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The alpha Brain wave Yoga and
Monatomic gold
The alpha brain wave is well known in tibet for their deep states of mediation ,
Ormus gold or Monatomic Gold puts the body in the elite Alpha brain wave state, a meditative and healing state 7.83 Hz and the earth’s frequency vibrates at 7.83Hz. An unusual coincidence.?
It has been proven to balance the left brain right brain hemispheres 
A small study 
looked at a brain stimulation technique called transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and found that it could increase alpha brain waves and reduce depression symptoms in people affected by major depressive disorder (MDD).
Ormus Gold also cleans the body of toxins and increases one’s aura so that the body is functioning on a high vibration and energy status.
How Ormus Monatomic Gold is beneficial for immune system?
Ormus has the ability to alkalise the body’s system due to its high PH levels, an environment that disease doesn’t like.
A nutritous organic substrate full of trace elements .
Elixir Ormus also increases your aura, the energy around the body that senses peoples energy from cortisol being released from the cells in the body.
Have you noticed when you can sense a persons agitated or angry when you enter a room its because they are releasing cortisol and we have tiny receptors in our cells that pick up on this. When this aura is increased our intuition is raised.
Negative sentiment on Ormus or Monatomic gold
There is negative sentiment over the internet on some accounts like any product ,and Ormus can be harmful if made with Dead Sea salt , Compared to Pacific Ocean sea salt ,or if the proper alchemic procedures are not followed. Some of this negative sentiment  could be attributed to this .
Is Ormus Dangerous
There are several ways of extracting or processing Ormus or Monatomic gold, some use real golden heat it  and use hydrochloric acid and a number of horrible processes, or a Dry method ,
Im relating to particularly the Wet Method made from Organic Sea water harvested from safe places away from marinas.
A Japanese scientist also did study on just sea water he called it Hado water 
study on sea water benefits
The simple method layman's explanation is clean filtered sea water is obtained then to raise the  PH to 10.78 no higher or dangers can occur ,Vortex the water  then the white precipitate falls out with all the minerals , Ph needs to be adjusted then the solution needs to washed many times to remove the high concentrations on sodium . Please don't use this method it s a lot more complicated and a alchemist will need to follow the correct recipe from ancient Egyptian clay tablets.
After researching approx 100 websites reviews it seemed approx 80% are positive on a generalisation with some astounding claims.
However many companies don't have a spectrometry detailed assay list of trace elements.
If done correctly Ormus becomes the Ancient Egyptian elixir that was believed that the Pharos and kings ingested for higher spiritual consciousness and longevity that is completely organic and GMO free.
But do your homework on the trace minerals and see what you think.
SPHINX ORMUS  Ormus assay
Other elements to be found in this form are Copper,Cobalt,Ruthenium,Rhodium,Silver,Palladium,Platinum,Osmium,Iridium,and nickel due to there Monatomic form they do not show up under spectrometry.
.[Parts per million]
These organic minerals relate to  historic nutritional research of assisting Cognitive function,
Wound healing for burns,
Reducing stress anxiety and depression,
Elasticity of the skin and collagen production reducing wrinkles, 
Assisting the nervous system,
Increasing brain blood circulation and electro impulses and cognitive function. Anti-inflammatory properties are helpful for many autoimmune diseases and Arthritis, 
Detoxification and rid of free radicals.
Helps build strong teeth and bones, has anti-inflammatory properties helpful for arthritis, speeds up wound healing, Prevents vitamin D deficiency, and balances hormones.
Sulphur 587
Increasing circulation to the brain is helpful for Alzheimer’s or Dementia, It assists in detoxing the body, and is essential to connecting tissues, helping elasticity to the skin reducing wrinkles, it supports insulin production, assists in vitamin B uptake to convert carbohydrates to energy.
Sodium 8,264
Improves heart performance, and the nervous system, prevents muscle cramps, and assists in glucose absorption, sodium is needed for blood regulation, it regulates the bodily fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body, prevents sunstroke, improves brain function, defends free radicals and is in many skin care creams, eliminates carbon dioxide and controls blood pressure.
Magnesium 2,350
Regulates blood sugar, boosts athletic performance, is involved in approx 600 reactions in your body, energy creation, protein formation, muscle movement, nervous system regulation, may reduce anxiety and combat depression, boast anti-inflammatory properties, bone Heath, gives good sleep,
Potassium 1,317
Stimulates neural activities,, improves the nervous system, regulates fluid systems, maintains water balance, reduces anxiety and stress levels, boosts heart health, boosts metabolisms, strengthens muscles, stabilises blood pressure, enhances bone health, stabilises blood sugars,
Is ok in small doses it’s in all our vegetables and water and is good for painful joints and alleviates fatigue, The average daily intake is 10 mg per day.
Aluminium RDL
Aluminium is toxic if exceeding the daily recommendations
Strengthens Bones prevents baldness and Alopecia, prevents brittle nails, is good for skin, assists in elasticity, reduces ageing, increases collagen, restores mucosa, prevents Atherosclerosis, promotes healing, and prevents aluminium toxicity.
Gold is a great anti-inflammatory, as is a superconductor assisting the neural pathways.
It has been used in ancient cultures to increase longevity and enhance spiritual awareness,
 LT Lawrence Frego stated Gold raises the IQ by 20 basis points over 30 days
Phosphorus. 49
Strengthens teeth and bones, detoxes the body, supports cognitive development, stimulates protein metabolism, boosts cell repair, helps hormonal balance, promotes metabolism, facilitates nutrient uptake
Strengthens bones and teeth, assists in a stable weight, protects cardiac muscles, has anti-cancer potential, reduces pre-menstrual depression, prevents kidney stones, controls the alkaline PH, regulates blood pressure, and assists transportation of nutrients
Strontium 9.28
Strengthens bones and aids in alkalising the bones. Assists in the absorption of calcium, Prevents tooth decay, is used in treating prostate cancer,
Lithium is used for treating depression, and anxiety, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and it boosts cognitive function. Tests in 26 counties in Texas in 1990 showed that counties with a low rate in the water had a 40% higher suicidal rate
Barium 0.38
Other organisations have set guidelines or regulations pertaining to the concentration of barium in drinking water. The World Health Organisation established a guideline for drinking- water quality of 1.3 mg/L for barium. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s standard and the guideline established by the Australia National Health and Medical Research Council are both set at 2.0 mg/L. The European Union has not established a limit for barium in drinking water. High quantities of barium above daily intake are harmful.
Iron 2.88
Enhances Haemoglobin, regulates body temp, treats Anaemia, oxygen carrier prevents chronic fatigue, assists energy and metabolism, improves appetite, prevents restless leg syndrome, prevents hair loss, improves muscle health, improves brain function and development, boosts immunity, promotes sleep, boosts concentration, helps heal wounds, neurotransmitter synthesis
Zinc 0.52
Wound healing, DNA synthesis, Protein synthesis, Gene expression, and Immune function, Aid in the growth development of Mitosis and cell division.Anti-inflammatory.
Manganese 0.39
Bone health and strong antioxidant properties help reduce diseases, reduce inflammation, particularly with chondroitin and Glucosamine. Assist in blood sugar regulation, is Linked to lower amounts of epileptic seizures, assists in the role of metabolising nutrients may reduce PMS symptoms in conjunction with calcium, may protect the brain from free radicals and improve brain function. Assist in good thyroid health. assist in wound healing by aiding in collagen production.
After reading my List of Minerals / Trace Elements In Ormus I suggest you google the daily intakes for each mineral and do the math. It is important not to exceed the daily does of Ormus as its such a rich mineral elixir you can exceed the daily recommended doses. I suggest you google to do the RDL under the world health organisation.
It is also great for plants here is a organic  broccoli I grew from watering with 
1 teaspoon per 10 litres approx 10 times, sitting on a 10 litre water bottle.
How Energy Affects Ormus 
If you are interested in energy Ormus has some very unique traits,
You will be aware no doubt of Dr emoto research on structured water 
how he found that thoughts directed at water can change the structure of water and words written on water containers can change the shape of the water molecule.
Dr Emoto study video
Research has shown that water can carry as much as 440,000 pieces of information on each molecule , and we are made up of approx 70% of water ,look at the quantity of this stuff we consume ,
approx 730 litres a year to the average person at 2 litres a day.
If we consume that much water wouldn't it be clear that we would want the most pure and high vibrational nature?
If it carries memory surely this would affect us?
Ormus has also been found in the human body ,plants and soils and rocks and is in high concentration in Purple coloured foods and products of the ocean like sea weed, sea food, 
Wouldn't it be fair that you would only want to drink liquids in this hexagonal shape of love ?  as in the photo here after the frozen water molecules is put under a microscope .
The negative thought traits and words certainly show a negative vibe , you be the judge!
Different ways of supercharging your Ormus into the Hexagonal water molecule elite state. From the earths energy .Ormus is very sensitive to sound and vibration.
Raise your vibration with Ormus 
Sacred geometry 
crystals and grids
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Violet coloured glass and the violet coloured spectrum
528 Hz imprinted in the Ormus [the miracle tone]
The OHM tone 
Triskelions  [ a sacred Egyptian length of copper formed into a geometric shape giving off electromagnetic energy proven to structure water within hours
Copper torson rings [ reduce the EMF ]
intensions of love kindness and compassion your dreams affirmations and goals.Imprint the water with these memories and then consume them .
Vortex the water [ toroidal energy ] this energy is all of nature from the solar system , the DNA, the merkaba of the heart, Plants or just water spinning down the plug hole,.It even comes down the Egyptian pyramids to the kings chamber.
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Pyramidal energy 
Using these energies you can raise the vibration and the structure and the memories of your Ormus and help manifestations speeds.
Peoples claims are predominant in energy boosts, and stamina.
Ormus vibrational healing methods
People are discovering ormus after the recipe was hidden in ancient texts from alchemists guarding there valuable substance, but its clear that people are doing there research and key words on google for Ormus using 236% and monatomic gold 126% for 2022 alone 
Make your own decision to this organic substance and do a thorough research to this truly interesting substance that has many uses
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tenth-sentence · 10 months
2. The oxidation number for any simple, monatomic ion (e.g., Na+ and Cl-) is equal to the charge on the ion.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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sphinxormus · 1 year
Colloidal Gold
Colloidal Gold has been referred to by the ancients, Ancient Egyptians and Atlanteans or otherwise known as the Annunaki were known to consume colloidal gold, It was written in the emerald tablets written by Thoth or Hermes that they consumed monatomic gold and they mixed colloidal gold and even took colloidal silver. Thoth taught alchemy in the ancient mystery schools of Kemit otherwise known as Egypt.
He taught astronomy, alchemy, mathematics the 7 laws of the universe and was known to be the King of wisdom. It is said he lived for 11000 yrs. He was known as the image of a man with a bird head. This was because when the bird digs in the dirt he forages in the dark and then brings up to the light. This was Thoth trait. he brought from the dark to the light. His goal was and he succeeded to bring and teach and raise the vibration of the individual with this positive wisdom. It is said just from reading the emerald tablets they possess the ability to change one’s vibration. words have power and resonate vibration and create
it was not uncommon for Egyptian kings to live long periods, stone tablets relay many instances of kings reigning for up to 28000 yrs old. This sounds hard to believe but you just need to look at how advanced the Ancient Egyptians were. Thoth claimed he was the builder and architect of the pyramids which we cannot replicate today even from the highest degree of engineers. He also stated that he transferred his consciousness into another being in the halls of Amenti inside the great pyramids.
we are very close to this today with Elon musks new invention and also we have done this with monkeys.
Time and technology are progressing, but it’s true that Ancient wisdom has been hidden from us in many forms to stop us from having powers of Telepathy Clairvoyance or Clearsentaince. This comes from our hidden crystals or transmitters on the pineal gland that can advance our soles spiritually.
Monatomic gold was taken in the hierarchy of kings and pharaohs for higher spiritual consciousness and longevity for it is known to activate the Pineal gland. Evidence shown is that Sphinx Ormus can enhance the Aura and boost all 7 chakras to 100% this is shown on Aura imaging photography software. This product has colloidal Gold mixed in with it at 42 PPM.
This is showing proof of how Gold, Colloidal Gold, and Monatomic gold is enhancing us spiritually. Aura increasing can make us operate more efficiently, strengthen our immune, and have stronger manifestation powers, Increased immune. This Reiki master or natural healer’s goal from ancient natural healing methods is to get all chakras unblocked and running smoothly so energy or Chi, or Prana can flow to heal organs.
Our Intuition is enhanced as the cortisol receptor in our skin pick up on negative energies, danger etc are amplified to a larger area from the aura being increased and coming into contact with another Aura this cortisol is activated to notify us on one of our sixth senses.
The Chinese were also civilisations that used gold therapy or Chrysotherapy. The main point of these therapies was to reverse or inhibit and prevent joint and bone damage from rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis and ageing.
Colloidal Gold was also used in Medieval Europe, Alchemists produced powdered gold and fed it to people in drinks for sour limbs, and arthritis.
In Ancient Rome gold ointments or creams were used for skin ulcers.
Archaeologists discovered that Gold was used for dentistry 4500 years ago.
Approx 1890  a German bacteriologist named Robert Koch discovered that gold compounds inhibited the growth of tuberculosis bacillus. He received a noble prize in medicine
Colloidal gold benefits
Colloidal Gold offers promising benefits with much research still underway, Colloidal Gold benefits offer pain relief in association with arthritis and rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis. Gold is able to remove blockages, and assist with poor circulation and tissue regeneration of the heart spleen, pancreas and muscles.
Other Benefits of colloidal Gold are that it assists the Pineal gland and the pituitary glands and is effective against aneurysms. It stabilises collagen which is a contributor to anti Ageing. It also helps to assist in the absorption of nutrients. It inhibits or releases enzymes as required by the body. Colloidal gold benefits have a positive effect on the rhythmic balancing of the heart and improve blood circulation.
Gold stimulates the glands and assists with the nerves as its a superconductor and passes energy with no net loss or resistance so electrical impulses of the body can run optimally. Gold can regulate temperature and assist with chronic fatigue and is known to be used for neurological dysfunction and can assist with depression.
Another benefit of colloidal Gold is it is helpful for addictions. Monatomic gold is also proven to boost Left right-brain balancing within minutes and this can boost intelligence as the brain’s traits can run optimally if one side is running down. This study was done by the Swiss alpha institute in Switzerland.
Studies Research MONATOMIC GOLD
It also possesses remarkable sedative properties without impairment.
The main trait of colloidal Gold is to strengthen the natural Immune system and to optimise our DNA potential.
More on Colloidal Gold
Colloidal Gold is nanoparticles of gold that are suspended in high-quality distilled water. The different concentrations of colloidal Gold relate to the particle size and colour. The darker the colour the more concentrated the Colloidal Gold.
Many companies make colloidal gold using gold chloride this is not good for health and has been proven to be harmful, and many don’t expose this method on the labels as it’s cheaper to make.
It is important to use pure unadulterated gold of 24k and 99.99% purity for consumption or other harmful heavy metals can expose one to consequences. Copper is also used to make colloidal gold and it’s also important that this is solid pure copper preferably medieval grade.
At Sphinx Ormus one of our Products is Sphinx Colloidal Gold we use 24K 99.99% pure gold and Pure medical grade Copper with ultra-high quality distilled water to achieve the best quality gold and we produce the most potent strength with a PPM of 200. This is up to 10x the strength of common Colloidal Gold on the market. This is much more expensive because of the Gold concentration. We also vortex our colloidal gold which is nature’s way of energising and bringing water to life with the benefits of better hydration as it accesses the body’s cells easier. Our product comes in cobalt blue glass bottles “not plastic” and this is known by the ancient Egyptians and Romans to raise the vibration of the liquid from the violet colour spectrum. We believe that glass is essential for such a high-value quality product.
Current research does not state any “ideal dosage ” The dose that works for one does not necessarily work for another and this goes for Ormus or Monatomic gold. It seems the spiritual people seem to have a strong noticeable effect on the monatomic gold as they are more spiritually aware and sensitive to energies. We recommend taking 5 MLS of Sphinx Colloidal Gold per day.
Monatomic Gold/ Colloidal Gold
The Pineal Gland
Ormus Supplement Benefits
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wizard-irl · 2 years
Buyers Beware - Andara "Crystals"
TLDR: It's glass slag with buzzwords sold for an iPad's worth of money.
Explanation and examples below the cut.
Archive of post.
Andara crystals are said to contain the prima-materia of alchemic fame, found by a Native shaman on a sacred site near a spiritual vortex, often claimed to be Mt. Shasta in California. Andara crystal is said to be both Atlanean and Lemurian; a stone of ascended masters, saints, and angels that vibrates in higher densities. It can clear "electromagnetic smog," activates and aligns all chakras, and accelerates spiritual growth. They are also said to be monatomic, completely missing the point of the term, which is often applied to gases made of one atom, such as helium.
What is slag? Smelt byproduct, which is notably not natural crystal or glass. Andara crystals have comparable composition to artificial soda-lime glasses over natural glasses like obsidian. Glass is not monatomic; it is commonly made from silicon dioxide, the same material as quartz.
Do you want to know how much they sell for?
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Below is a search for glass slag.
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Pretty similar in appearance, huh? That yellow piece is very pretty; I bet I could take it for 12$ and sell it as "Golden Light Pleiadean Ascended 6D Shaman Monatomic Andara Crystal" for 500$, and someone would buy it for that amount.
Is this worth it because they've shoved a bunch of spiritual words into the title and description promising the sun and moon to you if you pony up the cash for them?
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The reason why they price them so high is people do buy them at these prices, because many people have no idea what they're actually buying.
You're not buying communication to angels. You're not buying a spiritual accelerant. You're not buying a chakra opener. You're buying well-advertised glass.
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kalifissure · 2 months
My proposition about why the universe seems to be the way it is.
First: Time is actually a tiny dimension. The present moment. Only the minimal time needed so that an incremental movement at the highest frequency can happen.
And everything we experience is phase ripples in that sea of Planck time.
The way it is the thickness/thinness of the film on a bubble which creates the local "color".
Second; Since time is compactified, as per limit theorem* the reconnection, the closure of the compact/bound set, is between a maxima and a minima. I offer event horizon, maximal density and if GR maximum DISTANCE (weirdly). And deep voids. As the closest we can come to nothing at all. No stars to bend potholes in the surface. Flat, nothing, as far as we can tell.
Matter/Neutrons fall into event horizons because of gravity.
They fall out in deep voids, and decay, as Neutrons do, into proton/electron soup, amorphous monatomic hydrogen. Dark matter.
The decay from neutron 0.6fm³ to 1m³ of amorphous hydrogen gas is a volume increase of around 10⁴⁵. Expansion. Dark energy.
And then it starts falling towards a filament, towards a galactic cluster, towards a galaxy, towards an event horizon.
Because in the long run there is only one direction. Down.
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pannibal-the-cannibal · 10 months
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Hey my names Braxton, I’m an aspiring songwriter and artist tryna get some support to get my next project out . I’m posting a link with all my current songs ,please take some time to check me out and if you like what you hear leave a tip or cashapp me ($brandonanelson) to help with studio time. (1hr/$50 but anything helps❤️) (these videos are also monetized so every play helps❤️) I have two new projects written and ready to record so the support would really be appreciated 😊
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kaffilatte-moved · 2 years
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🌌 impulsively decided to paint my nails and newsflash im still bad at it. new products review incoming 🌌
dolce & gabana dolce garden - 6/10 smells like a middle school girls locker room.
fenty sheer shiny lipstick in bubble rum - 8/10 doesn’t move even when washed w soap.
natasha denona liquid lip in monatomic - 3/10 looks + functions exactly like the sephora brand lip stains, difficult to blend.
sephora brand nail polish - 5/10 i almost broke the bottle cap.
huda beauty foundation - 9/10 my only critique is it isn’t super oil resistant.
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online-course-vip · 10 days
Eric Thompson – Monatomic Gold
Eric Thompson – Monatomic Gold Easily generate more alpha brainwaves for enhanced focus, mood and emotional balance. The primary energetic signature in this program is derived from white powder gold, the mysterious monatomic element made famous by David Hudson. Some benefits of Monatomic Gold include: Improves physical and mental energy Calms and balances the emotions Strengthens the blood and…
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danihost-blog · 11 days
What is Neon?
Neon is a luminous, nonflammable, nontoxic gas with the chemical symbol Ne and atomic number 10. It is the second lightest noble gas and glows reddish-orange in vacuum discharge tubes. Neon is a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under normal conditions with about two-thirds the density of air. Aside from its glowing properties, neon is also an important ingredient in glass and has been…
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Xenon Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2021-2027)
Global xenon market is expected to reach a market valuation of around ~250 million by 2027 and is expected to grow at a single-digit CAGR during the forecasted period (2021-2027). It is mainly owing to wide variety of lamps that use xenon gas on a regular basis such as photographic flash lamps, high-intensive arc-lamps, bactericidal lamps, etc. These lamps offer better illumination as compared to conventional methods of lighting. Moreover, xenon gas is beneficial in the production of helium-neon lasers which are used in barcode scanners. These characteristics and benefits of xenon gas have been contributing to its propelling demand across the globe.
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Xenon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, inflammable, monatomic, and nonreactive noble gas. Among the noble gases, xenon is the brightest, and emits blue light when electric current is passed through it; this property is utilized for lighting purpose. Xenon gas is a trace gas, which can be found in earth’s atmosphere and can also be obtained or produced commercially as a by-product during the separation of oxygen and nitrogen in air-separation units
Emergence of pandemic situation is disrupting the global chemical industry and various niche product segments, and xenon gas is being one of them. Due to the outbreak of coronavirus in 2020, the government across various geographies had imposed nationwide lockdown, which has resulted in various industries to stop their production activities. Since construction, aerospace, industrial manufacturing processed, and automotive are major consumers of xenon gas, these industries have refrained their production activities leading to wide gap between supply and demand.
Based on Type, the market is classified into high purity xenon and common purity xenon. Currently, high purity xenon acquired substantial share in the market. It is mainly owing to its purest form which is mainly use in healthcare industry such as medical equipment and aerospace industry. However, common purity xenon also caters considerable share owing to its growing adoption of consumer goods, and other end-users industries.
Based on Application, the market is segmented into semiconductor industry, PDP backlighting, lighting, medical appliances and others. Currently, lighting segment considerable market presence and expected to have consistent market demand in the projected year. It is mainly owing to the increasing adoption of LED technology. Whereas semiconductors segment had seen fastest growth over a period of time owing to the rising need for xenon gas for propulsion technology.
 Request for Sample of the report browse through – https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=11140
For better understanding of the market, the report provides detail analysis for major region and country including North America (US, Canada, rest of North America); Europe (Germany, UK, France, rest of Europe); Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East & Africa (UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt), and Rest of World. Asia Pacific constitutes the largest market for the industry and expected to have an influential growth rate in the projected years predominantly due to rising demand from satellite industry.
Some of the major players operating in the market include Wisco, Coregas, Messer Group, Beijing Shougang Oxygen Factory, Cryogenmash, Air Liquide, Air Product, BOC-MA Steel Gases, Nanjing Special Gas Factory Co. Ltd.
Contact Us:
UnivDatos Market Insights
Contact Number - +1 9782263411
Website -www.univdatos.com
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Monatomic Powder, Alien Implants & UFO Metamaterials - Is There a Connec...
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starseedessence · 4 months
Explore profound spiritual guidance with "Starseed Essences: Crystal Andara Spiritual Advisor." This unique service combines the transformative energy of Andara crystals with expert spiritual insights, offering clarity, healing, and enlightenment. Perfect for those seeking deeper spiritual connection and personal growth.
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satandidyoumissme42 · 4 months
I wish I had the power to properly invent new slang words because monatomic is such a good word and I WILL be using it but I want everyone to
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monatomicgoldpowder · 4 months
Unlock the Power of a Single Atomic ORMUS Gold
In the oasis of alternative medicine and human health, the gold dust Medna, also called monoatomic gold or manna, has been attracting great interest. 
This material with unique properties has been proven to be an effective tool to improve both our physical and mental health, as well as our spiritual life. 
We may have to ask, but what is this monoatomic gold, and why are so many people interested in it?
Understanding Monoatomic ORMUS Gold
Mono Atomic ORMUS Gold, or ORMUS gold, is the term which refers to an element of gold that consists of individual atoms, which are not captivated by each other and exist in a free condition. Upon melting the metal atom replaces the previous atomic structure with metallic gold we all are accustomed to. 
One of the main reasons for people to use monoatomic gold manna is its health benefits
Adherents of monoatomic gold manna consider that the full spectra effects of this supplement are best suited for the many functions of the body and mind. Some of the most commonly reported advantages include: 
Enhanced Cognitive Function: Besides that, there are many cases of people having better memory, embracing interference, and enhanced mind. 
Increased Energy Levels: Unlike conventional energy-boosting drinks that can trigger jitters and post-consumption crashes, monoatomic gold is claimed to offer a gradual and sustained boost in energy, thus helping people add vigour and vitality into their lives throughout the day.
Spiritual Growth: Monoatomic Gold Ormus is said to be intimately connected to the spiritual growth and transformation of living beings. 
Physical Health Benefits: Monoatomic gold enthusiasts say that this product can trigger all the necessary processes in the body naturally and support overall physical health, including the strengthening of the immune system and assistance with cellular functions.
Ormus gold, also known as monatomic gold, is a dietary supplement which introduces an interesting feature within the wellness industry. Its assentation to be associated with memory performance, alertness, and psychological growth has made it a popular tool for finding out the unvested power of this peculiar plant.
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kalifissure · 28 days
Two years ago I had an epiphany connecting the conservation of matter by gravity to the extreme of pure neutrons, and the decay of free Neutrons into amorphous monatomic hydrogen gas.
Neutron decay cosmology was born.
A path of least action, physical process solution to black hole paradoxes, dark energy, dark matter and critical density maintenance.
We are a closed system. But closed in TIME. There is only NOW. Sages know this but if we actually apply this geometrically what we get is Time is a compactified dimension.
Limit theorem, mathematics rules, says that when you compactify you join the ends. The two places most different in value. Like deep voids where there is only the cosmological constant and event horizons where you have the highest energy and mass intensity we believe possible. Limits.
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angelandgypsy · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - RARE Elestial Monatomic Green Andara Crystal 56mm Sphere Heart Healing.
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