#momin abuowda
northgazaupdates · 9 months
22 December 2023
Hossam Shabat, Momin Abuowda, and Abood Abo Salama are reporting dozens of bodies strewn across the street of one Jabaliya neighborhood after the IOF’s latest days-long assault. Many of them are either decomposed or burned beyond recognition.
Hossam reports that he and several others went to retrieve the bodies of the Abu Salah family, who were executed point-blank in a UN shelter by the IOF. However, they found that the bodies had not only been moved and dumped in a heap, but also desecrated by the IOF. The IOF also dug up nearby graves for the purpose of desecrating them.
The horror of unburied bodies left to rot in the streets by the IOF has been described by several people on the ground. Ismail Al-Ghoul documented how the IOF razed the Sheikh Shaaban cemetery and left the desecrated bodies exposed. Abood Abo Salama has documented previous instances of bodies being left in the streets as well.
This is not only a moral crisis of desecrating the dead, but a public health crisis as well. Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar has warned that unburied bodies in urban areas can spread extremely dangerous bacteria and other disease vectors. This is worsened by the recent flooding, the accumulation of sewage after the destruction of sewer and water treatment infrastructure, as well as the congregation of rats and other vermin around massive heaps of trash which cannot be removed due to the destruction of waste management infrastructure.
Warning: Momin’s video, the second video of Hossam’s, and Abood’s videos are extremely graphic.
Source: Hossam Shabat, Momin Abuowda, Tamer Al-Najjar, and Abood Abo Salama on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
20 January 2024
Two men smile and make the “peace” sign for the camera from their damaged apartment as journalist Momin Abuowda surveys the destruction in the area
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
15 January 2024
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents how the cold rain falling over Gaza is making life in shelter centers much worse. Already conditions were extremely difficult, with the crowding and lack of infrastructure. The rain has made working outside to improve shelter conditions difficult and uncomfortable, if not impossible. Moisture is everywhere, causing blisters and other skin problems while simultaneously increasing the spread of diseases. Laundry, as you can see here, never gets dry. To avoid the damp chill, people are jammed by the dozens into tiny classrooms. Cooking cannot safely be done in these crowded spaces, so people still have to go outside in the rain occasionally. Under normal shelter conditions people can at least go outside in the courtyard and in outside hallways for some space and fresh air, but the rain makes these nearly impossible.
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
28 December 2023
Journalists Mahmoud Abusalama, Anas Al-Sharif, Fadi Al-Whidi, and Momin Abuowda all report on the bombing of a residential block in Beit Lahiya. The attack destroyed several homes in which dozens of people were seeking shelter. As of about 8 hours ago, about 3 dozen people have been confirmed martyred. Many more are trapped under rubble. Rescue teams are scrambling to save them, but there are absolutely no resources available to them any longer, they have to dig through literal tons of concrete and metal by hand. Due to this, many more are expected to die while trapped under rubble. This is the case with every IOF bombardment of Gaza, especially in the north. In this attack, journalist Ahmed Maher Kheir El-Din and several members of his family were killed and trapped under the rubble of their family home.
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
23 December 2023
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents the severe destruction of Rabat Street in northern Gaza. The sheer scale is beyond description.
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
1 January 2023
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents the impact of the destruction of waste and water treatment infrastructure, heavy rains, and collection of decaying bodies in the streets of north Gaza. He visits a baby who has become ill from these factors.
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
11 January 2024
Journalist Momin Abuowda records boys playing ball in the wartorn streets of northern Gaza
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
9 January 2024
A man refuses to leave his home in north Gaza after it was destroyed by IOF bombardment
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
24 December 2023
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents the intense destruction of Khalifa Bin Zayed School in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza. Thousands of people sought shelter in the school until IOF attacked, driving displaced families out with nowhere to go. They proceeded to destroy the interior of the school.
Schools are protected from attack under international law. Civilian shelters are also protected. Or supposed to be. Civilians as well are supposed to be protected under international law. Genocides are made possible by the complete failure of the international community to follow its own laws.
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
20 December 2023
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents that people in northern Gaza are resorting to eating plain hot peppers to avoid starvation.
Delicious as they might be when accompanying other foods and when a person is healthy, eating hot peppers alone, especially in a state of starvation, poses serious health risks. For example, the acid from the peppers inflames gastric organs. This causes nausea, pain, and in serious cases, erosion of the gastric lining, internal bleeding, and infection. Peppers also lack the full range of nutrients needed for survival, which is a dire issue when in a starvation situation. Nutritionists can speak much more on this topic.
Source: Momin Abuowda via Instagram Stories (If Story is unavailable, dm for screenshot)
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
19 December 2023
This morning the IOF bombed a densely-populated area of Jabaliya, including the homes of the Abu Awad and Nazheen families, and at least one animal-drawn cart carrying several people. The death toll is in the dozens, possibly as high as 50 martyrs. The animal pulling the cart was also injured, as were animals pulling nearby carts.
The IOF has an undeniable history of bombing civilian homes and infrastructure, including animal-drawn carts, both in the current attacks and in previous ones. This is both “strategic” in that it weakens the target’s transportation infrastructure, and also psychological in that these attacks are very traumatizing for survivors and witnesses. It’s not clear as of right now whether the carts or the homes were the targets (likely the homes were the primary targets and the carts were secondary), the point is that destroying homes and disabling animal carts are both deliberate.
I will link to relevant posts but be warned that some of them are absolutely horrific. I have been closely following IOF attacks on north Gaza since October, but I have not seen much footage as graphic and disturbing as this. It bears similarity to the bombing of ambulances and a horse cart carrying injured people at Al-Shifa Hospital. It seems people who are on or near these carts when they are bombed suffer severe maiming which is often fatal.
Watch the notes for edits and updates
Source: Anas Al-Sharif 1 and 2, Mahmoud Abusalama 1 and 2, Momin Abuowda. If you can’t access the Stories, dm for screenshots.
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
18 December 2023
IOF bombed Assabra School in Zaytoun, north Gaza. It was sheltering hundreds of families when it was attacked. Several people were injured and much of the premises had to be evacuated. The evacuees have nowhere to go.
Text and images source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
From a video showing flooding in north Gaza, and the need for people to use animal carts for travel because there is no fuel for vehicles
The Arabic caption reads: “Part of the suffering”. Image description in alt text.
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
20 January 2024
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents the razing by the IOF of Main Street and Al-Qurman Street in Beit Hanoun. Once bustling areas of the city, Momin now compares them to a desert.
Source: Momin Abuowda on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
12 January 2024
Journalist Momin Abuowda documents a single devastating example of an apartment destroyed by the IOF. These were once magnificent seaside bungalows. This is what they are now. The entire shore of Gaza looks like this.
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