#hossam Shabat
northgazaupdates · 7 months
21 y/o journalist Hossam Shabat is often cited by numerous media outlets, social media accounts, and this blog. He has spent the last 150+ days documenting the genocide while also organizing relief efforts and food drives that have fed thousands of people in north Gaza. Today he is asking for help for his family, whose home was destroyed because of his journalism. He writes,
I have decided to launch a personal fundraiser to help my family. Initially, I decided to first help my people and community, and have been supporting them in North Gaza for months. However, this campaign is dedicated to helping my family, who lost everything due to my profession. The Israeli forces contacted me directly, threatening me, and then bombed the house, of my family and built this house with our blood and sweat. Now, my family, consisting of 13 members, finds themselves living in a tent. Thus, I am launching this campaign to seek assistance for myself and my family during these challenging times.
Please consider donating and/or share
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newsfrom-theworld · 5 months
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northgazaupdates2 · 4 months
12 May 2024
Journalist Hossam Shabat reports near-constant bombardment by the occupation, concentrated around large congregations of civilians, particularly around shelter centers. The methodology is clear: force the population into clusters, then bomb them and wipe them out. This is a screenshot from footage Hossam took inside a shelter, as injured people from the shelter vicinity are brought inside to receive what little treatment can be offered. It cannot be overstated that the occupation is ruthlessly targeting densely-populated shelters, and there are innumerable injuries and deaths being reported.
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houseofpurplestars · 8 months
At only 21 years old, I found myself documenting the gen-ocide of my own people. At 21 years old, I found myself spending day and night helping people to have food and shelter. This war on Gaza has made us grow 100 years older , if we ever survive this , None of us will ever be the same
@ HossamShabat
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Text: (Instagram post by Hossam Shabat) I’ve lived through many wars in Gaza, but something very different about this genocide is the intensity of the weapons and bombs. When I visit a location that has been recently bombed, I see flesh all over the walls and bodies torn to pieces. They are using powerful weapons that shred bodies beyond recognition, many times we are unable to figure out how many are dead because theirs no bodies it’s all flesh and pieces.
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drsonnet · 6 months
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 Al-Jazeera Arabic's Ismail Al-Ghoul reports early Monday in front of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City shortly before he and other journalists were reported to be taken by Israeli soldiers. (Screenshot: Al-Jazeera)
((Israeli occupation army recognises: 1- Executing 20 people inside Al Shifa Hospital since the morning. 2- Kidnapping 200 others and turning them to interrogation. At least, there were over 30,000 displaced persons sheltering in Al Shifa Hospital before the start of the cure Israeli invasion!))
Witnesses: IDF assaulted, detained Al-Jazeera journalist in hospital raid
March 18, 2024 11:23 AM EDT
Read more....
Witnesses: IDF assaulted, detained Al-Jazeera journalist in hospital raid - Committee to Protect Journalists (cpj.org)
AlJazeera: The Israeli occupation releases colleague Ismail Al-Ghoul and a number of journalists after being detained for 12 hours at Al-Shifa Hospital. AlJazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul: The occupation forces kept us without clothes for 12 hours, handcuffed and blindfolded.
قناة الجزيرة : إسماعيل الغول : الاحتلال قام بتجريف خيمة الصحفيين وتدمير سياراتهم خلال اقتحام مجمع الشفاء إسماعيل الغول : اضطررنا إلى تسليم أنفسنا لقوات الاحتلال التي أجبرتنا على خلع ملابسنا بشكل كامل إسماعيل الغول : قوات الاحتلال كبلتنا وعصبت أعيننا وحققت مع كل الصحفيين الموجودين في المكان
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booasaur · 5 months
With so much of the news cycle focused on the crackdowns on American universities, I wanted to post news out of Palestine today:
Israel completes the shutdown of local Al Jazeera offices, making it that much more difficult to get out dissenting information:
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Bombings continue in Rafah, where 7-month-old Hani Qishta, already orphaned, was killed himself. (I've blurred the image but if you click on source, it's unblurred.)
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This is how I learned that Orthodox Christians paint their Easter eggs red, not the pastel I'm used to. The number of Christians in Gaza is tiny and shrinking fast during this genocide.
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The person posting this, Hossam Shabat, is one of the last journalists in north Gaza. He's 21 years old and has already see more despair than most people will in a lifetime.
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All universities in Gaza have been destroyed, and thousands of students and hundreds of professors killed.
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Congrats to this family and best wishes to young Haron. He has big shoes to fill.
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hassanatforusmk · 7 months
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Journalist Hossam Shabat, based in North Gaza, speaking about the ongoing famine in the region.
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“We will not stop reporting; we will always be there to document the genocide despite all the threats and dangers.”
— Hossam Shabat
Gaza's journalists are the bravest journalists in the world. Heroes, each and every one of them.
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
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Gruesome scenes coming out of Al-Shifa Hospital! Footage, images and testimonies are so horrific it is beyond comprehension. - Civilians bulldozed by Israeli tanks - Mass executions in the hundreds - Many had their hands and legs tied behind their backs and were flattened by a bulldozer. - Many of the bodies were burned and left to be crushed to pieces.
Source: Journalist Hossam Shabat
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
25 December 2023
Journalist Hossam Shabat documents horrific scenes from Beit Hanoun. Many people were bombed or shot in the streets and left to die. Any attempts by civilians to render aid or move the dead were met with explosives and sniper fire. The occupation left the bodies to rot in the streets for weeks, to the point where they were unrecognizable. When Hossam and other civilians tried to move the bodies, they were nearly killed by snipers.
WARNING: Disturbing photo
Source: Hossam Shabat on Instagram
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newsfrom-theworld · 6 months
🚨🚨🚨TW: Graphic Content 🚨🚨🚨
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Quds News Network:
⚠️ Graphic content ⚠️
Photos showing the remains of Palestinian civilians mass executed by the Isr@eli army in the Al Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City.
The Isr@eli army pulled out from the complex late last night after a deadly two-week onslaught that saw dozens of innocent civilians, including children, patients, and medical personnel, field executed by the Isr@eli army.
Journalist Hossam Shabat, reporting from the Al Shifa Hospital after the pullout of the Isr@eli army:
"I have been working nonstop for the past 6 months covering what’s happening in Gaza, but what I saw today while visiting Al-Shifa hospital was unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed before :
Isr@eli occupation forces executed 300 Palestinians in and around the hospital, and this morning, I witnessed hundreds of bodies outside the hospital , there wasn’t one full body all the bodies were either pieces or heavily mutilated . 
The bodies were in horrific conditions; many had their hands and legs tied behind their backs and were flattened by a bulldozer.
Many of the bodies were burned and left to be crushed to pieces.
Several bodies were decomposed and partly eaten by stray dogs.
Most of the bodies were unrecognizable; families could only identify them by their clothes.
Al-Shifa hospital was considered the largest medical complex in the Gaza Strip, catering to many complex cases. It has been completely destroyed; they burned it down and destroyed all medical equipment.
Isr@eli occupation forces has one goal and it’s to destroy every inch of Gaza."
If this isn't genocide, i don't know what is..
If you are still, after 7 months of atrocities, supporting Isr@el you are supporting every inch of this.
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northgazaupdates2 · 4 months
11 May 2024
Journalist Hossam Shabat reports on conditions tonight in north Gaza via Instagram. Full English translation provided by Instagram user mydxbstyle:
At this moment, with the intensified bombings in the Northern Gaza Strip, the Occupation Army has targeted the home of our colleague, the journalist, Anas Al Sharif, for the second time. After the martyrdom of his father, his home is now being targeted as a message from the Occupation Army to threaten the journalist and Aljazeera Correspondent, Anas Al Sharif, in the Northern Gaza Strip, and other journalist colleagues, after a series of targeted strikes a short while ago, of journalists, who were covering the areas where there had been strikes. As that was not enough, now they targeted this house that resulted in a number of injuries at this location. We ask Allah for protection for all the journalists in this area, and for the journalist, Anas Al Sharif, the Aljazeera Correspondent.
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houseofpurplestars · 8 months
I thought I had seen it all after 114 days of aggression in Gaza, but the brutal Israeli occupation continues to commit unimaginable massacres daily. How many more dead children do I need to see before this stops? How many more cries do I need to hear before this stops?
- Hossam Shabat
@ HossamShabat
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adropofhumanity · 3 months
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THE PIER IS A MILITARY BASE. "Humanitarian aid Trucks meant for delivering humanitarian aid to a starving population were used to transport Israeli forces, who then fired upon a refugee camp killing 250 civilians and counting"- Hossam Shabat
When Biden announced plans to build Gaza a "humanitarian aid pier" in March, the PFLP immediately raised suspicions about their actual intent. "[The Zionist entity's] refusal to allow aid through official crossings and land routes confirms the existence of malicious objectives behind this pier." Their suspicions were correct.
Even though the UN reported that one million Palestinians are at risk of starving to death by mid-July, the pier, which cost $320,000,000 to build (the same dollar amount the US cut from funding UNRWA,) has not delivered any aid to Palestinians. On June 7th, after fixing the pier due to damages from "bad weather," the U.S. military's Central Command said that they could finally enable the delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid to Gaza."
Twenty-one hours later, the pier was central to abetting the worst massacre at Al-Nuseirat refugee camp. Hiding in humanitarian aid trucks, "Israeli" and (according to eyewitness reports) American soldiers shot and killed several people while bombs dropped on surrounding areas in an attempted "hostage-rescue operation." The "Israeli" and American soldiers killed 275 Palestinians and three hostages in under two hours.
The humanitarian aid pier was never about humanitarian aid but about ensuring that American boots could be on the ground in Gaza. Three weeks before the massacre, Bisan Owda emphasized that the pier is "a military base. It's not a seaport, it's not a temporary seaport, it's not a humanitarian seaport."
After the massacre, the UN World Food Program announced it was pausing their distribution of humanitarian aid due to safety concerns for their staff.
The U.S. is not complicit in the genocide but inextricably financially and militarily invested in it. If there was actually a serious concern for bringing in humanitarian aid they would have, like Bisan said, "opened the borders" and cut all military funding to the Zionist entity.
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