#monse × cesar
axel-1996scream · 7 months
Male y/n × monse
POV: You love monse, but she's in love with cesar
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M/n had been best friends with the group ever since elementary, he had caught feelings for monse since the fifth grade but never said anything due to not wanting to ruin the friendship. He finally had the courage once they hit high school but never had the chance to tell her, One day as he went to tell her...
"Monse, can I talk to you?" Says m/n, as he runs up behind Monse as they walk the halls of their school. "Not right now, m/n. I'm busy" She replies urgently as she speed walks down the hall towards the storage closet to meet Cesar. "C'mon, please? It's important, it'll only take a minute." M/n says emotionally. "No, I can't. I'm meeting with cesar" She says as she speeds off leaving m/n alone in the hall. "Oh..right" He says as a sigh escapes his mouth. "Dammit.." he says quietly but to no one as everybody has already left the halls.
Later that day m/n and the group were all at rubys house for a hangout, Jamal and Ruby were in the kitchen arguing back and forth over whether the roller world money existed or not, and Cesar was sitting on the couch with Monse right next to him as they talk and show each other something on their phones. As m/n was sitting at the kitchen table silently watching them with a jealous look in his eyes towards Cesar. "Jamal, for the last time. The Rollerworld money isn't real!" Yells Ruby to Jamal. "It is! I'm telling you guys, it's real. It's buried somewhere here in freeridged" Jamal yells back with a matter-of-fact tone. "I agree with Jamal" m/n says as he looks away from Cesar and monse. "What?" Monse says as she looks up and at m/n. "Why? It's a stupid myth." She says catching Cesar's attention. "Yeah, c'mon hermano. It's just a silly story people told" Cesar says with an amused smirk. "It's not!" Jamal pipes up. "It's real, I'm telling you guys we gotta find it, we'll be filthy rich!" Jamal exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my god, Jamal just drop it," Ruby adds in, with an annoyed tone.
After everyone starts heading home m/n chases after monse as she walks home "monse, hey! Wait!" She stops and looks at m/n confused. "Yeah, what's up?" She stops walking facing him. "I gotta tell you something, it's really important..." he says with a slight nervous smile. "Ok, what is it?" M/n sighs nervously and smiles. "Monse, i.. I really like you, and I was wondering if you'll be my girlfriend?.." m/n says with a hopeful gaze but slowly stops smiling as monse stays silent. "Monse..?" Monse sighs and looks away. "No, m/n. I like Cesar." She says. "Oh.." m/n mutters as his smile completely drops but then he forces a smile. "ok, that's cool. I understand." He says with a forced grin. "Are you sure, I'm sorry I-" m/n cuts her off. "No it's totally good, I'm alright with that." Monse sighs and smiles. "Ok, well I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." She waves and walks off leaving m/n alone. "Yeah, see you tomorrow..." he says as his smile drops, he then turns around and just heads home.
Axel- damnnnn I haven't posted in a minute😅
Hope ya'll enjoy it, it's kinda lazy and short I'll admit. Made this at 4 in the morning so bare with me 💀anywayss I'll probably do a Katsuki bakugou × male reader sooner or later, no promises on the sooner side tho😂 but if u want, u can leave request, but I cant promise on making them right away. Probably months later💀🤦‍♂️
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daydreamabout · 1 year
3:15 (Oscar Diaz Imagine)
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Summary: You're in a situationship with Oscar, not sure if you want to be official. Inspired by 3:15 by Russ. All I ever tried to do was help you understand and grow Light the way for truths that if not for me simply wouldn't show 'Less you get somebody else who's on my level, but you know That there's no one on my level, you gon' realize if you don't I wish you would own up to your flaws And just say that you're wrong when you're wrong Instead of actin' like you're right, then it turns into a fight Now you're stormin' out my house in the middle of the night “What's on your mind?” Oscar interrupted your few kisses. You were currently all over him in your bedroom, as usually. You pecked his soft lips one more time and sighed “I don't think you should do it tomorrow.” you spoke softly. Your lover's dark eyes looked at you for a few seconds before he frowned “Don't start this shit again.” The anger about the same situation started to boil within you, so you got off of Oscar and laid on your back. “What is your problem?” you spat at him. The sudden tension in the room was obvious. He suddenly sat on the edge of your bed and gave you an intimidating look over his right. “I don't think we're close enough to have this kind of conversation!” “Wow.” You didn't know how else to react. He was obviously refering to the fact that you weren't sure how to label your 'thing'. You cared, a lot. But he was part of a gang and you cared too much about other people's opinions too. “I think you should go home. ”you let out bluntly without thinking. He turned his head away from you and let out a dry laugh “You know.... I fucking might!” and stormed off. ***
How come when I love somebody, part of me don't wanna stay? Every time I get too close, I just start pushing them away I know, I know Maybe I just wanna leave before they try to leave me first Maybe I don't wanna need 'em 'til they say they need me first I know, I know (yeah, yeah, yeah) Damned if I do, damned if I don't Drank Tequila, I can't drive home Hard to play cool, heart belongs to you I know that if I show that I keep my walls up, if you want me then you better start to climb WoMen who love me aren't rare WoMen who mean it hard to find Somethin' tells me that I'm right about you Please, don't prove me wrong They say love's a song for fools We're wise enough to sing along  “Back off!” you raised your voice and pushed the guy to the side. You were frustraded, ended up at someone's houseparty, drank enough Tequila to not drive home by yourself, but not enough to forget about Os. The porch made an exceptable place to sit down for a bit and re-think your previous thoughts. You wanted him. All to yourself. So you took all your courage and dialed his number. Oscar picked up after a while, but did not say anything. You could just see the seconds of the phonecall on your screen. “Can you pick me up?” you asked carefully. You could hear him sigh into the phone. “Where are you?” *** It took about 20 minutes until you could see the familiar red car pull into the street. You slowly got up and neared yourself the sidewalk. The car came to stand right in front of you, but before you even had the chance to get in, your lover already got out. He stood right in front of you and looked deep into your eyes. “You're in my head.” you said while pointing to your temple. The alcohol was definitely kicking. His eyes softened and you felt like there was a slight smile on his lips. He took your hand in his and placed a soft kiss on it “Get in the car, Y/N. ” You continued to stare into his eyes. “I want everyone to know about us. ” His face seemed to light up a bit. He pulled you in and kissed your forehead before whispering in your ear “Get in babe, we'll talk about it tomorrow.”
But now it's hard to breathe I'm not in love, it's just a game we do I tell myself I'm not that into you But I don't wanna sleep, it's quarter after three And now it's hard to breathe I'm not in love, it's just a thing we make We're skin on skin, I need this spell to break, oh But I don't wanna go, and I know that you know You're in my head like
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stargirlposts · 1 year
El Malo
Chapter 3
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I sat on my bed that night looking at the moon through my window. Tony is a good man and he loves me and maybe I can love him, but I have doubts. Fuck. I’m such a bad person.
It's been six weeks since Oscar got out. I've been keeping myself busy by working at my sister’s beauty store and avoiding Oscar. And I’m doing a pretty good job at avoiding him, if I do say so myself. I was finally walking home after I finished helping my sister with her store when I spotted Jamal, Ruby, and Monse.
“Monse!” I shouted her name with a smile and sped up to greet them.
“Hey, when did you get back?”
“I just got back today, hey do you know why Ruby and Jamal aren’t talking to Cesar, he tells you everything cause these shitheads won’t tell me anything” She walked next to me to look at Jamal and Ruby with an eye roll. Just when I was going to answer, we heard someone blasting their music and when we turned to look, it was the familiar red impala coming down the street.
Ruby shook his head, “We can’t tell you what Cesar said.”
“Fine, then I’ll ask myself”
She walked on the street and stopped right in front of the Impala, forcing Oscar to stop the car.
“Hey, you crazy!”
I turned to Jamal and Ruby.
“What did Cesar say?” I asked. I was curious to know why Monse was so upset and why they weren’t talking to him.
“Cesar said he hit it” I gasped and turned to look at Monse leaned over talking to Oscar.
“Jamal!” Ruby yelled and Jamal quickly covered his mouth with his hand. He turned to me”, look just don’t tell Monse”
“I won’t, but you know the truth always comes out, I’ll talk to-“
“Hey Y/N! Get in the car, I’ll take you home”
I turned to look at Oscar and crossed my arms.
“No, I’m perfectly fine with walking.”
Cesar turned to look at me with desperation in his eyes. I sighed and bid my goodbyes as I got in next to Cesar.
Oscar drove me to his house and asked me to stay for a while. But I declined and told him I was gonna pass to the bathroom and get some of my stuff, although I left out the second part. I was only gone for six weeks and the house is already a mess. Ugh, men. By the time I walked out, I saw Cesar sitting on the couch and Oscar sitting behind him on a crate, with Monse standing in front of him.
“We can go inside-“ Oscar cut him off by clearing his throat “, But uh if you wanna sit on my face, you gotta put that mouth on pause so I can concentrate”
All of the Santos laughed and he fist bumped Oscar. Poor Monse had the look of humiliation on her face.
“What the fuck? You put him up to this didn’t you!”
“Hey,” Oscar stood up and tried to get in my face “,don’t start shit.”
“Fuck you Oscar”
I was beyond pissed. How dare he try to intimidate me in front of his puto friends. I wanted to release some steam by hanging out with my friends but they were on the clock so that was a no and my mom went to visit family in Mexico, so I’m in a house all by myself . You must be wondering what happened to Tony. Let’s just say he could see I wasn’t Interested and he wasn’t mad. He told me he loved me and he’d be willing to wait for me when I realize Oscar ain’t shit.
I was watching tv in the living room when I heard movement in my room. I could feel my heart start racing. I sped tip-toed into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I stood beside my closed bedroom door and waited for whoever was in there to come out. My heart sped as the door opened and I put the knife against the throat of the perpetrator. Only it wasn’t, it was Oscar. I let out a sigh of relief.
“What the fuck Oscar? You could’ve knocked on the door”
I walked to the kitchen with him following behind me and put the knife away.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came to talk.”
“ I don’t have anything to say to you’’
“Haven’t seen you with that guy”
“What’s it to you?” I asked as I leaned on the kitchen counter. I watched as he stepped closer to me.
“I failed you a thousand times, yet you’re still mine”
He walked closer so our chests were touching, he held my chin up gently forcing me to look up at him.
“He seemed sincere unlike my flaws, but I’m the bad guy you don’t stop loving. You’re like Cinderella and he’s the pitiful fool and even though I’m not Prince Charming, I’m still the love of your life”
My eyes started to water and I tried to look down but he wouldn’t let me.
“Oscar- please”
“I love you, Y/N”
I felt a tear run down my face and Oscar leaned his forehead against mine touching my nose with his.
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soul-music-is-life · 10 months
On My Block: Pilot vs. Finale
These babies grew up. I'm crying.
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Bonus because I haven't cried enough:
(Oscar Diaz deserved better)
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And one more for the road (full circle):
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Rewatching on my block and realizing that Mario had wasted potential. He obviously had his own tiny subplot with the whole baby thing but I genuinely think they could have done more with his character. What I really think would have been cool would be to have further explored his relationship to Oscar. You’re probably thinking “Benny they had like 2.5 scenes together, what relationship?” It’s very obvious in season 2, episode 5, that they know each other somehow. They openly talk to one another at the store counter when Mario is buying snacks and stuff for Ruby. Mario is open about what’s going on and about his concern for his little brother. Oscar asks if the snacks are for his baby mama, indicating that he knows about her. He even laughs and listens when Mario expresses his concern. Those topics of conversation are not ones that you have with strangers or even just because your siblings are friends. They know each other someway. Whether because they went to school together or because Cesar and ruby have been friends for a while. This point is also solidified later at the party when they have that drink together Oscar also doesn’t seem to have any issue about Mario being there even though we haven’t seen them hang out before this. At this point, Oscar keeps to his people and only really lets ruby come to the party because he feels responsible for the pain ruby is going through. Oscar would have said no had it been anyone else but allowed Mario to come and had no issue with him being there at all. Either way they know of each other. I think it genuinely would have been a fun avenue to explore in allowing Mario and Oscar to be childhood friends that had fallen apart due to Oscar being a Santo and having them sort of come together again as we watch the parallel of Cesar’s relationship with ruby, monse, and Jamal go through the ringer. It could have been this really cool way of showing that the kids were gonna have to grow up and it would be possible that even though you get older, things aren’t always easier or change all that much. It could have also been a reflection point for them in realizing that, despite how most teens feel, the world isn’t ending and we all go through similar shit at times. We’re all trying to get it figured out.
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themuselesswriter · 2 years
Imagine: You are in a love hate relationship with Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
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“What do you want?”
“Can you stop being a little puta for a minute and hear me out?
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“Why are you here Spooky?”
“I heard you were in trouble so I brought the homies to help”
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“I told you to stop following me around”
“Lay your hands on me ever again and i’ll cut them off”
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“Welcome home papi”
“Happy anniversary, through hell and back, ain’t it?”
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paradiecircus · 3 months
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I started On My Block & now who knows when ima get anything done? 🤣🤣🤣
4 eps in and I can’t tell who is worse, Cesar & Monse or Rue & Jules, who do you think? Btw, I’m not even done with Euphoria yet 🤣
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nonalbell · 3 months
lil santos and 19 street /cuete
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-takes place on season 3
-reader p.o.v-
I woke up at 1:30/ I had notice that I’m late for school so I just don’t even try to go anymore but as soon as once I got up.my phone had rang.
you look and see it’s …𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐥… you pick up “hello,what happened??”he yells at you saying “GIRL YOU HAVE TO COME TO JASMINE HOUSE RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK..!!!” I just hung up and ran to my closet.I put on anything I could find which was shorts and a black hoodie.And ran out the house without saying by to oscar I don’t have time for him rn.
Look here for me Jasmine’s house was not that far and she was right around the corner when I was running I saw some weird car that was gray and had weird looking license plate. The car was fully tinted and it looked like you couldn’t see inside. I think I was looking for too long because I had tripped, but luckily, I caught myself before I could fully fall and embarrass myself but before I could look and turn to the car, it was already gone then I remembered I had to get to Jasmine‘s before it was too late. I got to her house already and open the door to see her mom. She greeted me and said that my friends were inside Jasmine‘s room when I open the door. I saw Jasmine with a projector on playing a video that looked like Monse and Cesar.jamine-“heyyy,girl u just missed the fun part”minds looked like she was pissed and told Jasmine to turn it off and Cesar didn’t say anything he was just silence. Jamal came up to me and he told me something about a some girl with the name “knives” something about how they got kidnapped and we left with the mission to complete about finding some old lover named little Ricky who I guess was some musician or a music popstar….
no one p.o.v
Jasmine-“ I was there when you and Cesar were getting it on,you know where I’ll be girl!” And she said “ you had a promise to your dad that you were not gonna see him again” Monse said “ no, that’s not what I promised and my dad not wanting Cesar at his house was because it had nothing to do with some vendetta. It was because he was dangerous.” Jasmine didn’t trust it she responded saying “ girl because he’s a Santos yk this… girl you’re basically doing my job explaining this to me!!!” Monse was already annoyed at Jasmine and they were both going back-and-forth about her dad and his job Jasmine was exposing what he did for a living and what he did when he was away.Y/n was already done with it and said “ what’s the point of this? I don’t think we’re getting anything out of it just sitting around and talking about dumb shit.” everyone turned to look at her.Jasmine had finally spoken up on what she wanted to say said”I know lil Ricky’s not dead because there’s no death certificate or any proof that he is officially dead. I know he’s somewhere somewhere out there and probably took the money to get out of here” that’s when everyone knew there was still hope.
-move past to episode 7
reader p.o.v
We’re all sitting at the table in Caesar’s house. We were discussing something abt what cuchillos said.Jamal said “ HANDLED!”he said “ handled that could literally mean anything manhandled handled with care handled like a Twitter handle!!!” we all turned to him dumbfounded soon the silence was broken with Monse saying “yeah,because oscar obviously gonna Twitter handle her…” I looked at ruby bc his phone kept going off. I knew it was probably Jasmine worrying about him. Monse said “are you sure about this? We’re talking about taking a life here.”
Oscar looked mad and responded “or your or mine.” Monse responded with sass saying “yet you work for her” he said “worked.”oscar continue saying “past tense yet. This is all for nothing putting you kids in front of her vendetta shits messed up. You know she doesn’t care about anyone even if you’re the most loyal to her.” everyone was silent.he soon said “like our dad” which caught Cesars and my attention oscar said “look I’ll handle it. You guys go somewhere public like a mall or store just make sure you guys keep yourselves entertained” Jamal was being annoying and saying “I can’t handle them all. It’s too much people too much noise.”y/n responded”You’re too much to handle.”Jamal was throwing a tantrum. Soon oscar headed out, and Caesar followed behind. They were talking for some.
we soon decided that the right place would be the gas station.jamal was live” I’m here at the counter bby!!! it’s gonna be a fun, hot girl summer” the cashier came out to him saying dude you’re here killing the vibe.” Jamal responded, saying “I am the vibe.”y/n looked around to ruby taking food from the shelves “hey ruby,do you think we’re gonna get out here alive?” Ruby looked terrified “don’t say that!but I’m sure oscar will handle it I’m sure he knows what he’s doing”she looked at him and smiled so she got closer and hugged him saying “ I hope we could all make it and still be the closest friends.”ruby was surprised, but he hugged back tighter.he said “I hope so” soon Jasmine appeared and she was like “what’s going on with the investigation and why are you ignoring me Ruby?”he looked at her and said “i’ll be back” him and Jasmine went outside to talk about things.
next day-
you guys were on I’m looking at Cesar because he was complaining about oscar and how he has been gone for days now and thinks that he might be dead.y/n-“ don’t say that it’s oscar. I’m pretty sure he has everything under control. It’s probably taking him some.” Cesar looked at her and said it does not take three days to fully complete something plus that bitch could’ve killed him and we don’t know where he is right now”
Monse said “calm down. You don’t have to get all mad you don’t know what’s going on.” lost his temper and was saying “you guys don’t know my brother you guys don’t even appreciate him and what he does for us sitting around and doing nothing isn’t gonna do is any good!”y/n said “then what should we do?huh?”
Cesar looked around inside “we’re gonna handle it ourselves” Monse said “ we’re going to kill her” Cesar said “yeah that’s right.”we all went outside and Jamal,and ruby were sitting down while Monse and Cesar talked
soon a car pulled up and we all looked at each other terrified then Caesar came to the car and someone roll down the window.It was 19st the boys who aren’t afraid to kill those who step in their way. “Lil spooky”said cuete. Caesar was a bit skeptical but took the paper that had an address on it.
y/n came up to the car and said “where tf is my brother pendejo!?” Cuete laughed and throw a phone at Cesar and said “look hermosa, I can show you where he is, but you have to give me something in return yk?” Cesar looked at him and said “don’t even think about it” y/n looked at cuete and said “take me” Cesar looked at her shop and said are “you fucking crazy? You can’t go with them they’re dangerous.”y/n whispered in Caesar’s ear saying “I know what I’m doing. I’ll tell you info on the phone.”cuete looked at her up and down saying “what you waiting for ma?”
I got in the back I looked at my friends for the last time.Cuete looked back and said “you made a good decision” I was nervous until I got out the car.We’re at 19st and his house but then his friends got out the car and it was just us.he asked “so what you tryna do?”I said “I’m looking for my brother and I wanna know were oscar is bc yk cuete…”
he got in the back of the car with me and looked at me saying “you can find ur brother later let ur friends do the job.”he slowly moved his hand under my sweater.
I was shocked bc there was no way I was gonna fuck my Brother rival…Or was I?he snapped me out of my thoughts with a kiss.I kissed back and melted into it soon his hand moved down to my shorts and pulled them off only my panties were on soon he did the same with his pants unbuckling his belt.we were still kissing and weren’t letting go.luckily the only thing hiding us was the tinted windows
then it hit you.He was the one in the car stalking you with his gray car and weird license plate.But did it really matter now?yall were already having the time of ur life.
he was fucking you.your brothers rival the one that tried to kill him bc of that bitch.
soon you woke up but you weren’t at ur house you were at…his which was cuete you couldn’t be here at all.when you tried to move you felt something you looked and saw him laying on ur chest but you had nothing on.
“what happened..”soon your thoughts came flooding through but soon it struck on you.Oscar he needed you and your friends yeah I hear you are laying down and doing nothing.You moved gently and slowly trying not to wake him up.You had to find your clothes and quick but there was no way you were gonna go to the car and retrieve your clothes, but then you thought about it. How were you able to get in…did he carry you.you just went in his closet and took his purple shirt and you ran out with only ur underwear were on.trust it was embarrassing bc you had to unlock the car and get ur shorts.
You called Cesar and he answered “Where are you and also cuchillos is dead…”y/n said “I’m just outside taking a walk.where are you though?” “ I’m with Monse and Jamal along with ruby come over” I walked over to him when I opened the door they were sitting and eating acting normal or they tried to.Jamal and ruby looked traumatized.Monse tried to make the situation better but then Jamal and ruby broke and felt.she said “well I tried..” me and Cesar just ended up walking home he kept glancing at me then I broke the silence “why are you staring sm…?” he turned to me fully and said “What did you do with him and you weren’t wearing that last night.”
Then his eyes widened “Do you fuck him y/n!?” I looked away and said “of course fucking not I wouldn’t do our people like that and plus we need to hurry to oscar” we soon got home and saw 19st talking with oscar and sad eyes.me and Cesar both listened on their conversation.When cuete got up to leave he looked at me and said “So that’s were my shirt went huh?”everyone looked at me and I smiled nervously and said “yeah I just needed it…” oscar looked at him and said “what did you do with my sister” cuter just smiled and said “teen stuff” Cesar came up to him and pushed him saying “ I knew it fucking puto!you fucked my sister huh?!” oscar got up and stopped him “just leave it” then cuete and his people left.then oscar and Cesar attention turned to me.I wanted to speak but nothing came out I just looked down and said “I’m so sorry” Cesar looked pissed and said “do you know who tf they are y/n?!They are rivals of the santos!A santos and a rival can’t be tg?”
soon months past and everyone went different paths so did oscar and Cesar.Cesar was a santos officially in the gang but you?no you were still with cuete meeting each other now and then.
one thing was he wasn’t gonna let you go even if you broke it off.He wanted to marry you.
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bonobochick · 2 years
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Some ships to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  💋  🥰
urls: Post 1 / Post 3 / Post 4
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thursdayxwednesday · 1 month
I was just watching "On My Block" and also caught a bit of the spinoff. Am I the only one who doesn't understand why they didn't make the spinoff about Ruby's grandmother when she was younger? It seems like it has a lot of potential to me, and she's already a character everyone likes.
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journalforamerica · 10 months
On My Block
On My Block is a coming-of-age story that works through the battles that come from living in the hood. Jamal, Monse, Reuben, and Cesar are a crew, best friends from before the show began. They’re each from different backgrounds, Monse having grown up without a mom, Jamal who has been living a lie to make his parents proud, Reuben (Ruby) who is too smart for his own good, and Cesar whose family is part of the local gang and in turn, force him into that lifestyle. This story relates to the screenings and readings by establishing a unique perspective with diversity at its core. 
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From top to bottom: Ruby Martinez, Cesar Diaz, Jamal Turner, and Monse Finnie.
The characters throughout the show focus on their ability to be friends against hardships. The first season focuses on Cesar and his life inside the gang. The crew knows that this life isn't for Cesar and they do everything to help him. This type of life they live all relates to a cultural identity: a shared home, language, and even cultural barriers. Cesar, Jamal, Ruby, and Monse would do everything to protect one another, even if it meant danger for themselves. I think that speaks to their ability to adapt to their rough environment which can be attributed to the stereotypes that come with being Hispanic and Black.
Although this show focuses on four main characters, one character, Monse stands out among the rest. Monse identifies as multiracial: she’s Black, Latinx, and White. This weekly reading is about multiracial and mixed-persons. Being mixed in this country has many connotations and the article addresses how many students struggle with their cultural identity because they are multiracial. For example, in the NYTimes article written by Susan Saulny she writes, “..But, he continued, “I don’t even like to identify myself as a race anymore. My family has been pulling me in two directions about what I am. I just want to be a person.”.” (Saulny, 2011) It can be hard not knowing as well, Monse didn’t grow up knowing her mom or her heritage, but learning about that side also gave her a new perspective. She got to appreciate both sides, which is very similar to the reactions the students got when they realized they could celebrate themselves, not based on what they identify as, but just because they are there. UWM’s own Professor Gregory Jay once stated, ““Race,” then, can be socially constructed by marginalized groups as a vehicle for self-understanding, political resistance, and cultural affirmation.” (Jay, NA) Professor Jay means that groups like Monse’s can view race as a common ground rather than a diverging point.
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GIF: Cesar (the one with the gun) was threatened (by the guy in the jacket) in a drive-by. The one in the jacket pulled a gun on him. Cesar's brother determined Cesar's best bet at living would be killing the other guy first. This isn't what Cesar wants. This scene depicts what I think can be seen in real life. I've never experienced it, but drive-bys and gang violence are real. They happen, and this scene shows what can occur if someone doesn't really want to participate but is at risk if they don't.
This next scene (shortened on YouTube), is an honorable mention for me. When it comes to racial identity or ethnic identity, this show doesn't explicitly touch on those topics. It's a given when the show features an entirely diverse main cast. However, this scene specifically plays into the intersectionality that was explored in this course. Socioeconomic status is always a topic that arises when dealing with racial disparity and identity. The Halloween scene is the first time the audience sees the characters outside the hood. They go to Brentwood, the preppy, rich neighborhood. The people in this neighborhood are almost entirely white and of a higher socioeconomic status than the main characters. As the scene will show, there's hostility between the poor and the rich kids based mainly on where they grew up and how they lived. I mentally noted this scene specifically as being one that screams importance regarding racial identity and status.
Saulny, S. (2013, February 5). More young Americans identify as mixed race. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/30/us/30mixed.html
"Terms for Multicultural Studies: Defining "Race", "Ethnicity", and "Nationality" - Prof. Gregory Jay
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redrumthem · 2 years
If I could only watch on my block for the first time again
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twinkdrama · 2 years
you look good in anything. or, you know, nothing
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soul-music-is-life · 10 months
Watching your shit show and waiting for the next plot twist
Tag yourself....
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I'm Jamal....
...except when I'm Abuelita:
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BONUS Bonus: When you're watching with your bestie:
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kmm-art · 2 years
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nor-4 · 6 months
Soooo Anxious
Oscar Diaz x Reader
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It's been a really hot day the degree keeps increasing definitely because of climate change, those damn uncaring did this if only they cared more about the earth.
Good thing you are nice enough to make a Popsicles and snacks for everyone outside since they nag oscar to hang out and fix Oscar's car.
"God why is it so hot outside, I think I'm about to evaporate." Jamal squealed as he roughly swing the fan around, "Boy if you don't shut your mouth I wi-" Oscar was cutted off when you slam the door with you foot as you carry a tray of foods with both of your hands.
"Oh cesar you didn't told me you will be having your friends over." You said luckily you have more popsicles inside as you didn't include Jamal and the others on the list, "I didn't even know, they just passed by." Cesar stated receiving a smack from monse.
"Who's that?? She's so hot.." Jamal whispered as he scooted over to cesar as he eye you up and down, "I know right." Ruby popped out out of nowhere they arrived with him here but they just forgot him.
"If I were you I will not even say that." Cesar said as he catch a glimpse of his brother giving a side eye on Jamal and Ruby. He for sure knew what they said.
"Monse, Jasmine, dear I'm so happy you guys are here." you happily squealed as you walk near cesar to do a beso with monse and jasmine. Monse is like a little sister for you, you are the first person she run to everytime she has this girl problems, same goes jasmine. You are just old to be their sister, a sister that will have a girls night with them.
As for jamal and ruby they were quietly waiting for you to approach them and also do a beso on them but instead you just shook their hands, even though they are still grateful.
"Good thing i made more popsicles, wait.." As you started walking again inside as the two horny boys watch you walk with agape mouth, looking at your clothing which really fit your body. It will for sure make every man's hungry eyes full.
"Oy cesar, what this little friends of your staring for." Oscar said standing up from sitting on the small chair he own to use everytime he fix his wheels. "What who's staring, hey monse stop staring it's bad." jamal said nervously slapping over monse's arms earning a slap back from her.
"Been telling them that." cesar just shrugged walking to get a popsicle since heat have been bothering him since this morning, "You little putas better stop eye fucking my girl before i pull them out." oscar threatened as he started washing his hands so he can eat.
"Stop acting like a bitch in heat now oscar." You scolded as you handed out the popsicles on everyone, "Come on ma I'm just saying." oscar sighed in defeat.
Cesar still can't believe on how you can scold over oscar, he knows scolding on him is not a thing he would even tolerate. But look at you, you just make everything so peaceful by shutting oscar up.
"Here baby sit infront of the fan, it's been really smoking hot lately." Oscar offered quickly as he plugged the electric fan that jamal didn't even know it's there until oscar plugged it, "Thank you darling." You thanked as you touch his bicep after sitting on the chair.
"God she sound so hot, i wish she would call me that." ruby murmured as they sat comfortably infront of them watching oscar reach for a chair from God knows where and sat beside you.
"I swear this kids better stop looking at your boobs" oscar murmured as he stared back at jamal and ruby who was to focused on you, to shut oscar up from saying something about violent stuff you started feeding him with fries you made because you were craving.
"You made this? It's really good." jasmine asked as she almost choked from swallowing it all the way without even chewing it, good thing monse has a heavy hands to slap Jasmine's back.
"Yes i did, thank you.." You said it made you a bit shy but you love it when someone praises your cooking skills, "Do you want a drink monse? I heard the temperature will get higher later, you need to be hydrated." Cesar asked as he placed a hand on monse's shoulder.
"Yes please." Monse said as cesar quickly stood up to get a drink on the kitchen, "Get my queen some too" oscar commanded as you smack his face.
"You're being too cringe you know."
"Come on, i cannot care for my girl now?"
"Do you want me to tie your hair up?" Oscar asked again but this time more sincere than his sarcadm earlier, "Yes please baby, thank you." You said as your back faced oscar to tie your hair up.
It took a long time for oscar to learn on how to tie your hair so everytime it's getting hot you wouldn't even need to do an effort to tie your hair, plus oscar always carry two of your hair ties on his wrist just in case you forgot one.
After tying your hair up he kissed you shoulder like a light weight of feather which made both of you giggled like a high school teenagers as you face him, oscar used to be a not so affectionate significant others. But by the time being on a relationship with you he learned that it's very important to do, it's his favorite language of love.
He loves to touch you feel you in his hands, to hug you on a cold night, to hold you when you feel sad, to hold you and make you know that nothing can really change his love for you.
Another thing is he used his confidence to compliment you every second, to assure you, to tell you how much he loves you how much you meant to him.
"God I've never been more jealous in my life.." ruby murmured as he sadly munch on his burger.
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