metalindex-hu · 9 months
Elhunyt James Kottak a Scorpions és a Kingdom Come dobosa.
Elhunyt James Kottak a Scorpions és a Kingdom Come dobosa. - https://metalindex.hu/2024/01/10/elhunyt-james-kottak-a-scorpions-es-a-kingdom-come-dobosa/ -
61 éves korában elhunyt James Kottak a Scorpions korábbi és a Kingdom Come dobosa. Kottak 1996-ban csatlakozott a német zenekarhoz melynek 2016-ig, húsz évig volt dobosa. Emellett 1987-ben vele alapult az amerikai Kingdom Come zenekar amiből előszőr 1989-ben távozott, de 2018-ban visszatért, és mostanáig tagja volt. Ezek mellett számos zenei projektben dobolt és többször segített ki más zenekarokat is turnéjukon. Többek között Dio 1997-es amerikai turnéján Vinny Appice helyett ült a dobok mögött. A Scorpions egy rövid közleményben búcsúzott:
Very sad news … our dear friend and Drummer for 20 years James Kottak has passed at the age of 61 … James was a wonderful human being , a great musician and loving family man … he was our „Brother from another Mother“ and will be truly missed . … Rock‘n Roll Forever RIP James
Klaus , Rudolf , Matthias , Pawel and Mikkey
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fallow-grove · 1 year
Do you remember seeing any public safety adverts on TV?
When I was a kid I used to see loads of ads for stuff like safe driving and fire safety. Among others.
I even conjured an idea for anti smoking ads revolving around smokers and their families being haunted by a monster called the Smoke Pig.
I told my sister about it and she was horrified.
no, i didn't see any psas that i can remember. i think our tv was set up to cut out commercials from the recordings. never did watch much live
i do really like the one with the singing pills though. i found a video of it sometime this past year and thought it was silly and charming
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LECSVlc6O1g?modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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andrewtheprophet · 1 year
The multi-front war against Israel Outside the Temple Walls: Revelation 11
The multi-front war against Israel EMET Webinar with Lt. Col. (Ret.) Sarit Zehavi Spread the word.Help JNS grow! Share now: (April 27, 2023 / JNS) https://www.youtube.com/embed/m_kMFHMSa8Y?feature=oembed&showinfo=0&rel=0&modestbranding=1 On the eve of Passover on April 5, Israel faced the most significant barrage of rocket attacks from Lebanon since the 2006 war. Some 34 rockets were launched…
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realtydubai · 1 year
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juristique · 1 year
Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira : vidéo n° 36 sur la guerre en Ukraine
New Post has been published on https://www.juristique.org/opinion/regis-de-castelnau-sylvain-ferreira-video-36
Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira : vidéo n° 36 sur la guerre en Ukraine
La vidéo n° 36 de la chaine « Vu du droit » avec Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira sur l’analyse du conflit en Ukraine vient de paraitre (20/04/2023) sur YouTube.
Avocat de profession et animateur de la chaine et du site web « Vu du droit », Régis de Castelnau mène une mission de ré-information sur le conflit en Ukraine et désormais, sur l’opposition entre l’occident collectif et le reste du monde.
Régis de Castelnau est accompagné dans cette émission par Sylvain Ferreira et dont la spécialité est l’histoire militaire. Sylvain a écrit de nombreux livres dans ce domaine, avec notamment son dernier « La bataille de Marioupol » publié aux Editions caraktere.
La vidéo n° 36 aborde les thèmes suivants :
La situation militaire globale et projet de contre-offensive,
Une défaite ukrainienne évidente ?
La Russie déterminée et L’occident divisé,
La situation sur le front,
L’accélération de l’histoire,
L’hégémon américain se disloque : l’UE fait de même.
Regarder les émissions de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira de Stratpol, c’est accéder à un autre point de vue que celui des chaines de télévision occidentales comme LCI et dont la ligne éditoriale reflète trop fidèlement celle des gouvernements et de l’OTAN.
Il ne nous reste plus qu’à attendre avec impatience la vidéo n° 37. En attendant, n’hésitez pas à déposer un commentaire, pour nous faire part de vos impressions.
1 Foire aux questions (FAQ) sur la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira
2 Autres articles sur le conflit en Ukraine
3 Votre avis sur la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira nous intéresse :
Foire aux questions (FAQ) sur la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira
"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"https://www.juristique.org/opinion/regis-de-castelnau-sylvain-ferreira-video-36","mainEntity":["@type":"Question","name":"Quels sont les thèmes abordés de la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira ?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Les thèmes abordés de la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira sont :<br>- La situation militaire globale et projet de contre-offensive,<br>- Une défaite ukrainienne évidente ?<br>- La Russie déterminée et L’occident divisé,<br>- La situation sur le front,<br>- L’accélération de l’histoire,<br>- L’hégémon américain se disloque : l’UE fait de même.","@type":"Question","name":"Qui est Régis de Castelnau ?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Régis de Castelnau est avocat de profession. Il anime la chaine et le site web « <a href=\"https://www.vududroit.com/\">Vu du droit</a> ». Il mène une mission de ré-information sur le conflit en Ukraine sur la chaine YouTube du même nom.","@type":"Question","name":"Qui est Sylvain Ferreira ?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Sylvain Ferreira est historien et spécialiste de l’histoire militaire. Il est également concepteur de jeux de stratégie (Denain, Leuthen et Croix de Guerre). Il coanime avec brio la chaine YouTube « vu du droit » avec Régis de Castelnau."]
Quels sont les thèmes abordés de la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira ?
Les thèmes abordés de la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira sont : – La situation militaire globale et projet de contre-offensive, – Une défaite ukrainienne évidente ? – La Russie déterminée et L’occident divisé, – La situation sur le front, – L’accélération de l’histoire, – L’hégémon américain se disloque : l’UE fait de même.
Qui est Régis de Castelnau ?
Régis de Castelnau est avocat de profession. Il anime la chaine et le site web « Vu du droit ». Il mène une mission de ré-information sur le conflit en Ukraine sur la chaine YouTube du même nom.
Qui est Sylvain Ferreira ?
Sylvain Ferreira est historien et spécialiste de l’histoire militaire. Il est également concepteur de jeux de stratégie (Denain, Leuthen et Croix de Guerre). Il coanime avec brio la chaine YouTube « vu du droit » avec Régis de Castelnau.
Autres articles sur le conflit en Ukraine
En complément, nos autres publications autour du conflit en Ukraine et l’économie russe :
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Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira : vidéo n° 36 sur la guerre en Ukraine
Lula : faire cesser la guerre en Ukraine si personne ne veut parler de paix ?
Comprendre les dessous du conflit militaire au Soudan
Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira : vidéo n° 35 sur la guerre en Ukraine
Bulletin n° 129 de Stratpol : Macron en Chine et la carte militaire
François Hollande piégé par les Russes « Vovan et Lexus »
Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira : vidéo n° 34 sur la guerre en Ukraine
Bulletin n° 128 de Stratpol : dédollarisation et carte militaire
Votre avis sur la vidéo n° 36 de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira nous intéresse :
Dites-le-nous dans les commentaires. Merci.
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leomartshoping · 2 years
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soclaimon · 2 years
Concrete actions urged to tackle climate crisis facing African countries
Concrete actions urged to tackle climate crisis facing African countries
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์ The Nation. https://www.nationthailand.com/world/40022536 https://www.youtube.com/embed/kRhcinLh9oI?autoplay=1&mute=0&controls=0&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationthailand.com&playsinline=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&enablejsapi=1&widgetid=1 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2022 Concrete actions urged to tackle climate crisis…
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1q39com · 7 months
Bio Hacking has been discovered through the power of Science. These products will always have my gratitude. We have found this unbelievable and explosive growth and solution areas in Science. Because it works, we are forever grateful we found it. We look better, feel better, and the sleep is making so many areas of life better. This is something everyone needs.
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luyamoda · 6 years
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metalindex-hu · 10 months
Komoly témával és súlyos zenével landolt a második felvezető dal az új OMEGA DIATRIBE lemezről!
Komoly témával és súlyos zenével landolt a második felvezető dal az új OMEGA DIATRIBE lemezről! - https://metalindex.hu/2023/11/26/komoly-temaval-es-sulyos-zenevel-landolt-a-masodik-felvezeto-dal-az-uj-omega-diatribe-lemezrol/ -
December 1-jén Deviant címmel jelenik meg a fővárosi extrém groove metal banda, az Omega Diatribe ötödik lemeze, melynek a társproducere és mixing/mastering mérnöke ismét a neves dán producer, Tue Madsen (Meshuggah, Suicide Silence, The Haunted stb…) volt, akinek közreműködésével 2018-ban a zenekar bezsebelte “Az év legjobb stúdióprodukciója” díjat a HangSúly Zenei Díjon a Trinity lemezükkel.
Az új korong a hazai Metal.hu kiadó szárnyai alatt landol, egy impozáns 8 paneles DIGIPAK CD és 2 fajta vinyl kiadásban. A lemezről eddig a Mindreader című dalt mutatta be a zenekar, ma pedig a Stench Of Demise dalt és a hozzákészült videóklipet nézhetitek meg.
Hájer Gergő (dalszerző gitáros) az alábbiakat nyilatkozta a közelgő lemezről: “Sajnos minket és a családjainkat sem kímélt a pandémia, így számos emberi veszteséget kellett feldolgoznunk az utóbbi időben. Ebben a dalban tudtuk kiadni ezeket a negatív energiákat és feldolgozni a gyász folyamatát. Nekem rengeteget segített 1-1 dal, vagy lemez átvészelni a sötét időszakokat fiatalkoromban, de a mai napig is. Hiszek benne, hogy ez a dal (vagy akára  teljes lemez) támaszt nyújthat azoknak, akik hasonló traumákon mentek át, vagy fognak átmenni az életük során. Egyáltalán nem lett egy vidám lemez a Deviant, de nem is volt célunk soha, hogy vidám zenéket írjunk. Cserébe viszont a legmélyebb és legőszintébb korong, amit valaha kiadtunk.”
  Majd Szathmáry Ákos (basszusgitáros) folytatta: “Ez egy olyan téma amit a mindennapokban igyekszünk elkerülni. Aki nem tapasztalta meg testközelből, annak nehéz átérezni, mert annyira hihetetlen. Aztán csak megtörténik veled is és ott állsz tehetetlenül, bele kell törődnöd, hogy nem segíthetsz. Sajnos mindenki számára elkerülhetetlen és folyamatosan ott liheg a nyakunkban a halál. A Deviant témáját azt hiszem nem terveztük, csak jött és tarkón vágott minket az élet majd átvette az irányítást. A lemezborító grafikái is az elmúlás köré épülnek, a 8 paneles digipak oldalain egy emberi lény életének utolsó pillanatait ábrázoltuk.”
  Végül Király Krisztina (rendező) az alábbiakat mesélte a közös munka és a klip tematikája kapcsán: “Az utóbbi években intenzíven foglalkoztatott az elengedés metafizikája – a gyász, a ragaszkodás, az időn és téren átívelő szeretet témaköre. Így amikor megkaptam a zenét és a szöveget, azonnal jöttek a képek, az atmoszféra, de csak később derült ki számomra, milyen események ihlették a dalt, megerősítve bennem az elképzelést. Szerettem volna, ha több létsíkon keresztül tudunk megjeleníteni egy gyászfolyamatot: A tér kiüresedik, majd beszűkül, – ahogy bánatunkban szeretteink után mennénk a halálba, hogy ott újra egyesüljünk velük, – ahogy talán ez a ragaszkodás a síron túli létben is béklyózza a lelkeket. Maga az elengedés lehet végül mégis a szeretet legtisztább megnyilvánulása, legyen a tárgya valamelyik elhunyt vagy még élő fontos személy. Hálás vagyok és örülök, hogy a zenekarral és Baki Zoliékkal közösen dolgozhattunk a klipen, megpecsételve régre nyúló ismeretségünket.”
  Tracklist: 01. Stench Of Demise 02. Mindreader 03. Deviant 04. My Sphere 05. Reflections 06. Indoctrinated (feat. Sean Zatorsky) 07. False Prophecy 08. Seclusion 09. Molecular Torsion
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f1streamingonline · 4 years
HIGHLIGHTS: 2020 Belgian Grand Prix: Race
[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOy63dhQmUg” playlist=”” width=”600″ height=”400″ responsive=”yes” controls=”yes” autohide=”alt” autoplay=”no” mute=”no” loop=”no” rel=”yes” fs=”yes” modestbranding=”no” theme=”dark” wmode=”” playsinline=”no” title=”” class=””]
The post HIGHLIGHTS: 2020 Belgian Grand Prix: Race appeared first on F1Streaming.
source http://f1streaming.online/highlights-2020-belgian-grand-prix-race/
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nawrahbn-blog · 7 years
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Don't forget to drop by at @closetculture.bn to shop our availabilities!! Hurry guys, while stock lasts! Every Nawrah's collections are LIMITED! Trust me! It's definitely a must-have in your wardrobe! 😏 #nawrah #nawrahbn #nawrahbrunei #madeinbrunei #bruneishop #bruneidesigner #designedbyabruneian #supportanakbrunei #supportlocalbrunei #modestclothing #modestfashion #modestbrand #oversizedstyle #bruneifashionista #ootd #ootdbrunei #ootdasia (at Annajat Complex)
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realtydubai · 1 year
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juristique · 1 year
Comprendre les dessous du conflit militaire au Soudan
New Post has been published on https://www.juristique.org/opinion/conflit-militaire-soudan
Comprendre les dessous du conflit militaire au Soudan
Une vidéo spéciale de la chaine « Vu du droit » avec Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira sur l’analyse du conflit militaire au Soudan vient d’être publiée (17/04/2023) sur YouTube.
Comprendre les raisons de l’affrontement militaire au Soudan
1 Résumé des évènements et les raisons de cette insurrection militaire
2 Le projet de création d’une base russe à Port Soudan
3 Foire aux questions (FAQ) sur la vidéo sur le Soudan de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira
4 Autres articles sur les conflits en Ukraine et dans le monde
5 Votre avis sur le conflit militaire au Soudan nous intéresse :
Résumé des évènements et les raisons de cette insurrection militaire
Des combats ont été déclenchés depuis trois jours au Soudan entre la Force de réaction rapide (FRR) et les forces gouvernementales dans différentes régions du pays.
À Khartoum, des combats ont eu lieu notamment devant le commandement général des forces armées soudanaises, ainsi que dans les zones de Khartoum-Bahri et de l’aéroport.
Dans le même temps, des habitants ont signalé des tirs d’artillerie à Omdurman. Les forces de la FRR ont capturé le chef de la direction de la justice militaire des forces armées soudanaises et le chef du centre de formation au renseignement militaire.
Selon le syndicat des médecins soudanais, au moins 97 personnes ont été tuées depuis le début du conflit et plus de 365 ont été blessées. L’OMS a fait état de 83 morts et de 1 126 blessés.
Il semble que les forces militaires institutionnelles semblent désormais prendre l’avantage face à la FRR, en raison d’une supériorité dans les équipements lourds et l’aviation.
Le projet de base navale militaire russe à Port-Soudan
Mais, les questions demeurent, sur les raisons de cette insurrection : s’agit-il d’un nouvel épisode de l’affrontement entre le bloc occidental contre la Russie ?
Oui, tout semble l’indiquer. Les raisons de ce coup d’État sont à regarder du côté du projet de création d’une base navale russe à Port-Soudan.
Le projet de création d’une base russe à Port Soudan
Le ministère des Armées françaises explique parfaitement la situation et les enjeux de la création d’une base russe au Soudan dans le bulletin n° 57 du 1ᵉʳ juin 2022 de l’excellente revue stratégique « Infoveilles » :
Foire aux questions (FAQ) sur la vidéo sur le Soudan de Régis de Castelnau et Sylvain Ferreira
"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"https://www.juristique.org/opinion/conflit-militaire-soudan","mainEntity":["@type":"Question","name":"Quels sont les thèmes abordés de la vidéo sur le Soudan de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira ?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Les thèmes abordés dans cette vidéo spéciale sur le Soudan de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira sont :<br>- Rappels des évènements sur la tentative de coup d'État au Soudan<br>- Des pilotes égyptiens prisonniers.<br>- Projet de création d’une base navale russe à <a href=\"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port-Soudan\">Port-Soudan</a>,<br>- Coup d'État d’une faction en lien avec les anglo-américains ?<br>- Que va faire l’Égypte face au conflit ?<br>- Le conflit au Soudan : un enjeu géopolitique mondial.","@type":"Question","name":"Qui est Régis de Castelnau ?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Régis de Castelnau est avocat de profession. Il anime la chaine et le site web « <a href=\"https://www.vududroit.com/\">Vu du droit</a> ». Il mène une mission de ré-information sur le conflit en Ukraine sur la chaine YouTube du même nom.","@type":"Question","name":"Qui est Sylvain Ferreira ?","acceptedAnswer":"@type":"Answer","text":"Sylvain Ferreira est historien et spécialiste de l’histoire militaire. Il est également concepteur de jeux de stratégie (Denain, Leuthen et Croix de Guerre). Il coanime avec brio la chaine YouTube « vu du droit » avec Régis de Castelnau."]
Quels sont les thèmes abordés de la vidéo sur le Soudan de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira ?
Les thèmes abordés dans cette vidéo spéciale sur le Soudan de Régis de Castelnau et de Sylvain Ferreira sont : – Rappels des évènements sur la tentative de coup d’État au Soudan – Des pilotes égyptiens prisonniers. – Projet de création d’une base navale russe à Port-Soudan, – Coup d’État d’une faction en lien avec les anglo-américains ? – Que va faire l’Égypte face au conflit ? – Le conflit au Soudan : un enjeu géopolitique mondial.
Qui est Régis de Castelnau ?
Régis de Castelnau est avocat de profession. Il anime la chaine et le site web « Vu du droit ». Il mène une mission de ré-information sur le conflit en Ukraine sur la chaine YouTube du même nom.
Qui est Sylvain Ferreira ?
Sylvain Ferreira est historien et spécialiste de l’histoire militaire. Il est également concepteur de jeux de stratégie (Denain, Leuthen et Croix de Guerre). Il coanime avec brio la chaine YouTube « vu du droit » avec Régis de Castelnau.
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wolfgangb132-blog · 5 years
My IPhone Contact Display screen Is not Working! Here’s The Fix
It’s natural to feel annoyed when your iPhone contact display screen is not working. You use your iPhone for the whole lot, from making calls to scrolling by means of footage — however don’t let your "touch display troubles" get you down. In this text, I’ll explains why the contact screen in your iPhone is just not working, how to fix the issues that may be mounted at residence, and suggest some great restore choices, if it comes to that.
There are a variety of the explanation why your iPhone contact display screen might stop working. Thankfully, there are additionally quite a bit of the way to repair those issues.
Why Is My iPhone Contact Screen Not Responding?
The first thing we need to do is determine why your iPhone touch display screen. Normally, the issue is precipitated when the bodily a part of your iPhone’s show that processes touch (called the digitizer) stops working appropriately or when your iPhone’s software program stops "talking" to the hardware the best way it should. In other phrases, it could possibly be a hardware or a software program drawback, and I’ll provide help to with each in this text.
Troubleshooting iPhone software program issues usually doesn’t value anything. It’s additionally simpler than prying off your display with suction cups (please don’t do that). For this reason, we’ll start with the software fixes and transfer on to fixing the bodily issues if you need to.
A be aware about drops and spills: If you’ve not too long ago dropped your iPhone, odds are a hardware downside is to blame to your contact display hassle — but not always. Sluggish apps and issues that come and go are usually brought on by software problems.
If your contact display screen works sometimes, keep reading. If it doesn’t work in any respect, skip to the part below referred to as When Your iPhone Doesn’t Reply to Contact At all.
Software program Issues and Your iPhone Touch Display screen
A problem with the software that tells your cellphone the way to act can cause your iPhone touchscreen to cease working. It may assist to reset troublesome software in case your iPhone contact screen is just not working.
Does your contact screen cease responding when you employ a certain app? That app may be to blame. Strive uninstalling and reinstalling it. To uninstall an app:
Find the app on your iPhone’s residence display screen. The home display is what you see below:
Press and hold your finger over the app icon till all of the icons start to shake and there may be an "X" within the higher-left corner of the icon.
Faucet the "X" after which Delete to remove the app out of your iPhone.
In case your iPhone contact screen shouldn't be working after you’ve reinstalled the app, ship a message to the app developer. They might have a repair for the problem or be working on an answer already.
How Do I Send a Message to the App Developer?
Faucet to open the App Store.
Faucet Search at the underside of the screen and seek for the app.
Tap the app icon to open particulars in regards to the app.
Scroll to the underside and tap Developer Web site. The developer’s web site will load.
Look for a contact kind or electronic mail deal with on the developer’s website. It shouldn’t be onerous to search out it the developer is value their salt. Remember that good developers appreciate it if you let them know about issues with their apps!
When Your iPhone Doesn’t Respond to Contact At all
Touch screen problems that occur in a number of applications or if you don’t have an app open may be caused by issues with the iPhone’s software. A great first troubleshooting step is to power your iPhone off and back on again, but it’s laborious to do this when your touch display screen doesn’t work! Instead, we’ll have to do a tough reset. Here’s how:
In case your iPhone won’t flip off in the conventional way — or if turning your iPhone off and back on again doesn’t solve the issue — strive doing a hard reset. To do that, hold the ability and Home Buttons down at the same time. Wait a number of seconds, till the Apple logo appears on the display, and then let go.
On an iphone 6 screen Kit; https://resunphone.com/, 7, 7 Plus, 8, or eight Plus, a hard reset is carried out by urgent and holding the facility button and quantity down button together for a number of seconds until the you see the Apple logo seem on the display.
A hard reset abruptly stops the entire background processes on your iPhone and may cause software program issues. It often doesn’t, however it’s a good suggestion to solely do a hard reset when you'll want to.
My Touchscreen Nonetheless Isn’t Working!
Is your iPhone contact display screen still giving you problems? Then it is perhaps time to try restoring your iPhone to its unique settings. Earlier than you do this, you'll want to backup your data. You'll be able to do this by plugging your iPhone into a pc and running iTunes or utilizing iCloud.
I like to recommend performing a DFU (Default Firmware Replace) restore. Such a restore is a little more thorough than a traditional iPhone restore. To do this, you’ll want your iPhone, a cable to plug it into the computer, and the latest version of iTunes.
Placing your iPhone into DFU mode might be a bit tricky. For a easy step-by-step walkthrough, check out our article that explains exactly how to place your iPhone into DFU mode. When you’re achieved, come again right here.
When Your Contact Display screen Hardware Is To Blame
If you’ve dropped your iPhone just lately, you could have broken the display screen. A cracked show is one of the most obvious indicators of a broken screen and can cause all types of points with the touch display screen.
A drop can also loosen or harm the delicate underneath-layers of your iPhone touchscreen. What you see and put your fingers on is just one a part of the touch display screen. Beneath, there’s an LCD display screen that creates the photographs you see. There’s additionally one thing referred to as a digitizer. The digitizer is the part of the iPhone that senses your contact.
The LCD display screen and digitizer both connect with your iPhone’s logic board - that’s the computer that makes your iPhone work. Dropping your iPhone can loosen the cords that join the LCD display screen and digitizer to the logic board. That free connection can make your iPhone touch display cease working.
The MacGyver Answer
When iPhones get dropped, the tiny cables that hook up with your iPhone’s logic board can turn into dislodged just enough for the touchscreen to cease working, even when there’s no physical damage. It’s a longshot, however you may be in a position to fix your iPhone’s contact display by urgent down on the part of the show the place the cables connect to the logic board.
Warning: Be careful! In the event you press down too arduous, you could possibly crack the show — however this could also be a type of "nothing left to lose" situations, and it has worked for me before.
Choices for Fixing a Damaged Touchscreen
If your iPhone contact just isn't working because it’s utterly damaged, you would order a kit and attempt to swap out the components your self, but I wouldn’t advocate it. If something goes unsuitable and you’ve replaced any a part of your iPhone with a non-Apple part, the Genius Bar won’t even have a look at your iPhone — you’ll be on the hook for a brand new iPhone at full retail price.
The Genius Bar does an incredible job with damaged shows, however they charge a premium for their service. If you’d prefer to save some cash, I recommend high-high quality third-get together repair companies like Puls if you’d like to save some money. Puls will come to you and fix your iPhone in as little as 30 minutes with a lifetime warranty, all for much less cash than Apple.
As soon as the damaged pieces are replaced, your iPhone touch display should work like new. If it doesn’t, the software program is probably to blame.
Again In touch With your iPhone
Your iPhone contact display screen is a posh and fascinating piece of know-how. I hope this text has helped you if you iPhone contact screen isn't working, and I’d love to know which solution worked for you in the comments part beneath. Thanks for studying!
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Mandy Living Life - Tips For Traveling In Europe
<p> Medication is {usually|normally|often} screened by X-ray; {however|nevertheless|nonetheless}, if a passenger <A href="https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/quick-checklist-and-tips">{does not|doesn't}</A> {want a|desire a|need a} {medication|medicine|remedy|treatment} X-rayed, {he or she|she or he} {may|could|might} ask for an inspection {instead|as a substitute|as an alternative}. However, in {the best|one of the best|the most effective|the perfect|the very best} {interests|pursuits} of securing low {cheap|low cost|low-cost} airfare {don't|do not} even {think|assume|suppose} about travelling on a Monday, or a Friday . Never, ever, {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} your flight over the weekend , neither {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} on a Monday or a Friday as these are {the most|essentially the most|probably the most} {expensive|costly} days to {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide}. Lowering them {further|additional} on Wednesday {evening|night} {until|till} Thursday afternoon when {they will|they are going to|they may|they'll} {start|begin} {to raise|to boost|to lift} them {once|as soon as} {again|once more}, peaking on Friday {through|by|by means of|by way of|via} Monday. {The best|One of the best|The most effective|The perfect|The very best} day and time to {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} is on a Wednesday after 10.00pm {but|however} {before|earlier than} 10.00am on Thursday ({preferably|ideally} {before|earlier than} 8.00am if {you can|you may|you possibly can|you'll be able to} {make the effort|make an effort|take some time|take the time} to get out of your {bed|mattress} - {it's|it is} {sure|certain|positive} {worth|price|value} your time). One {final|closing|last|remaining|ultimate} {point|level}: {If you are|If you're|In case you are} {considering|contemplating} flying {during|throughout} {the next|the following|the subsequent} month, {make sure you|be sure to|be sure you|ensure you} {book|e book|e-book|ebook|guide} {just|simply} after the {7th|seventh} of the month as {airlines|airways} readjust their {inventory|stock} {around|round} this time. {I am|I'm} a frequent traveler and {always|all the time|at all times} {tell|inform} {people|folks|individuals} to {almost|nearly|virtually} {exclusively|completely|solely} use {budget|finances|funds|price range} {airlines|airways}. Travel alarm/wristwatch. {Most people|Most individuals} will use their {phone|cellphone|telephone} {but|however} {I recommend|I like to recommend} {buying|shopping for} {an inexpensive|a cheap|a reasonable|an affordable} watch {that can|that may} set an alarm and {shows|exhibits|reveals} {multiple|a number of} {times|instances|occasions} as a backup.</p> <p> If {you are a|you're a} frequent {business|enterprise} or leisure traveller, {you can|you may|you possibly can|you'll be able to} {efficiently|effectively} handle such unnerving {situations|conditions} with an {adequate|ample|enough|satisfactory|sufficient} annual {travel|journey} {cover|cowl}. {You can|You may|You possibly can|You'll be able to} {travel|journey} {with your|along with your|together with your} {medication|medicine|remedy|treatment} in {both|each} carry-on and checked baggage. This {should be|must be|needs to be|ought to be} {the most|essentially the most|probably the most} {seriously|critically|severely|significantly} {followed|adopted} Czech Republic {travel|journey} tip. The aforementioned tip {is due to|is because of} {the way|the best way|the way in which} {airlines|airways} {adjust|alter|modify|regulate} their flight {prices|costs}. Also, {sign up for|join} the rewards and frequent flyer {programs|applications|packages} on {all of the|all the|the entire} {airlines|airways}. Visit airline {websites|web sites} (not {agents|brokers}) and {sign up|enroll|join} {for their|for his or her} {newsletter|e-newsletter|publication} or frequent flyer {programs|applications|packages}. Beaches: People {visit|go to} beaches {year|12 months|yr}-{round|spherical}, {but|however} search demand is highest {during the|in the course of the|through the|throughout the} winter months {through|by|by means of|by way of|via} spring. Sit and eat {at the|on the} bar to strike up conversations with {other|different} {people|folks|individuals} {traveling|touring} or {eating|consuming} solo. Both {provide|present} {education|schooling|training} and {resources|assets|sources} for {people|folks|individuals} {at all|in any respect} {levels|ranges} of {experience|expertise} and conduct annual and regional {events|occasions}. Weather in Scotland can change {very quickly|in a short time}, {and there is a|and there's a} saying that in Scotland {you can|you may|you possibly can|you'll be able to} {experience|expertise} all {four|4} seasons in {one day|at some point|in the future|someday|sooner or later}. Avoid {allowing|permitting} {anyone|anybody} in your {party|celebration|get together|occasion|social gathering} {to show|to indicate|to point out} up for the flight {still|nonetheless} inebriated; there are few {easier|simpler} {ways|methods} to get booted off a {plane|aircraft|airplane}. Gone are {the days|the times} when flirting with the desk agent or {causing|inflicting} a scene {would be|can be|could be} {enough|sufficient} to get you upgraded.</p> <p> A hangover is unpleasant {enough|sufficient} {on its own|by itself}; suffering {through|by|by means of|by way of|via} it {while|whereas} crammed into an {economy|economic system|financial system}-class seat on a bumpy flight surrounded by strangers is misery. Call the airport {ahead|forward} of time to {receive|obtain} your seat {assignment|project|task}. This {may be|could also be} billed as “the most {wonderful|fantastic|great} time of the {year|12 months|yr},” {but the|however the} stress of {traveling|touring} over {the holidays|the vacations} can {turn|flip} {anyone|anybody} {into a|right into a} Grinch. But taking the bus can {turn out to be|become|change into|develop into|grow to be|transform|turn into} {quite|fairly} an {experience|expertise}, {don't be|do not be} afraid and {make sure you|be sure to|be sure you|ensure you} {budget|finances|funds|price range} the time for the {trip|journey} as {it can|it could|it could actually|it could possibly|it may|it may possibly|it may well|it might|it might probably|it will possibly|it will probably} take {3|three} {times|instances|occasions} {the amount|the quantity} to get there over taking a taxi. But {a lot|loads|lots|quite a bit|rather a lot|so much|too much} has {changed|modified}, even in {a short time|a short while}. Long {lines|strains|traces}. Short tempers. {I will|I'll} delete the {name|identify|title} of this {company|firm} as my {source|supply} {of information|of data|of knowledge} {in this|on this} hub. Great Hub. {I did not|I didn't} know {you could|you can|you could possibly|you may|you might|you possibly can|you would} see the Northern lights from Scotland. See {point|level} 6. of {this article|this text} for {more|extra} {information|data|info}. See you {next|subsequent} Tuesday with {more|extra} {travel|journey} {tips|ideas|suggestions}!</p> <p> Whether {this means|this implies} {keeping|conserving|holding|maintaining|preserving|protecting|retaining} your {travel|journey} plans {private|non-public|personal} from the taxi driver or not letting {other|different} {hotel|lodge|resort} {guests|company|friends|visitors} overhear your room {number|quantity}, it’s {important|essential|necessary|vital} {to make sure|to ensure|to verify} {you are|you might be|you're} {conscious|acutely aware|aware} of your surroundings. An {important|essential|necessary|vital} {point|level} {here|right here} is to state your parameters and preferences as {you don't|you do not} {want to|need to|wish to} be getting alerts {which are not|which aren't} {relevant|related} to your flying plans. We've {got|acquired|bought|obtained|received} you. {Want to|Need to|Wish to} {know how|know the way|understand how} {to score|to attain} free booze {on your|in your} flight? {If you want to|If you wish to} {avoid|keep away from} any {chance|likelihood|probability} {that you|that you just|that you simply} aren’t doing it {right|proper}, {you can get|you may get|you will get} {professional|skilled} passport {photos|images|photographs|pictures} taken at Wal-Mart or Costco for {a reasonable|an affordable|an inexpensive} {price|value|worth}. Once on the {list|checklist|listing|record} {you will|you'll} {occasionally|often|sometimes} get {offers|affords|gives|presents|provides} and {discounts|reductions} emailed to you. Don't underestimate {the power|the ability|the facility} of this {strategy|technique} as like {everyone|everybody} else, airline {marketing|advertising|advertising and marketing} departments have {sales|gross sales} targets {to meet|to fulfill|to satisfy} {and will|and can} {often|typically|usually} keep {red|crimson|pink|purple} {hot|scorching|sizzling} promotion codes to themselves to mail to their {list|checklist|listing|record}.</p> <div style="clear:both; text-align:center">{<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eNdzudrce24?rel=0&playsinline=1&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Trave"></iframe>|<iframe width='640' height='360' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/LyeF7xn-6MY?showinfo=0&rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen title='Cheap'></iframe>|<iframe width='640' height='360' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/8MbmsN5mANk?rel=0&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen title='Backpacking'></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g_A4jBo2I3Y?showinfo=0&rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="travel tip tuesday"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Lyy__NdSjg?playsinline=1&rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How To Pack Smart - Traveling Advice!"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Rf2MuKd3tNA?rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 travel tips"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NaLPhS0O3yM?rel=0&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How to pack a hand bag for"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vCQE-D6AqNY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 Essential"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/731AIw7Cm8U?showinfo=0&modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 Travel Tips: Packing for Jamaica - Annesha Adams"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JzQDQ4F3_Cs?showinfo=0&modestbranding=1&fs=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Russia: Tips, Tricks and Travel Learning Russian"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1E4WgGkWmbc?modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&cc_load_policy=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="33"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZsmninUZqro?cc_load_policy=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How to Use"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YRC_I-h4a2k?rel=0&showinfo=0&disablekb=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="10 travel tips"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ewyOSFoJBVU?showinfo=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="11 HOURS ON A PLANE! (long haul flight"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-IIxGPb0WYE?disablekb=1&modestbranding=1&color=white" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="26"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y7lkJzV7Oy4?modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Russia: Tips, Tricks and Travel: Down time at the ‘dacha’"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aq43IpPMW10?rel=0&fs=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="5 travel tips"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jH7mMjcnNOw?showinfo=0&rel=0&color=white" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="Top"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qopk6vnXSDc?rel=0&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="How To Get From The Airport To The City of Santiago:"></iframe>|<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JdzXiw1Xyy4?showinfo=0&playsinline=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen title="5 travel tips"></iframe>}</div><p> Resist the temptation {to keep|to maintain} them {going on|happening|occurring} {a long|a protracted|an extended} journey by feeding them sweets. With {high|excessive} {speed|pace|velocity} trains and slick operators the journey {is possible|is feasible} in {one day|at some point|in the future|someday|sooner or later} - {if you|for those who|if you happen to|in case you|in the event you|should you|when you} set off early {enough|sufficient}. Purchase your ticket as {soon|quickly} as {possible|attainable|doable|potential} - Fares {often|typically|usually} {start|begin} {increasing|growing|rising} 21 days {before|earlier than} the flight. Finding cheaper air fares is a bit like {looking for|in search of|on the lookout for|searching for} the Holy Grail - {pretty much|just about} {impossible|inconceivable|not possible|unattainable|unimaginable}, {because|as a result of} {the reality|the fact|the truth} is that {the cheapest|the most affordable|the most cost effective} air fare ticket {doesn't|does not|would not} {actually|really|truly} exist, per se. Okay, so there are some {things|issues} about retirement that {can be a|could be a|generally is a|is usually a} {bit of|little bit of} a grind. Fortunately, there are {a few|a couple of|a number of|just a few} {ways|methods} {to prevent|to forestall|to stop} this {problem|downside|drawback}. Generally {speaking|talking} {they will|they are going to|they may|they'll} {raise|elevate|increase} them on a Friday, {leave|depart|go away} them riding {high|excessive} all weekend and if {sales|gross sales} are {slow|gradual|sluggish} {they will|they are going to|they may|they'll} {lower|decrease} them on Monday morning. Your {ultra|extremely}-organized plan to wrap {all your|all of your} presents {before|earlier than} you {leave|depart|go away} {could|may|might} backfire if airport {security|safety} sees {something|one thing} suspicious on the X-ray and rips into your pristine wrapping job to take {a closer|a better|a more in-depth} look. Is there a {way|approach|manner|means|method} for airport parking in Chicago to be stress free?</p>
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