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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord. 
You cannot feature the most popular thiam authors without talking about our most prolific powerhouse, @tabbytabbytabby. She’s written a jaw-dropping 478 works for Teen Wolf since November 2016, with 174 about our favourite couple - It could be more since the time this was written, we wouldn’t be surprised! In the fandom, she is well known for her wide range of stories, from heart-rending main-character-death angst, to long fics, Liam learning how to shift, and of course, her varied crossovers. No matter what kind of stories you prefer to read, we can promise that tabbytabbytabby has it all!
Truth or Consequence [ Teen // 86K // Complete ]
When Theo is 8 years old, life as he knows it changes. He loses his family in an accident, and winds up with his sister’s heart. He spends the next few years living with Liam and his family, and trying to figure out what his life is supposed to be like now. Along the way, he falls for Liam and the two start dating. Until one night, the Dread Doctors come for him. Theo’s memories are taken from him and replaced with false ones, leading him to believe he’s been with the Dread Doctors since the accident. When he comes back to Beacon Hills, he’s there with a purpose. To get power and pack. He’s ready to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. What he’s not counting on is Liam, and the strange pull he feels towards him.
This long fic honestly has it all. It’s sweet and romantic in parts and devastating in others. The way that the author has so painstakingly woven canon details into her fic is astounding, but the resolutions definitely leave you feeling happier than in the show. All of those thiam moments that you love and adore are made anew in this fic. If you haven’t read it yet, then what are you waiting for?!
The President’s Son [ Teen // 9K // Complete ]
All Liam Dunbar has ever wanted was a normal life. That all goes out the window when his mother is elected as the first female President of the United States. Now he has to be the model son, not wanting to do anything to give the press reason to talk. Then he meets Theo Raeken at a bookstore and everything changes.
An absolutely incredible adaptation of the Disney Channel Original Movie. The subtle nods back to the source materials and the fresh new scenes are absolutely amazing. You’ll laugh and fall in love with Theo and Liam just as they fall in love. And Liam’s mom in this? She’s a fantastic addition and you’ll just want to hug her. 
Will You Stay Awhile (Stay Forever)? [ General // 5K  // Complete ]
The five times Theo stays the night somewhere and makes breakfast, only to leave. And the one time someone makes him breakfast and asks him to stay.
This story is one that has a near and dear place in my heart. We are suckers for a good 5 + 1 story and this doesn’t fail to deliver. Your heart will ache for Theo each time he leaves and when the tables are turned, your heart will scream with joy. It’s such a lovely journey about finding a place to belong. 
This One Will Do Nicely [ General // 4K // Complete ] 
A look at how Liam's Mom Jenna finds out about him being a werewolf and everything that comes with it. Including one Theo Raeken, who she makes it her mission to learn more about. If that means a little meddling and doing what she can to make sure Liam and Theo are happy, well that's her business.
If you know tabbytabbytabby’s fics at all, then you know that it’s her we have to thank for Liam’s mother being called Jenna, and the amazing characterisation that she’s built for her. This fic, told through Jenna’s eyes, is about acceptance and love, and will make you smile from ear to ear as Jenna conspires to find out the truth about why Liam has been distant for the past year, as well as who this Theo is that sneaks into her son’s room every night. A must read!
Stuck On You [ Explicit // 3K // Complete ]
Theo and Liam get stuck together by a witches spell. The only way to fix it is to give in to what they most desire.
This fic is just breathlessly good. You get a glimpse of puppy pack dynamics, with Liam forced to take on the role of alpha when every avenue of help is being closed in their faces. He does what he thinks is best, but learns that there are consequences to every action. Some of those consequences just happen to include mutual hand jobs!
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years
I Know Not Everybody (Has a Body Like You) by gwendolyncooper!!
I Know Not Everybody (Has a Body Like You) by gwendolyncooper (gwenrhys | M | WIP | 26928)
Gwen Cooper doesn’t remember how she ended up here. In fact...Gwen Cooper can’t remember much at all.
When Gwen wakes up in a different body, she knows some sort of foul play is afoot. So when she looks in the mirror and recognizes none other than Captain John Hart, she has no doubt who’s at fault.
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord. 
Our featured author of the week is  @Ithinkwehaveanemergency, who has been on the Thiam scene since September 2017. She’s written an incredible 93 fics for the Teen Wolf fandom, 62 of them featuring our favourite chimera and beta. This author has created beautiful AU stories, several post-canon, and has a depth to her stories that reaches deep down and touches your very soul. Poetic in the way that she writes, she’s created wonderful stories that have angst, a little crack, fluff, pining, and smut. If we had more time we’d tell you about every story (especially her Pillars of Colonial Homes series which is an absolute MUST read) but for now we will share our top five!
The Boy is Mine [ Teen // 2K // Complete ]
Thanks to Lacrosse Boosters coming up with the ridiculous idea to have a Bachelor Auction to raise money, Liam is up for sale. There's only one person he wants to bid on him, but he's just too stubborn to ask.
Or, listening to old school Brandy and Monica leads to adorable cliche one-shots.
This fic is HILARIOUS! Full of I-told-you-so moments from Mason (and other pack members) and biddings for a date with our favorite co-captain? You’ll laugh, you’ll gush over Theo, and you’ll roll your eyes at Liam. It’s a quick little oneshot that is worthy of lots of love, so go give it to the author!
I'd like it if you made it to mine by Christmas Eve, so you can hold me. [ Teen // 7K // Complete ]
Several years after Theo leaves Beacon Hills without saying goodbye, Liam's car breaks down on the way home for the holidays and he ends up sleeping on Theo's couch.
It’s always a great story when you explore the future, especially after years of pining between characters and how the time has changed them. This story is about growth, loss, and finding your other half in the arms of another person. You’re going to love this!
Lonely Vagabond [ Teen // 7K // Complete ] 
“Holy shit, dude.” Theo laughed, slowing down to stop at a red light. “You're that guy! From that boyband! Liam… Dunbar! That's it!”
“What gave it away?” Liam snapped, rolling his eyes in the mirror. “The screaming girls? Or are you a diehard fan too?”
“Hey.” Theo scolded, refusing to let the handsome, but seemingly bratty celebrity get to him. “Don't get snappy with me, Liam Dunbar. I just dropped everything to help you.”
“You're literally an uber driver.” Liam rolled his eyes again, his head lolling along with it this time as well.
“An off-duty uber driver.” Theo corrected. “Speaking of which, give me that $100. I don't feel bad taking all of it now that I know you're rich.” 
The one where Liam is a lost musician in the streets of Berkeley, and Theo is the San Francisco uber driver who really needs to explain to Liam how uber works.
Angst. Drama. Quirky one-liners. A famous musician AU? What doesn’t this fic have for its readers? This story makes you laugh and cry and curse Theo and Liam for being such damn fools. But it ends on a hopeful note and you learn that love isn’t a straight line, it’s full of bumps along the way but that’s what makes it so worthwhile.
Just a Day, Just an Ordinary Day [ General // 4K // Complete ]
A typical day in the life of Jenna Geyer, where nothing really happens. Just bonding with the newest member of her household and watching her son be an accidental trainwreck.
So, y'know... the usual.
Stories told from Jenna’s perspective are always a fascinating way to watch Liam and Theo’s relationship developing. In this fic, Liam absent-mindedly kisses Theo for the first time, in front of his mother, before immediately leaving the house. You’ll be charmed by the way Liam and Theo both freak out, while Jenna gossips with the pack and analyses their every move. If you enjoy funny and fluffy stories, then this should definitely be placed on your to-read pile immediately!
Wherever You Go Today [ Not Rated // 3K // Complete ]
The five times that a McCall Pack member hugs Theo and tells him they love him, and the one time Theo does it to one of them.
 Or, the all but mandatory 5 + 1 fic that nobody asked me to write for the Thiam fandom.
Inspired by listening to my Fleet Foxes Vinyl. I'm sure you can guess which song.
We at OTL definitely love a 5 + 1 story, and we know that all of our lovely followers are the same. What’s lovely about this fic is that it shows the pack and their journey towards accepting Theo as one of their own and showing him the affection that we all know our touched starved Theo craves. As you follow Theo on his path to redemption, you’ll beam at the sweet way he comes to realise his feelings for the beta. A must read for all fans of this pairing.
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord. 
Our next author @auddieliz09 is an absolute sweetheart who burst onto the writing scene in July 2018 and has since written 21 Thiam fics for our reading pleasure. This author balances hot, steamy smut with tooth-rotting fluff, but either way, she’ll leave you completely satisfied! Though we can only tell you about five of her wonderful stories today, rest assured that they are all excellent and you should read them all. 
Little Wolves and Baby Ducks [ Teen // 64K // Complete ]
A collection of drabbles depicting the inner monologue of a Chimera of Death hopelessly devoted to a small angry werewolf. AKA all of the season 6 Thiam moments from Theo’s point of view.
EDIT: NOT DRABBLES! I REPEAT, NOT DRABBLES. Look, I might have underestimated how much I love Theo Raeken and his snarky attitude. So now it's all of the season 6 THEO moments, plus a bunch of plot hole filling. (You're welcome.)
You ever wonder what Theo was up to during season 6? Look no further! This fic does a phenomenal job of piecing canon together and staying true to it, while also adding depth and layers to the story. Like how did Theo’s truck riddled with bullet holes magically get fixed? Inside this fic are all the answers! Your heart will ache for Theo, you’ll be proud of him, and you’ll remember all the wonderful reasons that you fell in love with him as he falls head over heels for Liam Dunbar.
Caput Mortuum [ Teen // 16K // Complete ]
Liam had pretty much resigned himself to never leaving his home, but then HE moved in.
The one where Liam is a ghost (but not really) and Theo buys the house he haunts (but not really).
Don’t you just love fics where Liam gets cursed by a witch? This story is a huge favorite of ours! There are honestly no words for this fic, but we will do our best! Your heart aches for Liam as he tries to be seen and as life starts to pass him by. Enter Theo, who is determined to take care of the house and sees something in it that Liam respects. Cue friendship and relationship and lots and lots of feelings!!!
Check You For Ticks [ Mature // 10K // WIP ]
Theo Raeken, lead singer in a famous Alt rock band, tired of riding on the tour bus, and drags his best friend/lead guitarist on a short road trip to the next stop on their tour. Or, at least, that was the plan, before their rental car broke down in a small midwestern town. Enter Liam Dunbar, local jack of all trades and aspiring solo artist, who’s also a big fan of Theo’s band and Theo in particular. While waiting for his car to be fixed, Liam shows Theo that small town life isn’t as boring as he always thought it would be.
It’s funny. It’s sexy. It’s your favorite boys in a unique setting. City boy meets country boy but better. This fic has music, jokes, tattoos, classic songs, dogs, and good ole boys with hearts of gold and punk souls. We cannot recommend this fic enough! And if you show the author a little love on it, we can guarantee that she’ll be pushed to keep writing it! (But seriously, we demand the next chapter. Please? Pretty please?)
Sugar Rush [ Teen // 8K // Complete ]
"Welcome to Sugar Rush. What can I get for you?"
"I'd like a you to go, please."
Remember that tooth-rotting fluff we mentioned earlier? Well, it doesn’t get any sweeter than this! This fic will make you melt like cotton candy on your tongue as you watch Theo get drawn into Liam’s baby blues again and again. He can’t stay away from Liam or the candy store his mother owns, and we can’t stay away from this fic! It’s the kind of story that you’ll bookmark and come back to again and again when you need a pick me up. 
Dream Come True [ Explicit // 10K // Complete ]
Liam and Mason have a standing after-Christmas tradition: 5 days of unsupervised bro time at David's cabin. This year, Mason plans to bring Corey along. (“Corey is your bro, Liam. It counts.”) Liam invites Theo so he doesn't have to be a third wheel at his own vacation. When Mason and Corey end up with other plans, Liam gets to spend the week alone with Theo. Which might be a problem, considering his huge crush on the surly chimera. How is he going to survive 5 days alone with this guy?
This is absolute peak thiam. It has everything you possibly want or need in a thiam fic. Mutual pining? Check. Snarky banter and stupid dares? Check. Mild jealousy? Check. Not very subtly checking each other out? Check. From start to finish, you’ll be grinning from ear to ear. A must read.
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord. 
Sorry for taking a week off, preparations for the Big Bang obviously took a lot of time and effort, but we’re back into it this week with sunshine personified, @manonisamelon Since early 2018, manonlemelon has written 25 Teen Wolf fics about the many and varied ways Theo and Liam fall in love. She balances funny, fluffy stories with heart-wrenching angst, expertly weaving heartfelt emotion into every word. She’s hands down the best commenter in the fandom, and we’ll fight anyone who says otherwise!
Exhibit(ionism) [ Explicit // 7K // Complete ]
Theo and Liam have a date at the zoo. Shennanigans happens.
This fic is just pure silly fun, with just a dash of smut thrown in. There’s horrified old ladies, adorkabears, and dark nooks aplenty in this fic, and you’ll be shaking your head and grinning from start to finish at Liam’s shenanigans. What cames across most though is how seriously gone on each other these two boys are. A beautiful and hilarious fic!
Let's Go Crazy [ General // 5K // Complete]
Theo loves figure skating, he has a favorite skater and the olympics are here. It's an emotional time full of joy and stress over the performance. Luckily he has a boyfriend ready to support him.
The author’s love of figure skating definitely comes across in this story. The way she describes every elegant move on the ice will draw you in as you experience the same wonder through Theo’s eyes. The way that Liam supports his partner’s interest is absolutely adorable and is sure to melt more than a few hearts. We strongly recommend this fic if you’re obsessed with figure skating as well, or if you just love pure, sweet, fluffy goodness.
Be Careful What You Wish For [ Mature // 55K // WIP ]
Back before he was sent to the ground all Theo ever wished for was power, to be an alpha, to have a pack. Now he knows better, knows that power isn’t as easy as it seems. All he wants now is to try and stay alive, try to be good enough to one day be part of the pack and protect the beta with anger issue. During a fight with an alpha gone feral Theo is given power he doesn’t want anymore. Now he has to learn to live with what he had wished for so long ago.
We all wondered what it would be like if Theo has actually taken the power of an alpha in season 5. Now we can finally have the answers, but with the redeemed Theo instead! Take a stroll through this story about coming to terms with the things you want while trying to hold onto your former life and falling in love at the same time. You’ll laugh a little, definitely cry a little, and call Thiam idiots about a million times. 
Underneath the Mistletoe  [ Teen // 7K // Complete ]
Mason and Corey have enough of seeing their friends hopelessly pine after each other and decide to do something about it. Luckily it’s the holiday season and what better way to get two people to admit their feelings than a mistletoe kiss? Or the fives times Mason and Corey tried to make Theo and Liam kiss under the mistletoe and the one time they succeed.
The greatest thing about this fic is that it’s told from Morey’s point of view! It’s so cool to see such a fresh idea and to have a healthy heap of our favorite canon gays! We love seeing Theo and Liam from an outsider’s perspective, especially those of their closest friends, and ultimately this fic has you feeling like you’re part of the story and in one Morey’s schemes. We love it!
Kiss The Bartender [ Teen // 3K // Complete ]
Theo has a job as a bartender in a shot bar where some shots are linked to dares. Liam makes him sneak him Corey and Mason in. Dares happens and maybe one could finally lead to Liam and Theo admitting their feelings.
Truth or dare fic? Yes please!! This is so great and just fun because the dates range all over the place and you get a few great chuckles from it. It’s a fantastic way for Liam and Theo to connect and FINALLY get their first kiss. It’s a good time all around and we ship it hard!
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord.
This week’s author cherrysprite (known on tumblr as @grenadinepeach) burst onto the Thiam scene in March 2019 and to be honest, we’re obsessed! She’s written 75 Teen Wolf stories, with 70 of those being Thiam. And is known for her humorous and heart-wrenching explorations of what it means to be a young supernatural in Beacon Hills. We adore the way she characterises both of our boys and their feelings not only for each other, but also towards the members of the puppy pack.
Find below five of officialthiamlibrary’s favourite thiam fics that cherrysprite has written:
The Journal of Theo Raeken [ Teen / 14K / Complete ]
He takes the book in his hands and throws it at Liam’s chest so hard that if he were a human, it would bruise. 'Read it then!' He shouts as Liam looks at the journal that’s fallen into his lap. 'I think my thoughts about you were pretty fucking clear on every page your name is on, but read it. June 13th, since you somehow don’t know.'"
Theo goes to therapy, and his therapist suggests that he keeps a journal for six months. All is going well, even if it's a little annoying to write down his every day life - until he makes the mistake of leaving it somewhere for Liam to find.
Set after the end of Season 6, this story follows Theo, who is still homeless and doesn’t feel like he belongs in the pack. When Nolan finds his journal and reads it to the rest of the puppy pack, it sets off a chain of events as Liam tries to help Theo. I smiled, I laughed, I cried. This is so emotional, especially the ending, but cherry perfectly captures the characterisation of each member of the pack and seamlessly pulls her audience into her world.
The Deal We Made [ Teen / 13K / Complete ]
Theo and Liam made a deal when they were in the fifth grade when they were on the swingset in recess: "If we're both not married by the time we're thirty, we'll marry each other." After they drifted apart, Theo had forgotten all about their pact, but when he meets up with Liam at their high school's ten-year reunion, he's in for a big surprise.
Are you a fan of people reconnecting after growing apart? A fan of falling in love? Are you a fan of having your soul feel like it’s flooded with love and sorrow and beauty all at once? Of course you are. This fic does a phenomenal job of bringing back warm memories of childhood friends, demonstrating growth and maturity, and showing you that just because you think your time has passed doesn’t make it so.
Written Out [ Teen / 4.5K / Complete ]
Deep down, Liam got a feeling that it was a bad idea to write down what he was thinking, but does Liam follow that feeling? Of course not.
We all remember sitting in school, more than a little bored, doodling in the margins. Whether it was lyrics, our thoughts, little drawings or just random scribbles, it’s a familiar experience. In Liam’s case in this story, he likes to write down his thoughts and feelings about one certain boy. This story is cute and heartwarming as we watch two boys who see themselves as completely out of the other’s league try and dance around each other though exchanged notes. This fic will feel like a nice warm hug from a loved one!
Still Into You [ Mature / 3.9K / Complete ]
As well as Theo knows Liam, he somehow hadn't figured out that their band's hit song was about him until he was basically punched in the face with it.
Do you love fics where Theo is an idiot and feelings hit him in the face full force? If so, this is perfect for you! Our favourite puppy pack members are part of a rock band and Theo gets hit with a stunning realization about one of the songs and what it means for his relationship with Liam. It’s adorable to see his bandmates give long-suffering sighs while he figures it out.
Teachers' Salary [ Mature / 59K / Complete ]
Liam loves his job as a history teacher. Shaping young minds and sharing his passions with students is one of the best parts of his chaotic, unorganized life, but there's always a student in every class who doesn't feel the same. This semester, that student happens to be Jack Raeken, who's always kicking over the trash bin and refusing to do his work. Liam's seen it before.
What Liam hasn't seen before is someone like Theo, a divorced, arrogant, multi-million dollar company owner - and Jack's father.
Liam's pay is too low for this.
I don’t know how else to describe this fic other than spicy. At first, Liam and Theo are in conflict over what’s best for Theo’s son Jack, and then slowly they find a way to mutual respect (and maybe something more!) If AU’s are your thing, then this fic will check all of your boxes. You’ll find yourself relating to all of the characters in the story in one way or another, and you’ll enjoy all of the funny moments along the way.
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord.
This week’s author is @lovelylittlegrim who first published fics for Teen Wolf in December 2017. She has written 60 stories and featured our favourite couple in 53 of them. Known for her angst and adult content, lovelylittlegrim expertly weaves worlds together and delivers words that take your breath away. That’s not to say she can’t deliver equally soft fluff that makes everyone grin from ear to ear while reading. She’s a jack of all trades and her love for Thiam shines as bright as their love for each other and she conveys it beautifully. 
Find below five of officialthiamlibrary’s favourite thiam fics that lovelylittlegrim has written:
Vacancy Signs [ Explicit / 89K / WIP]
Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
It’s hard.
Is any fandom complete without a zombie au? We at OTL certainly don’t think so! In this fic, the stakes are high as Theo and Liam travel across the country in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Don’t be turned off by the fact that this fic is on hiatus. What is already there is excellent, and maybe a little extra love might help lovelylittlegrim in finishing it.
Like the Sunrise [ Teen / 16K / Complete ]
“Are you Liam Dunbar?”
“Yeah,” Liam says cautiously because the last time something like this happened he got punched in the face. “Can I help you...?”
“Theo,” The guy says looking supremely unimpressed as he rocks back onto his heels, a single brow raised. “I’m here about the ad you posted on Craigslist.”
“Ad,” Liam repeats dumbly, his mind working in overtime. What ad?
If you had only one day left to live, how would you spend it? For Theo and Liam, it’s getting to know a stranger and ticking things off their bucket lists. You’ll be charmed the whole way through, desperately hoping for them to get their happy ending. You’ll have to read to find out!
A stain on my skin, a weight on my soul [ Mature / 15K / WIP ] 
Soulmates are rare, but Liam proves to be one of the lucky few who has one. He just wishes it wasn’t someone he hates with every fiber of his being.
Everyone loves a soulmate AU, and we at OTL are no different. In lovelylittlegrim’s most recent Thiam fic, she explores what it’s like to find out your soulmate is your mortal enemy and not your girlfriend. A new and different exploration of the events of 6a, and one not to be missed!
Tethered [ Explicit / 5k / Complete ]
All Liam wants is to be tied up. He’s in the middle of trying it out on himself when he’s caught.
One of the hottest fics we’ve ever read. Looking for something that’s smutty with a hint of plot? This is perfect for you. There’s always bad puns, a needy Liam, and Theo being there for his little wolf. What else could you ask for?
Nightlight [ General / 3.9k / Complete ]
Liam worries about Theo's sleeping habits, or lack thereof and tries to find a solution.
So. Damn. Soft. Theo gets the care that he deserves and Liam is the perfect caretaker. He understands how to help Theo with his trauma and honestly, it’s beautiful. It’s all about noticing the needs of the person you love without having to ask for help and getting it anyways. Fantastic fic that we hope you enjoy as much as we did. 
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Hello! Do you guys have any recommendations on making friends in the community?
Great question! I can think of a few options:
1) Like and reblog posts created by any of our content creators. They’re all wonderful people, and honestly if you message any of them, I know they would all jump at the chance to interact with new people. Some of my best friends I’ve made from this community have been through one of us initiating a conversation on tumblr.
2) Join our discord! We’re definitely not the only community discord out there by any means, but all people are welcome to join, young and old. We have a special section of the discord that is just for younger people, and we run quite a few events solely through there.
3) Speaking of, another way is participating in events! Interacting with other people through the events we run can start up conversations in a natural way, whether your are paired with someone and put in a group, or just through the sharing of ideas. 
4) Commenting on fics on ao3. Nothing feels better to an author than hearing from someone who has really enjoyed something you wrote. You already know you like their work, so it’s highly likely you’d be good friends as well! Reach out to them!
5) You follow our tumblr! You’re already our friend!
I hope this was helpful, to you and to others as well. The mod team that run this page will always do their best to meet the needs of the fandom. Please do let us know if anyone has any suggestions on how else we can foster friendships and collaboration in this wonderful community.
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord.
Our author of the week is maraudersourwolf who has been writing on a03 since November 2017. A talented artist as well as author, they really can do it all! They have written 64 teen wolf fics, with 38 focused on our favourite boys. Mauraudersourwolf is known for their fluffy and hilarious fics, with occasional forays into angst, and is a definite favourite here at OTL. If you haven’t already obsessively read every single one of their fics, then you’re in for a real treat!
Find below five of officialthiamlibrary’s favourite thiam fics that mauraudersourwolf has written:
astripta [ Teen // 3.5K // Complete ]
Liam saw black and white since he had memory.
Theo sees things, feels things, taste things the way they’re not supposed to be.
This story was written as part of the thiam week in 2018 but it’s been stuck in our mind ever since. It’s about embracing differences, and it really tugs at the heartstrings. If you love canon divergence stories with enemies to loves, this will definitely be your jam.
chimera’s day care [ Not Rated // 10K // Complete ]
Puppy pack.
From the bunch of things that could turn around and bite him in the ass, that’s quite literally the one he less expected.
Puppies everywhere!! The puppy pack has been de-aged by a vengeful witch, and shenanigans ensue when Theo is left in charge of the kids. It’s hilarious, sweet and moving, and it’ll leave you feeling like you’ve been hugged for at least 12 hours.
and they were rommates [ Explicit // 5K // Complete ]
Every time Liam brings someone to bed with him, is the same fucking story.
He swears to fucking god.
Again, like so many of their fics, this one is so funny. Mostly because so much of Liam’s horny angst is completely unnecessary. It takes him a ridiculously long time to realise why Theo is deliberately sabotaging his dates, but when he does, god, it’s amazing. The characterisation in this fic is perfect, with Theo oozing sarcasm and charm, and Liam more than a little hopeless. But like always, the two of them just work. We’re still getting shivers from this one.
three time’s the charm [ Mature // 7K // Complete ]
It all started with an afternoon at the museum.
He should have known that breaking his routine would be tempting his luck.
Oh, Liam. It’s adorable how often he shoves his foot in his mouth. And the drooling over Theo and gentle ribbing from best friend Mason? This story is the perfect balance of fluff and humor and you can’t help but smile as you read about these two idiots. Mostly Liam, but we all know Theo has his moments. 
capable of being loved [ Not Rated // 1K // Complete ]
There’s a notepad on his hands and it weights more than all his fears and memories together, more than anything he could ever have experienced and at the same time it weights nothing more than what a couple of paper sheets and a cover would.
This is the closest thing to Theo’s soul that Liam have ever seen.
Ever wonder what’s going on inside of Theo’s mind? Of course you do, we’ve all contemplated it. This fic has it all. Introspection. Angst. A peer into someone else’s soul. Liam seeing parts of a broken chimera that he’s only just beginning to scratch the surface of and recognizing there is so much more to this man than he ever knew. It’s an emotional roller coaster, but an important journey to take.
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord.
This week’s author @glittercake is a Thiam veteran, with her first fic published in December 2017. Since then, she has written a total of 62 Teen Wolf stories, 56 of which featuring our boys. Glittercake can do it all; angst, crack, fluff, smut, long or short, and boy does she do it well! The way that she builds worlds is always wonderful to behold, and will never fail to leave you wanting more. Speaking of, there are a few fics we wouldn’t mind a sequel to...
Find below five of officialthiamlibrary’s favourite thiam fics that glittercake has written:
Tougher Than The Rest [ Explicit / 44K / Complete ]
Theo is horribly self-conscious about his body, but a pair of blue eyes see him for what he truly is.
"Why don't you care? When you look the way you do… why don't you care that I'm not perfect?”
“Because we ask for someone to care about, maybe fall in love with. Not for the package they come in.”
There’s nothing we at OTL love more than fics that explore differences and embrace them. In this fic, Theo’s low self-esteem is the result of being overweight, and he struggles to imagine why anyone would like him, despite being the kindest, sweetest person in the world. As he and Liam get to know each other better, Liam and their friends help him come out of his shell and embrace everything there is to love about himself. It’s a lovely, heartfelt fic that you’ll find yourself re-reading many times for the feel-good fluff.
The Slate [ Mature / 11K / Complete ]
Theo meets the devil when the pack sends him to hell. She offers him a second chance to make things right, but her price is pretty high. Theo pays it anyway.
Blind Theo & Werewolf Liam
A slightly AU fic where Theo is offered another chance to prove he doesn’t belong in hell. The catch is that he leaves behind everything; his powers, his memories, and his sight. In a world where Theo is human, his sister and parents are still alive, and he doesn’t know the pack, Theo is like a whole other person. But of course, not even the devil can keep him and Liam apart for long. This fic is super interesting and every moment between Liam and Theo will make you melt into a puddle! 
#ScareMeDaddy [ Mature / 3K / Complete ]
A rumoured 'Killer Clown' is on the loose in Beacon Hills and Liam's thirst far outweighs his need to survive.
Liam thirsting after Theo in this HILARIOUS fic is just gold. Pure, pure gold. What else can I say? Mason deems his best friend is an idiot for tweeting a murderous clown and Liam just wants to get laid. The tweets are fantastic, the storyline itself is hilarious, and Liam is our favorite dumb idiot. If you want to have a good laugh while also reading a little mature fun, this fic is for you!
Tombmates [ Explicit / 5K / Complete]
inspired by:
vampire dude to his vampire friend: wow.. looks like there’s only one coffin….. what’ll we do?
other vampire dude who reads a lot of fanfiction: we could……….. share it
and they were tombmates…
Vampiric duo Liam and Theo are iconic. This fic is filled with smut, shade thrown at Jeff Davis, small nods to canon, and vampires who love fanfiction. I know, right, who knew? It’s golden and the references to other Thiam fanfics are just perfect. 
Swimming in Love [ Explicit / 6K / WIP ]
Liam is a mermaid that finds certain parts of Theo's anatomy fascinating.
Crack in it’s purest form, here we explore the idea of mermaid Liam and human Theo and their beautiful, impossible relationship. Liam is sweet, curious and just a touch naive, and Theo is completely smitten with him. The way they explore each other’s bodies is sensual and devastatingly hot, and you’ll be enamoured with how quickly they both fall hard for each other. This one might be a work in progress, but it is well worth a read and comment so that we can all beg for more of this wonderful story!
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Hi guys, welcome to our new weekly segment: Feature Friday. Once a week, we’ll be hyping up one of your favourite authors and recommending five of their fics, some old and some new, so that you can re-read all of your old favourite stories, or maybe even discover a new favourite! If you have someone you’d love to see in this segment, send us an ask here on Tumblr, or message one of our helpful mods on discord.
This week, our author is none other than parttimehuman. From the 116 Teen Wolf stories she’s published, 61 include our Thiam boys. She’s known for her powerful works that have you looking deep inside yourself, connecting with the characters and her worlds in incredible ways. Whether it be angst or fluff you’re looking for, there’s also a smattering of hope and a journey to redemption that you can find as you dive into her works. She’s a true master of her craft and the Thiam fandom would not be the same without her. 
Right Here [ Teen // 9K // Complete ]
Someone's been covering Beacon Hills in pride art for all of pride month. Theo is the son of the sheriff who's looking for the vandal, and he has a secret. He's the only person in Beacon Hills who knows the artist.
This fic will definitely tug on your heartstrings with its powerful messages scattered throughout, weaving an intricate tale that will settle deep in your soul. If you’ve ever felt a little lost or unsure of your place in the world, this fic is for you. It reminds us all that we have a part to play and that we matter, regardless of who we are and how we identify. We belong. We matter. We exist. And the world is a better place because we are in it. 
Behind His Smile [ Explicit // 34K // Complete ]
In this High School AU, the beginning of the relationship with everybody’s darling Liam couldn’t come anymore out of the blue to introvert Theo. He’s been in love with the boy’s incredible smile forever, but when things go great and move fast between the two of them, he can’t help but think it’s all a little too good to be true. Although he’s half expecting for everything to turn out to be just a really amazing dream, he’s still deeply shocked when he hears that Liam set the treehouse he’s been building in his backyard on fire, almost burning the Geyers’ house down as well. Liam shuts himself off completely, nothing makes sense to Theo until he learns about Liam’s diagnosis with bipolar disorder. ‘Behind His Smile’ is the title of a comic book Theo creates for Liam, telling the story of a man who was robbed of his magical smile, a hero who has to fight evil and himself to get it back.
Oh. My. GOD. This fic is powerful and a beautiful description of what it’s like to battle with mental health issues and how it can impact the lives of the people closest to you. She holds no punches here, diving into the ugly reality of mental health and bringing these characters to life. We laughed. We cried. We hoped. We got so much more than we bargained for and we could not be happier with this masterpiece. She provides justice to mental health with this narrative and it will truly take your breath away. It’s raw and honest and painful at times, but it’s beautiful through and through. 
Highway to Hope [ Mature // 41K // Complete ]
Theo has been obsessed with this youtube guy who posts videos of himself singing in his car. Watching every video there is of Liam, Theo finds himself falling in love. When Liam's songs get more and more sad and dark, Theo starts worrying. The shadows beneath Liam's eyes get darker in every new clip, his voice huskier, his driving a little too fast, a little too reckless. Paying close attention, reading between the lines, Theo can tell Liam is not okay. And then the catastrophe happens.
This is one of the most heartbreaking and emotional fics we at OTL have ever read. It’s about friendship and mental illness and recovery, and your heart will be in your throat for nearly every word. Not for the faint of heart, but we promise that this story is definitely worth it!
Truth or Chimera [ Explicit // 18K // Complete ] 
The pack playing truth or dare and it escalates quickly for Liam.
For a date that was based on a dare, boy does Liam go out of his way to make it a nice one. He’s so awkward and begrudgingly sweet that you can’t help but grin through his fumbled attempts. If enemies to lovers is your jam then this is definitely for you. Angsty and sweet and deliciously smutty, you’ll be hooked from the moment Liam asks Theo on a date right through to the steamy end. 
Compared to the Moon [ Explicit // 143K // Complete ] 
Theo Raeken is back in Beacon Hills. He is an outcast in a world where people show their true colors as actual colors beneath their skin, because Theo himself is a blank page. Joining the lacrosse team, he hopes for one last shot at finding a real place to belong. But things don´t start off too great, especially not between him and the team captain, Liam Dunbar.
From the beginning to the end, this story will hook you in and keep you immediately spamming the next chapter button, and scowling every time the “you have already left kudos here” alert pops up. This story is completely immersive, highly emotional, and will bring you to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. It’s the sort of fic that changes you by having read it, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years
sing me like a choir by princessoftheworlds (jackianto | WIP | 31075 | E )
Here, one moment changes, and that makes all the difference. (But it also makes no difference at all.)
Lisa Hallett dies at the Battle of Canary Wharf. Ianto Jones, Yvonne Hartman’s PA, is left the highest-ranking Torchwood operative standing. He picks up the broken pieces of his life and works with UNIT for a few years.
Jack Harkness never meets the Doctor. He never becomes a fixed point of time and space. He isn’t there to take over Torchwood Three when Alex Hopkins shoots his team and then himself.
So when Ianto Jones moves back home to Cardiff, nothing stops him from re-establishing the Torchwood Institute where in one lifetime, Torchwood Three should have stood.
Javic Thane and Ianto Jones were never meant to meet, but that won't stop them from falling for each other. A love story where even time and space couldn't keep two men apart.
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Hi! There was a fic where Theo ends up helping the pack find a bunker from the dread doctors and then he and Lydia try to develop an antidote to some kind of thing that Monroe and the hunters are using on werewolves and Theo ends up dying but they’re able to revive him with something from the bunker....I have been looking everywhere but I can’t find it :/ Thank you!
I am reasonably positive it is ‘we were tailor-made for being tailor-made by eneiryu, found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19466332/
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
skin deep by princessoftheworlds (jackianto | E | 2703 | Complete)
So the thing about Jack is that he is, ultimately, a hedonist; he wants the higher pleasures and luxuries of life. When given an excuse to be selfish, Jack will become completely self-indulgent, and Ianto Jones, being completely smitten with Jack Harkness, will indulge him.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years
like hope, love abides by princessoftheworlds (jackianto | complete | 3333 | Gen)
"Actually," Jack says, eyes sparkling, and she hopes that an innuendo or invitation for a threesome won't follow, "I was wondering if you would want to marry us."
Excitement explodes across the Doctor's mind like bubbles from the champagne that Gwen disappeared to fetch. "Of course!" She claps her hands together. "I'm ordained on twenty-seven different planets and in six different galaxies. When-"
"Now," Jack says hurriedly.
"Hold on," interjects Ianto. "Who's getting married to who? You haven't even bloody asked me yet."
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years
fool me once, fool me twice: this entire series!!! the best writing, the best ideas, emotions that hit you in the gut and make you wanna laugh and cry!! so good!
fool me once, fool me twice by princessoftheworlds (jackianto | complete | 52265 | E)
When, after the events at the House of the Dead, the Rift spits Ianto out on an alien planet a thousand years later, so begins a goose chase that will take him across the universe and across time until he finds Jack again.
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