#billy sir you are lying
slasher-fxcker · 2 months
Slashers seeing their future S/O for the first time
Part 2
Including: Billy Lenz, Brahms Heelshire, Jesse Cromeans, Michael Myers & Thomas Hewitt
Warnings: Swearing, (Brief mention) Attempted Sexual Assault, Violence, Mention of Voyeurism, Mentions of death, slashers being slashers. This page is 18+ Minors do not interact.
A/N: AAAND here is part 2! Hope you guys enjoy this first piece. Believe me there are many more to come. Feel free to send requests through!
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Billy Lenz:
· Billy was excited about the new tenant in the house, it had been a while since he had any fun. He had been waiting for you to move in since he heard about it. He listened to you all day, moving your stuff around, there were other people too, movers he assumed. All day he listened to your voice and couldn’t wait until he could hear it on the other end of the phone.
· He had spent the day thinking of all the dirty things he wanted to tell you, all the ways he wanted you to scream for him. Of course, he had worked himself up, he waited until not long after midnight and decided to venture into the house. Poking around silently in your things while you slept. It wasn’t until he snuck into the living room did he realise that you were laying on the lounge. He froze not sure if you were asleep or not, luckily for him you were. He crept closer, watching your face. “Pretty, so pretty,” he mumbled to himself over and over again, along with a few other profanities.
· You moved slightly at the sound of his voice, repositioning yourself when he noticed your top slip open slightly revealing some of the bra you wore underneath. Billy could barely contain his ramblings at this, his mumbling getting louder as he pawed himself through his pants. You stirred again and he raced back to the attic as quietly as he could to finish what he had started downstairs. Yes, Billy was definitely excited about his new tenant.
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Brahms Heelshire:
· Brahms had to admit, he was hesitant about getting a ‘nanny’. He didn’t trust people and he didn’t want to be left alone. He knew you would be there soon and he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t slightly excited. The knock at the door had him rushing through the walls to one of his hiding spots closest to the entrance. As the door opened he was surprised to say the least, you were younger than he imagined and way hotter. He would be lying if he said he didn’t imagine how he would be able to watch you during your stay, see you in bed, in the bath, some might find it shameful but Brahms was getting excited just thinking about it.
· After listening to you speak to his parents he had decided you would fit nicely into his routine. They had introduced you to the doll and he was surprised to see how at ease you seemed interacting with it. You didn’t stare at them like they were crazy, you were kind and acknowledged the doll as if it was Brahms himself. It made him feel seen, as silly as that sounds.
· Brahms had to admit, he wasn’t sure about getting a nanny at first, but seeing you speaking to the doll and imagining all the ways he was going to keep you on your toes sparked something in him. He found himself more excited than he had been in a long time.
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Jesse Cromeans:
· Jesse wasn’t exactly excited to meet his new assistant, his last one had been the definition of incompetent. Jesse was a busy man, he didn’t need to be held up by another useless member of staff, he already had enough of those. The knocking on his door broke him out of his train of thought, “Sorry to interrupt sir,” he didn’t turn around or acknowledge there was a presence in his office, “I just wanted to introduce your new assistant Y/N,” he took his time before turning the chair around and what he saw definitely surprised him.
· He didn’t know what he had been expecting, but it hadn’t been you. You seemed so soft and small, innocent in a way, he noticed the way you looked away when he had been staring too long. Jesse stood abruptly, which he noticed seemed to startle you as your eyes met his once again. You didn’t miss the small tilt of his head as his eyes scanned you before holding out his hand towards you.
· He took in your meek demeanour as you approached him and took his hand in your own, you didn’t seem afraid but definitely hesitant, which he could understand. He also noticed the moment you seemed to realise you hadn’t spoken yet, you had stopped shaking hands but neither of you had let go as you looked up at him and spoke, “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” Jesse didn’t miss the stir inside him when you called him that, looking up at him with your bright innocent eyes, “I’m incredibly excited for the opportunity to work for you.” Oh yes, Jesse was a busy man but he was sure he would be finding time to make sure you enjoyed your new position.
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Michael Myers:
· Michael was bored. He had that itch that snuck upon him some nights, as he roamed the streets looking for his next kill. It had been almost a week since his last and the buzz hadn’t lasted very long. He had followed a pair of men into a park, they were loud and definitely had been drinking. Drunks make for an easy target, he stayed far enough back that he couldn’t see them but could still hear them so he knew he was on the right path.
· “Well what do we have here,” Michael stopped when he heard one of the men speak, “Shouldn’t be out here alone,” the other man said. “Just leave me alone,” he heard a third voice, a softer voice. Michael moved forward to be able to see what was happening. He stood by a corner just in time to see one of the men grab your arm as you tried to push past them, “Slow down honey, we can take you home if you want.” You pushed him and told them to leave you alone again. The man backhanded you, knocking you down to the ground and the other one crouched down to hold you down.
· Michael wasn’t sure why but something about you made him falter, you seemed so small yet watching you try to fight these men off like you had a chance made him feel something. He wasn’t sure what it was, he wasn’t used to feeling anything but something told him to stop the men. Before you could even scream you heard the man that was still standing groan out in pain and looked up to see a large knife sticking through his chest. “What the fuck,” the other man yelled lunging at Michael, he took care of him quickly. Once both bodies were on the ground he stood there looming over you, he wasn’t sure whether he was going to kill you yet. If it was anyone else they would already be dead, but something about you made him hesitate. You looked up at him and neither of you dared to be the first to move, you broke the silence, “You… you saved me.” Michael just tilted his head, he wasn’t sure what to do with that information. He needed to think, he needed to get away from here. How had a regular night of killing turned into this? Yes, Michael had been bored, but you seemed like someone who would change that.
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Thomas Hewitt:
· The heat was especially unkind to Thomas today, he had been called down to help Luda at the service stop. Of course, he never minded helping his mama but the heat in the shop was stifling. He was grabbing some of the last boxes from the store room when he heard the bell on the front door chime. “Oh, look at you dear, my goodness you're all grown up.” Thomas relaxed when he realised his mama knew who was in the store, he had figured it was the new family that had moved in. Luda had told him about an old friend of hers who had moved back with her daughter. She seemed especially excited when she spoke about introducing him to you.
· “Evening Miss Luda, mama wanted me to bring you these.” You say handing over the basket, “Oh goodness, its been years since I’ve had one of your mamas pies.” she checked the contents before replacing the lid, turning back to you she remembered you hadn’t met her son yet. “Tommy, come out here, I’ve got someone I want you to meet.” Thomas hesitated before letting out a gruff sigh and walking back into the store. He walked towards you both but kept his eyes to the ground, he didn’t need to see the look of horror on your face when you found out Luda had a monster for a son.
· “This is my boy Thomas,” Luda introduced him, Thomas was expecting you to hide away from him or brush off the introduction all together, but instead he heard your timid voice as you held out your hand, “It’s nice to finally meet you Thomas, I’m sure you’ve heard as much about me as I have you.” He finally looked up then to find the most beautiful pair of eyes he had seen staring straight up at him expectantly, no fear in sight. He seemed taken aback, not expecting you to be so pretty and certainly not expecting you to be so kind. Before he could think any longer he noticed the slight blush across your cheeks and realised you still had your hand out.
· He hesitantly reached out, not sure if he was more afraid of spooking you or himself. Thomas gently took your hand in his before giving it a soft shake. You didn’t know how someone as large and strong looking as him could have such a soft touch. You were both still holding the others hand and staring at each other when Luda broke you out of your trance. “Well now that you’ve finally met, why don’t you and your mama join us for dinner?” Luda suggested. You and Thomas finally broke your gaze and you quickly composed yourself agreeing. You turned back to Thomas, “Well it was lovely meeting you Thomas, I guess I’ll see you tonight.” You smiled at him before turning back towards the door. He felt the blush on his face warming up and realised the Texas heat wasn’t the only thing that’s making him sweat.
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half-oz-eddie · 6 months
After Max snuck off one day, Steve brings her home right before Neil and Susan return.
Billy gives her and Steve shit about it on the porch, freezing up when Neil's car pulls into the driveway.
He notices the way Neil's normally hard and intimidating stare softens upon seeing Harrington in front of their house.
He greets him, shakes his hand, makes polite small talk with him and invites him in for dinner.
Steve glances over at Billy, noticing how he rolled his eyes and he politely declines.
"I really shouldn't—"
"I insist." Neil goads him, gently pushing him inside and leading him to the table. "Susan's cooking is divine."
Billy groaned. Of course, Steve was the golden boy everyone adored, even his own father. What was so perfect about him anyway?
Billy is imagining he can shoot lasers from his eyes at Steve, and Steve can feel the intention coming from Billy's glares.
He plans to leave early, but Neil offers him dessert, offers him a beer, asks if he wants to stay and watch the game.
Why the fuck's this guy being so nice to Steve?
Because the Harrington name holds so much prestige in Hawkins? Because it can help him get a promotion? What? What the fuck is it? It can't just be because of Steve.
Billy notices that Steve feels really awkward, but he's always been taught to be polite, so he does what any golden boy would do. He stays, he accepts Neil's kindness, he answers questions when asked.
Of course, Neil brings up Mr. Harrington, asking about his company and how it's doing.
His question seems really motivated and Billy's pissed off to the point of no return. He stands, politely excusing himself to his room.
"Don't you wanna watch the game, son?"
Who in god's name was he talking to? Not me, Billy assumed.
Why was his voice so soft and his eyes so warm? That wasn't Neil. That wasn't Sir. Billy was afraid of this version of Neil and that warm smile that showed the crow's feet beside his beady, lying eyes.
Billy slowly sat back down next to Steve.
"Billy used to love baseball."
No I didn't.
"He lost interest. He's much better at basketball. Aren't you boys on the same team?"
"Yes, sir, we are." Steve nodded. "He's really good."
Neil laughed. "That's my boy."
What?! Am I in an alternate universe?
When the fever dream of a night ended, Neil told Billy to walk Steve to his car.
"Uh...See you at school?" Steve said uncertainly.
"Yeah." He watched Steve get into his car and walked back into his house.
Neil's warm, fake smile was gone, along with that soft welcoming voice.
It was all a facade, just as he'd assumed.
Neil ordered him to do the dishes, including Steve's. Nothing disgusted him more than cleaning up after Steve.
To make matters worse, this became a constant. Neil was letting Max's nerdy friends come over and Steve would pick them up, then circle back for dinner or a beer with Neil.
Neil would insist on including Billy, bragging about how strong, or how bright Billy was, bringing up the days in California, the very few good ones.
It pissed Billy off, but the nights Steve would come over, there was no shouting, no beatings and Neil was...nice.
Billy started passing notes to Steve at school, inviting him over, especially on Sundays so he didn't have to deal with Neil's bullshit on his day off.
At first, Steve would keep Neil out of Billy's hair, but then, Steve stopped by Billy's room to ask him why he always invited him over if he didn't wanna hang out.
"I thought maybe Neil'd like hanging out with you."
"So you invited me over to keep your dad company? Why don't you just hang out with him?"
"Because we don't get along. He's...he's not always like that." Billy quietly mumbled, hoping Neil didn't suddenly develop super hearing.
"Oh." Steve slowly shut the door. "So that's why you keep inviting me over?"
Billy shrugged.
"Well, Max told Dustin, and Dustin told me that your dad beats the hell out of you, that true?"
Billy's body tightened up and he went dead silent. "The fuck do you care?" He snapped.
"It's not cool." Steve sat on the floor across from Billy. "I don't wanna come here and keep hanging out with your dad. I kinda thought we were hanging out. That's why I would stay."
"You...wanted to hang out with me?" He skeptically narrowed his eyes.
"Yeah. I've been hoping we could get along for a change. I didn't know you were just using me to keep your dad out of your hair."
"I—I didn't think you'd wanna hang out with me. I thought you liked hanging out with Neil."
Steve laughed. "I don't hang out with old people."
"Yeah, you hang out with little kids instead."
"Shut up, I'm their babysitter. Those little shits are always getting into some kind of trouble."
"Whatever. So...d'you wanna like...hang...now?"
Steve nodded without hesitation. "Yeah. That's why I come here in the first place."
"You like Metallica?"
"Mötley Crüe?"
"Not really."
"Eh. Not really any beaches around."
Billy scoffed, shaking his head in disapproval. "The hell do you like?"
Steve pointed to a deck of cards on Billy's dresser. "Know how to play War?"
"Vaguely." Billy shrugged before grabbing the deck and handing it to Steve.
They played a few rounds of cards before they were laughing and shit-talking into the late hours of the night.
Neil didn't disturb them at all.
Dedicating this to @mangywayway since you're always being so kind when I'm feeling down. Tysm ❤️
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msn-04iinightingale · 5 months
Drop: -10:00:00
The Seraph died, torso armor and cockpit ravaged by PPC blasts and LB 10-X auto cannon rounds. Owen switched targets, raking a Deva with his ER Medium Lasers. The enemy mech responds with a Gauss rifle slug which slams into the left leg of Owen’s mech. He grunts with the neural feedback of the damage dealt. Quickly checking his armor, he was relieved to see that the round hadn’t penetrated the armor. 
“Atta girl, Katherine, gonna take more than that to take you out.” He grins at the chime indicating his ER PPCs are recharged. “My turn!”
The twin PPC bolts snap out with thunder cracks, blasting into the Deva’s right arm, tearing away armor and hopefully, damaging the Gauss Rifle there.
Seconds later, the arm explodes, the Gauss rifle evidently having been damaged enough to overload. The Deva staggers, allowing Anya to light the other mech up with her Clan Pulse Laser, and Clan Medium Lasers, green and blue beams cutting into its armor in multiple places. It swings, and fires its Light PPCs at the Thunderbolt, two missing and one blasting into Anya’s torso armor. Owen hears the small sharp intake of breath over the comms. It pays for this damage by catching a LB 10-X slug to the cockpit fired by Owen. The enemy mech shudders, and then slumps over into the side of a nearby building.
“You ok Major?” He asks.
“Yeah…fuck that hurt…” Anya replies. “But I’ve still got armor, I’m good.” She sounds tired.
“Christ we all are.” Owen thought. The fighting had been fierce, and nearly constant since they landed. The city, a small place named L’Anerie, had turned into a near constant running battle between Barghest Company and Fursona's Fusiliers, and the Word of Blake. The city was a maze of buildings just tall enough to obscure sight lines more than a few blocks, and it seemed like it was filled to the brim with enemy mechs, weapon emplacements and ambushes. They had lost several Fusiliers to Heavy Level II’s lying in wait, and several of his own mechs are badly mauled. Billy’s Archer is missing an arm and the LRM launcher in one side torso, and Vance’s Thug’s damaged leg is now almost locked up. Not to mention all of his mechs have had their armor savaged. And the ammo situation…
Owen sighed a bit. He always knew it would be a bad one. 
In the next street over, Victoria and Vance have brought down an Archangel with Kei providing large laser and missile fire. Victoria wrenches her mech’s hatchet from the enemy mech’s side, as well as pulling the retractable blade, and the arm attached to it, from her left torso armor.
“Ugh…don’t know how much longer we can do this, boss…” she says, over comms. “Got a hole in my left torso armor.”
“Yeah, Envy’s pretty banged up too.” Kei added. “Also I’m soooooooo hoooooooot….uuuuuuuugh….”
“Understood.” Owen replied, checking the mini map. The forest of red dots had been reduced significantly, leaving only several small pockets and one decent sized one left.
“We good to move forward, sir?” Maria asks, ever professional. Her Mad Cat had lost a good chunk of it’s armor, and was down top a quarter of its missile load, but still functional.
“Hell, I’m ready to pack it in, few more scraps like this and I got is a fucking pair of medium lasers left, might as well spit at em at that point” The gruff voice of Billy adds, ever the blunt one.
Owen considered, they were banged up, but still largely functional.
“Sir….I have found something” The soft voice of Elenor appears over the comms.
“Report Lt, what’ve you got?” Owen asks.
“Civilians, sir…a lot of them…” She replies.
Owen feels a familiar weight in his chest at what might come next. The Word was never kind to the civilian population of the worlds the conquered.
“…report status of the civilians, Lt.” He asks.
“… scared, sir.”
Owen lets out a sigh. Great…just great…
He pushes several buttons and keys up Savannah’s frequency.
“This is Garm 1 to Fursona, we’ve got a situation here. A civilian situation, over.”
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
hello lovelies!! surprise! here's another snippet of my Regency AU for the @bigbangharringrove event 🤍
and as an extra special treat, here is a sketch of the boys that @hellfirefucker drew - he is so talented, he really brought the boys to life for us!!
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'moonflower, mine' snippet below the cut!
A month ago, Billy had believed that the hardest part of this endeavor would be getting Max to refine herself further, but that was before he realized that he still had to convince his father of letting her go to London with him.
“Absolutely not,” Neil frowns over dinner in late December, “Maxine has no business in London, especially not now.”
He can feel Max’s gaze on the side of his face where they sit at the table across from their parents. He’s thought of reasons as to why Max would need to go, but they are all feeble. Still, he has to try.
“She may not have any business in London,” Billy agrees, “However, her cousin has been writing to her often in hopes of her visiting.”
“Which cousin is this?” Susan asks, her brows a little furrowed as she looks between the two.
“Cousin Darcy,” Max pipes up, looking at her mom and doing her best to keep her face neutral because Billy knows that her cousin Darcy has not written to her in years – not since he moved to Scotland with his wife, “He will be in London during the Season, to visit family.”
Neil doesn’t look convinced, and neither does Susan, but she has this understanding look in her eye, like she knows they’re lying but is trying to figure out why.
“That sounds lovely,” Susan hums as she looks at her husband, “Doesn’t it, dear?”
Neil grunts as he scoops some boiled potatoes onto his plate, but says nothing else. 
This is good.
“I have not seen London since we moved to Fairhollow, mother – I would very much like to see how it’s changed.” Max says, looking at Billy again, “And I would be safe, with Billy.”
“Yes, I agree. And not to mention, it would look good for Max to be somewhat well travelled, would it not?” Billy adds, looking to Susan and trying to silently beg for her help.
And Susan is not an idiot, she’s definitely caught on to them, but she’s also willing to give that help that Billy is so desperately asking for because she agrees with a light, “Yes, I believe it would. Mr. Beaumont has spoken on such things before, has he not, Mr. Hargrove?” 
The three of them look to Neil, who glances at each one of them in silence, because he knows he’s lost. 
So, with a long-suffering sigh, he nods in agreement and mutters, “Yes, he has.”
“Then it is settled?” Billy asks, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.
Neil stares at him, almost through him, and points his knife at Billy, “You are to keep her safe at all times. She is to represent me and our home and she will not embarrass me – if I hear that anything has happened, or that she has done anything to ruin our name, then you will pay for it, William. Understood?”
Swallowing back the bitter taste on his tongue, Billy nods, “Yes, sir.”
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lorifragolina · 11 months
Eternally Together
So this is my first - and only, for the moment- fic for Metalsanswich Movie Mania from @now-showing-at-the-hawk-events. In my family Fantasy + 80`s always meant Ladyhawke, although it costed me a little to remember the existence of the movie at first! I hope you enjoy reading it like me writing it!
Relationship: Steve/Eddie/Billy Rating: T WC: 7352
Billy Hargrove dismounted from his horse and hid it behind the barn, near to two other horses, a black one and a white one. 
He cautiously opened the door, looking carefully inside. Two men were already there, one, long black haired, lying lazily on a white cloak, the other, tall and blonde, with a black corset completely opened to his waist. A copper medallion with a dragon trapped in tree roots laying on his naked chest. Both of them had visible scars on their arms, neck and upper body. They had glasses and a few bottles of wine in a basket, and raised the glasses to him. 
“Finally, Billy” smiled the black haired, leading a hand to him. Billy took the hand and knelt at his side on the hay.
“My father detained me” sighed Billy, kissing his palm. 
“Eddie thought you couldn’t make it” said the blonde, pouring wine for Billy too. Billy leant to kiss him lightly. 
“He must have chained me with a hell chain to stop me,” laughed Billy, drinking a good sip of wine. “It’s very good, princess. It’s your personal reserve?”
“Directly from Count cellar” laughed Eddie again. He made a site between them for Billy, and kissed him in return.
Captain Steven Harrington returned to the garrison with the last rays of sunset. Commander Hargrove senior was sitting on the door, looking at him sheltering his black horse. The grin on the older man’s face, with his two penetrating blue eyes and that pervert glare, was vicious.
“The patrol was good, I guess. Though it was very, very long” he scoffed, looking Harrington in the eyes. 
Steve didn’t answer, passing his second pushing him a little. Hargrove disgusted him. He wanted to be captain and started hating Harrington in return the moment he took the charge by the hands of the King. He was plotting since then to get rid of him and take his place, along with the Bishop who considered Harrington a king spy.
Hargrove clenched his fists. He left the garrison to his house just in time to see his son, Billy, dismounting his horse at that moment. 
“Where were you? I told you to go to the armorer”.
Billy pursed his lips, knowing that his father was just searching for an excuse to argue.
“Of course, here you are,” he took from the saddle a clanging bundle in white rags. Hargrove grabbed his arm painfully.
“Excuse me?”
“Here you are, sir,” Billy answered, lowering his eyes and praying he wouldn’t notice the wine and perfume scent on him. 
Neil gave him a deep glance and then freed him, entering the house. Billy went into his room, and while he took off his doublet, he found a straw on his hair
Read it on AO3
Count Eddie Munson sat at the dinner table with his uncle Wayne. The old man was, as usual, reading some documents while eating. 
“Please, uncle, relax, at last at the dinner table”.
Wayne shook his head. “Bishop is really restless in his stupidity… the King counts on us to control him”.
Eddie nodded. The bishop was wicked, corrupted and he tried to control the land with his guards. They were loyal to the King, but he lived far away and things weren’t easy. They worked side by side with Captain Harrington, but most of the guards sided with the bishop, who could promise them more, although probably he wouldn’t hesitate to sell them away too, at the right moment. 
“And he asked for a meeting now after evening mass, so I have to control those documents”.
Eddie sighed. The bishop wasn’t not only politically dangerous, but he was sly and disgusting in the way he looked to him. He had even tried several times to win him and touch him, making him ambiguous offers. He really just wanted to take a bath and go to bed, but he wore his red formal dress and followed his uncle to the reception room. 
Bishop Creel entered with a little following of guards, Captain Harrington and Commander Hargrove were behind him.
Eddie and Wayne sat in their chairs and the Bishop sat in front of them. Eddie crossed his eyes with Steve and blinked, they had to hide a little smile between them.
Captain Harrington was sent to the city a year ago, when some kids disappeared in the woods. He was able to find all of them and, apparently, defeat the menace: he had to work really closed with the Count and especially with Eddie, they found that something evil lived underground the county; they could defeat the creature together, although with severe wounds; they still carried matching scars of the supernatural bats bites and, more important, the adventure left a trace in their hearts, they felt deeply in love for each other. 
Bishop Creel arrived in the city just after the monster defeat, taking Hargrove and some soldiers with him, apparently to watch over the demonic menace; reality was, according to Wayne, that the Bishop wanted to take advantage of the King’s power to weaken it and rule on the territory.
Wayne Munson was a tough cookie indeed and the Bishop wasn't really successful in his plan, but he was pressing every time he could.
Eddie rapidly distracted from the bored chat, and looked again at Harrington pointing to Hargrove. Steve raised his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. He neither knew why Billy wasn’t there.
“I think we should discuss such things during the council, in the proper place,” said Wayne, evidently annoyed by the absurd continuous requests of the Bishop. He was convinced that the Bishop was attempting to annoy them enough to provoke a reaction and therefore report them in front of the King. Sometimes Wayne felt dangerously near the boiling point. 
The Bishop grinned. “Well, I wanted to solve the problem informally, but if you insisted…” he mocked a tired groan of pain. “I also fear that these hard chairs are affecting my back… I’m no longer a young kid” he looked sharply at Eddie and grinned even more. “Maybe your kind nephew could walk me out”.
Eddie felt a shiver and looked at Wayne. The man had to shake his head and pursed his lips, he couldn’t stop it.
The Bishop rested a little too much on Eddie's arm. The rest of the court walked out, led by Wayne, but Creel walked really slow. Eddie knew that he wasn’t old or slow at all, but it was only when the Bishop stopped near the door, far from the other, and stood in all his height, perfectly capable of standing and moving, that his intentions were made clear. 
He licked his lips and firmly grabbed Eddie’s arm. “You know that I can easily defeat your uncle with my guards” he hissed. Eddie tried to step behind but the bishop was strong. Stronger that he appeared, and pushed Eddie against a column.
“I don’t think so,” said Eddie.
“Don’t put me on the test” grinned the Bishop. He increased his grip and put his waist nearer to Eddie’s. “But you can help him and avoid him suffering. Together you and I should rule the county and save the poor old man…”
Eddie horrified, feeling the bulge of the Bishop, hard, and his excited breath.
“Are you threatening me?” He whispered, trying to hide his disgust and fear.
“Oh I wouldn’t call it threatening… it’s a trait between gentlemen”. He was sly, and pressed his body against Eddie’s, trying to reach his face, his lips. Then scoffed.
He rapidly took from his pocket a little velvet bag: a golden medallion slipped on his hand. It was his crest: a strange, pointy flower with five petals, more sick than pretty. He tried to give it to Eddie, and he knew what it meant.  “Don’t make that shocked face with me. I know perfectly well that you take lovers in the village. We can share control… and my bed”. 
It wasn’t the first time the Bishop tried to lure Eddie. 
Eddie shook his head, trying to free himself, and pushing away the medallion. “No, I…”
“Excellency?” Hargrove’s voice for the hallway surprised the Bishop. He let Eddie go and leaned again against him like an old man.
Hargrove appeared at the door.
Creel snickered.
“I’m sorry, my good man, I fear I’m a little tired, and slow, today”
Eddie could do nothing but bear the Bishop’s touch. Hargrove gave him a large, sharp glance, then extended his own arm to Creel.
“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the carriage”. The Bishop glanced again at Eddie, and he had to shiver in disgust. 
Eddie told Steve and Billy about the offers of the Bishop, and Steve spat on the ground.
“That person is vicious and disgusting. How can he be a man of God?”
“He just wants to defeat my uncle and me, and the King in general”.
“And that Hargrove is his shadow, he gives me a terrible feeling.  No offense,” he raised his hands to Billy.
“No offense taken. I hate him too. He is vicious and… wicked. They surely are plotting something. He said that the Bishop wants to meet me this night”
Eddie sighed in surprise. “Do you know why?”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “My father wants to make me his commander, when… and if, he could be Captain”
“That will never happen,” smiled Steve, grabbing Billy’s hand.
They became friends when Hargrove came to the village. He took the commander's vacant site and summoned his son from abroad, where he was studying liberal arts. He wanted to make him a perfect guard and a cold soldier like him, but Billy didn’t want it. He befriended Harrington the night he escaped from his house with a bottle of cider, and then met Eddie at the barn with Steve. Eddie and Steve already exchanged their secret vows, Eddie gave Steve his crest medallion and Steve wore it like a wedding ring. But on a moonlight night, they looked into each other's eyes, and Eddie was the first to kiss Billy. Steve kissed him too, and they never separated since then. 
Eddie hugged a really worried Billy. “Calm down now, baby. For now we are together. Will you give me the permission to help you relax a little?”
Billy laughed and let Eddie’s hand unfasten his belt.
The Bishop looked sharply at Billy, for a long time, while Hargrove senior stood nervously at his son’s side. 
Billy didn’t dare to raise his eyes. He felt a devilish touch from Creel eyes, and he had the irrational fear he could read inside him and about his love for Eddie and Steve. And he feared also that the Bishop could want him as a lover, too.
The Bishop got near and touched his face, moving it to the right and to the left.
“Nice to meet you officially, young Hargrove” hissed the Bishop. “Your father tells great things about you. Are you a good soldier indeed?”
Billy blinked, and muttered something, then he felt his father fussing.
“Yes, sir,” he said in a louder voice.
“Very well. I know that if your father will be the Captain, you and I could... work together very well” 
The Bishop indulged in a caress with the back of his hand, almost to Billy’s collarbone. He shivered and tried to stay still.
“Very well,” smiled the Bishop then, returning to his seat. “Now leave us, son, your father and I have something to discuss”.
“Wait for me at the entrance” said his father, and he left the room. He stopped near the door that they didn’t even close, maybe thinking he was too stupid or too henpecked to eavesdrop. 
“I’ll give you Harrington,” said the Bishop. “And I’ll take for me the palace and the young Count. Make sure your men are ready, and they will rush as the dumb champions they are. A clean work”.
Billy heard a servant approaching, and there was no place to hide in the hallway. He had to move, pretending to go away, and had to wait for his father outside. He was extremely worried, and tried to hide his face from his father. 
They dismounted and gave the horse to a servant. “Tomorrow we have to check the dungeons, Billy,” said the commander, casually. “The guards said that there are movements there, and some peasant saw something”.
The servant blinked, pulling the horses.
Billy nodded. He thought he maybe had to warn Eddie and Steve, then, when he looked out his windows, he said Dustin, a young peasant that was a good friend of Eddie and Steve, and of the kid that had disappeared the year before, talking with the same servant. 
Probably the rumor would come more rapidly to them this way.
At the sunrise, he was awakened by the hustle under his windows. He got near cautiously to listen, and he overheard his father with one of the bishop’s attendants.
“They say the count went to the lodge and they went to the dungeons, sir”.
“Good,” nodded Hargrove. “Make sure the guards are all hidden in the forest, we will catch them in the dungeons”
Billy froze, his heart racing crazily. He didn’t understand last night why his father talked so airily in front of the servant, but now he did: it was a trap, plotted by his father and the Bishop to capture them faking a new dark menace. “A clean work,” said the Bishop, and he and the commander would come out from it clean like babies.
He struggled. His father stayed a little more in the door, and he wouldn't be able to sneak out, so he had to wait, his blood boiling for anger and fear. When finally he tried to escape, the commander called him, and forced him to ride with him to the forest. He didn’t know how to run away without making his father suspicious, and then, when the Bishop joined them, he felt trapped too.
“I will go to explore”, said Billy, mad with panic, trying to gain time. “To see if it’s safe for your Excellency” he looked his father in the eyes, and he nodded, seeming sort of proud.
Billy pushed the horse to the entrance of the dungeons. Eddie’s and Steve’s horses are there, and his heart sank. 
He looked out at the entrance. “Steve! Eddie!”
“Billy! We’re there… Dustin is missed”
“We’re coming out in a moment”
“Hurry, please!!” Yelled again Billy. “It’s a trap, you have to go away!” He struggled if they understood his words.
“In our way, Billy!” Answered Steve, and Billy felt really worried. 
Steve came out first holding onto his hand. “He wanted to go alone to see the monster, and he felt. He will be good in a moment” 
Billy helped him to escape from the hole, then Eddie came out too, smiling at Billy and trying to hug him.
“No” Billy wiggles out, hearing his father’s and Bishop’s horses approaching. “Go away right now… it’s a trap…” he whispered, looking around.
“What? What do you mean…”
“Well, well, here they are our heroes at work once again”
They heard the vicious Bishop’s voice behind them. 
“It's a real pity that hidden, evil beasts will prevail this time”.
The Bishop was grinning, and Hargrove had his hand on the hilt of the sword.
Billy saw that some men were coming out from the trees, and they approached them with their crossbows pointing at them. 
Billy and Steve drew their swords.
“Oh, I don’t think so, my dear sons” giggled the Bishop, while one of the guards dragged Dustin, unconscious and dirty for the soil of the dungeons.
“Apparently your little friend tried to be a hero himself” the guard took off his sword, menacing Dustin. 
Eddie clenched his teeth and his fists, and looked at Steve. Billy was holding his breath, waiting to draw his own sword and defend them.
“Sword on the ground” said Hargrove, and after an instant of reflection, Steve threw his sword on the ground, followed by Eddie.
“Let him go” barked Steve, and the bishop laughed.
“What better destiny to die to save a little friend?”
“Billy, take their swords” ordered Hargrove, but Billy didn’t move. “Come on, Billy!”
Billy still didn’t move, and Hargrove took the swords himself. Then he forced Eddie and Steve to walk in front of the Bishop, tying their hands behind their back.
The Bishop dismissed his men with a gesture: he didn’t want witnesses. Only the guard with Dustin stayed. 
“Well, dear Munson…” the Bishop fixed his eyes on Eddie's. “You have a good occasion now to save your life, and your uncle’s” he sniggered viciously.
“Let my uncle be alone!” Yelled Eddie furiously.
“It’s in your hands, my beautiful friend” continued the Bishop, lightly caressing Eddie’s cheek with his long and pale fingers. Eddie moved his face. “Very well, then. Hargrove, do you want the honor?” He asked, grinning, pointing to Steve.
Billy was petrified. He saw with the corner of his eye that Dustin was conscious again and was trying to wiggle from the guard. He got closer slowly and then, with a single movement, he hit the guard’s face with his elbow and then kicked him. He pushed Dustin away. 
“Go! Go to the palace! Run, advise the count!” He whispered, while his father was taking the crossbow, and the Bishop was distracted by the fight. Billy took his sword and ran back against his father, while Steve too was jumping against the Bishop, trying not to stumble for the tied hands
The Bishop easily avoided him, but while he bounced him, he broke his doublet and the Munson medallion remained uncovered on his chest. Hargrove could hit Steve with his sword making him fall down, before Billy jumped on his back and beat him to the ground.
Eddie jumped too, trying to defend Steve and hit the Bishop, but all happened in a single instant. The Bishop focused the medallion, and his face transfigured in fury. He leaned his hand and tore the emblem from Steve’s neck, growling like a rabid beast and foaming from his mouth
Eddie screamed. Billy screamed too, throwing himself against the Bishop. 
Bishop’s eyes became red, his face seemed to melt down and a bright light came out from the hand that was grabbing the medallion. He screamed, and his voice was from hell, casting a spell with a devilish yell.
Billy tried to stop him and defend Steve and Eddie, he fought with the Bishop but it was impossible to move him; he tried to tear away the medallion from his hands, but it was burning hot, and he screamed, trying not to let go.
The light exploded, hitting Eddie and Steve. Billy was hurled away, and he hit his father falling, with blood in his hand, and blood in his mouth. 
When Dustin ran in the woods searching for them, he found just a huge circle of ashes where he left his friends, and only the dragon medallion left in the ground.
The little burglar ran for her life on the dusty road. Four or five knights were behind her when he turned on the wood. The knights turned too, but an arrow hit the first of them, the horse reared and the others got scared. Another arrow hit the captain of the knight, and the girl kept running. She felt a horse behind her, and tried to escape, crying “No, no, no!” 
She heard the shriek of a giant bird above her and she fell down. 
The knight stopped near her and caught her while she wiggled. But eventually she surrendered. A giant eagle came down shrieking to the man’s shoulders, and the girl screamed and passed away.
She woke up on a black cloak, the knight's cloak, on the hay of a barn, near the black horse that was chasing her. 
She jumped sitting at the sight of the giant bird near her. 
“Shh, sweet lady,” whispered the man. He had sparkling hazel eyes and dark blonde hair, a big sword at his feet and a crossbow at his side. She saw the long shadows of the sunset outside the barn. He fed a piece of meat to the bird.
“You hungry?” He said.
“Who… who are you?” Said the girl. She was on the run, and she learnt not to trust strangers.
The stranger scoffed. “Don’t be afraid, young lady. Your enemies are my enemies too” he looked at the sky outside. “Now I will sleep in there, and you better sleep too, please, don’t try to disturb me: I could kill you before knowing that's you”.
He entered the barn, with a cry of the bird.
The kid laid down a little. She was used to sleeping with one eye open, so she woke up immediately when he heard a big noise, a sort of crack. The horse neighed and she went to see it. 
She heard a growl, and froze. A pair of sparkling golden eyes crossed hers. A wolf’s eyes. She tried to scream but the voice died in her throat. She turned around and ran in the barn, only to face another tall, black haired man with a once white shirt. He signed her to shut up, then moved to go out of the barn. 
“No sir,” whispered the kid, with urgency in her voice. “There is a wolf… a big wolf outside”
“Shh” whispered the man sweetly. He smiled a little, then went out, and the wolf came near, growling a sort of greeting.
“I… am I dreaming, sir?” Whispered the girl again.
“Yes, you are” whispered the man in return, then he leaned a hand to the wolf, that growled with pleasure, and then he walked with the beast for a while. 
The girl rubbed her eyes, looking at them in the steam of the sunrise. She returned inside and tried to sleep again.
“And he told you his name?” Said the blonde knight, smiling at her while she told him her vision of the night after.
“No sir… I asked if I was dreaming, and he said yes”
“I hope such a vision could visit me in my dreams too, sometimes,” he smiled at the eagle on his arm. “I had waiting for a long time for a dream like that”
The eagle shrieked. 
“Hargrove’s men were hunting you” said the man again after a while. The kid didn’t answer. The blonde grabbed her for her dress. “Tell me you managed to escape to the Bishop’s dungeon” he growled, grinding his teeth.
“Tw…twice” she squealed.
“This is the sign of God I was waiting… for all those years”.
The girl whined.
“How did you manage?” He growled again, pulling her with more strength. 
She trembled, then raised a shivered hand, squeezed her eyes and… the big sword flew on the air, planting with a clang in the ground.
“You… you have the same powers as him?” He whispers, amazed.
The girl was shivering again, exhausted. 
“Mine are not strong… not anymore”
The blonde closed his eyes. “You have to help me… to return there… I’m Captain Steve Harrington and my quest is… to kill that evil man”
“No!” Screamed the girl. “I can’t! I don’t want it!”
“Or I’ll give you personally to Hargrove men, and I am sure you couldn’t escape a third time”
The girl sighed. “I’m Jane, sir. I… I will help you if you… promise you let me go then”
Steve nodded. “Now, we better camp here. Today it’s not a good day to travel”.
Steve sat under a tree, petting the majestic eagle and feeding him. Jane sighed again, her enemy’s enemies were her friend, or she tried to convince herself so. 
“Hi… hi, milord” Jane woke up again in the middle of the night, frozen for the dead fire. The tall, skinny man sat there with a smile. He had long and black hair that he combed in the dark. “Do you remember me?”
“Of course, milady”. A wolf howled from afar. The man stood up and smoothed his clothes. “If you return to sleep now, I promise you will eat blueberries for breakfast”
Jane leaned her head again on her arms, and when the soft light of sunrise touched her eyelashes, she found a handful of big blueberries near her face.
“What’s this?” Smiled Steve.
“The man… the man of the dream gave me these”.
They shared the blueberries, then Steve went to groom and saddle the horse.
“We will stop near the bastions today. In a couple of days you will be free” said Steve after the lunch, pointing to a group of houses a little far away. Jane nodded, playing a little with her powers, launching pinecones and leaves, with Steve apparently amazed. He was smiling, and the eagle was shrieking a little.
They got distracted, Jane ran a little to the little steam at their side and threw some rocks in the water.
Steve heard her scream, then the scream of the eagle. Jane screamed again, and he could hear neigh and voices.
“Jane!” He ran, the crossbow aimed. He shot some arrows, hitting the guards that were menacing Jane, then drew the sword rapidly and fought the rest of them. They had the bishop sign and that made him more furiously, if possible.
The eagle flew down towards the face of the guards. They hit and someone could shoot some time. 
Steve freed Jane who helped him kick and bit him, but after they could defeat the last man, the eagle screamed high and crashed at the ground like a rock. 
Steve yelled like a beast. He beat the last man unconscious and then ran, falling on his knees near the bird, pierced by an arrow. 
He screamed without a sound. The bird was bleeding and whining slowly. 
He tried to cup the body of the animal with his hands. Jane was petrified at his side. 
Steve stopped, smelling the air. The sun was near the horizon. 
He called Jane, trying to shake her. She was scared and crying.
“Take a piece of cloth, quick!” He yelled, grooming the suffering bird a little. He wrapped and then put the eagle in Jane’s arm. The sun was every instant more low on the mountains. He pointed a red and gray house, a little ruined, at their right. 
“Found Dustin, he will know what to do. Careful now. Careful” he whined in a low voice.
“But you…” started Jane, holding the eagle gently in her arms. A little stain of blood was soaking the cloth.
“Go. Go! Be careful, please”. There were tears in Steve’s face when he pushed her away one last time
Jane started to walk towards the village. She knocked on the door, frantically. Someone looked from the window on the first floor.
“I was told… to bring you this wounded bird” started Jane, hesitant. 
The guy spat from the window. “Then let it there, I will make a good fire to eat it”
Jane winced and held the bird at her chest, protectively.
“This is not an ordinary bird… he belongs to a man named Harrington” she tried again.
The jolly expression on the man's face faded away in a second. He disappeared inside and ran to the door. 
He looked Jane straight in the eyes. His face was pale and dirty, he had big dark circles under the eyes, but the eyes themselves were blue and bright, and she felt she could trust him. 
“Hurry,” he said, making her space to enter. He pointed to a room with a bed and some blankets, apparently clean. “Here,” he carefully took the bird. “Now gently, here. Harrington was right, I know what to do” he petted the bird once he put it down, looking at the arrow that pierced him. “We must wait a little now”.
Jane sat outside the room while Dustin was busy in the garden searching for herbs and flowers. 
After a while, she heard a howling near the village, and a noise in the room. Carefully, she opened the door, calling in a lower voice.
“I’m Jane. Please don’t be scared”.
In the bed was lying the man of the dreams, his long hair in a mess around his head. He had the arrow in his shoulder. He was awake, and smiled lightly to the girl.
“Harrington?” He whispered.
“He’s fine, he’s just fine. The eagle was struck, but… you already know” she whispered in return, getting nearer. “Are you flesh or are you a spirit?”
“I am sorrow,” smiled the man, his eyes sparkling. He raised a hand with difficulties to Jane.
Dustin entered at that moment. 
“What are you doing here?” He barked. “Out. Out now. I have to work”.
Jane shivered and went out with hesitation. 
Dustin took Eddie’s hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry, my lord, it's gonna hurt”.
Eddie closed his eyes, letting a couple tears run away on his face. He took a deep breath when Dustin knelt on the bed and grabbed the shaft of the arrow. 
Jane heard a pain scream and then silence.
Dustin gave a cup of hot, sweet tea to a shaken Jane. They looked each other in the eyes for long, deciding if they could trust each other. Jane was the first to lower down her eyes and nodded. 
She told her story, and Dustin nodded in return.
He told his story to her too. 
“The Bishop was evil, and vicious. He put his eyes on the younger count, but his heart was already lost for the Captain of the guards”. He took a long breath. “They exchanged their vows in secret, and they fell in love with Billy, the son of Harrington second, Hargrove. The man who was hunting you”.
Jane nodded.
“And then?”
Dustin lowered his eyes. “The Bishop ambushed them, and before they could realize, they were betrayed. A foolish friend of theirs tried to be a hero and caused their disgrace.
The Bishop became aware of their bond and he got mad. If he couldn’t have him, no man would. 
He spat the terrible curse you said working. Billy disappeared, burned alive for the powers the Bishop conjured. And by day, Eddie is the beautiful bird you brought to me and by night, as you have already guessed, the voice of the wolf that we hear is the cry of Harrington.
Creatures with no memory of the halflife of their human existence, never touching in the flesh, only the anguish of a split second at sunrise and sunset when they can almost touch, but not.  ”
Jane sighed. She had to dry her eyes. “Always together, eternally apart” she sighed.
Dustin nodded, his voice broken.
“As long as the sun rises and sets, as long as there is day and night and for as long as they both shall live.
You stumbled in a tragic story and now you are lost in it as the rest of us”.
In the dead of night, Jane was incapable of sleep, kept awake by the sorrow and the howling of Steve. She sneaked into Eddie's room, where a short candle was lighting the man’s face, wet with tears. But he smiled when he saw Jane, inviting her at his side.
“It’s only a scratch,” he said, following her worried eyes. “I’m already good”
Jane nodded.
“Tell me your name”.
“Most people called me Jane, or El” she answered.
“You travel with him, don’t you?”
Jane nodded, and Eddie smiled with difficulty, hiding a little sting of pain in the move.
“You must save the eagle, he said. For he is my life, my last and best reason for living. And then he said, "One day we will know such happiness as two people dream of, but never do”.
Eddie chucked, or almost tried to. A cheerful sparkle appeared in his eyes. 
“It’s not something Harrington would say,” he smiled. “But thanks” and he closed his eyes again, trying to rest. 
“You… you are the friend that trapped them, right?” Said Jane, sat on the porch, while the sky got clearer every moment.
Dustin nodded, broken. “I wanted to be the one who saved the day, and I led them to this living hell”.
Jane bit her lips.
“But now I know how to undo what I have done. God gave me the knowledge to put it to an end. After years, we are together once again, and I have found a way to break the curse, and give them the lives they deserve. A way for them to confront the Bishop, and begin their true life again”.
“But Harrington wants to confront the bishop to kill him with his own hands!”
“If he does that, the curse can never be broken!” Exclaimed Dustin. 
They stayed silent, looking at the dawn that broke the sky behind the mountains.
“I am glad to see you again, Dustin,” said Steve, approaching on his horse.
“I somehow thought you would kill me with your bare hands,” answered Dustin without looking at him.
Steve dismounted. “Why?” He said sadly. “It was not your fault, absolutely, and nor did I or Eddie ever blame you,” he got near and held Dustin in a deep hug. “I missed you. We missed you”.
Dustin broke out crying and answered the hug. 
“How’s he?”
“Good… good” Dustin sniffed, drying his eyes. “The wound was not so serious”.
Steve nodded, smiling and hugging Dustin again. Then looked him in the eyes again. “And do you… do you know anything about…”
Dustin shook his head sadly, feeling his heart breaking more than it was. “No… he didn’t come back with the Bishop… there is no… no traces of him…”
Steve sighed, and took a deep breath.
“I’m so sorry, Steve,” continued Dustin. 
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault,” repeated Steve.
“But now… now I have the chance to redeem myself and save you and Eddie at least… I now know how the curse may be broken. Two days hence, the Bishop will hear the confession of the clergy in the palace. All you have to do is confront him, as men, in the flesh, and the curse will be broken. And you both will be free,” Dustin stopped Steve's objection with a gesture. “Two days hence there will be a day without a night and a night without a day”.
Eddie flew on Steve’s arm, freed from his room by Jane. Steve looked at him, hearing his chirp. 
“I always trusted you, Dustin, and I say again that you have no fault in this, but I will not follow one of your rumors again,” Steve seemed so harsh in that moment, that Dustin had a step behind. 
Jane listened to all the arguing, and then jumped at Steve’s side.
“Sir…” she began.
“I’m in your debt,” said Steve.
“Oh, no, sir, no, not at all” she looked at Eddie. “He… he wanted me to deliver a message, sir,” Steve raised a brow. “He still has faith, hope in you, sir”.
“He said so?” Jane nodded.
“It is something he totally could say,” smiled Steve, then giggled.
Jane followed him, and Dustin decided to take his mule and go behind them, to convince or at least help them. 
But Steve ordered them not to talk about their hope to break the curse, to him or to Eddie. He knew Eddie, and he knew that if he learnt about it he would believe it, and he didn’t want to put him in danger for a foolish dream.
That night, Eddie seemed completely recovered. He took a blade of grass and played it. 
“He liked when I played for him, '' he said to Jane, out of nowhere. “Sometimes, we danced together, out of the inn, or outside the castle. I wish I could fight at his side, you know, we both were soldiers…. But he also was… the brightest being I ever saw in my life. I envy you… for every moment you can pass with him”.
Jane sighed, and lowered her head. She was at the point to tell him Dustin’s idea, but she stayed silent.
“Why won’t you listen to me?” Dustin was yelling again to Steve, the next morning. “Tomorrow, you can face the bishop face to face, and break the curse!”
“I will be in the palace tomorrow, and it will come to an end, one way or another”.
“Please, captain…” started Jane. She got closer to him, and whispered. “He told me about you last night… he was… he glows when he talks about you… please, sir, you…”
“You too? I said stay away from my business. I can enter the city by myself, go away, you both”.
Steve was angry, sad, and tired. He wanted his revenge, and it was completely understandable. The curse was unbreakable, and Dustin liked to spread rumors, although it wasn’t his fault, and he wanted to end their misery. His own, and Eddie’s. And have his revenge on the bishop and on Hargrove, for them both and for Billy, he remembered perfectly that he died trying to help them, trying to save them, and he deserved revenge, and peace. 
He pushed the horse at a gallop in the country, and Jane and Dustin feared he would never come back. He did, instead, at dusk. He had a couple of rabbits and a fish, and gave them to cook. 
“Eat and rest, tomorrow would be a great day” said, sadly, leaving the horse and disappearing again in the woods. 
“He is taking us to the city, right?” Said Eddie later, saying them sitting sad and silently with such a banquet. 
Jane nodded. She tried to bite her tongue, but she couldn’t.
“It could be our last night together,” she said. 
Eddie got worried. “He is thinking of doing something stupid, right?”
Jane nodded.
“He said… for Billy” .
Eddie blinked, trying to hide his tears. “He’s always been a warrior… he just can understand a language… we tried, but…”
He got on his feet and walked away. The wolf reached him, and they walked together a little. 
Next day in the early morning, they managed to pass the city’s gates with Jane’s help; she was able to move rocks and ground faking a landslide and the guards gathered to look; they sneaked in, Eddie hid in a bag under Steve’s cloak.
Jane stole a choirboy robe and joined the procession when the bishop entered in the main hall of the palace. They closed the heavy doors behind them, and she waited near them for Steve’s arrival. 
Dustin took Eddie from Steve’s hand. The sky was clouded and gray. 
“It should be soon now, once the clouds break,” said Dustin desperately.
Steve scoffed. “It’s day. That’s all. I’m not into poetry like you and Eddie. There is nothing else, and there’s no time left. I can’t wait anymore, hoping Jane could do her job. I can kill the Bishop, now or never”.
He stopped Dustin's protests. 
“If the service ends peacefully, the bells will toll, and you’ll know I have failed,” Steve took his dagger and gave it to Dustin. “I beg you to take his life. Quick and painless”
Eddie shrieked, as he was understanding. Dustin trembled, tears on his face. 
“I couldn’t!”
“You could, and you will. You must free him from the condemned half life, forever. I beg you”.
Dustin took the knife. When Steve walked away, he took the dragon medallion from his pocket, and kissed it. 
Jane followed the service. 
Steve passed on his horse the desert streets. He had to fight with a couple of guards, but he won without great difficulties, and he was lucky none of them remembered or recognized him.
Jane tried to open the doors with her powers. It was difficult, and a guard saw her, but she tried again and the doors opened wide, just in the moment Steve was outside. He wore his helmet and wielded his big sword, facing the Bishop. At his back, he heard the steps of another horse. 
Hargrove. Steve was guessing where he was, why he wasn’t at Bishop side to defend him.  Hargrove wore his helmet too and attacked him fiercely at the Bishop’s gesture. Steve threw him down off his horse and faced him, sword against sword. 
Steve saw the clouds opening on the big clear window, and saw a dark circle approaching the sun.
“A day without a night” he whispered. 
Dustin saw it too. 
Jane held her breath. 
Hargrove ran again against Steve, but again, he easily hit him with his sword, making his heat hit the ground with the great clang of the helmet. Hargrove fell and slipped and stumbled on the bell rope. He clung to one of them to stand again, losing his gloves, but failed, falling again on the ground. 
And the bell tolled. 
Steve’s heart stopped, he blinked and looked at the sun again, now half covered. 
“Dustin, make it quick,” he praised. 
Then he could get close to the helpless bishop with his sword ready to take his life. 
“But kill me, Harrington, and the curse will go on forever” smiled Creel, with his sly eyes. “We must think of Munson”.
“Munson is dead,” said Steve, harshly, while the Bishop's eyes, fixed behind him, widened in surprise and fear. “He is dead, damn you. Damn you to hell!” He raised his sword.
They turn. Eddie was there, and Creel closed his eyes, hiding his face trying not to look at them. 
Steve forced him to look at them, and Creel looked. 
The black circle was covering the sun. People screamed in surprise and fear.
Dustin reached Jane. “It’s broken. It’s broken”.
Steve knelt in front of Eddie. He had the medallion in his hand, the sign of their vows, and they hugged, and kissed. 
Hargrove, unseen by the presents, tried to stand again.  He took his sword from the ground and tried to run again to the couple.
“No!” Screamed Dustin, jumping against him, trying to disarm him. And when he grabbed his right hand, to tear away the sword, he cried. 
“Steve! Steve!” Dustin raised Hargrove's hand, where the burst of the dragon medallion was burned. Steve knelt at Hargrove side and took off his helmet.
“Billy!” Eddie knelt too.
It wasn’t commander Hargrove, it was Billy, apparently unaware of them.
“Hargrove! Kill them now!” Screamed the bishop, and Billy tried to attack them. Steve saw the Bishop sigil on his neck and tore it away, then trapped Billy into his arms, dragging him in front of the bishop, along with Eddie.
“Look at us! Look at us three!” He again menaced the bishop with his sword, and he looked, while the dark circle started leaving the sun, and the light of the day began to enter again in the palace. 
Billy blinked, as he had just woken up, and looked to Eddie and Steve as it was the first time.
“I… I… Steve…” he touched Steve’s face and Eddie’s hands. “Eddie…” Then took the bishop medallion from Steve’s hands, and took a few steps to him, throwing it on his face.
The Bishop transfigured, changing into a monster of blood and flash, with a five petals head. He growled and launched a clawed hand to Billy’s chest, hurting him as he was trying to rip off his heart.
“No!” Screamed Jane, running in front of him and raising her hand. With a terrible scream, she hit the monster, making him hit the walls behind him, and eventually, destroying him. 
The kid fainted in Eddie’s and Steve’s arms, while Billy looked at his wound, that was only superficial. Dustin took her, and then kept looking at each other, touching each other face, hands, kissing, finally together. 
They left the hall, hands in hands. 
The sun was high and bright in the sky, and when the night fell, they laid together, finally, as men, in flash and bones.
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eashmo · 1 year
7 minutes in hell, or is it heaven? Part 13
-Save You, Save Me-
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Warnings: abuse, y/n is sort of a bad ass.
A/n: short chapter also the song doesn't really go with the situation, I just like the vibe.
*a few days later after saving the world.*
Billy and I decided to study for our science graduation final at his house. It was my first time being at his house. His room was exactly how I imagined it. Beer cans and cigarette butts covered some surfaces, a poster of a blonde woman in just a bikini, our photo booth picture was taped on his mirror, and a messy bed that engulfed me in his smell. I was nestled in between his legs and his arms around me as he held the textbook for both of us.
There was a knock on his door  “billy?” a female voice called out from the other side.
“Yeah, I'm a little bit busy in here, Susan. I got company.”
“Open the door right now!” an angry male voice butts in.
“Shit, it's my father .” Billy says as he stiffens around me. He removes himself from me getting up to open the door. I held my breath. 
“What's wrong?” he asks 
“Why don't you tell us?” his father says.
“Because I don't know.”
“We can't find maxine.” Susan quickly says. She notices me on the bed but doesn't say anything.
“where is she?” neil asks.
“I don't know’
His father scoffs “you don't know?”
“Look, I'm sure she just, I don't know, went to the arcade again, I'm sure she's fine.”
“You were supposed to watch her.”
Billy sighs “I know, dad. I was it’s just you guys were three hours late and, well, i’m having a study date right now, im sorry ok”
“Oh don't worry, I noticed your whore was here.” Neil sneers at me. 
“First of all, don't call her that, and if Max wants to run off, that's her problem. She is 13 years old. She shouldn't need a full-time babysitter ” Billy started to yell.
Neil suddenly backs Billy into the bookshelf roughly, his hands grabbing Billy's collar. Instantly, I stood up.
“Sir, Max is actually over at my friend Nancy Wheeler's house. They are playing D&D.” I try to speak calmly, trying not to get angry.
Neil never looked at me “you better tell your whore she needs to keep her mouth shut when she is not spoken to.” 
“I told you not to call her that.” he pushed his father off him.
Neil balls up his fingers in a tight fist and swung. The first punch landed directly on Billy’s right cheek, instantly turning red like his father’s face. Subconsciously Billy’s hand flew to his face to rub his cheek. Neil continued to swing. 
“Please, please stop,” Billy crooked out. He put his arm up to block the next punch coming his way, and with his other hand, he tried grabbing the upcoming swing, but he missed and was pushed to the ground. Blood was dripping from his nose and mouth. He looked like he was going to faint. I tackled Neil the best I could.
“Dont fucking touch him.” was all i could get out before i was thrown off and pinned to the ground by the throat.  
“You wanna fight me, huh! Think you can beat me bitch!” Neil roared out in my face. 
“Not so tough now, are you? Neil dug his steel-toe boots into my torso. He lifted his foot back and brought it back into the exact spot. Repeating the motion, he stops and grabs my hair roughly, pulling me up. This causes me to scream in pain. I tried to punch him in the face, but he stopped my hand and twisted it. 
“You fucker.” I spit in his face which caused him to slap mine.
“NEIL STOP!!!” Susan screamed. 
Whimpers could be heard from the floor where Billy was lying, and tears started to appear in his eyes. He tries to get up when he finally does he punches his father in the jaw, Neil immdilly  lets go of me.  
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!” he screams as he pushes his father into the dresser, Neil clenched his side. Billy turned from his father trying to see the damage on my face when he was dragged to the floor. Neil immediately on top of him throwing more deadly punches.
“Your bitch has made you a pussy.” 
“Susan, call Hopper now! I screamed at her, and she ran out of the room.
“I told you to not fucking touch him.” I screamed as I hit him on the head with Billy's lamp, knocking him out cold. I pushed him off billy. I gingerly placed his head on my lap. 
“B-baby.” he croaks, placing a hand on my bruised cheek.
“Shh sweetheart, I'm right here, I'm not leaving you.” I cried.
“I'm sorry.” was all he said before he passed out. Sirens were getting closer.
“y/n, please tell me what happened.” Hopper asks, but I was listening. I was watching the medics load Billy into the ambulance.
“Sorry what?”
“What happened?”
“Neil attacked Billy because he was trying to defend me, i tried to intervene, but he attacked me as well.'' I say quietly. 
“Has Neil always done this?”
“Y-yes, but this was the first time i witnessed it” i started to cry.
“Shhh y/n, you're ok, Billy is ok. Neil will be locked up forever for this.” Hopper says, he pulls me into a hug.
“T-thank you, Hop.” I say in his chest. 
“Let's get you to your boyfriend. He needs you.”
*4 hours later*
*Billy pov*
I woke up with the worst headache of my life. i didn’t even want to open my eyes. My right eye felt swollen. hissing as I opened my left eye. I glanced around, I noticed I was in a hospital room,  I felt a hand on my hand looking down. I saw y/n who was beaten and battered just like me. She was asleep. Guilt coursed through me. I rose slowly and immediately regretted it. The throbbing in my head made me feel nauseous and dizzy. The movement woke her up.
“Baby?” she groans.
“Yes princess?”
“You're awake!” she smiles. God, that smile was gorgeous as ever.
“Indeed.” I tried to smile back, but I reopened a cut on my lip. She sat on the bed and gently wiped away the blood with some tissue.
“Don't smile, you idiot.” she teases to relieve some tension. I held on to her wrist as she dabbed my lip. Staring into her beautiful e/c eyes.
“I'm guessing everyone knows about my father?”
She sighs “yes they do, Hopper wants to speak to you later, but you, max, and susan are safe now. i told you i would protect you the best i could. 
I chuckled “my little protector, she's a tough cookie. She saves me and the world.” I pulled her into the bed, and i groaned a little due to the pain.
“You damn right.” She kissed my swollen cheek, cuddling into my side. 
“Susan apologized to me about Neil in the waiting room, she's planning on divorcing him and going to ask for custody for you, your step mom is quite nice, not the way i wanted to meet her tho.” she says.
“Yeah she's pretty cool, I'm honestly shocked that she wants me.”
“y/n, on our date, you wanted to learn more about my real mother, i want to finally tell you. My mom was the best. She supported my surfing and many other hobbies, she alwayswantedto see me happy, but one night  Neil accused her of cheating on him, he started physically abusing her and eventually drove her to abandon me in order to escape. I tried to get my mother to come back home. When mom left, Neil was able to gain full custody of me, and his abuse got worse when it came to me blaming me for mom leaving. Her name was Cora, and she was beautiful. I wish I could have seen her one last time before she passed. Despite her abandoning me, I still loved her because I don't blame her.”
"i wanted to tell you about her because you told me about your brother, i want you to know that we can rely on each other no matter what happens."
she was getting teary-eyed. i held her face gently, 'i love you,' i tell her. she gives me another gorgous smile.
"i love you too."
Previous Chapter
Part 14
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 days
thanks to the b show there's a lot of bad faith readings of when he was wicked going around and it's infuriating! especially since you don't see the same level of scrutiny being leveled at any of other books. where are the thinkpieces about an offer from a gentleman or to sir phillip with love? hell i don't think i saw this much discourse around the duke and i and that book has a rape scene in it.
I'll repeat, as always, that I TRULY believe that a lot of the people discoursing (lol... probably MOST) have not read the books, or at least not all of the books they're talking about. I think this is usually the case with adaptations, because everyone wants to defend their opinions, ships, whatever, with book references, because the book is "the ultimate canon". (I saw a lot of this when Daisy Jones and The Six was airing, as another example. Deadass saw people trying to argue that the big Daisy/Billy kiss happened in the books as it did in the show, and when book readers gave rebuttals, you go "Well, they just didn't admit it in the book". Like...)
In reality, there isn't one single canon when an adaptation occurs. In this case, there is "book canon" and "show canon". The first season of Bton was relatively close to the book, but the subsequent seasons have diverged quite heavily. It's its own thing. That's fine and that's valid, and you can prefer whatever you want, but it's difficult to defend your preferences with the books when the books are so damn different.
And you ESPECIALLY can't compare the two when you haven't consumed both. It's totally cool for people to not want to read the books, or to stop after reading something in it they dislike. But if you haven't read the thing you're comparing the show to (as in, the specific text) IN CONTEXT, you really can't give a valid argument. Context is important for all of fiction, and I think it's especially important for romance. I can tell you "In 'Devil in Winter', Evie Jenner proposes marriage to the man who kidnapped and threatened to rape her best friend in order to save her own skin" and that is TECHNICALLY true. I'm not lying. But in context, there's so much that makes the story an entirely different thing than what it sounds like out of context.
This is all symptomatic of a huge issue we have right now, which is "That sounds like something that I don't like/will offend me/will trigger me", and therefore I shall pass judgment without trying it. We all do it. I do it. But you've gotta try to keep that among your mains and not try to ARGUE it, because if you're attempting to argue with someone who has consumed the material, WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAVE A GOOD TAKE, you are coming at the same topic but with much less information, and that takes away a lot of validity.
I do not begrudge anyway for skipping something they think will dislike, or will be offended by, and certainly I think you SHOULD skip something you think will trigger you beyond tolerance. But when that happens, you do close a door on your ability to make that informed argument.
(And this is all about something light and silly like Bton, BUUUUUT it's still a reality, and it's even more of a reality when you try to argue about something serious. You have to know your shit.)
I say this as someone who would recommend two of the Bton books; I don't care for the others (honestly, The Duke and I would be a cute book, but I didn't like the way the rape was handled... obviously). I still read them, and now I can tell you, fully informed, why I dislike this or that, why I would've made TSPWL a sapphic romance (not even necessarily instead of WHWW lol, I just genuinely think that story works better with queer women in the show's context), why I don't like Benedict's book and would essentially rip it apart from the ground up in an adaptation, gender flipped or not.
And I know that there's absolutely nothing in WHWW that, in context, suggests that Michael was trying to force Fran into anything she didn't want. Because, guess what? Those out of context quotes? Don't give you the full extent of either of their mindsets, ESPECIALLY Fran's. I think @triviareads was dead on about it reading like Fran had a bit of a breeding kink, at least by the pretty mild Bton standards. She's real turned on when he threatens~ to get her pregnant.
And Fran being in touch with her sexuality to the extent that she NEEDS IT and knows that she needs it, and is aware that ~ooooh he's getting aggressive and I'm... into it?~ is kind of one of the things that sets her book apart. Because every other Bton heroine is honestly kind of a megavirgin lol. Even the older ones who've heard things are SUUUUPER passive in the bedroom, for the most part. Fran is the one who gets actively carnal because she's had a healthy, enjoyable sex life before. She knows she loves sex. She's just self-flagellating for enjoying sex SO much with Michael specifically, and trying to deny what she knows better than any other heroine in that series, she'll enjoy. And then she gets turned on by the idea of him just ~taking her, so it's a double-edged sword. Because now she's setting herself up for like. Perma-arousal.
And here's something else about why context is so important for romances especially, historical romances perhaps most of all. As much as consent does have hard lines (when someone revokes consent, you stop) there is also a lot of internal shit going on. How many times have we heard someone say "I didn't say no, but I didn't want it". Consent is obviously a huge part of romance (and that isn't to say that you can't write a romance novel wherein consent is violated or dubious; that just doesn't remove its importance to the narrative). And there is a LOT going on internally with regards to consent.
I mean, I'm reading a book right now where the heroine tells the hero "I want you to kiss me, but my body is acting allergic to kisses" (due to her trauma). They have to have a REALLY clear talk about consent, and this is only after he really misinterprets what she said, and she misinterpreted what he was doing, which almost led to disaster. None of this would work if you weren't in both of their heads at different points in the encounter. (I mean, it still won't work for some readers, but it works for me.) If I pulled out of context quotes from that scene, you'd say "Oh my God, he was trying to rape her". If you read it in context, you can say "I don't like how this was written and I dislike this and I don't think this author did that well" for sure.
But you can't argue, with the context, that he thought he was violating her consent. Because the book EXPLICITLY says exactly what he thought was going on, and what she thought was going on, and it was a genuine miscommunication of what they wanted from the scene. Does it mean that he did not violate her consent? Nope! It does mean that it wasn't his intention. Do with that as you will, but KNOW THE CONTEXT.
As for the Daphne of it all... Lol, I'll just never understand where people come from when they try to act like that wasn't what it was. Enjoy it all you want. Even with the issues inherent to it, I still think that was probably the strongest season. But like... she raped him. I can own that I prefer that season to the others, but I'll also own that she did that. Look! It's that simple.
And I also think there's in general a weird thing with the discourse surrounding that scene, because I always see people say, "Yeah, but he compromised her bodily autonomy by lying to her about his fertility and leaving her in the dark about how babies are made". Like... yes? I agree? But that's a separate issue lol. When you present it as like, a counter to "Daphne raped Simon", it feels as if you're implying that he deserved it...? That doesn't sit right with me.
Also, if this was a story wherein a man found out his wife was lying to him about how cum works and was taking the pill the whole time, and retaliated by replacing her pills with sugar pills and coming inside her, we would never have a debate about who was MORE WRONG. Like, y'all both did something shitty, but one of those things... is rape.
So it's just weird to me to compare that to the WHWW scenes, because like. Michael is like "I'm gonna fuck you and fuck you until you get pregnant" but... he never... at all... forces himself on Fran. Nor does he keep her there against her will, or coerce her into sleeping with him by denying her financial support. Both of which are things he could do. He could keep her there, and he could cut her off until she submits to his will. Fran could leave at any time, and she could say no at any time. Not only does she NOT do those things... she initiates the kind of sex she's curious about having with him (cowgirl, ooooh aaaaaaah).
And it's IMPORTANT that Fran is able to take ownership of her sexuality. That's a big part of what her story is about, dude. She has a different relationship with Michael than she did John, and part of that is expressed in the kind of sex they have together. Like. Michael is genuinely a sweet guy with Fran when they're not getting down and dirty. He is genuinely that man. He's honestly, generally speaking for most of that book, less dominating with Fran than a lot of the other heroes are. They're BUDDIES. In a way, the alpha rake role he plays with her when they get heated feels like he's slipping into a persona for her. Almost like... he's being wicked... and giving her a look at what he was like... when he was wicked...
(I mean, all of this is also kinda foreshadowed in that Fran, a fully married woman, used to ask him to tell stories about his various fuckabouts in his rakesona lol. She's intrigued by that version of him before John died, so it makes sense that it's something she likes him to do when they're fucking. It's like. Borderline roleplaying.)
ANYWAY! Point is, just read shit before you start using it to support your arguments. If you haven't read that shit in context and prefer Michaela, all you have to do is say that you like it. Or say that hey, at the end of the day, the show needs queer rep, and you're happy that it's happening and excited. I mean... as someone who considers WHWW the best book in the series, I think that's completely fair. (Any critique I have of that plot has to do entirely with how it's being executed—lol, I truly think I was one of the first people to come up with "Michaela" off the cuff years ago when I was in the trenches saying that it was totally cool for any storyline to be genderflipped. Would I have done Benedict or Eloise's or both? Yup! Because I think they both lend themselves to it more naturally, and... don't work as m/f romances so why not go for it?)
But you seriously don't need to bother acting as if this needs to happen because a book you didn't read was problematic. They're like, 20 years old, dude. They all need updates for a 2024 audience. If you use that logic, you could genderflip any one of these books. Daphne raped Simon, Anthony got super weird about Kate not wanting to have sex on the wedding night, Benedict kept pushing a woman (his family's employee lmao) for sex after she said ' employee lmao) for sex after she said he needed a ring and he didn't wanna give her a ring, Sir Philip raped Marina, and that's just a bit of it, Michael went to India for reasons that Don't Sound Great, Bro, what with him being an English aristo in the 1800s. I don't remember the last two books, but I'm sure you can find shit.
And ultimately...? None of it matters? Just enjoy what you enjoy. The people who aren't open to Michaela aren't going to be won over because you're arguing that the book they enjoyed was bad. And frankly, it's pretty likely that most of the people who don't want Michaela didn't read that book either. It's probably because.... they just.... don't like.... queer people............. or queer women specifically because for some people it's all fun and games when two hot guys are kissing but when women wanna shack up we suddenly have an issue....................
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weclassybouquetfun · 8 months
If I'm lying I'm dying. I am in line for a screening
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and the cast of TED LASSO is staying here. First saw Brendan and it was obvious he was going to either work out or go for a run. Then Brett who walked outside sans jacket - just raw dogging the weather. It is 55 degrees here, sir. Still in his ever present black tee and black jeans.
Then Billy walked out of the restaurant in blue and whote shorts and a white tee, but even he has something covering his arms even though he is inside. A strong, capable and SANE man.
The reception has started and screening directly afterwards so I doubt I will see anyone else.
*Updated: Now Cristo tucking his magnificent hair under a hoodie. He stepped outside in shorts. Likely realized how cold it was because he came right back inside. A smart man! He's in shades which to me signifies Do Not Disturb but he has been spotted when he came back in to go to the restaurant so now someone is following him. He came back out to ask concierge something and they took in his attire and asked, "Don't you know it's cold outside?" THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! So now he is armed with coffee and ventures outside.
Now Brett is at concierge in a cap which does nothing to hide who he is. But now he has a tiny jacket in hand.
I have been coming to this venue for years and the only people I have ever seen before this is Lena Waithe and Erika Alexander from AMERICAN FICTION who was staying here Golden Globes weekend so this is nice.
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I think i handled the emotions well
Having left Gaeta with the video in the computer lab Bill has retuned to CIC with Saul and is looking at maps for ideas about where to go next.
“Commander,” Dee’s voice says, and Bill looks at her. “We’ve just got word that the President has collapsed,” Dee informs Bill and as he hears that all Bill can think is,
‘Not yet, it’s too soon, it’s too soon,’
“What?” Bill asks his voice breaking, as he has to reach out and hold onto the console so that his legs don’t give out.
“The president collapsed, EJ and Billy are with her. Doctor Cottle and Captain Adama are currently leaving on a Raptor for Colonel One,” Dee informs Bill, who is glad that both Doctor Cottle and Lee are on their way to Laura.
“I want an update as soon as possible,” Bill orders, even though he knows that chances are he won’t get the full story until he can talk to Laura himself in person.
“Yes Sir,” Dee responds, and as she does Saul walks over to Bill.
“I can handle things here if you want to go over there,” Saul tells Bill, being able to tell that he is barley holding it together, and as the only person currently on Galactica who truly understands Laura and Bill’s history he completely understands Bill’s reaction.
“I can’t, not with the current security issue,” Bill admits, as even though he desperately wants to run, and fly a raptor over to Colonel One so he can see Laura himself he knows that as commander he cannot leave Galactica right now, not when there is the real possibility that Baltar was the cause of the Holocaust.
“At least go take a break,” Saul suggests, feeling that Bill is no used to anyone right now, and because he doesn’t have it in him to argue Bill nods.
“Dee, I’ll be in my quarters, put through any call from Colonel One to me immediately,” Bill orders.
“Yes Sir,” Dee responds, and Bill walks out of CIC, Saul being the only one who notices that he is a little unsteady on his feet.
On Colonel One, Laura and EJ are in their quarter waiting for Doctor Cottle, and unknown to them, Lee. As she has re-gained consciousness Laura is lying on the couch that is EJ’s bed as it was easier to get her there than her own cot and is clearly weak, while EJ is pacing back and forth.
“EJ, I’m okay, sweetheart,” Laura tells her daughter, even though she feels very far from that, hating that she scared her daughter and also hating that she can’t get up and comfort her.
“You collapsed,” EJ says worried. “And Billy’s out there telling the press that it’s a stomach flu. But, we eat the same things, spend almost twenty-four hours a day together, and I’m fine so it’s not that, and you’re not okay!” EJ exclaims, looking terrified, as she continues to pace.
“I am,” Laura tells her daughter.
“No, you’re not,” EJ states. “Can you even stand right now?” EJ asks her mother, as from the way her mother is lying, she is pretty certain that her mother cannot actually stand right now.  
“No, I can’t,” Laura admits.
“Mom…” EJ starts to say, looking terrified, but before Laura can think of another lie to tell her daughter Lee and Cottle hurry in.
“Mom?” Lee asks worried. “Are you okay?” Lee asks worried, his worry that only increases when he sees how weak his mother clearly is.  
“I’m fine, Sweetheart,” Laura tells her son, trying to seem stronger than she is.  
“No, you’re not!” EJ exclaims. “She collapsed, Billy and I had to carry her in here, and she can’t stand up, and look how pale she is!” EJ exclaims, looking worried. “Something’s seriously wrong!” EJ exclaims, as Lee puts his hand on his sister’s shoulder, trying to calm her down.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Cottle says, as he sits down next to Laura. “You two out,” Cottle tells Lee and EJ as he needs to talk to Laura about her diagnosis which he knows Lee and EJ don’t know about, and Laura doesn’t want them to know, so it is better if he kicks them out of the room.
“What? No!” EJ exclaims, having no intention of leaving her mother.
“She’s our mom, we’re not going anywhere,” Lee argues.
“It’s okay,” Laura assures her kids, knowing what she has to talk to Cottle about. “Wait in the other room,” Laura tells her kids.
“But…” EJ starts to say.
“Leeland, Evelyn, please listen to Doctor Cottle,” Laura says, looking between their kids, giving them a pleading look.
“We’ll be right outside,” Lee tells his mother, not even being able to remember the last time his mother called them both by their full names, and he gently leads EJ out of the room.
“Lee, I’m scared, somethings’ really really wrong,” EJ says to her brother, sounding upset, once they are in the other room and having no idea what to say Lee just hugs his sister as the truth is he is just as worried as she is.
(Line break)
After Lee leads EJ out of the room Doctor Cottle waits until he is sure that they are gone before turning to Laura.
“You took the pills?” Cottle asks Laura, and she reaches into her pocket, with a shaking hand, and hands him the vial of the Chamalla extract pills.
“I did, and I felt stronger,” Laura admits, and as she does Cottle recognize the issue.
“How many of these did you take, young lady?” Cottle asks. “One? Two?” Cottle asks and Laura nods, but then realises something. “Three,” Cottle concludes. “Three times the dosage,” Cottle says, looking disappointed in Laura’s choices. “Must work three times as fast, then, right?” Cottle asks, with a frown. “Everyone wants to be their own doctor. You’re lucky you didn’t lapse into a coma,” Cottle warns Larua. “You can’t cure cancer by overdose,” Cottle warns.  
“Cancer?” EJ’s shocked voice says and both Laura and Cottle turn look towards the curtain that leads into the quarters where they see Lee and EJ standing, both clearly having decided not to listen and stay out of the room.
“Mom?” Lee asks his voice breaking, as Laura realises that this is the last way, she wanted her kids to find out.
“That’s not true,” EJ says, looking both upset and like she doesn’t believe what they just heard. “You Don’t….do you?” EJ asks, needing the truth even though she doesn’t want it, feeling that that can’t be real, that her mother can’t have cancer.
“I was diagnosed the morning of the attacks,” Laura tells her children, fighting to keep her voice steady as she says the words she has been dreading saying to her kids. “It’s breast cancer and my prognosis is not good,” Laura explains to her kids, tears coming to her eyes as while telling Bill was hard, telling her kids is even harder. “If you sit down Doctor Cottle and I can answer your questions,” Laura says as she looks between EJ and Lee, both of whom are look devastated and like they are in shock, and while Lee, who has a almost vacant look on his face, sits down EJ continues to stand up. “EJ? Sweetheart?” Laura asks her daughter.
“I… I can’t do this,” EJ says before turning and running out of the room as fast as she can.
“EJ!” Laura yells, trying to move to follow her daughter, but she is too weak to move.  
“I’ve got her,” Lee tells mother, realising that his mother can’t follow, before getting up and following his sister.
Ignoring everyone else, including the press who he has had to run past, Lee chases his sister through Colonel One, feeling a little surprised by just how fast she can run. As he knows his sister so well Lee isn’t surprised that she has ran straight to the landing bay, where the raptor he flew over is.
“EJ?” Lee asks his sister.
“I can’t… I can’t… I can’t…. lose her,” EJ says, struggling to speak, struggling to breath because she is so upset.
“I know,” Lee says, walking over to his sister. “I can’t either,” Lee admits, as he hugs his sister. “Just breathe, EJ, just breathe, in and out deep breaths,” Lee says as he continues to hug her, knowing that EJ needs to calm down as with her lung issues things could get complicated, and for the next few minutes EJ tries to get her breathing under control.
“Can we get out of here?” EJ asks her brother, once she manages to get her breathing under control. “I can’t be here right now,” EJ admits, and Lee completely understands the desire to run, as he is feeling the same thing.
“Sure, just let me make a call first,” Lee says, knowing that they can’t just go without telling their mother, so he walks over to the handset in the hanger deck, and puts a call through to his mothers’ quarters. “Hi Doc, tell mom EJ and I are heading over to Galactica… we need some time to digest… thanks,” Lee says before hanging up. “Let’s get out of here,” Lee tells his sister and the two of them walk onto the raptor, both feeling like their world has fallen apart for the second time in a month.
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markdelonge · 2 years
“ i'm in love ”
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not my gif !
note: i am so sorry !!!!!!!!! that this took forever!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanted to take some time to learn about billie before writing about him bc i didn't know anything other than him being in green day so i spent a week listening to their music and watching interviews AND i was originally gonna do a "dating billie" type thingy but i gave up half way thru bc i was running out of headcannon thingys but its in my drafts so if u want it just lmk
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request?: yes
pairing: billie joe armstrong x female!reader
contains: bad writing, age gap
keys: Y/F/N = your friend's name. Y/F/F = your favorite food
You walked into a fancy restaurant that you had never heard the name of before, fiddling with the hem of your knee-length skirt as you walked up to the waitress standing behind a desk.
"Hi, Just one?" She asked as she picked up a menu.
"Um, No, I-I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. By the name of 'Billie' You started, chewing on your lip from your anxiety.
"Billie Armstrong, I think" You finished
You watched as she looked down at a chart she had as she ran her finger down the paper.
"Y/N?" She asked as she smiled back up to you.
"Yes, that's me" You smiled back, a little bit of your anxiety going away.
"Right this way" She said after she walked from behind the desk and started leading you to the table that an unfamiliar face sat at.
Your anxiety immediately came back as you watched him stand up and he smiled at you.
"There will be someone to come ask for your orders soon" The woman smiled once more before turning to continue her job.
You looked back at the man who was standing in front of you, your friend was not lying when she said that he was attractive. He was shorter than you imagined, though. Taller than less than 5 inches, you didn't really care that much about it.
"Hello. Y/N, right? He asked before sticking his hand out.
You took his hand in your and lightly shook it
"Yes, and you're Billie?" You smiled, mentally cringing.
All he did was nod before breaking the handshake and sitting back down which you followed his actions and looked down at your lap and fiddled with your thumbs.
You looked back up to him to see him already looking at you with an adorable smile plastered on his face.
"So, do you know what you're gonna get yet?" You asked before biting the inside of your cheek and lifting the fancy restaurant's fancy menu.
"No not yet, I haven't even ordered a drink yet"
You looked up at him and your eyes took a second to study the table, noticing that nothing but the menus, salt, pepper and a bouquet of fake flowers were on the table
"How long were you waiting?" You asked, your stomach flipping, hoping that it wasn't long.
"Not that long, maybe like 10 minutes."
"Thank God" You thought to yourself
"So, Y/N, tell me a little about yourself" He stated with a charming smile which was enough to make you smile back
"Well, my full name is Y/F/N, I just recently turned 31"
You continued to talk about yourself, answering the questions he had for you and trying to leave out anything that made you seem lame.
After about 3 minutes of talking about yourself and laughing, the waiter had finally walked up to the table
"Hello, what can I get you two for drinks?" She asked, pulling out a pen from her apron.
Billie looked over to you as if he was waiting for you to answer. You looked down at the menu for a couple seconds before making up your mind.
You lightly cleared your throat before speaking
"I'll have sweet tea"
The lady wrote down what you had said before looking over to Billie
"And what about you, Sir?"
"A pepsi would be cool"
She raised her eyebrow before writing down what he had said then closed her notebook pad and put her pen away.
"I'll be back with your drinks shortly" She smiled and walked away
"Did you see the way she looked at me?" Billie leaned closer over the table and whispered so she wouldn't be able to hear him which made you laugh
"She's probably confused on why we didn't order champagne or something" You whispered before looking around you
"This is a very nice restaurant" You finished.
Your friend, who was also your roommate, had completely set up the date. She was in charge of the day, the time, where it was and she refused to tell either of you what the name of the restaurant was all she did was give you guys each other's names and the address to the restaurant.
"Yeah, I feel underdressed right now" He said in a more normal voice and sitting up straight.
"Me too, I wish Y/F/N would've warned me that this restaurant was gonna be so fancy, I'm used to dates at Applebee's" You joked and silently praised yourself when you saw the smile that showed up on Billie's face
"So, you go on a lot of dates?" He joked back
"Oh, all the time" You replied sarcastically, dragging out "all" to put more emphasis on it.
"I just got back from a date before I came here" You fake bragged, having no idea where you got the confidence to joke with him the way you were.
"Oh, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow
You hummed and nodded your head.
"Where'd you go?" He asked
"Uhh, Applebee's" You said in a "duh" voice.
Your response made him laugh loudly which caught the attention of some people around you. The two of you both looked at the people who were most-likely silently judging you before looking back at each other and laughing more.
The waitress soon came back with your drinks and took your orders. He had ordered Chicken Alfredo while you ordered Y/F/F, that being your go-to food whenver you went out (which wasn’t a lot).
“Okay, Billie, you know almost everything about me, tell me about you” You said before taking a sip of your drink.
You learned lots about him, like his middle name being “Joe”, how he’s in a band called “Green Day”, which you were suprised to hear, given the fact that you knew a couple of their songs, maybe like 2 or 3, you never took the time to see who was in the band though. You also found out that he was 9 years older than you, making him 40. That took you aback given the fact that he looked very close to your age but you brused it off, deciding to give him a chance since it had been so long since anyone had shown any interest in you.
“Wait, so if you play in a rock band you must like rock music, right?” Your face lit up with excitment, you had finally found someone who liked the same music as you. 
“Yeah, I love it” He said after he took a sip of his pepsi
“Do you have a favorite band?” You asked, curious on what his answer was gonna be
“Uhh, I don’t really have a favorite at this moment, but I used to really like Operation Ivy, if you know who they ar-” 
You had cut him off with a gasp once you had registered what he said
“No. Way.” You said a little dramatic.
“I loved them all throughout high school! I used to be so bummed that I couldn’t see them live because when I had started listening, they were already broken up” You pouted, remembering the teenage version of you complaining to your parents about how sad you were about that.
“ What’s your favorite song by them?” He asked 
“Oh, that’s a hard one” You paused, your brain flipping through all the Operation Ivy songs you know, trying to pick just one.
“Um, I’m gonna have to go with “Knowledge”.” You replied and his jaw dropped. 
“That’s my favorite, too!” 
“Nu-uh” You said in complete disbelief 
“Yeah” His voice grew a little louder due to excitment which caused the couple next to us to give us dirty looks once again.
“That’s truly insane, I’ve never met anyone who had even heard of them, I thought I was the only one” You said while stirring the ice around in your cup with the straw.
“Well, now you’ve got me” 
You looked up at him through your lashes, his response making you blush
“I’m glad about that” You smiled before finding a new topic to talk about.
After what felt like forever, the food had finally came, and the two of you spent the next almost 2 hours learning more about each other, laughing, and eating.
Soon, the sound of a chair scooting across the floor had caught your attention and you watched as the couple (who was dressed way fancier than the both of you) put on their jackets to go. The woman who was there looked over at you and the two of you made eye contact. Instead of breaking it, you smiled and waved at her, all she did was look at you like you were trash and rolled her eyes which caused you to gasp.
“What?” Billie asked, looking in the same direction as you were, making it very obvious that the both of you were looking at them. You lightly tapped his hand so his attention would turn to you.
“I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes” You laughed at it, finding it more funny than offensive.
“Oh, shit, for real?” He whispered before turning back over to them and watched as they made their way to the exit. 
You saw as the man talked to the lady who had led you to the table earlier and pointed over to us while saying something that you couldn’t make out.
“Oh, shit” You whispered, sinking into your seat a little when you saw that the lady was coming towards your table. 
“Are you enjoying your dinners?” She asked
“Yeah” You both said at the same time, then smiling at each other.
“Well, I just got a complaint from a couple that was next to you two and they were saying how you guys were being too loud and it made them uncomfortable. So, if you could keep it down, that would be highly appreciated.” She smiled
Both you and Billie smiled at each other before he spoke up.
“I’m sorry about that. I guess we got too deep in conversation to notice” He smiled at the woman
“It’s okay, just remember that they’re others trying to eat here” She smiled back and left.
Not very long after she turned around, the both of you started laughing once again, this time is was quieter so you wouldn’t get a complaint again.
“You wanna get outta here?” He asked after the laughter died down and you nodded.
Billie looked around to see if he could spot the waitress, thankfully she wasn’t far, only a couple tables down. So the two of you talked until she walked by and she asked if everything was going alright.
“Yeah, everything is great. Can we get the bill?” He asked, she nodded and left.
Once she turned with the bill, she took the plates and bid us “goodnight”
You grabbed the bill before he could and your eyes widened as you looked at the price.
“How much is it?” He whispered for unknown reasons
“Oh, that’s not that bad” He said while reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a wallet
“Yeah, but we didn’t even get anything that fancy. I bet if we would’ve went to Applebee’s and got everything we got here, it would be like $60″ 
He laughed at what you said before speaking
“That’s what happens when you go to fancy resturants, babe, shit’s expensive”
Your heart stopped for a split second due to the pet name he had thrown in ever so casually.
You are cool with me calling you that, right?” He made sure you didn’t feel uncomfortable which you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
You nodded in agreement before clearing your throat 
“Yeah, t-that’s cool with me” You smiled which he mirrored.
Only a few seconds later, Billie stood up and walked over to where you were sitting
“Shall we?” He asked, extending his arm out in front of you.
“We shall” You giggled as you took his hand and stood up.
The two of you started walking towards the front of the resturant and you smiled to yourself, happy that this date had gone very well.
The two of you talked about random things until you got to your car.
“This is me” You stopped walking and stood in front of the car.
“Well, actually I was wondering if you wanted to come back with me” He said but it sounded more like a question
“Sorry, Billie, I don’t do hook ups on the first date.” You frowned
“But if you give me your number, I’d be more than happy to go on a second date  with you” You smiled
“Wait, really? I didn’t completely  fuck this date up?” 
“What? No, what makes you think you fucked up”
“We almost got kicked out of a top notch resturant”
“But we didn’t, plus that wasn’t just your fault, I was being loud, too, y’know” You reminded him and he nodded.
You pulled out your phone, unlocked it, went to contacts, and handed him the phone.
“Here, put your number in and we can plan another date later” 
You blushed as his hand brushed over yours when he took your phone
“I really had fun tonight” You after a few seconds of silence.
He looked at you but his head was still down
“Me too” He smiled at you which made your heart melt
“How ‘bout next time we go to Applebee’s since you love it so much” He joked before giving you your phone back. 
Without looking, you put it back in your purse that was on top of your car.
“Believe it or not, I’m actually not a huge fan of going out” You said
“No?” You could hear the sarcasm in his voice which caused you to laugh a little.
“Mhm” You hummed in response. 
“So, then what do you have in mind?” 
“I have this old stereo with a bunch of old cassette tapes that are all the rock albums I used to listen to. So I was thinking, y’know, me, you, a stereo, and maybe chinese food or something?” You chewed on your lip, hoping the plan didn’t sound dumb.
“I got Operation Ivy” You said, your voice filled with hope.
“Text me the time and your address and I’m there, baby” He winked
God, he was gonna drive you insane. You stood there for a few seconds, the both of you just looking at each other before you cleared your throat.
“I should probably get going before Y/F/N starts to worry, I’m never out this late.”
He smiled at you before looking down at his watch
“It’s only 10:30″
“I told you already, I dont go out a lot” You remarked
"Well, I'll see you soon?" He asked
"Of course" You said in an obvious tone.
"Okay, have a good night, Y/N. Text me when you get home?"
You nodded in response.
"You too, Billie"
"Well, you don't have to text me when you get home because you won't have my number until I text you so even if you wanted to text me, you wouldn't be able to a-"
You were cut off by Billie kissing you, it shocked you at first, but you couldn't help but kiss back. The kiss was soft and passionate and only lasted a couple seconds before Billie pulled back.
"I'm sorry, you were ranting"
"No, don't apologize, I liked it" You bit your lip, trying not to smile too big.
All he did was laugh, before he put his hands in his front pocket.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He smiled at you before turning around to walk away.
"Goodnight, Billie"
He turned back, smiled, and waved before turning back to walk to his car.
You silently freaked out right then and there, Your first date in almost 3 years went amazing. You calmed yourself down by taking a deep breath before grabbing your purse and walking to your car door. You were looking through your purse for your keys when your phone went off. Opening it, the first thing you saw was the new contact that had been recently added and was titled "Billie <3".
You smiled before whispering to yourself
"I think I'm in love"
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Sins & Amends Chapter 36
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(Gif by @ banditthewriter)
Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: In the aftermath of a bomb and a mad man setting his sights on Karen you scramble to keep up[mention of bombing, carnage]
You'd seen so much in your line of work. Babies being born, people dying. Hell you'd seen the body of the woman who had very well saved your life by getting her parents to take you in when you were both kids lying in a coffin next to her kids who were your world. 
You never imagined the carnage that a bomb wreaked. Curtis had told you stories. He'd lost his leg in a bomb. The reality of rushing from victim to victim, saving who you could and being forced to walk away from those you knew you were too far gone. Bombs had went off at the ATF field office, the 10th precinct of NYPD and the courthouse. You and Alice had been working for hours on end responding to call after call.
When you made it back to the station house you were basically forcing your feet to move. You felt shaken and wanted nothing more than to put a bullet in the asshole responsible yourself. You felt your phone vibrate and realized you hadn't bothered checking it. You pulled it out your pocket and grimaced when you saw all the missed calls and texts. Alice saw you and nodded "Yeah I gotta go call Kenzie" 
You pulled your jacket further around you and stepped back outside. The last missed call was from Matt so you hit his number first. "Y/N! Thank god" you half smiled at hearing his voice.
"I'm good Matt. It's horrible out there but my job is running in after the fact" you heard Foggy's voice in the background "is that Y/N? Is she ok?" A full smile slipped onto your face when you heard Foggy "Tell Foggy I'm fine. I'm sorry for worrying you two. It's just been one call after another, ya know?"
"I know. It's just a relief to hear your voice. I know you've probably got other calls to return like Karen who's called us asking if we've heard from you. Y/N just because we aren't sleeping together anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you" before you could respond you heard Foggy holler "Jesus I don't need that mental image! And I still love her more than you do!" You laughed and said "I love you both ok? I gotta go" "Bye Y/N" 
After returning Karen, Curtis' and Mrs Johnson's calls you hit the number you'd saved under the name of one of your friends from college and waited until Frank answered "Y/N are you ok?" "Yea. I'm good. Been working my ass off but I'm ok"  you could hear the relief in his voice and mentally kicked yourself, of course his mind would go to the darkest place first. He let out a breath then said "Good to hear. Keep in contact ya hear?" "Yes sir" you said with a smile then he hung up so you knew he was satisfied you were still alive and in one piece.
You scrolled back to the last missed call and almost didn't click it when you realized who's number it was but hit it anyways. It rang twice before he answered "I'm almost surprised you called me back"
You rolled your eyes and headed back into the bays "What do you want Billy? Shouldn't you be checking on Dinah in this aftermath?" "Oh she's home. Her partner was nearly killed and is in a coma, the rest of her team wasn't so lucky so she's taken some time off" his words were so simple but it still twisted that knife a little further and you started to wonder if Matt would be up for a night just to get your mind off images of Billy and Dinah but that would fuck up your friendship with Matt.
"I know. I responded to the nine one one call. Still doesn't answer why the hell you're calling me. You made it clear a long time ago I'm no concern to you. I'm not with our mutual friend at the moment. I'm working to clean up behind the psychopath bombing our city" you pressed the palm of your hand against your eyes trying to rub away some of the tension there that had been building all day and now was trying to accumulate from this unwanted call.
"Maybe because when the news of the bombs hit the first thought I had was first responders would be right in the cross hairs of this asshole. I don't care how bad you hate me I still had to make sure you're alive to do so" the phone went dead in your hand and you weren't surprised that he'd hung up. You refused to play into whatever angle he was getting at by calling you. It had to be an angle you refused to think even a small part of him may still care about you.
You didn't have a lot of time to debate with yourself because another call rang out.
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You were off and just hanging around your apartment. You were dead on your feet and was headed back in the following day for back to back shifts.
You had your radio playing for background noise and nearly jumped over the back of your couch to turn up the volume when you heard Ricky Langtry announce that his guests were Senator Ori who you personally couldn't stand and Karen. She'd gotten a letter from the bomber and her responding editorial you knew had probably damn near given Frank a coronary because it'd worried the hell out of you. 
Ricky went through introductions before saying "Karen your response of a rather pissy editorial calling the guy a terrorist leaves little doubt but do you have any sympathy for this guy?" You scoffed before Karen quickly answered "No. None at all"
You sat through listening to Ori try to use the bombings as a reason to take any guns away from citizens and rolled your eyes. A laugh fell from your lips when he said "Miss Page, wouldn't you say in this day and age there's no need for an ordinary citizen to carry a gun?" God was this guy barking up the wrong tree. Karen's sigh was audible even through the radio. "Have you ever been scared, Senator? Genuinely afraid for your life? In a situation where a gun and the willingness to use it might mean the difference between life and death?" 
You could feel yourself bristle up and could just imagine the look on Karen's face when Ori said "Guns are a toxin on this society. In the wrong hands they wreak terrible results. It's only a little over a year since this city was terrorized by the punisher" like what Frank did was anywhere near the senseless carnage you'd seen in the aftermath of the bombs. "That's hardly the same thing! Frank Castle killed murderers and drugs dealers" You smiled at her defending Frank so adamantly.
Ori scoffed "But where's the line Karen? Frank Castle decided he knew better than the law and was tried for killing thirty seven people" You wanted to call Ori up and say that was thirty seven that was known about but knew better than to do that. Karen's only response was "Frank Castle isn't a terrorist" and you could practically see her jaw tensing with her words.
Ricky cut in to say "Frank Castle was a hero to many that saw he was doing what the cops failed to do" yeah you knew you listened to his show for some reason. The radio cut out for a few seconds then when it came back Ricky said "Ok New York. We have a caller on the line who says he's the bomber" a beat passed and then he said "Can I get a name?"
An eerily familiar voice responded "My name isn't important. Only my actions" where did you know that voice?
Ricky took a breath "Ok you're talking to New York" the bomber asked "Why'd you say those things about me Karen?" You closed your eyes praying for once she may decide to back down but her response was "Because I despise everything you've done" Christ she needed to ease up. The bomber went on a rant saying "This country is being cannibalized by people like Ori. Shipping our jobs overseas, selling us out then taking our guns so we can't do anything about it"
Karen laughed humorlessly "You're such a coward. Those people you killed? They weren't making policy. They were secretaries and janitors and beat cops. Ordinary people. How does that help your cause? Maybe the government did something awful to you. I don't know your story but awful things happen to people every day and they don't murder people because of it!" The bombers response was "You're just a pawn, like the rest of them and Senator Ori. What a joke. You don't represent anyone but yourself. The war is just beginning and you're all on the wrong side. Sic Semper Tyrannis" that's when it clicked. 
Ricky called the show and you knew since the FBI was handling this case they would no doubt get Karen back to the bulletin and have it surrounded so you hit the number for Frank. The moment he answered you said "His name is Lewis Wilson. He drives a cab and he's twenty six" "I'll get David to find his ass" you could feel your hands shaking with the images of the bombings victims and the mere thought of that happening to Karen "Don't let him hurt her Frank" "We're not losing her sweetheart. Watch your back ok?" "Ok. Call me" 
The line went dead in your hand so you grabbed your jacket then slipped shoes on. You slid your purse over your shoulder and double checked the contents. Your plan was to head to the bulletin.
The moment you walked into the door an agent stopped you.  "ID ma'am?" "She practically works here. I'll vouch for her" Ellison told the agent so he let you pass. You grinned at Ellison "Second thought, I'm gonna need an ID" he rolled his eyes "She's in her office. She's shook up but safe"
You walked into Karen's office and she glanced up when she saw you "Y/N" you cut your eyes at the agent in the room with her so she asked if you and her could have some privacy. 
Once he walked out she shut the door "He's pissed..i think he's going after the guy" you didn't want to lie to her so you simply nodded. Bad news for you was Karen already had picked up most of your facial expressions and their meaning "Do you know who it is?" You shrugged "Maybe? But Karen I agree with him. This guy needs to be put down" "Christ Y/N!" She sat down heavily on her desk and ran a hand across her face.
You were sitting on her desk looking over her shoulder at her notes when Ellison walked in. He looked a bit pissed so you got to your feet. He looked from Karen to you.  "Tell me. Did you two know?" "Know what?" You asked and he clicked on the television in the corner of the room.
A news report was playing then cut into footage of Frank sliding across the hood of a patrol car. The headline read "THE PUNISHER ALIVE" your hand flew to your mouth in shock and so did Karen's. 
"Shit" you gasped staring at the screen. 
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
So, I saw a teaser trailer/sneak peak/compilation of clips thing for episode one of Hazbin Hotel, and maybe its just me or the fact that I haven't seen any of Vivzie work since everything came out, but... does anyone think the animation looks.... not as good as the pilot??? Like, I know there's gonna be SOME changes from the pilot to the actual series, but I don't know if it's the design changes or what, something about it just seems off?? I can't really put my finger on it? What do you think? Am I just seeing things? Has everything Viv has done just tainted my view on her work?
It really doesn't look as good, you're right. The part where Sir Pentious is lying on the ground and Angel and Vaggie just kind of glide into the frame stood out to me.
Also this person set the whole thing to a song Michael Kovach sang in Billie Bust Up, because Vivzie kicked him off of Hazbin and then lied blatantly about the reason why. That's pretty fucking shitty.
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Instead of Kreese coming back after Johnny re-opens Cobra Kai, it's Terry. Terry seeing Johnny in the slutty gi (for the first time or for the first time in 30 years). For MILF Johnny, Terry gets to see him mentoring Miguel (and maybe helps Johnny get into Robby's good graces). And let us not forget, a regularly dicked down Johnny is just a better person (this is mostly about Terry getting to see Johnny in that gi - whether or not Johnny knows that's what he's doing)
You are so smart💖💖💖YES love when yall mention Billy’s milfyness
He sees the ad, sees him in that gi, and immediately starts planning, therapy be damned.
He never met Johnny in canon until CK (which is so unrealistic and a waste of potential), but going off canon or even them meeting many years ago, it’d be real easy for Silver to charm his way into getting Johnny’s wary trust. The man is as snippy as an abused animal; he wonders what the hell Kreese did to get him that way, some of it out of morbid curiosity. He’s so very protective of all the kids in the dojo, looking like he wants to shield all of them with his body, as if that’s possible, when Terry shows up.
And he looked even better in person. Isn’t it indecent exposure to have your tits out like that? Plump, and made for burying your face in and falling asleep, . He’d like very much to bite them, grope them, slap them, and see how he likes it. The way he just lets his usage fall completely open so even his nipples are showing, that’s far more than just the generous cleavage he was showing before. He’s sure Johnny got an influx of students after the ad; Terry didn’t even hear a single word coming out of his mouth the first time he watched he it.
He left out his affiliation with Kreese, deciding it was better to let Johnny find out himself or through his favorite mentee, who was just as fiercely protective of Johnny as Johnny was of him—Enough to do a background check on Silver with that Hawk boy. He likes watching Johnny interact with the kid, it’s adorable. Not at all how Silver would do it, but it adds to Johnny’s appeal the way his uncaring exterior breaks to check on the boy and assure him. He reminds Terry of one of the mothers he met in Ireland on vacation. Her hair was dyed platinum, and she was feistier than she was sweet. Her daughter was always by her side, clutching her hand or resting on her hip.
He’s so soft—chubby lil belly and love handles Terry wants to sink his teeth into. He’s much different from the few photos John showed him from his wallet when gushing, but not any better or worse—Lawrence was still ravishing then, looked like a petite dream—but just different. Cracked from age and consistent violence from others and himself, little wisps of gray in that golden hair. Silver started graying in his 30s.
He knows he wasn’t imagining the way Johnny stares at his hands or misunderstanding that look in his big blue eyes when Silver had him pinned firmly and small beneath him as anything other than "Fuck me."
He likes seeing Johnny on his knees, loves how he instantly knows where to keep his hands, says "sir" and waits until he’s told he can stand back up—even if Lawrence will be defiant as can be when they aren’t alone, when Silver isn’t 8 inches down his throat and calling him a good boy, when he isn’t slapping him for backtalking and watching Johnny’s face turn dazed and full of want. Watch the attitude drain from him. He seems to like it when Terry covers his mouth up with his hand too, it always makes him get so much tighter.
(Johnny also gets a real kick out of Silver showing him new moves, thinks he looks good when he’s a little sweaty and breathless.)
Johnny spoke to him in bed about Robby, right after Silver held him down by the back of his nape (careful not to squeeze his throat and snap him out of his needy mood by making him remember) and pounded him long and hard, just how he asked for it
He was fragile, lying far from Silver with his back turned, an empty canvas compared to Terry’s scratched up back and shoulders from all their other times. Terry would like to take care of that, but Johnny is insistent he doesn’t leave too many, lest the kids see ask questions. So Terry settles for bruising up his thick thighs and "accidental" marks on his lovely wrists. One day, Johnny will enjoy having marks all over him.
"I wish I had been better. I wish I wasn’t like my dad. I mean, I’m not like my mom…I hope."
"I don’t care for them, but Isn’t that what you call a bright side?"
Johnny turned to look at him, face red with earned shame. "No. And there is no bright side to this. I just…I just want to make things better for him. I know that It’s not something I’ve earned, but I want his life to be as easy as can be." He swallows. "I want him to feel better; I…he shouldn’t be living the way he is, he deserves so much better. I love him so fucking much—"
Silver smiled. He doesn’t care much about absent parents or the morality of it all, but he cares about Johnny. He got somewhere, he earned some trust. Or maybe Johnny is so broken that he pours his heart out to any man who fucks him. He wants all of Johnny his. "I can take care of that; Robby."
Johnny bit the inside of his cheek and wondered if there was a debt he would owe, but agreed—Robby needs to start coming first.
It wasn’t easy. Robby was angry from the start, telling Terry and Johnny to piss off. Believing Terry to be a scam artist and Johnny to be an idiot.
Johnny had pulled out the wad of cash he had begrudgingly accepted from Terry earlier, begging Robby to take it. "Please, you need it."
"I don’t need you."
Johnny’s eyes were glossy, and his bottom lip was quivering a little. Terry felt a strange urge to kiss him until it stopped. Sickening.
"You don’t, that’s true, but you should have what you do need."
Robby looked between the two of them, his gaze a lot harsher when he looked at Terry—like he wanted to say "Don’t hurt my dad" but refused to, then he snatched the money and left without a word.
It was a long, harsh conversation, but after a couple of weeks of Johnny making consistent contact with him and getting provided for, Robby agreed to come over for dinner.
Johnny didn’t want to use Terry’s chef. "I’m not a toddler, I don’t need other people cooking for me. I want to cook for him—I’ve been practicing."
Terry watched him cook the whole time, glass of wine in hand. He admired the way Johnny looked with that apron tied in a bow around his waist and covered in dainty flowers and owls. Terry set his drink down to step up behind Johnny and grab the bow like a handle to pull him flush to his chest.
The food wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t beef jerky spaghetti, and Robby ate it while Johnny pretended he wasn’t watching him proudly.
It could have been described as pleasant, a tiny sliver of hope for something better.
And Johnny was so grateful to Terry, looking up at him, sweet, and happy. He makes Terry’s heart beat faster and makes him just a little less in control in a way that panicked him as much as it excited him, confused him.
Lawrence could be his partner in crime. His partner, by his side, planning with him, playing games. John didn’t find it worth the time, but he thinks Johnny might.
And Johnny wants to, deep down where he’s been ignoring it.
He still doesn’t trust Terry completely, the man is like a blood hungry shark, teeth showing and all, but damn if that isn’t hot to Johnny. Why not have fun?
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Your not acting like yourself Steve Harrington x Fem!hargrove reader
Warnings-starving self,abuse,body hatred,getting called fat,hospital,collapsing,kissing, swearing,crying,if there are anymore please feel free to tell me so I can add them
You’ve always not been one to like your body but Steve made you feel like you have a body to love with his affection he always makes sure you eat and he’ll eat his lunch after he’s seen you eat a bit
You got home a few hours after school coming back from your date with Steve where you both went to the movies shared a popcorn and had a pizza to share after the movie
You was greated to your home by max hugging you knowing your about to get beaten
Your dad neil was always a dick to your step mum susan tries to stop him but it never works you immediately tried to walk to your room as quick as possible but Neil grabbed you with all his force pushing you into a bookshelf making books fall on your body
“3 hours late seriously” Neil knelt down and screamed in your face
“I’m sorry I was on a date” you let out a small sob
“I don’t care you know if Billy didn’t have a car your sister could have been killed but Billy luckily has a car and has a heart to wait for your sister but all you thought about is your boyfriend you fat Bitch” Neil shouted
You nodded not talking because you was about to cry and it’ll get you called weak and Neil will do anything to hurt you to make you cry anything so while talking to you he purposely stood on your hand seems your under all the books weak as it is Billy came out his room hearing you cry
“TALK YOU FUCKING FAT BITCH MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO ON A FUCKING DIET” Neil shouted putting more pressure on your hand till you spoke
“I’m sorry I wanted to have a date with my boyfriend sir” you sobbed neil taking his foot of your now red and bruising hand
You got the books off you and walked into your room sobbing in pain you locked your bedroom door but Billy knew the way to unlock it because you trusted Billy and max so you told them how to unlock it so Billy unlocked it and walked in locking it again and sitting on the end of your bed opening his arms for you to hug him you started crying in his shoulders he’s a caring big brother and as he’s on the basketball team he’s seen a broken hand before and knew yours isn’t broken just bruised
“Your not a fat bitch your a perfect sister” Billy whisperd
You nodded your head still sobbing
It’s now the next morning you woke up remembering what happend last night and when Susan offered you breakfast you shake your head and walk to school
You hate lying to Steve but when he asked you if you’ve eaten you lied by saying yes you and Steve was hugging
Steve just keeps kissing you and in basketball practice Billy told Steve what happend last night because he deserves to know what’s happend
You went to the toilets and was stood staring at your stomach trying not to cry but if you took too long steve would get worried so you stopped and walked back to the basketball hall and sat on a bleacher with your legs crossed and when the practice was done steve jogged to you and kissed you with you kissing him back him holding your waist and your hands on his shoulders
At lunch you said you wasn’t hungry which is true but Steve kept trying to give you something to eat but you would straight up refuse even when you would be sat on his lap
It’s been about 4 days now of not eating at all you got to school with super baggy clothes on because you’ve already lost that much weight and these are Steve’s clothes so they used to be baggy but not as baggy as they are now Steve noticed how skinny you was but didn’t mention it till today
“You look really ill yn” Steve said
“I’m fine don’t worry” you smile
“Yn Billy told me what happend if you feel that way tell me you know I’ll help you through everything your more important so let’s get you to eat something okay” Steve helped
“I’m fine I’m not hungry at all” you try to say
Steve helps you up “you’ve not eaten in 4 days that’s not your fine” Steve informed you
When you was walking Steve noticed you was slowing down and while you was walking you collapsed/passed out
Max and Billy ran over max ran to the phone box and called the hospital you was unconscious in Steve’s arms steve picked you up and the ambulance came they laid you in the back of the ambulance
They got you too hospital and got you in a room super quick and had to put needles in you when you woke up you looked at everyone in the room steve Billy max doctors and nurses
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stoportotouch · 1 year
(Feel free to answer publicly) I’m really interested in the terror but I have a couple friends I tend to watch shows with, they have some mixed to positive feelings on horror and creepy/spooky things as well as thrillers and prestige tv and the like (loved breaking bad and BCS) our group has some CWs around rape/roofies
Could you give me like a recommended breakdown/pitch for the show so I can get them involved and make them watch it with me (we are at a weird watch group crossroads where we have like 3-4 shows that we are watching that are only enjoyed by 2 but not all 3 members and need something for when everyone is together)
(first it did take me a moment to figure out that BCS is Better Call Saul and not, as google suggested, the british cardiovascular society, barclays bank, or the british computer society. i really am not a tv watcher other than like. a couple of highly specific shows.)
as far as the two CWs that you mentioned i can't imagine that there's anything that could be a problem. there is, though, a mention of somebody lying about coersion (and we know in canon that he's lying and the whole thing was consensual). there's also uh. the odd reference to drugs (and alcohol). but that's more because it's the 19th century, and if you went to the doctor and said "got a bit of a tummy ache, doc" he would reply "may i offer you some nice cocaine in this trying time?"
in any case! the terror is an adaptation of dan simmons' novel of the same name, which is a supernatural-ish horror story about the ultimate fates of sir john franklin's lost expedition to find the northwestern passages. (supernatural-ish in that while there are supernatural elements... there isn't much that's supernatural about the depths of human despar.)
it follows primarily not sir john franklin but captain francis crozier, the second-in-command of the expedition (and captain of erebus' sister ship hms terror). but it does also have a massive cast of men who i swear you will be able to tell apart eventually. on your first watch you will be saying "which of the three guys with prominent sideburns is this?" and getting it right... actually pretty often. subsequently, however, you will be going "THERE HE IS. THERE'S LIEUTENANT HODGSON." and pointing to a blur in the background. (i did literally do this yesterday watching the third episode.)
also i genuinely think the terror is like. one of the best written shows i've ever seen. partly because it has The Gumption to essentially start the show with "ready to find out how all the people you're about to meet are going to Fucking Die?", partly because of how much rewatch value it has. even knowing all The Twists and basically being able to quite vast chunks of the show, there's always something new.
also the writers and actors have. what i can only describe as a remarkable ability to take somebody who is not on paper particularly sympathetic but really make you understand them. like there is probably at least one character who you will initially look at and say "...eurgh. don't like that." but either come to Sympathise With or just want to take out of the show and let him sleep for about sixteen hours in a very comfortable bed.
and to be a bit pretentious for a second, which is only fair in a show like the terror, i think one of my favourite things about it is the synergy between setting and story/storytelling. on a naval ship most spaces have multiple purposes and there's nothing on board that isn't there for a reason. so even if a scene or a shot or a character (or a line -- i had a sudden moment of "billy? BILLY????" during my most recent rewatch of the first episode) doesn't seem to be there for a purpose... you'll see! maybe not for a couple of episodes but you'll see.
also pretty much all of the relationships between the characters are very much more complicated than "just friends" or "hate each other" or "lovers" or "captain and lieutenant" (or whatever). it's very interesting to watch and essentially keep track of "they're this but also this" or a slightly more straightforward "he literally just needs him and he will fall apart if they're separated". (then they get separated. this is two separate relationships that i'm thinking of.)
finally, if you like men... there's men. since we're in the royal navy in the 19th century there very much are men in this show. great numbers of them! at times the 19th-century-accurate facial hair Looks are a bit much (especially when there's one guy who conspicuously just has a completely normal 21st century beard), but if you can look past that there's truly something for everybody in amc's the terror.
actually finally, because i just thought of it: warning for gore and violence and... i can't quite explain it better than just "really, really overwhelming bleakness". (including some fairly understandable but still disturbing and quite difficult to watch responses to violence.) there are a couple of scenes that it might be better to spoil in advance to give yourself a pep talk before. (you will get warning for it -- there aren't any jumpscares but the waiting almost makes it worse.)
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s15e12 galaxy brain (teleplay: robert berens, story: meredith glynn, robert berens)
maybe i should skip the recap in these later seasons, i'm exhausted already :p the special boy opening a nexus to get dark kaia home, right right
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two moons on earth 2, ok. i don't know why that makes me think of epcot/spaceship earth
CHUCK It’s monologue time.
don't get grumpy, nic
RADIO SHED CLERK Sir, this is a Radio Shed.
that was cute
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this is all very the matrix reloaded architect scene, but parallel instead of serial
CHUCK Dean says I’m not gonna get the ending I want. I don’t know. Maybe I… I… I mean, that shouldn’t matter, right? I’ve gotten what I want from hundreds of Sam’s and Dean’s. I could get what I want from a hundred more. And I don’t care. Those other toys, they don’t… they don’t… spark joy. But Sam and Dean… the real Sam and Dean… they do. They challenge me… they disappoint me… they surprise me. They’re… the ones.
the ones. uh huh
so wiping out all the other worlds, great. presumably relevant to the dark kaia business
aw, jody. my favorite found family character. wish she'd been in more episodes, but glad we got what we did. kim rhodes just has a great onscreen presence with the boys
speight jr back directing another episode. he must have racked up a good number. 11! with 4 in s15
CAS Well, I have my concerns, but… Jack trusts Billie, and I trust Jack. SAM But what about cosmic balance, Cas? I mean, Jack’s gonna kill God? What about Amara? DEAN I don’t know. I don’t know. But I have seen Billie’s library, and I have spent time with her. I… Well, “trust” is a strong word, but… I believe in her. There’s no one more committed to the rules than she is. She’s probably got it all figured out. SAM Probably? Like she had the Mal’ak box figured out? DEAN Yeah, I dunno. I mean, she’s still Death. She was right about Rowena. SAM All I’m saying is, I wish we knew more. DEAN Yeah, I got questions too, but right now this is the only plan we got. SAM Right.
a) i trust jack->he trusts billie->fine by me! is some wild logic, being that i don't think jack's ever really been in the best place to make massive decisions because he is just A Baby in the grand scheme of things b) dean remarkably chill c) sam and i over here like ????!?!?
jack lying about talking to the death-proxy, never good
CAS I knew it, Dean. When I was with Jack’s mother, she… You know, Kelly just had faith that Jack would be good for the world, and I felt it, too. I knew it. And then, when everything went wrong, and God took him from us… I was lost in a way I’ve never been before. Because I knew the story wasn’t over. I knew Jack wasn’t done. And I was right.
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LOL kaia is alive over in that monster world??? of course. and her world is dying which she knows because there was some weird weather i guess. claro
Writer Robert Berens tweeted after the episode "The arc of S1 of Wayward Sisters was always going to be broadly Dark Kaia vs the WaywardSisters, culminating in Kaia’s rescue and Dark Kaia’s tragic defeat. I always wanted to make that death right. But with limited real estate on #Supernatural I had resigned myself to Kaia just being dead. It was only by embedding it in S15 stories (Chuck, Jack’s return to the Bunker, Billie’s plan) it felt like it was possible to tie that loose end in a relevant and appropriate way.
mmk. perennial problem of Too Much Plot Shit
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MERLE Yeah, I’ve been watching you screw up. One measly life on the line, and you’re ready to risk it all? That’s not just dumb. That’s Winchester dumb. DEAN Hey!
ok merle! that, which i presume is a wig, is really pretty except the hairline is looking stark. always good to see some loose skin on a woman rep, especially on someone who isn't very old
i thought the bad place was the spiky world? oh, no, i guess that was the apocalypse world. so many ... places
ok sure, fix some warding amara pulled down.
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i like how magic always starts with potpourri
saw a gif of sam helping dean gear up and zipping up his pack or whatever so i went to look for it but since cas has some moments with dean this episode.... well. needless to say, i did not find it after a number of pages scrolling for it :p dont make the gifs, nic. trying to get through this episode in one sitting
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DEAN How you feeling ‘bout this? SAM Honestly? Feels like we’re taking a big, probably stupid risk. Feels good. Disobeying cosmic entities, doing the, uh… dumb, right thing? Feels like we’re back.
cute cute
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LOL jack's gotten a lot better at creating a nexus! kapow done
surprising zero people dark kaia wants to stay in the dying world, in fact i thought that was the plan to begin with because she felt so wrong on earth
oh, dying world as in ok she's actually dead right now world
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jody gets another kid, of course. and has some wild sideburns on that pixie. mutton chop aspirations
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so long, merle. billie looks very pleased with herself
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billie is beautiful and i do enjoy her, but julian richings was so good as death. and hey, i remember his line about reaping god! he had charm and was loose but could snap back and be terrifyingly intimidating when dean got too comfortable. but billie is just.. very stiff and pretty one-note to me. a bummer
CAS I don’t understand. Why would God write the blueprint to his own death? BILLIE He didn’t. The books write themselves. After God made the world, he couldn’t stop. He wanted more. But he needed to create a perfect harmony… a Swiss watch, so this world could keep tick, tick, ticking in his absence. He had no choice but to build himself into the framework. It’s his only weakness. DEAN So, Chuck doesn’t know what’s inside the book? BILLIE No one can read their books unless I let them. SAM What about Jack? He’s in God’s book? BILLIE And so are you. I told you, Dean. You and your brother have work to do. This is your destiny. You are the messengers of God’s destruction.
that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me but okay, sure
we're wrapping up plotlines left and right here people, make it snappy
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