#ml/dc incorrect quotes
Marinette: You're my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life. I hope you know I would do anything for you. Absolutely anything. Damian: I want you to get a full 10 hours of sleep. Marinette, conjuring up the sweetest smile and a glare that could throw anyone six-feet under: Absolutely and positively no.
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batsandbugs · 2 years
Daminette School AU Quotes
Lila: You know Marinette, it’s such a shame no one likes you, you’re actually quite useful when you know your place.
Marinette: (sighing) Lila, the bar for civility is so low it’s practically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil.
Lila: (smiling falsely) If you say something like that again, I’ll “trip” you out of that window you- What are you doing?
Marinette: (looking at the window) Checking how high the drop is, see if it’s worth it.
Damian: (sitting behind them on his phone, not looking up) Most humans can survive a two story fall, Dupain-Cheng. You’ll be fine.
Marinette: Aww, Lila wouldn’t make it then?
Lila: (fuming) Excuse me!?
Marinette: He said humans, and since you’ve clearly escaped from hell you’ll probably just shatter into a thousand pieces and reform there.
Damian: (under his breath) The devil doesn’t want her back.
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ali-kitkat · 3 years
Damian: I can never say no to you.
Marinette: I'll try not to abuse that.
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batsandbugs · 2 years
Incorrect Daminette Quotes
Ladybug: (vaulting behind a crate while an explosion occurs) Okay time for plan G.
Red Hood: Don’t you mean plan B?
Ladybug: We are well past plan B, we skipped over plan C due to Nightwing getting knocked unconscious.
Red Robin: What about plan D?
Ladybug: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago where Robin and I make out as a distraction.
Robin: (still sitting stunned in the corner muttering) She kissed me? She- she actually kissed…
Ladybug: And I’m not doing plan E, because that involves a level of property damage that I’m not okay with.
Red Hood: (readies an explosive) I’m prepared to make that sacrifice!
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