#mod cicle
slimesideblog · 1 year
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Geggarchy on our patch pants!!
Both gloopy and charlie worked on this, but it was my idea!!
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hermit-kinhelp · 2 years
haiii im back ^_^ whee
twas wondering if i can get a pendulum read-ing for if i knew dream xd in my tl? [mr cicle: tftsmp kin!!] + if i was in a romantic relationship w/ c!karl? :0
- 🐮🍓
WELCOME BACK!!! I gotchu, one (well two) pendulum reading(s) coming right up!!
For if you knew DreamXD, I got a strong yes, you did!!
For if you and Karl were in a romantic relationship, I got a soft yes, you were!!
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alterpacks · 3 months
Send us a theme you’d like, if you want us to include an outfit pack, and if you want us to include a moodboard.
Example of a request: “hello! Can I get a pack for an alter that is a gray wolf? You can choose pronouns! Can they specifically be transgerman? And can you include an outfit pack! Thank you!
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About mod Bones!
Bones is an introject of Slimecicle from the dream smp! Bones talks in the third person and uses it/he pronouns! Goop also goes by the names: Bones, Goop, Slime and also Cicle! Bones' main account is @slimyqueer
Bones' posts will have this at the bottom
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About mod Finn!
Hello! I'm mod Finn. I use he/xe/ey/it pronouns! My blog is @transslashharmed . I hope I can help a lot of transplurals and plural transseverity folk on their journeys.
My posts will end with this!!
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About mod Aiden.
Hello, my name is Aiden and I use he/it and cat-themed neopronouns. I am catkin and would like to be referred to as a cat and not a human. I am part of the same system as mod Finn!
My posts will have this at the bottom:
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About mod Ranboo!
Hello. My name is primarily Ranboo, but I use Mary and Yarmak as well! I use Vwoop/Its/Bats/Eyeself pronouns. You're welcome to mix and match them. My account is @rqranboo ! It's a side blog to our main account. My posts will have this at the bottom!
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About mod Dadza!
Hello I’m from the same System as Mod Bones! My main is @radza-dadza my posts will have this at the end
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About mod TOMMY!!!
Hello!!! I’m tommy, the biggest man ever!! Super cool and pog! I’m from the same system as mod anon but they left so i’m taking their spot!! I use he/disc/pog/prime pronouns!! and this is my banner! my main is @cannibalistic-love also i’m a fictive of c!tommy from dsmp if you couldn’t tell.
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Slimecicle character notes/headcannons for myself that definitely has NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES under the cut (feel free to tack on your own ideas or takes on Slimecicle guys™ I'd love to see them)
Aka "Live"
Absolutely shameless, he loves cursed shit.
Always has a kazoo on him
Pathetic in a "all of his pranks goes wrong" kinda way
Aka "Godcicle"
Half elder god half trickster god don't trust this guy
Loves to fuck with his domains just to piss people off but plays it off as trying to make things easier
Never fucks with apples of any kind though.
Does not sleep so he just hovers over them menacingly.
Aka "Survivor"
Always incredibly tense, but easy to talk to
Very jumpy, easy to startle
Obsessively makes sure everyone is ok at all times.
Is scared of silence
Aka "Guy" or "Bones"
Very goofy and cheerful but still incredibly smart.
Good at picking up subtle changes in people but bad with other social cues
Will in fact try to steal your books to try and read them
Mr Cycle
Constantly seeking out new stimuli, 100% an adrenaline junkie
Hates repeating himself
Still has a slightly staticy "speaking through a mic" voice
A sort of faking being chipper kinda guy
Aka "Pal" or "Goggles"
Not a big fan of repetitive tasks/doing something over and over again
Enjoys caves, especially if they're overgrown
Pretends to be a happy goofball but he's paranoid and sad
Aka "Slime"
Pretty laid back and silly
Likes to become unreasonably small to harass people
Pretty cool with going along with whatever plan people have involving him
Curious to the point of self destruction (See: finding a desert to see if he dries out, letting Ranboo make him into a slime farm)
Aka "El Backflipo"
Hopeless romantic but derogatory. Falls hard and fast and immediately tries to back track angrily
100% un-fucking-hinged. But also mellow. It's like a light switch
Likes to fuck around but not find out
Void Mod!Charlie
Aka "Dr Cicle"
LOVES science and the scientific method
Also likes to poke fun at people
Almost always cold to the touch
Kinda like your crazy science teacher, loves experiments
Lava Ravine!Charlie
Aka "Chesticuffs"
Cheerful and loves nature, but most importantly loves his card/chest game
Very easily focuses on one subject and blocks out everything else
Goofy but smart, kinda bad at tactic games though.
Surgery Mod!Charlie
Aka "Subject"
Willing to be experimented on for the potential bits
Goes from 0 to 100 really quick
All in or all our kind of guy and he's always all in.
Aka "Strange"
Things are about to get strange
Aka "Spirit" or "Demon"
He's gunky and slimey
A bit of a nasty boy y'know
Kinda just wants friends but he's bad at it
Will goop you to make you his friend
Other than that he's fucked up. Do not let him dry up he will DIE
Ghost Hunter!Charlie
Aka "Haunted"
Definitely not a professional
Doesn't take things all to seriously
Easily scared and doesn't like being alone
Ghost Gun
Chad Bussy
Gives 0 shits attitude
Actually pretty smart he just doesn't care
Secret nerd so he sticks up for the little guys
Definitely owns a metal bat
Walking Dead!Charlie
Aka "Stranger" or "Caller"
Always carries around a disconnected phone that he sometimes gets "calls" on
Simply carries out the whims of the chat that calls him
Not good at surviving but somehow he did
Kissed a guy once cause chat told him too
Something something burger king pizza hut monstrosity. Burger on pizza… what.
Slime Story!Charlie
Aka "Researcher"
Very passionate about researching slimes in their natural habitat
Doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of slime ecosystems
Will insult them but he loves them
A bit blunt
Slime Rancher!Charlie
Aka "Rancher"
Laid back farmer guy
Likes working with slimes, but Glooby is his favorite still.
Enjoys learning how they interact with each other but doesn't do much in depth research
Once he sets his mind if a task he won't rest til it's done
Can be a bit cruel/mean if he thinks it'd be funny
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patorucho · 8 months
All I'm saying is Dr Cicle and the surgery mod Slimecicle who I've dubbed Subjectcicle would make out sloppy style. Same with 100d and Epic Smp.
I mean whaat who said that
dr and subject would make out during operation who said that
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googleeyed · 11 months
The Blackhole [A story HEAVILY Inspired by Minecrafts Blackhole mod, ft. Wilbur soot, tommyinnit, Slime cicle and Philza minecraft.
[Hello, my name is Professor Soot. or for my freinds Wilbur, Soot. im writing this very quickly to introduce myself, and to document my discoverys. its difficult due to the soon empending doom tho. anywho, i hope this will help me keep track of my findings.]
I woke up in the morning agrevated by wooshing. I adjusted my eyesight for a closer look, it seemed quite small, atleast for the time being, i got up out of bed and threw on my white lab coat calmly, right over my golden-yellow sweater. It was uncomfortable, but i didnt have time to change.
As i scampered out of bed, my coat started being pulled torwards the direction of the blackhole could feel it pulling on me, i ran as fast as i could to Doctor Sickles home, i bursted through the door of his adobe and shouted "DOCTOR WE HAVE A ISSUE!" As he snapped up from his bedside, wide awake due to my yelling, i saw the terror in his bloodshot eyes.
"Throw on ur labcoat, quickly!" He replied with a bit of a slur in his voice "wha.. man im trying to sleep.." As he rolled back over on his side, i looked out of his window only to see the blackhole again, but this time it had gotten larger. I tried to tell him urgently again, this time i shook the side of his back violently. The pure expression of anger on his face was upsetting, but i didnt have time to make him "breakfast in bed."
Doctor Sickle then finally got up, as he threw on his Labcoat over his usual T-shirt, i gripped his hand firmly, felt kinda.. wet actully, but anyways, we darted out the door of his home, off to hopefully go get our freinds Tommy and Phil. we ran across the grass, as we did we could hear the ruffle of the wind of the blackhole pulling us, aswell as anything behind us, when all of a sudden Doctor Sickle turned around and stared at the blackhole.
I was wondering what was wrong with him, at a time like THIS? When we were about to DIE. And at that thought, i looked at his face, of pure terror. i gripped his arm of his labcoat tightly and dragged him along as i ran. We Finally arrived at Tommy and Phils house, We didnt have time to knock, so naturally, we busted down their door. luckily, they were already awake. As the door hit the ground me and Doctor Sickle just stood there, now stuck in eyecontact with Phil, who at the time was prepparing a cup of coffee.
As we stood at the door tho, he appeared quite shocked, i mean i dont blame him, we were doused in sweat, and Doctor Sickles Terrified face didnt make it any better. I told Phil calmly that "We have to leave the area, due to the empending blackhole." Suprisingly, his eyes lit up, as if he was waiting for this moment, as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a few things, a iron sword and a few buckets. he yelled at Tommy across the room, who looked to be organizing some loot.
Tommy then was extremely Panicked, and even jumped a little bit, i saw the ground shake, or maybe that was the force of the blackhole.. Doesnt matter now, we all ran out the door in search of somewhere atleast decently away from the blackhole, however me and Doctor Sickle had other plans, we had expiriments to do. And so, while me and Doctor Sickle went off to experiment with the blackhole and its force of gravity, Tommy and Phil worked on getting prepared, planning even. but i dont care, thats not what was important to me.
Me and Doctor Sickle hung out in front of the blackhole for a bit, we were trying to get a pair of chickens to lay some eggs. So they didnt run away, we put them into a hole in the dirt. to see if it'd be effected by the gravity. As we struggled with harnassing the eggs, Doctor Sickle looked down at the chickens, supposively trying to "urge" them.
I joined in, in a last ditch effort we finally got some eggs. Two to be exact, the blackhole got closer, edging torwards the hole where the chickens were. Doctor Sickle quickly told me to grab a egg, make a hole in the ground and throw the egg in the air. And so, i did. I dug a semi-deep hole a decent space away from the blackhole. I could feel my hair being perpelled by the force, and so, i threw the egg into the air, Doctor Sickle then yelled "IT WORKED!!" i felt joy in my findings.
unforunitely, this wouldnt last long, im writing this before the blackhole is going to consume me, i dont know what will happen after but i hope that my findings are useful. [END LOG 1]
Where am i? Last thing i remember i was sucked into the blackhole. I cant really see at all, but theres nothing here but Pitch Black Darkness, so its bery hard for me tosee if im writing the rigjt letaters. i canf eelmy self staring to lacnk conciposunness, i candt breatheanysmor
im back in control, but im not sure for how long. i was sent back onto the surface, for some odd reason.. the black hole is increasing in size. i dont have much time to help the others anymore.
I ran up to Ch- i mean, Doctor Sickle, he was yapping some nonsense about "Throwing Hoops" to Tommy, er.. playing basketball? i didnt care. i grabbed Doctor Sickle by his arm, angerly. We had somthing to take care of. Id built a small train track, along with a obsidian blockade so that Doctor Sickle wont get sucked into the Blackhole, i showed him it and his reaction was not what i was hoping for.
He yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" i replied, "i want you to observe the effect the Blackhole has on water, Doc." he looked back at me, almost furious, but i still managed to convince him, i told him that "Theres a button to ur right side that you can push to push the cart in this direction so that after viewing we can both live." He stared at me oddly, squinting. He seemed convinced enough.
All of a sudden i could feel it, gaining back control of me. I screamed to Doctor Sickle, "THE BLACKHOLE IS INSIDE OF MY BODY CHARLIE- I-I CANT CONTROL MYSELF DONT LISTEN TO ME DONT LI-" Doctor Sickle replied in confusion, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BLACKHOLE IS INSIDE YOU? LIKE? POSSESSING YOU?" All of my body movement stopped. He gave me a weird, scared look but then sat down in the minecart, observing the water. At that moment, i didnt feel like myself anymore. i couldnt hold back the urge anymore. The blackhole inched closer to Doctor Sickles Position, but i couldnt find myself able to control myself, this was up to him. He attempted to escape the pull by forcing the cart in my direction, I felt somthing take over me in that moment, i could move. I walked forward and pushed the cart backwards. Leaving Doctor Sickle Helpless. I tried to scream out to him, im not quite sure if he heard me, i hope he did. I am once again slipping from my control. Maybe now he will understand my pain. He screamed so loud. i saw his glasses get ripped off of his eyes. in a way.. It was satisfying, the loud screams were soon silenced by the void. I have the urge to feed more people to it, i cant stop resisting the urge anymore. I shall start looking for more victims, besides, they wont have many places to hide afterall. [END LOG 2]
Ive found them, now i just have to put on the stupid act and fool them. i approach Phil With ease, he was under ground along with tommy, i hear his yelling echoing loudly in the caves, as i stared from them at the top of the opening of the hole, i had a sudden voice echo through my head, or maybe it was everywhere? It sounded like charlie, yapping on about somthing along the lines of "The Omlette of the beyond." ..whatever that means, but what really struct my fancy was when i heard "come take a bite, philllzaaaa~"
The voice faded, Finally. now that he was out of the way he had been handeld, now with a diffrent mindset of before, and foruntely, working perfectly with my plan. at this rate i cant tell who i am anymore. i just know who im supposed to be, and thats "ProfessorSoot." I was going to join them in the nether, after the portal was lit. But somthing changed my mind, i decided to sit down on the grass and await the void.
The INEVITABLE, void that we shall ALL FALL to. As i sat on the grass, i looked at my labcoat, which was now tainted with Doctor Sickles struggle, tho it was just a few patches of slime, along with a bit of blood. Nothing ive never seen before. I found myself staring into the blackhole as its everexpanding surface got larger and larger, i dont know how long ive been sitting here now, but i finally hear them coming back, i pick myself off the ground and rush to their underground base, falling through the hole, luckily i caught myself before being injured, thanks to some hanging cave vines.
Phil and Tommy Seemed to finally find some useful items, such as 8 enderpearls, some blazerods and alot of other self-defense loot, such as armor. i dropped down casully, and greeted them with "Joy" i was wondering what i could do to stop them, they seemed to be trying to escape, but i just found myself going along with them, for my own sake. I could hear it above us, when we finally found the ender-portal i felt.. A weird feeling, not like before. the need to be free, the need to get away from the impending doom, unlike before where i was allured to it, everything seemed to be okay with myself now.
Tho as i stood there on the side while Phil placed the ender eyes into the slots, i could feel two parts of me fighting, the one who wanted doom, and the one who truly just wanted to escape. Phil Finally Placed the last eyes into the slot, i could hear the blackhole wooshing through the wind, I closed my eyes and jumped through the portal. Finally, i actully felt free. Free of the urge, free of the impending doom. But i still found myself feeling empty.
Dispite my tryumphs i feel like shit. I wish i could've helped charlie while i could. i stare off into the pitch black bottom of the end, until tommy approaches me and right when i try to speak, SLAPS ME, and says, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, WHERE THE FUCK IS CHARLIE?!" I clear my voice, still having the sound of dissapointment in myself in my voice.
I see Tommys eyes try to resist tears, He just runs away, off to where Phil is, as Phil is already getting ready to fight the enderdragon. I walk over depressivly, armed with nothing. Only my own words, if i die by this dragon, god knows i deserve it, maybe ill see charlie again then. I screamed words i didnt even understand at the dragon, tho i imagine they must've been pretty offensive. Tommy had taken care of the End-crystals, all we had to do was kill it now. Phil ran in with a glimmering diamond sword, and stabbed it in the chest. Exp went everywhere, little green-yellow balls of power. and with that, we finally did it. we were finally done. Me, Tommy and Phil looked at eachother, took a deep breath then dived into the unknown void-portal that was there after defeating the dragon. we were ok. ..at least we thought we were, we are being teleported into the void, where it all started, hopefully ill have written some more logs, if not, im sorry Charlie. im sorry Phil and Tommy aswell. I should've just helped you all from the start, i can hear the wooshing getting louder and the force PULLING on me now, u7il next ti~=e. [EnD LOg]
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dystopianam · 2 years
Just a tip, together with Lazy Duchess's smooth patch install this camera mod!
LD's patch and mod really do miracles, but unfortunately the Sims 3 camera is really laggy and annoying (and isn't LD's fault, it's the game's fault, LD did only the best).
Every time I rotated the camera I felt like I had to break my mouse because it was "hard" to turn. Sometimes it freezes while I was trying to turn it and then the camera unlocked herself making fast turns in cicle that made me dizzy.
This camera mod in addition to eliminating these hateful problems, it's much softer to move and you have a much wider view (you can also see up and down without use free camera).
Moving the camera from lot to lot has also become smoother and soft, I love it.
Please note that in game it was much more smooth, in the video it seems to be lagging.
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tavs-kin-korner · 11 months
Hello! A surprise for QSMP charlie fictive? With cottagecore/soft and comfy themes :)
- mod cicle, @slimesideblog
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lazyhousecarly · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 90's Mini Dress Long Sleeve Black Floral Fit and Flare Shoulder Pads MED.
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slimesideblog · 11 months
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I'm normal, i swear!
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mcytkinaesthetics · 2 years
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aesthetic with karl for a mr. cicle
⏰ art credit ⏰
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boatem-kinhelp · 2 years
haii im back i got confused abt kin stuff so,, i was wondering if i can get another kin pendulum:]? if thatz okay!! i wanted 2 know if i kin,,
mr cicle [tftsmp] or scu!condi [slimecicle cinematic universe(scu)] ? :3 thank yoouu !!!!!
- 🍄🐇
hihiiiii you sure can!!!
pendulum says a soft yes to both !!
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hermit-kinhelp · 2 years
Evening! (Or whatever time it is when you get to this) Could I get names and pronouns for a Mr. Cicle from Tales from the SMP? Thank you very much!
(It was in fact, 3am when we read it 6 days ago, so very close! /lh)
Unfortunately, we will most likely take off names from our request list. However, pronouns are fine!! So here ya go! Went off of vibes only since we didn't get around to The Maze yet!
= host/hosts
- puzzle/puzzles
= lost/losts
- confuse/confuses (or confuse/confusion!)
= grin/grins
- odd/odds
= end/ends
- swirl/swirls
= maze/mazes
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dailykanechronicles · 6 years
@stabby-stabby-hawk-boi and I talking about a little thing...
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justgodswaprpthings · 6 years
Gwen, about being at a waterpark with Luke: I did get looked at weird for yelling "BEGONE THOT" at my brother when he tried to flip my float over
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I saw a lot of complaints about not having a fancy personal dress during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. The point is the Inquisitor and their inner circle are like a military organization,of course they must have the same uniform for showing unity and power. My complaint is Bioware could make a better looking uniform,for example I really like the Carabinieri’s uniform.
Mod Note: Confession edited as best as possible for clarity
Original Submission: I saw a lot complains about don’t having  fancy personal dress during wicked heart. The point is the Inquisitor and their inner cicle are here like a military organization,or course they must to have the same uniform for showing unity and power. My complain is Bioware could make a better looking uniform,for example I really like the Carabinieri’s uniform
Credit: Image provided by Confessor
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