#mommy snow
mrshawtcakes · 4 months
Water got nothing on me!
Reblog if your c*ck is enjoying the view 🔥
Plenty of content like this here 👉🏼 ONLYFANS
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poltoreveur · 5 months
I could fix him but I kinda like him a little murderous and psychotic tho
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emmywinters · 15 days
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Don’t you wanna fuck mommy? 😏
571 notes · View notes
atrwriting · 1 month
future problems (pt. 2) -- coriolanus snow x fem!wife!reader
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me, after posting a one-shot: “ok i won't do a part two”
me, a few days later: *posts a part two*
howdy y'all ;) back with everyone's favorite toxic white man of the month
this part is based on this anonymous request -- love you anon :) xox
find part one here
summary: reader finds out she's pregnant and has to tell the scariest man in panem -- her husband, president snow
as always, warnings: smut!, pregnancy sex, coriolanus snow is a fucking warning in himself, he’s a dick here, fem!reader, p in v sex, mommy and daddy kink just trust me ok)
barely edited we die like men
anyways... here is future problems (pt. 2):
he was told by a servant a month before you told him.
he couldn't believe it.
you had not bled last month.
it's not that he was mad... but he wanted to be told by you. he wanted you to be the first one to tell him. it was important to him — trust and loyalty, especially from you. he had allowed you to get close to him, physically and emotionally, and he deserved that same respect.
he couldn't believe you had kept it from him.
you. of all people. you.
how fucking could you?
it had been a total of six weeks since he had been told by the servant.
it wracked his brain like it was the fever that debilitated him for weeks. it gnawed at him, it scratched at him, and it fucking demanded every ounce of energy from him that he possessed. that sort of pain, betrayal — it insisted on being felt and dealt with immediately, no matter what needed to be taken care of first. corio coriolanus couldn't believe he had honestly trusted you, or even thought you were worthy of some amount of trust... and he couldn't believe he, for even a second, allowed either of you to live in that facade.
never again, he reasoned. never again.
on the day after the six week marker, there was a knock on his office door.
his lips fell into a grimace before he forced it to remain even — calm. no emotion shown. not anymore.
“come in,” he spoke.
his eyes fell to the papers on his desk, where he continued to write and edit his memorandum. his eyes traced the words he wrote, but he was barely focused on what he was writing. the only thing he could hear was the sound of your footsteps entering his office.
“corio?” you asked quietly, smiling, as you stepped through his door.
inside, he flinched at his nickname. coriolanus, he wanted to correct.
he did not raise his head. “…yes?”
he could not see you — but he knew that you noticed his flat demeanor.
it affected your own.
he couldn’t see that — but he knew. he fucking knew.
it wasn’t the first time he had been cold to you, but enough time had past where he reasoned that this would be the solidifying moment of your opinion of him. he knew that you knew he was upset about something. what else could have changed his demeanor?
“i-i wanted to… tell you something,” you replied, voice wavering.
he could tell you were working hard to ignore the obvious signs that something had shifted between the two of you. he knew, he knew, and he knew — but he didn’t care. he couldn’t care. why should he, when you didn’t?
“yes..?” he replied once more, this time sighing.
his eyes met yours.
your resolve immediately fell. though slight, he could see that whatever confidence you had possessed had faded from your face. it was gone… and coriolanus didn’t have the resolve to replenish it. neither did you have the strength to fake it.
he saw you begin to pick at your fingernails — another nervous habit of yours he had noticed.
however, this was a new one. once the pair of you shared a kiss — you were rarely seen pulling at the skin of your lips and your usage of lip moisturizer had increased. he appreciated it, at the time — but now? now it was a reminder of what once was. with new bad habits came the alert of the passage of time — and the alert of bonds breaking.
he couldn’t deal. he just couldn’t.
“what is it?” coriolanus demanded, eyes blinking.
your lips parted in confusion, and your brows scrunched right with them. there was hurt in your eyes, and splattered across your cheeks in a pink hue. your cheeks were usually flushed with graciousness or from alcohol — but this was embarrassment. hurt. rejection.
he didn’t care anymore, especially not when he admitted to himself that a part of him loved seeing your face and confidence fall. if he was going to fall, you were going straight down with him.
down, down, down.
“i’m with child,” you responded, appearing to struggle to catch your breath.
there it was. the admission.
he clenched his jaw. his eyes focused on your face — and how the tears began to collect in your eyes. the rejection he was sending towards you was even being felt by him — and he almost felt bad. to see a woman he so blindly trusted, who thought she could outsmart him — play the part of a hurt and broken hearted woman so well.
he did not smile. he did not laugh. he did not even get up. he simply stared at her — silently.
“i take it you are not happy at this announcement,” she responded, voice barely wavering. “i-i would’ve thought…”
coriolanus watched as you placed a gentle hand over your stomach — almost in a protective manner.
“how long have you known?” he asked.
“i took the pregnancy test today,” you responded.
coriolanus’ jaw tightened. he was not expecting that, especially not after the news he was given. “…but you’ve known for some time. you must have — given how you chose today to take the test, and don’t seem as surprised as you thought i would be.”
you narrowed your eyes at him. “…no, coriolanus. i didn’t. i had hopes, yes, but… i took the test as soon as i thought reasonable. you’re the first person i’ve told.”
confusion and hurt. that was all you felt. it encased your body like it was trying its best to cast you from the room — placing a heavy boundary between you and your husband. husband… if you could even call him that. your lips began to twist in a grimace as emotions began to well up inside you.
“tell me why i have displeased you,” you spoke, voice threatening to break. you took a step towards his desk and kept one hand firmly on your belly. your eyes, red and wet, bore into his and refused to leave him. “i thought you would be overjoyed. i-i thought…”
“you claim i was the first person you told,” he spat, holding your glare. “but i was not the first person to assume.”
you scrunched your eyebrows at him… but then you realized. it hit you like a ton of bricks. you bit the inside of your cheek, drawing blood, before stating, “your spies.”
coriolanus narrowed his eyes. it was not an issue that she knew… but he didn’t understand how she could know, nor for how long. spies were useful when their identity and presence was not apparent, and therefore he considered his current spies failures — to be dealt with later. at the moment… he had other matters.
“you might want to elaborate on that statement if you’re going to act like it’s something profound,” he spat, standing and snapping his journal closed.
coriolanus stood behind his desk and pushed in his chair. you watched him as he struggled to keep everything together, neat and tidy.
your face was red and hot, and you weren’t sure if it was due to the pregnancy or the betrayal. how could he? how could he?! there you stood, trying to remain collected — but it proved useless. through your tears, you spat, “a woman is supposed to wait before telling everyone she’s pregnant — god forbid she loses the baby before it’s viable. i waited the standard amount of time most women are practically born knowing to wait. if your spy is going to make my cycle their business, they should at least understand basic fucking female biology, coriolanus, or your spies and their intel are fucking useless!”
you didn’t wait to hear his response. you left the room.
he stared at the oak door out of entitlement — it should open once more, and reveal his wife.
the mother of his child…
he had never considered… things of that nature. tests. waiting periods. hormones.
incompetence. that of his spies — nor his own.
he didn’t understand any of it.
however, he did understand one thing…
he had to deal with the useless spy.
…and that would happen before he approached you.
that approach occurred approximately an hour and a half later. he would have found you sooner, but the spy had… taken more time than anticipated. afterwards — there he stood, at your door, with a tray of food in his hands for the both of you.
his knuckles wrapped on the door.
there were no footsteps.
they wrapped again.
still, no footsteps.
once more.
…and, still, nothing.
he couldn’t believe this.
he went to knock a fourth time, but before he could — the door swung open.
to reveal you in the doorway.
your eyes were blown wide with anger, but the rest of your face did not show emotion. you glared at the man before you, which unsettled your husband,
he picked you because you were unproblematic — but had gotten lucky with the fact that your company was so pleasant. you were not loud, annoying, mean, bold, disrespectful, disobedient, or anything of the sort — but he did not expect this.
he did not expect you… to hold a grudge against him, much less stand up for yourself.
he stood there silently — dumbstruck.
“i would slam this door in your face if you weren’t the president,” you spat lowly. “please do not make me forget formalities.”
“i brought you dinner,” he spoke, ignoring you. “please… join me.”
you raised an eyebrow, scoffing. “you’ve been ignoring me for weeks, when i tried to convince myself you were just busy. you can handle another night of dining alone.”
you went to shut the door, but he stopped it with his foot. your eyes lowered to where his toe was in the doorway, and traveled up to where his eyes were. as per usual, his facial expressions were flat, save for determined. he always had a goal in mind… and refused to change it until he succeeded.
you sighed. you had had enough.
“i’m not doing this tonight,” you bit. “i show you every ounce of respect that i know you expect of me. i have been patient, kind, gentle — but i can’t meet you halfway right now. not after that. leave. please.”
there coriolanus went. searching your eyes once more, like he had done long ago. his jaw clenched once, twice, three times before it finally settled. he did not remove his foot before he spoke once more.
“why didn’t you tell me immediately?” he imposed.
there was a hint of pleading in his voice. your breath began to quicken with anxiety. out of exhaustion and frustration, completely forgetting your station, you rolled your eyes at your husband before responding.
“what if i was wrong, coriolanus?” you spat, your eyes were narrowed. “why would i tell the most powerful and scary man that runs panem — that i am pregnant with his child, if i am not one hundred percent sure? to get your hopes up for nothing, if, god forbid, i lose it?”
he didn’t respond.
you threw your hands up in exasperation. a silent cry left your lips in the form of a broken inhale. your hormones were running rabid — coursing through your veins and filling you with frustration.
you locked your teary eyes with him once more. trying to keep your voice quiet, you hissed, “your spies aren’t exactly discreet. i’ve known about them since my first day here. your spies — they’ve never reported i’ve done anything wrong because i have never done anything wrong. it’s not like i can hide anything here, either — they’re everywhere. nothing is a secret — even a private moment between husband and wife, like a wife finally being able to tell her husband that she’s sure she’s pregnant with his child. i have given you everything you’ve ever requested of a wife, yet there you sat — throwing silent insults in my face.”
there went the boundary.
up and sturdy.
layer after layer of brick and cement. your trust and love for him crumbled with each new layer, until you couldn’t see the man you once adore beyond the wall. the man before you frustrated you so much that you forgot what it was like to look upon his face and feel nervous excitement at the prospect of seeing him smile. you wanted to slam the door in his face, placing two boundaries up — a real one, and an emotional one.
one that would prevent you from ever being so stupid again — from ever letting him close to you, for ever thinking this could work.
stupid, you thought. stupid, stupid, stupid.
but coriolanus corio would have none of that.
he was a man of formalities and manners, but your husband actually pushed his way through.
you stumbled backwards in surprise. your husband had guards for doing his dirty work — not the shoulder of his new and crisp suit.
he shoved the tray of food on a nearby table, ratting the walls and the contents on each surface. you placed a protective hand over your stomach and watched him — waiting for his next move.
“i said get out, coriolanus!” you spat. your gaze was fiery red, and now there were angry tears in your eyes. corio could see the hormones flowing from every opening in your skin they could find — even smell them. “i refuse to speak to you!”
“the father of your child?” he spoke evenly, walking towards you. “your husband?”
you took a step back for every step he took forward. “you were more concerned with the secret kept than the actual chance of life!”
“i thought you were keeping the chance of being happy about a child from me,” he spoke, bitterness instinctually falling from his perfect lips. “you can’t forget — we barely know each other —“
“and who’s fault is that?!”
he stopped. his jaw tightened. he stared down at you and wondered where all of this fury had come from.
him. it came from him. the realization struck him similar to how other pieces of information had been striking him later. in the chest or face, whichever hurt more — and forcing his breath to catch in his lungs. never to reach his throat, let alone his lips.
he couldn’t keep going on like this — watching and waiting. watching others for their mistakes, and waiting for the correct moment to… correct them. at the very least… he couldn’t with you — not with you.
“i committed a wrong against you,” he spat before he could think about it.
you scrunched your eyebrows in disbelief. apologies were rare in the capital, and admissions of guilt were almost as scarce. you stared at him, still consumed with rage — but now confusion began to creep upon you. and where there is confusion… there is always curiosity.
you didn’t respond. you clenched your jaw at his words, but that was the only response he received.
“i did,” he reaffirmed, stepping closer to you. you drew back a step — not far, but still a step. he continued, “when i had heard what my spy had relayed to me — i should have asked you.”
you had three options. ignore him, yell at him, or hear him out. did he deserve the first two? yes. did you have every right to do either of the two, or both? yes, of course. however… were they worth it in the long run?
that was the question that now ate at you.
you had every right to put up the same emotional barrier you had worked so hard to tear down with coriolanus. his? who knows why he insisted on making his hurt everyone else’s problem. yours? he was an elite asshole, but… you were married to him. he was the president of panem. he was the most ruthless man in all of panem.
and you loved him.
you really, really did.
that was why his distrust for you hurt so bad.
it wasn’t about seeking approval anymore — because you thought you had it, or at least had come to close to it. once given that, you felt safe enough, well… to feel safe. to feel safety, trust, respect, reliability… and love. love.
the fucking bastard made you love him.
with reluctance, you took a step forward. “you should have, coriolanus.”
his jaw tightened as he also took a step forward. “corio — please, my love.”
you scoffed out of reflex and threw your stare to the side. you began to rub at your stomach, hoping to quell your own anxiety. there were a million insults waiting to leap from your tongue and latch onto his face, chest, throat — anything to hurt him or get him to fuck off. however, you swallowed them.
“i would do anything for you,” you stammered, trying to keep emotion out of your voice. “i have proved that time and time again.”
he took a step closer. “i know.”
“i know better than to keep something substantial from you,” you replied. “god forbid it was a fluke…”
another step closer. “i know.”
“i have done everything i can to prove that i am loyal to you, and only you,” you spoke, your voice wavering. “in the future, i ask that you approach me first — yell at me, fuck, i couldn’t care less — just as long as you don’t ignore me. anything, corio — just don’t push me away.
he laughed then, only a foot away from you now. the tears in your eyelids hadn’t hit your cheeks yet, but they threatened to. he reached forward and cupped your face in both of his hands. he leaned down due to your height difference and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“i know,” he repeated. “and i promise — i will try my best to not push you away.”
“okay,” you nodded, sniffling.
“never heard such coarse words from my perfect wife,” corio attempted to break the tension.
you chuckled then, wiping away any moisture from your eyes. “there were more — trust me.”
“i would have deserved them.”
your eyes flickered up to his them, searching his irises for answers like he did to you. you weren’t sure how he did it — but he could find every lie or fact inside someone’s eyes. that trait had not found its way to you.
but maybe it would to your child.
“i want to hear you say it again,” you whispered, now meeting his eyes. “i want to hear you say that you promise you will try your best to never push me away again.”
“i promise,” he spoke, nodding.
you refused to stare into his eyes at his admission. if he wasn’t a good liar, you didn’t want to know — not in that moment.
"am i allowed to kiss the mother of my child now?" he asked with a smirk.
you glared at him. "you would've —"
"shhh," he cooed, before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
one of his hands slid to the back of your head and cradled the bottom of your skull. he wrapped his free arm around your back, pulling you into him. the kiss, you couldn't explain it — it — it...
it was like he swallowed you.
there was no place for you to move, but then again — why would you want to? you body was perfectly molded to fit his, in every way he wanted you to bend to him. his warmth, his scent, his taste — it all coaxed your senses into such a feeling of satisfaction that you weren't sure where it started or ended. it held your consciousness in warmth and safety — something rare in the capital. the only thing that mattered to you was that you were in your husband's arms and the kiss did not stop.
"so pleased with you," he mumbled against your mouth. "a child..."
warmth bubbled within the lower half of your body. praise, from a man like corio... any woman's weakness.
you hummed into the kiss, rubbing your hands up and down his chest. "going to be so proud of their father, the president."
the groan that emitted from his chest was deep and guttural — so masculine. it made every hair on the back of your neck stand at attention, waiting for a direction from the man before you. you began to finger his top button, hoping... hinting...
"sweetheart," he spoke, pulling away. "as much as i want to, i am not sure whether —"
"i think i'm fine," you gushed, only realizing after how desperate you might have sounded. "we might as well — especially before i become too big to breathe."
he stiffened as he held you. you immediately grew worried.
"what's wrong?" you softly asked, rubbing his chest.
he shook his head. "nothing —" he stopped for a moment, appearing to contemplate something. "it's just — i was imagining —"
you looked up at him curiously, hoping he would elaborate. his eyes immediately flew to your lips — perfect and plump, a match for his. you smirked.
you had him. “what were you imagining, husband?”
his jaw clenched again as his eyes widened. “my pretty wife has become so much more bold since i met her.”
you smiled up at him, hoping that he found it amusing more than disreepctful. one of his hands found your cheek as his thumb caressed the skin. your eyes were big as they gazed up at your husband, keening into his silent praise.
“i disagree with you, wife,” he spoke. “too big to bed —“ he scoffed before leaning down to your ear, your words rolling with disgust off his tongue. his lips brushed against the skin of your lobe before he spoke, “i’ll have a hard time keeping my hands to myself when the mother of my children will swell with me inside of her.”
your eyes, still wide, were frozen on corio’s. mischief danced in his irises, like a snake coiling around its prey. air left his nostrils in a small, sudden gush — amusement. the look that played on his face depicted the power imbalance — but, then again, how stupid could you be to ever think you would have control over your husband for a substantial amount of time?
he grasped your chin in his fingers before your lips parted. you were at his mercy — to be bent to his will. his head bent towards you before he spoke.
“you think you’ll repulse me — when my seed takes inside you, and it shows?” he asked. his eyes searched yours — but what yours reveal that he didn’t already know? he had you. he had you, and there was nothing you could do about it. “my naive, little wife… i don’t expect i’ll allow you to leave the bedroom much when that time comes.”
christ, you thought. your breath began to quicken as his words settled upon you. in a soft voice, you replied, “you leave me speechless, husband.”
he wickedly smiled then. “get on the bed, sweetheart. making up for lost time is in order, wouldn’t you agree?”
you couldn’t help yourself. you should’ve listened to him — but how could you, when he smelled so good, spoke so nicely, and was so close? you rolled onto your toes just enough to be able to press a kiss to your husband’s lips, and wrap your arms around his neck.
the angle was annoying for corio, who thought pulling you into his arms would be better use of his strength — especially if you weren’t going to listen. his large hands held your ass, supporting your weight as you leaned into his touch. your breasts, arched into his chest, were the only barrier that kept you two apart. there was nothing like a kiss from corio — heat, lips, teeth, spit. all of it melted into one.
“you missed me… didn’t you, sweetheart?”
“yes,” you spoke, breathlessly. “so much, corio.”
“i was so mean —“ he replied, in between kisses. “wasn’t i? neglecting my perfect wife. a good husband would have to make up for that.”
you hummed in agreement, almost breaking into a whine. “kiss me, corio. missed you so much…“
it was like he swallowed you. body, lips, breath, emotions — all of it. once yours, but now his. all his. your body temperature increased with every fold of his lips against yours. heat pricked at the tips of your cheeks, the back of your neck, and your lower back. your fingertips, tingling, made quick work of his buttons to strip him of his clothing.
he couldn’t deal with how slow and gentle your fingers were. he loved you and how gentle you were — but when his cock was straining against his pants? the head of his cock, so red it was almost purple, leaking at the sight of his redeemed, perfect, pregnant wife? begging for him?
you were fucked. so fucked.
he should've been disgusted at the thought of fucking his wife while the babe sat protected inside your womb. however, nothing could stop corio from rejoicing at the fact that you had never done him wrong when you had actually presented him with a gift, also showing the utmost protection for it.
you fell back against the bed, your back awkwardly landing on the edge. you couldn't stand or lay back perfectly balanced, therefore relying on your husband to hold you upright and your grip of his clothes.
"my perfect wife —" he moaned into your neck, mouthing at your clammy skin. he had shoved his hand into your panties, finding you already soaked. "glowing as a mother —"
it was like you were both succumbing to the heat and haze of all-consuming lust. your hot breaths added to the humidity in the air, making your embrace with corio feel like a sauna. he couldn't rip your lace stockings off fast enough as you struggled to hold your balance.
your husband loomed over you as one large hand cupped the back of your head. his long, talented fingers on his other hand drew rough circles on your sensitive bud and you couldn't contain your cries. it had been so long. so, so long. the feeling of loneliness and lust had dissipated and was replaced by satiation. you need corio's hot, and husky breath groaning against your ear and all of your muscles holding you up and in place, forced to take everything he could give you. tears began to well up in your eyes at the thought of not only having your corio back, but for the lonely need for intimacy to also leave you.
he laughed darkly. "you're so close already, aren't you?"
you whined, struggling to regain your composure as you fought through embarrassment. "it's just been — so long —"
"how would you feel if i took it away, little dove?" he asked, eyes taunting. "how helpless would you feel? — how much of a mess would you make?"
"don't take it away from me, corio, please —" frustration was eating at you as you held onto him. he was so far away, then so close, and he was threatening to pull away as if it was a game. your feelings, your safety, you — all a game to him.
the hand on the back of your head left you to grasp at your chin as tears rolled down your face. your teeth were firmly planted in your bottom lip as you struggled against his touch. the rope in your womb was being wrapped so tightly that you felt the strands would snap at any moment, but you knew he would pull away. his eyes, dark and boring into yours, spoke for him — you were right. it was a game, and he was loving it.
"tell me it was worth it — for this," he rasped, eyes still locked on you. "tell me all of the pain i caused you was worth it — for this."
you were writhing against his hold at this point, grinding your hips down onto his hand as you whined against his lips. you were pulling at the fabric adorning his shoulders, hoping to rip it from him — hoping to make him feel as strung out as you felt.
"it was all worth it," you croaked. "all worth it for how good this feels."
"i'll never leave you again," he promised, his movements now becoming more rough on your core. "tell me you love it. tell me you love me."
"i love you, corio — !" you cried, pressing the sides of your noses together so your lips were barely touching. "i love it so much — please, don't stop —"
"that's it, doll —" he groaned. "cry for me. do it — cry."
something snapped inside of you.
your eyes closed, and your vision went black.
your throat went hoarse from the sob that left your mouth.
your lips were ragged with how your teeth ripped into them.
but you? oh, god — you felt so full.
corio's palm rubbed against your clit as his fingers entered you, pressing into that deep spot only he could find. you rode his hand like satisfaction was the only thing that mattered to you. greed and gluttony — want and need. none of it mattered.
"mommy feels so good now, doesn't she?" corio whispered into your ear. "just needed what only daddy could give her. — s'all right — just keep cumming, darling."
"fuck, corio —" you whined, buzzing with overstimulation.
he clicked his tongue at you. "such a naughty mouth on you. i'll teach you."
and he meant it.
he immediately withdrew from you — letting you fall onto the floor with both hands on the sheets, facing the bed. you almost scrambled to get back up, until you heard corio's pants drop from behind you. he kicked open your knees, and found himself with your perfect round ass pressing into his cock. he pressed the front of you into the bed, and snaked a arm around your throat.
you felt the tip of his cock prod at your wet and swollen lips before he slipped his length inside of you. you tried to lean forward into his thrust, but corio didn't like that. with a hand wrapped around your throat, he pulled you backwards against him.
the angle made your shiver. the tip of his cock began to hit the wall right behind your clit, making your head go dizzy. his finger found the corner of your lips, dipping inside your mouth. he pulled at the corner, forcing you to look up at him.
"so helpless — so perfect —" he groaned, rutting into you. his head held you perfectly in place for his total control. "can't believe i let myself miss out on the chance to breed my perfect wife. so perfect, aren't you?"
you didn't know what to say. your head was swimming. you were barely down from your first orgasm and now corio was forcing another onn you. hormones, emotions, and sensations were running wild inside your body and you weren't sure how to make sense of the fever. coupled with his own frenzy, you were a mess. a rubber band, for him to snap and play with whenever he liked.
"i asked you a question," he snapped. "you're perfect, aren't you?"
you hesitated, working through insecurity as lust overtook your mind. mumbling, due to the finger in your mouth, you spoke, "perfect."
corio stared down at you in awe. your hair was a mess, as was the rest of you. your face was flushed, your lips were swollen, but your eyes... oh, your eyes... corio was a sick bastard. the look of any sight of wetness in your eyes during sex made his cock so hard he could explode. crying with need was a feeling corio would never let himself feel, no matter how much he wanted to let it overtake him. he wouldn't let himself feel it, but he couldn't hide the fact that he loved the vulnerability you showed when you wanted him. needed him. craved him. his thrusts weren't rough because he hated you, but because he knew that need all too well.
"keep crying for me," he rasped, letting his tongue fall past your ragged lips. "so pretty when you're a mess."
there was nothing like it — being held so tightly you couldn't move and being forced to accept the pleasure and satisfaction only corio could give you. draining you of every negative emotion you had ever felt to replace all of it with animalistic give and take. his own throaty groans were being swallowed by you, as his hips snapped relentlessly against yours.
"make me a mommy, corio," you whispered. "wan' it so badly."
his grip tightened around you as he shook with pleasure. with three thrusts and a heavy groan, he let all of his spend leak inside of you and paint your walls. you felt his rough voice against your ear, mouth obscenities as satisfaction overtook him. you hadn't came again, but you didn't care — not when the air still felt so warm and soft.
that was until you felt a hand find your clit with his softening cock still inside you.
you knew how sensitive he was, and you should've care — but you didn't. all you could think about was giving into how good his fingers felt against you, still feeling so full. the thought of him also being so sensitive while you rode his cock pricked at your senses, relishing in the fact that you were giving him a taste of his own medicine as you came around his cock.
"greedy fucking wife — !" he seethed, anger spewing from his lips as he struggled to fuck you back with his oversensitive cock. you knew it was so red that it was purple and swollen, hating you but loving every bit of you at the same time. you should've cared, but you didn't. not when you knew it felt so good for the both of you, his whines in your ear telling you everything. with one final groan against you, he spoke, "you're never leaving this fucking bedroom — i'll tie you to the bed if i have to, do you fucking understand?!"
all you could do was stare up at him with awe and tears in your eyes.
his mouth parted at the sight. with his cock still inside you, you still riding his softening cock as you rode out your orgasm, nothing was prettier. nothing fulfilled your corio more. with one last kiss, he spoke, "just as evil as me, aren't you?"
you giggled. "i love you, too."
if you're wondering if i went batshit insane i did HAHA hope you enjoyed
L xox
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darby-rowe · 5 months
all I can think about is coryo begging to cum. literally just going “mommy, please, please please.” and whimpering while he’s thrusting into the reader. “mommy please let me cum” I NEED THIS MAN SO MUCH
18+ | nsfw | mdni
cw mommy kink, fem!reader
sweet baby jesus, this image has me LITERALLY drooling.
just thinking of him looking so desperate, batting his eyelashes down at reader while he’s thrusting into her pussy. and fuck, she’s so tight and warm, and coryo’s just a babbling mess: “feels so good. mommy’s pussy feels so good”, “please let me cum. wanna cum inside you. please”
coryo’s so hard that his cock is aching, throbbing, ready to explode. and reader just outright refuses to let him cum ‘cause he sounds too good whimpering and begging like that.
and to make it even more satisfying is that reader’s the only person to see coryo begging like this. it’s like a dirty little secret that she hangs over his head and it makes her feel powerful, like she has the upper hand.
aaaaaahh mommy kink coryo will be the death of me. what a BEAUTIFUL image.
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coryosmin · 5 months
nsfw | mdni | sub!coryo x fem!reader
imagine sub coryo but he doesn’t want to admit he’s feeling subby. so you’re like riding him. and his eyes are just blown out. and he’s trying to keep up the idea that he’s in control by having his hands on your hips, guiding you. “fuck, you feel so good around me baby.” he says but it’s very much a whimper and his bottom lip makes him look like he’s pouting adorably.
so you continue to ride him, bringing your hands up to cup his cheeks and press your forehead against his. “you’re so big inside me, sweetheart. want you to fill me up so good” you’d say breathlessly but softly to coryo because you can tell he’s slipping.
and he just looks into your eyes with his glistening blue orbs. coryo just can’t help it when he goes “feels so good, mommy. wanna cum inside you so bad” and he’s meeting your movements with his own thrusts because he’s desperate for release.
you just smile, kissing his gorgeous lips. “cum inside me, sweetheart. i’ve got you.”
and he whines as your clench around him, throwing his head back in pleasure but holding you close as you both cum together. he spills inside of you, coating your insides with his seed.
and when you both come down from your highs, coryo is just dazed and still in that headspace. so you lay him down on the bed and hold him close, whispering the cutest praises in his ear. and coryo’s got this cute lil smile as you whisper to him, taking in your words.
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amber-laughs · 3 months
there is just no universe where catelyn likes jon i’m sorry. she knows about R+L=J? ned made traitors of her and her children, put jon’s safety above their’s and is now an even bigger threat to their lives. she hates him. Rhaegar wins and he’s prince jon? he’s still the product of the event that the entire country had to go to war for and probably got her father killed in the process. at the very least she resents him. maybe even hates him. modern au? he’s just the cousin with the teen mom that gets high with her son in the basement and sneaks arya razor blades or whatever. she hates him!
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Falmer woman holding baby :)
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Adam Adamowicz
-Wait...that's a human baby 😵‍💫
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maysrinn · 3 months
The little ✨OPSIE DAISY✨
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Meet ✨Lucia Honey Snow✨
Lucy Gray was 45 years old when she had Lucia. The arrival of Lucia, the little surprise bundle of joy, was not planned. However, Coriolanus was overjoyed upon hearing the news, despite having had a conversation with his wife five years ago where she rejected his proposal of having another fledgling. He took the news in stride, although he was a bit salty about it for a week.
No, Coriolanus didn’t „help“ after not getting his way, there was another banquet at the mansion and it ended with the two of them drunk after having to endure Livia for the whole night.
Lucia is the spitting Image of Coriolanus, leaving Lucy Gray no choice making the first few hours with her newborn daughter a joke session.
Lucy Gray: 9 months; 16 hours at the age of 45 and this is what I get…look at her
Coriolanus: I think she looks beautiful
Lucy Gray: She looks like the result after I tell you to go ✨Fuck yourself✨
Coriolanus: Lucy Gray…
Lucy Gray: let me guess also some sky blue little… OHOOO! Called it
Coriolanus: Lucy Gray-
Lucy Gray: Yes, yes I got it… she's a sweet little bird
Coriolanus: Indeed
Lucy Gray: …Coriolanus
Coriolanus: Yes?
Lucy Gray: congratulations YOU are the mother!
SHE LOVES HER DAUGHTER and gives her a second name the color Honey because of how sweet the little girl was and also because she didn’t know the color was called Gamboge
Coriolanus was indeed the one who named his daughter Lucia which sounded similar to Lucy
She's the only kid who's called full-time by both of her names, honey sounds like an affectionate nickname
…Unfortunately she doesn’t have any friends beside her sister, but that’s a story for another time
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mrshawtcakes · 25 days
Mom panties for the win! 🙌🏼
Reblog if you like the view 🍑💝
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thismommyisforreal · 6 months
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Good to be back 😊
We wish you a nice 2nd Advent, my dears 🎄✨😘
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emmywinters · 15 days
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Want me to sit on your fat cock?
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 5 months
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goddessrosewife · 2 months
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This is what the luckiest man in the world sees when he’s empty ;)
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darby-rowe · 5 months
coryo with a ball gag. delicious. but society should consider: coryo w a ring gag. mouth forced open, unable to speak properly but drooling. big stupid puppy dog eyes, can’t talk properly. can still make him lick ur cunt. uncomfortable ache in his jaw when u take it out, being all soft and silent bc his mouth hurts but still so needy. eating u out after hours bc he’s just so so desperate to taste ur cunt even if his jaw burns every time he opens his mouth slightly
mouth. WATERING.
18+ | nsfw | mdni
cw fem!dom!reader, sub!coryo, degradation, dirty talk, cunnilingus, mommy kink
coryo would look so pretty sitting on his knees, looking up at you with those dumb pretty blue eyes of his. every time you gripped onto his blonde curls he’d whimper, expecting you to bring his head closer towards your delicious cunt, but alas all you do as sit on the edge of your bed and take in the view.
“can’t help but drool when you look at my pussy, can’t ya?” you taunted, loving the way he was unable to hide how much he was drooling due to the ring gag keeping his mouth again. “you wanna taste me sooo bad, don’t you? want this pussy in your mouth, licking my clit like some pathetic bitch, yeah?”
all coryo could do was nod desperately, his eyebrows furrowing in desperate frustration. you took note of the way he squirmed on his knees, the tip of his cock leaking pre all over his rock hard shaft. it took everything within you not to give in.
“my pretty boy,” you cooed, fingers tangling within coryo’s curls. “i wanna hear you say please. say, ‘please, mommy’ and i’ll let you eat my pussy,”
coryo knew speech was impossible with the ring gag, but damnit, he still tried. more drool left his mouth as he babbled incoherently up at you, his noises slightly reminiscing the words ‘please, mommy’. his blue eyes were wet — was he crying? — as he begged and pleaded to taste you.
you finally gave him mercy and shoved his pathetic, pretty face deep into your cunt, eyes rolling back as his needy tongue went to work on your clit.
and all you could do was sit back on your elbows, moaning delightfully as the pretty boy in between your legs ate you out for what felt like hours.
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herasyndvllas · 11 months
thinking about how jon would’ve been such a mamas boy like he would’ve done anything for lyanna
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