parasocialitevn · 4 months
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Boom! Your Parasocialite OC Template is here! Feel free to use, just remember to tag me so I can see~! Hehe~
Have fun, Darlings!
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modsumessenger · 1 year
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Barder Better Faster Stronger
Fei, my changeling bard in my very first DnD campaign! I've wanted to do this for so long and I'm having so much fun! Uwaah~
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jjdizz · 11 months
18+ ONLY
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
I-I can send you asks too!
Alan I just got off work! Wanna watch Candyman? Its my favorite pre-Scream 90's slasher! I was cold all day, so I hope you don't mind if we huddle for warmth... ?
"Aw, Doe-eyes... You should be more careful next time. I would love to watch slasher movies with you, more than anything but are you sure you wouldn't want a much faster method to warm ya up?~"
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saccharine-green · 1 year
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Attempts at chibis ft. Eden @parasocialitevn !!
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cerise-on-top · 1 year
Eden Cuddling Headcanons
Eden is basically free therapy at this point, I love this gal so much, it's unreal vvnfjk That is also the reason why these hcs are kind of all over the place, my mind just goes blank whenever I think about her and just hhhhhh Eden belongs to @parasocialitevn
First off, she is incredibly cuddly, that much is basically canon and has been confirmed. She can really go either way when it comes to cuddling, but due to not being the tallest, she’s likely to end up as the small spoon. Eden doesn’t mind that in the slightest, she just really wants to be with you more than anything else. She’s absolutely ecstatic to have you want to hold her, but if it was up to her, she would most definitely want to cuddle into you, take in your warmth along with your scent as well as getting to look at you.
Although she tries to hide it, even if you as much as breathe in her general direction she vibrates at the speed of sound, with her mind going almost blank, so imagine what you’re doing to her when you’re holding her. If she knows you won’t react negatively to it, she might just squeal whenever you hold her. It’s not her fault, she simply thinks you’re the peak of humanity and that there’s no one out there who could ever be better than you at anything.
Yes, she will be held a lot, but she will also want to do the holding, if you’ll allow it. But if you do, be prepared for lots of shaking on her behalf at first, but don’t get mad at her, she can’t help that this is basically her dream coming true. Once she’s calmed down she’ll give you lots of kissies wherever she can reach and never stop talking about how much she absolutely adores you. About how perfect you are, you little slice of heaven.
Although just being near you calms her down, actually feeling your touch has a soothing effect on her. Doesn’t matter if you’re warm or cold, thick or thin, small or tall, as long as you’re with her, the world could end for all she cares, as long as it doesn’t take you away from her, to hell with it.
Video game cuddles! She’ll most definitely put her head in your lap and simply watch you play your viddy game! Although it might sometimes hinder you from beating a stage or boss, she will keep doing it with your permission, apologising profusely. And if you only get mockingly angry at her then she will most definitely keep clinging to you like a koala. Plus, if you give her a kissy, this gamer girl will beat the boss for you (she’ll do it for free too, but shh).
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wouldyoustayvn · 1 year
to the morough and virgil subject i would point your attention to all of the connections people draw between space and the ocean, even just in a poetic sense. tee hee~
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skgtp-vn · 9 months
....There's so many I'm thinking of now, oh goodness. How about you go through your favorite ones if you have any? ^^ -🌲
I mean- right now I’m currently obsessed with Parasocialite by Modsu. Eden is such a dream~
(Again, disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with Modsu or anyone else involved in Parasocialite’s development! Just a huuuuuge fan!)
I feel like Vix would be super clingy with her and they’d turn into shut-ins until Reese or Lilac busted down the door and dragged them out to go hang out outdoors and get some fresh air. Overall, he’d be happy. Though given the fact that they both tend to base themselves off of their beloved, it would look a lot like pointing two mirrors at each other 😅
“What’s your favorite food?”
“Uhm- what’s yours?”
“Uh- I asked first?”
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chibi-chaninks · 2 months
Nyehehehehee~☆ Fanart of Eden who belongs to Modsu from their VN @parasocialitevn ! UvU ❤️✨️
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meiyeties · 7 years
. IKLAN...!!!! Minat hub. 08xxxxxxxxx 😁😁😁 . #endorse #pesonaindonesia #modsu
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parasocialitevn · 6 months
Character Insps (Quick Silly)
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Just thought it might be neat to know ehehehe
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modsumessenger · 6 months
Hi sorry I just wanted to say I adore your art style
The lines??? The colors??? The use of proportions to craft a cute and cartoony style??? The fashion????? And the eyes- omg I love the eyes
Very delicious for the eyes 🙏
OMG??? Thank you so much! This is so sweet! 🥺
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jjdizz · 5 years
Venomous pay child support challenge
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matsukamix · 7 years
oh- wha- thank you
-purple modsu
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Dabei entpuppt sich der Eisberg, mit dem das Passagierschiff auf der Jungfernfahrt kollidierte, als das kleinste Problem. Ihr könnt bis zu 3 Bots dazu schalten. Wir erhalten für jeden darüber erfolgten Kauf eine kleine Provision – ohne, dass ihr einen Cent mehr bezahlt. Und dann öffnet ihr die Tür oben Rechts. Immer bei stammfenstern sein oder immer herumlaufen?
Name: black ops zombie modus Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 26.18 MBytes
April für Nintendo Switch im Nintendo eShop erscheinen. Habe mir das spiel in america gekauft kann ich das dann auch in deutschland auf meine modsu Ps3 spielen? Die M16 ist hinter der Zeitmaschine, rechts an der Wand. Immer bei stammfenstern sein oder immer herumlaufen? Und dann immer so weiter. Einwöchiger Boykott des Spiels für …. Bitte überprüfe deine E-Mail-Adresse und versuche es erneut.
Spieletipps: Tipp
Diese Karten zobmie mit an Bord Seite 2: Wenn ihr die Kiste noch nicht gefunden habt die mp40 kaufen nicht die schrottflinte. Kauft sie euch wenn ihr die Kiste nicht erwischt. Karten Rüberladen Black Ops: Bleibt immer in bewegung! Eine Karte im Stil des antiken Rom. In der Zeit wo der letzte noch lebt, könnt ihr Bretter zu machen, und wieder bisschen Punkte verdienen.
Wirft noch paar Grannaten in den Gang vorne rein, wenn ihr noch welche habt. Und dann immer so weiter. Wenn es zu krass wird haut ab. blac,
Link Evolution am Wenn jetz wieder nur einer von den Zombies übrig ist, lasst ihn wieder am Leben, und aktiviert wieder die Zeitmaschine. Guckt gleich geradeaus, den die restlichen Fiecher laufen da wie verrückt auf euch zu. Black Ops 4 bei Amazon kaufen! Leider gibt es tatsächlich zomvie Schwerter oder antike Waffen, die ihr verwenden könnt.
So bekommt ihr 10 Punke zombei jede Kugel, und Punke beim Messern, und dann noch Punke für die Bretter die ihr dann auch wieder zumacht.
Call of Duty – Black Ops.
Test: Call of Duty – Black Ops 4 – Zombie-Modus
Kauft sie euch alle, und überlebt solange in dem Raum bis die Hunde kommen. Das einzige Ziel ist hier die höchste Punktzahl bei immer neuen Zombie-Wellen zu erreichen und lback Champion vor allen anderen Spielern zu werden. GO Turnier in den 8. In schwierigen Situationen kann euch so der ein oder andere Trank die Haut retten. Die anderen suchen die?
Mit ins Guinness-Buch der Rekorde Am 9.
Zombie-Modus-Tipps : Black Ops
Ohne Support wird die Runde ein kurzes Vergnügen. Allerdings sollte nicht das gesamte Team zo,bie gleiche Klasse wählen. Sonys Zensur muss aufh …. Die Titanic, alte Bunker und eine römische Arena warten auf euch.
Immer bei stammfenstern sein oder immer herumlaufen?
Ich habe ein guten Tipp zum Zombie Modus für euch. Wenn ihr den strom eingeschaltet habt macht ihr den Teleporter an und wartet da drin, wenn es zu viele sind haut ihr ab nach oben.
Guckt in jede Ecke, am Besten gucken immer 2 nach vorne, und 2 nach hinten. Das funktioniert aber nur bis zu einem bestimmten Level.
Solange der letzte noch lebt, fängt keine neue Runde an. Close to the Sun: Sieh zu, wie sich am
The post BLACK OPS ZOMBIE MODUS DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/black-ops-zombie-modus-53/
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cerise-on-top · 1 year
A Day After
I am hungover as all hell right now, I'm surprised I can still stand and all! So! What better thing to do than to imagine a beautiful streamer girl taking care of you after beating your butt at Mario Kart!
Thank you to @parasocialitevn for allowing me to write for her and making a female yandere vn! I am blessing you for this! I hope this is good enough!
Ah, the misery that had crept upon you, ever so silently from a crater of your own making. Whereas children outside spent their time making their cheer known to the world at a frequency most unpleasant to you, you could do naught but frown. For the intensity at which they experienced life did not match your own. Whereas boy and girl would fight dragons with swords of sticks and ammunition of stone, you were trapped inside, your head pounding as much as your heart did not too long ago. For as painful as it all had seemed, it was nature’s course: You were hungover from last night.
A bucket next to you, emptied anytime it had been refilled, brought a smell of utmost foulness with it. Memories of last night flooded your brain whenever you as much as took a whiff of its stench. Even so, you had to admit, it was a pleasant night altogether. Drinking in solitude may have been frowned upon, both by society and yourself, with both parties in agreement that it might be a pathetic and lonely custom, but you had company in your misery. Company, that nursed you back to health, or at least tried to.
“My love, you should drink some water and eat some toast. It’s said that it soaks up the stomach acid!”
It almost felt as though your wife was taking care of you with how gentle she was being. A glass of water in one hand, a plate of toast in the other, all the while a lovestruck smile was on her face. By no means did it go unnoticed by you, but you had bigger problems than considering your crush was acting like your wife. “Eden, you’re such a sweetheart, I have no idea however I should repay you.”
Upon being called a sweetheart, her grin only grew in size as it seemed for a moment she was shaking from merely a word. With pride in her steps and a straight back, she made her way towards you, who was sitting on your bed, head in your hands as you’re hunched over, considering your life choices. A sigh escaped you as she set down the plate and glass on the nightstand next to you. When a weight settled down next to you, not even then could you bring yourself to look up. Still, having someone look out for you like this felt nice. Memories of last night flashed before your eyes as you wondered how your companion hadn’t been as affected as you were.
Heaving a sigh, you finished in place just after her, meaning you had to take another shot. Her eyes, filled with glee and remorse, were telling that Eden intended for you to win instead. After all, a professional streamer wouldn’t end up in 6th place, just behind you, for the majority of the race. Still, it must have felt nice to her, to win. What are video games for if not the serotonin boost of beating a hard boss, or perhaps winning against your friends and family in a friendly, but heated, racing game.
“Sorry, Y/N, but if it makes you feel better, I can take a shot with you.” She shot you a friendly smile, tilting her head as she put her controller on her lap. Playing with the joystick of it still, she reached for the glass filled with some cheap, disgusting wine. But you couldn’t have that. Yes, your performance was gradually getting worse, but at least you had an excuse for such. For as much as it made your face distort every time you even thought of taking another sip, it was strong enough.
Strong enough for you to feel its effects sooner than you thought you would.
Her pink eyes, her soft skin, it all looked so alluring. But then again, she was a streamer, a very pretty one at that, so she was bound to take care of herself to some degree. Though, you doubted she considered her simps too much, given how, even when struggling against you during a round of a video game of your choice, she still glanced over at you, making sure you were okay. If only you had been that oblivious. It didn’t need a detective to be able to tell that she was into you. Then again, her cheerful nature was contagious. The way she doted on you, the way she would brush her hand “accidentally” against yours. The way she would smile whenever she got to see you. The way she hid her squeals and held her face in her hands whenever you complimented her.
With little to no problem, she reached out to her glass, her intentions clear. It wasn’t until she almost brought it to her lips that you realised what she was actually doing. Naturally, you couldn’t have that. “Eden.” You gently grabbed her arm, tugging at it in hopes of getting her attention. “You silly goose, it’s my turn to drink, I lost, after all. It’s only fair!”
The nickname had her giggle a bit, but ultimately, she put her glass down, watching you as you downed another shot, cringing at its taste. Coughing a bit, you set down your beverage as well, yearning for the moment you could finally drink something else. Your perception may have been altered, feeling woozy as well as a pounding in your head already, but you could have sworn Eden sighed as she took in your drunken state. It was surprising she could still be into you, even when you were about to pass out. Then again, it was hard to not feel the same way about her. In vino veritas, but by no means were you drunk enough yet to confess to her.
“M gonna bring ya down, Eden. Next round.”
“Haha, next round indeed. I believe in you, Y/N.”
The way she said your name, it was hard to believe she hadn’t rolled onto her stomach, kicking her legs in the air while giggling, yet.
While it felt like a surprise at first, soon enough you relaxed into her touch as she gently rubbed soothing circles into your back. “How are you feeling?” Her voice was as soothing and gentle as lying in a field of grass during a warm spring day. Certainly, there weren’t too many things you remembered from last night, not after your last consecutive loss against her, but it was still nice. You felt safe with her. Had she done anything with and to you, you likely would have remembered. But no, nothing. You didn’t feel disgusted, you didn’t feel sullied, you simply felt relaxed around her. While she may have been in love with you, you didn’t feel as though Eden would take advantage of you. Giving you a hug, perhaps, but that’s about it. Not that your touch starved self would be opposed to that anyway.
“M fine.” You sighed again, feeling your stomach get more upset. But it never turned into anything more. You were grateful to any and every deity out there for that.
“You really overdid it this time, didn’t you? I’m sorry. Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you, it’s the least I can do.”
“Eden, you’re a heaven-sent.” Your entire body was pulsating as it took in her warmth, it was a surprise you hadn’t collapsed yet. But by Jove, when was the last time you had actually been touched like that? If being hungover like this was what it took to be this close to her, then maybe it was worth it after all. Twitching and shivering, you took the glass of water, barely capable of not spilling its contents. Downing it slowly, it felt so good, drinking something that wasn’t disgusting wine and cheap vodka. While it may not have alleviated your headache just yet, it sure felt like a life saver already.
Shifting closer until her leg touched yours, she put an arm around you, pulling her closer to her body. “Don’t you wanna eat something as well?”
“Oh hell no, that won’t stay down! Later, once I feel better. But thank you, don’t know where I’d be without you.” No protests whatsoever, not even the need for one, made themselves known as Eden put her head on your shoulder, sighing contently.
“Have it your way, but promise me you’ll eat. Please?” Goshdarnit, she was so adorable.
“Yeah, I promise.”
“Thank you.” And with that, she shifted her head a bit, enough so she can give you a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”
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