#mod fea
Dear participants and friends of this event,
Thanks everyone for the contributions and excitement about this event. Thanks to our last minute pinch hitters and all the advent treats that were created this year By now, everyone should have received their gift. If you haven't found your gift yet, please reach out to us. Same goes for everything else in regards to this exchange. We'll still monitor this blog.
Please remember (although that should go without saying, really): thank your Secret Santa for the gift they created specifically for you. Reblog and like the creation. Leave a comment and a kudo on their fic. Rec it to friends. Be excited about it. It takes so little and means so much.
And with that said: TSS 2022 is officially closed. Hope to see you all next season.
Thanks again for participating, the mods of TSS2022
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incorrectfeaquotes · 2 years
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Submitted by @meowstic-seer-of-the-future
Olivia: My top surgery went well! Gaius: That's great! My bottom surgery is next week. Olivia: I can't believe we're both goth and trans! Tiki: I'm a communist.
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Man, Awakening has some real classic lines.
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pierswife · 1 year
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It's still a WIP but sprite editing is fun and I'm making FEA Elaine as best I can. Still gotta figure out some shading stuff + working with what I have art program wise, but I'm having fun :)
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inuringly · 1 year
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I lied, have a Grima, will do more later maybe maybe
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bulletfestival · 1 year
Got all the MUs made and added to my army:
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First there's Mugi, who will be a Trickster once I unlock promotion items.
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Then there's Maki and I'm not sure what to make her. Maybe Bride because of the white dress.
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Chen, who will be a War Cleric because their sprite has a green hat.
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Dejiko, A.K.A. Chen with a different hair color. She'll be a bride because it's the closest thing to a maid outfit.
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Reika. Either Sorcerer or Sage.
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And of course she needs a Hanyuu to be her pair-up partner, who will probably be a Grandmaster so I can forge a Levin Sword and name it after her sword Onigari-no-ryuuou
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Joon. Trickster because money
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Sexuya Sakuya. Assassin no doubt.
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Rowan. At first I thought Hero but I'm starting to lean towards Dread Fighter instead because of their map sprite wielding a big sword over their shoulder.
I'll be using all of them, and I'll make sure each one gets their time in the spotlight as soon as I get them trained up.
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charmre · 1 year
Just turned in the last? of my grad school stuff. Pray that they don't want to do an additional interview for me and just let me in 🙏🏼
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cielomist · 11 months
miriel and sully are getting married btw. i married them together in my first file yes, but i got really attached to gnc girlhusband womanfathers sully and miriel.
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Does anybody have any good resources on how to merge mods using Paragon for Fire Emblem Awakening? Everything I've found so far hasn't been super useful
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Y'all are incredible! Within 24h, we already have 56(!) sign-ups for the main event.
Our advent calendars, however, could do with a little bit more love :)
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Version 8 Release
Creature Campaign (v8) Changelog
Added unique sprites for all gen 2 units as taguels/manaketes. Credit to Merrill for all non-Owain taguel sprites!
Unique taguel Lucina textures
Asset assignments so the kids will keep their voices when they transform (no voice filter unless they're Yarne, Nah, or Morgan though)
Optional alternate manakete Morgan sprites, one to match Tiki's outfit and one to match Nah's outfit. Alternate textures not included.
Updated UGGLR to match the expanded support options
Custom male manakete model (UGGLR only)
Removed Owain's inexplicable dark mage reclass
Various minor support fixes
53 new supports!!!
Since there are so many new supports, the list of what's been added will be under the cut
New Romantic Supports: F!Robin/Nah, Chrom/Virion, Lissa/Cordelia, Lissa/Cherche, Frederick/Libra, Virion/Sumia (no voicelines), Vaike/Kellam, Vaike/Sumia, (Vaike/Donnel have an S available that has not been written), Miriel/Tharja, Sumia/Say'ri, Sumia/Tiki, Kellam/Henry, Maribelle/Sully, Maribelle/Nowi, Maribelle/Cherche, Panne/Say'ri, Panne/Yen'fay, Nowi/Olivia, Cherche/Tiki, Emmeryn/Aversa, Lucina/Nah, Inigo/M!Morgan, Brady/Yarne, Kjelle/Nah, Cynthia/Noire, Cynthia/Nah, Severa/Nah, Gerome/Yarne, Yarne/Laurent, Noire/Nah
New Platonic Supports: Chrom&Emmeryn, Cherche&Emmeryn, Lissa&Lucina, Frederick&Lucina, Sumia&Severa, Libra&Nah
New PC Supports: Lucina&Libra, Owain&Cordelia, Owain&Olivia, Inigo&Nowi, Brady&Sumia, Cynthia&Panne, Cynthia&Tiki, Severa&Lissa, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Sully, Nah&Olivia
New Sibling Supports: Owain&Severa, Owain&Kjelle, Inigo&Nah, Cynthia&Yarne
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Hi! Phoniex here
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Hope y'all are doing good! Any fun updates? Stories to tell? Anything lol
I myself have been taking advantage of the fact that I can't walk at the moment (screw cancer) byyyy finding interactive novels that at least hold a candle to the beauty that was Lovestruck. I can safely say no game will ever be like it again-
Well, as far as updates go... I've graduated! 🥳 It still doesn't feel real, and the job hunt hasn't been great, but I'm happy and at peace. I can finally catch up on a lot of things 😅 it's finally time to binge watch Betty La Fea!
How has your search gone so far? I hope you find something great!
I wish you all the best on your fight with cancer. We are probably a few countries away but I hope you feel the strength of my hug all the same; you can do this, friend! Sending you lots of love and hugs. - Mod Jessa
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This is the life I’ve been made to live.
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manakete-smoocher · 7 months
FEA: Tiki fankid mod
Over the past few years, I've been working on a mod to give Tiki a fankid with the same quality as the vanilla gen 2s, and here's the current progress on it. I'm still definitely not finished with the mod, there's some obvious stuff I need to fix and work on, but I'm happy enough with it that I wanted to share my progress.
So, meet Bando! He's Tiki's son, and he hails from the timeline Future Past would have been had Naga not called on Chrom and his friends to help. He's a very late-game recruit, because it was important to me that he know about Robin being Grima, but that doesn't get revealed to the characters until chapter 23... Regardless, I hope you'll still consider using him when I release the actual mod. No ETA on when that will be, but I fully intend to finish the project for people to play with him.
If you're interested in keeping up with my progress, I talk a lot more about him in the discord server shared by @unofficialgayawakening and @ljreflet for the Unofficial Gay Awakening / Gender Lock Removal mods. You can join here: https://discord.gg/Krn8t2VREh
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Weird things in the name of art
Hello!! We're mono/martyn!! All is good, but I primarily go by mono, all is well tho!! And We're a system of almost entirely martyn littlewoods!! We use a multitude of pronouns, but a few we use often are it/fea/they/cranage/clover/rot/we/us/guts.
🫀we write fanfiction on ao3 @ aggressivecries or #agressivewrites
🫀we also write commissions, over cashapp, and if you're looking for such, feel free to reach out at any point!!
🫀we talk and write, A LOT, about horror, gore, cannibalism, all of the sorts, so be aware of that while viewing my profile!!
🫀we struggle with issues related to reality, from hallucinating, delusions, and just a general separation from reality. That we do talk about relatively often!!
🫀we are a minor, still in school, so, we do have that going on
🫀if you have any horror Chanel recommendations, we'd love to take a look!! We watch a lot of windegoon, some papameat, some lore lodge, yeah, you get the point. We absolutely love that sort of content.
🫀we're really into the life series, hermitcraft, empires, pirates smp, rats, you get the point
🫀we're always open for requests, or just general chatting, feel free to reach out!!
🫀we smoke weed relatively often, which Is also something that will be brought up!!
🫀we write and talk a lot about comparing myself to an aggressive dog, a bad dog, type of thing, we write a lot of poetry on the subject
🫀that is because we are collectively a therian, as mostly a trauma response
🫀WE HOST AND MOD FANDOM EVENTS, ISNT THAT COOL???? @mcythorrorgiftexchange @mcyt-trick-or-treat
Join the discord btw guys<3
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Highmate term
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