spxtr · 2 years
@moneyburned​     sent     :     ‘ mistletoe ’  ;  on purpose    /    for steven  ;  not saying benny will hold some over his head but he might
busy with researching on artifacts they’d recently found the man’s attention has been solely focused on that     ,      too deep in to realize he needs a break until noting that there’s no more tea in his cup     .      he knows he’s not alone     ,      somewhere within the apartment is the sergeant     ,      simply out of his sight     .      that is until he’s walking into the kitchen    ,      about to prepare himself another cup until benny is cutting right in front of him and staying still     .      a brow raises at him      ,      lips parting to say something until noticing that there’s something being held about his head     .      head tilts back a little     ,      eyes shifting to focus on the object     .      oh     .      a mistletoe     .
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❛     well  ain’t  this  new     ,      ‘ave  never  found  myself  under  a  mistletoe  before     .     ❜      his voice is almost sing-song     ,      lips slowly curling into a smile as eyes shift back to focus on the sergeant     .      setting his cup the side     ,      hands wring together a little    ,      nervousness building up within himself     .      it takes a moment before the brit finally does something     ,      not quite forcing himself but trying to step out of his very comfortable metaphorical bubble of safety     .      hands reach up     ,      cupping the sides of his face as he leans up on tiptoes and presses his lips to benny’s     .       it’s      ..      a brief kiss and despite it     ,      he feels his face burning up     . 
settling back onto the flats of his feet     ,      he quickly grabs his cup and hurries past him to go make his tea      ,      pretending as if he didn’t just kiss the man he’s had a steadily growing crush on      .
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schnaideranton · 4 months
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skinmite · 1 year
im fascinated by the thought process that goes into being like “people DIED on that historic boat sinking and thats what i think people must think is tasteless & frustrating about this. not being so obscenely wealthy that you pay to take moneyburning billionaire joyrides for the bragging rights” like can i study you in a lab
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captainredfields · 2 years
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THE   RISKS   ASSOCIATED   WITH   THIS   LINE   OF   WORK   aren’t   for   the   faint   of   heart   .      death   lurks   around   every   single   corner   and   the   unpredictable   nature   is   why   the   captain   doesn’t   retire   .      chris   isn’t   sure   what   he   would   do   without   the   chaos   in   his   life   ,   especially   when   he’s   so   used   to   coming   close   to   death   day   in   and   day   out   .   today   is   no   different   when   he   loses   communication   with   his   crew   due   to   a   snap   of   communication   wires   and   a   few   explosions   from   trying   to   wipe   out   a   plethora   of   bioweapons   in   one   area   ,   but   chris   lives   to   fight   another   day   .   just   as   he   usually   does   .      his   team   awaits   him   and  @moneyburned​    is   the   first   one   to   speak   ,   the   concern   is   justified   .      ❝      all   in   a   day’s   work   .      if   i’m   not   making   you   freak   out   then   i’m   not   doing   my   job   right   .      ❞
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❝ you gave me a goddamn heartattack. ❞ uncharted sentence starters . 
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btcher · 2 years
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𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃   𝐀𝐍𝐃   𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 ,                  just   another   thursday   night .           knees   crunch   on   the   loose   stone   which   had   cut   through   his   trousers   and   punctured   the   skin ,      everything   ached .       one   finger   particularly   hurt ,      much   to   his   displeasure   his   left   middle  finger   appeared   out  of  shape ,     definitely   broken .          he   waves   away   @moneyburned​‘s   offering   to   help   him   to   his   feet   with   a   swipe  of  his  arm ,     and  pushes   himself   to   stand   upon   throbbing   legs   with   a   headache  to   match .          ❝  you   okay ?     you   break   any  bones ?  ❞  
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  ❝  funny   how   my   pride   don’t   get   the   same   concern .  ❞                            rubble   is   clapped   away   from   his   knees   with   his   good   arm ,                         ❝  nah ,    all   good .  ❞                            
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@moneyburned​ gets the starter for our plotted thing 
                       STEVE WASN'T THERE FOR MOST OF THE SELECTION PROCESS — Avengers duty, Cap duty, all that stuff, but he gets the final say because it's his team, and he takes this seriously. A STRIKE team is like a well-oiled machine, has to be to make a difference, and a new team member needs to fit in. They already have enough macho-himbo-energy (Natasha's words, not his), so he tasked her with finding someone who very much isn't like that. Out of the 37 candidates (everyone wants to be part of Captain America's team, apparently) she put to the acid test, 2 are left now. The final decision will come after one last little interview.
                         Steve talked at length with a guy named Antonio Gutierrez, and he seems alright, but something irks Steve. He doesn't know what, exactly, but he'll talk with Romanoff about it once she's done with her interview. She might not be a permanent member of the team, but Steve holds her opinion in high esteem. "You have fun with Benny," she drawls after she gets out of the interrogation room. "I'm gonna go roast Antonio a little." Good Cop, Bad Cop. Her idea. Seems like she has a lot of fun with that. Steve grins, then looks at the detailed folder of Benjamin Miller for a second before he opens the door and steps into the room. "Mister Miller," he says. "I hope Miss Romanoff didn't treat you too badly?"
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brutlist · 2 years
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     "    𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜'𝐦𝐨𝐧 , 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 . you’re killing me . think of the kids .    “ 
@moneyburned​ // sc
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watchkept · 2 years
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                     all   the   comment   earns   benny   is   a   light   ‘   pfft   ‘      in   response   .   won’t   be   giving   him   the   satisfaction   of   thinking   he’s   made   any   progress   in   the   texan’s   demeanor   any   time   soon.      ❝      surprised   ya   ain’t   learned   by   now   that   is   just   part   of   my   personality   .   ❞   he   responds   as   he   shoves   the   saddle   at   benny   before   turning   around   to   grab   another   for   his   own   horse   .      he   saddles   up   ,   tightly   the   straps   as   he   goes   and   at   times   this   feels   a   little   too   much   like   normal   these   days   ,   but   it   beats   staying   outside   the   walls   .   ❝      quit   tryin’   t’   suck   up   and   mount   up   .   we   got   work   t’   do   .      ❞   joel   says   to   @moneyburned​   but   there   isn’t   much   bite   and   MAYBE   even   a   grin   spreads   as   he   places   a   foot   in   the   foothold   of   the   saddle   to   help   himself   lift   onto   the   horse   .   
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“ sarcasm … makin’ progress. ” the last of us sentence starters . 
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thunderbringer · 2 years
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thor   doesn’t   really   enjoy   the   use   of   midgardian   technology   .   the   way   people   tend   to   bury   themselves   and   spend   their   entire   lives   looking   at   screens   is   one   of   the   few   things   he   does   not   quite   understand   about   them   .      every   species   has   its   flaws   ,   he   supposes   .      in   order   to   make   situations   simpler   for   everyone   involved   ,   the   thunderer   has   agreed   to   keep   a   phone   on   him   despite   the   many   pleas   to   engage   in   the   use   of   ravens   .   it   is   a   practice   far   gone   and   lost   in   time   it   seems   .   frustrating   ,   really   .   
     “   i   wish   you   were   here.   or…   or   i   was   there,   or   something…                              i   don’t   know.   i   just   wish   i   was   with   you.   “
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he   can   see   benjamin   through   his   window   ,   but   the   man   is   completely   unaware   of   thor’s   presence   .   only   the   darkness   in   the   sky   could   give   warning   but   the   thunder   is   only   lightly   rolling   .   a   smile   graces   his   face   with   the   device   pressed   to   his   ear   and   with   a   tilt   of   his   head   ,   the   god   listens   to   the   wishes   of   a   man   that   longs   to   be   with   him   .   he   could   hear   the   tone   in   his   voice   before   the   words   were   ever   spoken   ,   but   truthfully   ,   thor   had   already   been   in   route   knowing   not   another   day   could   pass   without   @moneyburned​   in   his   arms   .   
❝      then   wait   no   further   and   open   your   doors   .   as   it   appears   i   could   no   longer   withstand   the   distance   between   us   .   ❞
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sincerely yours prompts. 
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serenitysought · 3 years
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[  SHELTER  ]:          rushing through the rain together to find shelter, the sender and receiver, both drenched to the skin in the downpour, find themselves getting frisky in the shelter of an isolated and empty garage.
nsfw location prompts.  / /  ACCEPTING . 
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the   rain   comes   down   in   sheets   .   its   fierce   enough   to   force   them   to   find   shelter   far   away   from   where   paul’s   home   is   .   it   leaves   them   vulnerable   and   seeking   safe   haven   from   the   whipping   winds   is   the   only   way   to   avoid   possible   danger   .   luckily   ,   for   them   the   storm   obscures   them   from   view   so   they   can   escape   into   a   nearby   garage   that   has   seen   better   days   but   they   can   close   it   for   safety   .   the   rest   of   the   house   is   worse   off   and   uninhabitable   due   to   fire   .   this   will   keep   them   safe   for   now   .
   there’s   even   a   couch      that   appears   to   have   been   someone’s   spot   to   hang   out   or   maybe   just   used   it   for   storage   .      paul   hadn’t   realized   there   are   places   actually   abandoned   in   hope   county   but   it   shouldn’t   really   surprise   him   .   whoever   lived   here   had   to   relocate   due   to   the   dire   or   they   died   because   of   what   happened   here   .   the   thought   isn’t   something   he’ll   dwell   on   .   he   can’t   and   thankfully   ,   when   he   looks   back   towards   benny   ,   he’s   grinning   at   him   with   pure   mischief   .   
sometimes   it’s   odd   though   .   to   know   they   share   the   same   first   name   and   benny   rolls   off   his   tongue   far   easier   than   ‘benjamin’   ever   would   .   it   means   different   things   to   both   of   them   .      ❝      what   is   it   ??      i   hardly   see   anything   to   laugh   about   right   now   .   ❞   paul   responds   but   watches   as   benny   comes   closer   .      
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               you   look   kinda   like   a   drowned   rat   with   all   that   hair   in   your   face   .   
the   thought   makes   paul   scoff   but   tilt   his   head   upwards   in   amusement   .   ❝      could   say   the   same   about   you   .   yours   is   stuck   all   over   the   place   ,   ❞   he   chuckles   and   reaches   up   to   swipe   at   some   of   the   unruly   strands   and   remove   them   from   his   face   .   a   tension   is   in   the   air   and   who   knows   how   long   this   damn   storm   will   last   .   his   hands   fall   to   benny’s   chest   ,   letting   his   fingers   glide   over   the   wet   fabric   and   slowly   he   starts   to   peel   it   away   .   does   neither   one   of   them   any   good   to   sit   around   in   soaked   clothes   .      ❝      do   i   need   to   ask   nicely   for   you   to   help   warm   me   up   or   what   ??      ❞
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 / /  @moneyburned​
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shoeshineyboy · 2 years
my parents and I accidentally developed a game for car journeys where the winner is the person who spots the cheapest petrol station (it varies between diesel and unleaded prices depending on which car we’re using)
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staycoldapparel · 4 years
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“Burn all your Money” artwork from our collaboration with the awesome @anastasiadeg 💜💙🖤 Tees online now ! Let me know what do you guys think in the comments below 👇 . . #future #art #staycold #hangover #money #artist #staycoldapparel #moneyburning #2021 #staycold #darkart #darkartists #tattoo #tattooartist #berlin #moneyburn #cats #cat https://www.instagram.com/p/CLzTuC8Adxm/?igshid=mzisohoutmwf
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ryo-parking-lot · 5 years
yap, you made me do this nishikido-san... You made me install apple music and pay just so that my paranoid self can listen to your online release... So please... Heed pur call.. LET US ANDROID HOBOS LISTEN IN SPOTIFY!!
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brutlist · 2 years
damn straight i’m a hustler.
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     𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐰 , 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 , 𝐢𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 .     “     shut up , miller .     “ 
@moneyburned​ // american gods
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piaccabacci · 4 years
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Lockdown photo #12 I can’t write any caption this time , the fun is going down even the spirit to continue this series of selfie/portrait let see , Happy Weekend y’all! #lockdown #istayhome #iostoacasa #tuxedoparty #moneyburner #selfie #portrait #portraitphotography #memyselfandi #photography #piacca #fotografia #strobist #piaccaphoto #istayhomeandshoot (presso Freefocus Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2QYEklGGk/?igshid=1hl0v5om2nt0x
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alchemisoul · 5 years
Donnie Darko Clip | Tears for Fears "Head Over Heels"
Maybe the Germans have a word to describe this experience, being unable to appreciate a piece of music until you hear it in the right setting - something you could only see when in the right light. There's a number of elements in this tune that I never enjoyed, that funky ass bass bassline in particular, prior to taking in this scene for first time.
"They say right when they flood the house and they tear it to shreds that...destruction is a form of creation," so the fact that they burn the money is ironic. They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart. They want to change things"
#moneyburning #klf #haileris
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