#mlqc black queen
sylvia-forest · 8 months
[CN] Shaw's 6th Anniversary event - Day 3
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an Event which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[Day 3]
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MC: Shaw, where did you hide that mysterious "thing" of yours? MC: I've searched through the RV, and I've been observant everywhere, in the snow mountain and the ski town. MC: How come there's nothing? Is there really such a thing? Shaw: That means you haven't observed carefully enough. Shaw: Just keep reading.
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MC: Phew, this route to the next stop is "reasonable" enough; we arrived in less than a day. MC: But... this mountain city lives up to its name; there are all slopes everywhere. MC: Fortunately, I've climbed a snow mountain before, so these are no longer intimidating! Shaw: Some people really do "forget the pain once the wound heals." Shaw: Who got weak in the legs? Who was panting like crazily? MC: Oh, there's a crossroads up ahead. Quickly, tell me where we're going! Shaw: There's a noodle shop on the left that seems to have local specialties. Want to try it? MC: Yes! We're going to try all the local cuisines; that's our mission!
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The wind outside the window was chilly, but the warmth inside the room surrounds us as Shaw and I sit in a local restaurant, enjoying a hearty meal.
With a sip of good wine and a bite of delicious meat, I happily wave my hand.
MC [blushing]: This combination is incredible; I really know how to eat~
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Shaw [helplessly]: ...You're truly a drunkard, getting disoriented after just a few drinks. MC: I'm not happy just because of the drinks—
I paused, the heat in my chest from the alcohol steaming upward, making me laugh as I leaned back against him.
MC: It's just that as long as I'm out having fun with you, I'm happy.
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Shaw: It seems we've entered the phase of speaking the truth after drinking. Remember not to say anything cheesy; I'm still sober.
He slightly straightens his spine, allowing me to lean even more comfortably.
MC: Don't interrupt; I haven't finished talking yet. MC: Actually, for this stop... I secretly arranged a surprise. MC: After all, it can't always be you giving me surprises. I want to give you a unique experience.
I beckon to him and he gives me a glance, his ear coming closer.
MC: Tomorrow night at eight, we're going to a place called Xiaohe Ancient Village.
He seems to guess something, his eyes shining for a moment.
Shaw [testing her]: Why are we going there? MC: To do something fun~
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Shaw: ...?
My head was getting more and more dizzy, and i layed down softly on his legs.
The lights on the ceiling become blurry in my eyes, like dazzling starlight. I laugh and extend my hands toward them.
MC: Just like this... having fun~
In a daze, it feels like something was holding my hand, soft and warm.
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Shaw [in a soft whisper]: I know you're talking nonsense. Wait here until you sober up.
The next night, I rented a small electric scooter, taking him on a swift ride through the bumpy terrain.
As the electronic sound signals our arrival, I do a small drift and stop, looking towards the open space in front of the village.
In the night, the crowd was bustling, and all I can see was the continuous exhalation of white mist under the streetlights.
I looked towards the makeshift stalls on the side, confirming that the information was correct, and quickly exchanged tickets, pulling Shaw inside.
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Around the crowd, there was a circle of bonfires, and in the center stood a tall wooden structure made of branches and wood.
I raised my eyebrows at him.
MC: So, does this scene look familiar to you? Have you guessed what my surprise is?
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Shaw: Fireworks show. We watched it together on last Lantern Festival.
The dazzling scene from last year faintly appeared in my mind. I couldn't contain my excitement and continued speaking.
MC: Exactly! So, when I found out there was a performance here, I decided to seek good luck with you again. MC: Although the scale of this performance is not as grand as last time, the leader is still one of the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage.
I looked at the performance team that was burning iron.
Shaw [in a daze]: Oh, I see... MC: Hm?
Before I could react, he tapped my shoulder, directing my attention to another place—
There seemed to be another booth where many people were queuing to receive colorful items, creating a lively atmosphere.
I couldn't help but tiptoe, discovering that above the booth were many wooden signs with words like "peach blossom," "career," and "fortune."
MC: Oh, right! In addition to the iron fireworks performance, they also give out lucky charms! Shaw: Wait for me here; I'll go get them. MC [dumbfounded]: Oh... huh?
Shaw's sudden idea made me instinctively grab his hand.
MC: The performance is about to start; let's go together after it ends?
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Shaw: There are still ten minutes; we have time. Shaw: Besides, those signs have limited quantities. If we wait until it's over, we might miss out, and we'll be left with nothing.
He pinched my palm and disappeared into the crowd.
Initially, I could still see him at the end of the line, but as more people gathered, my line of sight was completely blocked.
MC: Why isn't he back yet?
Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, I anxiously dialed his phone.
MC [on the phone]: Don't wait in line! It's starting in a minute! Shaw [on the phone]: I know. Wait for me where you are; I'll be there soon...
His voice was intermittent, and before I could say anything, the call was automatically disconnected due to a signal loss.
At the same time, a loud shout pierced through the night.
?.?: Get ready—!
I quickly turned my head to look at the center, and a mix of anticipation and anxiety filled my heart.
Although it wasn't the first time I watched the "fireworks," I still hoped that at the moment they were lit—
I would be with him, blessed by this tradition that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years.
The central furnace burned fiercely in the darkness, and the performers strode forward, shouting loudly.
One person in a long robe vigorously struck the iron, and the molten iron was instantly ignited—
A dazzling display of iron flowers bloomed in the night.
It resembled burning snowflakes and shimmering drizzle, colliding with a crisp sound in my eyes.
I instinctively took out my phone to record, even though Shaw wasn't by my side. I didn't want him to miss this moment.
But when I zoomed in, I found that the person in the long robe seemed to be...
While others were shirtless, he was wrapped in layers, making him particularly conspicuous in the crowd.
He moved gracefully, allowing the sparkling sparks to fall freely on him.
MC: …….!
I continued to zoom in on the screen, trying to see clearly in the hazy night.
However, those "iron flowers" were brilliant but fleeting, illuminating only a moment of that person's eyebrows and smile.
But it was enough to make me feel warm alongside the fireworks.
It turned out he didn't miss anything; he had always been in my eyes, in the radiant light of blessings.
The performance quickly ended, and I rushed through the crowd towards the center.
When I saw the person in the thick long robe, he also sensed something and turned to look at me.
He took two steps forward, took out a small and delicate lucky charm, and placed it in my palm.
Shaw [panting + his cheerful voice]: With the double blessings tonight, I guarantee that the coming year will be as smooth as if you activated a cheat code.
Looking at the lucky charm in my hand, I couldn't help but smile.
MC: You really were "unexpected" tonight. But maybe you should explain first?
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Shaw: Explain what? Shaw: Explain why I performed the iron flowers or why I decided to perform this iron flower show for you? MC: Of course, both.
He smiled and casually lifted the heavy long robe off his body.
Shaw: Several years ago, my master took me to meet a few "inheritors" of iron flower art, and the leader tonight happened to be one of his disciples. Shaw: Back when the old man was promoting intangible cultural heritage, I learned from him for a while.
I was stunned, and I exclaimed.
MC: How come you never mentioned this when we watched the iron flowers before? Shaw [teasingly]: Didn't I? Well, fortunately I didn't, or else I wouldn't have seen your silly look in the crowd.
He chuckled and took off one heavy layer of his long robe, holding it in his arms.
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Shaw: Alright, I've explained. As for the second question, I don't think I need to say much, right? MC: Of course, you have to say it. That's the crucial point!
I already knew the "answer" to the second question, but I still wanted to hear it from his lips.
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Shaw: ......
He gave me a speechless glance, and was about to speak, when an elderly man hurried over to him.
Uncle: Hey, you handsome young man! I was impressed by your performance just now. In a few days, it's my daughter's 20th birthday. Can you come and perform for us again?
MC: ...pff.
The uncle's eyes were full of thoughts of a "good son-in-law," and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
However, Shaw discreetly squeezed my hand, then hugged my shoulder tightly, smiling at the old man.
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Shaw: Uncle, this was a special performance, a gift to enhance the joy for my girlfriend. Shaw: So, for this performance, you better ask someone else.
🚐 Day 4
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mrlovememes · 2 years
Unforseen Timeline. The "Unhappy ending" MLQC/ToT ***SPOILERS FOR BOTH GAMES. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.***
I've been really into Tears of Themis recently... but I can't help but want a fan fiction crossover with TOT and MLQC 👀 MC will be the same, maybe in one of the timeliness, after MC loses her evol that's when she finally starts to give up slowly. Yes she still miss having it, but then she starts wondering what it would be like to live a normal life. No longer having the queen power nor wanting to be the queen due to the responsibility and pain it comes with. She finally reaches a breaking point with all of the boys, never being satisfied with what she currently has with them. Each and everyone of them has brought her pain in some way. Finally she resorts to trying to have a normal life, she cancels miracle finder since it would be easy for the boys to find her if she were to still have a TV show she would have to constantly promotes. Perhaps she decided to become a lawyer, that way she's still helping people while also fighting for justice in her own way. I thought it would be fun to think that she eventually gets to her dream and moves to Stellis. After all, TOT does take place in 2030, (even tho there would be many,several plot holes lol.) She could get help from Shaw, we know that he'd helped MC create a fake identity before hand. So why not again? He'd be the only one tk ever contact MC while she's in Stellis only because we know Shaw would be hella petty if she up and left him after he helped her out. And so Youran then becomes Rosa. Leaving Lucien, Victor, Kiro and Gavin without a trace and with no warning. Just like they did to her all those years ago and multiple times. Never knowing if they'll be back or if they're alive and well. Figures it would be better this way, no more Black Sawn members keeping tabs on her, no more lies and hidden truths, broken promises. She joins Themis lawfirm and works under Mr. Wing, she's taken a liking to him. A boss would really be this nice? She would have never thought after spending all that time near the "tyrant" Victor. Even if as a lover he was sweet, as a boss he had always put so much pressure on her. She is delighted to be near Dr, Ritcher, always learning interesting and unique things. How he's always there to lend a helping hand and is always so kind. She doesn't have to worry about Vyn being after her genes or wanting to gain her evol back. (I like to think that in this AU scenario Loveland would be the only place where Evol's exist, like as if some force is stopping people from other places to gain access to the serum. After all I think they only did expirements on people from Loveland, as in that's where it started. But I could be wrong) Her curiosity peaks when she's with Marius because of his flirtatious nature and the way he's always teasing her. Knowing for a fact that even if he annoys her to no end, she can be assured that he is only Marius and no one else. With Luke... haha plot hole, I guess we could change it if it's an AU of sorts. Perhaps they come across each other in Stellis once MC moves and decides she wants to study law there? They become rather close, two peas in a pot. They have a lot in common! With Rosa now knowing Luke is in the NXX as well, he can let her know ahead of time if he's leaving and for what. No more waiting for Gavin to come back after months of being gone just so he can sneak in her room for a few minutes before having to leave again. So maybe solving murder cases and illegal drug cases isn't the most normal life to live. But there are at least no more people from black swan keeping tabs. She doenst have an evol and "the world" no longer needs to rely on the Queen's power. She at least live in peace for it.
Then for additional angst if you'd like just have the boys make an NXX mission telling her they're headed to Loveland. She freezes upon hearing these words but she tries her best to remain calm. She can only pretend to not know the place or boys for so long. Eventually she crosses paths with them once more... only for the boys to find out they've been replaced. The biggest shock to them was that their MC is still alive, she was missing/gone not dead like they had originally thought. After all, she got a new number. She never responded to their text or calls or even emails. They received nothing all these years. A mixture of so many emotions would consume the boys. Victor being replaced by Artem. Gavin being replaced by Luke. Kiro being replaced by Marius. Lucien being replaced by Vyn. And there's Shaw who's just chilling. Like "Hey Youran, long time no see? Or should I call you Rosa?" Anyway, this stupid thought came to me after playing tot and I wanted some angst since I do love both games. Major plot holes and problems for this AU/headcanon but I thought it would be fun lol
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a3nekonekoma · 2 years
What I write (includes abbreviations I might use for long titles and notes)=
NEW Rules: you may make as many requests as you want (please try to pick different characters if possible). I do not do more than 2 additional parts on a continuation of a request making a total of 3 parts. Also, for traits reader has, please limit how many requests you make of characteristics reader has^^ i want my work to remain open so people can feel themselves but also give people a chance to be seen and heard. It is a delicate balance I am maintaining(^•^)
tldr: only 3 parts max per request, you may request reader have specific characteristics but please limit how many requests you make eith characteristics
Type of content:
-fluff, yandere, maybe a little Angst if you squint. I will possibly do NSFW content in the future, poly is okay
-my work will be gender neutral reader only. I will write for characters of any gender
-if a request makes me uncomfortable, I will say so. No characteristics related to race or skin color may be requested. Otherwise I'm relatively indifferent. I will only write character x reader
Anime and Manga:
-Fruits Basket (including Fruits basket Another), OHSHC (Ouran High Shool Host Club) Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu), BNHA (My Hero Academia/ Boku no Hero Academia), MHAV ( My Hero Academia Vigilantes), Vampire Knight ( including VK:Memories), Tokyo Ghoul( including TG:re), Bungo Stray Dogs, Kuroko no Basket, KNY (Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no Yaiba), Spy X Family, Assassination Classroom, Jujutsu Kaisen, Welcome to the Ballroom, Komi Can't Communicate, Slam Dunk, Chainsaw Man, Horimiya, Quintessential Quintuplets, Saiki K, Paradox Live, gokushufudo, Chainsaw man, horimiya
-MLQC (Mr. Love Queen's Choice, also has an anime)
-A3 (also has an anime based on game)
-Mystic Messenger
-Obey Me (has an anime)
-Love Live (also has an anime)
-Utapri (Uta no Prince Sama, also has an anime)
-Honey Magazine (not really a game, but visual romance novels)
-Genshin Impact
-Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage
-BanG Dream (has an anime)
-Ensemble Stars (has an anime)
- Idolish7 (has an anime)
To be Added Eventually:
-Attack on Titan, Black Butler, My Love Story, Otomen, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Code Geass, Blue Period, Danmachi, rent a girlfriend, my dress up darling
****check my pinned for what is closed****
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darling-dummy-blogs · 2 years
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I posted 751 times in 2022
32 posts created (4%)
719 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 30 of my posts in 2022
#mlqc - 28 posts
#mlqc victor - 26 posts
#mr love queen's choice - 24 posts
#mlqc li zeyan - 22 posts
#victor mlqc - 21 posts
#mr love victor - 21 posts
#mlqc fanfic - 19 posts
#mlqc fluff - 16 posts
#cassietalks - 12 posts
#mlqc angst - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 37 characters
#happy birthday @times-muse-immemorial
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Saturday Mornings- Victor Li
Summary: A little peek into what married and parenthood life is like for Victor and Cassie: A peaceful Saturday morning filled with lazing around in the comfort of their home with their 1 year old daughter.
Paring: Victor Li x Cassie Li (OC)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 1.3k
So this is a sneak peak into the married life + parenthood life is like for Victor and Cassandra Li.
Saturday Mornings.. A day made for relaxation with your lover or your family. Saturdays became reserved just for that purpose once Isabella came home from the hospital almost a year ago:
It was a bright and early morning for the Li’s. The couple were still fast asleep in the comfort of each other’s arms, wrapped up in silk sheets and warm blankets. The only sounds that could be heard in the quiet bedroom were the sounds of Victor and Cassandra’s even breathing as they slept the morning away. 
Everything seemed just as it usually is on a Saturday morning for the married couple. Only this time.. 
The sound of crying suddenly filled the room through the baby monitor that laid on the nightstand beside their bed. Both Cassandra and Victor stirred awake. 
Cassie opened her eyes, her vision being blurry as she tried to adjust to the small light of brightness that peaked through the dark curtains of their bedroom. She sighed quietly, burying her face against Victor’s chest, mumbling out, “Victor….” 
“Hm?” He mumbled in response, tightening his arms around his wife’s waist. 
“Isabella is awake… who’s turn is it this time?” She spoke softly, nuzzling him gently to further wake him up. 
He opened his eyes, glancing down at her, “I believe it is your turn, my love.” 
She whined as she hugged him tighter for a little while longer, “Do I have to?” 
Victor chuckled, kissing her forehead, “Yes, yes you do. Unless you want to let our little princess cry it out.” 
Cassie sighs once again, “No.. I’ll go check on her… I’m just so comfortable…” She smiles slightly, pecking his lips for a brief moment before slipping out of his embrace and standing from the bed, stretching her limbs. 
Cassandra made her way out of their bedroom, heading to the next room over which was Isabella’s nursery, stepping inside and over to her crib, smiling down at her daughter, “I’m here baby girl, it's okay.” 
She softly cooed, scooping her up into her arms, cradling her to her chest, softly kissing her forehead as she gently rocked her fussy daughter in her arms. 
“Shh… it's okay, Mommy’s here. I’ve got you…” She softly whispered to her. The more she rocked her and soothingly spoke to her, the quieter Isabella’s sobs got and soon enough she was a happy baby, curling up close to her mother’s chest, cooing and smiling up at her; a mimic of Cassandra’s bright smile. 
Cassie giggled, “There’s my adorable sweet pea~” she booped her nose and wiped at her daughter's tears as she sat herself down on the rocking chair that sat in the corner of the nursery, away from everything else in the room and facing the window which had been covered in colorful curtains to fit the aesthetic of the nursery. 
Cassie wrapped the blanket that was previously draped over the top of the chair, around Isabella as she laid her comfortably on her chest. She began to gently stroke her jet black hair as she gazed down at her now happy daughter, a soft look in her crystal blue eyes. 
“Feeling better now, Isa?” She cooed, her daughter babbling and cooing in response, playing with long strands of Cassandra’s hair, practically being enraptured by it. Cassandra giggled once more, rocking back and forth in the chair. 
“You’re just the cutest baby ever, aren’t you?” Cassie spoke to her, even though she knew she wasn’t going to get a coherent answer in return.
She continued on, gently stroking her hair and occasionally lightly pinching her cheeks, “I bet you don’t even realize that you have both me and your Daddy wrapped around your little fingers.” 
She gently tickled Isabella’s tummy, eliciting a giggle like coo in response to her statement. Making Cassandra’s heart melt, “Such an adorable little princess~” 
See the full post
31 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
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His One Regret- Victor Li
Summary: Victor was having a stressful week. He ends up having one too many drinks at a bar. As the night goes on, he runs into Chik and after countless drinks they end up going back to Chik's apartment. Fast forward to the next day, Victor woke up with a bad hangover, and him in bed with Chik. He regrets everything he did the night before...
Paring: Victor Li X F!MC (Mia)
Warnings: Alcohol intake, Mentions of Sex, and Mature Language.
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 2.7k
Notes: Based on the prompt(s) below:
“If you loved me, you wouldn’t have done it.”
“I trusted you.”
Wrote this a while back, debated on posting it because I wasn't sure if I liked it or not haha
The sunlight shone brightly throughout the bedroom stirring Victor from his sleep. As his eyes opened, he winced and let out a low groan. As his eyes tried to focus on the ceiling, But the room seemed to spin more and more. He shut his eyes. 
‘What happened last night..?’ He thought to himself, as he had no recollection of what had happened the night prior. 
All he knew was that after he had finished the last of his meetings for the day, he felt so stressed and exhausted that he went to a bar and had a few drinks. Everything else after that seemed to be a blurr. 
Slowly, piece by piece things were coming back to him... After work, he decided to go to a bar for some drinks. However the more he drank the more he couldn’t stop. 
It got to the point where he was downing drink after drink. Then suddenly, a woman appeared, she began talking to him, ordered more drinks for the two of them. 
The more the woman and him talked, she began flirting with him. Normally in a sober state of mind he would never pick up on flirting. 
Nor would he flirt back, especially considering his relationship with Mia, his beloved girlfriend. 
However, in his drunken state, he flirted back, and before he knew it, he and the woman were heading back to her apartment, clothes were being removed haphazardly the moment they entered the front door and then the two of them were in bed together, relinquishing in the feeling of lust that loomed over them. 
As soon as that all came back to him, it clicked into place. The smell of the woman’s perfume and sex lingered on him. And he became disgusted with himself. 
Not only that but the feeling of guilt washed over him as well. No… It can’t be true. He was loyal to Mia. He would never cheat on her. Not now, not ever. However the movement he felt next to him, made him open his eyes. 
He slowly turned his head, looking at the person who was laying beside him. 
It wasn’t who he had wished it was. 
It was Chik. 
The woman who he had a relationship with long before Mia. If he could even call that a relationship. Chik had only been with him just to boost her fame. Even when they were together, it was a pretty rocky relationship. 
There was no connection between them which is why Victor would not consider their relationship a real relationship. 
So for him to see her in bed with him… Something, just didn’t add up. He sat up slowly, looking down at himself he realized that he was wearing practically nothing beneath the sheet that covered his lower regions.
His eyes widened.
No… No he didn’t…
His heart began to pound within his chest, the once painful hangover being long forgotten. 
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38 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Birthday Wishes- Victor Li
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Summary: Victor is away on a business trip rather close to his birthday. Mia misses him dearly while he is away. However she comes up with the idea to call him just as the clock struck midnight on the 13th. 
Pairing: Victor Li X F!MC (Mia)  
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice 
Word Count: 872 words
- This is Part 1 of My Gift to Victor <3 Happy Birthday, My Love. 
- Enjoy!~ 
Mia stared intently at the dimly lit clock that rested on the nightstand as she laid in bed. Deep in thought. The bed felt rather lonely without the one person she wished to be with most at this moment 
Letting out a resigned sigh, before moving from her position to reach out and grab her phone, turning on the once black screen encasing her in a bright light. A stark contrast from the dark bedroom she was in. 
Should she bother him? He is probably busy. Chewing on her bottom lip she swiped open her phone, instinctively finding her contacts. 
Tapping on the first contact immediately. Her thumb landed over the call button however she once again hesitated. Her thoughts getting to her once again. 
'Maybe it's not the best idea.' 
She gazed at the time on her phone once again. 11:50PM. 
Mia took a deep breath, shaking her head. She wanted to do this. It was simply tradition. 
With it being the day before Victor's birthday. He had to leave for an impromptu business trip. He had called her earlier that afternoon to tell her he'll be out of town and will be returning the next day but at a much later time. 
Mia ever since then has been moping around. Feeling rather disappointed and saddened that he wouldn't be here in time to celebrate his birthday with her.  
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44 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
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Mother...- Victor Li
Summary: Victor calls his mother on Mother's Day. Telling her all about the current events that have kept him busy.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 528 words
Will be told in Victor’s POV
Happy Mother’s Day! 
Hello Mother, 
It's been quite some time since we last talked. I suppose it's my fault… I'm sorry for that. I've been relatively busy these last couple of months. 
I wanted to call you to check in with you.. How have you been? Anything new going on? Has Paris been treating you well? 
…I'd hope so. 
There has been quite a lot that has happened here in Loveland. That's partially why I haven't called you in quite some time now. I wanted to update you..
There was a slight pause in Victor's voice. Taking a moment before revealing the news
.. I found her, mother. The girl I've been searching for over seventeen years. She actually.. Is still the same as I remember. 
A soft chuckle can be heard from Victor. The tone of his voice was light and gentle as he spoke fondly of the girl. 
She's quite the dummy. And she can be quite stubborn and childish. But she is amazing. She is a hard working producer and does what she is best at and does what she can to benefit herself and her company. Which.. I'm proud of. 
Of course, I never could tell her that. It would just go straight to her head. I have to keep her on her toes. 
She is often slow at times too, but really shows her intelligence and strength the more I am around her. She has learned so much.
See the full post
47 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Valentine's Surprise- Victor Li
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Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day in Loveland City. Cassie has a whole day prepared for her and her husband, Victor. Just to show how much she loves him on this special day. She even planned a little surprise at the end~
Pairing: Victor Li X Cassie (OC)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None! Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Word Count: 1.7k
This is my gift for you all for Valentines <3 It isn't much due to how crazy busy I've been as of lately but I hope you like it!
Happy (Belated) Valentine’s Day Everyone! I hope you had a lovely day spent with the ones you cherish and love most.
The morning of Valentine's Day was rather peaceful and sunny. The sun shone brightly when the clouds parted in the sky over Loveland. Basking the busy city in a beautiful golden hue.
It was only 8:30a.m. The sound of Victor's alarm going off stirred him awake from his peaceful slumber. He shifted from his comfortable position to turn off the alarm, letting out a yawn and a small groan once the sound was shut off.
He then proceeded to feel around for what he hoped was his wife laying beside him, however he felt nothing but the soft silk sheets of his bed.
Opening his eyes finally, rubbing away the sleepiness in his eyes, he sat up, after fully realizing that she was not present, he felt confused.
Where is she…?
He gazed around the room. The sun peeked through the closed curtains, nothing seemed out of place except for the presence of his girl.
Gazing at his nightstand he acknowledged the time. He slept in. Something he rarely does.
Didn't he set his alarm before going to bed last night? How odd...
What is more surprising is that his wife was up before him. It's usually the other way around.
Victor stood up from the bed, dressing himself in a fresh pair of sweatpants, making his way to the bathroom to start his morning routine.
Once he had finished, he made his way out of the bedroom, he could faintly smell the scent of freshly made pancakes. Which gave him the indication of her whereabouts.
She's in the kitchen.
He headed in the direction of the scent, quietly making his way to the kitchen as the smell became more prominent and even more lovely.
The sight he saw as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen made his heart swell with love and appreciation for the girl who stood in the center of the kitchen busying herself with making breakfast.
The woman in question, unaware of his appearance, hummed along to a tune that was quietly playing in the background while she was surrounded by dishes and ingredients she was using for breakfast.
Clad in one of Victor's dress shirts, a pair of pajama shorts covered by an apron which was smeared in bits of flour, she made herself busy as she was preparing to surprise Victor with a lovely breakfast.
Cassie had a whole day planned for him, with a little bit of a surprise for him at the end as well. She wanted to show her appreciation for her husband and wanted to spoil him just as he always spoiled her.
Making food for him was something she often did whenever he didn't feel like cooking during the days that are less busy. However with the exception of it being Valentines Day; a holiday Cassandra loves celebrating most. She knew she wanted to be the first to do something for him.
While Cassie knows he is never one for surprises seeing as throughout the timeline of their relationship in which Cassie tries often to surprise him, he always found a way to surprise her first. Which only made her fall further in love with him over time.
Cassie smiled as she worked. She had just about finished making the meal; heart shaped pancakes sprinkled with a little bit of powdered sugar as well as a good amount of maple syrup on top. She was almost completely ready to present it to her lover.
See the full post
72 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Sam, how do u feel about that new karma drop (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)? Also I feel like that photo of the "beheaded gorilla" looked like those wireless bluetooth speakers on a stand but I could be wrong xD
Heyho nonny!
Not gonna lie, that's one fine bomb to drop on a regular Wednesday.
PG has been lurking around the idea of using a red lipstick for a while now, so I think it's pretty cool to put it in motion. I like all of the karmas in general, both our LIs and MC. They are all so aesthetically tasteful.
There are no spoilers in this post, but my answer includes suggestive remarks below this line.
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I like the gear elements on his broche, it brings a new light to his character signature "time"
Him laying on a bed of roses reminds me of his Courtyard Date, but I think it wasn't roses on that date.
MC's dress is superb. If it weren't for the censorship, I'm pretty sure PG would have cut her slit deeper...and maybe Victor's in the karma missing right hand would find its way in there ;)
MC's mark on his neck...close to his Adam's apple is one fine touch ;)
If it were for me I would probably leave the golden tie, but Victor's outfits are not always fashionable, so I'll give him a pass ^_^
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We cannot see much of his outfit, but it looks slightly more modest than of the other guys. Looks good on him nonetheless.
The black ribbon reminds me of his Valentine's 2020 karma.
I don't know what to think about putting teddy bear into this narrative though. Not my cup of tea I guess.
His kissing mark on MCs back is the sexiest imo. Usui had once kissed Misaki like this in Maid Sama. That's pretty sexy ♆
Again, gorgeous dress MC!
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I like all of MCs dresses, but the one here deserves a crown, The belt, the matching necklace, the "Belle from Beauty and the Beast" dress, the color. Just everything.
With such a dress with bardot cut, she was asking for a kiss on the collarbone. Such a waste. How could Lucien miss that I wonder 🤔
We have to wait for the date but it feels like PG tuned down Lucien a notch.
But MC sitting on his lap...#megusta
His pre evol outfit is simple but elegant. Suits Lucien's style very well.
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It was an agonizing wait in the PV to finally see Gavin's card, but when it finally did...of boy!
I was very frustrated by the lack of spice on his birthday, but I think PG might make it up by this date.
Gavin's outfits are absolutely stunning since a year. Only he could wear a slit blazer and carry it like a boss. Seriously, I can't wait to see his full sprite.
The beheaded gorilla is actually another analog camera that looks like a gorilla, one needs to zoom in real good 😁
How the lillies turn from white to black, how Gavin is topping MC on the floor and finds his position between her legs (again). I have a good feeling that this date won't disappoint us (❦ꇴ❦) (which it didn't and I gushed all about it in detail here)
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Gotta admit, still struggling with accepting Shaw as a LI
Ripped jeans is always a pass for me :D and seeing MC in all black is a rare sight and sooo Black Queen-y
His pre-evolve CG has the vibes of a contemporary Elvis with a waist belt, flipped up high collar. It kinda suits him.
With his chest so out in the open, MC should've left a mark there if you ask me.
But still, Shaw is not my man.
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
I just have to take a moment to reflect on something.
Something that’s an extreme spoiler for MLQC chs 18-23 so don’t heckin read it if you haven’t read those.
I just can’t with the fact that the MC is basically trapped in the torture of the reset theory but for real. She lives a life, grows close to and loves one of the men (or other men, in the lives she glimpses, sometimes she’s with people she doesn’t even recognize in this life) and then tries her hardest, but in the end, no matter how it happens, she always dies. Painfully.
It seems at least some of the dates are canon in the main story, but the fact that she can be deeply in love in each one of the date paths and have no mention of the other men clearly must indicate that they’re all those lives she glimpses in the Black Cabin. She keeps trying over and over, forgetting over and over, dying over and over.
Is this main story we’re following some kind of mixed one where she never gets too close to any of them? Is it Victor’s because he’s the one who kills her this time? Is it Lucien’s, because he’s the one she seems closest to in the story?
But then the Black Queen is just her. Not a twisted and parallel version of her...just her. Her who’s been betrayed and forgotten over and over, who has “suffered endless torture”, who sacrificed herself for the people she loved over and over again in so many ways, only to see them all slip through her fingers again, her sacrifice undone, her love forgotten. Even when the Black Queen becomes so hopeless and bitter because the world never changes, never thanks her, never even remembers her, and every person who’s ever loved her or promised her has always betrayed and abandoned her...she’s still gentle to  her younger self. It still causes her pain to know what she’s about to go through.
How many times did the Black Queen love Kiro, Gavin, Victor, and Lucien, hear them promise her everything, trust them completely, and then wake up and find they’ve forgotten her and treat her cruelly? How many painful ways did she die to save a world that just finds a way to kill itself again?
How many people whom she loved promised to be with her forever, only for her to end up completely and utterly alone, floating in emptiness, without one person in the world who cared, or even knew she existed?
The mental anguish, the heartbreak, the loneliness and the pain she must have suffered.
Like...obviously we can’t have quite so much of a downer ending where she fails and becomes the Black Queen, killing everything because she’s just....done, so we’re on the ‘successful’ route, but man. The Black Queen has suffered more than Okabe Rintarou in Steins;Gate 0, ya get me?
Even in this ‘successful’ path, she still has to walk the path of the Queen, wear the crown, and abandon the happy idealist who just wants everyone to be happy, because even if she can overcome that endless torture, she’s still suffered too much to ever go back to who she once was.
...but on the bright side, since she’s canonically loved all of the men endless numbers of times, it’s vanishingly unlikely she’ll be forced to choose just one in the end. It will likely be all of them, because she loves them all and has died horribly for them too many times to count.
I mean
Shaw too, I just didn’t mention him since he’s essentially absent in this loop until the world breaks. He’s more present in the ‘world forgets and dies again anyway’ phase.
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sharinluna · 4 years
Hi I don’t know if you’ve done it before but can you do an analysis about why the Black Queen acts the way she acts? Because so far all we know is she came from the future/ alternative universe where she hates everyone and want to do a massive apocalypse. Thank you!
I’ll try to find time to do an analysis in the future but for now. Black Queen is alter ego/version of Yōurán(MC). After she sacrificed herself to save the world in chapter 18 she woke up in winter! Loveland City where everyone forgot her and the guys are brutal to her. And in this world the Evolvers are persecuted by everyone else and regarded as freaks and monsters.
Even after going through all that, MC still said that she does not regret what she did and will continue to dedicate herself to saving the world. But Black Queen is a version of MC who became revengeful at the ungrateful world for not remembering and thanking her sacrifice.
Actually, there’s more to Black Queen than I said above but I’ll leave it for now. The gist is, our MC Yōurán managed to keep her good heart in the story, but there are countless other parallel universes out there where she loses her faith in humanity and stops pursing the right path. Then she turns into Black Queen.
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[CN] Upcoming Pet Date (Victor)
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“Since you’re clear on the “good things” you’ve done, remember to take responsibility till the end.”
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The current pfp of Victor’s Weibo super topic hahaha this was long-overdue 🤣🤪
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acrispyapple · 3 years
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MLQC: Season 2 Chapters 2-5 Soon
[The Dark Forest]
As Music Strip turns, the music flows. The karma between you and him is the most beautiful concerto of time.
Schedule: November 25th 05:00 - December 5th 23:59 PST
Memory Corridor:Main Story ER Karmas available! Accumulate a specified percentage to claim [ER Giftbox] and [Memory Starlock] rewards.
Winding Progress: To get ER Karma & [Memory Starlock]
Go to [Events] or the main interface-[Memory Corridor], enter the Main Story ER Karma Event.
Consume [Puncher] and [Music Strip] to wind up the music box and increase the Winding Progress. You will also get a chance to obtain random item rewards each time you wind up the music box.
Choose ER Karma from [ER Giftbox] and get [Memory Starlock] when the Winding Process reaches a certain level.
How to get:
[Puncher]: Get from clearing Main Story stages during the event.
[Music Strip]: Get from Evol Supply, Time-ltd Sales and VIP Bonus.
Black Friday Sales
Black Friday is coming! Lowest prices ever~ ♡
Schedule: November 25th 05:00 - November 29th 23:59 PST
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lydskisses · 18 hours
🌟 PO - Mr Love Queen’s Choice Unique Au Monde / Voyage Series Official Merch 🌟
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ETA: Feb 2025
Payment Deadline: 4 Oct 2024, 18:00 SGT
➡️ All prices are in Singapore dollar and are inclusive of shipping from source country to me. Mailing to you will be calculated separately when the items arrive. PayPal and Wise are accepted for international buyers.
➡️ Purchase Bonus: For every 188p collected, one set of polaroid cards would be given. Bonus is Stackable.
✅ DM to Order:
🌟 Unique Au Monde Series 🌟
Take note that this item is very bulky and will be shipped to you directly from China for cheaper shipping:
・(145p) Big Acrylic Display (40x 40 cm) SGD$36.50/ea
・(35p) Black Border Frame for the Acrylic Display SGD$14/ea
・(45p) Acrylic Jewelry Holder SGD$15.90/ea
・(36p) Brilliant Shine Shikishi SGD$13.50/ea
・(12p) Chrome Ticket SGD$6.90/ea
・(15p) Hexagon Can Badge SGD$6.90/ea
・(36p) Acrylic Keyholder SGD$13.50/ea
・(48p) Metal Display SGD$16.60/ea
🌟 Voyage Paris Series🌟
・(32p) Borderless Shikishi SGD$13.20/ea
・(30p) Postcard Set SGD$11/set
・(23p) A4 file (comes with bonus ticket stub) SGD$11/ea
・(15p) Can Badge SGD$6.90/ea
・(68p) Acrylic Stand SGD$20.20/ea
#mrlovequeenschoice #loveandproducer #otome #otomemerch #mlqc #mlqcmerch #恋与制作人 #李泽言 #凌肖 #周棋洛 #许墨 #白起 #mlqcgavin #mlqckiro #mlqcvictor #mlqclucien #mlqcshaw
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Behind the Curtain Part 6 Translation [CN]
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This is a translation of part 6 of Behind the Curtain. Part 6 has long since been available on CN server when season 1 ch.32 was released and to this day has yet to be added for global server. I don’t know why it hasn’t been included or if it will ever be added to global server since it contains a lot of insight, foreshadowing, and important plot details especially in regards to Kiro’s story arc. There are also short appearances from the other 3 LIs. Therefore, I’ve translated it for anyone who is interested in reading more about it. Do note that the content of BTC part 6 includes events from season 1 ch. 25-28 so if you have not read up to those chapters, then please do so to avoid confusion. 
Without further ado, enjoy~
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The flames in front of me gradually extinguished. Amid the smoke of gunpowder, a blonde man turned around. There was a slight loneliness in his azure blue eyes.
??: Your little friend looked sad.
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Kiro: This isn’t something you should concern yourself with.
Kiro raised his head. His blue eyes were still. Under the firelight, they looked cold and alienated.
The dark-skinned man shrugged, gave a little whistle, and jumped into the helicopter in front of him.
??: Let’s go. To our new world.
Kiro paused and stared at the ruins in the distance. His golden hair slowly glowed with a silver luster. He raised his finger and the silver ring began to shine.
He lowered his voice, whispering to the ring and almost as if to himself.
Kiro: She will wait for me.
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Kiro: For the Brave New World.
His voice was swallowed by the smoke behind him. The radiance from the ring instantly magnified, stinging my eyes…
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MC: Kiro….what is he going to do…
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After the white light dissipated, flickering spots of light and huge space-time gears appeared again in front of my eyes and a half-closed door that I wasn’t aware of.
A mysterious voice rang in my ears but the content of those words was somewhat familiar.
??: Now, tell me your name.
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Helios: Helios.
This scene awakened some fragmented memories in my mind. It seemed that within the darkness of a certain time, I had heard a similar conversation. ***The similar conversation MC is referring to would be in Behind the Curtain Part 3***
??: Remembered what you promised me.
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Helios: ….After she returns, the New World Project will begin.
The silver-haired young man turned around and quickly disappeared into a space of disordered electromagnetic waves. I finally remembered that I had indeed heard this conversation.
Only then did I realize that the voice speaking to Helios was clearly an old man.
??: I am the one who reached an agreement with him.
The voice suddenly responded to my inner thoughts.
??: In this time and space, both you and I can freely choose our own way of being.
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MC: Can you hear what I’m thinking?
??: There is no difference between thinking or speaking. All the boundaries of existence….can be altered with your thoughts.
??: For example, what you will see next.
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Before I could react, the sound of a door opening again came from faraway and the sound of footsteps gradually came closer. What appeared before me was a familiar girl in a black dress.
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Girl: I’m here to say goodbye to you.
I subconsciously felt that the girl was not talking to me at this moment. That voice immediately responded to her.
??: Oh? Have you got what you wanted?
The girl shook the black box in her hand. When I saw the box, I suddenly felt a trembling pain and my heart tightened.
Girl: She thought this was the key to unlocking this place but she didn’t expect that I would obtain her power in this way. ***So it was all a set-up? Black Queen just wanted MC’s power all along.***
??: So, are you ready to close this door? Say goodbye to your birthplace?
Girl: Yes, I have no need to come back here anymore. I will be the only me in that world.
??: In that case, I wish you success.
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Girl: Goodbye…
There was an ear-splitting noise which left a tingling in my ears and I couldn’t hear the name the girl said. She turned with a smile and walked towards the hidden door.
I stared at the black box in her hand and my consciousness seemed to shake with her every step.
??: If you want to see, go check it out. After all, the door you opened is going to be locked again.
The mysterious voice guides me. The black box in front of me seems to be getting bigger and bigger and my vision is plunged into boundless darkness….
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Cyril: Do you know why BLACK SWAN is called this name?
What greeted me again was the gentle and soothing piano music flowing in the air from the elegant young man standing in the exquisite gift shop.
His gaze fell to me. The appearance of a black box was reflected in his eyes and his brows seemed cold as if touched by snow.
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MC: (Am I…in this box?)
Cyril: BLACK SWAN represents all unprecedented accidents. Mankind will never be able to predict the outcome of these rare events.
Cyril: When I first heard this name, I quite liked it, so I chose to join them.
Cyril: Though it’s a pity….most of them are still stuck in this familiar illusion. Perhaps, only a few people are aware of human ignorance.
Cyril: They cannot help me complete my work.
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Girl: Then let me help you this time.
But when the young man turned around, his eyes were still cold and distant as if the girl was just another display item in this shop.
The girl’s fingers slipped onto the black box and those quaking tremors shot deep into my heart like a coldness spreading through my bones.
Girl: How you want to deal with it is your own freedom.
When her fingers left the box, I let out a sigh of relief.
Cyril: Is it? I’m very curious about who they are waiting for.
Cyril: In this world, no one may really be waiting for her.
While talking, the young man stretched out his hand and pressed a key on the crystal piano. The discordant notes suddenly rang out, extending infinitely in my ears.
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Woman: Cyril, play and use your power…help mom make a perfect world.
The woman on the bed has the same beautiful eyes as the boy, looking at him weakly and full of nostalgia.
Woman: Let me see the best things in this world one last time.
Woman: This is…the meaning of your existence.
In the wind and snow, the boy’s face became more visible and soon the image of a young boy appeared. Little by little, he became sharp and angular, turning into that elegant young man.
The window was opened by the wind and the woman on the bed was swept by the falling flakes until she turned into a puff of white snow and slowly disappeared into the world.
The young man’s eyes were always focused on the piano in front of him. He seemed completely unaware of the violent blizzard outside.
Until the snowflakes turned into hailstones pelting on the window.
There was a loud crash. Scattered glass shards came in and flew straight towards the piano. The young man was so enraptured by the piano, he never raised his eyes once.
MC: Look out!
The fragments slid across the young man’s slender fingers and blood stains were immediately left on the icy skin.
His movements stopped. The time that belonged to him seemed freeze at that moment. In the room filled with heavy snow, there was still the sound of the piano.
The young man raised his head. His eyes were transparent and pure but confused like a snowflake that was about to melt. He seemed to be the child who was sitting on the piano stool from before.
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Cyril: Who…are you?
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MC: …I, who am I?
Perhaps, I am nothing but a broken component of a gene hidden in a cold black box with a high-sounding name. A power that has been coveted by countless people.
Where is…the real me?
The heavy snow continues to fall, enveloping the world that belonged to the youth.
One after another, images appeared before my eyes.
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Standing in front of the opened accelerated evolution module, Lucien was full of shock and anger.
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Lucien: …It’s you.
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On the swaying freighter, Victor, who opened a box, showed a stunned look.
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Victor: It’s you.
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In the messy base corridor, Gavin stood next to the mechanical pillar, catching the black box that had fallen from the air. His figure froze.
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Gavin: It’s you…
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In the gorgeous and vacant dark hall, Kiro walked step by step to the center of the light beam. A faint gold color suffused his pupils.
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Kiro: I know…it’s you. ***Just like in season 1 chapter 24, Kiro says his lines differently than the other 3 guys.***
The people in front of me are constantly shifting among familiar scenes. I no longer doubt the truthfulness of it all. Perhaps these have actually happened…
In another timeline…under another possibility…in countless situations, they repeat the same thing over and over again—
Find this black box.
Find the genetic model hidden within it.
Find Queen.
??: It’s you. ***The person sounds like he is saying “shi ni” but it sounds distorted or unintelligible like it doesn’t sound like CN or any other language we’re familiar with in the real world.***
Those repeated two words converged into a tangled echo in my ears, digging into the depths of my consciousness layer by layer, urging them into a powerful force.
That power gradually increased and continued to grow stronger, twisting into a bottomless vortex, swallowing my consciousness….
??: In this chaotic time and space, have you found the answer you want?
The specks of light and gears appeared once more. I’m back here again and waiting for me is still the voice that has been pulling me.
I can’t see him nor can I see my body. But now, I slowly understood that I should not have seen my own existence here.
I am only….I’m…
??: Have you finally found it?
That voice seemed to hear what I was thinking and began to question me.
??: Then say your inner answer—
??: Who are you? ***I couldn’t help but think of that famous quote ‘I am what I am’***
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<It does not matter which one you choose. The dialogue afterwards will be the same. I decided to go with my in-game name>
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MC: I am Y/N.
??: …I have heard your answer.
??: Then take your choice and face your world.
??: When you return here, everything will—
??: Restart.
My mind blown is just completely blown after reading all of this🤯🤯🤯 Seems like Kiro made a deal with someone in, what I assume, is Black Cabin about the New World Project in exchange for receiving the power of Helios perhaps. I do remember in part 3 of BTC that Kiro’s master KEY, who was the previous Helios, told Kiro he was going to meet an important person when he used the codes given to him by KEY to open a door. Is this “important person” the same person Kiro (as Helios) is speaking to in Black Cabin? What is this person’s agenda exactly? In regards to this New World Project, I have yet to see it be mentioned anywhere in season 2. Maybe in the next chapter update, there will be more plot development for Kiro involving the New World Project now that his and MC’s relationship is in a pretty good place after chapter 22: Towards the Seas of Stars as well as some answers to my burning questions since season 1. I will be referring back a little bit of this post in my Final Thoughts post on Season 2 Chapter 22 (still in progress). 
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caesurables · 3 years
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When you just wanted to create something special and it turns out all wrong 😂
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rinharu-purple · 4 years
Gavin with the Black Queen- An encounter that never happened
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One thing keeps bothering me ever since the Black Queen has ceased to exist (as of March 2021). She had various interactions with the other Lis, including Shaw, and yet she was in the same room with Gavin only for a brief moment and neither of them has truly realized the other’s presence. Why was that? Why did PG deliberately refrained from bringing those together? The answer might hide in the behind the curtain chapter.
Behind the curtain final part
Kicking off things with a memory refresh. CH5 of behind the curtain event revolves around the final moments of MC in the black cabin before making her decision and revisiting the piano concert as well as the infinite future era. There, the NW troops under the command of NW717 (Gavin from Infinite Future) enter the venue the BQ was in and cause mayhem by destroying everything in his way “I will destroy all of this!”. MC doesn’t face Gavin, but still got injured by his cutting currents of wind, unable to avoid him completely. 
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This encounter happens only in the background. The BQ knows that Gavin is there, but Gavin doesn’t see her. They don’t look each other in the eye, they don’t exchange words. Just a cut on BQs cheek.
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This remark at the end is crucial, because the BQ only says this after Gavin’s left the venue. Meaning from this moment on, there is only one future possible. Does that mean a different future would’ve been possible if Gavin hadn’t left? I guess we won’t ever find out.
BlackQueenxNW717 vs. MCxGavin
Another aspect to this question could also be that the only time BQ and Gavin were in the same venue was when the Black Queen already has lost her faith in humanity and Gavin has spend his youth without MC, under the shadow of his father. In a way, the two versions of them meeting at this point are their alternate personalities, which came to be because those two had never met. In my opinion, this is the strongest reason for why PG didn’t put Gavin and the BQ in the same narrative. Black Queen only exists in a world, where she never meets Gavin and Gavin only chooses to join his father after high school because he never gets to know MC’s kindness. The strong bond between them which keeps their faith was never created.
In that case, those who meet in chapter 21 were actually a lost Gavin and a lost MC in the void, because they have never met and therefore weren’t there to catch each other when one of them was falling like they always do in our original timeline.  They have both crashed and scattered into pieces, thus broken. We know for a thing that the BQ is lost because she says this in CH18
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See the words she is using? Love and FAITH. Remember CH15... Name of FAITH. Exactly... MC and Gavin would be lost if they didn't have love and faith. Also during the Daybreak Era and Dream edge Gavin is without love and faith, He is in a completely different sprite and mental state then the Gavin we know, love and worship.
Papergames actually put a very subtle comparison to this phenomenon by showing in CH 22 how the dynamic of Gavin and MC works even if only one of them is their original self. In CH 22, MC meets NW717, who has never met MC during high school and yet she succeeds in bringing out the original Gavin hidden deep inside him, at least in fragments, hence preventing a greater destruction or even worse Gavin’s demise (he is utmost self-destructive in this chapter). 
Gavin and MC always manage to bring the best out of each other so if this had happened in the case of MCxNW717, then we can safely assume that this could’ve ended the same way in a GavinxBlackQueen encounter. 
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Needless to say, it wouldn’t have been convenient for the plot, so the PG obviously didn’t take this route and it only exists in my head ^_^
Chapter 18: Gavin’s Route?
Taking this into consideration, let’s take a moment to imagine how would CH18 have gone, if it was Gavin accompanying MC instead of Victor in their last stance in the quarantine zone. Let’s assume Gavin didn’t know about the existence of the BQ up to this point, just like Victor, and there she was abruptly standing in front of him. Surely he would be appalled at first, but then he would show her the MC, he has always known, the MC he has always believed in and the MC she genuinely is. I don’t believe that Gavin would reject her identity as the MC like Victor did, because her eyes are different. On the contrary, I believe Gavin would say that he still knows that she is the girl he knows, because he can see it in her eyes. I think that Gavin would accept the fact that MC and the BQ were the same person and therefore would give everything in his might to save her, to save them both, without having to sacrifice any of them. There is no way on earth Gavin could’ve stabbed MC in the heart. Nothing could have ever convinced him that there wasn’t any other way. On a side note, I also don’t think killing her was really the only way and maybe not taking Gavin into consideration was Victor’s flaw in his plan. 
Did MC really had to die? What would’ve happened if after MC and BQs union, MC’s mind has prevailed and both of them stayed in the same body? Thus melting two timelines together? If Gavin was there, then I think that would’ve been the case and I also think that the BQ also knew that. Which is why she deliberately avoided Gavin because he was her weak spot. Gavin would have never killed any of them. It wouldn’t have mattered to him what words had came out of BQs mouth. For him she still would’ve been “his girl”. Plus, Gavin is a person, who has faith in the good heart in everyone. Therefore his choice of action would be to fight for the MC in BQs heart. Remember, these two young women are the one and the same person with different experiences from different timelines.
In CH 18 the BQ even goes to the lengths of using Gavin to lure MC to her side:
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It is really uncanny how almost everyone constantly use Gavin and MC against each other. Even the BQ shows Gavin annihilating Perry to convince MC to merge with her. It has happened at least for 6-7 times until now that people use their relationship for their end.
Final battle
In CH 36, when MC and the Black Queen have one last battle did you realize that every single LI is present except for Gavin? Kiro/Helios is there and bravely takes her on directly, Lucien is present with MC, Victor joins the group and even turns back time to allow MC to recuperate. What does Gavin do during this you may ask? He is trying to control the situation in the city as Commander of STF. Again, Gavin and Black Queen don't meet, because Gavin has the duty of saving the world from the other end and ensure the safety of Loveland citizens.
To sum this analysis up, I think there was a purpose for PG keeping Gavin and the Black Queen separate in S1, because Gavin would be the greatest threat to her existence. We see at the end that it was MCs persuasion that has led to BlackQueen leaving voluntarily. At the end she's also decided to believe in her and in the power of love (as cliché as it sounds). So in my opinion, Gavin could've persuaded her way way earlier and we couldn't have enjoyed 37 chapters of angst, drama and romance ;) I would still love to watch them interact with each other and see how the whole thing would unfold. Who knows, maybe she makes a comeback in S2 and perhaps their ways collide this time around.
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otonymous · 3 years
Scent (MLQC Shaw - NSFW)
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Description: Shaw's first entry in the Little Black Book™️ series. Take a peek into this guy's mind 👀
It is written in the smile that materializes on her lips, one she cannot suppress no matter how hard she tries to play coy.  I know because I can feel her, the way her body shifts against mine in the cramped space of that aisle between shelves.  Her thighs press together beneath that skirt she wore just for me, the one she had initially declined to buy because it was “too short, too revealing.”
“Easy access,” I had said, giving her a shrug before walking off in that boutique she had dragged me to the week before.
Her delicate fingers grip now at the hem that stopped just above mid-thigh, and she is biting her lip in just the right way to make me lose control as that skirt rides up…up…up…
…just far enough to show me that she isn’t wearing anything underneath.
Continue the sexy times with Shaw on my Patreon page...🔥🔥🔥🤣
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
Lucien’s 2020 Birthday Karmas
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thesysop · 4 years
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