#mo’at the grandmother
pearlsinmyhair · 1 year
𓇢 a gasp, then silence.𓇢𓆸
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synopsis: how mo’at discovers that neteyam is gone.
warnings: angst. cannon character death, non-cannon interaction and reaction. brief mention of death during childbirth and the battle of home tree.
word count: 600 (it’s itty bitty)
an: i’m so sorry. i had to do it.
mo’at learned quickly that the way of eywa was not fair, nor was it kind.
she had watched innocents suffer. saw children crushed by the home tree when it fell. saw mothers in labor lose their strength.
but after all her suffering, she had prayed to the great mother to at least spare her grandchildren. she knew eywa could make no promises, just as much as she knew that many others had prayed for the same for their own loved ones.
who was she to demand mercy? to take it away from another? to dare question the great balance?
from the moment she had held neteyam, a part of her whispered doom. he was so light, so precious, so very fragile in this dangerous world.
he grew, of course, a strong shell growing around his kind heart. she hated to see him hide it away, but she knew it was there. she had watched him rise to the occasion of war with concealed fear.
she had lost her husband and a son-in-law to the sky people. she couldn’t bare to lose her grandson.
so when they flew to the distant islands of the metkayina, she thought they were safe. surely no one would find them amongst thousands of villages.
she should have known better than to hope.
she awoke sweating and breathless, wheezing as she processed the empty room of her tent.
she had seen blood behind her eyes, a wail of pain and sorrow, a heart beat stopping.
eywa’s messages were always cryptic. but this was easy to piece together.
it was more mo’at’s own will that prevented her from fully interpreting it.
the silence of her hut beat against her ears, so very unusual.
she was used to it being full constantly: of injured, of children, of voices dead and alive.
now, there was nothing. as though the great mother was giving her time to grieve.
she refused.
she pulled on clothes quickly, sliding her blade into its sheath as she set out for the tree of voices.
mo’at may have been old, but she knew the path well. eywa showed her some respect in clearing her path of creatures, allowing her to walk without worry.
the forest was quiet, too, sensing the lose, sensing her rising fear and sadness.
she approached the tree slowly, bringing her queue over her shoulder. her chest tightened with grief, with rage.
neytiri’s scream filled her ears.
she connected her kuru to one of the hanging strands.
it took a few minutes of meditation and searching, but soon she found him.
“hello, grandmother. is everything alright?”
“yes, neteyam. i just wished to see you.”
she did not dwell in the spritual realm of her grandson’s memories, lest she show too much emotion. neteyam did not know he was dead, and she would not try to tamper with that fact.
she disconnected her queue, and the titters of animals around her stopped.
she knelt there for what felt like centuries, hands clenched into fists in her lap. she felt like a child, wanting to scream and rage and wail and holler.
but she did none of those things.
instead, she layed her head against one of the many roots of the tree and wept.
neteyam’s breath in her ear, soft and steady.
in and out, went his lungs when he was born.
in and out, he repeated to himself when he completed his iknimaya.
in and out, he practiced as he prepared to leave his home for a strangers refuge.
in and out.
in and-
a gasp.
then silence.
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this is completely unrelated to breath of venus if you were wondering. i just really wanted to write this. i think we forget about mo’at a lot in this fandom.
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dantakeyoman · 2 years
Neteyam Has Something Important To Tell You As You Patch Him Up (SFW)
Reader is Fem! Omaticaya
CW: fluff, Neteyam is smooth asf, little bit of blood, Neteyam is a simp, Mo’at is an awesome wing-woman, Utral Aymokriyä is where Jake and Neytiri mated
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“Be sure that mushroom is ground well, (y/n). We will need it when the hunting party return,” Mo’at instructed, implying the bioluminescent fungi that sat next to you.
You nodded firmly, placing the plant into something that was the earthly equivalent of a mortar and pestle, and promptly starting your work.
You loved your job as a healer, and took it very seriously. Even more so since, recently, Mo’at has been giving you lessons in perfecting your craft.
The right way to turn your wrist when grinding ingredients, how one’s blood can tell their origins, better methods to connect with Eywa.
Because of her, you have become 10x the better healer than you were before, and you were beyond thankful.
Throughout your childhood, you had dreamed of becoming a healer and helping your people. But once you met a certain Sully, who was next in line for Olo’eyktan, that dream slightly warped throughout the years.
Of course you still wanted to heal your people, there was no doubt about that. But instead of being a healer, you wanted to be the healer.
His healer.
“Not too much, (y/n). You don’t want the paste to be too thin,” Mo’at calmly reminded, keeping her eyes on her own grinding.
You snapped yourself out of it, slightly embarrassed that you let yourself become so lost in thought.
“Sorry,” you apologized, quickly putting the bowl down.
“Is there something on your mind, child?” she asked, a slight smirk on her face.
Just by your flustered face, she could tell what you were thinking about. 
Or rather, who.
She wasn’t blind to how you looked at Neteyam, or how Neteyam looked at you. She had known about your feelings for each other since you were children. 
And since her grandson was fast approaching the age where he would become Olo’eyktan, she figured refining your healing abilities would improve your candidacy for Tsahik.
Not like anyone else held a candle to you in Neteyam’s eyes anyway.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I am just-.” You suddenly remembered why you had busied yourself with medicine-making in the first place.
“Nervous for the hunting party,” you told a hafl-truth, sighing as you picked up the next mushroom, dropping it in the bowl.
Jake was letting Neteyam lead the hunting party for the first time.
And to say you were nervous was an understatement.
“He will be fine. His father taught him well. And he has a fine healer waiting for him at home,” she knowingly smiled, pouring this small satchel of powder into her bowl.
You blushed, focusing back to your bowl at the woman’s implications.
Surely you hadn’t made it that obvious.
And by the grace of Eywa, the familiar scent of the man you love ( he had completed Iknimaya a while ago ) filled the healing room.
“Grandmother! (y/n)! You must come and see what we have brought back. You will never believe it’s size!” Neteyam exclaimed as he quickly opened the tent flaps, his voice beaming with happiness
You quietly laughed to yourself at his excited manner, feeling foolish for ever being worried in the first place.
You giddily turned around, only to be met with his proud, bloody-faced smile.
“Neteyam!” you worriedly gasped, frantically getting up an rushing over to him.
He had large scratches on his cheek, and one big slash on his chest, all of which left large stains of blood on his skin.
You quickly, and carefully, held his face in your hands, ignoring his insisting that he was fine as you turned it to see if there was any more damage. 
“Are you alright? Does it hurt?”
Neteyam smiled to himself, stupidly, relishing in the feeling of your soft hands on his face.
He could feel himself heating up just by your closeness. And by this distance, he could see every beautiful feature on your face perfectly.
“Why are you smiling? This is serious! Please, sit down,” you ordered, taking your hands from his face and grabbing his forearm, walking him in the middle of the room and sitting him down.
Mo’at smiled, carefully placing her bowl on the floor and standing up. “I shall give you two a moment.”
And with that, she walked out the room, but not without shooting you a wink before closing the flaps.
You sighed, grabbing the bowl she put down and sitting in front of Neteyam.
“It does not hurt as bad as you think. Truly,” he smiled, your fussing over him making something stir inside his stomach.
“Well pain or not, I must put this on your wounds so they may heal properly,” you dismissed, scooping up a small glob of paste with your two fingers.
When you looked back up at him, you realized that you were too far away. In order for this medicine to work, it must be rubbed in well.
Neteyam looked at you, confused, as you took a deep breath, quickly sitting yourself in his lap, practically straddling him.
His breath hitched.
He had never had his crush sit on top of him before. Hell, you had never even been this close to him before.
Every part of him that was touching you was now heating up by the second, so much so that he’d thought he’d burn.
But looking at your face, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world, like you had done this a million times before.
“I’m sorry, but I have to rub this in correctly,” you apologized, beginning to massage the paste into the cuts on his face.
“I have no complaints,” he smiled, resting his hands on your waist so you wouldn’t fall off.
When you got to a particularly large cut, he winced, the paste making the wound sting.
You smirked, giving him a soft flick on the forehead. “I know the future Olo’eyktan is not taken down by a little medicine.”
He smirked off the pain, looking you right in the eyes. “Never.”
You chuckled, moving on to next cut, when the mention of the position reminded you of your thoughts earlier.
But your thoughts soon turned for the worse. 
“You are going to become Olo’eyktan soon. How do you feel?” you asked emptily, placing your two paste covered fingers on his chest.
He was concerned with your sudden mood change, but also loved the way your fingers felt on his skin, sending another stir to his stomach.
“It is exciting. And scary at the same time. I have so much to live up to,” he truthfully answered, looking down at himself.
You scooped some more paste on your fingers, giving him a quick glance.
“Well, you are not alone. You will have a Tsahik,” you sadly smiled, halting your massages on his wound.
You did not want to cry in front of him, but the tears were beginning to well.
“We have many that will surely be a good fit. Eyati is a strong hunter. And beautiful, too.”
It all clicked for Neteyam.
That was why you looked so sad. You believed he was going to chose someone else as his mate ( like he would ever ).
Amused, he laughed, slightly offended that you would ever think that anyone could take your place in his heart.
“What is so funny?” you asked softly, looking at him sad eyes, quite hurt that he was laughing.
He smiled, cupping your cheek in his hand. 
“You talk of me mating with another woman as you sit in my lap, massaging my chest. My love, that is funny.”
My love?
His thumb caressed your cheek as he pulled you in closer, resting his forehead on yours.
“(y/n), I see no one better fit than you to be my Tsahik. You may not be a strong hunter, but you are a strong healer. And more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen. Eyati may be a good fit, but you are the one I wish to mate with, not her,” Neteyam spoke sincerely, his eyes not leaving you for a moment.
You were flustered to say the least.
You’d never thought you’d hear those words coming out of his mouth. And boy, did it sound amazing when they did.
“(y/n)...I see you,” he finished, smiling as you cupped his cheek, placing his hand on top of yours.
“I see you, Neteyam,” you smiled back, a few happy tears managing to slide down your cheeks.
That was all he needed before he roughly kissed you, pulling you in by the nape of your neck.
You kissed just as roughly, moving your hands down to his chest as he tilted his head, getting better angle on you.
He wrapped his tail around your thigh, you doing same, trying to keep each other as close together as possible.
But sooner or later, you had to breath.
The both of you separated, panting with smiles on your face as you rested on each other’s forehead again.
“Forget dinner. I want to take you to Utral Aymokriyä right now,” Neteyam seductively growled, wrapping you in his arms and standing up, twirling you around the room.
“Neteyam! You still have to heal!” you blushed, resting your hands on his chest as you buried your face in his shoulder in embarrassment.
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mayhemories · 2 years
Pregnancy baby trope baby daddy Neteyam x reader please
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Tsahik Always Knows
Oh my god!! Daddy Neyetam would be so sweet! Also, I'm sorry for the lack of posts, I've been studying overseas and this course is an intensive fieldwork unit so I have had like no time to think. Additionally, some of my tags are working and some are not - I'm so sorry if I miss out on tagging you!
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none. Vomit? Fluff? 
Words: 1.8k
Author’s Notes: 
Neteyam is 24, reader is 23, established relationship. AU where they never left the forest and Jake is still Olo’eyktan, Neteyam will take that mantle eventually,, happy-happy can’t read or write any more angst for real. 
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Tag List: @lilprettypetite @nyotamalfoy @weasleytwinwheezes @aonungs-tsahik @rainbowsocks @glitterandgoldfinds @bluealiensimp @melsunshine @ussoppl @wondxrgurll @luvlykrispy @myheartfollower @gloryavila
Read Below Cut:
You stared at the remnants of last night’s dinner on the floor. You had vomited, again. This had been happening in the mornings, on and off for the last few weeks. You did not feel sick, so why were you sick? 
Normally the vomit happened at home. Normally Neteyam had already left to tend to his duties. Normally you could clean it up and pretend like it never happened. 
The heat of your embarrassment swarmed over your neck and shoulders, sweeping up into your cheeks and ears. You knelt, frozen in place over the bile you had just produced. 
On Mo’at’s tent floor. 
She was practically, and legally, your grandmother, and had been since you were nineteen-years-old. But you never thought of her like that. She was your Tsahik, your teacher, your elder, your spiritual guide, healer of the Omaticaya. 
And you had vomited on her floor. 
Mo’at cleared her throat, sitting across from you, your shameful vomit between you. Tears welled in your eyes. This was the worst day of your life. 
“Well, luckily it was just you and me here, hm,” Mo’at said with an unusual lightness, a sweetness that was enough to spin you out of your own thoughts. 
“My Tsahik, I am so sorry I do not know-” 
“Don’t be stupid, how can you not know?” The typical biting Mo’at that you were familiar with came back, quickly. The woman leaned forward with a cloth, mopping up your watery bile like a dealdly secret to be kept between the Tsahik and her assistant.
Now, you really did not know what she meant. You sat up taller, finding a cloth to wipe your mouth clean, something tangible to hold onto. 
“My Tsahik, I promise you, I do not know what you think I know.” You whispered into the cloth at your mouth. Mo’at discarded her cloth that blotted your vomit into a wooden bowl. Some poor trainee will deal with it later. She squinted at you, taking you in. Harshly, she grabbed at your wrists, inspecting your palms, and your shaking, delicate fingers. 
She huffed as she held your wrist tightly in her left, her right hand poking at your cheek, breasts and thighs. “Hey!” you had enough of her prodding, as you pulled your wrist from her vice-like grip. 
“Lay down. Now.” The Tsahik made moves to push you back onto the woven mats on the floor. You were scared and confused and honestly, getting rather emotional. You were still reeling over the embarrassment the vomit caused you. More and more these days you found yourself crying over nothing, or getting easily embarsassed. 
You laid still, scared of Mo’at, and, scared of vomiting again. Flat on your back, you stared at the keen weavings of Mo’at’s medical tent. You hissed, looking down, Mo’at has placed a cold hollowed stone on your lower stomach, her ear pressed against it, she furrowed her brow bone. 
The elder woman jerked up once she was satisfied, discarding her stone instrument, she settled back into her seated position on the floor, you mirroring her. 
“You are with child, quite obviously.” Mo’at had cut you off, while simultaneously giving you news that ripped all the air from your lungs. 
Your mind was spinning. You were happy, you were sad, you were excited, you were embarrassed. How could you not see the signs within yourself? Obviously you and Neteyam mated often- 
Oh, Eywa. 
You were going to have to tell him. 
It was not like you both hadn’t spoken on the topic before, you knew you both wanted kids, a family. Additionally, children were expected, a future Olo'eyktan must be secured. 
But the two of you had not planned for it to happen so soon. You had been so careful, tonics and teas. God, Neteyam pulled out most of the time. 
Subconsciously one hand laid across your abdomen, the other covering your mouth. You felt your eyes struggling to focus on Mo’at, on anything really. You felt like a shell. A shell with a small shell inside. 
“How far along?” You whispered, normally you would scold yourself for your informality towards Mo’at, but you would give yourself a break just this once. 
“A month, maybe two. Nothing more, nothing less. You are not physically showing yet but you cannot be far away.” The rare gentleness from Mo’at rose its head once again. You were grateful for it. “Now, my lovely girl, go. Go collect yourself and tell my grandbaby that you’re having my great-grandbaby.” Mo’at said softly, helping you to your feet. 
You couldn’t remember the short walk from Mo’at’s tent to the home you shared with Neteyam. You felt as if you were on auto-pilot, blacking out and teleporting from place to place. You quickly sat on the side of your shared bed. Furs and gossamer blankets providing comfort to your shaking legs. Laying back, you stared at the gossamer canopy Neteyam had only recently erected above your bed, dangling your legs off the side. 
You rested your hands on your stomach, trying to etch into your memory what it felt like now, knowing that it will eventually swell with the growth of your baby. 
Neteyam’s baby. 
Realistically, you knew that Neteyam won’t be angry. Shocked? Maybe. But angry? Neteyam had never, ever been angry with you before. Emotionally? It was a different story, you imagined Neteyam being frustrated and screaming at you. You imagined him being disappointed. You imagined him packing his things and leaving. The passing thoughts alone were enough to put you on edge. 
Sighing aloud, you had a look at the water clock resting on the other side of the room, you still had a few hours before Neteyam was to return. You still had a few hours to pull yourself together and work out how you were going to spit it out. 
Neteyam ran his hands over his face, pulling up his ionar onto his forehead. His whole body burned from that flight. He had missed you today, not usually staying out on patrol this late, but the young recruits needed training, and Neteyam was always eager to please. But, he was a domestic man at heart, he loved being at home with you, loved pulling you to his chest, loved making whatever new thing you asked for. 
He loved nesting, he realised. Loved doing it with you. 
Striding from the Ikran keeper, Neteyam wanted nothing more than to see you. 
The warm lights of your home welcomed him, though when he peered through the gap in the curtain flap, all he saw was your anxious figure, pacing back and forth, muttering to yourself. The air was wrong, Neteyam had never really seen you like this. He watched quietly, confused as to how you had not scent him already, something was wrong with you and he would be damned if he did not find out what. 
“Oh Eywa, what am I supposed to say?” You prayed silently, wringing your wrists. You thought the pacing would bring you clarity, as it often provided your father-in-law. Yet you felt empty. And so unbearably full at the same time. In the few hours you had to wait for your mate you had come to love the little life growing in your womb.
You were so excited. You could hardly contain yourself. Neteyam would be the most perfect father. But as the night grew closer your brain started to pick itself apart. 
It was all too much. You fell to your knees in the middle of your home, letting the tears flow freely now. 
Neteyam did not let that stand for long. He quickly rushed in, picking you up and placing you in his lap. His strong arms snaking around your sobbing form. Your head quickly found is chest. He felt your hot tears streaming down your beautiful face and onto his skin. Neteyam hushed you, like he watched his mother do with his siblings, gently rocking you back and forth. It was so silent, save from your sobbing hiccups. Neteyam did not dare speak until you had stopped. 
“My love, what has happened?” He asked gently, pulling away to cup your delicate face in his large, calloused hands. His eyes found yours, and he could see something was creating great turmoil in the labyrinth of your complicated, intelligent mind. 
You sighed in response, shaking your head. Trying to find any courage at all. Knowing you have news that will change the course of someone’s life was not something you dealt with well. Maybe you were not cut out to be the clan’s spiritual leader as Tsahik. But that was a different problem for a different day. 
Neteyam placed a chaste kiss to your lips, then your cheeks, under your eyes, the tip of your nose, your forehead. You were loved, he said through the gesture. You are safe here. 
“Neteyam,” You started, softly. You were always softspoken. Something of which drove Neteyam crazy in love with you. So gentile, so docile, so calm. “I have something to tell you.” Neteyam’s stomach started to flip at your words, anxiety settling in, but like any good soldier, he willed his face into a blank expression. Giving nothing away. 
And, in turn, giving you nothing. 
“Continue my little love.” He said, putting your baby hairs behind your ears, smoothing your loose hair down as you spoke. 
“Neteyam,” You cleared your throat, forcing that invisible, metaphysical bubble away. “I am with child.” The words hung in the air between you, and all you could do was wait for your mate to respond.
Neteyam felt like he was dreaming. Of all the things he prepared for you to say, you being pregnant was not one of them. 
His tail betrayed him before his mouth did. Rapidly going side to side, the smile that erupted on Neteyam’s face threatened to split his jaw apart. 
You were carrying a baby. His baby. Your baby, together, with him. 
You melted into Neteyam’s searing kiss as he held you flush to his body. Pulling apart, Neteyam’s hands rested on your stomach, bright eyed and smily. He kissed your stomach over and over and over again. Peppering the whole area with his hot lips. You giggled at him. He was perfect. 
“Oh (y/n), I am so happy.” Neteyam kissed you again, your giggles erupting between kisses as he could not decide on what he wanted to look at, your face or your stomach. “How long have you known, sweetheart?” He rested his forehead on yours, his hands resting on your still flat stomach. 
“I found out earlier today.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Your grandmother knew.” 
Neteyam laughed, his shoulders shaking, beads of his braids clinking together. 
“She knows everything.” 
That night as the two of you laid in bed, Neteyam spooning you, you rose out of your slumber briefly. Neteyam’s tail had wrapped itself around your thigh, your own tail sat under your abdomen of its own accord. Neteyam’s fingers splayed over your stomach. He was so protective already. So in love with you and your unborn baby. 
You smiled. Shutting your eyes you thanked Eywa for gifting you with something so precious. 
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Hi, idk if ur still taking requests or not, but if u are, could u plz do a Dad Neteyam fic where reader breastfeeds their newborn for the first time in front of him
love ur work btw 💕
lots of breastfeeding requests 👁👄👁 what are you guys trying to say LOL (i’m jk hehe ofc i can. and thank you!! 💞)
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you’re roused awake from the sounds of your son crying, along with a hand shaking your arm. you blink rapidly, as the blobs in front of you come into focus.
mo’at, who is shaking you, along with neytiri, neteyam, and your newborn. you sit up slowly, wincing as the pain in between your legs returns. it’s dull, but enough where you could feel it. neteyam’s ears fold back, guilt pooling in his stomach as he painfully watches.
giving birth hit you like a ton of bricks. it was painful, excruciating, and almost unbearable at times. you fell asleep moments after, exhaustion taking over your body. this is the first you’ve been awake since, neteyam letting you sleep for as long as you needed. he is sitting next to you, your son cradled in his arms ever so carefully.
“it is time, child.” mo’at’s voice is calm, as she motions for neteyam to hand your son off to you.
neteyam gives you an apologetic look, whispering “i’m so sorry, my love. he is hungry, grandmother says he should feed now. i’m so sorry, you can rest again right after.” he kisses your forehead, gently handing your son to you.
his small sobs broke your heart, you wanted-no, needed to help him. and fast.
you push the feathers that cover your nipple aside, exposing your left breast. a cloudy, milky substance is leaking from it, dripping down your chest. the sight takes you by surprise for a moment, it all felt…real. how you were a mother now, producing her own milk. it gave you a sense of pride, being able to provide.
neytiri’s voice snaps you away from your thoughts, as her hand carefully cradles your son’s head. “like this, y/n. hold him here,” she says, shifting your son’s head to rest in the fold of your arm. “and guide him, here.” she motions to your chest, supporting your arm as you bring your son’s head closer to your nipple.
his cries cease, when a droplet of milk falls on his tiny lips. his head turns, trying to find the source. you carefully guide his lips to your nipple, as his small lips wrap around it, immediately suckling.
a surge of concern washes over you, causing your eyes to water. you look up at your mother in law, asking “i-is this right? am i doing it right?”
neytiri smiles down at you, brushing your hair back for you. “yes, my sweet child. just like that.”
neteyam’s hand caresses your back, gently rubbing your shoulder. his eyes are wet, too. the sight was overwhelming for the both of you. officially parents, watching your son feed for the first time.
neytiri guides neteyam’s hand to support the arm cradling your son’s head. you look up at your mate, tears overflowing and spilling onto your cheeks. “he’s- he’s feeding, i’m feeding him!” you whisper, a smile spreading across your cheeks.
neteyam smiles back, leaning in to kiss your tears away. “i know, i know. you’re doing so well, my love. i’m so proud of you.”
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itschlorosis · 2 years
their own little world - neteyam
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𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘮 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘺𝘢!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 : 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩, 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘦
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : 2.2𝘬
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 : 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 19, 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘮
keep in mind that english is not my first language :))
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Neteyam couldn’t remember a day where she wasn’t in his life. From his young age, to his adulthood, she always held a special place in his heart. Her parents were great warriors, admired by all, including the Olo’eyktan, Jake Sully, his father. Given their closeness, Neytiri asked Mo'at to train the young girl as Tsahik.  A mother knows all, Neytiri knew Neteyam and y/n were chosen by the Great Mother, for a greater purpose. It was easy for the Sully to like the girl, she was sweet, gentle and she knew when to be fierce and strong. The perfect balance. 
Just like Spider, she spent her childhood with Jake’s kids. Unlike Spider, however, Neytiri appreciated the girl. She was Na’vi, good for her oldest son. She could sometimes see Jake and herself through them, it made her smile.
As the oldest son of the Olo’eyktan, Neteyam suffered the pressure of his position. Always had to be perfect, always had to protect his siblings, always had to put others before himself. Reaching his teenage years was hard on him, he had to let go of all his innocence, of all his childish happiness. The only moments he could be himself were sacred and, sadly, rare moments he spent with y/n. Sometimes, he let himself go with Lo’ak, the instant always cut short by the looming figure of their father. Don’t get him wrong, Neteyam loved his family, he would die for them, but on rare occasions, he would wish he wasn’t the son of Jake Sully, the next Olo’eyktan. He just wanted to be 19 and free. This very thought, was the reason he followed his stupid brother into the battlefield. He wanted to feel free, even if it was just for a few minutes. Watching over Lo’ak was his job, when he got in trouble, Neteyam stated it was his fault. However, on this very day, as he laid on the ground after an explosion, he wanted to be anyone else, very far away from this place.
Back in the camps, and after his father’s scolding, the oldest brother found himself seated before his grandmother, dressing his wounds. His sisters Kiri and Tuk were also here, one helping Mo’at, the other making sure her brother was okay. He longed for y/n to be the one tending to his bruises, but he heard she was occupied with the other lightly wounded. He would have given anything to feel her gentle hands on his back, her sweet words in his ears. Y/N heard about Neteyam’s injuries, it worried her, but Lo’ak came by, telling her he was okay. She wished time would go by faster, to be relieved of her functions to sneak out to the cave Neteyam and her would go to be away from the world, just for a few hours. She feared he was in too much pain to make the journey, but she also feared he’d be sad not to see her. Now in the cave, surrounded by fluorescent lights and the eclipse shining through the hole on the top of the cave, y/n found herself silly, thinking she didn’t want to come tonight. The scenery was breathtaking. The cave was filled with small lives, all shining in the dark, giving it a very intimate feeling. The hot spring gave the place a sweet heat, relaxing her tired muscles. 
After the long day she had, the young girl dreamt of nothing more than to relax in the waters. After waiting for almost 2 hours, y/n was convinced Neteyam would not show up tonight. Removing her clothes, she entered the lake, sighing at the feeling of the knots in her back disappearing. Swimming for a bit, she ended up sitting next to the shore, her body completely submerged. Looking up, the girl watched the stars, imagining Neteyam by her side, telling her Jake’s stories about Earth, about his time before his kids. She heard those stories many times, Jake’s children were really proud of their father. Neteyam told her about his mother as well, how she almost killed Jake the first time she saw him. If it wasn’t for Eywa’s seed, none of the children would be here today. Every time y/n was told that particular story, she thanked the Great Mother for her signs. Thinking about the Great Mother, she prayed that, when the day comes, Neteyam will choose her as his mate. He is the next Olo’eyktan, he needed a Tsahik. When Mo’at offered to start training her, she was exited, hoping the young boy would ask her to be his future Tsahik. That was 4 years ago, he had yet to ask. Over the years, she lost hope he ever would. Sometimes, she would see his eyes wandering over other young girls, all prettier than her. They could dance, and sing, whereas she was good at healing. She could hunt, of course, however, when the humans came back, she was assigned as a healer. She was disappointed at first, then understood it was an important role, just like a soldier. Little did she know, it was Neteyam's begging that convinced Jake not to assign her as a spotter, like his sons. 
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the footsteps approaching. Neteyam knew she would often get lost in her own little world, so he made sure to be as loud as possible, not wanting to startle her. For the last hours, he was trapped in his home, his mother refusing to let him leave her sight. He understood she was been scared of losing him, but he needed his freedom. Just for a few hours of normality, of tranquillity in their little cave. Neteyam was sure that the young girl would already be there, what he wasn’t expected was to fall on her naked in the hot spring. Of course, it was normal for them to go in the water, the heat of it helping them relax, getting them into a sleepy haze. However, they were always dressed, she must have thought he wouldn’t come tonight. How could she think that ? Neteyam was a boy of habits, of course, he was meeting her tonight.
It was a beautiful night, moons shining more than usual and the stars, Great Mother, the stars were a sight to see. The young boy found himself thinking it was a sign of Eywa for him to finally express his feeling. Everything was perfect, and he almost died today. That put things in perspective, he wouldn’t leave this world without her knowing how much she meant to him. 
‘’Hi.’’ Was all Neteyam said. Feeling embarrassed for the lake of words, he continued. ‘’It’s a really beautiful night, I can see you are enjoying it.’’ Of course, ever the gentleman, Neteyam turned his back to her, in case he scared her enough for her to turn around. 
In deed, hearing his voice, y/n jumped from fright, turning around quickly. Remembering she was naked, she stepped back until she was standing, water up to her chin. 
‘’Neteyam ! I thought you were not coming tonight. How are you ? How are your wounds ? Are you not tired ? ‘’ she asked, in a hurry to have her answers. Neteyam laughed gently, naturally, his sweet girl would be worried about him, it made his heart accelerate. 
‘’I am fine, don’t worry. Of course I was coming tonight, I missed you. I would have come sooner but, my mother was worried, so she didn’t let me leave. Had to wait until she fell asleep.’’ Thinking about his plan, Neteyam knew Tuk would get up in the night to go to Neytiri and Jake and his parents would definitely see he was not in his bed. He was in trouble, but it was worth it. ‘’Is the water warm ? I would kill for a bath.’’ 
He couldn’t possibly be thinking of joining her ? She was naked in the water, surely he had seen that. They were close, but not that close, although she wished they were. Before she could answer, she heard clothes hitting the floor. Too scared to look up, she turned around, swimming deeper in the water. 
‘’Neteyam ! What are you doing ?’’ The poor girl was shocked, he never acted so boldly, always shying away when she, lamentably, tried to flirt a little. 
‘’I’m just trying to relax in these nice and warm waters, just like you are. What is so wrong with that ?’’ Y/N could hear the smirk on his face. Approaching the young girl, Neteyam splashed her with water, to make her look at him. Knowing her like the back of his end, his little plan worked. Finally seeing her tonight, he gave her a genuine smile, which she returned of course. He wanted to hug her, but he wouldn’t test his luck. He could clearly see the girl was a bit uncomfortable, and if he was being honest, he was a bit too. He was never that bold, but tonight felt like the perfect time to be. So he continued.
‘’You know, I have been thinking about my coming ceremony, you know, when I’ll become Olo’eyktan. My mother had been going on about how I shall choose a mate, to be my Tsahik. She told me it was important I have a deep connection with this person, a strong Olo’eyktan and Tsahik mean a strong clan.’’ Y/N didn’t like the direction this conversation was taking, it felt like her heart was breaking, slowly, with each word leaving his mouth. He was going to tell her they couldn’t be seen together, that they couldn’t be friends any more. Her heart started accelerating, the panic she felt was giving her a hard time breathing. ‘’ The events of today made me realize that anything can happen at anytime, so I better make this decision quickly. I don’t want to die without a mate.’’
Before he could continue, y/n turned around, she didn’t want him to see the tears gathering in her eyes. He didn’t want the girl of the clan imagining she was anything else than a friend, they had to take distances for him to mate with another. After focusing enough to form thoughts, the young girl starting talking. 
‘’I get it, Neteyam. You must do what is best for the people. I heard that Tsu’la was the best dancer, and Noulat is the best hunter. They would make strong mates.’’ At those words, Neteyam became strongly confused. What was she on about? She couldn’t be thinking he would want another than her right ? After all those years together, all those moments he spent vulnerable, taking about his doubts and fears. Oh, Great Mother, she might have been the most intelligent girl he knew, but she was really dense at this very moment. 
‘’Dear Eywa, why must you be so blind ?’’ Neteyam asked, although he was amused at her clear sign of spite and jealousy when she said the other girls’ name. ‘’I don’t care about Tsu’la or Noulat, the girl I care about is the best healer I know. She is the most beautiful and the most intelligent girl of the clan. She can talk for hours about the plants and creatures of the forest. Not only that, but she is never bored with me when I tell her the same stories over and over again. Most importantly, she allows me to be myself, to be vulnerable and free when I’m with her. She has never seen me as anything else than Neteyam, not Jake Sully’s son, not the next Olo’eyktan, not the perfect oldest brother, just plain boring Neteyam.’’
The moment she understood he was describing her, she turned around, tears still in her eyes, but for a totally different reason. All this time, he felt the same thing ? Both felt stupid for not realizing that they could have been together a long time ago. When he was finished, y/n jumped to hug him, not caring that they were naked any more. She wanted to feel him, to feel his arms surrounding her. He felt like home.
‘’You are not plain nor are you boring Neteyam.’’ It was all she could whisper in his ear, still coming to terms with the fact that he had finally said something. He wanted her, not anyone else, her. Neteyam laughed quietly at her words, hugging her close to his body. Moving her head from his shoulder to press her forehead against his, the look in their eyes was full of vulnerability, respect and love. The outside world didn’t exist right now, it was just Neteyam and y/n, like it has always been. 
‘’I see you’’ was heard in the cave. And here, on this beautiful night, two souls became one. In their own little world, nothing could have torn them apart. 
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
i will soften every edge, hold the world to its best | 5
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summary ;; What could Jake do? How was he supposed to fight when he had no concrete opponent? PART 4 | PART 6 pairings ;; dad!jake sully x reader, mom!neytiri x reader, sully family x reader genre ;; pure angst and family feels notes / explanations ;; jake is so depressing here. i also took liberty with his character and the reasonings for his decisions in atwow, sorry in case if thats not how you see him LMAO happy reading 💞 please excuse my mistakes if you see any! ‼ I DONT TAKE TAG REQUESTS ANYMORE ‼
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“One chance, Jakesuli. You will only have one chance. Use it well. Our Great Mother favors you, that we know. But this favor hasn’t been granted to you. It has been granted to my granddaughter.”
“I won’t fail.” Not again. 
“What does failing mean, I wonder. Would you fail if you take her soul back from her happiest? Or would you fail if you let her have the peace our Great Mother has laid her into?” 
“I will get my daughter back. This isn’t her time. If Eywa has given me this chance, then she thinks the same as me.”
“You will take that honor from her, then?” Mo’at was being cryptic, but Jake saw through the exterior of the neutral Tsahik into an exhausted, mourning grandmother. “She was the daughter of Toruk Makto, and he was her last shadow.”
It came back to Jake in a gut-churning realization, it was his shadow that had fallen over you from the light of the torches on the walls as you’d given your last breath. It was his shadow. “No,” he refused, adamantly. “She will get to achieve greater honors of her own than that. I won’t be the one defining her ending.” The last bead of your songcord having his name, Toruk Makto’s name, was supremely wrong to him. He would not accept this fate for you. 
“Very well, then.” Secretly, she was pleased with him. With his answer. “Get going. As I said. One chance.”  
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Jake would never be able to get used to the magnificence that was Vitraya Ramunong, or, the Tree of Souls. To him, Pandora itself was a marvel already too good to be true that he’d fallen in love with, and abandoned his own race for, there was no getting used to the beauty for a human like him who’d only found it once in neon lights, ever. He could reach the end of his natural lifespan in this body and still there would be much left to discover. That’s why Jake was more vulnerable to one of the beating hearts of Eywa in the shape of a giant, glowing willow tree. 
No Na’vi was immune to the soul-purifying, all-consuming, yet being-dwarfing peace enveloping one’s very spirit, in a cradling hug as if they were nothing but a newborn in their mother’s arms. In here, only one fact mattered: they were childrens of Eywa, all of them dear, all of them seen, all of them safe and sound, including him, once alien to Eywa the way Earth was related to Pandora. Everything spoke to him here in a language he didn’t understand, but could respond to, again, in a language he didn’t understand, his soul doing the communicating. 
Jake was also a child here, Eywa’s chosen child. 
And he had come to her door for the most difficult request of his life, feeling like he was asking his mother for money right after he had crashed their car, unable to look her in the eye and expecting the biggest of scoldings for his shamelessness. 
This was nothing like asking for her assistance against the sky people, back then, he had agency, power, the clans backing him up, Toruk. If Eywa didn’t hear him, he would fight until the last drop of blood in his body was spent anyway, he was ready.
Now, he had nothing. 
Nothing to offer in return, not one concrete reason as to why he should have his daughter back other than being a desperate father with nowhere to return to other than the mercy of the Great Mother. He just wanted his child. Nothing mattered. 
Not how and why Quaritch had spawned right under his nose with an avatar body, not how they could even slither in without detection, not the threat of what the sky people could bring upon their heads with that — nothing, not now. Nothing mattered until he saw this through. 
Jake had found the will to quite literally tear himself from your side like nail from flesh only when you’d stabilized enough. Stabilized, as in, the faintest rise and fall of your ribcage Neteyam had to stare from where he was sitting like a sentinel for a full minute to spot, a tideless, still ocean only moving with whiffs of wind, his own breathing unnoticeable — to match yours, or to silence the sounds in his own body to hear better, Jake didn’t know. 
No sky person was allowed to take over from Mo’at and Kiri. Norm had told Jake none of this made sense, if the bullet had nicked the bowels enough and the dirt leaked into the bloodstream, the possibility of sepsis was eventual, and if it didn’t, you had bled too much anyway, a blood transfusion was necessary, and the internal organs... — Christ, the amount of bad end scenarios Jake had been subjected to was as if they were telling him to open a grave for you anyway. Tsahik had scoffed into their faces. The way of healing was something none of them would see, she had scoffed. Now ally, or not. You can’t fill a cup that’s already full. Jake was in a hopeless need for water into wine kind of miracle, and honestly, he wasn’t complaining. 
Leaving High Camp behind to set off on a journey calling for only him was one of the hardest things he’d done yet, the silhouette of you lying motionless, his family scattered around the tent, shadowed in their own mourning, folded into themselves was burned into his mind, glimpses of their pain visible from eclipses of light occasionally falling on their faces. A sight he never wanted to see again in his life if he could help it. It was a frosted, iron-thorned hand squishing his heart into ground meat. 
Tuk, ever the stingy monopolizer, had brought her favorite toys to scatter around you because she thought they’d comfort you the way they comforted her, had tried snuggling with your unconscious body and was warned by Kiri only to hold your hand instead. She had taken to playing with your fingers, the depressive gloom of years beyond her age crooked on her. Jake couldn’t stand the sight of the little girl telling you bedtime stories he and Neytiri used to, for a moment only, he could pretend you were just going along with your sister’s whims and smiling with your eyes closed as you listened. 
Kiri, buzzing around to change the bandage-leaves that soaked up some sort of sickly black colored puss every couple hours, had explained to him the salve they used on you was getting the infection and the splinters of the bullet they couldn’t get out of your body, which had turned the color of your blood into that — but the thing was, given the dwelling of the woodsprite in your mouth, they couldn’t feed you the porridge-like mix to speed up the process of blood production in the bone marrow, and she was exerting herself looking for some other way. 
Before he’d left the tent for good, she had handed him the bullet— or, the biggest piece of it they’d taken out of your body, it was a mere pursed and shriveled, tiny metal. The exhausted girl had stammered when explaining that whatever they’d hit you with, had broken into shards inside you upon impact, creating severe lacerations and lethal hemorrhage that they’d worked tirelessly to pick out.
Jake had stared hollowly at it for the longest time. This small thing. It was such a small thing that took you from him. 
The sentence that sent you away was also as small, and damning as this bullet. ‘Go.’   
Kiri had seen it sink in his face, closing her five-fingered hand on his palm, on the bullet. “You should get going, dad,” she’d said. “We’re okay here.”
Jake had taken one last look. At Neytiri wiping your body to clean all the congealed blood. At Tuk holding your hand. At Kiri trying to fill in shoes bigger than her feet. At you lying down with trinkets surrounding you like funeral flowers. And forced his body to keep moving when all he wanted to do was stay. 
He’d then heard Lo’ak complaining to his older brother outside the tent, “How can he be so cold?” The heaviness was getting to the boy, agitated and misapprehending. But he was always this way, if something was out of his control, the inability to act to change it manifested as frustration, blind anger. “Why is he so… unresponsive? Emotionless?”
Jake would have let it slide had it been about something else, but his children running their mouths not knowing he was a hair's breadth away from going clinically insane had gotten to him. He was burning alive. 
“You think I don’t care, boy?” He emerged from the tent like some last boss, initially not caring he’d scared the brothers. “You think I don’t feel at all? My own child dying in the same arms I used to hold her as a baby — you think that doesn’t faze me?”
Neteyam, the mediator, or rather, the blame-taker, ran to his little brother’s rescue, the latter too flabbergasted to form any words yet. “Dad, he doesn’t mean—”
“I know exactly what he means.” When the anger subsided, Jake sighed with the weariness of an ancient man. The flames had died before they could climb, he was too exhausted for it. Honesty and trust, as Neytiri had said. 
Having lost everything, having nothing to lose, and having a lot to lose were somehow simultaneously the same thing to Jake in the predicament he’d found himself in. “I know how you see me. You only know me as the person I want to show you.” 
Lo’ak’s go-to answer was presented to Jake on a silver platter. “Sorry, sir.”
It wasn’t what he wanted to hear at all. Jake wasn’t trying to get Lo’ak to bow his head. “Don’t apologize—” He cut himself short, licking his chapped lips, and after rubbing his face, he’d put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Lo’ak. Son. I feel this, alright? Of course I do. I’m your father.” He shook him gently, feeling the words weren’t reaching him, who was just staring at something on the ground off to the side. “There’s no greater pain a parent can go through in life than losing his child. You can’t understand what this means right now—what it’s doing to me. You will only know when you become a father yourself.” He gently tapped Lo’ak on the chin so he would raise his head and look at him in the eye already. And when he did, Jake said what he said slowly, hoarsely. “But know this. Know I will lose myself if I lose you, or any of your siblings.” He turned to Neteyam as well, who was watching in full alert mode. “I’m fighting not to lose my sanity as we speak.”
Lo’ak swallowed, unsure and weirded out to hear something like this for the first time in his life. Jake didn’t blame him. He was never emotionally upfront or honest before, not even used to it, more awkward with it than his boys were. But none of that mattered. Not anymore, after what happened to you because of his shortcomings. “You just look so composed—“
“I have to be.” Jake shook his head, eyelids hanging heavy, his whole head was heavy. “I just can’t crumble under it, do you understand? I have to be strong. I can’t lose myself in it. Your sister needs me. You need me. To be strong.” He took his hands off the boy’s shoulders, putting a palm on his cheek and patting a few, fatherly times before backing off altogether. “Never say that I don’t care. Never. I might not show it—and it’s a father’s duty not to show it, so my family will have a stable anchor. Get what I’m saying?” 
Lo’ak looked reassured, lighter. So that’s what Neytiri had meant. “How… how can I help?”
His youngest son’s inclination to get to the root of the problem and pump out solutions was in consanguineous with his inability to stop and wait, uncomfortable in his skin when he couldn’t do anything to improve the situation and was confronted with the intimacy of having to feel, always wanting to act. Lo’ak was like Jake in that way. Awkward when it came to communication. Dishonest with themselves.  
“Stay here.” Jake said, right from his heart. “Stay safe. I don’t wish for anything else in this world.”
Lo’ak’s eyes softened, and as the father, Jake felt the renewal of the bond between them, saw the understanding in his youngest son, saw something else than the guilt and regret over being caught after mischief, for once. “I’m sorry, dad.”
“Don’t apologize.” He shared a meaningful look with him, trying to convey, again, his apology wasn’t what he wanted. Yet, his sons were defaulted to saying sorry half the time they spoke to him nowadays. Jake was understanding the severity of it, too much too late. Lo’ak nodded, ears tipped down slightly.
Then he turned to the eldest. “Neteyam—”
But he opened his mouth before Jake could say anything else. Ready. Always on his feet. “Yes, I will—”
Jake clicked his tongue. “Rest.”
Neteyam was about to say yes to whatever he was told to do, as always, but stopped right in the middle of it, voice catching in his throat, eyes blinking in confusion. “What?”
“Rest, Neteyam, I won’t tell you again.”
God knows he needed it. Neteyam looked like he’d been having night terrors for days, accumulated anxiety making him jumpy. “Sorry, sir.”
“Stop—“ Jake caught himself before he could raise his voice. “Why are you apologizing?”
Neteyam didn’t talk for a while. But when he did, he was looking up at him underneath his lashes, unable to keep eye contact for more than two seconds. “It’s my fault.”
“Bro,” Lo’ak said, a pitiful objection.
Jake knew where this was going. “What is?” 
“I should have been there.” He pressed his mouth into a thin line before furrowing his brow, closing his eyes. Jake knew what he was seeing, repeated over and over again in his mind. “I should have known right away when I couldn’t catch up to her. I could have prevented it. It’s my responsibility.” One tear slipped by as he hung his head. “My fault.”
There it is.
Jake had told him before. “You’re the older brother, you gotta act like it.” — even though you and him were more like affable twins than older brother and younger sister that he never had to explicitly be a guardian to you like he was to Lo’ak, he had to be thinking this was his biggest failure. Neteyam was just reflecting what he’d been taught, the standards his father was holding him up to. Of course the boy had been overthinking it to the point where he was the catalyst to the event by not predicting your fakeout. 
“No,” Jake rasped, after a beat. “This is on me first, and the sky people who got to her second. And that’s the end of the story.”
Neteyam, up until this point, had to bear half the blame, if not the rest of it, for the consequences of his siblings’ actions. Upon receiving this kind of answer, he startled with an incredulous gasp and full stare at Jake. “But I—”
“It’s not about you, Neteyam,” Jake explained, although the words were harsh, he had done his best to soften the impact. “I did this. Blame me, okay?”
‘How could I?’ was written in neon letters over the boy’s head even if he didn’t say anything. Too good-natured. He idolized Jake a lot more than the man deserved. “Mother was… she was… She is grieving, she doesn’t mean it.”
“You gotta stop making excuses for people, boy. Especially when they’re in the right.” A smile pulled on his lips, but died as it was born. “I pushed and pushed until we reached the edge, thinking there was never an edge at all. I should have known better. I should have been better. This is between me and your sister, and that’s why it is me who has to go to the Tree of Souls.” 
And he’d left, but not before pulling his boys into his chest, cradling the back of their heads against himself, the smell of home repulsing instead of comforting. Prickles on his skin was the comfort he got from being able to hug his children when you were absent. It didn’t feel right. 
He missed you dearly, an aching, gaping hole in his very being that only grew larger as he saw what you left behind half-completed or messy like you’d stood up and gone off for a minute to come back to it later — 
The unmade pallet from the night of your Iknimaya argument that Jake had shed tears on when he’d seen the state of it, having the signs of someone getting up from it like you would be returning to go back to sleep any second.
The unfinished bark plate you had set aside to eat later and fought Lo’ak not to touch it. a squabble Jake had to break before you started wasting food by throwing it at each other. 
The stack of fruits you’d gathered that you never shared except for Neytiri sometimes. 
The half-carved cup you were working on because the regular cups weren’t big enough for your water needs and you didn’t like to refill it about three times until you were satisfied. 
The incomplete anklet you were making out of rainbow beads for Tuk that was confidential to everyone but Jake, who knew from observing you, of course — you were missing a couple colors that you just couldn’t seem to find, nagging his head off to just let you roam around farther and there was no danger as the sky people couldn’t get in the vortex.  
The little animal doodles you scratched at your side of the tent when you couldn’t sleep at nights, waking Jake up in the process every single time to listen until your breathing evened out as sleep retook you in its arms again, because he was bodily programmed to startle awake at one single rustle in his living quarters from his Marine days and fell into old habits after the return of the sky people, he knew you had developed insomnia from being uncomfortable at High Camp, longing for your hammock cocooned in the safety and comfort of the forest.
And the dumb romance novels you had taken from the humans that you, Kiri and Tuk giggled about at girl’s nights reading out loud, Spider invited as an honorary guest at times, just so you could tease Kiri about him and annoy your brothers that they weren’t allowed in, but the human boy was. 
All of them had no owner now. Neither of your family members could look at them, your ghost would appear in precious memories beside your belongings if they looked too much. He didn't need to concentrate for a phantom of you to appear, you were everywhere he looked, and even now, as the gently pulsating lavender humming, a song from Eywa herself, right underneath the veinlike, labyrinthine roots was the cool summer rain on Jake’s sizzling skin, all he could see was your first communion with Eywa in his arms while Neytiri formed the tsaheylu, the clan spread all around them in celebration. 
“You’ve called, and I’ve answered,” he greeted in positivity. “I think this is the most direct you’ve been with me in a long while.”
He didn’t know if it was Eywa or you he was saying this to. He genuinely didn’t know. 
Kneeling, and putting his arms on the mossy, thick root, he looked up to see the woodsprites swaying and floating in the air. He reached for his braid, letting the squirming nerve-endings coil around the white-cored lavender thread closest to him, taking in the presence of Eywa, all around yet nowhere at all, but listening. No sign of you. Was he supposed to talk like this? Just like this? Was he not allowed to see you? 
Jake had to admit he had been harboring the tiniest expectation of meeting you somehow, or hearing your voice through the connection like he did with a Tree of Voices when Mo’at had cryptically informed him of his chance. But this was it? 
If he failed, this would be it. 
“I guess this isn’t all that different,” he said out loud, instead of thinking inwards where the confusion flew. “It’s been like this for a while now, you and I. You talk, I don’t hear you. I talk, you don’t hear me. We throw the same ball at each other only for it to bounce back. Monologuing to a tree is the same thing, except it doesn’t talk back like you do.” 
He looked up and around, there was nothing else to do. The air was the same as it always was in here. Always accommodating to what each Na’vi found comforting. “The last time I came here like this was to ask for Eywa’s help in the last stand against sky people. I told her I would fight either way, I knew that’s why she’d chosen me. All my life, all I’ve done was fight. Even when I wasn’t able to, I was fighting lesser battles with the excuse of not having anything to fight for. It’s all I’ve known. All I’ve ever done. It’s what I was best at.” His brow twitched, and Jake tried to keep his composure, not because he didn’t want anybody to see, no, it was to keep his shit together so he didn’t fuck this up. He had to be honest. His pride was the last thing he needed in his way at the moment. 
“You were born to a different man. To a changed man. To a father who could let go because he thought his family was safe. You got to meet the man I used to be when my reason for fighting came back from my star. I know you don’t like that person — you can’t — couldn’t get used to him. I know.” 
From the discomfort, his fingers dug into the moss first, and found the bark of the root, his fist curling on it next. “But I had to keep fighting.” He softly brought his fist back on the root. “The strong prey on the weak, that’s just how things are. That’s how I had it on my star. And my kids — you, you are weak, and it’s not an insult — it’s not me criticizing, Jesus, you are just children, and there’s a war on your damn heads. That’s what I mean. That’s what I’ve always meant. It’s natural that you are weak, Eywa was kind enough to let you be soft. Not Earth, though, never Earth.” 
Jake had to clench his teeth and bite the anger into the inside of his mouth to not be boiled alive — not to let it reach to your side. He let out a soundless snarl. “You would never be ready for the cruelty of Earth, I would never wish that upon any of you. But it was brought to you. Right at your doorstep. I couldn’t protect you from it by hugs and kisses. You wouldn’t be safe from a gun extended to you by extending a branch in return. No.” 
He reached and caressed the glowing thread, brows furrowed. “I did what I thought was right to prepare you. Every single one of you. I was making you tough. I had to. To protect you. And of course there would be clashing along the way, it’s what happens between parent and child. We fight. We fight like cats and dogs for dominance. You try me to show strength. I stand my ground to let you know you gotta do better.” 
He had fired those sentences with incoherent speed, and when he got to the end of it, Jake got choked up. Stopped for a moment, took a breath. Blinking several times, his tone became vulnerable, he didn’t have anyone in front of him, but he tore away his gaze anyway. “Somewhere along the way, things just… Without me noticing, everything…” He sighed through his nose, his voice nothing but a whisper. “I fought more battles than I fought for my family. I thought I was doing my job as a father when I didn’t even know shit about being a father.” 
A couple seconds floated by, and his gaze was stolen by a lone woodsprite descending down until it staggered on the fist he had against the root. The shine of it reflected from the mistiness of his eyes. His lower lip slightly trembled at the thought of it being you. This little woodsprite. You? 
“The thing is, I’m lost, sweetheart,” he admitted quietly, small, shaky, not taking his eyes off the woodsprite. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I sit here, I look back, and think why I keep fighting. We could have migrated. Looked for a new Hometree. Another forest. Left the humans alone. Or made peace. A treaty. Something. None of your lives had to be sullied by war. Yet I chose this. I chose to fight, as I ‘ve always done, because now I had something to fight for. And the fighting wasn’t limited to them, I fought Neteyam, I fought Lo’ak, I fought you, my own kids, and I didn’t even know.” 
He reached for it with his other hand, tentatively, scared that it would fly away with the slightest contact. But he was able to touch the top of the woodsprite ever so slightly, the little zap making all the hair on his body stand up. Jake swallowed thickly, his whole head on fire. “I don’t know what to do. I just miss you. I miss you so much, sweet girl. I wish you would scream at me. Say you hate me for all I care. Anything. Hate me until the day you die, but do it with all of your family surrounding you in old age, in peace. I would be content knowing you are under the same sky as me. But I’m forgetting your voice already, and I—” He held back a violent sob, hissed to not let it out, and groaned, getting angry at himself for the emotions. He shut his eyes tightly, willing away the tears. “I wish I could say these to your face. I wish I could see you one last time, smiling at me.”
Having everything to lose. Having lost everything. Having nothing to lose. Three different meanings had coiled around each other like snakes to become one singular outcome in linear relation of cause-and-effect through you. It wasn’t a cycle.
Having something to fight for. Having nothing left to fight for. Having nothing to fight for. You were everything. Everything. What could Jake do? How was he supposed to fight when he had no concrete opponent? 
“I see you.”
The voice — your voice, albeit much, much younger, almost made him jump. When his eyes shot open, Jake was in a different location. He knew this place. The creek away from the village he and his family often frequented. 
The twilight penumbra of the eclipse dimmed the shadows embracing the forest, but the ethereally glowing lights of all colors illuminated and got reflected from the water as if it was a mirror. Above and all around him were lazily dancing fireflies — or, rather, bioluminescent bugs he didn’t know the names of, tiny stars floating in the air like glitter. It was magical.
Jake realized with aching melancholy that this was the first time he’d taken you out on an eclipse to show you the beauty of the forest on a special father-daughter date. The exact memory.  
The breath that left him was shaky as he felt the presence sitting right beside him, in the corner of his vision, he saw the ripples on the shining water made by swinging legs. 
Jake froze for a second. Unmoving. Not looking at all — because if this was a dream, or a hallucination, he wouldn’t be able to bear it. His breathing got louder, more labored, the log underneath his hands was so realistically textured and damp. If he looked. If he looked, you would disappear. That’s how he felt. 
He was supposed to talk. But now, his ribcage was holding the words hostage, burning with the strain of the pile-up. 
“But I’m sad you don’t see me,” you said, and he was shaken by hearing your voice yet again, remembering the moment he found himself here, how he’d heard — ‘I see you’. “You don’t even want to look at me.”
So much hurt and vulnerability in that sentence that it left him breathless. 
It all happened in a matter of seconds. Him launched into his own turmoil racking his brain about how Quaritch was back as an avatar, ignoring to look at you to protect his composure and just trying to think, think — think, of a plan, of a how, of what to do. You calling after him once Neytiri, you and he arrived at High Camp after dodging Quaritch’s men. Him purposefully walking away because he needed to cool off and not to explode on you right there and there.  
That whole time, Jake hadn’t looked at you. If he did, he would have seen you needed help.
He shattered, all of his walls crumbling down, stripped down to bare despair. 
“Oh sweetheart.” Before he knew it, he had wrapped his arms around you in a crushing hug, basically snatching you off from where you were sitting and on his lap, and your warmth, your pulse, your tangible existence wrenched a shiver out of him — and he buried his face to the little crook of your neck, taking your scent in, hiding his trembling face and the quiver of his arms by holding you tight. You were here. As your younger self, no older than eight, but he had you. Not bloody and battered in his arms, but alive, so alive. “Oh sweet girl, my sweet girl… I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He kissed the side of your head, felt the real tickle of your hair against his face, blessed with the soothe of his child’s smell. “I see you. Of course I see you. I’ve always seen you.” 
The snowflake-frail snivel followed by your sobbing sniffle broke his heart into pieces. “You’re a liar.” He shook his head, hugging you tighter. “You’re mean to me. You’re so mean to me.”
“I’m sorry.” That was all he could say. All he could do with his thrashing soul smoldering at the wetness of your tears on his shoulder. “I am mean. I’m sorry… You’re right, I’m sorry.” 
“It hurt so much.” You wailed. “It hurt a lot.” 
Jake began to caress your head with an awkward, clumsy, panicked hand, disturbed as to if you meant the moment of your death — at him pressing on the wound with all he had to stop the bleeding, or he and your strained relationship in general. “I know, sweetheart,” he said anyway, a stone clogging his throat. He didn’t try to explain, or tell you why, didn’t argue that it wasn’t what he meant to do. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. He had you in his arms. “I know. I know.” 
You wouldn’t get to be younger than this. And maybe, he would never get to see you be older, either. The thought crumpled his face like some piece of paper. Jake just wanted to hold you. And when you wrapped your little arms around him too, freely crying in his arms, a couple tears escaped his eyes as well, he didn’t know what kind of face he was making, perhaps it was better that you didn’t see him crumble. 
In the middle of it somewhere, he realized that you were younger because it was your inner child that needed this, she was more honest — more open with Jake. It caused him to sway with you back and forth, ribcage hurting with each breath. And you let it all out, clinging to him. 
“I love you, always,” he whispered, watching the bioluminescent bugs, when you were calmer and had fallen silent on his chest, not wanting to let him go and just listening to his heartbeat. “Even if I don’t show it — especially when I don’t show it. You are loved, my sweet girl, more than you know. More than you’ll ever know. More than I can show.” He looked down at the top of your head, agonized. “But I want to try. I want to show you more, moving forward.”
Knowing what he was insinuating, “But it’s nice here,” you said, voice thick and coarse from crying. You still didn’t pull back to look at him. Both of you, from the start of this, never looked at one another. Not once. Embarrassed and shameful to be honest, Jake thought. That pride you two shared. “You’re not mean to me here.”
But he needed to see you. You needed to be seen. So, as gently as he could, he unwrapped your arms around him, and took your baby cheeks in his hands, and looked you in the eyes. Another tear slipped from him. “You been listenin’ to me, right sweetheart? From the start?” You nodded adorably. You wouldn’t have said oel ngati kameie and accepted to let him see you if you hadn’t felt his true intentions and heart through him pouring it all out at the Tree of Souls. “I’m hiding a lot of things. But I want to be open with you. You wanna know the secret why I’m… mean?” You nodded again, more reluctant this time. “It’s because I’m scared.”
You gasped, genuinely lost and shocked, and he tried not to smile at the purity, the innocence. “You? You’re scared?”
“All the damn time,” he whispered, landing a kiss on your temple, his opposite thumb tracing a loving line on your other temple. “Every day. Every night.”
“But you’re Toruk Makto. You’re never scared.”
“I’m also a dad,” he said sorrowfully, as if he was giving out a secret. “And it’s precisely why I’m scared. I’m scared for you. For your siblings. Of losing you. It turns into anger. Anger turns into irreparable damage. Things I can’t take back.”
In the blink of an eye, you were back to your real age. For some reason he couldn’t quite grasp, you had shed the exterior of your childhood. But he didn’t mind, didn’t let you off his lap. 
“Don’t be scared, I’m here,” you said, putting your own small palm on his cheek, upset by the fact that he was feeling like that in the first place rather than whatever explanation he had. Your response was also childish, but he leaned into your touch anyway, comforted regardless, even if you were already gone — for this moment, he could ignore that no, you weren’t here at all. “If you told us, we would have been more careful not to make you sad.” 
Ah, he was being lectured on communication by his kid. It had a certain flavor of humbleness to it. Jake adored it nonetheless. “I know,” he said, “I’m sorry. I won’t be mean anymore.”
“That’s a lie.”
Jake couldn’t stop the laugh, though it was tottering. “Yeah, it is. But I promise you that I’ll never hurt you again.”
“That’s a lie too. Wasn’t it you who said not to make promises you can’t keep?”
“Alright, smartypants, let me rephrase it then,” the little glimpses of your brash self made him happy. “I will never intentionally hurt you, and if I end up doing so, unknowingly, I will always make it up to you. No exceptions.” 
You were acting uninterested, but stole intrigued glances at him. “How are you gonna make it up to me?”
“I’ll let you choose, how does that sound?” Jake tapped your nose. “In return, if I don’t know and haven’t taken the first step, you’ll have to tell me outright what I did.”
You deadpanned. “But I always do.”
“No, you don’t.” He raised one of his eyebrows. “You become passive-aggressive when you’re annoyed and pick fights with me.”
“That’s not—”
“Okay, fine.” You huffed. The normalcy had made him forget just what he was doing here. “But you get angry.”
“What I get angry at is—” He cut himself off with a tongue click. “Not important. I do get angry. But at sincere honesty, us just talking it out, I could never get angry at that. Is the difference clear?”
“I think it is.” You were apprehensive about something, your fingers on his neck flexing as if you wanted to pull them back and break the hug. “But you have to promise.”
“I promise.” And then, Jake remembered, a new fire hardening his face, not in anger, but determination. “And speaking of which. I would never. Ever. Not in a million years would get angry or blame you for getting hurt to that degree — for others, humans, avatars, whoever and whatever the hell they are, hurting you, I could never get mad at you for it. Do you understand me? Your safety is the most important to me. I could never hate you for it.” His voice dropped down to a softer, gentler tone just above a whisper. “There is nothing in this world that’ll make me hate you. Nothing. I will love you through the most heinous crimes and in inexcusable deeds, you will find forgiveness in me even if there’s nobody left, that’s a father’s heart. Forever and always, I am with you.” He touched his forehead, and then yours. “I see you.”
You avoided eye contact. 
Ah, yes, the famous emotional awkwardness. He was sort of aware his feelings had reached you, you just didn’t know what to say. Jake hadn’t been like this with you for the longest time. So, he decided to make you more comfortable. “Yes I will get mad at you for breaking curfew, and yes, we might stop talking for a while and beef about the dumbest things if the fight is too intense — but always, always come to me when something is wrong. I will drop everything without hesitation.” He leaned in a bit to catch your wayward stare. “Got it?”
You murmured. “Okay.”
“Are we clear?”
You murmured once more. “Yeah.”
“Repeat it, then.”
There was something between cringing and unwillingness on your face, but at his pointed look, you sighed, giving in. “Always come to you if something’s wrong even if we’re fighting.”
“That’s right,” he affirmed, encouraging to let you know this wasn’t embarrassing. “What else?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Dad will always love you.” He nudged you, noting the flick of your ears in happiness when he’d said it. “Come on, say it.”
You didn’t look at him when you said it, but your voice was light. “Dad will always love me…”
“Dad will never hate you.”
Sheepishness took over, making Jake smile. “Dad will never hate me.”
“And. Come talk to me about it if I’ve ever hurt you without noticing so I can make it up to you.”
“Always go to you if I’m hurt and you’re unaware of it.”
“That’s right,” in this form as well, he gave your temple another kiss, heart soaring at your beautiful smile he had been dying to see. “Good girl.”
“You’re giving me a lot of power.” 
“Nothing my mighty hunter can’t handle.” 
The smile on your face died down. It came to Jake right away what had gone wrong. “Sweetheart—” “I didn’t mean that. You know—” But you didn’t know. Jake had to stop trying to make it easier on himself. “I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of you. About everything. About the ikran, I’m so goddamn proud. I said it, and I can’t take that back, I was angry and I was trying reverse psychology — you know what, it doesn’t matter. But you are my mighty hunter. Will always be.”
You got confident a bit, but were still testing the waters. “Well I proved I am.”
“Yes, you did,” he rejoiced, no rejection or doubt whatsoever. “Message received, Lima Charlie.”
You giggled freely, joyfully at the recognition, and Jake ached again remembering how much he’d missed that carefree, precious thing, he swore pixie dust was in it. You slipped from his lap to sit crossed-legged beside him, and he instantly missed being able to hold you close. “Wish you were there to see me.”
“Me too, sweet girl.” Your Iknimaya was a disaster. A long-passed, sacred tradition broken wasn’t as important to him as it was to Neytiri — but he knew she longed to see you complete it, by your side, as eagerly as he did. And you had been alone in your pride, when he knew from a very young age, you had been the most excited for it. Everything had been ruined and there was nothing he could do to undo it. “Will you tell me about it?”
The phantom of pensiveness on his face hadn’t quite registered with you yet, getting excited to tell him all about it like nothing had happened the moment you knew Jake wanted to know. As if you weren’t dead. As if nothing was wrong. “Well first of all, I broke Neteyam’s record.”
A mournful smile tugged on his lips. “Did you now?”
“Hell yeah!” You started gesturing with your arms. “It took, like, two minutes? One minute? Too easy.”
“You know easy means the ikran didn’t give you much of a fight, right?”
“Or, or.” One finger was raised up at him to raise another option. “I was too skilled.” 
“The ikran might have been meh about you.” Jake teased. “You sure it chose you? Or did you just chase it down and it was stuck with you?”
“That’s so wrong!” He threw his head back to laugh at your outburst. “He was watching me get there the whole time! Like, from the start. His eye was on me, I just know it. You’re just jealous you didn’t get Bob like I got Jack. I was badass.”
That made him pause. “Jack?”
“Yeah, his name’s Jack.”
He couldn’t imagine Neytiri’s reaction to the blandest name imaginable, oh god. “Why?”
“Named him after you.” You tipped your head at him, raising your brows. “It’s healing, you know. He listens to me without questioning. He’s also very sweet. Unlike a certain someone.” 
“Oh you little shit—” 
“I didn’t say anything.” Raising your hands in defense first, you crossed your arms on your chest next. “Certain someone can mean anyone. It can mean Lo’jack—”
“Lo’jack, really? Really?” Jake half-snorted, half-scoffed. “This a new one after Lovak?”
“Jackiri is pretty sweet, c’mon now,” he gave a blank stare. “Hope you’re not gonna say Jackeyam.”
“Jacktirey?” You asked, undecided. “She’s an anklebiter.”
“Oh, for sure.” 
“Could be Jack the Ripper, Bojack Horseman, Jack-in-a-box. Jack-o-lantern.”
“All people, of course.”
“Yeah, all people.” You snapped your fingers in mock-remembrance. “Hit the road Jack.” 
“Oh wow, even him?” Jake lowered his voice, leaning towards you, mocking astonishment. “Legendary figure, that guy.”
“Jack of All Trades.”
“Well, that ikran really seems to be one to me.”
“I know, right?” You stopped, and he saw that thought process, and before he could open his mouth, you blurted it out. “Unlike a certain someone I know.”
“You punk.” Jake pushed you lightly by your shoulder. “You’re pushin’ it.”
You smiled with all your teeth at him, with hands on your calves, leaning down to act cute, and Jake could pretend this was normal. That he’d fixed everything. And all was right in the world now that you were laughing with him — he’d made you smile. . 
But suddenly you looked scared, looking at something over his shoulder, shrunken pupils focusing on him and whatever it was rapidly. It kicked him awake from his delusion. He tensed, tail jumping upwards, straight as a rod. “What is it, sweetheart? What’s wrong?”
Your breath hitched, and the next thing he knew, you had pushed him away, and he was falling towards the water. The last thing he saw was only a blur of you — the bioluminescent bugs became shooting stars with a thread of glow left behind them, the whole world tilted, but he didn’t hit the water, instead, he rolled down the small slope he had to climb to reach the tree. 
Disoriented, he saw the root was almost split in half — bullet marks, a cloud of splinters and debris was flying around where he used to be sitting. 
A lone avatar just ahead. Having made it all the way to the Tree of Souls. He didn’t know where this man had come from. 
Heart picking up and roaring in his ears, all Jake could think about was, One chance. 
He hadn’t even spoken to you properly yet, hadn’t said all the things he wanted to, hadn't even gotten your word, and this man — this son of a bitch — humans had taken you once again. 
Once again. 
You will only have one chance. 
“Lucky asshole,” the man looked at him behind the barrel of the long assault rifle. “Gonna make you pay for what you pulled yesterday.”
Your ethereal smile going up in smokes at the back of his head, Jake saw red.  
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taglist: @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis@alohastitch0626 @jackiehollanderr @lucciera @qvrcll @iloveavatar @velvtcherie @ssc7514 @goldenmoonbeam @neteyamforlife @itsluludoll @jakesullys-bitch @blubrryy @sully-stick-together @arminsgfloll @alice121804 @noname2246 @justthingzsblog @eywamygoddess @m-1234 @ellabellabus07 @hellok1ttycake @dakotali @bluefire12348 @abbersreads @yellooaaa @aimsro @octavias-next-meat-bite @nikqdn @nao-cchi @spicycloudsalad @yeosxxx @heybiatchz @winxschester @elegantkidfansoul @eichenhouseproperty @kakimakiloh @dueiosy @liyahsocorro @dimplesxx @tigresslily@n8ivatar @strnqer @lillybbyy @jakesullyssluttt @r3dc4ndy @myheartfollower @gcldtom @bunnyrose01 @aceofheartzzz @ghoulbli @slasherfcker505 @ducks118 @megsthings @graykageyama @gwolf92
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3K notes · View notes
aonungslvr · 1 year
like mother like daughter
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pairing ; mama! neytiri te tskaha mo’at’ite x baby!daughter! reader
taggings ; 🪽🍄
summary ; neytiri recently gave birth to her first daughter, and she has never been happier.
2.5k words
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the omatikayan people did not have the same tools that humans did during pregnancy. the mother would receive monthly check-ups from the tsahìk herself to ensure her and baby were strong. when the day came, the mother would be brought to the tsahìk and her top healers to help guide her through the birth and bring her baby into the world.
the navi get no information on their babies before they are born, so when mo’at had placed you in neytiris arms for the first time with her words,
“the great mother has blessed you with a baby girl.”
your mother cried, as did jake. she had already welcomed a son into this world and the news of being able to raise a daughter brought her such joy.
neytiri held you against her chest letting her tears sink into your bloodied hair. all she could do was stare at you, though you were unable to do the same as your eyes hadn’t opened yet.
she rocked you against her chest, expecting your cries to ring throughout the room. when they didn’t, your mother worried and in turn asked her own mother if you were okay.
“sa’nok she isn’t crying. why isn’t she crying?”
mo’at picked you up from your mothers arms and investigated your small body, checking for anything that could be wrong.
the other healers rushed over to their tsahìk offering their aid, blocking view from your mother.
“what’s wrong with her? is she okay? please tell me she’s okay.” neytiri expressed, her lips quivering.
she tried to push herself off the hammock but fell back down due to her weak body after birth. a younger girl in the tsahìks tent lended her aid to your mother, doing her best to calm her.
after a through inspection of your external and internal health, mo’at smiled and placed you back into your moms arms. she gladly took you back and rocked you again, looking at your scrunched up face.
“nothing is wrong. she is just a happy baby.” your grandmother spoke, brushing neytiris hair out of her face.
your mother lightly laughed as she held you even closer. neteyam was such a loud baby when he was born, this was a shock to her.
you let out baby babbles and reached your tiny arms out towards your mothers face. neytiri put her index finger infront of your small hands, and you grasped on. you were only a few minutes old, but you let out a smile to the contact.
“have you and jake decided on a name?”
“(y/n) te suli neytiri’ite.” neytiri said with a smile.
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you were presented to the clan by your father, the olo’keytan. everyone was there, young, old, healer, hunter, even some of the humans.
your father held you high and proud, with your mother by his side. neytiri couldn’t speak due to the overflux of joy she was experiencing. after neteyams presentation, she thought the next wouldn’t be as emotional. that was far from the truth.
“(y/n)!” your father spoke sternly, raising you in the sky.
“(y/n)!” the clan repeated after him.
everyone around felt blessed as they welcomed the tsakarems newest child into the omatikayan clan.
when night fell, it was time for the moment your mother had been waiting for since she first held you. your first connection to eywa was beautiful and full of emotions.
your mother held you this time, jake by her side. she guided your small queue towards eywa’s as you made tsaheylu with the tree of souls. when you and your mother made this bond directly after your birth, you felt neytiris joy and she felt your curiosity. connecting to eywa was different, the feeling was indescribable.
when the bond was made, both of your pupils widen in response. your face was blank a moment, until your broke out into a smile. the only way to describe it was like a hug from the great mother, feeling her warm embrace as she welcomed you into her great creation.
the bond first felt like a feeling, until you blinked and opened your eyes in a meadow within the forest. you saw everything in what seemed to be third person, not truely being there, just observing.
the first thing you saw was a female navi running into the middle of your view. she looked like your mother, though slightly older. she gasped in joy and scooped up what had to be you, as once she did you suddenly were aware of your surroundings and saw the world in first person once more.
“aw, tsu’tey look! she’s so pretty!”
a navi male then entered the scene, coming up behind the female.
“sylwanin, be calm. she is just a baby, you will spook her.”
your mind wasn’t old enough to comprehend what these people were saying, you didn’t understand your language yet.
“ok ok, i’m aunty syl! your sa’nus sister! your such a gorgeous little girl!” the girl who had introduced herself as sylwanin yipped, as she motioned to herself.
she bumped the males shoulder encouraging him to speak up.
“she can’t not even understand m-“ a quick shove to the leg shut him up. “sweet eywa, i am tsu’tey. your..uncle?”
sylwanin, your mothers sister, and tsu’tey, your aunts lover. they rested eternally with eywa now, though you didn’t know it at the time.
“sempul!” your aunt spoke, referencing the much older man now approaching you.
“look at her! isn’t she gorgeous? neytiri makes such cute children.” sylwanin held you up to the elder navi.
“she possesses your beauty as well.” he replied.
“this is your grandpa! eyuktan! he is your mother and i’s sempul.” syl spoke again. “look! everyone is here (y/n)!”
your moms sister held you up and let you see around the forest. there were countless navi surrounding the area, spread throughout the floor and trees. they were all focused on one thing, you. you had been presented to the living memebers of your clan, and now the dead admired you through the great mother.
sylwanin handed you to tsu’tey, speaking to him,
“it is better if you do it.”
tsu’tey held you tight and then to the sky as your father had once done.
the fallen navi spoke loudly,
outside of eywa, at the tree of souls, you were smiling with your eyes closed. once neytiri saw your emotion, she knew you had seen what the great mother intended you to see, and broke the bond.
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“sit neteyam.” your father announced.
your mother sat on the floor of your families kelku, holding you gently in her arms. neteyam sat infront of his mother and put his hands out, wanting to hold his little sister.
“now you have to be gentle, understand? (y/n) is a baby. you can not handle her roughly.” neytiri explained.
“i will! i will! i’ll be super careful sa’nu!” your older brother pleaded his case.
neytiri began to pass you onto neteyam, placing you in his 3 fingered hands,
“support her head.”
your brother held you softly with one hand on your hand and another on your back. he stared into your eyes then back to his mother and smiled,
“she looks like you mama!”
he moved his head and faced towards you again and leaned in,
“i’m ne-te-yam. i’m your tsmukan, and i’m gonna be here forever and ever.”
your mother smiled at her two children, there was nothing in life she would ever desire more then the moments like these.
“sa’nuuu when will she talk?”
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not everything was all sunshine. nights with you were restless. you hadn’t cried during birth, so your mother expected you to be quiet at night, she was wrong.
“shh, ma (y/n) you are okay. there is nothing to cry about.” your mother rocked you and softly tried to put you back to sleep.
your crying didn’t halt and you sobbed. neytiri had done everything to make you comfortable, you were simply being a baby.
at this point you had woken your father and brother. your crying had upset neteyam, and while he was older than you, he was still just a toddler who cried too. jake held his son and tried to calm him.
“what is the mighty warrior crying about? you’re not a baby like (y/n) why do you cry?”
neteyam shook his head and cried harsher which made you cry even louder. his sister waking him up during the night and not being quiet annoyed him so much, there was nothing else he knew how to do but cry.
neytiri was exhausted. with her daughter and son both crying in the middle of night she didn’t know what to do. she rocked and rocked you but nothing seemed to help. she was trying to hold herself together but you paired with your brother made an extremely loud combination.
“jake, i can not. i can not do this. i cant calm her, i am such a bad mother i cant even console my children.” neytiri ranted to her husband, doubting her skills.
her father sat neteyam down despite his protests and embraced his wife as well as you.
“you are doing great love. (y/n) is a baby, babies cry. she will stop eventually, this is not your fault.”
neteyam clung onto his leg sniffling, wanting to be held again.
“sempu!! make it stop!”
you continued crying and weeping, seeming even louder than before now.
jake sighed, “give her to me neytiri.”
your mother reluctantly handed over her daughter to her mate, and picked up neteyam, having an easier time calming him.
jake shook you from side to side, rather than up and down; a trick he learned on earth.
as your cries softened, neytiri stared with wide eyes, mostly thankful but with a hint of jealousy.
“w-wha- how - how did you do that?” she stammered over her words.
“if up and down doesn’t work, try side to side. all babies are different.”
you quickly fell back asleep and jake placed you in your smaller hammock. neteyam sighed in relief and returned to his sleeping quarters as well. now it was neytiris turn to cry.
“i don’t understand, i am her mother. i should know what is best for my baby. i am just failing her ma jake.” she exclaimed, falling back onto her and your fathers shared hammock.
“woah, woah slow it down baby.” jake approached and sat next to her.
“you are a wonderful mother neytiri. i wouldn’t want anyone else raising my babies. you have bore me two strong children, and you will learn their way as they learn ours. doubting yourself will get us nowhere as parents.”
neytiri looked up at him through watery eyes and squeezed him, letting her tears fade away.
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“come to mama (y/n)! use those arms, i know you can do it yawntutsyìp!” neytiri sat shortly away from you, encouraging you to crawl towards her.
your father stood in the kitchen, preparing lunch, as your brother played with his wooden toys; most likely annoying his dad.
you babbled a little and got onto your knees and started crawling, wanting to feel your mother.
“yes ma (y/n) come! you are doing so good!”
you continued with help of your mothers encouragement, wanting to be held even more. you had a big smile on your face as you approached her. once you had made it neytiri swooped you up and hug you as tight as she could without hurting you.
“i am so proud of you my little nantang! you did so good!” she happily spoke
you stared up at your mother and giggled.
“yes that’s right! sa’nu is so proud of you! sa’nu loves you so much!”
your noises started to form something clearer, “saa- sa’nnnu!” you laughed and reached towards your mama.
jake dropped his knife in the kitchen and neteyam had started staring at you.
“you said what? what did you say (y/n)?” your mother spoke in shock and doubt, looking at you intently. “did you say sa’nu? sa’nu?” she asked more questions as jake approached and sat aside you and neytiri.
“sa’nuuu!” you dragged on the word into a weird baby noise and clapped your hands.
“she just- right?” your mother stared at her mate in shock as they both smiled.
your father hugged your mother and smirked while speaking, “sa’nu! your so smart (y/n), so smart! that’s her first word yeah?” he looked towards your mom with the biggest smile.
“yeah! oh- yes (y/n)! sa’nu! your so amazing my little syulang, oh your so great!” she finally spoke, breaking out of her confused silence.
neteyam ran up to the 3 of you at the family celebration, “she can talk to me now right?!”
your mother let out one more sigh of shock and hugged her son and and husband with you still on her chest.
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several weeks later, you had been working on crawling and speaking. you could crawl longer distances and knew a few little words. you and your mother had been alone this time, playing with wooden ikrans.
“whoosh! catch it (y/n)!” neytiri was moving the ikran around in the air, making noises to indicate it flying around.
“you can do it ma yawne!”
you pouted and sat on your knees reaching up, it took a while but you stood up as well, which you had learnt a few weeks ago. neytiri taunted you, raising the toy higher.
“sa’nu! sa’nu!” after you were able to speak a word or two, you never stopped.
“no (y/n) you have to come get it!”
“sa’nu! ikrab! sa’nu!” your pronunciation wasnt the best, but ikran was one of your favorite words.
your mother started backing up on her knees to tease you further, “it’s getting away!”
you started to whine at your mom leaving you behind and would’ve broken out into full sobs if the flap to your home didn’t open.
your father walked in with neteyam behind him, holding a fish in his hands.
“look what this fisherman caught!”
neteyam spoke up, “all by myself dad!”
jake repeated what his son had said, “yes all by himself!”
neytiri clapped for her son, allowing his ego to quickly grow as he puffed his chest out.
“sempu! sem!” you used some of the furniture to assist you in turning around and slowly waddled over to where your dad stood.
at this sight, jake got down on his knees as neytiri gasped.
“hi baby! come on (y/n) keep going!” he motioned his hands towards himself.
your mother teared up behind you, and once you made your way to your father he grabbed you up into the air with a tight hug.
“i’ve got two mighty kids! (y/n) the great walker!”
neytiri rised up from her spot and ran over to her daughter, taking you from jakes arms.
“oh my baby! your getting so big!”
neteyam wasn’t having it with the attention being placed onto someone else.
“mama i walk everyday! i’m the mighty walker!”
both of your parents laughed as your dad picked up your brother, then initiating a family hug.
neytiri wouldn’t have her family any other way.
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simpforboys · 2 years
sail across the ocean
neteyam x fem!omatikaya!pregnant!reader
summary: in which you must follow your mate to the metkayina village
warnings: pregnancy, fluff, mentions of sickness/illness
you and neteyam are 20.
find part two here
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going from learning to be a strong tsahìk to leaving your clan in just a few days was something you would have never imagined.
mo’at was a very wise soul. she immediately took you under her wing when you and neteyam had officially mated, wanting to train her grandson’s mate to become a good spiritual leader.
so as you sat in the healing tent with the older lady, you heard commotion coming from outside. tuk had opened the tent and said, “the war party has returned!”
being seven months pregnant, it was getting harder for you to be as active as you used to.
you carefully stood up, mo’at going to help you but you smiled at the woman. you waddled out of the tent, seeing jake scolding your mate and lo’ak.
neytiri stood behind her sons, her eyes hard as she stared at her husband. neteyam’s eyes met yours and he smiled, despite his father’s harsh words.
your face fell when you realized your mate was bleeding. the four sullys watched as you approached, neteyam taking your hand to help steady you.
“your mate almost died today.” jake told you firmly.
you looked at neteyam, a frown on your lips.
“my jake, stop. your son is actually bleeding. let y/n clean up neteyam.” neytiri said to her husband.
“dismissed.” jake said.
you lead your mate to the healing tent as he held the small of your back in his hand.
“what happened out there, my neteyam?”
“lo’ak wanted to go onto the battle field despite our orders of being spotters. skxawng (idiot) almost got me killed.”
mo’at gasped when she saw her grandson and ushered him into the tent. neteyam sat on a little pad as his grandmother began to tend to his wounds, you and kiri helping the woman.
you stroked neteyam’s head in a soothing way, the way he absolutely loved. he nuzzled his head into your hand, his tail coming up to connect with yours.
“you must be careful, grandson. with a prrnen (baby) on the way, you have to stay alive.”
“grandmother, you should really try this root. it will sting less.” kiri suggested to the woman as neteyam hissed.
“mawey (calm), my neteyam.”
the next few days seemed to pass by in a blur. with more frequent attacks from the sky people, neteyam’s stress was affecting you.
his father was getting harder on him, on you. the stress was causing your pregnancy to become more difficult, often having your son kick and give you constant pain.
but when jake approached you, the future tsahìk of the omatikayas, about joining his family to the metkayina village in order to keep them safe, it truly shocked you.
leave your people?
you knew that mating with neteyam, the future olo’eyktan, came some sacrifices that you were willing to make.
so, you helped neteyam pack up your little tent. his hand tightly gripped yours as you softly cried, jake’s title of olo’eyktan being given away.
you rubbed your belly with your free hand as your mate guided you to his ikran, where he helped you onto the banshee.
“hold on to me, my y/n.” neteyam grabbed your hands. you sat facing him, your pregnant belly resting against his stomach as you held him tightly against you.
neteyam hated leaving his clan, but knew going to awa’atlu would make you and your future child safe.
neytiri began a leaving call as neteyam and lo’ak followed, the drifting sound of the omatikayas getting further and further away as the family road.
the wind blew both your’s and neteyam’s braids softly, his ikran gliding through the air with such peace.
he communicated with the banshee to be as smooth as possible since you were on the ikran with him, his hand coming down to hold your hip.
“what if they don’t like us?” you asked your mate.
it had been a few hours into the flight and your tired mind had begun to wonder. you babbled all the thoughts and neteyam loved listening to every one.
that was something he loved most about you. you never cared to speak your mind or voice your opinion, even though sometimes it may get you into trouble.
“i am sure they will accept us when they see you are with child.” neteyam comforted. you looked into his yellow eyes, the eclipse illuminating them.
“your child.” you said matter-of-factly.
neteyam grinned.
“my child.” he placed his big hands onto your belly, feeling the way your son kicked against him.
you sat with your back against neteyam’s chest, leaning your head onto his shoulder as he rubbed your belly.
neytiri smiled when she saw the scene. it reminded her of when she was pregnant with neteyam.
the closer you guys approached the ocean the rougher the wind became.
ikrans shifting left and right, quick winds that were cold, rain mixing within splashing waves.
you were miserable, and on top of that, your pregnancy was making you feel ill. neteyam had given you his piece of fabric and tried to use his body heat to keep you warm, but you were still looking sick.
“how much longer?” you heard tuk ask neytiri in a whine.
you smiled weakly, still using your mate as a back rest. he made sure you were secure as you fell asleep, trying to get rid of the sickness eywa has put upon you.
the next time your eyes opened you were flying over awa’atlu, a conch shell being used to make an announcement of your arrival.
your eyes marveled at the clear ocean, seeing all the animals that filled the atmosphere along with the metkayina people themselves.
jake landed his ikran, bob, on a shore as the family followed. your body felt achy and weak as neteyam helped you, a gasp coming from the metkayinas from your wobbly legs.
tonowari, the clan leader, approached your family. his eyes gazed upon your belly as he began to speak with jake.
“please, my family needs shelter.”
neteyam rubbed your back, trying to soothe you against all the stares people were giving you. the judgement on your arms, legs, tail, and pregnant belly was driving you insane.
but as the tsahìk, ronal, approached with her own pregnant belly, the crowd began to back off.
she was feisty and although also pregnant, seemed to give your family no remorse.
“my husband was toruk makto. he led the clans to victory against the sky people.” neytiri said suddenly.
“this is what you call victory? running to strangers?” ronal hissed, causing neytiri to hiss back.
“please, my mate is pregnant and we need a place to stay. she fell ill from the travels.” neteyam spoke up.
ronal eyed you curiously, now approaching your shaking body. she pursed her lips, looking at her husband.
“come.” ronal spoke, guiding you to a marui pod as her daughter, tsireya, showed the other sully’s their own pod.
neteyam helped you walk as ronal guided you to lay down. the tsahìk began to perform a spiritual ritual, whooping into the air as she hummed and prayed to the great mother.
you let out a deep breath as eywa’s grace made you feel better, your body now at ease as your mate kissed your forehead.
“irayo (thank you).” neteyam lifted his hand to his eye, lowering it to show ronal his appreciation. she hummed back as neteyam helped you up.
“it is so beautiful.” you gasped, now feeling a million times better.
you ran your hand gently in the water, awing at the fish-like creatures.
neteyam smirked when he saw lo’ak blushing at tsireya. “i think little brother has a crush.”
you smiled at your mate’s antics.
“imagine lo’ak having a child with someone one day.”
neteyam’s nose scrunched in disgust at the thought of his brother, or any of his siblings, growing older.
“gross. for now, we are the only ones allowed to be with child.”
neteyam held your tummy once again, pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder as you giggled.
“i love you, my neteyam.”
“i love you, my y/n.”
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star-girl69 · 2 years
Human! reader head-cannon when the kids (still young) are told how there mama is a bit more fragile and easier to break so they have to careful and try not to be as ruff with her. Kids took that as a total challenge so they now hiss at anyone who comes within 3 feet of her ie, reader working in the lab with kiri and Lo’ak on her lap while Neteyam sits beside her (same chair) Norm walks over to hand her somthing and all the children hiss at him or Jake and Neytiri go to cuddle reader but the kids run and jump on her (basically dog piling her) hiss at there other parent and telling them not to squish there mama (Not noticing the hypocrisy as reader has been basically trampled by them - Sorry that was rlly long, don’t feel pressured to do this one as it’s not rlly well explained 😊😊😊
Lo’ak, Kiri, and Neteyam Being Protective of their Human!Fem!Reader Mama
a/n: unfortunately my requests are going to be closed for a few days just until i can get caught up on all of the requests i have
anyways i hope you all enjoy!!
they’re like little guard dogs honestly
they absolutely LOVE going to the lab with you
like lo’ak in your arms like the mama’s boy he is
kiri leaning against your legs
neteyam sitting next to you
if you stay late and they start to get tired you probably have to sing them to sleep before going back to work
someone walking over to you and not noticing the sleeping kids (how??? but for the headcannon)
the colleagues talking too loudly and waking up neteyam
lo’ak and kiri waking up too
lo’ak literally wrapping his arms around your neck and SCREECHING even though he’s in your arms
the other person running away so fast
three kids all screaming at you and hissing is so scary 😭
them all finally going back to sleep after many kisses and the reassurance that you’re fine
you at the end of the night trying to figure out how to carry all three kids home
jake and neytiri waiting at home so confused
finally going to the lab and stifling their laughs when they see you all helpless
scolding them of course
picking up lo’ak and trying to hand him to jake when suddenly he like half wakes up and wraps himself around you like a koala
carrying lo’ak for totally unrelated reasons
jake carrying kiri and neytiri carrying neteyam
putting them to bed
lo’ak and neteyam being out with their friends
maybe you come outside to find them and say dinner is ready
lo’ak running over to you immediately, pulling on your clothes so you’ll pick him up
also i feel like he’s big into burying his face into your neck or hair
neteyam saying goodbye to all of his friends
“bye, my mama’s here”
one of the kids being like “well, MY mom said that she’s not really your mom and that your actual parents are weird”
“neteyam! hurry up baby!”
neteyam is thinking about throwing a rock
but runs over to you and grabs your outstretched hand
DEATH GLARE over his shoulder
next day the boy is mysteriously kicked out of their little group hmmm 🤷‍♀️
now maybe mo’at training kiri since she shows so much potential in regards to eywa
and also maybe mo’at still unfortunately trying to get over her prejudice ☹️
maybe kiri walking to her lessons and then being like
“guess who’s taking me to the pond to swim? mama!”
and mo’at is like “oh how nice”
and then you come to pick kiri up and take her swimming and mo’at is like
“oh…. y/n! i thought neytiri was taking her”
the tension is so obvious
“no haha it’s me!”
kiri noticing and tugging on your arm demanding that you two go
“come on mama let’s go. bye grandmother, come on mama,”
and also people literally just coming too close to you in public and the three of them just start hissing
the entire family just laying on the mats on the floor and just having some nice family time
jake JOKINGLY climbing on top of you and obviously not putting a lot of weight on you
you, jake and neytiri all think it’s funny but the three kids are just FREAKING OUT
kiri grabs his arm and tries to drag him off of you, neteyam hitting him and trying to drag him off, lo’ak just screaming and screeching that jake is KILLING HIS MAMA and pulling at jake to get off
jake getting off SO FAST he is TERRIFIED
all of them climbing on top of you
lo’ak holding your face in his hands and the yelling some more about how mean jake is
neteyam totally just throwing himself sideways over your stomach, facing his dad and hissing
kiri is just so stressed
she’s probably hugging your leg or arm and she’s SO mad on the inside
neytiri is laughing so hard in the corner
jake is just absolutely terrified
“what have we done…”
all in all jake and neytiri are happy bc they want you to be safe and they’re so soft that the kids love you as much as they do 🥹
they’re also a little scared but
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sullyfortress · 2 years
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GRANDMOTHER Neytiri and Ziri. In my head Neytiri manages to venture back and salvage some of the remaining wood from home tree(I know RDA burned a good bit of the forest let me dream) and fashions a bow for Ziri and gifts it to her during her Metkayina coming of age ceremony, and had become part of the people. I haven’t done any intense research into what the Metkayina do for their coming of age ceremonies, but I’ll figure that out later.
Neytiri likes that her granddaughter has a desire to connect to her Omaticaya heritage so she feeds that fire as much as she can.
I imagine Ziri is around 18-20 here.
Also Na’vi practically don’t age like I high key expect at this time Mo’at still kicken’
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stephstars08 · 3 months
Haters to Mates
Neteyam x Omaticaya!Reader
Warnings: Fluff with a tiny bit of Angst, Neteyam getting Wounded, Reader almost getting killed by the Sky People, Anxiety and Maybe Grammar Errors. (Don’t Think I Forgot Any)
Summary: Y/N and Neteyam’s parents want them to become mates when they grow up but growing up Y/N completely despised Neteyam until they became teens and Neteyam saved her from an attack by the Sky People. Ever since that day she saw Neteyam in a whole completely different way!
Word Count: 1,215
Author’s Note: I am so sorry that this short and I am so sorry I kept pushing the release date of this story. I had a bit of a hectic week last week but everything is back to normal so thank you for your patience! Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend and hope you enjoy this short story! Also all photos in the cover are from Pintrest so credit to the Pintrest users for these photos!
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Y/N and Neteyam were both born into the Omaticaya clan during the same time period so of course they were destined to mate with one another since Y/N’s parents grew up with Neytiri so when Neytiri’s first child came out as a boy it was a dream come true. Neteyam is only a couple days older than Y/N. Which he used a lot against her while they grew up side by side one another. When they were little, they completely despised each other. Y/N and Neteyam would constantly fight about every little thing.
When Kiri was born Y/N became very close to her. When Kiri got older Y/N would always hang out with her. When Y/N would be out in the forest playing a game with Kiri or just hanging out talking about girl stuff, Neteyam and his little brother Lo’ak would pull a prank on the them.
But turns out the reason why Neteyam would pick on Y/N is because he has feelings for her. Like every young boy he didn’t know how to show his feelings for Y/N in the right way. He just always wanted to have her attention.
Y/N didn’t always have feelings for Neteyam till he saved her from an attack by the sky people. When Y/N and Neteyam hit their teen years the sky people had returned to Pandora. Y/N was almost crushed by a falling tree till Neteyam came flying in on his Ikran. Neteyam grabbed her by one of her arms and helped her climbed up behind him onto his Ikran. Ever since that day Y/N has looked at Neteyam in a whole completely new way.
Y/N was sitting in her hut with her mom helping her make supper when Lo’ak showed up. When Y/N looked over at him standing in the doorway, she could tell something was wrong. “Lo’ak, what’s wrong?” Y/N asked him with worry in her voice as she stood up. “Neteyam got hurt today during battle.” Lo’ak told her which immediately made her heart rate speed up. “What?” Y/N said as her nerves started to pace. “Is he going to be alright?” Y/N’s mother asked him with concern in her voice. “Yeah, he’s getting patched up by Kiri and our grandmother.” Lo’ak reassured but Y/N and her mom could still see the worry look in his yellow eyes.
“Can you please take me to him.” Y/N asked him. She knew seeing Neteyam would help calm her nerves down. Lo’ak just gave her a nod. Y/N told her mom that she’ll be back by the time supper will be done and followed Lo’ak to the medical hut.
When she followed Lo’ak into the hut she saw Mo’at and Kiri attending to wounds on Neteyam’s back. Tuk and Spider were hanging outside the hut. She figured that they wanted Spider to keep Tuk busy since she is the baby of the Sully’s and shouldn’t see her older brother in this state.
“Oh, Neteyam.” Y/N said in concern which made him look up at her and Lo’ak. “Lo’ak, I told you not to go and bother her!” Neteyam said with frustration in his tone as he shot a glare at his little brother. “She deserved to know that you got hurt!” Lo’ak told his stubborn older brother with sternness in his tone. Neteyam knew Lo’ak was right. “You didn’t have to bring her here.” Neteyam said looking away from Y/N and his brother. Y/N spoke before Lo’ak could. “I insisted for him to bring me.” Y/N told him. Neteyam just stayed silent as he looked down at the ground.
“He get’s really moody when he’s in pain.” Kiri told Y/N giving her a sly smile. Neteyam let out a hiss of a mixture of frustration and pain from the medicine Mo’at was putting on his back. “Told you.” Kiri said which made him roll his eyes.
“You go wait outside with Tuk and Spider.” Y/N told Lo’ak since she can tell that he’s got a lot going on in his head and seeing his older brother wounded isn’t helping. Lo’ak just gave her a nod and walked out of the hut.
Y/N walked over to Neteyam and sat down next to him. She took one of his hands into hers which made him look up at her. “Just give my hand a squeeze if it stings.” Y/N told him with a comforting smile. “Okay.” Neteyam told her with a nod.
Y/N stayed there till Mo’at and Kiri were done and then she left back to her hut to eat supper with her parents and little sister.
After Y/N finished eating she went to the Sully’s hut to check up on Neteyam but he wasn’t there. Kiri told her that she heard Neteyam say to Lo’ak that he was going to take a fly on his Ikran. Y/N got to her Ikran and decided to sly over the forest to look for Neteyam since she wants to check up on him. When Y/N spotted both Neteyam and his Ikran she landed down next to his Ikran. She hopped off her Ikran and walked over to him. He was sitting on a log. Y/N sat down next to him.
“You know you should be resting.” Y/N told him in a stern tone. Neteyam just stayed silent as he stared out at what was in front of them. “Why didn’t you want me to see you?” Y/N asked looking at him with a soft look in her yellow eyes. “I didn’t want you to see me in that state.” Neteyam told her avoiding her soft gaze. “Neteyam, do you think that I would think that you are weak because you got hurt during battle?” Y/N asked him. Neteyam just stayed silent. “Neteyam.” Y/N said taking one of his hands which made him finally look over at her. “Do you?” Neteyam asked her. “No, I would never think that you are weak.” Y/N told him in a reassuring tone. “You saved my life.” Y/N reminded him. Neteyam just nodded looking away from her, but Y/N let go of his hand and turned his head back towards her, so he was looking at her again.
“I see you as a hero. Not just a hero to me but a hero to our whole clan.” Y/N told him. “Do you see me as anything else?” Neteyam asked her as their eyes locked onto one another’s. Y/N gave him a nod as her response. “And that is?” Neteyam asked her in a curious tone. Y/N decided to show him instead of telling him, so she leaned in and connected her lips with his. Neteyam was taken by surprise by the kiss, but he still returned the kiss. He felt like he was in a dream since he’s been waiting for this moment his whole life.
When they pulled away from the kiss, they rested their foreheads against one another’s. “I also see you as the man I’m excited to spend the rest of my life with.” Y/N told him as her lips curved up into a smile. “I like that better than the hero.” Neteyam told her with a big smile on his face. Y/N couldn’t help but let out a giggle as she continued to stare deeply into his eyes.
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
hi! i love love you work sm 😁
i was wondering if you could do an imagine where (neteyam and reader are 18+ ofc) the reader is pregnant with neteyams child and has no idea, but neteyam could sense it whenever he was cuddling you or when you would randomly get sick, and takes you to the tsahìk (mo’at his grandmother) and she confirms it
i totally understand if you aren’t comfortable with writing this ! ❤️
With Child
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summary: you'd been feeling different lately and neteyam couldn't shake the thought of you being with his child.
fem!omaticaya reader. 0.9k words
authors note: just a small one, getting back into the groove of writing! hope you enjoy!
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
Neteyam couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong with you. Your body was hotter than usually, sometimes burning to touch. You were getting sick constantly. He would wake almost every second morning to calm your dry heaves and vomits as you crouched to the floor. It worried him, concern deeply lodged into the pit of his stomach.
He did have one speculation of a cause of your difference. A child. Even thinking about it Neteyam was gleeful. For you to have his children, become a family with him. It was truly a blessing.
You laid down into the large hammock you and your mate had weaved together just a couple months ago. Letting your body relax, you stretched out your limbs, feeling the soft burn in your muscles. Neteyam slide his body next to yours, wrapping a hand around your stomach unconsciously.
“Hi beautiful.” He whispered into your ear, his head resting in the crook of your neck. You giggled putting a hand over his on your stomach.
“Hi my love.” The warm feeling of Neteyam’s hands on your never went away, even as adults the lovestruck feelings you had for him never fizzled.
“Are you feeling better than this morning?” He queried with you, leaving soft peppered kisses on your shoulder.
“I’m feeling okay, don’t stress I think I may have eaten something bad, that is all.” Neteyam nodded as his mind pondered to the suspicions he had earlier, his hand rubbing your lower stomach.
“Have you ever thought of becoming parents Y/N?” His question was soft, like he was nervous to say something so bold. You squeezed his hand before responding.
“I think of it every day, I want nothing more than for us to become a family.” Neteyam felt his body heat up, a giddy feeling rising to his chest.
“What if the reason you’re sick is because… you’re pregnant.” The word was breathy, almost like it was too good to be true. Oh, how he prayed it to be true.
Your eyes widened, suddenly adjusting to be face to face with your mate. “Do you think I could be?” You beamed looking down at you stomach. Neteyam nodded as he put his hand back on your stomach.
“We should meet with grandmother. She can confirm our suspicions.” After agreeing with Neteyam, you both slowly drifted off to sleep. But only after you both dreamed and imagined what it would be like to have a family.
As morning came, you were both excited to see the Tsa’hik. Even in your dreams you thought about being with child, it made you feel nervous yet so excited, a smile plastered across your face whenever the thought crossed your mind.
“I’m nervous.” You turned to Neteyam both walking to where his grandmother resided. You didn’t want to get your hopes up but what if you were pregnant, what would that entail? Would you be good parents? Would your baby be healthy?
Neteyam sighed bringing a hand to your cheek, bringing you forward to kiss your forehead softly.
“You have nothing to be nervous of my love. I will be there right next to you, whatever answer we get changes nothing. I promise.” He looked into your eyes longingly as you looked right back into his.
“Thankyou Neteyam.” He pressed a soft kiss to your lips before directing you towards the Tsa’hik hut.
You both stood in front of the leather curtain, hands tightly melded together. “Open it.” You begged him as he shifted the curtain to the side.
“Grandmother” He whispered as she looked his way with a curious eye.
“What brings you here? I see no wounds?” Mo’at questioned, walking closer to the young pair.
“Can’t I just visit my grandmother?” Neteyam joked, laughing at himself as both of the women in the tent narrowed their eyes at him.
“That would be peculiar.” She stated blankly taking a seat on a mat in the middle of her tent, motioning for the couple to join her. The silence in the room started to grow uncomfortable, Y/N looking at Neteyam for him to break it.
“We think that Y/N is with child. She’s been sick lately, her temperature extremely hot.” Neteyam said to his grandmother, a soft hand on your thigh as you dwelled in your anxious thoughts.
“I see… Y/N would you stand for me?” She started to walk around Y/N’s body, gazing at her features, especially her stomach.
“Can you tell-” Neteyam was cut off abruptly.
“Silence.” Mo’at wound her hand around your tail and plucked a strand of hair out of your head.
Mo’at smelt the hair and looked at your stomach again laying a hand on it. Her face changed from serious to joyed. “Y/N is pregnant.”
“What.” You breathed out looking down at you stomach. Neteyam jumped to his feet, his eyes wide in joy, smiling like a crazy man.
“She is? Oh Y/N!” He wrapped you up in a hug spinning you around in excitement. Kissing all over your face as he held your stomach. “Baby, we’re going to be a family!” You kissed him in response, emotions so strong you teared up.
“I am going to give you privacy.” Mo’at said calmly before exiting the tent, smiling to herself.
Neteyam dropped to his knees, resting his head on your stomach. Holding you tightly around the hips as he squished himself into your abdomen.
“We’re going to be parents ‘Teyam!” Crying like a baby now, you met Neteyam on the ground to give him another soft kiss. Neteyam was overjoyed as he looked at you in front of him.
“Thankyou Eywa, Thankyou Y/N.” He whispered as he held you into a tight embrace, tears rolling down his face in joy.
"I love you Neteyam."
"I love you too Y/N, so so much...thankyou for giving us a family."
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
reblogs and comments are appreciated! i love reading them all!!!
taglist: @aonungmybf @melovehiddlestan @goodiesinthecloset21 @dngnmtr-blog
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
hii here are some ideas/deets from my last request <3
- scenario where y/n has like a super rough pregnancy and she’s always sick and vomiting. Lots of fluff but also kind of angst idk??!! the kids are worried abt her and neteyam as well so he takes on all 4 kids by himself and lets y/n rest
- neteyam and y/n have their 5th baby and the details on the birth and all the other kids meet the baby and its just a lot of fluff!! and jake and neytiri meet the baby too as well as loak, kiri, tuk
AWEEE i love your mind! (the second part of your request is comingggg, i’ll post it when it’s finished :D)
in sickness and in health
⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰
a sharp jolt of pain surges through your abdomen, forcing you awake as you sit up, wincing. you gently place your hand on your lower stomach, feeling strong kicks right where your hand is placed. you begin to take short, shallow breaths, as another kick lands just below your ribcage.
your mouth begins to salivate as you grab the pot closest to you. you knew the feeling all too well. it’s been happening every morning for the past several months. sweat beads on your forehead, collecting and dripping down your face, while your entire body feels like it’s overheating. that familiar feeling returns to the back of your throat, causing you to gag. you begin dry heaving, which turns into vomiting everything you consumed the night prior.
meanwhile, neteyam is just outside of your marui, peeking through the flap every now and then to keep an eye on you. truthfully, he’s been worried sick about you, especially these past few months. you both are familiar with all the symptoms of pregnancy. you’ve been pregnant four times now. but it’s never been this bad. so, he decided to give neytiri a page through his throat comm, hoping she might have some answers to your worsening symptoms.
“mother, is this normal?…yes, she’s still getting sick. it’s every morning, i thought you said that would stop. i don’t know what to do, how to help her…i feel so useless. i just want to ease her pain, please…” his voice cracks with his last beg. “please help me help h-” his ears perk up to the sound of you vomiting. “i must go. it is happening again. please send grandmother!”
neteyam quickly opens the flap, seeing you doubled over, emptying the contents of your stomach into the pot he set aside for you. guilt courses through him, settling like a rock in the bottom of his stomach as he hastily makes his way to you.
you feel your mate’s warm hand run along your back, attempting to comfort you while his other hand holds the braids out of your face. once you’re certain you’ve thrown up everything in your system, you sit back against the wall of your home.
neteyam goes to move the pot outside, as to not make you more nauseous. he grabs a bowl of water as he makes his way back to you, guilt clawing at his insides.
you slightly pull your knees to your chest, as best as you can with being pregnant, and bury your face in your arms, sobbing.
neteyam kneels beside you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. it broke his heart in two seeing you like this.
just then, you hear the flap to your marui open, revealing your four children, with jake, neytiri, and mo’at. neteyam looks up, glaring at his mother and father, speaking through gritted teeth. “i thought you weren’t supposed to be back for a few more hours.”
“yeah, we weren’t expecting this either. it’s an emergency, we gotta go.” jake quickly says, holding the flap open.
“what? dad-sir…i’m not leaving her!” neteyam begins to raise his voice, fist clenched at his side as his other hand is still rubbing your back.
“neteyam.” neytiri gently says. “we would not ask if it was not necessary.”
you give your mate’s arm a gentle squeeze, silently encouraging him to go. “it is all right,” you speak, your voice extremely hoarse. “grandmother is here, i’ll be okay.”
“we gotta go, now!” jake’s yelling now, and neteyam stands, quickly grabbing his bow before kneeling to kiss your forehead. “i love you. i’m so sorry, i’ll be back soon, okay?”
Neteyam turns one last time to lock eyes with you, before being yanked away by his parents.
“mama? where’s daddy going?” se’ayl asks, looking at the flap where her grandparents and father just exited.
i want to go with him!” tsantu states, a firm grip on the bow strung around his shoulder.
“mom, i’m tired.” txonuk yawns, stretching his arms above his head and curling up to your side.
nima gently stretches her hands over your protruding stomach, shifting them around a few inches. “wanna feel kicks!”
“children, please!” mo’at exclaims. “let your mother rest.” she begins taking out herbs and plants from her satchel, mixing them with water in a large bowl.
“it’s all right…” you say weakly. “daddy’s going hunting with grandma and grandpa, he’ll be back soon. you can’t go with him, it’s only a trip for adults. you know what, txonuk? mama’s sleepy too. how about we all lay down for a nap, and when we wake up, grandpa grandma and daddy will all be back!”
you shift forward slightly, so your head is resting on your pillow instead of your back. txonuk curls right up to your side, draping your arm over himself like a blanket. se’ayl and tsantu follow, laying beside you comfortably. nima rests her head on your stomach, ear perked up against your skin to “listen” to the baby. mo’at raises the bowl she’s been preparing to your lips. “drink, child. it will help with the nausea.”
you lift your head up, parting your lips just enough for the cool liquid to ease its way down your throat. “thank you, grandmother.”
mo’at nods, setting the bowl aside. “you may rest, i will keep watch until they return.”
“no, no…i can………..stay……………….awake…….” your eyelids droop with exhaustion as you speak, and as you speak your last word, they stay closed. you finally succumb to a comfortable sleep, as you wait for your mate to return.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆
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marymary-diva17 · 11 months
The ones we leave behind
sully family x reader + tarsem/tsu’tey/ mo’at
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Among the navi people family was everything every child was love by their parents and cared for throughout out their lives. Family is the strong hold among each individual navi, but what happens when there is a child that hasn't revived the same love and care as others around. The effect of getting less love and support will effect a child over time, but what happens when the action of the parents and other adults around have effect them so, much that it will soon lead the child on a different path.verse everyone else. The feeling of being left behind will be a permit memory that will affect their childhood, what happens when it happens to a sully family member.
y/n " ......" you are the human daughter of Jake and neytiri unlike your other siblings you had been born human, and had spent most of your childhood as human no avatar body. The day of your birth had effect your parents and everyone in the clan, as it was shown the sky demons still were here.
y/n " guys come sit down and relax" you were looking at your siblings as they were all worked up for the events, that had unfolded today. As your siblings had gone out with spider and ran into old enemies, that were believed to be dead had come back to life. You are with them trying to comfort them as they none of them seem to be doing well, at the moment.
kiri " is spider going to be okay"
y/n " spider will be fine kiri norm and max are attending to him, he just need some medical care and rest" kiri soon nods her head and sat down next to you.
lo'ak " I think dad will blame me I was the one who decided to go there"
y/n " baby brother is not your fault no one knew they will come with avatar bodies"
neteyam " dad and mom have been in that meeting with grandmother and the council for a long time, he didn't even let me attend the meeting"
y/n " it going to be okay teyam when the meeting over dad will share what will happen next"
tuk " y/n I'm scared"
y/n " dont worry tuk everything will be okay, we are here to keep you safe and so are mom and dad" you brought tuk into a embrace making her smile towards you and you smile back at her.
y/n " dad what has happened" Soon enough Jake and neytiri had shown themselves, either one of them looking happy.
Jake " no now y/n there is new we have to share with the clan, we can speak later" you have a good relationship with your parents but you were not close to them like your siblings, and there were times when you felt like out of situations.
y/n " yes sir ...mom is there anything I can do for you or the family"
neytiri " ....." neytiri didnt pay any attention to you and soon walk towards your siblings. She seem very overwhelmed at the moment as she was scared about everything that had happened.
y/n " mom I can make the family something to eat or help around the house"
neytiri " no please do nothing" neytiti have you a cold look you didnt know if she meant it or not.
kiri " sis can you come with me to see spider or check up on him"
y/n " sure we can go and see him maybe we can all go as a family"
neytiri " no you all stay here and that is finally you can see that boy some other time or y/n can update you on him" neytiri soon picked up tuk and walked into the home with her, the older kids had stayed with you. Talking about anything to light up the mood even getting spider on com link was well, soon that all ended when a meeting was called for the clan by your father.
Jake " I have called this meeting to state the situation that had happened earlier today.... today children of our clan and human child life had bene out in danger, as enemies from our best have come back and now look like us" gasp had been heard from everyone as they were listening to Jake words.
Jake " I'm sad to share this new but the clan most leave we are no longer safe here, we all most leave and seek shelter else where until the demons are gone"
neteyam " what we are leaving"
Jake " we will head towards the sea clans where will be safe from harm, we can't stay here we have to think about the clan children and their safe"
Jake " will we have to leave our homes and ways of life but we will be back when the time right, but we most think what the best for our families and ourselves"
mo'at " Jake sully is right we will have to leave but one day will come home"
Jake " this decision is heavy on my heart as well my people we all love the forest and what she has to offer, but we most leave to keep her safe ... this decision is finally and I hope in time you all can forgive me for making this chose" there was no debating Jake on that as he was right once the meeting was over, everyone started getting ready to leave in couple days.
y/n " almost done just need to make sure everything alright"
Tarsem " so we are really are leaving"
y/n " tarsem yes we are it will be sad to no longer run around here and live our lives but it for the best" you and tarsem are best friends and have been close since you two were very young.
Tarsem " I came to see how you are holding up I saw you were very worried about your family and wish to go with your parents"
y/n " I'm good thank you for asking but you should be worried about my family more then me"
tarsem " always thinking of other but there has to be other worrying about you" you smile toward tarsem he would always come check on you after battles or hard situations.
Jake " y/n"
y/n " dad"
tarsem " olo'eythan Jake sully hello"
Jake " it okay young man I have come here to bring my daughter home there is something I most share with her and her siblings"
tarsem " yes sir I will see you later y/n maybe I can help you pack"
y/n " sure I will love that offer" Tarsem soon walked off looking at you one last time as you waved at him and smiled.
Jake " come on let head home there is something I need to speak with you and your siblings about" you had nodded your head and followed your father, soon getting back to the village and see your family gather together.
tuk " sis you come to dinner"
y/n " well dad said he had something to speak with us all about"
Jake " everyone sit down there is something I need to speak with you all about" you soon sat down with your siblings give some dinner as well, soon Jake and neytiri were suiting together.
Jake " we will be leaving in a couple days so I will need you all to pull your weight around here"
the kids " yes sir"
y/n " dad the scientist have started packing some of the stuff for travel we were wondering how that was going to go" Jake and neytiri soon looked at each other and soon at you.
Jake " y/n there is something I need to tell you"
y/n " oh okay dad you have my whole attention"
Jake " you will not be coming with us to the reef clans"
y/n " what"
neteyam " dad if she can't ride with you or mom she can ride with one of us or tarsem, it will be fine we will come up with a way to take her and everyone else"
kiri " yes we will find out a way so she can come with us we, so you and mom are not overworking yourselves"
Jake " kids that not the matter but there a bigger matter to address"
lo'ak " what tell us what the matter that our sister can't come with us"
neytiri " it because your sister is born human unlike your all she not navi, and it will be hard to get the clans to help us ... they already don't like human as they have been hunting over there and destroying there ways to life ... one human will be fine but to many will be bad news"
tuk " why don't we give her any avatar body like uncle noir that will slove everything"
neytiri " no we can't"
tuk " why"
y/n " because they don't have the resource and it will take to much time"
Jake " time we don't have kids"
neteyam " come on there have to be an avatar body for her and the there, did you all not making one when she was baby so it will grow over time"
Jake " we become busy and other stuff got involved I and your mom were already overwhelm of everyone else that was happening"
lo'ak " meaning you didnt care to do anything about it and forgot"
neytiri " no we become busy our family and clan need us and we have to chose the right decisions"
kiri " that not fair to y/n or anyone else"
Jake " kids we all know you are upset but we are sorry, we had to do what was best and look now you sister has lived a amazing life as human she one of us" kiri and Lo'ak looked at you and knew that you had face bullying for being te freak child of toruk makto.
y/n " wait so you are leaving me behind here all on my own"
Jake " you will not be alone you will have norm and spider alomg with everyone else, they will take care of you"
y/n " I want to be with you and mom along with my siblings... please dad don't leave me like this don't leave everyone else like this"
Jake " enough y/n"
y/n " I'm your daughter we are sully we stick together that what you told us"
neytiri " chid respect your father"
y/n " mom and dad I do respect you all but you can't just leave us like that it unfair ...."
Jake " I said enough and I mean it young lady you are almost an adult it time you learn to take care of yourself, and learn to be an independent adult and not some spoiled brat .... you selfishness is now effecting your siblings as they will refuse to leave and soon enough the rest of the clan will follow"
y/n " dad ..."
Jake " no you will listen here right now young lady .... this is what bets for the clan I know you are upset and mad but what is done is done., I don't wish for this but I most happen for the good of the family and good of the clan ... we will be apart of months or weeks but we will soon be together again"
y/n " yes sir I'm sorry"
neytiri " look we know you are asking alot form you right now, but you most do what best for the people and they will see you as one of us"
y/n " yes ma'am"
Jake " I will tell norm and the others as well but we need you all to act mature on this matter, no harm will come to any of you I know that and I think it will be for the best ... it will help you grow into a young women and help everyone else as well . hey maybe in time the rda will leave and we can all come home and be a family again"
y/n " ......."
Jake " look you can me mad at me all you want but I need you to do this for the family, I need you to be mature right now and take this for the family"
y/n " yes sir I understand" the rest of the family dinner was silent you didn't eat that much as you felt sick to your stomach, later on after the meal you headed home with your parents. No words had been spoken as you are coming to terms with everything.
Norm " hey welcome home kid and hey Jake and neytiri welcome back, came to make sure y/n made it home safe"
Jake " yes we want to make sure our daughter was okay"
norm " that sweet well we have some of the stuff already pack we don't know about everything else yet, we mights have to hide it if we can't take it"
Jake " umm norm I need to speak with you and the rest it important"
norm " sure dude no one has done to bed yet so we have some time to talk"
Jake " thank you" soon everyone had gather for the meeting as everyone was looking at Jake.
Jake " look everyone I know I made the announcement that we will be leaving but I have some sad news to share with you all, so please listen to me"
max " okay Jake what the matter"
Jake " the clan will be leaving in a couple days"
spider " we know mr sully and we are coming up with ways for us to make it out there"
Jake " no I'm sorry to say this but none of you will be coming with us, it will not be good for the clan"
norm " what"
Jake " you all will have to stay here you can't come with us"
Scientist " that rda is hunting us down"
neytiri " they are hunting down the clan children lives are in endanger if we stay, we most leave and seek uturu elsewhere"
Scientist 2 " we are apart of the clan"
neytiri" you are apart of nothing just friends and the former people of my mate"
max " what about the children y/n and spider they will come with you, right you will not leave you daughter and the kdis best friend here"
y/n " ......"
spider " mr and mrs sully I and y/n are coming as well"
Jake " ......"
spider " oh" spider knew he will not be coming as neytiri and most of the clan hated him for being human and his father as well, he knew some of the clan dislike you as well and you are not that close to neytiri as well.
Jake " the children will have to stay as well they are not navy like the other and don't have an avatar body"
norm " then we can make one for them it will be easy"
Jake " no we can't we don't have enough time for that we most leave before the rda comes"
max " how are they supposed to deal with this they are children"
Jake " they will understand and me mature about it they are about to become adults, they know what has to be done and pull their weight"
Scientist 4 " speaking of the rda we help you fight them we all turn down the offer to betray you all, and have been marked as traitors if we are caught it over for us ... think about y/n and spider they are innocent and teens"
Jake " it will be okay"
Scientist " coming from the one who will not bed here she your daughter you will leave her for the rda and anything else out here to hurt here"
Jake " enough it my decision I'm the reason you all are still allowed near the village, okay what I say is finally nothing can change my mind"
norm " not even the words of you own daughter know her she fought you on this right she know it wrong, you can't just leave her like this or spider what will happen to them"
neytiri " they will learn and adapt ... it for the best you humans are being selfish think about the children of the clan think about my kids"
max " we are thinking about your kids one of them is here"
neytiri " I'm done talking none of you are coming until future notice" neytiri soon stormed away saying nothing else as she left she didn't, even say goodnight to you at all.
Jake " look we will be leaving in a couple of days I will try my best to ask for you all to come with us, but it might be weeks and months until then ..... I know you all will be okay and will make it through this"
norm " ......."
Jake " look we all most do what best for the clan and I'm making the decisions I need to keep my family and clan safe I hope you all will understand some day, when you walk in my footsteps I will tell everyone in the clan later I will see you all later ... I most go be with my wife and children" Jake soon left heading home not even looking back you soon felt tears rushing down your face, it seems like you were not their children.
norm " don't let them get you kiddo you have us"
y/n " thanks uncle norm"
spider " we are going to need each other for what going to come" no one went to bed that night happy, and for the next couple days there was tension between humans and navi. As some of the navi hated the idea of leaving their human allies here to fight against rda alone, while big amount thought the humans were selfish on trying to change Jake mind about his decision. That the end of the day there was not changing what had bene done the humans were staying and everyone else was leaving of the clan. None of your siblings and tarsem wish to leave you, and that you blamed by the clan and your parents.
y/n " we will not see each other for a every long time" you are with your sibling and tarsem that day they were levaing.
tuk " I'm going to miss you big sister"
y/n " I'm going to miss you as well honey but we will still be sisters"
kiri " take care we will make sure you join us soon we will not forget you"
y/n " I know but I wish for you guess to live you best lives for me"
spider " me as well I want you all to still have fun and tell me all about it when we see each other again"
lo'ak " you all be well as well"
neteyam " yes take care"
tarsem " life will not be the same without any of you and it sad not that many are saying goodbye"
mo'at " they have made their decision and this might effect many future relationships, I have left some stuff for you all to survive on there were any other stuff left as well by other of the clan"
y/n " thank you grandmother"
tuk " where is mama and daddy ar they going to say goodbye to you and everyone else"
y/n " it okay tuk they are both busy"
lo'ak " to busy to say goodbye to their daughter"
y/n:" it okay"
Jake " everyone hurry up we are leaving" you soon hugged everyone goodbye one last time, there were no more goodbye from the rest of the clan or your parents but you learned to accept it.
later that night
max " these plans will work fine if anything bad happens"
norm " yes"
y/n " it seems like everyone has found something to do for the evening"
spider " it better then walking around here acting all hurt about everything that happened"
y/n " maybe tomorrow we can go find all the stuff that was left behind as we are going to need it"
norm " I'm proud of you y/n acting mature and helping everyone around, even your spider taking command of stuff and helping you two will to great stuff when you are older" soon an alarm had gone off getting everyone attention.
y/n " come on lets go see what the matter"
spider " on it" soon you and spider had gone outside to see what was the matter when you heard something moving.
y/n " come out and state your business of my friend here will show you his still with arrow and bow"
????? "it me y/n I mean no harm" you soon saw tarsem, tsu'tey, and avroke standing there.
norm " what are you three doing here"
y/n " please don't tell me something bad happen to the clan"
tarsem " no we came here to be with you all we count leave you all like this"
spider " wow"
tsu'tey " we are here to help you are all going to need it"
avroke " we are going to make sure nothing bad happens, you all have given up enough and now we wish to pay you all back for everything that happened"
norm " well we can talk about this more in the morning there was some tents you all can us" everyone else had walked away expect you and tarsem.
y/n " thank you for coming back but anytime you feel like leave you can I understand, I want you to leave your best life"
tarsem " I will never leave as I'm already living my best life" you soon smile towards tarsem and soon walked off with him after the others. Your heart was still broken about everything that happened between your family and the clan. Things will never be the same ever again between child and parents, and navi and humans. Some relationships will be fixed and while other relationship will stayed damages forever. Now you were walking down your own path and only time will tell what is on this path for you and what will become of you in the future along with milestones you will archive as well. The great mother was watching over you and you were hoping that life will bless you well.
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d0p3ys-delusions · 1 year
zeyko [zɛj.ˈk·o] vtr. heal, fix
Pairing: Aged up!Neteyam(20) x Omatikaya!FemReader(19)
Word Count: 2.8k Started: 20.7.23 Finished: 21.7.23
Synopsis: reader who is found as a child in her dead mother's arms is taken in by the Omatikaya, Mo'at raising her to be a strong healer. She's reserved to her own duties as a healer, similar to how Neteyam is always doing his duties of a warrior and as the next Olo'eyktan. After scavenging for a medicinal root, they have a heart-to-heart which led to their unspoken feelings get out.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, mentions of death.
a/n: hiii :) this is the first time I have written a one-shot and decided to upload it on here. I used to write religiously but second guess myself and end up taking it down. I hope you enjoy :) ♡
Word Index: palulukan- thanator, carnivorous hexapedal animal ; ar'lek seeds- medinical plant ; lortsya- shimmyfly, similar to Earth's butterfly ; kelku- house ; 'evi- child (affectionate) ; sa'nok- mother ; sanhì- bioluminescent freckles ; uniltaron- dream hunt, final passage of becoming an adult ; paskalin- sweet berry (term of endearment)
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Your first memory is of your mother. Your mother who held you in your arms as her back was abused by the claws of a palulukan. Covering you with her chest and the ground. Her eyes squeezed together from the pain. Up until the moment the vicious thanator left. Your mother who still didn’t let you go as she rest against a tree, singing her songcord until the moment she left to the ancestors.
.˚ * ꒰ঌ✦໒꒱ * ˚.
You jumped down off your Ikran, Sya, named after how you noticed her wings resembled those of a lortsya, running your hand down her head, “tam tam…” [there, there]
You smiled at her before leaving her be with the other idle ikran. Humming, you looked down and opened your woven basket slung around your shoulders to see the red medicinal plant the Tsahik had requested you’d look for. Finding them intact you start to walk away to the Tsahik’s kelku.
You walk in, bringing your hand to your forehead and bringing it down, “I see you Tsahik…” She’s treating a wounded na’vi and quickly says your name. You set down your basket next to her. “I brought the ar’lek seeds,” You smile and gently take the ointment in her hand to take her place, “along with some yalna bark and sari seeds.” 
“Good, thank you, ‘evi.” She rushes to another na’vi waiting to be treated, “Kiri would enjoy the sari seeds.” Nodding you spread the ointment on the female na’vi’s back. 
“Would you like me to prepare the yalna bark after?” As you said that, Kiri alongside her brothers and sister walk in. Your gaze lingers on the elder of the four before quickly looking down at the Na’vi’s back, ears tilted slightly down. “Where else are you wounded…” You ask the Na’vi quietly. She pointed to her shin, so you bent in front of her to put ointment there also. The na’vi seemed younger than you, thirteen maybe, you smiled and looked up at her, “okay… parultsyìp, you could go back to your sa’nok.” She smiled and hops up, quickly leaving afterwards.
Standing up you pick up your basket and grab the yalna bark, Kiri says your name, “is that yalna bark?” Kiri walks towards you and rests a hand on your shoulder, “see grandmother, even your greatest healer thinks yalna bark is better.” You chuckle and begin preparing the yalna bark ointment. 
“It stings less…” You say softly and smile. You and Kiri grew close together from working with the Tsahik and the other healers. Kiri is what you would say warm grass feels, comforting. When they found you as a child the Tsahik took responsibility on you, with Kiri being close to her grandmother, naturally you would become friends, sisters even. 
Not remembering that day well enough Mo’at reminds you how Ewya brought you to her, to the Omatikaya, seeing a woodspite hover over you. You who just held your mother’s songcord close to your chest.
“I am Tsahik, once someone else takes my place it’ll be decided.” Mo’at says while treating the other Na’vi.
Lo’ak chuckles and shakes his head, “Unless Neteyam here finds a mate, it’s going to be a long time Grandma, stay comfortable.” Lo’ak says before being harshly elbowed by his brother. “What! The mighty warrior is the one becoming Olo’eyktan.” Your ears twitch up and you listen to their conversation.
“Stop it– brother.” Neteyam spits out and glances at you, still focusing on making the ointment, not noticing his glance. Tuk sits behind Neteyam and rebraids some of the strands that got unraveled.
“Mama said you don’t want to look for a mate because of–” Tuk was quickly caught off by Neteyam putting a hand over her mouth. You look at the pair slyly and tilt your head. “What?” Tuk says questionably not understanding why her brother stopped her. 
For the little memories you have from your childhood, you do remember meeting Neteyam and the rest. You hid behind Mo’at, clutching your mother’s songcord. Despite there being three kids, you thought Neteyam stood out from the rest. Even from the age of five he seemed strong, someone that was destined to become a warrior.
You stood from your spot and placed the yalna ointment away. “Kiri!” Spider came in and smiled, “Let’s go?” Looking at her you grab her hand gently.
“I thought we were going to loom bracelets…” Kiri looked at you apologetically and held your hand.
“I know, I know,” She looked down and then at Neteyam, “I forgot I promised Spider to go exploring with him and Lo’ak.” Nodding you let go of  her hand. “See you later.” She smiled sweetly and left with the two boys behind her trail.
Glancing at Neteyam quickly, the balls of your feet shifted, nervous on what to do next. “‘Ite,” You look at Mo’at, “we might need… some octoshroom root.” Your head shifts to the shelves looking for the root but are unable to find some. 
Sighing, you pick up your basket and sling it around your shoulder, “Seems we’re out, I’ll go get some Tsahik.”
About to leave you were stopped by Neteyam, “I’ll go with you, I have no other duties today.” Your eyebrows rose, you hugged your waist, you were hesitant to answer. 
“Yes, yes now go.” Mo’at waved you guys off. You reluctantly walked beside Neteyam heading to your ikrans. Your gaze kept on the ground while Neteyam looked at you slyly.
Thinking for a moment Neteyam scratches his head, “Kiri has said you’ve grown to be a great healer.” You both reach your ikrans.
“Sya…” You pet your sister and smile, “You have grown to be a great warrior…” Neteyam chuckles and nods, petting his own ikran.
“Grandmother seems to adore you, everyones does.” You look at him and blush slightly, your tail swishes behind you. You jump onto Sya, grabbing your kuru, you make tsaheylu with her. “Ready?’ Neteyam smiles on his ikran. 
Setting off, you Neteyam began to descend off High Camp. Your braids move from the wind, your eyes fall on the other ikran flying in groups. Neteyam ululates and you chuckle, your ikrans fly beside each other and go in a twirl motion. Your smile is wide and Neteyam's gaze stays on you. 
Getting absorbed in the moment you whoop along with him. Your ikrans roar seemingly with you, happy with the moment as well. You and Neteyam fly down on a hallelujah mountain, sitting on your ikrans and watching the sky.
Sighing, you look at Neteyam “We should go find the octoshroom…” Neteyam nods and you both bring your ikrans down near an opening of the forest. Neteyam shortly settles beside you. You jump off Sya and give her a small snack. “Sìltsan, Sya, tam tam.” You talk to her affectionately. [Well done][calm]
All the while Neteyam watches you curiously. “What's the octoshroom for?” You give Sya a quick command to be alert for your call. 
Neteyam follows you into the dimming forest, your sanhì glowing, “anti-venom… helps the stings of a slinger and other animals,” finding the tall fungi you crouch down to extract the root, “when grinded to a tea it remedies the affects.” Neteyam hums and crouches beside you.
He grabs his knife, “what am I looking for.” 
You glance at him, “We need to dig around the base first,” you both start digging, “then this root… here” point at the dark colored root, “and just carefully extract the root with your knife.” You set your basket in between the two of you. You smile slightly seeing how Neteyam is focused on getting the root.
You think about to the conversion Neteyam had with his siblings earlier, “how come you haven’t looked for a mate?” You grab some root and set it inside the basket, “your iknimaya and uniltaron went well did it not?” After na’vi go through their rites of passage it’s common for them to look for a mate aftwards. 
Neteyam looks at you, “what about you? You also haven’t looked for a mate.” You chuckle nervously, setting some root in the basket. 
“Other na’vi think I’m strange,” you think to your unknown origins, “Not knowing where I come sets me behind some bit. But you– you are the next Olo’eyktan, eldest son of the mighty Toruk Makto, you should hear the girls in mine and Kiri’s weaving class. They’re crazy for you.” You shake your head, “Some of them even make courting gifts.” You chuckle thinking of the girls making the gifts.
Neteyam sheepishly smiles, “I bet you’ve been given some courting gifts.” He says with his heart slightly beating faster.
Humming you shook your head, “Once, Rey’aw gave a necklace, I think Rolä courted him at the same time though.”
Neteyam blinks and sets the last portion of root in the basket, “Were you going to accept?” He asked nervously.
“No, I gave him the necklace back after finding out, they’re happily mated as you know,” you chuckle and think to their little boy, “Their boy is almost a year old now.” Neteyam sighs in relief knowing that you weren’t going to accept Rey’aw’s courting.
You look at the basket and shake it to see how much root is in, content with the amount you stand up, tucking a braid behind your ear. “So? The mighty warrior hasn’t gotten any courting gifts?” 
Neteyam stands up and bird calls for his ikran, you do the same, “No–no yeah I have,” biting your lip slightly at his answer you feel your chest tighten. Your eyebrows furrow when you don’t see Sya. “Where's your ikran?”
You stand up straighter and look around, doing your bird call again you still don’t hear the familiar roar of your ikran. “Sya!” You look at Neteyam and he quickly hops on his ikran.
“Come on…” He holds his hand out and you take it and sit behind him. “She must be back where we left them, sleeping.” You squint your eyes down on the ground seeing no sign your ikran, “She’s okay, she’s okay.” Neteyam tried to reassure you.
Memories of your mother surfacing. Your eyes shifted to every bark on trees, every blade of grass. Your ears twitched, listening to the chirps of the birds. 
You tilt your head, eyes squinting some more when you see the recognizable blue wings, you tap Neteyam’s shoulder and point down, “Neteyam!”
You practically jump off his ikran before he even landed, “Sya!” You rush towards your ikran, immediately noticing the gashes on her body. “Sya…” You say soft and cradle her head. “What…” Tears welled in your eyes, Sya tried to lift her head as best she can onto your lap. “What happened?” You look into her eyes and rest your forehead onto her body.
Neteyam watches, looking at his own ikran before looking around, his bow in hand.
Your thoughts went back to your first memory, to the unforgettable gashes of a palulukan. Working as a healer you’ve seen these wounds dozens of times after your mother. You felt your throat close up, a sob seeping through, “Neteyam…” He hesitates and sits next to you, “Wha– I don’t understand.” Your shoulders shake, “why didn’t she fly away…” Seeing the tears in your eyes, Neteyam wraps an arm around your shoulders. His eyes shift to Sya’s wings, taking a deep breath when he notices the state of her wings. 
He says your name softly, his ears are pointed down, “They– they might come back,” you shake your head, “come on…” 
“No,” you sob out and shake your head. Sya looks up at you weakly, eyes reflecting your own, you release a heavy breath and rest your head against her again. Closing your eyes you think back to your mother again. She sang beautifully to lure you to sleep. You start to hum and sing your mother’s songcord to Sya. Neteyam’s ear perk from earring the unfamiliar song. He stares at your face, his hand resting on your back. Trying to comfort you as best as he can.
The next few moments were fuzzy. You finished singing to Sya as she joined the ancestors, Neteyam gently grabs a claw and scale of her wings, putting it in your basket. All remember grabbing a stone that resembles her wings and Neteyam leading you to his ikran to fly back to High Camp. 
Neteyam was the one to bring his grandmother the octoshroom root, telling her what happened. Kiri and Lo’ak were back from their adventure, hearing the news also. 
Walking back to your kelku seemed like a chore. Your body felt heavy as you walked, quiet sobs leaving when you reached your room, collapsing onto your hammock.
Kiri rushed to your home with Neteyam and Lo’ak. You were still on your hammock, just looking at the wall not making a noise. Kiri says your name softly, “Sister…” She sits beside and rests her hand on her shoulder, “We heard what happened.” You blink back the tears from her words. “I’m sure Sya is with Eywa now, with your mother...”
Getting close to the Sully kids of course came to telling them what happened to your mother. Knowing how close Kiri is to Eywa and her biological mother Grace, you listen to her words closely, trusting on what she says. “I bet she’s also with my mother’s ikran Seze,” Lo’ak add in. 
You sit up and look up weakly, your eyes swollen from crying. Your lip shakes and you hug Kiri, feeling the sobs come back, Kiri rubs your back affectionately. “I’m so sorry sister.” Her eyebrows furrow and rock you both in comfort.
Sniffing, you pull away and grab your Songcord, it contains a rock you picked up when your mother died, when you first met the Omatikaya people, and taming Sya, all the moments in your life that made you who you are. Sighing you grab the stone you grabbed earlier, your hand shook so Kiri gently took it to help you tie it to your songcord. Neteyam and Lo’ak sat next together, watching you and Kiri quietly. 
Once the rock was tied to your songcord you rub over the stones. “Thank you guys…” Kiri smiles and holds your hand. You look at Neteyam and look back down, “you don’t have to stay, I’ll be fine.” 
Lo’ak shakes his head, “We could stay sis,” You smile at him.
“I’m alright,” Kiri goes to say something but you beat her to it, “really.” You try to reassure them. They hesitate but leave together. Netetam pauses and looks back at you, “Thank you Neteyam.” He nods and catches up with his siblings.
You’re not sure how long had passed, you were focused on making a necklace out of Sya’s claw and scale, looming it to have her blue colors. You hear a quick whistle and look up to find Neteyam, “hi,” you look back down to the necklace, “come in.”
He sits by you, placing down a bowl of sari seeds, “Kiri toasted some earlier.” He looked at the necklace and ran a finger down the intricate design you were weaving. “Looks good,” he smiles, “the mighty healer is also a mighty weaver.” 
You chuckle and shake your head, “that’s just– stupid,” you jokingly say. “You know my mother had a beautiful voice.” You smile, “She could sing anything and it’ll manage to make me sleep. Even…” You take a deep breath, “Even as she was passing she sang to me.” 
Neteyam looks at you and grabs your hand, saying your name, “Strong heart.” Rubbing his thumb over your hand, “in the tales mother tells us when she met my father, she saw he had a strong heart.” He looks in your eyes, his tail swishing. “When the sky people came back, dad said she had a strong heart.” He repeats your name softly, “You have a strong heart.” Your eyebrows furrow, tears welling in your eyes, “From the first time I saw you, I saw your strong heart.” A tear fell and you looked down.
Taking a deep breath Neteyam opens his pouch, pulling out a bracelet, “Kiri helped me make this…” He says your name, you look at him and tilt your head, “I–I asked grandmother if I could court you.” Your heart quickened, “I know she’s not your mother but– she took responsibility and felt it was best to ask still.” You gulp and blink at Neteyam, “would you accept my gift, paskalin?” 
Some stray tears fell down your cheeks, smiling you nod your head, “Yes,” you laugh sheepishly, “yes, Neteyam, I will accept your gift.” Neteyam smiles widely, he grabs your wrist and ties the bracelet around your wrist. You chuckle thinking about the event of today, “Courting me the day Sya died… Classic Neteyam.” You both laugh and rest your foreheads against each other.
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sunofpandora · 8 months
Authors note:
Wow! I was not expecting all the kind comments and the taglist requests from chapter 1. I’m genuinely in shock, still. The comments and reposts got me teary eyed. 
                                                                   V I R A G O            
Word count: 6k       
Chapter 2
The son sun made of stone  
‘Y/n was made of fire. Oh, a goddess girl with lips of lightning and a caged Phoenix under her skin. Neteyam is just the ashes and remains of the heavens she crushed under her heel.’
General Warnings: na’vi reader/ reader is a war orphan/ as always, spider, the reader, and Lo’ak are a trio/ Lo’ak and Reader being platonic soulmates?/ Spider and Reader being trauma twins/ Neteyam being lovesic/ Neteyam being nervous and shy around reader/ Neytiri being mother/ Jake being the husband i wish i had/ Tuk being a little sister and looking up to y/n/ Mentions of grace’s school./ reader fell first but Neteyam fell way harder/ sun x moon relationship 
Chapter 2 warnings: jealous neteyam/ mentions or anxiousness/ mentions of war and death/flirting/ mentions of dead animals/ mentions of grief and injuries/
Extra info:
Y/n is one year younger than neteyam, she is 18 and he is 19.
Lo’ak is 18 and Kiri is also 19. Tuk is 7-8 and spider is 19.
Extra characters: 
Ka’lik (y/ns father. A deceased warrior of the Omaticaya clan)
Zensira (y/n’s mother. deceased best singer and head songstress of the Omaticaya clan)
Makeyo (a warrior of the omaticaya clan. The same age as neteyam and went through iknimiya the same day as well. A filthy simp for y/n)
Kailo (Y/n’s ikran. Your ikran is a male ya’ll. sorry.)
Popiti (tuk’s best friend according to the visual dictionary)
Chapter two synopsis:
Neteyam comes to return y/n’s bracelet and has some internal conflict about his feelings towards her. Makeyo attempts to make a move on y/n and Neteyam experiences a different type of burning in his heart.
Neteyams Pov (trying something new by writing from neteyams pov as a little experiment. Lemme know how yall like it.)
☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
For a moment the sound of my name leaving her lips in a breath is almost enough to forget myself and drop to my knees. 
The tuft of my tail thwacks the back of my head gently and i force my heartbeat to endure boundaries.
 I clear my throat, finding the words.
My eyes fan over her figure.
The moonlight contours the crevices of her curves. Her eyes, an amorous gold, spark themselves luminous. Almost Neon in the darkness of night. 
There's a bandage around her torso, and one around her left bicep. Her skin smells of grandmother's salves and wooden bowls.
It’s funny how fast the memories flood back. 
There was a time before she was made of fire.
Well, actually, I don't think that’s a fair statement.
There was always a spark. Always that small flicker refusing to perish even in strong winds.
I have memories of playing in the stream with my siblings and Y/n, and occasionally spider.  
She’d chase me. Her feet assaulted the shin deep water with the harsh sloshing of her feet. She tackled me and pulled on my tail. The sunburst air is sweet like nectar against our glistening skin and shrieks of laughter and springtime memories. 
Her laughter challenges the brightness of the sugared sun rays that danced through the canopy, it shakes the stars with its loud singing.
The scattered droplets of water seize on her skin as she chases lo’ak, carrying a smaller spider on her back.
Now she stands before me. Taller, stronger, a warrior in all its forms. 
I clear my throat once again, my eyes flickering over her body.
“How are you? Grandmother was able to treat you?”
She nods, leaning lightly against the wooden entrance frame of the marui.
“The wounds could have been worse. Mo’at was able to clean up the wounds just fine. Tsahik suggested i rest here for the night..’
She trials off, clicking her tongue as she gently taps her finger against the bandage.
The dwindling echoes of our breaths gently keep the silence afloat.
My eyes flicker up when her voice catches my ears.
“You? Any injuries?”
I shrug. “A few scratches. Nothing Serious. Lo’ak has a small bruise on his head but he’ll be fine. Mother treated us earlier.”
Something somber in her irises flickers. It’s small, but its not quiet. I open my mouth to speak but like most other things between us, she beats me to it.
“Why did you fly down there today? You could have been killed.”
There’s a hiss at the endnotes of her voice. And I don't blame her for being pissed. Not for a second.
I frown, I can feel my tail thump lightly against the ground.
“Lo’ak flew his way down there first. I wet after him.”
My confession trails a veil of blankness behind it that lingers in the air. She shakes her head, staring down.
“It’s not a thing of fault. I should have been more responsible. Im the older brother, after all-”
The suddenness of her words make me pause. It wasn’t unexpected, but it seems a bit more vague than usual. Even for her.
“Y/n i-”
“No. No, Neteyam this has to come to an end. You can’t keep taking the fall for him. How many times will you let yourself fall off a cliff before you learn not to justify the one who pushed you off the ledge?”
I’m quiet for a moment. I feel another frown etch itself onto my lips.
“I must hold myself accountable as well. I am the future leader of this clan. If i cannot even keep my siblings out of trouble, how will I protect my people?” 
I’m sure loak had told her of the scolding we received from my father.
She takes a step closer, the fire in her gaze challenges all it sees. My heartbeat speeds up its sympathy.
“Then who protects you, Neteyam?”
I’m still for a moment. My throat hitches quietly and my words come up short.
She takes a breath and shifts herself back a bit, rubbing two fingers to her temple.
Her eyes creased with exhaust. I can tell the day has drained her.
“I’m sorry. I spoke out of line.”
“You never have to apologize to me.”
I can tell it surprises her a bit. How fast my words chased after her own.
My hesitation creeps its way through the blanket of gray that treads along the silence.
I clear my throat once again, averting my gaze.
“I’m glad you returned safely. I was worried sick.”
She chuckles and gently flips the small spiral in her hand.
“Had my lucky charm on my bow today. I guess i have you to thank.”
I cannot help but feel an ache every time I see that damned spiral. Iv’e tormented myself with an object so small it's pathetic. Really. A substitution for the words i couldn't speak.
I force a smile, a gentle chuckle to follow along.
“Well. I see its made some sort of use.”
She nods and places it gently back into the pocket of her loincloth.
I find myself doing the same, fishing around my own pocket until i hear the small clatter of beads.
Ihold her bracelet out to her.
“Here. You lost this today.”
She gasps softly. My heart beckons for my unspoken yearning whenever i saw her eyes light up like that. And fuck, I curse myself for looking away.
She placed it back on her wrist.
“Thank you, Neteyam. I would have been looking for days.”
When her fingers brush my palm a new wave of sun-streaked warmth swallows my chest in the pale moonlight.
“You don’t have to thank me.”
I would do anything for you.
She chuckles softly and I swear I feel my knees buckle at the sound.
All I can do is stare at her for a moment. My eyes tracing her curves and imagine it’s my fingertips, kissing my small apologies onto her skin.
The small breeze wisps at the small loose hairs that edged at her forehead, scattered out of her braids. Her scent is sweet. Her eyes are wondrously doe-like. 
I wish i could pocket the sounds of her laughter. I wish i could reach for her and brush her skin against mine if it meant even a second of her warmth is relished in. 
I want her. All of her. I want her fire even if it burns me. I want her wild high-tide seas even if they drown me. I want her heart even if I must beg for it. I want her lips, and her hands. I want every rough edge and every smooth surface.
It finds a way to bind me in its threshold of longing before I even register what I've done.
My hand reaches out. The planes in the lines of my palm rest against her cheek and the pad of my thumb rubs small circles on the small temple of a space in front of her ear.
I’d forget I ever existed if it was convenient for her.
There was a time I pretended she didn’t exist. Where fear and thought collided with my panic.
Years ago. After I gave her that spiral.
I made her mere presence become a voidance in my life. A small patch of blankness that traced her shape.
There’s a reason this void stands between us. I hurt her. And I will never forgive myself for it.
I was afraid. I was afraid of what my feelings would do to me. Of what it would do to the future olo’eyktan of this clan. I feared distraction. I feared devotion. And now i yearn for it. Call it a punishment, call it karma or something more. All I know is that I pushed her away. It of my arms, out of my circle, and I thought giving her that spiral would fix my mistakes.
It hurts me. The look in her eyes when I avoided her around the village. The way her gaze chased after me when i walked away
I was 15, afraid and stupid. I still haven’t forgiven myself from keeping her out of my circle.
Now I stand before her. This woman I may never deserve. This beautiful woman who will forever hold my heart in her hands.
She stares at me. But it's full of a sour memory that resonates on the edge of her tongue.
There it is. How she says my name.
Fuck, why did I ever think, even for a mere moment my heart wasn’t hers?
Say it again.
Say it again,y/n please i beg you.
But I don't dare say it aloud.
Instead I whisper to her, my thumb stopping its movements for a moment as i cradle her head.
“Y/n, yawne. I am so, so sorry I didn't protect you today. I couldn't bare the thought of you in danger. “
She pushes my hand away, and for a moment the moonlight feels bitter.
“I don’t need your protection.”
It’s not that I think I don't deserve that.
But is it wrong for it to still ache?
“Y/n. please-”
“It is late, neteyam. I wish to rest now. Please.”
Theres a small tremble in the endnotes of her voice.
And i want to strangle the one who caused her this.
But what more can i do when i caused it myself?
I take a step back, gently bowing my head.
My eyes linger on her for a moment longer.
“Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, Neteyam.”
As the tent flap closes, I take a step back. Staring up at the moon through the large crevices that topped the mountain of highcamp.
Maybe she doesn't belong in my arms.
I ache for her at night. I dream of holding her. I beg for the figment of her not to feebly collapse into  stardust and watch her wither out of my grasp. Her arrow aims at my heart and I tell her of my heartache.
She says nothing as I’m on my knees for her. Her glare is a cryptic mockery. She weakens me. Every moment of this fleeting moment within my reverie is a punishment. The morning sunset is bitter and the sky feels skeletal. 
To her my devotion is a joke and all I can think of is how fucking beautiful she is when she laughs.
I had a dream once that I kissed her. I kissed her until I couldn’t breathe. She tasted dark and delicate. 
I am hers. I was always hers. 
I’d let her ruin me.
Unravel every piece of me and stitch back together what left is salvaged of those small fragments and watch as they spell out her name.
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☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ 
The next morning was calmer than yesterday to say the least.
Lo’ak went with my father to hunt.
Kiri went with my grandmother to help in the Tsahik tent.
Y/n was off with her own duties, and that left me to help my mother in our family's marui.
Oh yeah, did I mention Tuk?
It wasn’t abnormal that I often found myself conversing with Tuk.
She sits in with her smaller legs tucked under her body. Her hands are much like mine and my mothers, but small and juvenile. They lack gracefulness as they scramble with my braids, slipping the beads she made all by herself (Kiri helped) into my braids. She giggles when I tell her about my hunts. She smacks my forehead with her palm when I tilt my head the wrong way. She climbs over me in all sorts of odd ways while I wince every now and then at the occasional stepping on of my tail.
“Teyam. Stop looking down!”
Tuktirey huffs and my head snaps up, all my attention shifting to my youngest sibling.
“Ah. sorry tuk-tuk.”
She sighs dramatically and continues stringing the beads into my hair.
I smile at my youngest sister. I was close with Tuk. me and her being the only two children out of my siblings that closely resembled my mother’s na’vi features. I don’t credit myself completely. I don’t think it's fair to say that my mother and fathers genes are divided narrowly. Lo’ak my have my fathers appearance but he wields my mothers rebelliousness with pride. Her survival instincts. Her thrill for a chase. Her fire and her wind. Grandmother always found herself amused whenever my mother found herself annoyed with Lo’aks antics. Apparently my mother was no different when she was his age. Chasing rainstorms and dancing through fire. Grandmother always says lo’ak is my mothers shadow.
Me, on the other hand? i've always strived to be like my father. I still do. I remember sitting around a fire as a small child, listening to stories of his days of battle and heroicness. I don’t glorify my father as much as I did then. But he’s still the same man to me, all the same.
Tuk is in the middle of rambling about her morning gossip she gathered from Popiti, as she strings another bead onto my braids.
It's a bit of a guilty pleasure, I suppose. Being entertained by other’s conflicts.  Certainly not proper behavior for the eldest son of toruk makto. Alas, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't let Tuk carry herself away with her words without worry?
I can’t hide that I enjoy it. But telling myself its for tuk helps a bit.
“And then what?” I query Tuk softly, urging her to continue her story.
She giggles before placing a green colored bead on my braids.
“Well, Popiti’s big sister, Kyuna, didn’t take Takuk’s courting gift!”
I gasp, over-exaggerating my shock to amuse my younger sister, she nods, equally as shocked.
“I know, right!?”
I shake my head, feining disappointment as Tuk giggles.
“My eywa. Poor Takuk.”
Tuk nods, patting down my braids gently.
I try to look over to my right side at where she sat without turning my head.
“Did she say why?”
Tuk shrugged.
“Popiti heard her mom and Kyuna talking. Kyuna said that she didnt want Takuk for a mate.”
I nod, fidgeting with my beaded choker.
“Huh. Well then, good for Kyuna. She knows what she wants, i guess.”
I trail off with my own internal theories.
I knew Kyuna. She was a young healer in the clan. I didn’t care for her much. She was a bit cocky. Always had some excuse for getting out of tasks she didn’t feel like completing.
I also knew Takuk.
I had been in hunting groups with him. We went through iknimaya training together. He was smart. A fine huner. A decent provider. He seemed like a fine mate for anyone. 
Tuk suddenly gasped, her ears twitching as she stared up at me with her big eyes.
“Teyam! You could be Kyuna’s mate!”
I still at her revelation, she blinks at me with baited breath for  response.
I cant help but chuckle as i ruffle the smaller girl’s braids.
“It's a kind offer, Tuk. But I'm not ready to mate yet. Remember what I told father?” 
Who could forget? The most awkward family dinner in the world where i pleaded with my father to give me more time before I choose a mate. My siblings watching as me and my father bickered for a good hour. I think its really the only time iv’e stood up to him. Disagreed with him. My father has been patient since then when it comes to finding my tsahik. But the only reason he is because of my mother finally convinced him to give it a rest.
Finding a mate can be a long process for some.
I already knew who i wanted my mate to be. There wasn’t any debate. And I will wait for her. I will wait to earn her trust back. For as long as it takes. I will be hers for when shes ready. I am hers even when she’s not. That is a promise I refuse to break.
Tuk huffs.
“But whyyyy? Kyuna is pretty. Not as pretty as mama or kiri or y/n-
But she’s not mated.”
I sigh and gently rub Tuk’s back.
“You’ll understand when you’re older. I promise.”
She huffs again but nods, going back to braiding my hair.
Shes in the middle of telling me about the big fish she caught when my father took her to the creek the other day when my mother enters the tent, a basket of fruits under her arm.
I straighten up a bit and Tuk gasps happily, standing to her feet and jogging over to my mother.
“Mama! You’re back!”
She hugs my mothers waist, and my mother places a hand on tuks head while trying to balance the basket filled to the brim with yovo fruits.
I stand up, gently taking the basket from under her arm, chuckling softly.
“Here, Sa’nok. (mother) Let me take that for you.”
She sighs in releif, nodding at me, now fully embracing tuk with two free arms.
“Irayo (thank you) Neteyam.”
Tuk sits back down in her previous spot and i carry the basket to the small wooden table, placing it down.
“Nice haul today?”
She smiles at me. “The new grove has almost completed its growth cycle. It's almost time for a new harvest.”
I nod, making a mental reminder to tell my father that later so he can organize more foraging groups. 
“Mama, look at how pretty Neteyam is.”
My mother gently examines my newly beaded braids with her fingers, gently taking each braid between her thumb and her palm.
“Very good work, tuktirey. You should help me do mine later. Why don’t you go to your grandmothers tent, hm? I left a large bowl of new beads on the far side corner, near her salve pouch.
Her eyes sparkle and before my mother can say another word, Tuk is racing out of the tent flap.
I laugh along with my mother, and she sits, starting to cut up some fruits.
“Ma’itan, could you help me with this?”
I nod, unsheathing my knife and sitting down next to her, helping her peel some fruits.
A silence fills the air for a moment, until my mothers soft, accented voice breaks through the gray.
“What troubles you, Neteyam?”
Of course she knew.
I was born from the pieces of my mothers ash-littered broken promises and my father’s guilt-ridden internal death sentence. 
My mother and i were tapestries weaved from the same colors.
I am my mother’s son.
She knew me like the back of her hand. She doesn’t have to recognize me by face. I know my father and my mother both love me. But when my mask cracks like this, my mother isn’t like my father. He tries to tighten it to ensure it doesn’t fall down again. My mother tries to mend the cracks.
I sigh, avoiding her gaze.
“Nothing Sa’nok. I am fine.”
I’m a shit liar. That’s just a known fact about me. She knows i’m lying. And maybe thats a good thing. Maybe she knows to just leave it be.
She chucks another fruit skin peel to the side as it forms a small pile with the other discadrded peels. 
“Is it because of your fathers words, yesterday? He was harsh, I know..But he is just afraid, Neteyam.”
That’s not what’s wrong, but I decide it's better than saying ‘hey ma i’m helplessly in love with a woman who probably hates my guts’
Daddy issues it is.
I nod, still avoiding her gaze.
“Yes. I know. Father just wants what's best for us.”
My mother sighs for a moment, pausing her movements, her knife ceasing its carving into the new fruit.
She looks over at me and she smiles.
There’s something about that smile. It’s like an echo that beckons your name. It’s like a face with lines scribbled over it. Sometimes when my mother looks at me I feel as if she’s seeing someone else. Flesh wrapped around the stories foretold under my bones. 
She see’s someone else’s shadow in my place. As if a ghost welcomes itselfinto the sequence of a wreckage of memories unknown to me. 
She speaks quietly.
“Your father and you are more alike than you may think, Neteyam.”
I can’t hep but smile at her words. Theres fanned flowers that grow under the gray cast of gilded clouds under the garden of her irises. She smiles too.
“I mean it, Neteyam. I see more of him in you every day, my son.”
I’m quiet for a moment, but my smile only falters slightly.
“What was he like, my father? When you first met him?”
My mother sighs, the infinite memories flickering past her eyes.
“When I first met your father, I was trying to kill him.”
I can’t help but chuckle. The story all too familiar to me from being told countless times as a child. But it’s not quite what im looking for.
“No, no- i know how you met but-
What was he like? Really?..”
My mother thinks for a moment, not sparing me a glance as she continues cutting her fruit.
“He was stupid. An idiot. I did not think he would survive a single day out here in the forest.”
I hum in agreement trying to visualize everything from her eyes.
“But he was..”
She sighs.
“He was persistent. Like a weak animal with no hope of survival. But it just refuses to die. Sometimes I thought the world moved twice as fast for him..he was eager. To learn, to live. To taste the wind and the sky..”
For a moment, I see a secondary shadow behind the  fragments of my parents love story.
My father told me he felt drawn to my mother from the first moment he saw her.
I see something else in place of the ghost behind the path of stars that led my mother to my father.
I see a man who yearns for a woman. I see a man on his knees, I see his devotion. I see his heart in his hands, i see his stained fingertips of an unfamiliar sleepless skin.
I see a woman so beautiful she might as well be a figment of the moonlight, and i’m jealous of the wind and the air and the breeze because of how easily it touches her skin.
I see her arrow aimed at his heart and the distrust in her eyes. I see her anger, and her betrayal as it echoes through a bitter blue heinous flame.
I see y/n. And I see her wall that kept me out.
I look at my mother, a shell of something that once was taking a new shape.
Was it possible? For history to rhyme?
“How..how long did it take you to love him? Even though he was an enemy.. Even though you didn;t trust him?”
My mother is silent for another moment.
She gently places her knife down, placing her hands on her thighs as she stared at the blank tented wall infront of her.
“I think it was foretold by the stars, ma’itan.
I hated him. I hated him because of what he was and where he came from. I hated his false demon body and i hated the way he walked, and talked. I hated his hair and his hands and his eyes. 
I hated him because of what his people took from me. I hated him because of the pain they caused my people..
The day I found him in the forest i was going to kill him. My arrow was aimed at his heart. But when the great mother spoke to me I knew better than not to listen.
I think i was always meant to meet him. To teach him my people’s ways..Because it led me to loving him. 
That morning when I returned from the tree of souls with him, 
My mother had told me if i choose this path, to be his mate, i could never be tsahik.
I told her, "He was my path.”
I’m still as i take in my mother’s words. But the clouds still creep behind my uncertain heartbeat.
“But hometree. And the war. How did you forgive him?”
My mother gently takes my hand in hers, and she takes a breath
“Ma’itan. You will someday learn that love is not easy. It is hungry. It is impatient. It is loud and it is often hidden.
Love gave me many gifts. You, your siblings, my home and my family.
But it has taken much from me all the same. 
Love is like swimming in the ocean at night. It's deep, it's dark, the shallows far from reach. But Within that darkness I found your father. I found my light, and someday you will find yours.”
Love is sacrificial. My mother was right. Love isnt easy. Love is sometimes caged and flightless, thick with bitter scents and tearstained starlight. Its bare, and its real, its bruised and blemished and its beautiful because its her. Its Y/n. My y/n. Her name is a hymn of scattered prayers lost to a dreaded dawn and a coppered colored sun. She’s made of every broken and perfect piece of the universe and the stars stumble over their words to describe her beauty
She’s the moon and i’m the sun. Withering myself away every night to allow her to shine. 
I will sacrifice. I will work. 
She has weakened me. The night sky canvases her skin while the bleakness of sunlight mosaics mine. Famined for her touch, I refuse to look away. I refuse to blink. The sky is a game of chance and the sunset swallows me whole. The scarlet screams in the hellish hues of cerise ablaze under her skin.
I will not settle for anything less than her.
Love is sacrificial. Then i will steal the night sky for her.
I softly smile at my mother before squeezing her hand.
“Thank you, mother.”
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(Y/n’s pov) 
Love was a funny thing.
You used to think your love for neteyam was forged from heartbeat-rhythmed nightskies and dripping orange soaked sunsets.
It was dreamlike. Bleeding through every crevice and hidden place with its incandescence. 
He was a part of you. Apart of everything you were and everything you did.
He was in your dreams when you closed your eyes at night.
He was in the shied morning sun rays that crept over the mountain tops. He was in the wild winds and draped under midnight melodies.
Its the memories of smaller things you remember most. 
Giggling while he fumbled with an arrow when he noticed you were watching him practice. 
Helping Neytiri stitch together his cummerbund to gift to him when he had completed his iknimiya. You remember the look of pride in his eyes when he wore a piece of your handiwork to represent this new chapter in his life. Concluding his training as a hunter, and becoming a warrior.
You remember taking walks with him through the forest, and the way he would hold a branch back out of your way.
You remember hunting with him, and racing him down the trailed path. 
You remember perching on a branch and watching the stars with him. You remember his warmth as he whispered to you all the constellations his father taught him. You remember his hands gently guiding yours to trace the patterns scattered among the stars.
You remember a spark.
And then, you remember a gust of wind that dulled the warmth.
Distance. You can recall distance.
It started out small.
Frequent training with his father.
Watching his siblings.
Hunting. Preparing. Working. 
His touch became something you started to crave. Not something that came granted. You remember waiting for him. Waiting for him to return from his hunt, waiting to go stargazing. Liek he promised. You remember checking the sky, the scarlet and blue collide to signify the subduing trials of daylight making its exit.
You remember your mother asking you what you were doing outside.
Is all you responded.
You didn’t tell her what you waited for.
He never showed up.
As the sky darkened, it started to rain.
There weren't any stars that night anyways. spider dragged you back inside. Complaining about how he wasn’t taking care of you if you got sick. 
Maybe it wasn't rain at all. Maybe the stars didn't come out that night because they were too busy falling through the cracks left in your heart.
You felt forgotten. Unloved. Unwanted.
Lo’ak told you that Jake was always on Neteyam’s ass about his training, and thats why he was so distant.
But it wasn’t just the distance.
His eyes no longer brightened when he looked at you. Its the gaze you give someone when they’re speaking to you, and you aren’t really listening. You’re just waiting for them to be done talking.
Spider watched you come home and cry one night, listened to you scream into your palms and rant angrily for hours about the boy who broke your heart.
Then, the night the sky turned red, a new kind of broken was born.
You remember hearing the whooshing of wings and panicked shrieks of stray ikrans, The unfamiliar scent of something metallic and sulfured. 
You remember running into the morning that barely crept ist light over the canopy tips, the still dark sky like a cloak encased the world.
You remember finding your mothers songcord on the ground. You remember finding her body. You remember seeing your fathers not but a few feet away.
You remember the feeling of the air being mercilessly ripped from your lungs.
You remember Jake running towards you, his own panic flooding your ears as he begged you to leave with him. That it wasn’t safe there.
He had to drag you away, holding you tight to him as you practically collapsed into his chest in the front of his ikran. 
You remember stumbling into the village upon return, Neytiri catching you in her arms and the blurred sight of her own tear stained face as she cupped your face in her hands. You screamed and cried and fell to your knees as Lo’ak rushed to your side, shushing you gently and rubbing your back.
You remember showing spider the song chord.
You think he cried harder than you did. You both lost your family that day.
You remember the hollowness in the cup of your palm as neteyam held your hand. 
You remember when he gifted you that spiral under the starlight.
You always thought he was the sun. And now you know for sure.
Forever out of your reach. Aching for the stretches of salvageable warmth blessed upon your finger tips. You could chase it to the ends of Pandora but every night it would abandon you. 
You loved him even if you didn’t know what he was.
Like the sky he was a mystery. Endless but in the midst of the universe it held many treasures he swore he kept just for you. Songs of starlight and supernovas.
You reached for nothing. Hoping to grab the sky and pull yourself into his light. Feel the sunlight on your palm and chase it like the golden hour was a game of chance. 
But now, you knew for sure he was the sun.
But he wasn’t your sun.
This sun was made of stone. It was heavy and roughed. 
The sky was no longer a mystery. The sun no longer honeyed your skin in favor. Tragedy prevailed the night sky and when his blanket of warmth tried to regain its sanctuary of safety to encase your tainted trust, all you saw was a trail of falling stars you called rain and broken promises.
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One of your tasks is to teach the younger children of the clan.
You didn’t mind it much. You often found it quite enjoyable.
You beat out most of the young warriors in your group when the clan was discussing who would train the young warriors. Only the best archer of your age group would have such a role.
It was down to you and a girl named Kyuna. She was skilled, but you were better
You chuckle as the little ones scurry past you, little shrieking giggles as they place their practice bows in a pile. 
You doubted yourself. You doubted your ability to train those younger than you.  What reasons can you give them for fighting when your own was grief?
Seeing the children and watching them learn gave you hope. Hope for a better future. 
The lessons today seemed to drag on. The thought of Neteyams words had lingered in your mind since last night. 
You sighed to yourself softly as you started to gather all the bows in a basket. Letting your thoughts run free.
“Need help with that?”
You swung yourself around, a hand instinctively resting on the top of your knife sheath, 
You found yourself face to face with a slightly taller na’vi boy. His braids to his shoulders. His smile hatched itself on baited breath, his white freckles that scattered across his face.
“Makeyo. For eywa’s sake don’t sneak up on me like that.”
He chuckled in mock surrender, throwing his hands up.
“I know better than to mess with the mighty Y/n. Don’t want to end up with an arrow in my neck.”
You roll your eyes and shoved him playfully.
Makeyo was one of your fathers students. He was a skilled archer, often competing with Neteyam. You grew closer after your parents death. Makeyo was your partner when lt came to training the younger children of the clan. Having already completed his iknimiya, and being a strong piece of the people, he was perfect for assisting you with your role.
“Great practice today, huh?”
The two of you found yourselves chatting while you walked back to the supply tent to return the arrows.
You nodded.
“Ya’here is getting better. Her form has improved.”
He smiled at you, his tail gently brushing your thigh.
“She’ll make a fine warrior one day. She always tells me she wants to be just like you?”
You try to hide the small shock that jolted through you at the sudden contact, with an awkward smile.
“Well, thats scary as shit.”
He raised a brow.
You shrugged.
“Knowing she wants to be just like me? I’m a wreck.”
He sighs, holding the tent flap open for you.
“Well, I think you’re perfect.”
The world seems to still for a moment, and your body feels stiff.
“You’re brave. And strong, and honorable…”
He took a step forward. 
“You’re passionate, and you care for others. Especially those kids.”
He gently places a hand on your arm, its firm, but its not demanding.
You feel your breath hitch, and your tail flicks behind you.
“Makeyo. We shouldn’t-”
“Are we intruding?”
You turn to see spider and Lo’ak.
Lo’ak glares at Makeyo, and spider marches in between the two of you, his smaller frame seemingly less intimidating, but you appreciate the effort.
“All right back it up lover boy.
No no, farther than that. far enough that i don’t smell your lack of personal space.”
Spider tugs at your wrist, shooing Makeyo away.
You groan, smacking  spider with your tail.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Makeyo.”
Makeyo nods, waving awkwardly to spider and lo’ak before making his exit.
“Uh huh. Keep it moving.”
Lo’ak ushers him away and you hiss at both of them.
“Hey. Dumb and dumber. what the fuck?”
You glare.
Spider throws his hands up in surrender, shaking his head.
“I don’t like that guy, sis.”
The three of you start making your way back towards the sully tent for the night.
You bickered the whole way.
Spider sighs,pointing his thumb in the opposite direction. 
“All i’m saying is, big mac over there-”
“His name is Makeyo.”
Spider shrugs.
“Same thing-
But anyways. I don’t like him.”
Lo’ak nods.
“He’s desperate. He wants you bad.”
You roll your eyes.
“Makeyo was just being nice.”
Lo’ak scoffs.
“Y/n, I love you. I really do. But if that’s nice, then flirting might mean getting you pregnant.”
Spider jumps and smacks the back of Lo’ak’s head, making him stumble and wince.
“Son of a bitch-
What was that for!?”
Spider glares at the taller blue boy. 
“Don’t jinx it! I’m not ready to be an uncle!?”
“Who’s going to be an uncle?”
Its the moment you hear Jake’s voice the three of you realize you’ve stumbled into the Sully's tent.
The three of you look at one another, then back at Jake.
Spider whistles, pointing to an imaginary watch.
“Oh boy. Would you look at the time? Time for me to go meet norm for dinner…I’ll catch you guys later.”
Lo’ak calls spider a bitch under his breath for abandoning the two of you two deal with the heap of awkwardness.
Jake resumes his task and Neytiri’s voice calls from inside.
“Lo’ak, Y/n. come on, its time to eat.”
You make your way inside, and Neytiri and Kiri come into view, steaming some meat over a fire.
Kiri waves and jogs her way over to give you a hug, her only slightly taller frame pressed against yours.
“Hey. how was your day?” She hums, tucking a braid behind your ear.
Kiri’s voice was melodic and soothing. It drips like the dew drops onto morning grass, kissed by the forest scent.
You go to answer, but before you can you’re body slammed by a smaller na’vi.
“Y/n! You’re back!”
It only takes a blink of an eye for you to open your arms for her, picking her up and putting her on your hip.
“Hey Tuk! How’s my sweet girl?”
Tuk giggles and nuzzles her head onto your neck.
Lo’ak rudley pushes his way between you and kiri.
“Excuse me, don’t i get a hug?”
He huffs dramatically, flipping his braids like some sort of diva.
“Of course you can, Ma’itan.” Neytiri appears behind him and kisses his head. You and the girls giggle and Lo’ak groans.
“Maaa. come on-”
He swats neytiri away and she chuckles, giving you a quick shoulder squeeze next.
“Did your lessons go okay today? How were the children?”
You take a seat next to Kiri, Lo’ak on your other side as Neteyam takes a seat next to Tuk, 
You nod in response to Neytiri as Jake hands everyone a piece of meat.
“Doing well. They are making progress. They are learning faster every day. I think they will be ready to try larger arrows soon. Possibly farther targets.”
Jake pats your back.
“Nice work, kiddo.”
“Speaking of targets...”
Lo’ak mumbles under his breath,you respond by smacking him with your tail.
Kiri raises an eyebrow.
Lo’ak shrugs.
“Makino or whatever his name is was flirting with Y/n.”
Kiri smiles at you, gently shaking your shoulder.
“Makeyo? He is a fine warrior.”
You groan, not noticing how Neteyams ears pinned back slightly.
His deep, accented voice pulls your focus towards where the boy sat.
All the sudden the space arounds you feels a bit shallow. Lo’ak answers for you.
“Oh yeah. He was really quite brave. He wouldn't have been so brave if he knew me and spider were planning to feed him to a thanator.”
Jake sighs.
“Must we plot a murder at the dinner table?”
Neytiri nods, swallowing her food and handing a piece of her fruit to Tuk.
“Your father is right. Besides, There is no rush for any of you to mate. Y/n, Makeyo would make a fine life partner but you need not decide anytime soon, my sweet.”
Tuk pipes up suddenly.
“Teyam is gonna be mated with kyuna!”
Neteyam nearly spits out his water, going into a coughing fit as he repeatedly brings his fist to his chest to attempt to stop it.
Jake immediately started patting his back, concerned.
“Jesus christ boy! Easy now, don’t forget to swallow.”
“You have chosen Kyuna?”
It comes out more bitter than you thought. The mere thought of another woman in his arms stinging an unfamiliar scorch in your chest,
Or maybe..it wasn’t so unfamiliar.
Neteyam finally breathes normally again and shake his head frantically.
‘“What? No! Of course not.”
“Kyuna? Really bro? Shes kinda a bitch…”
Lo’ak says, attempting to mask it with his own fake cough.
“Hey. Language.”
Jake scolds, pointing his knife he was using to cut Tuk’s meat with at Lo’ak.
“Its true though! She’s always hustling me to do her chores!”
Neytiri raises her eyebrow.
“If it happens repeatedly why do you keep falling for it?”
Lo’ak had no answer.
Kiri clicked her tongue.
“Y/n, didn’t you overrun Kyuna’s role for training the younger children.”
“Oh yeah! That's right! Y/n made her eat dust in that archery trial. No surprise there.”
You felt a small heat spread to your cheeks out of embarrassment.
“It wasn’t that big of a deal…”
Neytiri chuckles and Neteyam speaks up.
“so..Makeyo. You work with him?’
You nod.
“He helps me train the younger group of children. He’s actually quite helpful.
You didn’t notice the way neteyams ears pinned back slightly.
But Lo’ak did.
“Yeah. But he sucks at Ikran riding.” 
You raised your eyebrow. 
Come to think of it, You don’t think you ever saw him ride his ikran.
“He is?”
Lo’ak nods.
“He and Neteyam went hunting one time. The idiot crashed into a tree while neteyam swerved it easily.”
You can’t help but laugh at the image, and Lo’ak winked at neteyam.
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Authors note:
HOLY FUCKKKK! I’m finally done! This actually did not take as long as i thought it would. 
It’s not as long as the last chapter ya’ll i’m sorry. But hopefully the close times in which both were posted makes up for it?
We’re gonna get some kiri and y/n bonding time in next chapter and hopefully some more jealous neteyam. Btw what did we think of the neteyam pov? Leave some comments about it so i can know whether to add it in later.
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