#monse × male reader
axel-1996scream · 7 months
Male y/n × monse
POV: You love monse, but she's in love with cesar
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M/n had been best friends with the group ever since elementary, he had caught feelings for monse since the fifth grade but never said anything due to not wanting to ruin the friendship. He finally had the courage once they hit high school but never had the chance to tell her, One day as he went to tell her...
"Monse, can I talk to you?" Says m/n, as he runs up behind Monse as they walk the halls of their school. "Not right now, m/n. I'm busy" She replies urgently as she speed walks down the hall towards the storage closet to meet Cesar. "C'mon, please? It's important, it'll only take a minute." M/n says emotionally. "No, I can't. I'm meeting with cesar" She says as she speeds off leaving m/n alone in the hall. "Oh..right" He says as a sigh escapes his mouth. "Dammit.." he says quietly but to no one as everybody has already left the halls.
Later that day m/n and the group were all at rubys house for a hangout, Jamal and Ruby were in the kitchen arguing back and forth over whether the roller world money existed or not, and Cesar was sitting on the couch with Monse right next to him as they talk and show each other something on their phones. As m/n was sitting at the kitchen table silently watching them with a jealous look in his eyes towards Cesar. "Jamal, for the last time. The Rollerworld money isn't real!" Yells Ruby to Jamal. "It is! I'm telling you guys, it's real. It's buried somewhere here in freeridged" Jamal yells back with a matter-of-fact tone. "I agree with Jamal" m/n says as he looks away from Cesar and monse. "What?" Monse says as she looks up and at m/n. "Why? It's a stupid myth." She says catching Cesar's attention. "Yeah, c'mon hermano. It's just a silly story people told" Cesar says with an amused smirk. "It's not!" Jamal pipes up. "It's real, I'm telling you guys we gotta find it, we'll be filthy rich!" Jamal exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my god, Jamal just drop it," Ruby adds in, with an annoyed tone.
After everyone starts heading home m/n chases after monse as she walks home "monse, hey! Wait!" She stops and looks at m/n confused. "Yeah, what's up?" She stops walking facing him. "I gotta tell you something, it's really important..." he says with a slight nervous smile. "Ok, what is it?" M/n sighs nervously and smiles. "Monse, i.. I really like you, and I was wondering if you'll be my girlfriend?.." m/n says with a hopeful gaze but slowly stops smiling as monse stays silent. "Monse..?" Monse sighs and looks away. "No, m/n. I like Cesar." She says. "Oh.." m/n mutters as his smile completely drops but then he forces a smile. "ok, that's cool. I understand." He says with a forced grin. "Are you sure, I'm sorry I-" m/n cuts her off. "No it's totally good, I'm alright with that." Monse sighs and smiles. "Ok, well I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." She waves and walks off leaving m/n alone. "Yeah, see you tomorrow..." he says as his smile drops, he then turns around and just heads home.
Axel- damnnnn I haven't posted in a minute😅
Hope ya'll enjoy it, it's kinda lazy and short I'll admit. Made this at 4 in the morning so bare with me 💀anywayss I'll probably do a Katsuki bakugou × male reader sooner or later, no promises on the sooner side tho😂 but if u want, u can leave request, but I cant promise on making them right away. Probably months later💀🤦‍♂️
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supercap2319 · 2 years
César Díaz falling in love with chubby male reader
It was weird. César wasn’t a Joto and even though that was an ugly word to say and hear, he wasn’t. Or that’s what he thought he was until he saw Y/N L/N. Monse’s friend who was chubby and staying with her and her father and César was completely smitten. Even when other gangs or his own brother tried to target Y/N, César would protect him, and tell his brother to back the hell off.
“Por qué pinche puto? Te importa eso Joto?” Oscar said as César flushed a ugly color of red and walked off. Maybe he did have feelings for Y/N.
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Monse finding out you slept with Cesar while the two were broken up
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Request: Yes or No
"That little bitch! Where is he?!"
"Monse, think this through!" Jamal and Ruby rushed after their friend. Monse stormed through the neighborhood, heading straight to Oscar and Cesar's place.
"Monse, you reslly don't want to fuck with (Y/N). Do you even know what Sad Eyes would do if he found out?" Ruby asked, hoping to knock some sense in his short tempered friend. Jamal nodded in agreement.
"It was just a hookup, Monse. It probably meant nothing! Plus, if (Y/N) tells Sad Eyes and Sad Eyes gets pissed, we'll be in serious shit!" Jamal pointed out, anxiety spiking. Ruby licked his lips, opening his mouth to try and convince her to back down but she quickened her pace. Oscar sat on his porch, blunt in hand. His gaze locked on them. A deep sigh left him as he rolled his eyes.
"Where's (Y/N)?" Monse asked, fists clenched and nose flared. Oscar cocked a brow, eyeing her.
"Whatchu want with my brother?" The teens turned, looking at Sad Eyes. Ruby and Jamal gulped.
"N-Nothing, sir! She was mistaken!" Ruby stuttered, grabbing Monses arm and dragging her along. Sad Eyes watched them walk away, humming lightly. Monse took out her phone, searching up (Y/N)'s Instagram and looking through it. She noticed a new post and checked the location.
"He's at the park." Monse said, quickly taking off.
"Monse!" Ruby and Jamal called after her. Ruby took out his phone, calling Cesar.
"You better get to the park before Monse. Jamal made an oopsie and told Monse about you and (Y/N)." Ruby said, shooting Jamal a glare.
(Y/N) raised his camera, snapping a picture of a bird feeding its chicks. He lowered his camera, looking over the picture and humming softly.
"You little dick!" (Y/N) turned his head, looking at Monse. He cocked a brow at her panting form, getting off the bench and putting his camera down. He sighed softly, sliding his hands into his pockets. Monse approached him after catching her breath.
"This is about Cesar, right?" (Y/N) asked, gaze and tone unbothered.
"You know it." Monse hissed, glaring at him.
"Listen, Ma, you and Cesar weren't together. He was free bait." (Y/N) shrugged. "You broke up with him and left him on the streets. You can't seriously expect him to just wait around for you."
"Monse!" Cesar called, walking over to them. Monse glanced at him, rolling her eyes and looking back at (Y/N).
"Stay out of it, Cesar." Monse huffed. (Y/N) gave an amused grin, tilting his head.
"I slept with your man while you two were broken up. Twice." (Y/N) shrugged, licking his lips. He looked at Cesar.
"Have you told her about the girl you work with? How you slept with her after your shift?" (Y/N) asked. Monse whipped around to face Cesar, already yelling at him. (Y/N) chuckled, grabbing his camera and walking away.
Gifs aren't mine.
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curtsycream · 2 years
can you make a part two to the ruby x reader angst story (on my block)😩 maybe the reader falls for someone else and is finally happy and Ruby starts to realize what he missed
I honestly want to tie in another show with this and I’ve been thinking so much of who should the guy be that the reader falls for.
It had been a few months since Y/N decided it would be best to leave Ruby after the breakup she focused more on her studies and work. She ended up working at Dwayne’s alongside Jamal and Cesar although she spent most of her time with Jamal. She never noticed how funny and compassionate he was at first since Ruby was all she could ever think about. After their break up she distanced herself from his friends deciding to hang out with Jasmine and anyone else that was not them. 
Yet she could not avoid Jamal he was just so persistent and she found that cute especially when he would text and call her in a nervous manner. They never talked about Ruby and he never forced the topic of her joining the friend group. She was grateful that he never pressured her and made it his job to entertain her at work.
“You did not!”
“Girl, I’m telling you I did.”
“I don’t know Jamal it doesn’t seem like you would do something like that,” Y/n found herself giggling at the boy as they sat in her room. Jamal surprised her with an unexpected visit and food which she couldn’t turn down. Her parents had gotten used to the male’s random visits and didn’t mind his presence.
“Ask anybody and they will tell you that I did.”
Glancing up at her close friend she lets out another giggle knowing full well that no one would agree with his story. Laying down on her bed she lets out a sigh, “Thank you for you know always being here for me.”
Jamal rolls his eyes smacking the girl with a pillow at her sappy and random remark, “don’t go all hallmark Christmas special on me. You’re my best friend it’s my job to check up on you while you’re in a Ruben funk.”
“Ughhhh, don’t say that name here!”
Placing a hand on his chest in mock offense he gasps, “Don’t ugh me wrong both know that I’m right and that you need to get over Ruby. If he didn’t notice your worth right away why should you spend your time waiting for him to?”
Looking over at Jamal she considers his words for the amount of crap Jamal talks he did hold truth behind them. “Maybe you’re right…”
“Of course I am.”
“Oh shut up!”
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It had been almost a full year since that talk Y/N had with Jamal. In that span of time she learned to put herself first and not think much of Ruby. A lot happened between The core four splitting for good, she hadn’t heard from Cesar other than seeing him at school sometimes. Once Monse moved away Jamal was over more than often complaining about everything. But soon enough he forgot about them and focused on football.
Y/N found herself thinking of Jamal more and more as he grew to be a more independent person. He was a lot different especially when it came down to his personality. Although he was a douche in public he still remained the lovable dork she loved when they where alone in her room. Love, she had realized that she loved Jamal a month after their talk last year. She couldn’t shake how she felt away, it was incomparable to how she was with Ruby. Jamal just knew how to reassure and ease her mind better than anyone else ever had.
When she was going about telling him how she felt she was surprised when Jamal had rushed to her house. He wore his dirty football uniform and a desperate look on his face. She didn’t expect him to confess how he felt first or at all really. From that day on they became a pair, dating your best friend is otherworldly. They still acted the same around each other they were just more touchy than before.
Smiling at the memory of Jamal’s confession Y/N heads towards Jamal would was staring ahead. Placing a hand on his arm he jumps before noticing her beside him. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder he glanced back ahead, confused by his actions Y/N looks in that direction. There stood Ruby and Jasmine she knew of them dating but the reality of seeing them together was something else. She wasn’t jealous of worried it just made a lot of sense as to why Jasmine would always defend Ruby when she would talk about their relationship.
Tugging Jamal’s arm Y/N kisses his cheek, “let’s go we still have flyers to hand out, remember?”
Allowing you to tug him in the opposite direction he smiles yet that smile left a bad taste in the mouth of a certain someone. Ruby stood with his mouth agape as he watched the two of you bump shoulders as you left. An unfamiliar feeling rushed through him, jealously a feeling that verified that he still had feelings for you. After you left that day he didn’t think to call or follow after you. He regretted it but was a little to prideful to chase after you. All he could think is what if?
A little rushed and all because I didn’t know what to write for a second part but I’ve had this in my drafts for a long time and needed to finish it. I may not do a part three because I don’t have much of an interest in on my block like I used to
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spookysprincesa · 5 years
Finally (Oscar Diaz x reader)
Request: Hiya! Idk if this is a dumb idea but maybe the reader & Oscar get into a fight because she finds out about that she was claimed by him, when Monse goes to confront Cesar, & she ends up being upset w/ him, & him tryna win her back?? Please & thank you!i love your writing!
Word Count: 2007
A/N: took me once again decades to write, sorry.
There was no stopping her. Like a fury Monse marched onto the Diaz‘ front porch and before anyone could interfere she grabbed Cesar by the collar of his shirt so fiercely he helplessly tripped over his own two feet and stumbled to the ground.
She was screaming at him, slapping him in the face while the poor boy tried covering himself with his hands. You just stood there, watching her, without any clue how to dissolve the situation. Oscar’s homies started howling and snickering at how his little brother was being beaten up by a girl.
“Yo Spooky, better tell your ruca to stop her little friend before lil’ Spooky gets seriously hurt!” One of the Santos jokingly yelled in Oscar’s direction; he was sitting on top of the stairs smoking a joint while a big smile plastered on his face.
Your head span around to the man who had been talking, and with your eyebrows furrowed you found Oscar’s deep brown eyes, which were staring right at you.
“What the fuck did he just say?” With your hands in your hips, you waited for Oscar to hop of the wall and approach you, handing the joint to Cesar, who seemed to be in a much better condition now that Monse’s friends had dragged her off of him.
“Princesa, listen,” Oscar began, raising his hands in defeat, “I practically had to claim you, a’ight?”
This was all going too fast for you to process- Oscar had just gotten out of jail a couple of weeks ago and you hadn’t really talked to him since then, apart from some random encounters on parties. And how he was telling you he had claimed you?
“You don’t have to do shit, Oscar Diaz, let alone decide things over my head. This is bullshit.” And with those barked words, you marched off past the Santos and the kids, ready to head home.
What was he thinking? Kicking some pebbles on the pavement, you slowly walked down your road, ignoring your phone buzzing in your pocket with incoming text messages and calls from Oscar. You liked him, sure you did, but claiming you out of nowhere wasn’t going to work, he would have to try harder.
Stepping out of the building, the sunshine was hitting your eyes so hard you had to narrow them frantically, cursing yourself for not bringing your sunglasses this morning. The bright light prevented you from noticing the shiny red car parked right in front of you, which you only spotted when you strutted right past it.  
“Princesa,” a dark, familiar male voice called after you. Your first reflex was to stop walking, but you quickly decided to keep your pace. Suddenly a hand grabbed your arm gently, pulling you to a halt. Sighing, you turned on your heels to look directly into Oscar’s deep brown eyes. The prettiest, most promising eyes in the world, holding adoration and softness at this very moment, reserved only for you.
“What?” You decided to play it cool, so your crossed your arms in front of your chest and expectantly rose one eyebrow.
“I miss you. Why don’t you come hang around with us tonight?”
The thought of sitting on a worn out sofa in the front yard of a ruinous gang residence repelled you more than you would have estimated right now.
“No, thank you,” you replied simply, without giving him any explanation whatsoever.
Oscar frowned, the thoughts in his brain were almost visible to you as he was digging for something to say, which was appropriate but also snappy.
“Let me drive you home at least. I owe you.” He looked surprisingly regretful for a second- therefore your shields dropped instantly and your expression softened without noticing or even intending it.
“Damn right you owe me,” you giggled, “but you’re taking me straight to my place. No detours.”
Looking into Oscar’s eyes, an unmistakable sparkle appeared in them at your words. One corner of his mouth turned upwards, “your wish is my command.”
Like the gentleman he could be, he even opened the car door for you and hopped in beside you.
The car ride to your place was astonishingly calm and relaxed. You shared a deep conversation about Oscar’s last few weeks in jail, how he had made lists with what to do first when he’d get out, what to eat, which people to see. You had always admired how passionate he was about things he liked, or things he was good at, he could be so mature and considerate in certain moments.
When his car pulled up on your driveway you were honestly sad about having to leave him. Part of you wanted to invite him inside, but your head eventually stopped you. If he came inside, you’d sit on his lap with his hands under your shirt in no time and you’d probably regret it the morning after. As much as you wanted those puffy lips pressed to yours, those strong hands stroking your bare skin, you had to maintain a distance. If he wanted to be with you, he’d have to make some more effort.
“I’d like to take you out. Like, on a date,” Oscar said suddenly with a bold voice, as if he had practiced that line in front of a mirror at home. Your hand slipped from the door handle you were about to use and fell back into your lap. For a minute, you just stared at him with your mouth agape.
“What would we do?” You asked, trying to ignore the heavy beating of your heart against your chest.
“Lemme take care of that. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7, yeah?”
Automatically, your face broke into a gigantic smile.
“Ok. See you tomorrow then.”
Oscar smiled back at you with those dimples you fell in love with the first time you saw him.
24 hours later, his red Impala was parked in your driveway punctually. After spending hours deciding what to wear, you were finally ready to face him, ready to go on a date with him. You were so curious about what he had planned you hadn’t even been able to focus on anything for the whole day. A trip to the beach? Dinner? Drinks?
You and Oscar instantly connected once you sat in his car. It’s like you had never left. While he drove down the highway, you tried figuring out where he was taking you, and he eventually noticed.
“Don’t you trust me, princesa?” He chuckled lowly with his eyes still on the road, one hand on the steering wheel, the other one casually resting in the open window.
“I do, I’m just so impatient. Can’t you give me a clue?”
Oscar chuckled once more at you fidgeting in your seat and determinedly shook his head.
“I promise you’ll like it.”
Reluctantly, you accepted his response and sank back in your seat.
After fifteen more minutes, he finally pulled into an unfamiliar parking lot somewhere in LA. While you looked around for any signs, Oscar took a bag out of the trunk and looked at you with a big, superior grin on his face.
“You hate not knowing, eh?”
When you threw him a dirty look, he grabbed your hand in his without saying a word, as if it was the most normal thing in the world for you two. The second his fingers were entwined with yours, jolts of electricity ran down your spine, covering you in goosebumps. You were loving this date already.
Oscar lead the way to a huge building where you had to take the elevator to the top floor. When he opened another door, at long last you could see what you were going to do. He had taken you to a rooftop outdoor movie screening. Chairs were filled with people of all ages, eating popcorn, enjoying their drinks, chatting and cuddling.
Oscar’s hand found its way to your lower back and he ever so gently pushed you in the direction of a cosy looking loveseat than had apparently been reserved for you two.
You sat down, happily discovering that Oscar had brought a wide selection of snacks from popcorn to cheese. Of course he wasn’t willing to tell you which movie you would be seeing, this all being a surprise, so you nearly freaked out when the opening scene of your favourite movie ever was being shown on the huge screen in front of you. Oscar had remembered so much about you, so many details you could’ve sworn weren’t interesting or even important to him.
During the movie neither of you spoke, he did just move his arm so it comfortably rested on your shoulders. His fingertips gingerly drew figures on your upper arm, it felt so soothing your head  automatically dropped onto his shoulder. It felt wonderful sitting there with him- you almost forgot where you were, surrounded by hundreds of people on a rooftop in LA. At the same time it could’ve been the sofa in his living-room since all you could think about were his gentle touches and the masculine smell of his cologne.
When the movie eventually came to an end, you sighed with disappointment, not wanting this date to stop so soon. You pressed your body even closer against Oscar’s side to non-verbally show him.
Oscar moved slightly and brought his free hand to your cheek to carefully turn your face in his direction. His full lips were suddenly so close it was overwhelming, and before you knew it his nose was touching yours. Your eyes fluttered shut when he brushed his lips against yours. The situation carried a kind of intimacy you would’ve never expected, the short and sweet kiss perfectly explained his feelings towards you, all the hints he had dropped before by wanting to be around you, claiming you and finally asking you out. His lips on yours felt heavenly and you thought your whole body was set on fire by that one simple touch.
Oscar pulled away since the other movie guests were getting up to leave the rooftop. Unwillingly, you parted from your embrace and collected all your belongings. Somehow your cheeks were burning and you had problems looking Oscar in the eye, sheepishly staring at your feet. His presence was immensely intense, especially after that short, but hot kiss.
“Princesa, mírame,” he whispered and lifted you chin up with his index finger. The loving sparkle in his eyes was back, “you alright?”
You smiled wordlessly, giving him a brief nod in response.
“Sure?” His eyebrows moved towards each other and his hand now cupped your cheek. Sighing, you leant into it, enjoying the warmth of his hand. Oscar lifted his free hand and pulled you to his chest, completely wrapping his arms around your frame. You hugged him back tightly, not ever wanting to let go.
“Let’s get you home,” he muttered before pressing a kiss to your temple.
He didn’t let go of your hand for one single second until you reached his car, thumb rubbing circles on your skin. When you were sat in his car again, Oscar announced that he would be stealing lots of kisses from you in the future and immediately showed you what he meant by pulling you close and capturing your lips with his. Once again your whole body was burning up, already vividly anticipating feeling those lips on other body parts.
He walked you to your front door and kissed you goodbye, this time letting his lips linger for a couple more moments, yet it still left you wanting more.
“I apologize for the claim, by the way. I hope you’re not mad anymore.” He nervously rubbed the back of his head.
You chuckled, placing a soothing hand on his chest, “it’s fine. I think I like being claimed now.”
Oscar let out a deep, hearty laugh at your reply, his chest vibrating, “good.”
The last final kiss for tonight was short and sweet, just like the first.
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