#money and credit class 10 economics in english
enlightcbse · 1 year
Money and Credit Class 10 Economics - SOCIAL #cbse #ncert
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eaglesnick · 10 months
“Aristocracy is always cruel.” - Wendell Phillips
Providing you are old enough you will remember the financial crash of 2008, and even if you are not, we are all suffering from its catastrophic economic fallout to this day.
The Tory Party, never slow to miss a chance for blaming others, spread the lie, and continues to spread the lie, that the Labour government of the day was responsible for the economic collapse in this country. Regardless of what the Conservative Party may say, it wasn’t the Labour Party that ruined the economy it was greedy bankers. In fact, it was Prime Minister Gordon Brown who played a pivotal role in SAVING the financial sector from total collapse.
“The weekend Gordon Brown saved the banks from the abyss."  ( Guardian: 21/02/10)
 “Paul Krugman, an American professor, has been awarded the Nobel prize for economics - hours after writing that Gordon Brown might have saved the world financial system."  (The Telegraph: 13/10/2008)
Originating in the United States, the 2007-2008 financial crisis came about when the US housing market collapsed. Predatory lending by financial institutions, and excessive risk taking in the pursuit of easy money, resulted in the collapse of the financial sector. In short, old-fashioned greed by the already rich led to the near meltdown of economies across the world.
Spreading the lie that it was the Labour Party who had caused the economy to collapse the Tory Party and Liberal Democrats formed a coalition government and immediately imposed a policy of austerity on the country wrongly claiming it was the only way to grow the economy. This has proved disastrous for ordinary working families, in particular the poor.
“On a more human level, many negative social trends seem to be linked to austerity politics. Rough sleeping has more than doubled since 2010, while the number of homeless families have risen by more than 60 per cent. The numbers using food banks have spiralled, from around 41,000 in 2010 to over one million by 2016-17. Such developments appear to be linked to various significant reforms affecting the welfare system, and in particular controversial new policies launched since 2010, such as Universal Credit and the ‘Bedroom Tax’. (Sage Journals: 05/03/19)     
Writing in the Guardian, Polly Toynbee asks this question of posh-boy David Cameron and his pal George Osborne:
“After promising that we were “all in it together", why did his axe fall on the weakest, poorest and sickest people, and on children, leaving his middle England voters unscathed?  (04/02/21)
I would answer that this is what Conservative governments ALWAYS do and Rishi Sunak’s Tory administration is no different.  Jeremy Hunt is rumoured to be contemplating cutting welfare payments to poor and sick to fund the reduction of inheritance tax paid by the rich.
“Welfare cuts worth billions planned by ministers. (BBC News: 13/11/23)
“The Institute for Fiscal Studies has said abolishing inheritance tax would cost an estimated £7bn a year, half of the benefit of which would be enjoyed by people inheriting estates worth £2.1m or more.”  (Yahoo News: 17/11/23)
It’s reassuring to know that millionaire, posh-buy Hunt, –related to the Royal Family, Head of School at Charterhouse and then onto Oxford where David Cameron and Boris Johnson were his contemporaries – is keeping up the English tradition of the ruling class maintaining their wealth and riches at the expense of the poor.
Although rarely included in today’s Anglican services and hymn singing, this verse from ‘All Things Bright And Beautiful’ (which was sung in English schools in the 1950’s and 1960’s) says it all. Following the chorus
“All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small,, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.”
we have this verse:
“The rich man in his castle, The poor man at his gate, God made them, high or lowly, And ordered their estate.”
Although this particular verse is largely omitted when sung today, its sentiment hasn’t. Our posh-boy Tory leaders still see their positions of power and wealth as “God given” and when sacrifice is needed to maintain their wealth and privilege it is the “poor man at his gate” who ALWAYS pays the price.
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otrtbs · 2 years
my weird questions as an Australian about America because I have no American friends:
Do you have Hungry Jacks???? It’s basically McDonalds but better but I just wonder if it’s an Australian thing
Do you drink the water out of the tap?? I’ve seen people mention it but I wonder if it’s true. We drink tap water or the tank water depending on what you have at the house
Why is your food sizes so big???
How many classes do you take a day in high school and when do you start/finish school each day?? In Australia, we start classes at 9 and finish at 3
Do all school let you stay on campus even after school is finished?? If so, that just seems barbaric to me
Do you have credit/data on your phone or do you just use wifi????
When you have student loan debt, do you just have to pay it off as soon as you finish school??? Here in Australia, we have HECS and once you earn a certain amount each year, it comes out of your pay check and you don’t even know
Do you guys not have Medicare???? Like is it easier to just be sick then go to your doctor???
In Australia, we have Centrelink and it’s money from the government if you don’t have a job/are studying/a single parent, etc. Do you have something similar??
Do Americans watch cable TV and if so, do you have shows that come on the same time each night? We have things like Home and Away that we watch at 7pm nearly every night
That’s all my questions for now!
1. we do not have hungry jacks 😔 i have never heard of that before
2. you can drink water out of the tap!! and a lot of people do!! some refrigerators have water or you can buy brita’s to filter your water if you prefer!! and a lot of people just buy cases of bottled water
3. i have no idea but it’s kinda nice bc it’s cheap and you can make one meal go a long way w the leftovers 🤷‍♀️
4. in my high school we took eight classes (math, English, science, gov/history, economics (and electives) so I took French, debate, psychology) that was my senior schedule at least!! my high school started at 7:25 am and ended at 2:55 pm everyday
5. you do stay on campus after school is out for all kinds of things like sports clubs and extracurricular activities (national honor societies, French club, etc) and you can stay for tutoring if you needed extra help in classes !! So even though school was done by 2:55, normally depending on what you did you would be there until 4-5
6. We do have data here for our phones!! not everything is Wi-Fi !!
7. So the way my student loan debt works is , i have 6 months after I graduate to start making payments on it. I can apply for a deferral to ask for more time before I begin payments and if you’re a student (say I go from graduate school to law school) I don’t have to pay on my loans until I’m done w school but it accrues interest the entire time
8. There is Medicare for people over 65 and Medicaid for qualifying individuals but not universal healthcare so often it really is easier to just be sick than to go to the doctors if you don’t have insurance or good insurance through your job because it’s HELLA expensive if you get sick here. so as unfortunate as it is, a lot of people wait until they really need a doctor before they go :(((
9. Not super knowledgeable abt this ngl but you can apply for unemployment benefits and food stamps which I guess would be the sort of equivalent ??? But you have to qualify for those programs 
10. We do have cable tv!! a lot of people watch cable tv it’s very common!! I watch jeopardy almost every night at 10pm on cable hahaha
hope this helps! <3
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reallybeautifullady · 4 years
Why You Shouldn't Support Joe Biden For The Upcoming 2020 Election
1. Led the fight against desegregating schools
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-president-busing-racism
2. Long history of creepily groping, sniffing, kissing women and young girls
source: https://twitter.com/RAMRANTS/status/930065838387863552
...he then issued a non-apology where he tried to justify his acts
source: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/06/joe-biden-iowa-2020-campaign-teenage-girl-fence-warning.html
3. Intimidated a woman when confronted about his lack of support for reproductive justice
source: https://twitter.com/thelocalmaniac8/status/1138675278933348352
4. Voted for the disastrous Iraq War
source: https://theweek.com/articles/830438/iraq-war-should-2020-issue
...and still to this day says he'd do it again
source: https://jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-democratic-party-military-hawk
5. Wrote a racist Crime Bill
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rinLLham9gk
..that led to record-breaking mass incarceration
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/biden-crime-mass-incarceration-police-prisons
..and bragged about writing the Bill
source: https://twitter.com/shaunking/status/1124300911533350912
6. Horrible treatment of Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas hearing
source: https://theintercept.com/2019/04/27/anita-hill-joe-biden-non-apology/
7. Led a disastrous War on Drugs
source: https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/joe-bidens-drug-war-record-is-so-much-worse-than-you-think
...still opposes cannabis legalization
source: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/joe-biden-weed-war-drugs-candidate-2020-827319/
...despite the fact that two of his children escaped consequences for drug use
source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/biden-tough-on-drugs-policies-did-not-apply-to-his-childrens-marijuana-and-cocaine-offenses
8. Opposed equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community until very recently
source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/104-1996/s280
9. Opposes Medicare For All
source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/26/18515699/joe-biden-2020-presidential-campaign-medicare-for-all
10. Opposes meaningful action on the climate crisis like the Green New Deal, instead pursuing the “middle ground”
source: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/443074-biden-crafting-more-centrist-plan-for-climate-change-policy-report
11. Voted to ban immigrants with HIV, locking Haitian refugees up in Guantanamo Bay
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=103&session=1&vote=00013
12. Voted to build border walls
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00126
13. Supported sending military to the border long before Trump
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/04/joe-biden-anti-immigrant-deportation-policies
14. Voted to expand deportations and indefinite detention for immigrants
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=104&session=1&vote=00242
...multiple times
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=104&session=2&vote=00108
15. Opposed amnesty for immigrants and supports requiring them to learn English
source: https://twitter.com/maryjanebern/status/1133587205308465156
16. Helped expand the system Trump now uses to commit human rights violations by 3,600%
source: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/the-deportation-machine-obama-built-for-president-trump/
17. Does not view abortion as a choice and a right
source: https://theintercept.com/2020/03/07/joe-biden-abortion-rights/
18. Worked to undermine the ACA’s coverage of birth control
source: https://theintercept.com/2019/06/05/joe-biden-worked-to-undermine-the-affordable-care-acts-coverage-of-contraception/
19. Opposed Roe v Wade
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-abortion-president
20. Still to this day opposes federal funding for abortion
source: https://gen.medium.com/bidens-middle-ground-politics-are-bad-for-women-704fdec0a1e7
21. Racist comments
source: https://twitter.com/WalkerBragman/status/1141753425362903040
22. Defends other fellow racists
source: https://twitter.com/WalkerBragman/status/1133814010103705601
...and more racists
source: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/03/everybodys-chum
...AND more racists
source: https://twitter.com/QueenInYeIIow/status/1141311792003596288
23. As part of his crusade against desegregating schools he was the only member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to block two black appointees to the Department of Justice
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-busing-nominees_n_5ca3c03de4b03174b92904f7
24. Lies about marching in the Civil Rights movement
source: https://twitter.com/adamcbest/status/1135737147095429120
25. Sided with banks to overturn Glass-Steagall and deregulate, leading to financial crisis
source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftermath_of_the_repeal_of_the_Glass%E2%80%93Steagall_Act
26. Defends billionaires hoarding wealth
source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/05/09/joe-biden-clarifies-hes-no-bernie-sanders-i-dont-think-500-billionaires-are-reason
...promises to ensure it keeps happening at the expense of everyone else
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-wont-demonize-the-rich_n_5d09ac63e4b0f7b74428e4c6
...votes to slash the top income tax rate
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-2020_n_5c796502e4b087c2f295ba31
...and cripple the estate tax
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republicans-push-269-bill_n_7061458
...resulting in $83 billion lost annually
source: https://taxfoundation.org/modeling-economic-effects-past-tax-bills/
27. Plagiarized fossil fuel groups' language in his woefully inadequate climate crisis plan
source: https://truthout.org/articles/biden-campaign-admits-lifting-section-of-climate-plan-from-fossil-fuel-groups/
28. Architected Plan Colombia, internationalizing the War On Drugs resulting in mass death, displacement, and destruction of food crops, while opening the country to US business interests
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/04/joe-biden-anti-immigrant-deportation-policies
29. Supports Israel's right-wing regime and apartheid in Palestine
source: https://jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-democratic-party-military-hawk
30. Sides with Trump in backing right-wing coup in Venezuela
source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/05/01/biden-sides-trump-bolton-and-pompeo-backing-coup-effort-venezuela
31. Voted against abolishing the electoral college that undemocratically elected Bush and Trump
source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/96-1979/s161
32. Voted against enhancing labor protection enforcements
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00141
33. Says the CIA torture report is not a "black stain on this country" but a “badge of honor"
source: https://twitter.com/eshaLegal/status/1137412059510050816
34. Is still openly courting Republican billionaires for donations, including John Catsimatidis, who's compared taxing the wealthy to Nazi persecution of Jews
source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/18/billionaire-trump-donor-says-he-rejected-joe-bidens-request-for-fundraising-help.html
35. His administration awarded a $1.5 billion contract to his brother's construction firm despite his brother having no prior residential construction experience
source: https://nypost.com/2012/10/23/crony-capitalism-joe-bidens-brother/
36. Funded by lobbyists
source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/04/25/hours-after-entering-2020-race-biden-attend-big-money-fundraiser-hosted-comcast-blue#
...and partakes in general corruption
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-neoliberal-democrat-conservative-lobbying
37. Voted to deregulate the credit card industry while a credit card company was his top donor from 1989-2000 and then hired his son
source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/middle-class-joe-cozied-up-to-credit-card-companies-and-made-filing-for-bankruptcy-harder
38. Used Charlottesville as a prop in his campaign video despite never even visiting once
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/charlottesville-activists-dont-want-joe-biden-to-use-city-as-a-campaign-prop_n_5cc200d2e4b0e56130eeaafd
The worst part? He isn't sorry for any of this
so fuck Joe Biden fuck anyone who supports him and fuck the party that backs him
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Credit-By-Examination Tests Can Help You Finish College Faster
Written by Porrnutcha Jivasakapimas  Published Jul 7, 2020 10:02 pm 
Many people may be concerned about how I can finish my bachelor’s degree faster for many reasons — “I’m a reapplying student.”, I’d like to lighten my family’s load earlier.”, “I’d like to share my family’s work sooner.”, etc.—. But only taking the exceeding maximum of credits per semester/trimester might not be the right solution since you’ll have to work double hard and have decent time management to stuff many subjects in your class schedule. Here is another alternative that will help you gain credits for certain college subjects without needing to study such subjects for the whole semester/trimester. We Will Explore College Equivalency Exam  ~ ~ ~ 
Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams)
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(Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District, 2019)
Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams) are exams created by  College Board, the same organization that produces SAT which is international university entrance exam. Betting all MUIC students who did not take direct exam must have taken SAT, so you guys might know about College Board. However, not many people know about AP exams since they do not arrange the tests frequently as SAT (7 times for U.S. and 4 times for international). AP exams only available annually which is around May. It can substitute many subjects we’re studying in college and is acceptable broadly (Even our university, MUIC, has accepted AP exam as well). AP exams often comes the format of multiple choices mostly with some short/long answers, depending on subjects. I recommend you take AP were you an MUIC student since MUIC receives AP and IB exams as a credit transfer, which can help accelerating your graduation.
Here is the full list of AP tests available. Take a look and if see if any subjects here match with subjects in you major, and considering taking it. You can register for AP as same as when you register for SAT. There are 38 exams in total:
AP Research
AP Seminar
Art History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Language and Culture
Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
European History
French Language and Culture
German Language and Culture
Government and Politics (Comparative)
Government and Politics (US)
Human Geography
Italian Language and Culture
Japanese Language and Culture
Music Theory
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Physics 2: Algebra-Based
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics C: Mechanics
Spanish Language and Culture
Spanish Literature and Culture
Studio Art Drawing
Studio Art 2-D Design
Studio Art 3-D Design
US History
World History (Modern)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
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(Action Economics, 2014)
CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program. It’s more like GED tests, the testes where you take only 4 subjects, if passed, then you’d get a high school diplomat without having to go to the school for 3 year, doing any projects, or take midterms&finals. Sound convenient right? But CLEP isn’t exactly the same with GED. You cannot escape four years in a college even though you took CLEP. However, you can take some subjects that you hate (to go to the college to study it), and if you passed the CLEP exam of that subject you hate, that’s all. You don’t need to register to study such subject for the whole trimester. You can just transfer you score result and get the credits for that subject. No need to register for the course or enter any classes. This type of exams has both merit and pitfall when compared to its alternative, AP exams. 
CLEP is better than AP that it is available year round. Just like GED, the exam is computer-based. So, you can appoint the test date in advanced and walk in to take the exams any day, anytime within the office hour that you’ve appointed. Since it’s internet-based exam, the score is calculated and reported immediately right after you finished. Nonetheless, CLEP isn’t as popular and broadly accepted as AP exams, and it’s testing centers are available only in foreign countries. Were you to take it, the nearest test center is at Dalat International School, Malasia. Apart from Webster University Thailand - Bangkok, I’ve never seen any other university in Thailand receives CLEP before, but talking about abroad universities, 2,900 colleges already granted/received CLEP.
Here are the sets of CLEP exams available via computer-based platform. It is arranged by 5  subject branches which are further divided into sub-subjects  
Composition and Literature
These exams cover topics related to American and British literature and composition.
American Literature
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
College Composition
College Composition Modular
English Literature
World Languages
These exams assess comprehension of French, German, and Spanish.
Read more about World Languages
French Language: Levels 1 and 2
German Language: Levels 1 and 2
Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2
Spanish with Writing: Levels 1 and 2
History and Social Sciences
These exams cover topics related to history, economics, and psychology.
Read more about History and Social Sciences
American Government
History of the United States I
History of the United States II
Human Growth and Development
Introduction to Educational Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Sociology
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Social Sciences and History
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present
Science and Mathematics
These exams cover various science disciplines and different levels of math.
Read more about Science and Mathematics
College Algebra
College Mathematics
Natural Sciences
These exams cover various business disciplines.
Read more about Business
Financial Accounting
Information Systems
Introductory Business Law
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
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(DSST Credit by Exam Program, 2014)
DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense's Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) program. The program is an extensive series of 33 examinations in college subject areas that are comparable to the final or end-of-course examinations in undergraduate college courses. These tests are frequently used in conjunction with CLEP (College Level Examination Program) tests by students pursuing college degrees in non-traditional formats. Whereas CLEP tests are almost exclusively used for lower level credit at regionally accredited institutions, DSST's are available for both upper and lower level credit.
Prometric administers Internet-based versions of DSSTs under contract with the Defense Department (for military personnel) or on a fee basis (for civilians).
Business Ethics and Society Business Mathematics Human Resource Management Introduction to Business Management Information Systems Organizational Behavior Money and Banking Personal Finance Principles of Finance Principles of Supervision
Ethics in America Introduction to World Religions Principles of Public Speaking Principles of Advanced English Composition Math
Fundamentals of College Algebra Principles of Statistics Math for Liberal Arts Physical Science
Astronomy Environmental Science  Health and Development  Principles of Physical Science I Introduction to Geology Social Sciences
A History of the Vietnam War Art of the Western World Criminal Justice Foundations of Education Fundamentals of Counseling General Anthropology Introduction to Geography (formerly Human/Cultural Geography) Introduction to Law Enforcement Lifespan Developmental Psychology History of the Soviet Union (formerly Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union) Substance Abuse The Civil War and Reconstruction
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Technical Writing Ethics in Technology
Excelsior College Examinations (ECE)
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(UExcel, 2013) 
Excelsior College Examinations (or ECE) are a series of eight, three-credit nursing theory tests offered by Excelsior College in Albany, New York. The exams are supported by corresponding online courses. Excelsior also offers the Clinical Performance in Nursing Exam, a two-day practical skills exam, as a capstone to the associate degree in nursing.
Excelsior also offers over 50 UExcel exams in liberal arts, business, education, and science. Many colleges and universities will grant college credit for each test, although UExcel credit is not as widely accepted as CLEP and DSST.
The exam administration period is typically 3 hours and the tests currently cost between $110 and $335. Each exam usually corresponds to a one or two semester introductory or secondary course on the topic, and many exams provide upper-division credit. Most ECE exams are considered equivalent to 3 credits in the semester system.
ECE exams are offered through Excelsior College and are administered at Pearson VUE test centers.
International Students: UExcel exams are administered at select international Pearson VUE Test Centers.
Abnormal Psychology
Adult Nursing 
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Basic Genetics
Bioethics: Philosophical Issues
Business Ethics
Business Information Systems
Business Law
College Writing
Contemporary Mathematics
Cultural Diversity
Earth Science
English Composition
Ethics: Theory & Practice
Financial Accounting
Foundations of Gerontology
Fundamentals of Nursing 
General Chemistry I
Human Resource Management
Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Computer Programming Using Java
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Introduction to Microeconomics
Introduction to Music
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Juvenile Delinquency
Labor Relations
Life Span Developmental Psychology
Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School
Managerial Accounting
Maternal and Child Nursing (Baccalaureate) *
Operations Management
Organizational Behavior
Political Science
Precalculus Algebra
Principles of Finance
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing *
Psychology of Adulthood & Aging
Quantitative Analysis
Research Methods in Psychology
Science of Nutrition
Social Psychology
Spanish Language
Weather and Climate
Workplace Communication With Computers
World Conflicts Since 1900
World Population
Advanced Placement exams. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from  
Choose Your Exam. (n.d.). Excelsior College. Retrieved from
CLEP Exams. (n.d.). College Board. Retrieved from
College Level Examination Program. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from 
DSST (standardized test). (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from
Edwards, H. (2020, Mar 21). Complete List of AP Courses and Tests.
PrepScholar. Retrieved from https://blog.prepscholar.com/list-of-ap-exams
Excelsior College Examinations. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from
[Image of AP exmas logo]. (2019, November 1) 
[Image of CLEP logo]. (2014, June 26)
[Image of DSST logo]. (2014, February 19)
[Image of Uexcel logo]. (2013, June 29)
Images - Writing and Citing: APA 7th Edition. (2020, Jul 10). LibGuides. 
Retrieved from https://libguides.scf.edu/c.php?g=847004&p=6077102
Schinder, S. (n.d.). DSST Exam List. Study.com. Retrieved from 
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prosteticanimals · 5 years
10 Things Most People Don't Know About fireinsidemusic
Just one these types of millennial who knocked my socks off was this younger Woman named Anushka, a teenager in her early twenties. Her white t-shirt with "MILLENNIAL" in huge, black, bold letters just caught our rapid interest and we couldn't prevent considering her Special Talent Presentation, here at Nirmiti Academy. The Do it yourself (Do It You) Craft was her unique expertise. She represented a young deal with of your millennials. Moreover, it was her presentation that spoke extra of her as a millennial. She was a real go-getter when it came to existing her unique talent in a unique way. We could see her beaming with delight and contentment to showcase her distinctive expertise to others. She was so psyched that she was talking a mile a moment. She experienced a lot of to mention about it and she or he could go on and on and preserve us glued to her presentation. The millennials like Anushka and several Other folks are determined to work on factors which interest them. Concurrently, I could also see her being struggling to smile and present herself Fortunately. Long gone would be the moments to the millennials where they really feel current and luxuriate in their surroundings. These are the era who feel the continuous want for Digital notice which potential customers them to overshare their life and times on social networking or go inward in deep conscience to find on their own. This leaves them unconnected With all the Bodily world all over them.
Millennials can be a hugely praised and self-assured generation. They can be a really optimistic generation. They may have a greater will need to obtain existence activities in lieu of to accumulate materials prosperity, While they do like to amass things that might help them to delight in These ordeals. Millennials are one of the most educated generation. Since the value tag of education and learning has become so superior and continuing to climb annually, Millennials have grown to be quite savvy with regards to their instructional decisions. Unlike past generations who observed training like a ritual and an investment in their potential, millennials perspective education as an price, Except if it'll empower them to be able to be an improved person. They be expecting instruction that can help them prepare for The brand new alternatives and problems of the age, as opposed to helping them by furnishing fact-primarily based info/understanding. The millennials wish to be challenged by pondering the long run And the way they will contribute to creating a greater society and surroundings. They do not experience the need to come to be "textbook intelligent / book worms".
They are aware that points can be quickly found on line by their very own unbiased action. These are the generation that boasts and thrive on information at finger "simply click". Inside of a world of open up use of knowledge, it will make very little sense to count on the classroom as being a Discussion board for that transfer of knowledge.
In its place, the students Considerably prefer to master in the stories and experiences of Other individuals. These shared stories and activities assistance them to augment their particular encounter by Understanding in the accomplishment and mistakes of others. This helps them avoid creating a similar blunders as their influencers. As a result, they like to speculate more in their money and time on these applications which help them to establish various methods that they could include into their thoughts and final decision-creating method, therefore building a new skill established.
We are unable to disregard The reality that millennials also are a generation of uncertainties and fluctuations. These are the era who likes to help keep switching their gadgets. They grew up with know-how where by anything was at their fingertips. It will become disheartening for them not to get what they want once they want it. The majority of the items have already been handed to them with a silver spoon. This helps make them truly feel entitled to get what they want with out putting in A lot exertion.
However They can be the major workforce of the businesses currently, they do not believe in lifelong work. Lifelong commitment is a fairy tale for the millennials. They generally soar from on career to another since they are often searching for some thing new and much better. These higher expectations turn out to be their downfall and can make them fewer economically steady than their mom and dad.
Millennials are listed here to remain! They are really young, vibrant and energetic and they're the longer term. They are great belongings which the world will have to harness and use. These are the generation which is revolutionizing the planet. They are the budding leaders of tomorrow. They adopt technological innovation and stimulus in the identical breadth. This era can also be a collaborative and social technology that includes a focus on comprehending and setting up their expertise by means of different kinds of medium to find out the responses. It can be for your educator like us to provide an arena for engagement and discovery along with be considered a information specialist and mentor. It can be for learning platform companies like Nirmiti Academy to give an explorative and experiential expertise and produce out their true probable in everyday life and at work. It is this transformational journey that we at Nirmiti Academy look ahead to every single day to master, unlearn and relearn Using these youthful and magical era - the Millennials!
If the above mentioned title confuses you, you may well be missing out on a few of the very best possibilities the world wide web has to offer. Meanwhile, other people are expanding their Professions, getting ready For brand spanking new life as business owners, or are learning new techniques or increasing their knowledge base, normally at little if any Charge.
How are they executing this?
These are accessing MOOCs, or Substantial Open Online Programs. Although platforms are actually offered from elite colleges like MIT and Stanford for virtually ten years, open-supply classes proceed to improve in amount and popularity. Now, even some local people colleges like Wake Specialized University,Situated outdoors Raleigh, NC, offers MOOCs to a global viewers. This growing availability suggests There's now an unbelievable variety of courses available to anybody using an internet connection, in spite of area.
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Topics MOOCs cover can differ from contemporary robotics and astronomy to Roman architecture and the American Novel Due to the fact 1945. MIT, for example, has courses centered all-around Mathematics, Engineering, Power and Science, in addition to a stunning variety of lessons concentrating on the Humanities and Fantastic Arts. The University of Michigan gives programs ranging from "Storytelling for Social Modify" to Python, info analytics, and device Finding out. You can also just take Management classes from HEC Paris by way of MOOC, rated via the Economist as having the second strongest small business university alumni network on the planet.
Some MOOCs are intended to be taken for awareness attained, but lots of programs also give you a certification of completion via internet sites like Coursera.org. Certificates of completion--that are unique from class credits--typically cost about $50. Money assist is available for many who qualify.
Factors to Consider a MOOC
There are lots of reasons why a MOOC course could be best for you outside of time management, Despite the fact that most MOOCs allow pupils to work at their own rate, meaning they effortlessly suit into most schedules, Regardless of how busy. Other pros incorporate:
An opportunity to try out A serious just before paying out for faculty classes. Everyone trying to decide over a job path, for The very first time or due to a midlife adjust of path, is aware the aggravation of thinking "Imagine if I'm Incorrect about my choice? The amount money am I going to invest prior to I understand this isn't for me?" MOOCs are a great way to 'dip your toes' in, so to talk, prior to the headache of coping with standard higher education courses and common university prices. You may try out as many courses while you have time for till some thing actually sparks your interest.
Just take classes not available domestically. There are actually pretty much A huge number of MOOC courses obtainable on the web. Even when you reside in Boston (wherever Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Boston Faculty and Boston College are all Found) or Various other comparable College-dense locale, you are able to possibly come across a category or two as a result of MOOC choices not available to you domestically.
Discover (or relearn) a language for free. Not only can you're taking a overseas language program without cost by way of MOOCs, but because of courses taught at foreign universities, You can even train your ear by listening to indigenous speakers. Have a class taught within the language you should find out and comply with alongside employing English subtitles. The 2nd method is a terrific way to effectively double your Discovering, but only works if you already have not less than an intermediate grasp in the language.
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If Mastering One more language isn't really large with your to-do checklist, it's possible it ought to be: In 2017, New American Financial state noted employer need for bilingual staff members more than doubled given that 2010. This demand from customers proceeds to grow. Finest languages to check? Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
Create up your resume with wanted competencies. Perhaps there is a far better job at work you know you can do, but your manager doesn't Feel you happen to be capable for it simply because you absence certain abilities. MOOCs are a great way to grow to be proficient in places like HTML coding, Search engine optimization analytics, or no matter what skill you have to come to be the ideal human being for that occupation.
Adhere to the backlinks in this article To find out more on a lot of MOOC classes. MOOCs can also be out there as a result of many different academic platforms, which include Coursera, Udemy, and edX. But MOOCs may be accessed directly via Each individual university, and can be found by making use of the following Google research restricting syntax entered into your google lookup bar:
internet site:edu MOOC subject
By way of example, if I enter web site:edu MOOC robotics, I get about 7,000 final results, like this Introduction to Robotics Specialization from Penn Engineering. By using this syntax, you are able to usually bypass the clearinghouses and find just what exactly You are looking for on university websites, even classes the clearinghouses might not supply.
Pleased MOOCing!
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ol-musky · 4 years
Why You Shouldn't Support Joe Biden For The Upcoming 2020 Election: a thread
1. Led the fight against desegregating schools
2. Long history of creepily groping, sniffing, kissing women and young girls
...he then issued a non-apology where he tried to justify his acts
3. Intimidated a woman when confronted about his lack of support for reproductive justice
4. Voted for the disastrous Iraq War
...and still to this day says he'd do it again
5. Wrote a racist Crime Bill
..that led to record-breaking mass incarceration
..and bragged about writing the Bill
6. Horrible treatment of Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas hearing
7. Led a disastrous War on Drugs
...still opposes cannabis legalization
source: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/joe-biden-weed-war-drugs-candidate-2020-827319/
...despite the fact that two of his children escaped consequences for drug use
source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/biden-tough-on-drugs-policies-did-not-apply-to-his-childrens-marijuana-and-cocaine-offenses
8. Opposed equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community until very recently
source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/104-1996/s280
9. Opposes Medicare For All
source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/26/18515699/joe-biden-2020-presidential-campaign-medicare-for-all
10. Opposes meaningful action on the climate crisis like the Green New Deal, instead pursuing the “middle ground”
source: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/443074-biden-crafting-more-centrist-plan-for-climate-change-policy-report
11. Voted to ban immigrants with HIV, locking Haitian refugees up in Guantanamo Bay
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=103&session=1&vote=00013
12. Voted to build border walls
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00126
13. Supported sending military to the border long before Trump
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/04/joe-biden-anti-immigrant-deportation-policies
14. Voted to expand deportations and indefinite detention for immigrants
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=104&session=1&vote=00242
...multiple times
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=104&session=2&vote=00108
15. Opposed amnesty for immigrants and supports requiring them to learn English
source: https://twitter.com/maryjanebern/status/1133587205308465156?s=20
16. Helped expand the system Trump now uses to commit human rights violations by 3,600%
source: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/the-deportation-machine-obama-built-for-president-trump/
17. Does not view abortion as a choice and a right
source: https://theintercept.com/2020/03/07/joe-biden-abortion-rights/
18. Worked to undermine the ACA’s coverage of birth control
source: https://theintercept.com/2019/06/05/joe-biden-worked-to-undermine-the-affordable-care-acts-coverage-of-contraception/
19. Opposed Roe v Wade
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-abortion-president
20. Still to this day opposes federal funding for abortion
source: https://gen.medium.com/bidens-middle-ground-politics-are-bad-for-women-704fdec0a1e7
21. Racist comments
source: https://twitter.com/WalkerBragman/status/1141753425362903040?s=20
22. Defends other fellow racists
source: https://twitter.com/WalkerBragman/status/1133814010103705601?s=20
..and more racists
source: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/03/everybodys-chum
...AND more racists
source: https://twitter.com/QueenInYeIIow/status/1141311792003596288?s=20
23. As part of his crusade against desegregating schools he was the only member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to block two black appointees to the Department of Justice
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-busing-nominees_n_5ca3c03de4b03174b92904f7
24. Lies about marching in the Civil Rights movement
source: https://twitter.com/adamcbest/status/1135737147095429120?s=20
25. Sided with banks to overturn Glass-Steagall and deregulate, leading to financial crisis
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftermath_of_the_repeal_of_the_Glass%E2%80%93Steagall_Act
26. Defends billionaires hoarding wealth
source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/05/09/joe-biden-clarifies-hes-no-bernie-sanders-i-dont-think-500-billionaires-are-reason
...promises to ensure it keeps happening at the expense of everyone else
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-wont-demonize-the-rich_n_5d09ac63e4b0f7b74428e4c6
..votes to slash the top income tax rate
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-2020_n_5c796502e4b087c2f295ba31
..and cripple the estate tax
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republicans-push-269-bill_n_7061458
..resulting in $83 billion lost annually
source: https://taxfoundation.org/modeling-economic-effects-past-tax-bills/
27. Plagiarized fossil fuel groups’ language in his woefully inadequate climate crisis plan
source: https://truthout.org/articles/biden-campaign-admits-lifting-section-of-climate-plan-from-fossil-fuel-groups/
28. Architected Plan Colombia, internationalizing the War On Drugs resulting in mass death, displacement, and destruction of food crops, while opening the country to US business interests
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/04/joe-biden-anti-immigrant-deportation-policies
29. Supports Israel’s right-wing regime and apartheid in Palestine
source: https://jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-democratic-party-military-hawk
30. Sides with Trump in backing right-wing coup in Venezuela
source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/05/01/biden-sides-trump-bolton-and-pompeo-backing-coup-effort-venezuela
31. Voted against abolishing the electoral college that undemocratically elected Bush and Trump
source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/96-1979/s161
32. Voted against enhancing labor protection enforcements
source: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00141
33. Says the CIA torture report is not a “black stain on this country” but a “badge of honor”
source: https://twitter.com/eshaLegal/status/1137412059510050816?s=20
34. Is still openly courting Republican billionaires for donations, including John Catsimatidis, who’s compared taxing the wealthy to Nazi persecution of Jews
source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/18/billionaire-trump-donor-says-he-rejected-joe-bidens-request-for-fundraising-help.html?__source=sharebar%7Ctwitter&par=sharebar
35. His administration awarded a $1.5 billion contract to his brother’s construction firm despite his brother having no prior residential construction experience
source: https://nypost.com/2012/10/23/crony-capitalism-joe-bidens-brother/
36. Funded by lobbyists
source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/04/25/hours-after-entering-2020-race-biden-attend-big-money-fundraiser-hosted-comcast-blue#
...and partakes in general corruption
source: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/joe-biden-neoliberal-democrat-conservative-lobbying
37. Voted to deregulate the credit card industry while a credit card company was his top donor from 1989–2000 and then hired his son
source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/middle-class-joe-cozied-up-to-credit-card-companies-and-made-filing-for-bankruptcy-harder
38. Used Charlottesville as a prop in his campaign video despite never even visiting once
source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/charlottesville-activists-dont-want-joe-biden-to-use-city-as-a-campaign-prop_n_5cc200d2e4b0e56130eeaafd
The worst part? He isn't sorry for any of this
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telnews-in · 2 years
NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science Economics in English Chapter 3 Money and Credit - Rojgar Samachar
NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science Economics in English Chapter 3 Money and Credit – Rojgar Samachar
एनसीईआरटी कक्षा 10 सामाजिक विज्ञान अर्थशास्त्र (आर्थिक विकास को समझना) अध्याय 3 मुद्रा और साख डाउनलोड या पढ़ने के लिए यहां उपलब्ध है। जो छात्र 10 वीं में हैं या 10 वीं सामाजिक विज्ञान पर आधारित किसी भी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, छात्र अपनी तैयारी में सुधार के लिए एनसीईआरटी सामाजिक विज्ञान ई-बुक का उल्लेख कर सकते हैं। डिजिटल एनसीईआरटी पुस्तक कक्षा 10 सामाजिक विज्ञान पीडीएफ हमेशा उपयोग में आसान…
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saurabhblog7007 · 2 years
CBSE Class 10 Syllabus
Class 10 is one of the most vital academic years for secondary students. At the end of this academic session, students appear for their first-ever board examination in the course of their academic life. The class 10 syllabus is available for the students for five subjects: Hindi, English, Mathematics, Social Science, and Science. The Class 10 students can download the term-wise CBSE Class 10 syllabus from our website for free.
Mathematics Syllabus
Term 1
Unit 1: Number Systems
Unit 2: Algebra
Unit 3: Coordinate Geometry
Unit 4: Geometry
Unit 5: Trigonometry
Unit 6: Mensuration
Unit 7: Statistics and Probability
Term 2
Unit 1: Algebra (Cont.)
Unit 2: Geometry (Cont.)
Unit 3: Trigonometry (Cont.)
Unit 4: Mensuration (Cont.)
Unit 5: Statistics and Probability (Cont.)
Class 10 New Syllabus for English comprises the following topics.
Term 1                  
Unit 1: Reading:
Comprehension based on,
1. Discursive Passage
2. Case-based factual passage (with visual input/statistical data/chart etc.
Unit 2: Writing Skill
Letter to the Editor
Letter of Complaint (Official)
Letter of Complaint (Business)
Unit 3: Grammar
1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Subject-Verb Concord
4. Determiner
5. Reported Speech
6. Commands and Requests
7. Statements
8. Questions
Unit 4: Literature
First Flight
1. A Letter to God
2. Nelson Mandela
3. Two Stories About Flying
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
5. The Hundred Dresses 1
6. The Hundred Dresses 2
1. Dust of Snow
2. Fire and Ice
3. A Tiger in the Zoo
4. The Ball Poem
4c. Footprints without Feet
1. A Triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief’s Story
3. Footprints Without Feet
Term 2
Unit 1: Reading
Comprehension based on,
1. Discursive passage
2. Case-based Factual passage with visual input/statistical data/chart etc.
Unit 2: Writing
Letter of Order
Letter of Enquiry
Analytical Paragraphs based on outline/chart/cue/map/report etc.
Unit 3: Grammar
Subject-Verb Concord
Reported Speech
Commands and Requests
Hindi – Course A
Term 1
अपठित गदयांश व कावयांश
एक अपठित गद्यांश
एक अपठित गद्यांश
8व्याकरण के लिए निर्धारित विषय-वस्तु का बोध, भाषिक बिंदु / संरचना आ��ि पर प्रश्न
रचना के आधार पर वाक्य भेद
पद परिचय
पाठ्यपुस्तक क्षितिज भाग-2
गद्य खंड
स्वयं प्रकाश – नेताजी का चश्मा
रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी – बालगोबिन भगत
काव्य खंड
सूरदास – पद
तुलसीदास – राम – लक्ष्मण – परशुराम संवाद
Social Science
Term 1
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II
Events and Processes
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II
Resources and Development
Water Resources
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II
Power Sharing
Unit 4: Economics
Sectors of the Indian Economy
Term 2
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II
Events and Processes
Nationalism in India
Livelihoods, Economics and Societies
The Making of Global World
The Age of Industrialisation
Unit 2: Contemporary India II
Minerals and Energy Resources
Manufacturing Industries
Lifelines of National Economy
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II
Political Parties
Outcomes of Democracies
Unit 4: Economics
Money and Credit
Globalisation and the Indian Economy
Term 1
Unit 1: Chemical Substances- Nature and Behaviour
Chapter 1: Chemical reactions and equations
Chapter 2: Acids, Bases and Salts
Chapter 3: Metals and non – metals
Unit 2: World of Living
Chapter 6: Life processes
Unit 3: Natural Phenomena
Chapter 10: Light Reflection and Refraction
Chapter 11: Human eye and colourful world
Term 2
Unit 1: Chemical Substances- Nature and Behaviour
Chapter 4: Carbon and its compounds
Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of elements
Unit 2: World of Living
Chapter 8: How do organisms reproduce?
Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution
Unit 3: Effects of Current
Chapter 12: Electricity
Chapter 13: Magnetic effects of current
Unit 5: Natural Resources
Chapter 15: Our Environment
Benefits of Knowing CBSE Class 10 Syllabus
Students can create an effective study routine to perform well in their final examinations
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explorerindex · 2 years
NCERT ebook pdf For Class 10 Social Science - Understanding Economic Development - Free PDF Download
NCERT ebook pdf For Class 10 Social Science – Understanding Economic Development – Free PDF Download
NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science – Understanding Economic Development in English PDF   Chapter 1: Development Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy Chapter 3: Money and Credit Chapter 4: Globalisation and the Indian Economy Chapter 5: Consumer Rights
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Do you Believe Tron will be the Currency of the Future?
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In this era, a lot of news occurred in social media that Tron Is The New Currency of  the Future. But how true is it that this currency really makes someone rich in the future?
"This content will help you understand the reason: Why Tron Is The New Currency of the future."
If you listen to the financial news, the status of the world economy is not favorable. Trade conflicts, soaring government debt, overpriced markets, and record-low bond yields all contribute to an economy on the verge of collapse.
Many minor economists believe that the financial system as we know it is on its way out. According to these economists, if another liquidity or credit crisis occurs, the global economy will be unable to withstand the blow.
Therefore, the entire global financial system would crumble, making your bank account useless as currencies' purchasing value decreased. It is a worst-case scenario, but it is possible. What would we use as currency if something similar to this occurred?
Some observers feel that the introduction of cryptocurrencies predicts the breakdown of the monetary system.
They believe that Tron Is The New Currency of the future in the event of a currency crisis.
Let's look at why Cryptocurrency is the way money will be in the future.
Tron is the New Currency of the Future
The transition stage in all previous reserve currency systems is fascinating. Each system went through a period when the new reserve currency took over. This phase of preparation lasts between 20 and 40 years in most countries.
Given that leading economists believe the financial system may be at risk, what currency would replace the dollar if all currencies become worthless in the next crisis? In such a situation, Cryptocurrency is the only economic system that would remain.
It's also important to realize that crypto has only been around for around a decade. It's also the only asset class that emerged from testing the current financial system. As a result, based on history, we can conclude that Tron is the new currency of the future.
The Development of International Reserve Currencies: A Quick Facts
The world has been trading on a reserve currency system since the 1300s. Typically, the world's primary reserve currency comes from the nation at the moment. The Portuguese were the first reserve currency issuers, followed by the Spanish, Dutch, French, and English until America emerged as the world's dominating superpower at the end of World War I.
Since then, America and the dollar have been the world's premier reserve currency. The IMF is in charge of the Special Drawing Right, or ADR, a set of money that it utilizes as a lender of last resort to handle the global debt crisis.
The Dollar, Euro, Yen, Pound Sterling, and, most recently, the Chinese Yuan are included in this basket of currencies. These currencies help regulate the global financial markets, but the dollar is the most powerful. According to some observers, China will soon supplant the dollar as the world's most important reserve currency.
However, China only makes up less than 10% of the SDR basket. As a result, while China's economy grows, we don't believe it will pose a significant threat to the dollar's supremacy in the future decades.
Nowadays, they believe Tron is the new currency of the future because it has become mainly focused on developing infrastructure for a truly decentralized Internet.
If you want to know more visit our Website at TRX Mining International or Message Us Today! 
Source: Do you Believe Tron will be the Currency of the Future?
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Some important details about pursuing BSC in Economics
B.Sc Economics is a three-year full-time undergraduate program in economics that focuses on the study of mathematics and statistical theory. It is designed for students who want to use mathematics to better understand the world today. Graduates with a valid B.Sc Economics degree in India can find work in industries such as data analysis, senior analysis, research analysis, credit management, and data science.
Economics (B.Sc.) 
"Economics is a branch of science concerned with the production, consumption, and distribution of wealth," according to Wikipedia. For those interested in pursuing this degree, the program is three years in length. Economic history, Legal studies, global finance, money and banking, international trade, and collective decisions are among topics that will be covered in this course. B.Sc. Economics is a rewarding professional path with a wide range of work opportunities. 
For B.Sc Economics students interested in pursuing a career in mathematics, the following are some employment profiles: 
Experts in Medicine 
Experts in Computer Vision 
Investing Banker Data Scientist 
Product Management of Blockchain Developers 
Full-Stack Management Consultant Software Developer 
B.Sc Economics Eligibility Criteria 
To qualify for the admission tests for the B.Sc Economics course, candidates must have completed class 10+2 from any recognized school board with a minimum of 50-55 percent aggregate marks. It is necessary for you to be between the ages of 17 and 23. Math, science, and English are all required subjects.
How do I get into a B.Sc. Economics program?
The admission procedure for the B.Sc Economics course is two-fold: one can apply on the basis of merit, and the other is through entrance examinations. Aspirants interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree in economics must achieve good results in the institute's and college's entrance exams. The course is classified as a B.Sc. and thus has a similar application process. Both strategies are briefly mentioned below:
What is the procedure for applying? 
The application process for the B.Sc Economics college is pretty simple: either go to the official college website and apply for admission online by supplying all legal documents and files, or go to the college and personally deliver the appropriate legal documents to the school authority. 
Process of Selection 
The final list of candidates for the course is chosen after passing the B.Sc Economics eligibility test and the ongoing selection procedure. 
Popular Economics B.Sc Entrance Exams 
Symbiosis School of Economics is among the most well-known BSc economics colleges in India where you can apply. The following is the admission examination for the 4-year B.Sc Economics program:
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sandloading743 · 3 years
Everfi Answer Guide
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Everfi Answer Key Module 4
Everfi Answer Key Module 2
Eenie meenie sicileeny lyrics. Everfi Troubleshooting Guide Author: Health Promotion, Student Life - University at Buffalo Subject: Information to help students resolve technical issues with the online alcohol and sexual assault prevention courses Keywords: sdfasf Created Date: 2022Z.
Download pes. The MassMutual Foundation has partnered with EVERFI to develop the FutureSmart Digital course, which offers critical financial literacy for middle and high school students across the United States, absolutely free of charge. FutureSmart provides financial literacy for kids in grades 6-8 and empowers them to effectively manage their finances. Everfi Financial LIteracy- Module 5 - Higher Education - Final Quiz Questions and Answers; Everfi - Summary of ALL Modules; Everfi - Flashcard; Everfi - Flashcard; Everfi Modules 5-7 Study Guide; Get instant access to all materials Become a Member.
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Which of the following statements about credit scores is TRUE? Credit scores reflect how likely individuals are to repay their debts. Each person has three credit scores. All of the above. Which of the following correctly pairs a financing option..
Establish monetary policy Pass monetary laws Collect taxes Print money 2 Which type of account will typically have the highest interest rate? The down payment. The interest rate. The lender. The total cost of the home. All of the following..
The amount owned for borrowing money. Which of the following actions would enable him to earn MORE interest? Which compounding frequency will earn you the MOST money? Compounding daily. Which of the following is a type of savings vehicle? Certificate of Deposit Which of the following is generally true about savings vehicles? People should evaluate different forms of savings vehicles based on their needs.
Certificate of Deposit CD Purpose of a budget is to: Help plan how you will spend the money you earn or receive. Put aside money for savings each month. Establishing the federal budget 13 Which of the following is a unique feature of credit unions? Credit Unions are typically owned and run by their members; Credit unions limit membership to entertain people or groups 14 Which type of account is typically the MOST liquid? Higher; harder What part of a check is the least important? Memo line Which of the following represent typical account fees? Arm fees; service fee; minimum balance fee 18 What's the best strategy for avoiding ATM fees? Only use ATMs in your banks network 19 What's the purpose of balancing or monitoring your checking account? To help you calculate how much money you have in your account 20 The best way to ensure the accuracy and safety of your accounts is to? Monitor your online accounts regularly 21 Which of the following payment types require you to pay upfront?
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Everfi Module 2 - Banking. Everfi Module 2- Banking Quiz hound. Which of the following payment types require you to pay upfront? Played times. Which of the following statements about federal student loans is TRUE? A The interest rate on your loan will be fixed over time. B The interest rates on federal loans and private loans are similar. Our interactive financial literacy class curriculum, scalable platform and in-person resources were designed not just to drive financial literacy, but financial capability. This success led to winning the Governor's Financial Literacy Award. Learn More. Glacier Bank. Types to the basics of investing, each module provides bite-sized, Guided practice activities that reinforce financial knowledge and skills. Payment Types. Which word s answers the economic question:. EverFi Module 1 - Savings - Final Quiz Answers study guide by Meowmixbellaboo includes 21 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more.
FASFA The government will pay the interest on which type of student loan for 6 months after you graduate? Subsidized Loan What type of interest rate do federal student loans have? Credit vs. Financial Literacy 32, views. EverFi has 9 modules with pre and post assessments that cover a variety of topics including. Logo Quiz is an available as an app on your smartphone or tablet. EVERFI helps colleges and universities solve the most troubling issues faced on college campuses across the country. Through online prevention education and compliance training, data insights and performance benchmarking, we deliver solutions that make colleges and universities great places to live, learn, and work.
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Everfi education technology company everfi. Here is an example: Let's say that you are writing a lesson plan on nutrition. With this in mind, here are 10 primary goals to accomplish as you plan for life in the next 10 years. Tags: Question 3. Use what you have. The Best Life Lessons Ever 1. Some people have goals too big they will stress out but some people have goals too small it doesn't count as a goal. Please use the navigation menu above to visit other pages on the site that are accessible. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. If you're looking to live a fulfilling life, I hope you'll do the latter. To enhance the impact, you can interrelate your short term and long term goals.
Keys to your future everfi lesson 1 my life goals answers. Goal 1: One life goal would be to increase my speed and accuracy at work within the next 12 months. The same principle is found in the New Testament. If you set the goal too high, try to scale it back. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. First and foremost, you should remember that an autobiography that is also called a memoir is a story about your own life. You have to keep your answer relevant to the job description. Then, in order to be successful, they have to identify the steps they need to take to reach those goals.
Everfi Answer Key Module 2
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vikramkwh-blog · 3 years
KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions
Students can download the latest KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions pdf, free KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions book pdf download. Now you will get step by step solution to each question.
Karnataka State Board Syllabus for Class 10 Social Science Solutions in English MediumKSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History
Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India
Chapter 2 The Extension of the British Rule
Chapter 3 The Impact of British Rule in India
Chapter 4 Opposition to British Rule in Karnataka
Chapter 5 Social and Religious Reformation Movements
Chapter 6 The First War of Indian Independence (1857)
Chapter 7 Freedom Movement
Chapter 8 Era of Gandhi and National Movement
Chapter 9 Post Independent India
Chapter 10 The Political Developments of 20th Century
KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Political Science
Chapter 1 The Problems of India and their Solutions
Chapter 2 Indian Foreign Policy
Chapter 3 India’s Relationship with Other Countries
Chapter 4 Global Problems and India’s Role
Chapter 5 International Institutions
KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Sociology
Chapter 1 Social Stratification
Chapter 2 Labour
Chapter 3 Social Movements
Chapter 4 Social Problems
KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography
Chapter 1 Indian Position and Extension
Chapter 2 Indian Physiography
Chapter 3 Indian Climate
Chapter 4 Indian Soils
Chapter 5 Indian Forest Resources
Chapter 6 Indian Water Resources
Chapter 7 Indian Land Resources
Chapter 8 Indian Mineral & Power Resources
Chapter 9 Indian Transport and Communication
Chapter 10 Indian Industries
Chapter 11 Indian Natural Disasters
Chapter 12 Indian Population
KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Economics
Chapter 1 Development
Chapter 2 Rural Development
Chapter 3 Money and Credit
Chapter 4 Public Finance and Budget
KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Business Studies
Chapter 1 Bank Transactions
Chapter 2 Entrepreneurship
Chapter 3 Globalization of Business
Chapter 4 Consumer Education and Protection
I think you got complete solutions for this chapter. If You have any queries regarding this chapter, please comment on the below section our subject teacher will answer you. We tried our best to give complete solutions so you got good marks in your exam.
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deniscollins · 4 years
For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix
Bankruptcy gives over 700,000 debtors a fresh start every year. Bills for credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped away by a few strokes of a judge’s pen, and debts that don’t vanish are reduced. But student loan debts don’t go away as easily. For decades, politicians have slowly made them harder to discharge. If you had a large student loan debt that was extremely difficult to payoff due to losing your job, would you: (1) try negotiating a deal with the lender to delay paying the loan or (2) declare bankruptcy to significantly reduce the amount owed? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
With two mortgages, three children and $83,000 in student loan debt, the financial strain finally became too much for George A. Johnson and Melanie Raney-Johnson.
New bills kept piling up: The couple had to buy another car when Mr. Johnson wrecked one in a snowstorm, but their insurance didn’t fully pay off the totaled vehicle. Old debts never seemed to get any smaller, either: A mortgage modification they spent months working on fell through when the bank lost their paperwork.
And their student debt, an albatross born of aspiration, grew heavier each month.
Bankruptcy was the only way out.
“It was not an easy decision,” Ms. Raney-Johnson said of filing for bankruptcy in 2011. “It was a feeling of despair, for sure.”
Bankruptcy gives over 700,000 debtors a fresh start every year. Bills for credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped away by a few strokes of a judge’s pen, and debts that don’t vanish are reduced.
But student loan debts don’t go away as easily. For decades, politicians have slowly made them harder to discharge, while differing standards in courts across the country mean a debtor’s chances can depend on where he or she lives.
The few debtors who attempt it are subjected to a morality play unlike anything else in the world of personal finance: so-called adversary proceedings, where they must lay themselves bare in court as opposing lawyers question how much they pay for lunch or give to their church.
The Johnsons tried anyway. They had borrowed about $45,000 for Mr. Johnson’s degree in sociology at the University of St. Mary in Kansas and Ms. Raney-Johnson’s pursuit of a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis. Unable to pay, they had received permission to put off their payments, but their balance nearly doubled as interest charges continued to pile up.
Mr. Johnson lost his job after they filed for bankruptcy and, unable to afford a lawyer, Ms. Raney-Johnson prepared their case. She remembers how she felt when they arrived at the Robert J. Dole Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, Kan., on a sunny September day seven years ago.
“My heart was beating, and I was sweating,” said Ms. Raney-Johnson, now in her mid-40s and a billing supervisor for a federal agency.
In 2015, the year the Johnsons got their ruling, 884,956 personal bankruptcy cases flowed through the courts. Only 674 sought to discharge student debt, according to a recent analysis by Jason Iuliano, assistant law professor at Villanova University.
The New York Times reviewed dozens of cases in which a judge issued a published opinion — the Bankruptcy Class of 2015 — to understand the pains and payoffs five years later. Some debtors are on a better course. But for others, the struggles never went away — or came back after they thought they were free.
Rising Costs, Rising Debts
Bankruptcy begins with debt, and student loans are the second-biggest form of household debt in the United States. More than 43 million borrowers hold over $1.6 trillion in student loans, a sum that has more than tripled in 13 years. It exceeds what Americans owe on credit cards or auto loans and trails only mortgages.
Sixty-two percent of students who graduated from nonprofit colleges in 2019 had student loan debt, according to an Institute for College Access & Success analysis. Their average balance was $28,950 — not including borrowing by their parents.
Many struggle mightily to pay: Before the government’s coronavirus relief efforts paused federal student loan payments, 7.7 million borrowers were in default and nearly two million others were seriously behind.
The solution has been a public-policy patch job.
About eight million additional borrowers use income-driven repayment plans, which can be challenging to enter. And while the plans lower payments, borrowers accrue interest on the unpaid difference. The debt is eventually forgiven — usually after 20 or 25 years — but the forgiven amount is taxable income.
A related program forgives the federal student loan debts of public-service workers, tax free, after 10 years, but it has been deeply troubled. Borrowers have made payments for years only to learn they were in the wrong kind of payment plan. It got so bad that Congress had to create a separate pot of money to try to fix it.
The election could give momentum to a change: President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. — who supported a 2005 law that made private student loans harder to discharge — has vowed to change the loan rule back if elected. But few Republicans have voiced support for a plan to change bankruptcy rules. A House bill has one Republican co-sponsor, Representative John Katko of New York, but the Senate’s version, led by Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, has only Democratic support.
All the student debt poses a problem. Its weight, experts say, has macroeconomic effects, dragging on homeownership and small-business formation. But the fallout goes beyond simple economics.
There is also a mental toll.
‘No Way Out’
Noelle DeLaet earned a bachelor of fine arts degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University in 2008 — the teeth of the Great Recession. She tacked on another year for a degree in English to make herself more attractive to employers. Perhaps in publishing, she thought.
She left school with $110,000 in debt: roughly $27,000 from the federal government and the rest in private loans co-signed by her mother. The $810 monthly bill, set to climb when the payment plan on one private loan expired, soon overwhelmed her.
Ms. DeLaet, now 34, landed in the child welfare field as a foster care review specialist in Lincoln, Neb. — rewarding, but not lucrative. She sent out hundreds of résumés for better-paying jobs and pleaded with her lenders to reduce her payments. Soon, the creditors started in on her mother and put her on the verge of bankruptcy, too.
Ms. DeLaet’s breaking point came in May 2012 when she ran up against the $4,000 limit on her credit card while trying to buy a burrito at a Mexican grocery. She felt so helpless at times that she considered suicide.
“I looked all over Google for some sort of support group for others going through this,” Ms. DeLaet said. “I felt like there was no way out.”
When Ms. DeLaet squared off in court against her student-loan creditors, they quibbled with the $12 she spent each month on recycling. She should have tried harder for a promotion, they argued. Or moved somewhere else for more money.
Judge Thomas L. Saladino bristled at that idea. In his opinion, he wrote that she lived in the state’s second-largest city, “as good a place as any to seek a better-paying job.”
The judge discharged about $119,000 in private loans, and an additional $23,000 was forgiven by one of her lenders. But her $27,000 in federal loans stuck: She’s paying those back through an income-driven repayment plan costing about $260 a month. Because she works at a nonprofit, her debt should eventually disappear via the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
For Ms. DeLaet, the process was worth it: She has married her boyfriend, had two children and bought a home. Her mother is an “amazing” grandmother, she said, although they still cannot discuss the past.
“It is an untouchable subject,” she said.
Rumors and Rules
The transformation in the bankruptcy rules began in 1976, with unfounded rumors.
A handful of legislators claimed to have heard about a parade of young doctors and lawyers who were trying to game the system and shed their debts while embarking on lucrative careers. The lawmakers toughened the rules, largely preventing borrowers from seeking a discharge within five years of graduation. The rules only got tougher over the next three decades.
Borrowers must show that their student loans are an “undue hardship” — a standard interpreted differently, depending on where you live. Some judicial circuits, including those in Nebraska, where Ms. DeLaet filed, have the judge review a “totality of the circumstances” for the debtor and make a decision.
Other jurisdictions employ a less flexible standard, the Brunner test, named for the case that established it. Judges must answer three questions affirmatively to discharge the debt. First, has the debtor made a good-faith effort to repay the loans? Second, is the debtor unable to maintain a minimal standard of living while making the payments? And, finally, is the debtor’s situation likely to persist?
But even jurisdictions that use the Brunner test apply it differently. Some require the judge to find that the borrowers have a “certainty of hopelessness” in paying off their debt. Other jurisdictions do not.
Here, the Johnsons may have benefited from geographic good fortune.
‘Virtual Lifetime Servitude’
Lawyers for the Educational Credit Management Corporation — a nonprofit that collects defaulted loans on behalf of the federal government — examined how the Johnsons spent their $2,100 monthly income.
Every expense was scrutinized, including Ms. Raney-Johnson’s $35 monthly union dues, her $100 retirement contribution and $215 to repay loans from her retirement plan. None, the nonprofit’s lawyers argued, were necessary to maintain a “minimal standard of living.”
In his opinion — written more than a year after hearing arguments — Judge Robert D. Berger disagreed. He wrote that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, which covers Kansas, had shifted from the most rigid interpretation of the three-part test, which he described as “an unfortunate relic.”
Judge Berger wasn’t sure how the Johnsons were subsisting at all based on their income, and he said courts shouldn’t rely on “unfounded optimism” about a debtor’s future.
“It is disconsonant with public policy and bankruptcy’s fresh start to leave debtors in virtual lifetime servitude to student loans,” he wrote.
The judge discharged their student loans: $83,000 in debt, wiped away.
“I was ecstatic,” Ms. Raney-Johnson said of the moment she received the decision letter. “I probably said some curse words.”
Their good fortune didn’t last.
Laughs Over Lunches
Opposing lawyers — whether they work for the federal government or for private lenders — are tenacious. Their approach can feel like bullying, if not humiliation.
When Pamela Monroe went to an Arkansas bankruptcy court in 2015, she was 57 with a student-loan balance of about $56,000. She was working in the fragrance section of a Dillard’s department store, and her lunch habits — like $6.10 at Taco Bell and $12.72 at Olive Garden — were a focus of intense interest.
Eating out, Ms. Monroe testified, was her primary form of recreation and a midday necessity: Co-workers would sometimes steal colleagues’ lunches from the break room.
“They laughed about that when I told them,” she said. “I felt at that moment like I was a cornered animal and they were poking sticks at me.”
Ms. Monroe said she had spent her life making choices that others seemed to dictate — marrying two years out of high school and becoming a mother, as her parents seemed to want. After two divorces, she reached for higher education in a bid for independence.
She graduated from the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith with a communications degree and pursued a master’s in speech language pathology. She didn’t finish that program, leaving her with the debt but not the advanced degree. And she couldn’t seem to break out of low-paying work.
“I would have loved to pay them back,” Ms. Monroe said. “But I never could, because nobody ever saw any value in me.”
Judge Ben Barry found Ms. Monroe’s restaurant spending excessive, but noted that she had changed jobs frequently seeking higher pay. Her income, he wrote in his opinion, about doubled between 2010 and 2015, to over $26,000.
But even a reduced budget he outlined would not leave her enough money to make her student loan payments, so he discharged just over half of her student loans.
She would most likely have been paying that off until she was in her 80s. But last year, Ms. Monroe, now 63 and dealing with osteoarthritis and other health problems, received a disability discharge for the rest of her debt.
Now all she wants to do is live out her days in her $510-a-month apartment in a retirement community. “It has a sprinkler system and an elevator, very safe,” she said.
But she hasn’t stopped thinking about the way the system and its actors — like the lawyer on the opposite side in her case — seemed to render judgment on her life choices.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “I was just living, but I got in trouble for eating.”
Back to Haunt Them
In 2016, the Johnsons learned their loan discharge was being appealed by lawyers for Educational Credit Management Corporation.
Paradoxically, they were worse off because their financial situation had improved: Ms. Raney-Johnson earned a promotion, and Mr. Johnson, now in his mid-40s like his wife, found a stable government job. A year after discharging their loans, Judge Berger concluded that the couple could now “easily” maintain a minimal standard of living and reinstated their debt — which had ballooned even more because of interest charges.
Preparing to send their own children to college, the Johnsons requested another forbearance. Their balance continues to grow: It’s roughly $104,000 today.
Ms. Raney-Johnson took the final class she needed for her biology degree over the summer. But the debt was already piling up for the next generation. Their oldest, a college sophomore, expects to owe about $45,000 when she graduates. Their middle child, a high school senior, is looking at colleges now. Ms. Raney-Johnson said she and her husband — who are putting about $5,000 a year toward their daughter’s tuition — would try to remain in forbearance for now.
In August, they received a notice about an income-driven repayment plan, which would start out costing about $550 a month. From there, the cost depends on many factors, including job changes, raises and eligibility for forgiveness programs. If they’re able to get into the public service program, the debt could go away a decade after they start paying. If not, the bills could continue coming for about 20 years — right around the time the Johnsons will be trying to retire.
The experience, Ms. Raney-Johnson said, has been “disheartening.” She and her husband had run up against opposition that could keep going with little regard for time or expense, knowing that they couldn’t.
“It feels like getting screwed over by someone with a lot more power and money,” she said.
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