#mod pedri
pablitogavii · 1 year
How about gavi is in a sour mood with anyone and when sweet reader comes he changes and immediately dotes on her ???
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"Vamos Gavi!" Xavi yelled while Pablo was trying to score but unfortunately he hit it too hard and it flew over the net making him groan in annoyance.
"It's just training hermano, don't take it too seriously" Ferran tried to cheer his friend up but when Pablo was moody he was in no position to listen to pitiful excuses.
"And what if it's during the game next time!?" Pablo said angrily making the man raise his hands up in surrender and leave him alone for the rest of the training. Now he yelled at one of his good friend, so he was even more frustrated than before. Today was just not a good day for Pablo!
"Your bestie is being an asshole!" Ferran said to Pedri who looked towards his friend sitting on the grass fixing his shoes clearly agitated. Pedri knew Pablo for years and he knew exactly what he needed when he got like this..well more who he needed to see.
Pedri took his break going to the changing rooms and texting you to come to the camp because 'your boys is being an angry bird again' which made you drop your boring book and drive to the camp.
"Fuck! They keep untying!" Pablo said angrily having to stop his running to fix his shoes for the third time already. Nothing was going his way today!
"You need me to tie them again hermano??" Ansu said teasingly and Pablo would usually accept the joke but today he was in no mood to be mocked for not being able to tie his laces.
"Drop it Ansu!" Pablo said continuing to run with them untied not giving the shit if he falls and breaks his face in response..nothing could go worse today!
"Ooof he really needs her today..you called her?" Ansu said to Pedri smiling when he nodded knowing that the moment Pablo's eyes settle on you his whole mod will change. It was so strange but also the cutest thing to see.
"Hermano!" Pedri called while Pablo was doing his sit ups signing in frustration and turning to see what he wanted now.
"What!? Can't you see I'm working!?" he said angrily and Pedri hit his head pointing towards the stands shortly joined by Ansu who smiled when he saw Pablo's angry eyes soften and his whole demeanor changing the moment he saw you sitting there and waving at him.
He quickly got to his feet running past his teammates and towards the stand where you were smiling wider the closer he got to you. He was sweaty and dirty but you didn't mind one bit kissing his lips the moment he reached the railing.
"What are you doing here preciosa?? You should have worn a jumper over your dress, it's windy today.." he said smiling for the first time all day. Pablo never knew how you are doing it but he didn't care as long as it worked. You're heart melted how careful he was with you always.
"I heard you're being an angry bird today, so I decided to surprise you cariño..and I'll just grab your hoodie in the changing room if I'm cold" you said and he smiled shaking his head looking back at his teammates who pretended like they were not looking at your direction.
"They are cabróns! But I'm glad you're here now princesita.." Pablo said jumping the railing and sitting besides you pulling you closer and you rested your head on his shoulder feeling him kiss your hair.
"Why are you moody today Pablito??" you ask your small hand leaving light scratches on his veiny arms while his head rested on top of yours and he signs deeply.
"I'm not moody right now princesita.." he said and you smiled nodding your head glad that you could help in any way.
"I'll stay for the rest of the training if you want??" you said looking up and he smiled nodding his head and kissing your lips lovingly reminding you to grab his hoodie if you get cold.
"Te amo muchisimo princesita!" Pablo kissed your lips one more time before he had to return to the pitch to finish his exercises.
"Te amo Pablito!" you yell back seeing him pass his teammates pretending like he was still in the sour mood but then smiling to himself knowing that his whole day just brightened up the moment he saw your beautiful face.
When the training was finally over, you walked to him and he snaked his arms around your waist while his friends were standing with you to chat before changing.
"We knew she would stop you from being an asshole Pablito!" Ansu smirked high fiving Pedri who nodded his head smiling towards your blushing face.
"Stop calling me that cabrón!" Pablo said angrily once again and you smiled knowing you were the only one he let's call him that silly nickname.
"Can I call you that??" you looked up at him and his eyes once against softened while he nodded his head and pecked your lips lovingly.
"Only you princesita.." he said blushing a little when his friends awed teasingly flipping them off while kissing your head and you smiled nuzzling your nose into his neck.
"I have to thank you for coming too..he's transformed his skills mid training" Xavi said teasing Pablo as well who shook his head pretending to not like it but everyone knew that was not true.
"Not you too míster!" Pablo said and everyone laughed while you looked up seeing him smile down at you and pecking your lips lovingly before you walked towards the changing rooms excited to go home and spent some time alone.
I hope you like it! Angry bird Pablo >>>
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pwdri · 5 months
not trying to be a nerd but gavi is so discord kitten coded. 🤓🤓 he would definitely go into the servers to look for idiots who would play him game skins, maybe he would have text/call sex w these nerds if it guaranteed he would have the lux skin he wants — Lux is his main in league of legends bc hes a femboy – some of the idiots who would pay game skins to gavi are; felix, jude, fermin.. in reality, they are just virgin guys looking for someone to have virtual sex with, gavi really doesn't know them, just by their discord nickname ?he's kind of an internet slut idk
plus; he finds his next prey, the mod of a very famous game server. pedri, better known by the nickname PG200208 ~ i won't elaborate, but he would be pedri's kitten/princess. he would send him pictures wearing cute thigh high socks, lingerie, skirts etc. in the end, he didn't chat with Pedri just for game skins or money. he really likes the feeling of being the princess of a stranger he met on the internet ~~
PG200208 is his college friend, pedri. they study computer science together.
I was thinking about this in the middle of a test lol don't take it seriously but it's kind of a funny and silly prompt
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ataraxiamfrp · 6 months
hi boxgod, i want to drop my reserve for paul atreides from dune. i need to see dune 2 again before i fully commit to him. in exchange i'd like to reserve odin arrow/pedri nanezgani from the web comic ava's demon. it's 3/25 and i love you so bad
Hi Syd my beloved Syd!
Understandable! Dropping the sand boy reserve!
ODIN ARROW/PEDRI NANEZGANI has been reserved for you!
✨ mod grazia
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avas-demon-kin · 6 years
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strategos six who was the crescent/greed host 👑🐀
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fuckyeahavasdemon · 4 years
Hey if wrathia has the power to make Ava be mean why doesn’t Pedri have the power to make Odin reveal its him or smthn. Like. Is there something I’m missing or?
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We only do Witchcraft Weekends once a month.
Due to this, we can only get through a certain amount of asks each time.
We have a very busy inbox, with asks and submissions constantly flowing in - especially when it comes to this monthly event. And while we are overjoyed that you lovelies want to interact with us, it means that our inbox gets filled up rather fast!
We make sure to work with the oldest asks first - so no worries, no one is jumping the line. And we don’t plan on closing our inbox any time soon, either. We love hearing from y’all and certainly wouldn’t want to have this stop.
However, that brings us to the core reason for this announcement:
If you are asking for guidance on something that is extremely time sensitive (i.e. it has less than a month-long deadline), we may not get to it in time!
We want to be able to help you as much as we can, so please try to ask us things that don’t need immediate answers.
We are a small team who is trying our best, and we hope you understand!
- The Julian Thirstposting Mod Team
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cookies4mweor · 6 years
polaris #84708 with x-kila (5904608) .. im just repeating myself endlessly but ooh my goodness i love those colors
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Hahaha - Mod Sad Tree Man
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incorrectavasdemon · 7 years
Wrathia walks by wearing a pink shirt:
Nevy: Oh. My. God.
Nevy: Wrathia is wearing pink! Wrathia is wearing pink!
Pedri: Are we sure it's not a white shirt that’s just been bloodied in a heated battle?
Tuls: Or maybe it wasn't her. Does she have a twin sister?
Nevy: If Wrathia had a twin sister, she would've eaten her in the womb.
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fodboldtroeroutt · 2 years
Træner Julian Nagelsmanns taktik gør Robert Lewandowski vrede
Efter FC Bayern Münchens sejr i UEFA Champions League har manager Julian Nagelsmann haft meget held. Cheftræner Julian Nagelsmann var midlertidigt ude af krisen, og han førte holdet til endnu en sejr over FC Barcelona. Og Robert Lewandowski tog FC Barcelona trøje på for første gang mod sit tidligere hold, vred over den tidligere træner Julian Nagelsmanns taktik.
Selvom FC Bayern München slog FC Barcelona, præsterede Bundesliga-holdet ikke godt for fans, der så kampen. Denne sæson er cheftræner Xavis anden sæson i spidsen for FC Barcelona, ligesom cheftræner Julian Nagelsmanns anden sæson er ansvarlig for FC Bayern München. FC Barcelona havde fordelen i både at angribe og score hele kampen, det mest uheldige var at Robert Lewandowski og Pedri missede målet. De var begge skuffede over manglen på et mål, og holdets defensive mangler blev brudt af modstanderne. FC Barcelonas Sergio Busquets har oplevet et markant fald i interception, en af ​​nøglerne til FC Bayern Münchens kontraangreb. Der var også Thomas Müller, hvis kondition gradvist var faldende, og han var synligt udmattet under kampen. FC Bayern München viste ikke smuk fodbold, primært på grund af taktiske problemer med manager Julian Nagelsmann.
Selvom Sadio Mane har skiftet Bayern München trøje, er hans tekniske egenskaber stadig meget fleksible. Træner Julian Nagelsmanns 4231 taktik satte Leroy Sané og Sadio Mane i en akavet position, hvilket førte til holdets dårlige præstation. Da Robert Lewandowski spillede for FC Bayern München i sidste sæson, kunne træner Julian Nagelsmann godt lide at bruge 4222 taktikker, der ikke var gode for spillerne. I denne sæson har Julian Nagelsmann brugt taktik til hans fordel efter Robert Lewandowskis afgang, en taktisk adfærd, der tydeligvis irriterede spillerne.
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nautical-language · 6 years
OK, so the past few updates confirm a lot about Odin and his family that we already suspected, but also allude to other things we’ve been suspecting for a while.
The decor and architecture of the Arrow family home practically scream luxury and excess à la French Renaissance; Merita uses titles to when she speaks to Crow and Raven on page 1976 and when she refers to Olai on page 1800; baby Odin is wearing a crown in his painting (page 1799). It’s safe to say the Arrows were/are nobility.
But then the fire nation attacked.
In the course of the cataclysm that destroyed their sun and the resulting devastation, the Arrow parents probably died. Odin always speaks about his parents in the past tense (never the present); that, coupled with the state of the Arrow home and the tyrannical family rule imposed by Olai, indicate that Mama and Papa Arrow are out of the picture.
Various bits of dialogue from Odin and his sisters already clued us into the fact that Odin is not well-loved by Crow, Raven, or Olai, and the fact that someone (probably Olai) has been using Odin’s portrait for target practice (pages 1791, 1792) takes this several steps further. Olai, Crow, and Raven hate him, and while we can’t be certain, they probably blame him for some combination of the cataclysm, their parent’s probable death, and Magpie’s disappearance. Odin, at least, clearly feels responsible for the safety of his planet’s people and his family, Magpie in particular, and implicitly acknowledges and accepts whatever is his siblings’ reasoning for their lack of faith in him (page 1447).
Of course, we can infer that Odin’s home life isn’t all doom and gloom, or at least it wasn’t always. For one thing, Odin seems to have been incredibly close to his mother; he talks about her fondly and she kept a painting of him in her study. Odin also seems to care deeply for Magpie (page 1445), who went missing two or three years ago (page 2196, page 2173).
We gain more insight into Magpie and Odin’s relationship from the note on page 1547 (a translation of which can be found here on the AD forum). That note is written in the same runic alphabet that we’ve seen Odin speak in and which spells out his name at the bottom of his portrait, and it looks like it was written on the same paper found in Odin’s journal.
If there’s any lingering confusion about who wrote that diary entry, I’d say these last couple of updates clear it up. Odin wrote it, and I’m betting that the ‘her’ he mentions is Magpie.
The glimpse we received of Odin post-cataclysm (page 2182) shows that his pupils are still black at that point in time, meaning Pedri was not yet with him. So we know that some time between the cataclysm and the beginning of the comic, Odin had a fatal experience.
We still don’t know exactly how Odin died, but we do have a few clues:
Michelle has told us that Odin is aquaphobic.
Then there’s this art Michelle has done of him.
We know the aliens’ ghosts can only attach to a life as it’s being born (as in Ava’s case) or if the newly-minted host is being “reborn” (as in Gil’s case when he survived a near-death experience).
All of this suggests that Odin drowned at some point after the cataclysm, and that he and Pedri ended up together after that. Whenever and however it happened, we can be sure Pedri didn’t die until at least 10 years (page 2178) after Wrathia, as we know he can’t have died shortly after Wrathia and had another host before Odin, because Wrathia said at the beginning of the comic (on page 144) that each rebirth lands the alien ghosts in an entirely new universe.
This, of course, begs the question: What the hell was Pedri doing all those years? For that matter, how much of that time does he even remember? Nevy and — albiet less obviously — Tuls (page 877) have both displayed memory loss, so we can’t be sure about how much Pedri remembers.
Meanwhile, we finally have it confirmed that the Arrow family uses stolen and modified Silent Scavenger technology, and that the Scavengers and TITAN are connected (page 2214), two things which have already been heavily hinted at.
And that relationship makes sense. The actions of the Scavengers do benefit TITAN in some ways. For one thing, the Scavengers inspire fear and wreak havoc, allowing TITAN to play the hero by swooping in and saving the day. Maybe TITAN even uses the populations which are displaced and the resources which are abandoned in the wake of Scavenger attacks to sustain his workforce and EMPIRE OF DOOM. TITAN could also use the Scavengers to get rid of undesirable populations. At the start of the comic, the Scavengers obliterate what is essentially the Ava’s Demon universe equivalent of an overcrowded school in a low-income neighborhood. Is it genocidal gentrification? Because that’s kind of what it seems like. Such a relationship also lines right up with the general dystopian, trust-no-one, nothing-is-as-it-seems vibe of Ava’s Demon.
And, speaking of that incident on Ava and Maggie’s schooling planet, I think Odin lied about how he knew it was about to be attacked. When he tells them on page 100 that his brother gave him a head’s up, his stutter disappears, which Michelle has told us means he’s lying. If Olai didn’t tell him, then how DID Odin know the scavengers were coming? Of course, that moment may have just been an editing oversight on Michelle’s part, but I am quickly becoming less and less inclined to think Michelle does anything by accident.
And speaking of Olai...we still don’t have an answer to perhaps the biggest question: Why did he send Odin to track down other hosts in the first place?
I think TITAN is holding Magpie hostage, possibly even possessing her (she has TITAN-blue pupils and is crying Georgina-from-Get-Out-(2017)-style on page 2198, speaking of which Magpie probably drew those creepy-as-fuck drawings on pages 1275, 1276, and 1277 from the goddamn sunken place), and is blackmailing Olai into rounding up Wrathia, Pedri, Tuls, Nevy, the other key hosts — and potentially even the egg — to ensure Magpie’s safe return home. Heck, maybe TITAN is also withholding support from the Arrows’ planet to increase the pressure on Olai to cooperate (page 2191).
Odin has said that his parents taught him that “it’s important to research those who have power over your surroundings” (page 1068). Odin doesn’t believe Olai is invested in finding Magpie or fixing their planet, and that Olai’s obsession with TITAN/Scavenger technology is the result of his deranged mind. But I think Olai has made the most headway in terms of getting Magpie back and finding out what happened to her. Odin himself says Olai knows something that he’s not sharing, and I’m pretty sure it’s that an eldritch pseudo-god is strong-arming him into doing its evil dirty work.
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sportkolonne · 3 years
Barcelona vs Real Madrid: Xavi taler om sit holds chancer mod Los Blancos
Xavi mødte journalister i Saudi-Arabien tirsdag for at diskutere Barcelonas spanske Super Cup-semifinale mod Real Madrid. Det bliver den første Clasico siden tilbage i oktober, hvor Madrid vandt 2-1 på Camp Nou. Spillere på to sider er klar med deres fodboldtrøjer. Barcelona er ikke i nærheden af titelløbet - de ligger i øjeblikket på sjettepladsen i La Liga, chokerende 17 point efter Madrid. Xavi er stadig ved at finde sine fødder på sidelinjen, hvor flere nøglespillere er skadet eller er ved at komme sig efter skader. I mellemtiden har Barcelona meddelt, at Pedri og Ferran Torres har returneret negative tests for COVID-19 og vil rejse til Riyadh forud for Supercopa de Espana semifinalen. Førsteholdet trænede på Prince Faisal Stadium tirsdag i Riyadh med de to spillere involveret sammen med resten af truppen. De kunne endelig bære Barcelona trøje igen. Nyheden er et yderligere boost til Barca og Xavi, som også var i stand til at nævne Ronald Araujo, Frenkie de Jong og Ansu Fati i sin indledende trup til Super Cuppen. Ydermere er Xavi ved at få sin første oplevelse af Clásico fra et ledelsesmæssigt perspektiv. Han kunne huske dengang, hvor han bar Barcelona trøje. Barcelona-chefen talte om sit holds chancer mod Los Blancos, som helt sikkert er det hold lige nu, der er i den bedste form af hele Spanien. Han sagde: "I morgen er en mulighed, en udfordring. Muligheden for at nå finalen, og vi er meget motiverede, fordi dette kan blive et vendepunkt for os." Håber klubben vil bringe gode nyheder til tilhængere i fodboldtrøjer.
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drkinfession · 7 years
Hey, Mod Mondo! I'm the Amami/Wrathia that submitted a confession a few days ago! And I actually haven't found my Pedri yet! ..but it says on your intro that the only doubles you're not good with are Kano doubles and I'm kin w/ Kano??? I just wanted to see if you still want to talk just in case that makes you uncomfortable..
Thought I’d answer this before I officially go to sleep, but I’m truly only the slightest bit uncomfortable with Kano doubles and if it meant having Wrathia in my life again I think I could deal with the slight bit of discomfort. On another note, will you start a Kano army with me? 
~Mod Mondo
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avas-demon-kin · 6 years
hello im bris or mod pedri and im tired, he/him btw i hope u enjoy anything i have to offer thanks
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fuckyeahavasdemon · 6 years
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Animated Panels
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guys at long frickin last I'm developing myself a plague doctor character. This has been floating about in the back of my mind for YEARS and I'm FINALLY DOING IT and it's BEEN A WEEK and he's GREAT He and Julian would get along interestingly. They have something pretty big in common.
What’s the pretty big thing? 👀
- mod handy 
plague masks pecking each other
- mod pedrie
ask us anything; Apprentice Appreciation 
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