#model is aaron bernards <3
birthofvcnus · 2 years
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Week 1 | Week 2-3 | Week 4-5 | Week 6-7 | Week 8-9 | Week 10-11 | Week 12-13 | Week 14-15 | Week 16-17 | Week 18-19
Week 20 (p. 651-808)
"Hal himself hasn't had a bona fide intensity-of-interior-life-type emotion since he was tiny; he finds terms like joie and value to be like so many variables in rarified equations, and he can manipulate them well enough to satisfy everyone but himself that he's in there, inside his own hull, as a human being -- but in fact he's far more robotic than John Wayne" (p. 694).
I'm pretty much over this week-to-week business. Now that the end is in sight (roughly 300 pages), I'm abandoning the schedule and reading as much as I can. Scheduling reading has only ever worked for me as far as it goes. I prefer to immerse myself, however much a novel like IJ seems to discourage that. The book is always structurally interesting, but it starts to get more complicated now as various characters and plots begin to almost slide into one another. There's a cool series of scenes where Matty Pemulis observes Poor Tony, Kate Gompert, and Ruth van Cleve pass by, with Lenz running around the fringes, where pretty soon all the paths intersect at some point, with or without the characters (or the reader) noticing. There's a lot in here about J.O.I.'s films, which seem increasingly unnecessary (but so much of the book is, and is meant to be). The section on the Incandenza family from Joelle's perspective provides some of the clearest insight we have of them, and they are indeed one of the saddest families in literature. We also get Joelle's history from Molly Notkin, both interestingly told from outside perspectives, as if main characters can't be trusted to see their own families clearly.
Week 21 (p. 809-981)
I forgot how totally frustrating it is to near the end of this book and realize the plot isn't going to wrap up in any sort of satisfying way. Wallace commented in an interview (I forget which) that he didn't need to talk about what happens at the end of the book because we know what happens. Buddy, YOU know what happens. The rest of us are here flailing about trying to fit a thousand pieces together, as I suppose we're meant to. We know that the A.F.R. is planning to infiltrate Enfield by the end of the novel, that Poutrincourt is one of their spies ("...which is the slip that indicates that Poutrincourt's figured out that Steeply is neither a civilian soft-profiler nor even a female ... and would require an almost professionally hypervigilant and suspicious person to notice the significance of" p. 1052)., and that John Wayne has some vague connection besides simply being Canadian. We know that, given Orin's capture at the end, they will probably have a Master copy of the Entertainment very soon. What we don't know is how that all goes down, what the fallout is for O.N.A.N., or how Hal gets to be in the state he is in the first chapter (DMZ? AFR? I still can't decide).
"...but it couldn't ordinarily affect anybody or anything solid, and it could never speak right to anybody, a wraith had no out-loud voice of its own, and had to use somebody's like internal brain-voice if it wanted to try to communicate with something, which was why thoughts and insights that were coming from some wraith always just sound like your own thoughts, from inside your own head, if a wraith's trying to interface with you" (p. 831).
This seems like the most compelling motive for J.O.I. to want to dose Hal with DMZ, if in fact he did. Wraiths can only talk to someone who has slowed way down and is no longer experiencing time the way humans normally do--which sounds exactly like what happens when someone ingests DMZ. By the end of the novel (the beginning chapter), we know that Hal can no longer communicate with the outside world, but that there's nothing wrong with his brain voice ("I am in here" p. 3). Will Hal and Jim finally get to have a conversation?
It's clearer than ever that something has happened to Hal though. I don't know if there's any support for the DMZ toothbrush theory--I was actively looking for it and didn't find any, other than the DMZ obviously being missing when Pemulis goes to get it and Hal and other E.T.A. kids vigilantly guarding their toothbrushes. If it's true, it's a leap, but making a leap may be the only way to make sense of that particular conundrum. Whatever has happened is getting worse, as people continually interpret Hal's facial expressions as either very sad or very amused, when we know he's neither. Most tellingly, the narrative switches to first person point of view, Hal telling his own story for the first time (chronologically, if not structurally).
"He dreams he's with a very sad kid and they're in a graveyard digging some dead guy's head up and it's really important, like Continental-Emergency important ... and the sad kid is trying to scream at Gately that the important thing was buried in the guy's head and to divert the Continental Emergency to start digging the guy's head up before it's too late, but the kid moves his mouth and nothing comes out ... while the sad kid holds something terrible up by the hair and makes the face of somebody shouting in panic: Too Late" (p. 934).
It seems like Gately eventually recovers, since we know he goes with Hal to help dig up J.O.I.'s head (verified in chapter one when Hal recalls it). It's possible the Wraith told him about the Entertainment, and this seems especially plausible when Gately somehow knows the plot of the Entertainment while he's still lying in the hospital. It's also possible that Joelle told him about it; through her conversation with Steeply (p. 940), we know that she knew the Masters were buried with Himself--which, ironically, is now buried in the Great Concavity. I'm still not clear about how John Wayne got involved, but there's this super oblique comment in an endnote about Bernard Wayne, a potential A.F.R. member who had not jumped when the train arrived and later drowned (p. 1060), which could potentially be John's father or grandfather.
I had forgotten that the 'Swiss' hand model was actually Luria P----. There are two obvious nods to other novels near the end here, with Fackelmann's A Clockwork Orange style end, and Orin's business with the cockroaches echoing the rats in 1984, specifically his nonsensical shouting "'Do it to her!'" (p. 972). Her who? Luria? Avril? All Subjects in general? I'm a little curious as to why Wallace bothered to make the references. He was doing well on the graphic horror all on his own, no need for outside references.
I'm amused by how many of my questions in my Q and A section are still unanswered. I thought if I paid closer attention on a second read that I would pick up more of the plot things I'd missed on my first, but I don't think that was the problem. I think it's that those answers simply aren't to be found in the actual text. Of course, they can point us toward various conclusions, and the novel certainly encourages us to speculate and make connections, but I don't think the actual answers are there. I have some more thoughts on this, and I'll likely have a review up this week or next.
Questions & Working Theories
[tw: drug mention, infidelity, incest, statutory rape]
Q: What happened to Hal? (Obvi) - Hal purposely ate the DMZ. He even says in this section, “I cannot make myself understood, now. Call it something I ate” (p. 10). I never bought this explanation, though, because later in the book it seems like Hal is making an effort to come off drugs. - The mold Hal ate as a child had long-term effects, and something (coming off drugs?) may have triggered his current condition. Also supported by, “Call it something I ate” (p. 10). - Aaron Swartz has a very convincing theory that Hal accidentally ate the DMZ when The Wraith placed it on his toothbrush. (Again, supported by above.) Hal is an excellent communicator but lacks feelings, and J.O.I. was attempting to create something that would draw his son out of himself. - Hal was injured when the A.F.R. attacked Enfield Tennis Academy. There’s a weird line in this chapter: “I once saw the word KNIFE finger-written on the steamed mirror of a nonpublic bathroom” (p. 16). This is likely also the work of The Wraith, indicating some kind of violence, perhaps the A.F.R. attack on Enfield. - "A surreal memory of a steamed lavatory mirror with a knife sticking out of the pane" (p. 951). A: Still unclear, but I'm leaning more toward DMZ than A.F.R. on this read. We can see Hal's symptoms growing worse from the Eschaton game onward, and in the last chapters, people think he's either laughing or grimacing when he's not feeling either of those things. Still super interested in the mirror/knife asides though. Is this part of the A.F.R. attack?
Q: Why was Hal hospitalized “almost exactly one year back” (p. 16)? - The side effects of the DMZ were first starting to appear. - Hal was injured in the A.F.R. attack. - It’s clear, also, that this was when Hal met Gately. Although they never have an on-page scene together, Hal refers to the two of them attempting to dig up J.O.I.’s head to find the Entertainment, alongside a masked John Wayne. A: Unclear. See above.
Q: How did Gately, Hal, and John find out about the Entertainment in order to dig it up? How did they discover where it was hidden? - Himself actually mentions that the cartridge has been implanted in his head when he’s talking to Hal as a posed conversationalist. However, this is all the way back in the Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad, when Hal is only ten-going-on-eleven. Hard to imagine that Hal remembered what was basically a throw-away comment, let alone understood its meaning. - The Wraith may have told Gately about it while he was lying in the hospital, the same way Gately somehow knows the plot of the Entertainment while he's there. - Joelle may have told them about it, since from her conversation with Steeply, we know that she knows that all the Masters were buried with Jim, which is now buried in the Great Concavity. A: Unclear, but several plausible scenarios.
Q: Who is mailing out the Entertainment? - Swartz suggests that it’s Orin Incandenza, who later under threat of torture releases it to the A.F.R. This seems well-supported by the text, since the initial cartridge is mailed from Arizona, and it’s conveniently sent to a medical attaché with whom Avril probably had an affair (per J.O.I.’s conversation with Hal). - Some support for this theory during one of Hal and Orin's phone conversations: "'What are you doing going to the post office? You hate snail-mail. And you quit mailing the Moms the pseudo-form-replies two years ago, Mario says'" (p. 244). Why is Orin at the post office, if not to mail more copies of the Entertainment? - However, as Marie pointed out, we don't know for sure that Orin was in Arizona in April YDAU. He's there in October, but there's a flashback of him in New Orleans in July that doesn't mention the year. If it was YDAU, Orin couldn't have postmarked the Cartridge from Arizona in April. - Orin also asks Hal directly about the days leading up to Himself's death, and he seems suspiciously interested in whatever film he was working on. "'Did he have film-related things with him when he flew somewhere? A film case? Equipment?'" (p. 250). However, if he already knew about the Entertainment back in April, why ask Hal about it in November? - This conversation is continued in a lengthy endnote where Orin asks about the definition of samizdat ("the generic meaning now is any sort of politically underground or beyond-the-pale press or the stuff published thereby" (p. 1011) and comments, "'So you'd have no idea why The Mad Stork's name would come up in connection with somebody saying samizdat?'" (p. 1011). Again, it's suspicious that he's even asking, but also, if he already knows about the Entertainment, why bother to ask? Is he trying to find out, or just trying to find out what Hal knows about it? Why? - "...place the likely dissemination-point someplace along the U.S. north border, with routing hubs in metro Boston/New Bedford and/or somewhere in the desert Southwest" (p. 549). Obviously, the Southwest could be Orin, but who's distributing it in Boston? Orin before he moved? I'd guess the Antitoi brothers, but their copy turned out to be blank (or seemed to be, if it was played on the wrong model). Orin has motive to want the medical attache dead for the affair with his mother, but why the film scholar, the avant-garde film festival, and the members of the Academy of D.A.S.? Were these Himself's rivals, or people Avril also had affairs with? - "Swiss cuckolds, furtive near-Eastern medical attachés, zaftig print-journalists: he felt ready for anything" (p. 597). - "There was reason to think M. DuPlessis had received his original copies from this relative, an athlete. Marathe felt U.S.B.S.S. felt this person may have borne responsibility for the razzles and dazzles of Berkeley and Boston, U.S.A." (p. 723). Did Orin give a copy to DuPlessis, or did he send it to him to kill him? A: It seems pretty clear on a re-read that it is Orin sending out the Entertainment, either from Boston before he left it or from Arizona where he currently lives, or both. I'm still not clear how he knew about it in the first place though, in order to dig it up. Between Orin's capture/torture at the end and the Antitoi brothers' having copies of DuPlessis's stolen cartridges, it seems certain that the A.F.R. will soon locate a Master copy. (The Antitoi's turns out to be Read-Only p. 725.)
Q: How did Orin find out about the Entertainment? - Joelle might have told him, though this was after her disfigurement and their breakup, so I'm not sure why she would. A: Unclear.
Q: When did Orin transfer from New Orleans to Arizona? - In June YW-QMD, Orin was still with the New Orleans Saints, per the mail between him and Avril (p. 1006-7). - In October YDAU, he's in Arizona. Q: Unclear.
Q: What happened to John Wayne that he can’t win this year’s WhataBurger competition? A: SUPER UNCLEAR. Thanks for nothing. We know he survived the A.F.R. attack (if Steeply didn’t stop the attack) because he’s in the off-page graveyard scene with Hal and Gately. Was he an A.F.R. target after that for going against them?
Q: What “sordid liaison” (p. 30) with the M. DuPlessis, who dies in a later chapter, did the Incandenza family have? - Still not clear, but it sounds like J.O.I. either purposely or under duress gave a Master copy (or copyable copy) of the Entertainment to DuPlessis, or had it stolen from him before or after his death, and it was then stolen by accident when Gately robbed and killed DuPlessis. ("Whether or not the A.F.R. ever even recover this alleged Master copy from the DuPlessis burglary..." (p. 489).) A: Best guess is that Avril had an affair with DuPlessis, Orin/Jim discovered the affair (possibly with a name written on the fogged up glass of Avril's car), and Orin sent him a copy to kill him, which he didn't watch (because he died? Not clear on the timeline). The copy was then stolen by Gately and ended up with the Antitoi brothers.
Q: Is Marathe a double-agent, or is he just pretending to be a double agent? - Marathe has betrayed the A.F.R. and is aiding Steeply and the Americans in finding the Entertainment in order to get medical care for his wife. - Marathe is only pretending to betray the A.F.R. in order to get more information from Steeply. A: Marathe is a double-agent, and is actually betraying the A.F.R. "The A.F.R. believed Marathe functioned as a triple agent, pretending to betray his nation for his wife, memorizing every detail of the meetings with B.S.S. ... M. Fortier did not know Marathe had reached the internal choice that he loved his skull-deprived and heart-defective wife Gertraud Marathe more than he loved the Separatist and anti-O.N.A.N. cause of the nation of Québec..." (p. 529).
Q: Where did the tripod set up in the middle of nowhere on the ETA grounds come from? - The U.S.S. Millicent Kent set up the tripod as an excuse to get Mario alone. - This is the possibly the first instance of the Wraith's work. He's responsible for most of the odd occurrences at ETA, and "Mario said his late dad had used a somewhat less snazzy IV-model Husky back in his early days of making art-films..." (p. 122).) A: The Wraith put it there. "But it's true. The Husky VI tripod of Mario's near-fatal encounter with the U.S.S. Millicent Kent was only the beginning" (p. 632). After this, the instances of objects being in odd places around E.T.A. increases dramatically.
Q: Who is the narrator in some of these sections about ETA? - It's a distinct voice from the sections that have conversations, but it also sounds a little like someone talking to us. ("I want to be like that. Able to just sit all quiet and pull life toward me..." (p. 128). Is this a character? A: Unclear. The only clear first person POV character we have in the novel is Hal. In some ways, the narrator's voice does sound a lot like Hal's, but if this is the case, he also discusses himself in third person a lot (which... Hal is pretty removed from himself, so that's not entirely impossible). I'm not confident enough to say that Hal is the mystery narrator throughout the book though.
Q: Are the effects of DMZ the effects we see in Hal in the first chapter? A: Very likely. Whatever starts in the Eschaton game grows worse toward the end of the novel, as people continually interpret Hal's facial expressions as either very sad or very amused, when we know he's neither. Most tellingly, the narrative switches to first person point of view, Hal telling his own story for the first time (chronologically, if not structurally).
Q: Why do Hal's symptoms in the Eschaton game seem more like DMZ side effects than marijuana side effects? Was there DMZ mixed with it? Was it purposely mixed in, or was it the work of the Wraith? - This is the first time we see Hal with similar symptoms as the ones he has in the first chapter, which seems to suggest that--whether or not the DMZ and marijuana are related, whether it was intentional or not--Hal did take the DMZ on Interdependence Day YDAU. - Pemulis goes looking for the DMZ later on, which seems to suggest it wasn't intentional, at least not on his end. Hal also doesn't consciously acknowledge that he's going to take it in this chapter either. - Mario reflecting on his brother: "He can't tell if Hal is sad. He is having a harder and harder time reading Hal's state of mind or whether he's in good spirits. This worries him. He used to be able to sort of preverbally know in his stomach generally where Hal was and what he was doing, even if Hal was far away and playing or if Mario was away, and now he can't anymore" (p. 590). Why the change? DMZ-related? - "But the crisis of faith that cost Stice the match had concerned a different Hal, Hal can tell. It's now a whole new Hal, a Hal who does not get high, or hide, a Hal who in 29 days is going to hand his own personal urine over to authority figures with a wide smile and exemplary posture and not a secretive thought in his head" (p. 635). If Hal took the DMZ on purpose, does he know it will be out of his system in a month? What else could have created a "whole new Hal"? It seems like a leap to think that quitting marijuana is the sole cause of all the changes. A: Very likely that Hal took DMZ, maybe more than once, starting at the Eschaton game.
Q: Who is Mario's father, Jim or Charles? - This is more of a detail question than anything because I'm not sure I care about the answer. It certainly doesn't seem to matter to Mario. He obviously bonded a lot with Jim over film in a way that seems almost worshipful at times, and I'm always in the camp of family is who you choose, not necessarily who you're related to. Also, Charles seems repelled by Mario, whereas Jim apparently loved him and spent time with him, so fuck Charles. A: Unclear.
Q: Is Charles Avril's half-brother or step-brother? - Again, this is a detail question, although one is significantly grosser than the other if they're having an affair, which it sounds like they are/were. ("...the thing it's not entirely impossible he may have fathered asleep up next to the sound system..." (p. 451).) That’s... not really a question if they weren’t sleeping together. Fuck you twice, Charles. - "Charles Tavis is probably not related to the Moms by actual blood" (p. 900). A: According to Hal, he's most likely her step-brother, though it doesn't seem like anyone ever cared enough to verify this.
Q: Was Pemulis selling DMZ to the Antitoi brothers, or buying it from them? - "Bertraund had been starry-eyed enough to agree to barter the person an antique blue lava-lamp and a lavender-tinged apothecary's mirror for eighteen unexceptional-looking and old lozenges the long-haired old person had claimed in a jumble of West-Swiss-accented French were 650 mg. of a trop-formidable harmful pharmaceutical no longer available and guaranteed to make one's most hair-raising psychedelic experience look like a day on the massage-tables of a Basel hot-springs resort..." (p. 482) A: Unclear, but I'm guessing buying, since Pemulis ends up with it and, as far as we know, the Antitoi brothers don't.
Q: What's the significance of Lucien Antitoi's spirit immediately after his death? Does this have an impact on the Wraith's activities? - "...and is free, catapulted home over fans and the Convexity's glass palisades at desperate speeds, soaring north, sounding a bell-clear and nearly maternal alarmed call-to-arms in all the world's well-known tongues" (p. 489). A: It seems like the Wraith's activities amplify after Lucien's death. If he knows that Hal is in danger from the A.F.R., he might be trying to rally Gately to help.
Q: If Pemulis has Avril's affair with John Wayne to hold over her, why is he still expelled at the end of the novel? A: WOOPS. Peemster accidentally dosed John with 'drines, as well as his very public tennis opponent. Can't help feeling Pemulis unfairly got the worst of it, while Avril got in zero trouble for having an affair with a teenage student. Also, hilariously, Hal already knew about the affair and didn't care about it.
Q: What's up with John Wayne and Hal? - "...John ('N.R.') Wayne opened up the ajar door a little more and put his whole head in and stayed like that, with just his head in. He didn't say anything and Hal didn't say anything, and they stayed like that for a while, and then Wayne's head smoothly withdrew" (p. 560). - "I could somehow tell for sure that John Wayne's head was inside the open door. I could feel it clearly, almost painfully. He was looking down at me lying there on the Lindisfarne carpet. There was none of the gathering tension of a person deciding whether or not to speak. I could feel my throat's equipment move when I swallowed. John Wayne and I never had much to say to one another. There wasn't even hostility between us" (p. 956). A: No idea. There’s the possibility that John is a spy for the A.F.R. the same as Poutrincourt, but I’d thought they had to infiltrate the tennis academy because they didn’t have another spy already in place. Thanks to the weird endnote, we know he has some connection, but I’m not totally sure what it is.
Q: Do Pemulis's descriptions of the effects of annulation have anything to do with how DMZ affects people, or the effect the mold Hal ate as a child had on him? It seems oddly similar to how Hal is experiencing time in the first chapter. Is this how J.O.I. stumbled onto it? - "'Accelerated phenomena, which is actually equivalent to an incredible slowing down of time", "relativity of time in extreme organic environments" (p. 573). A: Could be one of a million metaphors in this book.
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imperium-romanum · 6 years
Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy
The University of Auckland, New Zealand 
3 to 5 February 2020
This conference will explore models for the transmission of objects, ideas, production techniques, artistic styles, and other technologies in pre-Roman Italy, from the early Iron Age through the fourth century BCE. Through the presentation of innovative and dynamic approaches to trade, exchange, and connectivity, this event will emphasize both the agency of individuals in that exchange as well as the complex network of communication visible in the archaeology and history of Italy during this period.
We therefore invite proposals for papers (30min, followed by 10min for questions and discussion) on various aspects of connectivity, trade, communication, and technology in Italy from c. 900 to c. 300 BCE.
Possible topics include (but are not limited to)…
Networks of exchange and communication
The spread and/or diffusion of technology and/or artistic style
Control and administration of trade, technology, and communication
Connections and relationships between craft sites and communities, industries and workshops, artisans and elites
Women, families, and production
Movement of artisans and traders, and the role of general mobility in trade and technology
Local markets and international networks
Proposals should include a title and an abstract of not more than 250 words. We welcome proposals from scholars working on these issues at all stages of their careers, including graduate students and early career scholars.
Proposals should be sent to [email protected] by 1 June 2019.
Confirmed speakers include:
Hilary Becker (Binghamton)
Seth Bernard (Toronto)
John Hopkins (NYU)
Cristiano Iaia (Newcastle/La Sapienza)
Charlotte Potts (Oxford)
Marleen Termeer (Amsterdam)
Nicola Terrenato (Michigan)
Gijs Tol (Melbourne)
There will be a small registration fee to help cover catering and other costs. If you would like to attend, but not offer a paper, please also note your interest via the conference email address ([email protected]) by 1 June 2019 and you will be sent registration information once that is available.
The conference organizers would also like to highlight that the week before this event, the University of Otago in Dunedin, NZ, will be hosting the Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) Conference (27-31 January 2020). Any participants interested in attending this event, particularly if coming from the northern hemisphere, may also wish to attend the other. For more information on the ASCS conference, please contact Dr. Dan Osland ([email protected]).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the conference organizers: Jeremy Armstrong ([email protected]), Sheira Cohen ([email protected]), and Aaron Rhodes-Schroder ([email protected])
Submission deadline 1 June 2019
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simptasia · 6 years
Lost coffee shop au?
i find coffee shop aus to be boring but i’ll try. thinking… thinking…
Oceanic Organic Cuppas (claire came up with the name, the menu has an all natural hippie vibe to it). gee a lot of people work here. this place is barely scraping by and it doesn’t have a consistent aesthetic but they’re doing their best. jack is the manager, 3 days without an emotional breakdown is his new record. everybody loves him anyway. as you can imagine, many of ‘em alternate being baristas. kate and claire man the till  and drink dispensers more often, using teamwork. if you show up when boone and shannon are doing their shift, ur order is gonna be wrong. sometimes on purpose. sun runs a garden on the roof to grow things that go into the cookies and cakes. hurley cooks/bakes these treats. sayid does the technical stuff. jin just wanted to be there to be with his wife, so he’s a waiter. sawyer doesn’t fucking do anything but read and make remarks (”dude, you work here too”). what does locke do here? nobody knows but he knows some shit. he really adds to the mystic vibe around here. charlie put ur fucking guitar away and wash the mugs. (”the customers like it!” “then you can play when we actually have customers. and for the love of god, put some socks on”) michael drew most the art on the walls and he’ll happily sell any you want- all right, have a good day. also walt is with him because he couldn’t afford a sitter. vincent is a secret in the basement, jack would lose his shit if he knew there was a dog in this place. claire gave birth to aaron in the bathroom. rose is also here, as i said they all take turns being baristas. her husband bernard brought along some new hires, ana lucia, eko and libby but they didn’t last long. jack you have too many employees this is a terrible business model
next door is the Kahuna Kafe,the coffee is great but most the staff are assholes. gault is the manager but he barely talks to anyone so naomi is pretty much in charge. miles just wants the paycheck. charlotte has a short-fuse but wants to keep her job so she doesn’t lash out at the customers. instead she rants at full steam later to miles n dan in the breakroom. its how she gets thru the day. that and dan’s presence makes her feel better. dan is only here because his mom insisted he get a job (because music isn’t a “real” job) so he’s trying this out. frank is frank, but in a coffee shop. keamy is an asshole who’s only here because it’s the only legal work he could get. he’s not allowed near customers anymore. the people at oceanic didn’t trust these new guys next door for a while but eventually grew fond of at least dan, miles, char and frank. and now they’re all amicle neighbours. besides they’re not the Real Enemy,
oceanic’s rivals across the street are Otherton™ Coffee (whom bought out The Dharma Chill Lounge years ago), one of many ventures started by mysterious and shady businessman only known as Jacob. and yes, the tm always goes after Otherton™ because they’re the starbucks of this world. looks pretty but it feels fake and over done, like it’s trying hard to be wholesome but it’s just superficial. It’s So Fucking Yellow. also the coffee/food is bland and terrible. everybody, staff and customers, feels at least slight uncomfortable but the business keeps going. nobody says anything. ben is the manager and everybody fucking hates him except for his vice manager Richard who kinda pities him. tom and ethan are “nice” but shady. this place is a front, i just know it. alex and karl are just here to get job experience on their resume, trying to ignore how weird it is. juliet’s fake smile and barista voice is something to be feared. she hates this job so much and wishes her boss would stop fucking hitting on her. next chance she gets she’s gonna quit and try that nice coffee shop across the street who seem to hire literally anyone no matter how fucked up and sad
desmond isn’t a part of any one faction in lost, so to fit that he keeps changing jobs until he settles with our oceanic guys. penny doesn’t work at any of these places, just a customer. goes to oceanic sometimes to support her husband, goes to kahuna sometimes to support her little brother. charles suggests she go to otherton™ but she refuses
i think i’m out of coffee shop headcanons but that was a lot anyways. rest assured that as befitting this genre, this would also contain lots of romance, pining, slow-burn and a romeo & juliet situation. of course, coffee shop aus don’t normally have 4 billion characters but whatever
so help me, i could translate the entire plot of lost into a coffee shop au if i wanted to. but i don’t. i hope what i’ve written here is suitably entertaining
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Zine Bibliography
Adoption Center. P. (n.d.). Adoption laws. Retrieved April 17, 2021, from http://www.adopt.org/adoption-laws  
Bernard, K., Butzin-Dozier, Z., Rittenhouse, J., & Dozier, M. (2010). Cortisol production patterns in young children living with birth parents vs children placed in foster care following involvement of child protective services. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 164(5). doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2010.54
Biehal, N. (2012). A sense of belonging: Meanings of family and home in long-term foster care. British Journal of Social Work, 44(4), 955-971. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcs177
Center for Parent Information and Resources. (2021) What Is the CPIR? Center for Parent  Information and Resources. https://www.parentcenterhub.org/whatiscpir/  
Dansey, D., John, M., & Shbero, D. (2018). How children in foster care engage with loyalty conflict: Presenting a model of processes informing loyalty. Adoption & Fostering, 42(4), 354-368. doi:10.1177/0308575918798767
Enwefa, R. L., Enwefa, S. C., & Jennings, R. (2006). Special Education: Examining the impact of poverty on the quality of life of families of children with disabilities. The Forum on Public Policy, 2006(1), 1-27. http://www.forumonpublicpolicy.com    
Farrell, A. F. & Krahn, G. L. (2014). Family Life Goes On: Disability in Contemporary Families. Family Relations, 63(1), 1-6.
Fawley-King, K., Trask, E. V., Zhang, J., & Aarons, G. A. (2017). The impact of changing neighborhoods, switching schools, and experiencing relationship disruption on children’s adjustment to a new placement in foster care. Child Abuse & Neglect, 63, 141-150. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.016
Fossum, S., Vis, S. A., & Holtan, A. (2018). Do frequency of visits with birth parents impact children’s mental health and parental stress in stable foster care settings. Cogent Psychology, 5(1), 1429350. doi:10.1080/23311908.2018.1429350
Glasmeier, A. K. (2021). Living wage calculator. Retrieved April 21, 2021, from https://livingwage.mit.edu/states/05
Haider, A. (2020). The Basic Facts About Children in Poverty. Poverty to Prosperity Program at the Center for American Progress. 
Kluth, P., Biklen, D., English-Sand, P., & Smukler, D. (2007). Going Away to School: Stories of Families Who Move to Seek Inclusive Educational Experiences for Their Children With Disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 18(1), 43-56.
Maaskant, A. M., Van Rooij, F. B., Bos, H. M., & Hermanns, J. M. (2015). The wellbeing of foster children and their relationship with foster parents and biological parents: A child’s perspective. Journal of Social Work Practice, 30(4), 379-395. doi:10.1080/02650533.2015.1092952
Mueller, T. G. & Buckley, P. C. (2014), Fathers' Experiences With the Special Education System: The Overlooked Voice. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 39(2), 119-135. DOI: 10.1177/1540796914544548
Stein, C. (2014) 7 kids, 1 Apartment: What poverty means to this teen (1202092942 897117210 K. Pitkin, Ed.). Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2014/11/18/364062673/new-york-city-teen-balances-school-and-life-in-poverty 
Sweeney, K. (2013). Race-Conscious Adoption Choices, Multiraciality, and Color-blind Racial Ideology. Family Relations, 62(1), 42-57. Retrieved February 16, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org.hendrix.idm.oclc.org/stable/23326025
The Arc. (2020). About Us. The Arc. https://thearc.org/about-us/  
Trembanis, S. (2017). “A Darker Hue”: Race and Adoption in Richmond, Virginia, 1959.  
Women, Gender, and Families of Color, 5(1), 3-26.    
US adoption statistics: Adoption Network: Adoption Network. (2021, March 10). Retrieved April 17, 2021, from https://adoptionnetwork.com/adoption-myths-facts/domestic-us-statistics.
U.S. census bureau QUICKFACTS: United States. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2021, from https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045219
Welcome to benefits.gov. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2021, from https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/1108
0 notes
newsintodays-blog · 6 years
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/08/19/musks-spacex-could-help-fund-take-private-deal-for-tesla-nyt-2/
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
(Reuters) – Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, could help fund a bid to take electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) private, the New York Times reported on Thursday, quoting people familiar with the matter.
Musk startled Wall Street last week when he said in a tweet he was considering taking the auto company private for $420 per share and that funding was “secured.” He has since said he is searching for funds for the effort.
Musk said on Monday that the manager of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund had voiced support for the company going private several times, including as recently as two weeks ago, but also said that talks continue with the fund and other investors.
The New York Times report said another possibility under consideration is that SpaceX would help bankroll the Tesla privatization and would take an ownership stake in the carmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk is the CEO and controlling shareholder of the rocket company.
Tesla and SpaceX did not respond when Reuters requested comment on the matter.
In a wide-ranging and emotional interview with the New York Times published late on Thursday, Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, described the difficulties over the last year for him as the company has tried to overcome manufacturing issues with the Model 3 sedan. nyti.ms/2vOkgeM
“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he said. “It was excruciating.”
The loss-making company has been trying to hit production targets, but the tweet by Musk opened up a slew of new problems including government scrutiny and lawsuits.
FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, speaks at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
The New York Times report said efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Musk, people briefed on the search said.
Musk has no plans to relinquish his dual role as chairman and chief executive officer, he said in the interview.
Musk said he wrote the tweet regarding taking Tesla private as he drove himself on the way to the airport in his Tesla Model S. He told the New York Times that no one reviewed the tweet before he posted it.
He said that he wanted to offer a roughly 20 percent premium over where the stock had been recently trading, which would have been about $419. He decided to round up to $420 – a number that has become code for marijuana in counterculture lore, the report said.
“It seemed like better karma at $420 than at $419,” he said in the interview. “But I was not on weed, to be clear. Weed is not helpful for productivity. There’s a reason for the word ‘stoned.’ You just sit there like a stone on weed,” he said.
Some board members recently told Musk to lay off Twitter and rather focus on operations at his companies, according to people familiar with the matter, the newspaper report said.
During the interview, Musk emotionally described the intensity of running his businesses. He told the newspaper that he works 120 hours a week, sometimes at the expense of not celebrating his own birthday or spending only a few hours at his brother’s wedding.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said during the interview. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
To help sleep, Musk sometimes takes Ambien, which concerns some board members, since he has a tendency to conduct late-night Twitter sessions, according to a person familiar with the board the New York Times reported.
“It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier, Bernard Orr
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Source link
0 notes
smartwebhostingblog · 6 years
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
New Post has been published on http://croopdiseno.com/musks-spacex-could-help-fund-take-private-deal-for-tesla-nyt/
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
(Reuters) – Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, could help fund a bid to take electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) private, the New York Times reported on Thursday, quoting people familiar with the matter.
FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, speaks at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
Musk startled Wall Street last week when he said in a tweet he was considering taking the auto company private for $420 per share and that funding was “secured.” He has since said he is searching for funds for the effort.
Musk said on Monday that the manager of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund had voiced support for the company going private several times, including as recently as two weeks ago, but also said that talks continue with the fund and other investors.
The New York Times report said another possibility under consideration is that SpaceX would help bankroll the Tesla privatization and would take an ownership stake in the carmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk is the CEO and controlling shareholder of the rocket company.
Tesla and SpaceX did not respond when Reuters requested comment on the matter.
In a wide-ranging and emotional interview with the New York Times published late on Thursday, Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, described the difficulties over the last year for him as the company has tried to overcome manufacturing issues with the Model 3 sedan. nyti.ms/2vOkgeM
“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he said. “It was excruciating.”
The loss-making company has been trying to hit production targets, but the tweet by Musk opened up a slew of new problems including government scrutiny and lawsuits.
The New York Times report said efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Musk, people briefed on the search said.
Musk has no plans to relinquish his dual role as chairman and chief executive officer, he said in the interview.
Musk said he wrote the tweet regarding taking Tesla private as he drove himself on the way to the airport in his Tesla Model S. He told the New York Times that no one reviewed the tweet before he posted it.
He said that he wanted to offer a roughly 20 percent premium over where the stock had been recently trading, which would have been about $419. He decided to round up to $420 – a number that has become code for marijuana in counterculture lore, the report said.
“It seemed like better karma at $420 than at $419,” he said in the interview. “But I was not on weed, to be clear. Weed is not helpful for productivity. There’s a reason for the word ‘stoned.’ You just sit there like a stone on weed,” he said.
Some board members recently told Musk to lay off Twitter and rather focus on operations at his companies, according to people familiar with the matter, the newspaper report said.
During the interview, Musk emotionally described the intensity of running his businesses. He told the newspaper that he works 120 hours a week, sometimes at the expense of not celebrating his own birthday or spending only a few hours at his brother’s wedding.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said during the interview. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
To help sleep, Musk sometimes takes Ambien, which concerns some board members, since he has a tendency to conduct late-night Twitter sessions, according to a person familiar with the board the New York Times reported.
“It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier, Bernard Orr
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
0 notes
lazilysillyprince · 6 years
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
New Post has been published on http://croopdiseno.com/musks-spacex-could-help-fund-take-private-deal-for-tesla-nyt/
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
(Reuters) – Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, could help fund a bid to take electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) private, the New York Times reported on Thursday, quoting people familiar with the matter.
FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, speaks at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
Musk startled Wall Street last week when he said in a tweet he was considering taking the auto company private for $420 per share and that funding was “secured.” He has since said he is searching for funds for the effort.
Musk said on Monday that the manager of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund had voiced support for the company going private several times, including as recently as two weeks ago, but also said that talks continue with the fund and other investors.
The New York Times report said another possibility under consideration is that SpaceX would help bankroll the Tesla privatization and would take an ownership stake in the carmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk is the CEO and controlling shareholder of the rocket company.
Tesla and SpaceX did not respond when Reuters requested comment on the matter.
In a wide-ranging and emotional interview with the New York Times published late on Thursday, Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, described the difficulties over the last year for him as the company has tried to overcome manufacturing issues with the Model 3 sedan. nyti.ms/2vOkgeM
“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he said. “It was excruciating.”
The loss-making company has been trying to hit production targets, but the tweet by Musk opened up a slew of new problems including government scrutiny and lawsuits.
The New York Times report said efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Musk, people briefed on the search said.
Musk has no plans to relinquish his dual role as chairman and chief executive officer, he said in the interview.
Musk said he wrote the tweet regarding taking Tesla private as he drove himself on the way to the airport in his Tesla Model S. He told the New York Times that no one reviewed the tweet before he posted it.
He said that he wanted to offer a roughly 20 percent premium over where the stock had been recently trading, which would have been about $419. He decided to round up to $420 – a number that has become code for marijuana in counterculture lore, the report said.
“It seemed like better karma at $420 than at $419,” he said in the interview. “But I was not on weed, to be clear. Weed is not helpful for productivity. There’s a reason for the word ‘stoned.’ You just sit there like a stone on weed,” he said.
Some board members recently told Musk to lay off Twitter and rather focus on operations at his companies, according to people familiar with the matter, the newspaper report said.
During the interview, Musk emotionally described the intensity of running his businesses. He told the newspaper that he works 120 hours a week, sometimes at the expense of not celebrating his own birthday or spending only a few hours at his brother’s wedding.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said during the interview. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
To help sleep, Musk sometimes takes Ambien, which concerns some board members, since he has a tendency to conduct late-night Twitter sessions, according to a person familiar with the board the New York Times reported.
“It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier, Bernard Orr
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
0 notes
hostingnewsfeed · 6 years
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
New Post has been published on http://croopdiseno.com/musks-spacex-could-help-fund-take-private-deal-for-tesla-nyt/
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
(Reuters) – Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, could help fund a bid to take electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) private, the New York Times reported on Thursday, quoting people familiar with the matter.
FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, speaks at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
Musk startled Wall Street last week when he said in a tweet he was considering taking the auto company private for $420 per share and that funding was “secured.” He has since said he is searching for funds for the effort.
Musk said on Monday that the manager of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund had voiced support for the company going private several times, including as recently as two weeks ago, but also said that talks continue with the fund and other investors.
The New York Times report said another possibility under consideration is that SpaceX would help bankroll the Tesla privatization and would take an ownership stake in the carmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk is the CEO and controlling shareholder of the rocket company.
Tesla and SpaceX did not respond when Reuters requested comment on the matter.
In a wide-ranging and emotional interview with the New York Times published late on Thursday, Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, described the difficulties over the last year for him as the company has tried to overcome manufacturing issues with the Model 3 sedan. nyti.ms/2vOkgeM
“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he said. “It was excruciating.”
The loss-making company has been trying to hit production targets, but the tweet by Musk opened up a slew of new problems including government scrutiny and lawsuits.
The New York Times report said efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Musk, people briefed on the search said.
Musk has no plans to relinquish his dual role as chairman and chief executive officer, he said in the interview.
Musk said he wrote the tweet regarding taking Tesla private as he drove himself on the way to the airport in his Tesla Model S. He told the New York Times that no one reviewed the tweet before he posted it.
He said that he wanted to offer a roughly 20 percent premium over where the stock had been recently trading, which would have been about $419. He decided to round up to $420 – a number that has become code for marijuana in counterculture lore, the report said.
“It seemed like better karma at $420 than at $419,” he said in the interview. “But I was not on weed, to be clear. Weed is not helpful for productivity. There’s a reason for the word ‘stoned.’ You just sit there like a stone on weed,” he said.
Some board members recently told Musk to lay off Twitter and rather focus on operations at his companies, according to people familiar with the matter, the newspaper report said.
During the interview, Musk emotionally described the intensity of running his businesses. He told the newspaper that he works 120 hours a week, sometimes at the expense of not celebrating his own birthday or spending only a few hours at his brother’s wedding.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said during the interview. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
To help sleep, Musk sometimes takes Ambien, which concerns some board members, since he has a tendency to conduct late-night Twitter sessions, according to a person familiar with the board the New York Times reported.
“It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier, Bernard Orr
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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birthofvcnus · 2 years
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
Musk’s SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
(Reuters) – Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, could help fund a bid to take electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) private, the New York Times reported on Thursday, quoting people familiar with the matter.
FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, speaks at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
Musk startled Wall Street last week when he said in a tweet he was considering taking the auto company private for $420 per share and that funding was “secured.” He has since said he is searching for funds for the effort.
Musk said on Monday that the manager of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund had voiced support for the company going private several times, including as recently as two weeks ago, but also said that talks continue with the fund and other investors.
The New York Times report said another possibility under consideration is that SpaceX would help bankroll the Tesla privatization and would take an ownership stake in the carmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk is the CEO and controlling shareholder of the rocket company.
Tesla and SpaceX did not respond when Reuters requested comment on the matter.
In a wide-ranging and emotional interview with the New York Times published late on Thursday, Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, described the difficulties over the last year for him as the company has tried to overcome manufacturing issues with the Model 3 sedan. nyti.ms/2vOkgeM
“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he said. “It was excruciating.”
The loss-making company has been trying to hit production targets, but the tweet by Musk opened up a slew of new problems including government scrutiny and lawsuits.
The New York Times report said efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Musk, people briefed on the search said.
Musk has no plans to relinquish his dual role as chairman and chief executive officer, he said in the interview.
Musk said he wrote the tweet regarding taking Tesla private as he drove himself on the way to the airport in his Tesla Model S. He told the New York Times that no one reviewed the tweet before he posted it.
He said that he wanted to offer a roughly 20 percent premium over where the stock had been recently trading, which would have been about $419. He decided to round up to $420 – a number that has become code for marijuana in counterculture lore, the report said.
“It seemed like better karma at $420 than at $419,” he said in the interview. “But I was not on weed, to be clear. Weed is not helpful for productivity. There’s a reason for the word ‘stoned.’ You just sit there like a stone on weed,” he said.
Some board members recently told Musk to lay off Twitter and rather focus on operations at his companies, according to people familiar with the matter, the newspaper report said.
During the interview, Musk emotionally described the intensity of running his businesses. He told the newspaper that he works 120 hours a week, sometimes at the expense of not celebrating his own birthday or spending only a few hours at his brother’s wedding.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said during the interview. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
To help sleep, Musk sometimes takes Ambien, which concerns some board members, since he has a tendency to conduct late-night Twitter sessions, according to a person familiar with the board the New York Times reported.
“It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier, Bernard Orr
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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The post Musk’s SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT appeared first on Today News Stories.
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newsintodays-blog · 6 years
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/08/17/musks-spacex-could-help-fund-take-private-deal-for-tesla-nyt/
Musk's SpaceX could help fund take-private deal for Tesla: NYT
(Reuters) – Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, could help fund a bid to take electric car company Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) private, the New York Times reported on Thursday, quoting people familiar with the matter.
FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla, speaks at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
Musk startled Wall Street last week when he said in a tweet he was considering taking the auto company private for $420 per share and that funding was “secured.” He has since said he is searching for funds for the effort.
Musk said on Monday that the manager of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund had voiced support for the company going private several times, including as recently as two weeks ago, but also said that talks continue with the fund and other investors.
The New York Times report said another possibility under consideration is that SpaceX would help bankroll the Tesla privatization and would take an ownership stake in the carmaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk is the CEO and controlling shareholder of the rocket company.
Tesla and SpaceX did not respond when Reuters requested comment on the matter.
In a wide-ranging and emotional interview with the New York Times published late on Thursday, Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, described the difficulties over the last year for him as the company has tried to overcome manufacturing issues with the Model 3 sedan. nyti.ms/2vOkgeM
“This past year has been the most difficult and painful year of my career,” he said. “It was excruciating.”
The loss-making company has been trying to hit production targets, but the tweet by Musk opened up a slew of new problems including government scrutiny and lawsuits.
The New York Times report said efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Musk, people briefed on the search said.
Musk has no plans to relinquish his dual role as chairman and chief executive officer, he said in the interview.
Musk said he wrote the tweet regarding taking Tesla private as he drove himself on the way to the airport in his Tesla Model S. He told the New York Times that no one reviewed the tweet before he posted it.
He said that he wanted to offer a roughly 20 percent premium over where the stock had been recently trading, which would have been about $419. He decided to round up to $420 – a number that has become code for marijuana in counterculture lore, the report said.
“It seemed like better karma at $420 than at $419,” he said in the interview. “But I was not on weed, to be clear. Weed is not helpful for productivity. There’s a reason for the word ‘stoned.’ You just sit there like a stone on weed,” he said.
Some board members recently told Musk to lay off Twitter and rather focus on operations at his companies, according to people familiar with the matter, the newspaper report said.
During the interview, Musk emotionally described the intensity of running his businesses. He told the newspaper that he works 120 hours a week, sometimes at the expense of not celebrating his own birthday or spending only a few hours at his brother’s wedding.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said during the interview. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
To help sleep, Musk sometimes takes Ambien, which concerns some board members, since he has a tendency to conduct late-night Twitter sessions, according to a person familiar with the board the New York Times reported.
“It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
Reporting by Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru and Brendan O’Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Gopakumar Warrier, Bernard Orr
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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