizune! Heck, sometimes their “family” names are just for show, and don’t reflect any real familial relations. Mr. Jiranabe here is one of those spirits. He also looks a lot more senile than most spirits, and that part’s also for show! When spirits take on humanoid forms like these, they go with a look that best suits their tastes, so it seems Jiranabe is pretty comfortable in his own skin. He might not even be that much older than your average adult spirit. I’ve also noticed he’s got a fashion style similar to the Shinsengumi—perhaps he really liked how they dressed? Jiranabe is an archspirit in Tokyo, and one of Hamada Alchias’s closest compatriots; he even helped organize the Namako Incident! He carries around a snaky, cane-like object he calls Urokoke, and from what we’ve witnessed, it’s capable of carrying living beings around with ease.
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annon-guy2 · 6 months
Video Game Idea: Gangan Clash! Dreamscape Rumble
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An HD-2D sprite fighting game idea featuring characters from Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist and Akame ga Kill! along with the original characters from my Gangan Impact! Idea.
The story would take place in an "Alternate Universe" where the four worlds coexist as four seperate nations with fighters from the four nations traveling to a mysterious continent in the middle of the ocean and converge in a battle to decide the fate of the world with the heroes facing each other while fighting off the villains like Medusa, Bradley and Honest, who each have their own wicked plans for the island and the kingdoms.
Unbeknownst to everyone, the fighters are actually inside a dream world called Dreamrealm, which explains why canonically deceased characters appear in the story, although the living characters are unaware of what happened in the waking world due to events and their memories being altered.
(Although some facts remain true in the Dreamscape World like in the Waking World such as Soul Eater becoming a Death Scythe, Winry knowing Scar killed her parents and Mine becoming Tatsumi's girlfriend.)
The main Antagonist is Dreamscape, the mastermind seeking to control the four worlds through the dream world he crafted.
Playable Roster;
Soul Eater
Maka Albarn & Soul Eater
Black☆Star and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Death the Kid, Liz Thompson and Patty Thompson
Ox Ford and Harvar D. Éclair
Kim Diehl and Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre
Kilik Rung, Fire and Thunder
Sid Barrett and Mira Naigus
Dr. Franken Stein
Lord Death
Marie Mjolnir
Crona and Ragnarok
Eruka Frog
Justin Law
Arachne Gorgon
Medusa Gorgon
Kishin Asura
Note 1: Spirit Albarn appears as an NPC and as Stein's Ultimate Attack.
Note 2: Angela Leon appears as an NPC and as part of Mifune's moveset.
Note 3: Mizune appears as an NPC and as part of Eruka's moveset.
Note 4: Yumi Azusa, Eibon, Giriko, Mosquito and Little Ogre appear as NPC's in the Story.
Note 5: Tsugumi Harudori, Meme Tatane, Anya Hepburn and Akane☆Hoshi from Soul Eater Not! appears as Special NPC's in the Story.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Winry Rockbell
Alex Louis Armstrong
Maes Hughes
Olivier Mira Armstrong
Izumi Curtis
Van Hohenheim
May Chang
Ling Yao
Barry the Chopper
King Bradley
Note 1: Pinako Rockbell, Maria Ross, Miles, Sloth, Father, Gracia Hughes and Elicia Hughes appear as NPC's in the Story.
Note 2: Lan Fan appears as an NPC and as part of Ling's moveset.
Akame ga Kill!
Seryu Ubiquitous and Koro
General Budo
Prime Minister Honest
Note 1: Akame's Murasame is not a one-hit kill poison sword in this game's story, but is still a powerful sword with poison attacks that build up over time.
Note 2: Both Tatsumi and Bulat weild Incursio. In the crossover story, Bulat has Incursio Alpha, which translates to his full gameplay. Meanwhile, Tatsumi has Incursio Beta, which is a Drangon Install Super for him. However, Tatsumi's attacks with his Incursio Armor would be different from Bulat's attacks.
Note 3: Najenda appears as an NPC and as part as Susanoo's Moveset and Ultimate Attack.
Note 4: Sayo, Ieyasu, Dr. Stylish, The Emperor, Izou, Cosmina, Bols' Family and The Path of Peace Lord appear as NPC's in the Story.
Original Cast (The Warriors of Chronotica)
Snow Blossom
Diabolis Marx
Ghost Witch
Crimson Shadow
Kiku Mixel
Yumi Minazuki
Gyro Scrap-Iron
Dragoon Leviathan
Enishi Monarch
Gill Sharptooth
Wasp Hornet
Selene Astoria
Note 1: Dreamscape serves as the game's final boss with altered stats, properties and additional moves exclusive to his boss form.
Note 2: These characters are fan made characters, some of whom are inspired by other franchises. PLEASE DON'T STEAL!
Gangan Clash! Theme - Ao-iconoclast by Kotoko
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multiversal-pig-outing · 11 months
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*Medusa lean in for a kiss before being interrupted by Sid who survived. In the commotion she ditch the party to give the frog and wolf the signal to do it now.
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Has they the cube started to form Sid use the last of his strength to get Stien ,Spirt and the student out of there. Tho Maka needed a extra push to get unstuck.
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Has Medusa stand above the building she wondered were Crono is.*
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"Were is that child? She should have been here by now."
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*Has if by que Crono and Ragnarock appeared with the Mizune family. Tho Ragnarock seems to be having a bit of trouble flying due to Crono weight.*"Here Medusa and I brought them.*
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"That great to hear. Expect some treats when we get back Crono."
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"The fat ass doesn't need more food. I can barely fly with her ass dragging me down."
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qumiiiquinnquin · 1 year
i wish we got to see more of arachne's powers that she’d use in combat
we already know the magic the other witches use to fight that’s relevant to their animal theme. eruka uses tadpole bombs , the mizune family uses the whisker blade things ((sorry i dont know how to explain it but you know what im talking about)) , and medusa uses her vector arrows and snake tattoos
arachne though. from what i know ((because i haven't read the manga)) she doesn't use offensive attacks related to her animal theme like the other witches. the most she does is be able to manipulate and control her victims ((i.e. asura)) by the use of comfort and reassurance - trapping her enemies in her web , so to speak. she also had the ability to see dwma members approaching baba yaga castle , sight being extremely vital when it comes to catching prey for spiders
i just wonder what kind of magic she would use in battle though as the spider witch. she already displays abilities that are reminiscent of a spider’s behavior , but i kinda wish it was expanded upon more
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cucimei · 4 years
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Day 6: Mouse
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🎩Raddest Hat Battle👒
Mizune from Soul Eater vs Finn the Human from Adventure Time
Round 1 Side 2A
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Soul Eater Headcanons Masterlist
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General Headcanons: 
Mizune Family General Headcanons 
Gorgon Sisters Headcanons
For more fandoms, see my Table of Contents. For all requestable fandoms, see here.
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theapathetickat · 4 years
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Redrew a really old fanart celebrating the pink-haired characters of Soul Eater! (going off the manga designs. I prefer Angela's anime color scheme more, though, and have no preference/consistency when it comes to what hair color I give Crona)
I also find it interesting how most of them are witches (and the one that isn't is a direct descendant) and all have their own animal motif/connection. Going off this, especially since there were 6 Mizune sisters in total and their hair's all the same exact color, I am entirely convinced there is a pink hair gene in the Soul Eater universe and that it is heavily tied to the witch gene. (but it is a separate enough gene, since Crona was never canonically stated to be a witch, only referenced as a mostly "regular" human) If you guys want a full post on that theory don't hesitate to tell me.
Scale texture used:
Art by TheApatheticKat. Please do not repost or remove/edit caption
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