#mob bucky x you
queers-gambit · 8 months
Curiosity Killed The Cat
prompt: after rescuing you from kidnappers, you overhear your boyfriend-turned-savior complain about how clingy you've become.
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 5.1k+
note: author wants things out of her drafts! also don't take this fic too seriously, it's not much at all - just me writing for the fuck of it until i'm ready to focus on my bigger projects.
warnings: modern AU, Mafia AU, obvious cursing, small hurt and comfort, brief depiction of physical violence and self-destruction in the form of: loss of appetite, lack of sleep, other symptoms of depression. NOT edited! author is ashamed because she knows she can give you something better but oh well.
browse the Clingy Baby collection masterlist here
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Your feet planted, jarring you to a halt the moment you heard your name in a conversation you were not apart of.
You heard the hammering of your heart, echoing beats of your blood pumping with harrowing desperation. Hands turned cold and clammy, sweat breaking out on your brow and then freezing, feeling as if your throat had swollen to a new restriction and you were anchored in you in place.
But for now, all you could identify was the paralyzing anxiety that anchored you to your spot and made your heartbeat thunder in your ears. You stood outside the lounge, unable to comprehend relevant thought; still listening to low, docile tones continue their conversation, but you couldn't hear real words.
You were stunned. Panicked, confused, hurt - so very hurt. That seemed to register, too; you were really, really hurt.
This was perhaps why curiosity killed the cat.
You reprimanded yourself for listening in - transporting back to childhood during all the times your parents would scold you for eavesdropping. You knew it was wrong, you knew this was a private conversation meant to be shared between trusting confidants, but you couldn't help it - you heard your name and stopped. It was natural, right? To feel curious regarding a conversation seemingly about you that you, yourself, was not apart of?
Curiosity, indeed.
Blinking rapidly, you remembered the only other time you felt such mounting, pressurized fear, and while it might be dramatic, the only other time you could remember this level of anxiety was from about two months ago...
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"Yes, baby, I got the bacon."
"And the jalapeños?"
"Uh-huh, the biggest they had."
"Cream cheese?"
"Do you know who you're talking to?" You laughed into the phone. "I'm a professional housewife by now, you can relax. I got all you needed for your fancy little dinner experiment."
Bucky laughed down the phone, "Oh, please, like I didn't see you salivating when we watched the segment on Top Chef."
"Hush," you laughed, too. "I'm leaving the store now," you told him, pushing out of the heavy glass doors, "and should be home in, like, 10 minutes?"
"Lemme pick you up."
"I have legs to walk with, so, no thank you."
He sighed, "Well, I'll open the wine to let it breathe. Red's still good?"
"Let's do a white tonight, please."
"Good deal," he mused softly. "Hey, I was thinking earlier - "
"Hang on," you pleaded.
"What's wrong?"
"No, nothing. There's just a van slowing down, I don't want to get hit," you chuckled some, looking up and down the street before crossing. "Sorry, so, what were you thinking?"
"We haven't been to Paris in months."
You smirked, "I'm sure our plants in the apartment are dead by now."
Bucky laughed, "Oh, I am, too. But, look, how 'bout it, Peach? You, me, all the croissants we can consume this weekend. I'll take Monday and Tuesday off, we can leave tomorrow night."
"Oh, that sounds nice," you moaned. "Paris in the spring? Baby, that's so dreamy!"
"So, is that a yes?"
"It's a hell yes," you grinned. "Do you know the weather?"
"Supposed to be nice and sunny, not too warm or cold. Figured this would be ideal," he chuckled. "But does the weather matter if we're in bed the whole time?"
"No, we're not wasting our time!" You laughed. "We're gonna go do shit, okay? Stereotypical tourist-couple shit."
"I'll bring the camera."
"And I was hoping we could have dinner at that little place we love?"
"I wouldn't take you anywhere else," he mused.
"I think it's - FUCK!" Bucky froze when he heard the screeching of tires; a van coming up to a skidding halt, flurry of voices all yelling but he heard yours clearly. "No, no, no, hey, hey, what the hell's happening? Hey! What's this - hey, hey! Don't touch me! Ow, shit! No! Hey! Fuck's sake - oh, my God! Ow! Hey!"
"Baby!? Peach! Hey! The fuck's going on!?"
There was a thudding over the phone, and Bucky listened to more struggling - more fidgeting and fighting - and then the slamming of a car door. Still calling your name, Bucky heard a scrape over the line before a different voice answered your phone, "James Barnes. On behalf of HYDRA, you're overdue on your payment and we warned you there would be consequences. Deliver the full amount of 17 million - "
"It's 15," he growled.
"Two million more for the inconvenience of stalking your woman."
"If you even so much as touch her, I swear to God - "
"17 million at midnight, at the pier, or every minute you're late, she'll receive the brunt end of our frustration."
"Don't hurt her - "
"Midnight, Mr. Barnes, at the pier - you know where. Don't be late, she looks like she won't last long."
The line went dead after he heard your screech of pain, confusion, and fear. The moment the line cut, he dropped his phone and slowly lowered himself to sit on the kitchen floor, shock coloring his system. It wasn't that he didn't have the money, quite the opposite - but he and his men had a plan in motion to take out HYDRA, their org's competition, and this was totally against all they anticipated. After a minute to sit in his own worry, Bucky jumped to his feet, grabbed his phone, keys, wallet, and two handguns; holstering them both before shrugging his suit jacket on.
He made every phone call he could, gathering the men he trusted most to (one of) his warehouse(s).
For hours, you were strung up by your wrists in a joint-pulling position while the Brooklyn Mafia formulated a plan of attack. It was the most pain you've ever known, but then the abuse started and you were blinded by this new pain. You had bruises most places, cuts that wept blood; scars that would never heal, wounds that wouldn't ever close. You were delirious, miserable, confused, just dazed and confused; praying to a God who didn't listen.
"Oh, look at that," your captor mocked, holding a thick-bladed hunting knife in hand, "it's one minute til midnight, and I don't see your loverboy anywhere."
You sniffled, unable to respond.
He stared out the lone window, tisking and narrating, "Nope, I see not a soul - and with how protective he is over you, you'd think he'd want to ensure your safety. Not leave it to chance, huh?"
You whimpered as the clock struck midnight, your heart hammering in heavy-hung worry. You had tears in your eyes, heart nearly beating out of your chest, feeling incredibly nauseous. The desire to scream never lessened, just fearing what was to come; the men in the room making you fear for the state of your life, their knuckles cracking. You only begged, "Please. Don't."
The main captor laughed, "You can do better than that! C'mon, give me the satisfaction of tellin' ol' James you begged for mercy - but it wasn't enough to sway me. I'll lie, for sure, and say it happened but it will be so much sweeter if you actually do it."
"Please," you shook your head, avoiding eye contact. "Just don't do this, please."
"Oh, honey," he mocked, "it's not our fault he's late. Lads! Have at her, but leave her face for now - she's still real pretty."
You listened as he gave commands in Russian, understanding after the years at Bucky's side; whimpering when the first blow landed to your gut and knocked the wind out of you. The minutes drug by and you felt your resolve crumbling, heart still hammering to a never-before-felt speed that made it feel as if it were jumping out of your very body at every single pulse point. You struggled in your restraints, but it was futile by how tight you were bound; unable to protect yourself.
At 12:03 am, the doors blew open in a resounding blast; concrete crumbling and sprinkling the floor. You cried out as the smoke choked you, coughing through the haze; only barely able to make out certain figures to know Bucky had brought his best men. However, despite the sting to your eyes from the swirling dust and smoke, you saw a lone man stalk through the blasted wall, through the fray, and straight up to you.
"Bu-Bucky!" You choked in relief as he reached to untie your feet first. You dangled for only a moment as his metal prosthetic ripped off whatever held your wrists to the torture contraption. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Bucky, holy shit, baby, please, please, please," you rambled as he freed you and instantly caught you on his broad shoulders.
"I got you, Peach, I'm here, I've got you," he promised in your ear, hoisting your legs around his waist so they latched and then wrapping his arms around you securely. "Don't let go and don't look up, okay? Hear me, Peach?"
You nodded into his neck, only able to cry.
Bucky jolted and jerked slightly as he moved through the fight again, but not a minute later, you were stepping outside into the sobering, brisk spring air. This was the moment you understood how dangerous and fleeting life with Bucky could be, making a promise to yourself that if he says take the car, you'll take the fucking car.
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And now, here you were, outside the high-rise apartment's lounge (which was just a converted bedroom), listening to your boyfriend complain about you some 2 months after the whole fiasco. HYDRA had been all but wiped out, and in the weeks since, Bucky's men had gone on smaller missions to eradicate the HYDRA members they heard rumor of being local. Yet you didn't feel safe, yet.
You didn't feel safe if you weren't around Bucky.
Everything made you jump: the beep of the done-dryer, that spritz of the automatic fragrance mister in the bathroom, the "duh-dunnn" of a loaded-up Netflix. Keys jingling, car horns, the barking of the dog in the apartment a floor below you... Everything.
Being around Bucky was just like holding a safety blanket. He would always protect you, and for about a week after your rescue, he laid in bed and around the home with you; being lazy; time off work to simply hold you and assure you were safe. Safe in his arms. Safe in his embrace, his presence.
So now... To hear this... You were devastated.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just sort of happened. It was still earlier in the morning, but Bucky hadn't been in bed beside you and based on the feel of the sheets, his body hadn't been there in a while. So, you made some coffee and then ventured around the home in search of your lover; coming upon the lounge and hearing voices from within.
You knew it was common for Steve Rogers and / or Sam Wilson to stay late or visit early, so, you weren't shocked by that, but did falter in announcing yourself when you heard Sam ask how you were doing since the kidnapping. He used your name specifically, making Bucky sigh, and for your curiosity to peak.
"She's different, man."
"How so?" Sam wondered.
"She doesn't like being without me now," he chuckled without humor. "I'm serious, she won't go to the gym until I do, waits to have meals together, won't leave the house if I'm out, and," he scoffed to himself, "you can forget going to the grocery store or anything - she's even stopped going to work - "
"You told her to stop working, like, two years ago when y'all first moved-in together," Sam deadpanned.
"I know," Bucky shrugged, "but it feels tenfold now that she's so reclusive."
"It's normal," Steve sighed gently.
"Yeah? Is it normal that I can't even go take a shit without promising her I'll be right back?" Bucky snapped in exasperation. "It's that bad, she's that fucking clingy, man. I go in the kitchen to make dinner, she's in there 30 seconds later to 'help' me. I take a shower, she finds a reason to linger in the bedroom, but that was better than before, when she wouldn't even shower by herself. It's just a lot, she's everywhere I look. I'm starting to find new reasons not to come home, man, she's always fucking here - and when I walk in the door, she's on me. I need to fucking breathe, but I can't tell her to stop, she'll get her feelings hurt and then I'm the bad guy."
"Man," Steve laughed, "you can't be the bad guy if you go to her in a calm and collected manner, but it's only been two months. She's still recovering."
"Exactly why if I say anything, no matter how calm and collected, I'm the bad guy. I get she's hurting and tryna recover, but Goddamn, does she have to be in every room I'm in? Do everything with me? How do I tell my traumatized girlfriend to back off? Let me breathe?"
Sam laughed, "You don't! You just said it - she's traumatized! Cut the girl some slack, she's got a lot to fuckin' deal with!"
"I'm not negating from that fact," Bucky argued, "I'm just trying to say, the way she's clinging onto me like she can't function without me is just grating at my nerves. I just need to breathe and recharge, but I can't tell her that - fuck's sake."
"Buck," Steve smirked, "you're worried Peach isn't gonna listen, but that's her literal superpower. Just communicate, she can't read your mind, but you need to remember how traumatic all of that was for her to experience - she's scarred from that kidnapping, man. So, sure, you need to recharge, but she needs the support."
"Is it wrong to ask for a day here and there to do that? To recharge?" Bucky asked quietly.
"If you communicate, it's perfectly reasonable to ask for," Sam assured softly. "And whatever you do, don't tell her you think she's clingy. Chicks hate that, that word is, just, like, taboo or something. Real heavy, negative connotations."
"But she is," Bucky growled quietly, "'s like she's afraid to let go 'cause I'll disappear or something."
"Oh, noooo," Sam mocked, "I'm Bucky and my girlfriend loves me too much and trusts me too much and actually feels safe and dependent on me too much - ohhh noooo!"
There was a thump, Sam's cried, "Ow!", and Bucky telling him to shut up. You slowly backed away from the door, trying to settle your breathing as you made your escape down the hall. When back in the kitchen, you whimpered and let the first tears fall... The first of many you shed in the hour it took you to prepare breakfast for everyone; doing your best to eat as you cooked so you didn't have to linger around the men. You took Bucky's words to heart, and maybe you were too sensitive, maybe you should venture outside again.
So, when the lads came out, you set the table without making eye contact with any of them. "Here," you directed, setting the pancakes down, "I made breakfast, come eat, it's still hot."
"Wow," Sam smiled brightly, "thanks, Peach!"
You hummed, still avoiding their eyes as you just set the abundance of food to the table. "You... Cooked without me?" Bucky asked you with skepticism.
"Mhm," you hummed, setting the coffee pot down to a hot pad, "and I'm going out shopping with Nat, so, eat up, lads, I'll do the dishes when I get home. Love you, boys, bye," you waved them off, snatching your keys and then moving to the door to stuff your feet into your sneakers.
"Woah, woah, woah," Bucky left the table, approaching you urgently, "hey, what do you mean? You're goin' out?"
"Yep, figured I've stayed in too long, might as well get out and remember life doesn't stop just 'cause I'm sad."
"Peach - "
"I'll see you when I get home, Buck, okay?" You mumbled, slinging your purse on your shoulder.
"Well, here, here, hey, wait, hang on," he pulled his wallet out, handing you over a wad of big bills. "Spend it all, okay? Have fun, call or text if you need me, yeah?"
Bucky leaned in to kiss you but you just opened the door, ready to leave. He frowned, watching you, barely managing to call a quick, "Love you!"
You didn't return the sentiment, feeling hallow and all too silly to return the affection. In your purse was your laptop, headphones, chargers, and whatever else, so, instead of meeting your friend, Natasha - being just a ruse to avoid Bucky - you started small and just went to the local café. You used to frequent it back in the day, but times were changed, and yet, they were all the happier to serve you the same as before. Getting cozy in the corner, you set up camp and ordered your favorite coffee basically every other hour - letting the day waste away as you caught up on work emails.
Might've wasted time on Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest. Got shopping done on Amazon. Browsed through Target's online selection. Checked out the sale items at Kate Spade. Perused Fenty Lingerie because you could.
Before you knew it, a message was coming in over your MacBook from Bucky, asking where you were - why had you turned your location off?
You packed up and with a to-go cup, made the short trek back home. When you got back, Bucky was pacing in the living room; staring at his phone and typing, then deleting, retyping, groaning, glancing up, typing again, then doing a double take. "Where've you been, Peach? Huh!?" Bucky demanded. "You're late!"
"Out with Nat," you eased.
He huffed through his nose, nodding slowly, "You have a nice time?"
"It was okay," you answered. "I'm gonna go to bed after I shower."
His brows furrowed, "I have a meeting tonight."
"I know."
"O...kay?" He let you go, wanting to ask why you didn't ask him to join like you had so often in the past few weeks.
And it didn't stop there, in fact, it got worse. When Bucky got home from his meeting, he was actually shocked to see you nestled in the bed; teetering on the edge of the shared space while snuggling a weighted body pillow.
When he tried to give you a snuggle, you stirred to life and pushed him back, muttering, "Too hot."
The following morning, he was relatively surprised to see you up and about before him; barely getting a word in before you were slipping out the door to go on a morning jog. He was confused by how all of a sudden, where you were once everywhere he looked, now, you were disappeared and distant and gone. You worked out alone, cooked alone - but always left him a plate, but long gone were the cute little sticky notes you left for him. You once haunted the apartment by never wanting to leave, and now, ghosted in and out of it on a daily basis.
You never bothered to go far from home. You liked hanging at the coffee shop and luckily, your job let you work from home most days, and the rare time you were due back in the office, it was only about a 20 minute walk. You got better at lying, couldn't even remember the last time you and Bucky had sex, and even now, the last time you had a meal together. You didn't text him about your day; where you once might've told him about an adorable dog you saw on the street, now, you only ever texted him if he asked a direct question.
Food lost appeal, your appetite vanished.
Sleep evaded you, plaguing you with nightmares when you did rest.
Interest dulled, passions were snuffed, and only fearful, confused anger remained. It showed in the way weight seemed to shift around your body, thinning; the lack of sleep creating dark rings and bags under your bloodshot eyes.
After two weeks of this, Bucky grew irritated and short with everyone around him. It reflected in his work, the way he spoke to everyone; even Steve and Sam getting the brunt end of his anger. Without you to assure him, Bucky was off his rocker; losing his cool; his patience stretched far too thin. So much so, the two mates approached an outside associate, Natasha Romanoff, after a particularly snappy meeting to plead for her to talk to Bucky.
"James," Nat greeted as she strode into his office without knocking.
"I know you're my oldest friend, but you don't have that privilege yet," he mused, never looking up.
"Not knocking. What is it, Nat?"
"Just came to check on you, you know, like friends do."
"Hm," he chuckled without humor, "and what did Peach say to you?"
"Nothing, I haven't gotten ahold of her for weeks."
Bucky paused, slowly lifting his head in confusion; brows furrowed and mouth set in a firm, straight line. "What?" He grit.
"Huh?" Nat wondered.
"She's been telling me that she's hanging out with you for the past two weeks," he revealed.
"Nope, not since the incident with HYDRA."
Bucky's (right) flesh hand crushed the pen in his grip, taking a long breath. "All right," he sighed, "so, why come today?"
"What's really going on, Buck?" She worried softly. "Is it really whatever's going on with Peach? You're this pissed off? What'd she even do?"
"She just..." He cut himself off with a long sigh. "It's nothing."
"Bucky," Nat gave a pointed look.
"She's just avoiding me," he muttered. "It's like she's barely home, almost like a ghost."
"Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yes, and no," Bucky snipped, rolling his neck out. "I'm just worried about her now, she's never not communicated before."
"Something's bothering her," Nat shrugged. "She probably needs you right now, Buck."
"I can't do it all," he whispered. "I can't be who she wants and run this organization at the same time."
"She doesn't need that, she just needs you to be her partner," Natasha spoke softly. "She needs to feel loved and supported, and surely, she maybe felt weird about whatever you were projecting. Instead of taking it out on your men," she smirked, "why don't you just talk to her? 'Cause I hear you're bein' a more-than-usual asshole lately. You need to ease up or get laid, 'cause you're taking it out on good, loyal men, and that's entirely unfair."
"They can take it."
"Sure, but they shouldn't have to," Nat rolled her eyes. "Look, since you won't answer me, I'm assuming the sour mood is in regard to whatever relationship issues you have right now?"
"Sure," he tossed the pen away, opened a skinny drawer to his right and select an identical one.
"Bucky," she growled.
He sighed, "She's lying to me, Nat. Saying she's with you when she's not... Is this an affair? She's gone all the time now."
"No way," Nat laughed. "Baby girl doesn't have the energy to entertain anyone - let alone two men. You're just the exception."
"Why lie, then?"
"Maybe she didn't want you questioning her..."
"No shit."
"Well, did you get into a fight?"
"Any reason she doesn't want to be home?"
He shook his head with a sigh, "Not that I know of."
"You had to do something."
"Honest, I haven't. She was being all clingy, but then one day, a switch flipped."
Nat frowned, "You think... Your girlfriend is being clingy... Because she was kidnapped and beaten up... Because of your fucking job... And is probably scared...out of...her mind...? I get that correct?"
Bucky paused for a long moment, muttering, "Oh, my God."
"Yeah, you asshole. Think of it that way! She's afraid!" Natasha snapped. "And probably picked up on your energy, so, she made herself scarce."
"I didn't mean - "
"I don't care, go home, apologize to that sweet angel - she doesn't deserve this."
Bucky paused, "What is 'this' exactly?"
"James. Focus on the present - your woman. Go make this right. We all know you're this big, bad dude - but it's okay to be a little sensitive towards the woman who loves you without condition!"
Bucky relented, figuring the redheaded Russian mobster was right.
The entire drive home, Bucky considered the ways you had changed in the few, short weeks since he vented to Sam and Steve about your clinginess. You didn't take meals with him, didn't cook, work-out, or do anything you used to do together. Sex? Forget it. Dates? Nope. Cuddling? No, you're always 'too hot'. And when he thought about it, he remembers seeing the wads of cash he'd leave for you stuffed in his sock drawer - surely trying to make him think it was just another emergency fund he had hidden. You never spent his money, feeling humiliated by his choice of words.
You didn't text or call him when he was gone, you hadn't even so much as kissed him in what felt like ages... Well, more like you hadn't initiated any kisses...
His heart weighed in his chest as he realized he hadn't even so much as hugged you in days. You were rarely in the apartment together, and when you were, you were just silent and busy with chores. It was as if you operated on the exact opposite schedule as he did, went to new extents to avoid him, and his heart clenched in his chest.
When he got home, you were caught cooking in the kitchen - being obvious that you weren't expecting him. The door slammed and his baritone voice snapped, "Peach!"
You gulped, holding the sauce-covered wooden spoon to your chest. When he rounded around the corner, he found you and slowed down, sighing in relief. "What's wrong?" You worried in a timid tone.
He panted lightly, relaying, "Needed to find you."
"I'm here."
"I know," he relented, charging up to you and engulfing you in a tight, heavy hug. "I needed to talk to you, Peach," he whispered.
"What's wrong?"
"You. You're what's wrong."
"What the fuck does that - "
"No, no," he pulled back to stare down at you fondly, "I don't mean it like that, just that... You're struggling. I can see that. But you're not alone, I'm here with you, and I got a little caught up in my head when I realized someone was so very dependent on me - it fucking scared me. But then... Then you just shut yourself off and hid away from me, and oh, my God, it's so much worse, baby. Don't do that," he breathed, "okay? Don't ever shut me out - don't stop loving me, don't stop talking to me, don't give up on us. I can't read your mind, you can't read mine, it's not an excuse - but we understand better when we trust each other enough to communicate what's required. I'm so sorry I got caught up in myself, I didn't know what you needed - but I'm here now, I'm here - I'm not leaving you."
You collapsed into his chest, taking a shuddering breath.
"Don't ever stop talking to me, Peach," Bucky whispered, kissing the top of your head; keeping you close. "I'm so sorry, baby, if I - "
"If?" You snapped, pulling back to glare at him through your tears. "I heard you, Bucky. I heard you talking to Sam and Steve, and about how clingy I am."
"I was wrong," he insisted. "I was overwhelmed and tired and just stretched thin, the easiest thing to do is attack those closest to me, and that's you. It's not right, it's the worst I could do to you after all you've been through, and I'm so sorry. I was wrong, you're not the person to take this out on - and I'm so sorry, Peach."
You sighed, "I don't mean to be... I don't mean to cling - "
"Nah," he chuckled, caressing your cheek, "you cling as much as you want. Cling as tight as you want, baby, don't let me go. I'm sorry for what I said and the way it made you feel, it was wrong - so fucking wrong of me, and I see that. When you pulled away from me, I just... I couldn't think. It felt so wrong, and I knew it was my fault." He took your face in both palms, promising, "I'm so sorry, Peach."
You shrugged meekly, "It's okay."
"It's not."
"No, but apologizing is a step in the right direction."
He nodded, "What else can I do?"
"Nothing - "
You paused to think, smiling shyly, "Movie night?"
"Whatever my pretty girl wants," he nodded.
"Hmm... Get a bath with me?"
"All right... Sure, okay..."
"And face masks."
He sighed, "Okay."
"And mani-pedis."
"You said you were making it up to me, right?"
He smirked, "That's right... All right, yeah, sure, fine, we can..." He sighed again, "We can do all that, Peach, whatever you want."
"I just want you," you told him softly. "I didn't mean to be so clingy. I was just afraid... I felt afraid everyday, just so very unsure in this life. You're the only thing that makes sense to me, Buck, and when I heard you, I just... I guess I realized how dependent I'd been and wanted to give you space. Last thing I want is to smother you, to drive you away from me."
"Not ever gonna happen," he promised softly. "I just didn't handle it like I should've. I'm sorry, Peach, but I'm here now - for whatever you need. Want me to take a few days off, just be together? I'll arrange it. Want to get away for a bit? We can go."
"I just need you," you whispered. "Only you and I should be okay - I can be okay if I have you, but feeling like I lost you? Even a fraction? Buck... James, it was such a harrowing feeling, I wasn't sure what to do to move forward. So, I think I just panicked, shut down; thought if I could just get back to normal, you'd love me again..."
"I never stopped loving you," he swore, "I just had a bad lapse in my own judgement. Nothing against you, baby. Nothing."
You nodded again, letting him tuck you into his chest; perfectly snug under his chin as he coiled his arms around you. He let out a long sigh, his guilt swelling to new heights, but for that present moment, everything seemed okay.
Felt okay.
Appeared okay.
And you'd both do whatever it took to remain as okay as you possibly could.
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buckyalpine · 6 months
Mob Bucky likes his innocent date ft smut
Sigh. I wanted this to be wholesome but it’s horny instead I’m sorry. Might delete tbh. Imagine devilishly gorgeous mob Bucky getting joy out of making his shy date flustered til she’s tripping on her words and unable to speak. He got Steve to find him a date for an event in the evening, uninterested in having to actually find one for himself. He just wants a pretty thing on his arm that he could maybe fuck at the end of the night. Between busy schedules and mob work, Steve doesn’t find anyone so he scrambles to the last person he can think of.
His sisters best friend.
You’re not at all what he was expecting.
He walks down the long staircase in his all black suit, beard trimmed, his cologne intoxicating, coking an eyebrow when he sees the shy thing waiting for him that he’s supposed to go with.
You nearly squeak when he stands before you, too nervous to say anything, your heart running a million miles a minute, knowing exactly who the very James Barnes was. You had no business being here, you were doing this for Steve.
“Hi” you whisper, and Bucky can’t help but smirk at the way you keep tugging at your dress, not meeting his eyes, tipping your chin up to meet his wolfish expression.
“You must be Y/n” he doesn’t let go of your face, noting the goosebumps that now cover your exposed skin from your plunging dress. He doesn’t say much else, letting you squirm, quite enjoying himself.
You want to tell him he looks good, be the confident woman he probably expected to have, exuding grace and poise but you bite your lip instead, nearly whining when he lets go of your chin.
“Y-you um. You look b-beautiful” you finally stutter out, your face burning under his amused gaze.
“Is that so Bambi?” He smirks, cocking his head while you fidget with your fingers. “Hmmm. No one’s called me that before” he chuckles, taking your arm in his and leading you to the limo parked outside.
Your skin is so soft, you smell so sweet and for the first time ever, he doesn’t want to ravage his date to bits. Not when you’re such a soft precious thing.
The night goes well as you grow more and more comfortable with him. He dotes on you the entire time, not letting you lift a finger. He can’t help but take care of you, not letting anyone else near his precious little Bambi.
By the end, he wants to take you home safely like a gentleman but he wants more. And he knows you do too. He can see it in the way you look at him with such longing, nuzzling into his side further and further in the back of the limo.
You’re practically on his lap now, desperately wishing he’d just have his way with you without toy having to say anything but he’d never let that happen.
“What is it Bambi” he whisperers when you squeeze your thighs together, hiding you face in his neck. Your hand trails from his tie to his belt buckle, too embarrassed to go any lower.
“Oh you poor thing” he coos, bringing and pressing your hand on top of his erection, your shaky hands rubbing his bulge like a needy kitten, “do you want my cock baby, s’that it? My Bambi needs her cock?”
“Mhm” you whine, clinging onto him when the limo pulls up to his house, his thick arms wrapping you up and taking you right to his room with no second guesses.
When he gets you into bed, all his animalistic tendencies go out the window, holding back how badly he wants to pounce on you and ravish you like the cute little bunny you are, trapped in the wolfs den. Your gown has been thrown off, lingerie ripped to bits, laying on his bed as he crawls on top of you, his thick, leaky cock bobbing between his legs.
“Are you sure you want this Angel” he checks in with you first, cupping your cheek and swiping his thumb across your pouty lip.
“W-want you” you whisper, shakily reaching down to grasp his cock, swallowing nervously. “I just- I don’t-“
“You don’t have to be scared bunny” he kisses your cheek, placing his hand on top of yours, guiding your strokes. “I’ll teach you how to play with my cock baby”
You tighten your grip, tugging him to where you need him most and he can’t hold back much longer, he’s trying to hard but you makes it impossible.
“Fuck Bambi” he groaned feeling his tip run against your soaked cunt, holding back frok shoving himself in you “keep doing that and I’ll lose control baby”
“Lose control Bucky” you tug at him again and he shakes his head with a strained chuckle.
“I’ll hurt you bunny” he said warns again but you need him to take you apart till you cant walk.
“Bunny…” he warns one last time but you want anymore.
“Daddy” you whine in his ear and something inside him snaps. He doesn’t give you any warning, slamming his cock into you with one stroke, your pleasured cry music to his ears.
“What did you just call me?!” He pulls out to flip you over, spanking your ass while his balls slap your clit, loving the way you go dumb over his cock.
“Such an innocent little baby with a filthy mouth, huh doll, my bunny wants her daddy’s cock”
He grips onto the headboard, delivering powerful snaps with his hips, alternating between pounding you against the pillows and grinding his cock in you without pulling out.
“Such a tight pussy squeezing daddy’s cock, my naughty little bunny, you want daddy’s cream too baby? You want daddy to give you his fresh cum, hm? Breed this needy little pussy?”
“B-breed me daddy!!” You squeal, his words driving you towards your climax, crying into his sheets and arching your back more as his movements grow sloppy.
“Get ready for daddy’s cum baby- gonna breed this pretty pussy till your fuckin’ round n’swollen n’leaking with milk” he gritted out, grabbing your hips with slam back and meet his thrusts. “Together Bambi, cum with daddy, c’mon, be a good girl n’cum with daddy”
The most salacious and primal sounds fill the room as he pumps ropes of his cum into toy, your greedy pussy milking him for all he’s worth. He can’t believe such a quiet little bunny could turn out to be a minx on the inside but he’s never letting you go.
“You’re dangerous Bambi” he whispers, keeping his softening cock in you, having never felt so satisfied afterwards, practically floating in the clouds with you. “M’never pulling my cock out, you feel too good around my dick baby”
You giggle as he kisses your glistening skin, gathering your into his arms, your eyes growing wide when he doesn’t kick you out of his bed.
“You’re mine now Bambi” he says with a soft growl, holding you closer to his chest before pulling the sheets over you both.
Anyway. Wholesome version coming later.
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sashaisready · 5 months
Sweet and Sour (completed)
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
This is an AU Mob!Bucky fic set in Brooklyn. Also posted on my Wattpad and Ao3.
Warnings: Smut, violence, swearing, allusions to violence, descriptions of blood, threats on life, swearing, kidnapping, stalking/tailing, murder (happens 'offscreen' but referenced and some description of bodies), vomiting, gun violence, some manipulation and nasty treatment of reader by Bucky, dubcon with a minor character, near car accident, alcohol use, possessive/jealous Bucky.
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Other MCU characters pop up along the way.
Bucky can be quite dark in this fic and doesn't always behave well...I wouldn't say it's a dark fic as such...maybe soft dark? But he's a bit of a manipulative shithead so heed my warning! He's good at heart though...
Lots of angst and fluff thrown in for good measure.
In my head this Bucky has longer hair but of course you are free to picture your favourite Bucky incarnation. Reader is fem, generally not described but has hair long enough to be in her face.
Chapter One - For your trouble
Chapter Two - No big deal
Chapter Three - Call me Bucky
Chapter Four - You’re both idiots
Chapter Five - No Witnesses
Chapter Six - You already know
Chapter Seven - First time for everything
Chapter Eight - She said Stop
Chapter Nine - Follow Me
Chapter Ten - Do you want to take this elsewhere, Doll?
Chapter Eleven - Just for Me
Chapter Twelve - It’s beautiful, just like the rest of you
Chapter Thirteen - You're finally awake
Chapter Fourteen - A new development
Chapter Fifteen - I’m done with you
Chapter Sixteen - Friends?
Chapter Seventeen - We’re going on a little ride
Chapter Eighteen - Weakness
Chapter Nineteen - Best of luck
Chapter Twenty - Of course I did
Chapter Twenty-One - I’m here, Doll
Chapter Twenty-Two - That was a long time ago
Chapter Twenty-Three - Hell if I know
Chapter Twenty-Four - Yeah, idiot
Chapter Twenty-Five - Epilogue
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themorningsunshine · 1 year
Pie - eyed over you - Chapter 3 
Mafia - Baker AU
Masterlist                        Series Masterlist
Previous Part 
Pairing - Mafia!Bucky x Baker!Reader
Summary - When a new baker in town refuses to abide by his rules, Bucky has no option but to go and take care of it himself. But nothing could prepare him for what stood on the other side. Nothing could prepare him for you.
Warnings - Mentions of murder, lots of fluff (gotta give the fluff before the angst for it to hurt more, yup I am evil), Steve and Sam being a menace 
Word count - around 6k 
a/n - So, after two delays, hell a lot of editing, and straight up changing the whole structure of this chapter and then combining it with another (hence the length), it’s finally here. Thank you so much to all of you for putting up with me. Please let me know what you guys think about this. Your kind words keep me going. 
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You placed the muffins in a tray for display before making a note in your diary to buy more chocolate chips when you go to the market on the weekend. 
Running a bakery all on your own is a difficult job but you wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. Even though you were not a morning person, the prospect of coming here and baking made it getting up from the bed every morning a tad bit easier. 
As you heard knocks on the door, you frowned before looking up, there was still some time left before it was time to open up the bakery. 
But when your eyes landed on the figure standing outside the door, looking like a complete misfit in his dark clothes and sunglasses and surprisingly, a baseball cap covering his forehead, a pathetic attempt at being discreet, you can't help the way your lips turn upward and your heart flutters. 
He was here just yesterday and yet it felt like you were seeing him after too long. 
Get yourself together. 
It's just a crush, it'll go away. 
You wiped your palms on your apron before walking towards the door to open it. 
You gave him a teasing smile before saying, "You're at the wrong place. Baseball convention is another mile from here." 
He rolled his eyes before stepping inside the bakery, bending a little, the door a little too short for him. "Hello to you too, sweets." 
You chuckled before walking towards the counter as he took his usual seat. Everything felt like a routine. Engraved in your soul as if it had always been there. 
"Gracing this bakery with your presence two days in a row. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Maybe I just missed my sweets." He shrugged as if it was obvious. 
"Continue this and you are going to get diabetic." You remarked with a smirk. 
"Not the sweets I was talking about, but okay." 
The smirk immediately left your lips as you could practically feel your heart beat out of your chest. He didn't mean it. He's just teasing. 
But no matter what you think, you can't help the way the red color crept up to your neck at his words. 
Okay, this crush is getting out of hand. 
"So, how's work?" You say in an attempt to change the topic. 
He tenses at your words. You had asked him what he did, and he had replied that he was a mechanic. It was becoming more difficult for him to lie to you. 
But maybe, he won't have to much longer. 
He was pretty sure Walker was on his way to screw things up. 
That son of a - 
"Earth to James!!" Your voice moving and your palm waving in front of his face brought him out of his thoughts. 
"I asked how was work." You said with a frown. James always got weirdly uncomfortable when you asked about work. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it, but you were no one to ask. 
"Oh, it's been fine. You know, the usual." 
"Yeah, yeah. Steve is a dorky idiot and Sam is an annoying prick. I know." You said imitating the words he had said to you not a long time ago. 
Bucky chuckles. Telling you about Steve and Sam was easier. Maybe sharing something about him which wasn't a lie, made him feel less guilty. 
He knew this was wrong. 
He was creating a web of lies that you will find out one day.
But Bucky Barnes wasn't a good man and he would take whatever time he has got before the inevitable happened. 
Which wasn't going to be today. 
He wasn't going to let Walker ruin this.
He will just sit there, hiding half of his face with the baseball cap. It would be easy. It wasn't like Walker would expect to see him here anyways. 
He was just here to make sure that he didn't hurt you. 
The both of you striked a conversation just like usual and you immediately felt better. You knew it was going to be a great day. Had started off on the best possible note, atleast.
The clock striked eight before you knew it and you got up from your chair to flip the sign at the bakery. 
"Why don't you hire someone to help you?" James asks, sipping his coffee. 
"Why, you're looking for a job?" You teased him with raised eyebrows. "Job at the garage doesn't pay enough for your baseball conventions?" 
He rolled his eyes. "When are you gonna let this one go?" 
"I think… never." 
He chuckled before asking again, "But, seriously, sweets, why not get a helping hand?" 
" 'Cause I am selfish." When he narrowed his eyes, you continued. "I know this sounds weird, but I don't like it when anybody else cooks the food. It's just never good enough." 
"So, why not hire someone to deal with the customers?" 
"That's literally the best part of the job." You half exclaimed. "People telling you whether they liked the sweets or not is the best part, James. Almost as good as getting to eat all the leftovers." 
James chuckled before setting his coffee mug down. "There is no pleasing you." 
You shrugged before walking behind the counter to get everything ready for the morning rush you were sure was about to walk through the door any moment now. 
When a few people came in, some regular customers and some students hoping to get in some caffeine to start the day, you saw as James involuntarily tensed. 
Bucky watched the front door with focused eyes as minutes ticked by. He knew Walker will be here any minute now. 
And he was proven right as he saw John Walker opening the door of the bakery and walking in with a smug look on his face, shoving away whoever came in his path. 
Bucky wanted nothing more than to pull him out of here, away from you and this warm place but he couldn't do that. There would be consequences, which he normally wouldn't give a second thought to, but the real nuisance would bring questions. 
He watched as you greet him with the same grin on your face that you used for all your customers, saying in a soft voice, "Hey, what can I get you?" And Bucky can swear Walker doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as you.
"Why not start by paying off?" Walker said with a tone harsh and loud enough that a few customers turned to see what was happening. 
You frowned your eyes in confusion, "I am sorry." You were still speaking in a calm, soft voice, trying your best to get whoever this man was to calm down. You didn't want a commotion so early in the day. 
"Walker." He said as if it was enough of an introduction before continuing, "And I think you have an idea of where I am coming from. You owe us." 
James watched as realization dawned on your face and you stood straighter, your smile turning into a forwn. "I don't owe anyone anything."
He leaned towards you, keeping his arms crossed on the counter, speaking with a smirk, "Don't try to act smart, baby doll. Pay up and no one gets hurt." 
He watches as you cringe at the nickname  and almost take a small step back, discomfort clear on your face. 
Bucky almost gets up from his chair, his first instinct to slit off Walker's throat with the knife he had tucked in his jacket. He would make it less messy too, but painful. 
Control, he isn't going to hurt her. 
"I am not going to pay you a single cent, Walker. So, why don't you take your ass out of my bakery and leave me alone?" As you speak, your hand inches towards the knife that you keep below the counter for situations like these. Even though you hoped you'd never have to use it, it was better to be prepared than sorry. 
John clenches his fist as his eyes bore into your skull, "Don't make this difficult. You don't know who you are trying to mess up with. The people I work with wouldn't blink an eye before dumping your body in a dumpster. Just pay every month and we leave you alone." 
"I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am not going to pay you to let me live." It's as if something switches inside you. The slight fear or discomfort that could be seen in your features is completely gone now. 
Bucky watches as Walker growls in impatience before reaching for his jacket pocket. 
Nope, not happening
"Listen to me, you little bitch - " 
Walker is cut off immediately when a larger figure stands between him and the counter. 
James shields you from him, obstructing his view. 
"Leave her alone." The sound is almost a growl. And if Walker hadn't been too preoccupied he would have noticed how familiar that sounded. 
"And who the hell are you?" He spat. 
Bucky looks down at him and watches as all the color is drained out of his face when he recognises him. 
"S - si "
"Leave her alone and if you show up around here ever again, it will be you in the dumpster, cut into more pieces than you can count." 
Fear is obvious on Walker's face, as he completely forgets the weapon he was reaching for, trying to get his senses to work, confusion evident on his face.
Before he can ask any questions, Bucky takes a step towards him, with sheer coldness in his eyes as if he could slit Walker's throat right now and wouldn't blink. 
You watch as the man - who had introduced himself as Walker- saunters out of the bakery with quick steps. 
You frowned your eyes at whatever had happened here. 
You weren't going to pay the mob any money, you knew that. But you also knew that you couldn't have overpowered that man, especially if he had a weapon hidden under there somewhere. 
"You didn't have to do that, James." You said softly, in an attempt to get his attention away from the door he was boring holes in. 
He turned back and you watched as his expression turned into the soft one you were so familiar with. 
You walked from behind the counter towards where he was standing before explaining, "He works for the mob. Trust me, you don't want to get involved with them." 
Bucky's breath hitches at that. How could he explain to you that he wasn't just involved with the mob?
"It's okay, sweets. They won't hurt me." That was some truth. They were never going to hurt him, and before Walker could utter a single word to anyone about the events of the day, he would be fired. Bucky would make sure of that. 
"I know." You sighed, looking down at the floor as if contemplating something. It was silent for a moment before you looked up, "Thank you, James. It does mean a lot to me." You said with a soft, grateful smile on your face and your hand reached out to his. 
"Anytime, sweets." 
A moment passed before anyone of you dared to move. Your hand was now brushing his arm in slight touches. 
You broke the silence, "Come on, have some muffins. They are on me." You said before turning back and walking towards the counter. 
Bucky had to stand there for a moment because his skin had suddenly started to feel cold and empty. Like it wasn't enough without your touch, before walking back towards the counter and standing right in front of where you were taking out some muffins on a plate. 
"So, Ms Feisty, something against the mob?" He said, trying desperately for his voice to sound joking. 
You shrugged while passing the muffins to him and turning to pour some coffee for yourself. "I am not going to pay them money just because everybody else does. Why the hell do I pay taxes?" 
"But the way you were standing, you don't just want to rebel, sweets. You hate them." He said, an emotion in his voice you couldn't really place. He prayed that that wasn't the case, that he had read the situation wrong and maybe you didn't really hate the mob. 
"Hate is a strong word, James. I - despise them." You reply before looking up at him to meet his eyes, but he looks away, almost as if looking at you right now would physically hurt him. 
"I mean, they aren't really that bad, right? It's not like I know a lot about them but I have heard they protect the city." He tries.
"Uh-huh. They are not good people. You remember that day when we met? When it was raining and I had lost my way, and you were there - "
"I remember the day we met, sweets." He interrupts. Every part of that day was engraved in his mind.
"Yeah, yeah right. So, that day I was coming back from a friend's house. She has a daughter, Ellie, about 5 years old." 
He hums, nodding his head, not sure where you were going with this. 
"Both of them were switching houses. Leaving their home, that they had built, to live in a one bedroom apartment in the not so respected area of the town. You know why?" 
He narrowed his eyes. 
"Because her dad was killed." You took a deep breath, trying to keep the rage from bubbling up to the surface. "A 5 year old lost her father, James. And why? Because of some stupid mob feud." 
"What was her dad's name?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. 
Bucky's moments halted as images came back to his mind's forefront. He had killed that man himself. Shot three bullets straight into his chest. He had felt no remorse then. That man was a traitor. Had joined hands  with the enemy, knowing very well what the consequences could be. 
He had felt no remorse then because he hadn't given a moment of thought to the people he might be leaving behind. It made his work easier. Pretending that there were no consequences to whatever they did. 
But now he could see the consequences. In the form of rage in your eyes at the tale and the hurt he felt in his chest, thinking about the girl. He knew how that felt. Being alone, and helpless. 
"She didn't deserve that. None of them did. Nobody deserves to lose somebody they love, James. But it hits the worst when it's unforeseeable. When the people who did it are out there in the world, as if their hands aren't tainted with blood, living their life and you can do nothing about it."  You say, swallowing the lump in your throat. Thinking about your friend and Elliot always brought you to tears. You tried to help them as much as you could, but there was only so much you could do. 
Bucky looks into your eyes and sees tears in the corner of your eyes. He wants to hold your hand, to comfort you, to tell you that they are going to be fine. But how could he, when his were the hands that were tainted with blood, that had taken the life of that man without a second thought. 
So, he just sits there, listening to you talk about the lady and her kid, even though each of your words is like a sword stabbed through his chest. 
When he knows you are fine, he takes his leave, bidding you goodbye before walking out and calling Steve. 
"Steve, I need you to do something." 
"What's up, Buck? Everything okay?" Steve replied in a concerned voice. Even after everything, his concern for his best friend never faded. 
"I am sending you some details of a lady and her kid. Send me the contacts of the person who bought their house." 
"Give me half an hour. But who are these people?" 
"They are going to be our responsibility, Steve." 
He cuts the call and sends a quick text with all the details he might need. 
He can't help but turn back towards the bakery to have one last look. He has made up his mind. He was going to tell you the truth. 
he didn't care if it meant you would hate him. There were many people in the town who despised him, what's one more?
But when he turns back and his eyes land up on you, handing a cup of coffee to a middle aged lady, talking to her with a softness unique to you. 
As if you can feel his eyes on you, you turn towards the window and as your eyes meet, your smile grows wider. A smile that's only reserved for him, he realizes. 
And he would have hated himself for how quickly his resolve fades away. 
But Bucky Barnes was not a good man. 
And maybe many people in this world did hate him, but he would be damned if you were one of them. 
He wanted this. The weekly bakery visits, the warmth, the sheer simplicity of it all, even if it was all this was ever going to be. 
And it was about damn time he got what he wanted. 
Why should he apologize for the monster he has become when no one ever apologized for making him this way?
Maybe, one day you'll find out the truth and hate him more for lying to you, but it wasn't going to be anytime soon. He will make sure of that. 
So, he straightens his coat and walks away from the bakery, choosing to not pay any mind to the inevitable doom that could leave the both of you shattered. 
"James Buchanan Barnes" 
He turns back from what he is doing to find you, cross armed, shooting daggers at him. 
"How could you, James? It's like you're not even trying." 
He can't help the smile that finds its way to his lips at the way you look. Your christmas sweater that you had deemed "perfect" for the occasion and a scarf draped loosely on your neck, trying to look intimidating, just makes you look even cuter. 
You walk towards him and take the candy decoration from his hand, to place it exactly just an inch away from where he was going to, because it looked in your exact words, "more festive" 
Bucky just smiles at you as he watches you ramble more about Christmas decorations. 
When a week ago, he had heard you reminding Pietro that he had to come over to help you decorate, he had stepped in and offered his help. He was free that day anyways, he had told you. There was an international shipment that he had to sign off that day, but that could wait. 
When Pietro had shaken his hand and thanked him for 'saving him', he didn't understand, but now he did. You were extremely particular about how each and everything had to look for christmas and was not shy to tell the other person what a terrible job they were doing if it wasn't exactly the way you had wanted.
But if the cute pout on your face and the warmth that it caused in his chest was any indication, it was worth it. The cookies whose smell reached him even in the living room was just an added bonus. 
Right now, standing in the middle of your apartment, surrounded by incomplete decorations that signaled the arrival of a festival he wouldn't have cared the slightest about a year ago, being scolded by you for not hanging the canes correctly, he regretted nothing. 
3 hours and a lot of debates later, all of which you won, the house was finally decorated enough for the festival. 
"Here you go." You said, handing him a warm cup of coffee and placing a plate full of cookies on the table in front of him. It was your way of saying thank you. 
Bucky looks around your apartment. It's just above the bakery and much smaller than the mansion he lived in. But it felt different in a way he couldn't point out. 
A shelf filled to the brim with books standing in the corner, pictures adorning the walls, each telling a different story. Some soft music playing on the speaker, it was like a blanket of warmth stood over your house. A little messy, but beautiful nonetheless. 
His eyes then land on you, sitting across from him on the sofa, sipping your coffee with a warm, content look on your face, your scarf now lying on the table. 
As if you could feel his gaze, you turn back to look at him and your breath hitches in the throat at the way he is looking at you. 
It's as if the world could crumble around him and he wouldn't blink an eye. 
You can't get yourself to look away. So, you just raise your eyebrows, because you have suddenly forgotten how to breathe and if he didn't look away right now, you are not sure you will be able to survive longer. 
He just shrugs and turns towards his coffee, as if it was a natural occurrence. As if your whole world hadn't stopped spinning for a moment there. 
Bucky looks at you through the corner of his eyes and watches as red color creeps up to your neck and you try your hardest to not smile. 
He now recognises the feeling. 
Your apartment feels like home. 
And the next realization brings with itself questions and doubts he wasn't ready to answer. 
He wouldn't rather be anywhere else. 
He clenches his fist as he drags his feet towards the bakery. 
It was pretty late. He knew that. 
But he just had to be there. 
He liked his work more often than not. The impending guilt and the danger aside, the reason that had initially brought him to this world still stood. 
It made him feel something. The adrenaline of each task, the satisfaction of seeing everything that belonged to his enemies burning down till there was nothing but smoke.  
The mafia world had welcomed the darkness that he had inside of him and made him one of their own, for which he will be eternally grateful. 
But for some time now, it hasn't been enough. 
The darkness that had surrounded and consumed him for so many years now was suddenly not enough. 
Something inside him changed. 
For the first time in as long as he could remember, he had thought twice before shooting that man today. The whispers inside him that asked him every time 'if there was any other way' had become louder now and even the noise of the bullets couldn't silence it. 
He knew what was happening. 
He was seeking the light.
And every single part of him knew that this could only end in disaster. In a fire that threatened to burn every single thing to the last piece. 
But that didn't stop him from taking the next step. Or the one after that. 
He was still walking to the one place that could silence away his thoughts and make it all go away. Like a moth attracted to a flame. 
Maybe this was selfish of him. Maybe he was tainting you with his darkness. 
He will think about that some other day. 
When the bakery comes into view, he realizes just how late it is. 
You would be about to close now. 
Maybe he could catch a glimpse before you retired for the night. It wasn't enough. It was never enough. But it had to do. 
As he reaches the bakery, he watches as the door slowly opens and a young boy steps out. 
He frowns before walking ahead, and his eyes almost widen with who he sees. 
"Peter, what are you doing here?" 
Peter looks up from the book he is currently holding and his eyes widen with fear at the figure who stands before him. 
"S - sir, I - I was just - " 
A voice from inside the bakery calls out to him. A voice Bucky recognizes all too well. 
"Peter, you forgot this." 
You step out of the bakery with a textbook in your hands as you hand it over to Peter. 
Peter opens his mouth to speak but then closes it. Too afraid about what was going to happen. 
You turn around and when your eyes land on James, your lips turn into a grin before you know it. 
"James, hi"
Peter's eyebrows shoot up as he looks between the both of you. You have a glint in your eyes as if you couldn't be happier by anything else and the man he had feared with everything he had for the last couple of years, had a softness to his features that made Peter wonder if he was somehow swallowed into an alternate dimension. 
"Hey, sweets." Bucky says almost on instinct, before turning towards the boy who is still looking at the both of them as if he just saw a dolphin flying in the air. 
You probably notice it too, because you then point towards Peter before saying, "James, this is Peter, and Peter, this is James Barnes." 
"James?" Peter says almost on instinct, confusion evident in his voice. 
"Wait, you know him?" You ask, looking between the both of them now. 
Peter looks at Bucky and almost crumbles with fear by the warning glare he is shooting towards him. But there is something else there too. Something, he can swear he has never seen in the mob boss' eyes. 
There is fear in them. A tiny flicker of it. He fears the answer he is going to tell you. Whatever it was, it was too important for him. 
"No, no. I don't think we have met before." 
"Oh, okay." You say, confused as to what had just happened here. "All the best for the test and tell MJ I said hi," You give him an easy exit from a situation he was clearly uncomfortable in. 
You watch as a small blush spreads across his cheeks before he bids you goodbye and glancing at James once, takes his leave. 
"He is a nice kid." You break the silence after Peter walks away, out of earshot. "Pretty smart. I was helping him with his test tomorrow." 
Bucky looks back at you and shrugs in response. "Good for him." 
"By the way, it's closing time, James." You say with a teasing voice and he is relieved that you don't ask any further questions. 
"Come on, sweets. You could make an exception for your favorite customer." 
You roll your eyes before replying. "What about this? You help me clean up, and I get you something special I made today." 
"Help you clean up?" 
"Aww. The prince doesn't like to get his hands all dirty?" You smirk. 
"This special treat should better be worth it, sweets." He huffs before walking inside the bakery. 
You walk in behind him while giggling. 
"And that's it." 
You look at him with a smile and silently clap your hands together with an impressed look. 
If any of his men would see him right now, wearing an apron with a bunny on it, hands covered in flour, working in a bakery with soft music playing in the background, their eyes would pop out of their heads. But he couldn't care less. 
"Great job for a first timer, Barnes. You have earned yourself a serving of something special." 
Bucky smirked before replying, "Something special, you say?" He leans in and sends a wink your way. 
You roll your eyes before turning towards the kitchen, hoping that it wasn't evident how flustered you were.
You take out something from a box and place it on a plate in front of him. 
Bucky looked at it closely with a frown. It was clearly made of chocolate and was shaped like a dome. He could swear he had never seen it in your bakery before. 
"Come on, give it a try. If I wanted to poison you, I would have done it ages ago." 
He picks up one and after a moment of close inspection, takes a bite. 
As the taste of chocolate invades his senses, he moans and puts the whole into his mouth. 
You watch as his head falls back in delight. 
Once he is done, which is faster than he would have wanted, he says, "Sweets, that was the best damn thing I have ever had." 
You chuckle, "You say that every single time, James."
"And I mean it every single time." 
You just smile at him before putting another on the plate. 
As he devours that one quickly too, he inquires, "What is it called?" 
You smirk before replying, "James." 
"James. That's what it is called." 
His eyes widen and he takes a moment to reply, "You named a sweet after me?"
"Well, technically, you were the inspiration for this." 
He frowns. "How so?" 
"Well, It's full of chocolate and exceptionally sweet. It's exterior is hard but its insides are so soft, they practically melt in your mouth." 
Bucky looks at you, baffled and you look away, unable to meet his eyes. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but is suddenly shushed by you. 
"That's my favorite song." You whisper, as if not wanting to obstruct the soft melody. 
Bucky listens to the sound coming from your phone.
Wise men say
"Only fools rush in"
But I can't help
Falling in love with you
He looks back at you and at the way you have a soft smile on your face, your features highlighted by the soft glow of the kitchen light. 
You look at him and with a teasing smile puts your hand forward, indicating to him to take it. 
He looks between your outstretched hand and your face with a frown.
"Dance with me." Your voice is so soft, he just can't get himself to say no. But, who is kidding? He will set the whole world on fire and watch it burn with a smile on his face if you asked him to. 
He slowly places his hand in yours as the music continues. 
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you
The both of you stand in the middle of the kitchen, the moonlight sweeping its way through the windows. 
Everything is brightened in a warm glow but you know nothing will ever shine brighter than the way his ocean blue eyes do right now. 
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
One of his arms finds its way around your waist while the other holds yours. 
You place your free hand on his shoulder and he gently pulls you closer. 
The both of you stay like that for the rest of the song, swaying slowly to the music. 
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
You don't know who  leans first but before you know it, the distance between the both of you starts decreasing. 
You hold your breath and your gaze move from his eyes to his lips. 
You would be lying if you said you had never thought of this before, of how his lips would feel against yours, how he would taste like. 
This man had occupied your thoughts since the day you had met all those months ago and you were pretty sure he had no idea of the effect he had on you. 
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
Just as the song is about to end and there's nothing but an inch of distance between the both of you, the door to the bakery was suddenly pushed open with a force and the sound of the bells invaded the comfortable silence that had covered the room in a blanket. 
The both of you took a sudden step away, and you needed a moment to calm your heart which felt like it was about to beat its way out of your chest, before looking up to see who it. was. 
You squinted as two men, one blonde and the other dark haired, stood at the door, looking comically too big, having no idea of what transcribed in the bakery before they had not-so-smoothly barged in. 
The blonde one speaks, breaking the silence, "I knew we'd find you here." 
You watch as he steps towards James, who looks at him with sheer annoyance. "What the hell are you doing here, punk?" 
The other man looks at you and forms a smirk before stepping towards you. "So, this is where you always sneak off to? I guess I understand why." 
James huffs in annoyance and with a sten face stops him, "Shut up, Wilson." 
You look between the men who looked like they were in a staring contest when realization hit you. "Steve and Sam?" 
All the men look at you at the same time and you feel like a deer caught in headlights before you stand up straighter reminding yourself that no matter how intimidating the situation was, this was your bakery. 
"And you must be y/n l/n. It's great to finally meet you, Ms l/n" Steve says, smiling. 
"Please, just call me y/n." 
"Or we could call you beautiful." Sam replies before stepping forwards, stretching his hand to take yours for a shake. 
You let out a chuckle before shaking his hand. "Y/n is fine." 
"What are the both of you doing here?" Bucky speaks up, shooting daggers at Sam, his fists clenched. 
"There's an emergency. We need to go." Steve replies, a serious expression adorning his face. 
Sam interjects them "What's the hurry? I have heard so much about this bakery. We could eat something before leaving." 
Bucky spats at him, "This bakery has closed, Wilson. Time's up. Get your butt moving." 
Sam pouts and you chuckle at the antics of these grown men, "Why don't you come here some other day, Sam, I have something that I think you'll like." 
Sam looks at you, a childlike smile replacing his pout, "I like her already." 
Bucky steps forward towards Sam, pulling him away. "Don't listen to him, sweets." 
Steve and Sam turn their head towards him so fast. you are sure they will get a sprain later. Sam raises his brows with a smirk on his face, while Steve looks at him with a smile on his. 
James then quickly bids you goodbye before pulling the both of them outside the bakery. 
Once they reach the car Steve and Sam had driven in, they both look at him with amused grins. 
"Back off, the both of you. What's the emergency?" 
Steve's expression turns serious as he replies, "Our shipment from Iran has been stopped at Morocco and they are refusing to comply." 
Bucky narrows his eyes at the information. Who would dare to stop their shipment and risk getting on his bad books? "Who is it, Steve?"
"It's Alexander Pierce." 
Bucky lets out a breath before looking in the direction of the bakery once more  and then turning towards Steve and Sam. 
"Get in the car. We need to leave right now. This is going to be a long assignment."
Next part
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lvrdrafts · 9 months
Rescued by Love Part 3
★ Summary: Your brother Steve always hated you after your mother's death and when he finally gets the family's empire he is ready to sell you off to some toxic marriage but will the knight and shining armor save you or make it worse?
★ Pairing: Bucky x f!Reader
★ Warnings: Arranged Marriage
★ Genre: Angst/ Fluff
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The transition from your childhood home to Bucky's mansion felt like stepping into a different world. The ornate decor and vast rooms were a far cry from the modest surroundings you were accustomed to. As you unpacked your belongings, the air seemed to carry a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
One evening, as the soft glow of the setting sun cast warm hues across the room, Bucky found you standing by the window. His presence was like a shadow, his steps quiet as he joined you.
"Y/N," he started, his voice a mix of hesitation and sincerity, "I want you to know that I never intended for things to be this way."
You turned to him, uncertainty clouding your gaze. "Then why did you agree to this arrangement, Bucky?"
He sighed, his gaze averted for a moment before meeting yours. "It's complicated. There are things... expectations that I can't ignore."
Your heart sank at his words, the gravity of the situation becoming clearer. "You mean, being a housewife and having children."
Bucky's expression softened, regret evident in his eyes. "It's more than that, Y/N. I'm trying to protect you, in my own messed-up way. But playing the role is.. its on the list"
The weight of his words settled upon you, a reminder that your identity had been reduced to that of a housewife, devoid of agency or aspirations. You felt your voice falter as you spoke. "Is that all I am to you, Bucky? A role to play?"
His eyes seemed to harden, the distance between you growing more tangible. "It's a role that benefits both of us. There's no point in pretending otherwise." Bucky says walking away.
The isolation settled in like an unwelcome guest, the mansion's halls echoing with a silence that seemed to underscore your solitude. Days blurred into one another, marked by routines that grew monotonous. The mansion became a symphony of routines, from managing the household to preparing meals that you hoped Bucky would enjoy. Your attempts to prepare meals went unnoticed, the table often empty as Bucky's absence stretched into hours.
The hours slipped away, the warmth of the meal gradually turning cold. When Bucky finally walked in, his exhaustion was evident, his gaze weary yet conflicted.
When he finally walked in one evening, exhaustion etched into his features, you found yourself facing a moment of truth. The meal you had prepared lay untouched on the table, a visual representation of the growing void between you. The sight of a hickey on his neck was a dagger to your heart, the sting of jealousy and hurt almost overwhelming.
"You're home late," you managed to say, your voice a mixture of accusation and vulnerability.
Bucky's eyes flicked to the untouched meal, his jaw clenching momentarily. "I got caught up in work."
The tension in the room was palpable, unspoken words heavy in the air. Accusations and retorts seemed to dance on the tip of your tongue, but it was the realization that your relationship had deteriorated beyond repair that cut deepest.
As the conversation escalated, your emotions erupted like a tempest. "Is this what we've become, Bucky? Strangers passing each other in the hallway, playing house without any semblance of connection?"
Bucky's gaze remained fixed on the ground, his emotions masked by a veneer of indifference. "You knew the terms of this arrangement from the beginning."
The words echoed in the room, a bitter reminder of your lack of agency in this situation. "Yes, I remember the terms, be a maid and have kids" you replied, your voice carrying a tinge of bitterness. "But it wasn't a choice, Bucky. I didn't agree willingly; I was forced"
Bucky's eyes hardened, his expression unforgiving. "We all make sacrifices. This is the life we've chosen."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you met his gaze, a mixture of frustration and pain in your voice. "But I didn't choose this. I didn't choose to be treated as a prisoner in this fucking cage."
He turned to face you fully, his gaze cold and unyielding. "Don't play the victim, Y/N. You knew what you were getting into."
"I can't give you something I don't have. I won't pretend for your sake. This is our arrangement, and you will abide by it, that's final"
The room seemed to close in around you, the weight of his words pressing down on your chest. "Really is it really so much to ask for a bit of care? Or that you pretend your not cheating on me? Or is that too much to expect?"
Bucky's features darkened, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Watch your words, Y/N. You're playing a dangerous game."
The tension between you was palpable, the unspoken resentments and long-buried desires bubbling to the surface. "So, this is our fate? A loveless marriage, a distant husband, and a life that's become a hell?"
Bucky's restraint snapped, his expression twisted with rage. "Enough, Y/N! You can't pretend you didn't know what this was all about! Your brother made damn sure of that!"
Fury ignited within you, burning through the fear that had held you captive for too long. "Fuck you, Bucky," you spat, your voice trembling with a mix of rage and desperation. You turned on your heel and walked away, determined not to let him see the tears welling up in your eyes.
But as you moved to leave, Bucky's grip on your wrist was like a vise, his fingers digging into your skin. A gasp escaped your lips as he left behind a painful mark, a physical reminder of the power he held over you. You winced, struggling against his hold, but his grip only tightened.
"Bucky, let go!" you cried out, a mixture of pain and fear coursing through you.
He released you, his jaw clenched, his eyes cold and unrelenting. With a rough push, he shoved you, and you stumbled, unable to maintain your balance. The force of his actions sent you crashing to the floor, pain shooting through your body as you hit the ground.
"Sleep on the damn couch tonight," he bit out, his voice seething with anger as he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, aching both physically and emotionally.
The couch felt like a cold and unforgiving bed as you lay there, tears staining your cheeks as you tried to make sense of the shattered pieces of your life. You needed to find a way out.
The morning light spilled into the kitchen, illuminating the room as you moved around, preparing breakfast with a sense of quiet resignation. The clinking of utensils and the sizzle of food filled the air, a routine you had grown accustomed to. As you set the plates on the table, Bucky's presence entered the room, his demeanor more cold and irritated than usual.
"Morning," you greeted softly, the tension between you practically palpable.
Bucky grunted in response, his eyes scanning the table briefly before landing on you. "We need to talk."
You tensed, your heart beating a little faster. His abruptness was unsettling, and you braced yourself for whatever news he was about to deliver.
"I'm leaving on a business trip," he stated curtly, his tone devoid of any warmth.
You blinked, taken aback by the sudden announcement. "A business trip?"
He nodded, his jaw tight. "Yes, for about a month."
"During my absence," he continued, his gaze unwavering, "you are not allowed to leave the house."
The words hung in the air, a heavy decree that seemed to echo with finality. You felt a surge of frustration and helplessness, the walls of the mansion closing in around you.
"But Bucky, I..." you started, your voice tinged with a mix of defiance and desperation.
He cut you off, his irritation was evident in his tone. "I don't want to hear your excuses, Y/N. This is not up for negotiation."
Anger simmered within you, but it was the realization of your powerlessness that hit you the hardest. The isolation, the restrictions – they were a stark reminder of the gilded cage you found yourself in.
"I have my own life, my own dreams," you retorted, the bitterness in your voice impossible to mask.
Bucky's gaze hardened, his jaw clenched. "This is not the time for your idealistic notions, Y/N."
The exchange left an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air, the weight of your conflicting emotions settling heavily upon you. You pushed back your frustration, not wanting to provoke him further, not wanting to feel the repercussions of his anger.
As the minutes ticked by, you realized the futility of arguing. The walls seemed to close in around you, the mansion's rooms feeling more suffocating than ever.
Bucky pushed his chair back, his expression unreadable. "I've said what I needed to say. Make sure you follow the rules while I'm gone."
He stood up, and as he walked over to the counter to pour himself a mug of coffee, you couldn't help but feel his gaze linger on you. You felt a flush of discomfort, your instinct to hide the evidence of last night's altercation kicking in. You had chosen to wear long sleeves in an attempt to cover up the bruise he had unknowingly left on your wrist.
For a moment, his eyes seemed to narrow, his gaze drawn to your attempt at concealment. You avoided his gaze, focusing on the table instead, your heart pounding in your chest. He reached for his coffee, his fingers brushing against the handle of the mug as his voice broke the silence.
"I'll be leaving tomorrow," he said, his tone still cold and distant. "There are some things you need to take care of while I'm gone. I'll leave you a list."
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. The tension in the room felt suffocating, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. You could feel his gaze on you, an unspoken awareness that hung heavy in the air. The weight of your bruises, both physical and emotional, seemed to press down on you as he left the room without another word.
@cjand10 @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @marvel-ous-miss-maisie @hereticdance @kentokaze @bruher @tupperwarefullofdirt @unaxv @learisa @emerald-writes @aya-fay @stinkerbelle007 @scifinerd1818 @paarthurnax59
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srgntjamesbuckybarnes · 11 months
The List (2)
Summary: When a hit list spreads around New York, Bucky’s ex-wife is the only one with any information.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Mafia Bucky Barnes x Ex-Wife Reader
Warnings: Violence
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Not Beta’d. Thank you all for expressing interest in this one-shot and turning it into a mini-series. I wasn’t expecting this much excitement over mafia Bucky. I have read and appreciate each of your comments. I am happy to continue this fic as long as people are interested. (I have tagged anyone who left a comment. Please message me or leave a comment to be added or removed from the taglist.)
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Chapter 2
Every minute spent in Tony’s office felt like hours. Unlike the rest of the building, his office lacked windows. The perfect place to conduct business or in this case, hide. Y/N wrapped her hands around her bare arms, her heels echoing against the marble floor as she paced back and forth. She was sure Bucky would keep her trapped here, safe. It was the logical thing to do.
Bucky’s suit jacket was slumped over the back of Tony’s chair. Discarded in his haste to prepare to fight. Tony had been rambling on about this being a bad idea, but Bucky drowned him out. Feeding his cufflinks into the pockets of his dress pants, he then rolled each black sleeve up his forearm.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Everyone in the room froze, eyeing one another. In one motion, Bucky reached behind him into the waistband of his pants pulling a gun on Tony. The billionaire leaped out of his seat with his hands raised in surrender. The chair clattered to the ground behind him. Without a word, Bucky tilted the tip of the gun towards the door in a silent command; open it.
Tony straightened his bow tie, slowly approaching the door. Bucky followed him, using his free hand to pull Y/N behind him. With Tony’s hand on the handle, Bucky and Y/N waited with their backs pressed against the wall. A slight nod from Bucky and Tony was opening the door.
Hinges creaked, the door shielding Tony from the other two. Bucky remained glued to the crack between the door and the wall. His finger twitched over the trigger of the gun, waiting for the pin to drop, for anything to go wrong.
“Peter? What the hell are you doing here kid?” Tony barked.
Before Peter could respond, Bucky slammed the door all the way open tucking his gun back into his pants.
Like a deer in headlights, Peter stared wide-eyed at both men. Behind him stood Steve and Sam, each with their eyes trained on the hall. Not wasting another second, Bucky grabbed the kid by the shoulder, dragging him into the room. Steve and Sam entered, shutting the door behind them.
“Mr. Stark, Mr. Barnes-” Peter stammered.
Bucky ran a hand down his face. Now was not the time for this. “The kid is with me,” Bucky offered, turning to his other men.
“Kid,” Tony eyed the gun dangling from Peter’s hand. “I’m disappointed in you. If you wanted to turn to a life of violence, I could have at least gotten you into a safer mob.” Feeling several intense glares on him. Tony cleared his throat brushing his palms down the front of his suit. “I didn’t want to be a part of this but I’ll help, for the kid’s sake.” Tony addressed Bucky. “He’s like a son to me.”
Bucky sent him a single nod. “How are we looking on the outside?”
“Perimeter is secure. We have men stationed at every exit. Few men a couple of miles out,” Sam answered, shifting a machine gun in his hands.
“How did you get that in here?” Y/N gawked from behind Bucky.
Sam smirked.
“We’re all on the list. Y/N and I are active but if any of you are caught, they won't hesitate to take you out earlier.” Bucky paced around the room, pulling his handgun out of his pants once again. “We don’t know how many people are coming for us, but nobody leaves until it's over. Only rule,” he smirked, “don’t die.” He came to a halt in front of Y/N, the handle of the gun extended toward her.
Y/N’s eyes widened. This is not what she had in mind when she asked Bucky for protection. “Absolutely not.” She pushed his hand away lightly. “I don’t know how-”
“To use a gun?” Bucky smirked. “I know you do doll. Don’t tell me now that you didn’t know what you were doing when you pulled a gun on me.” He shoved the gun into her chest. “Better to be caught with a gun than defenseless, even if you don’t use it.”
Y/N growled, her manicured nails wrapping around the gun. “I should have shot you.”
The corners of Bucky’s eyes wrinkled, amusement dancing in his cerulean eyes. “You should have.” Stepping up to Steve, Bucky was handed a much larger gun. “Sam, Steve. You two head West. Tony and Peter, you go East.” He didn’t need to tell Tony to look after Peter, he knew Tony would. Turning to Y/N Bucky announced, “Y/N, you’re with me. We’ll go North.”
“What? You mean I’m not going to be staying here where it’s safe?” Her voice grew higher with each word.
“I’m needed out there. I can’t keep my eyes on you here and out there. You’re safer with me.”
“Buck?” Steve questioned. It was a simple question. One Bucky was familiar with.
Bucky waved his hand over his shoulder. “Go. We're wasting time. We’ll be alright.”
The men filtered out of the room, the door clicking behind them. Bucky dropped his gun on Tony’s desk before stalking toward Y/N. He crouched down in front of her, his hands skimming the skirt of her dress.
“Bucky, what are you-” Rip. “Hey!”
Bucky ignored her, continuing to tear her dress just above her knee. In a matter of seconds, her gown had become a cocktail dress. Rip. The silk now had a slit running up her thigh. Y/N braced her hand without the gun on Bucky’s shoulder to steady herself in her heels.
“I really liked this dress,” Y/N whined.
Bucky grinned at her, “I really liked it too but a dress like this was designed to slow beautiful women like you down.” He tapped the outside of her heel. “These too. Lose ‘em.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped. “These shoes cost a small fortune and besides I’ll be barefoot if I take them off.”
Shaking his head, Bucky placed his palm on her stomach, shoving her back until she stumbled onto Tony’s desk. Y/N’s hand left his shoulder to grasp at the desk. In that small amount of time. Bucky had slipped the heels from her feet chucking them blindly behind him. He could see the irritation cross her face, a smart comment on the tip of her tongue.
Bucky stood up, his callous fingers curling around her knees. Any comment that was threatening to spill from her lips was caught in her throat. Bucky leaned forward, capturing her lips on his own. She had been lost in the kiss much like he had been earlier, chasing his lips when he pulled away. Bucky’s hand cradled the side of her face, keeping her at a distance.
“You asked me to protect you. This is life or death, Y/N.” His eyes darted between hers. “You step out of this room with me and you’re in my world. Not whatever game of house we were playing before. When we leave this room, you listen to me. You don’t argue with me, you do as you’re told. Understand?”
Y/N’s heart hammered in her chest as she stared back at Bucky. This was real. The severity of the situation crept back into the foreground of her mind. She wished the two of them could stay hidden in Tony’s office forever. In their brief moment alone, she had forgotten about the hit list, about the people coming to assassinate them, even her fiancé.
Y/N nodded but Bucky shook his head. “I need you to say it.”
Sucking in a deep breath, Y/N whispered, “I understand.” 
“Good girl,” Bucky muttered, his lips pressed to her forehead. “Let's go.” He pulled her left hand, yanking her off of the desk.
The light caught on Y/N’s ring making her hesitate. “Wait,” Y/N croaked, snatching her hand back. Bucky picked his machine gun up, eyeing his ex-wife as she slid the engagement ring from her finger, placing it on Tony’s desk.
“You sure?”
Y/N had to suppress a laugh at the question. One man was trying to kill her, the other trying to protect her. She liked her options better with the man trying to save her life. “Yeah,” she intertwined their fingers. “I’m sure.”
The couple walked out; guns raised. The faint sound of music and chatter could be heard the second Bucky opened the door. Innocent lives temporarily, living ignorantly in bliss. Inching along the hall with their backs against the wall, Bucky led the two straight into the lion’s den.
A stray bullet pierced one of the glass windows, lodging itself into the wall inches beside Bucky’s head. With a roar, Bucky shoved Y/N back behind the wall. Finger on the trigger, he sent a round in the direction the bullet came from, effectively shattering the glass. Bodies dropped like flies, seeking cover from the glass. It wasn’t until one of the guests pulled a gun, firing it in Bucky’s direction, that chaos erupted. A bullet from the west hit the guest before anyone could blink. Screams pierced the night sky at the sight of the dead body. Everyone began pushing and shoving one another in an attempt to escape.
With a hand on her shoulder, Bucky shoved Y/N into a crouched position. “Stay here. Don’t move.” He glared down at her, daring her to disobey him. While she had given him her word that she would listen to him, he knew better. He knew her better. She would do what she thought was best when it came down to it. When she didn’t move, Bucky cocked his gun. “I’ll be right back.”
Y/N watched Bucky’s back disappear into the stampede of people. Clutching the gun to her chest, Y/N prayed she wouldn’t have to use it. Bucky was involved in a lot of illegal activity but despite his sinful lifestyle, he remained a man of his word. If he said he would be right back, Y/N would believe him. Bucky would be right back.
As the crowd dispersed, it became easier to find Bucky. Y/N had caught his figure several times, averting her gaze every time he pulled the trigger of his gun. If it was becoming easier for her to spot Bucky, then surely others were able to spot him just as easily. He was a giant target standing in the middle of an empty room. Y/N’s fingers twitched around the cool metal in her hand. Two targets would be harder to follow.
Y/N braced a hand along the wall, pushing herself to stand as close as possible to it to remain hidden. That was as far as she got before Bucky was stomping back in her direction, shoving her back behind the wall. “No!” He snarled. He towered over her obstructing her view beyond the hall. Though she couldn’t see the chaos, she could still hear the guns firing along with the wail of sirens in the distance. The police were on their way. “When I said don’t move, I meant it Y/N,” he growled. He also meant it when he said she was safe with him. He had known the exact moment she moved. The sirens grew louder.
“Bucky, we have to go,” Y/N pleaded.
Bucky’s shoulders tensed. He didn’t need to turn around to know what that sound was. It was one he was familiar with and in another scenario, it would have been his gun making that noise.
“Don’t move,” a voice grumbled. Y/N’s eyes shifted behind Bucky landing on a man with his gun pointed at the back of Bucky’s head. Bucky watched as the color drained from her face. “Drop your gun.” Bucky kept his eyes trained on Y/N’s as he raised his hands. Just because he was about to die didn’t mean she had to. He promised to protect her and as a man of his word, he would do just that. Turning the safety on, Bucky bent over placing the gun gently on the floor by his feet. “Kick it away,” the voice grew louder. Bucky could feel the barrel of the gun nudge the back of his skull.
Y/N’s heart thrashed against her chest like a trapped wild animal. She could hear the metal scrape along the tile the second Bucky’s shoe kicked it. He was defenseless.
“Good. Now you, princess.”
Y/N snarled at the name, but the man just shoved the gun further into the back of Bucky’s head. Bucky grunted; his head shoved forward from the pressure. Y/N glanced at Bucky for help. He told her to listen to him, that he would protect her. She wanted nothing more than for him to tell her what to do right now, to tell her how to get them out of it. She would do it. Instead, she was greeted with his pleading eyes. He wanted her to comply. He’d be dead in seconds if she did that. Y/N bit her lip, shaking her head slightly. A silent apology for disobeying him.
“Drop the gun,” the man hissed.
With shaky hands, Y/N raised the gun aiming it at the man. She never shot a man before and she wasn’t planning on starting today. Bucky’s words danced around in her head, better to be caught with a gun than defenseless, even if you don’t use it.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed. “Doll, what are you doing?”
Y/N ignored him, keeping her focus on the man behind Bucky. The sirens grew louder. If she could keep the man in a standoff until the police arrived, they would live but they would all be arrested. Her ex-fiancé was still out there, they couldn’t be trapped. He would just hire someone to take them out from the inside.
The man grew impatient, wrapping his arm around Bucky’s neck and shouting for her to lower her weapon. Y/N hesitated hearing Bucky grunt once again. His eyes pleaded once more but for what, Y/N didn’t know. “Do it,” Bucky mouthed. His right arm crossed his chest shielding his vital organs. Y/N eyes widened in horror. There was no way he was asking her to shoot him, but his arm formed a target just by his shoulder. Her eyes traced his lips as he mouthed, I trust you.
The dual sirens blaring directly outside sealed their fate. The police and ambulance arrived. Medical assistance was just outside. She hadn’t planned on shooting a man, but plans were made to be scrapped. Pinching her eyes shut, Y/N pulled the trigger. She stumbled from the kickback of the gun, her ears ringing.
A hand gripped her shoulder, pulling the gun from her grasp. Y/N eyes snapped open, breathing a sigh of relief when steel blue eyes met her own. She did it, Bucky was alive. Her eyes floated to the hand pressed to his shoulder, crimson pooling between his fingers. Oh god.
“Y/N, are you with me?” Bucky questioned, waving the gun in front of her face.
Y/N glanced at the man on the ground behind him. A bullet wound in the middle of his chest. He was dead. She killed a man. Her hands began trembling. “Hey, look at me,” Bucky grunted, his bloodied hand cradling her head. Bucky crashed his lips against hers before nestling his forehead against her own. “You did good, Y/N. I need you to listen to me. Exit out the South wing. Find Steve and get the hell out of here.”
“What about you?” Y/N wrapped her hand around his wrist. “I’m not leaving without you.”
Bucky kissed her once again before pushing her in the opposite direction. “If I don’t go now, they'll just show up on my doorstep. I’ll be out soon, promise. Now go.”
“I’ll visit you.”
Bucky smirked. “I’m counting on it.”
When Y/N was gone, Bucky groaned, plunging to his knees. He used his shirt to wipe her fingerprints from the gun before chucking it. They weren’t out of the woods yet. Y/N’s ex-fiancé was still out there. Bucky still had a job to do, he still had to protect Y/N. At the sound of footsteps rushing toward him, Bucky clasped his hands behind his head.
Flickering lights blinded Y/N as she fled the building. It had been Steve who found her first. He had whistled from the bushes the second Y/N stepped foot out of the building. Y/N winced as twigs and rocks pierced her bare feet. The second she met the threshold of bushes, Steve pulled her down, hiding her from the police.
“Where’s Bucky?”
Y/N eyed the front door as men began hollering. Guns raised, pointing at a figure exiting the building in handcuffs. Bucky. “He turned himself in,” Y/N whispered, watching as Bucky was led over to the ambulance followed by a series of cameras tracking his every move. A hand on her shoulder startled her. It was just Tony. “Don’t worry. We’ll get him out.”
Y/N nodded facing Steve. “In the meantime, we need to find Loki before he finds Bucky.”
Next Chapter
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bigtreefest · 1 month
Chapter 4: Under Pressure
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: Bucky’s been weird since that night at the bar, but will a taste of danger at the farm bring him back to his senses?
Word count: 5,468
Content/warnings: Avoidance/masking of feelings, consumption and mention of alcohol, mutual pining, omg Cole is such a jerk, use of pet names, use of y/n, a little angst especially at the end, mentions of bullying, vulnerability
Author’s Note: I really enjoyed writing this chapter. There was a lot I wanted to include, and so much that made it in here that I hadn’t even intended originally. Happy reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The rest of the weekend had been generally uneventful. You worked on the books and finances for the farm while Curtis did chores on Saturday and hung out with a book of your own on Sunday.
Bucky had become scarce. You had hardly seen him since Friday night besides mealtimes. Other than that, he was in his room, outside on the gravel talking to Steve over the phone, or shadowing Curtis to relearn how to do the tasks a sixth time.
You admired his work ethic and dedication to your agreement, but couldn’t help but feel that he was avoiding you. Was it something you said? Was he angry? To be honest, your memory seemed pretty clear. The last thing you remember was being grateful that he was there to help you get rid of Cole, and then waking up in bed to medicine and a glass of water on your nightstand. Not much could’ve happened in that small gap, right?
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Wrong. Bucky had been consumed by the thought of you since that night. Every moment he went back to it, the nerves in his fingers burned all the way up to his shoulders with the thought of your touch. His gut felt tingly in a way he hadn’t experienced since he was a young boy daunted with the task of rising to power in his organization.
Was he nervous? No. Bucky Barnes doesn’t get nervous. He just gets pensive. When things seem like they’re getting out of his hands, he takes a step back to make a plan, then muscles his way through until he gets what he wants. He was used to using that same strategy to tamper down every emotion he felt except pride, and was well-practiced at that, so why did it all come crumbling from the simple act of you on his arm? Or was it the fact that he wished you taking his hat and putting it on your head could hold actual meaning? As soon as he identified his feelings, he called Steve.
“Whaddup, Buck? Not much has changed around here since last night, so I assume something has changed on your end?”
Bucky sighed. Why did he call in the first place? The last thing he wanted to do was acknowledge this… ~feeling~ by doing it the dignity of speaking it out loud. That made it real. “Um, no, not really. Just wanted to check in. I’ve got the day off.”
Steve paused on the other side of the line. “Okay….are you sure about that? Because you don’t seem very sure about that. Was everything okay at the bar? You didn’t get into a fight, did you?”
The corner of Bucky’s mouth turned up and he sighed in relief. “Oh, no, yeah, I’m sure. And I definitely did not get in a fight last night, some guy came up and was hitting on Y/N while I was out on the phone with you, so she wanted to head out right after.”
Bucky was satisfied with his well-formulated response until his best friend spoke up again. “Ah, so this is about your feelings for her, right? You were jealous?”
Bucky froze. “Pshhh….uh, no. Definitely not. She was very obviously not interested in him so we left.”
“That’s not what I asked.” Bucky could hear the deadpan in Steve’s voice. “I don’t care whether she was interested in him or not, I care about how her talking to some handsome stranger made you feel.”
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose. “Steven, I’m going to be honest with you and I do not want you to say a word of this to anyone, or else.”
Steve poorly hid a smile in his voice. “Okay, Bucket. Floor is yours.”
“First of all, he was not that handsome. Based off her reaction, he was probably a scumbag in a Carhartt jacket that has never seen a day of actual work, but that’s besides the point….Yes…. Seeing her talking to that guy, and talking to her about her ex made me feel…things, but that wasn’t all of it….” The next words came out as a mumble. “She put my hat on her head and her head on my shoulder when I drove her home….andiwisheditwasreal.”
Steve was full-blown laughing now, so much was going on in that statement. Since when did Bucky care about work clothes and people’s worthiness of them? At least he was being honest. “Sorry Buck, missed that last part. Care to repeat?”
“Oh you know exactly what I said.” He spat back.
“Okay, okay. So what are you gonna do about it then? You’ve still got three more weeks out there. From what I can see, you’ve got a few opti-“
“Nothing.” Bucky cut him off. “I’m going to do nothing. I can’t play into her charm anymore. I’m just going to stay away and put my head down and-“
“Bucky stop. Slow down.” Steve cut him off in return to stop the spiral. “Your solution to everything can’t be to ice it out until freezes and shatters. Let’s look at this for a second. You care for her, so why can’t you stay friends? You obviously get along well, and I’m not just saying this from a personal standpoint, I’m saying this from a business standpoint. She very evidently knows how to deal with people and looking at the books, her finances are exceptional considering it’s a relatively small farm operation.”
“Okay, first off, of course I can ice her out. I need to show who’s in charge and this has worked with other associates before. And second off, what are you seeing in her finances?” Bucky huffed.
“Buck, she could buy your house. Somehow she’s invested so well that she doesn’t need our business deal, but she took it anyway. Makes me wonder why. Someone doing something like that doesn’t deserve ice, maybe you should try a little sweetness. I mean, I know you think everyone’s a sucker for that tough exterior of yours.” Steve’s tone dripped with sarcasm. “But you know what they say: you catch more bees with honey…. However, that sting on your face shows you can catch a bee just by standing there, so I’m not sure how fair that analogy is.” Steve let out a hearty chuckle at his own joke as a scowl crawled onto Bucky’s face.
“Ha ha ha, very funny, but we’re doing this my way. I’ll figure it out. I just have to last three more weeks.”
Steve sighed and replied with evident disappointment and a hint of frustration in his voice. “Okay, whatever you say, you’re the boss. I’ll call you later with a new update, Bucket.”
Bucky rolled his eyes in response. “Ugh, why do I still tell you everything when you use it against me like this?”
“That’s platonic love, my friend. Someone’s gotta hold you accountable and know you won’t punch them in the face for it.” And with that, Steve hung up and left Bucky looking up at the clear, blue sky.
Although Steve’s words and accusations stuck in his head, Bucky decided he wanted to muscle through this deal on his own. All he really needed to do was stay away from you and put in the work, and that would make it easier, right? He would simply do what he came here to do, nothing more, nothing less. If only Bucky could hear Steve’s grumble “why does he even tell me about this stuff if he won’t even take my advice?” that was said after every phone call.
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You woke up to the first rooster crow on Monday morning. By the time you had gotten dressed and walked down the creaky stairs, you saw your breakfast plate made and sitting on the counter and a mug of coffee that had already cooled down to a more than drinkable temperature.
You peeked in the dishwasher to see a set of dishes had already been placed in there. Bucky must’ve already eaten and gone out for the day. He probably wanted to get a jump start on his work. At least he knew what he was doing.
The real reason he was up and going already that you hadn’t known? He couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned all night thinking about what Steve had said and honestly, he couldn’t bring himself to look at you. Couldn’t bring himself to mess up more in your presence and be saved and comforted by your seemingly bottomless grace. The solution was to do the work in pensive silence, as far from you as possible, so he could mess up and fix it on his own without the thought of your kind, yet penetrating, gaze. He was getting too close for comfort. The only solution was to pull away.
This continued for the next three days. Wake up before you. Make breakfast. Get a jump start on chores. Mess up on chores (as you secretly watched from the tractor, or the hay loft). Fix the mistakes. Carry on with his head down. Come home. Make dinner. Trap himself in his room. Go to bed. Start again.
Some notable moments that you’d caught unbeknownst to him: Bucky’s galoshes getting stuck in the mud of the pig pen, followed by him having to step out of the still-stuck boots, continue to walk to pour the feed in the trough while losing both socks as well, then returning to dig out the boots. At least half a dozen goat head-butts while trying to grab the babies to take them to the separate feeding area. The mommas were not happy with Bucky’s insistence on taking their kids, and they showed him by knocking him repeatedly into the white-painted fences. Bucky responded with an oof and him rubbing the affected area, returning a glower to the seemingly now unbothered mothers. Bucky losing sheep, but not knowing how to command your dog to corral them, thus having to run and herd them himself, surprisingly more efficiently each time it happened, you might add.
You were proud of Bucky for his work ethic. If he had put half this effort into his business dealings, you could see how he rose to the top so quickly. He wasn’t the only one who did research on whom they were dealing with.
He was stubborn and wanted things right, but didn’t let a lack of perfection stop him from completing the tasks. However, at some point, it looked like he was beating himself up. Like he was self-punishing for something you couldn’t quite identify, so you called Curtis to help at the farm so you could figure it out. Come Thursday afternoon, you handed off your chores to him and went back to the house early in hopes of catching Bucky. You were half way through dinner when the front door opened, the mud-covered mob boss in well-fitting farm clothes crossing the threshold.
You looked him up and down, doing your best to hold in a laugh at the disheveled appearance. “Well howdy. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. Figured you’ve been working so hard, it’s my turn to help you out some.”
Bucky was taken aback by seeing you in the kitchen, not only had he purposely been avoiding you and planned to get in the house before you even considered dinner, but you just looked so relaxed. Something about that stoked an ember in him he’d tried hard to snuff out. You were wearing a t-shirt and your hair was pulled up off your shoulders, almost like any other day, but your features didn’t have their usual determined focus. They were at ease, which was in total juxtaposition with Bucky’s swirl of anxiousness rising in his gut.
Bucky looked at you with wide eyes and pointed over his shoulder with a thumb. “Um, I thought you were still out in the field. Saw the tractor turning the hay over.” He swallowed thickly.
You leaned to peek around him. “Ah, yes. That’s Curtis. Called him in today to help me finish up so you and I could talk about a few things. Go ahead and wash up. By the time you’re done, this should all be ready.”
All he could do was nod in response as he slowly made his way up the steps, mind racing with everything you could possibly say. Did you know how he felt? Did he do something wrong? Were you going to cut the deal? He could only hope the warm water would wash his worries away, along with the mud.
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Bucky came back down to a homey aroma that wrapped him in comfort. That much was consistent every time he saw you. Your existence provided him a blanket of relief, despite the way he knew he should still be holding onto anticipation for what you might say. You were sitting at the head of the table flanked by Curtis, the both of you reading though some papers.
“Hey, Bucket, just in time.” Curtis greeted him, as Bucky took the seat across from him at the table, flanking your other side. You all started to dig into the food as you set the papers down on the table for Bucky to read them. It was a headline that read: TURNing the Tables: The Road to an Empire.
“What is this?” He looked up from his plate and directly into your eyes for the first time in days.
“Well, we haven’t gotten to talk about this yet, but remember that guy who we ran away from at the bar? This is him.” Bucky’s eyebrows pinched together, he knew the look of disdain on your face made sense, but still felt like he was missing something.
Curtis cleared his throat after taking a sip of tea and spoke up. “Forgot you didn’t grow up with us. Allow me to explain.” He looked to your eyes and you nodded in approval of his continuance. “In school, I was a few years older than Y/N here. Back then, there were a bunch of farmers around town, each with their own little niche, and a lotta nice farm kids who were in our classes. Except Cole. He grew up a little awkward kid, but once he hit puberty, he became the cockiest thing in town. Didn’t even care to know those other kids anymore, just bullied them. It didn’t help that it was around the same time his parents started buying out all the other small farms here, turning their small dairy operation into a much larger-scale distributor. Little too big for their britches, if you ask me.” Curtis mumbled that last part as he rolled his eyes and shoveled another fork full of food into his mouth.
Bucky nodded in acknowledgement, but still harbored some confusion in how this all tied together. “So why was it crazy to run into him at the bar if he’s from around here? And what’s the deal with him making you so uncomfortable. Like, I get it, he’s a prick, but you were running out of there. You hardly budged for me, so there’s no way he can be that intimidating to you.”
Curtis’s eyes narrowed slightly and his brows furrowed at that statement, but he let it go for now. He swallowed down another bite of food and looked at you again. Your mouth was slightly agape, debating the best way to move forward. “I didn’t look like this in high school, or throughout any schooling for that matter, so he didn’t recognize me when we ran into each other at the bar. Frankly, I hardly recognized him. And come to think of it, he didn’t even ask my name Friday night, so that goes to show what a trash bag he really is. But this is a good thing, because I think we’d be in a way bigger mess if he did remember me. It’s a long story, and I think we’ll have to go back even farther.” You took a sip of your water before setting down your silverware and leaning forward on your elbows on the table.
“Like Curtis said, Cole didn’t get along with anyone, especially Jake. In school he’d constantly push him around, so Curtis would come to his defense, even though I probably could’ve taken Cole myself.” You let out a small airy chuckle and Curtis smiled back at you, shaking his head. “But anyway, after every time Cole started a fight and Curtis finished it, he’d look at me with this big, almost mischievous grin. So honestly, I’m glad I didn’t play into getting close to him by personally defending Jake.”
Bucky continued nodding along. You seemed so unproblematic. Why were you in the middle of this? “So he didn’t recognize you at the bar, and again, he’s from around here. What’s the big deal?”
You sighed, having to explain more small-town politics to Bucky, who very evidently didn’t understand the delicate nature of places outside the city. “He’s not really from around here anymore. His farm still is, but it’s one of many now. After school, he went to get some fancy business degree from who knows where. What I’m truly concerned about is what he said to me at the bar. He’s here to squash the one thing Curtis and I, and frankly this town, have left.” Curtis rubbed your shoulder reassuringly and you rubbed your eyes in frustration. Bucky felt that same pang in his lower stomach again, seeing how close you and Curtis were and how that dumb little milk man had you this upset. You looked at Curtis gratefully and continued.
“My mom’s brother and Curtis’s dad’s sister used to run this farm back when Cole still lived here. When they passed, they left it to us, but Curtis’s dad also left the shop, which is why I mostly run things around here. But the thing is, anyone who hasn’t been to town since back then, doesn’t know that. The last name tied to this farm doesn’t apply to either of us.” Oh, so you and Curtis were second cousins? Explains a lot. Bucky hated himself that all he could think was ‘one more man who’s close to you he can check off as not being a threat.’ He really needed to get himself in check. Once he pushed those thoughts back down is when everything finally clicked.
Cole was back in town. He had a history with you. He’s got a bad track record in general. He said he wanted to squash competition. You were that competition. He didn’t know you were that competition. You had no idea where to go from here.
Before Bucky could open his mouth for his next round of clarification questions, there was a knock on the door. The three of you were so enthralled in conversation that no one heard the wheels crunching through the gravel in the driveway. You exchanged glances with the men on either side of you. A random visitor out here wasn’t too out of the ordinary, considering how much the community depended on you, but the conversation topic had you on edge. It was for good reason, because as you opened the door, leaving the screen in place, you were met with a face that had started to haunt your dreams these past few days: Cole.
He was wearing that sickening smile again, looking down at you. “Hiya, Peach. It’s been a minute.” You crossed your arms and looked at the man standing on your porch, a plastic smile glued to your face.
Bucky and Curtis shuffled behind you. Curtis shoved the papers and articles at Bucky to take somewhere else so Cole wouldn’t see them, while he made his way to your shoulder, his large stature holding every intention to intimidate Cole.
“Ah yes, your guard dog Curtis, great to see ya, buddy.” Curtis gave a death glare of acknowledgement, stance unyielding.
“Sorry I didn’t recognize you at the bar, you’ve all changed so much, including your pal, Jakey. He’s the one who so kindly told me my family missed this farm while we were on the rise. As soon as mom and pop gave me the reins, I knew I had to stop over, didn’t realize you were the one running things now.” You did your best to keep your face level.
“So what can I help you with, Cole? Are you lost? Need directions on a map? I’m a whiz at that. Happy to print one out for you.”
If it was even possible, his troubling smirk became wider. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? I’d love to talk business. Maybe over dinner? Smells delicious.”
You scrunched your nose, keeping the fake smile on your face. “Unfortunately, it’s all gone. Maybe next time. How about you and me mosey over to the office. It’s been too long. I’ve got some mints in there. Maybe those can tide you over.”
“Too long, indeed.” He ignored the rest of your statement, but Bucky didn’t. He’d never heard you say something that rude before. Someone like Cole might have been none the wiser, but those were loaded words that he knew you said with intention. How could he blame you, though. The man in the fake work clothes had invited himself in unannounced. Not even Bucky did that to you. The same couldn’t be said for his actions with other associates, but one thing he knew was that you were deserving of all the respect in the world. Respect Cole was not giving you. Cole nodded to the two men and followed you down the hall, not bothering to take off his shoes and add them to the files of boots by the door. Another mark in Bucky’s mind. You closed the door you’d held open behind him after giving a wide-eyed look to your two confidants whose eyes followed the whole thing.
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Bucky scrambled to clean up the dinner plates and pack away the leftovers. It was smart of you to not offer Cole anything. He didn’t need any reason to stick around longer than you wanted him to. Bucky knew a thing or two about business dealings with enemies, and he was usually much cooler than this, but the fact he could tell you were freaking out, freaked him out.
He still hadn’t dealt with his emotions for you, and your earnestness not even half an hour ago had made it worse. So he did what he always does when he’s not sure and needs a wall to talk at: he called Steve.
Steve picked up in a surprisingly good mood. “Hey Buck, what can I do ya for.”
“I need to you gather everything you can on Cole Turner.” He frantically spat out. Steve grew serious to mirror his best friend’s tone. “And…” Bucky lowered his phone for a second and looked at Curtis. “What’s Jake’s last name.”
Curtis looked at him skeptically. “Jenson. Jacob Jensen.” Bucky nodded his head in thanks and lifted the phone back up to his ear.
“Did you get that?…Yeah, put our best guys on it. Ok, call me later tonight when you know. Doesn’t matter the time. Bye.”
Bucky lowered the phone and looked at Curtis who had just finished wiping down the counters. Curtis had his arms crossed and was leaned up against the kitchen island, opposite Bucky. “So you wanna tell me who exactly you are? Why you’ve got people who you can seemingly throw commands at for immediate attention? And why you care so much about this little farm that you’re only working at for a month?”
Bucky sighed and put his hands on the counter, pushing his body away from it, hinged at the hips, and hanging his head in between his arms. He stood up and quickly looked at Curtis straight in the eyes. “I think you know. I think you know the answers to all those questions, but I think you should also know, I care enough to be on your side.”
Curtis leaned in towards Bucky, his frame shadowing the mob boss’s in the evening light. For the first time in awhile, Bucky was intimidated. He knew how much Curtis cared for you, and he knew how hard he’d be pummeled if he messed up, whether Bucky used his combat training or not. He mustered up as much confidence as he could to rebuild his demeanor to face your Cousin. “You know I care, and I think all that matters is that I’m using my resources to make sure your cousin’s farm is okay and stays in her hands. You know I’m here to do business, but this is bigger than me and I see that now. I’m someone with power, and not unearned power like that prick in the other room. So I’m someone who uses that power in your best interest. That’s all you need to know right now.”
Curtis nodded in acceptance of Bucky’s answer. He could respect that logic, and the way Bucky held his cards close to his chest, because at the end of the day, at the core of Bucky’s motivations was your well-being. No matter how much he thought he could put a veil over it, Curtis saw through.
“Well, Bucky, I won’t doubt you then, but you better hold true and honest, for your own sake and for hers. And I hope to hear more of your other ‘business ventures’ later down the road, but for now, I think our girl needs us.” Bucky nodded along in agreement.
“I don’t think there’s much else I can do right now while I wait for that intel to get back. You got anything?”
Curtis grinned and gave a small shrug. “I can think of one thing. Go up in that top cabinet above the fridge. We’ve got a bottle of the good stuff. She’s gonna need it once we can get the slime ball to slide outta here.”
Bucky’s shoulder’s bounced with a small laugh as he pulled down the bottle. “Let’s get cracking then.”
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It was another half hour before Cole emerged from your office and looked cockily at the two men chatting in your kitchen. You followed closely behind, doing your best to subtly corral him out of the house.
“I hope you’ll consider my offer. Actually, I know you will. Over dinner next time.” He smirked back at you over his shoulder. You escorted him out the door as politely as you could, draining your last bit of energy. You closed and locked the front door, which rarely was so, and peeked through the window until he was gone.
You turned around to look at the two of them as your shoulders slumped. You dragged your feet over to the island where Curtis and Bucky were leaning leisurely, grateful Curtis knew exactly what you needed as he slid the filled shot glass toward you.
You grabbed it and threw it back, slamming it back down on the butcher block counter top as Curtis moved to refill it. “How many do I have to catch up on?”
“Only two.” Curtis replied as he slid the shot glass back over to you again.
“Let’s make it three.” You choked out after you attempted to swallow down the burn of the second shot.
“Bucket, can you please make us some water bottles? I’ve gotta get out of this house. We’re going for a walk.”
“Yeah, okay, Honey. Only on the condition that you put my boots on me for the walk. My hammies are sore from being your little chore boy.” He replied as he reached into the cabinet to grab the bottles.
He smiled to himself when he heard your giggle. He’d normally never complain that openly and ridiculously, but you gave him the reaction he was hoping for. Anything to make sure the life wasn’t totally sucked out of you by Cole.
“Your negotiations are no good here. You put your own boots on and take your own boots off unless you’re married. My house, my rules. But tell ya what, I’ll let you have another shot of this small-batch bourbon with me and Curty boi. That’s more than payment enough.” You winked at him as he handed you the water bottle. The three of you taking the last shot and heading out the door, making your way towards the back of the property.
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It was an easy walk through level fields, just long. The three of you fell into easy conversation about anything other than Cole, insisting you’d debrief them tomorrow, so the conversation mainly consisted of teasing Curtis about the new girl and her truck he had to fix last week. The comfortable silences otherwise were filled with the sound of the crickets chirping. You found comfort in the caress of the warm, humid breeze that blew through as you walked towards the hills where the old mines of the property resided.
Once you reached the entrance, you turned around and faced the two large men. “Buck, you’ve been working really hard this week, so I think it’s time I showed you what you’re working toward. Figured it would be a nice change of pace for us to take a look at this tunnel tonight, and we can start scheduling some time in for us to fix up the scaffolding and supports.”
Bucky nodded, looking at you with a grin on his face while Curtis clicked on his flashlight. “I’m honestly curious to see what’s going on in there. I don’t think we’ve ventured in since we were teenagers.” His voice echoed through the mouth of the mine.
You led the way, turning on your own flashlight, scanning the dirt walls and old, wooden supports. “Yeah, it’s been awhile, but I think you could work with this, right, Bucket? This tunnel specifically doesn’t have an outlet like the connecting network in some of the others, so it would be mostly storage. You could probably send some underlings out here to help you out.”
You both laughed as Bucky walked closer to the wall, examining one of the support beams. “Yeah, I mean, I own a construction company, so that shouldn’t be a worry at all.”
That caught Curtis’s attention as he stopped to give a side glance toward Bucky. You continued on ahead unfazed as Bucky kicked the wooden beam in front of him to test its integrity. It crumbled slightly at the toe of his boot. Underwhelmed with the scale of the break, the two men made a move to step forward when they heard a rumbling, followed by the beam Bucky had kicked crashing down in front of them. Pebbles shifted and fell out of the ceiling, followed by larger rocks and before they could blink, the tunnel buckled creating a wall of sand and stone between you and them.
All Bucky could hear was your muffled scream on the other end. I’m okay, just get me out of here. He was going into panic mode, but a plan still was racing though his brain as he made every attempt to mash it together into something coherent. Through the ringing in his ears he heard Curtis yell. “We have to call the police, the fire department, someone to get her out of there. She might not be injured now, but I can’t say the same if there’s a secondary collapse. We need to do something. Now.”
Bucky grabbed him by his collar. “No. No police. It’ll ruin everything.”
Curtis put his hands up in surrender. “Okay then, what do you suppose we do, big guy?”
Bucky paced back and forth, biting his thumbnail with worry. “Gimme a second. I’m figuring it out.” He stopped in his tracks. “Who all knows about the mines?”
“What? What does that ha-“
Bucky cut Curtis off. “Who. All. Knows?”
Curtis shook his head and shrugged. “I-I don’t know, not many people. Me and her, her college roommate, and Jake. That’s it, I think.”
Bucky rapidly reached into the pocket of his jeans and handed Curtis a card from his wallet. “This is my associate Sam. You’re going to call him and tell him those names. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
Curtis immediately pulled out his phone, trusting the judgement of his new friend. Bucky did the same, calling Steve. It was time to send backup to the farm. He could have his men out here tonight, and your friends by at least the morning, sending his private jet to retrieve them.
He needed you out of that tunnel like he needed to breathe, mostly because if he didn’t get you out of there within a day, you wouldn’t be able to.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: so much going on!! What will happen next? Who was the girl whose truck Curtis had to fix??
Thank you so much for reading!! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks are soooo appreciated. Lmk if you’d like to be added to any of my tag lists. Love you!
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A/N: I when onto tiktok for like five seconds and this popped up on my FYP and I decided I was going to write it, tell me what you think, i hope you all like it, feedback is always appreciated, if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.  
Wordcount:  1,096
Warnings: Arranged marriage, angst, mentions of grooming, Thor being a dick, and mentions of blood, I think that's it let me know if I'm missing anything.
Masterlist //  Tagglists
Taglist: @cherryblossomsky - @babylooneytoonz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond - @leyannrae - @avengerlex - @pineprincess -@nik2writes - @dorothea-hwldr - @rosie-posie08 - @scxrletrecsmarvel
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Peace, that's all that really mattered, to you, your father, mother, and him. That's what this is for, that is why you stood in a room at the church pacing, out of fear or because of how un-sure you were of this working. You loved your family, and knew surely that James Barnes couldn’t be that bad of a husband. The biggest deal was that James' family was your fathers rivals, and this would bring peace like all of you wanted finally.
Soon enough you walked down the aisle with your father, James’ blue piercing eyes stared at you, his dark brown hair slicked back, every intricate detail perfect on him, you and around the room. That was the day you were sure your life would have changed forever. 
You and James didn’t really mind one another, both of you were married, and you both understood that you and he had very different days. You'd get up, get Coffee, and then go to the in-home gym, and you wouldn't see much of James until dinner. 
Bucky, he would wake up with the sun, much earlier than you, he could admire your beauty for a few moments before getting up and heading for his in home gym before he took a shower and ate breakfast then he usually had business to attend to till dinner in which is where both of you would end your day with small conversation. 
The two of you didn’t know each other well. This marriage was business after all, but both of you had an already underlying love, and care for one another. But you both just sit and stir and sit there. 
One morning you decided to get out, it wasn’t like you couldn’t leave the house, you got into your car, and went to a small coffee shop, then to a random gym. When you were done, you got to your car opening the door, when you were stopped by Thor. “What the hell are you doing?” You asked, you hadn’t seen him since before the wedding day, he was your old bodyguard. 
“Look I couldn’t do this then and definitely shouldn’t do it now, but Y/n.” He cut himself off by kissing you. “I love you.” 
You shook your head, you and Thor had a friendship that all you ever saw it as, you never had romantic feelings for him. “I-I can’t- I don’t.”
Thor rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on!” He yelled. “Y/n, I spoiled you, I gave you almost anything any time you wanted, I didn’t just protect you, I cared about you, I gave you all of it so you’d grow to love me.”
A face of disgust washed over your face. Thor was ten years older than you and he became your body guard when you were ten, you realized all the trips to amusement parks, and diamond necklaces from out of nowhere were all sinister for him.“Oh my god, you’ve known me since I was a kid!” You yelled. 
“Let's not do this out here.” Thor tsked, as he went to grab your arm and pull you away. 
You pulled away. “No get the hell away from me Thor!” You fight back by getting away from him. “You basically groomed me!” 
“Oh! Don’t call it that!” He hissed, rolling his eyes. “Come on Y/n, don’t act like you care for Barnes.”
“He’s still my god damn husband, and he hasn’t done anything as fucked as that!” You fought back, you rushed to get into your car, rushing as you drove away, tears rolled down your cheeks, you tried viciously to wipe away your tears before you got home.
You pulled into the garage, and found Bucky with most of his men. “Shit.” You hissed to yourself as you wiped away to clear your tears, you came up with something to say, you grabbed your purse and gym bag. You opened the door and got out, trying to get by without being noticed, James noticed though, he followed you through the door back into the house. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked, as you kicked off your shoes in the mudroom. 
You nodded. “Yeah, i-it’s just a headache, I’ll take some medicine and then be fine.” You shrugged off, about to walk away. 
“What’s actually wrong?”  He asked following you. “Don’t lie to me this time.” 
You sighed. “It’s nothing.” 
Bucky sighed at your passiveness. “Come on, what happened? Y/n, if someone hurt you I should know.” 
“I wasn’t hurt physically, it’s just my old body guard, he probably followed me when I left, and then he talked to me after I went to my car, and he kissed me-”
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Bucky growled out. 
You shook your head. “Don’t start shit by killing him, my parents are coming tomorrow for dinner, talk to my dad then and he’ll deal with it.”
Bucky sighed out. “Fine, I’ll wait, we’re leaving for something, I’ll be back later.” Is all he said before leaving. 
The next night you waited, with your family for Bucky, this wasn’t looking good. “Does he do this often?” Your dad asked, you could hear the irritation in his voice. 
You shook your head. “No, he’s always on time. I don’t know where he would be.” 
Your dad tsked. “If he is fucking around and just expecting you to sit around I’ll pull you out of this marrage.”  You shook your head in exchange for saying no.  
Then the dining room doors opened. “Sorry I’m late.” James spoke, sitting at the head of the table, as he began to eat his stake. Blood was splattered on his face but his suit seems to be fine and pristine, not a drip on it. 
“Give us a moment.” You said to excuse yourself and your husband, you both headed to the kitchen wearing down a rag to wipe away the blood on his face. “What the hell did you do?” 
He shrugged then mumbled. “He touched what’s mine.” 
Your brows furrowed barely understanding what he said. “What?”
“He touched. My. Wife.” He stated, now loud and clear. “He wasn’t going to just get away with it.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Bucky.” You sighed. “You don’t own me.” 
“I know I don’t but you own me, and I will do this over and over until all of New York knows not to fuck with James Barnes’ queen.” He spoke softly, before pulling you into a soft kiss. “Let's go have dinner, I'm sure your parents have questions.” 
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harmonity-vibes · 2 months
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ninchen1909 · 1 year
The Teacher and the Mob Boss -Chapter 8-
Word count: ~3.000
Warnings: none that I can think of, mostly fluff
A comfortable silence surrounds us, our hands still tightly intertwined and I feel closer to James than ever before. For the first time since I met him, compassion arises in me. He never wanted this life, never wanted to belong to a mob, let alone lead one, he took this all on himself to protect his family, his loved ones.  James broke down his walls for me, opened the way to his innermost being and I couldn't be more grateful for that. The last days I tried to swallow the attraction I feel for him, but at this moment I can't anymore. All feelings break out in me and I can hardly keep them in check. Still, I don't want to interrupt our intimate conversation, but everything inside me wants to find out as much about him as possible.
"If you could have made your own free choices, what would your life have been like?"
Astonished, Bucky looks me in the face; he seems completely overwhelmed by the question, and it takes him a moment to finally answer
"No one has ever asked me that before."
"Then I'll ask you now."
I pull our clasped hands up slightly just to rest my chin on them, patiently waiting for his answer.
"It would be definitely calmer and not as bloody. I honestly can't tell you exactly how I imagined my life would be when I was younger. And since I've been involved with the mafia, I can't really afford to daydream either. But I can tell you how I imagine my future since I met you."
A mischievous smile spreads across his face and I raise an eyebrow in anticipation before asking him to continue talking with a slight smile.
"Our life together would be quiet and away from all this violence and intrigue. Just you, me and Charlie, a small farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere from which we can get everything we need. Or maybe a cozy cottage somewhere in the woods. Just a small family and a carefree childhood for my daughter, one like I never had. Far away from all the hate, lies and scheming that goes on every day. Just the three of us, some animals and peace. And maybe, if that's what you want too of course, a sibling for Charlie."
A dreamy glint enters his eyes and an expression full of longing creeps onto his features.
"That sounds perfect."
"Only unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, so I guess it will always be just a dream."
Tenderly, he strokes over my cheek, still a slight, melancholic smile pulling his full lips.
"But we can make the world perfect for ourselves."
All at once he sits bolt upright beside me, the pressure around my hand intensifies, and he looks at me from hopeful eyes. A wide, honest smile settles on my lips and I nod.
"Yes, Jamie, we."
"So you really want to try? You don't have to feel pressured into anything, I just-"
To stop him from talking himself into a rage any further, I disengage our hands from each other and clasp mine in his neck. Surprised by my action, he stops his babbling and looks at me in amazement. Calm, ice-blue eyes bore into mine, a shiver chases down my spine, and I unconsciously lean toward him. My fingertips bury themselves in his hair and begin to play with the individual strands.
"I want to, James. I didn't want to admit to myself that I was falling in love with a man I thought was dangerous. And the father of one of my students at that. But I realized I'd already blown that after our meeting in Stark's office. Otherwise, the possibility that you were engaged wouldn't have thrown me off like that either. But that's exactly what it did."
Briefly averting my gaze from his face and trying to collect myself, I noticed his large hands settle on my thighs and begin tracing patterns on them.
"But I hope you know that if we're going to start seeing each other more often, there have to be some rules."
"You make the rules."
His eager tone, triggers a slight tingle inside me.
"We keep our relationship private as much as possible. I'm still Charlotte's teacher, and even though it's a gray area legally, I don't think the school would be too pleased about me dating the father of one of my students."
"I could, however, talk to Tony an..."
A serious look from me immediately silences him and he raises his hands up defensively, yet I can still see his mischievous smile.
"Ok, agreed, we'll keep a low profile. Any other rule?"
"No secrets."
Again I see him open his mouth to most likely contradict me, but I interrupt him before even a word can leave his lips.
"I'm serious James. No secrets. I know I don't understand much about your world, your fake fiancée made that clear to me. But that fact, makes it even more important for me, that we are honest with each other.
I want to know when you're feeling down or when something's bothering you or also when we're in danger and I'll give that back to you the same way. Communication is the most important thing if we want this to work.
Briefly, James seems to quibble with my condition, but gives in with a simple, "All right," before long.
"Any other rules?"
After a moment's consideration, I shake my head.
"No, not at the moment..."
No sooner has that word left his lips than he buries one of his paw-like hands in my neck and pulls me close to him, a quick glance into my eyes telling him all he needs to know. And just a second later, his soft, full lips are on mine. The kiss is loving and tender, almost reverently his lips move against mine. Millions of electric jolts run through my body and a satisfied moan escapes my throat. Clearly I can feel his grin against my lips, tenderly he strokes his hand through my hair, while he asks with his tongue for entry into my mouth, which I grant him without thinking about it. I have my palms pressed strongly against his chest, his body heat penetrates through his shirt and chases a shiver over my body. Our tongues fight for dominance. And I feel my core tighten.  Only when my lungs beg me to let them breathe again, I detach myself from him with a last short, heartfelt kiss.
Just like mine, his chest rises and falls in rapid movements, our lips are red and swollen and there is a happy, satisfied expression on our faces. Desire rises in me and I let my index finger slide lightly over his chest before looking at him with what I hope are seductive eyes.
"Shall we go to my bedroom, then?"
I surprise myself by making my voice sound firm and confident, but I can't say the same for my emotions. Nervousness rises in me, and I feel like I've been transported back to seventh grade, when I snuck behind the gym with David Moore to make out. James' loud, throaty laugh brings me back to reality and I look at him, puzzled and also a little offended. Sulking, I cross my arms in front of my chest and look at him with raised eyebrows.
"What's so funny?"
My words are accompanied by an indignant snort.
"Just a few hours ago you wanted nothing to do with me anymore and now you want me in your bedroom. And honestly..."
"If I were you Barnes, I'd think very carefully about what I say next, otherwise that'll be your first and last invitation to my bedroom."
"Then you'd really be missing out."
At his words, I roll my eyes, but can't prevent a slight smile from creeping onto my lips.
"You know, with any other woman I would have accepted this offer immediately and if I am completely honest, I would not have had such a long and above all honest conversation with any other woman, as I do now with you. We would have disappeared into her bedroom, fucked and I would have left. No feelings, no guilty conscience, no meaning. And that's also why I'm not going to go to your bedroom with you now."
The words I've been plotting get stuck in my throat and a surprised expression settles on my face. Pure sincerity is in his eyes and the mischievous grin is gone from his lips.
"I don't want that shallowness with you that I had with all those other women..."
"Yeah there were quite a few of those apparently".
Startled, I slap my hands over my mouth, shocked at having spoken my thoughts aloud.
"Oh fuck, sorry, so...I...it's just that....after you introduced yourself to me...and Wanda told me who you were, I googled your name and..."
"And you saw the pictures of me with all the women."
His conclusion hits right on the mark, which is why I can only nod my head in shame.
"That's my past and I can't and won't deny it. I've slept with a lot of women, but I never fooled them, they always knew where they stood with me. And if one of them was hoping for something more, I made it clear to them that there would never be anything between us. I never had the interest in a real relationship at that time..until now. What I want to say is that I want to take my time with you to build a relationship. Nothing superficial, but something with meaning, if that's what you want, of course."
Almost shyly, he looks at his hands. Carefully I reach for this very one and intertwine our fingers together, lovingly I begin to paint small patterns on the back of his hand.
"Yes I do, very much so."
The pleasant silence that surrounds us is interrupted a short time later by the shrill ringing of his cell phone, with a frustrated sigh he pulls it out of his pocket. The name that appears on the display elicits a roll of the eyes. With raised eyebrows, I watch as he answers the call and presses the phone to his ear.
"What's wrong?"
He doesn't really seem to like his counterpart's answer, because after just a few words, a dark expression settles on his features.
"Are they okay?"
Tense, I try to hear what Bucky's interlocutor is saying, but to no avail.
"Sure the video footage, I'll be right there."
Even as he speaks, he rises from the sofa and begins putting on his jacket.
"I want increased security protection for them."
With a final, brash "Right away!", he ends the call and puts his phone back in his pocket.
"I'm really sorry princess, but I have to go."
With quick steps, you follow him to the front door.
"James, what's wrong? Did something happen?"
"Princess, please..."
"James, we agreed there would be no secrets between us."
He turns his gaze to me, his whole body tense and I think for a brief moment I can see fear in his eyes. Concerned, I place a hand on his forearm.
"I know princess and I promise you that I will explain everything to you, to the last detail if you want me to. But now I have to leave. Urgently."
The seriousness in his makes me pull my hand back.
And with a quick kiss on my forehead, he's gone from the apartment.
An uneasy feeling spreads through the pit of my stomach as I get through my evening routine. Again and again, my thoughts drift to James. A thousand questions buzz through my head as I drop into the white pillows of my bed, the apartment suddenly too quiet and my thoughts too loud.
I don't know exactly when I fell asleep, but what I do know is that the night was far too short, languidly swinging myself out of bed and rubbing my hands over my eyes on the way to the bathroom. After getting ready for work, a quick glance at my phone shows me that I have no new messages. With a deep sigh and still far too sleepy, I head off to school, thankful that today is finally Friday.
About 20 minutes later, I'm already standing in front of the all too familiar brick building, which I now approach with slow steps. From far away I can already see the brown hair of Wanda. She seems to be nervously pacing back and forth in front of the entrance door, her teeth are gnawing at her fingernails and she seems to be waiting for someone. The question of who she's waiting for, however, is solved a short time later, because no sooner have I entered her field of vision than she releases her hand from her mouth and takes a few steps towards me.
"Hey, (y/n).
As Wanda stands in front of me, I suddenly remember why James came to see me in the first place. Nevertheless, I don't know how I should best address this topic, which is why I decide to avoid Wanda for the time being. However, I have made the calculation without Wanda, because I have hardly run a step past her, she already grabs my arm and holds me gently at it.
"(y/n), I know you suspect something...all I want to do is clear all this up so there are no misunderstandings."
"I think the misunderstandings have already occurred, but we can meet tonight and talk. If thats what you really want"
A grateful expression settles on her face and she nods at me with a smile.
"Thanks. I'll be at your place at seven."
After a brief nod from my side, she lets go of my arm and I take my leave in the direction of my classroom . A quick glance at my wristwatch tells me that my first class already starts in 15 minutes, so I just quickly put my bag down on the desk, and head for the door, to greet my students. After just a few minutes, the first of them arrive and I greet each of them with a bright smile and a cheerful "Good morning."
The sound of heavy leather boots coming in my direction makes me turn my gaze from my students to this source of noise. The familiar face of the man makes my heart beat a little faster and I'm sure a slight blush has settled on my cheeks.
"Good morning Mrs. (y/l/n)"
Charlotte's cheerful tone makes a big smile appear on my face.
"Good morning Charlotte, glad to see you."
With a quick kiss on the cheek, she says goodbye to her father, only to immediately run to her friends. Meanwhile, James comes close to me, his intrusive yet pleasant smell rising to my nose, and I have to make an effort not to close my eyes with pleasure.
"Good morning princess"
Tenderly he brushes a strand of hair from my face.
"Morning. Have you got everything sorted?"
An apologetic expression comes over his face and he smiles apologetically at me.
"Yes, everything is back to the way it should be. And believe me, I'll keep my promise and tell you all about it..."
He casts a quick glance over my shoulder before returning his eyes to my face.
"...But not here."
"Yeah right, I understand that."
"There's something else I wanted to ask you..."
Questioningly I raise my eyebrow and look at him waiting, one of his hands now buried in his neck and he looks at me almost shyly.
"...Fuck, normally I'm better at this, but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me? I mean now that everything is good between us again...It's all good right?"
A light laugh escapes me.
"Yes James, it's all good and I would love to go on a date with you."
A million dollar smile appears on his face.
"Perfect. I can't tonight, Charlie and I try to do a father daughter night every Friday, but how about tomorrow...I'll tell you all about it then too."
"Yeah tomorrow is fine."
"Perfect, I'll pick you up at seven."
With that he takes one look around the now completely empty corridor, the rest of the classroom doors are already closed and a restful quiet has settled over the school hallways. After James is sure that no one is to be seen, he leans forward slightly and captures my lips with his. His soft lips nestle tenderly against mine and I close my eyes with a light sigh, Bucky's tangy scent almost driving me crazy. Much too quickly he detaches himself from me again, before he says goodbye with a "See you tomorrow princess". My gaze is directed the whole time at his departing figure and only the slamming of the main door brings me back to the here and now.
With a soft sigh, I turn my gaze away from the door and enter the classroom, where my students are already waiting for me. With a smile, I stand in front of them and begin the lesson.
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lillydiana304 · 1 year
the run in.
the second chapter to the collcction of wives! chapter one here and the series masterlist here
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The warm spring fall air was pefect for her light pink flowly tank top. her hair in a phony tail as  she walked to her bakery/flower shop. A smile on her face as she listned to the birds sing.                                                   She unlocked the door and stepped in the, turning on the air conditioner and then starting her morning routine of opening the shop. As 8am hit and she turned closed sign to open a customer walked in.                                                                                                                          
 "hi there! welcome in!" y/n said                                         
  "well hi there sunshine" james spoke, y/n knew who it was just from the nickname.                                             "are you following me?" she said hesitantly                    
 "no, i am not following you. i just found this bakery flower shop thats owner has the same name as you, and face." he shrugged his shoudlers innocently.  
 "we just ran into eachother, is that what your saying james?" y/n said umimpressed. but james on the other hand was feeling a synphony of feelng, swearing he had never felt before. Not with any of his ex wives. 
  “Yes thats ecstasy what im saying” james replied sassly. 
 “Alright stocker what can i get you” y/n said with a little giggle after how sassy reply. 
James could listen to her giggle for the rest of his life, most people would think james thought that way for all of hius wives. But they couldnt be more wrong, sometimes he was bored with his life, with the endless stream of work and ligh class models that the only thing left to do to cure his boredom was to get married. Sharon was a drucken mistake in vegas, natasha was more of a friend who he just had sex with. Millie was the closest thing he had to love but after he found her cheating he sore off love. But even then he didn’t feel this way with her or anyother then with y/n. 
   “Can i get a coffe and a date?” he said, boy was he charming. 
“Yes and maybe” y/n replied 
 “Why maybe?” he questioned 
“Because i dont really know anything about you” she answered honestly. 
  “Then have coffee with me, right here right now.”
 “But im work-” she didnt get to finish her excuse, he cut her off already knowing what she was gonna try and say. 
 “Its 8am and we are the only ones in here” he looked at her expectedly. 
  “alright , one sec well i get something drink and eat”  
Well y/n was making her drink and getting a lemon cake james chose a seat in the far back that was nestled by bookshelves. It was cozy and had privacy even though they were the only ones in the shop he dint want any distractions. James wanted the little sunbeam all to himself, and no could blame. James could see how men and women looked at, wanted her and hold her. 
  “Alright im back” she said sitting down. 
 “lets get to know eachother” 
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-30 minutes later 
   y/n was laughing so hard her cheeks hurt from smiling so much. 
 “Oh my that was funny” y/n said trying to catch her breath. She was blushing flower in james’ mind. 
   “Your very beautiful sunshine” james said as he leaned in to swipe a pice of her hair away from her eyes. 
“I-i would like to go on that date with you” y/n was now looking down shyly, james now holding her chin his fingers. He lifted her head up more so her eyes were forced to meet his. 
  “Saturday, 7 o’clock ill pick you up at your place.” he whispered, his lips brushing up against hers. y/n let out a breathly sigh, boy did she want him to kiss her. 
  “Alright prettybaby i gotta get to work, ill see you tomorrow’ he pressed a long kiss to her cheek. She was blushing like a schoolgirl james loved it. 
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   “Your late buck” steve said to his friend with a knowing smirk. 
 “Shut up steve” james replied back a sly smile on his face. 
   “You were at her little shop werent you?!” steve said excitedly 
“I might have” was all james said, clearly teasing his friend. 
“What is it with you and her? Shes not the typically the kinda girl you go for” steve abovsered. 
“No she’s not, thats why i like her. Shes like sunshine” a small smile and blush on his cheeks while talking about y/n. 
  “Really? I dont understand, how could she have that empact on you but the others. The others were almost just as pretty as her” steve spoke.
  “She is the most gorgeous woman ive ever said and you know that means something when i guy whos had five wives.” james stopped to get up from his desk and pace around his office. Steve sitting on the couch watching him curiously. 
  “I would say she’s the vert essence of the sun, but even the sun is envious of the way she shine. She is just warm, and kind you can tell by her eyes. It was the first thing i saw.” 
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taglist: @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @cjand10 @sebsgirl71479
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queers-gambit · 1 month
Adore Her, Dior Her
prompt: ( requested ) what good is having all that money if he can't spend it on the woman he loves?
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 4.3k+
warnings: author foams at the mouth for Mafia AUs, overwhelming fluff, cursing, not edited.
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"That's the one. That's one we should get!"
"You've said that about the past three dresses, Buck!" You groaned, smoothing your hands over the skirt. "We need to narrow this down, okay? The wedding's in a month!"
"Why did we even agree to go?"
You glared, "'Cause we love my brother and we're supporting him."
"But she's just so - "
"Jen. Her name's Jen."
Bucky nodded, leaning back on the cushioned chair, "Well, Jen's just wrong for him. Literally the definition of toxic."
"Does it count if they're toxic together? To each other?" You sighed, standing on the pedestal and turning to look in the three mirrors beside the dressing room.
"Of course it does," he stood, buttoning his suit jacket out of habit. He approached you, head cocking as he looked your body up and down to get the full view of the gown you tried on. "You're really okay letting him marry her? Turn this way a bit, baby, lemme see the front."
You scoffed, but took his offered hand and twisted on the small platform towards him, "You were there at Christmas, he doesn't listen to reason. So, if Daniel's convinced Jen's for him, as his sister, my only job is be supportive."
"They literally abuse each other," he pointed out.
"Well, he's not changing his mind. Okay? It's been three years, he won't budge, whenever someone brings up them breaking up, he goes into hiding - so, I don't know what else I can do," your hands slapped your thighs when you shrugged, "except just be there for him. Now, focus, please, help me narrow a dress down."
He shook his head as you turned to face the mirrors again, "Actually, you know what? I don't think anything in this store is for us."
The attendant perked up and scurried over, rushing, "Oh, well, we have a much larger selection in the back, Mr. Barnes - "
"That won't be necessary, Barbra, thank you, though," he nodded. "Doll," his hand planted on your waist, head over your shoulder as you still looked yourself over in the mirrors, "go get changed, I know where we need to go."
"Bucky, no, there's plenty of options here," you argued, twisting on the wee little pedestal to face him again. "We don't need to drop a stack on a dress - "
"You let me worry about the price tag," he smirked, leaning in to peck your cheek. "Just go change, pretty girl, c'mon. Step-to!"
You offered Barbra, the attendant, an apologetic smile as you shuffled back into the changing room; quickly stripping from the dress. When you exited in your street clothes, Bucky was tipping the aged woman for her effort in gathering your options, but the moment he saw you, his hand was extending to hold yours tightly.
"What was wrong with that store?" You asked when you stepped onto the noisy and busy street to approach the sleek, tinted car Bucky drove for day-to-day errands.
"We're not shopping at David's fucking Bridal."
"You literally drove us here," you laughed.
"Yeah, and then I had a much better idea," he smirked at you, unlocking the car and opening your passenger door. "C'mon, princess, just gotta trust me."
"Last time you said that - "
"That wasn't my fault," he groaned, cheeks flaring red in embarrassment. When you opened your mouth to retort, he rushed, "Aht, nope, don't say shit. C'mon, I'm taking you somewhere special so get that pretty ass in the car."
He grinned when you laughed and did as bid, feet safely inside when he closed the door after you were settled. Bucky easily jogged around the back of his car, New York busy this time of year as traffic flew past on the street and forced Buck slow. He dropped into the driver's seat, sniffling slightly.
"Reminds me," Bucky smirked as he pulled onto the street, "how would you feel about us going to Aspen this winter?"
You sighed, "Why?"
"You wanna stay in New York for Christmas?"
"Well, yeah! It's so magical."
"Okay, so, we can go over New Years?"
You sighed, "You know, we don't have to go anywhere..."
"Sweetheart," he cleared his throat, "I actually have some business in Aspen, this will just help determine when I schedule the meetings for."
"Oh," you nodded slowly.
He sighed, "I know my job isn't orthodox, but business is business, right, sugar?”
"No, yeah, yeah, I get it. It sounds kinda nice, maybe we can go skiing."
"You know how to ski?"
"No, but I'm sure someone in Aspen could help teach me."
Bucky grinned. The drive was full of easy conversation, neither you nor Bucky dwelling on his business dealings, always feeling as if it was taboo given his station in the Mafia. So when he pulled up in front of a designer store, you gawked. "Now, if we can't find something here - "
"Um, absolutely not," you laughed. "Bucky, I can't even afford to walk into a place like that!"
"Good thing I'm paying," he smirked. He assisted you out of the car, tossing his keys to one of his security guards who had been following in a separate, tinted vehicle. When you both entered the dimly lit store, you were blown away by the gorgeous minimalist design; warm lighting, open floor space, and racks of different clothing options.
"Ah, Mr. Barnes! Hello, hello, hello!" A new attendant greeted with more enthusiasm than you would've greeted any of your clients, approaching you two. She shook your boyfriend's hand vigorously, "To what do we owe this pleasure?"
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, "Looking for a dress to wear to a wedding."
She offered you a forced smile, telling your boyfriend swiftly with her teeth on full display, "You came to the right spot!"
"See?" Bucky smirked at you. "All right, Valeria, what's first?"
Valeria waved you both onward to a private changing room, offering complimentary sparkling waters, coffees, teas - even offering to go retrieve anything you two would want from the Starbucks down the block. Valeria took your measurements and dress size, making idle chit-chat with Bucky and making it obvious he was a regular in the store, then scurrying off to collect an armful of options.
"This is - wow," you nodded in impression, petting the material of the display dresses hung along the wall.
"Like it?"
"It's growing on me," you eased with a small shrug, hearing Bucky chuckle and for his phone to chime. You perused the place as he became glued to the little device, sat in front of the dressing rooms.
Valeria returned with another attendant carrying coffees. "Right this way, Mrs. Barnes," Valeria directed you into a changing room, missing the giddy look you sent Bucky over your shoulder at being called his wife. "All right, so," she sighed, hanging up the dresses she selected, "I think these are modest enough for a wedding, but still glamorous to turn a few heads."
You hummed, "They're kinda short, don't know if that's the energy I want to be giving off at my brother's wedding."
"They'll fit differently once on but we can always accommodate," she assured, pulling one from the hanger. "Here we go," she assisted you, zipping you in and looking you over. "Oh, it's just darling on you! Look at that, not a single hair outta place, right?"
You giggled lightly, "It's certainly pretty."
"Shall we show Mr. Barnes?"
You nodded, following her out to reveal Bucky sitting on a plush loveseat, sipping his coffee. His eyes widened when he saw you, nodding, "Oh, yeah. This is what I'm talking about."
"Hush, we're only buying one."
His eyes rolled, "I'll buy the whole damn store if I want."
"You don't own it already? Hm," you teased, perking your brows.
"Keep sayin' shit, I'll cut a check right now - "
"Bucky," you tisked, moving to the runway mirrors. "It's a little tight, isn't it?"
"It's snug," Valeria agreed. "Is there a color scheme for the wedding?"
"Um," you paused, "I'm not sure - I just know it's in winter, like, in a month."
"Maybe a pretty powder blue?" She looked to Bucky, who nodded. "Or how about a pale green? Like an olive tone?"
"She looks gorgeous in anything," Bucky smirked from behind you, taking another pull of his coffee.
"What about that brown number?" You asked, ignoring the way his compliments made you feel like the only girl he's ever seen in the world.
"You have a very good eye, Mrs. Barnes," Valeria nodded. She asked her coworker to go find your size, taking you back into the dressing room. You narrowed down the options without changing again, not wanting anything black or dark since it was a wedding and not a funeral. Though, you knew Bucky would disagree.
You showed your boyfriend a pretty little green dress, but he shook his head. "I thought the black was nice," he told you.
"I'm not wearing black to a wedding," you laughed lightly. "It screams bad luck to me, don't you think?"
"Think it's more of a statement, sayin' the entire event is a sham and they shouldn't be doing this," Bucky snickered, the other attendant, Laura, returning with a pretty brown dress. "That satin?" He asked, rubbing the material when it was presented to you both.
"It's very fashionable now," Laura nodded, "and it's not too dark."
"Since when is it a rule to not wear dark colors to a wedding? I miss the memo?" Buck leaned back to his seat.
All three women offered him a small look, you chuckling under your breath before Valeria was leading you back into the changing room. "If I may, Mrs?" She spoke softly, "I've known Mr. Barnes for a number of years but he's never brought anyone into the store. Then, one day, he tells me he needs a new suit because the 'girl of his dreams' had agreed to a date, and every time since then?" She smiled softly at you, "He's sang your praises. I'm very honored you're trusting me with helping you today."
"Oh," you blinked in shock, giggling nervously, "well, thank you very much, Valeria, now I know why his suits are always top of the line." She waved you off, making you add, "And for the record, I'm not Mrs. Barnes, guess that'd be his mother, wouldn't it?"
"Oh," her eyes widened, gasping softly, "oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I just - he talks so highly about you - "
"No, it's okay, it's okay," you rushed, patting her arm. "I actually kind of like it..."
She hummed, zipping you into another dress, "You know, he's the reason my girl and I are together."
"Really? How'd that happen?"
Valeria chuckled, "He's very bold, your man. We were getting coffee one day, discussing his wardrobe for a business trip he had in Hong Kong, when my lady walked in. I went all silly and stupid, and Mr. Barnes just," she shook her head with a fond smile, "brazenly asked her out for me, in front of the whole shop."
"Oh, Jesus, yeah - sounds like him."
"Well, luckily, it worked, else I don't think he would've come back for my assistance. I was so embarrassed, you have no idea, but my lady - Charlie - thought it was charming and cute. Mr. Barnes hasn't let me live it down since. Says he demands an invite to the wedding." She met your eyes through the mirror, offering, "And I'd be really happy to give him a plus one, hmm?"
"You're so sweet," you whispered, turning to survey the dress. You spent the better part of three hours there, trying on dress after dress, nitpicking almost everything as you just weren't sure what to wear. Bucky wasn't much help, he just approved everything.
So, it was up to Valeria and Laura to help you; bringing out iPads and design books, trying to piece something together that best fit your comfort and the vibe of the wedding. You didn't want to look like a walking money bag since your family wasn't by any means wealthy, thinking it would be a slap to their faces since your boyfriend could spend his money without ever thinking about it. You didn't want to give your family any reason to talk behind your back.
"I like the brown satin," Laura offered softly, looking you over in the mirror. "But the blue is just wow, it really looks like it was made for you, doesn't it?"
"Yes, but I think the green compliments her eyes more," Valeria cocked her head in thought. "Are you wearing your hair up or down?"
"Up," you answered, trying to mimic the look by pulling your locks off your shoulders, "with thin jewelry, I think."
"Pearls, if I can find a dress that looks nice with it," you smiled, seeing Bucky's reflection in the mirror watching you with a soft smile on his face; head titled in thought before his phone chimed again and warranted his attention. "Maybe we could try the pink dress?" You looked to the two women for an opinion.
"No," Valeria shook her head, "it washes you out. And pink in winter? Oh, sweetie, I'd lose my job if I let you leave here with that. Guess that means you'll have to come back in the spring, right?"
You grinned in response as Laura chimed in, "The green's actually really nice, but the brown looks much better with your body type." Then she turned to Bucky, prompting, "Mr. Barnes? Final decision - which dress?"
Bucky paused, musing, "Lemme see them all again, get one last taste. It's between the green and brown numbers?"
"Or the blue," Valeria nodded. "C'mon, sweetie," she offered her hand to help you off the wee runway you were perched on in front of the magnificent mirrors.
"You look sensational in them all, doll, how the hell am I supposed to choose just one?" Bucky teased, his canines on display from the broad grin that stretched his lips.
"You'll find a way," you answered.
"Awh, telling me Mr. Big-Tough-Manly-Business-Man who makes impossible decisions everyday can't choose a simple piece of fashion?" Valeria tacked on.
"You guys can't pick either!" He laughed, "And you do a helluva lot more shopping than I do!"
Laura, Valeria, and you paused to exchange looks, you pointing at Bucky and relenting in a drawl, "Touché."
When you were escorted back into the dressing room, Laura waiting outside the door for your privacy with Valeria, Bucky sat back on the plush loveseat and extended his one arm over the back of the seating. He smirked to himself, shaking his head as if in disbelief - but he was. Bucky was in disbelief.
How did a rugged Mob boss find himself here? Watching his girl like a private fashion show?
His whole life, all he knew was turmoil, pain, drama, and fear. He knew he would inherit his father's well-built organization after he passed and knew what this life would entail; having no preconceived notions about a quiet life. He knew he would have to be tougher than tough, adaptable, intelligent, and confident in his role as the head of the 3-6 Brooklyn Mob. Knowing the idea of a family was farfetched, knowing he'd never know the simple pleasures in life, that he would constantly be on the move - in-able to form real, sentimental, emotional connections. He knew, in this life, he'd remain alone for everyone's best interest and safety, indulging in a series of flings and one-off relationships that couldn't haunt him.
Yet they did. These encounters reminded Bucky how alone, how stranded, how isolated, how different he was. Instead of satisfying an unquenchable thirst, these fleeting partners became heavy anchors to Bucky's reality and reminded him that there was no such thing as love - nor was there any room or logic.
And then... He met you. Bucky's lips silently spread in a grin as he remembered meeting you at a bakery; purchasing the last slice of coconut cream pie to your absolute chagrin. He thought you were gorgeous, something ethereal and unobtainable; authentic, raw, and unfiltered - things his one night stands could never measure up to. So, he offered you the slice of pie if it meant giving him your number as currency.
After that, it was impossible for Bucky to consider ever being alone again because you were the sun; center of the universe that drew everyone into your orbit. He was smitten, content, excited to date you, turned on by the fact you had no idea who he was - a rare occurrence in the city. You were pure as fresh snow; sweet, kind, affectionate, attentive, and borderline overly empathetic.
Bucky knew he was in love with you after only a few weeks when he had shown up at your apartment, dripping in blood. You didn't panic like he feared you would, just checked up and down the hallway before yanking him into your home. You cleaned him up, tending to wounds, offering a safe space for him to relax in; making mindless conversation to help distract him from the pain he endured.
And now? Now, Bucky was sat in Dior, giving his opinion on your wedding guest dress; wondering how he allowed himself to get to this point of being domestic. Bucky wasn't a man to give his opinion on dresses, what color nail polish you should use, to send fresh bouquets of flowers every other week. Yet here he was, sipping too-expensive coffee, deciding between brown, green, and blue dresses that he never would've batted an eye at.
However, that was just the domino effect you caused in his life. You were sweeter than apple pie, becoming Bucky's one tether to reality that saved him from losing himself in this dark, criminal mindset he adopted. You didn't know it, but you had transformed Bucky from a brooding asshole into a boyfriend; someone you were proud to claim and never hid from - never shied away from. He admired the way you came to terms with his job, knowing it was a hard pill to swallow and yet noting the way you just accepted him as he was.
Bucky realized in that moment that he adored this new aspect of life after thinking it was impossible to obtain. He adored sitting here, offering opinions on dresses, his security left outside instead of hovering over him like a brutal reminder he was seedy. He loved having you to come home to, he loved being part of your mundane world - a person who went to weddings, who drank Starbucks, who asked her boyfriend his opinion about how she looked in dresses. Who thought bouquets of flowers were romantic, who baked him homemade cakes for his birthday, who worked overtime in order to afford his Christmas or birthday presents, who walked to the takeout place instead of paying for delivery.
All that you are, Bucky adored deeply; falling in love with you each and every single day. All he wanted to do was protect you, share his life with you, even pick out outfits for weddings you would attend. He knew if any of the men in his organization knew the extent of his affection, they'd surely weaponize it against him... Or at the very least, tease him relentlessly. Yet he never cared, knowing you wanted to be loved out loud instead of hidden away in a storage closet; but did care if it meant his enemies could use you to get to him. It was a risk, an occupation hazard for loved ones to become targets, but that only made Bucky so much more protective of you.
Laura glanced at Bucky and saw the fond smile soften to let his teeth trap his bottom lip, smiling at the Mob boss looking soft, content, smitten being there. She knew most boyfriends would never put this much effort into helping their girlfriends in the fashion department, thinking he must've been truly in love to look so at-ease. Plus his enthusiasm through the entire ordeal assured her that Bucky was genuinely enjoying himself.
Once again, you slipped into the blue dress and showed Bucky. He hummed and snapped a photo, asking you to turn this way and that. Then you tried the green dress, him taking another photo, and finally, you changed into the brown satin dress, facing Bucky for his final verdict.
Bucky hummed in contemplation, swiping through the photos. "You know what?" He asked, looking at you with a grin. "You look delectable in everything, I can't decide - so, let's just get them all."
"Bucky, no - "
"We'll take all three, Valeria, please," Bucky interrupted you.
You waited until the attendants left you alone with a knowing look shot in your direction to ring up the desired purchases, hip cocking and hands to your hips. With an underlying exasperation, you questioned, "What the hell, Buck?"
He grinned and stood, again, buttoning his suit jacket, "C'mon, princess, this is fun, right? Being spoiled?." His arms wrapped around your waist, looking down at you as if you hung the very sun that sucked him into your orbit. "What's the point of all my money if I can't spend it on you? Huh?"
"You can save it for a rainy day?"
He shrugged, "Not necessary."
"Maybe pay to send some underprivileged kids to go to college?"
"Well, there's a thought," your boyfriend mused, "but I already do that through the Stark Foundation. I sponsor a few scholarships."
"Okay, well, buying all three still doesn't help me decide what to wear," you chuckled, you mimicked his action and wrapped your arms tightly around the base of his ribs. Due to his height, your head had to tip backwards to meet his eyes with a small smile.
You could look at this gorgeous man all day, everyday if God ever permitted such an act. Why wasn't dating a paid activity? You'd be the top earner with the way you were absolutely enthralled with all Bucky Barnes was. And what an honor it was to earn his mutual adoration.
"We'll figure it out at home. Gotta get you moving in the material to make an honest judgement," he offered softly. "But you look gorgeous in all of them, baby, seriously. Like, drop dead gorgeous that makes every girl brim with jealousy. Shit, doll, you're gonna run the risk of outshining the bride."
You sighed, "Look, Buck, I appreciate what you're doing, but three designer dresses? Where the hell am I ever gonna wear them? What kinda event calls for overpriced fashion statements?"
Buck eased with a soft expression, "Guess I'll just have to take you out so you can put them all to good use, huh?"
"That's not a solution!"
"Is to me," he let a hand drift to roughly palm the meat of your ass cheek over the brown satin; another symptom of him being whipped, his comfort over public displays of affection. "Seriously, doll, how the hell did I get so lucky?"
"Just look at you, my girl," he chuckled lightly, "radiant in anything you put on. It's almost unfair, makes me wonder what I did so right to have someone like you I can call my own. I can't wait to show you off in those dresses, just look so Goddamn tantalizing. I mean, damn, baby, I'm gonna have to fight off men with my gun and the jealous women with a stick."
"You do realize we're already dating, you don't have to lay it on so thick."
"And you do realize being with you makes me the luckiest bastard in the city, right? Least I can do is spoil you, I've already got everything else I've ever wanted."
Your heart swelled at his words, sighing gently as your chin rested on his chest to keep your head tilted. Softly, you admitted, "I don't think you're the lucky one, pretty sure the honor's mine. I couldn't ask for anything more in a man - in a partner. I'm so fucking in love with you, Bucky, it honestly doesn't make sense."
He nodded, asking, "Know what else doesn't make sense?"
"What's that?"
"You refusing those dresses, I mean, c'mon!" He laughed, you groaning and releasing your hold; making his tighten to prevent you from escaping. "Those dresses look phenomenal on you, you really gonna reject my gift? C'mon, you know the rules, doll, if you adore her, you Dior her." You were ready to retort, but Bucky smiled, "For the record, I think you should wear the blue dress to the wedding."
"Blue it is," you smiled, lifting onto your toes and hooking a hand around the back of his neck to meet his lips in a scratchy kiss. "Thank you so much, baby," you whispered, feeling his lips spread against yours before he brought you back in for a much-more passionate kiss. "Hm!" You hummed, pulling away to scold, "But no more, all right? You spend too much money on me - I mean, who the hell needs three designer dresses?"
"You do," he whispered, "you deserve all of this, sugar, and I'll do what I can t'spoil you the way you should be. Might as well get used to it, I got no plans on stopping."
Your eyes rolled in good faith, excusing yourself, "Yeah, yeah, all right. Lemme get changed and we can - "
"Nah," he shook his head, petting the skin of your back exposed from the brown satin dress with his fingertips, "know what? Stay in the dress, I wanna take you out and show you off."
Your lips found his in a breath-sucking kiss, trying to convey your appreciation and giddiness over never having been spoiled like this in your entire life - feeling grateful, refreshed, and privileged for a man like Bucky in your life. Whatever greater force there was in this world, you thanked repeatedly for choosing you to love this man and for this man to love you. There was no telling what you did to deserve him, but blessed be those heavenly powers.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
My First and Only
Virgin Mob beefy Bucky x reader
So I'm taking my drabble and making into a one shot. Our beautiful, rugged mob boss whose glare make grown men cower is just a sweet shy thing on his wedding night. He has his wife to guide him poor Bucky is even more nervous because he doesn't want to disappoint his princess. Do keep in mind he's going to be a menace once he's well practiced.
"The right one will be worth it Jamie" Bucky's mothers words echoed in his ear as he sipped on a glass of whisky, the loud bass of the club music making the ice in his glass clink. "You'll know when it's the right time"
He was sixteen when she told him that, around the same time that he started working closer with his father, preparing to take over his families business. With money came power and with the money the Barnes' had, it was near limitless. The last thing Winifred wanted was for her son to go down the wrong path, one filled with greed, violence and lust.
She raised him to respect those around him and himself. To see beauty in living things, to love others and above all else, to value what it meant to share a life with someone you cared for. It was a sharp contrast to the way George ruled with an iron fist but it gave Bucky the balance he needed to be an excellent leader.
Under his mother's guidance, he followed the path that lead him to where he currently sat along with his two right hand men, Steve and Sam, the three men sipping on a dark amber liquid, ignoring the numerous girls that tried to fling themselves at their table.
"You'd think they'd get the hint after you said no to the first three" Steve chuckled while another woman slinked up only to have Bucky politely shake his head.
"Think you'll say yes to any of them?" Sam playfully shoved Bucky's shoulder already knowing the answer. Whenever they were out, plenty of women would approach the mob boss only to be turned away every single time.
"Not tonight" Bucky snorted, knowing he'd be ready when he found the right one. It was just a matter of time.
Looking at him, it was doubtful anyone would think or know Bucky was a virgin. He'd dated girls before but no one made him feel anything that also captured his heart. Of course, its not like he told anyone what he did or didn't do with those girls. He certainly didn't look like someone who lacked experience. He took care of himself when he needed to, after all he was still human. His right hand knew exactly what to do when necessary.
He met his pretty angel at a flower shop. He was there to get a bouquet for his ma's birthday and left with your number instead, quickly going back with a blush on his cheeks, realizing he didn't get what he initially came for. Bucky knew he'd found the one when the first thought that came to mind after his date was that he had to take you home. Not to his bed but to his family. To show everyone the sweet girl he knew he'd love for the rest of his life, the one he instantly knew was for him.
"You better protect her with all your heart" Was the only thing his father said before patting his shoulder whereas His mother didn't say a word about you after you'd both first met. She simply handed Bucky her wedding ring, already recognizing the lovestruck look on her sons face.
When he kissed your lips at the altar, he nearly fell to his knees, the soft warmth of your skin already making him woozy. He didn't leave your side the entire night, his arm protectively around your waist, so in love with the one person he got to call his for the rest of his life. Your first dance was filled with soft kisses, whispering sweet nothings to each others while your loved ones watched with teary eyes. When the SUV came to whisk you both away, Bucky still didn't let you go, holding you tightly in his lap, ready to start a together new chapter as husband and wife.
The very first one being in his bedroom.
Bucky didn't understand this feeling. It was brand new to him. He'd felt every emotion under the sun except this.
Pure, innocent shyness.
God, he'd never felt so shy in his entire life, it was almost embarrassing. He shook his head at himself; he was over 6 ft tall, covered in dark ink but the thought of going to bed with his sweet wife was what was going to take him down.
"Jamie, can you help me with the back please?" You stood in front of the dresser while his sucked in a breath, his fingers fidgeting with the delicate buttons down your back. He carefully undid them, letting his hand ghost down your spine, his breath catching in his throat when your dress fell and pooled around your feet. You stepped of it, left in your white lingerie and heels, bending over to unstrap them, only to have Bucky stop you.
"Let me, sweet heart" He got down on one knee, taking off the tiny strap wrapped around your ankle and slipping your heels off before standing up again, taking in the soft lace that barely covered your body.
You took off his blazer before you unbuttoned his shirt, smiling at the way he held onto your waist, his thumbs tracing small circles onto your hips. He didn't know where to focus, feeling your lips kiss his chest where he had tattooed your name over his heart to the way your soft breasts were now pressed against his body.
You let your hands caress over the thick planes of muscle while going down to his belt buckle, various pieces of art covering his body in the most beautiful way. Bucky's heart hammered against his chest as your hands trailed down to unbutton his pants, your nimble fingers brushing over his throbbing erection.
He hopes you don't realize how nervous he feels when you unzip his pants, letting it fall to his feet. He gives you a shaky nod when you look up at him for permission to pull down his brief's, letting you see all of him for the first time. Your fingers hook around the waistband, puling them down his thick thighs, till he's left perfectly bare in front of you. His thighs tense together at the soft gasp you let out, scared he'd disappoint you some how though the very thought is ridiculous.
You can't help but take a moment to admire you perfect husband in his all naked glory, his thick, heavy cock curved towards his tummy, heavy balls, achingly full. The blush on his cheeks deepen when your eyes flick down to his most intimate parts; no one else ever seen him like this before, not since he was a baby. You lean up to give him a reassuring kiss while he slips his hand into yours, taking you to bed. Every part of him wants to pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and toss you on to the large mattress but not tonight. You lay down with him against the soft pillows, the silky sheets under you cool against your skin while he gently tugs on the straps of your lingerie.
"Can I?" He whispers, still to nervous to do anything while you move his hands to the clasps of the lace.
"M'your's Jamie" You nod, letting him take his time unhooking your bustier off, his eyes growing wide at your perfect bare breasts. You know its his first time and there's nothing more you want than for him to know you trust him completely and you're all his.
He doesn't waste any time slipping your panties off, his tongue darting out to lick his lips at the sight of you naked on his bed. It starts off slow and innocent. He doesn't rush to do anything, taking his time to hug you close to him, relishing on the feeling of your bare skin on his between soft kisses. He struggles to calm himself down with the way your soft body is pressed against his, your leg hitched over his waist, his cock itching to rut against your tummy for more friction. His wide, thick body engulphs you when he holds you close, his hands skimming up and down your waist before trailing up your spine.
His heart starts to hammer again when he starts to trail kisses from your jaw down to your neck wanting to touch more of you. He wants to show you how much he loves you, gently taking a nipple into his mouth, moaning as soon as he starts to suckle. Your back arches, a gasp melting into a moan at the way his tongue flicks and moves in circles between his lips tugging and sucking your peaked bud.
Nothing compares to how warm and soft your breasts are in his mouth, his cock starting to leak. He so lost in kissing and sucking your breasts, precum smearing all over your tummy, where his cock rests against.
"Can I Touch you baby?" you whisper, kissing his forehead when he looks up at you with wide eyes. He quickly nods, pressing his hips against you showing you where he needed you most while refusing to take his mouth off your breasts.
You hand goes down to gently palm him to giving poor baby some relief. You wrap around his thick shaft, loving the needy muffled moan he lets out, his hips moving on their own when they thrust up into your fist. He doesn't even realize he's practically humping into your hand, your lips nipping down his neck.
"What is it James" You ask with your sweet doe eyes and he manages to blush more. He should be the one making you feel good and taking care of you but instead here he was, scared he'd cum before getting a chance to be inside you. You see his eyes trail down your body, darting down to between your legs, understanding he wants to touch you too. You pull away slightly, lying down on your back for him because fuck, you needed to feel him.
"Angel" His voice was breathless as you spread your thighs apart for him, giving him the perfect view of your soaked pussy and swollen button. He could feel precum starting to dribble from his tip; there was something so beautifully erotic about the way you were giving yourself to him despite how shy you were yourself. Displaying your most sacred and intimate parts to your husband so he'd take care of you.
He loves the way your face contorts with pleasure each time he rubs your clit, moving in slow, deliberate circles. He doesn't get a chance to toy with your for too long when you peck his pouty lips before trailing kisses down his body. His eyes grow wide when you get closer to his cock, his hips nearly lifting off the bed so you'd know where he needed you so badly but too shy to ask.
You take your time to clean off his slick precum that's beading from the tip, his swollen cockhead growing more sensitive each time you flick your tongue across his slit. He lets out soft, sweet babbles when you take him down your throat, his salty taste coating your tongue.
"You're making me leak" He whimpered, biting his lip to keep from letting more high pitched whines slip out, "dragă, st-stop, I'll c-cum"
He's never sounded more gone, gripping onto the sheets while you swirl your tongue around his head one last time before pulling off with a pop.
"oh-OH" His eyes grow wide when you drip down further to take his balls in your mouth instead, the sensation different that anything he's ever felt. A steady dribble of slippery arousal streams out of his cock while you nurse on suckle his heavy sac, addicted to your husbands distinct, sweet taste. You love how heavy he feels in your mouth, the smooth silky head of his pink cock begging to be sucked again.
He know's he'll cum if you keep on going which is why he pulls you up, kissing you deeply before settling you comfortably against the pillows again. He wants to make love to you so badly, even if it's not perfect the first time. He wants to give himself to you, nervously blushing when you spread your thighs for him while he pumps his cock.
"Are you ready?" He whispered against your cheek, the both of you nearly trembling with anticipation when you nod, letting him line his tip up with your fluttering entrance. He lets out the most desperate moan when he starts to push in, his body weight falling on top of you while his cock throbs, already close to cumming.
"Angel, I think m'gonna cum" He whimpers against you neck, knowing the slightest movement will make him blow his load. He hugs and clings onto you tightly, rutting himself into your cunt with the most gentle roll of his hips.
"Want you to feel good Jamie, it's okay" you hug him back while he pants harder trying to give you deeper strokes, he wants to make you feel good, feel how much he adores you by giving you pleasure but he just can't. You feel too good, pussy so warm, silky and soft.
"P-please cum for me angel" He pleads, his hand slipping between your bodies, finding your throbbing clit, rubbing quick circles with his thumb.
"J-James!" You hold onto him tighter, spots starting to cloud your vision with the way he's toying with your body as if he's touched you for years, his cock reaching depths you didn't know existed. "Fuck, fuck baby, feels so good" Your moans nearly turn into wails when he moves faster, his orgasm barreling towards him when you start to clench around his cock.
"Need you to feel good angel, don't wanna cum yet, wanna make love to you" He hides his face against your neck to try and muffle his moans but it's not use, a few sloppy stokes in and hes pumping you full of his seed, unable to stop as stream after stream burst from his cock.
"I-f-fuck, Swetheart, m'cumming- I-oh-hng princess-" He practically rolls over with you, still buried deep in your pussy, your mixed arousal soaking the sheets. His body shudders and he continued to thrust his hips up, grabbing your ass to keep you flush against him, moaning into the crook of your neck, "m'cumming so much for you, god I can't stop"
And he doesn't stop.
You gasp, feeling him still somehow rock hard, his sensitive cock still thrusting into you, his cum making it easy for him to slip in and out of you faster.
"Not done pretty girl, gonna keep my cock in you all night"
"Was I okay?" He whispers innocently while you cuddle into his chest, the both of you still naked, snuggling in the sheets. You giggle at his adorable expression, pecking his lips
"Of course baby" You reassure him again, your body still trembling from the way he pulled a second and third orgasm from you.
"Is everything okay for you?" You check in with him, loving that the question okay makes him shy again, the pink on his cheeks now moving to his neck and ears.
"M'happy I waited, that you're my first and only" He playfully shrugged, struggling to meet your gaze while you hugged him tightly, closing your eyes. The both of you drift off to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of the night, blindly reaching for each other again.
No words are said but you end up on top, dinking down on his cock, bouncing up and down, the lights turned off, only the glow of the moon illuminating your skin. He can't help himself, greedily pulling you down towards him when your breasts bounce in his face, desperately suckling on your nipples.
Between the way you ride him and the way your soft breasts in his mouth feel, he doesn't even realized he's whined mommy, eyes closed and clinging onto you like a baby.
Keep in mind, this was Bucky's first time. He's surprised at how needy and subby he can get for you, so desperate to please and pleasure you.
Until he starts to get more comfortable.
When he discovers his dom side the bedroom.
He learns he loves when you call him Sir and Daddy. On the rare occasion the house is empty, he becomes the most filthy fuck you'd meet, pulling his knife out whenever he wants to strip your clothes off and getting on his knees to eat you like a man starved. He'll bend you over anywhere; over the banister, over the kitchen counter, the table, the stairs, the floor when he wants.
If he's not nursing off of your clit, you're between his meaty thighs giving him the most sloppy head of life and he's never been more thankful for his sound proof walls.
He loves being a switch the most, alternating between begging to get a chance to taste you and then railing you with his cock till your crying and dripping with cum.
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sashaisready · 5 months
Chapter Nineteen - Best of luck
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again
Warning: Dark themes - same warnings as previous chapter, also includes minor injury with mention of blood
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 20
Series Masterlist
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Bucky is settling down to go to bed when his phone buzzes. He’s in a bad mood, still furious with how things went down with you earlier.
He takes a sip from this tumbler of whiskey as he picks up his device. He’s very surprised to see your name light up his screen. You’ve sent him a couple of messages. He frowns as he swipes to open his phone.
Sweetie - I’m sorry we fought. Please help!! I’ve been taken somewhere - these men are so scary. Please come help me x love you
Sweetie - here’s my location. Please come soon - I need you. Xx love you so much
The second message included a pin with your live location. You seemed to be somewhere on the outskirts of the city.
He furrows his brow, thinking carefully as he holds the phone against his chin.
After a moment, he opens up your messages again and begins to type a response.
Rumlow was holding your phone eagerly as he watched the screen, waiting for Bucky to respond.
You chewed your lip anxiously as you looked around the room. The men all stared back at you. You know pinning all of your hopes on Bucky to save the day is a naïve plan so you’re frantically trying to come up with another idea to get out of here. If you could just be left alone for a moment…
Your phone vibrates and Rumlow laughs excitedly.
“Here’s your boy…” he chuckles.
His thick fingers are smashing at your phone screen as he brings up the message. But his face falls, and he throws the phone over to Pierce who begins to read aloud.
“Doll…sorry to hear you’re in a spot of bother. But I told you I’d leave you alone like you wanted and I’m a man of my word. Best of luck - JBB x”.
Your heart sinks into your stomach and you suddenly feel like you might faint. You go limp in the chair. You didn’t expect Bucky to actually come, but hearing it out loud is still hard to take.
“Aww, well that’s a shame” mutters Pierce sarcastically. “Plenty of fish in the sea though, right honey?”
He taps your cheek roughly and you realise you’re trembling.
“Fuck!!!” Rumlow yells in frustration. “What are we going to do now?
Pierce shushes him soothingly. He seems to be the calm and measured presence alongside Rumlow’s hot-headedness. It strikes you that he’s like Bucky in that way.
Or maybe Bucky is like him. He learnt it all from somewhere.
“Gentlemen….let’s just give this a bit longer huh? We all know from personal experience what Barnes says and does can be two different things…” Pierce muses serenely. “We’ve got time. The girl isn’t going anywhere. We’ll be ready for him if he shows up.”
“So you think he could still come?” Rumlow questions. “I dunno boss, she seems pretty adamant he doesn’t give a fuck…”
Pierce shrugs. “Let’s regroup and discuss.”.
He gestures to them through the double doors. “Follow me, let’s go somewhere a bit more private. Prying eyes and all that” he winks at you.
“Princess, we’ll be right back. Jones here will babysit you for now” he nods his head towards a man holding a large pistol who just blankly stares back at you. He somehow looks like a perfect mix of every bad guy you’ve ever seen in a movie.
“Get comfortable, sweetie” Pierce adds as he leaves the room.
You despise all of the names he gives you...honey...sweetie...princess. Your hatred for him seethes, flowing through your veins.
As the rest of the group head out with a low chatter, Jones moves closer to you. He watches you carefully, circling your chair and pointing his gun at you. It’s just the two of you left in the room now.
You sit up slightly, the beginnings of a plan forming in your head. It’s all you have, so it’s worth a shot.
You purposefully make yourself look as meek as possible, allowing your tears to fall as you flutter your eyelashes. You whimper softly. It’s not too much of a stretch as you’ve been on the verge of crying since they grabbed you.
Jones just watches you silently, seemingly unmoved by your tears.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to cry…” you tell him softly.
“I’m just so scared” you sigh. You move your legs apart slightly, moving your cleavage forward just the tiniest bit. You adjust your thighs so that your dress rides up Jones can see a flash of your underwear between your legs, but subtle enough that it doesn’t look like it’s on purpose.
Jones takes the bait, leaning forward and leering at you. You feel dirty. But it’s a means to an end.
Now or never.
“Do…do you think you could get me some water, please? I’m sorry to ask. My throat is just so dry…” you plead to him, slightly pathetically.
He looks at you for a moment, stealing another glance at your breasts and between your legs. Then he nods silently and heads for the doors.
You nearly gasp, amazed that was all it took.
Men, huh?
But you don’t have long. You cast your mind back to a YouTube video you watched in the midst of a late night True Crime binge. It was a tutorial on how to break out of zip ties. HYDRA were sloppy for not using real ropes, no wonder Bucky toppled them so easily - but you supposed they didn’t see you as a real threat. Well, you were happy to be underestimated if it worked to your advantage.
The second the door closed behind Jones you began to raise your arms high above your back and crash them down at full force as you flex your hands. It takes a few tries but you manage it, the pressure snaps the tie and you free yourself. You gasp, momentarily celebrating your win with a muted gleeful screech.
But there’s no time. Jones will be back any second. You spring from the chair and fling off your remaining shoe - it’ll only hold you back. You sprint across the warehouse to the other door you spotted earlier, it’s on the opposite side to where Pierce and his men went so you hope and pray that you won’t bump into them.
The door opens into a labyrinth of corridors. You fling yourself down them, looking for a decent hiding place to give you time to think about your next move. You turn down them almost at random, just desperate to put as much distance between you and HYDRA. Thankfully there are so many routes that it’ll likely create confusion when they come after you. You find yourself praying silently that you don’t encounter anyone, and that they’re all on the other side of the building. You pass lots of rooms, old offices and supply closets. You just need to pick one that they don’t find right away.
Eventually, in the thick of the maze of hallways, you find a door which leads to a stairwell. You run up it, aware they would’ve noticed your absence by now. This building seems to be huge with a lot of ground to cover so you hope the search will keep them occupied for longer. Checking all of the rooms here will take some time at least.
You find yourself in some sort of attic. It’s pitch black but you are too fearful to find the light switch in case it draws attention to you. Your eyes adjust to the darkness as you bump into old boxes and equipment and stumble through the mess. Maybe you can lay low here for a while and think of a new escape plan. If you could just evade them for a bit longer, and then a bit longer after that…Maybe you could flee the building altogether and flag down a passing car once you reach the road.
Your heart is beating so fast that your chest is practically shaking. You’ve never been more frightened.
You think of Bucky briefly. You’re sad that it ended the way it did, regretful that you didn’t get to make peace with him before this. It’s likely that this will be your last day on earth, and even though it’s his fault that you’re here - you feel a pang of regret. You feel anger too, anger for everything he put you through - for leaving you to die here. You think of your final kiss with him instead, the memory sustaining you as you press yourself into a corner, pushing your face against the wall as you manoeuvre into the small space…
You hiss in pain and pull yourself away from the wall as your hand leaps up to your cheek. Something has cut you, a loose nail or bolt or something equally sharp. It’s broken the skin on your face, and you can feel blood gushing down your cheek.
You scoff in disbelief as you clutch at it, annoyed that if you somehow survive the psychopathic crime gang then you’ll end up dying of an infection from an ancient nail instead.
You hold your hand against the wound, then rip a section of your dress off and use it to put pressure on the cut, slowing down the bleeding.
And you wait.
And wait.
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binkszamsstuff · 8 months
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gloriouscrownwizard · 9 months
I've got an idea for imagine and I need, no, crave (omg) someone to write it. Or everyone, lol. Oh, the variaty. So, basically it includes mob Bucky and (i wanted a plus size reader) but maybe no description of body or whatever will be better so for everyone to read.
So he goes to stripper club and there's Y/N with a stage name Bunny and he's got a liking to her. All the private (lap👀) dances (in private rooms😏) are for him only. He also may be gifting her stuff or whatever. They can also kiss but that's it. And then one time she decides to give a small lap dance to another man because why not? More money and it's fun. And he sees it and goes all "ur mine and all your dances for me cause ur my girl"
So can please 🥺 anyone write it. And it could whatever you want it to be actually. I mean not just this scenario but like other scenes with them if you have greater ideas. Just anything about this two. I'm craving it
P.S. if this idea is not new maybe suggest such imagines, please. I would love to read them!
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