#mod portobello.
jinjusanhq · 8 months
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Boa tarde, fazendeiros. Nós gostamos de ser francos por aqui, então… Vamos falar um pouquinho sobre o que está rolando nos bastidores hoje e a razão disso estar nos tirando o ânimo. Já aviso, há um forte gatilho para transfobia.
Como vocês sabem, temos quatro moderadores: eu, Cantarello, Champignon e Shitake. Eu e Cantarello somos mulheres cisgênero, Champignon é uma pessoa não-binária e Shitake é um homem cisgênero. No sábado a gente recebeu aqui vários ataques transfóbicos direcionados ao último citado, pois pensaram que ele fosse um homem trans - o que é ainda pior.
A gente tem recebido muitas asks sobre a mudança de plataformas também, algo que já deixamos claro que não iria ocorrer devido à votação, mas aparentemente foi isso o que originou os ataques, já que várias dessas asks desapareceram assim que nós bloqueamos o IP da pessoa transfóbica. Bastante curioso, não acham?
Aparentemente, decidiram que ofender a moderação seria uma ótima forma de forçar suas necessidades sobre os outros, invés de simplesmente procurar outro lugar mais agradável para jogar. Não vou mentir, mas esse ataque foi bastante impactante para nós e por isso ficamos fora durante o final de semana. Não há como reunir vontade de entrar em uma central onde você sabe que será atacado por simplesmente deixar que as pessoas exerçam seu direito de votar em algo.
E eu não preciso nem dizer quem mais odeia democracia, preciso?
Isso foi realmente podre e muito baixo. Estamos com nojo pensando que pode ter alguém assim jogando conosco. Não queremos contato com ninguém que consiga engajar esse tipo de sujeira e dormir à noite. Apesar dos ataques terem um alvo, a Champignon acabou sendo a maior afetada porque, de nós quatro, ele é a que mais entende a dor da transfobia. Ele vive isso na pele todos os dias. 
Nós abrimos a comunidade com intuito de nos divertir, mas não têm sido muito divertido para nenhum de nós desde que começaram a pentelhar sobre plataforma e nos lançar ataques a cada decisão. Mantivemos a animação por quanto tempo conseguimos, mas não é são ou saudável para ninguém ficar parado recebendo ataque atrás de ataque em uma atividade que era para ser divertida, apenas porque temos o hobby de escrever e gostaríamos de exercitar isso juntos.
Nós não vamos mais fazer enquete sobre plataforma alguma. Se você não gosta do Kookie, odeia a plataforma e não se sente confortável com ela: retire-se. Existem diversos outros lugares para jogar no Twitter, Discord e até mesmo fórum. Tentamos ser legais com vocês, mas não deu.
A Champignon e o Shitake decidiram sair da moderação, o que nós respeitamos, mas eu e Cantarello agora temos de conversar e tentar encontrar nossas agendas para fazer as coisas funcionarem por aqui. Mais do que isso, a Champignon era a maior responsável pelos eventos na central, então não sabemos muito bem o que fazer sem ela, por isso estamos conversando e tentando encontrar uma forma para fazer o nosso calendário sofrer poucas mudanças e continuar funcionando.
Por hoje, vamos suspender as aceitações porque não há clima para isso e voltamos às atividades normais amanhã.
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backpockct · 1 year
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 ⸻     have  you  ever  heard ABOUT DAMN TIME by lizzo  ,  it  is CAMERON ROOK to  a  tee  .  the  twenty two year  old  twitch streamer has  been  spotted  wandering  down  portobello  road  markets  just  last  sunday  ,  do  you  know  them  ?  would  you  say  she is more  rambunctious or  more  attentive  anyway  ,  they  remind  me  of copious amounts of fairy lights hung on bedroom walls, pink headphones with cat ears, bright smiles, converse trainers with stickers on the front and loud laughs, maybe  you'll  catch  them  around  yeah ?     ⸻     [          ◟  MILLY ALCOCK. ◝           ]  
triggers: mentions of divorce / affairs / teen pregnancy / teenage angst / mummy issues
full name: cameron elizabeth rook
nicknames: cam 
birthday: 11th april 2000 (22 years old)
gender: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: heterosexual (??)
relationship status: very single 
cameron’s life has always been a bit of a whirlwind, she was an unplanned teenage pregancy, to two teenagers (stacy and finch) who definitely weren’t ready for children just yet. 
once finch (@drcamland​) found out that his girlfriend was pregnant, he proposed and the pair got married. 
but secretly stacy had other ideas, she wasn’t ready to stettle down and start a family, she just wanted to see the world. 
so a few months after cameron was born, stacy upped and left, she’d met someone new, she was off to see the world.
she left finch basically holding the baby, he became a single dad, things ended. ever since then it’s just been finch and cameron against the world. 
as a kid cameron’s childhood was fine, when mother’s day came around and all the kids had to write cards to their mums, she’d just write one to her grandma.
it was only when she became a teenager, did the angst start!!! cameron started to believe that it was her fault that her mother left. 
her relationship with her dad became rather strained and fraught, there were a lot of arugments etc.
as a teenager, cameron did google her mum, she tried to find her but she didn’t come up with much.
she wanted this whole big hallmark style cheesy reunion but that never happened.
anyway, fast forward to now, cameron is twenty two, she lives in notting hill with her dad (they moved to london from california), she’s a twitch streamer.
once she got out of her terrible teenager years and accepted the fact that stacy just didn’t want to be a mum, her relationship with her dad got better.
now cameron and her dad are back to being as close as ever, the dynamic duo, sometimes they have their moments but overall they are happy. 
she loves her job as a twitch streamer, she’s a variety streamer and she streams all kinds of games. she’s quite a popular streamer and goes by rooks online. yes she has modded her dad.
cameron is a lot happier with herself and her life now, things are good!!!!
streamer friends / stream team
crush (??)
followers / fans of hers
if you’d like to plot with any of my muses then please feel free to hit me up on discord @ corey in wetherspoons ™#0678!!
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heroinsight · 4 years
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Twins Rosie and Susie Young, London, U.K, by Carlo Bavagnoli for Life Magazine, 1966
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isabelcostasixties · 5 years
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Portobello Road photographed by Frank Habicht, London 1968🌺
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vampiricsheep · 4 years
All of C and F for stinnt?
Ah thank you! I should really post about him more C: Comfort 1. how do they sit in a chair? it depends on how big the chair is, but provided it isn’t a norn’s or a charr’s he sits with a straight back leaning forward with his hands gripping the seat edge or chair arms for balance. It makes him look really invested in conversation, but it’s mostly to keep his wings from getting crushed against seatbacks. On a stool he either sits normally, or lies across it on his belly, arms dangling like a ragdoll. He has a way of appearing dramatic when he’s just trying to be comfortable (although i doubt it looks comfortable to an onlooker lol) 2. in what position do they sleep? He’s a restless sleeper, and will switch from being on one side to the other before eventually resting face-down against a pillow. he can breathe that way I swear 3. what is their ideal comfort day? It’s very simple, but a hike and a picnic somewhere shaded and off the path that has a good view, like under a cliff overhang near a waterfall, and an easy glide back home. 4. what is their major comfort food? why? Stinnt tends towards bland foods, and the concept of comfort food isn’t really one he registers consciously, but I think subconsciously he’d really enjoy sauteed sliced portobellos. It’s something Laamb makes and there’s that unconscious association.   5. who is the best at comforting them when down? Laamb for sure. She’s one of the first, and best, friends he’s made since he began doing independent research, and she’s never judged him for who he is. She’s also someone that recognises that sometimes what he needs is quiet company rather than a dialogue when he’s down. His moa is certainly a steadfast companion, but also loud and stubborn and unable to read the room.  F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun?   daydream about new body mods, race on his moa, and go hiking, though he hikes at a leisurely pace and does it more for sightseeing than athleticism 2. what is their ideal party? one of those stuffy events that are called parties but are actually publicity stunts or networking opportunities, where nobody will notice, or care, that he’s left the conversation to take notes on the houseplant in the corner and the peculiar blight pattern on its leaves. 3. who would they have the most fun with? they don’t know each other, but I bet he’d love to compare notes w/ Gorrik and maybe even publish a joint research paper on the relation between animate flora and regional insect behavior yes this counts as fun for him, he’s really passionate about botany    4. can they have fun while conforming to rules? If you asked him he’d say yes, that rules are there for a reason and if you can’t have fun without breaking them then you’re only setting yourself up for disaster. In truth, he thinks of “rules” as a category beginning and ending with lab protocols and safety precautions, and has a messier relationship with laws and unwritten social rules. He would not appreciate being told he’s trespassing when he has a picnic on top of someone’s roof    5. do they go out a lot? Not in a social outing way, but he does a lot of fieldwork and is also excellent at quietly leaving a room.
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✧ 7 deadly sins themed (demonic) self care ✧
♡(wrath) squishy Cerebus plush (to calm you down <3) [$48] 
♡(greed) spirited away no face coin bank [$22.99]
♡(pride) selfie ring light [$9.99]
♡(gluttony) vegan portobello burgers
♡(envy) green with envy face mask [$44.84 / £34.07]
 - (jealousy) also a reminder your friends love you! and other affirmations
♡(sloth) heated snuggie [$35.99]
♡(lust) pentagram harness (heres a fem version [$15] and masc/neutral version  [375] and a diy tutorial bc its really hard to find cheaper non-fem version of these)
mod note: sorry these r so expensive :”0 and a reminder to check out sources / reviews ! i edit pictures for aesthetic so they may not look the same as the real product! :>
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nils-elmark · 6 years
36 hours workover in London/del 1
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Jeg forlader Helsingør klokken 9 om morgenen og klokken 11:30 lander jeg i Gatwick’s North Terminal, som er overtaget af Easyjet og med det lille shuttle tog er jeg 10 minutter senere på stationen, hvorfra jeg tager Thameslink mod Bedford 12:19. Jeg tapper ind med mit kreditkort. Man behøver reelt ikke længere billetter eller Oyster kort. Visa er tilstrækkeligt og London For Transport holder styr på alle dagens ture, og om aftenen tæller de det hele sammen og man betaler efter den den mest fordelagtige tarif. Men det er stadig dyrt, byen er verdens dyreste hovedstad hvad offentlig transport og jeg er storforbruger. Jeg står af på London Bridge og tager Northern Line til Old Street, der er hjertet af London Tech City, som er det nærmeste Europa kommer Sillicon Valley. Jeg har et møde med lederen af et af byens mest avancerede industrielle udviklingsprogrammer, som jeg senere på måneden skal præsentere for en dansk erhvervsdelegation. Klokken er kvart over et og jeg kan lige nå at spise en portion suppe hos Nin Com Soup mens jeg sidder og kigger på de unge nørder der løber frem og tilbage på undergrundsstationen. Henne i hjørnet står en automat hvor man kan købe og sælge bitcoins. Gør erhvervsfolk det hos HSBC, Barclays eller en af de andre storbanker bliver de fyret som kunder - frygten for hvidvask er nok - sådan ser man dog ikke på tingene her i kvarteret.
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Mit møde er klokken to og vi drikker kaffe i gården bag en gammel industriejendom. For fem år siden var her rigtig industri, nu er det hele erobret af tech-virksomheder og entreprenører. Alle bygninger er stort set omdannet to co-working places. Det japanske SoftBank har over de seneste år investeret én milliard dollars i co-working kæden WeWork, de har nu 22 WeWork kontorsiloer for unge iværksættere alene i London. The Gig Economy er virkelig.
Efter mit møde tager jeg til Portobello Road i Notting Hill for at købe en ny taske. I otte år har jeg som en anden nomade slæbt min forretning rundt i en khaki messenger bag fra Stumper & Fielding, men nu er den slidt op og jeg behøver en ny. Jeg fortsætter derfor ned ad City Road til Moorgate Station og tager City Hammersmith linjen til Ladbrook Grove, der ligger i den modsatte ende af byen. Jeg kommer ind i Portobello Road fra den fjerne ende, hvor turisterne ikke altid når op. Her bor og lever rigtige mennesker og lige nu myldrer med filippinske barnepiger, der er nede at hente små lyshårede piger i skoleuniformer og flade stråhatte.  
Jeg elsker denne gade og går forbi The Electric Cinema, som er en af Londons ældste biografer; butikkerne her er en blanding af turistjunk, antikviteter, vintage tøj og indimellem vanvittigt gode specialiteter og restauranter. Halvdelen af mit tøj kommer fra Stumper & Fielding på Portobello Road (resten er fra Marks & Spencer) og ejeren kan udmærket huske mig og spørger interesseret til livet i Sverige. Jeg køber min taske, magen til den anden blot i grå denne gang og falder samtidig for en gul vest og et silketørklæde til brystlommen.
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Jeg fortsætter min vandring til Notting Hill Gate, her kan jeg tage Central Line til Oxford Circus, hvor jeg skifter til Victoria Line og står af på King’s Cross. Det lyder ubesværet at tage undergrunden i London, men med oplevelsen følger en ulidelig varme og kilometer lange gange under jorden samt konstant op og nedstigning ad rulletrapperne. Klokken er nu halv seks.
Jeg går op ad York Way til The Impact Hub hvor jeg holder til; i et co-working space, forstås. Jeg skal have skrevet resten af en trendrapport om forsikring og mobilitet - og så skal jeg hente post. Jeg venter en bog, som også er kommet: Kitchener’s Mob - skrevet af amerikaneren James Norman Hall i 1916. Hall var forfatter og på ferie i Wales i august 1914, da første verdenskrig brød ud. Han lyver om sin nationalitet og melder sig til den britiske hær for at kæmpe i Frankrig, hvilket han også kommer til. Han bliver dog smidt ud af hæren igen halvandet år senere, da de opdager, at han er fra USA. I 1916 vender han tilbage til Europa, denne gang som journalist, hvor han skriver om de amerikanere, der flyver i den berømte Escadrille Lafayette. Hall får blod på tanden, melder sig igen ind i krigen, denne gang i det franske luftvåben og Escadrille Lafayette, og ender som højt dekoreret jagerpilot indtil han skydes ned og havner i tysk krigsfangenskab. Efter krigen rejser han til Tahiti, bliver gift med én af de lokale kvinder og skriver den berømte bog “Mytteriet på Bounty”. 
Det er en fantastisk historie, og jeg har nu lige fået hans 102 år gamle bog i førsteudgave for £12. (Den skal jeg skrive om senere)
Jeg arbejder på hubben til kvart over otte og tager så undergrunden til Warren Street, skifter til Northern Line, står af på Charing Cross og tager her det almindelige tog mod Dartford. Jeg står af i Blackheath hvor jeg spiser fish and chips i chip-shoppen over for stationen. Jeg har faktisk kun været i gang i 12 timer, men det føles længere. Mit smartwatch fortæller mig, at jeg har gået 14.000 skridt, de fleste under jorden. Da jeg har spist de sidste fedtede chips med mushy peas går jeg direkte op på mit værelse, hvor jeg har svare overvejelse om, hvorvidt jeg skal begynde at læse “Kitchener’s Mob” eller se tredje afsnit af Bodyguard - en ny spændende krimiserie jeg følger på BBC 1 og har downloadet på deres iPlayer. Jeg er for træt til at læse og ser film.  
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ildalil · 4 years
Vetrina calda espositiva - Attrezzature Ristorazione e Gastronomia a Napoli
Vetrina calda espositiva – Attrezzature Ristorazione e Gastronomia a Napoli
Vetrina calda, tutta in acciaio con vetro sul davanti leggermente curvo. Misure in cm: H145 L100 P86. Codice articolo: 14218 Portobello Road in Via Eleonora Duse, 50 Napoli Info 0817267385
Aperti dal lunedì al sabato dalle 9:30 alle 19:30 orario continuato
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€ 50
Friggitrice Hoomei 3,5l HM-5335
(NA) Friggitrice professionale marca Hoomei 3,5l mod. HM-5335, classe di efficienza…
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jinjusanhq · 8 months
Bom, galera, não vamos nos estender aqui: decidimos fechar a Jinjusan, pelo menos por enquanto.
No atual momento das nossas vidas, eu e a Canta não conseguimos tocar o rp sozinhas, atualizar páginas, escrever eventos, continuar com os plots e atividades que planejamos de uma forma satisfatória. A gente não quer entregar algo mal feito para vocês. Principalmente, a gente também não quer se sobrecarregar ao ponto de não conseguir jogar e viver só para moderar. Isso faria do nosso trabalho longe de ser divertido, que foi nosso propósito desde o início - e se alguém disser que moderar não é para ser divertido, estamos nem aí.
Resolvemos abrir a Jinjusan porque era um tema legal, e não por falta de lugar onde jogar. Temos a Acropolis (que tem uma moderação incrível que sempre nos apoiou por aqui), Baeksu, Haeundae, DNU, e várias outras comunidades abrindo com temáticas variadas e igualmente interessantes, portanto esperamos que vocês possam ser acolhidos por alguma dessas centrais.
Isso pode ou não ser um hiatus porque gostamos realmente da ideia e do que montamos. Não vamos dar falsas esperanças com datas exatas, até porque o futuro é super incerto, mas gostaríamos de voltar de uma forma mais estruturada e esperamos que vocês estejam disponíveis para jogar conosco mais uma vez.
Foi divertido enquanto durou, demos muitas risadas e conhecemos um pessoal muito maneiro. Agradecemos imensamente por todo o apoio em cada etapa. Por enquanto, é uma despedida.
E um vai tomar no cu pros transfóbicos.
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giwoolim-blog · 5 years
S-the rise of consumerism
-globalisation, and the move towards post-industrial economies
-the replacement of class affiliations with identity politics
-the end of the Cold War, and the end of ‘grand narratives’ explaining history and society
( Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism)
The history of youth cultures in the UK 1940-1970s
- Teddy Boys
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Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll" or simply "the King". 
(Ton up boys/ Rocker)
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Started appearing on the British motorcycle scene after World War II, when there was a general rise of prosperity in working-class youths, the recent availability of credit and financing for young people, the influence of American music and movies, the construction of race track-like arterial highways around British cities, the development of transport cafes along these highways, and the peaking British motorcycle industry and engineering.
 - Mods
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the Zoot suit(1930-40s)
The Zoot suit, the 1940s. During World War II, a lot of youths were expressing themselves through their outfits such as the zoot suit. ... The zoot suit was mainly worn by African Americans and Mexican Americans. 
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I was Lord Kitchener’s Valet
The boutique called I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet started in 1964 as a stall on Portobello Market. It specialized in selling replicas of Victorian military uniforms and other accessories from the Victorian era.
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Hapshash and the Coloured Coat
- Hapshash and the Coloured Coat was an influential British graphic design and avant-garde musical partnership in the late 1960s, consisting of Michael English and Nigel Waymouth. It produced popular psychedelic posters and two albums of underground music.
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The lyrics endorse a particularly sensational, violent concept of anarchy that reflected the pervasive sense of embittered anger, confusion, restlessness, economic frustration and social alienation which was being felt by a generation of disenfranchised youth amidst the declining economic situation and bland music scene of the mid-1970s.
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scriptflorist · 7 years
Hi!!! I've been looking up plant language and apparently fungus means solitude and resilience. Do you know if there are specific meanings for different types of fungi like in flower language? Thank you!!
This is a bit difficult because I can research specific names or families of fungus, but if it’s listed as the specific name or family, it doesn’t necessarily have a note saying “fungus, not plant” or something similar. I’ve tried to look up some names of common fungi and then used that to check for meaning in the language of flowers and this is what I found.Lichen: Solitude, dejection, (sometimes means confidence).Mushroom (esp common or portobello): Suspicion, I can’t trust youThose are the only ones I was able to find definitively. I’m not sure if this is a failing on my language of flowers resources to have the common names I was able to find for different fungi or their proper scientific name, or if it’s a matter of there not being many fungi used for flower language since many fungi are parasitic or saprophytic. Even fungi that have mutualistic relationships (where both benefit) with plants might not be able to function with cut flowers and may not be able to survive cut as long as flowers can. ~*Mod Den*~Disclaimer
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isabelcostasixties · 5 years
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Annette Day at her mothers stall in Portobello Road, London, July 1967. Annette has been spotted whilst working on the stall by an American producer and will be working along with Elvis Presley on the film 'Double Take'. Photo by R. Powell/Daily Express.🌺
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cloudincvapes · 7 years
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Throwing it back #handcheck ________________________________________________________ #ejuice #vaping #vapegram #vapeuk #vapersgram #vape #vapeon #vapeshop #vapedaily #vapers #vapebar #vapelounge #vapestagram #cloudincvapes #vapepics #instavape #vapelyfe #portobello #londonvapers #Wednesday #mod #ford (at Cloud Inc. Vapes)
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fashionmiddlefan · 5 years
Pepe Jeans “New Happy Hour Patch Work” Collection
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The famous jeans brand Pepe Jeans London has released a new Happy Hour patch work collection 2016. All patches were applied. Pepe Jeans London 's Happy Hour "Patchwork" collection, a capsule range incorporating style cues from the 60' s and 70 's dominance of the seasons of winter' s 2016 new work.
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The collection returns to the portobello roots of the brand again and imagines a cool and classic retro wardrobe for today's mods and lockers. Minipatched denim skirt, panel work staple jacket, mix & match patch denim shirt, and take a closer look - the old school's of our brand's London logo is on the button.
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See Also:- Humayun Alamgir Wedding Suits for Men at TBCW (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Sapphire Latest Summer Lawn Collection 2017 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Fatima Tauqir “Valentines Trunk Show” Collection Image Latest Eid-ul-Fitr Collection 2016 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Orient Latest Classical Lawn Collection (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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gobrandrootweb · 6 years
National Search Service • Lost Ring Portobello Beach Edinburgh
Hello, this is my first post on this forum so I'm saying Hi to all members. On 26/07/2018 I have lost my engagement ring to the Poseidon during high tide any my missus is giving me a hard time over this. (I vent in quite far, neck deep and I’m 5’8” but I think it is closer to the shore ), suspected location it’s shown on pic bellow with green indicating most possible zone. I did all I could to find it when water was receding but to no success. This is actual photo of it.
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It’s made of stainless steel, I don’t know if it’s magnetic or not. As a reward to a lucky finder I will donate a nice bottle of whisky or I could support named charity specified by finder. MOD EDIT: exact details of the find spot have been removed. Please make contact via the Private Message system for further details.
Statistics: Posted by pastuszkathomas — Fri Jul 27, 2018 10:34 pm
National Search Service • Lost Ring Portobello Beach Edinburgh published first on https://pickmymetaldetector.tumblr.com/
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