#abood abo salama
northgazaupdates · 9 months
22 December 2023
Hossam Shabat, Momin Abuowda, and Abood Abo Salama are reporting dozens of bodies strewn across the street of one Jabaliya neighborhood after the IOF’s latest days-long assault. Many of them are either decomposed or burned beyond recognition.
Hossam reports that he and several others went to retrieve the bodies of the Abu Salah family, who were executed point-blank in a UN shelter by the IOF. However, they found that the bodies had not only been moved and dumped in a heap, but also desecrated by the IOF. The IOF also dug up nearby graves for the purpose of desecrating them.
The horror of unburied bodies left to rot in the streets by the IOF has been described by several people on the ground. Ismail Al-Ghoul documented how the IOF razed the Sheikh Shaaban cemetery and left the desecrated bodies exposed. Abood Abo Salama has documented previous instances of bodies being left in the streets as well.
This is not only a moral crisis of desecrating the dead, but a public health crisis as well. Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar has warned that unburied bodies in urban areas can spread extremely dangerous bacteria and other disease vectors. This is worsened by the recent flooding, the accumulation of sewage after the destruction of sewer and water treatment infrastructure, as well as the congregation of rats and other vermin around massive heaps of trash which cannot be removed due to the destruction of waste management infrastructure.
Warning: Momin’s video, the second video of Hossam’s, and Abood’s videos are extremely graphic.
Source: Hossam Shabat, Momin Abuowda, Tamer Al-Najjar, and Abood Abo Salama on Instagram
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northgazaupdates2 · 4 months
Our sources
Below are sources we use for this page. This list is not comprehensive but it is constantly evolving, so check back often. We encourage all our followers and everyone who sees our content to follow and support these individuals and their accounts. They are located in north Gaza and going to great and dangerous lengths to get the truth out.
Links will be added ASAP
Hossam Shabat (Twitter, Instagram, Telegram)
Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar (Twitter, Instagram)
Ibram “Hema” Al-Khalili (Instagram)
Anas Al-Sharif (Twitter, Instagram; Telegram)
Saed Al-Zaneen (Instagram, Telegram)
Mahmoud Abusalama (Instagram)
Nooh/Noah Al-Shaghnobi (Instagram)
Abdullah Al-Majdalawi (Instagram)
Mohammed Saeed (Instagram)
Mohammed Ahmed (Instagram)
Moataz Abu Sakran (Instagram, Tumblr)
Malak Abu Hussein (Instagram)
Hassan Al-Moghani (Instagram)
Fadi Al-Whidi (Instagram)
Abood Abo Salama (Instagram)
Dawoud Abo Alkas (Instagram)
Eshak Daour (Instagram)
Islam Bader (Instagram)
Ahmed Hamdan (Instagram)
Ismail Al-Ghoul (Instagram, Telegram)
Mahmoud Shalha (Instagram)
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northgazaupdates · 6 months
30 March 2024
Photographer Abood Abusalama documents the story of 10-year-old Karam Mohammad Qaddah. Karam and his family had been at Al-Shifa Hospital, receiving treatment for a medical issue. After the occupation’s invaded Al-Shifa earlier this month, they withheld from him and all other patients food, water, medical treatment, and medicine. Nearly two weeks the occupation allowed his condition to deteriorate, refusing to allow him to leave for another hospital. Finally yesterday they permitted him to leave with his mother. He was taken on foot to Kamal Adwan Hospital, which is also suffering from a lack of food and medicine. Although the staff at Kamal Adwan tried their very best, Karam’s condition had deteriorated too severely in IOF captivity—he passed away today. The occupation watched this little boy slowly die, and only let him leave for treatment after he could not be saved.
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northgazaupdates · 7 months
do you know who is in this photo from november? are they still alive? where can i follow them?
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As far as I know, they are all still alive. From left to right: Fadi Al-Whidi, Hossam Shabat, Mohammed Saber Arab, Mahmoud Abusalama, Mahmoud Al-Sharif (I think), Anas Al-Sharif, Abdullah Obead (no longer in the north), Abood Abusalama (I think), Mahmoud Sabbah (I think), Momin Abu Owda, Mohammed Ahmed, Mahmoud Al-Awadia, Hamza Hammad (seriously injured but still alive as far as I know), unknown, Ahmed Hamdan (I think).
They all have Instagram accounts, which I will link soon. In the mean time, I will put the known individuals’ names in the tags so you can search our posts and find links to their accounts. Tomorrow or the day after I will edit this post and add direct links.
Any corrections or additions are welcome
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
27 December 2023
Displaced people living in a bombed-out gymnasium in northern Gaza make a fire indoors for food and warmth
Source: Abood Abusalama via Instagram Stories on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
15 January 2024
Journalist Abood Abo Salama documents a group of small children at a shelter for displaced people in northern Gaza. The heavy rains and cold winter temperatures make life extremely difficult for people who have no roof over their heads. The children have built a small fire, and gather around it for warmth near a group of tents.
Source: Abood Abo Salama via Stories on Instagram
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