#mod sad tree man
cemeteryspider · 1 month
The Two of Cups
Remy Lebeau x Mutant! Reader
Summary: Your ability was an innate connection with the world around you which lead you to the Xavier Mansion. As well as a certain Louisiana man.
Word Count: 2.6k
You were an oddball in the mutant community and an outcast of society. Largely you found peace in knowing this due to your connection to the spiritual relam. You found solace in the trees and wind and comfort in the changing seasons. In the lush grass and flower petals that dried your tears when no person was around for you.
Your mind often drifts, allowing you to find new places, unseen by human (or mutant) eyes in thousands of years. Some caves drew you in and allowed you to commune with wandering spirits, other times on high mountains the water would guide you through and out of danger.
It was a mutual trust, that you would respect the natural or physical world and the spirit world would guide you. Sometimes this leads to crystal shops with experts in divination or sad girls who would have their cards read by you and give their lives new meaning and a more hopeful disposition.
So you followed the whispers of the wind and the pull towards new adventures until you came across a quite large estate called Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. You were no longer a "youngster" but still you padded on allowing the soft grass to show you the way to your next venture as you had done so many times before.
A man in an advanced looking wheelchair greeted you at the door, "Ah you are the one I saw in Cerebro. Definitely not what I was expecting."
He looked you up and down from the long thick skirts that gently brushed the ground to your hair you kept up and out of your face. His stare wasn't like any you felt before.
It wasn't the stare your friends gave when you first started reading the cards and could practically see through the girls you read. It wasn't the scared stare your parents gave you when they found you levitating in the air with the cards circling you in a protective manner. It certainly wasn't the stare of the people who yelled at you calling you a witch when walking the otherwise quiet streets of a small town. No, it was a state of awe and understanding.
"Pleased to meet you Mr. Xavier, my name is Y/n and it seems as though something pulled me to this place. Something strong," You looked around and saw children running around in the yard and teenagers practicing fledgling powers under the canopy of trees.
"No, the pleasure is all mine. There have been mutterings of someone with a spiritual connection roaming New York for the past few weeks, and when I saw you on Cerebro I knew I simply had to meet you."
The side of your mouth quirked up and you reached out your hand, which he gladly accepted, "Show me."
He guided you through the main building showing off classrooms filled with students learning math and history. Rooms dedicated to combat and self-defense. There were bedrooms, some colorful, some minimalist, and some dark and gloomy. Each place radiated a different emotion, the classrooms were focused with hints of boredom. The training rooms had an air of confidence and a slight fear of failure. Bedrooms had remnants of comfort and happiness, sadness, rest, wakefulness, love, and pity. Rarely were places so difficult to pin down.
He spoke about the architecture and the school's mission. You listened thoughtfully. Running your fingers along hundred year old wood paneling, and studying repairs made to walls carefully done to match. The kitchen had a rustic charm to it despite the overwhelmingly grandiose spectacle that was the rest of the estate.
Lastly you were on an elevator toward the lower floors of the mansion which were the newest additions to the property if the shift of decor told you the right story. There were endless halls of silver and doors with identity verification and a big doorway at the end with an X over it.
For a moment it overwhelmed you, never once in your travels were you taken to a place so modern, maybe even futuristic. The old towns with stories of witchcraft embedded into their history or rustic cabins next to trees that were hundreds of years old. Even to cliff faces that had been carved into by ancient peoples whose art can only be vaguely understood.
Except now you were in a different atmosphere, but with what you assumed to be the same goal, to help these people find themselves and provide guidance.
You entered a room whose ceiling was opened showing the sky and a winged jet landing in the room you were standing in. People descended the short flight of stairs to the floor and looked at Xavier and then to you.
"Is everything alright, professor?" A guy with what seemed to be a red visor covering his eyes. Despite his eyes being covered you could feel the concern radiating off of him. You almost scoffed at the thought that you would harm or threaten the man sitting next to you, but then you remembered how weary you were when you first started traveling the country and eventually the world.
After all, you were kicked out of the house with just what you could carry in your backpack. Even before that being cast aside by classmates who didn't understand you.
"Everything is perfectly fine, Scott. My X-Men I would like to introduce you to Y/n, the mutant I've been telling you about," He smiled and gestured toward you. It seemed as though that flipped a switch in the people before you.
They started to approach you starting with Scott, "I'm Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, leader of the X-Men," He left you with a firm handshake.
Then a red-head, "I'm Jean Grey, a telepath and telekinetic, part of the X-Men. I've felt your presence in the psychic plane long before we met. It's a pleasure to finally connect with you face-to-face," She gave you a gentle hug and indeed it felt as though you've known each other for a long time.
You met others as well like Ororo, Rogue, and Jubilee but one person in particular seemed to catch your eye, "Bonjour, ma chérie! The name's Gambit, but you can call me Remy if you like."
He extended his hand to you but instead of the handshake the men before had offered he flipped your hand over and kissed your knuckles. You could feel your cheeks heat up, and he walked away with a wink.
"Why does the Cajun get all the pretty ladies that come in?" a figure with grayish-white skin, white eyes, and indistinct features grumbled beside a short man with prominent sideburns.
"Finally, my time to introduce myself. I'm Morph, probably second or maybe third in the mansion's prettiest man competition," he laughed, giving you a friendly pat on the back. "See you around, Tarot."
Then the man with sideburns grumbled something nearly incomprehensible but you could catch the word Logan in the midst of the mumbles.
"Those were the X-Men, my own vision and step toward human and mutant coexistence. I hope that you will stay and perhaps guide the wandering souls that reside here."
For a moment you felt a reluctance, the hope for an adventurer's life still called, wandering the Earth helping as many people as you could handle. Spending as much time as possible in the woods and a life outside the public eye. Then you remembered the pull and how it has never lead you to a place you didn't enjoy or to people you didn't befriend.
So you stayed.
A month after that fateful day you had become an integral member of the Xavier Institute. Caring for hurt children by bandaging their wounds, acting as sort of a counselor for the teenagers who feel abandoned or children who are having a hard time transitioning, and most importantly restoring spiritual balance to the mansion.
Though not quite as spiritual, the Professor, as you had taken to calling him, allowed you to place spiritual protection around the house. Selenite in window sills to cleanse the area and promote positivity. Placed black tourmaline near the doors of the house to absorb negative energies that may come through. Amethyst near the bedrooms for calming energies.
You often could be seen walking around the house with a burning sage bundle in your hand waving it around doorways and windows and sometimes circling the crystals with it. To some of the X-Men it was odd to them, but then they saw the effects on the students.
Some of them were able to look at one of the crystals in any of the rooms in the house and take a deep breath grounding themselves, and then take another stab at what they were working on. Whether that be a math equation, a vocab word, or a new skill with their abilities. Sometimes they even went to you for advice and even asked you to read their cards, which you did every once in a while.
If someone were to peek into the office, that Charles Xavier graciously granted you when you brought it up one day, they would usually see the three card spread. Past, Present, and Future. You gave comfort to the children worried about their lives and if they'll survive their adolescence. Maybe the clarity spreads for teenagers who have a specific situation they want insight on, whether it be a lover, a friendship, or even their mutant abilities.
One day when you were shuffling your deck you heard a sharp knock on the door, "Come in."
None other than Remy Lebeau walked through the door. He looked a tad nervous around at your dimly lit office filled with candles and burning incense.
You had been getting to know him more recently. One on one sparring with him while the rest of the team had paired up. Or sat next to each other at briefings and meals. Sometimes he even sat in your office grabbing bandages or holding hands as you disinfected wounds.
"Hey, Cher... Gambit was wonderin'... maybe you could read my cards,'' He was sharply eyeing a specific crystal with uneasiness. You were aware that he didn't mess with the supernatural.
Your brows furrow and you sit up straighter, "There's no magic here Remy, just a connection to the spiritual, its connection to me, and my connection to the cards."
His eyes soften and he quickly sits in the comfy chair on the other side of your table, "Okay Cher, I trust you."
He came from New Orleans, a deeply spiritual place with strong links to history, slavery, and powerful spiritual figures. You had observed the thin veil between the physical and spiritual during a couple of your many adventures, but you never felt the need to stay. You knew exactly when your time in New Orleans was done as soon as it was, then usually by the next day you were off again.
"Okay, hon," You started shuffling the cards between your hands and between your fingers as you speak, "What are you looking to ask the spirits?"
"Well, I was wonderin', well there's this girl I really like, and I was wondering what I should do about it?" He was idly picking at his fingers, staring at the cards in your hands, or at the walls, really anywhere but your eyes.
You toyed with some ideas in your head for a moment before choosing a spread of your own creation, "This will be a three card spread, the first card is how you really feel about her, no rose tinted glasses no nothing, the second card is how she feels about you, and the third is whether you should act on this or not."
"Okay, petite, let's do this," You fan the cards out and allow him to choose the cards he is most drawn to. You saw him crack his knuckles and reach for the cards. As he touched them you felt a pull towards him, and once the last card was set on the table you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
You gesture him to flip the first card over, and the face of the card is revealed. Four tall pillars holding up greenery with two people and a castle in the background.
You smile at the card, "The Four of Wands."
Remy looked up at you patiently and waited for your words, "This woman is your idealistic love. The universe has gifted you with your perfect match."
A smile started to play on his lips and you nodded your head toward the second card on the table. A naked blonde woman collecting water under a sky brightly filled with stars.
"This is The Star. This is a romantic and spiritual connection, there is a force known or unknown drawing her to you and most likely vice versa," You glance over at Remy's growing smile, "Is this going as you had planned?"
He looked up at you with wide eyes, and shook it off quickly, "Chere, I'm... I'm not sure."
You place your hand on his, "Will you flip the last card, Chere?"
You placed your hand over the familiar card and gently flipped it over. The people facing each other holding chalices.
"This is The Two of Cups, a deep mutual understanding usually of a romantic nature. Looking at this spread I see two people being drawn together both by proximity and spiritual connection. The you should tell her how you feel as the cards seem to point to a potential romantic relationship forming," You look up at him waiting for him to say something.
"Well, Chere, I thought you would talk me out of doing this, but it seems that the stars have aligned," He took a deep breath before looking deeply into your eyes, "Ever since I first saw you, I've felt drawn to you. Moth to a flame and all that, but I wasn't sure about how to approach the topic. I guess I'll just go for it, would you like to go out with Gambit sometime."
You could see him nervously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and his eyes darting across your face. All you could do was smile, "Yes, Remy I would love to go out with you." 
An all out smile formed on his face from ear to ear, the crows feet at the edges of his eyes crinkled. It wasn't long before you were sitting in the kitchen late at night and enjoying Louisiana cuisine made by the Cajun himself.
Then it was a walk around the garden at dawn or training together that inevitably lead to making out against the walls of the Danger Room and quickly rezipping suits and pulling on garments seconds before the next set of people were scheduled to come in.
It had been a few months after you had made the relationship official and you were moving your collection of crystals, books, and other spiritual items into Remy's room with his help of course when you had realized you hadn't felt the pull to leave. You had finally found a place to call home, where you truly belonged and the spiritual world was letting you rest. After years of wondering and meeting and leaving you had found a place to stay.
The very next hour you had approached Charles Xavier and agreed to stay. You had been discussing teaching art and self-control classes with him for a little while, but now you were committed to staying as long as he would have you.
That came with a permanent place among the X-Men team which you happily accepted. 
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notscarsafe · 8 months
OKAY SO what with the TWO new Hermits implied by the updated banner I will say that, though the Skizz truthers have me convinced, I now have room to do my own crazy red string monologue and throw my hat in for my choice
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1) Mythical J. Sausage (the J is silent) is a multitalented S-tier builder that absolutely deserves to be shoulder to shoulder with the Hermits. The man does buildings, interiors, terraforming, custom trees, and he does them SO WELL.
2) The production values!!! Beautiful replay mod sequences with shifting camera perspectives, shaders, music that sets the tone for each segment that's different from series to series. He already has more than a million followers on YouTube and for good reason!!
3) He has been SO consistent lately. He started a hardcore world about three months ago (about the time you might expect the Hermits to finalize their s10 choices maybe...???) and already has 15 episodes and hasn't gotten involved in any other big content. (He did just start playing a little of the BCG server but from what I understand that's super casual /copium copium copium).
4) That hardcore world is conveniently about to reach a good "pause" point. He started his world on a cherry blossom biome island that he's filled with a medieval village and starter farms, he's said it's almost full and what's left is the castle. I'm guessing the new season will start the first week of February, so if Sausage puts out a video this week building out that Castle and finishing that island it will be MIGHTY CONVENIENT TIMING.
5) This man can GRIND. His Hardcore world hasn't even been going half a year and he's built... So much??? Magnificent! And when he was on the Hermitcraft server he did the Razorcrest for scar AND the player head baby yoda/stormtrooper merch AND the noteblock themesong AND still built in the xmas village and other "diamond of peace" and so many other shenanigans. Did the man even sleep? He can grind with the best of them.
6) He can do redstone, too! Maybe not unique designs, I honestly don't know, but he builds farms for build materials no problem.
7) The DRAMA this man loves his improv and his backstory and trauma lore! For every series he does! Can you imagine if he gets to interact with Ren for an extended period of time, what that would do to them, to us?? Give Martyn a run for his money!!
8) Which brings me to my next point, which is that Sausage is already One of The Gang, because he's been in series with so many of the Hermits already! Empires and the crossover, obviously, but also Pirates with Cleo and Origins with Scar, and he's even done MCC! Joel is the only other player with the same depth of different series but there are other people truthing him already.
9) The EPIC BROMANCE with Pearl. My god the devotion of this man to his sunflower goddess bestie. I would try to do ot justice but y'all have seen floweroflaurelins work, you already know.
10) He's already a PG streamer but with HILARIOUSLY PG-13 tendencies. Imagine him and Cleo cracking each other up at an HHH stream, *grips your shoulders* IMAGINE IT.
11) Sausage comes with his own mascot in the form of interdimensional dog extraordinaire Bubbles, but he's also just an animal lover on general. Mans drinks his "I love Jellie" juice and had her in his world even before the sad news of her loss.
12) Diversity win! No one should be hired just for their gender, race, sexuality etc etc unless it's truly necessary to the job, but we were all happy when more women got added to the server in s8 and I know a lot of people would be happy to see some ethnic diversity added, too.
... That bulletin board had a lot more pins in it than I thought it did but anyway MYTHICALSAUSAGE TRUTHERS/ALL OTHER TRUTHERS RISE UP SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! we'll only get to wildly speculate for a few weeks so we might as well make it everyone else's problem ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST!!
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son-of-rap-bear-art · 11 months
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So, do y'all remember the Adventure Time Mash-Up Pack for Minecraft back in like, 2017? Me and some friends have been messing around with that map lately and revamping some of the areas we consider a bit lacking with creative mode, and for me that was the Treehouse! I got ~100 reference pics from various episodes and tried to put it all together into the most autistically accurate Treehouse I could, and I wanna share it here cause I'm really proud of it!
Feel free to skip the text and just look at the pretty pictures. Cause when I say "autistically accurate" I MEAN IT. It's MY blog and I get to choose the special interest. :p
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The exterior is mostly unchanged from the official map, but I added the orange tree from My Two Favorite People, and the pond. Also the log where Finn sits and thinks in Gotcha!
Yes, I will be mentioning specific episodes like this often.
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I didn't make the Grotto, because I'm not THAT crazy, but I did make the pond really deep and filled it with the sort of things you see when Finn swims down there in Beyond the Grotto.
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The first thing you see when you actually go inside is the treasure room, of course! The official map's treasure room is so small and sad, but I made it more accurate to how it looks in the show, with a ton of ladders and platforms going upwards until you get to the kitchen.
Speaking of, at this point I should show the layout I based the rooms' positions on...
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I put this together myself and I THINK it's the most consistently accurate layout... of course, it's a cartoon, sometimes you'll get stuff like the bathroom in the left branch for the sake of a gag in Dentist, and characters will frequently run offscreen and then teleport to another room, BUT this is what I observed to be the most common layout seen when the camera will actually follow the characters through doors and ladders and etc.
Interestingly, the ladder in the trunk actually seems to connect to the kitchen, which is HIGHER than the living room, and then you have to go down a separate ladder to get to the living room. Confusing! But it checks out.
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So yeah, climbing up past the treasure room takes you right to the kitchen! Some specific details to call out here are: - The picture of PB with the two spatulas is from Abstract, and I painted it myself in-game via a mod! Unfortunately I didn't get around to other paintings yet, they're a bit annoying to make. - The urn supposedly containing Margaret's ashes, from Conquest of Cuteness, is on one of the shelves. - There isn't a single torch in this whole build! It's carefully lit up with candles, just like the Treehouse should be! - There's actually this easily missable tiny room connected to the kitchen, seen in the last pic, that has another trapdoor and also the door to the bathroom. I believe that first shows up in Incendium and then stays around forever. - The cooler is entirely full of eggs, like how Finn exclusively buys pre-boiled eggs when grocery shopping without Jake, in Temple of Mars.
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The bathroom! Funnily enough, the bathroom might be the least consistent room in the whole Treehouse. It's just made up of a toilet, bathtub, and sink, but these three things shuffle around the room entirely at random from episode to episode. In this sort of situation, I consider the most accurate way to handle it to be the same as the show: just put them wherever! So I did that.
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That door in the kitchen leads to this room, connected by a bridge. I just called it the "bucket room" because it has a bucket that Finn and Jake ride in in Rainy Day Daydream, although that episode has a pretty wacky Treehouse in general.
I hooked up a hand crank with the Create mod, so you can use it like an elevator kinda.
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Down the other ladder in the kitchen gets you to, the living room! This room's just a small round circle in some episodes, but others have it a bit bigger.
That bookshelf is there in Jake Suit, and has Dream Journal of a Boring Man, Vol 12 on it. Since one of the decor mods I'm using lets me place down books, I copied the 3 excerpts we get to see from it down into a written book, so it's even actually there!
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A really inconsistent aspect of the living room is this weird platform with a door. I can only remember it appearing in In Your Footsteps and Three Buckets, but maybe I've just always missed it? I made it lead back into the trunk, so you can use it as a shortcut up to the kitchen.
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Also over here is this workbench, which to my knowledge suddenly shows up in season 8 and becomes a REALLY REALLY consistent part of the living room?? Seriously, it's in Two Swords, Horse and Ball, Abstract... It's suddenly all over the place!! But I genuinely can't recall it existing before that. Am I crazy or is this an actual thing?
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Anyway, connected by bridge to the living room is the den! Surprisingly, even though it barely even shows up in any episodes, the den is SUPER messy and lived in. I tried to reflect this by jamming as many decorative blocks as I could in there.
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Also for some reason this fireplace doubles as a pizza oven in Abstract? Yeah, Abstract's got a really silly Treehouse. But it was easy enough to slot in there, so I did!
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Way back to the kitchen and upwards: the bedroom! I always thought the bedroom was so tiny and cramped, but a good few episodes actually show it as pretty spacious! I tried to hit a good balance.
The pictures hung up around Finn's bed are a blurry, badly taken picture of Huntress Wizard, and a clearly old picture of Flame Princess. They're both cute choices for Finn's future, and are my girlfriends' respective favorite characters, so I included both :D
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I also included the attic, which as far I know ONLY appears in Dad's Dungeon. I think it's neat, though, so I put it here. It'll be nice for survival mode storage.
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If you exit through the attic, you can get to the cloud that Finn and Jake have tied down for its rainwater. The dripstone on the underside looks a bit ugly, but it makes it functional! If you scoop water out of any of the cauldrons with a bucket, it'll slowly refill with water from the cloud!
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We're nearing the end! Here's a back shot of things. I added the power lines, Neptr's cave, and the farm. For some reason, Holly Jolly Secrets has a second, distinct set of powerlines, but those would be ugly so I didn't include them.
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Lastly, the chicken coop, as seen in BMO Noire and mentioned in Three Buckets, featuring Lorraine. Who looks like Boobafina in this texture pack, which is silly.
I'm... honestly not very satisfied with the coop's placement, as BMO Noire shows it being out on a rarely-seen branch, but this is the best I could do without a major facelift on the tree itself.
So, yeah! That's the image limit. There's a good few extra details scattered around here and there, but I'll leave it at that. I hope this is as fun to read as it was for me to write :D
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nathanbatemanfucker · 7 months
Not Enough
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summary: you try to talk to Marc about your connection— he’s not ready.
prompt: rainy day
pairing: gn!reader x marc spector (the tiniest bit of jake at the end)
contents: angst, requited love but wrong timing, longing, pining, crying, low self-esteem (both parties), ptsd if you squint, no happy ending
wc: 1,023
an: i know it’s Valentine’s Day, but this is just kinda where i am rn. this is pretty vulnerable and sad so just a heads up. disclaimer: as a mod/organizer of @moonknight-events, my participance in this event is purely for promotion and i will NOT be entered into the drawing for any prize.
moonknight masterlist | SP BINGO 2024
Marc has never considered himself dramatic. And he certainly has never considered himself a romantic. He hates the heavy rain, hates the way that water pelting down on his skin makes him feel so tiny. So small. Like he’s just a helpless boy again.
So why is he running through mud and greenery in hopes of finding you in this soon-to-be thunderstorm storm?
This is not the time, not the place, and you’re not the person he should be getting involved with. Marc stopped pretending he didn’t want you a long time ago, but that hasn’t encouraged him to make a move. You deserve better. He deserves to have his shit figured out before pulling you into the tornado that is his life— the life he feels like is sometimes not his own, the one he shares with an ancient bird. He’s out here looking for you to keep you safe, not to tell you how he truly feels. Not to finish the conversation you’d practically cornered him into. Not to be honest. He had abandoned honesty the moment his mother turned on him.
Khonshu’s latest target has brought you all here. Somewhere in the grassy wilderness, rolling hills dotted with small ponds that are tucked between towering forests. It's beautiful, or at least it would be if you all weren’t here to kill someone. If you weren’t overstimulated, stomping (and occasionally tripping) through the muddy forest trying to put as much space between you and the man you’ve accidentally fallen in love with.
At this rate, you’re soaked to the bone, and your clothes are sticking uncomfortably to your skin. But, as you peer up through the trees letting the rain hit your face, it feels like it’s washing everything away. It feels like for just a moment, you get to sit in anonymity. After attempting to be so vulnerable with Marc back at the cabin, it's exactly what you need.
You’re just a small being in an expansive forest and it feels good. You have no desires, no words, no feelings. It’s just you and the rain. You stop walking, focusing on the cold raindrops, teeth chatterng. Cold as it is…it feels like a temporary peace.
Peace that is quickly taken away when you hear Marc’s voice echoing through the trees, calling out your name. You start walking again, though this time your feet have less force and more speed. You don't want him to catch up with you, you're not ready to be seen again just yet, not even at face value.
As you continue to trot forward, Marc’s voice waxes and wanes behind you. Sometimes it’s softer, allowing you to relax but then it grows louder and your heartbeat picks up along with your pace. You know that he’ll catch you, whether he uses his abilities or not. But you’ll outrun him as long as you can, the same way he’s outrunning his feelings for you.
It isn’t long before you end up in a clearing. You’re more out of breath than you would like to be, but in all your training you hadn’t prepared to run through your tears. You’d take physical pain over the gnawing feeling in your chest any day, unfortunately, you don’t have a choice.
This is your reality. With words so sobering echoing in your mind you finally stop, hunching over to slow your breathing. You hear his footsteps behind you over the rain and for a long time, neither of you says anything.
Marc breaks the silence. “I’m sorry. I don’t…I don't know why I can’t be honest with you.”
You stay quiet, stay turned away from him because even in this heavy rain he’d be able to recognize the renewed tears that stream down your face harder than before.
“That’s not true,” He murmurs, to himself, to you after the silence grows on too long. “I know why but I can’t— I’m not ready yet.”
You still aren't talking, practically frozen in place under the sheets of rain. He shivers again, trying to block out the discomfort, the tightness in his chest. This isn't about him. For the first time in a long time, he’s sacrificing his safety for someone else’s. It's still not enough…no not yet. He’s not sure when it will be.
With a deep breath, you turn towards him and for a moment Marc thinks that the two of you will get somewhere, that there will be some understanding. That fades when you don’t meet his eye and walk right past him without a word. Before it’s too late, he reaches out, catching your hand in his own.
It stings, a temporary warmth with the promise of nothing.
“I won’t ask you to wait for me,” He says, squeezing your hand gently.
You know that it's meant to be a comfort, but it simply makes your heart ache more. How he could look at you with such regret and still break your heart, it's cruelty at a level you want no one to experience. Because you know that even as he says those words and offers his comfort, even as he lets you off the hook, that you’ll wait for him.
You’ll be subject to this torment as long as you can look into his eyes. As long as you can remember his name, and be by his side, you’ll love Marc. It’s never been a choice for you. If it was…you aren’t sure you’d be able to make the right one for you anyway.
You pull your hand out of his, raising your chin high as you pointlessly wipe away the tears that stain your cheeks— they simply reappear.
“I’ll see you back at the back at the cabin,” You whisper with finality, turning a way that is distinctly the opposite direction, hand tucked into your pocket to fetch your compass.
Marc lets you go. The piece of him that longs to reach out to you is too small, too weak. It has no claim. Helpless once more. It feels like someone else starts to take the steps back towards the forest. He can’t find the strength to care or be afraid.
moonknight taglist: @ninebluehearts, @rmoonstoner, @later-gators12, @foreverinwanderlustt-blog, @aleeb, @eyelessfaces, @marc-spectorr, @missdictatorme, @toracainz, @mccn-bcys, @campingwiththecharmings, @whatthefishh
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coyotescribbles · 1 month
The Next 100 Years
The day was clear and bright, and dappled summer sunlight shone through the leaves as they rustled gently in the breeze. Billy whistled a cheerful tune as he made his way down the sidewalk, arms laden with bags filled with various lunch orders.
Finally, he ducked through a tall wrought-iron gate, nodding to the groundskeeper before following the well-worn path to his destination.
"Afternoon, ladies!" He called out in greeting. "Bet you thought I forgot about today, huh? Well, you know I could never let you guys down."
Maybe his knees creaked a little, but he ignored that as he settled himself in front of the stone monument that marked the grave of the other Cunning Hares.
...The closest thing to an actual family that he'd ever had...
"Aaaand here you go..."
A burger for Anby.
Nicole's favorite noodle bowl.
Fried mackerel for Nekomiya.
And three cans of cola, though he hoped that Nicole didn't mind the fact that it wasn't her preferred brand. That company had gone under fifty years ago, after all.
Then, sitting back on his heels. Billy vented a sigh and shuttered his optics for a moment, imagining that he was literally anywhere else, and that his girls were there with him. Maybe they were at the park, relaxing under a tree. Or maybe it was Lumina Square, weaving through the hustle and bustle.
Or maybe they were at home, sprawled across that old broken-down couch in a comfortable heap while someone's favorite movie played on the TV.
But he couldn't hide in those memories forever.
"...I miss you guys. But you probably already know that, huh?" A sad smile colored his voice as he reached out to brush some dust from the monument. "Sometimes it's hard to believe that so much time has passed since I last got to talk to any of you. It's been, what? Sixty years, this year? And sometimes I still feel like you're all gonna be there when I get home at night..."
He vented another soft sigh, resting his hands on his knees.
"I wonder if you can see it - how New Eridu gets bigger and brighter every year. With no more Hollows, there's not much left to keep it from growing. To keep the whole world from growing..."
And we did that. Or, well, we helped, at least.
"I wish I could say that there was much to talk about this year, but... it's actually been pretty quiet. I think you all would enjoy it, honestly. Business has been great - bet that makes you happy, huh, Nicole? I thought it might. Oh! That new shopping mall Belabog was building last year finally opened last week. There's a new Random Play there - the biggest one yet! Heh... Wise would probably hate it, it looks all slick and high-tech, nothing like the original store... but I think it's pretty cool. And you'll never guess who's got one of the prime spots in the food court! That place is gonna put all the little Chops through college..."
He let out a weak little laugh.
"...There's a mural, too. Man, I wish you guys could see it, it's a lot cooler than the one they made for the Centennial celebration. We're in it! And we - we look like real heroes..."
Lifting one hand, he pressed his palm to his faceplate, and let his shoulders tremble quietly for a minute.
Maybe next year would be the year someone would finally come out with a mod that would let him cry.
Eventually, though...
"...I really wish I could stay longer, but I've still gotta swing by and say hi to a few more people before I head in for my tune-up. You girls enjoy your lunch, okay? If things aren't too busy, I'll try to swing by again soon..."
Once more ignoring the creaking in his knees, Billy rose to his feet, and brushed his fingertips fondly across the top of the monument with a smile, before continuing on his rounds.
The years were merciless, each one more so than the last.
Even with Belabog running support, there was only so far his component parts could be pushed before they gave out. Only so many times pieces of him could be repaired before they needed to be replaced.
Only so many times he could watch another piece of himself be disconnected and swapped out for something newer.
He couldn't hide it any longer - for the first time in his very.
Very long life...
Billy was tired.
Not the tired that came from staying up late to watch his favorite soap operas. Not even the kind of tired that came from chasing a kid through a Hollow until he thought his air filters might blow and his knees might give out.
No, he was tired-tired. The kind of tired that came from burying everyone he'd ever loved, one by one by one, while he somehow remained.
And remained.
And remained.
Theoretically, with consistent tech support, he could have lived long enough to see the Hollows pass from living memory and into ancient history. Theoretically, he could have kept going indefinitely, if he just kept replacing himself over and over again.
Every last bit of him had been replaced at least half a dozen times over by now... except for one part: his brain module. The part of him that was the most "him." The part that held every program, every memory file, everything he'd ever experienced was in there, and... he was afraid to replace it. Afraid that, even if he downloaded everything to a shiny new unit, he would still lose something, maybe something important.
Like the weight of Anby's head resting on his shoulder, whenever she fell asleep mid-movie night.
The way Nicole's eyes sparkled when she was excited, or flashed when she was angry.
The way Nekomiya's ears twitched at the sound of a bird singing.
Belle's laugh. Wise's smile. Lycaon's measured footsteps. Corin's anxious little stammers.
Rina. Ellen Joe. Koleda. Anton. Grace. Ben. Everyone.
He couldn't bear the thought of losing even a single nanosecond of any of it.
So he just... never risked it.
"Man, when was the last time you updated your CPU?" The maintenance tech handling his tune-up asked. "This hardware in ancient."
"Eh... it's been a while," he half-shrugged in response. "It's no big deal, it still works just fine."
The tech didn't seem convinced. "How's your boot time?"
"Same as it's been for the past hundred years... maaaaybe a little bit slower? I don't really pay too much attention anymore."
"Do you wanna schedule a replacement? Or maybe I could just see about fine-tuning it a little, maybe squeezing a few more months out of it so you can weigh your options...?"
Billy paused, and thought it over.
"...Nah, it's all right. I mean, it's lasted me this long, right?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." He smiled. "Whatever happens, happens. It's okay."
"Well, if you change your mind, just gimme a call and I'll get you in ASAP."
The drive home seemed extra lonely that night, and his apartment felt extra empty when he pushed the door open.
Slowly, bit by bit, byte by byte, everything slowed to a crawl.
Days bled into weeks into months and soon...
[Hey, Fairy?]
[Yes, Billy Kid?]
He vented a sigh. Tried to, at least, out of habit if nothing else.
[I keep telling you, it's just - ahh, I guess it doesn't really matter. Can I ask a favor?]
[Of course.]
[I know it's a lot to ask, but... when I finally shut down, can you make sure my brain module is mulched and interred with the other Hares? I don't care about the rest of me, I just...]
[...I understand. Yes, I can do this for you, Billy.]
[You are welcome.]
He let his head fall back against the couch cushions, resting his arm across his midsection. There was a show playing on the television, but he wasn't paying enough attention to have said what it was. It was just pleasant background noise, something to drown out the sounds of his body struggling harder with each passing week.
Billy shuttered his optics and let himself go slack, feeling the tension drain from his limbs.
His whole body, which had previously felt indescribably heavy, suddenly felt so much lighter, like passing out of a Hollow and into the open air beyond.
A sudden pounding on his door had him jerking awake to liquid golden sunlight pouring in through the window and the sound of voices down the hall.
"Billy, come on already! Wake up! We've been waiting on you forever!"
"!!!" Suddenly wide awake, he lurched up out of bed, nearly tripping over his own two feet as he scrambled to the door; he didn't even think to grab his jacket before flinging the door open and scooping Nicole up into a tight hug. "Boss-!!!"
"Hey-!" She squeaked indignantly, squirming and smacking at his side; "you are cold! Did you seriously sleep without a blanket again?! Put me down and go put on a shirt or something!"
"Ah, sorry, boss!" With a sheepish laugh, he set her back on her feet and reached up to run his fingers through his hair. "Guess I got a little wound up, huh? I had this weird dream..."
"Well you can tell everyone about it later. Hurry up and get dressed, it's time for our yearly lunch meetup and I don't want to be late!"
"Right, right, sorry! I almost forgot...!"
Snagging his jacket off the back of his gaming chair, he shrugged into it as he slipped on his sneakers.
Then, after taking a moment to make sure his hair was neat, he hurried after her, to where the rest of his family was waiting.
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cattimeswithjellie · 3 months
Livestream Recap, TangoTek, 6-17-24
((In which Tango does redstone, makes a lot of steamy puns, and plays straight man to the comedy stylings of Mrs. T and his own chat. Also there is Twag.))
4:43 Tango opens the stream with a warning for “excessive burping.” He just gulped down a burger as he hit “start stream” with eruptive results. He thanks subs and donos, then asks Chat how they are doing. He decides to chop down a bunch of acacia trees while he talks with Chat about what everyone’s been up to. He did not play much block game last week, but this week? So much. Last week was bad, but this week is going to be better!
6:30 A chatter mentions Jimmy’s current obsession with Tango’s swag (or “Twag”). Tango is aware of it, he is amused and baffled. He says he has very little twag. But Jimmy is great and Tango loves hanging out with him. They need to find a new game to play together.
7:10 Tango starts to talk about the stream and how it’s going to be STEAMY today, gets immediately distracted by a large dono. Another chatter talks about Jimmy and how he is mad at Impulse for calling him 30. Tango thinks that’s funny too. Jimmy’s just a pup, and 30 is not an insult. Mrs. T streamed yesterday, everyone should encourage her! PearlescentMoon raids into the stream. Tango is very proud of Pearl’s new redstone endeavors! In chat, Cleo reminds Pearl that main quests should not be done all at once, it’s time to make room for side quests. They both plan on side-questing with games in the Gaming District.
10:00 Back to the title! Pearl and Impulse have done redstone all day, it’s time to get Redstone in this stream! All the grates are going to have steam coming out from them now! Chat asks about playing Wordle, Tango suspects that the game is currently being messed with and may not be playable. Chat says it’s ready. Tango explains his plan for campfire-fueled steam grates in the factory. Pearl tells Tango he can play if Chat doesn’t spoil him. Chat is sad that “Twag” is not a five-letter word.
13:00 Impulse raids into the chat, so now the Chat is doubly full of all the server’s redstone fans. Chat tells Tango that Impulse did redstone _and_ science today. Tango assembles a box of supplies for today’s job. The factory is not turned on, but it might be good to turn it on since Tango will be hanging around. He’s nervous to turn it on and that’s not good. He talks about Trial Chambers coming up and how he might not actually have needed to make a copper farm. Trial chambers are full of copper and tuff and good things. He talks with Chat about the ins and outs of trial chambers. In the background, a Skizz scream indicates the end of another zombie pigman.
18:15 Tango believes copper needs to become a more integral part of redstone, far beyond copper bulbs. Maybe even plumbing for fluids, though that would be a big step. He heads down into the guts below the factory. Chat thinks Tango is aiming for Create Mod in Vanilla, Tango shushes them and whispers “that’s the goal.” Tango has a new design for steam grates, so he’s going to rip out the one he’s got and dig out a bunch of space for new ones. Chat asks to see “The Hole” (the hole through the bedrock he and Zedaph made). It is now cleaned up and safely behind a door to avoid accidental Void entry. Tango did some off-stream ceiling building, but he needs more decoration on the walls.
20:40 Tango begins deconstructing his old redstone, then immediately stops doing that and goes upstairs to brainstorm steam grate locations with chat. Chat is full of fun and impractical ideas for decorations, and some good ideas as well. He digs some more. He is surprised and pleased to get beacon bonus to his digging.
23:50 Mrs Tango arrives. She made a salad. Chat is happy to see her! Her stream went well yesterday and her TBR (to be read) pile has doubled. Tango doesn’t know what TBR is and gets mocked for it. She force-feeds him some salad. He declares it “Ceasar-y?” It’s good. He would eat it. He will not eat it, because it is hers. Mrs. T asks if Chat wants to know what her favorite game is. Tango says it is so sad and cringe. She says it’s “How to Make My Husband Crazy.” He thought she meant the phone game she plays 50 hours a week, which is called Gossip Harbor. Chat likes both of those games too.
26:00 A little cheatycam action tells Tango that he has less room than he’d hoped without destroying his already-existing redstone. Mrs. T offers helpful commentary as he falls into an underground lake. Tango says someone should open a sponge shop (he has the sponge permit.) Mrs Tango tells him he has “Skibidi Ohio Rizz.” Tango looks like he is forcing himself into an out-of-body experience. Chat is howling. Tango says Mrs. T is highly resistant to the Twag. A chatter asks what Twag means, and Tango says if you know, you know (and if you don’t know, you’re not missing much.) Chat is happy to explain Twag.
29:00 Tango continues excavating and says that anyone who truly wants to understand Twag has to watch Jimmy Jingles’ stream. He doesn’t know why they call him Timmy. Tango doesn’t call him Timmy. Tango finally finds a part of his basement that is not already stuffed with redstone. He is happy. He flexes by throwing all his mined stone right into the guts of the collection system.
31:10 Tango discovers a single lit copper bulb in the floor and can’t remember why it is there. He examines it and says he has to know. He digs up the floor around it. It is just one lit copper bulb in the floor. He is confused, but chat remembers that it was for lighting the water pool, back when this was a water pool. Tango thinks about decorating the area, but admits he will never come down here.
32:30 Time to actually start building some steam machines! Tango gathers up the bits he needs and notices there are lots of people on the server today. It makes him happy. Chat is excited because some of their Tango plushes are starting to arrive. They want to know if Tango will play Wordle. He might, later. Right now it is time to turn on the factory! He does so, while cheering about how copper bulbs are amazing. Another piglin dies with a scream. Tango complains about static electricity in his office. Chat suggests grounding his chair. He asks how to do that, Chat suggests calming words and slow breaths, either that or taking away its electronics and not letting it leave the house.
38:00 After one false start for forgotten campfires, it’s time to head back downstairs! Tango doesn’t know when HC will update to 1.21 but they will probably talk about it at the next meeting. He has a little screenshot of the design he’s working with for the steam grates. He talks with Chat about the problem he’s having with the factory needing 90 seconds to cool down from “on” to “off” without breaking it. He’s going to have to work on that. Tango lost his redstone box.
41:40 Time to find the redstone box! Chat tried to remind him he left it upstairs, but he was oblivious. He collects it and back downstairs! He talks about grate design with chat. He doesn’t like open grates, but both water and magma underneath have their virtues. They both look pretty cool.
45:00 Tango says he’s going to get started doing something. The “Oh my god!” horn plays. Gem must be nearby! Tango calls out for her, but she does not make an appearance. Tango begins laying out the first set of grate redstone. The horns have a radius large enough that Gem could be “oh my god”ing at someone else. But her timing was excellent.
47:00 Tango builds a redstone machine! It looks cool. He promises he will explain it when he is done. Chat asks if this is the new clank module. Tango says last night in bed he was thinking about the Decked Out 2 redstone and how much of it was still in his head. He misses it, and is getting a little itchy for a new redstone project. But there will be NO Decked Out 3 this season.
50:00 Chat asks “Decked Out 3 Season 11 confirmed?” Tango says it’s pretty much already been confirmed, but we’ll see. He goes up top to get buckets and flint and steal, realizes he’s going to need a lot of flint eventually. He checks on the factory minecarts, all is well. Tango loads up the new machine he has made, showing how it will alternately light or extinguish the fire to make randomized bursts of steam through the grate. He makes a much more comprehensive explanation that is beyond the ken of the recapper, but the upshot is that it works and is going to take a ton of flint and steel.
55:30 Chat attempts to help optimize the machine, possibly by replacing flint and steel with fire charges. Each flint will light the fire 64 times, each stack of fire charges will do the same. The big efficiency in this case is that fire charges can be stolen from Impulse, which is much more Tango-efficient than laying down a bunch of gravel and hitting it with a fortune shovel.
58:00 With the visual effect working, it’s time for the audio. Tango has some sound files that sound like hissing steam, so it’s time to add a note block to the machine as well. He attaches it to the side of the new steam machine and considers the best sort of head to pop on it. In game chat, Pearl makes a suggestion about the redstone clock that might extend the time between puffs. Tango is confused for a minute about the complexities of Pearlstone, but they get on the same page and talk more redstone. Chat is a big fan of Pearlstone. Tango decides to use pillager heads. Chat suggests that maybe Pearl will help build Decked Out 3. Tango agrees that at the rate she is picking up redstone, she well might!
1:02:00 Tango and Chat do redstone stuff. Lighting the fire with fire charges is just a bit different than lighting it with flint and steel, but he gets it sorted. He uploads the sound file he wants and puts it on a pillager head, then waits. Chat fondly remembers that time they Rickrolled Tango by getting ahead of him on sound file uploading.
1:05:40 The machine triggers successfully. Tango workshops the sound with chat, then goes to “acquire” some fire charges. Chat reminds him to turn off the factory before he leaves. Tango is definitely going to put in some chunk loaders so he doesn’t have to hang around his factory and not play the game he wants. Chat reminds him that a certain Chat who shall remain nameless may have mentioned chunk loaders quite awhile ago and been ignored. They suggest TNT dupers will be next. Tango is firm in his NOPE.
1:10:06 With the farm fully off, Tango is free to move about the server. Time to steal! He dips into the nether and heads for Impulse’s barter farm. He and Chat continue discussing chunk loaders. Chat asks which will get a roof first, Tango’s factory or Etho’s base. Tango is noncommittal. The barter farm is bursting at the seams with fire charges, so it’s Tango’s lucky day. He fills up his shulkers with stacks of fire charges and realizes he should’ve brought more shulkers. He’ll have to steal more later. Tango heads home.
1:13:20 Back at home, Tango attempts (unsuccessfully) to organize his inventory, then goes back downstairs. He loads his steam machine with fire charges. The machine catches on fire. That could be a problem. Chat notes that fire tick is off, and so the fire charge will not actually light the campfire, it will just set a fire on the hopper. Tango watches the machine for one more go-round, just to make sure. Scar, in Twitch Chat, suggests that they should turn fire tick on. Chat thinks this is a wonderful and horrible idea.
1:20:00 Tango rebuilds the machine, but it doesn’t work. In game chat, Pearl celebrates getting Timed Mode working on Wordle. The redstoners celebrate with her. Tango moves a bunch more stuff around on the machine and makes plans to unsteal the fire charges later.
1:22:00 Tango disassembles the machine and reassembles it into the original flint-and-steel-dispenser configuration, declaring all the previous “a huge waste of time.” Chat maintains that nothing is a waste of time when he’s with Chat. Also there was science. Now Tango needs a lot of flint and steel.
1:25:30 Tango goes back upstairs. He doesn’t have a fortune shovel, so he has to turn off the factory again and go shopping. Chat points out that Scar sells gravel, but Tango needs flint. Nobody sells flint. Tango is getting frustrated, but gets clobbered by a thousand dollar dono and a simultaneous Mythical Sausage raid. Chat is so excited.
1:29:50 Tango reads the very nice message from the dono, while Scar flies around in the background and sprinkles flint all over his factory floor. Tango’s day has really turned around! Scar says “Watch this” in chat, which is possibly the scariest possible thing Scar could say, then does not successfully do whatever he planned to do. He says “ppop” and leaves.
1:32:20 Tango is confused but thanks Scar for the flint. He welcomes the raiders properly, thanks Sausage for the raid and explains that they came at an awkward brain-breaky moment for him. He introduces himself and says he’s getting steamy today. Sausage’s raider tell Tango that Ollie died in 30 Day Hardcore, got creepered only three days in. Tango is sympathetic. Chat finds it hard to believe that Jimmy didn’t die first.
1:35:00 Scar’s gift of flint lets Tango load the machine, now it’s time to watch the grate from above and see what it looks like. While he is waiting, Chat tells him the tragic story of Ollie’s demise, killed by a creeper by building a house for himself and Jimmy. It was so sad. “Noooo!” Tango cries. He thinks Creepers have to be one of the major causes of death in Hardcore, next to lava and falling. The steam effect triggers. The steam goes much longer than the sound, so either more sound or less steam is needed. Longer steam sounds are a project for another day, but this is close enough. It took only ninety minutes to make one, time to make more!
1:37:00 Tango chooses the location for the next steam vent. He then goes back to messing with the first machine. A chatter asks if Tango is family friendly. He says he is. Chat converses among itself about whether all the hermits are family friendly while Tango watches the machine for his timing change. It looks better, he is happy. He assembles another machine.
1:40:00 Tango has lost his armor stands, which makes it hard to assemble the machine. Chat points out that they are in the redstone box. A chatter suggests making one machine play the Skizz Scream instead of the steam noise so the factory seems more dangerous. Assembly of the second machine goes considerably faster than the first. Chat, sensitized by Ollie’s death, keeps getting jumpscared by the hissing steam noises. A chatter asks about capes, a mere 20 days late to the party.
1:44:00 FalseSymmetry enters the server, Cleo “OMG Hiiiii!”s her in chat. Tango finishes the second machine and loads it with flint-steel and water. Chat is laughing because someone got autocorrected to “armpit stand” Tango adds his audio player and uploads the second steam noise. The second machine tests successfully, so it’s time for more!
1:48:00 The crowded substrate of Tango’s basement makes a challenging redstone environment, but he eventually picks out a space for the third machine. He’s getting into a groove now as far as building copies of the machine. He stumbles into a little passageway and is confused for a minute, but it’s nothing he’s using anymore. Chat strongly suspects that Tango’s third machine is going to do some things to the trapdoors it is next to, but they don’t want to spoil the surprise.
1:51:30 Tango finishes the redstone of Machine 3 and adds the finishing touches. He breaks his redstone box and doesn’t successfully pick it up at first, then proclaims that is how one loses a redstone box. He uploads the third steamy sound and puts it on Machine 3. He wants to build three more machines on the other side of the factory floor.
1:53:00 Tango wants to do something different with Machine 4. It is next to another, different redstone device and can be activated by that redstone signal instead. He plays with the positioning of the campfire and the restone signal. He collects up some magma blocks to decorate with and declares his music “very eighties.”
1:58:00 Tango solidifies the location for Machine 4. He assembles Machine 4 partway, then pauses, not sure if it will work with so much other redstone around. Deciding on a strategy of bold adventure, he does it anyway. The resulting trigger mechanism is made mostly of observers and optimism, but Tango is pleased. He does more redstone tinkering, including running some signal through a magma block.
2:03:30 Machine four is done! A chatter asks if Tango got help from Mumbo for this design. Tango confirms that Mumbo actually does all Tango’s redstone for him. He also talks to Mumbo all the time, definitely. Tango admits that he talks directly to Mumbo once or twice a year. They like each other, but their paths simply never cross. Chat would like to see Tango and Mumbo do a big project together.
2:05:00 Tango realizes that Machine 4 takes up a lot of real estate he was going to use for Machine 5, but he thinks he can make it work anyway. He does more redstone! Chat is concerned that he has disconnected a minecart trigger. Chat also wants Tango to visit Big Ron’s. Tango doesn’t know what Big Ron’s is. ((Big Ron’s is one of the pretend shops in Mumbo’s base. It has been temporarily taken over by Grian and Gem’s mischievous snails as a pop-up shop to sell the diamond ore they stole from Scar’s Ore Mountain.)) Chat tries to explain, but they are very confusing. Tango is not caught up on server storylines enough to understand snail adventures.
2:08:00 Redstone work continues. Tango realizes he can’t do the thing with the thing there because of that, which is a verbatim quote for once and not the recapper’s lack of comprehension. Tango mentions placing a torchy down, making Chat nostalgic for Secret Life Torchy. Tango agrees that for one episode, Torchy was a legend. He finesses the design of the machine to make it fit better , then installs the noteblock and Machine 5 is done.
2:11:00 Tango finds a location for the last steam machine. He begin assembling Machine 6 while Chat amuses itself with dispenser puns and by mocking Tango. The last machine gets built very quickly. Tango listens to the steam noteblock sound and comments that when he makes Plate Up in Minecraft, that will be the food burning sound. He confirms that he will be trying to create Plate Up in Minecraft, or something similar at least. Chat thinks this is very twag of him.
2:15:10 Cleo raids into the stream. Tango misses Cleo and says they are the best Cleo ever to Cleo. They need to hang out sometime. Cleo’s chat is full of OMG Hiiii energy. The OMG Hiiii horn starts playing, which means False is probably nearby. Tango is so confused. Chat says it was a False Alarm. Tango sighs but has to admit that was pretty good.
2:18:00 Tango goes upstairs and gets all the last odds and ends he needs to load the farms, including a whole lot of flint and steel and a bunch of water buckets. He loads up the machines and gets them working. Chat asks if the water kittens are asleep, Tango says that the water kittens are stupid. He loads water buckets into the machines, then creates a bunch of flint and steels to load in as well. Chat warns Tango about a impending water leak issue, but Tango is doing math. He finishes doing math and fixes the block three seconds before the bucket deploys. Everything’s fiiiiiine.
2:23:00 Tango continues loading the machines, temporarily foiling himself with a magma block but recovering and stuffing the machine with firestarters. There is room for more flint and steel in the machines, but for now the amount he’s putting in will do. A chatter wishes for magma slabs, Tango agrees that it would be nice if there were slabs for pretty much every block in the game. Chat suggests TNT slabs, then reminds itself that those are called Etho Slabs. ((An actual “canon” block, from a Minecraft April Fool’s joke.))
2:26:30 Time to go look at all the steam! The machines do successfully produce steam. Tango wants more steam! But the radius of the sound is all wrong and he can’t hear steam across the room. He goes back into the machine and fixes all the sound-producing heads so the radius is more sensible.
2:30:00 Steam observation time. Tango and the chat like the new steam effects. He watches the room for awhile to see if one is not smoking and to see how often they smoke. He’d actually like a little more steam, more often. Machines 4 and 2 are being stubborn. Chat points out again that Tango broke the minecart activator on Machine 4 ages ago. 2 is a mystery. Eventually 2 and 4 both do run, drawing a cheer from Tango. He is very happy with the aesthetic of his factory floor.
2:35:00 Tango talks about future plans for decorating the factory. He loves doing redstone décor and ambiance work. Chat also likes the ambiance, though opinions are somewhat divided over all the steam noise. A chatter sends a message talking about their soft robotics project, Tango is curious what that means. Chat has lots of theories.
2:37:50 Tango calls the project done for now, he is happy. Chat is surprised to see Mumbo join the game. Tango teases him about the sign at the gold shop. Mumbo despairs that he is out of stock AGAIN. Grian wants to know who needs that much gold. Tango needs gold for powered rails. Tango’s next episode will be opening the shroomlight shop and building Fun Gus the monster, or building the steampunk blimp that will be the shell around the copper farm. Then there will be factory-building work. The guts of the factory are done, but it needs its building and lots of cool sound art to bring it to life. The factory will be an amazing and noisy place.
2:41:50 Tango decides to wrap up the stream. He is happy with the steam system even if it took longer than planned. No Wordle today, but he has all week to play that. Chat is not allowed to spoil the word! Tango raids into Fwhip and ends his stream.
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jils-things · 10 months
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But if you give me just one night You're gonna see me in a new light Yeah if you give me just one night To meet you underneath the moonlight
happy first anniversary to my beloved pookie bear and champion husby 🍎🍏
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careful, incredibly corny and romantic lovemail coming through.... (you don't have to read it, i just love expressing myself.)
y'know part of me felt kinda bad for glitchy red because he was quite literally the reason why i ended up liking sun and moon red and he basically overpowered him ahuhudsa but i guess i can kinda thank the mod for being the catalyst for me to really get into pokemon again because before this i was not even touching pokemon since... i was a teenager.
the moment i saw red, i just knew i was gonna like him. no rhyme or reason apart from the fact he's super handsome and adorable as an adult (and my silly taste for brunets <3) and im absolutely here for it :] i'm really thankful i have friends who really supported my goofy admiration for him and helped me create what would be known today as appleshipping~ i have so much funny and heartwarming memories with him (like that time i fell asleep to his battle ost on discord calls many times 😭😭😭)
i remember dreading the fact, learning that i may never meet red properly in sun and moon (emulator on pc isn't really my preferred place to play unless i have no choice) but ohh man, what a blessing my classmate was to be a pokemon fan who had a 3ds with all sun and moon (and ultra) copies with him and since he had already finished all games years back - he happily allowed me to borrow his 3ds and reset his ultra sun file for me to play <3 i can't thank him enough for it, and it was simply because he wanted me to experience it. not only was it my first time to use a 3ds, but my first game would also be where i get to meet my hubby in game, and in a REAL console. it feels so cool, it definitely beats that feeling of using emulators.
i also remember eagerly making my way to the battle tree and even recorded my live reaction when he was actually there aeheheh im shy to share it but trust me when i say i was so squeaky and audible when he appeared... all im saying, im just happy i had a fun experience as a fan and as a selfshipper :]
alright, anyways - i like love red so much, as a character and someone i find pretty appealing eahudhuahf he looks so huggable and warm like a cozy snorlax sleeping in the winter night. i love his quiet but determined demeanor. it stands out from the rest of the characters and even if he was a protagonist at first, he's treated as a really cool legendary trainer that many characters respect and it just adds to the appeal (for ya girl, at least ehe). while many prefer his battling prowess, i love thinking of his emotional side, i think there's a lot to dissect there especially as a character who's silent most of the time, and of course when you're in a relationship its all about the connection and communication amirite ehhehafs ... while i'm a bit sad he's not really a popular character at the moment, at least he and my friends would know i'm (definitely) his biggest fan ehehee (twirls hair)
hooray for appleshipping! thank you for keeping my mood in high spirits this year, red 💚❤️
dividers: (x) (x)
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Tag 9 people you want to know about
Her Ballsakkness @cullenssweatyballsakk tagged me. Yes I absolutely assumed the pronoun please let me know
Last song: Porcupine tree - Arriving somewhere but not here
Favorite color: Dramatic jewel tones, like emerald and ruby and so on. Now that autumn is coming I'm also drawn to colours like burgundy, tile red/orange and aubergine.
Currently reading: Yoko Ogawa - Memory Police
Currently watching: Nothing at the moment. I should pick up Lupin season 3 and Umbrella Academy season 4. I'd also like to try the 3 Body Problem and The Gentlemen and the new Ripley with Andrey Scott.
Last movie: Inception! It was better than I remembered.
Sweet, spicy or savory: Sweet. I'm like an addict.
Relationship status: Married, no kids.
Current obsession: Cullen Rutherford, oh man oh man. Also Alistair Theirin. And the Edwin Romance Mod for Baldur's Gate 2 (HOLLA IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT) along with my Bhaalspawn OC for BG2. And I'm starting to get excited about Veilguard and my Rook because I've decided her faction and origin as far as I can without playing or spoiling myself too much.
Tea or coffee: Porque no los dos! Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.
Age: 37.
About Me: I'm from a small obscure country, I wish I had a cat or two, I'm eating chocolate right now as I'm writing this, I'm sad that summer is almost gone because I'm not a winter person at all.
Likes: Bioware games, especially the Dragon Age series. Warm but dark August nights (I'm sad it's already September!). The smell of foreign airports just after you've landed. I've also just gotten into Fontaines DC and they're pretty cool. Not as cool as Idles but I like them.
If you want to know something else, just ask! <3
Here are some tags but no pressure either way: @sweetjulieapples @swordbisexual but I think you've maybe done this already @laurelsofhighever @wilchur
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Mocha! Sometimes I feel like I'm just being too paranoid and this whole story is gonna be one big misunderstanding after another with no real antagonist. Sometimes I feel like disaster is waiting just around the corner and everybody is going to befall a terrible fate in just a few posts. Is that... good?
Would you rather I make a big bad who's just evil for the sake of it? Kill off characters just because? That's not the story I'm trying to convey. I love mlp, but one of it's main themes was as we all know, "Friendship is Magic" I'm exploring what happens when Friendship isn't the magic cure all to every problem? Life was simple for Twilight 1,000 years ago, she was with her friends, she loved her friends, and when a threat appeared all she had to do was make a big speech or realization about how "my friends are my magic!" And everything was solved.
I'm not writing essentially a Shonen protagonist story. There is no clear antagonist character, but there IS an antagonist that isn't going to go away with some magical rainbow blast . It's the current state of Equestria, it's Twilights grief, it's Cinna's struggle and fear of being herself, it's Sagi's constant battle with his instinct to cause harm and fear wherever he goes and dealing with the guilt of going too far, it's Sanori's battle with his ptsd and anxiety and separation from his loved ones, and what's being slowly introduced, his terrible ways of coping with it. The antagonist is life in this world that everyone is used to being sunshine and rainbows until the next big disaster.
Yes I'm keeping you on edge, feeling like at any point, if something goes wrong, it's going to be disaster for our protagonists. But that's what I'm going for! I love buildups that end in, "Oh, well that wasn't actually so bad". I love seeing characters that seem evil but turn out to be confused and misguided.
All of you were so convinced that Sagi would be some heartless reincarnation of the og king sombra, the guy who destroyed the tree of harmony and almost took over Equestria. Only to find out he's just a young man trying to find a way to live in a society where he's the last of his kind, and the only reason he's allowed to stay is because his mother is part unicorn, so he is too. Imagine how ot feels to live in a society where the main people who live there eradicated your entire species because they didn't understand them. Having to work for the woman who essentially killed your father and vanquished him to the shadows. (Multiple times) and that's just ONE of the characters I've made to subvert your expectations.
And you're dealing with a chaotic goddess here. On a whim, I could totally create an impossible monster for everyone to face. But it's not time yet, and that's lazy writing! Lucky for you all, I don't do things that lack effort. I put 200% into everything I like, including this blog. If my story is becoming too much for you, I apologize. I just really love making things for other people and having them enjoy them. (And, half the story is being co-written by another person who works half the time and focuses on other life things sometimes, so I have to fill the dry space with something, like twisting storylines or sudden twists because I can't move forward without them)
But, there is a character I'm planning to subvert your expectations with again. But I'm warning you this time, so maybe you'll be better prepared. If you have an issue with following the blog, or the story is becoming too much, I won't blame you for leaving. I know it's alot, and I'd be sad to see you go, but I understand.
If you do stay around, please be patient with me, I'm doing my best to make an enjoyable story to stick around for.
-Mod Mocha 🍫
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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War and Pieces of Each Other
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: future ABO, Vikings, fae, Viking Col, fae Dom, Col being cocky and dumb, Dom being emotional, talks of death, talks of war, talks of childhood trauma (parent death, child abuse, domestic violence between parents) PTSD, references to Dom almost being attacked by Bjørn, cursing, misuse of insults, talk of mpreg, snippy boys, slow burn ☠️ rating: mature ☠️ ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom had seemed off for days and Kol'son was starting to think it wasn't only his impending bleed. They'd had an incredible night that he was still reeling from, he hadn't expected to ever tell someone his darkness but he'd also believed no one would be worthy of his mother's necklace. Before Dom that is. They'd talked and the boy had made him feel pleasure like he'd never thought possible and they'd spent the day in bed happy and madly in love but ever since… something was wrong and the Viking didn't know how to fix it. Dom was quiet when they were out around their people, he'd been spending more time in their room or hiding in the forest, but what worried him most was when he heard him crying at night. He'd hold him closer and pet his belly like he knew Dom liked but when he tried to ask what was wrong the kid waved him off.
"Maybe if you stare hard enough you'll impregnate him. That will fix it." Kol jumped at the sound of his brother's voice. The bastard loved to sneak up on him. That was even how he'd found him, an accidental game of hide and seek and the madman had just… followed him home from the forest.
He huffed, pressing himself further behind a tree and pulling Mod with him. He hadn't meant to stalk his prey- his lover, but now he was spying and it had been too long to say hello and it not be strange. "That won't fix the current problem. I don't think." He thought twice for a moment but he was pretty sure the fae wasn't upset about not making love yet. This felt different. He was more adorably grumpy about that, this seemed sad.
"And spying on him will. I see." The wild one teased, pushing his long hair back so he could furrow his brows and look serious. Kol growled low in his chest and smacked his friend with the back of his hand. This was a serious matter, gods damn it.
"He's been… sad." He sighed, cocking his hip against the bark of the tree and turning his attention more to his kin than his thrall but he kept glancing at the boy.
"It could be that his pack isn't welcome yet. Or than the women here are… harsh. Or perhaps he's a bit scarred by the brute of your family. Or even… yes! It could be that you're still too much of one to actually fuck his p-" Kol shut him up by clamping a palm over his loud mouth. Normally he'd hit someone for that but his seer couldn't help it. Not really. Still though, no other man was allowed to talk about his lover's pussy.
"You're not as cute as you think you are."
"M'dorb!" The halfling slurred something against his skin before he licked it and the man cursed, pulling away fast and shaking his hand.
"Fuck you."
"Oh so now you're offering it to everyone but me?"
Kol was a Viking, he was a brute who had more strength than he should for his size. He'd killed more than he could count and once wrestled a bear for fun- or that was the story at least- but he'd never jumped so high as he did in that moment his boy's voice sounded right behind him. His feet actually left the ground and he made a noise he'd never admit to making but he was genuinely so scared to turn to his thrall he thought of just… walking away.
"I wouldn't if I were you. He knows where the ropes are." Modig laughed as he turned and left the man to his fate. He was so worried of what the fae would say he thought about calling out for him.
"Dom? You're out here?" He knew it was the stupidest thing he ever tried to get away with and the look on his lover's face when he finally glanced reminded him so much of his mother his heart clenched. They didn't look alike exactly but there was a shared womanly disdain between them. It was as comforting as it was horrifying. "Are you going to spank me?"
Dom scoffed so loud they heard birds leave the trees but he just stomped off. "You'd like tha' too much." He sighed, holding himself tight as he left to the seashore.
Kol debated whether to follow or go home and work. He had a meeting with Bjørn before too late, something about the nearby clan. They'd had a tentative peace for a while but there were always whispers and supposedly his uncle had news he had to hear. He had a legitimate reason to let his boy go alone, perhaps he'd have time to visit with his friends, but just the thought of leaving him on his own had a growl vibrating in Kol'son's chest. "Fuck." He grumbled, pushing a hand through his hair as he turned to run after the boy. "Wait for me!"
"Fuck off!" His future baby mother shouted back and Kol could see him speeding up, but he kept close enough he wouldn't lose sight of him. His gaze dropped to that perfect ass and his eyes narrowed in a glare. Obviously Dom wasn't torturing him on purpose, he was the problem here, but he still cracked his neck and adjusted his dick and tried to deal with his overwhelming need.
"Wait, what are we doing?" He called out after a moment, finally deciding just to try and move on instead of apologizing for what he did. He had every fucking right, it was his land and his thrall. Just because Dom made him feel soft inside didn't mean he was. Perhaps it was time to remind them both who was in charge.
"You fucking off. I'm getting me pack and bringing em 'ome. If ya don't piss me off we might 'ave a good day later." Or maybe Dom was in charge. Who was he kidding?
"I'm not leaving yet. I want to meet him. Tom, right?"
Dom swallowed hard, trying not to cry as he turned around on his heel and stood still. Kol was walking so fast they smacked into each other and he tried not to whimper from being slapped in the face with his daidí's sweat drenched bare chest. The Viking stepped back and the fae sighed, trying to paint a smile on his face. "It's alright, you don't 'ave to meet 'im wiv me. I'll bring 'im along and you can greet each over at 'ome." He made his voice as light as possible but Kol still caught it waivering.
"Nonsense. I should greet him at the shore with you. Do you have a boat that needs brought in? Did you swim here? I… hmm, I never thought about how you got here." The chieftain laughed until he realized his lover was a bit green around the edges.
"We um… no. Nuffin to bring up. Fanks." Dom was terrified and he swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in his throat. What if Tom didn't have time to slip his skin? His friend wasn't expecting him. He couldn't imagine Kol'son finding out that way. He knew he would tell him someday but… not yet. "Fing is… he um- he- You see Tom- uhh…" He tried starting a dozen different sentences and he got so nervous his hands twisted together in front of him. His master was enjoying every moment, his arms were crossed and there was a smile on his face. Arsehole. Beautiful arsehole. "He gonna 'ate you and um- ya may not understand each over."
The leader chuckled and it turned into a full body laugh that had him shaking his head before he wrapped an arm around his grumpy boy, leading him down their trail. "I'm sure it'll be mutual. I don't like anyone around you but if it'll make you happy we'll bring them home. It's alright boy. Just relax."
Dom grumbled to himself and dug his heels in just a little, he was getting desperate to stall and starting to wonder if he shouldn't just drop to his knees for the man and practice his skills of distraction but then he saw a blur of something out of the corner of his eye and he took a breath. He knew that blur, over the last few weeks he'd been making friends with Modig and Ben, and thankfully one of them must have felt his worry. They would get Tom in human form before they reached the shore. He still wasn't happy with his daidí though. "You acting like a straight up fuck again master. Who pissed in ya baff?" He knew probably no one but it was a silly saying he'd heard from his lover and it always made the man happy when he tried to talk like a brute.
"Mmm. You." Kol'son huffed but it was a lie and definitely too soon after he upset his prince to tease him. "Shit- no. Not you." He rushed to fix it when he felt the kid stiffen and not in a fun way. He was just frightened to bring his chieftain troubles to the boy. "When you said you were a prince-"
"To Inga." Dom interjected with a huff.
"To Inga- did you know much about running a kingdom?" Hopefully he could learn about his love and maybe get some help at the same time but either way he just enjoyed talking to him. It always made him feel better.
Dom's plush bottom lip rolled between his fangs and he sighed. It was hard making himself talk about those days but… Kol was his forever, he just knew it. They had to learn to talk. "A little but I weren't exactly made for tha'. I guess if I survived the mating I would 'ave ruled but like… by me god's side. I was so scared all the time 'ough tha' I paid close attention to me parents so I wouldn't upset 'em…" His voice dropped. It made his heart ache to talk about. "Me mum and dad fought all the time and um… 'urt each over. Me, sometimes if I got in the way so-" He sniffled and Kol pulled him closer and kissed his hair. "Yeah I guess I learned wha' parts of ruling upset 'em. Why?" He tried to be blunt- and quick with it but he knew some of his emotions bled into it.
The human was silent for a moment. He was overwhelmed with rage and hurt. More than anything else he wanted Dom safe and healthy. Someday he'd have to find out where his kingdom was so he could plan a raid. "That's fucked. I- I love you." He finally settled on. Apologizing would be dim, he didn't hurt the kid but he couldn't understand how anyone could be so evil to someone so perfect. Did he really say 'if he survived'? Oh gods.
"I love you too ya big pup. Now tell me wha's got ya being a cock?"
Kol'son snorted, his thrall was trying to learn how to tease with the men but he didn't have it down perfectly yet. "That doesn't really…"
"Fine, why you being a right cunt?"
Kol chuckled and tilted his head with an expression that said 'that works' and he sighed deep. "I worry war is coming. There's a clan not far from here that… they were allies once but-" He took a deep breath and growled at himself. How were they not at the shore yet? He swore it wasn't so far a few days before but they were running then. Dom was keeping them purposely slow. His lover's arm wrapped around his waist until he was holding him right back and he didn't think he could be more thankful. The boy didn't speak or make a big deal of it, he just held him back and made it seem like something he needed, that it wasn't for Kol's benefit but gods it was.
"When I was thirteen they went on a raid with my father and his men. I was left in charge at home and… they swore it wasn't their fault but only Bjørn and a few of our men returned, my father um-"
Dom gave him a moment but when he couldn't seem to get it out he asked softly what he already knew- "He didn't make it 'ome? Gods love, I'm so sorry. Wha' did Bastard say 'appened?" He wouldn't sugar-coat his hatred of Kol's terrible uncle, the man had tried to molest him his first week here and the way Aud spoke he was lucky. He knew the miserable excuse for a man wouldn't be accepted if not for how little of his family his daidí had left. He wouldn't trust Bjørn as far as he could toss him and he definitely couldn't. The man was a beast in all the ways but hopefully he'd be honest about his own brother's death.
"He said he didn't see my father fall but that the other chieftain was fighting by his side so it couldn't have been him. I don't know. They've always hated us. I think to be honest it was a fight over my mother that started it all. Dad won." He couldn't help but grin.
"If he was as charming as you-" Dom stopped when Kol scoffed and he looked up at him, his brows furrowed.
"Maybe when he was young. I don't know. He was broken after they died. I was almost happy when he joined them." The words were out of his mouth before he realized what he was saying and the weight of the truth stopped him in his tracks.
"Shhh, it's alright Kols. I'm sure he was too. Ain't nuffin wrong wiv being 'appy for 'im. I am too. I'm sure Valhalla is lovely. They're jus' waiting for you now but I won't let ya go for lifetimes yet." Dom soothed, squeezing tight around his lover's waist. He pressed a kiss against his chest and breathed him deep. He couldn't imagine what the first Kol- Kolvidur if he'd heard right- went through. He could never be without his man now.
The Viking smiled at the precious way his boy thought the afterlife was like, he obviously didn't understand Valhalla, but Kol wasn't sure he fully believed in it anyway so he'd rather think of it as beautiful like that. He didn't plan to leave for there any time soon either.
"So you're worried about a war? Why don't ya jus' kill 'em all?" The boy interrupted his thoughts and his eyes went wide. Maybe Dom was turning into more of a Viking than he thought.
"They triple us in numbers and strength. Especially after the raid where my father died. Our clan has been trying to rebuild ever since but… most of who would be our warriors are who you help me train." That made Dom's blood run cold and his stomach turn. Those boys were just that- little children. He knew his man had taken the crown at a young age but no. He couldn't imagine seeing those perfect baby faces soaked in blood. "Perhaps it's not about war though. It could be a new agreement. They change it every few years just to fuck with me. Bjørn said he has news. I'm probably supposed to be there now but they can wait. Let's go get your boys."
Dom was scared for the villagers he was quickly starting to call family but he trusted his mate to do what was needed. He couldn't help wondering if he would ever be accepted as the leader's wife or if he'd forever be a fucking thrall. He sighed softly, he knew when Kol made up his mind there was no changing it so he just nodded and tugged him along the path a little faster. Hopefully their interlude had given the forest fae long enough to reach Tom because they were getting close. "Weren't joking. He won't like you. He don't trust anyone to care for me. Especially not a 'uman."
When the kid teased him Kol'son almost tripped, he knew logically Tom would be other because Dom was but he hadn't heard his love say it so bluntly before. "I'm glad someone's been looking out for your sexy ass. I've got you now though so he can back the fuck up and get in line or I'll teach him to." Dom wouldn't admit to the slick that rushed between his thighs at his master's growled partially joking words but he worried the man could smell it. He was creepily attuned to his scent for a human.
"If he thinks he can take me I'll welcome his challenge. I'd love to teach a brute how it's done." Dom heard a new voice speak his own language and he rolled his eyes. Of bloody course Tom heard that. Of course. The selkie was coming up the shore to meet them and he plastered a smile to cover his less than polite words.
The thrall watched in something akin to horror as his daidí reached to greet him and he leaned close and asked- "Does he ever wear clothes?" He didn't know that Tom could understand him but the selkie kept his face calm as he stared the human down. Dom could feel a mess fast approaching but at least he could keep them separate by claiming they couldn't understand each other. The boy worried when he didn't see his kin's fur over his shoulder but then a voice whispered through his mind and he knew Modig possessed it and was taking it home. Oh. That showed a lot of trust. Maybe Tom could learn to be comfortable here, he seemed to have already made a friend. He just hoped everything would go smoothly but he would never bet on it. It wasn't his kind of luck.
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Have a little plot, hopefully yesterday's smut holds you over cause it may be a bit before more. I'm not sure yet. I hope you enjoyed a little more back story! 🖤☠️
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sprunkin-it-rn · 5 days
Hello, Sprunki Tumblr.
I am here to share my "ideas" for you to "enjoy" "willingly".
My ideas include such as:
The brown Sprunki is named Bucket, and is a sentient dirt monster. It recovered from the corruption the easiest, as it just ate dirt until it's wounds healed.
The green one is named Mary Jane, and is dating the pink one, named Rose. Mary Jane is chill and low key, while Rose is more active and outgoing.
The corruption was caused by Black's pure angst energy when he showed up to the little friend group party Grey hosted. No one died, or felt pain. It just happened instantly, and was more of a major inconvenience than anything.
The tan one, named Clint, suffered only mild scrape to the head, which was healed by himself via gauze, tape, and a whole lotta whiskey. He is also a horned desert lizard.
Lime, who's name is Kaffir, isn't crazy. He is the 3rd oldest member of the friend group, along side Grey and Wenda (White). He lost a bet, with double or nothing five times, and has to act crazy for every new friend that joins the friend group. He's actually very smart, being a psychiatrist.
Rose is very into more gory films and content, like the various episodes of Happy Tree Friends, and low budget gore fest horror flicks. She's the only one besides Cobalt (Dark Blue) who became proper friends with Black.
Everyone recovered from the corruption with an extensive hospital stay, and they all feel more annoyed with the corruption than scared or traumatized.
Orange (Sunrise) and Yellow (Ochre) are brothers, and are both anthro moths. Ochre has made many sight related puns to his partner purple (Pureus), much to his annoyance.
The computer, named Puter, just had to get their wallpaper and text to speech changed back, and a new hat.
The normal black design (seen in the mod gallery) is named Midnight, and is Black's father. He has attempted to get his son to express his emotions in different ways, but Black always responds "Yeah right old man!" and goes back to listening to Linkin Park while making edgy and sad posts online.
Grey is an anthro cat, like Wenda. They are both extremely fluffy, and are best friends since childhood. Grey hosts weekly smash bros tournaments with his friends, and has only had Black show up once or twice.
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liliumsabyss · 2 years
You won't have to wait for me
I couldn't wait for you, pt 2.
Part One
Kazuha x Male reader, partial Thoma x reader
TW: Sad, Death, Blood, Major Character Death, Mentions of Major Character Death, Mentions of Having Children, slight abandonment, non-cannon shit, probably cussing, I swear like a sailor.
A/N: Here you go, Anon, It's kinda rushed towards the end, but I hope you find it enjoyable! :D And a giant thanks to everyone who liked the original post I was not expecting much out of it since it really was a midnight brain rot. And another thanks to my Mod @bartholomew2sstt I love you, you judgemental ass <3
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One day, Kazuha met the blond-haired traveller who had requested passage into the nation of Inazuma. The traveller had won the competition allowing him to be taken by the Crux to Inazuma; however, Kazuha had one request for the traveller.
" I have a fiance, well, I hope I still do but could you check on him and make sure that he's alright." Kazuha nervously asked, avoiding eye contact with the traveller, fearing he was asking too much. However, the traveller agreed as they knew what it was like to be separated from loved ones.
But as the traveller got more used to Inazuma and closer to the residents, they finally dared to ask Thoma as it had been a reasonably personal topic, and they weren't sure who they could ask safely. But Thoma's face dropped to seriousness at the mention of Kazuha's lover, contrasting his usual upbeat personality.
"As you know, the vision hunt decree caused many to flee, including Kazuha," the man started " However, (y/n) stayed for multiple reasons, but since he was Kazuha's lover, the vision hunt committee soon came after him, specifically the army general Kujou Sara, but when he refused to let her know about Kazuha and refused to give up his vision she executed him." He finished seething in rage at Kazuha's name, shocking the traveller.
"You hate Kazuha, don't you? You know he doesn't know that his fiance is gone?" The traveller questioned with big eyes.
"Yes, I hate him, and I know he doesn't know, and I plan to keep it that way till he comes back." Thoma seethed this was the little revenge he could get for you even though he knew you wouldn't want that; it was more for himself. The traveller nodded quickly, putting together your story, Thoma feelings for you, and his hatred for poor Kazuha. Who didn't even know of your death. But within weeks of the travellers' arrival, the Crux and its crew arrived in Inazuma again. Kazuha immediately snuck to your guy's house, trying to go undetected. But upon his arrival at your house, he found nothing. It looked like it had been abandoned for a while. His heart dropped as he rushed to the Kamisato estate, fearing to find Thoma living the life he wanted with you; that was his default fear. So as he arrived, seeing Thoma outside alone sent some relief to him but not entirely; after all, you could be at your job running your flower shop or at home, anywhere, but still with Thoma.
" Thoma, greetings." He yelled out as he approached the other man. Only to notice a change in Thoma's aura, and Thoma's playful atmosphere turned to one of anger.
" Kazuha", the man spoke swiftly with a sharp inhale, signalling to him something was amiss.
" H-hey, where is (Y/n)?" Kazuha questioned so softly it even shocked him how weak his voice was.
" Follow me," Thoma said, tilting his head before walking at a swift pace. Kazuha quickly trailed behind with a lump in his throat. Many questions flooded his head as he barely paid attention to the direction he was heading. He only faintly recognized everything but wasn't paying attention despite his gut feeling he should.  Before he knew it, Thoma had stopped. Kazuha looked around quickly, noticing that he was by their maple tree. Why? Why did Thoma take him here? 
" T-Thoma, w-why are we here?" He asked, stammering and leaving out the unspoken question that left a heaviness in the air. Where was (Y/n)? Thoma stepped to the side, facing Kazuha once again. What Kazuha saw made his heart fill with dread. In his lifetime, he had never felt something like this, the utter anguish; it felt like his heart had been stabbed thousands of times only to be left muted in silence. He had only ever felt a similar pain when his friend died but even with how horrible that was, this was worse. Guilt and anger burned through his veins. He found himself staring at the bottom of the tree trunk with an inscription.
 Here lies
A loyal friend and lover. 
May Celestia watch over his soul in eternity.
Kazuha dropped to his knee’s sobbing. But anger was clearly present; nothing was wrong with his love that would cause death unless someone else had been involved.
"How?" He gritted, turning towards Thoma once again.
“ Kojou Sara, she went after you only to find (Y/n), and someone had to pay the price.” The other male said coldly, eyes full of daggers going straight through Kazuha.
“ Here you go though I guess you deserve it somewhat or at least (Y/n) would want you to have it.” Thoma continued taking the cloudy grey vision out of his jacket pocket before walking up to  Kazuha, placing it into his hands, and leaving Kazuha alone with his thoughts once again. Kazuha was sent into turmoil; he debated on getting revenge but had decided against that as the general was only following the law; he ultimately decided to do nothing but honour the memory of his beloved. 
So there, Kazuha sat. Everyday he would go to the tree and take care of their maple tree. He would talk endlessly to (Y/n) before leaving just when midnight finally hit, only to be back there when dusk arose. He never indeed left, and neither did his heart. The man slowly grew older and older, waiting for the day he would return to his love. Then one day, he hobbled over to the tree laying underneath with his hand pressed upon the inscription.
“ Hey, my love,” he stated very affectionately before continuing “you won’t have to wait any longer.” And with that, the man’s rough breathing slowed as he closed his eyes, taking his final soft breath. And he was right (Y/n) didn’t have to wait any longer; neither of them did.
Also, if you want a slight blooper courtesy of Bart:
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suneeater · 2 years
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odd bnha headcanons!
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✎a/n: we had so much fun with these!! they're all just harmless headcanons that we thought of one day while joking around, so we thought to share them since we currently don't have time to write much^^
✰warnings: slightly nsfw
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𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐢.
she is a huge vocaloid fan, but her favourite is hatsune miku!
mei has tried to make several miku-bots in the past to try and replicate her, but none have managed to reach the divinity that is hatsune miku herself.
she will continue to try and make the perfect miku.
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mirio cries at sad pet commercials. all of them. even if they're completely and utterly horrible.
for example, that tiktok audio with the odd voiced-over dog: "I'm in heaven now!"... he cries at that too.
there could be a robbery going on, but that sounds more like a job for the police in his opinion. he's too busy scaling a tree to save a cat.
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he is a league-of-legends player
often plays with shigaraki, but he has absolutely no idea.
his online personality is the complete opposite from his usual self, and his every other word is a profanity.
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everyone looks up to a hero, but her idols are the dallas cowboy cheerleaders.
her secret passion is knitting!
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sero refuses to set things like keys and his wallet down, so he uses his tape to stick them to the wall! can't lose something that you taped to the wall, now can you?
if he doesn't have pockets, he just tapes stuff on himself or kaminari.
has taped kaminari to the door once. aizawa just sighed deeply and told them to pay for a new one, because they broke it while trying to get denki off the door.
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denki has a relatively popular tumblr account!
one of the things he posts on there is fanfiction and "headcanons" about the heroes from his generation (mostly his friends; there are a LOT of bakugou and sero scenarios)
(kaminari denki is the secret fourth mod of suneeater?! /j)
people comment things like: "wow these feel so accurate! its like you actually know dynamight lol"' and kaminari just giggles in his room, kicking his feet on his bed
he's also really good at writing. like... really good. there is a popular theory that he's a famous YA author undercover, when really he has just absorbed different writing styles. he's read more books than his classmates might assume^^
he has anime girl cardboard cutouts and obsessively plays dating simulators! his favourite ones are mystic messenger (down bad for 707 and ZEN) and doki doki literature club! (really likes yuri!! she likes literature just as much as he does)
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has an only fans and she is thriving on there.
she could post a photo of herself wrapped up in a winter jacket, but her fans would eat it up, no complaints!
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𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬.
his friends joke that he is totally into trees. he has neither confirmed nor denied this accusation.
if you cut him open, you can count the rings inside to see how old he is.
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he has a nest in his apartment. no further explanation needed.
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just like his hair and facial hair, endeavor can turn his pubes into flames.
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aizawa listens to weird asmr to help him sleep.
his favourites include "kawaii catgirl meows you to sleep :3 no speaking!" and "cat purring sounds 12 hours"
he slides his phone into his pillows case and he's asleep almost immediately.
he absolutely owns a flask.
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𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
often comes out with a bunch of books and other trinkets that just don't have any value at all, just have his face plastered on it.
all might is a self help book author. most of the advice inside is something along the lines of "just smile!"
he often says "if you’re poor, just work harder" and cannot comprehend why poverty exists
if he didn’t suffer erectile dysfunction, all might would exclaim "I am arriving!" during sex
he’s got nasty yellow toenails like a true old man
which is how the all might pedicure arc starts
he asks midoriya to help him with it because he can't even bend down enough anymore:
‘deku… call my podiatrist. the number is on the fridge’
[the fridge covered in drawings and letters most of it is midoriya's fanmail. you can't even see the actual fridge.]
he wrote the number on the back of a drawing izuku made him - he uses midoriya's fanmail as paper - he knows he's gonna write more anyway
all might unironically makes poems, but they're super bad.
here's a sneak peek from his upcoming poetry collection "Always All Might, Never No Might."
꧁the sea is blue and the people cheer as i come down to swoop and save them the villain falls to his knees tears falling from his eyes i cough up some blood time is running out.꧂☆
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Having an absolutely grotesque day emotionally. Copes by diving headlong into a Slenderman kin shift bc. Canon divergence went crazy and it was actually one of the most comforting lives I endured! At least, that one specific cycle of it was
Tim and Jessica were incredible people. They had no reason to be as gentle with me as they were, even if they didn't know that I was the same being that did all that bullshit. Sometimes i wish they had been, but i dont want to feel that way right now. I just miss them. It's grass-is-greener syndrome, and selfishness, for sure, but... man. I wish i could go back.
Things felt so simple. I miss the truck, i miss the house, i miss carrying them around and Tim being so annoyed and Jessica having the time of her life with it. I miss the questing--sneaking into libraries, slinking around city streets and trying to teleport us far away and getting hopelessly lost in fuck knows where for a week, while they tried to help me catch my bearings so I could take them back home.
I don't know how much I miss the other stuff... Definitely not the murder. I know I had to eat, but still... Tim did a good job showing me how to be somewhat humane about it, but a lot of the time I still feel and felt pretty shit about it. The other worlds and learning about what I actually was, where I came from, that was... rough--but I do miss Tim and Jessica's reactions to it all. If only I'd thought to take pictures--their faces when they met the æsir for the first time... god, they were priceless. I know I probably won't find them again (and, frankly, that might be a good thing), but I do hope sometimes. Even if I don't know--even if They don't know, that'd be fine, but I just... I miss it. I miss them. Im being a broken record but im sad so i dont care. Gotta think about something nice to help chug through the rest of my life. Might as well be them--they deserve to be remembered.
Everyone else does, too. Alex, Jay, Seth, Brian, Amy. I'm not going to say sorry--I feel like that would just sound obligatory and insincere. But I do want to say that... I took care of your things, after i remembered. I didn't really get a lot of the human customs, but I knew burials needed bodies--It was a few years too late for that, so instead, I took care of your clothes. In the ark. I washed them and hung them from the tree--the one that looked like the one over the picnic table at Rosswood park. The ark didn't mess with them much, but whenever I found a hole, I tried to patch it. Eventually, when I told Tim and Jessica, they would come spend time there, too. It doesn't make up for anything, but I hope it was... I dont know. Something.
Being human is hard. Things feel different, and the world is a scary, lonely place to be right now. I know I'll be okay, but sometimes a person just has to sit and remember, I think.
Thank you for keeping this blog up after such a long time, mod partycat--maybe we could get the same effect from journaling, but I do think I prefer this, usually... It's nice to know at least a few people in the world will see whatever it is that's going through my head, kin-wise. This place really does help alleviate that loneliness ❤
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HOW VIOLETTA AND SL CHARACTERS PLAY THE SIMS (+ their favorite sims games)
This is a very important post. I am more than qualified for it.
Violetta, Francesca and Naty are in the same category because they'll play the sims in the same way: Big happy families. Barely any drama at all. Just sims getting married, having children, raising them, repeat. They all have epic family trees that they have spent time and effort on. They don't have a specific sims game, they love them all (well, except for Sims 1, as it's harder to really have babies there than it is in other sims games). They love how the sims 2 focuses so much on families and generations, they love the generations expansion pack in the sims 3, and all the family aspects in the sims 4 too.
Ludmila goes the opposite route: The more drama and angst, the better. Every time her sims are slightly happy, she'll ruin it for them. Everyone breaks up, people die easily, it's just always some sim crying. I think she likes the sims 3 the most due to the open world and how the sims can live their own lives while she goes and meddle with it. She also likes the pre-established dramas in the sims 2 with the premades, and the fact that Sims 2 has a "create own neighbourhood" option, so you can create an entire community with just your own sims. Supernovaville is an iconic place she has made.
Camila loves making stories. She doesn't particularly have a favorite sims game, but she does love being in control, so she does love how Sims 2 have the thing of "family is paused when you play another family". However, she does really like the sims 3, most of all due to the 70s-80s-90s-stuff pack. She also does like Sims 4. She has had many epic stories of her sims, and following her telling people about them is like following the most confusing telenovela. It's so the point where she has dedicated entire neighbourhoods after sims. Once she even liked a sim so much she made a cult that worshipped the sim after their death, having their urn in the middle of an attic as the worshippers gathered around.
Leon and Maxi love to play with mods and cheats. They know every cheat to man and thinks mods make the games much more interesting. Their favorite game is the sims 4, as they have the most recent mods there.
The other Violetta characters don't really play the sims. Andres tried once and got scared because his sim died, and he felt so bad about it he never touched the game again.
Luna loves the Sims 3 the most, and that is most of all because of the color wheel and create a style-option. She loves having sims with funny genes like purple hair, and picking any color or pattern she wants on anything in the game. She also, of course, loves the open world, and have multiple times forgotten to take care of her sims' needs because she's busy exploring the world they live in - zoom in on the smallest details, always go "ooh, what's that? Who's that?". Her sims are exhausted because she forces them to go to random places all the time to explore, forgetting to let them eat or sleep. She is however, kind of sad you can only roller skate at a rink and not out in the open.
Ámbar I think rarely creates her own sims, she just likes to be in charge of the ones already created, and guide them on their way. This is why she loves the Sims 2 the most - in there, she can be the most in control, as the premades already have pre-established backstories. For better or for worse, she is here to fix or mess up all the premades lives. She only creates her own family when she wants to test something out or wants to spice up the life of the already existing families.
Jazmin loves the Sims 4 the most and downloads too much CC to make her sims more beautiful. Her game is corrupted and her computer storage is full with all the CC she has.
Yam also likes the Sims 3 the most due to the create a style and the color wheel (designer gurl at heart). She also goes around making sims gay. You bet that, when the Into the Future expansion pack came, she immediately took all her gay sims to the future so they could have biological children at the hospital there. Oh, also she loves to make sure her sims reach level 10 of their careers and fulfill their lifetime wishes, because she's a perfectionist when it comes to the Sims.
Nina always plans ahead what she wants to do with her sims. She creates the perfect house for them, plan out their futures immediately... only problem is when the sims disobey her, or when she grows bored... but she genuinely feels bad about abandoning families or start new save files. She likes the Sims 3 and 4 the most, as there, households can take care of their own when you play with another household. So she has just neighbourhoods filled with created sims she has left for a new family, so she just lets them grow on their own, and then she can come back when she wants to fix them again.
Jim and Delfi both just spam motherlode and make their sims move into the biggest houses, play with them for a solid day and then grow bored, abandoning the household and start a new save file the next day. Only difference is that Jim feels sad about it and sometimes have tried to keep playing with a household to "not make her sims sad". Neither of them have a preference for a Sims game though.
Simón has no Sims preference, he just likes to make his sims do the weirdest shit possible just for giggles. A family full of people in hot dog suits? Typing testingcheatsneabled true and change random sims passing by in CAS, where he has changed their age, gender, or just their clothes? Purposely making people get abducted by aliens? Just trying to find every strange thing or npc there is? He seeks for the weirdness and the Sims games provide it.
Ramiro only plays the Sims 1, because, in his words, nothing can top it. So he has so fun adventures there. He does like that sims can randomly freestyle in the Sims 2, though.
Matteo and Gastón both love to build houses, but playing with households? Nah, not as much. So they just build and build, then they're done. They like the Sims 4 the most though, as they can release their creations in the gallery for others to have use of.
Emilia we don't even wanna talk about what she does when playing... just saying, when whatever Sims game she plays, she loves the woohoo option... yeah, all her sims are sl*ts
The other SL characters don't really play the Sims.
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ryndicate · 2 years
꘏ Meet the Writer ꘏
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I go by Soryn, or Ryn, whichever you prefer! Likes/asks/comments will come from my main @darlingsanzu only mooties may call my Rynnie ;3
Short summary of me
I'm in my mid 20s, I work full time, and I am one of the most infrequently social person you'll ever meet. Despite that I am a very excitable and soft person and I love chatting about anything, but especially anime :3 My ask box is wide open!<3 also it is physically painful for me to not use some kind of smiley face :) I love them :D I want people to know I'm smiling >:) (painfully addicted to emojis and the use of 'lol' cant help myself)
THings you absolutely must note:
If we chat enough for me to give you my discord, you'll find that very often it takes me several days upwards of weeks to respond. i sweAr im not ignoring you---my social battery is just sad and recharging.
IF YOU SEE ME active on discord ((especially for hours at a time) and I'm not responding to messages, I am definitely gaming with my man. We play games together as quality time, and we're never tired of each other.
Other stuff
Watching: TR s2, KnY (Swordsmith village arc)
Watched: I had to make a list it was too long
Reading: Blue Lock, TokRev, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jigokuraku
Read: was gonna make a list but it wasn't long enough for a link. Csm is the only one I'm caught up with, and AoT and Wotakoi are the only manga I've finished lol. I did read TR but i read it too fast and didnt really retain it.
Manhwa/Webtoon: Under the Oak Tree, Isnelda, Let's play, Lore Olympus, Fly Me to the Moon, Moonrise by the Cliff, Finding Camelia (god i cant wait for next season), The Tainted Half, Lady Devil, My Dear Maid & The Losing Streak and so so many more.
Playing: sons of the forest, stardew (again again but this time with mods), project zomboid (yes again)
My Calendar&lt;3
likes: Michael Kaiser, sugar and sweets!, vampires, purple, cats, old libraries, candles, Genma's senbon, writing, baking, pringles, binge reading/watching, thefatrat, 4am, Kakashi, obsessing with the same song for 3 days straight before looking for a new one—cycle repeat, comfort blankets, painting my nails 5 different colors, high fantasy and angst!
dislikes: Michael Kaiser, hot tea (i need my iceee), being in cars, making themes, loud storms & heavy wind, artificial banana, prunes, vanilla scents, yelling, spiders, jump scares, red/orange/yellow, cheese curds, pretzels, dresses, starwars (oop), sore throats, bright neons, repetitive noises
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Vash, Knives, Wolfewood
Tokyo Revengers
Sanzu, Hanma, Chifuyu, Shinichiro, Imaushi, Mikey, Draken, Rindou, Mitsuya, Takemitchi
Soul Eater 
Stein, Akane, Soul Evans
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, Choso, Itadori, Yuuta, Inumaki, Nanami
Gabimaru, Tenza, Chobei, Shion
My Hero Academia 
Touya, Bakugou, Shinso, Izuku, Kirishima, Mirio, Natsuo, Enji,  Aizawa, Iida
Kakashi, Genma, Itachi, Shisui, Jiraiya, Obito, Yamato, Kisame, Hidan
Hunter x Hunter 
Hisoka, Illumi, Ging, Uvogin, Chrollo, Phinks, Neferpitou, Knuckle
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Kita, Suna, Aran, Atsumu, Osamu, Tendou
Chainsaw Man 
Kishibe, Aki, Angel Devil, Yoshida, Denji
Blue Lock 
Kaiser, Oliver, Lorenzo, Ness, Noa, Kunigami, Gagamaru, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Sae, Shidou
Daddy Kurosaki, Daddy Ishida, Gin, Ulquiorra, Renji, Kensei, Shunsui
Black Clover
Yami, Fuegoleon, Zara, Nozel
Attack on Titan 
Zeke, Eren, Reiner, Porco, Jean, Conny
Honorable Mentions
Akaza, Tengen, Hantengu Clones, Kogami, Captain Obi, Thorkell, Alucard, Hector, Nishio, Kaneki
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Since I will probably never going around changing the border colors on my oneshots I will leave this little homage here for colors come and gone
October - December 2022
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December 2022 - February 2023
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