#victor lee x mc
magicapandora · 2 years
Love at First Bite; A Night to Remember
Chapter 2
Chapter 2! Victor gets humbled 2; electric boogaloo
“Ugh! No!”
The sound of another hanger clanged against the dark wood dresser, shaking the furniture with the sheer force of the throw. For once in their life, they had no idea what to wear. Rosie already had to pinch themself to make sure they weren’t in a weird dream, where they couldn’t even put together one decent outfit and wearing white on Labor Day was acceptable. Rubbing their arm as they walked towards the dresser, picking up the hanged garment and brushing it off gently of whatever dust was on the wooden floor.
Rosie sighed, defeated as they put back the last of her hangers back onto the rack, the dusty lavender matching the rest of the wardrobe, albeit a contrast to the silver and emeralds of her actual dorm room. They flopped onto their bed, groaning into the sheets and grabbing their pillow, throwing it at the little space between the bed and the stone wall. They lifted their head up, craning their neck towards the wide open space of their dorm, seeing multiple clothes strewn around the room.
Mini skirts on their study desk, coats and sweaters near the coffee table, and a half a dozen dresses hanging on the loveseat couch. Not a single one of them clicked. It was like trying to solve a puzzle with all the pieces cut at the edges. A hurricane had ragged the entire closet space of Rosie’s wardrobes and now laid the aftermath on dark wood and velvet.
Rosie had pushed themselves off their emerald sheets, using their weight to trudge through their room and picking up silks, cotton, and satin clothes strewn across the large area. A small hill had made its way into Rosie’s arms when a small knock caught their ears. They shuffled through the room smoothly, making sure to firmly grasp the silver handle of the doorknob before opening it.
“Oh! I didn’t know it was laundry day already! ‘Could’ve sworn it was on Sunday.”
Rosie smiled behind the blouses and trousers, letting Barnaby into their room as they continued to pick up the scattered garments on the floor.
“So, what brings you to my lovely room, Barns?” Rosie asked, huffing as they dropped the load of clothes onto the small chair near the corner of the room.
“Just wanted to check in! You seem pretty busy, well since it is laundry day, right?” Barnaby looked around, seeing a new dress form with muslin pinned onto it near Rosie’s sewing machine.
“No Barns”- Rosie grunted, trying to reach the top of her wardrobe for a feather boa, wondering how in the world it got there. They guessed in a flurry to get dressed they tried literally anything.
-“It’s not laundry day. Sadly. Maybe I would actually have an outfit worth wearing.”
Getting the ornate boa off the top, they shoved the item into their arms before dropping it off. Barnaby had made himself at home on the velvet loveseat couch, watching Rosie dart around the room picking up the last bits of fabric laying around.
It was like watching a professional go to work and almost made Barnaby forget what he was gonna ask.
“Right! So, what’re you so peeved about? I mean, if anyone can make an outfit, it’s you! I mean, I think so!” He smiled, watching the brunette slump down next to him. They took their hair out of its ponytail, shaking their hair and fanning it with their fingers. Rosie sputtered a bit, rubbing their neck and looking down, ashamed at their own frustration and lack of fashion expertise.
“I just…can’t find the right outfit for this party! Everytime I go to find a certain piece, I always end up mismatching it or I can’t find what I’m looking for! I don’t know how this happened-I made a system!” Rosie exclaimed, grabbing one of the throw pillows and groaning loudly into it, shoving it so hard on their face that they’re sure that it would somehow make an indent. “Forget it. I’ll just stay in my dorm tonight. If I can’t make a decent outfit, I might as well just sleep on my couch.”
Barnaby grabbed Rosie’s pillow, taking it out of their hands. “Hey!” Rosie yelled, reaching for the pillow but the taller and, honestly more muscular Slytherin, put it out of Rosie’s reach. Which was surprisingly easy.
“What’re you talkin’ about? I’m sorry but have you seen Rosie? 5’3, coily hair, and totally makes amazing outfits?” Barnaby asked, not really asking. Rosie stopped, and looked down, lifting their knees to their chest and looked back at Barnaby again, holding the quilted pillow and scoot closer.
“I get it. You do so well and then suddenly you lose it. That spark. That…” He waved his hands, almost in a ‘jazz hands’ motion. “Y’know? But guess what? You still have it in you. You use that big brain of yours and just look for a different angle. Maybe you’re going about it the wrong way,” Barnaby gave the pillow back, getting up and patting Rosie’s head, leaving it a bit more messy than usual.
“But you’ll figure it out. I know you will. Don’t beat yourself up about it, alright Rosie-Posie?” The taller slytherin was just about to close the door, giving Rosie one more look, his eyes softened and a small smile, before closing the door.
It took a moment. And then two. And then a couple more, before Rosie took the hair tie from their wrist and spun it into their hair, making a tight ponytail that would even make ballet teachers wince. They took a deep breath, saying ‘Let’s do this’ to themselves and marched towards their wardrobe again. They would not be defeated by cotton and chiffon.
It took a while. And for a while, it took 20 minutes of gently ripping out hangers and folded garments from every drawer and hanger from their room. But nothing. Zilch. Zero. Rosie almost gave up, slumping on their hill of clothes before seeing a box beneath their wardrobe. They pulled it out, seeing the dust covered box. They gently swept the dust off, seeing the embossed logo of the box.
‘Ambrosia Lily.’
Of course! Why didn’t they find this before? It took them a while to even remember they had ordered this months ago! It almost sold out immediately and Rosie snatched the last one, putting it in safe keeping till they could wear it. I guess Barnaby was right, Rosie definitely looked for a different angle. Rosie unwrapped the ribbon, opening the lid and a smile stretched across their face.
Oh yeah, this definitely will work.
Dark skies, bright lights, and music definitely was not made for young adults to listen to. Conversations merging into one, dancing fools laughing the night away, and late night rendezvous. The thumping of music, stomping of feet, and beating of hearts made the once silent club room finally a place worth going, to some people's eyes.
Now this is a party.
The dark haired vampire was already in the swing of the party, dancing with two other classmates, their names escaped him though. He felt the cool air of the open windows on his face, but the heat of the lights and the dancing made him feel this contradiction, almost like a dream. This is how he felt at every party. He felt free, exhilarated, seen. The lights even brighter than before, the pinks and blues meshing together, like they were made for eachother.
Victor pulled one of his dance mates into his arms, a charismatic smile plastered on his face as he pushed them together, his partner swooning, of course. Why wouldn’t they? He narrowed his eyes, holding their hands in his, before twirling them in his arms. He let go at the end, letting them spin and they continued their small dance circle. Victor almost got lost in the music again before glancing at the entrance of the club room.
Stepping into the room was a glossy ray of baby blue and silver. Their hair pinned back with a silk ribbon, shiny and catching the soft reflections of the artificial lights. Their dress was almost as vibrant and shiny, but pearl. A soft powder, cut low with a sweetheart neckline, adorned with small frills and bows, of course, topped off with a cropped and ribbed cardigan that was mostly for fashion and not function. A night sky necklace, with stars and moons adorning their neck, printing the sky on their body. And shimmering lavender makeup, purples of dark shades adorned their lips, eyes, and cheeks. Specks of pink, blues, and even silver glitter were dusted on their cheeks, their blush spun by the stars themselves.
It took Victor a good few moments to even realize he had stopped dancing. It made him realize a few seconds had gone by, and not minutes. He made a beeline towards them, pushing the shouts of his former dance mates to the background while moving towards the front like a maze. He passed by a decorated pillar, plucking one of the many flowers adorning it, silently thanking the herbology club. He stopped for a moment, finding a semi-reflective decoration hanging and sweeping his dark hair out of his face, quickly picking up speed and swerving his way through his fellow students.
As he finally gets to the Slytherin, Rosie is laughing, already in a small circle near the entrance with their fellow housemates. He pushes back his hair a bit, shoulders back, chin up. Just like always.
Rosie suddenly felt their hand gently being grasped by a familiar coldness, twirling on their heels before stopping and facing the person who literally swept them off their feet.
“Hey there, pretty princess,” He greeted, brushing a stray curl out of Rosie’s face. Their face quickly became a shade of dark reddish pink, a small grin spreading across their lips. Just like his last greeting, they were caught off guard by the taller vampire’s forwardness, almost as if he wanted to be the first one to them. Rosie plucked the flower from Victor's hands, twirling it in their own and stepping past him, Victor followed suit.
“Sorry for taking so long, wardrobe malfunction,” Rosie said, turning around and stopping, getting a good look at their prince for the evening. His outfit screamed ‘I’m a try hard but also I know how to put a look together’. It seemed like he had taken a muggle band t-shirt, a punk band at that, and modified it, cutting the sleeves off and leaving it a messy tank top. He had the same ripped black jeans and buckle combat boots, but even a simple change of his top made the outfit new.
“No worries. I knew you’d turn up eventually. So, whatdya think?” Victor asked, sweeping his arm across the room, a small grin spread on his face.
Flowers and ivy were covering the pillars, even the railing on the balcony was covered in the foliage. Floating crystals were plastered several hundred feet above, the reflections scattering onto the dance floor.
“Wow! You did all this? That’s quite a workload for one wizard,” Rosie asked, eye still transfixed onto the rainbow lights. Victor looked back at them, and shrugged, “Oh, god no. I asked some housemates if they could help. Of course, I did most of the work,” He gloated, as if he could even take those ivy strands and wrap them around the pillars without chipping a nail. “You’re gonna have the night of your life. C’mon, let’s dance.”
Before Rosie could even get a word in, they felt their hand being grasped by Victor, sweeping them onto the dance floor. They gasped, giggling as they put their hands onto his shoulders.
The music was surrounding them, seemingly keeping both of them dancing. Before they knew it, Rosie felt Victor twirl them in his arms, then pulling them close to his chest. Before he could even give them his Hollywood smile, Rosie smirked, twirling out of his arms and yanking him off his feet. Victor found himself stumbling, before quickly fixing his footwork, grinning and matching Rosie’s speed. It wasn’t long before Rosie got into his arms again, quickly dipping and Victor had his hands on Rosie’s back and behind their head, making sure they wouldn’t fall.
It had felt like minutes, but after Rosie stood up properly, glanced at the clock. Midnight? Already? Rosie still felt the luminous light shine down onto them, the cool september air coming through the open windows, the stars still bright.
“Hey. Come here.” Victor said, motioning Rosie towards one of the many balconies. Rosie followed, sitting down on the stone ledge. They slid their heels off, gently putting them down next to them. Victor came back, two cups in his hands as he passed one to the cursebreaker.
“Seriously, I still don’t get how you dance so well,” Victor laughed, crossing one leg over the other as he sat down. “Especially in heels. Andre was right about you.”
“Andre? Did you interrogate my friends for super secret info about me?” Rosie joked, putting their hand on their chest dramatically. Victor laughed again, more dryly this time, before shaking his head.
“No, No! Of course not. I just asked about you, Y’know? The Cursebreaker of Hogwarts. Not only good with a wand, but also a needle as well,” He answered, sweeping his hand in the air as he said Rosie’s unofficial title.
“That’s me! And lemme guess,” Rosie smiled, tapping their finger onto the chin before giving Victor a finger gun, “You're the Mysterious bad boy who wears his heart on a leather clad shoulder, and has a horribly tragic past.” Rosie burst out laughing at the guess, and Victor joined in, the pumpkin juice almost dribbling from his mouth.
“But seriously, you’re not like the others. You have this air to you,” Victor admitted, scooting closer to Rosie. “You always have your chin up, head high, and you’re surrounded by friends. You and I aren’t so different, Y’know?” Rosie laughed a bit again, covering their mouth with their curled hand. “What? What’s so funny?” Victor laughed a bit too.
“You! We just met today and you say we aren’t so different!” Rosie kept laughing, almost spilling their drink onto the floor. Victor caught the drink before any of the juice could spill, putting it down near Rosie’s hand.
“Well, I mean. You’re popular. I’m popular. You have impeccable style, so do I. You have amazing hair, and well,” He swept the hair out of his eyes, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. “We’d make a pretty stellar couple.”
Rosie sighed, resting their chin onto the palm of their hand, smirking a bit. “Maybe so. But you’d have to woo me first.” Rosie claimed, flashing a smile, mischief radiating from their tone.
“Oh? And how do I woo the Elusive Cursebreaker?” He asked, bumping his leg with Rosie’s, his face now almost nose to nose with them. Rosie looked up, looking into his almond shaped monolid eyes. Rosie couldn’t tell if they were red or brown, but the twinkle in his eyes was absolutely there.
Rosie put their index finger onto his lips, and leaned back, “Well, you have to find out on your own, Lover boy.” He scoffed, leaning back and downing the rest of his drink. Rosie stretched, before standing up, slinging their heels over their shoulders. “Your heart will be mine, Mayfield. By the end of the year, you’ll be mine,” He smirked, an uneven smile. Rosie winked, waving at him as they walked away, “Good luck with that, Pretty boy!”
Victor saw Rosie disappear out of the club room. The music was still going, the lights still on, and people still dancing. It was as active as it was hours ago, but Victor had a lingering thought. He felt his heart skip a beat, which was impressive for a vampire. He looked down at his hands, feeling the nervousness from the sweat, trying to dry them off on his jeans. Jeez, was the pumpkin juice that strong? He maneuvered his way into the crowd, finding his fashionable roommate once more.
“Hey! Andre! I’m gonna head off!” The Vampire shouted, getting the attention of the handsome dark skinned fashionista. Andre nodded, giving him a small thumbs up before going back to talking to a blonde boy in a wheelchair, sporting silver and green.
Victor quickly moved towards the exit, suddenly getting overwhelmed by the torches in the hallway. He pulled at his collar as he rushed towards his dorm room, quickly answering the riddle at the portrait door and silently entering his Common room. Before he knew it, he was taking his boots off and shoving them under his desk, flopping onto his bed.
He couldn’t get his mind off of Rosie. Their laughter, their smile. The way their lipgloss sparkled in the light. The way their curls fell onto their shoulders and the way the dress fit them, even their way their cardigan fell off their arms. He squeezed his pillow, digging his black nails into it.
This couldn’t be a crush. No. Crushes were for people who got their hearts broken and 1st years. He wasn’t the poor little outcast from months ago. He never fell for anyone. But now he felt confused, more than anything. What they said back there felt like an invitation. A game, almost. Who could make the other fall first.
Game on.
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sweetcafa · 2 years
No incest or familycest stuff
No non-Consensual acts
No pedo/ adult x minor
No teacher x student unless in college
No kinks that I feel are uncomfortable.
Plz no heavy lewd or gore request
No character x oc
If the creator is not ok with sexualizing there character I won’t.
If the character is a minor you will be A. 1-2years older. B. Same age or if not having a canon age will be hc one. If platonic any age will be fine.
Please tell me if you even want a one shot or a head canon or both just to make it easier plz😔
I can do
Light Lemon
Fluff / angst
Platonic romance
Any other specific request I find comfortable
Head cannons
One shots
Every student/characters
If it’s the staff/teachers it will be platonic
Saint spell book
(More will be added )
Project: Eden’s garden
Ulysses Wilhelm
Wolfgang Akira
Damon Maitsu
Grace Madison
(More will be added)
Murder drones
Mican yujin
Keir (the thief)
Cirrus (the priest)
Fancy stranger
Blooming panic
Trapped with jester
The mf jester
Dj roadkill
Witches x Warlocks
Spooky month
The hatzgang
VTSOM (Vincent the secret of myers)
Therpy with Dr.Albert Krueger
Dr.Albert Krueger
Taylor lee
Genshin impact
Every character 🫡 there are god Damm so many
MC (Mandela catalog)
Alt Gabriel
Alt ceser/ceser
( also dessert au )
Apple pie Adam
Blueberry mark
Lemon tart Jonah
Strawberry ceser
The owl house (TOH)
Hunter/possessed hunter
Raine 😩 bgg/puppet,possessed puppet
Maybe Belos 👹
Romantically platonic/or just platonic
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Thank you for reading my rules and list. Have a great day/night. Request are closed from now. Don’t worry if you request something before Jan 2 I will get to it.You may ask further questions if you want to ask.
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niphredil-14 · 3 years
hi, if its ok with u, can i ask a hc for victor if is s/o got assaulted by someone?
Hello, I would be more than happy to write this for you. I hope that you're doing okay. And if anyone reading this feels the want or need to talk to someone feel free to DM me. I am more than happy to listen. I hope you enjoy.
Victor Lee When His S/o Gets Assaulted
This man would be worried if he noticed you acting out of the norm, or at all upset. He is a very straightforward and to-the-point kind of person, so he would ask you directly if anything happened that upset you. When he learned what happened to you, he would be furious! No one should ever be laying a hand on you against your will, and he makes sure that you know that! Before finding the person who hurt you to teach them a very serious lesson, he would focus first and foremost on your comfort and safety. He would take at least the day, but more likely the week, off of work to pamper you and make sure that you know you're loved and cared for. He would make all of your favorite foods and desserts and would do anything you wanted. His main goal would be to bring you joy. Once he made sure that you were alright, he would probably gift you some kind of self-defense tool, just in case. After that, he would make sure that he found who hurt you, and that they paid for what they did, and that they would never hurt anyone else again.
"If anyone ever makes you uncomfortable, then call me, Dummy, and I will be there to protect you."
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stella-323 · 2 years
I ship this mc and talbott 💘
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
So I decided it wouldn't be fair to the other guys if I only post Gavin fanart
I will be posting everyone else's as well! And even Shaw's, even though he wasn't included in my Hogwarts headcanon
What House do you think Shaw would be in?? I'm currently stuck between 2
But for now, here are the Head Boy/Girl from Ravenclaw!
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I did this while I had more free time so it turned out better oops
Now that I'm thinking about it, it would be fun to see what everyone's patronus will be (except for the fact that everyone has so much HURT in their lives)
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neo-shitty · 2 years
GAME OF SURVIVAL — collab masterlist
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❝ Who’s in the shadows? Who’s ready to play? Are we the hunters? Or are we the prey?  ❞ — Game of Survival, Ruelle
Below is the compiled list of entries for the collaboration. Last updated: July 1, 2022.
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summary. born into the underworld, crime was all you’d known your entire life and was practically in your blood - murder, drugs, money, power, and everything in between. in spite of your father leading one of the two major gangs that dominated asia, you managed to keep safe. but all that changes once the rival gang has bad blood to settle with your father, and suddenly a vendetta’s being pursued against you. writer. @lisired​ genre. crime!au, thriller, angst pairing. bodyguard!yuta x female reader warnings. graphic violence, mentions of drugs/drugging, character death, implied smut, implied misogynistic behavior, mentions of dv, one instance of attempted abuse(?), mc’s father is an asshole word count. 18.8k
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summary. in a game of trust, you and mark lee compete for 1 million dollars- just the right amount of money that could solve all of your problems. the rules of the game are simple: after completing three challenges, all carefully crafted to test your trust with your partner, the team that trusts each other completely, wins. you think you’ve got it all under your control and there’s no way you and mark aren’t the best candidates, however, you find out you’ve been wrong. because you know what they say– don’t trust everything you see. even salt looks like sugar. writer. @rrxnjun​ genre. dystopian, sci-fi, survival, action, angst pairing. mark lee x female reader warnings. mentions of death and near-death experiences, gore, the criminal law works differently in this universe because i simply said so! word count. 12.9k
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summary. you go to the middle of nowhere for a team building of a company you joined only a few weeks ago, but can there be other games involved? writer. @jaesqueso​  genre. co-worker!au pairing. co-worker!xiaojun x female reader (feat the rest of the lets play ball unit as other co-workers) warnings. strong language, suggestive but no actual description of anything, death, blood, descriptive murders, mentions of Squid Game, inspired by the movie “you’re next” word count. 5.1k
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summary. in which you plunged face first into the horrors of a world left abandoned for three centuries in search of your only friend, na jaemin, wondering how you’d fare in a world where the species perched on top of the food chain were no longer human. writer. @neo-shitty​ genre. angst, slight fluff, post-apocalyptic!au, childhood bestfriends to ???!au pairing. na jaemin x gender-neutral reader warnings. mentions of injuries and bullying, mutual pining, violence, slight gore, character death(s), mentions of injury, swearing, non-sexual nudity word count. 30k~
[ teaser link ]
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summary. after the second rebellion, an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow panem’s government, the districts are once again subject to the notorious hunger games. except, this time, the games have been given a little twist. now faced with the possibility of having two victors from the same district return home, two district 7 tributes are forced to overcome their life-long rivalry to make it out in one piece. writer. @doderyscoffee​  genre. angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, love triangle(ish), forced proximity, hunger games!au, tribute!au, dystopian!au pairing. tribute!zhong chenle x tribute!fem!reader (oc) (ft. tribute!jung sungchan) warnings. language, major(ish) and minor character death, death, murder (descriptive), gore, blood, hives (on feet), mentions of suicide/ideation, death threats, hunting, mentions of cannibalism (non-descriptive), mentions of throwing up, mentions of being cut, mentions/implications of ptsd, bittersweet ending, Y/N and Chenle are both 16, Sungchan is 17, Y/N and Chenle both kill, Y/N has a scar on her leg, some inaccuracies for sake of plot
[ teaser link ] [ part one ] [ part two ]
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darkmindsotome · 4 years
Idiot’s Choice
Fandom: MLQC
Pairing: Victor Lee x Mc
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Word count: 3,101
Warning: very slight spoilers on some early phone calls, fluff with a little angst.
Written by: darkmindsotome
A/N: The idea for this came to me after running back through the producer’s birthday messages on the game from my last birthday. A soft CEO.
Darkmindsotome Masterlist 
Idiot’s Choice
He checked his calendar again. The screen on his computer refreshed for the eighth time that hour showing no changes. There was a childish digital sticker on today’s date with no explanation attached to it. Not that he needed any details, he knew why he had placed that sticker there.
The cutesy cartoon squirrel looked like her, well to him it did. He thought back on a dumb conversation they had had a while ago when she was rambling on about how he resembled a cat in her eyes. Despite himself, he still smiled when he heard her ask why he thought of her as a squirrel only to be lost for words at his explanation.
Today was the day. He had taken it upon himself to look at her personnel profile for work. Her company had this thing for making an office blog that ran alongside normal productions for Miracle Finder. He was told it was a new trend among companies, a peek behind the scenes. Small snippets of office banter and candid pictures had popped up revealing a workspace quite unlike any you would find in LFG. He frowned briefly wondering how you were supposed to work efficiently in such chaos before moving on to pull up the event pages.
A picture of a giant ice cream cake in the shape of something that he supposed was a kind of animal filled his screen. Text laid out in sloppy icing saying “Happy Birthday Boss!” was clearly visible. He cross-checked the date with the small personnel file in his hand that contained his contract with her. Yes, the date matched so now all he had to do was wait.
Waiting sounded like the easiest part of his whole plan. In fact, it was excruciatingly painful. His eyes fell on the pile of gifts he had selected and had wrapped. What he thought was a small pile in fact covered most of the top of a table in his office.
The different shaped boxes ranging from palm-sized to something closer to a shoebox were arranged so each could be seen. The complimentary wrapping paper with corresponding ribbons and bows made it look like an upmarket window display.
Time was a constant factor he was always aware of. The steady tick tick tick from the hands of the clock sounded mocking as he tried to focus on some work. Where was she? She wouldn’t forget about today, would she? No… maybe she’s thinking of seeing someone else today and not me? The idea, as brief as it was, hurt to even consider.
He had seen her posts on Moments where others had happily commented back. He had read her words smiling only to see the reply from someone else wipe it from his face. She was free to have friends and naturally that would include any gender. It didn’t stop his mind from wandering a petty path of jealousy when he saw the happy insider jokes and promises to meet up and try something new together when it was directed at another man.
He chastised himself for getting so worked up over something so childish. He knew what she was like when he fell for her. Oblivious, naïve, perhaps lacking in experience would have been a kinder way of thinking about it. What he felt to be a fairly obvious display of his intentions had repeatedly taken a turn he had not predicted.
“…Dummy.” His softly spoken term of endearment tumbled from smiling lips as he turned the page on another document. Using his pen to mark typos and underline sections for correction.
Time marched on and eventually, the entire morning had passed him by without the cheerful voice he wished to here filling his office. He thought back about a conversation they had where she had asked him what he did for his birthdays only to look upset at his reply of ‘nothing special’.
Birthdays to him were another day. They held some significance as a child, as they did to all children. Even back then though they had still felt more like a formality for him. His father was always working hard, his mother… actually that might have been the last time he had what you would call a very happy birthday. He shook his head chasing away the maudlin thoughts and refocused.
Today was her birthday it wasn’t about him at all. She had such a sad look on her face when he spoke of his own that he really did have to wonder how someone with such a kind heart had remained so pure in this world. She had known pain and loss yet she still moved forward like a blinding light in the darkness. The strength she showed, that self-motivating determination was what had made him take a second chance on an otherwise fruitless business arrangement.
She had a fire, she had a spark that reached out and touched others. She had so much potential if she only applied herself a little more to the groundwork. He guided her and watched her grow. He drove past her office on his way home frowning at the lights remaining on so late at night. He wanted her to grow but he didn’t expect her to work herself to exhaustion. He reminded her she could ask for help, ask him. Am I really so unreliable? Unapproachable?
The time she spent on his own birthday preparations had been a shock. The flowers, balloons other kitschy decorations that were completely her and yet it had touched him deeply that she had tried so hard on his behalf to prepare something he would like. He didn’t tell her that all he needed was to have her there with him. All he needed was to hear her say the words “Happy Birthday Victor!” in her cheerful voice and he would have been just as blown away.
The pile of gifts on the table caught his eye again. Knowing her she would try to refuse taking them, but he wished for her to have all of them and more should her heart desire it. Where was she?
Slipping his phone from him jacket he checked for any notifications even though he had turned the volume on the device all the way up to maximum and knew he couldn’t have missed a thing. He caught his own reflection in the glass of his window. The cool, calm man he usually saw was absent from view.
In all these years nothing had rattled him to the core in such an obvious manner. He could count the few times something had on one hand. This was different. Ever since their very first meeting, it felt like there was a lingering memory attached to her.
He listened to her talk and babble on about inane topics and found himself enthralled. When she was struggling, he found himself practically running to her aid. She was like an open book, so full of life and connected to all kinds of emotions. She was nothing like the other people he had met and here was the proof. He was waiting for her.    
The knocking on his door drew him back to himself. He calmed his nerves and removed all signs of his previous anxieties from his overactive mind. In all honesty, he could laugh. How many times did he call her and her childish imagination out when it took hold of her?
“Victor it’s me.” Of course, it was.
“Come in.” His eyes flicked to the clock on the wall and straightened his posture. The door opened as he fixed his stoic mask in place resisting the desire to look at her. His eyes wavered on the document in his hand tracing the lines of text there without registering any of them.
“I’m sorry it took a while to get here. I finished the report and my printer was broken at home so I have to go to the office.”
A thin office binder appeared in his view. His eyes followed its high gloss cover to the delicate manicured fingers holding it. The sun from the window behind him catching on her jewellery as he looked up into her eyes. She looked different. It wasn’t the passage of time or his own mind playing tricks.
She had adjusted her makeup and styled her hair differently. She wasn’t meant to be working at all today but she had managed to appear before him dressed as if she had just walked in from a presentation. Her cream blouse was tucked into a form-fitting pencil skirt. Even the blazer she had chosen seemed so alien to him.
“Is something wrong? I didn’t use the wrong type of binder or something did I?” Her enquiry made him realise he had been staring.
“No, it’s fine.” He took another look at the document she had handed him before adding it to the pile on his desk and turning his critical eye back to her. “You got dressed up like that to drop off a report? You are aware there is a difference between professionalism and amateur dramatic performances?”
She fidgeted in place those little wheels turning in her mind just behind those clear eyes. His caustic words had a way of provoking a response. Sometimes he did it on purpose but there were other times such as now when they simply seemed to leak from him. A precise and cutting verbal display of word vomit even he, on occasion, hated with a passion.
The opinions of others never usually affected him. If they were hurt in some way by his critical reviews of their work and efforts, he saw it more as a ‘prove me wrong’ installation of inspiration. They had a choice, double down and get it done or walk away. It was a hard, cut-throat approach to business that had seen him a long way.
Meeting her had changed that. She shook him to his core. Had him questioning his managerial style and way of interacting in general. They had not known each other long at all but he already knew things had changed. For better or worse this was now something he was sure he didn’t want to lose.
Those little wheels kept turning in her mind. His harsh words however many he spoke in jest or just to get a rise out of her. He always felt a pinch in his chest as he waited for her reaction. He never wanted to hurt her.
“Say what you like I have already decided that nothing you say to me today is going to get to me.” Her childish bravado made him scoff.
“Oh really? I’m so pleased you found a way of keeping yourself happy. However, misguided the ideas to do so maybe.”
She gave him the most adorable glare before looking around the room and realising rather comically there was a stack of gifts behind her.
“What’s all this your fan – mail?” It was clear from her voice she had been thrown by the cheerful collection of wrapping paper trussed up with all the ribbons and bows.
“A return gift,” He said rising from behind his desk to stand just behind her. Leaning close enough the scent of her shampoo to fill his nose. “for a Dummy.”
“Return gift?” She spun around the unbridled curiosity in her eyes sparkling.
“Have you forgotten your own birthday?” He teased.
“Of course I haven’t. I’m just a little surprised you would know my birthday. Besides people don’t give gifts expecting anything in return.” She looked back at the collection of gifts without moving to take one. He was at least thankful for her distracted attention because she had managed to draw out something like shyness from him.
“Don’t go getting so excited I only picked up a few things and had them delivered here for you.” He cleared his throat and moved back to his desk. Choosing to perch on the edge of it rather than sit behind it.
“A few things this looks like half a store. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.” Now she was at least taking a closer look at them all. Her hands reached out with fingers showing a slight shake as she brushed them over a coral pink ribbon.
“You think selecting a few things like this is trouble? I just happened to see some items that looked like the kind of childish knickknacks you enjoy and…”
“So, you were thinking of me?” She stopped investigating the ribbons and turned to him with a disarming smile.
“No, I wouldn’t say that. I was just acquiring some items in passing.” He covered for his floundering heart as she continued to smile at him. Honestly, what are you thinking looking at me like that?
“Whilst thinking of me?” Her persistence only added another layer to his own wonder at her line of questioning.
He knew she was right outside of work usually people didn’t gift a gift expecting one in return that was the whole nature of gift-giving at its core. You gave a gift as a gift without a desire for personal gain entering into the equation.
“All I thought was there was a certain Dummy who would like them. If you don’t want them you don’t have to have them.”
The smile on her face faltered at his words but it wasn’t in a way that he recognised as upset with him. Her eyes became downcast, the energy she showed so confidently when entering his office looked as if it were draining out of her.
There was something hidden in that curious look she was giving him. Concealed under the surface of her words and questions. He knew what he wanted it to be but he also felt that it was the wrong answer. How can such a simple mind confound me like this?
“What’s wrong?” He asked. His worry affecting the tone of his voice, making it softer.
“Nothing just… Ever since Dad. I’ve been on my own you know? The guys at the office try to do things and it's great but…” She cut her explanations short as if she were trying to trim off the pain from memory. He knew all to well that it didn’t work like that.
“… no substitution.” His voice was almost a whisper. His own protected memories answering her own, mirroring the loss.
“What?” Her eyes returned to him. Her smile was gone and it was like someone had dimmed all light in the world.
“I’m the same with my—Well we have similar thoughts on the subject.” He didn’t speak about his past. He had no reason too. It was private his life was of no concern of others but when it came to her, he wanted to tell her. They had shared so many things in such a short time it was strange to think that they hadn’t simply always just been together.
“Thank you.” Her smile crept back, tugging gently on the corners of her mouth.
“If you want to thank me you could pick a gift.” He joked hoping to get that smile to beam brighter.
“Oh! I couldn’t there are so many and I don’t know prices on them or anything. Knowing you they are all really expensive and—”
“Price isn’t important. Whatever I give to you is because I wish you to have it. Pick a gift.” He cut her off as she rambled. Why did everything come back to money? Accept the gift already. Accept… Even in his own mind, he couldn’t voice his own desires.
“… Y-you.” Her eyes flew open along with her mouth. She seemed completely stunned.
“Excuse me?” Did I say something that was truly that shocking?
“If you want me to pick a gift. I chose to have one that is truly and completely one that is so expensive no amount of money could hope to cover it.” She seemed to be back to her usual self or at least the playful childish one he had grown to love. With a sheepish smile that only added to her charm, she planted both of her feet firmly in front of him like she was awaiting a firing squad. “I chose you. Will you be my gift?”
Her request had his own mind grind to a screeching halt. Nothing could have prepared him for that question. Even if he had in a moment of lucid daydreaming thought that she might for a moment suggest such a notion he still had no control over himself.
“Do you have any idea what you are asking me?” His shocked face was reflected in her eyes that were searching him, wondering what his reply would be.
“I just want to spend some time with you on my birthday. Eat a meal, hang out maybe go watch a movie. Is that so wrong?” Her voice grew quieter the more she spoke. Withdrawing into herself fear of rejection looming over her head as he continued to look in awe at the woman in front of him.
*Sigh* She really has no idea of what she does to me, does she?
“No not wrong at all. It is very you.” He drew her to him and gave her a hug. She felt stiff in his arms by the sudden change in proximity but quickly relaxed against his chest. “You got bolder.” His words brushed over the top of her head causing her to giggle at the way it tickled.
“I’m allowed to at least for one day out of the year.” She squeezed him back.
“Let me finish up here and I’ll meet you at reception.” He withdrew from her sharply not trusting himself any further without first taking a moment to compose himself.
“Ok!” She happily bounced out of his office the door clicking shut behind her completely unaware of how shaken she had left him.
He slipped his arms into the sleeves of his black suit jacket. Remembering those two small arms of hers putting in as much effort as she could to show him how much she appreciated him agreeing. We don’t give a gift to receive one in return but what would you say if I told you this right here is one of the best return gifts I’ve ever received?
He delved into the pocket and pulled out the key to his car as his eyes looked once more at the pile of unclaimed gifts.
“You could have had any of these and this is what you choose?... Idiot.”
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astralhugs · 4 years
RFA (+Minor Trio) meets Mr. Love gang
(Please request something I’m bored 😔)
//someone draw this and i’ll be forever grateful amen
Lets just say the MCs somehow met in a parallel line and thats how everyone met or sumn.
Victor and Jumin would be discussing business plans together, (A LFG x C&R collab, mayhaps???),
Jumin would be showing Victor his blurry pictures of Elly once they get closer and Victor would go like “thats not how you take pictures, stupid.” and then they’d have some debate.
Shaws with Yoosung, theyre both playing LOLOL together and screaming at the TV
Lucien and Jaehee are talking together and he’s complimenting her about how hardworking she is.
Kiro is having a battle with the Choi Twins on whos the better hacker.
“Ah. Agent 707 we finally met.”
“You’re Key?!”
Saeran stands in the middle and smirks,
“Hey, who wants to do a little competition? First to hack into Korea’s Government Units going to be best hacker in the world.”
And so, their eyes are now on their computers, not focusing on anything else.
Zen and Gavin are exercising together and talking shit about rich dudes,
“I just can’t with trust fund kid!”
“Tell me about it, Victor Lee is exactly the same!
Basically, the house would be at chaos.
V is happily watching at the back with the two MCs.
Hi, requests are currently OPEN!
Sorry if this was kinda short, I’m sleepy :( stay safe <3
Done reading? Why not read more at masterlist
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mythiica · 5 years
Fics Masterlist
✰ = Request
♧ = Requested through Ikemen Discord Writers
♡ = Reposted from my dA
✿ = Third person POV
☾ = First person POV
❤ = Personal favourite
🌼 = Edgar Appreciation Week 2019
★ = Ikemen Vampire Angst Color Collection
Most of my fics at in the second person (you/your) and (Y/n) as the subject. Lately, I’ve been testing out some different point of views, and they have been marked with a ✿ to make it easier to tell the difference. 
Ikemen Sengoku
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Midnight Confession ♧ ❤
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Morning in Vienna
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - The Ashes of Us ♧ ❤
Thunderstorm Headcanons {Nobunaga} ✰
Reader x Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Affection ✰
Reader x Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Wash Your Worries Away
Reader x Masamune Date - Caring For Your Sick Person
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - How to Properly Brew Shincha Tea ✰
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - Eccedentesiast
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - Rendezvous in the Rain ❤
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - Trust the Kitsune ✰
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - A Kitsune’s Confession ✰
Reader x Mitsunari Ishida - Oblivious
Reader x Shingen Takeda - By Your Side ♡ ❤
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Congratulations
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Heaven’s Confetti
Shingen Takeda {Ikemen Sengoku} Headcanons ♧
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Salty Onigiri
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Persuading You
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Stolen Kiss
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Settling Down ✰
Reader x Kennyo - Little Bird
Mai x Kennyo - Perhaps ✿
A Note from Kennyo - Accidental Kiss ☾ ❤
Modern AU! Slow Burn - {Ieyasu Tokugawa}, {Mitsuhide Akechi}, {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Reactions to a sick MC - {Masamune Date}, {Nobunaga Oda}, {Kenshin Usegui}, {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Mini Fics Early Morning Fluffs {Mitsuhide}, {Kenshin} ✰
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Seeing Their Children for the First Time ❤
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Reacting to Minor Injuries
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords + Being Fed
Nobunaga Oda {Ikemen Sengoku} Headcanons
Reader x Fem!Nobunaga Oda - Lady Nobunaga
Reader x Masamune Date - Hot Springs Fun
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - “Stay here for the night. Don’t go back to your room.”  ✰
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Pickled Plums
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi -  Divine Punishment
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Reverse Roles ❤
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Hold On ♧
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - “ll take it you were happy to see me then?” ✰
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Rendezvous on the Roof ✰
Reader x Kennyo - Distractions ♧
NSFW Headcanons {Kennyo} ✰
Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader x Mitsunari Ishida - Celebrating Victory
Hideyoshi Toyotomi x Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Reward
IkeSen Scenarios - Dom!Fem {NSFW} (all warlords) ❤
IkeSen Scenarios - Warlords + Food {NSFW} (all warlords) ❤
Dom!Fem Headcanons - {Nobunaga Oda} {Mitsuhide Akechi} ✰
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons {Nobunaga}, {Ieyasu} ✰
Drunk MC + Suggestive Mini Fics - {Nobunaga} {Mitsuhide} ✰
Drunk MC + Suggestive Mini Fics - {Ieyasu} {Mitsuhide}, {Sasuke} ✰
Shingen Takeda x Nobunaga Oda - Taming the Devil King
Shingen Takeda x Nobunaga Oda - A Game of Go
Crack (usually edits)
Noburella Part 1/4 ❤
Noburella Part 2/4
Ikemen Revolution
Reader x Ray Blackwell - Serendipity
Reader x Sirius Oswald – Forget-Me-Nots ❤
Reader x Sirius Oswald - Gentle Smiles and Lullabies ♧
Reader x Seth Hyde - Macarons, Not to be Confused with Macaroons ♡
Reader x Luka Clemence - New Traditions
Reader x Lancelot Kingsley - You Mean the World to Me ❤
Reader x Jonah Clemence – Peek-A-Boo ♧
Reader x Jonah Clemence - Morning Cuddles ✰
Reader x Edgar Bright - Intimacy ✰
Reader x Edgar Bright - No 🌼
Reader x Kyle Ash - Rum What? ♡
Reader x Zero - Midnight Therapy
Reader x Harr Silver - Springtime Skinny Dipping
Reader x Harr Silver - Your Eyes, Like Silver
Reader x Oliver Knight - To Charm a Woman
Reader x Blanc Lapin - A Bunny’s Habit
Oliver Knight {Ikemen Revolution}  Headcanons ♧ (Written with kiarigirl-blog)
Reader x Lancelot x Sirius x Harr - A Competition for Your Hand ♧ ❤
Reader x Sirius Oswald - Temporary Bliss
Reader x Sirius Oswald - View
Reader x Fenrir Godspeed - A Picnic… Without Clothes?
Reader x Lancelot Kingsley - A Night to Remember ♧
Reader x Edgar Bright - Sensual
Reader x Loki Genetta - How to Properly Start Your Day
Ikemen Vampire
Reader x le Comte de Sainte Germain - Golden Days  ★ ❤
Reader x Wolfgang Mozart - Lavender Dreams ★ ❤
Reader x Leonardo da Vinci - An Amber Astrolabe ★ ❤
Reader x William Shakespeare - My World ♧
Reader x le Comte de Saint Germain - Letters to You ♧
Isaac Newton Edits ❤
just a regular sunday evening
jean meme
if ikevam had internet
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Reader x Gavin - Sunset Atop the Oak Tree ✰
Reader x Gavin - To Keep You Safe ✰
Reader x Gavin - The Proper Way to Distract Someone ✰
Reader x Gavin - Last Sunrise ✰
SFW Headcanons {Gavin} 
Reader x Kiro - You Promised ✰
Silly MC Headcanons {Victor} ✰
Reader x Victor - Confronting Chik ✰
Endometriosis Headcanons {Lucien} ✰
MLQC Headcanons - Hiking
Victor, Gavin Incorrect Quote
Victor edits ❤
Reader x Gavin - Officer’s Punishment ✰
Reader x Gavin - Date Gone… Right? ✰
Reader x Gavin - A Night Full of Surprises ✰
Reader x Gavin - Mistletoe Surprise
Reader x Victor - Shower Sin ✰
A-Z NSFW Alphabet {Victor} ✰
Reader x Lucien - Jealousy Looks Good on You ✰
Reader x Lucien - A Steamy Bubble Bath ♧
Reader x Kiro - Sweeter Than Sweet ✰
Baby Fever/Fluff {Main 4} ✰
Obey Me!
Reader x Beelzebub - Midnight Snack
The Arcana
Reader x Muriel - Twitterpated
Vibrators Mini Scenarios {Main 6}
Midnight Cinderella
Reader x Alyn Crawford - Nemesism ♧
NSFW Headcanons {Sid} ✰
NSFW Headcanons {Byron Wagner} ✰
Reader x Giles Christophe - A Lesson on the Human Body
Reader x Levi Ackerman - Blood Rusted Memories ♡
Reader x Saeran Choi - Dystychiphobia ♡
Reader x Tooru Oikawa - The Three Times He’s Cried for You ♡ ❤
Reader x Yut-Lung Lee - Intimacy ✰
Ash Lynx, Yut-Lung Lee {Banana Fish} Headcanons ✰
Reader x Jumin Han - Mine ♡
Reader x Vanderwood - Good to be Home ♧
Other - not fics
Salt {Chat between Lancelot and Oliver}
Rose {Chat between Jonah and Luka}
Bang Bang {Chat between Mitsuhide, Mai, Mitsunari, and Masamune)
Throne {Chat between Nobunaga and Mai}
Womanizer {Chat between Shingen and Mai}
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andthatisnotfake · 6 years
Choices Fandom Ultimate Questionnaire
I was tagged by the lovely @choicesbyjade. Obrigada, flor. :*
1. Which of your MC’s would win the hunger games?
Endless Summer MC, without a shadow of doubt. Hero MC is a close second (my MC is too nice though, that might be a problem).
2. Which MC is your favorite?
Perfect Match MC. She’s tough and gentle at the same time, funny and nice to her friends. I really like her.
3. If only one LI could be transported into your real life to become your real-life partner, who would it be and why?
 Raydan *_* Although he might need another job... Maybe also Liam.
4. Which character do you relate to most?
ILITW Lily. I look like her, being fat, with dark wavy (while hers is curly) hair and green eyes. Also, like her, I’m not brave at all and hate horror and gore. Our only difference is that I’m straight. I think I get a bit of Bertrand as well, as I tend to get annoyed when people don’t follow the rules.
5. What was the first book you played?
The Crown and the Flame aka BEST BOOK EVER
6. Which book have you replayed the most times?
Not sure, probably Endless Summer, as I kept messing it up.
7. Would you rather have Hero 2 or Most Wanted 2?
Both? Both please. But if I had to chose, Most Wanted 2, only because we’ve been waiting the longest and it’s the one I’ve lost more hope in.
8. Did you like LoveHacks?
Yes! I loved it! It has no plot whatsoever, but the gang is a lot of fun. 
9. Do you like RoE?
I do, actually. The premise is quite ridiculous, but once you’re past that it isn’t bad. Plus, I was actually quite invested in Party Twin x Blake and Cousin x Chad. 
10. Which MC in your opinion is the most beautiful?
The new HSS MC is quite pretty, and my AME and RCD MCs are kinda hot. PM has the best choices though. 
11. Which female character (from any book) is the prettiest in your opinion?
Hm... Am I going to forget someone? Quite probably, yes. But let’s see... Kiara, Olivia, Annelyse, Madison, Eleanor, Kamilah.
12. Which male character (from any book) is the most handsome in your opinion?
Again, probably forgetting someone, but... Sean, Raydan, James, asian Liam, white Liam (yes, I said that), Leo (yes, that too), male Asian Hayden, Luke Harper.
13. Which character is the most intriguing?
Hero MC because we literally got no explanation about her origin!
14. If you had to befriend anyone from any book, who would it be?
Adrian (I love him). He’s hot, nice, rich and powerful. Like, yes? Seriously though, he’s super nice. Also, Raj, Grace, Michelle, Diego, Kiara, Sloane.
15. Which MC has the best outfits?
ITB got some great outfits for female MC. If you count the ones you have to pay for, TRR MC.
16. Which book would you want to be transported into and live the life of that MC?
I was going to say TRR MC, but she had to face assassins, so I’m not sure. Maybe ROE MC. Aside from the jerk ex-fiancé and the weird Nana requests, she does have three good looking men who want to marry her and quite a loving (if sometimes misguided) family. 
17. List 5 characters you dislike the most.
Just 5? Let me see... Duke Richards, Victor Montmatre, Lorelai Lee, Luther, Sebastian.
Tagging: @asherella-is-a-dork-3 @penguininapinktuxedo @shin-yanii @spookybibi and @wellimhavinga3outof10day
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1200
Monday, February 12, 2018
 My old partner and dearly departed friend Ron Norton came up with the title of these weekly musings. I seem to remember that it was after I left Vancouver and The Comicshop and moved to Ottawa to manage The Silver Snail in 1990. I can't remember when I started numbering them but I was commenting on the comic books that I read for The Comicshpper, The Comicshop's monthly newsletter way before off the rack #1. This is some time during the 1980s so who knows what this latest off the rack should be numbered at. I've thought about quitting many times but a handful of people who read them every week keep me going. I'm grateful for their feedback and encouragement. Thanks to Chris R, Charles dL, Doug S, Tom Mc, and Ryan J. It looks like I'll stop when I'm no longer working.
 X-Men Red #1 - Tom Taylor (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Ive Svorcina (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). If you read the 5-issue mini Phoenix Resurrection you'll not be surprised that the original Jean Grey is back on the racks. If you didn't, you should read it to find out how she comes back from the dead, or you can just accept the fact that she's back. This debut opens with a familiar situation where the X-Men rescue a young mutant from a mob of anti-mutant non-mutants. This leads to a flashback to another mutant rescue and the scary notion fostered by the general population that all mutants must be eliminated. That's the cue for Jean to gather her Red Team: Nightcrawler, Namor, Wolverine/Laura and Honey Badger/Gabby. Including Namor was a surprise to me. I can see where Jean and the King of Atlantis will butt heads later. Most of this issue seemed like the same old mutants trying to live in a world that fears and hates them and it is, but then the villain is revealed and I want to see what the bad guy wants.
 Superman #40 - James Robinson (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Jaime Mendoza & Scott Hanna (inks) Wil Quintana (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The Last Days part 1. Mark your calendars, February 8 is the day that Krypton exploded. It's true. It says so in this comic book. This is a Superman and son story where Jon tags along to help save another planet on the verge of exploding. They run into a problem when they get there as the natives are not amenable to being saved. Me, I would have said suit yourselves, see you never and left them to their fate but not Superman. I would be a lousy super hero. I may mock this story but I really like Doug's art so I will keep reading.
 VS #1 - Ivan Brandon (writer) Esad Ribic (art) Nic Klein (colours) Aditya Bidikar (letters). That's Versus in case you're old like me and don't get what the title stands for. I pulled this off the rack for the visual feast that is any comic book with art by Esad Ribic. The story is similar to The Hunger Games but with teams of soldiers fighting each other for fame and glory. I suppose video gamers would enjoy this but I'm reading this one because of the art.
 Runaways #6 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Find Your Way Home part 6. This relaunch is starting out similarly to the original but instead of fighting evil parents they're fighting an evil grandparent. The Runaway that saves the day surprised me. I can't wait for Victor to get a body.
 Swamp Thing Winter Special #1 - There are two stories in this 80-page giant. The Talk of the Saints by Tom King (writer) Jason Fabok (art) Brad Anderson (colours) & Deron Bennett (letters) is swamp monster versus snow monster but not what you may think. It was actually a really cool story. The second story is a first issue of a new Swamp Thing series by Len Wein (writer) Kelley Jones (art) Michelle Madsen (colours) that was supposed to be the sequel to Swamp Thing: The Dead Don't Sleep the 6-issue mini that hit the racks in the spring of 2016. There is no letterer credit because the story is presented without words. Len had not completed a lettering script before he passed away. It is the power of his writing and Kelley's art that makes what you see a understandable story even without any words. Len's story pages are provided to fill things out for us and it's cool to see how Kelley brings the story to the pages of the comic book. The Swamp Thing is my favourite occult character because of all the creators that have told his stories.
 Avengers #679 - Al Ewing, Jim Zub & Mark Waid (writers) Kim Jacinto (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). No Surrender part 5. This issue clears up two mysteries. Who is the Grandmaster's opponent and why they are playing this game. The change in art styles was made less annoying because of the consistent colouring of David Curiel. I also noticed a difference in the writing too and you can see that Al Ewing is listed first in the writing credits this issue after Mark Waid had been during the first four. It's interesting to me that I noticed these differences.
 Infinity Countdown Adam Warlock #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Michael Allred (art) Laura Allred (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I've know Adam Warlock since he went by just plain Him. My favourite run of stories was when Jim Starlin drew Adam and all the weird and wonderful alien cast like Pip the Troll and Gamora. The character is tied to the soul gems and with the new Avengers movie focusing on Thanos and the soul gems in the Infinity Gauntlet it's time to exploit the heightened interest by putting a bunch of Infinity Countdown books on the racks. This one teams Warlock with Kang and when Kang is involved time travel is sure to follow. Ugh. If you're nostalgic for the comic books that were written in the late sixties you'll like this. I'm going to read the next part in Infinity Countdown Prime, which hits the racks on February 21, but if it's as stilted as this book I won't be impressed enough to read the rest unless they have creative teams that interest me.
 Daredevil #598 - Charles Soule (writer) Ron Garney (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Ron Garney is not a flashy artist like Jim Lee but his gritty style really fits the urban setting of this book. Now that Wilson Fisk is the mayor of New York City he will be appointing various commissioners to help him run the place. It's very interesting to see who the big man is inviting to the table. Meanwhile the artist villain Muse is getting under the mayor's skin but it looks like the Kingpin has plans to deal with him that are sure to make things deadly for Daredevil. I love all the shenanigans.
 She-Hulk #162 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Jahnoy Lindsay (art) Frederico Blee (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). The banner across the top of the cover says "Jen Walters Must Die". That's pretty ominous. What we have this issue is a psychotherapy session where we get to see where Jen's head is at. It results in a minor transformation that will change the character. I look forward to seeing what's next.
 Amazing Spider-Man #795 - Dan Slott & Christos Gage (writers) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Terry Pallot (inks) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Threat Level: Red part 2. What the hey? Loki is Sorcerer Supreme now? Then what is Doctor Strange up to? We find out what kind of red threat Spidey will be facing soon but the ads for Amazing Spider-Man #797 seems to indicate that it's only temporary. That kind of downplays the threat don't you think?
 Spider-Man #237 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue is all about the difficulties with family ties. Miles and his evil uncle and Lana and her evil mother Bombshell don't see eye to eye but the adults are in control. You won't get Spider-Man fighting the Hobgoblin like it shows on the cover but Hobbie is in this issue at least.
 Motor Girl Volumes 1 & 2 - Terry Moore (story & art). I started reading the story of Samantha Locklear as floppies but had to stop partway through because the store could only order the few subscription service copies that was needed and not even an extra rack copy or else we would not make a profit. I'm glad that the whole thing was collected quickly and made available in these two trade paperbacks so that I could finish reading. Sam is a marine vet who served in Iraq and came home scarred both physically and emotionally. It's a story of her struggle to heal. It's got apes and aliens and is a whole lot of fun. One of the perks of working in a comic book store is that I can read them without having to pay for them. I bought Terry's Rachel Rising omnibus soft cover when that was available and I bought these too. He is one of the very few comic book creators that I will spend my hard earned money on.
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yasbxxgie · 8 years
The talk of the past weekend revolved around two battles, a beat battle between Just Blaze and Swizz Beats and a lyrical battle between Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj. In the first instance, the masses were thoroughly entertained and they immediately considered the sea of possibilities surrounding future beat-battle matchups between two producers. In the other? Although people were ranting and raving about the flawless execution and lyrical ferocity of Remy Ma’s “ShETHER,” some listeners argued about whether or not Nicki Minaj should even respond to it. Some based their arguments on the fact Nicki Minaj is so big a star that engaging Remy wouldn’t help her career. Others pointed out that regardless of what Nicki does, it won’t matter. If she puts out another lackluster track she’ll still retain her spot in the industry. Remy Ma will never be able to make the money she does, land features on huge hits like her or sell out arenas globally. While all of that might actually be true, I’d like to bring up the fact that in the culture of hip hop and the art of MCing, all that matters in a battle is skill and execution. It’s the ultimate equalizer.
The idea that Nicki Minaj needn’t respond to “ShETHER” is ridiculous, and the fact Nicki thinks bringing up how much money she makes or how many hits she has can shield her from the scrutiny she’d face for not engaging Remy Ma with bars means she’s borderline delusional.
Almost anyone with any knowledge of hip hop history can tell you that battles were typically lopsided affairs: one person had a “name” and the challenger was usually an upstart. The MC battle as we know it was revolutionized by a young lion named Kool Moe Dee of the pioneering rap outfit Treacherous 3 when he blindsided party rocker Busy Bee during a rap contest at Harlem World back in December 1981. Most hip hoppers at the time were pissed off that Moe Dee had a premeditated routine ready where he ran down a gang of facts about Busy Bee and his battle tactics, biting someone else’s name, etc. But it was so effective that it became the new standard for the culture. The battle aesthetic and dynamic was set from then on.
From that day forward, the typical battle template became a person with status being challenged by an upstart. It followed the model of the Wild West duelists or shootists who were often challenged by a young gun seeking to make a name. More often than not, the veteran gunfighter dispatched the challenger and their fame grew. In rap, however, the young gun often came away the victor. This didn’t dissuade the person with clout from accepting the challenge, because they understood that battling was part of the culture. Whether it was MC Shan of the Juice Crew engaging upstart KRS One of Boogie Down Productions or the legendary Grandmaster Melle Mel challenging the young Mikey Destruction at the 1988 New Music Seminar, everyone understood that you took the challenge because it went hand-in-hand with being a participant and contributor to the culture. If you were an MC, you battled or else you couldn’t make any claims about your proficiency on the mic anymore. It came with the territory.
When Bruce Lee was an international superstar on the set of a film he starred in, choreographed the fight scenes for, coordinated the stuntmen and essentially served as assistant director on, he was still occasionally challenged by some martial artists on the staff of his own film! Rather than brush the challenger off, Bruce Lee would whup the guy’s ass and not even fire him afterwards. Why? Because it was part of the culture he’d been a part of since he engaged in rooftop Kung Fu fights in Hong Kong when his gang The Tigers Of Junction Street used the Wing Chun they learned from Ip Man to fight students who practiced competing styles. If Bruce Lee wasn’t above accepting a challenge from an extra/stuntman as an action superstar then Nicki Minaj has no excuse in not responding to Remy Ma.
The other component that baffles me is how people bring up sales or hits as if they’re an accurate gauge of who’s better. Music doesn’t work in the same way sports statistics do, although in both cases you need to consider the eras in which these numbers were amassed, the field of competition and other mitigating factors. In regards to art, what does the best commercially is rarely the best in quality. If you look at which films did best in the box office year by year, you’ll rarely see films that were the most critically acclaimed or highest quality. Michael Jackson’s best album quality-wise was Off The Wall, but the sales numbers for Thriller dwarf it. In the case of rap, the top-selling rap albums of all time—for many years—were Vanilla Ice’s To The Extreme and MC Hammer’s Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ‘Em. I know you’re not trying to tell me those albums were better than classic like Run-DMC’s Raising Hell, LL Cool J’s Bigger And Deffer, Slick Rick’s The Great Adventures Of Slick Rick, Stetsasonic’s In Full Gear, Public Enemy’s It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back, or N.W.A’s Straight Outta Compton—purely due to sales numbers? If that were the case, Finding Dory would’ve swept both the Golden Globes and Oscars for Best Animated Film and Best Film. In reality, it wasn’t nominated in either category despite being 2016’s top-grossing film. Sales numbers don’t determine nor reflect overall quality. They never have and they never will. Find a new argument.
If you make claims on record of being the best in your field but don’t back it up when challenged? You forfeit the right to ever make those claims again.
This is hip hop and no matter how much the mainstream rap industry tries to remove the culture that birthed rap from its DNA, there is no denying its roots. Rap is a full-contact competitive sport in which MCs must study their craft diligently and battle each other to stay sharp. Steel sharpens steel. Otherwise? You’re just a rapper. If Nicki Minaj professes to be the Queen Of Rap then she must defend her crown. If she doesn’t, she can no longer make that claim without dispute. Either step up your bars or step the fuck down. [x]
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