#mod voli
dirtybg3confessions · 10 months
Meet the Mods
Hello hello, I'm Mod Voli and I should really be dealing with finals right now but I have free will dammit let me look at and giggle at hornyposts!!!!!
I'm one of the new mods and have so far had an absolutely wonderful time being dealt significant psychic damage by the inbox and I would not have it any other way <3 You can probably recognize a post of mine if it's a screenshot that's just a liiiittle bit oversaturated (the ReShade heart wants what it wants what can I say) or has a very stupidly stretched out photo of Gale (you'll see what I mean soon :)
On any given day you can probably find me frothing at the mouth over pretty fantasy elves or whatever problematic fictional man has overtaken my brain at that moment. Or women. usually women.
Current bg3 faves are Gortash, Jaheira, Orin, Astarion, Shadowheart, jesus there's too many. Shaking my fist like an old man yelling at cloud at every submission I've seen dunking on the handsome young man with a quick easy smile. I'll get you (lie)
Proud and humbled to be of service to all you thirsty motherfuckers, keep it coming or else🫡🫡
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Mod scone here! Or..Mod Voli..Uhh..I need to figure out my mod name.
Anyways, ya boi got an update on the final design for their G1! Starscream sweater from @ororonebbia
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This sweater is just
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Oh and if anyone is interested, they do have a Size Small Soundwave avaliable still. All info for that is right here. They also have a size chart avaliable too!
They might open some slots later as well So keep an eye out for them!
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So yeah! Maybe wearing this jacket and watching thru some series again will inspire this page to come back to life
I need to watch Earthspark too!
I also am on the hunt for someone who can *sew* this bag for me.
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Note that I would like this to be material that I can use for a day to day basis. So if anyone has that..let me know
Anyways...gonna go through the page and bring this piece of scrap back to life
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
Tell me it's real.
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synopsis: for as long as you can remember, you have had dreams that felt real in all ways that matter.
character(s): la signora.
warning(s): mentions of death, threats of violence.
note(s): female reader, no use of y/n, angst.
so i was mod alice's secret dodoco....... this caused me a lot of trouble but i'm still quite happy with how it turned out!
⎯⎯mod lie 🪜
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Her eyes are filled with pain, a sense of defeat. Lost, and perhaps a bit scared, she spits words of contempt. But the one before her cares not, and instead raises their blade, the power of electro flowing through the Musou no Hitotachi.
The desperate woman's life is cut short, even as she tries to claw her way out of the situation through force, and you wake with tears welling in your eyes.
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For as long as you can remember, you have had dreams that felt real in all ways that matter.
When you were small, you hardly understood the meaning of them. Your parents explained them away as the imagination of a willful child, and for a long time, you tried to believe them. You wanted to believe their words, for as exciting as these dreams could be sometimes, they could also be terrifying.
But as much as you tried to ignore it, the dreams grew in frequency, and they grew in clarity as well. Some nights, they were simple and short lived; such as the quiet sight of a couple dancing in the streets of Mondstadt, laughing and smiling the night away.
And other nights, you dreamt of... things that made you wonder. In every single one of your dreams, you were always through the eyes of another.
Once, you had been a parent braiding their daughter's hair, fingers deftly curling around long strands. Another time, you had been a warrior in a battle you could hardly recognize, watching as bodies piled up on each side. You had woken up after that one screaming and crying, and your parents had to hold and shush you all night to get you to stop.
It feels so real, you said in a small voice, young and terrified. And no one understood.
But the one that had truly stuck with you, the dream you recall most often—is the one where you were standing beside a woman with long, flowing blonde hair. A fountain was before you, the water within gleaming in the light of the midday sun. You held a coin in a hand that was not your own, and watched as you tossed it into the watery depths. You wondered what this person wished for, and if it had anything to do with the woman beside you.
The woman was gorgeous. If you had to use any words to describe how beautiful she was, you would probably say that she is ethereal in a way bards would sing about in songs. When she looked over into your borrowed eyes, you could have sworn you felt your heart skip a beat—even within the dream.
"Rosalyne?" Your mouth opened without your volion to ask, and at the time, you couldn't help but think that it was a perfect name for her.
She blushed prettily, and opened her mouth to speak. But before you could hear a word she said, the sound of fountain water dripped away—and you woke up in your bed.
You remember staring at the ceiling, and thinking that the woman in the dream you just had—looked remarkably like the woman who you had seen months ago, the one who crumpled like dust onto the ground after facing the electro archon.
No dream had ever affected you like this before. You felt your hands tighten against your sheets, and a heavy sense of something settling in the matter of your bones.
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You had grown up in the land of eternity, under the gaze of the electro archon.
The same archon who cut down Rosalyne, your mind supplies. You really do try to forget her, sometimes, but it was so difficult. Ceaselessly trying to forget how her eyes flashed in her final moments, compared to how they looked when she was gazing at the one she probably loved, felt like trying to get blood stains out of white cloth.
When you were eighteen, hardly an adult in any way but age, you sailed across the oceans to work abroad in Liyue. This was before the Vision Hunt Decree, and before the Inazuman borders had been shut.
Why are you leaving us to go so far away? Your mother had asked, and you could not come up with a true reason to tell. You explained that it was for the chance to experience the world, to see things you would never get to see within the confines of Inazuma.
You could never explain to her that the real reason you decided to spirit away to Liyue was over one of your 'childish' dreams.
This one was more recent. A dream of Rosalyne, in the same outfit she had been wearing in her death—walking along the streets of Liyue Harbor. The red fabric of her dress almost glowed in the sun, and you felt a pull you just could not ignore.
This decision was foolish and without merit, and yet here you are on the docks of Liyue Harbor, embracing your own stupidity. A vision of windswept blonde hair and a soft smile keeps you from running onto a boat heading back home.
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You didn't ever expect to see her in real life. At this point, she felt more like a figment of your own imagination than a living, breathing person—and the thought terrified you.
It's such a strange, rare feeling—to see a stranger and know them. You've finally pieced together that Rosalyne is a fatui harbinger, one of the Tsaritsa's twelve most powerful soldiers. They are feared all across Teyvat, and you had even heard tell of them in your small farming villiage in Inazuma. It's sad, to think about a happy girl turning into an angry woman, dead set on a goal given to her by a loveless Tsaritsa.
She looks at you for a split second, and to her, you're just a face in the crowds of Liyue Harbor. You can feel your heart crack in half. You know what happens to this woman. You know what will happen if she connues down this path of hatred. But what could you do?
Was there anything you could do, for this woman you did not even know?
Your eyes stay connected with hers for a fraction of a second longer than what could be considered an accident. She looks... confused. On edge, even. But what could she have to fear from a girl like you?
She's right in front of the Northland Bank, and in any other situation, you know would be avoiding the place enrely. But the pull, that magnetic feeling, has you placing one foot in front of the other. She just stands there, motionless and waiting, like a python preparing to strike.
Perhaps she thinks you're about to attack her. For what, though? You had no idea. You certainly did not look the part of an assassin, but you suppose a woman smart enough to become a harbinger would have no qualms suspecting evil from almost anyone.
The crowd has seemed to disperse, migrating further down the road, leaving only you and Rosalyne. Her eyes are cold, and yet she says nothing. You're infinitely glad none of her subordinates are around when you muster up the strength to say—
"Rosalyne?" You ask quietly, cautiously, the second you're close enough for her to hear. The moment her name leaves your mouth, she has you snatched up by the collar of your shirt, your feet rising off the ground as she affixes you with a stare that could melt compact ice.
"Do I know you?" She taunts, and for some ungodly reason, a laugh bubbles up in your throat. She raises you higher, and your laugh is cut off into a hissed gasp. You truly were reckless, accidentally provoking a fatui harbinger like this, and all on the foundation of a dream. Curiosity killed the cat, you think as you wrap your hands around her wrist, trying your best to keep yourself from choking.
"Please, please let me explain," you say quietly, the effort of keeping yourself held onto her wrist combined with pure fear causing you to quickly run out of breath.
After a moment of trepidation she releases you, and you drop back down onto the stone path. She looks like she's ready to tear you to shreds, her hand clenching and unclenching at her side like it was taking all of her willpower to keep herself from lunging at you. You're reminded of the feral, broken woman you saw in your dream of her demise, and the thought scares you.
Is it possible to save someone like her? Or is she too far gone, lost to the whims of her beloved Tsaritsa?
"Do not call me by that name again," she says, turning to approach the doors of the Northland Bank. You splutter for words, but she cuts you off with her own. "Come inside, and you will explain how you know my true name when we have never even met."
You trail after her like a lost puppy, gaze settling on the grand interior of the bank before once again falling onto Rosalyne. She says not to call her by that name, but why? So many quesons, and so little answers to accomapny them. You wring your fingers, a sudden nervousness overcoming you as you step inside what is likely Rosalyne's office.
She has an office here inside of the bank you think, staring at the bare interior. But is this simply temporary? Where will she go, when she leaves Liyue?
You remember the blinding lightning surrounding the Musou no Hitotachi, and the scared, helpless look in those eyes which now watch you.
"Now, I believe you have some answers to give me," she says, sat at the elaborate chair in the center of the room. A huge, beaufully sculpted oak desk is right in front of her, and it feels like an uncrossable barrier; seperating the both of you.
A deep, long breath escapes you, and you look up to meet her eyes. It sll feels so strange, to finally be speaking to the woman you have been dreaming of for years. You gather all of the courage you have, and you open your mouth to speak.
"I... have seen you die."
Rosalyne clicks her tongue, immediately exuding dismissive energy. "That does not answer the question of my name, now does it? Is this some sort of joke?"
"You truly think I would risk you murdering me just so I could tell a joke?" You guffaw. "What kind of people do you hang out with?"
She fixes you a bored look, and you sigh, the tension seeping from your body. She really was just a normal woman. Ah, well, as normal a woman the Crimson Witch of Flames could be.
"This has to do with how I know your name, I promise. I saw it happen when I was twelve—"
She does not even let you finish before interrupting you, her gloved hand massaging one of her temples. "Do not tell me this is a dream. You had a dream, and you dare see it as reality?" She clicks her tongue. "I do not enjoy having my precious time wasted."
"You were leaned over before The Electro Archon. I... I do not know what happened prior, but you looked in pain." You decide to ignore Rosalyne's present words. Maybe hearing details will help her see reason. "And... and she excecuted you. To her it seemed as if she were passing judgement. You tried to stop her, but... she killed you anyway."
The office falls silent, and Rosalyne does seem to be taking into account the words you say, however, suddenly she stands up. She stares down at you, and you feel yourself recoil from where you are standing.
"Your dreams are of no use to me," She says, and you feel like ripping your hair out. "If you are just going to spew nonesense, I'll be happy to pass my own judegme—"
"What if I were to tell you about a dream I had where I saw you in the past?" You blurt, and Rosalyne's jaw goes slack. It feels almost celebratory to catch her off guard, and you walk closer to the desk, watching as her face falls further.
"It had to have been in the summer, the weather was much too nice to be any other time," you begin, staring up into her eyes, watching for any trace of a reaction; for proof that this is real. "In my dreams, I always see through the eyes of someone else, and this time, whoever I was; they were standing beside you. We were both standing right in front of a water fountain—" her eyes widened, almost comically,"—and the wind was blowing your hair. I said your name, and your face got all red, but before I could hear you say anything, I woke up."
You finish your tirade, almost feeling out of breath with how quickly you spoke. Your eyes are still locked together, but she looks so far away, lost in the memories you had drudged up in an attempt to save both her, and yourself.
This endless loop of feeling stuck within a dream of fountains and hushed smiles, is it finally over? The very thought has you restraining tears, for you could not let her see you lose your composure. Not when she herself looks like she is about to fall over onto the cold, hard ground of the Northland Bank.
Something within you urges yourself to comfort, to mend her broken heart. That is the reason for all of this, isn't it? Is her broken heart why she felt the need to join the Tsaritsa and her tyranny, because of anger over this love who seems to be lost?
"I was going to say his name," She whispers, vulnerable in a way you certainly didn't expect. She herself doesn't look like she expected her own words, and yet she goes on. "I... I do not know how, but it's true. That dream you had, it was a memory of mine, from hundreds of years ago."
"Do you understand now?" You speak suddenly, reaching over to hold her cold, waiting palm in your own. You don't know what else to do, to calm the crazed look in her eyes. She looks conflicted, as if you had torn up something she had tried so hard to keep under wraps. "You don't know me, but all this time, I have been worrying for you."
"Why would you worry about a complete stranger? You must have known I was not an upstanding cizen ages ago, and yet here you stand, holding my hand and comforting me. What is wrong with you?"
A small smile makes it's way onto your face. "Is it so wrong to wish the best for a stranger?"
Rosalyne looks like she's in disbelief, and she scoffs, however she does not let go of your hand. And that, is telling enough.
"I wonder, did you have a plan of what to do after you convinced me your dreams were real?" She asks after awhile, when your legs are starting to cramp from the effort of standing still.
"I assumed my plan was obvious," you say candidly, politely ignoring the way your face wants to flush at the realization that you are still holding hands with Rosalyne. All this time... you have been wanng to stop this vision from happening. To stop a war torn woman from finding herself dead at an archon's feet.
"Surely you do not expect me to leave my duties to avoid this vision of yours."
It's as if your body reacts before you even get to speak, your heart dropping to your stomach almost immediately after the words leave her mouth. Your fingers untangle from hers, and you look up into her eyes, her cold, unwavering eyes.
"But, Rosalyne... you'll die—"
"Do you have proof that this vision of yours is set in stone? That it hasn't already changed? What if this conversation alone shifted the course of my future?" Rosalyne says simply, and it feels like she's twisting your dreams to fit her little agenda. Your throat feels dry, everything... these visions, this meeting... was any of it even worth it, if you couldn't save her?
"If you continue down this path of yours, with the harbingers and this... mission, it's obvious that you'll end up just as I dreamed."
"And what do you know of my mission?" She says, tapping her finger against the oak of the desk. You freeze, right in place. She sighs, moving around the desk to approach the door. "I thought as much..."
"Wait, please, don't leave," you reach out suddenly, catching her sleeve in your hand. "I can't let you go, I was supposed to save you..."
"I have a duty to uphold, to Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa." She says simply, robotically, her face not even visible to you. From what you can remember, her face truly was not that different from how she looked hundreds of years ago. There is one clear difference though, this Rosalyne is not happy and carefree.
Perhaps if you strained your ears enough, you would be able to hear a quiet, I am sorry. Her sleeve slips from between your fingers, and before you know it, you are alone in her cold, temporary office.
It seems you were right. Rosalyne, for all the life that still exists within her, is beyond saving.
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with replies off, i can now fully read this blog like a newspaper without going into replies for context (unless it's a callout like whitley's). thanks mod.
Went an extra step and blocked Voli, Mod 1 had told me to earlier anyway. Enjoy your morning content.
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ackegamesblog · 8 years
Igre koje će obeležiti 2017. godinu
2017. samo sto je počela, a ako se po jutru dan poznaje, onda ova godina obećava pregršt novih i zanimljivih igara. Iz mora noviteta izdvojio sam 12 naslova kojima se jako radujem ove godine. Nadam se da će zaista biti onoliko dobre koliko ih predstavljaju. Da ne dužim više. Idemo redom.
12) Prey
Prey je pucačina iz prvog lica koja se pojavila jos 2006. godine. Igra je bila zaista fantastična i pokupila sve pozitivne kritike, kako od samih kritičara tako i od igrača. Ono što se ovoj igri zameralo jeste multiplayer mod koji je, blago rečeno, osakaćen do bola. Ubrzo nakon toga najavljen je i drugi deo, Prey 2, međutim ovaj deo nikada nije ugledao svetlost dana jer je razvoj na njemu obustvaljen 2014. godine. Kao kompenzacija za to stiže nam reboot za jedini deo… WTF Bethesda?! Kako god… Svakako raduje vest da ćemo ipak videti nešto „novo“ iz Prey univerzuma.
Platforma: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Datum izlaska: Prva polovina 2017.
11) For Honor
A sada nešto potpuno drugačije. Sigurno je još neko kao klinac maštao o tome da je vitez u sjajnom oklopu koji spašava princezu od zmaja koji bljuje vatru. E pa ovo je to! Osim što nema zmaja. Ni princeze. A ni oklop vam nije baš sjajan. Ali i dalje ste vitez, a to je ono sto je bitno. For Honor je akcioni hack‘n‘slash naslov koji je smešten u srednji vek. Na raspolaganju su vam tri frakcije, a to su vitezi, samuraji i vikinzi, i svaka ima četiri različite klase dok su vam od oružja na raspolaganju ceo srednjevekovni arsenal. Zvuči uzbudljivo? Znam!
Platforma: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Datum izlaska: 14. februar 2017.
10) Vampyr
Vampyr je akcioni RPG iz trećeg lica. Sudeći po trejleru ovaj naslov mnogo podseća na onu staru Vampire the Masquarade igru. Izgleda da je sistem pomalo sličan igri Dishonored, jer u zavisnosti od toga da li ste se odlučili da budete dobar ili loš vampir, zavisice i vaša priča u igri. Meni sasvim dovoljan razlog da uđem u ovu avanturu. I činjenica da se radnja odvija u Londonu.
Platforma: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Datum izlaska: U toku 2017.
9) Spider-man
Šta bi ova lista bila bez jednog super heroja. Okej, znam da se igre po junacima iz stripova nisu baš proslavile prethodnih nekoliko (mnogo) godina, ali ako je sudeći prema svemu prikazanom, mislim da ovog puta možemo zaista ocekivati nešto potpuno drugacije. Vizuelno, igra izgleda predivno. Prava je milina gledati Spajdija kako se veša sa krova na krov Njujorških nebodera. Ostaje nam samo da vidimo kakav će biti gameplay, ali ja se nadam najbolje. Look out… Here comes the Spiiiider-maaaaaan.
Platforma: PlayStation 4
Datum izlaska: U toku 2017.
8) Injustice 2
A gde je jedan super heroj tu slede još gomila drugih. Doduše iz drugog univerzuma. Iako nisam veliki ljubitelj tabačina (ili ti borilačkih igara) iz prostog razloga što sam glup za njih, sa Injustice kecom sam se odlično zabavio. Kao veliki ljubitelj DC heroja i negativaca nisam mogao da propustim priliku, a da sa Betmenom, Flashom, Wonder Woman (mmmmmmmmmm Wonder Woman…) i ostalom ekipom ne potamanim po nekog zloću. Ili da polomim Supermenu vilicu sa Jokerom (da, ne volim Supermena pa to ti je). Samo ću reći da Injustice 2 obećava sve ono sto je i kec imao. Samo na kvadrat bolje.
Platforma: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Datum izlaska: 16. maj. 2017.
7) Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil je franšiza koja je svoje putešestvije zapocela kao survival horor, ili u prevodu preživljavacki horor naslov. Vremenom se to menjalo pa je sve više postajao akcioni horor šuter, a samim tim i naslov je vremenom počeo da gubi na kvalitetu, naročito posle jako uspešnog četvrtog dela koji je i dan danas jako popularan. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard se vraća korenima i unosi dosta novina. Ovaj naslov se polako vraća korenima i vraća onaj survival osećaj koj se negde u medjuvremenu zagubio. Prvi put imamo priliku da Resident Evil zaigramo iz prvog lica, tako da ce to biti jedno veliko uzbuđenje za sve stare i nove igrace. Kada smo još u prvom delu daleke 1996. poskočili sa stolica kada nam je kroz prozor uletelo nekoliko zombi džukela, mogu da zamislim šta će sada biti. Još kada na to dodamo da RE7 preporucuje korišćenje VR uredjaja radi boljeg „užitka“… Uh… Pelene… Spremne! Toalet papir…Spreman! Idemo!
Platforma: PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Datum izlaska: 24. januar 2017.
6) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nova Nintendo Switch konzola samo što nije ugledala svetlost dana. A kako bolje promovisati novu konzolu nego izbaciti jednu uspešnu franšizu iz već pomenute kuhinje. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild je 19. (slovima devetnaesti) naslov sa nazivom The Legend of Zelda. Šta je novo? Za razliku od prethodnih naslova ovaj deo ce sadržati otvoren svet koji je spreman za istraživanje od samog početka igre. Svet će biti ogroman. Najavljeno je da će svet biti i do 12 puta veći od onog iz Twilight Princess. Kao velikom fanu Zelde (razmisljam ćerci da dam ime Zelda, ako je ikad budem imao) ovo dolazi u pravom trenutku i zaista ne postoji bolji naslov i način da se prezentuje nova Nintendova konzola. Ako cena bude bila dovoljno pristupačna za naše tržište (uzeći u obzir koliko carina i PDV dere) ovo će biti sigurna kupovina.
Platforma: Nintendo Switch, Wii U
Datum izlaska:  3. mart 2017.
5) Persona 5
Persona 5 je još jedan naslov koji je jako dugo proveo u razvoju. Prvobitno planiran za PS3 zatim odložen po milion puta sve dok na kraju nije prebačen za PS4, ove godine, tacnije aprila, nam stize ta odavno vec najavljena Persona 5. Da budem iskren, nisam odigrao nijedan Persona naslov, ali brat obožava ovaj serijal i gledajući njega kako je gutao sate i sate u ovoj igri, bio sam i sam uvučen u ceo taj svet kao pasivan igrač, da ne kazem posmatrač. Jedino što me je sprečilo jeste sama dužina igre. Igre su jako duge i nisu onaj tip igara koje mogu da se završe u roku od par dana. Srazmerno tome nikad nisam imao dovoljno vremena da ih započnem, jer sam znao da cu zanemariti sve ostalo oko sebe. Sada pošto sa vremenom stojim sasvim solidno (i pored posla), Persona 5 će mi biti prvi naslov iz ovog serijala. Volim RPG pa to ti je!
Platforma: PlayStation 4
Datum izlaska: 4. april 2017.
4) Horizon Zero Dawn
I idemo još jedan RPG. Doduše ovog puta akcioni RPG. Horizon Zero Dawn je jedan od onih naslova koji previše obećava i čiji trejleri i gameplay to sve jako verno prezentuje. Priča se odvija u post-apokaliptičnom svetu nastanjen robotima u svim mogućim oblicima i veličinama. Vaš zadatak je da glavnu junakinju, Aloy, povedete na putu od njenog utočista do otvorenog sveta gde ćete istražiti nove horizonte koje su nastanila ova mehanizovana bića. Kao pomoć za to će vam poslužiti raznovrsno oružje koje ste sakupili i sami napravili od raznoraznog đubreta koje roboti za sobom ostavljaju. Sve to izgleda i zvuči jako fascinantno i ovo je zapravo jedan od onih naslova za koji se očekuje da probije granice uobičajenog.
Platforma: PlayStation 4
Datum izlaska: 1. mart 2017.
3) God of War
Originalna trilogija God of War igara je završena i odavno smo se pitali šta će se dalje desiti sa ovim serijalom. E pa stiže novi God of War. Ne, ovde se ne radi o ributovanoj ili rimasterovanoj verziji prvog dela. Radi se o jednom sasvim svežem i novom nastavku God of War serijala. Priča se dalje nadovezuje na Kratosa i njegov život nakon sto je srusio antičku Grčku i nemilosrdno pobio sve Grčke bogove sa Olimpa. Zašto onda nije nazvan God of War 4? Verovatno zato ��to nam se u ovom delu predstavlja novi Kratos koji pokušava da se bori sa sobom i svojim unutrašnjim demonima koji u njemu izazivaju bes. Na neki način označava i novi Kratosov početak te je samim tim i razvojni tim smatrao da je jednostavno „God of War“ naslov sasvim prikladan za ovaj deo. Da napomenem još i da se mesto dešavanja odvija na samom severu tadašnje Evrope, i uvodi nas u svet nordijske mitologije. Ahhhhhh… Nordijska mitologija, prosto genijalno!
Platforma: PlayStation 4
Datum izlaska: U toku 2017.
2) Mass Effect: Andromeda
Kada se Mass Effect pojavio prvi put još pre desetak godina, napravio je pravi bum na igračkoj sceni. Gomila igrača se instant zaljubilo u svet (ili bolje rečeno svemir) Mass Effecta. Imao je sve što je potrebno. Prepoznatljivo grafičko okruženje, sjajnu muziku, sjajnog glavnog lika, odlični sporedni likovi, fenomenalnu priču i naraciju, pregršt akcije i pucnjave i ceo Mlečni put otvoren za istraživanje. Te stavke su bile ključ za uspeh, ne samo prvog dela, već celokupne trilogije. ME: Andromeda se vraća sa jednim jedinim zadatkom. Da sve to digne na jedan novi nivo u jednoj novoj, nama najbližoj i mnogo većoj galaksiji. Andromedi. Odatle i naslov. Mislim… realno.
Platforma: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Datum izlaska: 23. mart 2017.
1) Final Fantasy VII Remake
U stvari… Veliki je znak pitanja za ovaj naslov da li će se uopšte i pojaviti ove godine. Dosta ljudi tvrdi da ovaj naslov nećemo videti pre kraja 2018. godine. Ali zašto sumnjam u to? Postoji razlog. SquareEnix prosto voli da iznenadi. Isto tako nam je po principu „bup s neba pa pravo u rebra“ pre dve godine na E3 sajmu predstavio prvi trejler za ovaj remake. Od onda je većina ljudi na iglicama i zaista niko nema pojma šta se zapravo dešava sa ovim naslovom. Imajući u vidu par činjenica, a to su, da je Final Fantasy XV konačno ugledao svetlost dana, da se o Kingdom Heartsu 3 gotovo nimalo ne priča i da je ove godine, gle čuda, 20 godina od kako je izašao originalni Final Fantasy VII, imam jak osećaj da će to da se desi negde krajem ove godine i to baš u oči novogodišnjih praznika. Naravno, ništa od ovoga ne mora da bude tačno, ali više informacija nas očekuje na predstojećoj konferenciji za novinare u februaru, i nadam se najboljem, posto su iz SquareEnixa najavili iznenađenje.
Platforma: PlayStation 4
Datum izlaska: TBA (To Be Announced – Bice objavljeno)
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How you doin? You hadn't answered much in a while tbh and I am kinda worried about you mods. Stay safe, m'kay?
Hey Mod Voli here..im assuming this is for the MTMTE/Animated/Prime asks.
First off I really do want to give a shoutout to Mod Phantom. They are an amazing author and I appreciate them helping me out during this.
I, Moderator Voli [or scone back in the day] was the one who started this blog as a passion project. I love Transformers and its Fandom.
I come back every so often and write as much as I can but I am 20. Im juggling work, school, finances and I dont have the best mental health.
Not only that but Ive recently had some intense medical issues And the medical bills keep going higher and higher.
I really do want to keep writing here and I love each and every one of you, but I'm struggling to keep writing.
Im so sorry...
Im so sorry.
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Reblog this post with who you think could be voice actors for any of the MTMTE bots. 
I say that Overlord could be voiced by Tim Curry, hands down. 
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can I get a mtmte match up? Im nb pan and i like to crochet, make stories, and play video games. usually, especially when i crochet, i give what i make to people. Overall i'm pretty chill, and im the one telling people to calm down when they start to road rage. i like to make people proud and happy. personality wise, i am kind of quiet, standoffish and pretty weird to people who dont know me, and im loud and eccentric to my friends.
Swerve is an absolute sweetheart. He would make little jokes here and there and say “You and Rung should work together.” he would be intrigued on your personality when you are standoffish. And you bet you that he would question what Video games were and what you were doing with that ball of yarn. He might even ask to join you sometime. 
You two would make a perfect team. He is laid back and chill, but you bet your ass he would use his ‘First Blaster’ to protect you at all costs. Plus, hey, free drinks! (If you dont drink, then he has plenty of other options too) 
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Mod Voli here! Just saying that requests are open for the following
Friendly reminder that I will write for: MTMTE, Lost light, G1, Prime, and Armada
Mod Phantom (The new amazing mod) will write for Bayverse and Prime as well :) 
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So I am bored. And I want to play a game
Send me some ships (From TFP, TFA, MTMTE, G1, ARMADA) and I'll rate it from 1-10 and explain. what I like about it
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Me: I am so done with life right now.
Also me: That is so sad, Alexa play Stan Bush's "The Touch."
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Tumblr media
The Transformers Alt Modes should be called Carsonas because they chose their vehicles.
I rest my case your honor.
-Mod Voli/Scone
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I've been having a rough time lately and was wondering if you could do some headcannons about Whirl reacting/comforting his genderfluid, bot s/o who's been dealing with insomnia and anxiety
Hey Mod Voli here,
This is such a cute ask.
🚁 "Sleep? Why do you need sleep?"
🚁Whirl believed sleep is for the weak but after seeing his S/O looking tired he figured he would try and help
🚁 He would try and ask questions to see what this insomnia thing was but after Ratchet lecturing him he would later figure out what it was.
🚁He would let his S/O lie down on him and snuggle.
���He would pat them on the helm and rub their back for comfort
🚁He would watch over them for the night as they attempted to sleep.
🚁If S/O didn't sleep, they would find activities that could possibly make them more tired.
🚁Most of the time it didn't work.
🚁 "No Whirl high grade won't help" was a constant phrase used.
🚁He would always be around if S/O needed him during anxiety attacks and always glare at whoever [or whatever] started it with his single eye.
🚁He isn't the best at helping but he does try his best.
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How bout some Armada Red Alert fluff? Bet you don’t see much of this poor under appreciated fella! 😭
[10,000 years can be such a crink in the neck]
Im so sorry this is not the best! I have been so busy with stuff
Mod Voli/Scone
🔴 Red Alert may seen serious at most times but when he is around their S/O his heart melts
🔴Of course the Armada gang has never seen him this happy, he isn't the most humorous person but he would try to make his S/O laugh
🔴 The duo would stay at the base while others went on their missions. They would have the mission going on the screen and have something else on the side to entertain them both.
🔴 Tic tac toe or something simple like that
🔴Red Alert is the big spoon when it comes to cuddling. He would make sure to be gentle, afraid to hurt his S/O but does hold tightly
🔴If the duo is on a mission, Red Alert would stand by close to make sure none of the Cons got to them.
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TFA matchup plz. Personality/traits: female, sarcastic at times, quiet, independent, cold at times, tomboy, ambiverted, sailor-mouthed, fair, stubborn at times, patient at times. Likes: animals, digital drawing, Minecraft, memes, sweets, sleeping, math, science, track and field. Dislikes: others, feminine clothing, English, history, loud sounds, most sports, venomous spiders, summer, hot places, school.
Hey Mod Voli here. Just fair warning: been a bit since I've watched TFA but I think i found your match.
Autobot choice: Ratchet
You and Ratchet can agree on a few things: independence,stubborn and also patient at times. He would be very interested in your drawings and ask you the meaning behind some of them. You guys would definitely stay nice and cool inside the base while everyone out goes out into the heat. He would make sure not to be loud around you [sirens, yelling at Bumblebee etc] and would be protective as well.
Decepticon choice: Lugnut
Now this may be a weird one but stay with me here. Lugnut can be an absolute sweetheart. He would stay next to you and protect you. He would definetely keep you away from Starscream [who would tease you about your interests] and would tell you to ignore him. He would support you in every way he can and would even "borrow" some more masculine clothing from the mall
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Mod voli says
"Dont procrastinate on drafts to just make stickers."
"Make stickers and procrastinate on drafts"
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