#mod skirby
quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
As someone who was thankfully asleep during the Favoritism Fiasco™, I'd like to lighten the mood a bit. Fluffy headcanons for your comfort characters, please? :) -Wisp
Mod Taranza: Taranza has a very soft and sweet singing voice. He shys away from doing it if he’s spotted, but if you hum or sing a song he knows, he’ll gladly sing along with you
Mod Lor: Nova is actually a very good storyteller; though he can’t exactly act out events, and doesn’t do a lot of exaggeration, he makes up for it by being very good with word choice and tone of voice. He can make almost any story seem interesting, usually through his own passion or interest in the subject, kinda like when a teacher’s lecture is actually good because you can tell they care about it. He very rarely gets the opportunity to show this side of himself, but Lor (and Magolor on a few occasions) has witnessed it several times since meeting him. Speaking of Magolor, he absolutely loves mint. Can’t get enough of it. It’s like catnip without the loopiness afterwards, and therefore nothing to tease him over should he... over-indulge. He keeps several mint plants in areas he frequents, such as the kitchen, Lor’s dashboard, and his room, and takes very good care of them with the help of his magic. As for Lor, she’s very good at singing lullabies, though usually she just hums them because very few people would actually understand the words nowadays. It’s a lot easier for her to sing in her original language, after all, but it just happens to be very, very old. She actually enjoys humming in general, though usually only does so when she’s alone due to past experiences in Halcandra.
Mod Susie: Jammerjabs don’t have much of a sense of individuality - they don’t have names, they don’t have preferred pronouns, they all look the same, and there are thousands of them scattered about the jambandra base. However, every rule has a few exceptions, and there are actually a few jammers that stand out from the crowd and as such, have nicknames: Ash, Damsel, Dusty, James, Jammie, Lily, Paladin, Scale, Smith, Soots, Tone, and Vex are all the named jammerjabs on board!
*Mod Skirby: Skirby and SDDD have a shared hobby of photography. Neither are really good at it and each like different subjects, but they both enjoy it. (Skirby likes taking pictures of scenery, plants, and bugs, while SDDD likes taking pictures of people, city scapes, and birds. They don’t like to talk about it out in the open though. (Skirby is nervous about sharing his hobbies, SDDD doesn’t want it to soften his image.) Bandana Moddle Dee: Bandana Dee and Sailor Dee are hiking buddies! Bandee will go hiking both to train stamina and to get away from work at castle Dedede, and Sailor tags along with him to collect flowers and leaves and twigs and things that he thinks look nice!! They also go to harvest fruits for pies and apple juice!!
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ask-the-kirby-verse · 4 years
*licks DMK's mask*
Dark Meta Knight:
Dark Meta Knight: I will give you one second to either run or grovel pathetically at my feet. I will stab you regardless.
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voiddemon · 3 years
I initially came to this blog because you were Mod Skirby and I wanted to check out all of the mods' main blogs, but now I routinely check this blog because you have a cool art style and memes. -Wisp
:O nicee. I didn’t actually know if anyone was introduced to my blog through QOD but that’s very cool actually
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
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New banner anyone?
A collaborative effort from Mod Susie @phoebelovingcare and Mod Skirby @thatonevoiddemon
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quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
Kirby: The enemy of my enemy is my bestie.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
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currently losing my mind over this render of 64 rocky so please enjoy it you don’t have to post it, i just wanted to bring your attention to it because it’s cute. :)
Good boy. Chunky boy. Love them. <3
Late night Rocky render tuesday
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quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
Marx: I bet I could beat you with my hands tied behind my back.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
DoC here with a neat question: you have the chance to go into the Gamble Galaxy/Planet Popstar, however, once there you cannot interact with your top five favorite characters, so for me that would be Taranza, Zan, Marx, Daroach, and Dedede, do you take the chance? (Note: while no villains would go after you, you could still be hurt and killed by them)
Mod Taranza: hmm... given that none of my favs are on Floralia anymore, I could go visit there. All the worlds are so pretty and it’s high up in the sky! Best of both worlds!
*Mod Skirby: I would be banned from the mirror world and patchland essentially (4\5 are from there, 1 is dead) but I could still see popstar, so probably!
Mod Lor: All my faves are in Gamble Galaxy, 4 are on Popstar specifically and the 5th is in space. So I couldn’t go to most of Popstar or space. Sure, I could probably go to other places, but sightseeing isn’t really my thing, so what is even the point? As much as I love food, I’m trying to eat healthier so I’d just be suffering looking at all the everything. Also the idea of being in the same universe as Marx would give me mesothelioma and may make me entitled to financial compensation. So, that said, I probably wouldn’t go.
Mod Susie: ,,,,but why would I do that,,,, a dangerous thing where I don’t even get what I want??? No???? I wouldn’t go
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Meta Knight, just before revenge of the Meta Knight: I mean everyone would hate me. But it would be funny.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Dedede: It’s pretty muggy out there today.
Meta Knight: If I go out there and all our mugs are on the front lawn, I will actually stab you.
Dedede: *Sips coffee from a bowl*
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Magolor: I actually used an advanced technique there called LYIN'.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
what are the mods' favourite cutscenes in the kirby games? mine is probably the one where the halberd came to life and started eating people
“oh hey halberd cutscene anon, we thought you died” /q
Mod Susie: Susie rising dramatically from the floor while singing
Mod Ribbon: definitely the cutscene where the halberd came to life and started eating people
Moddle Dee: The opening cutscene of Rainbow Curse (yes because bandan is fishing)
Mod Gooey: Every DL2, DL3, and K64 cutscene
Mod SKirby: Each to His Own World (final cutscene of RTDL)
Mod Lor: Meta Knightmare Returns final cutscene: aka Collateral Damage, aka Star Dream Fucked Up Big Time
Mod Galacta: King Dedede waking up from getting possessed to see Kirby and Queen Sectonia or the cutscene before the Morpho Knight fight
Mod Taranza: All cutscenes in Revenge of Meta Knight
Mod Customer Services: Prince Fluff introducing himself
Mod Morpho: The beach cutscene in K64
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Hi! Mod SKirby here. It’s been fun, but to much fanfare I’m leaving the blog. I wont get into my reasons why since they’re all somewhat personal. Even though I know I haven’t been very active, I still love all of you guys and this blog. 
I’ll officially leave the blog in 30 minutes or so (edit: left early). You guys know where to find me!
Happy holidays, and have a wonderful new year!
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
shadow kirby is probably like. super shy kdjsksisiskksks like everybody thinks they hate everyone but no they r just 2 shy to talk to anybody besidez kirby and some of his friends
Everyone sees them and goes “Oh. Mean Kirby who hates everyone” when really they just don’t have social skills and they avoid people like the plague.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
hey everyone it’s RAID, SHADOW LEGENDS
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
I thought that ask said "I want to feed DMK soup" and I just thought "same. edgy borb needs some hot broth in his little body"
i agree completely
and again just pour that right into his mask it’ll work great
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