#mod i love this rp so much i hope you know that
born-in-hell · 2 months
Looking back, i think one the things that brought the hater out of me the most during qsmp (regarding the players themselves and the story) was how so many decisions made, and arguments defended, based on ooc criteria.
Like, ok. I love bagi. I adore bagi. I recite prayers for bagi every night before i sleep. I am not saying bagi — or anyone else that wouldve been invited if other ppl won — shouldnt have been invited to the qsmp. But my GOD the opportunity for the election winner to chooses someone to send to what's essentially an open air PRISION is insane to me. No islander fucking WANTS to be there so WHYYYYY would they subject a loved one to the SAME TORTURE??????? (except like bbh inviting skeppy cuz whatever they have going on is kinda weird and they're both old as fuck so who cares)
It is a fun decision out of the rp. It gives the players a nice prize if they manage to win. And it could've stayed at that, an ooc prize. But NO they had to mention it canonically. More then once. So much that some players (cof cof) argued bbh shouldnt win bc he would invite skeppy in a non democratic way. That was a CANNON ARGUMENT. MADE BY A PLAYER.
I cant stress how much i hate this decision. I can't stress how much i adored the story and these little things broke the immersion so much for me.
How did NO ONE go against inviting someone to basically be a little lab rat???????? Not even like cellbit. Or baghera. Or anyone else.
The mods thing is less insane. Also very ooc, but not as infuriating in lore, bc it is just a fun decision thing and not like,, idk, choosing a friend to send to an open air torture house. Still broke the immersion for me a lot tho.
And now with fucking purgatory. Oh god.
This time it wasnt even Qstudios' fault (which sounds insane considering,, well, the array of poorly analyzed decisions). It was the fault some of the players that decided that "in meta this doesnt make sense!!!!! they wouldnt do this!!!" is a valid argument to bring into an IN CHARACTER DISCUSSION.
All the things tubbo said abt the cursed team were in character. All his arguments were perfectly cohesive w the things qtubbo was supposed to know, and all the times he talked to them he was playing the character. Just for them to reply w "i think ur wrong bc qstudios wouldnt do this in meta bc there HAS to be a winner"
NO THERE DOESN'T????????? Purgatory was a poorly planned and poorly executed event that id argue shouldve never existed but oh my GOD.
This is gonna sound corny but if you look at the cursed team in a completely meta perspective, the objective wouldve been very clear — force the teams to unite so that the cursed team would win (remember that if the cursed team won they could get all the eggs back instead of only 1) .
The moral here wouldve been that friendship is magic ✨ (< sorry)
And to be honest, that would've been a much more tolerable event. I wont elaborate; u all know why.
Idk if qstudios shouldve been more clear abt it, or even if they thought as far as i did — considering, well, everything that we know today. I just think not listening to someone saying things w proof bc "in meta they wouldnt do that" is dumb and breaks the immersion so much for me.
They couldve discussed it like that in their ooc convos. But they did it during rp and thats what i dont like.
Anyways sorry for this rant i woke up a hater today,, i hope this makes even a little bit of sense. Also this is not a hate to the ccs, still adore (most of) them. Sometimes ppl make mistakes and thats totally ok!!!!!!! Regarding the elections i think it was mostly a poor decision and direction from qstudios then the players' fault. Purgatory was the players themselves (in this specific case) tho..
Yeah thats it 👍
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billcipher-rpblog · 1 month
this is entirely to the mod
i absolutely love what youre doing here. i love just how close to canon youre keeping bill. i know its extremely difficult to do that, especially when the character youre representing has very few moments where we see their real personality and not the fake one they put up to hide behind. i just want to thank you for putting the time, energy, and effort into making this blog as amazing as it is. every single answer i see to any ask is so accurate to how hed most likely answer that i can hear every single one in his voice and it makes me so happy. i know it can be difficult to answer some of the more personal bill asks, especially because we still arent entirely sure about his past and whatever, but i love that you still try to answer them to the best of your ability. thank you so much for your continued effort to bring this silly little guy to life in way that is so close to canon, especially among all of these other, more... interesting bill rp blogs. i hope you have a wonderful day and i hope you continue to do what you do so wonderfully!
-🥜 anon
(Mod) Omg that is so nice of you!! I really appreciate it, it's really hard to keep Bill in character sometimes but I try my best
Normally I try to imagine Bill saying whatever I wrote and if I can hear it in his voice, then it's in-character, if I can't, I try again
Anyway ty again!! I have no idea how to word this well so here's a Mabel showing my honest reaction
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miru667 · 9 months
Hiii Miru!!! ♥︎
How is your day going?
Sorry if I’m bothering you, but I just wanted to ask you something that was in my mind for a while, what’s your opinion about the today’s Once-ler Fandom?
I mean, the new oncelings (like me) and all the new stuff that is here, you probably think that all of this is so different in comparison with how the fandom was back in 2012!
And also… do you miss something from the fandom? :p
Something that you don’t see here anymore or not as much as it used to be?
Hiii suemooon! Today was yet another tiring work day =w= but my coworker gave me hot chocolate mix and marshmallows today as a christmas present so that was nice! I hope you're doing well too.
To compare today's onceler fandom vs 2012's onceler fandom...man I could talk forever about this haha! This is all just from my own point of view of course but I would say, yes a lot of things are different, but a lot of things are the same, too.
UHHMMM extremely long post so it's under a readmore LOL
For the differences, a lot of them are simply due to the way the internet has changed in 12 years. In 2012, most oncelings were in their early 20s, and if you were younger than 16 you were extremely rare and we would be like "WOAH?? THEY'RE 15?? I HAVE NEVER SEEN A 15 YEAR OLD ON SOCIAL MEDIA BEFORE". But today's oncelings are like, mostly teens now, I feel? I think it's because of tiktok, which didn't exist internationally until 2018, and also because of parents giving ipads to their kids at the age of 2. But yeah, to compare today to 2012 is like comparing gen z to millennials, the content and jokes were different and, due to 2012 being in the past, what was socially acceptable was different, too.
Another thing that's different is the way young people act towards characters nowadays, but let me specify some more. I really dislike the term "content" when referring to someone's personal creations because it just sounds so corporate. And I don't know how to feel when I see some new oncelings treat an old popular askblog character as if they're public property produced by some big company, instead of as an OC that someone worked really hard on. For example, Truffula Flu Camp Entre and Thneedville High AU are like "established media" to a lot of people out there now, as if they're well-known series recognizable to the masses (no, they're not). And as a result, I've seen people headcanon whatever they want on other people's OCs and ship them however they want without even knowing if the mods are okay with those ships anymore (it's better to be real careful, if you want my advice..). I've also seen new oncelings give other people's OCs to public merch-selling sites without the mods' permission, and I've even seen new oncelings try to take inactive askblog OCs as their own. Why? :( Just make your own OCs. You can do it! Hold my hand.
New oncelings don't understand what they're stepping into when they look at our old content from over a decade ago. Our personal feelings and our private friendships from those times, whether good or bad, are precious to us and I guess it's just a new phenomenon that we have to deal with now, so I don't have the answers for this yet. But I would encourage everyone to also look at new and current OCs in the fandom - which many people do, and I love to see that!! I also love seeing people making friends with each other and having fun with each other, that's what reminds me of the better days of 2012.
Another difference is the...landscape? We have tumblr DMs now and we have discord communities so a lot of things are hidden now from public view. RPs used to be public on tumblr but now we rp on discord and only people in the server can read them, and there are pros and cons to that. Also the fandom isn't dominated by only a handful of askblogs anymore. Things are WAY more balanced and evenly distributed now compared to 2012, where Swag Once-ler was the king of the fandom with 200 asks sent to him every hour and 4000 followers accumulated in just 5 months. (And I'm not dissing on Swag, I loved Swag too. I'm just stating my observations. In fact I miss him a lot ;-;)
As for what's the same...xD The excitement and passion that a lot of new oncelings have! I find that so cute. People being creative is the same, people gushing over the onceler and fandom ocs is the same, even if internet slang has changed. People being ambitious with projects is the same, even if those projects are never finished (but this is just general human nature). And PEOPLE BEING SWEET TO EACH OTHER is the same! I was nervous during 2020 since a lot of "ironic" fans joined that year but I'm happy to have seen some genuinely sweet people around in more recent years, just like there were in 2012. 😊
I also see a lot of the same movie analysis discussions each year, which makes sense since new people keep entering the fandom, haha! "The lorax movie could've been better", "the 1972 film is better", "I wish they kept biggering", "they should've expanded the factory scenes and taken out the car chase scene", "i hate the onceler's mom", "the movie's point gets muddled because too many people think his mom's to blame", "i can't believe zac efron and taylor swift didn't sing in the movie", and on and on, those never change, and I've seen these same discussions so often that I support the antithesis of each topic now, just to be a rebel. 😇 But usually I don't engage in those anymore, I just think "haha aww! they're having fun :]" and leave them be! But like, it truly reminds me of the earlier days. It's me who has changed, in this case.
And finally, "do you miss something from the fandom? Something that you don’t see here anymore or not as much as it used to be?" I mentioned Swag already, I also miss a lot of other askblogs that belonged to my friends, and most of all I miss a lot of my friends who've drifted away, and I hope they're all doing well. I had a lot of good times with friends over the years. Some of them were rp partners and I miss our rps and I miss their characters dearly, I can't think about it too hard or else I might cry. What else...I want to say that I miss the crazy nightblogging events we used to have but I don't know if I could keep up with those anymore if they happened again haha. Same with askblogs answering asks live, almost no one does that now because people want so much to make every ask pretty with a new pretty artwork. But like, even if that comes back, again I don't know if I could keep up. So I suppose everything had its place!
Things will continue to shift and change, and you never know what the future holds so it's best to just keep going. I'm still making new friends and new good memories in the fandom each year, and I'm grateful for that.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this ask and thanks (and sorry) to anyone who read through all of this!!
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employee052 · 7 months
A Date With Narry WINNERS
The "Date with Narry" event is now over!
Thank you so so so so much to everyone who participated! I didn't expect that there would be more than a handful of submissions, so seeing all of them as the event ends is amazing to me. I can't thank you all enough for participating if you did, whether by asks, or by liking the posts if they came across your dash.
And thank you to everyone new who found @mrthenarrator's blog thanks to this event!
breaking character as the mod of The Narrator's Blog for a bit: I'm so glad everyone was willing to interact with him as a character! I'm not an expert on RP, and this is the first-ever "event/competition" ive hosted, so this event taught me a lot both in hosting, as well as challenged me in terms of roleplay! Plus, thank you for letting me indulge my inner Narry by having him respond to your submissions. Getting to RP as him for the event was incredibly fun and rewarding, and seeing everyones submissions come in through the week was amazing and I loved getting to see all of them appear in the inbox (as well as seeing some of your reactions to his reactions! I do look thru the notes and rbs and i love seeing all your comments to narry's shenanigans) I hope that, even if you didn't win a drawing today, just know that all your submissions and contributions to the event hold a place in my heart, thank you all so so much for participating and I will be perpetually thanking you into the far future for letting me do a little silly event sdkjfgjhg. I hope I can set up more in the future, and hopefully, they won't be centred around getting narry a date /lh
These winners are in no particular order! And, because I am an indecisive little monster, I ended up with FOUR winners instead of Three.
(All of them were so hard to choose it's why this took so long 😭😭😭😭)
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@crowzzznest (and @superaurora16 too, since your submission was a joint effort/has both of your characters)
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For the winners, feel free to send me a DM on this blog of pictures/picrews/whatever you have on hand of your Characters/Sonas for reference, as well as an idea of what might happen on the date you and the Narrator might be! (We can also fit some other characters/sonas into the drawing if you want. it doesn't have to be just one)
Your idea can be as vague or as detailed as you want, and you don't have it all laid out at first if you can't think of anything. We can always bounce ideas around and find one that you like the most for me to draw.
And if you don't want a drawing, that's fine too! Just let me know in DMs so I can know! (and I promise I won't be upset if you don't want one /gen, I'm going back to uni classes next week so I'll be busy trying to get all the drawings done in my free time. which isn't a lot, so I'll just thank you for the millionth time again for participating and let you move on with your day kjsadhf /lh)
Thanks again to everyone who participated in this event! Hope you all have a good night
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mariequitecontrary · 2 months
2024 TF Reverse Mini Bang Memories Part 2
Link to Part 1! I am sharing just a few of my favorite memories of the @tf-bigbang
Let's keep going!
The moment I saw @spashahoney's sketch, Team 66 LAUNCHED to the top of my list. I am so lucky to have been matched up with her as my partner!! She is funny, creative, encouraging, and I loved when we fed off each other's energy! I am truly proud of what we created and sincerely hope we continue to work together in the future <3
It was very fun knowing I wanted to partner with her even when I wasn't allowed to say XD
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We were a dream team from the start and I'm not afraid to brag about this fact.
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We were so chaotic and I had so much fun bouncing around with her talking transformers and about her concept for our collab!
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I was also so, so very wrong about how much I planned to write for this fic XD
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Either way, we adored what we both had made!
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It's also SO TERRIFYING to even think about someone watching you while you write a fic based off of their art XD
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It was VERY FUN and I adore my artist <3
Do I completely blame her for my new Optimus/Rodimus obsession? YES.
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I bought...so much more boba than I usually do because of these people XD Boba Bthursdays and Bubble Tea Fridays birthed an ongoing boba addiction in me that I'm not trying all that hard to fix XD
Getting back into rping! Most importantly starting to rp transformers! I've always been a big fan of collaborative storytelling through roleplay, so am always DELIGHTED to find rp partners to play with <3
I had to pause because of vacations and the bang deadline, but I can't wait to get back into it!
500 Word Writer Awards
We were challenged to write 500 words for a secret prize and suddenly every last block I felt that was preventing me from starting to write DISAPPEARED. I wrote 632 words and suddenly felt like I could do this🙂
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I'm very proud of this reward and am keeping it forever.
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I'm Easily Baited with Prizes
That was the start of something I kinda knew but FULLY REALIZED over the past few months...that I am so, so, so easily motivated with prizes. It takes minimal effort on the prize giver's part. All it has to be is something you took the time to provide for me and say its mine and suddenly I DRIVEN to complete whatever task is set before me XD
It's pathetic really. But also here are my prizes look at them I worked so hard for them be proud of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
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DO YOU LIKE THEM I WORKED SO HARD FOR THEM! *bright eyes and wags tail*
Friends <3
I made so many friends! Friends to brainstorm with, an ao3 moot, a friend I've entered into a blood pact with, friends I've written together with a sprinting bot, friends to rp with, friends to talk about space robots with and anything under the sun :) I cherish them all so so so much <3
The Great Cicada War
But my friends bullied me :( They witnessed me dealing with probably the most harrowing part of the year...cicada season.
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Time of My Life
I hadn't had this much fun in an online community...in a while. The past four months contain precious memories and friendships made that I'll treasure forever.
To the mods, thank you so much for hosting such a fun event! You all put so much work into making this special for us and I couldn't be more grateful to have been a part of this.
To all my new friends, thank you for welcoming me into this space and making me feel like I'm a real part of this fandom! Thank you for being kind and encouraging me when I was down and struggling, and thank you for uplifting and cheering me on when I was proud and succeeding. May inspiration always come easily to you.
Thanks for all the memories! I'll see you soon :)
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aventurine-official · 6 months
[Stelle shoots a message to Aventurine as payback for the Dr. Ratio incident. Either way, she was feeling a bit lazy today and for a fact, she doesn’t even know where Aventurine’s room is. “Damn, so much for friendship.” Stelle thinks, rolling her eyes. Anyways, is it Wing Woman Stelle’s time to shine? Who knows?] TEXT: Aventurine. TEXT: Random question ig- TEXT: So yk how that autistic gay guy cough Dr. Ratio (@veritas-ratio-rp) cough has fallen head over heels for you right? TEXT: AND. and, the same can be said for YOU. TEXT: So how about you confess to him already??? TEXT: Like damn, when will both of you start to date? TEXT: Clearly y’all gay af. TEXT: for each other.
(Mun Xyn- Its time for Wing man woman Stelle to dawn upon this relationship. Anyways, hi hi Mod Minie! Hope you’re doing okay?)
*Aventurine groans, blinking sleepily as he reaches an arm out of the cozy pile of blankets curled around him to grab his buzzing phone off of the side table.*
"This had better be important..." *The blonde sits himself up against the pillows, leaning back and sliding to unlock his device. Several notifications-- from the Trailblazer, of all people-- lie in wait for him.*
*How interesting... and the topic of the messages seems to be none other than a certain doctor from the Intelligentsia Guild. With a reluctant sigh, he opens his direct messages.*
Aventurine: Mm? Ratio? In love with me? Aventurine: Oh, thank you for the laugh, friend. I needed a bit of cheering up today~ Aventurine: There is no way that the good doctor has fallen for me, trust me Aventurine: And if he has... there isn't anything I can do about it. Aventurine: As for the latter, what in the cosmos makes you think that I'm in love with a genius like him? Aventurine: I won't deny my attraction to him, but never once have I proved it to be anything but lust~ Aventurine: It'll wear off. It always does Aventurine: A date? I've never considered it Aventurine: Maybe I'll ask him covertly, rope him into it Aventurine: Only to assure that he does indeed have his sights set on me, of course. Aventurine: And if you turn out to be right... Aventurine: Well, I'll just have to owe you one, friend~ Aventurine: And reevaluate my betting chips.
*Aventurine can't help the hint of a smile that creeps along his lips. He's alone here, after all, and he giggles to himself before discarding his phone and rolling back over in bed.*
(Ooc: You are so right on that one. Aventio the oblivious idiots. Somebody help them omg~ Yes, hi!! I've been doing alright, actually! Just a little busy lately, hence why it took me so long to reply to his omg. I hope you're well too! ~ Mod Minie)
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hazbinhoteloc-ninlil · 5 months
Asking about Adam;
//A.N: This was originally going to be an RP, but due to burnout, paired with a desire to move the story along I have decided to progress the plot of Ninlil’s end Via a canon Story. Please know I will be doing my best to represent @theholyone-hh as close to his character as I can. However, I will never do as well as the original Mod who runs him so if he seems a bit OOC, I do apologize. //
TW: depressive episode, feelings of worthlessness, anxiety and yearning. Clumsy attempts at comfort, maybe some bad decisions. Some realizations Because of the topics discussed this will be a 16+ fic. If you’re feeling these types of emotions please go seek out proper help.
This isn’t going to be super long, but it is gonna be a longer story, strap in folks.
Enjoy my story below the cut;
Ninlil had slowly been going mad, between the time that had been spent in her cage combined with her heartbreak of being left behind while others moved on, she had fallen into a depression.
Even now she laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling well into the day, yet to eat, yet to clean herself - not that such a thing was truly needed in heaven, though it still showed a lack of her own self care - and yet say hello to her keeper Host.
The winged woman started to question if what she had done was worth it… not even her sacrifice and subsequent soul selling, before that… when she was alive. Were her actions worth it?
She was always the care taker, always the protector. And yes, those she watched over never asked her to do so, she had done it because she loved them and didn’t know how else to show it…
The things she had done, the blood she had spilled, the lives she had prematurely ended for the sake of preserving her beloved…
Was it for nothing? Did she waste her time… did she waste her life?
Her breathing turned harsh as tears ran down her cheeks. A whine lodged in her throat that she simply refused to let out…
Had she truly being abandoned by those whom she sacrificed Everything for? Was she selfish for wanting them to care a bit more and not move on so fast?
But… she wanted them to move on, she wanted them to be happy, she wanted them to find peace… why did it hurt now that they were actually doing it thanks to her sacrifice…
Was she a bad person for hoping they’d still try to save her even though she knew that it was futile and if they dared to try it could result in them getting hurt? Or worse, their very souls being destroyed?
No… no, she couldn’t be selfish… she had given up too much to waste on such self-serving wishes…
But then why did it still hurt so much?
Her breathing turned harsh as she gripped the angelic fabric over her chest, the erratic and rhythmic beating of her heart a brand against her palm. Just like the warm golden hearts gripped in her hand with the fabric were a constant reminder of what exactly she had done.
She had died for love… twice…
Did that make her honorable… or a fool?
Her other hand covered her mouth as a sob forced it’s way out and she curled up into herself, laying on her side as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror…
Her eyes weren’t hers anymore…
They were His.
Haha! Pathetic!… I’m pathetic! She thought to herself with bitterness as she tried desperately to hold back her tears.
She didn’t hear the door click open as God stepped in.
His voice came out hesitantly.
“What is wrong? What ails you?”
God was very very old, God was wise and God saw all…
But, still, he was ill-equipped at dealing with emotions. Having been alone for as long as he has, his emotional maturity is stunted, and he didn’t know exactly what humans required.
They were little things to him. God looking at humans, as humans might a smaller creature, like song birds or squirrels or even ants at times.
True, his Birdy has taught him many a valuable lesson. She has taught him about how humans utilize Free Will differently, how humans had feelings and needed to be treated like people, how children make mistakes, how pride is a powerful thing, that 10,000 years is a long time…
She was patient and a good teacher, his sweet little Birdy, a child herself compared to his vast and endless existence, but still wise and gentle.
He liked her. It’s why he kept her.
Perhaps, in his mind, he was aware that he should release her from his sculptors cabin and allow her to Roam and Experience the heavens he had created to house the mortal souls… souls like her…
But he enjoyed her company too much.
And she never asked him to leave.
So why bring it up?
Still though, as he let himself into her private room, he still thought himself ill-equipped to deal with… whatever this was.
Part of him wanted to just leave the room, but something stopped him.
“Birdy… talk to me child. Why do you weep?”
He sat on the foot of the bed, his massive height making it creak, but it held under his weight because he willed it to.
“Did you hurt yourself?”
He awkwardly - but gently - patted her back in a sorry gesture of comfort.
But for Ninlil, it was enough to know he was trying, and it made her sob harder. Not in pain, but that someone cared, and it was the very person she had sold her soul to so that he’d stop hurting the people she had been growing to love… that she did love.
It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.
She cried for 30 more minutes before the sobs finally ceased and she just breathed manually and with steady concentration to force her body and her mind to calm itself. Still curled in on herself in a vain attempt at self-comfort.
During her sobs, her head had ended up on Gods lap, his hand - still awkward- petting her hair.
“What brought this on my Birdy? What has happened?”
God asked softly, seeing that Ninlil had finally calmed.
There was a tense beat of silence before Ninlil spoke, her voice raspy and thick from her sobs.
“…. Have I been good? Did I make the right call? Was my sacrifice not in vain?”
It was God’s turn to be silent. Mulling over her words and wondering if there was a correct answer. He settled on the truth.
“You, have surpassed all expectations I had for you… You have restored my faith in humanity and for your sacrifices and good deeds, I deemed it fit to restore your divinity. You’ve been a bit more than, Good.”
He paused as he thought over his next words.
“As for the outcome of your sacrifices… I suppose it depends on what you deem as a success… Lucifer has moved on with his damned bride. They seem to have re-found their happiness, the First Man and the Second Woman are moving on and finding their peace as well. Though Adam still needs to undergo his final two remaining punishments.”
His hand jerked as Ninlil flinched beneath him, having not expected that movement from her. He expected her next words even less, though, at this point he supposed he should’ve seen it coming. She was a loyal woman after all.
The dedication she had to the original duo and the Morningstar was indeed admirable.
“Is there anyway you can leave it at the nightmares he’s already had? Maybe as payment for the tail feathers you took?” Her voice pleading.
He growled, his voice low and full of warning.
“Your feathers were taken as punishment for placing your soul and my Power in danger by allowing yourself contact with a damned soul before your divinity was properly settled…”
He eyes her until she shrunk beneath his gaze, surrendering to his presence.
“And you know the deal, 3 nightmares, and then freedom. You will not sacrifice more of yourself for him. As you’ve already mentioned so many times; We are all over 10,000 years old. He can handle himself.”
He ran a hand through her hair again as if to push his order into her head, both in comfort and a mocking reminder he saw her as just that… a pet.
“Yes sir…” she conceded, knowing there was nothing she could do. Not against him. Not when he owned her soul. She felt her desire to argue his words and plead her case for her beloveds die in her chest before it was even a proper thought. His hold on her complete.
“Good girl.”
He carefully pat her head again. Praising her and rewarding her obedience.
Indeed she was a good child. He had chosen well.
“Now. What can I do to make you feel better and forget about all this, sad nonsense?”
He waved a hand frivolously at the word, as if her depression was a minor inconvenience.
To him… perhaps it was…
Ninlil sighed as she sat up and began to comb her fingers through her hair, attempting to regain her composure and her appearance.
“I need to wash, I probably look a mess… afterwards… I’d like to rest in the sun for a bit if that’s okay with you Sir.”
She looked up at him, and she wondered if she looked as pathetic as she felt. Emotionally drained, physically exhausted, eyes red and puffy, skin pale from crying.
Though if she did, God made no mention of it. Instead, he simply nodded.
“I shall allow this, I will meet you outside, do hurry.”
Ninlil nodded as she felt obedience wrap around her, urging her to hurry and obey. The side effect of her deal.
Still she took care in her task, allowing herself to be a bit pampered after her earlier violent purge of emotions.
Still though; She was outside, laying in the sun-warmed grass in under 20 minutes, God beside her, joining her. Enjoying the basking rays of golden warmth.
There they stayed for hours. Sunbathing as though it could wash the darkness within her mind away.
Though, there were certain thoughts that still plagued her. Her mind still running.
She wanted to check on Adam, she wanted to check on Lucifer and check on Eve… she wished they were the ones beside her right now, enjoying the sunshine rays. And comforting her after her cries…
But alas, God wouldn’t permit that…
Her mind still wondered, thinking to other people she missed.
Her brother… Though, god was lenient enough to grant the siblings some free time together.
Yes, seeing Conner again after seven years had brought more happiness into her life than she could remember. She felt as though her heart was gonna burst. God allowed Conner over, and allowed her to leave with him… so long as she was back before sundown.
How she had missed him…
It had given her endless relief when she had learned that her long deceased grandparents had been the ones to take Conner in. He was still with family. And even better,
He was slowly growing. He would eventually have the chance to be an adult. He wouldn’t be a child forever.
She had wept with joy upon learning that.
Her thoughts wondered agin,
To another man she loved…
To a human she had loved…
No not That Adam…
Her Adam, the human Adam, the brilliant doctor who was full of light and life.
The man she had ended her human life to protect…
The man she had condemned herself to hell for.
Her first love…
“Sir?” She found herself speaking up.
God lazily rolled his head to look at her, having been enjoying the sun’s rays.
“May-“ She hesitated, suddenly nervous.
“Well? Spit it out Birdy.”
God rolled his eyes impatiently as he adjusted so he was lying on his back. Still enjoying the sun.
Ninlil took a deep breath and asked. “May I see someone on earth?”
God froze. Before he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“There was a man I left behind a little over five years ago. I loved him very much…. He’s the reason I willingly damned myself to hell. I would like to check on him. See if he’s doing okay.” Ninlil would speak a little too quickly, needing to force herself to make sure her words were slow.
God thought about it for a bit before he sighed.
“I… suppose I can grant you this. You have been good lately and I suppose you deserve a reward.”
He raised a hand and with a crackle of pure divine energy, summoned a viewing sphere that glowed even in the bright daylight.
“Well, what was the mortal’s name?”
Ninlil but her lip. “Adam…”
God froze and slowly turned to look at Ninlil and Ninlil was quick to raise her hands in defense.
“Not that Adam! This Adam was a surgeon! A very talented one! They are NOT the same man! They just happen to share the same name I promise!”
God still started at her just long enough for Ninlil’s heart to drop before he sighed and shook his head.
“Oh child, what am I gonna do with you….”
He asked her. Before he turned his body to properly face her. The glowing sphere of divine light between them. And his face very serious.
“Do you love this man?”
The question gave Ninlil a pause…
She hadn’t thought about that in a while. And even a month ago the answer would been easy.
Yes, everything she had done was for him.
The deals, the murders, the monsterzation of herself, the burial of her peace, the always going, the never resting… EVERYTHING… was for him…
Even a month ago, his face alone was the picture in her mind when she thought of the word ‘Love’…
But now, so much has happened.
Now, three other faces flashed in her mind when she thought of that word… two in the forefront…
Lucifer… and Adam…
The former angel who she died for as she had her human beloved, the former angel who made her laugh, the former angel who carried her with a shocking strength when she was too weak to move on her own…
And the First Man. Adam. The man who held her safe as she took her last breath once again, the man who begged her to stay with him even as she bled out. Who held her safe when she wept through the anniversary of her brother’s death, who made her smile and laugh again, who made her feel important and baked with her. Who reminded her what is was to feel strong, yet cared for.
She did still love her Beloved… but she didn’t just love him alone anymore… she… didn’t know how to feel…
“I… don’t know….” She found herself saying, unable to help but feel like she was betraying her beloved in that moment. Tears welling up in her eyes again.
“Birdy, i would make another Deal with you. Because seeing you hurting does not please me.”
Ninlil gulped. “What would the deal be sir?”
“If whatever you see, causes you pain, and pushes you deeper into your sadness. I will remove this mortal from your memories so that you won’t hurt from them ever again…
But, if you are pleased with what you see, than I will ensure his safety for the rest of his mortal life…. If he’s as good as you say, He will know no hardships and can focus his energy on helping others.”
He holds out a hand.
Ninlil started at his hand as her thoughts raced, her eyes wide and flowing with tears that left mini rivers down her cheeks as her head struggled to wrap itself around God’s words.
He would be safe… forever safe, free from any harm that may befall him. Just as she had sacrificed everything in hopes of accomplishing…
He would be forgotten, the reason for everything she had sacrificed, the reason she had gone to hell in the first place. The reason she had suffered as she had suffered and made the choices that had shaped her as a woman… simply… gone…
Was it worth it…
Was she that curious….
‘Yes’ She decided. ‘Yes she was, she needed to know that she hadn’t died in vain… she needed to see him…”
She placed her hand in his much larger grip and squeezed.
The constraints of the deal wrapped around her like chains, and she felt a twinge of fear for a bad outcome. Suddenly aware that she was currently unable to lie to the ancient being before Her.
As the deal settled, the glowing sphere began to glow impossibly brighter. And images began to dance in the shadows before becoming clear.
She saw her beloved… the human Adam…
He was smiling, talking to a patient and giving what looked like a good diagnosis. The patient, who had been holding the hand of their spouse while listening to Adam’s words burst into tears and held their loved one in a tight embrace before enthusiastically shaking Adam’s hand and offering a load of sincere, tear-filled thank you’s.
Then Adam had gone through the rest of his day, conducting surgeries, talking to patients, and reassuring an old man who didn’t have enough money for his wife’s broken wrist that if he instead paid with some fresh venison, consider the price waived.
He was always like that. Ninlil remembered, So generous and kind, becoming a doctor not for the money, but for the pure joy of making others feel better.
That desire to help people no matter what is what had attracted Ninlil to him in the first place… how she would have done anything to protect that smile.
He was good… so good.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have come as a shock that when he ended the day, he went to his truck, and once he had slid in, and fished in his pocket and pulled out a ring…
Ninlil froze, not even daring to breathe.
She watched unblinkingly as he carefully slid that ring onto a very specific finger…
She sat in silence as she watched him drive home listening to the music she had long associated with him…
And she moved not even a muscle as she watched him eventually pull into a driveway, into a garage, only to step out and walk into his house.
And into the arms of a woman wearing a matching ring…
A breath left Ninlil lungs as she still continued to stare at the seeing sphere.
He had gotten married, he had moved on…
Of course he had, she reminded herself. It’s been over five years…
She watched as the couple chatted and laughed, sitting down to eat dinner before cleaning up together and dancing in the living room…
It was a picture of a perfect romance… homely, domestic and innocent…
It was everything Ninlil has never had… and everything she had wanted…
Everything she secretly wished to still eventually have one day.
When they settled in the couch to watch some movie, Ninlil found herself reaching to touch the sphere, murmuring to herself. Her eyes still fixed in the screen as tears continued to roll down her cheeks.
“He got married… he’s safe, he’s happy, he moved on… I…” She smiled, letting out a shuddering breath. “I didn’t die for nothing….”
She watched them for a few more minutes, fixated on their smiles and laughter… zoned in on their true happiness.
But when they decided to share a kiss and retreat to their bedroom, God shut down the sphere.
“Are you satisfied with what you saw my Birdy?”
Ninlil nodded, her eyes still on where the sphere was.
“I am…” Her voice broke, but not with anguish. With relief.
God nodded and carefully picked Ninlil up. The winged woman letting him. Abruptly becoming aware that the sun had set while she was focused on the visions within the sphere.
God took her inside and sat her on the crafting table before taking his own seat and grabbing a chunk of clay.
“True to my promise, I will make sure that mortal remains safe.”
He said as he shaped the clay in his hands into a great golden eagle. Molding the clay with the knowledge and skill of a master. The eagle as detailed as the actually thing before he gave it a spark and breathed life into it, making it become the actual thing and sending it to earth.
“He shall never know another day of hardship, not so long as he remains pure intentioned.”
“Thank you sir.” Ninlil responded, bowing her head in obedience. “You don’t realize how much I appreciate your generosity.”
He waved off her words with a huff. But was happy she was no longer crying as she had been before. Those sounds weren’t pleasant to him.
He kept his Birdy by his side, where they talked and learned from each other well into the night before he eventually retired into his room, and Ninlil was close behind to do the same.
As she laid in her bed, she stared at the ceiling and thought about what she had seen today.
Adam was safe, happy, and moved on… her chest hurt a bit at the thought, but more overwhelmingly, she was genuinely happy her beloved still wasn’t mourning a dead woman.
5 years… 5 years was long enough to mourn. He deserved this happiness.
Her mind filled with a sense of peace as she gave her blessing.
“May your cup always be full, your heart happy, your mind peaceful, and your wallet forever filled with prosperity, I loved you Adam…” she whispered as she stared at the ceiling in the privacy of her room. “But you’re no longer mine…My heart releases you. I wish you all the best of love and luck my former beloved”
She sighed and closed her eyes as other faces filled her mind…
How she missed them… how she wanted to be back in their arms…
In her mind, in her room, in the depth of the night. Ninlil began to formulate a plan. The last semblance of her whole, un-splintered mind grasping onto this hope. Given a purpose once more, she rattled against the chains of complacency, the Watchdog opening her eyes again.
She had to get back to them…
The only thing left to figure out was How?
Authors note; THIS TOOK ME TWO DAYS! But it’s not proofread, please forgive any spelling errors! I hope you enjoyed!
Tagging list:
@hunters-trashblog @sinner-master-adam @chaoticmoron @rayhandle @first--woman @theholyone-hh @green-static @stampy-offical @lolmerfolk @god-the-lord
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expendables-ropg · 29 days
So who we are? we are a group of expendables sended down here to get the cristal
''so you all are trying your hardest to get the cristal and not die, right?''
....weeeeell, no, we just are messing around the facility :p
But here's the
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Sup its me, redy!
Im a 19 years old idiot, i was accused of second degree murder and kidnapping 4 innocents, other people say i shouldnt be here and that my crimes are faked, which the worse part is that its true
i like strawberries and Poyo, but i dont like Diving (EVEN THOUGH IM OBLIGATED TO DO SO)
i like talking with others and looking at everything, others call me curious (and stupid), but who knows if theres a little drawer with research somewhere?
Also i have a gun (:
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And here's the
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Hello everyone my name is Orany, im the 22 year old kind of girl that if you stop watching for a second is gonna fucking stab you in the back
why? it would be fun
I like grewy (because hes my boyfriend ) and baked potatoes, and im terrified of heights, have you never felt scared of being so high that you feel how your body could at any moment fall to the floor and die?
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So here's the
(she asked for a more formal Divider)
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yeaaa...so im Piky, the smartest one of these guys-
''thats a lie one of the many deaths you had you literally died to Searchlights because you-''
Im just trying to do my job here, tho being silly like these idiots isnt that bad, sometimes is fun, makes me forget my crimes lmao
I dont like nothing or no one at the moment
i fucking hate @asksearchlights, and her stupid wife
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Anyways, here we founded the
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howdy, im Grewy!
i have been sentenced to death penalty because of Murdering 6 people because of an explosion i caused and arson
yea no balls, im telling my crimes
I like Orany (Orany my beloved❤️) and pizza, i dont like darkness....
I like being silly even thought other people looks at me scared, im sure they will eventually get used to it, but i can also be S E R I U S when i need to be
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This is a vague description of the characters, theres a lot more about them that you will figure out in rps
How to apply to the new blog
-I dont want politics in this askblog
-im okay with suggestive things but remember theres a limit
-Im fine with gore, and i love rping
-Anyone can ask, and better if its asked by a askblog
RP guide:
''Redy talks in a red color''
''Orany talks in a orange color''
''Piky talks in a pink color''
''Grewy talks in a green color''
[This means ooc/mod talking]
*This is how to say an action*
If you want to do a rp, start your ask with ''{RP}'' or ''{RolePlay}''
#Expendables ropg responds - (answers to your asks)
#Expendables ropg art - (share art, theres no drawings of them yet so go wild!)
#OC to ROPG interactions - (any interaction of your OC to any ROPG member)
This whole blog is inspired by @asksearchlights blog, which was also inspired by @ask-eyefestation blog
Also the game from this blog is Pressure from Roblox
Quick mod notes/edits:
-Mod native language isnt english, so i will probably do grammar mistakes, sorry ):
[ mod is He/Him]
This blog was supposed to be done to rp with @asksearchlights blog, but at this point i dont understand whats going on so i stopped rping there, so i guess this is now its own thing?
I have indeed reached the final part of the game, but died unfortunately
this blog is probably not related to the original game, so expect silly stuff/theories / any headcanon / and funny momments to happend here, after all the point is to have fun :)
@Aeott is the mod of this blog
Thanks for seeing all of this, i hope you enjoy this askblog as much as i enjoyed making it ^ ^
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whotookmysenbon · 5 months
Hi You!
I don't wanna bother for long; feel free to ignore this, if this kind of ask doesn't fit your RP blog.
I just wanted to say, your blog and those of your friends have made me smile many times over the last couple of days and I am very thankful for it.
You guys create a very cozy space to be in. It feels like coming home...even if to a place that isn't mine, but still safe and familiar, if that makes any sense.
So thank you for existing!
I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you guys in the future. And, should our paths not cross (since your character group may probably not be congruent with mine, given that you play konohans and I play a rogue sunarian xD), I still hope you and your friends have a lovely time; today, and in the future.
Much love
- Mod
A new friend, even one we can’t logically interact with all the time, is always great. I’m glad you enjoy our shenanigans. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve made some great connections, especially as the youngest in this group, as I started this blog just before my 18th birthday. Even if our interactions don’t overlap there’s always going to be some fun in the FMK/would you rather games that still pop up you’ll probably be dragged into. Who knows, if a Suna group pops up maybe some crossovers will be fun! - Em
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Hey…I don’t know where to begin with this…I feel like I’m being a bother, but someone I thought was supposed to be my father lied to me and betrayed my trust, I have a dog but me and my mother had to leave him and go live in an apartment, we had to leave her with him since she was to hyperactive to take and be in an apartment, she died to months ago, my dog I had since I was 9 died at age 7, and he didn’t tell me, how she died I’m not sure nor do I want to know since the information could destroy me mentally, I’m feeling overwhelmed right now, he’s been spamming my phone and freaking out because I’m choosing to ignore him, he’s done nothing but bring me pain, there’s something wrong with that man….he doesn’t know that I know about my dog dying by his hands and I feel partially guilty by my choice to ignore him since my mom has to go deal with him now…there’s so much going on right now I feel drained and empty
Hi anon, this is the mod of @emotionally-clumsy-soldier filling in for Ro (the mod of this blog). I'm really sorry you're going through this, but this is an account Ro runs for fun. When they started this account I imagine they were hoping they could just provide some gentle comfort to people having a little bit of a rough time. But at the end of the day, Ro is a minor, you are a complete stranger, and there seems to be a pattern of people (or god forbid, the same person, like I think it is) continuously pushing the boundaries of the amount of support they are willing to provide.
I don't know who you are. Ro doesn't know who you are. It's not okay for you to abuse that anonymity to force them into a situation where they are pushed into acting as your only line of support. This blog was supposed to be fun and now I am recieving dms from Ro asking me what to do about them because it's just too much. Ro loves to help people whenever they can but at what point does it become their only purpose? At what point does Engie's mod stop becoming a person and start becoming a vent mailbox without will?
Ro won't be accepting anons like this anymore. They will be deleted. It's taking a toll on their mental health and I personally refuse to enable this kind of behavior for the other minors that run blogs like this. This is simply not okay. Do better.
Put less nicely; cut the shit and have the self awareness to realize that you're speaking to a real regular person and not Engineer tf2. Get into therapy or use character.ai. Ro is not here to fill in for your lack of therapy. Stop mistreating rp blog admins. PERIOD.
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komorebi-rabbit · 5 months
Hey you!
I just came from your Sasori Roleplay account. I wasn't sure if you were active there anymore, so I hopped on over here via your pinned post.
You seem like a talented and fun person to roleplay with, so I thought why not ask?
I've read your rules and some of the older blogs and they really resonated with me.
I used to roleplay Itachi on Amino like you used to play/still play(?) Sasori on here. Those in depth roleplays that just make my heart sing. And also the RPs that are a pain to find because...well...novella takes work. And building a bond with a character who isn't naturally friendly takes even more time.
Still those have got to be the most fun times I can remember from my teens. And I misss them...
It was quite challenging to find people who share similar views on roleplaying and like the same fandom. So I must have given up sometime back. And when I read your blog today, I was instantly like "Oh my god this is exactly what I was looking for" (except like 6 years passed since I last attempted that xD)
So I wanted to pop in and say "Hi, I love your blog already!" but that didn't quite suffice so here we are xD.
It's kinda funny because after all this time not roleplaying, I found myself on tumblr, figured why not make a Sasori RP account (there are many others for the Naruto characters) to have some fun and be nostalgic? But...there was still a little 'eh' that was missing. And I found it in your blog.
I adore it, when people just get their characters and portray them correctly. And I've been aching to find more people like this. I remember it being quite the challenge in the past, back in my Itachi days, so it was like a gift to find your account!
Anyways, I am trailing off-
I'd love to RP with you sometime. Or...to just chat and reminisce about days past, even if I just discovered you today. I just know I would have loved to have you in my Akatsuki geoup back in 2015.
I hope you have a lovely day!
This is the SWEETEST message, oh my lord, thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this made me and how much I needed this little spark of positivity in my life right now!
I unfortunately no longer RP on tumblr due to some incidents that have made me wary over the years. I also no longer RP Sasori, but I do still RP in the Naruto fandom, just on Discord with friends that I am comfortable with. Novella does take work! But man, if it isn't worth the effort! I'm so glad people are still RPing and taking up Sasori. He absolutely deserves that love! Unfortunately, I did most of my tumblr RP back when the manga was still ongoing and tumblr was at its peak so there was a LOT more interaction then than I see these days. I wish it could go back to being that way! I miss a lot of the friends I made back then! (But also I'm still friends with some of them 10 years later, it's fantastic. You really form some lasting bonds). Even back then, however, there were only ever a couple of Sasori accounts (like... maybe 3, not including myself? And most were not active).
I'm mostly a Shisui RPer these days, though I do write for Kakashi, Tobirama, Kisame, and Izuna, too! Like I said, though, I only RP with those I'm super comfortable with, but if you want, I have plenty of recs for you! I'm also KomorebiRabbit on AO3 and @komorebirabbitwrites. My Sasori is actually heavily based on characterization from @renaerys and her works from back then (such as Zero Hour) and she is still writing FANTASTIC Sasori works to this day. I mean absolutely unbelievable, haunting, you will never get it out of your head type fics. Her characterization is unparalleled and also she's just an awesome person in general! I also mod @sasoriweek which will happen again in November of this year!
Also, if you like dark, horror-heavy Sasori, Athelise on AO3 is absolutely amazing! She writes such an interesting Sasori and some phenomenal smut, I definitely recommend her!
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edwinpayne-deadboy · 4 months
Welcome to the Dead Boy Detective Agency.
I am Edwin Payne, and this is my partner @biconcharlesrowland. Some other people that are associated with us are @crystal-isalive, @nikoisalsoalive, @reallycoolcatking, @montyisntacrow, and @jennys-meat-cleaver
What brings you here?
This blog is unfortunately run by two other versions of me. I will have blue text and run the cases and regular interactions.
I'm a dark, "villainized" version of the Edwin you know. I'll use red text and run the more aggressive asks and discuss, darker themes.
And I'm a demon. I find it fun to mess with Edwin and get him to engage in more explicit acts. I'm using bold text and I'll occasionally take up cases and questions about Hell.
OOC: Hello again, Mae here from @mystic-mae. With, well, a third rp blog. Don't worry, this is my last one. I hope.
#magnifying glass - Looks like Edwin and Charles are on a case! Did you hire them for it?
#charles no - Edwin's just looking out for him.
#cat bracelet - Whenever the Cat King is mentioned or Edwin's just having a gay panic.
#soppingwetcat - Poor guy needs a break. Probably give him one?
#edwin appreciation - Edwin reblogging posts about what people say about him or when they draw art of him. 'Cause this community loves him and he needs to know that.
#edwardian detective - Casual conversation with Edwin.
#hell's babydoll spider - Super angsty moments with Edwin. Possibly includes Hell.
#what's [blank]? - He's trying to learn all about the Internet and slang. Charles was the reason why he has a Tumblr in the first place.
#ball of sass - Edwin being a sassy, cunty Edwardian ghost.
#oh you love this don't you? - Well, it looks like Edwin's a little jealous...
#one little spell - Casual conversation with villain!Edwin.
#runes and curses - villain!Edwin causing some mischief. Maybe something bad happens, no one knows.
#colder to touch - Oops, you angered villain!Edwin. Try and survive... (the angst tag.)
#paradise or limbo - Casual conversation with demon!Edwin.
#spider's den - demon!Edwin's angst tag. He remembers a lot of what happened to the original Edwin, seeing as Hell altered him so much that he became a demon himself.
#infernal deeds - It's just demon!Edwin being a flirty little shit. Only ones affected are Charles, Cat King, Monty, and Simon. And probably any gay man in the area...
NSFW is allowed! Just no heavily sexualized actions or super gorey stuff that the Edwins (or I, the mod) tell you is uncomfortable.
Heavy gore is to be directed towards villain!Edwin and demon!Edwin. However, regular!Edwin can and does experience gore from time to time. I, the mod, will tell you when to stop with the gore.
Failiure to comply results in being blocked, sorry.
No racist, transphobic, homophobic, or ableist shit here. I'm not gonna deal with your asses, and neither will any of the Edwins.
I suppose you can be rude to Edwin, but why would you do that?
Have fun!
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violetcrazyhq · 5 months
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hi loves, this is not the post any of you will want to see or that i personally want to make but i do believe it's time. unfortunately we've all seen how the dash has slowed to a stop, i tried a few things to bring a bit of interest back and it seemed to work for a small time however i do think it's time to just let this group go. it's hard to keep a group going when the interest to the dash itself stops being there, and as much as i want to keep the group going i do know when it's time to step back and let everyone move to a new group and hope that it caters better to them. there are a few groups in the tags now, so i hope you can all find a family with them !! i hate to do this but i also need to do what's best for the other mods and i at this time, so this is going to be the last post you'll see from us. thank you so much for the time that violetcrazy was open, and thank you for making rp fun for me again.
the vc mods
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miru667 · 1 year
HELLOU MIRUUU srry for the inconvenience but you are literally one of the people i know who knows the most about the fandom :"D and well uuuhm i wanted to ask you... about Thneedville high, after reading me truffula flu and more old things, that's the next one on my list to check out, but i really don't know where to start TT
i know some things, but i want to read as much as possible, i love reading everything the fandom has done AAAAAA
Hi Shakooo! 😊 The setup of Thneedville High (which was later renamed Thornville High after deoncelerization) was very different from the original Truffula Flu! Instead of a focused storyline, it was mainly a bunch of askblogs of high school AU OCs that answered asks and sometimes interacted with each other in short or long RPs, and each character had their own story. Much more slice of life compared to a zombie AU, but it was super popular during its time and it lasted at least 3 years! There were a LOT of amazing writers in this AU and they wrote their characters really well, I was very impressed with it all. Some of the characters felt like real actual people to me.
Anyway this means that...it's difficult to read the AU as a whole, chronologically. But you can look here: https://thornville.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters for a list of characters and links to their blogs. However, since this wiki hasn't been updated in years, I assume that it's not a complete list and that a lot of the links will be outdated or dead. What I advise, if you want to read thoroughly, is to just choose a character you're interested in and start reading their entire blog from the beginning, and eventually you'll find characters that they've interacted with, and you can read those characters' blogs next if they still exist, and so on.
Also check out Granch, he was the beloved principal of the school and we all found him hilarious back in the day: https://thegranch-blog.tumblr.com/ (Does anyone out there know who granch mod was lol?? I hope they're well)
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vox-multimedia · 22 days
(a message for the mod, if you need it :D)
i am so sorry if i manage to bother you with this ask, mod. it's completely fine if you don't answer this. and i know that my words can't really do or worth much to anyone who happens to be on the other side of the screen, but that doesn't stop me from spreading the positivity and appreciation that i feel to all of the RP blogs, so i'll send this in, mod :D. there could be a better way of doing this, which i have learned is through the art of tagging (yes i'm slowly learning my way through Tumblr because i, myself, am still a huge Tumblr newbie, lol), and i'm too nervous and shy to do something like that haha, so here's a personalized positivity ask in your ask box :D.
i love seeing how your Vox interact with everyone (anon or not). even if they happen to slightly be different, i still like it because it was made by you. because you added your own twists and spin to his character :D. interacting have really been a blast and i'm sure everyone have fun with your characterization of Vox. seeing new posts from you brings a smile to my face because i just love it so much.
i do hope that those anons/people would stop sending everyone hate because frankly those people have no clue what they're talking about >:(. again, sorry i'm bothering you with this rather man, i didn't expect it to be this long ask.
and that i hope that you have a wonderful day/night/whenever you manage to read this ask. don't feel the need to respond if you don't want to, just wanted to send this positivity ask in :D.
you might be able to tell who this is, but in case you don't, i wouldn't want to expose myself, so i hope you understand this being on an account with literally nothing but a tracker of who i've been to already (yes, i made an account just to do this but without any identifiable information on this account :P).
luv you and all that you do for this community :D.
you do what you do best so keep on doing it, mod :3.
-spreading positivity anon :D (the anon that only interacts with mods unless the characters are in need to raising their spirit :3)
(yes i see the contradictory notion of me having this sign off, lol, but i'll be around the other RP blogs and try to spread some positivity with the same sign-off as an attempt to fight off the unnecessary hate that seems to be thrown around :D. and i will become a virus which spreads positivity if i need to >:3. don't test me on this claim. i have enough positivity for everyone >:3.)
Oh my.. Thank you SO much for this, I don't know when it was sent, and I'm so so so sorry that I did not see this sooner, I genuinely am so grateful for this and it really brignted my mood, you really don't know how bad I needed this right now. I have been super unactive on tumbler and I haven't posted on this blog for over 6 months, but I was just taking a look through my inbox and saw this. I clicked immediately to respond and I feel super bad for not seeing it for so long.
I am genuinely so thankful for this and I want you to know your efforts have NOT gone unnoticed, you took time out of your life and out of your day to write all that for me and I am so thankful.
My life has been very hectic and a lot of things have happened over the last 6 months, if I'm being honest I have been in a pretty bad place but this means so much to me and I want you to know how much this really impacted me.
I wish I had seen this as soon as it was sent and I want to apologize to not only you but all my followers for being so inactive. I'm also sorry to all the others that have asks in my inbox that where not answered!
Anyways, Thank you for your support and you have my utmost gratitude. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
Damn this hurts. Pepito is probably the egg I am attached to the most so seeing him die in real time was hhhhhh. I had hope he be revived but well…
How about you has there been an egg that you’ve been immensely attached to and gotten that sick feeling in your chest?
Unfortunately, I think since Bobby set the precedent, there wasn’t really much they could do. It’s just ugh really frustrating as a Roier viewer since this is the second time this has happened and if he didn’t have lag then he couldve probably saved him. Hell if Roier didn’t have lag then the mobs wouldn’t have targeted Pepito since they were focusing on Roier first but then the lag killed him. At least I haven’t seen people say Roier is a terrible parent this time. It seems the consensus is just pues f no.
Ngl im okay with egg deaths as a concept. But admittedly there never has been a thing as a fair egg death. There has been no egg death that has not been controversial. And it’s not just because we are overly attached. It’s because all of them have been due to plot reasons and lag which people can easily get frustrated over (for good reason). At least the admins have been consistent with their reasonings. They really said well Bobby died because of Roier’s lag welp Pepito too.
I still think egg deaths are fine if they’re going to affect the plot in a positive way like with what happened with Bobby, but idk if that’s the case here. Maybe they’ll make some Rp out of it but I’m more scared about Roier just distancing himself. They have already said that if you have lag in a dungeon well that’s your fault, rip. But idk i feel like the system is very punishing towards Roier. Like he’s the only official parent that takes care of Pepito consistently. What is he supposed to do? Not do dungeons?
In a perfect world a fair egg death would probably be dying to mobs with no lag but well that has never happened. And the players have gotten quicker with the teleports which is why eggs haven’t died in a really long time.
You know what would be cool. Like a plot where the players figure out a way to make the eggs immortal. Like investigations into the federation. The players know that they can reverse egg deaths so why not find that power and take it from the federation. It’ll be nice to see the players winning for once.
(Also I kinda feel for Pepito’s admin you can tell they’re a builder not a fighter and they’ve been downed so many times prior and with that combined with the lag well… I suppose it was only a matter of time…) Wanna give Pepito’s admin lots of hugs 💕
Btw love the admins but yeah I get everyone’s frustrations on their decisions on lag. Thanks for allowing me to talk in your inbox ^^
I think that there’s a way to do egg deaths without having them actually die, and it makes sense in the current lore, and I’ll go into that in another post, but the lag deaths feel especially punishing to the Latin American players because they’re basically the only ones affected by lag this badly. And it’s been this bad for months! It only started getting bad again when Create was added again, and I’m not saying that they remove Create, but maybe they remove some other lag heavy mods like the fairy lights to try and accommodate how heavy the server actually is. There’s a billion mods on that server, and you’d think they would’ve come up with a way to optimize the server to accommodate
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