#mlqc kiro x mc
night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Hidden Talent
If I miraculously and accurately linked your actual hobby with your favourite dude, how??--- I-I mean, yes it was on purpose of course! (I didn’t even get mine right XD)
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: You have a great passion for your favourite pastime, but for some reason, you’re too shy to let anyone know about it but then he finds out on his own.
Warning: Fluff (except Victor’s??)
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Creative writing
Sometimes poetry but often, creative writing since you loved spending time working on your historical romance novel. You never showed it to anyone, in fear that it would be ridiculed for any cliché use that you cherished.
At first, Victor assumed you were just writing a report on your laptop but sometimes, your eyes would light up as you eagerly typed out multiple sentences.
Did you find your report on Miracle Finder’s plummeting ratings that entertaining to analyze?
“How’s the progress?” he asked from behind and you hastily flipped the computer shut.
“Okay, I guess.” The light in your eyes instantly vanished.
Huh. He should’ve known. “The deadline is in two days. Did I give you too much time to spare?” When you didn’t answer, he went on: “What are you writing?”
“You’re going to say it’s stupid.”
“If you expect me to say that everytime a dummy does something, I’d lose my voice already. I only say if it is truly disastrous. Let’s see it.”
You reluctantly handed the laptop over. You started a couple of pages on chapter 18, but you expected he’d glance at the first few lines and turn back to you. Instead, he took a few minutes, perusing with a blank scowl.  
Any hope shattered when he started pointing out all the grammatical errors and that the plot so far isn’t logical. Your face felt hot. He was treating even your story as a report.
“The girl should’ve told him the truth in the very beginning,” Victor said, “so none of this mess would happen.”
Your blood was boiling. What, now he’s the CEO of some publishing company?? “Yeah, well, maybe he’d just call her a dummy and dismiss what she says like he always does!”
. . .
Victor would turn and leave with your laptop. Starting from page one, he would read each dialogue and analyze the characters more carefully.
You two will not end up like that couple. Not if he could help it.
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You enjoy nature, especially animals and landscapes.
Sometimes, Lucien and you took a stroll around the forest by the Loveland University so you could get some real-life references.
No matter how vibrant the pigments were, they never drew Lucien’s attention away from you and your concentrated scowl and the slight peek of your tongue as you carefully painted an arc for the branch of a willow tree.
“They don’t look right,” you mumbled, breaking his trance. “But I’m not sure why.”
“Your hand is shaking,” he said, reaching out. “Here, I’ll hold it still for you.”
Maybe it’s because you were embarrassed that you didn’t realize the issue before or maybe because he was leaning very close, but your hands were shaking even more.
However, with gentle guidance, the branches you drew together were natural and lovely, interlaced with one another just like your hands.
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Dancing ft. singing
If the rhythm is inspiring or if it’s just your favourite song, you’d probably be in an imaginary music video in the next moment. (Of course, when you were alone.)
Back to reality, it was Kiro who dances but he usually sings more in his performances in concerts.
He didn’t expect you to be a dancer too.
Kiro came home earlier than usual one day. Savin had let him go ONLY because he wasn’t acting too rebellious that day.
Before Kiro even opens the front door, he heard blaring music, almost reverberating off the wall.
His approaching footsteps were completely muted and a familiar voice was singing both parts of a duet song. Then after, an eerily familiar song . . .
You didn’t notice him as you were dancing away to his latest single.
But when you do, all you wanted was to hide in a closet.
But he thought Miss Chips was adorable and gushed about your accurate choreography.
You both probably ended up dancing to Kpop or Disney songs.
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Knitting and needlework
Your mother taught you the basics, but you loved the activity so much that you made your own small, simple projects.
Sometimes, Gavin returns from missions with torn clothes and you were always willing to sew them up again if possible.
He finds your talent in knitting very intriguing, how your fingers and yarn and needles danced around one and another like hummingbirds.
Subconsciously, he thinks about the future, when you two would be older and when you would be making knitted garments for your two’s grandchildren.
Wait what do you do with all the clothes you knit now?
One day, he informed you that he would be away for a long mission.
You were bummed. “You have to return on the 20th or earlier! Or else I won’t stop knitting this very scarf until you do!”
When Gavin got back, he noticed that the scarf was pretty long.
“You did take breaks, did you?” he asked, holding your hands as he examined them.
You rolled your eyes when he took your joke to heart and so literally.
You wrap the long scarf around him (maybe a couple times keep it clear from the ground, even considering his height).
Good thing the scarf was big enough to cover part of his face because his ears and cheeks grew pink from your gentle gesture.
He untangled the scarf just enough to loop it around you too, narrowing the distance between you two until you were against his chest.
“Thank you.”
He liked to wear it during autumn and winter ever since.
I’m writing this as I wait for a game to download reeee
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dawnsbreaking · 1 year
One of my favorite things about MLQC is the frequent use of symbolic imagery and motifs to set scenes and center characters. I think it’s incredibly clever, considering the importance of MC’s dreams, that the dreamlike symbolism is present throughout the story. At times, in MC’s confusion of piecing events together, reading the story almost feels like a sort of dream or vision interpretation. I love how consistent these symbols are for the characters and the way conflicting or contrasting imagery is used to add depth throughout the story. Also, since the story is told through MC’s perspective, the use of imagery shows us that her perception of the world is colored by her care for the main cast. When she’s with Gavin, MC notices fluttering leaves, when she’s with Victor, time slows, when she’s with Kiro, the sun is brighter, and when she’s with Lucien, she’s more attentive to light and shadow.
Under the cut, I have written more (1400ish words more) about symbolism in MLQC and how it adds depth to Lucien's characterization in particular.
Aside from adding to the mood of the story, the symbolism can also be used to narrative effect, showing us how MC is interpreting a character’s actions or motivations.
For example, we can look at how MC sorts through her feelings about Kiro/Helios in Chapter 29. Sun imagery pervaded previous chapters that centered Kiro while moon imagery is associated with Helios. In CH29, MC uses the harmony between the sun and moon as a metaphor when she accepts that Kiro and Helios are one and the same. This adds depth to what MC is feeling about Helios and also serves to contextualize the relationship between the two identities. (Note: I just love the idea that Helios has the same “sunshine” as Kiro but that he reflects it in a subtle way rather than being overwhelmingly positive like Kiro. This dynamic is only ever implied by the imagery and symbolism but it’s so perfect.)
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In particular, though, I want to talk about some of the symbolism associated with Lucien and what we can learn from the way these symbols interact with one another.
Light and Shadow
One motif that is very present when the story is focused on Lucien is the balance between light and shadow. (Note: It’s very on the nose at times but executed well, I think, so I’ll give them a pass.) This motif is introduced far before Lucien’s betrayal is ever revealed, as early as his first meeting with MC. (Note: I literally wasn’t sure when the motif was first introduced but I went back to Lucien’s first scene and SURE ENOUGH, there it is. I love how consistent the writing is in this regard. The motifs are handled so well and so intentionally.)
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During Lucien’s first scene in the game, light shining in from the window obscures his face. Far ahead of the betrayal, light and shadow are symbolically playing at obscuring his identity from MC. The light/shadow motif is used at first to symbolize Lucien being duplicitous, without much hinting toward his internal struggle. Later, when it’s clear that Lucien is struggling with a choice between metaphorical “dark” desire to continue his mission and “light” of protecting MC, light is used to hint at that internal conflict. An example of this is below, from Lucien's first standoff with Victor in Chapter 11.
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Notably, though, sometimes, the “light” represents MC directly while the “shadow” represents Lucien. After Lucien’s internal conflict and desire to protect MC is first touched on in Chapter 16, the two are symbolically juxtaposed by scene-settings back-to-back in the last two units of CH16. 16-24 opens with a description of Lucien’s dark, gloomy room and 16-25 opens with a description of the lamp on MC’s desk casting a bright light. (Note: MC’s Evol is also represented by light often, so I think this imagery for her works even beyond its juxtaposition with Lucien.)
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The same thing happens again when MC comes back from the Eternal Winter world, Lucien’s office is described as dark and shadowy when he is alone and then it’s cast in an “ephemeral glow” as soon as MC steps into the room.
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A large part of Lucien’s character arc is his failure to properly make sense of his own identity, this struggle is represented by mirrors/reflections. Often, mirrors are shattered or distorted, implying an added difficulty of perception.
Because of the expectations that have been put on him from a young age, Lucien is very disconnected from his own identity. Even with Black Swan set completely aside, because of his savant-like personality and inability to relate to others, Lucien doesn’t view himself as a human being. Beyond that, there is also a struggle between the two identities of “Lucien” and “Ares” implied.
I think that the answer to this struggle is MC understanding Lucien and having clarity about who he is as a person. Light reflected in mirrors represents this concept symbolically in the Mirror Painting date. (Note: I believe this date is only currently available in the CN server, I read this translation) In this date, Lucien and MC paint each other and then use mirrors to reflect light onto the painting when it’s displayed. After being painted and, therefore, symbolically seen by MC, Lucien is finally allowed to turn away from the mirrors and stop worrying about who he is. The mirrors that represent his struggle with identity are able to add depth to a beautiful image when paired with the lights that represent MC’s understanding.
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Shattered and Distorted Glass
This goes hand-in-hand with the mirror motif but is worth mentioning on its own because the symbolism is slightly different. While distorted mirrors imply difficulty for Lucien to perceive himself, distorted glass implies a difficulty for others to perceive Lucien. Shattered glass also represents a fractured relationship between the identities of “Lucien” and “Ares” in a few scenes.
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On the wall of the abandoned Ultima Bioresearch Lab, MC finds a quotation written on the wall from the Bible. “For now we see through a glass, darkly. The truth is projected into the hearts of men through a glass lens. It’s distorted, blurry, and one-dimensional.” (Note: I’m assuming that this verse was translated from the Chinese dialogue and not transcribed from an English Bible translation, because this is, at the very least, not a popular translation of the verse that I’m familiar with. Ironically, it’s more popular to translate “glass” here as “mirror” so there goes this whole section LMAO.)
Because of the way it’s presented, I think that this image of distorted glass represents not how MC actually perceives Lucien but, rather, how Lucien believes he perceives her. Obviously, this is also foreshadowing the betrayal so, in a way, he’s correct in asserting that she is not seeing all of him. But, on the whole, this distorted glass imagery is delivered in a way that implies the distortion more as an insecurity on Lucien’s part rather than the reality of MC’s vision.
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Keeping with Lucien’s themes of paradox and duplicity, one of his main motifs is the appearance of rainbows, despite the fact that he is colorblind. This is, again, representative of MC’s “light” being transformative to Lucien because the rainbows appear when they are together. I think that, rather than being a symbol for Lucien alone, rainbows represent Lucien’s relationship with MC. It’s a sort of combination of MC’s light imagery and Lucien’s refraction/distortion imagery. In the right circumstances, they can create something beautiful together.
It’s also implied throughout the story that Lucien is able to see colors when he’s around MC, so he is truly only able to appreciate the beauty of rainbows when he is with her. (Note: It’s unclear how this works but I think that it’s a side-effect of his Evol mimicking hers. There’s a footage mission where it seems like Lucien has to ask MC to look at something before he can tell the color of it so I think that he is somehow able to see the world through her perspective, possibly by using her Evol to have real-time visions. Does this make sense? Who knows, but I refuse to accept it just as soulmate magic!!!!)
If you haven’t, I highly recommend reading Lucien’s “Rainbow Luck” R&S. (Note: A recording is available here!) In this story, told from the perspective of Lucien’s pen, Iridescent, MC and Lucien see a rainbow together and it’s implied that this is Lucien’s first time being able to see a rainbow because MC is there. (Note: Iridescent as a name itself is an instance of Lucien’s rainbow motif.)
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(Note: Lucien's Moments also features a rainbow paperweight at Bond Level 40.)
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TLDR: Imagery and symbolism are used in MLQC to imply things about the characters and their relationships with MC. In particular, with Lucien, recurring imagery is used to represent his internal conflict and his desire for love and understanding from MC. The symbolism of light and its reflection/refraction is used to great effect throughout Lucien’s story, implying a complex web of internal struggles.
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rkishibes · 2 years
victor is so precious to me cause he acts all serious and high and mighty but the minute MC asks something of him, he does it without hesitation, doesn't matter what (bonus points if it's something he finds ridiculous cause it's further prove that he is COMPLETELY WHIPPED for her and there's nothing he wouldn't do to make her happy)
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autumn-lavelle · 1 year
MLQC kids -so far
So im just making this list to keep track of the MLQC kids I have made so far.
MC x Victor -Thomas (Tommy) Li
MC x Gavin - Daniel (Danny) Bai
MC x Lucien- Ophelia ?? Not sure what Lucien's last name is in Chinese.
Next up is Kiro and Mc and I'm probably making the child a girl, mostly to balance out the line up. Not sure what.
Update: Kiro x MC - Stella Chow
Maybe will do MC x Shaw but I kinda pair him up with my crack idea which is Shaw x Nikki. XD
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darealkatastrophe · 1 year
This Account is both SFW and NSFW.
● I write about random things that come in head about the characters I like. I always like to learn new things. These headcanons could be both NSFW and SFW, read at your own risk. That way you can't say I didn't warn you.
● Writing does take time, so does editing meme videos especially if you're me for sure. Some take longer then I'd like to, but better later than never at all.
●I post something like this before but I wrote like 3 things after that which is interesting for me anyways, some still in drafts.
♡ Hope you have a Good Night/ Good Day ♡
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ana-thedaydreamer · 2 years
Follower Celebration Event
Hi hi, it’s me, Ana.
Today I have reached 500 followers in Tumblr, although this is a small numbers comparing to other amazing artist/writer accounts, I'm so delightful with this little achievement 🤩 I would like to thank you for all of your support and love towards my little account ❤️❤️❤️
Hence, I want to make a small fanart prompt event celebrating this 🌹
Please read the information as follows:
- The event is exclusively for the following fandoms:
Ikemen Sengoku - all suitors
Ikemen Revolution - all suitors
Ikemen Vampire - all suitors
Ikemen Prince - all suitors
MLQC - Lucien, Victor, Gavin, Kiro, Shaw
Tears Of Themis - Luke, Vyn, Artem, Marius
- For couple art, only suitor with MC will be approved, I will take suitor x oc request if you already have a visual design exceptionally.
- No BL ship.
- All of you are free to submit the request via comment, private message, ask box
- There will be SFW and NSFW fanart scenario prompts
- The request will open from now to Sunday, 11th September 2022 00:00:00 (GMT+8:00), I will open more slots (if I have time~)
- Special! I will choose random 1 request to make it into an animation gif 💝💝💝💝
DM me with a "Hi/Hello", it is nice to meet you <3
You can request 1 prompt from each category for maximum 1 suitor per request.
Example: “SFW + 1 + Leonardo” or “SFW + 2/ NSFW + 5 + Masamune & Mai”
I can say no to a request if I don't feel like I will able to finish it nicely.
I won’t take NSFW requests from ageless blogs, minors or anons accounts. NSFW fanart will be rated as 16+.
Please be patient to me, it will take time to finish depending on how many requests I take.
Fanart Prompts
It’s always you that I’ll ever fall in love for.
Thank you for always be here with me.
Did you dream about me last night?
I’m really upset for what you did, maybe a kiss can make me happy…now.
Never leave me again like that. I thought I lost you.
Looks like someone stay up all night again, come here.
Don’t go home just yet, it’s cold outside.
I love you, I love you, I love you very much. Do you know that?
You look really cute when you are angry, it makes me want to tease you more.
I just wish that I met you first, not him.
I don’t see nobody but you.
You look stunning in that dress tonight.
May I have a dance with you?
You’ve been staring at me all day. Tell me, am I that attractive to you?
You are really good at making me think about you, days and nights.
Say, if we were together, I would make you the happiest person in the world.
So...are we officially dating now?
Why don't we eat out tonight? I made a reservation for us.
Mm…Good morning, my love.
Sweet dreams, I love you.
You are so good at tempting me.
How do you want to be touched here, tell me.
If we are at home right now, I will take off that dress and have you.
You can ask me to make love to you whenever you want, I’m all yours.
Are you alright, my love?
I’m just enjoying the view, you look beautiful like this.
I don’t think I can hold it anymore…ugh.
You sound so cute when I touch you here.
Bite me if you want to cry out, ok?
Don’t cover up, you’re, gorgeous.
How about we do it again?
Mmm…you’re so hot.
You’re finally mine.
You taste sweet
I love you, I love you so bad, honey.
Say, “I’m yours”, I like that.
Kiss me, I love to be marked by you.
I can’t….urgh…mmm…
Feel good, yeah? I feel good, too.
Turn around, I wanna see your face.
Thank you 💋
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If you love my artworks, you may consider buying me a coffee ☕️ Thank you
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niphredil-14 · 2 years
Asking the MLQC Boys to Put Their Minecraft Beds Next to Yours
I don’t write for Lucien.
We all know that Kiro loves video games, and I’m sure that Minecraft is no exception. He would already be overjoyed to be playing with you, but if you were to ask him to place his bed next to yours? He would be over the moon. He would so happily place his right next to yours, and would then proceed to make a sign, run outside and put it right next to the front door, writing “House of Mr. and Ms. Chips <3″ on it. If you are sitting next to you playing, he will lean over and give you a kiss on the cheek, but if not he will send some overly lovey dovey messages in the chat.
Gavin, likely would not know much about Minecraft, except maybe a little bit from Minor. But even so, I feel like he would understand the special meaning of placing his bed next to yours. He would not make a point to say much about it though, if you’re not dating yet. Either way, it would be easy to see his blush at the concept of your beds being joined in real life. He would just nod the blush still covering his cheeks, and place his bed where you asked, a small smile on his face.
This little pissbaby (affectionate) would laugh and make fun of you, but would still place his bed next to yours, at least after making you beg a bit. If you were to question him, he would say that he was just doing it so that you wouldn’t annoy him about it, and would then quickly turn it on you. Don’t tease him or he’ll blow up the whole build and then log out. 
Good luck convincing him to play Minecraft with you. But, if you are able to, and were to ask him to place his bed next to yours, he would just call you childish and put his next to yours. He’s a softy with a cold front, but that doesn’t make him any less weak for you. He’s wrapped around your finger, and will do almost anything for you, but he’d probably throw out some unexpected catch later on.
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A Love Letter from Kiro
Fandom: MLQC
Pairing: Kiro x MC
Genre: Fluff
Author: @rikumorimachisgirl
Word count: 650
Disclaimer: I do not own MLQC or its characters, but I own the idea for this fic.
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Dear Miss Chips, 
First of all, I want to apologize for the other day. I didn't mean to laugh at you when you asked for a love letter. You most certainly didn't sound silly for wanting one either because I'm sure every girl would love to receive gifts and letters from special people on Valentine's day - or any day for that matter. The truth is that I've been thinking of writing one for you for quite a while now, so I laughed when you said that's what you wanted because I kinda didn't know how to react. Yes, that and one more thing - one very embarrassing thing -  I, the great Kiro, am absolutely clueless about love letters.
I did some research and found a couple of tips online, but they all seemed so cheesy. The first one asked me to describe what my life was like before we met - stuff like, "my days used to be filled with darkness and sorrow" or "my life was listless before we met" and "I was merely a shell of the man I am now before you can't into my life." Uh. Well, while I could say that those apply to me, too, I wouldn't use those words exactly. 
Another tip I saw online said to describe what you mean to me using words like, "you are sweeter than any chocolate I've ever tasted" or "you are as refreshing as a scoop of ice cream on a hot day" and "you are the cherry on top of my double chocolate parfait". I groaned for two reasons - the lines were so cliché, and I suddenly wanted a chocolate sundae like the one we had together at that old-style ice cream parlor near your office. 
Anyway, five love advice websites and one sundae cone later (Don't tell Savin!), and I'm still struggling to get the words right. It would've been easier to write a song or to respond to fan mail, but you are neither a recording executive I need to submit something to nor a fan I need to please. You are more than those - you always have been. 
Before we met, I was always sure I'd be alone all my life. Sure, people love me, but they only love the part of me that's on stage performing. I'm pretty sure they wanted to get to know me, but I'm also sure they were doing that for their benefit - because I'm Kiro, and who doesn't want to know more about me? 
But you are different. You're the type of girl who'd smuggle my favorite snacks in your tiny bag so that I'll never feel deprived, you're always the first one to cheer me on as soon as you find out that I'm appearing in a new show, and you're daring enough to sneak me out of a boring studio to go on an adventure when I'm having a bad day. You fill my life with so much laughter and joy, I can't even imagine how I can be without you anymore. 
That's why I need to do this right. I need to write you a love letter you'll never forget - something that you'll keep in your little box of treasures and read to our children one day, something like…
Roses are red,
Violets are blue
I know this sounds a little cliché
But I'm writing this for you.
You sparkle like the stars at night
And everything around you seems so light
You could search the world for the perfect girl for me
But no one you find will ever be right.
You see, all that I ever wanted, 
and all I'll ever want to pursue
Isn't just a fantasy, Miss Chips 
All I'll ever want in my life is you. 
Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Chips. I hope that we'll spend all the other Valentine's days and any other occasion together, always. 
I love you.
Your Kiro
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sunshinejihyun · 3 years
hello hello 👀 may i ask for kiro + cosy? (i love him i love you i love your writing)
hello helloooo i love YOU so much and I love KIRO so much and i love YOUR WRITING so much soooooo yes and you <3
cosy date nights with kiro make me so happy to think about :’)
Send me a character + word and I’ll write a ~200 word blurb
You gratefully accepted the steaming mug as Kiro walked over to the couch. As you blew on the beverage to cool it down, Kiro settled himself next to you, burrowing under the soft blanket you were curled under.
“What are we watching tonight?” He asked, wincing as he burnt his lips on the hot chocolate. You raised your eyebrows and stared him down. Kiro laughed and he grabbed the remote from the ottoman. Leaning back into the couch, he slyly moved his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer.
“So we agreed on Anastasia then?” You smirked at him, tilting your head to kiss lightly at his jawline.
“You decided, but I’ll concede,” Kiro replied, pressing the play button on the remote with one hand and lightly tickling your side with the other.
As the opening notes of the music box filtered through the living room, you snuggled farther into Kiro’s side and sipped on your own hot chocolate, just cool enough to sip without burning your lips.
The fireplace was burning, casting a gentle glow over the living room of the house you and Kiro had purchased. Apple Box was laying down by your feet and Cello had curled into Kiro’s lap.
Kiro tapped the tips of his toes against yours, and you laughed as he drew attention to the matching socks he had gotten the both of you. As he hummed along with the music, you reached over and stroked down Cello’s back, wishing for nothing else other than more nights like this with the one you love.
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mlqcanonymous · 4 years
MLQC Almost Domestic Bliss — Kiro Edition
One of the most watched and anticipated couple in the entertainment industry
‘Five more minutes’ is usually mumbled to your ear early in the morning when the alarm clock is blaring
Usually have lazy morning sex despite the hectic schedule which makes Kiro late most of the time #totallyworthit
Peppers you with many kisses across your face before he leaves for a work
Expect hate mail from some of his fans ‘cause you stole Kiro from them *shrugs*
Of course that stopped the moment Kiro stresses to his fans how important you are to him
So there are now many well-wishes and support to you from most of them
Usually sends you random text messages, memes, kiss emojis, and pictures while he’s on set on a break
Also sends his agent to you all throughout the day just to give you little trinkets and messages much to his dispair. Poor agent lol
Kiki will always be your number 1 supporter, defender, and shipper.
Your laughter is his ringtone for you while your ringtone for him is his snores
When he’s busy and working on the set late, Kiro always sends his agent to take you home because he doesn’t want you to go home alone
Most nights are spent with different kinds of music blasting from the speakers while you make dinner
Usually visiting strange places at night just to find a place to eat lol
Both wearing disguises whenever you go out in the daylight
Always have matching outfits — it’s a rule in this household
Kiro singing you a personal lullaby that he wrote for you to help you fall asleep
You playing the piano while he’s playing the guitar and then making songs all throughout Saturday afternoon
Phone calls, video calls, audio messages, pictures, and texts will be sent during he’s on tour
Sexting. Sex on phone. Video sex. You know the drill.
Before performing live, he kisses his wedding ring before pointing at the camera and pounding his chest twice, knowing that you’re watching him at home
Although a lot of his fans link and ship him with other celebrities, Kiro always makes sure to never make you feel insecure about your marriage in different ways imaginable
His latest album, Dear, Miss Chips, is full of songs dedicated to you and your relationship
Usually takes a vacation as soon as his tour is over to make up loss time with you :’>
Kiro talking about you a lot in interviews even when the question isn’t related to anything about you at all that’s how proud our bby is
Kiro hiding his snackbox from you although you always find it in the end
You decided to donate it to the homeless shelter most of the time. The other times, you ate all of the snacks yourself, much to Kiro’s dismay
Going to gym together so you both can suffer at the same time. His words.
Pranking him by making a shrine for him while he was away in tour
Jokes on you because he loved it and shared it with his fans #proudofmybby
Sometimes unconsciously whispering your name in his sleep and then giggling right after
You don’t wanna know what he’s dreaming about.
Having Taco Tuesdays, Pizza Fridays, and Souvenir from time to time. Not even the agent can refute that
Very expressive of his love for you and never shying away from public displays of affection
Frequently have kitchen sex where Kiro licks food from your body. Totally expect Helios coming out to play lol
Kisses your hand or cheeks from time to time whenever you spend time together. He really can’t keep his hands to himself lol
Keeps an arm over your shoulder every single time even though he isn’t that much taller than you
Kiro asking about the most inconsequential things late at night to you. From why the earth is round to how do worms procreate. Every little thing.
Kiro saying I love you in a small, baby voice with a pout on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes
Giving you puppy eyes whenever he wants to eat something not in his diet. You must resist but alas, you can’t. Bby is too cute
You playing a piano piece that you made just for his birthday. He cried when you played it.
Might as well be starting a vlog because Kiro always put your little adventures on live, much to your embarassment
Every year, you make a scrapbook of every little moment that you two have, from your proposal, to your wedding, and down to the birth and wedding of your children. Without fail.
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606writings · 3 years
Angst angst angst! Could i get one mr kiro reacting to mc choosing gavin over him. Like perhaps shes getting comforted during the anniversary of her fathers death by kiro and then hears gavin abd runs to him instead or something like that
SC: It’s always him [Kiro]
A/N: I’m super sorry for the late response! For some reason I couldn’t find this request until now:( But here it is, at last!
Genre: Kind of angsty.
Word count: 1,344.
You locked yourself in some empty office at the studio, you didn’t want anyone to see you crying and interrupt the filming that was happening outside.
It was an important shooting, it was one of the most popular shows currently airing on TV, and they asked you to be their producer for a special episode with Kiro as their guest.
You obviously were so excited to have such opportunity, and you even had one of your closest friends as the guest so things could only go perfectly.
That if the filming day wasn’t on the anniversary of your dad’s death, keeping you so busy that you wouldn’t even have enough time to visit your dad’s grave and buy his favorite food and some flowers.
The idea of missing such an important date had you depressed the entire day, you were doing your best effort not to burst out crying in front of all the production crew. But no matter how hard you tried, the weight on your chest would not go away, and the constant need to cry your eyes out was too much to handle. So, you decided to take five minutes alone and do what you needed to do to continue the filming without feeling like crap.
That’s how you ended up with your eyes full of tears, your right hand covering your mouth so not a single sound would come out of it and give you away. But your cries were interrupted by the sound of a known cheerful voice calling you:
“Miss Chips! Where are you? Let’s grab lunch together!”
You could hear Kiro from the other side of the door with his usual excited tone, and decided to ignore him not wanting to worry him. But your plans failed as your phone started ringing showing his name and photo on the screen, just loudly enough for him to hear it from where he was standing outside.
Calm steps started approaching the office you locked yourself in; you sighed knowing it was too late to create some sort of excuse. Besides, you didn’t want to lie to him, so you just waited for him to knock the door.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You ignored his question and instead opened the door to show yourself -a completely mess by now, with your face all red and wet with tears-, and you dragged him inside the office.
“Why are you crying? Did something happen?”
Not intending to lie to him, you started explaining as you walked towards the couch, still dragging him beside you before taking a sit:
“Do you remember what I told you a couple days ago? I was excited and sad at the same time for something…”
Kiro tried to remember your recent conversations and what that had to do with your current state, until something clicked inside his mind. He opened his eyes in realization as he gave you a comprehensive look.
“Oh, it’s that day… I´m sorry, Y/N, you have to be here instead of spending some time with your dad…” His usually happy voice turned into a saddened one, as he knew how important was that date to you.
Kiro’s heart sank at the view, he started feeling guilty for not remembering what you talked about just a few days ago. Until now he noticed you weren’t acting as usual during the shooting, but he thought maybe you were just nervous since it was a bigger production than what you usually work with.
“I feel so bad that I can’t prepare something for my dad, Kiro. This is the only time I can feel as if he was still with me, and I’m stuck here… I miss him so much…” You covered your face with both hands as your cries resumed.
Kiro closed the space between you two and embraced you softly.
You thought it was a nice gesture to comfort you from just a close friend as Kiro. But in reality, it was meant much more than that to him; it was the only time he could keep you into his arms without it being awkward.
He felt guilty for thinking of something else when you were crying in his chest, but he couldn’t ignore the warm feeling growing inside him, opposite to the coldness of your tears wetting his shirt. He imagined how would it feel like if he was hugging you to show you his love; just because he wanted to hold you and keep you close to him, without the need of an excuse and not only as a way of comforting you.
Kiro imagined what would it be like if he could act without fear or worry, and be sincere with his true feelings. If he could be with you and ask you out on dates, to make you laugh, make you blush and make you smile.
Just as he was about to tighten his embrace, lost in his thoughts and with a small spark of hope growing in his chest, you carefully leaned back abandoning the warm of his arms wrapped you.
“I’m sorry, I think I ruined your shirt. I’ll ask an assistant to get you a new one right now…” You were about to get up and walk out of the room, clueless of the thoughts your blond friend was having just a second ago, ready to go back to work; instead Kiro interrupted you.
“Miss chips, there’s something I want to tell you…” He looked down, not brave enough to stare directly into your eyes, and softly grabbed one of your hands to prevent you from walking away.
“What is it?”
He sighed and, as he filled his chest with courage to speak his true feelings, the door opened suddenly drawing your attention.
Kiro looked up at you, and saw how your face brightened up showing a gentle smile. For a second he wished that expression was because of him, and he was ready to talk out loud, that until he noticed the man standing under the doorframe.
“Gavin!” You dropped Kiro’s hand and without hesitating you stood up to greet the honey eyed man that made your heart beat faster. “What are you doing here?”
Kiro froze at his place for a moment, before turning his head around to place his gaze at Gavin, who was standing nervously with both his hands hidden behind him.
“When you texted me saying you were getting home late, I knew you probably wouldn’t have enough time to buy something for your father…” Gavin stepped inside slowly showing what his hands were holding. “So I bought this.”
In front of you, he was holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers and a bento box. Your eyes, previously full of tears, now were open wide in surprise and happiness.
“I remember you once mentioned you liked to get flowers and prepare your dad’s favorite food for his anniversary. And though I’m pretty sure this is not the same, I thought maybe it would cheer you up a bit…”
Kiro could only stay quiet as he listened to Gavin’s explanation, already feeling something burning up inside him, something he could only recognize as jealousy.
It’s him, it’s always him. Does he not have a job or what…? Kiro thought, frowning.
He was about to get up and say something, slightly annoyed that Gavin had interrupted the moment he decided to confess his feelings to you, when you spoke:
“That is…” Your cheeks were now flushing, obviously moved by his surprise. “This is so sweet, thank you, Gav.”
You stood on your toes and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on Gavin’s lips in gratitude; such an innocent gesture to you, and such a welcomed reaction to Gavin, but you ignored the pain provoked by that surprising action on your friend, sitting behind you with a broken heart.
As the couple standing before Kiro embraced each other happily, he could only witness in silence, reality sinking slowly and painfully in his mind and heart.
Yeah, it’s always him… And it will always be him…
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fineillsignup · 5 years
MLQC fic: Queen’s Choice(s), a Gavin/Kiro/Lucien/MC/Victor plotless omegaverse clusterfuck
Randomly updated scenes of the messy process of Emme developing a relationship with Kiro Chow, Gavin Bai, Victor Lee, and Lucien Xu... and the men also developing relationships with one another. No plot to speak of. Evols exist and there will be worldbuilding there. A lot of messy exploration of sex and genderfuckery. 100% guaranteed problematic. Messy is the keyword all around, really.
Relationship tags will be added as they get actual scenes in the fic, but the end game is a fivesome where every individual is sexually and romantically involved with every other individual.
If you like this sort of thing, then this is the sort of thing you will like.
First chapter is Kiro/MC, omega/omega. I’ve never written omega/omega before and have wanted to do so for a long time.
“Well, people don’t say much about male omegas,” [Kiro] said with a little embarrassed laugh, “except to make fun of us. ‘What’s the difference between a male omega and a female beta? A female beta isn’t a little bitch.’”
“Did someone actually say that to you?!” Emme was furious on his behalf. “Just let someone make fun of male omegas around me, I’ll tell them what I think of them!”
Kiro sighed very deeply, and reddened as he involuntarily gave off a wave of pheromones from his gland. He slapped his hand over his neck as if he could stop Emme from smelling the blend of peony and freshly cut grass leaking out of him.
Emme’s eyebrows went up. Her face tilted as if she was trying to figure out what was going on, and to his dismay, she leaned forward and sniffed more deeply.
“S-sorry,” he stammered. “I know… I know you’re an omega too, but I just really… really like you.”
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autumn-lavelle · 2 years
MLQC children
So I'm going to actually start drawing my ocs for the MLQC guys. Specifically, of kids they have with MC. I have their Evols planned out, and one ends up being a tragic hero..or villain?
Two girls. Two boys. Different timelines. Always in danger of not existing in one universe or another.
Only children in their own time. Siblings in this one. All love their parents deeply and only wish to have a happy family life...completed.
Because in their timeline....their beloved mother is dead...
One child. A child who can see times play out, and see different universes, different outcomes makes it his goal to ensure there will be a happy ending...even if he must do something he does not want to do.
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shinydelirium · 2 years
OH MY GOD!!!!!
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michiigii-writes · 3 years
Sorry! This is neither Voltage nor on time, but I still had a good time writing… 👀
Fandom: MLQC
July 8th - Kiro x MC
It was still mid-morning by the time you got to the beach, but the day was already warm. The breeze that came off of the sea was cool as it ran through your clothes and hair, just enough to soothe your skin rather than chill you. Kiro had already set up a spot on the sand, a huge beach umbrella defending from both the sun and potential prying eyes. It was a private beach, owned by one of the companies that Kiro had done some modelling for, and it was supposed to be reserved just for the two of you, that day, but the threat of paparazzi was always a looming possibility.
Still, as you reached the beautiful idol and set your bag on the ground, you could look around and see that the view from the boardwalk, the surrounding beach houses, and even from the walk up from the parking lot were completely clear. There was nobody around.
Instead of greeting you with his usual enthusiasm, you were surprised to see Kiro was in the middle of a nap. He was outside, by himself, and he had managed to fall asleep. He was either very trusting or very tired, but from way it looked like he had been in the middle of playing a game on his phone, you were inclined to think it was the latter. He was a busy, busy man, and it had been hard enough to convince Savin to give Kiro this day off.
You wanted to wake him up, but you also wanted him to rest. Maybe there was some way you could do both?
A wicked idea came to you and you glanced around the beach again. Yes, you were definitely sure the two of you were alone. You could definitely do that.
Quietly, you crouched in front of Kiro, between his legs. He really was defenceless…maybe he wasn’t really asleep?
“Kiro? Are you awake?” You murmured, not too loudly, in case he really was asleep.
The golden-haired idol didn’t moving, continuing to snooze peacefully on the beach towel. Thank goodness he was out of direct sunlight; he definitely could have gotten a sunburn, lying openly on his back like that.
Carefully, you peeled the waistband of his shorts down; conveniently, you saw that they were swimming trunks. Exhausted as he was, Kiro had been ready to strip off his shirt and just jump into the water, if you had so chosen. He really was the sweetest…
Inch by inch, you tugged his trunks down until he was on full display. He was relaxed enough in his nap that he was half hard; idly, you wondered what kind of dream he was having. You lightly traced a finger up his length, testing to see how sensitive he was.
He didn’t move. His breathing never wavered; he was still asleep. But you could see that his cock was starting to stiffen.
Tentatively, you rubbed the underside of his cock, coaxing it to attention. As it gradually stood to attention, Kiro stirred a little in his sleep; you stopped, hand still on his cock, until your boyfriend stilled again.
You waited until Kiro’s breathing evened again, then wrapped your hands around his erection, the warmth of your grip stiffening it further. Slowly, you began to pump, matching time with Kiro’s breathing. Little by little, you could feel him growing harder in your hands; you could espy little muscle contractions in his abs, but whenever he stirred, you froze and waited for him to slip back into his dreams.
Patiently you worked, not wanting him to wake up completely, yet. You wanted him to wake up in the middle of bliss, not frustration.
Finally, beads of precum developed at the darkened head of his erection; glancing up at Kiro’s sleeping face, you could see his forehead wrinkle a little, a sign of his growing need. With a small smile, you licked around his glans and over the tip of his cock, swirling your spit and his cum where he was sensitive.
The sensation was becoming too much for Kiro to stay asleep; a small sound came from the back of his throat, somewhere between a whimper and a sigh. He was starting to wake up.
This time, you didn’t stop. Instead, you took his cock into your mouth, sucking at the head while pumping his shaft with your hands. Kiro grunted again, a little louder this time, his face tensing up and his eyelids flickering.
You kept your pace steady, not sucking too hard, but just enough in the way you knew he liked. You could feel his body twitching from your efforts; while still fisting his cock with one hand, you splayed the other hand across his abs, touching him almost soothingly.
“MNh…Miss…Miss Chips?”
Kiro’s eyes finally opened, his voice thick with both sleep and desire. One of his hands went instinctively to your touch on his stomach, and you laced fingers into his reassuringly.
“Miss Chips!” He gasped, his eyes widening at the sight of waking up and finding you sucking you off, “Oh my…g…go-“
At his words, you sucked more eagerly, bobbing your head up and down his hot, throbbing cock. Kiro moaned, louder than he normally would, his mind too foggy with sleep to remind himself to hold back. Gasping wantonly, his head lolled back as his phone fell forgotten onto the sand, and he raked his hand through his hair.
“Oh god, Miss Chips!!” Kiro gasped, writhing against the beach towel, “You feel…s-so good….!”
Normally he could last so much longer, but you had caught him off guard, and he was so excited to wake up to your beautiful self, pleasuring him in one of his favourite ways. He could almost feel you smiling as you took him deeper and deeper into your mouth, tongue swirling around him as you sucked and rubbed him in all the right places.
Propriety completely forgotten, Kiro screamed your name, bursting into your mouth as his back arched off the towel. You could feel his cock twitching against your tongue and the roof of your mouth, could feel every twitch on his abs under your interlaced fingers, could feel his thighs quiver under your arms and chest as you lay partly on top of him. You held him tight, until every last twitch finally subsided, and his body relaxed again on the sand.
Swallowing every drop, you tucked him back into his trunks, and suddenly found yourself being pulled up beside him. Wrapping his arms around you, he kissed your lips, heedless of his taste there, kissing you long and deep before holding your forehead to his.
“That was amazing,” he breathed, nuzzling the tip of his nose against yours, “You are amazing.”
For a long, long time he held you in his arms, whispering praises to you while he kissed your lips, your face, your hair, your hands…
It was the beginning of a beautiful day. And Kiro made sure to pay the favour back several times over.
(The prompt was Blowjobs on the Beach)
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niphredil-14 · 2 years
hi, if its ok with u, can i ask a hc for victor if is s/o got assaulted by someone?
Hello, I would be more than happy to write this for you. I hope that you're doing okay. And if anyone reading this feels the want or need to talk to someone feel free to DM me. I am more than happy to listen. I hope you enjoy.
Victor Lee When His S/o Gets Assaulted
This man would be worried if he noticed you acting out of the norm, or at all upset. He is a very straightforward and to-the-point kind of person, so he would ask you directly if anything happened that upset you. When he learned what happened to you, he would be furious! No one should ever be laying a hand on you against your will, and he makes sure that you know that! Before finding the person who hurt you to teach them a very serious lesson, he would focus first and foremost on your comfort and safety. He would take at least the day, but more likely the week, off of work to pamper you and make sure that you know you're loved and cared for. He would make all of your favorite foods and desserts and would do anything you wanted. His main goal would be to bring you joy. Once he made sure that you were alright, he would probably gift you some kind of self-defense tool, just in case. After that, he would make sure that he found who hurt you, and that they paid for what they did, and that they would never hurt anyone else again.
"If anyone ever makes you uncomfortable, then call me, Dummy, and I will be there to protect you."
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