#monarch destino
ask-the-monarch-absol · 3 months
(Response to this: https://www.tumblr.com/ask-team-misfit/743606381315276800/lief-something-felt-off-upon-looking-them-in-the
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*It all happened far too quickly for you to fully process it. What this other Destino did to you. You would have tried to defend yourself but the blistering speed in which Destino moved was overwhelming. Since when was Destino this quick and ruthless? It was well known that Prime Destino was not as strong as what they claimed. This Monarch Destino was on a whole other level. And no quips too. Not even a smile.
Pain sears from your hands. Seems the stones haven’t gone so far as to break any bones but you can feel the blood dripping from them. Trying to struggle seems like a waste of effort unless you want to completely ruin your hands. Your head pounds from the collision with the wall. The jagged stones that rose up to pin your chest and other limbs to the wall do not seem to want to budge. You’re uncertain as to whether a move would break them but it seems like it may be quite dangerous to try.*
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*Monarch Destino pauses for a bit, analysing you. Carefully deciding what to do next. Their glowing red eyes pierce into you.*
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Monarch Destino: Especially with your kind tossing us all down here to rot. Despicable, all of you.
Monarch Destino: Now, how best to deal with a vile creature such as yourself. Do I remove those precious wings of yours first? Or shall I leave those’d limbs permanently broken? Decisions, decisions. Perhaps I should let you decide.
*You notice something catch the Monarch’s attention. They appears to be listening intently to something or someone next to them. You hear quiet whispers but can’t quite make out what is being said. Whoever it is not making themselves visible at the moment, however. With a few nods, Monarch Destino turns back to you.*
Monarch Destino: Seems it’s your lucky day. My associate feels you may be more valuable alive. I’m certainly keen to gather more information about the surface Pokémon so that my plans come into fruition sooner.
*You feel the jagged stones tighten on your chest, making it slightly more difficult to breathe.*
Monarch Destino: I’m going to keep you like this. Use you as an example to those who may feel they have the authority to say whatever they please to me. However, if you cooperate, I may be more merciful and release you. Depends on whether the information you can provide is useful or not.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 months
Dravena @ Destino
Dravena turned her head at the sound of a rather mocking voice. It was… familiar somehow, though she couldn’t say from where. She tried to ignore it for a little while, as it didn’t seem to belong to a particularly agreeable pokemon. The last thing she wanted to do was to spark an unnecessary argument. But Dravena’s curiosity eventually got the better of her. She wandered over to the voice’s direction, and called out to the pokemon it came from.
“Hey, have we met before? I reckon I think I’ve talked to ya before. Or at least heard ya. I kinda remember your voice.”
As soon as the last sentence left her mouth, Dravena felt a sudden twinge of hazy but deep-seated fear. What was that about?
…Was this a good idea?
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Destino: As much as I’ve interacted with many of the guests at this event, you I certainly haven’t seen before. Or perhaps we have met and you just weren’t memorable enough for me. I mean, you are a regular Deino. I’ve seen plenty of your kind in the Underdark before. I know every single one of my subjects. As the Prime of the Underdark, I’ve been forced to get to know all of them and you’re definitely not one of them.
*Holding a claw to their chin, they get settled into a thinking pose, mainly for dramatic effect. With a couple of strokes of their chin and a slight, “hmmm”, they shrug their shoulders. This Deino was definitely not someone they had seen before.*
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Destino: I guess my voice is very distinct. Very deep. Probably the most amazing one you’ve ever heard. It wouldn’t surprise me. Maybe I’m just that well known across the universe. My influence is truly great.
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wishiestar · 3 months
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Commission for @ask-the-royal-absol / @ask-the-monarch-absol of their oc Destino!
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book-of-legends · 2 months
*Destino approaches Queen Lunaria*
Destino: Queen? You're some sort of queen? How could someone that looks like you be considered royalty? What are you even the queen of? Standing around doing nothing? I may not be monarch yet but I know when I am, I'll be ten times more useful than you appear to me. Unless you can prove your status, I don't think I'll consider you at an equal level to I. I mean, I'm not even wearing my crown and yet I feel more royal than you.
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Hope gently pet Destinos fur, "Oh, I love it when mortals act so bold in the presence of a god! It's so amusing and endearing. You creatures are endlessly entertaining!" Though her comment was well-intentioned, it sounded more demeaning than anything. Perhaps she didn't know any better? After all the goddess barely interacted with mortal Pokemon.
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"For me? It's quite simple, They consider me royalty because I'm a deity. My appearance matters not, I just look like this to not frighten my people with my presence. You see, Mortals are quite small. I do not wish to accidentally injury one, especially little cuties like you!" "As for your other inquiry... I love little games like this! Hmmm, let me ponder..."
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The Lunala looked quite giddy with her idea, "Alright~ Do me a favour and stand really, really still!! I don't want to accidentally decapitate you!" With a cheerful snicker, her form seemed to grow, shift and loom over them suddenly. "Get ready cutie~"
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With a rake of her giant wing, she easily severed the Absol's soul from their body. Everything went black within an instant and their husk of a body fell to the ground with a soft thud! It was almost as if all your senses had been instantly taken away, you felt nothing. You were no longer connected to the mortal realm but rather were shoved into a completely different one.
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"Hello there little one! I see you have finally arrived!"
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She caught the tiny Pokemon in her grasp. "I apologise for that, I had to do that to allow you in here. Your mortal body was much too heavy to phase into a completely different realm. But look!" Hope held the Absol much like a puppy as she proudly showed them around.
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"I store my body here whilst I am in a different form, that holds true for my children as well." Every which way you could possibly look there was only endless night. It seemed desolate... void, and almost lonely? There was nothing apart from the stars and her. "This is where I used to stay before I created my mortal realm! I must admit it was only me and my counterpart for many millennia. Quite isolating..." "Eventually we decided to create something of our own. But that is a story for another time! I shouldn't keep you here for too long you might get stuck!"
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Hope placed a gentle kiss on Destinos forehead before she abruptly let go of them and allowed them to fall into the endless void below... just as they left they were already being returned to the mortal realm. ...Or rather, they never truly left. Hope was peering down at Destino, almost as if she'd been there the whole time staring at them.
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"I wouldn't want your soul to try to take residence up in some other poor creature's body! Having your soul split up doesn't feel very pleasant." "Alright, I should go cutie! It was fun talking to you though! I'd stay longer but having food around is too tempting~ I must say, your soul looks very yummy, it's making me hungry. So, Bye now!" She smiled, Hope gave one final ruffle to Destinos hair before she wandered off.
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hedgewitchgarden · 9 months
Nacogdoches is one of dozens of Texas cities that have planted pollinator gardens, providing way stations for the long monarch migration
Take the people of Nacogdoches. Billed as the “Garden Capital of Texas,” the town of 35,000 has long promoted beautification efforts, including projects with the local Stephen F. Austin (SFA) Gardens. Nacogdoches recently went a step further, joining more than 600 cities nationwide in taking the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors’ Monarch Pledge. By signing on, leaders commit to expanding monarch habitat and educating residents about pollinators.
In making their improbable journey, monarchs need all the help they can get. East of the Rocky Mountains, the butterflies head south at the end of summer and, after overwintering in central Mexico from late October to March, begin their long return north. Milkweed, essential for monarchs, and other nectar-producing plants serve as way stations, providing nutrients and shelter en route.
Much of the monarch’s decline in recent decades can be linked to the disappearance of these way stations, often due to development. By designing and planting a series of pollinator-friendly gardens beginning in 2019, Nacogdoches became a champion of monarchs and other pollinators, sending a message of hope for many migrating species.
That positivity extends to the human population. “The four monarch gardens in Nacogdoches provided opportunities for a diverse group of people to learn about and plant these pockets of conservation,” says Dawn Stover, representative for SFA Gardens at the time of installation. “We had generations of gardeners making these projects come to life.”
Selecting native flora not only helps pollinators. It also educates home gardeners who might have overlooked certain plant species. “As people watch early-blooming penstemons give way to summer wild bergamot and giant cornflower, then transition to fall with goldenrod and asters, they become enchanted with the living world,” says Kim Conrow, past president of the Native Plant Society of Texas.
The Nacogdoches gardens—each registered as a Certified Wildlife Habitat®—were the result of an effort between the city’s Parks & Recreation Department, NWF’s Monarch Conservation Urban Outreach and Monarch Stewards programs, SFA Gardens and the Native Plant Society of Texas, with a donation by the James A. “Buddy” Davidson Charitable Foundation. “[These gardens] are a way for us to celebrate the great partnership and collaboration with the communities to support monarch migration,” says Rebeca Quiñonez-Piñón, climate-resilient habitats senior manager and monarch recovery strategist for NWF.
Nacogdoches is among dozens of Texas cities that have taken the NWF pledge—currently the second most of any state. Others include the Lower Rio Grande Valley city of McAllen, where the renowned Zapotec artist Irving Cano’s mural “Destino Monarca” was installed in 2022.
Both the mural and the gardens are “conduits helping us to raise awareness about the situation of the monarch butterfly but at the same time increase native habitat in urban areas while we educate others,” Quiñonez-Piñón says. “We can see the demonstration gardens as creating art, too.”
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leeimperatriz · 1 month
¿Locamente enamorado o trágiamente culpable? / Madly in love or tragically guilty?
Porque también veo otras series a parte de BajoTerra.
Gabriel Agreste ha sido uno de los personajes que más me ha llamado la atención (y que siento que Thomas masacró completamente junto con Chloé y pienso defender esto con capa y espada), debido a su historia de amor que término en tragedia y en la búsqueda de los miraculous de Ladybug y Chat Noir, más que un villano, era un hombre roto que cazaba un milagro. ¡Y ese es un gran concepto!
Sin embargo, siento que algo que no se ha explorado muy bien en la serie es su relación con Emilie, el por qué la amaba tanto, hasta el punto en que fue capaz de convertirse en Hawk Moth/Monarca para traerla de regreso, y si bien es cierto que es su amor por Emilie quien define quién es Gabriel y su rol en la serie, puede que no sea su única motivación.
Because I also watch other shows that aren't SlugTerra.
Gabriel Agreste has been one of the characters who got my attention the most (and who I feel got completely butchered by Thomas alongside with Chloé and I will defend this with cape and sword), due to his love story that ended in tragedy and his quest for the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir, more than a villain, he was a broken man, hunting a miracle. And that is a great concept!
However, I feel that something that hasn't been explored enough is his relationship with Emilie, why did he love her so much, to the point of becoming Hawk Moth/Monarch to bring her back, and although it is true that his love for Emilie defines who Gabriel is and what he does as a character, it may not be his only motivation.
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Gabriel le entrega a su esposa el miraculous roto del pavo real.
Puede que no parezca mucho, ellos decidieron tener un hijo, y al no poder lograrlo, recurrieron a métodos cuestionables para tener a Adrien, la culpa recae en los dos, Emilie por acceder a usar el miraculous, sabiendo que estaba roto, y Gabriel, por haberle permitido usarlo.
Sin embargo, creo que no nos hemos puesto en los zapatos de Gabriel, ni nos hemos puesto a pensar en las connotaciones que esto conlleva para el desdichado y enloquecido diseñador/terrorista.
"Gabriel le entrega a su esposa el miraculous roto del pavo real."
Gabriel le entrega a su esposa el miraculous roto.
Él le entrega a SU esposa un miraculous roto.
Él le hizo esto.
Gabriel gives his wife the broken miraculous of the peacock.
It may not look like much, they decided to have a kid, and when they could not, they went with questionable methods to create have Adrien, the guilt falls to both of them, to Emilie for agreeing to use a broken miraculous, and to Gabriel for allowing her to use it.
However, I don't think we have put ourselves on Gabriel's shoes, nor thought on the connotations that this have for the hapless and maddened designer/terrorist.
"Gabriel gives his wife the broken miraculous of the peacock."
Gabriel gives his wife the broken miraculous.
He gives HIS wife a broken miraculous.
He did this to her.
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Él le entregó el miraculous roto, lo que provocó que la salud de Emilie se deteriorara hasta llegar a ese punto, lo que desató toda la serie.
Gabriel la amaba, con toda la fuerza de su corazón y su alma, de eso no hay duda... pero ella está ahí dentro por culpa suya, porque ÉL fue lo suficientemente estúpido como para darle el miraculous roto sin medir las consecuencias, él la condenó a ese destino.
A parte de sus planes para derrotar a Ladybug y Chat Noir, esto es lo que verdaderamente puede estar pasando por su cabeza, esto es lo que verdaderamente puede estarlo torturando, es cierto que ama a Emilie lo suficiente como para aterrorizar Paris, pero también es cierto que puede vivir terriblemente atormentado por la culpa de haber sido responsable de su estado actual.
Y de ahí viene su desesperación de conseguir los miraculous, no solamente es incapaz superar lo que le ocurrió a Emilie por su amor por ella, sino también, porque siente que él le hizo esto, que él la puso en esa cápsula y quiere enmendar su error a toda costa, no solo para tenerla de vuelta, sino también para liberarse de la culpa que lo tortura día y noche.
Él la amaba, él la amaba, era su alma gemela, la mujer que lo completaba, su vida, su todo...
... Y él. La puso. Ahí.
He gave her the broken miraculous, what caused Emilie's health to deteriorate until getting to this point, which kickstarted the whole show.
Gabriel loved her, there is no doubt on that... But she is inside there because of him, because HE was stupid enough to give her a broken miraculous without measuring the consequences, he doomed her to this fate.
Apart from his plans to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir, this is what must be truly going on in his head, this is what must be torturing him so much, it is true that he loved Emilie enough to terrorize Paris to bring her back, but it is also true that he could be living terribly tormented for the guilt of being responsible for her current state.
And this is where his despair for getting the miraculouses comes from, not only he is not capable of getting over her demise because of his love for her, but also, because he feels he did this to her, that he put her in the casket and wants to correct that mistake at all costs, not only to have her back, but also to free himself from the guilt torturing him day and night.
He loved her, he loved her, she was his soulmate, the woman that completed him, his life, his everything...
... And he. Put her. There.
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Yo también enloquecería.
I would go crazy too.
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spikyegg · 1 year
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Something about these two gave me Past Paradox vibes, so I gave them a Scarvi makeover!
Destino from @ask-the-royal-absol as inspiration for Ancestral Monarch
Ancient Mew from @phlurrii as inspiration for Winged Predecessor
Mod Note: I do not create nor endorse "art fixing", these are my own takes on these characters and their original designs are lovely as is.
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nerdrabugento · 6 months
PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2023 - OS MELHORES DE 2023 - NERD RABUGENTO by Nerd Rabugento Hoje é dia de PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2023, com os melhores e os piores de 2023. Marvel, DC, Netflix, HBO MAX, AMAZON PRIME VIDEO, APPLE TV+, O MANDALORIANO, SCOOBY DOO, SUCCESSION, GEN V, ONE PIECE, TWISTED METAL, FARGO, BLACK MIRROR, GODZILLA, MONARCH, SOUTH PARK, ANAKIN SKYWALKER, AHSOKA, CHUCKY, OLIVIA COLMAN, O URSO, INVASÃO SECRETA, BLUEY, THE LAST OF US, LOKI, PLANETA DOS ABUTRES, ASSASSINATO NO FIM DO MUNDO, A QUEDA DA CASA DE USHER, THE CURSE, NICOLAS CAGE, M3GAN, ZUMBI, HOMEM-ARANHA, GI JOE, TRANSFORMERS, WISH: O PODER DOS DESEJO. Qual a série mais popular de 2023? AS MARVELS, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, HONRA ENTRE REBELDES, FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S - O PESADELO SEM FIM, BEN AFFLECK, THE FLASH, HYPNOTIC - AMEAÇA INVISÍVEL, AIR - A HISTÓRIA POR TRÁS DO LOGO, JENNIFER LAWRENCE, QUE HORAS EU TE PEGO?, TOKUSATSU, SHIN MASKED RIDER, GODZILLA, FALE COMIGO, MISSÃO: IMPOSSÍVEL - ACERTO DE CONTAS PARTE UM, GWEN STACY, A MORTE DO DEMÔNIO: A ASCENSÃO, BLACKBERRY, BARBIE, OPPENHEIMER, JEREMY RENNER, SHAZAM! FÚRIA DOS DEUSES, DE VOLTA PARA O FUTURO, WONKA, ELEMENTOS, INFLUENCER, HYPNOTIC - AMEAÇA INVISÍVEL, GODZILLA MINUS ONE, ASSASSINOS DA LUA DA FLORES, BRUNA MARQUEZINE, VIN DIESEL, GUARDIÕES DA GALÁXIA VOL.3, A24, PAST LIVES, HARRISON FORD, INDIANA JONES E A RELÍQUIA DO DESTINO, DA’VINE JOY RANDOLPH, OS REJEITADOS, JOAQUIN PHOENIX, EMMA STONE, POBRES CRIATURAS, ARI ASTER, DAVID GORDON GREEN, O EXORCISTA: O DEVOTO, STILL: AINDA SOU MICHAEL J. FOX, SUZUME, JOHN WICK 4, BABA YAGA, AQUAMAN 2 O REINO PERDIDO, HOMEM-ARANHA ATRAVÉS DO ARANHAVERSO, WHEN EVIL LURKS, ANATOMIA DE UMA QUEDA, A THOUSAND AND ONE,O DEMÔNIO DOS MARES, BEAU TEM MEDO, E qual o filme mais popular de 2023? Confira também a primeira parte, PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2022 SÉRIES. CAPÍTULOS: 00:00 INTRODUÇÃO AO PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2023 00:32 O QUE EU ASSISTI EM 2023 02:50 PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2023 MELHORES SÉRIES 06:33 IN MEMORIAN 2023 09:57 PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2023 MELHORES FILMES 13:18 ENCERRAMENTO DO PRÊMIO RABUGENTO 2023 🤑 Apoie o canal! Manda aquele PIX para [email protected] #FILMES #PREMIORABUGENTO #SERIES #melhoresfilmes #melhoresseries #streaming 👍🏻 CURTA. ✍🏻 COMENTE. 🔔 INSCREVA-SE. ❤️ Gostou desse vídeo? Inscreva-se em nosso canal e ative o sino de notificação para não perder nenhum vídeo novo! https://www.youtube.com/user/NerdRabugento?sub_confirmation=1 O NERD RABUGENTO NÃO DÁ DICA RUIM! Política de Comentários do Canal: I. Ao comentar você concorda e permite que o texto, nome de perfil e imagem de perfil, possam ser eventualmente usados para ilustrar e compor conteúdo em vídeo e postagem aqui deste canal, sem custo ou ônus para o criador; II. Comentários estão sujeitos à moderação do criador do canal e ao sistema automático do YouTube; Os comentários devem ser adequados ao assunto/tema do vídeos/canal. Comentários fora de contexto podem ser excluídos; III. Estas regras são retroativas e se aplicam a quaisquer vídeos que tenham comentários públicos. IV. Se o comentário for excluído (pelo perfil que comentou ou pelo administrador do canal), mas já tiver sido usado e exibido em algum vídeo do canal, o conteúdo em vídeo NÃO será excluído. Conteúdo criado, produzido, dirigido, apresentado e editado por Rodolfo Castrezana. via YouTube https://youtu.be/W9Av-N8HKs0
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strangerclubofseries · 7 months
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groennuuk · 2 years
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ACONSEJO vean la serie coreana 'The King: Eternal Monarch'(2020) si anda enamorado o hace mucho no le toca el amor y cree en mundos paralelos, destino, puertas cuànticas, magia. Realizaciôn impecable, efectos que despiertan hasta momias, regalo de salud por la hermosura. #netflix
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ask-the-monarch-absol · 4 months
Lief: Something felt off upon looking them in the eyes. But he wasn't certain, beyond them clearly being the same Absol that approached him before... right?
"Aren't you that Prime, or whatever? Destino? You've been... better, I notice."
*Looking towards the monarch, they raise an eyebrow at you. You notice one of their sharp claws tap the arm of their throne once. Whatever force was carrying you at the moment has brought you even closer. Destino’s dishevelled look becomes clearer. Grabbing your face and forcefully inspecting it, you can tell they are most displeased by what they see. Their glowing eyes pierce into you.*
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*The lack of emotion in their voice is a stark difference from the cadence the other Destino used. Monarch Destino squeezes your face harder, a sharp pain coming through. If they were to tighten their grip any further, you feel as though they would draw blood. Destino’s eyes scan over you, considering whether they deem you a threat to their plans or a waste of space they need to discard.*
Monarch Destino: Prime was my old title. Monarch is what my subjects refer to me by. I expect you to do the same if you value your life.
*They narrow their eyes. Seems a decision has been made. They continue to keep the same cold expression on their face.*
Monarch Destino: You have fifteen seconds to explain why you are here, fairy. If your reason isn’t sufficient, I shall slowly tear your wings off, break those fragile bones in each of your limbs and let my accomplice deal with the rest of you. Talk.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 10 months
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*Fear filled his eyes as Monarch Destino spoke, terrifyingly deep voice making it clear that the group was too late. The Monarch would soon strike them all down and they were helpless to stop the cruel ruler. That’s why many feared Monarch Destino. They were not afraid to slaughter those who stood in their way. The Monarch’s laughter filled the room, sending shivers down his spine. He was too late.*
(Just a little something for funsies. Is it canon? Technically. I will not elaborate. It was a lot of fun to make! Here’s the whole process too!)
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curidecugu · 2 years
Desmemoria de la esperanza pdf files
        internacionalización de la educación pdf interculturalismo y educación la interculturalidad en méxico pluriculturalidad en la educaciónproyecto educativo de interculturalidad en méxico los retos de la educación intercultural en méxico la educación intercultural en contextos de diversidad
  Fortunately, the testimonies and personal files of activists like Cleotilde titled “Contra el caos de la desmemoria” (Against the Chaos of Un-memory). See Vicenç Navarro, “Los costes de la desmemoria /sites /default /files /ICTJ -Spain -Amnesty -Justice -2008 -Spanish _0 .pdf . digamos de la desmemoria. y el pánico violeta. de los desalmados con destino a la esperanza. vestido de payaso para fingir su vida.document had no provisions to deal with a living monarch who voluntarily ceded power, pursued a semi-official policy of desmemoria, actively avoiding. Please check the document version below. Document Version. Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record. Publication date: umbral de la desmemoria. 6 See the Cambridge Analytica files in The Guardian: 19 The full report is available at: foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FinalRR.pdf
https://www.tumblr.com/curidecugu/697339005264674816/chopin-aeolian-harp-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/curidecugu/697339241211052032/konstitusi-hmi-mpo-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/curidecugu/697338868440203264/rameau-treatise-pdf-writer, https://www.tumblr.com/curidecugu/697339005264674816/chopin-aeolian-harp-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/curidecugu/697340000124190721/pini-di-roma-pdf995.
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pongchows · 2 years
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Tu destino lo define las decisiones que tomas. Pero a veces, el destino elige por ti…
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vilanizar · 3 years
Seu destino é determinado pelas escolhas que você faz. Mas há momentos em que o destino escolhe você.
The King: eternal monarch.
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