#mom of phobos and elyon
shnu-rock-san · 1 year
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Well, if curly Elyon, why not curly Phobos? But he came out really nice and fluffy with that hair. I also fantasized and redesigned his mantle, adding more of his mom's costume details.
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natalie-the-chimera · 5 months
Snake appreciation month: Headcanons
Many imagine Cedric coming or being taken from some shapeshifter tribe/village or from the streets, going from rags to riches. But what if he was rich from the start?
Shapeshifters, especially big and strong like Cedric, are a very powerful force in battle. One of these could deal with a whole squad of soldiers. So it's better to keep such creatures close, giving them wealth and power so they won't turn on you in the future.
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I wonder if the green dude is Cedric's distant relative
Coming back to Cedric's family, I see them as nobles with a ancient lineage, possibly going back to the times of the first Escanor. And of course members of the Hoffman family are proud of their background and shapeshifting abilities, making arranged marriages with other noble families to improve their bloodline. And so we came to Richard and Rovena Hoffman aka Cedric's Mom and Dad.
It was another arranged marriage. Richard's family were humans, much less wealthy than Hoffmans, so it was a win-win situation for both (it's actually my friend's headcanon): shapeshifters prefer to have kids from another shapeshifter or human, so their child will keep the ability to transform. Having children from galahots or changelings (like Elyon's foster parents) is objectionable because of the risk of losing that ability. Cedric's parents weren't in love but they didn't hate each other, acting like respectful partners.
And so, our little snake boy was born.
Cedric's childhood was a normal childhood of a kid from a wealthy family: studying with mentors, starting from etiquette and music to the arts of war. His favourite were history and strategy and the most of all — politics. This was causing disagreements with his mother. Rovena, who had already planned her son's future, as well as his possible children and grandchildren's, served Veira's parents and saw enough dirt, corruption and the kingdom being on the edge of civil war. Of course she didn't want such fate to their only son. Richard, on the other hand, supported his son's ambitions, being some kind of a bridge between teen Cedric and distant Rovena.
Everything changed when Cedric turned 16. Snake shapeshifters have a great immunity to poisons and diseases unlike humans. His father perished from an illness, making his mother even more distant and cold and leaving him with a ton of responsibilities, expectations and pressure. The family estate was becoming more cold, dark and uncomfortable for him so he wanted to grow further, to bring honor to his family. Eventually, Rovena gave up, meeting Queen Veira and young Phobos at the royal meeting, and agreed to send Cedric to the castle as prince's new mentor. If only she knew what will happen years after...
Cedric's character:
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*pats his head* "This tired angy boy can fit so much bottled emotions in him"
Oh man, where can I even start...
Well, it all starts in the family. If you think that being a kid from a noble family means doing nothing, think again. Especially if you have a cold, strict and demanding mother, preparing you to be a head of the family since the moment you learned how to walk. I headcanon that Cedric was raised with a thought that showing true emotions was considered a weakness. "She worries. Worry keeps her weak" (c) Cedric about Elyon, s1 ep21
The problem is, that we aren't golems made of stone. And Cedric already had quite an emotional baggage before arriving to the castle: the death of his father and the pressure of now being responsible for the wellbeing of the family. Soon, death of Queen and Prince-consort and following struggle for power among nobles and start of the rebellion added more pressure on his nerves. And all he could do was bottling up his emotions until the breaking point. He could blow off steam on the battlefield but after becoming Phobos' advisor he needed to stay near the prince.
Oh, the prince...
I think, Cedric was in charge for literally everything or at least controlling the ones who were responsible for everything. Army, searching for spies, exploring portals, maintaining the castle and the most important — searching for the princess. For 13 years. Plus the guardians, old and new. Oh, forgot to add that Meridian is slowly decaying without its Heart. And Phobos being disappointed and impatient after every fail. And he also got almost no sleep because of the timezones on Meridian and Earth. All I want to say that our big boy have severe anger issues, probably trashing his chambers after an especially hard day of losing to the guardians the 5th time this week and getting yelled at. He even can't just get drunk and pass out, because his body is immune to alcohol.
Just give him a long-long vacation.
Some minor headcanons I carry in my head:
Cedric can purr in his snake form. Not like a cat but more like a crocodile. He does that when he is happy and comfortable and the last time it happened when he was 15.
He betrayed Phobos in s2 mostly because the prince turned him in the worm and he wanted revenge: to humilate him, make him small and defenceless. And after that he started his crusade with Heatherfield, to destroy the home of the guardians. " Phobos wanted more power and I took it all away. You were messing with me and my world, now I'll destroy yours." If Cedric managed to win, I think he would just go on a murder spree, destroying everything and everyone who could go against him.
(comic) Cedric wasn't free of Phobos even after the prince took a leap of fate from Condrakar's tower. Years of abuse don't go away that easily, so his mind could occasionally went back thinking about Phobos or having nightmares with him. He didn't tell anyone about it, even Orube.
He sleeps hugging something, mostly a pillow. If you got into these snake hugs and try to get out he will constrict his arms or tail harder without waking up.
Even if Cedric can swallow a human or a large animal whole, he rarely does that, preferring to tear his prey up. If he eats too much at once, he becomes sleepy. Also, living prey can start struggling and kicking which can damage his teeth, throat or esophagus.
In series we see him in his snake form when he arrives to the bookshop. So, maybe he got rid of its previous owner...
He rarely opens up to anyone but if he does...Get ready for a several hours of pure bitching and complaining about his life. (He absolutely deserves it)
He looks serious and gloomy but he can be quite sarcastic, mostly making dark jokes.
The series were for kids but I think he actually swears a lot when he doesn't have to act as a noble man. He is also quite violent and, while in human form, can transform his mouth and jaw to bite his opponent's face off when he is tired to play nice.
His eyes can glow in the dark, he also can look at someone for a long time without blinking when he is threatening them to scare the shit out of them.
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nessa-writes-stuff · 11 months
So i finally finished w.i.t.c.h season 1 and ahh it was soo good. Will can make portals now yayy she solos that flop Phobos and everything is all happy ( for now) and Matt found outt??? Very very interesting ( i wonder if Will's mom is going to find out at some point) i read like the first 9 chapters of the comic ( before my website stopped working🥲🥲) and omds when ever i see Elyon and Cedric together i cringe sm. Like miss Elyon ur like what 12/13 and Cedric is old so wdym you're going on a date POLICE
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mikeilo-fanarts · 3 years
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Princess Weira soon to be engaged or just playing with a magical ring idk I needed an excuse to make a spirling lil animation.
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madonna-of-meridian · 4 years
Me seeing people complain about the w.i.t.c.h. cartoon:
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But I won't interact and this is why I'll SCREAM my opinion in the tags
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meridianthotcrimes · 3 years
I know this is simply reading too much into this scene and giving the writing team too much credit, but.
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I like to think this fake baby Phobos that Nerissa conjured up is purely fictional, not based off anything irl. The actual Phobos would never have been tolerated so close to his mother, let alone be hugged by her. That's why he's all stiff looking in the fake memory: even Nerissa can't imagine what it'd be like if Phobos got hugged by his mom. She just photoshopped his usual self into the memory and blurred the edges a little to fool Elyon.
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sp1c3m0nst3r · 3 years
My country is very strict with voice-overs, everything must be made by us or it won't be played. So when w.i.t.c.h. was put on tv in my language, Will's mom had her name changed from Susan to Susana. She also was the only character who said "mija". For the longest time I believed that Will was supposed to be a Hispanic/Irish mix kid. I was very surprised when I heard the original dub. It's still a small headcanon of mine tho.
Well, I did put some thought on the girls ethics. Mainly the first three of the group since Cornelia's and Hay Lin's were very obvious.
If I'm not mistaken, Will's mum is Italian (either mixed or not) and was confirmed by one of W.I.T.C.H creators (the comic series ofc). And Will's dad has Irish descent.
Irma probably has Mexican descent from her mother's side and both her dad and step-mom is American.
Taranee obviously African-American mixed with Asian blood. Her mum seems Asian (again its either mixed or not).
Elyon and Phobos are more British due to their family history.
I like to entertain the idea that Cedric is Greek. When putting the theory of portals were connected throughout all planets like Yggdrasil to the Nine realms of norse mythology, each Earth's continents share same/similar culture to the rest of the planets (i.e. Basillade's portals mostly connected with China), and Cedric's race/species is Gorgon-type.
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neurotic-naga · 4 years
Useless headcanons about the Escanors
- Phobos has shitty handwriting. Unbelievably bad. He could totally learn to write better, but he enjoys the light terror/distress people feel trying to decipher his writing. Anyway, it's easier to dictate.
- The siblings (and their mom) wrinkle their nose the exact same way when they're mad.
- Actually, the first time Elyon blew up at something, people initially thought maybe her brother had possessed her somehow because their angry fits are the exact same.
- Elyon perfected the "ghost" trick so that it functions basically like an astral drop, so she uses it to get out of meetings to go paint in her room.
- Elyon still goes by Earth time and dates. Her mom general has to gently correct her.
- Phobos was raised to be proper, so he does not swear. He also made it a rule that Cedric specifically cannot swear in his presence (because Cedric cusses up a storm when he's upset and it's funny to watch him struggle to contain himself and act proper).
- Phobos cannot ride a horse. Only Cedric knows this and it's what he lords over his head when their bickering starts to get too ridiculous.
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inmydrcams · 4 years
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@ashenvoid​ said: “ i’ll be okay. i promise. ” (caleb to elyon)
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             Elyon groans, her head leaned back against the chair, eyes staring at the ceiling. Okay, not Elyon, the princess. She’s the princess. Or the queen. Technically she’s the queen, right? Meridian does queens, right? There’s just so much she doesn’t know, so much culture clashing that she doesn’t understand because she was not raised here. Because she didn’t even know this place existed a year ago, had no CLUE there were people out there relying on her, waiting for her, who prayed for her to come back and help them even when they stopped believing in her. Faith. That’s something this world has in common with Earth.
             There’s some reports of things happening in some town whose name she hasn’t memorised.  ( Note to self, work on that. Come on, Elyon, it’s just like being back at school… Every second… of every day. )  And for some reason he has volunteered and she doesn’t want him to go cause she got used to him, she got used to someone who knows something about Earth, got used to how he didn’t look like he was hiding disappointment on queen and instead genuinely tried to help. Mom and dad are the same but they’re still her parents, you don’t tell them everything. So it’s nice to have a friend.
          ❝ Still… I don’t like you going out there like that when we have no idea what is happening. People are just spooked and won’t talk… ❞  Remnants of Phobos’ influence, one could not expect the brother who ruled for over 10 years to just be gone like that, to be a mistake you can erase with a rubber.  ❝ I’d feel better if I could go with you, just… support, y’know. ❞
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zarahxan · 5 years
Sorry for the delay on post, I’ve really been quite busy lately... ^^’
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Day 11 - Something Awesome
So remember that moment in Issue 10 when Ely got so outraged by what Phobos was actually doing to her people and stopped a prison guard from hurting one of the prisoners.......and then proceeded to erase Phobos’s prison with one wave of her hand?
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Day 12 - Something that made you cry
“...it’s the end for me. My end! It doesn’t belong to Phobos! It doesn’t belong to Ludmoore! It’s something no tyrant can ever take away from me!
Don’t be sad, Orube! I still believe that this has got to be my destiny. I’ve changed my appearance and roll so many times... that I don’t remember where I come from...
While you... you’ve always remembered every sunbeam in Basiliade! Maybe it was just what I was looking for! I fooled myself to believe that I also could warm myself in that sunlight!”
...so I read this part again just to get their clothes drawn right. Needless to say, I tearing up and internally sobbing.
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Day 13 - Something Heartwarming
That moment when Elyon was reminiscing about her childhood in Heatherfield when she was feeling homesick and confused about her role in Meridian. I actually first came across this scene when I was reading the novelization of the issue A Bridge Between Worlds, And I would keep reading it over and over as a kid, because I found something very warm about it (I only wish I hadn’t lost the book :’>).
Not only is the flashback’s warm and sunny atmosphere a nice contrast to Meridian’s cold blues and greens, it just shows a nice snippet of how good of a Mom Miriadel was and is to Elyon.
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The Queen, The Prince, The Light of Meridian and The Magic Green Waterfall.
So, there are some theories of which I spoke first!
For more clearness, let's start from the Magic Green Waterfall. And the Prince. Phobos gains power from this waterfall. He overused it, it is dying and now Phobos needs Elyon to have her powers for himself.
His power is not his own. It is from the magic green waterfall. And Elyon's is hers, though needs the Crown of Light to be fully complete. Due to this, russian ficwriter Son of a Dragon developed a theory that human women have an inner source of magic while human men need an outer source. But what do we know of the Queens?
Nothing except for appearances of a few and the name of the first one, Leryn. Including, we don't know anything regarding their powers. What is the most important, people: non of them is ever called the Light of Meridian. Just the Queens. Not the Lights. Also the Crown would definitely not fit on our Escanors' mom's giant hairdo.
And we just don't have humans who are magical by themselves before the wholly commercial Teach 2b W.i.t.c.h. thing. Dr. Riddle? His powers are shown as something other. And never explained, yeah, but a whole lineage of Meridian queens is a more story important thing.
On a bridge to Kandrakar, the Guardians are being told that Elyon is a messianic figure. For Kandrakar itself, not just for Meridian citizens tired of tyranny and hoping that the rightful heir will be on their side.
So, my word? Queens don't gain the right for throne by magic, but the right for magic by throne. They all gain magic from the green waterfall which is an effluent of the planetary magical powers. Phobos overused it, even drained much of the planetary power itself through it — that's the energy Elyon has returned to the planet in issue 12. And Elyon, the Light of Meridian, is the Chosen One with her own magic, whose birth was predicted (as Phobos and Caleb know of her).
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nemrut · 7 years
Untitled W.I.T.C.H. story
As I watched Cornelia, Irma and Matt step out of the portal, I frowned.
“Where are the others?” I asked, as I moved to hug Cornelia.
“Hay Lin had to help out at the Silver Dragon, Taranee was dragged along by her brother for something and Will’s mom kinda drafted her to assist with something work related. Honestly not sure, Will was yelling about needing rescue from evil paperwork and running but I’m not breaking into her mom’s workplace again. Red is on her own.”
“I love your teamwork,” I said, “Always so encouraging to see the Guardians of the Veil stepping up and show why it was them that were chosen to safeguard Infinity.”
Matt, the abandoned girls boyfriend rolled his eyes as Cornelia shoved me with a snort. “Shut up, you ditched us more than once for a sale.”
“And am I a guardian, Cornelia? Do you see me wearing these ridiculous tights?”
Irma clutched her chest as if her heart had been shot, a look of betrayal on her face. “How dare you! Ridiculous tights? It’s the finest fashion and armor Kandrakar has to offer.”
Cornelia was equally outraged. “We deposed the last ruler of this planet and we’ll do it again,” Cornelia threatened with a smile and I laughed.
“So, what’s the plan?” asked Irma and leaned over the balcony to see a lot of construction going on. “What’re you building over there?”
I took a deep breath, knowing that this might not go over all that well.
“Phobos’ weird Star Gate thing, on a really small scale.”
Cornelia, Matt and Irma spun around looking at me, eyes wide and mouths open.
“I’m sorry, I think the last fold did something to my hearing. I could have sworn you said something like building a fold portal to earth.” Matt’s voice got a bit shrill which couldn’t have been good for his singing.
“Yeah, that’s the plan.”
“Look, guys, it’s very simple. Yes, I may be the Queen of an entire planet and have magical powers akin to a literal goddess, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss electricity or the internet. Or good plumbing. Or refrigerators. Or modern medicine. Or tampons, well, magic kinda makes that way more convenient actually, but for all the others who aren’t me, tampons would be neat. Which is most people here, basically everyone else. You know, modern technology and science. All the good stuff. I want it here. For me and for them. I’m a giver.”
“Why do you sound like a villain when you say it like that?” Irma asked raising an eyebrow which I ignored.
“I’m not going to steal anything or kidnap anyone. I am going to take gold and jewels from our treasury here, change them to earth currency and get a lot of books. Thankfully our languages are similar enough and the most difficult thing is coming up with stuff anyway. With that already handled, all we have to do is to learn how it is done and try to apply it here, without the mistakes that you people did, of course. Earth people are bad at this, you know. Would be cool to have everything without wrecking the planet and nature. Here I am hoping magic will do the trick.”
“You people?” Cornelia looked baffled and incredulous.
“That sounds great and all, but you really just want the internet back, right?”  asked Irma at the same time.
“Oh yes, so much. Movies, make-up, fashion, movies, games, music,  electricity in general. I need it back, guys!”
“You said movies twice. Also, I’m not learning how to build steam engines,” Cornelia said, crossing her arms. “As if I didn’t have anything better to do than uplift this backwater hellhole. No offence,” she hastily added.
“Yes offence but that’s not why I asked you morons here. If I wanted technical expertise, or any kind of expertise for that matter, I would have bribed Taranee here. No, you lemmings are going to, for now, work as my gophers. Take a few of my subjects and give them an earth crash-course until they know enough to make transactions.”
Matt took out his smartphone, pushed a few buttons and read something for a few seconds before he spoke. “I just checked my schedule and it seems I’m too busy for that Elyon. Looks like I’ve to do anything else but that. Sorry for that, would love to help but I really don’t want to. Solid talk we had and good luck.”
“What he said,” Irma pointed at Matt and Cornelia nodded.
“Hard pass, gorgeous.”
Well, it’s not like I expected them to be helpful, especially after they told me they had ditched Will the way Caleb had his mother in the necklace.
“Way to be helpful, guys. Here you are, lounging in the lap of luxury and privilege that is western civilization and refuse to do give even a little bit of time to help those in need. For shame.”
“Said the wealthy, magically powerful very much not elected monarch.” Irma wasn’t impressed but then again, she had always been a sharp one.
“Yeah, didn’t think you’d buy that line either.”
“Honestly, in all seriousness, that’s your long term goal? Get a few books and build stuff that is way above the technological level of this world? Never watched all that much Star Trek but seems to remember that it was a bad idea there.”
“Well, I’m going to be cheating a lot. With magic. Like, the portal thing is there so that the fold will be permanently open to allow for cables in-between worlds. So it will be less inventing the meridian internet but rather accessing the internet and electrical networks of earth.”
“That’s possible?”
“Well, I could plug in the charger of my phone with a fold between my bedroom here and on earth. And as long as the fold is open, I even get a weak wifi signal.”
“Aren’t you stealing internet?”
“Oh, is miss mind control trying to argue morals with me?”
“Objection retracted.”
“But no, I would have paid for the Brown house. Of course, if I want to set up things, would have to pay for other stuff but I would first need to research what I would need exactly. And how to make it so that no one wonders where it all goes to.”
“Imagine the whole different worlds thing gets blown because Aldarn was shitposting on Twitter.” Irma seemed amused at that and crackled after a few seconds thinking about that.
“So, you’re going to have your people toil away in order to give yourself access to youtube and facebook. What was the difference between monarchy and dictatorship again?” Matt asked.
“The difference is fuck you,” I replied, shooting him a cross glare. “And having electricity and warm water and modern sanitation and all that is going to help everyone as well.”
“Easy there, your majesty,” Irma was barely holding back her laughter. “You really have gotten quite demanding and bossy over the last few months.”
“What? No, I’ve not.”
“Elyon, sweetie, you have. It’s not bad or anything, but you did get a bit more-“
“Like Cornelia,” Irma helped her finish her sentence for which she was rewarded with a cute snarl.
I, on the other hand, was aghast. “I haven’t gotten that bad, did I?” my hands went to my cheeks.
“Oh, screw you two bitches! You wish you were half as awesome as me.”
“Who are you going to send to earth to learn earth customs?”
“Well, Caleb seems like a good choice. He already has a solid grasp on a lot of things and it’s not like he isn’t there enough. Might as well do something useful when he is there. You know, pleasing Cornelia should take only a few minutes, lots of free time afterwards.” Cornelia flipped me off, the rude tramp. “My parents are probably going to be the main people taking the helm on that one. They’ve lived there for years, they know it very well, they are already established and our house serves as a nice basis. And they’re adults, so, yeah, that tends to make things easier than having a seventeen year old try to do this shit.”
“What was this crap about us having to take care of newcomers then? Seems like we’re not needed at all.” Irma sounded confused.
“Well, it would be helpful. But truth to be told, I’d like your more…esoteric help. Mainly Will and Irma, really, so it’s too bad she isn’t here.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You wanted us to abuse our powers to grant you unlimited access to technological facilities and applications? Brainwash people and infiltrate computer systems? That’s what you wanted us for?”
“You make it sound worse than it is.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Elyon, you must have confused us for the Guardians of Corporate Espionage when we’re, in fact, very much not that!”
“You’re so dramatic,” I complained to Cornelia. “I know Irma uses her powers to let herself off easy with tests and oral examinations. How is that any better than me wanting you guys to fudge the numbers in order to help tens of thousands of people.”
“Oh yeah, you’re really desperate to give Aldarn and the rest of the Rebellion access to porn and catvideos.”
Matt, Cornelia and I laughed at that and Irma flashed us a confident grin.
“Oh boy, I would pay to see that, to be honest,” Matt said, not even trying to reign in his grin.
“Not going to lie, porn would be a huge success here,” I admitted, “think it definitely has potential as a business endeavor but we don’t want to go too fast. Folks are in some ways a bit more conservative. It’s a medieval setting, after all.”
“You know,” Irma started, “I always wondered how close they are to our world.”
“Well, racism isn’t really a thing between humans, seeing they are living together with countless other races and this world has been aware of Kandrakar and other worlds for quite a while. That said, it still very much exists with regards to shapeshifters and other life forms. Lurdens as well. And whatever Tracker was.”
“How come they still haven’t technologically progressed if Kandrakar has been connecting them to so many different worlds?” Cornelia wondered.
“Phobos didn’t make things easier on that regard but before that, no idea. Maybe they like the aesthetic?”
“Well, Kandrakar isn’t exactly high tech either,” Matt said, scratching his chin. “I mean, it’s pretty much monks in robes and aether and whatnot.”
“But mostly because they have magic, right? No need for an electric heater if you can just magic the right temperature and stuff. Light, communication, heat, whatever, everything can be done by magic. Why bother with technology?” I said. “Which is different to here, because not every citizen is a wizard or sorcerer. And no magic in the world can replace YouTube, so, yeah. I want this done.”
Really, it was like herding cats with them. Every time I had them to a teensy thing, they started complaining and bickering.
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cornerverse-mlp · 8 years
Also, I had to come up with a W.I.T.C.H. AU because TBH Equestria Girls reawakened my love of the Magical Girl genre and damn do I love it. 
Mostly based on the events of the cartoon, since I know it best. Not a scene-for-scene remake, but does follow the main storylines of both seasons.
No name anagram though because what can I make out of T.F.P.R.A.R
Twilight is the Keeper of the Heart/Guardian of Quintessence
Pinkie Pie is Guardian of Fire
Rarity and Applejack share the Earth Element, Applejack getting control over plants and Rarity getting control over rocks.
Rainbow Dash is the Air Guardian
Fluttershy is the Water Guardian
Celestia takes over Yan Lin’s role as a previous Guardian to lead and give advice to the girls. She used to be the Guardian of Earth. She’s also only in her late twenties at most
Luna was the previous Keeper of the Heart.
She’s kind of in her Nightmare Moon phase and has basically taken over Nerissa’s role of second season villain
Also she kind of gets a redemption arc when she’s sucked into the Heart of Meridian/its equivilant
Sunset Shimmer was the previous Fire Guardian
When Luna began her Nightmare Moon Phase, Sunset was given the Heart of Kandrakar instead
Which kinda means Luna/Nightmare killed her
She’s kind became a vengeful spirit because she was angry as fuck that she got killed and is overall kind of a jerk and even though she distrusts Luna when she comes back to offer her power she takes the offer to be alive again
Speaking of she kind of mellows out after that and then comes back to life at the end and is the same age as Twilight’s group
As for the first season stuff because I went on a tangent
Sombra is totally the evil king because tbh when I wrote my headcanon for Sombra’s backstory I took some influence from Prince Phobos
Sombra gets a redemption arc tho
Like you know that part in season 2(spoilers) where the Guardians need Phobos to get Elyon and the Heart of Meridian from Nerissa? It basically goes like that except more bonding (because Pinkie can make friends with anyone given enough time) to the point where Sombra kind of gives up the idea of being evil because he could have a normal happy life
But he doesn’t get too much of a chance because someone else is a little more evil
Also: Princess Scootaloo
I was debating about putting Cadence in Elyon’s role, since Cadence is a princess and since I put Sombra as Phobos and there, but
Cadence, even if semi-mind controlled is too nice
Elyon thought her best friend, her sister in all but blood, had betrayed her by keeping her from her real family and her kingdom
Cadence wouldn’t be that angry, even when semi-mind controlled. She’d assume miscommunication and allow them to explain
Also, Cadence doesn’t have someone in the main cast she’s close to
Like, yes she’s close to Twilight, but they even in the series they are only so close.
Meanwhile, Scootaloo has all those things
She’s incredibly close to Rainbow Dash in canon, they are sisters in all but blood
And she would be angry if she thought Rainbow betrayed her in some way.
Also she’s still BFFs with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and they totally get to know about Meridian and the Guardians and all that because do you really think these girls would keep her from her friends once everything is fixed?
they’re the ones who break through to Scoots about Sombra maybe being evil . Like, she becomes suspicious and questions a bit more but ultimately does make the mistake of trusting him)
Chrysalis is Sombra’s second in command. And totally takes over at the end when he’s ‘going soft’
Also, since Twilight’s parents are more stable than Will’s, I’m changing the story to instead of her and her mom moving to a new city, she goes to live in her brother in a new city
This also lets me combine the two ‘I have issues with my parent’s new partner and think they’re an evil monster in disguise” plots
so Twilight’s paranoid that Cadence is actually Chrysalis in disguise
Of course it doesn’t help that when Twilight and her friends attack her she defends herself with magic
Cadence realizes what’s going on and kind of stops them and says ‘use the Heart on me I’m not a monster’ and they do and she’s normal
SO they’re like “wait why aren’t you confused and how can you use magic?”
Lol guess who was the Air Guardian?
I still don’t know who the Water Guardian should be
Maybe Shining?
Also I think Flash Sentry in Caleb’s position? Leader of the rebellion against Sombra
He has a small thing for Twilight but doesn’t get an endgame romance with anyone though sorry Flash
Speaking of romances, totally gonna toss in most of my ships. Like, you think I’m not going to have Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk get together in any au? They totally are.
Butttttt since I have to narrow down my Twilight Poly Ships to just one character to be Matt…….
Timber Spruce because fuck you that’s why.
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meridianthotcrimes · 3 years
Was rewatching episodes recently, so. On the brain today:
1. Why did Phobos chop his painting? The guardians couldnt use their powers and the Heart was literally within Cedric's grasp. Did he see Cedric get kicked by a horse and have a panic attack? This scene made no sense, he lost the Heart and the ppl imprisoned in his painting were freed.
2. Is the Weira mentioned in the Star of Threbe episode different from the siblings' mom? If not, why did Phobos say the Star had been lost for 1000 years? Also, the Mage was known back then. And in a later episode, Cedric said she was the last vestige of the ancient empire. And Caleb mentioned before that in 4000 years, no one has ever found an end to the Infinite City. So, at one point, at least 1000 years ago, the Mage was on good terms with the royal family despite her empire clearly having fallen out of power due to the new Escanor dynasty. But the Infinite City's location was unknown to the royal family? Despite being that big and that old? Or were its entrances sealed when Phobos took the throne? It just seems odd there wouldn't have been records of this city/empire.
3. How do ppl get up to the castle for everyday, legitimate reasons? In far-away shots, it sits on top of a weird rock/vine formation and surrounded by a giant lake full of giant fish/eel things. But we see that the average servant is able to come and go safely. However, in some scenes, theres also trees surrounding the castle walls, with more moats between the trees and the walls. There's also a guarded entrance across a bridge, but that looks like its closer to the castle, not ground level.
4. How does Elyon's underground prison work? All the cells go up and down the walls, and there's apparently a big moat separating the cells and the central walkway. So, some prisoners are near water? How do guards bring food/medicine back and forth? Are there toilets in the cell? Beds? I think when Hay Lin visits Raythor, he was literally crouching in a completely empty hole in the wall?? Also, the electrical walls are easily smashed by the Tracker's weapon, so how exactly is that a good defence? Maybe the bars inhibit magic on the inside, but that still seems like a big security hole. Also I love that Phobos has his own warning siren. Do the people of Meridian have warning drills? Or maintenance testing of the horn ("please do not panic, this is only a test of the Emergency Warning Siren").
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neurotic-naga · 4 years
Phobos: Mom, can I have the throne?
Weira, holding Elyon: Phobos, I already made an heir.
Phobos, tearing up: I hate this fucking family.
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madonna-of-meridian · 4 years
01530 days of WITCHversary
Day 17 - Something that needs to be revisited
 The Mage x Nerissa
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Okay, confusion alert:
This person(s) really confuse me. We get to know the Mage in season one episode 5 in which she reveals the mysterious writing Hay Lin and Will found. She helped the guardians later on to understand some stuff too. In 01.11 she appears in a kind of flashback when Yan Lin tells the girls how the Star of Threbe was made. As we get to know in season 2, Nerissa took over the Mage’s identity prior to season 1 - and therefor the guardians never got to know the real Mage and Nerissa helped them in disguise. In “O is for Obedience” Julien tells Caleb that Nerissa was his, Caleb’s, mother and now I get confused:
Okay, Nerissa took over the Mage’s form (and not only her’s as we know, since she was disguised as Tril too). Everything alright, I get this. BUT what does that mean for Nerissa x Julien = Caleb. He tells Caleb that the Mage was dead for 18 years now but that he fell in love with her 17 years ago (lol). Caleb is like wtf is the Mage my mom then? And Julien: “Hell no, numbers don’t lie and neither does Nerissa”. So, let me resume this: Nerissa took over the identity of the Mage, Julien fell in love with her and Caleb was born. BUT what does “Numbers don’t lie, neither does Nerissa” mean - does it mean that a) she said the truth 20 minutes ago when hinting she killed the Mage, or b.) does it mean, she did not lie to Julien 17 years ago when she was his loverin form of the Mage and was like: “You know honey, actually I am not the Mage but an evil ex-guardian”. So did Julien KNOW that the Mage was Nerissa the whole time? And simply did not tell anyone because he loved her? Or was it just that she revealed herself in the same episode and not 17 years ago. Can someone explain that, PLEASE.
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And also lol “numbers don’t lie” - they do in the w.i.t.c.h. universe. Cuz, if the veil was set 18 years ago, when Phobos came to power - it would make Elyon at least 17 too - I mean where is the sense? I don’t say the comics do it better at this point but holy sh*t - explain this weird timeline and this weird relationship to me.
But the most important question is: How could the Mage (or Nerissa in her body), being beautiful and young when Caleb was born and then become an old, hairless hag in like only 17 years. Since we know that the Mage was a powerful being that lived like super long and always looked pretty it makes zero sense for her to suddenly age. Yes, it could be because she wasn’t the real Mage but Nerissa in disguise but then..then someone had to notice “Hmmm weird that this lady that was always YOUNG suddenly gets old.” Please, someone had to notice that fact! ...Someone!
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