#deck of cards anon
freckliedan · 27 days
2025 = the 25th tarot card is the ring therefore Dan and Phil will get married next year mark my words
babe that's lenormand not tarot those are two totally different cartomancy systems but yknow what i'll incorporate that into my belief system. i read more accurately for them with lenormand than tarot anyways
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ashestoashes7 · 2 months
if you were stranded on an island and were allowed to take exactly 3 things, what would they be?
Okay now you’ve really made me think. I’m going to say Desalination Kit (hoping we’re talking salt water in this case, a package of flares, and a fishing net.
anon ask game
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 months
What decks do you use?!! Specifically the one with the soft pictures!!
Hi hun! Here is a list of all the decks I use:
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alpineshift · 3 months
Prompt 5 please, it’s my lucky number 🍀
Hope you are well!
Lucky number 5!! thank you anon, I hope you're doing well too 💕 I'm taking this in a bit of a space opera direction for fun, bear with me 🪐
5.  “Just take me home.”
It's been three long hours since Jack disappeared behind the Lonely Emperor's heavy doors with the rest of the Centurion Commanders, and Nico is getting antsy.
He doesn't outwardly show it; he's way too well trained, way too professional to show anything but solemn, stern diligence, but the longer the meeting drags on, the more agitated he becomes.
The rest of the guards in the waiting room loiter about in varying states of apathy or professionalism; a few have started a tabletop game with a battered pack of spitback cards, others are sitting rigidly off by themselves, and some are obviously gossiping. Nico keeps to himself by the window, staring out at the holographic loop of a beautiful waterfall in a deep forest.
It's a pathetic attempt at covering up the veritable bloody wasteland just beyond the computerized screens. It's also a poor reminder of the lush greens and endless mountain ranges back in Valais. Nico hasn't seen it in over ten years.
A subtle pinging bell has all the guards scrambling to attention. They fall into line outside the doors as they open up and the commanders come marching back out.
Jack's a younger face and a slighter frame amidst the older leaders. Nico spots him instantly and immediately falls into step after him, a precise one-and-a-half paces after Jack's walking pattern, always within arm's reach.
Jack offers a quick glance behind him, expression placid, and Nico just knows that the meeting had gone to absolute shit.
They don't talk until they return to their shuttlepod. Jack climbs into the passenger side (never in the back) and activates the blackout screens as soon as Nico slide into the driver's side and starts the engine.
"Seven more solar years," he says without preamble, and Nico's hands slip on the console controls. "Seven more years of Letum, this hell-planet, seven more years of blood, seven more god damn years of losing soldiers to the most pointless war in existence. Fuck. Fucking fuck."
"I'm sorry, Centurion Hughes," Nico says after a moment, because--what else is he going to say? Sorry it'll be seven more years before you see your parents again? Sorry it'll be seven more years before you can keep your promise to your brothers? Sorry you'll waste seven more years of your youth on a greedy man's war, sorry the chances of you seeing Earth ever again will only ever grow slimmer over the next two thousand, five hundred and fifty five days?
Jack whips his head around to stare at him, expression flinty, angry. "What the fuck are you sorry for, Hischier? You should be spitting at my feet, cursing me out. I promised you a return ticket to Switzerland after this rotation, and instead I've just condemned you for a fourth time. You should be fucking furious."
"You know I'm not," Nico tries, but Jack snarls and turns away from him, glaring at the window. Nico can see his tormented expression reflected in the glass, and he sighs and pulls away from the port dock. The flight back to their quarters is quiet for the first half, both men lost in their own thoughts.
"I expect to see your resignation on my desk by tomorrow morning," Jack finally says, the same thing he's said after their first campaign renewal, then their second, then the third. There was a time he'd shout it at Nico every other day, a demand, an order, and then a desperate plea. Then terrible, sulky silence when Nico remains stubbornly by his side, immovable as a mountain.
"You won't," Nico replies, the same as he's said every time.
"You should go back to Earth."
"I'll go back when you do."
"There's nothing for you here. You'll die on this planet."
"I'll die when you die," Nico says, and his grip tightens on the console when Jack lets out a stifled, wounded sound. "From flesh to bone to ash to stardust, Centurion Hughes. I swore it when I entered your service, and I will honour it until the very end."
Jack is silent and still for a long, long time. So still that Nico had to glance over to make sure he's still breathing.
Finally, Jack exhales, burnt out and deep, like a tired old man. "Just take me home, Hischier."
Nico knows he's not talking about their infantry headquarters on Letum.
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kaeyx · 9 months
This bomb pussy is nikolai's Christmas present.
Real talk tho I think Nikolai would love it. If you want to get fancy do some rope and put a candy cane in your mouth like it's a gag, he's delighted. Yeah he probably makes some remark about how he can have you any day of the year but it's not like he's going to say no, since you offered yourself up to him like this.
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ask-p03 · 20 days
Isn’t having more cards useful to you? I would like to be useful to you…. - card deck anon
"Yes, but I can't afford to have you be turned into a card. That's a foolish idea."
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prozacmilk · 1 month
send me an open ended question(what/how/why etc) and i will pull a tarot card for u!!!!
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mildmayfoxe · 1 month
thank u for also being Person Who Carries Ten Million Things Around At All Times im glad im not alone in this
backpack lyfe 🤝
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welcome-to-green-hills · 10 months
Sonic hyperfixates on trains while Knuckles and Shadow further prove to be homies
❤️🥺❤️ They are… the most kid-kiddos ever! I cherish them ❤️🥺❤️
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elsewherewitch · 3 months
Hi! I hope everything's going well for you. I would love to avail a free reading, please. Thank you so much for offering them!
Question: What vibe/first impression do I give off to people?
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day ahead.
- Maryel 🌼
Hello Maryel! What a lovely name. Thank you for sending your ask! Your question is one of my personal favorites to ask my decks.
I chose a brand new and quite odd deck for your question: Cat Tarot by Carole-Anne Eschenazi.
Here is your 1-Card Tarot Reading:
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Card #1: The Hierophant - Merlin Cat
You are seen as wise, willing to learn, and confident in what you do by the people you meet. That’s their first impression of you. You seem like you fit in pretty well no matter the place & you are willing to adapt if you are unfamiliar with it. Basically you have leader vibes: understanding and confident.
I hope you enjoyed your reading! Like/Reblog or lmk if it resonated with you. ~ Elsewhere🌚
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fivekrystalpetals · 8 months
just popped by to say that I really like your Pandora Hearts related stuff! Not many people still involved in this fandom and even less in that ship ;)
BTW, I haven't seen it anywhere in your analyses so I wonder whether you know about the existence of this older official card deck. It has rather interesting choice of colours for certain characters ;)
Have a nice day!
DEAR ANON I am so sorry I am answering this ask so late (but like I couldn't have answered it earlier even if I wanted to 😭)
But,,,, BUT..... ahhhh this is one rare ask about my favorite ship that has been living rent-free in my head for months and I couldn't see it before now (it's a month late I am really sorry orz)
//even less in that ship ;)// lolol there is me and only me involved in this ship *sad lonely rarepair noises* but I just can't help but ship them cuz they click so well in my head ghfjksl
ahfjkl I confess I had no idea about the existence of the older official card deck until you tell me now! annnnd //rather interesting choice of colours for certain characters ;)// SCREAMINFhsjgk whaaaatt wdym "interesting choice"???? omggg why is this so tantalizing??? anon, dear anon please come back i beg you come back and give me that small piece of canon(? maybe?) content for my ship I am literally in tears lol 😭😭😭 (until then, I am going to be here making up all sorts of scenarios for whatever might be in the card deck ghfjfk)
Really thank you so much for this ask ❤❤!! It was a pleasant surprise when I opened my inbox today (and found this is actually, really about my fav ship!!! I am screaming rn 🥺😭)
Have a nice rest of the day you too!! And a very happy new year ahead!!!
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
as a latino i absolve you from the gringo term
thank you, I trust your judgement way more than some random TERF lmaooooo <3
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knightofhylia · 9 months
Hi 🐐
My inicial is S ♓
Thank you
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Something you have been ignoring The Maestro, Master of Inspiration - Understanding, Community, Ingenuity Mastery of any and all discipline,community and sharing knowledge, moving on to the next project after completing another, warning of stagnancy
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How this impacts your life Nyx, Enchantress of Night - Secrets, Vigilance, Subterfuge Harmony is maintained through constant adjustment, subtle influences and persuasions, things going wrong but working in your favour in the end
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How to acknowledge it The Thinker, the Father of Knowledge - Knowledge, Instruction, Reinvention Best way to improve is to teach and be taught by others, always learning, seeking the truth Overall: You have been ignoring the call to end something and move on. Other people in your community/family may have also taken notice of this struggle.There is information that needs to be exchanged in order for the gears to start moving again. The impacts your life because that information is staying hidden. Either on your part or some one else but there are hidden motivations and deception that have not come to light yet. Acknowledge it by actually acknowledging it! Either you need to reveal the information or someone needs to reveal it to you, either way nothing is going to change.
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
hi darling, if you're comfortable with it, could you do a reading on p diddy? will there be more lawsuits against him? <3 thank you.
"Surviving Diddy"
Trigger warning ⚠️ This reading contains graphic imagery and mentions of grooming. Viewer discretion is advised.
Human trafficking, drug soliciting, car explosions, and more. What's next for Diddy?
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Cassie's lawsuit and how it is affecting Diddy currently:
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I believe Diddy was at a point of his career where things were lifting off for him and he was able to venture out and explore different interests outside of his musical career. It was like a rocket ship preparing to launch but explored before it could ever fly into the sky. Diddy was not expecting for Cassie to file a lawsuit against him and this has scared him shitless. Right now his PR team are trying to do damage control and salvage any contracts or business he has made. The stocks in the background remind me of flames so I feel like his career is literally going down in flames and I believe that is already taking full effect. Diddy is very manipulative though so he could try to pull connections or trick people into doing more business with him.
Diddy's past coming to light, is it true?
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Channeled song:
The Light Is Coming by Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj
"The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole."
I felt the warmth of a hand on my shoulder and it did not feel comforting, it felt intimidating and uneasy. I 100% believe the accusations are true (also ofc we all know Diddy is in fact a groomer, but the other information that was released that no one heard of until now is what I mean). I remember as a child I heard this quote and it goes "What's done in the dark, always come to light". People are only getting the surface level of his wrong doings. Diddy had promised young individuals in the industry fame, glory, and success. He uses charm and persuasion to be considered likeable. Diddy could also tried to take the role of a father for these individuals or use logic to seem wise or more mature beyond his years, but it's all a ploy to get them to do what they want or even in bed.
Diddy's fate:
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Chile... who's spirit guides did he piss off? Someone's guides is bringing balance into this situation and they are loving every second of this! They plan to torment him and hit him where it hurts. This feel like a woman's energy... dare I say his wife 👀? It feels very powerful and holy. Their spirit is very much alive and they have a plan that is already in full effect. Cassie's lawsuit is just the tip of the iceberg. I do believe more people will come forward, not just in lawsuits, but in speaking their truth in general
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
what deck do you use?
like. none. i never play,, kaeya is there tho im pretty sure. diluc maybe? sorry i really am not exaggerating when i say that i never touch this aspect of the game
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oathofkaslana · 9 months
i was duelling lisa in tcg yesterday and her deck consisted of lisa/collei/fischl so my mind quickly went “lisa spreading fillei propaganda” and honestly she seems like she would do that
HDHJSSH yeah <3 she uses fillei meta realness she’s soooo me for that. in my head she’s try to get collei to befriend razor, bennett, and fischl :’)) ← re. au verse windblume rewrite.
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