im-a-gamer-i-swear · 5 months
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looks around before grabbing them and squishing them
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gygykuy · 6 months
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I am not immune to these two
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pinkandbeelz · 6 months
Hey, idk if you do this ship but could you make reader x MizuShiho dating hcs? If you couldn’t, could you make MizuAn dating hcs instead? 🙃
MizuShiho + MizuAn x Reader Dating HCS!
Aaaa first request thank you!!! I didn’t know MizuShiho was even a thing lol, but it seems cute! I started writing these a few weeks ago then completely forgot to finish :’) I decided to try and do a few for both, I hope you like them, sorry for the late post anon! - Pink!
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🎀🍜• Mizuki was the one to ask you and Shiho out. They knew they liked the both of you and wanted to ask you out as soon as possible. Mizuki may have made a small scene out of it, bringing you and Shiho a bouquet each and telling a romantic and well rehearsed confession. They would’ve done more but after a discussion with Ena they toned it down just a bit. The confession leaves you and Shiho flustered either way!
🎀🍜• At the beginning of the relationship, the going to different schools thing seemed like it would be a problem but after a few weeks all confusion about different school schedules disappeared when meeting at parks and the mall after school became an almost everyday thing. If Shiho has band practice after school on one of the meet-up days she won’t skip it, but depending on her mood she might miss out on the last 5 minutes of practice to see you two, and even though Mizuki doesn’t go to school very often they’ll gladly take the after school meet-ups with you and Shiho as an excuse to walk you both around the mall!
🎀🍜• Dates with these two are usually things like going to the mall, going on walks or just chilling at one of your houses ( normally yours or Mizuki’s, Shiho doesn’t like going to hers cause Shizuku won’t leave her alone about how cute the three of you are! ). Sometimes you’ll go to the arcade and have competitions about who can get the most tickets, these dates always end with Mizuki pulling you and Shiho into a Photo Booth for cute date photos!
🎀🍜• Once in a blue moon Shiho will let you and Mizuki have tickets to see Leo/Need so you can watch her play. I say once in a blue moon because to get said tickets off Shiho takes a lot of pestering and saying you both won’t go overboard with the support. One Shiho eventually cracks, you and Mizuki definitely will go overboard with the support, showing up to the concert decked out in custom made Leo/Need and Shiho themed Merch. Shiho hasn’t asked the live house security to remove you two yet, but she’s gotten close. You and Mizuki would do anything to show your love for your girlfriend!
🎀🍜• These two would be good at comfort. No matter what your problem is, they know how to make you feel better about it. Mizuki’s good at calming you down through hugs, kisses, cuddles and whatever else you may need, whereas Shiho is great at talking you through your emotions and figuring out a solution for them.
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🎀🎧• Ok they probably confessed to you like they were asking you to prom. They were already together before asking you out so they wanted to make a big thing out of it. They had a lot of out there ideas on how to ask you out, An had to stop the both of them when Mizuki thought of getting Rui to build a small airplane they could attach a banner to with “ please go out with us “ written on it.
🎀🎧• You and Mizuki often go to An’s Vivids / VBS gigs at live houses. It’s very easy to tell that you are An’s biggest fans, going to the live houses way before the events start so that you can make sure you have front row seats to see your favourite singer and shouting words of encouragement at her so that she knows you both love and support her!
🎀🎧• An would give you and Mizuki free drinks and snacks from Weekend Garage whenever you want them! She’d make you specialty drinks on your birthdays and would treat you and Mizuki to any of your favourite menu items on your anniversaries!
🎀🎧• Dates with the two of them would definitely be entertaining! The two of them would take you out to places like bowling alleys, cinemas and on shopping trips! Even though dates like that are more common, Mizuki and An also aren’t against chill dates like staying at home together or going to cute cafes!
🎀🎧• When you need comfort, these two are all over you! Both Mizuki and An’s first instinct when seeing you upset is to attack you with hugs and love! They’ll listen to any worries you have and do their best to help you! They’ll get you whatever you need when you’re stressed, anything to show their love!
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Pink’s Notes! - dude I say headcanons like I’m not writing full scenarios but bullet pointed :’) also thank you Pinterest people for the card edits lol
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wabatle · 2 months
Hii can i req mizushiho x reader who is very quiet to people but they are loud/playful when they are with close people? I saw that ure doing poly but idk if this is what u allow/meant, if not you can do separate then :)
☆~Mizuki and Shiho (together/poly) with an s/o that’s loud when they’re with friends
wabatle nonsense:
yayyy my first poly!!
warnings: none♪
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(that is a card edit I found on Google from X)
Well, Mizuki already does the same thing, so no judgement from them!
But Shiho, on the other hand… She gets second hand embarrassment when she sees you both being loud and excited together
She’ll constantly ask you to quiet down or tell you there’s no reason for you to be this loud
Shiho won’t try to hurt yours and Mizuki’s feelings but she might by accident
She’ll apologize later though
Shiho will get especially embarrassed if she was the last one at a restaurant and you and Mizuki were waving and calling to her, definitely getting people to look at you
But then at the same time, you’re also quiet with people you aren’t close with, like Shiho
Usually, Mizuki is the loudest one, but Shiho always thinks it’s kind of weird when you just randomly go quiet
Mizuki notices it too, but they don’t think it’s weird
Overall, though, they both realize that you’ll sometimes need more help talking to people you’re not close with, but then you’ll be really extroverted around close friends
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correctproseka · 6 months
Contributing to ship asks, thoughts on shizumizu? They're my silly things..
You: silly things...
Ok we know mizuki is an idol fan so points there, plus they're friends. But i feel like Mizuki would think Shizuku is too pretty for them. Mizuki was bullied a lot for being trans and I think with someone like Shizuku who is said multiple times to be effortlessly pretty, it would play a huge, insecure, role.
Shizuku would get really sad about it too because, Shizuku loves Mizuki, believes she's enough and pretty, but Mizuki doesn't believe herself and that hurts Shizuku too.
Im sure Mizuki can work it out, but it would take a while too.
Also consider: Mizuki calling Shiho "otouto-kun" and annoying Shiho the same way they annoy Akito (and yes, "little brother" bc its funnier)
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chid0rita · 8 months
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Gift for @magiia - MizuShiho Matching icons
Like and Reblog if saved/used
Don’t tag Mizuki as kin/me unless you’re it!
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careyyss · 4 months
hey guys who should i draw
(please vote dont leave me like that one shaggy & scooby picture)
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maxcatz · 11 days
the t4t’s ever,,,,,
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hammerbonk · 8 months
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I am not immune to the mizushiho propaganda of tiktok
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medpocketer · 1 year
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twitter mizushiho the world ( VERY late post )
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lynnieos · 5 months
thoughts on Mizuki x Shiho?
Stealing this from canon but mizuki knew of shiho through shizuku, and was always kinda eager to meet her because she seemed like an interesting person to them
and well. gay panic on sight. oh my god. she looks so badass-- are those scars on her hands? oh my gos. oh my go
then they find out shiho is a fucking sweetheart who has a (not so) secret love for cute things and they fall even further in love, head over heels (yeas i like pathetic wet cat mizuki. your point.)
they go to PXL together a lot, and mizuki insists on getting matching bracelets that shiho ends up hanging on her bookbag
both of them are ridiculously touched starved and neither are particularly fond of initiating... it takes a while but they figure it out together
Mizuki likes learning things about shiho. Shizuku loves talking about shiho. You know where this is going. poor shiho/lh
Two (closeted) sopping wet cats
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rikimura-nishi · 6 months
dddo other peoplr ship mizushiho…. i hc shiho as trans (ftm) 🤗🤗 i like to projectc on characters anywau love ya i’m just posting for fun
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Shiho Hinomori x Akiyama Mizuki Moodboard
Requested: Mod BB
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
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Lovecore MizuShiho (Mizuki x Shiho) Moodboard
anon requested: hiiii :] could i request a MizuShiho moodboard with a lovecore theme? thank you!
feel free to use with credit! like or reblog if you save!
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crescentmp3 · 5 months
i had never been a rarepair shipper before i got into pjsk but now i understand the pain
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correctproseka · 9 months
Round 1- part two
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