#monkey king 2009 cctv
the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
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Fun Little Fact!
When translating the term that LuiEr uses here 义结金兰 there is a lot of history how the term of sworn brothers in chinese can have another meaning for gay romantic partners
There are some books out there like 《宋书·五行志》 or 《万历野获编》 that go into further detail about these but it isn’t unheard of for the other 契兄弟= contract brothers ( 契= deed/ contract,  兄弟= brothers) to describe these romantic partner relations.
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somewhat-insane · 10 months
Peachbuds has been on my mind a lot recently. Specifically about how Shi Hou probably has no idea about relationship stuff when he's younger (why would he, he was born from a rock,) but Liu Er does (probably from seeing elders in the group interact with each other) which could possibly lead to the constantly dropping hints/dense as fuck dynamic but Shi Hou is on an entire 'nother level of dense.
Anyway. I'm starving for more peachbuds content, should I write a oneshot based on this premise?
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loyaltykask · 2 years
will you be translating names in your translation of the 2009 monkey king cartoon? like will you be using "yutu" or "jade rabbit" ?
I was planning on keeping it names to be in English so Yutu would be Jade Rabbit and LuiEr to be Six Ears
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andy0dandy · 2 years
Does anyone know where I can watch the 2009 Monkey king by CCTV? I been hearing all about it everywhere and really want to watch it. MACAQUE IS BLUE! He has blue fur that’s cool! Please I want to watch this!
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littleveltyoung · 3 years
Sorry my bad English, I use translator
Hello guys, as I saw “the Stone Monkey” (I explain later, not “09 Wukong” actually) version of the Monkey King fanart drew by a Monkie Kid fan yesterday, and then I saw some comments about asking where to watch it. I thought about it, I have seen many versions of Journey to the West or the Monkey King in my childhood in my country, and want to share with you. The former post also said I would do this.
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Plus thing:  Every Animated Wukong - The Monkey King https://youtu.be/U7VDigvHTLs. 
Lotus Lantern is my childhood, too uvu. But Wukong isn’t a main character in  Lotus Lantern, so I don’t note more about it
1964版 《大闹天宫》 1964 Havoc in Heaven
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Relevance to the content of the Original Novel: ★★★★☆
Watching channels:
Restored screen version (with English subtitles and new sub):http://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rrhnyld4.html
The Monkey King Conquers the Demon【金猴降妖】:https://youtu.be/zmLXmXVx7Oo
1986年版电视剧《西游记》 1986 TV series Journey to the West
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Relevance to the content of the Original Novel: ★★★★☆
Watching channels:
16 sequel episodes (season 2):https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep327339
1999年版动画片《西游记》 1999 Cartoon Journey to the West – Legends of the Monkey King
The style of the first seven episodes and the theme song are different because the first seven episodes were broadcast first in order to see how the broadcast ratings were received before continuing with the rest of the episodes. The 8th episode started to be taken over by CCTV, the first 7 episodes were produced by Shenzhen Rizhongtian Animation Art Co. Due to financial and technical reasons did not complete, only the first 7 episodes, Tang Xuanzang, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie in the shape of the title appear.
This version of Journey to the West is adapted to be more suitable for children and more educational.
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Relevance to the content of the Original Novel: ★★★★☆
Watching channels:
2010年新版动画片《西游记》 Monkey, Monk and Monsters Go West (Red hair Sun Wukong)
Monkey, Monk and Monsters Go West is even funnier than the above version. Its content is also relatively modified a lot, and added other major roles, such as Xiaolongnü (小龙女), Jindogwin (Jindowin that lives as a dog’s appearance)
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Relevance to the content of the Original Novel: ★★☆☆☆
Watching channels:
Hoạt Hình Tây Du Ký Hài - Monkey, Monk and the Monsters Go West (with Vietnamese subtitles I guess?):��https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiAgFDM8_ThYr0jAS1UI9Yg/videos
2010年美猴王 Hei Hou Wang, 小石猴 (xiǎo shí hóu in pinyin) “the Stone Monkey”
The Hei Hou Wang is an animated work produced by the Animation Department of CCTV, which premiered on January 26, 2010 with 52 episodes and directed by Chen Jiaqi.  The Hei Hou Wang tells the story of the Monkey King seeking the Way before taking the scriptures and fighting the Nine Spirits on Mount Huaguo.
In the domestic information is that the Hei Hou Wang was released in 2010, I do not know the foreign statement about “2009”. I believe “动审号”  (cartoon censorship number) confuses the actual year of publication, Hei Hou Wang’s “动审号” says “2009″; also,  Monkey, Monk and Monsters Go West’s  “动审号” is “2009“
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Relevance to the content of the Original Novel: ★☆☆☆☆
Watching channels:
《夺宝幸运星》 Lucky Star
Chinese animated comedy Lucky Star , also known as 《开心西游记》("Happy Journey to the West"), adapted from KIZI's famous online novel《嘻游记》, is a set of novel animated films for all ages, both faithful to the original, but with hundreds of thousands of words of the original have a different form of expression.
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Relevance to the content of the Original Novel: ★★★☆☆
Watching channels:
Two Movies: 金箍棒传奇 The Grow
金箍棒传奇2:沙僧的逆袭 The Grow 2
That’s all, these are only my personal recommendations
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pageofheartdj · 3 years
Finally I am lucky with something!xD
I couldnt find Monkey King 2009 CCTV cartoon on english yet there is full russion dub! I am not a BIG fan, since they often make the squeaky voices, buuuut I’ve heard a bit of og chinese and its squeaky too, so it will do xD
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
six ears is looking like princess peach with how often he gets captured
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Lets see, in Episode 2 he was ambushed and saved by Wukong
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Ambushed AGAIN in Ep 3 and captured shown in ep 4
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to be saved by Wukong
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Almost plummets to his death in Ep 5, saved by Wukong
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AMBUSHED AGAIN IN EP 7 to be saved by Wukong
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Episode 8 is just ALL Wukong having Six Ear's back as they being attacked
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In episode 10 he just straight-up capture no ambush needed
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
Did the writers just not realize how Mihou and Shi Hou fit into the "damsel in distress" and "hero" roles?? Did they not realize how homosexual that is
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
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We thank you for this art
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the-monkey-ruler · 11 months
hi! just wanted to ask if there is any progress in Monkey King (2009) eng sub? can we expect another ep soon?
While all the scripts are done at the moment we are still waiting on our beta readers to catch up! We want these episodes to be as good as possible so we are going to have to wait until the right moment to release the rest of the episodes soon! I can't say how long that might be but we are still at it!
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
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So some news!
I’m afraid at the moment we’ve reached the limit to how many Monkey King 2009 English translations scripts are available without being beta tested.
My fantastic beta readers @Jules5370 and @Teamknee have been working hard for months now but they still have their own lives IRL. I think that having more readers join might help this case.
I want to make these videos as accurate and as coherent as possible as such I have been asking online if people with a good understanding of the Chinese language to beta read my script before I start putting them in over the videos.
You do not have to translate anything, the scripts are already made but they are not in the videos yet. I would like someone to help when it comes to names/places or even when it comes to more Chinese phrases that can go over my head or get lost in translation.
If anyone is interested or willing please let me know!
Until then, everyone please be patient and hopefully we can go back to releasing episodes normally.
Thank you for understanding!
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
Hey everyone!  Neph  from twitter made this awesome video! I hope everyone can enjoy this! Careful there are spoilers!
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
do the ffm monkeys live in a smurfs esque all male society?? is jade rabbit the only girl on the mountain?
Oh no! Not at all!
I can see how there can be some confusion considering that in actuality monkeys in the 2009 series have very different gender norms than what most modern gender stereotypes there are.
The only way to REALLY know a monkey's gender (at least from what I can tell translating the series) is through their voice alone or if they have a child on them.
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The first and most notable of this is the monkey on the left holding her child. She is given several voices line where she has a feminine voice and is called "mother" clearly marking her as a girl. However, most audiences would assume this even before being given that voice considering her stereotypically feminine look of a dress and a flower
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However, it is later shown that the monkey to the right of her is ALSO a girl and a mother. Most audiences most likely would not pick up on this earlier until they hear her voice when she was replying to Wukong here and that is because unlike her fellow monkey she is wearing pants and does not have a top.
And she doesn't NEED a top either considering monkeys' don't have.... well, boobs. Not even demon monkeys apparently.
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This would suggested all three monkeys where are girls considering they are taking care of their young.
It is later on that we see that even more monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain do not conform to more modern gender stereotypes as skirts and pants are considered universal (with skirts being more popular), and men or women were tops to their liking as well.
I think this is easily missed considering that when it comes to the monkey troops scenes we do get more boy monkeys talking, or it is Ba, Beng, Lui, or Ma talking, all of who are men.
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So it's not that there aren't any women it's just that ANY of the monkeys could be men or women but we as the audience just wouldn't know and trying to guess by clothing isn't going to help either. Monkeys don't seem to have any gender norms for their clothing in the very least.
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Even our main leads show wearing a dress and skirt.
So with that, the best way I can offer to tell if a monkey is a man or woman is that you have to listen to their voice carefully or if they have a child clinging to them. But other than that legit impossible to tell!
Thanks for asking this! I really wanted to talk about the monkey troop and how they are so different in their expressions of gender! Very interesting subject!
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Episode 14 of the Monkey King 2009 series! Shihou is going on his way to find an immortal mountain to protect his home. But there are more than strong winds in his way. Will he make out it okay? 
I want to thank our beta  readers @Jules5370 and @Teamknees for making  this possible! Without  them these wouldn’t be the quality I would want  them to be!  
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Episode 13 of the Monkey King 2009 series! A sneak attack starts! New alliances are created and betrayls are made. Can Luier and Shihou make through this or will this be the end with who the new Monkey King is? 
I want to thank our beta  readers @Jules5370 and @Teamknees for making  this possible! Without  them these wouldn’t be the quality I would want  them to be!  
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
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SO BAD NEW EVERYONE! I totally missed putting the end credit translations for the first 8 episodes! That is totally on me! But from here on out the rest of the episodes WILL have the translations
I REALLY don’t want to take down the videos and re-upload them cause I really value the comments I have gotten over the past few weeks.
So instead I am going to leave a disclaimer on the first 8 episodes that the Youtube CC will ONLY for the end credit scenes but also just in case I am going to leave the lyrics here but they ARE just too pretty to leave out.
Who will accept magnificent moonlight? 
Send a light boat to follow the waves 
Green mountains and clear waters are waiting 
Wind and cloud travel in all directions 
Although there are infinite fairylands in the sky 
But the heart is tried to the Water Curtain of Flower Mountain 
No matter how much suffering 
Just for the beauty of the home 
Accompanied by love, never alone 
My friends make me brave 
Accompanied by love, engraved in the heart 
Glory blooms, warmth remains
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