museum-of-screens · 11 months
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Memory Reloaded: The Downfall (2010) 
Creator(s): Paolo Pedercini
Type: Flash
Language: [EN] 
Status: Available through emulation
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eveaddict · 1 year
I got nostalgic for flash games and did a deep dive into my old favorites. While I was at that Mcdonald's game, I came across its developer, Molleindustria's talk for Mackenzie Art Gallery on flash games, their history, and preservation. It's very insightful and informative, especially considering it only has <1k views. I recommend it to anyone who is/was into flash games or web development. Good stuff.
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lucyvsky · 10 days
incredible game by molleindustria
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eargoat · 2 months
Don't Look at the Sun (2024)
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aloe-veraaaa · 2 months
last post reminded me of a game i found a while ago i really wanna share its wonderful
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simfanrussia · 1 year
Леваки продолжают свою повестку в видеоиграх
.picture463 {width: 900px; height: 506px; background: url(https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2334990/ss_c608ffd21102d1719987f697dbd19422c5bb02f8.jpg?t=1683485535); background-size: cover; margin: 20px 0 20px;}
В центре геймплея находится карта Америки, а свайпная механика раскрывается во влиянии каждой карты на несколько показателей. Ведь зеленые технологии дороги и сокращают занятость! В Green New Deal Simulator вам нужно сбалансировать открытие всяких ветряков с набором каких-то никому не нужных людей и раскаткой налогового пресса. Такова цена прогресса.
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gvdgreta · 1 year
Everyday the same dream by Molleindustria - Week 1
In the context of the game, I would say that play is to explore and push the limitations of set rules. To me, the game felt mainly exploration-based, especially considering the number of different avenues the player can take to reach different endings. When I realized that after I reached one ending I started back at the beginning, I began to look for different outcomes. However, I was not necessarily looking for a concrete end to the game. I think this is because the game does not make it clear that there is an end. You assume there is one, but it is not visible. I started to understand that I was getting close to some sort of ending because of the countdown of the lady in the elevator. At that point, however, the player is convinced they have done everything that needs to be done in the game, and goes back to just exploring the area, seeing if they can do anything different to make the game end. There is an element of problem-solving and intrigue when the player discovers something new. Walking around is the primary means to which I realized what I had to do. 
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‘Everyday the Same Dream’
Upon my first impression of Molleindustria’s Everyday the Same Dream I was immediately intrigued because it contained the cues of a game which relies heavy on storyline (such as waking up by the bed, signifying the beginning of a new day, getting dressed, etc.)
The little incremental acts of turning off the tv and making your way out of the house seemed as though my suspicions were accurate and in a way they were, but after playing the game further, it wasn’t panning out how I had previously conceived in my mind.
The game is very repetitive, by design I understand, but at first I thought the game was broken. It didn’t occur to me that I had to carry out my day differently with each play. I only noticed that aspect of the gameplay after hastily passing by things and not putting as much effort into it as I went along and also just out of pure curiosity to keep the gameplay as fresh as I could with how slow it was.
Overall, I think the game was effective in portraying its message but it isn’t something I would ever revisit again. The way it subconsciously pushes you to do things differently is quiet the brilliant design element and the simple art style is appealing to me.
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amysgamereviews · 1 year
Week 1
Molleindustria's 'Everyday the same dream'.
I played this game for the sake of playing it and did not know what to expect. I initially thought it seemed dull and too slow for my taste. I became aware that it shows what mundane life looks like and I began to notice that whenever I did something new, I would be told that I would be a step closer. In this case, I played as a submission, where I was bound by the limits set forth by the game rules. I had limited freedom to choose between 5/6 actions that would end the game when completed. The game used visual queues such as colour and empty space to show the player where or what they must click on to perform each task. Personally, I would play this or a game similar to this in my free time because it was boring, yet also frustrating.
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Rise up my siblings it's time for us again to fight for our future and take back power from the greedy hands of capitalism and fight to protect our future. Now that we are in power we will guide this country to a future where we can have clean air, high paying jobs, and above all else a healthy and prosperous life.
Welcome back to another video here on Mummified Games. I’m Tony and today we are going to be talking about the Political Strategy Simulator, Democratic Socialism Simulator by Molleindustria.
In this game you are a newly elected president who is going to be presented with a series of decisions to make. And it's your job to be either for or against the proposed policy. When a new card shows up in the window you will swipe it towards two different answers. Typically the left will be a “no” while the right will be a “yes” in a roundabout way.
These policies will be taking a lot from our current political climate. I have a strong feeling we’re still going to be dealing with these problems for a lot longer.
Your choices will affect a few things.
The budget, growing the amount of money the government has and being able to spend on projects.
The power the people have. Workers rights and their ability to seize the means of production
Greenhouse gasses and the climate crisis. Passing green energy and renewable sources will help with these things.
And obviously passing or shutting down ideas will affect the voting public. Being able to see how your choices will affect the opinion of the people in the next voting cycle.
And that's one of the main things that you might have to worry about while being president. Passing important things that matter and also making sure that you don't alienate all of the people voting for you.
My first playthrough I didn't even make it to see if I was re-elected. They threw me out just after the midterms.
The next two playthroughs, one on the plane, and the one you’re watching now we’re both successful presidencies. Where the budget was booming, The people had all the power and the climate crisis was on track to be taken care of.
The one thing I wish there was more of in this game was public transportation questions. But there already were a lot of questions and policy changes that were very cathartic to make happen. Things that I wish we were able to change in the real world and not just in a video game.
If only it was as easy as playing this game.
Again this is another game that has a great soundtrack, the chip tune and vocaloid sections were great.
As I said in my last review this was one of two games I took on a 3 and a half hour flight. A game that again I wish I knew before my flight had an average playthrough, tutorial and all, of about a half hour. That's just not enough to hold me over on that flight. No fault of the developer, Just the wrong tool for the wrong job. Wish I knew that ahead of time.
Friends, I just looked at the Store page while writing this review and saw that its only $3 USD. GO GET THIS GAME!
You can live out your fantasy of being a socialist leader of a country and save your people, and then after that play the exact opposite of what makes you feel good. You know, just for kicks. See how far you can really mess up the people in this game.
One of my friends does this all the time. He's a flag waving DemSoc and often plays games once as an idealized version of the world we live in. And then a few times being an absolute authoritative dingus.
For sure you all should give this game a whirl. It's on WIndows, Linux, Android so you can take it with you.
What do you all think of this game? Are there any other political simulator games out there that you like? Let me know in the comments.
In the meantime. Hehehehe my bed is a community supported project if ya know what I mean. Solidarity isn't the only thing that can last forever hehehehehe If ya catch my drift. If anyone wants to come over and seize the means of, no wait, that doesn't work, uhhh lead a revolution under my sheets? I don't know. I thought I had a 3rd joke here. I lost it.
You all do the youtube dance, Like, Sub, Bell, Comment with your thoughts, and tell someone you know about these videos.
And as always friends. Keep Digging, and we’ll make it out sometime.
See you in the next one.
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museum-of-screens · 2 years
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Phone Story (2011)
Creator(s): MolleIndustria
Type: Flash
Language: [EN]
Status: Available through emulation
(Content Warning: Blood, Suicide)
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tiny-design · 3 years
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Every decision changes the larger political landscape of Democratic Socialism Simulator, with individual voters either brought closer or pushed further away with every choice the player makes. Along with this, the player must address 3 core needs of their nation: Budget, People Power, and Climate Impact. No single decision will unilaterally improve the player’s standing, and every action has greater impacts down the line as advisers are brought on board and bills are passed into law. What makes this work so well is that political enemies and friends alike may cause your political strength to raise or diminish, but addressing the goals of keeping a balanced Budget, giving Power to the People, and keeping Climate Change in check is incredibly difficult (but never impossible), even when you have the power to make every decision you want to.
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neverendingparable · 4 years
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Every Day The Same Dream (Molleindustria - December 2009)
A game about alienation and refusal of labour.
Download it here
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freeindiegame · 4 years
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The online Museum of Multiplayer Art by LIKELIKE & Molleindustria
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zzkt · 5 years
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Lichenia is part of an ongoing series of alternative city building games – the other one so far is Nova Alea. I’ve been presenting this Playable Cities project as a series of magical realist alternatives to SimCity (or better magical Marxist, think Italo Calvino meets David Harvey). SimCity is not only the game that established the genre, but also a recurrent object lesson in topics such as ideology and electronic entertainment, neoliberal urbanism, reductionism in simulations, the ambiguity of interactive text, and so on, and so on. I spoke at length about the many issues of city games in general, but I keep coming back to the subject precisely because what’s wrong in SimCity – its harrowing omissions, its irresponsible design choices, its unapologetic capitalist realism – is an endless source of inspiration. I could easily spend the rest of my life making semi-broken games that attempt to fix the damage made by Maxis/EA.
(via http://www.molleindustria.org/blog/lichenia-release-notes/ )
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thedragonagelesbian · 3 years
realizing the death of flash killed playing molleindustria games online.... fucking sucks man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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