#mod vann
bonnie-and-cloud · 11 months
I know I basically never post because my life is a nigh constant mess but we're sheltering a baby bun. A friend found her hopping around a park and managed to catch her. She's super sweet and will even eat out of our hands. Anyway, check out this baby
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Look how teeny she is! I don't usually show my daughter let alone her face but I did kind of need the last photo to show scale. She voluntarily hopped into the toddlebutt's room and proceeded to loaf all content
And now have an offended Bonnie. The baby tried to groom her and Bonnie was immediately confused and offended
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When the adult false dwarf Holland lop makes the non lop look teeny, I'm willing to bet money this is a very young bab. No idea why she was dumped but we're going to get her in with our vet and make sure she's well cared for. We will not release her to her original owners without first educating them on how to keep her safe. If she doesn't click with Bonnie and/or Cloud, we'll arrange a place for her through our state's rabbit society. We're not looking for a bond so much as cohabitating roommates and we'll get her spayed as early as possible to avoid fights and injury
Anyway, I'll try to keep y'all updated. Feel free to pester me for bun pics because I've always got a ton I forget to upload except in heaps at a time. I appreciate the continued follows from everyone here
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whumptober · 8 months
is there a list of what songs all the lyrics in the prompt list are from? some of them feel really familiar but I can't place it
They’re all in order on our YouTube and Spotify playlists, but here is a plain text version!
Day 1: Collapse — Zeds Dead, Memorecks
Day 2: Dead to Me — Melanie Martinez
Day 3: Old Wounds — Taryn Hadfield
Day 4: JUMP! — Only The Poets
Day 5: why you gotta kick me when i’m down — Bring Me The Horizon
Day 6: Welcome to the Black Parade — My Chemical Romance
Day 7: Control — Halsey
Day 8: All These Things That I’ve Done — The Killers
Day 9: Sweet Heroine — YUNGBLUD
Day 10: Cirice — Ghost
Day 11: MAYDAY — TheFatRat, Laura Brehm
Day 12: You’d Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out To Get You) — Waterparks
Day 13: Underdog — You Me At Six
Day 14: Liquid State — Muse
Day 15: Stupid — STONE
Day 16: Chasing Cars — Snow Patrol
Day 17: Passive Aggressive — GIRLI
Day 18: Not My Own — Caleb Hyles
Day 19: Hate Me — Nico Collins
Day 20: People Don’t Change People, Time Does — The Wombats
Day 21: Death of Me — SAINT PHNX
Day 22: Hit and Run — LOLO
Day 23: Demons — Hayley Kiyoko
Day 24: Dream in a Little Less Colour — Lacey
Day 25: Demons — Frank Turner
Day 26: Done Try'na (Save A Life) — Jessarae
Day 27: cardigan — Taylor Swift
Day 28: Dirty — grandson
Day 29: Ship in a Bottle — fin
Day 30: I’m Not Okay — Chris Catalyst
Day 31: These Drugs — Sugar Pine 7
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katmk36 · 3 months
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Generation One: The Baking Extraordinaire
Clarrisa Vann
There was a warmth and coziness in rolling out dough, mixing up frosting, creating masterpieces with a piping bag. Most of your days are spent whipping up new creations in the kitchen, enjoying the smell of a delicious apple pie baking in the oven. You dream of having everyone know your name and saying "Their cupcakes are the best I've ever had!".
Aspiration: Any. Optional choice: Market Magnate.
Traits: Foodie, roll/pick the rest. Buy the Marketable reward trait.
Skills: Baking.
Sell your baked goods! Whether that be through "bake sales" in your front yard (a mod for a bake sale event here) or creating your very own bakery! You can buy a bakery building, sell from home (mod), it's up to you!
Optional: Reach level 10 in the Baker career (mod).
Blind dates are your best friend this generation (RPO mod or Simda)! You MUST have a child with someone you go on a blind date with (accidental pregnancy or perhaps your sim got lucky in the romance department!). You can marry said sim if you wish, but it is not required that you get married.
Bake something holiday-themed for each major holiday! I recommend littlebowbub's Grannies cookbook or Oni's Food Mod for more options.
Throw the best parties for your child(ren), full of yummy cakes and treats!
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blackinperiodfilms · 2 years
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First Look: 'A JAZZMAN'S BLUES,' written, directed, and produced by Tyler Perry. 
Tyler Perry’s latest — though the screenplay is the first one he ever wrote — stars Joshua Boone, Solea Pfeiffer, Amirah Vann, Austin Scott, and Ryan Eggold in a story of forbidden love and family secrets that reaches from the 1940s to the 1980s.
Mod Note: I’m really eager to see what a Tyler Perry period film looks like. Also I love the amazingly talented Solea Pfeiffer. 
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urskogsbullen · 11 months
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Hej kära läsare,
Idag vill jag dela med mig av en otroligt minnesvärd händelse som utspelade sig under årets melodifestival. Det är en historia om mod, kreativitet och en oväntad vinnare. Det handlar om min vän Dart Vader, som trots sina utmaningar valde att ställa upp i tävlingen och erövra scenen med sin unika personlighet.
Det är inte varje dag man ser en Sith-lord från Star Wars-galaxen kliva upp på scenen i melodifestivalen. Men Dart Vader beslutade sig för att göra just det och utmana de etablerade konventionerna. Han blev inspirerad av det finska rockbandet Lordi, som vann Eurovision Song Contest 2006 och visade att det finns plats för oväntade inslag i musikvärlden.
Dock hade Dart Vader en liten utmaning att tackla. Hans ikoniska hjälm gjorde det svårt att höra vad han sjöng, vilket utan tvekan var en av de mest unika scenpresentationerna i melodifestivalens historia. Men det stoppade inte Dart Vader från att ge sitt allt och framföra sin låt med passion och intensitet.
Publiken var först förvånad, men snart tog de upp glädjerop och applåderade Dart Vaders mod att ställa sig på scenen trots hinder. Hans unika framträdande blev snabbt en snackis och hans engagemang smittade av sig på de som var närvarande. De kände sig inspirerade av hans mod att utmana normer och trotsa förväntningar.
Och till allas förvåning, vann Dart Vader melodifestivalen! Nu kanske du tänker att det inte var så svårt eftersom han var den enda deltagaren, men jag är fast besluten att erkänna att han förtjänade segern. Han hade modet att ta steget och ge allt han hade, och hans unika framträdande berörde publiken på ett sätt som ingen annan kunde.
Dart Vaders seger i melodifestivalen blev ett statement om att det inte spelar någon roll vem du är eller vilka hinder du möter. Det viktigaste är att du vågar vara dig själv och tro på din egen förmåga. Dart Vaders framträdande blev en påminnelse om att vi alla har potentialen att överraska och göra en skillnad om vi bara vågar ta chansen.
Så låt oss alla ta lärdom av Dart Vaders resa. Låt oss bli inspirerade av hans mod att stå på scenen, trots svårigheterna. Låt oss våga vara unika och utmana normerna i våra egna liv, precis som Dart Vader gjorde på melodifestivalen.
Tack för att ni tog er tid att läsa denna ploggpost. Vi ses snart igen!
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thataspdfeel · 5 years
ok so something i’ve been considering for a WHILE now is either deleting this blog or handing it over to someone else. for a couple reasons really
1 i’ve been working with a therapist for about 9 months now and she determined i was misdiagnosed with ASPD as well as wrongfully considering i was two weeks away from 18 and still a minor at the time. instead, i have conduct disorder and BPD with a hefty dose of narcicissm like if conduct disorder = ASPD lite i’d have NPD lite. like i originally went because to have my ADHD and depression actually medicated, my psych required me to go to therapy. and i need meds so i don’t, like, kill myself so i had no choice. thus the therapy and figuring out that SURPRISE the doctor i had at the time misdiagnosed me
2 there just aren’t really enough asks or enough interaction for me to really justify keeping this blog around? like if there was enough traffic, i’d pass it off to somebody WITH actual ASPD because it wouldn’t be right for me, as a non ASPD person to run an ASPD blog y’know. like yeah no empathy and whatnot but like it’s not the same and it’s objectively wrong. plus i’m moving in a direction of remission for my mental illnesses and this would be a good step for me to take in that remission journey
anyway, feel free to PM me, reblog this post, whatever really with input. like if you want to run the blog then like i’ll basically hand it over to the first person who asks granted they aren’t like some freak fetishist true crime jackass or whatever. so the blog would go to someone who wasn’t like an edgelord or a fetishizer who was interested in running this. i don’t really have any feelings either way and if i don’t like hear back, i’ll probably just shrug my shoulders and hit delete
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bomberman-discord · 7 years
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starryoceanedits · 2 years
hi there! you can call me mod 4, or vann!
this is an edit blog for pro-shippers, focused around nintendo but i accept a few other sources too as well as otherkin and nonfandom. if youre not sure you can always ask~
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...check out my carrd here for more info, including what i can do and examples of what it will look like!
can i request a promo? let me know if you want to be removed though! thanks so much.
@kodogender @black-salt-cage @shouta-edits​ @problematique-colors​
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traces-ecrites · 4 years
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Turlupiner : v. intr. et tr. (1615 ; de Turlupin, surnom d’un personnage de farce). 1° Vx. Faire des farces de mauvais goût, des turlupinades. 2° V. tr. Mod. et Fam. Tourmenter. Ça le turlupine : le tracasse. Voilà ce que dit mon bon vieux Petit Robert. Il est trop fort, ce Robert, en deux lignes, l’essentiel est dit.
Mon bon vieux grand Larousse universel ne fait pas vraiment mieux, dont les 15 volumes datent d’avant l’ère d’internet et ne quittent plus trop les étagères de ma bibliothèque. Son mérite est de m’offrir en plus, juste à côté, une reproduction en couleur d’un tableau de Turner, accompagnée d’une longue notice. J’en profite donc pour apprendre que ce peintre célèbre était un aquarelliste anglais, précurseur de l’impressionnisme. Rien à voir avec turlupiner, ni avec d’autres voisins, comme le rigolo turlututu et l’intéressant turlutte*. Informations qui glisseront vite de la surface de ma mémoire vers les méandres de l’oubli.
Évidemment, pour en savoir plus, tu peux toujours plonger dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche sur internet. Tu apprendras que Turlupin était un des deux noms de scènes, deux pseudos, dirait-on aujourd’hui, d’un comédien célèbre au XXVIIe siècle. Il s’appelait Henri Legrand et se faisait appeler Belleville dans ses rôles sérieux et Turlupin quand il jouait dans des farces. Du coup, un turlupin désignait à l’époque un mec relou qui fait des vannes pas drôles !
Aujourd’hui, turlupiner, c’est devenu causer du tracas. On pourrait dire aussi agacer, asticoter, casser les pieds, chercher des crosses, chercher noise, chercher querelle, contrarier, courroucer, crisper, échauffer, échauffer la bile, échauffer les oreilles, embarrasser, embêter, emmerder, énerver, ennuyer, enquiquiner, exacerber, exaspérer, excéder, exciter, faire sortir de ses gonds, harceler, hérisser, horripiler, impatienter, importuner, indisposer, insupporter, irriter, lanciner, lasser, marteler, mécontenter, mettre en colère, mettre en rogne, obséder, piquer, plaisanter, préoccuper, provoquer, taquiner, tarauder, tourmenter, tracasser, travailler, trotter, troubler. C’est pas moi qui le dis, c’est mon dictionnaire des synonymes préféré !
J’adore les dictionnaires et donc le vocabulaire, j’ai déjà eu l’occasion de le dire à propos des adverbes. Les dictionnaires regorgent de trésors, on y déniche des pépites, notamment parmi les mots de quatre syllabes ou plus. Je trouve ce turlupiner particulièrement joli, truculent si j’ose dire. Jusque dans ses sonorités, il dit bien ce qu’il veut dire : turlu, ça tourne en rond, tandis que piner, ça cogne, ça creuse, ça tape. Et au milieu, lupin, c’est comme un lapin, comme un lutin plein de malice, qui ricane et qui persifle. Une idée qui turlupine, c’est une idée qui tourne en boucle, qui insiste et qui se moque.
Une idée qui turlupine, elle peut te réveiller la nuit et revenir encore et encore. Elle ne veut pas lâcher. Tu as beau essayer de l’ignorer, elle est toujours là, elle s’incruste. Tu fais comme si tu ne l’entendais pas, mais elle insiste. Tu la repousses gentiment, pour la mettre à la porte de ton esprit, elle revient aussitôt par la fenêtre. Tu penses à autre chose, tu focalises ton attention sur ta respiration ou sur ton petit orteil gauche, puis sur ton petit orteil droit, puis progressivement sur tout tes orteils, tout en continuant à t’appliquer à respirer profondément, jusqu’au bout de tes orteils. Tu crois que ça y est, tu as réussi à t’en défaire... et hop, au moment où tu soupires de soulagement, où tu te retournes pour te rendormir, où tu te dis, déjà un peu parti dans les brumes du sommeil, ça y est, je n’y pense plus,… Paf, là voilà qui surgit de nouveau, toute entière cachée dans ce simple « y ». Et de te turlupiner de plus belle !
Celle-là, il fallait vraiment que je la raconte. La nuit dernière, je me suis réveillée vers 3 ou 4 heures, l’heure préférée des insomnies, avec je ne sais plus trop quelle idée en tête. Je crois m’être dit : ne te laisse pas faire par cette idée qui te turlupine. Et puis, c’est ce verbe, turlupiner, qui s’est emparé de mon esprit et s’est mis à me turlupiner. À me demander d’où il sortait, à m’interroger sur ses origines, son emploi par les gens de lettres, ses traductions… Du coup, ça a vraiment bien fonctionné, puisque je ne me souviens plus du tout de l’idée qui m’avait réveillée !
* Pour information une turlutte est une sorte de grappin pour attraper le poisson et certains céphalopodes. Tu pensais à autre chose ? Ose l’avouer publiquement et sache que ça s’écrit plutôt avec un seul t, pas comme son synonyme non familier, qui prend deux l !
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bonnie-and-cloud · 2 years
Hopefully tumblr doesn't eat this one
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whumptober · 9 months
How long till the prompt list 🙃 seriously it's like wanting to eat a batch of whump cookies yet they have to cool down first!
You want to reach for them but knowing your gonna burn your fingers!
I'm reaching...the suspense is driving me nuts! I want them cookies and yet I don't think I can wait till they cool down! 😭🤣
Hiya! If all goes according to plan, the prompts will be released sometime on the 29th-30th.
However, we’ve been giving some huge hints already, our prompts are much closer than you think they are.
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katmk36 · 4 years
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Carissa Vann for @seviies Christian Valentine’s Farmer wants a wife Challenge
More info on Carissa
Age: 30
Location: Brindleton Bay
Career: Florist
Loves outdoors, Dog Lover, and Family Oriented
She grew up in Willow Creek where her parents own a flower shop.  Her father grows the flowers and her mother makes the flower arrangements.  She has dated but not have a serious relationship just hasn’t found the right man.  She just moved to Brindleton Bay.
Private Download
CC listings
Eyelashes, Zerbu’s ‘more CAS presets’ mod
Freckles, nails
Dress and  undershirt
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staffan · 5 years
Post festum
Årets VM är över. Judd Trump stod för en av tidernas främsta uppvisningar i en final, men trots högklassigt motstånd från John Higgins kan jag inte räkna den till en av tidernas bästa. Mark Williams mot Higgins för ett år sedan var en av tidernas bästa. Spänning är viktigare än hundraserier.
James Cahill visade sig ha hjärna, hjärta och mod och stod för turneringens skräll mot Ronnie O’Sullivan.
David Gilbert stod för årets krossade hjärta. Men efter att finalen öppnade 4-4 konstaterade Kim Hartman att det nog ändå var tur att Higgins vände och vann semin 17-16. Annars hade det kunnat bli enkelsidig final.
Gary Wilson, cool som en slanggurka, stod för årets genombrott. En ny Marco Fu, föreslog Kim Hartman. Eller läste han det på Facebook?
Ett årtionde efter att Eurosport stängde ner sms-funktionen fick så Kim Hartman återfå kontakten med tittarna. Det var i sig ett lyckligt slut, och resulterade i en underbar gestaltning av landets alla familjekonflikter när semifinalen krockade med Älgarnas resa.
Och nästa år? Det känns som att Crucible-förbannelsen har en riktig utmanare i Judd Trump. Kan han bli den första i teaterns historia att försvara sin första titel?
... Såklart inte! För den bravaden får vi vänta på Ding Junhui 2021.
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noivern · 7 years
vann-haal replied to your post “skyrim modders category one: we made 6-20 hours of completely...”
Hey legit but could you pm me some of the first mods? I've got like Winstad mine and shit but I'm always down for more game play I just never know if it's gonna be the 1st the 2nd or a gaming shitpost like Thomas the tank engines replacing dragons
i realise you said pm but some of these deserve a public shoutout bc the amount of work put into them is goddamn incredible (i have not actually played any of these yet but im gonna soon)
the forgotten city - 6-8 hours content - murder mystery with time shenanigans
falskaar - maybe 20 hours of content - new land size equivalent to 2 or 3 skyrim holds
beyond skyrim - bruma - just fucking add a large chunk of cyrodiil why not
moonpath to elsweyr - also just go to elsweyr i guess?
old hroldan town - add a town with new voiced dialogue
also not area mods but ive heard good good shit about 
inigo the follower with a crapload of original dialogue
and interesting npcs which adds over 250 voiced npcs to the world
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thataspdfeel · 5 years
Can people with ASPD fall in love with and genuinely care for someone?
people with aspd are only allowed one (1) emotion and that is eternal rage
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bomberman-discord · 7 years
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