hihereami · 2 years
For those already feeling "hey why would you ruin the ending" regarding TMA 2 announcement... we literally Do Not Know if we'll meet the same Jon and Martin we said good-bye to. It could be them in a parallel universe, it can be a prequel, it can be a sequel where they fit more mentor-like figures to another main characters...
The possibilities are endless and if it feels for you like it's gonna be awful, it's perfectly okay if you don't listen to it! The original TMA won't be ruined. We can keep that! That's ours already!
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derpinette · 1 year
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anarkhebringer · 1 month
Still think how stupid it is that NO major game company really supports their SEA playerbase and actively shoot themselves in the foot every time they make payment changes that make it impossible for that demographic to pay, which ends up wiping out a huge chunk of their playerbase and profit. Squeenix need to revert that region lock and fast, it's even affecting regions that ARE supported in terms of ability to process payments.
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
they shouldve let young me (autistic abt pixie hollow and fairies in general) write the tinkerbell movies there wouldve been 0 inconsistentcies
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expressionless-fr · 2 months
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emcads · 11 months
sometimes people will say to me "oh but in canon –– !" metaphorically i am putting a finger to your lips. i make stuff up. it pleases me.
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liu-yu-xin · 5 months
They even referenced the circling lights effects that was in the kick back music video omg. This is actually so much more thoughtful than 90% of stages ive seen its actually tailored to the group/performer. Idk who to even thank for this bc u never under any circumstances gotta hand it to sm and zhejiang tv is also notorious for being horrible
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kinokochouchou · 1 year
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character creation in life makeover. pretty neat,
you can't make a elden ringlike abominations here, but you can create cute girls. or boys of you play with sliders enough
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kindestatoms · 1 year
i bet that murdoch guy is happy as fuck that succession ended now he doesn’t have to fear his divorce being inspiration for their storylines
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endearmint-moved · 1 year
tumblr is the same website that only a couple weeks ago got back to my report of an account from NOVEMBER. and they determined it wasn't hate speech despite all the links i provided to the transphobic rhetoric on the blog
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and then we've got one of the few responsive mouthpieces for tumblr staff using a meme with overtly racist origins to remark on the vanilla meme, just one day before that product release
again, where do your priorities lie??
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h4vemercy · 1 year
Some spiritual folks, and I say spiritual lightly, have absolutely diminished the true essence of spiritually and divinity. Instead of looking at spirituality internally, which I suppose it is, they've gone as far as making it into something that is external and can be attainable physically. Spiritually is not tarots cards and crystals, it is not raw vegan diets and yoga, it is not an organization, and some of these spiritual folks are capitalizing (manipulating) off naive people, which to me, is the opposite of what they are supposed to be preaching. Spiritually isn't something that can be pushed, it's something that's very personal, internal, very individual.
When I see TikTok "mediums" asking for money to give you a glimpse into your future or love life, I can't help but cringe and get angry. You've turned something that is supposed to be intangible and formless into a money grab, and your true motives are hidden under a mask you call "spiritually"
It is easy for people to trust you, and you weaponized that. So disgusting.
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butcharyastark · 1 year
everyone blazing their cats bc of tumblrs special caturday thing or whatever is an idiot. btw
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billiejean485 · 2 years
Finally decided to dive into ML fanfiction.
It's hard for me to find the greatly written stuff I actually want to read - but I did and...... :')
... Screw the canon.
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nako-doodles · 2 years
hybe really put out a proof collectors edition for $300+... wow im like speechless are u kidding me?
i hikey thought they already pushed a similar thing out earlier......
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izzystinyhands · 2 years
My soon to be former boss at the kennels can tell im getting fed up with him bc im not even politely answering him he went "Ive booked x dog in for a longer stay is that okay" n i said "Well its gonna have to be bc youve already done it" and didnt laugh when he made a joke abt that being "the bad news"
The last month has been So Fucking Draining working for him bc hes consistently choosing money over the welfare of the animals n he doesnt know it yet but as soon as were not busy anymore im Leaving lol
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 months
I just got an email from Dutch post about my copy of Saviors - because it's coming from the fucking UK (via bloody GERMANY when I live in The Netherlands. If it had dropped from the plane on the way, I would already have it) i have to pay 10,20 in "clearance costs" - 6 euro of that is "handling costs" - whatever that means.
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vs the Green Day webstore
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So what is the truth.gif
This is turning out to be one hell of an expensive CD - I could have gone for the fucking T-shirt bundle at this rate...
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