#ml canine girl
emdoddles · 6 months
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I have a love hate relationship with Canine Bun, Bunnine? Look in the show, I wish they did more with it but I love the color scheme they choose with it. So I wanted to try my own version of it, fitting Alix’s style more.
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5000egrets · 2 years
Ok im rewatching ml now s1e5 is so crazy irs like.First alix decides to name herself "canine girl" which. Wow. can you get any more creative.but mostly im thinking about how adrien must feel watching an actual loving Father/child relationship.likeWow. ahould i kill my self
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cherchersketch · 2 years
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My Gently-Raised Beast / I raised the Beast well
Another one I found on WEBTOON. And in a twist, even though it starts with a trash family, they actually redeem themselves? Amazing. (well most of them) I’m just a sucker for an ML with *sharp canines* and the ~one dangly earring~  It’s very 🔥🔥🔥
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Summary It’s the ~secretly royalty~ so *reunited with long lost fam* FL. But of course the ~true royalty~ always look down on the illegitimate kid. But it’s fine, our girl saves and befriends a black panther who can actually change into a boy because that’s how their species be.  It’s baby shenanigans for a few chapters. And then they’re actual adults after that so yay for eye candy. And the trash family actually learn how ~trash~ they are and actually redeem themselves. Especially since it helps with the peace between humans and the beast people. 
Trope   - trash family recycled themselves *amazing*   - this animal ain’t a real animal   - the main characters are reincarnations of ancient gods/goddesses and the cycle is repeating itself? what a twist
FL -  Blondina Ryun Ates aka Briddy
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- she might be illegitimate but she don’t take no shit - literally told Amon to hit her bully where the bruises can’t be seen - 👑QUEEN👑
ML - Amon Akin
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- from cutie to 🔥 hottie  🔥 - 👑KING👑 - incapable of wearing a shirt properly (most of the time) - the ONE EARRING  🔥 - overprotective puppy (yes I know he’s a cat)
Rating: I enjoyed my time reading this Status (as of 3 Nov 2023) 100% completed
Same Same but Different   - Little Rabbit and the Big Bad Leopard
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Dog Days Pt. 2
Pairings: Mirio Togata x Male!Reader
Word Count: 1,893
Warnings: Second installment! Slightly angsty I guess, I could not remember for the life of me where I was going with this considering it's been 2 months but you know, is what it is. It does have a very small bit of potential sexual harassment, so that's a warning there, but nothing actually happens!
Midoriya felt horrible. 
Mirio was still in the middle of his fight, fighting pretty playfully to tire out Tenya, but the green-haired male was hoping for him to finish faster. 
He'd been talking to himself, normal, and it had been about (M/N). Said male had gotten curious and came over to question him and Midoriya had freaked out. 
Really he hadn't meant to! He'd been so absorbed into his own world that he hadn't noticed that (M/N) had gotten so close until he'd tugged at his uniform!
Midoriya was still on the floor, laying down this time as he looked at the ceiling as if it was the thing causing all his problems. He had wanted to talk to (M/N), to understand his quirk a bit better, and get to know the tall male. (M/N) was dating Mirio, and Midoriya loved Mirio like a brother so he wanted to know his significant other. Then he'd gone and fucked up. 
Tilting his head a bit Midoriya could see that (M/N) was sitting in the corner of the room, relaxed against the wall with one knee propped up. He looked quite calm actually, but he was glaring harshly at the floor.
Midoriya had struggled with himself enough to recognize that (M/N) was beating himself up mentally, that he was replaying the encounter over and over again to see what he'd done wrong and could have done better, but there was nothing.
(M/N) had done nothing wrong, Midoriya was just jumpy and had reacted badly. 
Midoriya felt horrible and knew he should approach the other male and apologize, but he couldn't find the strength to drag himself up. What if (M/N) reacted badly to Midoriya approaching him? What if he didn't accept the apology and was pissed? Was he pissed?
Midoriya was working himself up, mumbling again. But before his own mumbling could get too loud he noticed someone else was mumbling. Not very many people had a habit like that in the class. Confused he looked over (M/N) to see if it was him, but he was just sitting against the wall with his chin against his chest, mouth and nose buried in his jacket collar.
Midoriya looked around a bit more, going from person to person only to find nothing. Confused he sat up, trying to get a better angle of everything, and this time he found purple in the form of Mineta. He was partially in the shadows, this stupid grin resting on his face, a stupid grin that Midoriya, unfortunately, knew very well.
The girls could all take care of themselves, Mineta was more or less just annoying, and the guys had all given up trying to reprimand him. Well, Tenya still tried but that was just part of his personality.
Mineta was currently eyeing up Jirou, who was still quite out of it due to (M/N)'s venom. It was of no surprise really that Mineta would go after her. (M/N) had explained to all of them beforehand that his venom in the small dose he used would make them sleepy and pliant, having a fuzzy memory of everything after it had worn off. So it was no surprise that Mineta was going after the one girl that wouldn't remember it very well. 
Midoriya moved to stand up, but out of the corner of his eyes he saw that (M/N) was slowly getting up. The tall male was leaning against the wall still, but he had his feet under him so he was crouched down, his eyes still closed. As Midoriya looked at him in curiosity he watched as those red eyes moved about, tracking something.
Belatedly he realized the taller male was tracking Mineta who had his back turned to (M/N). His face was against the wall, he looked relaxed, but Midoriya knew the signs of tensing muscles. 
He was moving slowly to stand up, close to the wall in a way you could only ever expect of a spider. 
Once he stood up completely (M/N) was terrifying. He was taller than everyone else in the class, and while only being dressed in jeans and a hoodie he looked almost like a villain. Is that why he'd freaked out earlier?
(M/N)'s hands were trailing on the wall as he walked forward, silent as a free hand stuffed into his hoodie pocket pulled out the gun he used for his venom. 
(M/M) was an all-over fighter, he could do short-range or long-range, but with long-range he couldn't use his venom which could incapacitate someone with one hit. With that in mind, the support class had made him a little gun he could load with his venom to use so he could inject it in a better way.
Midoriya looked around, looking to see if anyone else had noticed but everyone was watching Mirio and Tenya fight. He watched as (M/N) pulled the little vile that held the venom out, holding it against elongated canine teeth the collect the venom much like people do with snakes. 
It only took a second or two for the vile to fill up, for (M/N) to be standing right behind Mineta.
He crouched down, still towering over the purple male, but Mineta finally seemed to realize something was wrong. Midoriya watched as he shakily looked up, meeting a mass of red and (E/C) eyes looking down at him.
Mineta tried to scream, (M/N) clamping a hand over his mouth with a light shushing sound.
Midoriya looked around again, but everyone was ignoring what was happening. He seemed to be the only one who had noticed, the only one close enough to hear the two of them.
Two of (M/N)'s hands come out into Mineta's sight, one holding the gun, the other holding the vile. 
"You know what's in this?" he whispered, shaking the little vile of (F/C) venom. Mineta nodded erratically, trying to squirm out of (M/N)'s grip but was unable to move. 
"Then you know what would happen if I injected more than I should, right?" Mineta nodded again, tears almost coming to his eyes.
Midoriya went back to earlier this afternoon again, to when (M/N) had been explaining his abilities. His venom was always a set amount, half an ML mixed with some solution to be injected via needle darts from his gun. It caused exhaustion basically, zapping anyone hit of their energy.
He'd told them that he would only use more if absolutely necessary, mostly due to Bakugo saying he was more resilient than the rest of them, but had proceeded to tell them what would happen if he used more.
It was still safe between 1 and 3 ML, depending on the persons size and their health records, but once you got past that it got dangerous. He had a Neurotoxic Venom, the kind that was used to paralyze prey in actual spiders. 
He had explained that the general dose, besides the memory haze, would cause muscle spasms, cramps, twitching, sweating, drooling, and gooseflesh. As the dose got larger it would start to cause painful abdominal cramps, strange sensations, unstable blood pressure, and severe pain in the limbs.
Then, with a blush that rivaled Mina's hair, he had said in rare cases it could cause damage to Autonomic effects, such as temperature control, digestion, bladder control, and unfortunately sexual function. Basically, if he gave a bigger dose than safe he could cause any of the males to get a painful erection. He'd sighed after that, filling a little vile with his venom to show them all the color of it so they'd recognize it. 
Coming back to himself Midoriya's eyes focused again, looking to (M/N) and Mineta who had been talking softly. Or (M/N) had been talking with Mineta nodding along the best he could. 
(M/N) pulled back after a second or two of silence, putting the gun back in his pocket but keeping a firm hand over Mineta's mouth.
"Now I suggest you find a new hobby or you'll end up confused and dazed, not having any memory of the next 12 hours," (M/N) smiled lightly, head tilting a bit to the side, "You understand, right?"
Mineta nodded aggressively again, (M/N) smile getting larger before patting him on the back, standing up, and moving away from him. Midoriya watched Mineta for a second or two more before looking back to (M/N), flinching when he locked eyes with him.
(M/N) was just standing there, partially in the shadows staring at him. It was horrifying.
"(M/N)!" a voice called out, Mirio coming into the room with a shining smile.
Immediately all of the murderous intent left (M/N)'s system, a soft smile so different from the one a few minutes ago coming to his face. He looked exhausted, he had before but now even more so. 
Mirio came over, talking excitedly and waving his hands around, gently elbowing the taller male in the ribs as he laughed at something. (M/N) didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded, ruffling blond hair when he had to leave for his next fight.
Mirio's smile fell once (M/N) was out on the field, turning to look at Midoriya instead of his boyfriend through the glass.
"What happened?" he asked, face void of the happiness it had shown with seconds before. Now he just looked concerned, confused and concerned.
"I don't really know," Midoriya started, rubbing at the back of his neck as he looked at the ground. "I'd gotten lost in thought so he'd startled me when he tugged on my shirt and then he scared Mineta when he was creeping on Jirou.
Mirio sighed, looking back to the glass that protected them from the fight happening below. (M/N) was fighting Mina, the pink girl easy to spot against the mass of rubble around them. She was laughing, struggling to breath as she slapped her thighs. Mirio smiled lightly at that, (M/N) had said some dumb joke in order to distract her. Partial for the fight and partial for himself.
"Yeah that's (M/N)," he chuckled softly, watching as the young girl fell over, laughing so much she was crying with (M/N) frantically crouched over her, clearing panicking as if he'd done something wrong. "He's always nice to everyone, easily excitable but he's also pretty awkward."
Mirio then let out a slightly forced laugh, rubbing at the back of his neck. "He's also always been someone who acts, so if Mineta was being a creap then I can't really blame (M/N)." 
Midoriya nodded, watching as Mina struggled to get up, (M/N) helping her the best he could with their height difference.
Maybe he'd just caught (M/N) on a bad day? Hopefully, they could be friends, or at least get along.
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🆘 URGENT - NOW 1 MONTH IN THE SHELTER 🆘 Fawn has been waiting over a month for someone to save her. See her medical notes - she needs some teeth removed as you can also see in our video her front teeth are missing. Anyone whose had dental issues knows tooth issues can be very painful 😣 She needs help, she needs out, who can be her hero? If you can Foster Fawn for rescue, please note your offer and location on the thread as Rescues cannot save these pups without a foster home for them to go into. Let’s please work together to save Fawn quickly 💟💜💟 💟 SAVE ME NOW 💟 Clear a kennel… save a life FAWN #A511538 (Moreno Valley CA) Female, fawn and white Pit Bull Terrier. I am about 4 years old. I weigh approximately 55.60 lbs. I have been at the shelter since Jul 15, 2021 Behavior notes: 👉 swipe right for my temp test video👉 7/21/21 Temp tested A511489 male Labrador mix with A511538 female Pit Bull mix. Both did well. No aggression seen from either. ml 7/15/21 Very sweet girl, mellow, walks well on leash. Medical notes: 7/15/21 Friendly, BCS 3/9 Very mild flystrike AU- does not require treatment at this time as long as it does not progress. All incisiors and canines are worn to the gumline. premolars and molars likely affected as well to a lesser extent, but could not easily assess as mouth is very sensitive. underconditioned Tick infestation+++ Dog will need incisors and canines removed as pulp is exposed on all and are painful. Possibly contributing to malnutrition Rx: carprofen- 100mg- 1/2 PO BID x10d ACT: give nexgard once Moreno Valley Animal Shelter 14041 Elsworth Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 951-413-3790 PUBLIC EMAIL/GENERAL INFO: [email protected] RESCUE EMAIL: [email protected] Adoption hours: Tuesday - Friday 11:00am - 5:00 pm Saturday 10:30am - 3:30 pm (at Friends of Moreno Valley Shelter Animals) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTIQ6cfp7AY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Onsra- Chapter 12: A Bed For The Night
pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader
genre: horror, drama, angst, romance
word count: 2k
warnings for this chapter: Jk is a butt, language
Tag List: @xxonyxpearlxx @jjungkook99
Onsra: ML, Previous
Ok les get it
"That's when who came?" 
Yuri speaks up suddenly and you hush her, to which she bows her head quietly and lets Jin continue. He smiles sadly and clears his throat, "The vampires. We still don't know where they came from, but we do know that they're gathering people." 
A hush falls over the whole room at his words and you gulp. Jin seems lost in thought, so you gently speak, "Why are they gathering people? Is that where you come in?" He snaps back to reality and nods at your question, "Yes. They just started attacking, out of nowhere. It was so horrible..." You feel your stomach turn and your chest clenches at the sadness in the young man's voice. His red eyes are glistening, and he coughs. 
Yuri nods in understanding and you remember she was there when the people in that room were attacked, when you lost all memory of that.
"Anyway, their goal was always to find people and turn them into vampires. But, we're not sure why." 
Yuri nods again and you look at her, horrified at the sentence that passed Jin's lips. Turn them into vampires? That must be what Yuri was talking about when she said you wouldn't 'turn' because they didn't have you long enough. You feel a chill go down your spine when you glance down to your wrist, where the tiny hole still sits. 
"B-but, what about all those murders, then...Were those the vampires too?" Ga-In asks hesitantly, and Jin nods. You shake your head, even more confused than before, "Wait, then why didn't those people turn into vampires? They just...died." Jin clasps his hands together and leans forward again, "This is what we've figured out so far. Vampires can do two things; they can bite you and kill you, or they can bite you and turn you into a vampire. It really depends on how long they have you for. I'm guessing they were planning to turn those people into vampires, but when the person put up a fight and started to cause a scene and draw attention, they decided to just kill them." 
Anger bursts in your chest at that and you grind your teeth before continuing, "Ok...So you seven were just normal humans before, and they had you long enough to turn you into vampires, not kill you?" Jin claps his hands and points at you. 
"So, why were you there today? When you saved us." You question. He bites his lip and you can't help but notice his sharp canines. 
"Even if they turned us into vampires, they didn't change us completely. We knew that they had plans to turn a lot of people. I just wish we could've gotten there sooner..." 
"So, that's why you don't seem like monsters?" Ga-In speaks up and Jin chuckles lightly. "Well, thank you. Yes, that's probably why we don't seem like monsters. They had each of us long enough to turn us into vampires, but not long enough to get rid of our true selves, so our personalities remain the same. Although, there is something you need to know about-"
He gets interrupted mid-sentence when heavy footfalls sound through the room as someone saunters through the doorway. You look behind you when you see Jin's face change at the arrival. 
Jungkook stands there, looking unamused as usual with his arms crossing his chest. 
"Hoseok said you were in here. What are you doing?" He glares at you accusingly even though his question was directed at Jin, and you sigh. Why does he keep looking at you like that? You haven't done anything to him. 
Seokjin forces a smile to his face and clasps his hands again, "Jungkook! So nice of you to join us. I was just filling the girls in on how we aren't going to kill them and how they're safe here."
Jungkook raises his eyebrows and turns his attention to Jin, "What do you mean, safe here? They're not staying here." 
Jin sighs in irritation at Jungkook's sharp tone. "Yes, they are. You're going to need to deal with it and be nice. Why do you think we went there, Kook? Don't be stupid." You shift uncomfortably at the tension in the room, Jungkook is clearly pissed off. "Why don't you show the girls to their rooms?" Jin continues and Jungkook immediately stalks out of the sitting area. 
You hear the front door open and slam shut, and you flinch at the loud sound. The man sitting in front of you drags his hands down his face tiredly, "Ohhh I can't stand when he acts like this." 
You purse your lips and say quietly, "Was he always like this, then?" 
He blinks rapidly and it seems like he's trying to fight back tears when he forces a smile back onto his lips and shakes his head gently. 
"No...no, he wasn't."
Jin leads you three up the stairs and down a long hallway, passing a few doors before stopping at one and opening it. You walk in first and almost gasp at how beautiful the room is; it still has an old-fashioned look to it, but the three beds lining the wall on the left catch your attention. One is a pale yellow, another a pale pink and the last one a pale blue. The wall is lined with mahogany and the lamps have stain-glass covers.
Jin smiles genuinely and throws his arm out to the room,
"This is where you'll be staying. If in time you'd like your own room, that can be arranged. I just figured that you might want to be together for now. Jimin and Hoseok set it up for you when we got here. Go ahead and get some rest. We can talk things out more in the morning, but for now you can wash up and sleep. My room is the last one on the right down the hall, if you need anything please don't hesitate to come get me." 
You smile at him for the first time since meeting and nod, then you call out to him before he shuts the door,
He pops his head back in and looks at you, "Yes?”
"Thank you. For everything."
He smiles and nods, slipping his head out and closing the door softly. You turn to see Ga-In has already claimed the pale pink bed as she pulls the covers back and climbs in. "I'm so tired and confused and if I wake up in my own bed tomorrow from this horrible nightmare, I will be a very happy girl." Ga-In claims as she turns on her side and closes her eyes. Then she waves her hand in the air,
"You two can clean yourselves up if you want, I'm too tired."
You nod and look at Yuri, who shrugs and says, "I think I'm just going to wash my face." 
Yuri walks over to a small vanity where a bowl and pitcher are sitting. She pours water from the jug into the bowl and laughs quietly while she dunks a rag in it, "It really feels like we've gone back in time, huh y/n?" You nod your agreement and walk over to look into the marble bowl, "I think I need to take a shower." Yuri jerks her head towards the bathroom, "Go on, I can wait up for you if you'd like." You shake your head and sigh,
"No, it's alright. I might be awhile."
You turn the knob and water immediately comes down and splashes into the tub, you decided to take a bath instead. You strip off your sweaty shoes and socks, your oversized t-shirt and floppy pajama pants following close after. When you see yourself in the mirror you're taken aback by what you look like; your eyes are bloodshot and there are dark bags hanging under them, your skin is blotchy and covered in a mess of dried blood. Your hair is matted after not being brushed for however many days you lost in your memory, and your nails are covered in dirt and grime. You bite your lip and move to step into the tub that's filled with warm water, sinking down into it and sighing when your aching muscles finally start to relax.
You scoop water up with your hands and splash it on your chest, gently wiping away the dried blood that Yuri smeared on you earlier to save your life, watching the water in the tub turn into a dull pink as you wash away the exhaustion and panic of the day. All the confusion and fear seeping back into your mind as you curl your knees up to your chest and start sobbing into your hands.
You don't know how long you sit in the bathtub, washing yourself part of the time, and the other time spent sitting and staring into space. Eventually, you force yourself to get out of the tub and grab the towel hanging on the rack. You wrap yourself up in it and try to comb your fingers through your hair to untangle it, wincing when it tugs on your scalp.
Then, you pull your dirty long shirt back over your head and pull your socks back on, not liking the feeling of dirty clothes on a clean body. You open the bathroom door and see Ga-In fast asleep in the pink bed and Yuri snoring lightly in the blue bed next to it. As you walk over to get into the yellow bed, you realize you're absolutely parched. You don't know how long it's been since you last had water, 
I should have taken Jin up on his offer for a drink, you think miserably as you climb under the covers and pull them up to your chin. After a couple minutes of tossing and turning, it's become clear that you're not going to be falling asleep anytime soon; especially not when you're this freaking thirsty.
You throw the covers off of yourself with a huff and sit up in the bed, tossing your legs off the side. Yuri and Ga-In are in such a deep sleep that you aren't worried about waking them up as you stand and search the room for your pants. You find them in the bathroom and pull them on quietly, walking across the room and carefully opening the door to slip out into the hall. It's dark and quiet as you creep down the hall and over to the spiral staircase.
You walk down the stairs, praying that they won't creak as you descend them slowly. You make it the bottom of the stairs and walk down the hallway to where you think water might be, peeking your head around the corner and smiling when you see a big open kitchen. Stepping into the kitchen and quietly look through the cabinets until you open one that's full of glasses.
Snagging one and gently turning on the water, you fill the glass and start to gulp it down. Once you finish, you fill it up again and take another sip as you walk out of the kitchen.
Suddenly, the front door swings open and Jungkook walks through, a scowl on his face. You choke on the water and try to move back into the kitchen, tripping on your own feet and stumbling. The water goes down the wrong pipe and you start to cough uncontrollably. Jungkook looks up and sees your smaller figure, hunched over and coughing while you grab onto the wall with one hand and a glass in your other. You hear the door shut roughly and look up, catching your breath and stepping back when the vampire strides across the floor towards you.
"What are you doing here?"
"I- I was thirsty...I just- I'm sorry."
You stammer out and keep your eyes glued to the floor. Jungkook just scoffs,
"That isn't what I meant. I mean why are you here, in this house?"
You look up in confusion, seeing his judgmental stare as he looks your attire up and down. "I'm not sure what you mean, all I did was go where I was told." Jungkook won't stop staring into your eyes, almost as if he's searching for a sign that you're lying. What could you even be lying about? Wasn't he the first one to tell you to follow them?
"Didn't you tell me to come with you?"
"I never asked you to stay here, did I?"
"Well, I never asked you to save me. Did I?"
You've honestly had about enough of his attitude towards you, when you've done absolutely nothing wrong.
Jungkook's jaw clenches and he stares daggers into your eyes as you stare up at him, unflinching. You know now that he isn't going to bite you, from what Jin assured you earlier. Apparently, he's just a jerk.
You really hate confrontations, but you're not about to let this boy treat you like that.
"I'm going to bed now. Goodnight."
You move to walk past him and he scoots to the side, blocking your path. You turn to go to the other side and he does the same thing. Then, you sigh and look up at him again; his red eyes almost seem to glow a little in the dim light, and he flicks his tongue out to wet his lips a little before he whispers, "I don't think you're quite understanding something. This is my house-" you roll your eyes and that seems to set him off even more as he snaps.
"Believe me, if I knew who it would've been before going into that room, I would've never gone in and saved your sorry ass."  
You're not sure why, but that comment makes your heart sting as you pull yourself back from how close he is. He doesn't even know you, and he's already labeled you as unworthy of being alive.
One of your biggest insecurities, and now a stranger has just confirmed it for you. You shove past him and he lets you, then you walk up the stairs without looking back. 
a/n: aight it's passed midnight. I'm tired af and I still have to shower, decorate for my sis' bday, and write some more. im officially. streSSed.
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flightfoot · 4 years
We’re The Same Ch. 1
So I’ve been a fan of Damian for a long time, since way before ML came out. He’s my favorite Robin actually. I was excited to see him used in tons of ML fics... and then discovered he was out of character in most of them. And used for bashing and salt mostly. And paired with Marinette for some reason.
The bashing REALLY annoys me, especially in regards to Adrien bashing. He and Adrien have gone through some similar abuse at the hands of one of their parents, though Damian’s was WAY worse. Honestly? The two of them would relate and probably become friends.
I wanted to see what would happen if I dropped a CANON-COMPLIANT Damian Wayne into Miraculous Ladybug; this was the result.
Disclaimer: This is a Lovesquare fic, with Identity Reveal, Hawkmoth Reveal, and Hawkmoth Defeat. It is NOT a salt fic.
This is set between seasons 2 and 3 of Miraculous Ladybug, and during the “Year of Blood” arc in Robin: Son of Batman (2015). Adrien and Marinette are 14, Damian’s 12, and I’m not certain how old Maya is, but not much older than Damian.
Thanks to @mini-minou for betaing!
“Maybe we should take a break.”
Damian sighed. “Tt. You can leave at any time you know.”
Maya Ducard glared at him. “I’m not leaving! But we’ve been flying around constantly for the past week, returning things you took, trying to make amends for what you did during the Year of Blood. I want you to try to make amends, to repair some of the damage you did – heck, that’s why I’m here! – but I need a break, you need a break, and most of all, Goliath needs a break. He’s strong and has a lot of endurance, but even HE has limits Damian!”
The giant red bat-dragon gave a low grunt in agreement.
“See? Goliath agrees with me!”
Damian frowned. “A year, Ducard. A new horrible task every day to ‘prove’ myself to my mother and grandfather. There’s still almost a hundred tasks left to try and undo – or at least to try to fix or make up for as best I can. We don’t have time to waste.”
Ducard gritted her teeth. “If we collapse – ANY of us – it will take a lot longer. We need to be at the top of our game. And just submerging yourself in this redemption quest without any sort of break IS taking a toll, even if you won’t admit it. Mentally, if not physically.”
“I’m FINE-”
Goliath bellowed as some sort of cable wrapped around him. Instantly Ducard and Damian stopped fighting, jumping to high alert.
A girl in a skintight polka-dotted suit and a catboy in a similar skintight black suit swung onto Goliath, using their forward momentum to swing them both on top.
The catboy – wait, is that tail a BELT, how is it moving like that? – grinned, then did a double-take, blinking. “Wait, are you-”
Ducard charged forwards before he could finish, the catboy blocking her blows with his staff. “Who are you? More assassins?”
Catboy looked shocked. “No! Wait, MORE assassins?”
The spotted girl looked around carefully, taking in Damian’s and Ducard’s expressions and body language. Damian held himself at the ready. It looked like maybe this was a misunderstanding, but better to be ready than allow himself to be caught off guard. This could still be a trick of some kind.
“…You’re not an akuma, are you?” the girl asked.
Damian frowned. “What’s an akuma?”
The girl groaned. “Not again. Chat, I think we might have jumped the gun a bit.”
Ducard backed off, still holding herself at the ready but no longer attacking. “Who are you? Why are you here?”
The spotted girl sighed and plopped down on Goliath’s back, the catboy joining her a moment later. One of his cat ears flopped slightly, increasing his resemblance to an oversized kitten. “I’m Ladybug, and the boy beside me is Chat Noir. We’re the local superheroes in Paris. A villain named Hawkmoth is threatening Paris, sending out these tainted butterflies that infect anyone who’s feeling a strong negative emotion. It gives that person superpowers, but also corrupts them, twisting them into an evil version of themselves and putting them under Hawkmoth’s control.” 
“A few minutes ago reports started pouring in about some giant beast flying above Paris. Naturally everyone assumed it was an akuma, so we came to defeat it. Looks like we were mistaken though.”
Damian rolled his eyes. “No kidding. Now get off.”
Ladybug crossed her arms. “You don’t need to be so rude about it.”
Ducard took one look at Damian’s expression and decided to cut in. “Damian’s just like this. Don’t mind him.”
Damian looked at her sullenly. “No one asked YOU, Ducard.”
Chat tilted his head to the side. “Hey, I was wondering – are you Robin? I thought you died, but recently I’ve seen news reports that you were spotted around Gotham City again. But then there’s been that whole Robin movement in Gotham lately with a ton of kids and teenagers putting on the uniform, so I wasn’t sure.”
Ladybug blinked. “Wait, but- I thought Robin was older than that! I thought he was like, sixteen at least?” The spotted girl peered at Damian, narrowing her eyes as she stared at his face. “You’ve got to be a LOT younger than that.”
Who does this girl think she is? “And if I said I was sixteen and that you’re just a horrible judge of ages?”
Ladybug rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t believe you, since I can SEE that your upper right canine’s growing in. Generally speaking, sixteen-year-olds don’t have baby teeth.”
Ducard snickered. “She’s got you there.”
“This is YOUR fault, Ducard,” he muttered.
“If I recall correctly, you said that it had been loose for a while by the time I knocked it out.”
He looked away, silently fuming.
Chat coughed, obviously hiding a grin behind his hand. “So back to the topic at hand – ARE you Robin? What are you doing here?”
“Of course I’m Robin! And what I’m doing here is none of your business!”
“Well we ARE the protectors of Paris. If there’s any trouble Bugaboo and I should know about it.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes at him. “Quit calling me Bugaboo!”
Damian wanted to groan. Great, more flirting. He’d seen it between Father and Selina Kyle often enough, he didn’t need to see MORE of it. Was it something about cat suits? Was that it?
Ladybug turned back to Damian, addressing him. “Chat IS right though. If there’s any trouble heading to Paris, we need to know.”
He glared at her. “I don’t take orders from you.”
Ducard sighed and cut in. “We’re just passing through. We’ll be out of your hair soon.”
Ladybug gave a curt nod. “That would be goo-“
She didn’t get to finish the sentence.
Namely because a giant spoon had whacked her off of Goliath.
“MILADY!” Chat yelled, his face twisting in panic. He dove off Goliath after her.
“GOLIATH, CATCH HER!” Damian didn’t know whether they’d make it in time, but he HAD to try. The whole point of this trip was to undo damage, put some GOOD back into the world, maybe even earn redemption and forgiveness. He wasn’t going to let her die. He’d taken enough lives by his own hand. He didn’t want to see another one snuffed out.
Goliath dove towards Chat and Ladybug… but it turned out to be unneeded.
Damian blinked, then stared. Ladybug’s yoyo was wrapped around Chat, keeping her from falling to the ground. Chat, meanwhile, was twirling his staff so fast that it apparently acted like a helicopter blade, allowing him and Ladybug to slowly descend to the ground.
So these two were obviously magic. Great. Just great. He could feel a headache coming on. Well, it seemed like he’d just have to wing it and figure out the limits of their abilities as they fought. Not what he preferred, but he’d made do with less intel before.
And then one of the silliest-looking supervillains Damian had ever seen flew towards the two superheroes.
He had two sets of “wings” – if they could really be called that. The upper pair was made of two giant spoons, while the lower pair were two forks. A pair of knives were strapped to his back.
“People kept saying that the placement of silverware doesn’t matter. That it didn’t matter whether the spoon goes on the right or left of the fork, and even that the type of fork or spoon didn’t matter! Well, joke’s on them! I, Table Angel, will put everyone in their proper places AS SOON AS YOU GIVE ME YOUR MIRACULOUS!”
So this was probably an akuma. Apparently akumas were really stupid. Seriously, this guy was more of an imbecile than Condiment King, and he didn’t even know that was POSSIBLE.
Akumas were also unobservant. You’d think that he’d notice a giant red bat-dragon descending from above and barreling towards him, even with his back to them, but nope.
He noticed eventually. When Goliath rammed him into the ground.
Goliath descended to the ground, Ladybug and Chat Noir landing a moment later.
There was no rush. The akuma (Damian REFUSED to call him something as stupid as “Table Angel”) wasn’t going anywhere. Currently he was groaning in a giant crater.
Chat smirked. “Well that’s one way to take down an akuma.”
He strolled over to the semi-conscious supervillain. “What do you think, Milady? The knife, fork, or spoon?”
Ladybug shrugged. “Try the knives first. He hadn’t used them yet, maybe there was a reason.”
He nodded. “Makes sense. CATACLYSM!”
The knives crumbled into black powder, a purple and black butterfly fluttering out of the remains.
“No more evil-doing for you, little akuma,” Ladybug called out, spinning her yo-yo. “Time to de-evilize!” She caught the butterfly in her yo-yo, then opened it and set it free, now a pure white. “Bye-bye little butterfly!”
As it flew away, a purple liquid mass passed over the akuma, stripping away his supervillain appearance and leaving behind an ordinary man.
The man blinked, looking around wildly. “What happened? Where am I? Wait… Ladybug? Chat Noir? Oh no. I was akumatized, wasn’t I?”
“Yes-“ Ladybug began telling the man soothingly.
“SENTIMONSTER!” the man yelled, scrambling to his feet as he stared at something behind Ladybug.
“Sentimonster?” She turned around. And came face-to-face with Goliath.
“Oh. Right.” She called after the man, “Don’t worry! He’s not a sentimonster, he’s just-“ but by that point he was out of sight.
She sighed. “Well, there he goes.” She turned to Goliath and smiled. “Thanks for your help. Sorry about that whole being-mistaken-for-a-sentimonster-and-an-akuma thing.”
Goliath smiled, sweeping Ladybug and Chat Noir both into a hug.
Ladybug laughed as best she could, with the way she was squished against Goliath. “I love you too.”
Chat was ecstatic, his eyes sparkling as he seemed to melt into Goliath’s soft fur. A low rumble sounded from his throat.
Damian blinked. Chat could actually purr? Exactly how much of a cat WAS he? His eyes were catlike, his cat ears and tail swiveled and moved like a cat’s, even though they were CLEARLY fake… did he just like, have the magic essence of a cat or something?
Come to think of it, he didn’t actually know HOW Ladybug and Chat Noir got their powers. He didn’t even know whether they were human or not.
Hm. This was worth investigating.
After a few more moments of hugging, Goliath let Ladybug and Chat Noir down.
Chat dropped to all fours, still leaning into Goliath and purring, eyes half-lidded in contentment.
The “magic essence of a cat” theory was seeming more likely by the minute.
After several more moments, a beeping noise sounded from Chat’s ring. He blinked. Looked at it. Then abruptly jumped up, face turning as scarlet as Ladybug’s suit as he chuckled. “Uh, heh heh heh, I’ll just be going now, nice meeting you guys!”
“Chat!” Ladybug called out, holding out her fist. Chat smiled, raising his fist to meet hers.
“Pound it!” they chorused.
“Just one more thing I need to do,” Ladybug said. “Lucky Charm!”
A statue of a small red-and-black spotted bird fell into her hand. She blinked, glancing over at Damian. She studied him closely.
“WHAT?” he asked her irritably. “What was that all about? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I don’t think you should leave just yet,” she told him. “My Lucky Charm produces an item that I can use to succeed; sometimes by giving me the tool I need to beat an opponent, and sometimes by giving me a hint about what to do next. This bird looks like a Robin, so I think you’re supposed to stick around.”
Damian frowned. He hadn’t been planning on it before, but... he didn’t fully know what was going on here. And as both Batman’s partner and the former prince of the League of Shadows, he knew how valuable a bit of intel could be.
“Fine,” he stated abruptly. “But I’m not going to stick around for long.”
Ladybug looked slightly annoyed, then sighed. “That’s all I ask for.”
She threw the bird into the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Swarms of ladybugs erupted through the air, whirling around the city. One swirled around the crater that Table Angel (with some unsolicited help from Goliath) had made. When the ladybugs left, the crater was gone.
Damian stared. So THIS was the ‘Miraculous Cure’ she’d been talking about. This… this could be HUGE. Collateral damage was a major problem in superhero fights, if this could reset that…
No way was he going to leave now. He wasn’t sure whether this power could only repair damage related to akumas or sentimonsters, as she said, or whether there was a more general principle, but he had to know more. At the very least who Ladybug and Chat Noir were so he could find them if he needed them.
A beep sounded from Chat’s ring again, a beep from Ladybug’s earrings sounding in tandem with it.
“And now I REALLY should be going,” Chat called.
As Chat ran past Damian brushed against him, lightly placing a device on his belt.
“I’ve got to leave as well, I don’t have much time left.” Ladybug hesitated. “You might need to hide Goliath somewhere; he’s obviously a huge softie, but Parisians might panic.”
Damian scoffed. “I’m not an imbecile, girl. And neither is Goliath. He knows how to hide.”
She shot him another irritated look, but apparently decided that it wasn’t worth responding to the slight insult.
Instead; “Look, I’ve got to go too. I’ll try to figure out what the Lucky Charm was hinting at and contact you later.”
As she threw out her yo-yo, hooking it onto the nearest building, Damian swiftly placed an item on one of her spots. A moment later she was out of sight.
Damian smirked.
Ducard glanced over at him suspiciously. “What are you so happy about?”
Damian took a device from his toolbelt and flipped it open.
Two dots blinked back, both moving rapidly.
Ducard stated flatly, “You put trackers on them, didn’t you.”
Damian’s smirk widened. “Always get to know who your allies are.”
Ducard let out an exasperated sigh. “How do the Batfamily have so many friends again?”
He chose not to dignify that with a response, looking back at the screen instead. “Now we just-“
The dots disappeared.
Damian blinked.
Ducard stifled a giggle.
“Did they discover my trackers? They didn’t seem like the most observant lot.”
“Guess you’re not as sneaky as you think you are,” Ducard teased.
Damian’s eyes narrowed. “We’re getting to the bottom of this. I’ll go to the dot on the left, you take the dot on the right. We’ll look for clues about what happened.”
Now it was Ducard’s turn to smirk. “I’m guessing the fact that the left dot is the catboy is totally irrelevant?”
He looked away.
Ducard burst out laughing.
“I don’t get what’s so funny,” Damian muttered.
Ducard wiped the tears from her eyes. “Damian, I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at him. Looks like someone has a crush~”
He shot her an irritated look. “That’s not it.”
“Really? Because it looks like it to me.”
He shook his head. “Tt. I have no romantic inclinations towards him or anyone else.”
“Then what was up with the look on your face when you looked at him? Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
He stared in the direction that Chat Noir had gone and swallowed. “It’s just… he reminds me of some of the stray animals I’ve rescued.”
“Oh.” She was quiet for a moment, then looked back down at the tracker, squinting at it. “Ok, I think I know where to go. I’ll head for where Ladybug’s tracker disappeared.”
Damian gave her a curt nod, then ran away. He had a catboy to find.
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emdoddles · 1 year
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Now that we officially have three cat, ladybug and dog holders we have different teams! Sadly Cat Walker is looking for others in team D, anyone with a ladybug and dog miraculous can join! No monarchs though.
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🆘 URGENT - MUST EXIT BY 5 pm FRIDAY 9/10/21🆘 UPDATE: Fawn is becoming kennel stressed now. Her behavior has changed, which could be caused by her pain that can only be fixed with dental extractions. Estimate by shelter vet $800-1000. Fawn now has a deadline of Sept 10th. See her medical notes - she needs teeth removed as you can also see in our video her front teeth are missing. Anyone whose had dental issues knows tooth issues can be very painful 😣 She needs help, she needs out, who can be her hero? If you can Foster Fawn for rescue, please note your offer and location on the thread as Rescues cannot save these pups without a foster home for them to go into. Let’s please work together to save Fawn quickly 💟💜 💟HELP SAVE A LIFE! 💟 PLEDGE 💟 FOSTER 💟 ADOPT 💟 RESCUE 💟 FAWN #A511538 (Moreno Valley CA) Female, fawn and white Pit Bull Terrier. I am about 4 years old. I weigh approximately 55.60 lbs. I have been at the shelter since Jul 15, 2021 Behavior notes: 👉 swipe right for my temp test video👉 7/21/21 Temp tested A511489 male Labrador mix with A511538 female Pit Bull mix. Both did well. No aggression seen from either. ml 7/15/21 Very sweet girl, mellow, walks well on leash. Medical notes: 7/15/21 Friendly, BCS 3/9 Very mild flystrike AU- does not require treatment at this time as long as it does not progress. All incisiors and canines are worn to the gumline. premolars and molars likely affected as well to a lesser extent, but could not easily assess as mouth is very sensitive. underconditioned Tick infestation+++ Dog will need incisors and canines removed as pulp is exposed on all and are painful. Possibly contributing to malnutrition Rx: carprofen- 100mg- 1/2 PO BID x10d ACT: give nexgard once Moreno Valley Animal Shelter 14041 Elsworth Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 951-413-3790 PUBLIC EMAIL/GENERAL INFO: [email protected] RESCUE EMAIL: [email protected] Adoption hours: Tuesday - Friday 11:00am - 5:00 pm Saturday 10:30am - 3:30 pm #urgentdogs (at Friends of Moreno Valley Shelter Animals) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTIQ6cfp7AY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Onsra- Chapter 11: Sketchy Vans and Haunted Houses
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pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader
genre: horror, angst, drama, romance
word count: 2.3k 
warnings for this chapter: none :)
Onsra: ML, Previous
Tag list: @xxonyxpearlxx @jjungkook99 
The second you step outside, you turn to look at your surroundings; it's dusk and the shadows from the tall trees circling the group cast an eerie darkness around the eight of you. You shiver despite the warm night air and hold onto Ga-In and Yuri tighter. There doesn't seem to be anything but trees for a good distance as far as you can see.
"If everyone could refrain from speaking, I would very much appreciate that." Seokjin whispers before turning and walking carefully into the forest.
Oh yes. This is good.
After walking quietly for about five minutes through the deserted tree infested area, you see Seokjin turn back and smile at the three of you, then he gestures ahead and you look to see a white van.
A beat up...sketchy af... white kidnapper van...In the middle of the woods...
You've got to be kidding.
There's dirt and scrapes all over the dang thing, and one side is almost completely smashed in. The windows are tinted black and one of the tires literally has a freaking giant nail sticking out of it. You really don't think it could look any more like the car of a gang of hooligans ready to grab you from the side of the road and shove you into it, taking you to heaven knows where. You just stand and stare at it, then your gaze shifts back to Seokjin who's smiling proudly; his toothy grin completely contrasts the rest of his face. It's almost uncanny the way his red eyes shine like a child's that just gave you a drawing he made.  
"Shotgun!" The handsome blonde vampire from before shouts and runs for the van, the orange haired one hot on his heels and squealing in frustration about how he wanted it first.
"That isn't fair, Tae! You know I called it when we first got here!"
The three of you girls stare after them; dumbfounded.
What is even going on?
What are they? Vampires or children?
"Hey, shut up you idiots!" The broad vampire whispers aggressively after them.
You look at Ga-In who just shrugs and shakes her head in disbelief. Yuri gives you the same reaction when you turn to her.
Weren't vampires disgusting, evil, terrifying creatures? These boys are nothing like the three in the building from earlier. A brown-haired vampire laughs in delight at the other two's bickering before he too gets shushed by Jin and you find yourself in even more confusion at his bright heart-shaped grin. Why are they so happy? Do they not realize what happened back there? Over twenty people, at least, were murdered by their despicable kind, and here they are, joking around like it's a normal day. Anger starts to bubble in your chest at their sense of carefree and childlike behavior. You take a deep breath as Seokjin runs to catch up with the fighting pair, trying to break them apart and shut them up. Then, your gaze lands on Jungkook. You tilt your head in confusion as you see him just standing there quietly staring at the ground and biting his lip; one of his sharp canines almost breaking through the skin there. You jump in surprise when he looks up and catches you staring. Jungkook scoffs and raises an eyebrow at you, then he rolls his eyes and saunters to the car with the rest of them.
What a freaking weirdo.
Ga-In starts towards the car first; pulling you and Yuri with her. You reach the other side where the doors are and see the one with brown hair and heart smile in the front seat while the other two are pouting in the back. Jungkook is standing by the door with his arms crossed. He surveys you carefully before jerking his head towards the open door, "Get in."
"Jungkook! Manners."
Seokjin hisses at the other angrily from the driver's seat. You almost feel the urge to sneer at the black-haired vampire for getting scolded by Seokjin. Jungkook just clenches his jaw and stares straightforward past your head, not making eye contact with you. Again, Ga-In is the first to make you three move. She shoves you into the car and Yuri stumbles in after you. Ga-In seats herself between you two and the blonde vampire in the car; her protective side coming out after the initial shock of the situation. Jungkook pulls himself up into the car and slumps into the seat right by the door, pulling harshly and slamming the door shut; much to the displeasure of the vampire in the driver's seat that sends the younger one a glare through the mirror.
"Ok, everyone buckle up and let's get the heck out of here."
You're not even sure why everyone is supposed to be quiet, but you feel your stomach turn at the sound of the engine starting and disrupting the silence. Jin cringes a bit then puts the car into gear and starts to drive. The car jiggles and bumps around, not a single person missing out on getting jerked around harshly. The peculiar sight of five vampires flopping around in their seats as Seokjin grips the steering wheel with only what can be described as a newfound will not to die, almost makes you laugh. This is absolutely beyond ridiculous...
Thirty minutes into the drive and you've gotten used to the constant bumping and rocking of the vehicle as it gives its all into getting the odd group to their destination. The sky outside is now a pitch black and you can't see any stars behind all the trees. Yuri and Ga-In sway gently with the movements of the car, and you see Ga-In's eyes start to glaze over. This happens when she's exhausted and you can tell she keeps slipping in and out of consciousness as the car bumping lulls her. You turn and see Yuri gripping her hands tightly, clenching and unclenching her fists as she stares straight ahead, unblinking. You lean back and look behind Ga-In to see the blonde-haired vampire sitting next to her. He really is too pretty for his own good. How can someone so beautiful be something so despicable and terrifying? The blonde looks like he's whispering something to himself as he fiddles with his fingers, staying quiet as Seokjin asked them to. You remember the orange-haired one called him 'Tae' earlier, so you assume that's his name. Speaking of the orange haired one, you look ahead at the seat in front of you where his bright hair is bouncing with the car. Where on earth did these vampires come from? If they wanted to kill you, they would've done it already, right? 
Unless they have other plans before they decide to get rid of you three...
The thought makes your stomach turn and you say a quick prayer that that isn't the case, right before the car jerks to a stop. You and Yuri lurch forward in your seats and Ga-In jumps back to full consciousness, then rubs her eyes. Jungkook is the first to move, throwing the door open and jumping out. You look through the windows, but you can't see anything in the inky blackness. The orange hair boy undoes his seatbelt and turns to face the four of you behind him. He gives you a small smile before reaching over the seat and gently shaking Tae; who seems to have drifted off. The boy jerks awake and runs his hands down his face, blinking and straightening himself out before unbuckling. Then, he sits and waits patiently for the rest of you to get out. Yuri sighs and moves herself out of the seat, stepping out the door and landing on the ground with a soft thump. You pull yourself out next and see Yuri and heart smile boy are the only ones standing there. The air has turned quite chilly in the past hour and you wrap your arms around yourself.
Seokjin comes from the other side just as Ga-In is stepping out of the car carefully. You see her struggling to keep the long shirt she has on covering as much of her legs as she can, she must be freezing in that thing. Then, you're all taken by surprise when the pretty boy hops out of the car last, taking his jacket off and putting it over Ga-In's shoulders gently. You all stare at them in shock as Ga-In freezes in her spot. Tae just smiles and starts walking up a little trail where you assume Jungkook went.
You tilt your head at your best friend but she just shrugs; at a complete loss of what just happened. You see Seokjin mumble something to the heart smile boy and they both chuckle before he turns to you again, "Ok, come on this way. Once we're inside I promise I'll tell you everything." 
It isn't a very long walk up the trail until you see a big old abandoned house that might as well be called mansion looming in front of you. You sigh and continue following the strange group up the small hill; finally making it to the doors of the downright haunted house. Seokjin steps forward and opens the door, an ominous creak making you cringe and turn to scan the dark forest behind you; afraid someone, or something heard it. The broad vampire smiles and gestures you all inside welcomingly, so you grit your teeth and walk through the door. The inside isn't really anything special; it's old, but it looks like they take good care of it. It does kind of feel like you stepped back into the 1800's though, what with the old pictures hanging on the walls and bookcases lining them. 
There's a spiral staircase ahead and to the left, and lots of doors along the front hallway. When you walk a little further in, you turn to the right and see a small sitting area with a couch and two armchairs. Jin herds you, Ga-In, and Yuri into the room, "Go ahead and take a seat, make yourselves comfortable and I will be right back. Would anyone like something to drink?" He smiles at the three of you sitting on the long couch, but no one answers him. Then, Ga-In speaks up quietly, "No, thank you."
Jin smiles sadly and nods, "Alright, hang tight. I'll be right back."
It's eerily quiet, apart from the creaking of stairs as the others walk around the house. You look at Ga-In and Yuri and see them both just sitting there in silence while they stare straight ahead. You bite your lip and look down at your hands, absentmindedly scratching at the now dried blood. It keeps flaking off and landing on your pajama pants, so you dust it off and then keep scratching. After a minute or two, you hear Seokjin come through the doorway. He walks to the armchair that's seated in front of the couch you're on and sits down. Then, he leans forward on his elbows, a gentle and understanding look on his face as he begins to talk.
"Ok girls, we're not going to beat around the bush. I will answer any and all questions you have, so give 'em to me."
Silence follows his little speech and he sighs, "Ok, I understand. There's a lot and you probably don't even know where to start. How about we introduce ourselves first? My name is Seokjin, but you can call me Jin too, if you'd like.  It's nice to meet you." He smiles brightly and reaches his hand out to Ga-In first, who takes it and gives it a small shake, "I'm Ga-In." He nods and goes down the line to Yuri, who shakes his hand and mutters quietly, "Yuri." Jin nods again and holds his hand out to you expectantly, you take a breath and take his hand. His hand is cold, you give it a quick shake while clearing your throat and speaking up, "I'm y/n." He nods for the last time and leans back, "Alright! Ga-In, Yuri, and y/n. I know you must be confused, tired, and scared, and I'm really sorry about that. Do you have questions or should I just start talking?" You almost decide to stay quiet, but then you figure you might as well ask him everything. So you clear your throat again and Seokjin looks over to you as you slowly start to speak.
"So, you guys are vampires?"
"Yes and no." Seokjin answers the question without thinking, almost like he was expecting it. You look at him in confusion and he chuckles a little, he was probably expecting that reaction too, "I'll get to that, I promise. Any other questions, first?" You lift an eyebrow at him in suspicion and then blurt, "Are you guys like, two-hundred years old? This house must be from like, the 1800's at least." Jin laughs and you almost smile at the sound; it's like someone is washing windows. He shakes his head in amusement and smothers his grin, "No, I can assure you, none of us are even over thirty. Any other questions?" You rack your brain and then shake your head, "I guess my other questions depend on your answer for my first one." He nods in understanding and cracks his knuckles as he leans back in his chair.
"Ok. Yes, we are vampires. No, we aren't from two hundred years ago-"
"How can you be vampires and not vampires at the same time?" Ga-In snaps and then clamps her mouth shut. Jin doesn't even seem phased by the interruption as he smiles gently at the girl, "I'm sorry I must be confusing you. I'll start from the beginning of our story..."
The three of you lean in as Jin starts to talk, his eyes looking into the distance; almost as if he's looking at the past. "There's seven of us that live here. You've met Jungkook, obviously. Then, there's Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung that were there today as well. The other two, Yoongi and Namjoon, are somewhere else right now, but they should be back soon. Four months ago we were just normal guys." Jin bites his lip and swallows thickly before he continues.
"That's when they came."
a/n: it's still Monday for me for another 20 mins 👀👀 sorry I suck.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Apparently, Beautiful, and Best Friend: Very sweet, shy, tender hearted brindle boy in need of a soft voice and a quiet, structured home where he can feel safe, loved, and thrive. TIMON OLUNTEEP Id 67422, 4 Yrs., 38 petite lbs., Dreaming of a family of his own, at Manhattan ACc TO BE KILLED 8/27/19 From Shy to Social, Smiley Boy Timon Wants to find His Forever Home! ~ Timon is a tiny little guy with big bat ears and a gentle heart, who craves a loving & quiet home and a family to love. He was found in the streets and brought to the shelter by police, a teeny, tiny petite little man of only 38 lbs who was frightened after his experience and only wanted to feel safe and loved. But the shelter is no place for sensitive souls with tender hearts, and a bravery deficit, so TIMON didn’t find the quiet, calm, “safe space” he had hoped for. He’s so incredibly adorable with his big bat ears, his white socks and his gorgeous tiger brindle coat. Add to that his big smile, or the way he sits so straight and tall, trying to project a courage he doesn’t feel as he tries to negotiate the Brooklyn Center. The volunteers do their best to give him comfort, always taking time to talk to him in a soft voice, snuggling with him on a bench, softly petting him and telling him not to worry – it will be ok. But it won’t be ok if no one picks this beautiful sweet boy. He needs an experienced foster or adopter who can give him the quiet space he will need to find his rudder. Can you help this little man out? Message our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting him now. A volunteer writes: Hakuna Matata is not Timon's moto but it could be if he gets to move in with you, as your forever best friend. Timon is a handsome lad whose face and moves light up as he distances himself from the care center. He strolls beautifully, does his business, sits on command and respects small critters and other dogs. I was surprised to see that the noises and crowding of the park did not bother him. He seemed to feel like home. Timon got lots of compliments from passerby's. He is a unique Boroughbred I said! Still everyone was trying to take a guess about his mix. Maybe you will too? Timon is shy but after a while spent with him, he will jump on a bench near his caretaker and accept caresses. There is love at first sight and love that comes with trust and time. Timon is waiting for you at the Manhattan Care Center, dreaming to be his carefree self, in your hands! Volunteer Evelyne Cumps writes: Timon (67422) is a lightweight (37lbs) brindley 4 year old neutered male, a very elegant, healthy stray that was very shy upon arrival but opened up amazingly. He truly is a favorite of all here at the care center but for some reason has not caught the attention of the public. may be because he is such a quite mouse in his kennel. He is one pretty dog who could have some BT up his family tree. He was so shy in PG but now, he plays nicely with males and females in PG. he is a great walker, goes to the park, is fine with all its activities and noises, nears other pooches politely, sits, comes when called and is likely HT. His behavioral eval is level 3 as he was scared (although NEVER) aggressive upon arrival and for days. Staff, behav staff and vols have been working daily with him and Timon has really bloomed. He is waiting for his Pumba at the Manhattan Care Center! MY MOVIE: Timon, The Magnifique! https://youtu.be/ldDHl3QiJZo TIMON, ID# 67422, 4 yrs old, 38.6 lbs, Unaltered Male Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Brown Brindle / White Surrender Reason: Stray, brought by police Shelter Assessment Rating: NEW HOPE ONLY Medical Behavior Rating: BEHAVIOR NOTES Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Stray Behavior toward strangers: A woman, living with dog, said he growls at her and snaps FOSTER BEHAVIOR NOTE Timon was with the foster and a 10 year old girl at the street came close to him, Timon jumped on her and scratched her. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment: 30-Jun-2019 Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Fearful – avoids; tense; cowers Call over: No approach – nervous, tense Sociability comments: Body tense Handling Soft handling: Fearful Exuberant handling: Fearful Handling comments: Body tense, tail down, moves away when legs are touched Arousal Jog: Follows (body low) Arousal comments: None Knock: No response Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: 7/1-7/3: When introduced off leash to the female greeter dog, Timon approaches, sniffs, and continues to follow while sniffing. He solicits play at times, but is more intent on following and sniffing. 7/5-7/15: Timon engages in bouncy play with a female dog. 7/16-PRESENT: Timon is playful in a group of male and female dogs. INTAKE BEHAVIOR: Date of intake: 28-Jun-2019 Summary: scared but warmed up MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: Date of initial: 28-Jun-2019 Summary: trembling, tense, fearful, allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Timon so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. At the care center, he displays a medium level of activity. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS: Timon was initially fearful and uncomfortable with touch when he arrived at the care center. Through daily interactions with handlers and dogs in playgroup, Timon has become increasingly social and on 7/5-7/6 began soliciting attention from handlers. He will approach with soft body and wagging tail and when handlers pet him he will lean in. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children: Due to how uncomfortable Timon is currently with touch and novel stimuli, and that he was reported to growl and snap with the person he was staying with, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. New Hope Rescue Only Potential challenges: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Potential challenges comments: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Timon was reported to growl and snap by the person he was staying with. At the care center, he has been very fearful. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 11-Jul-2019 Progress Exam SO Post op recheck skin -- clean, dry incision site A healing sx site P continue to monitor post op 10-Jul-2019 Spay/Neuter Summary Surgery report - canine neuter Was this dog a cryptorchid? No - normal canine scrotum and testicles Scrotal incision along median raphe Spermatic Cord Ligation with: 0 Monocryl in modified Miller's knots Sub Q closure: 0 Monocryl in single stitch Skin closure? Left open to drain Green linear tattoo near incision site to denote neuter status. Pre-op exam. Reported occasionally sneezing. S: Tense, trembling during exam O: BAR-H, MMs pink and moist EENT: No discharge OU, AU, nose. PLNs: Not significantly enlarged. H/L: NSR, NMA. Eupnic, quiet lung sounds. No coughing or sneezing during exam. Abd: Soft, no pain on palpation, no masses palpated M/S/I: Amb x4. No skin lesions noted. UG: Male intact, testicles soft and symmetrical. Neuro: Alert and appropriate, no sign neurological deficiencies A: Appropriate surgical candidate P: Neuter today Anesthesia Summary: Canine Neuter Pre Medication: Hydromorphine 4 mg, injectable, 0.18 mL IM Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg injectable, 0.2 mL IM Induction: Propofol 10 mg, injectable, 3 mL IM Anesthesia Notes: Size 8.5 fr. ET tube placed, maintained general anesthesia throughout procedure on isoflurane and O2. Used rebreathing system with 3 L bag. 22 g IVC placed in right cephalic vessel. Intraoperative IV LRS at 5-10mL/kg/hr at: 170 mL/hr Rimadyl 50mg/mL injectable, 1.4 mL, SQ, once post-operatively, for post-operative pain relief. Other: Testicular block 0.88 mL of Lidocaine 0.88 mL of Sterile water Recovery Status Recovery was uneventful. Post-operative Medications Prescribed: Rimadyl 75 mg Tablets, Give 75 mg (1 Tablet), Orally, once a day for 2 days beginning the day after surgery. Anesthetist/Surgical Monitor (P#’s): 28-Jun-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: 3-5y. Microchip noted on Intake? No. History : stray brought by police, Subjective: BAR, Observed Behavior - trembling and tense, allowed all handling, but very fearful. Evidence of Cruelty seen – no. Evidence of Trauma seen – no. Objective: T = , P =wnl, R =wnl, BCS 4/9, EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: unable to examine due to muzzle. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: male intact 2 testes palpable in scrotum. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: external normal. Assessment: apparently healthy. Prognosis: good. Plan: neuter and all intake tasks. SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://ift.tt/2ynocEZ Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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me4ml · 5 years
Animorphs/Miraculous AU
I’m actually not really good at writing stuff, but I like to think I can do background well, which led me to this: the Miraculous Squad as the Animorphs. And rather than Southern California, the Yeerk Invasion (or Akuma Invasion, if you want to blend terminology), lands in Paris; and the five-minutes after using the Miraculous is pretty comparative to the two-hour morphing rule I’d say. This is mainly me spitballing, so if you have different ideas feel free to throw them out there! This isn't planning to be a fic, really, more of a though experiment I guess?
Figuring out who goes where was the trickiest issue, as personalities didn’t line up exactly. I’m happy with matchups, but if you feel different, let me know!
Marinette=Jake. Marinette’s most obvious analogue is Jake. They’re both the clear and defined leaders of their groups, and both are talented strategists. However, I think Marinette has some more in common with Cassie, as far as I think Marinette would try to empathize and work out a peaceful solution (as well as I think that Marinette would be an estreen like Cassie). Marinette doesn’t have the driving need to defeat the Yeerks like Jake does, due to his brother Tom being a Controller. Unless you want to use Marinette's dad being Controlled (parallel canon to Weredad) as the motivation (and that both Jake and Marinette's Controlled relatives would be named Tom is another point). Morphwise, Marinette's first morph would be a ladybug of course, and I think she would favor variety and intelligent animals more than anything. Elephant, orangutan and gorilla, racoon, and crow all fit into those categories, and she'd wind up with a mouse or rat morph as well.
Adrien=Tobias. Adrien was actually the hardest to place, because his personality has a number of parallels to several of the Animorphs. Storywise, he can compare to Marco, with a disappeared mom that everyone thinks is dead but really isn't (and you could also play with the "Emilie was the Peacock" theory and swing that back into her being a Visser One analogue, if you don't like Gabriel for it. Heck, you could say that Gabriel and Emilie were both infested and Controlled by Yeerks. Sorry for the tangent!) and a dad who is distant and withdrawn, though Marco's dad gets better. Adrien also parallels to Marco in that his dad is a super villain, mirroring Marco and Visser One. In his interest in gaming and comic books, and his relationship with Nino, I think there’s some Jake-Marco. But ultimately, Adrien simply isn’t ruthless enough to fit Marco. Surprisingly, someone who Adrien does fit in a certain way is Rachel. The two are the respective heavies of their teams, with Chat Noir and Cataclysm, and Rachel’s choice of morphs as grizzly and elephant. Adrien finds his freedom in Chat Noir, and Rachel finds her skill as a warrior in her morphing; and I think that it would be easy for Adrien to slowly become darker the longer he spends as Chat Noir, mirroring Rachel’s descent into bloodlust-and if ML weren’t a kids show, that would be an interesting direction to take, showing Adrien/Chat becoming more of an avatar of Destruction. Also, on a physical appearance level, Adrien ad Rachel are both blonde, and probably considered airheads by people who don't really know them. Ultimately, I think Adrien is the closest to Tobias because of his home life, and let's be honest: if anyone if going to be stuck in morph out of the MiracuSquad, it's Adrien. Though him disappearing would be MUCH more of a big deal than Tobias disappearing, simply because of who he is. Morphing, Adrien's first and favorite morph is a black housecat, and he really enjoys his feline morphs, like panthers, jaguars, leopards, tigers and lions. Out of anyone in the group, he has the most difficulty with the bird morphs.
Alya=Marco. I think Alya maybe comes the closest to Marco in her drive and determination, and her personality could develop the ruthlessness that Marco shows. She is also Marinette's best friend, mirroring Marco and Jake. Plus, if you want to go by ML, most of Alya's family has been akumatized, barring her mom. Maybe in this verse, Alya is the only one who hasn't been Controlled, and has to constantly avoid the pressure to be and then that plays into her Fox aspects as a trickster and deceiver? Alya also has some of Cassie's part, in that her dad is a zookeeper and this gives the Squad access to new morphs. Morphwise, Alya's favorite is a fox. She likes canine morphs, and has a wolf for battle, and also loves her bird morph because it allows her to get around Paris and catch scoops really easily. 
Nino=Cassie. Like Cassie, Nino is kind of the heart of the group. He's calm and balanced, and people just seem to like him. I don't have a lot of reasoning for this one, it just mainly feels like the right choice. Nino's first morph was a turtle (he might have gotten himself flipped over at one point), and I think he 'd end up picking either morphs that are reptilian in design, or large, powerful morphs that can do some damage (for some reason Nino as a moose hit me and made me laugh).
Chloe=Rachel. This might be the weakest comparison. Rachel and Chloe are both blonde, both have parental issues (Rachel is presented as quite the daddy's girl, and Chloe is....well, Chloe). Additionally, I don't think Chloe is as developed as Rachel was to start with, unless you want this to be a redeemed Chloe from the start. Maybe Chloe is proceeding along her character development path at the start, and grows into it? I do like Chloe gaining some venomous morphs, snakes and spiders (how she ends up with a wasp I have no clue), but I think she's be the most grab bag of them: a lioness to match Adrien, maybe a bear, leaning toward morphs that look pretty or have a reputation or appearance of status. 
Ax. Ax's role most likely is Plagg or Tikki, with the other one filling the Elfangor role. And the Miraculous jewelry box is the morphing cube. 
Lila is absolutely David.
And everyone has a pigeon morph!
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emdoddles · 1 year
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Caninegirl with the Tiger miraculous, this was fun to play around with.
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💟 ADOPT ME NOW 💟 Clear a kennel… save a life FAWN #A511538 (Moreno Valley CA) Female, fawn and white Pit Bull Terrier. The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old. I weigh approximately 55.60 lbs. I have been at the shelter since Jul 15, 2021 and I may be available for adoption on Jul 22, 2021 at 2:25PM Behavior notes: 7/21/21 12:20 Temp tested A511489 male Labradorl mix with A511538 female Pit Bull mix. Both did well. No aggression seen from either. ml 7/15/21 Very sweet girl, mellow, walks well on leash. Medical notes: 7/15/21 Friendly, BCS 3/9 Very mild flystrike AU- does not require treatment at this time as long as it does not progress. All incisiors and canines are worn to the gumline. premolars and molars likely affected as well to a lesser extent, but could not easily assess as mouth is very sensitive. underconditioned Tick infestation+++ Dog will need incisors and canines removed as pulp is exposed on all and are painful. Possibly contributing to malnutrition Rx: carprofen- 100mg- 1/2 PO BID x10d ACT: give nexgard once Moreno Valley Animal Shelter 14041 Elsworth Street, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 951-413-3790 PUBLIC EMAIL/GENERAL INFO: [email protected] RESCUE EMAIL: [email protected] Open Tuesday - Saturday (closed Sunday, Monday and holidays) Tues.-Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (at Friends of Moreno Valley Shelter Animals) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4z-K8rKde/?utm_medium=tumblr
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